S.. ".:-- - V . l-lfc if !? :, - i -- .- vr.-..-: I J ::-' K -.. tm r- ::.- Entered at the PocUoffioe, Colombo. Neb., aa econd-claas mail matter. Z8ST7KD XTXBT WXDHKSOAT BT M. K. TURNER & CO., Columbus, Neb. TXBKS Or HUB8CBIPTION: One year, br rati!, postage prepaid,... ..six months. ..... ..... Three months,. ... .. ... .M Payable in Adrance. frSpecunen copiee mailed ln, on applica tion. TO BUBSObIBXBS. When subscribers change their place of resi. t.f l... mva nn nnr mnilinf? li&t. 1 being in type, we each week print, eithc on wpper or on thVmarKin of Vr.JounSAU the date to which your subncnption is paid or ac ....... ,... ItATmtt.tncc 6honld bo ni.ie either by money-order, payable to the order of coumea lor. imuiuiauion ,,... ifi either by money-order, registered letter or draft. M. K. TtTBNEB St Co. TO OOBBZSPOXDZKTS. All communications, to secure attention, ninrt baccoWaniedbythe foil name of the writer. We STthe nt to reject any manure n,.t and cannot agree to return the same. o.il. iy a correspondent in every school-difetrict oi Jlatt county, one of ftood judgment, and rt liabl in every way.-Write plainly, each iteii separately. Qire ns facta. WEDNESDAY, Al'KIL 27. 12. Coming Event's. General conference M. E. church, Omaha, Neb., May 1. Silver anniversary, admission of stato of Nebraska, Lincoln, May iVJfi. Annual meeting state medical society, Omaha, June 1-3. Annual encampment Sons of Veterans, David City, June 0-11. National republican convention at Minneapolis, Minn., June 7. National democratic convention at Chicago, 111., June 21. People's Third-district, congressional convention at Norfolk, Juno 21. National people's convention, Omaha, Neb., July 4. Winter weather with deep snow pre vailed throughout Austria last week. The North temperate zone is tho belt for really great events and progressive peoples. A nEAVY rain storm accompanied by lightning destroyed over forty thousand dollars worth of crops, in western Mis souri, Tuesday of last week. C Chables MiiiiiEit, seventeen years old, was hanged at Cheyenue, Wyo., Friday, for the murder of Waldo Emerson an.'" Ross Fishbaugh in September, 1SJH). Robert Locis Stevenson has gained an influence over tho natives of Samoa almost equal to that possessed by Mal ietoa, and is trying to induce them to wear clothing and to abandon tribal fighting. Two thousand Chinamen are distribu ted along the Washington, Idaho and Montana line awaiting the expiration of the exclusion law on May fi, in order to cross into tho United States from liritish Columbia. A RuasiAN minister near St. Peters burg, in a delirious frenzy, murdered his wife, after which he chopped her body into fragments, which he burned in a stove. Ho then threw his three children into an adjacent river. A fellow representing himself as a farmer living near Red Oak, Iowa, came into Council Bluffs the other day with a wagon load of what seemed butter, lint which proved to be a striking compound of lard, suet, kerosene and other dainties, and the scapegrace was arrested on charge of false pretences. The democrats went into congress this session breathing defiance and death to the robber McKiuley bill and republican money measures. So far they have sim ply rubbed up against the McKiuley bill and shirked the money question entirely. The question now propounds itself: Where are the little planks coining from for their platform this year? Democrats are up a stump, again, as usual ! Schuy ler Sun. Word was brought into Deadwood Fri day that a battle Ix'tween cowboys, at present on the spring round-up near the Little Powder river, and the rust lfrs had been fought, resulting in a repulse for the rustlers, who have lecome emboldened by their recent victory over the cattle men. It is exjected that trouble will en sue again, as the rustlers aro determined to get into the round-up and the cow boys are as equally determined to keep them out. There should be a concerted move ment all along the line against the Pinkerton detectives being used as in vading armies. To the communities, counties cr states must be left tho en forcement of laws, except when absolute necessity requires a call upon tho gen eral government. The laws must be enforced in this country by officers who shall themselves be amenable to the laws. The Pinkeys must go, and not stand very long on the order of their going, but go at once. Barring Out the 1'inkertons. The bill prohibiting the emeployment of non-resident armed forces to act as special police officers iu this state, intro duced by Senator McEttrick, has already passed the senate and is now pendi":' r the house. Its provisions are wise anc. salutary. As has been said, Massachu setts is well able to take care of herself and needs no outside interference, either of police or military, to protect her inter ests. The bill is a meritorious one and should become a law. Boston Globe. A telegram from Swansea, Wales, states that owing to the depression in the British tin trade resulting from the working "of the McKinley tariff, the proprietors of a number of the largest tin plate factories in "Wales intend to erect works in America. Of course the erection of works here means an influx of foreign capital and a large nnmlier of workmen to be employed here, and more mMUss for our farmers to supply with food, all of which is good fortius conn try. Develop the resources of the Uni ted States. Sekatob Hno, refused to respond on the first call of the vote upon Senator Kyle's amendment to the Arizona fund ing bill substituting the words ''lawful money" for "gold coin" in the clause providing for the payment of interest bonds provided in the act. When the point of no quorum had been made he Toted for "lawful money" and against gold coin. He discovered that tho vote wonld not be a real test of sentiment and so he felt safe in throwing out a crumb of comfort to the free silver men who sought to make the amendment have some bearing upon the free coin age qvsftion. f Omaha Bee. dunce they should at once notify us by letter .r postal card, civing both their former nd tl.i present posUoffice-the firet enables us to rc-v-j . a,i . ,.. n.rr.a nn nnr mniliniT list, from l UK II, EVIDENCE IS STRONG AGAIN6T THE WYOMING TLEMEN. CAT- af urder, Treason and Insnrrectlon Charged Probable Outcome Will Be Their Re lease. However Tliey Are Still On the March Appeals for a Tair Trial. Cheyenne, Wyo., April 25. Through Sheriff Malcolm Campell of Converse county it is learned that Sheriff Angus 'and County-Attorney Bennett of John son county have procured evidence against the cattlemen. They have un earthed the design of the expedition and extent of the depredations in tended. The baggage of the members of the expedition captured proved, it is claimed, that the whole party can be indicted not only for murder, but for treason and Insurrection. One result of the cattlemen's raid is the probable dismemberment of the Wyoming State militia, the officers and men being greatly dissatisfied with their treatment by the Governor and the superior officers of the organization during the recent troubles. To-day four officers tendered their resignations and others are expected. Many militia officers assert that their organization has been made a cat's paw of by the Governor to aid his friends, the stock men, and unless satisfactory explana tion of his actions is made they will re fuse to remain :,i " i'rvice. TIIIKII t'OXKKESSlONAI. DISTIUCT. Urjinhliraiw Xante Delegates t.i Represent Them at MiiuieaiiolU. Thursday tho delegates from tho va rious counties of this congressional dis trict met at Norfolk. Tho convention was called to order by W. E. Peebles, and secretary Atleo Hart, read the call. Judgo W. F. Norris was elected tem porary chairman and C. C. McNish per manent chairman. Loran Clark of Boone and Atleo Hart of Dakota wore selected as delegates, with G. W. Clark of Platte and H. P. Shumway as alternates. Speeches were made by Norris, Shum way, Meiklejohn, Russell, Hays and others, and tho following resolutions adopted: Resol . ed, That we heartily endorse tho present administration and believe that il success is largely duo to tho wise counsel and the judicious management of President Harrison. Refolved, That we beliovo in reciproc ity with all nations and endorse those measures which have given us cheap sugar and a market for American pork and American products of farm and factory. Resolved. That we are in favor of a bill providing for the erection by the gov ernment of postofiico buildings o its own in cities and towns where tho busi ness of tho ollico will warrant tho ex penditure. That an increase in circula tion paid to tho laboring men for such improvements would bo wise and ex pedient. Resolved, That wo aro in favor of the measure introduced by Senator Paddock and passed by the senate providing against adulterations of tho food pro ducts ot tho country, and request our members of congress to uso their best endeavors toward tho passage of the same. Resolved, That wo endorse the course pursued by the president in dealing with the New Orleans Italian matter, commend his forbearance in the Chilian matter and also for tho wisdom in the controversy with Great Britain in the Behring sea trouble. Resolved, That our delegates be in structed to uso all honorable means to insure the renomination of Benjamin Harrison at the Minneapolis convention. Jim Dddlcv, alias Gns Green of Paris, Tex., one of tho men hired to wage war in Wyoming, and who had his leg ampu tated at Fort McKinney, died Saturday week and was buried in Buffalo. Ho told how ho and others had been en gaged for this expedition. Tho stock men put up $25 to pay his funeral ex enses. A. C. Dunning, ono of the party of regulators, who got away from tho party, states that ho was hired by the secretary of tho State Stock commis sion. He says that Champion and Roy had been warned and need not have been killed if they had heeded the warning. Tho men, he says, wero to get $0 a day and $50 apieeo for every man killed, and that it cost over $:,000 to kill Champion and Roy. It is said that fifteen of the bondsmen of U. S. Deputy Marshal Can ton were in the invading party. A tele gram has been sent President Harrison, asking him to receive a committee of citizens which would bo delegated to lay beforo him tho facts concerning the re cent trouble between cattlemen in that section of tho state. Ahead as usual in point of time and merit conies Peterson for May. There is no denying the fact that this favorite of many years is fully the equal of the periodicals double its price in its literary and artistic excellence and general make up.- Tho illustrations this month are un usually tine. Tho engraving entitled "Five O'Clock "has a group of the pret tiest little girls imaginable. Tho stories and miscellaneous articles ono and all deserve special praise. ''Christopher Columl is" is a capital sketch, and the portra fc of the great discoverer is admi i -le. The fashion plates and notes, and the homo department aro exactly what every lady requires at this season. One of the features of the June numlicr will be a sketch of Blenheim Castle, the seat of the Dukes of Marlborough. It will be profusely illustrated, besides giving a portrait of the IwauCiful American duch ess to whose approval the paper has been submitted. Terms, $2.00 a year. $1.00 for six months. Address Peterson's Magazine, 306, Chestnut street, Phila delphia, Pa. VICTORY FOR NEWSPAPERS. Indiana's Supremo Court Wilt Not Al low the l'res to Be Mtvsled. Ixdiajjapolis, Ind., April 25 The Supreme court, Judge Olds handing down the opinion in which all the judges concurred, reversed the action of Judge Tavlor, of the Viro Circuit, relative to W. O. Fishback, editor, and George M. Allen, proprietor of the Terre Haute Express. These gentle men were sent to jail for contempt of court in writing and publishing arti cles relative to bids for a sewer in Terre Haute, and charging that Judge Taylor stopped a grand jury investiga tion as to alleged corruption in con nection with the bids. St. Patbick's PiLts are carefully prepared from the best material and according to the most approved formula, and are the most perfect cathartic and liver pill that can be nroduced. We sell them. C. E. Pollock & Co. and Dr. I Heintz, druggists. I RATIFY THK TKEATY. Actios of the Senate en the Bering Se Matter. Washington, April 21. In his mes sage transmitting the Bering sea modus Tivendi convention to the Senate yes terday the President said: "As the value and effectiveness of this agreement depend largely upon its being put in force at once, I respect fully request a prompt consideration of the subject by the Semite." The treaty was discussed less than two houn. and ratified. Articles 5 and 6 are new and read as follows: Art. 5 If the result of the arbitration be to affirm the right ot British sealers who take 6eals in Bering sea within the bounds claimed by the United States under its purchase from RusMa. then compensation shall be made by the United States to Great Britain (for tho use of its subjects) for abstaining from the exercise of thai right during the pendency of the arbi tration upon the basis olsuca a reguiaieu limited catch or catches as In the opinion of the arbitrators iclxbt have been taken without an undue diminution of tho seal herds: and on the other hand. If the result of the arbitration shall be to deny the right of British sealers to take seals within the said waters, then comjoa&ation anau oc mauo uj Great Britain to the United States (for Itself, its citler sand leases) for this agreement to limit the islabd catch to7.S a season, upon the basis of .ike dlflere e between this number and such larger catch as In the opinion of the arbitrators uiisht have been taken without an undue diminution cf the seal herd. The amount awarded. If any. in either cases shall be such as under aU the clrcumstanoes Is Just and equita ble, and shall be promptly paid. Art. 6. Thl convention may be denounced by either of the high oontracUng parties at any time after Oct. 3'. 1803. on giving to the other party two months' notice of It termination; and at the expiration of such notice the conven tion shall cease to be In force m The serenth and last article prov:aes simply for the exchange of ratifications as early as possible. The treaty is signed by Secretary Blaine and fcir Julian Pauncefote and is dated yester day.so that to-day the Senate has prob ably broken the record by speedy ac tion upon treaties. World's Fair Notes. Applications for space in the Exposi tion building now aggregate more than 4,000,000 square feet, a little over one third leing from foreign applicants. A Florida lad is making for exhibition at the Fair a table upon which appears a map of the state, inlaid, each county rep resented by a separate piece of native Florida wood. The American Bible Society will make an exhibit in which will appear copies of bibles in more than 200 different lan guages. Tho women of Cincinnati have asked for a room in the Woman's Building, which they wish to furnish and decorate throughout iu a distinct and separate manner as illustrative of the culture and art of that city. There is to be erected a children's home or public comfort pavilion for mo thers and children. It is believed that such a place where young children can be safe and well cared for while their pa rents view the sights of tho exposition will prove to be a great and appreciated convenience. A uniiie exhibit from Pennsylvania will be a map of the United States, lSx 24 feet made entirely of pickles, vegeta bles, fruit, etc., preserved by the compa ny making the exhibit. Tho state lines will be accurately shown, and tho lakes and rivers will Iks represented by vine gar. Tho larger cities will be indicated by spices. Tho whole will be covered with a single piece of plate glass, which is leing specially made for the purpose. The expense of this exhibit will be fifteen thousand dollars. NEBRASKA NOTES. Ravenna has organized a railroad em ployes' club. Two litters of wolf whelps were brought to tho ollice of tho county clerk of Gago county Thursday in order to secure the $1 bounty offered. Mrs. George W. Jones of Perkins county fell from her buggy and was dragged over tho prairie for four uulep. Although badly bruised, no bones were broken. Dixon, the condemned soldier murder er, has a lease of life, President Harrison having respited the condemned man to May 20th on account of last Friday being a legal holiday. A large livery barn lielonging to E. P. Fuller was burned at David City Mon day of last week. Twenty-one head of horses, five buggies, all the harness and other things used about the barn were destroyed: insurance, $5,050 which about covered the money loss. Henry Slitts's large barn west of Silver Creek, with its contents, consisting of thirteen horses, cattle, haled hay, a large lot of grain, all farm implements and harness burned to the ground hist Tues day morning. Lightning is tho suppos ed cause of the tire; loss, $0,000, insur ance, $800. A South Omaha policeman was taking two prisoners to tho jail, Thursday af ternoon, when ono broke away from him. The policeman ordered him to stop and then shot at him, but missed, and hit a little boy who was playing with a crowd of others in tho school-yard. The wonnd may prove serious as tho bullet could not be found. Tho policeman is under arrest. Washington Letter. From onr regular corresix.n.Iont. It is believed that Senator Hill has secured the pledges of enough demo crats in the house to reject tho roport of tho election committee and retain Rock well in the seat to which the committee has reported Col. Noyes to be entitled. The case will be called up tomorrow and soveral very lively days are expected, during which some of Hill's eculiar methods will be exposed by democrats. If the house decides against the com mittee, the chairman and several other democratic members say they will refuse to serve longer thereon. Private Secretary Halford is again at his desk in the White House, but he is still very weak from the effects of his recent illness. The old question of abusing the privi lege of "leave to print," by inserting matter in the Congressional Record which has no relation whatever to the proceedings of congress is once more causing trouble in the house, and the committee on rules is trying to devise a remedy. Four democrats aided by Jerry Simpson started the trouble this time by inserting the whole of one of Henry George's books favoring free trade, in the Record. Then Mr. Lodge and other republicans retaliated by inserting pro tection publications, and the end is not yet. The house should follow the ex ample of the senate and let nothing appear in the Record that is not spoken on the floor. The democrats of the house exercise considerable judgment as to the location of their cheese-paring. For instance, the postmaster general concluded this year that the money paid for special railroad facilities in the shape of a fast mail from New York to Tampti, Florida, was entirely unnecessary, and that no "special facilities" were secured by its payment to the railroad companies, so he omitted it from the annual estimate submitted to congress, but tho houso postoffice committee has put in the post office appropriation bill an item appro priating $196,614, for these railroads, which wield considerable influence in the south. The fact speaks for itself; comment would be superfluous. Tho senate will do its part towards preventing the proposed international naval review in Hampton Roads and New York harbor next April, by adopt ing an amendment to the naval appro priation bill, which has already been introduced, appropriating S300.000 for the expense of the review and of enter taining the official quests of the United States who will accompany the foreign fleets. The president will, however, take no chances. The iuvitations will not bo sent until the appropriation is author ized. So certain are tho democrats of the house that they made a mistake in or dering the census investigation that it was exceedingly difficult to find enough of them who were willing to serve on the sub-committee which is to conduct the investigation. The democrats in tho house cut down the estimate of the amount needed to pay pensions for the fiscal year begin ning July 1, next, 1:1,000,000, on tho ground that there would lo a surplus of more than that left of the appropriation for tho current fiscal year, but so rapidly has Gen. Raum granted pensions that it is now certain that tho surplus will be very small at the end of the year, if there is one at all, and the senate has concluded to hold the pension appro priation until near enough to tho close of the fiscal year to determino how much of tho money cut off by tho house must be restored. There has been some talk among tho democrats of Senator Hill withdrawing from the presidential field but he says he will not even consider withdrawing as long as Cleveland remains a candi date. This is taken to mean that Hill is willing to withdraw if Cleveland will do the same. In that event Gorman wonld become the leading democratic candi date. By the 1st of May tho revenue cutters Ruth, Bear, Conwin and Albatross, and the naval vessels Adams, Mohican, Bal timore and Yorktown will le in Behrings Sea prepared to make things lively for the poachers. Civil Service Commissioner Thompson has resigned, to take effect May 15. ADIHTIOXAL LOCAL. Important ('liiMiinx AnuiMuireiurnt. We aro pleased to announce to our readers that we have made arrangements with tho publishers of tho Nebraska Farmer, the leading live stock and farm journal of the west, by which wo cau offer it one year with The Columbus Jouknal and the Nebraska Family Jour nal, all for $2.80, but very little more than the price of ono publication. This offer is good for renewals or new sub scribers. Let every one who desires to take advantage of this liberal offer do so at once. Address, M. K. Tubneb & Co., Columbus, Neb. There is no danger from whooping cough when Chamboriain's Cough Rem edy is freely given. It liquefies the tough, tenacious mucus and aids in its expectoration. It also lessens tho so verity and frequency of the paroxysms of coughing, and insures a speedy re covery. There is not the least danger in giving it to children or babies, as it contains no injurious substance. 50 cent bottles for sale by C. E. Pollock & Co. and Dr. Heinz, Druggists. tf yke lower story of The Joubnai, block s now for rent. It comprises two rooms, which cau le separate or together to suit lessee entire floor, 2Ll.'i2 feet from Eleventh street to alley in the rear a very suitable building for a whole sale or retail grocery, a general meV chandiso store, or an extensive steam laundrv. It is located on ono of tho best business streets of Columbus, and faces the Union Pacitic passenger depot. Terms reasonable, for a long timo lease. Some foolish people allow a cough to run until it gels beyond the reach of medicine. They often say, "Oh, it will wear away, but in most cases it wears them away. Could they bo induced to try the successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam, which is sold on a posi tive guarantee to cure, they wonld im mediately see the excellent effect after taking the first dose. Price 50c and $1. Trial sizo free. At all druggists. IKl-y t tJeneral Confe nee At Onia- lay, 1892. lorthe acconanodation of lose de- siring to visit at I points east o; in tue vicinity of or at (Iniaha, during ay, the Union Pacific wilNsall '.icket ono fardXa4he round trip.l Tickets sale April zs in ,-nt lncinBivejumiteu to June i, iouz. or iicKeis or additional in formation mnply to J. R.leagher, arent U. P. System, Cktlumbns. N 5! The handsotyest lady in Columbus remarked to a friend tho other day that she knew Kemp's Balsam for the throat and lungs was a superior remedy, as it stopped her cough instantly when other cough remedies had no effect whatever. So to prove this and convince you of its merits, any druggist will give you a sample bottle free. Large size 50c and 81. 34-v alls for Sale. head or most excellent orrade Galloways. These are a hardy and adapted to Nebraska. About will buy them. The bulls are two years old. Cash or banka r. 2-4tp Patbick Mubbay. Moles for Sale, twenty mules for sale, for cash. or os. bankable paper. 2-P Patbick Mubrax. . TheVIetliotli - Tbe Coniini Line. ThV Chicago Unio8acific CTfcrth AVesteVi Line Jffers the lest accoLmo OationsVfihe raveling mblic en Lnite toVCbJcago ontermedVssanoinbVi.-i OmabV ThVoughj trains, Jkst tin, magnilcent sWpiig cars, elfcant din ing carVreelinrast thair cars fed hand some daXgoaches. Q-llt bulM variety S50efeh comma ble papV IP e Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul By is the only line running solid veet ibuled. electric lighted and steam heated trains between the Missouri river and Chicago, consisting of new palaco sleep ing cars, elegant free reclining chair cars, luxurious coaches and the finest dining cars in the world. Tho berth reading lamp in its palaco sleeping cars is patented and cannot be used by any other railway company. It is the great improvement of the age. Try it and be convinced. Close connection in union depot at Omaha with all trains to and from the west. For further particulars apply to your ticket agent, or F. A. Nash, Gon'l Agt. W. S. Howell. Traveling Fr't. and Pass. Agt., 20jantf 1501 Famam St., Omaha, Neb. C. S. Wilsoy, a sewing machino agent at Seward, has been arrested on a charge of bigatnv. rcoitDiNG to tho census of 1S00, Chi- I capo takes rank, by virtue of her popu lation of 1,098,57(5 people, as the eighth largest city on tho globe. Most of us desire, at one time or another to visit a city in which so many persons find homtv. and. when wo do, we can find no letl i In.- t.iau tho Burlington Route. Th.-. r.s.-; .-tint comfortable trains daily. For further information address the agent of iho company at this place, or write to J. Francis, general passenger and ticket agent, Omaha Neb. 52-12 A fuse at Blair Saturday morning de stroyed 2,000 worth of property for Miss Hattio Ballard, a milliner. Esolisii Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blem ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Stive $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted tho most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by C. B. Stillman, druggist. 2finovlyr A steeb marketed sit St. Paul recent ly stood seven fet high ami weighed 2,110 pounds. wisdom of him who journeyeth,is wn by the lino ho selects; tho judg ment oi me man wuo uikcs ino jiur lington Ronte to the cities of tho east, the south and tho west, is never im peached. Tho inference is plain. Mag nificent Pullman sleepers, elegant re clining chair cars and world-famous dining cars, on all through trains. For information address the agent of the company at this place, or write to J. Francis, general passenger and ticket agent, Omaha. 52-12 Mb. Gladstone has written a pamph let against woman suffrage. Baby cried, Mother sighed, Doctor prescribed : Castorial The jury in the Behrendt murder case tried at Fremont gave a verdict of not guilty. If you are troubled with rheuma tism or a lame back, bind on over the seat of pain a piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm. You will be surprised at tho prompt relief it affords. 50 cent bottles for sale by C. E. Pollock it Co. and Dr. Heintz, drug gists, tf Mrs. Rebecca Benedict of Silver Creek behoves sho is one of tho heirs to $62, 000,000 left by the Corbets at Harlem, N.Y. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. jfcsJ$Ne - RECOMM AS TIIE BEST.! I f LkMa XMOCTH Co., Ia.. Mav.lSK). D MilTtrtt'tl in u-iiiixirary sleeilefis iraavMTfrw Pastor K iirtwujcars, for Inch I uu.il ionic, ui.-il can reroni meditim: for similar f. uoieaioicsr. nienil fni troiililt s A KirmlxM1 Wis., Oct. ?1, 1SS8. t:-u Tator Enemy's XorveTonIe iMt'eut w.tM so icrvou mi Its'. The tild tot fli.d t-Ioep for w-cks. He n yfiimost intense unsiuty wb ilU!inty. i Rave mo pertn Tunic unci he couth k'.h rrve it.'ll;ppe- tite returned craii anKetwIiHKp- Til 'Pared, tho ln-adiicln; 1 to-aaho Fuf- lerer, who had almoet despaired, excellent huallh. njoying BERN. ELSKA2IP. Tartar. FREE A Valuable Book on Nervous Diseases sent free to any address. aud itoor psUeiits can also obtain this medicine free of charge. Tills remedy has been prepared by tbgftavior end PastorKoenig. otFort Wayne.Ind.. sVe 187 and is now prepared Under his direilistihy too KOENIC MED. CO., Chicagb, III. Sold br Drnssists at 91 per Bottle. 6 foi . targe Sixe. 91.75. G Bottles for 99 CARTERS ITTLE IVER PIUS. .CURE Bek Headache and relieve all tho tronblee i dent to a bilious state of tho system, sues sal Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness. Distress after eating. Pain in the Bide, 4c While their most remarkable success has been shown la cutag 4 SICK Headache, yet Carter's Little Liver PflU at equally valuable In Constipation, curing and pre venting this annoying complaint. while they ate correct all disorders or thes tomachUmulate tho livorandrogulaiethebowels. ren IX they only HEAD 'Acliatney wonld be slmoatprlcelosa to those waa ufter from this distressing complaint; butforto aately their goodness does notendberaand those irhoonce try them wiU find these little pills Talu. able la so many ways that they will not be wil ling to do without them. But after all stele Uea4 ACHE fls the bane of so many Urea that here Is where we make our great boast. Our pillscureit while others do not. Caster's Little Llrer PlDsareTery small and very easy to take. One or two plus make a dose. They areatrlcUyregetableanddo not gripe or puree, but by their gentle action please all who sethem. In vials at 25 cents; Ire for $1. flokt iv druggists averwaste, or seat by mail. carter tmoieiNR CO., New York; SmLPU,SHAaMSE.SMAaPrw B 1 feSiC EtffiED KM. IX . lr l ocMittmmmLi nSTiu tbu Cm Ir.'uiM- Crinv con :iy niffc-gaiiuM fll P1 1 MII.1l IM IB W.u-nM itm !lMiwro mc m mm iuallv.Wb pnu w fft-lTud I W a- M.IVK STUCK AXti I'HOnVCtS 3IAUKKC$ j o Quotation friut .Vp l'or.-, Vtilcuja. St, , !, Omalti ititii JCtMipMi'd. - OMA.UJL Butter Creamery S3 O Butter Country ltoli i3 i& Er: Fresh"? it y Houcy, iter lb 17K Chicken Per lb 10 ii Turkeyip Live Per lb 10 GeeBc Per lb 10 W Ducks Per lb 10 M Orsnges 2 uo ((A Li?IUQ I) ) . o d lit-. N'HYie 2 10 O Wool Fine, umvasliml. ier B.... 15 to Apples per bid '.'CD Q Cntuberrir. per bbl f0) itt Sweet Potatoes per bbl - 3 0) W Potatoes Prr lai 5 (ft Turnips Rutabaga per bbl 1 S it Beets per bliU 1 50 Carrots per bbl ; 1 SO ( Parsnips per Lbl 1 75 it Hay pertou 5 00 W ' J ;" o 1JB Ouion per bbl 3 00 it iiH. Mixed piiukmu 4 Hi Q Hok Henry uuiulii 4 35 Beee Choic.i sli-.T-t 3 60 4$ StocUi-rs nlul feeders S 00 O Sheep Natl e 4 50 it NKVV YOltIC 30 3t 13 IS lU'i 11 II 11 3.M 4 i 3 li 3 00 & 5) 3-J5 35 3 0J 175 1 75 2 00 0 50 st'.S 3S 4 4 4 -0 4 00 3 35 600 IVIieni No. :: Chicago Corn No. Oats Mixed wesleru a it ru ciiio.uiu Wheat No. ;!?prlii , Corn l'er bualiul Oal Per buslidt s J Hoks Packers mid mixed Csttle Stockera Cattld Prime steers , Sheep Westerns W5 W -);& 49 11 (4) Kill CI o 50 ift 55 W'i MX 41 i 43 -S'.iii -MM 9 5740 C0 0 30 4i 5 35 4 30 Svk) 4 :;5 b& 01 4 ft) t 3 35 (cj 4 fo a 6 so ST. LOUIS. Wheat Cash 55 ft, 85 Corn Per bushel 37 (ft 37 Oats Per bushol 30 3oJ Uos Mixed packing 4 00 fc 4 2 CatUs Native steers 3 25 & 4 60 Kansas crrv. Wheat No.9 73 & 73 Corn No. S 35 it 6 Oats No. 2 -H(A Cuttle Stocketr and feeders 3 1) & 2 35 I loirs Jlixi 3 75 H, 4 35 Sheep Muttons S 00 ft 5 50 COLUMBUS MARKETS. CBr'Ournui)ttinofthi'uiarket8arobtnined Tueittlay afturnoou.nml uro correct anil reliable at thetiuie. (IIIAIN.KTC. Wheat Shvllml Corn. Ear Corn Ryo Flour m as 31 21 IU) $2 :0g2 00 18 1 FHODECK. Butter Kkkp Potatoes .. LIVESTOCK. Fat hogs.. Fat cows.. Fnt sheep.. Fat Htoors. Feeders Hams Shoulders . Sides $3 90 $2 0013.-11) SltUblSO $3 3.'i:it0 J3 5WJ3tX) 124615 seno 118124 MEATS Wo want every mother to know that croup can be prevented. True croup never appears without ti warning. The iirst symptom is hoarseness; then the child appears to have taRen a cold or a cold may have accompanied tho hoarse ness from tho start. After that a pe culiar rongh conyh is developed, which is followed by the croup. The timo to act is when the child first becomes hoarse; a few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will prevent the attack. Evon sifter a rough cough has appeared tho disease may bo prevented by using this remedy as directed, ft has never been known to fail. 25 cent, 50 cent and SI bottles for sale bv C. E. Pollock & Co. and Dr. Heiutz, druggists. tf Bncklen's Arnica Salve. Tho best salvo in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It is gnranteed to give perfect satisfnc tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by C. B. Stillman. The lrl of the Futotv. Now, John, if I sav "yes its on one condition will you promise? You had better say yes well, it's that you will got me ti bottle of Hallec's Pain Par alyser. hy? Because it's the best thing for headache and rheumatism I ever heard of and then it's so uice for babies when they have tho colic and diarrhoea. For sale by Wm. Kearville. 9 Fiirht Ficht. Where! What! When! Why right here, right now and all the time, is going on a struggle with disease for health and Haller's Sarsaparilla & Burdock is tho most successful opponent that science has thus far discovered. For sale by Wm. Kearville. 9 L. C. VOSS, M. D., Honiraopatfiic Physician Ollico over pout ollice. Specialist in chronic iligcuwtt. Careful attention Riven to general practice. 3Snov3ui F. G. WINDISH, Wltim AND LUHCB COTOTEE. OYSTERS AND GAME IX SEASON. DO MESTIC AND IMPORTED CIGARS. Twelfth Street, Opposite U. P. Depot. llMlV-tf WANTED SILESHEN. Local and Traveling. To represent our well known house. You need no capital to represent a reliable firm that warrants nursery stock first, class anil true to name. Work all the year. f 100 per month to the rinht man. Apply iuick. statinK awe. L. L. MAY & CO., Nurserymen, Florists anil Seedsmen, St. Paul, Minn. SyThis house is responsible. 23mar8p SINGLE-COMB, BARRED Plymouth : Rock m AND SINGLE-COMB, WHITE LEGHORN, (Both thoroughbred,) ejegs, for hatclncK. for sale, at1.50foronesettinKof 15efj8. "Orders from a distance promptly filled. II. P. COOLIDGE, 9mar2m Columbus. Nebr. "A5AETSIS " Rivca Instant relict and is an infallible Care for Pile. Price$l. Rf DruKjfistsormnll. Samples rna.AddreatriXAKISfS.' Box 2416, New YocJc atj. , .A. E. SKJRlL J I f A moFRirrou ofIthxVI 7 J2Th4 only aftop oVtJn Softh Side. CAinm D08. Nebraska J 38Qct-y OB AlBa asssssssssssssssssssW GQ i bbsbsssssssssssssssV ' "I" v -PCS VPGbssssbssssssssssHl ' M - aa fa aBKBBaBBBW iZ Hbb1HIK7 - 7 UJ K8r g CO P NFS What is aVlfcs'iiklF?l Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years uso by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrheea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatuleucy. Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castoria is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children." Dr. O. C. Osgood, Lowell, Moss. ' Castoria is tho best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will coasUer the real interest of their children, and use Castoria in stead of the various quack nostrums which aro destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves." Da. J. F. KiNcnxLOB, Conway, Ark. The Ceatar Compaay, TI M HENRY RAGATZ k CO., KEKP CONSTANTLY ON Staple and Fancy Groceries, ALSO AS FINE AN Lamps, Glassware, Queensware, Etc., As Can be Found in This Section of Nebraska. JST'Tho vry highest market price the present it, in tho Gluck block, corner COLUMBUS, MULDOON, 11849. WILL MAKE TIIE SEASON OF 18U2 at the Fair Grounds, 1 mile north or Columbus. Ho is a bay, stands HI hands, and weighs 1 1H pounds. Sired by Dictator Jr., 2UKJ, ho by Dictator 1i:i, out of Mom'o West by Almout 33. Dam, Queen, by Clark Chief SI)- second dam, Lute Uoyd by Joe Downing, 710. In breeding to MULDOON yon are sure to be rewarded with a line carriage horee, if not 11 trottor. The fo, which is S'J"..(I0 to insure, is remarkably low con sidering the blood lines. Accidents and escapes at owner's risk. Tor extended pedigree and full description call on or address, 9mnr2m , . - . ""'" V1 "-w t..;.:;. - " n Wn -in-... v i. r""3' FE H H 'H MhiV i.X ,Z 1 ""--" -"rraii ineoitminrh provided you LbiMii25Jri,c,nAS-a9a81ln'Pl0,lf.oor work.nnrt uso your Intlucnro tn e- ' tnriiVr;.'.'; i5-'"aa'anan'rtonDacKorpictureancl It will bo re- HkAntfu r:C,:..i..V:i.sK!.B "" ranreraPiureynuwn.not Interfering with tho -jr . yw KaBinanuuipn Aft nn ffft e..n.r .- s!a.'Jlww mb mn rgCTiTiiuf; WMftrch'ttM jwir COLUMBUS Planing Mill. Wo have just oiieneil a now mill on M fetreet, onpoHitn 8cliriieiort Hoiirint; mill jinil arc pre pared to do ALL KINDS OF WOOD WOICK, such ns Sash, Blinds, Boors, Mouldings, Store Fronts, Counters. Stairs, Stair Hailing, Balusters, Scroll Suwinir, TuriiiiiGr, riamii! ??. STEEL AND IKON HOOFING AND SIDING. t3TAl orders promptly attended to. Cation oraddress, HUNTEMANN BROS., jnlSm ("olamhtis, NYltraitkn. THE- SEED -HOUSE OF HEBHAN OEHLBIGH & BRO. Offer all kinds of Field Seeds at VERY LOW PRICES. Call and see them. Castoria. " Castoria is so well adapted to children that I recommend it assuperiortoany prescription known to me." , IT. A. Archer, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. " Our physicians in tho children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence in their outside practice with CastorU, and although wo only havo among our medical supplies what L known a regular products, yet we are f reo to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." United IIospmL and Diswsnsart. lloston, Mass. Alixn C. Surra, 2Ye., array Streot, How York City. HAND A FULL LINE Ol-1 ASSOHTMENT OK paid in trade For country produce. For of Eleventh and North Streets, NEBRASKA. Ma7.'Sl-tf L. H. ISTokth & Co. 300 AYS '."'" ' iiiuwww'UBr VKA1UA X"tJKf TI7tetf vn. flMnMMM .. tn r . wa 17 - . Mixt uo iiior.iiiu tiuiu cjiitjnu tiur Dusinusn ;uswinrra,wwiiavc iimillMI W m.lCelOHlipccilll - """'! - " "J y mram-roi your iamlly, living or deail now 1 muss AN i ZSLAUD.. &trprlInc Youne Man : Trno .t Co. inttrncud ail strteii mo. I ivurkeil steailily ml mail ntnnry faster thanIexpctelto I l"?cam(blctft,ay an iI.in'I Jmibailil a small summer hotel If I don't snerrrtt at tlit. I willgo to work acain at the bntinrts in vlnch 1 uia! ruy money True Co.: Shall wo instrnet ami start jroii. rratierr If wo do. and if you work IndnMnnulr you will ia dua time ho ahluiotmjr an island and haild a hotel, if you wish to. Mnney can m earned at onr new lioo of work, rap idly and honorably, hy those of either sex. young or old. and in their own localities, whrrerer they fire Any ona e"S?.,b8,rork- Easytolearn. We furnish erery thine !i ruk on can devote your sparo moments, or all yoar lias to thewa.rk. This entirely new leid brinjl wonderful sue jestoeery worker i;i;innere are earning from 825 to Pf.C and upwards, and rauro after a little eipe kmSTT. V iV1 furnish Ja tnB employment we teaehyon - This is an are ..f marTeloa thinss, ami hern U another ereat. .i.eful wealth iriTinitwooder, Great rama will reward eiery indatnous worker tVhereTer yoa are and whatever tou are doinp. yon want tn know ahont thi wonderful work at onee Uelay means mneh money tost U yoa. No space t.. explain here. I.nt if yoa will write to as yfl.r'a?'i0V.LEU"iOT0'i.F,CE:- Address. TUVKsfc CO.. Box 44M, Aucttatss. MaJae. Scieriilc AmricM Aieicy for CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS. ESIGN lATEMTS COPYRIGHTS. tc. M.'nJSr1"00 "d free nandbook write to MUNX CO.. 3K1 Biioauway. New York. OWeat bureau for securing patents Iu America. Krery patent taken out by us Is brought befor toe public by a notlco given free of charge ra the (iciitific Jtttif taut rarsest circulation of any scientific paper in the world. Splendidly illustrated. No tntalllirent man ahould be without it. Weekly. S3 mm L year: 1JU stx montbs. Address MUSS m PcauanxBS. 381 Broadway. New York. " E. T. ALLEN, Jf. D., Eye - and - Ear - Surgeon,' Secretary Nebraska State Board of Health, 309 RAMOI BtOCK, OMAHt Taj-w. St..CHICACQ.LL. P.S--W Will forfeit S10O to anviu.1 ggZSLEiSlL5g-tglggg-Thi offerig bona fld fDii -mM:i mi iLiMH 'wwmmwv oi OStt t - --- - -..--. v- ? .:. ljfl --..- . t ?-' . - ''?'' J V T '-."'mB!. .:-. j 5' " -. -I-..--': 0 - - "- .l " .- O "- ";" -" f .- r n '.- r':b t. ' Iv- I v 5 1 -?:v -kr.