The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 27, 1892, Image 1

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Columbus State Banli
.' (Oldost Bank ln.tha ItataJ ," .
. ' :' A-
pgys Interest oe Time Deposits I
i Macs Loans on Real Estate.-
Oaska, Chicago, New Tark aa all
Foreign Conatrioa
in 1 Helps lib CaBlouuri when thoj Need IIclp.
lk.yxdi:i: rsniirtAiin. rresid nt.
K. II. 1IUXUY. Vico-rrosiilcnt.
JOHN SrAUt'i-KU, i shier.
.Mlorizei Capital cf $503,
Pail ia Capital - -.10,1)00
o. n. snnr.To.N rmi.
II. i: II. OKtll-niCII. Vlee-Trcs't.
U. A. M:V t;S. Cnsh'er.
' 1) VMEIi SCtlllAM. Aei't Casta.
f II r!, J. P Ilccter,
M n:i .il' ILOehliicb, furl lHenko.
. o:ie WVI h. YV.- A Mo Wliiter.
J. jl.-.irv WnrJi'tuan, 11. M. Winslow,
i:ewo v liallor, h. C. Urey,
Fia-ik Krrjr.
Uou'y Lc aeLe,
Arnold K. II. Ochlrla ,
Gerhard Lios ko.
3Trink of ittponlt ; Interc t aMcurel on time
ia;osit3; buy an.l s-11 exchange 'n Unite!
I :atos and Kurcpo. and lmy nnd soil available
I cuntiiH. We alia.ll Ue i Ioibo1 lo r colre your
business. Wo sihcit your patronage 16uocS7
-DEain is
Eleventh si root, one loor west of
Hagol & Co'ti.
Ca frewi'll a
) Judicious Advertising
Creates many a new business,
Enlarges many an old business,
Revives many a dull business,
Rescues many a lost busiuess,
Saves many a failing business,
Preserves many a large business,
Secures success in any business.
So says a man ot bnslneos, aad wo add that
jaaiciotis adTertising, for this Mctioa ot coantiy.
Aa one of the mediums, becaase it ! send By the
best peoplo, those who know what they want mat
pay for is bat they get. We challenge comparison
with any country papor in the .world la talsro
apect twenty years publishing by the bBbjh
feaanncement, and nerer one dnn to subscribers
published in The Journal. Tbif, better than
anything elae, shows the class at people who
read Tax JouBMALerery week, tf
llcr Agsnts WnMI
1,003 Brewrter Saftty Beta HeUaca
gvenawaytolntrodacethes. rwy
one owner boys from I to C. Uata
nerernoderhonct feet. Send SI casta
In aUinpa to paypoatac and packlaa
for Ulckel Plated Saaipla that elbftara
da. SMWttaxMak'UHBaUj.lftk.
fc 1Ksr ibBB
Caveats and Trade Marks obtained and aUPjat.
ent business conducted for MODERATE JTEES.
OFFICE. Wo hare no sub-ngencwe, all bosiaeas
direct, hence we can transact patent business in
less time nnd at LESS COST than those remote
from Washington. .
Send rjoUel, drawing, or photo, with descrip
tion. We adis if patentable Or not, free of
charge. Oar feo not Ine till patent is secured.
A Iwok, "How to Obtain Patents," with refer
ences to actual clients in your state, -county ox
lotni. sent l ree. Atldress
C. A. K
mcvar . co.
Opposite Pateat Office, WashutoBL,l. C
Happenings of a Week
in Condensed Form.
To Kmplojr 500 Tin Makers Kventually
Cot. McKInley and Uther Itlg Iluga to
Attend the Opening on May 1 Other
News Items of Interest.
Col. Coaeer's Tin Factory.
CblcaRO special: Col. A. Conner of Ak
ron, Ohio, was at tho Grand Pacific this
week. lie left for Ellwood, Ind., where tho
first tin plate plant of any consequence will
be opened on May 1. The plant is owned
by Col. Conger and a syndicate of capital
ists, aud they expect to turn out 2,500
boxes of tin plate per week. Col. Conger
said 500 tin plate makers would eventually
bo employed In the factory. Col. Conger
and his friends regard the establishment of
their factory as a triumph of tin plate
tariff. "Had it not been for tho duty of
2.2 cents per pound on tin plate."
bo said, "tho Ellwood factory would
never have been started. When tho indus
try Is established and the tin plate fac
tories begin to compete with each other,
then we won't need the tariff. Tho price
we have contracted for our output Is about
what the English manufacturers can lay it
down in this country for." Tho opening of
the Ellwood factory will 1 made the occa
sion of a big demonstration, and orators
and politicians far and near will be invited
to witness the opening. Gov. McKInley,
who lias bad experience with tin plate at
Piqua, Ohio, will be Invited. An excursion
train from Chicago, carrying guests of the
company, will also be run to Ellwood.
Cause of Death a Myntcry.
Detroit. Mich, special: A gardener at
Frose Point found the body of Lizzie
Browno of this city, on the thore of Lako
St, Clair. There was a mark between the
left eye and temple, and when tho doctors
examined the body no water was found in
the lungs, showing tltat she had not been
drowned, and immediately the supposition
of foul play arose. The body was brought
to the city. She bad some trouble with her
eyes, and it was thought she was partially
demented at times, The affair Is myster
ious, as the external bruise is not sufficient
to have caused her death, and the doctors
are positive that she did not drown.
Would Not Kxtend the Itehate System.
New York special: The wholesale gro
cers from various States and the managers
of the sugar refineries combination have
been In conference in this city. The chief
dhcti'sion was on the advisability of re
questing the extension of the rebate sys
tem. It seemed to 1h the general impres
sion that arrangements could easily le
made with the trust, but the trust people
would not agree to extend the rebate sys
tem. Bobbed In a Cincinnati Bank.
Cincinnati special: Thieves robbed a
man in the Ohio Valley National Rank. A
short time before the bank closed for tho
day Henry Wendt, a steamboat blacksmith
doing business at 10. East Second Street in
this city, but who lives In Newport, Ky.,
entered the bank to discount a note for
81,000. He received S9S0 and turned to go
out. At tho door two men jostled against
him, picked his pocket, and got away with
the money.
Russian Colonists for Kansas.
Atchison. Kan., special: J. P. Pomcroy,
a Itoston capitalist who owns a great deal
of laud in Western Kansas, Is arranging to
bring several colonies of industrious Rus
sians to this State. He lias already closed
a contract with a colony for 8,000 acres of
farming land in Graham County which will
be settled this year.
Was Pushed Under the Cars.
St, Joseph, Mo. special: Q Willie Harding,
a 14-year-old boy.wasrunovcrby a freight
train and instantly killed, and at tho Cor
oner's inquest two of bis companions testi
fied that a third boy named John Hill bad
pushed him under the cars. Tho police are
now looking for Hill.
Seized Contraband Opium.
Tort Townsend, Washington, special:
The Collector of Customs has seized the
coasting steamer Missouri with a large
amount of contraband opium.
Terrible Crime of a Father.
Niles, Ohio special: Samuel Williams
returned borne from work crazed with
liquor and attempted to drivo bis entire
family from the bouse. His daughter, aged
20, tried to quiet her father and be sav
agely attacked her with a poker, no struck
bcr two terrible blows, one over the right
eye and one on top of the head, fracturing
the skull. He then rushed to the table,
seized a common case knife and slashed bis
throat, completely severing the windpipe.
He died in a short time. The daughter is
still alive, but no hopes arc entertained of
her recovery.
Chinese Arrested for Murder.
Helena, Mont., special: Deputy United
States Marshal Ramsey ot Rawlings ar
rested Ab Let and Ah Bo, Chinamen,
charged with tho murder of Yum Lee, an
other Chinaman, on the Crow Reservation
lust October. The latter was found dead
in his cabin Oct. 12 with bis bead split open
and all his money. S900, missing. Marshal
Furay detailed Billy Kay, a Helena China
man, to work on the case. Billy made a
good detective and fastened the crime on
the accused after months of careful work.
A High rrlced Smell.
St. Joseph, Mo. special: A queer suit
was filed here in which the man placed the
social value of his wire at S2.5U0. The
plaintiff Is William Coffield, who sues John
F. Tyler. Mr. Coffield asserts that the de
fendant built a mule pen next to bis (Cof
field's) residence, the odor from which made
his wife sick. He was in consequence de
prived of her society for a period of two
months, and asks the court to grant him a
judgment in the sum named as a compen
sation for such loss.
Fears Entertained for Cowboys.
Paris Tex. special: Much anxiety is felt
here In regard to the fate of the cattlemen
who joined the raid on rustlers from here,
and who wcro captured and taken to Fort
McKinney. It seems tbas four of then
were killed in the fight No word has been
received from tbem in rcsponso to anxious
telegrams of relatives. Unless news is re
ceived soon a party will be sent to hunt for
Co-operative Company Collapses.
Newark, N. J., special: The Co-operative
Purchasing Company, the last of the "get
rich-quick" concerns, has collaDsed, and
500 book-owners, who paid in from $25 to
flOO, lose all they subscribed. A warrant
was issued for the arrest of D H. Marsh
bank, the local representative, but be dis
appeared. Moonshiners Killed by Officers.
Little Sock special: A desperate fight
between United States authorities and a
band of moonshiners took place near Big
Bay, Ark., in which T. C. Bryant, one of the
moonshiners, was killed. The Marshal's
posse captured several stills and a quantity
of beer and whisky.
Stock Going Blind.
Columbus, Ind. special; There is a hue
and cry about horses bein? blinded by vi
cious parties in the Southern part of the
State. arious reasons are assigned, but
the principal one Is that the perpetrators
are revenging themselves upon taose want- I
ing tho stock law enforced. Among those
first to suffer was Charles T. Myler, ex
County Commissioner, who was conspicu
ous in enforcing the law. This gave cre
dence to the theory of poison, still many
people believe the blindness is caused by
some peculiar disease new to this vicinity.
Two days ago the thoroughbred stallion
Sullivan, owned by Wm. E. Moore, was
blinded, and Mr. Moore claims to have found
powder In the horse's eyes. Parties report
that a contagious disease, called "pinkeye"
is raging in tho County of Dubois and that
the supposed poisoning In this county will
develop into that disease, at present un
known, whatever may ke tho cause.
There are many valuablo horses rendered
worthless by becoming blind In the last ten
Aa Octogenarian's Daughter Twice Pre
vents Mis Marriage to a Woman or 22.
Vinccnnes, Ind., special: James Ward,
aged 83, a wealthy farmer of Lawrence
County, Illinois, and Miss Nancy Jane San
ders, aged 22, were about to bo married,
when a daughter of tho venerable groom
rushed Into the room and protested. The
minister paused whilo a heated parley was
held by the father and daughter. The pas
tor finally withdrew and the wedding was
declared off. Thinking that the daughter
had gone home, tho old man sent for a Jus
tice of the Peace, and a second time tho
lovers stood up and iolned hands. The
Squire had just begun tho ceremony when
the daughter once more rushed into the
room, snatched the license from the hand
of the Squire, and dashed out of the house.
This stopped the wedding. The daughter
claims that Mr. Ward Is of unsound mind.
She is his housekeeper, and declares that
her father has a good homo and is well
treated by his children. He is one of the
wealthiest farmers in Lawrenco County.
Only 932.37 or Obligations Per Capita In
1800, Against SGO.73 in 1880.
Washington special: The census office
issued a bulletin giving a summary of Na
tional, Stato and Local Indebtedness for the
year ended Juno 1, 1890. The dobt of the
world in the census year. Including $1,689.
740,252 local and foreign debt, less sinking
fund, was $30,3:18,132,93. The average an
nual decrease in the national debt of tho
United States from 18S0 to 1893 exceeded
$100,000,000. The decrease per capita of
combined National, State and Local debt in
the same period was from $60.73 to $32.37.
The value of property assessed for taxa
tion increased 50 per cent., a reduction of
debt and an increase of wealth unequaled
in the history of any country in the mod
ern times.
Not Thankful for Favors.
Chicago special: After an evening of tho
wildest excitement a detail of police was
left on guard at the shelter house of the
Society in Aid of Russian Refugees. Twenty-five
or thirty of these refugees, who had
been housed and fed for the past four
weeks, were provided with work, but in
sisted upon a continuance of charity, pro
testing that they were not able tj go to
work. The agents of the society, after
using every effort to induce them to get out,
determined to eject them, and this was
done. After a short time the refugees re
turned, and, being refused admittance to
the house, made an attack upon it, tearing
down one of the door. The police were
summoned and quieted the rioters, but the
trouble was started again, the refugees be
ing loincd by the street rabble, the police
had to be called again, and after vigorous
work the refugees were separated and tho
situation patiently explained to them
through an interpreter. They again set up
the cry that they were unable to work, but
after two hours of wrangling they were
fe reed to leave. Ihey theatcned to mako
trouble and a detail of police remains on
Herr Most's .Time Out.
New York Special. Johann Most, who
has been serving a sentenco of one year's
imprisonment in tho penitentiary for
preaching a revolutionary sermon on the
anniversary of tho execution of the Chi
cago bomb-throwers, will bo released. .The
steamer Thomas S, Brennan has been char
tered to convey Most across the river to
the foot of Fifty-sixth Street, where a tre
mendous crowd of his followers will receive
and escort him to their hcadquartcrs,wher3
a reception will be tendered him. The ar
rangements are in charge of the musical
union connected with the New York and
American Federation of Labor. Most in
tends to resume the editorship of the Ger
man Anarchist sheet, known as the Frcihcle.
He may also take a trip to Europe next
Socialist campers Murderous.
New York special: John Ulrich Gam
pcrs, a socialist orator well known in Brook
lyn, went home drunk and quarreled with
his wifo and two daughters. He complained
of delay in serving supper, and then grum
bled at its quality. One of his daughters
told him that as he did not provide the food
ho had no right to grumble, and he knocked
her down. She 1b In poor health and sho
fainted. She did not get up when he called
her, and he kicked her. Mrs. Gampcrs ran
to help her daughter, and as she leaned over
to lift her up, Gampers shot, the bullet tak
ing effect in Mrs. Gampers' back. Gam
pers ran away. He was arrested later In a
saloon after a desperate resistance. Mrs.
Gampers' wound, though serious, Is not
necessarily fatal.
A Trunk Trust This Time.
Oshkosb, Wis., special: Definite informa
tion was secured of the formation of a Na
tional Trunk Company, being consolidated
of seventeen trunk manufacturing com
panies located at Oshkosh. Milwau
kee. Racine, Chicago, Cleveland, De
troit, Cincinnati, Louisville, and St.
Louis. All tho concerns will sell
out to the new company, which will
have headquarters in Chicago. The capital
of the company is $3,000,000. The object,
it is claimed, is not to form a trust or to
raise prices, but to divide the territory and
reduce the expenses of sales. Inventories
are now being taken in all the trunk fac
tories in the combine.
To Guard the Seals.
Washington special: Tho United States
steamship Ranger, will be put in commis
sion at San Francisco on the 25tb, and as
signed to patrol duty in Behring Sea, The
other vessels selected for this purpose are
the Yorktown, Mohican and Adams, to be
reinforced by the revenue vessels, Corwin,
Rush and Albatross. Seven vessels will
comprise the American fleet to guard
Behring Sea during the scaling season.
They will be assisted by several British
warships. The revenue steamer. Pear has
been ordered to carry supplies to the ref
uge station at Point Barrow. Alaska
Cattle Common to prime S3.25 ch
Hogs Shipping grades 4.50 A 4.C5
Sheep O.00 6.35
Wheat Cash.t g
Corn Cash 41
Rye 71
Barley 60
Flax - 9.
Butter Western Dairy 16 a .20
Eggs Western 12 .124
Catte l"at steers 13.25 351
Cattle Feeders 2.65 3.0)
Sheep..... ......-..- . 4.SS 5.90
Yv DCaIi .............. U
vflw .. v J
lOavU . ....... . . . a3
CmX .. Jcv
Cattle Common to prime $3.35 Q 8.70
Hogs Shippers 449 i& 4.50"
heat .-. .-. t .jo jj
Corn ...... ............ . .. .41 qj jh
Oats Western .35 a ,f)
A Fearful Earthquake Shock Felt in Cal
Ifornia. 8an Francisco special: The worst shock
of earthquake since the memorable one ot
1868 was felt shortly before 6 o'clock in the
morning. At San Francisco and Oakland
it did no damage. At Winters it was very
severe and caused a general destruction of
property. A largo brick hotel, a bank
building, Bartholet's two-story building,
and in fact nearly every building injown
was damaged. Tho loss is at least $50,000.
The contents ot tho stores and dwellings
wcro piled on the floors In promiscuous
heaps. No one was hurt.
The shock was from east to west. The
quako was also severe in Vacavillo, sixty
five miles northeast of San Francisco. A
number of chimneys toppled over, but tho
general damage is believed to be light. No
one is reported to have been injured. The
Inhabitants fled in alarm from the houses.
The telegraph communication with Vaca
villo and Winters was cut off for some time
Tho shock was also felt less severely at
Nevada, Nicolaus, Auburn, Chico, and
Merry England Under Snow and Sleet
Bitter Cold in France.
London Special; Tho severo weather
which set In here last week continues. In
many places tho ground is covered with
snow a foot deep, and a regular blizzard oc
curred. There has been enormous damai;o
to fruit and vegetables. In many places
the rivers overflowed their banks and the
adjacent country is flooded, nnd crops de
stroyed. In some places tho situation is
really serious. Snow and sleet has pros
trated the telegraph poles and cut off tele
graphic communication So serious was
the destruction to the wires that tho ordi
nary force of linemen was unablo to copo
with the difficulties, and soldiers wcro or
dered to their assistance. Great damage
was done the crops in the Channel Islands.
A heavy storm is raging In North Wales
and Cheshire. Advices say the cold -wavb
is beginning to Ihj felt on the Baltic. Dis
patches from Paris and the North of France
say that hail and sleet aro falling and the
weather Is bitterly cold.
Alimony Not Transrcrable
Oshkosh, AVis., special: Tho Supremo
Court lias dismissed a second appeal in the
case of Mrs. .Miriam Kempster vs. O. J. Ev
ans of Minneapolis, thus closing a lawsuit in
which the public took considerable interest.
Tho plaintiff is the divorced wife of Dr.
Walter Kempster, tho noted insanity ex
pert, and formerly Superintendent of the
Northern Hospital for the Insane. Mrs.
Kempster, during her residence in Minne
apolis, became indebted to Evans and as
signed him the alimony granted her at her
divorce to satisfy all her obligations. Later
the question was raised whether alimony
was by law assignable. The Circuit Court
held that it was nut, and the Supreme Court
sustained tho decision. Tho result was
tho seizing of the trunks of Mrs. Kempster
and her beautiful daugnter Agnes by a
Minneapolis swell, who was enamored of
Agnes and had advanced tho mother aud
daughter money to go into business.
Murdered His Accuser.
Marino City, Mich, special: Word has
reached here that a murder was committed'
at tho farm of Mr Stephenson, four miles
west of here. Mr. Stephenson employes
several hands, among whom were Richard
Cook and William Coolby. After supper
Coolby was missing and was subsequently
found biding beneath tho bed of Stephen
son's adopted daughter, a young lady of(
about 20 years of age, with his shoes and
stockings off. When discovered there Cool
by came from the room, but offered no ex
planation. Later Cook and Coolby went to
work In the barn. C While there Cook asked
Coolby what be was doing under Miss
Stephenson's bed and accused him of hid
ing there for a felonoous purpose. This
led to a quarrel which resulted in Cook's
death. Coolby declares ho killed Cook in
self-defense, the latter having attacked
him with a pitchfork His story is not be
lieved, however.
Danger in May Day Parades.
London special: There are grave fears
of trouble in some parts of the continent on
May Day. In Germany all demonstations
will be forbidden, and it Is expected that
tho socialists and anarchists will endeavor
to show their strength, but will bo severely
repressed. There are no fears of trouble
from the genuine workingmen, who will
spend the day quietly with their families. (
In Italy it is thought tho authorities will
have their hands full in keeping a sem
blance of order nnd preparations arc being
made to use necessary force. In France tho
socialists are preparing to hold processions
everywhere, and it is expected 2,COO,000 men
will be in line. While disturbances are not
looked for, the authorities are prepared to
meet them in case they occur. The demon
strations will bo chiefly in favor of tho
eight-hour day.
The Modus Vivendi.
Washington special: Tho Scnato Com
mittee on Foreign Relations reported fa
vorably on tho modus Vivendi convention
with Great Britain. The convention com
prises seven articles, tho first four being
precisely similar in language to last year's
modus, with the exception of a change in
article 1 ot the words "until May next" to
"during tho pendency of arbitration."
Briefly stated, the treaty prohibits Great
Britain and tho United States from seal
killing in the Behring Sea and on tho seal
islands (savo 7,500 seals to be taken on tho
Islands by tho United States for tho sus
tenance of the natives) during arbitration;
it provides for the seizure of offending ves
sels and permits the residenco of British
agents on tho islands during scaling sea
son. The treaty is signed by Secretary Blaine
and Minister Pauccfote.
Barns Burned and Cattle Killed.
Norwich, Conn, special: Eastern Con-'
nccticut farmers aro greatly excited on ac
count of vandal outrages that have been
perpetrated periodically for many months.
Mansfield and adjoining rural towns among
the high hills of Tolland County have been
terrorized for nearly three years by a mos
extraordinary series of outrages. In tho
past year and a half not less than thirteen
barns and shops belonging to farmers In
Mansfield were burnedapd -many cattle
were disemboweled or hamstrung in their
pastures in the daytime. Lately tho mis
creant has taken to killing stock with ar
senic, and many farmers have suffered. A
rich young farmer is suspected.
Want Part of Philadelphia.
Cumberland, Md. special: Mrs. Oelia
Leslie died Intestate at Piedmont, W. Va.,
in 1868. Her heirs found among her pos
sessions an old trunk filled with deeds and
leases, on which they are trying to recover
a largo section of Frankford, a part of
Philadelphia, valued now at ?33,O0O,WO.
The leases were made by William Fcfevre,
whose heirs, Including those of Mrs. Leslie,
have engaged lawyers to bring suit for re
covery. The lease shows that tho land
was never sold, but tbat timber rights and
other privileges wera granted, the land It
self to revert to Lefevre. In the property
covered by the claim is the United States
arsenal at Frankford.
A Victim of "Jack the Knocker."
Logansport, Ind., special: Dr. E. M.
Chord, an old and well known physician ot
this city, died from injuries received at the
hands of the mysterious character known
as "Jack the Knocker," who in the last
month has assaulted a number of citizens
at nighty-robbing none of them, apparently
having no motive. He was identified, and
an attempt to arrest him led to a running
fire with the police, in which a dozen shots
weie fired without any one being hurt. He
escaped at that time and left the county,
and his whereabouts are now unknown.
Nebraska Citizens Organise an Associa
tion to Encourage Immigration How
It Will Be Accomplished .1st of Those
Interested in the. Scheme.
To Encourage Immigration.
The Stato Board of Immigration is
the name of an organization formed at
the Lincolu Hotel at Lincoln by about
fifteen representatives from a number
of citius and towns in Nobraska. Ac
cording to the articlos of incorporation
the objects of the organization arc:
First, to induce tho aprieultiiral and In
dustrial immigration to Nebraska; sec
ond, to secure manufacturing and busi
ness entei prises for tho towns aud cities
of Nebraska; third, to eucourago tho
investment of capital in developing the
resources of Nebraska; fourth, to ad
vertise to tho world tho natural advan
tages and wants of Nebraska; fifth, to
be a general bureau of information
and act as mutual agent in tho fur
therance of these objects.
The authorized capital stock of the
bureau is 25,003, consisting of 1,00'J
shares of 25 each. In addition to
the regular stockholders tho bureau
will take in associate members who
shall pay a fo of $5. These associato
members will share in all the general
benelits except profits, but will not bo
liable for any debts that may be in
curred. It is provided that the board
of directors shall declare an annual
dividend from tho profits. The liual
proviso says that no indebtedness shall
be incurred by the association.
At the meeting tho following gentle-
men were present and participated in
the organisation: C. C. Shinier, Omaha;
V. M. Kelso, Omaha; It. r. Kloko,
West Point; .1. A. Stanton:
.left Hcdford, Omaha; .!. V. Harris,
Omaha; P. P. Spanogle, Hod Cloud;
IT. II. Oakley, II. J. Cosgrove, and C.
.1. Krnst? Lincoln, and It. Van Aller,
Friend. A t"inpor.iry organization was
effected by the election of It. F. Kloko
and C. C. Shinier Chairman and Secre
tary respectively. The articles of in
corporation and by-laws were adopted
inul a board of directors selected as
follows: Messrs. Shinier, Wolf, KeNo,
Kloke, Ehrhardt, Hcdford. and Span
ogle. Further proceedings wero de
ferred until the first annual meeting of
tho stockholders, which wili occur at
Omaha on tho first Tuesday of .luly.
Fired a Plattsmouth Residence to Con
ceal Their Operations.
Dlmmxo a terrific rainstorm accom
panied by blinding lightning at I'latts
liutith, the residence of Anton Kewbor
ias struck by lightning and burned to
fae ground. The residene: of Pat Ma
Aonoy, in the same section, was also
struck and damaged to sonic extent. A
great quantity of rain fell and con
verted the streets into rivers.
I'nder cover of tho excitement occa
sioned by the storm's damage, burglars
effected an entrance into tho Postoflico
in tho Itiiey JUock by boring a hole in
the side door and turning the key on
the inside. They bored a hole in tho
safe near the combination and by
means of a wrench or a similar tool
they tore the combination out. Then
they blew open tho inside of the safe
and secured $300 in stamps and S100 in
money, besides some registered letters
which contained an unknown amount.
About that time a descrtod dwelling in
the north part of the city, far removed
from the residence fired by the light
ning, was discovered in Haines. It is
supposed this building was fired by the
burglars to assist in concealing their
Tho job is a very neat one and there
is no clue to the perpetrators.
A Lincoln Slan Done Up tor 94,000 by
Two Fascinating Women.
Lincoln special: A. A. Newton, a
wealthy capitalist has discovered that
he was neatly done up by a pairof. fas
cinating women to the tune of nearly
S 1,000. A few months ago a woman
giving the name of Mrs. I lusted called
on him and stated that sho had a
wealthy customer for his suburban
home. Newton was willing to sell for
S3I000. The customer was Mrs. Mat
thows; she told him that she had 810,
000 in the bank which she could obtain
immediately, but sho preferred to wait
three months aud secure a half year's
Interest thereon. Newton agreed, ho
gave her a deed and took her notes.
Mrs. llusted gave as commission notes
forS3'J,l03, due when Mrs. Matthews
paid the first note. Newton never saw
Mrs. Matthews again nor did she pay
the first note. Tho ones he gave as
rommission, however, turned up in the
hands of an innocent purchaser, and
in court Newton made public his side
of the story.
Ponca Is Alter It.
A dklegatiox consisting of N. S.
Potter and F. M. Dorscy of Ponca leave
for Lincoln to represent the Ponca
Driving and lair Association at the
meeting of tho Association of Nebraska
Trotting Horso l.reeders in that city in
an endeavor to sccuro the August-meeting
of that association for Ponca. Lib
eral inducements will be offered and if
that meeting can be secured Ponca will
stand pre-eminent among tho horse cen
ters of the State, no city having offered
nearly the purses offered by their asso
ciation for its duly and October meet
ings. ' An Interstate Law Suit.
Ax interesting caso came up for hear
ing in. the court at KeaTn'oy. It seems
(hat M. E. Webb gave Georgo Williams
of that city, a mortgage, upon a team
of horses. Soon after Webb's brother
iirove the team to a poii.t in Iowa and
fold them. Williams, hearing of tho
sale, went to Iowa and claimed the
team, returning toon after with them
A sheriff' appears now upon the scene
and replevins the horses. The question
now pending is whether Williams' mort
gage holds good.
Nebraska Odd Fellows to Meet.
The Odd Fellows of Butler, Polk,
York and Seward Counties will cele
brate the seventy-third anniversary of
the.order in Seward. It is expected
that 500 Odd Fellows will be present
and take part in the oxercisc's. Great
preparations are being mado for the
event, and a grand ball and banquet
will be oh the program for tho qvening.
' t
f A Youth ill Criminal. '
At Ila'rtington Wm. Hallett, who has
been lying in the County Jail the past
few days, has been released, having
furnished the required bail. Hallett is
about IS or 19 years of ago and was
bound over to tho District Court to an
swer to the charge of assault with in
tent to kill, he having maliciously as
saulted August Fersten with a loaded
billiard cue.
Mock Owners Disturbed.
Coxsidekaele uneasiness has been
produced at Rushvillo by the discovery
and identification of a disease among
horses, which, it is feared, has pre
vailed and spread, comparatively un
noticed, for some time. A competent
veterinary surgeon who was summoned
by a number of horso owners, has dlag-no-idd
several cases and pronounces it
of a vor.oral character. The diseaso
originated in France, where it prevails
to somo extent, but is ery rare in this
country. It is incurable and almost in
variably fatal, causing tho death of its
victim in from six months to two years.
Tho disease is believed to be confined,
thus far, to tho Eastern part of Sheri
dan County. Several meetings to dis
cuss and adopt measures for its immed
iate eradication have been held at Hay
Springs, Rushvillo and Gordon.
KlUed at Schuyler.
Owen Green, a young man about 20
years of age, was struck and kiilod by
an east-bound wild freight, about half
a milo west of Schuyler. Ho was sub
ject to epileptic fits, and while return
ing home was taken with one and fell
on the track. Tho engineor sounded
tho signal when he saw him, and the
young man partially raised up, but was
unable to got off MM ack. The coro
ner's jury brought ia a verdict of death
by being struck by a Union Pacific en
gine. Thoy attached no blame to the
engineer, although his train ran fully
300 yards beyond whero tho accident
happened beforo stopping, and was
about fifty yards from the young man
whon the engineor recognized tho ob
ject on tho track to be a living person.
Mashed Five Times.
At Syracuse Jonas Sugdcn was se
verely cut by Thomas Creasman. An
altercation had arisen between tho two
about a debt which Sugdcn owed Creas
man. Creasman sued and got judgment,
and Sugdcn entered a billiard hall to
buy a cigar, and began abusing Creas
man, who was seated there. Creasman
arose and Sugdon showed light. Creas
man struck at him with a poker.
Tho proprietor of the hall interfered
and separated them. Creasman then
left the hall, followed by Sugdcn, and
tho dispute was reopened outside.
Creasman drew a knife and began act
ive operations, cutting Sugden immedi
ately under tho heart, three slashes in
the back about the shoulder blade, and
once or twice on tho head. Sugden's
wounds were dressed and Creasman im
mediately ran home. Sugden's wounds
aro not considered fatal.
Thrsw Away h Fortune.
At Lincoln some six months ago,
Arcnd Arends, a well-to-do farmer,
hung himself because pretty Mary Van
Hove, a neighbor's daughter, did not re
turn his love. Arends left a which
he bequeathed his farm and posses
sions, valued atSlo,000, to Mary. She
went into court in rcsponso to a sum
mons, but positively declined to file tho
will for probate, dramatically tearing
up tho document beforo tho astonished
eyes of her relatives, and renounced
her claims in favor of Arends' mother,
who resides in Reynolds County, Mis
souri. After ow Industries.
At Rushvillo a committee cousisting
of J. E. West, Postmaster Crow, and J.
II. Jones of tho First National Bank,
was appointed at the last meeting of
Business Men's Association to confer
with Kinney, Bridges & Rogers of Fre
mont, with rofcrenco to putting in a
100-barrel flouring mill at that place.
This action was taken in response to a
letter received from that firm by the
President of the Business Men's Associ
ation saying that they had that place
In view as a desirable point at which to
put in a mill and elevator plant, and in
quiring what the outlook was.
Trouble Cauted-ller Death.
At Wilbur Annie Sulie, who made
her homo with her mother, Mrs. Za
jacck, committed suicide in a deter
mined manner. She sent her mother
up town on an errand. When the old
lady returned her daughter was found
suspended by a clothes line to tho raft
ers up stairs, dead. On the floor was a
pool of blood from a big cut she had
made on her arm with somo sharp in
strument, evidently with a view to
hastening death The deceased was
divorced from her husband some time
ago and brooding over her troubles and
ill health had unbalanced her mind.
Took StrychninclandDied.
At Taylor Mrs. Robert Doughty
committed suicide by taking strych
nine. She was about 22 years of ago
and the mother of two children. No
reason can be given for her action fur
ther than an hereditary tendancy to
temporary insanity coupled with des
pondency arising from the fact of her
delicate condition. This is the second
suicide near Taylor within a week.
Joseph F. Propbst shot himself
llandolph's New Venture.
The special election held at Randolph
to vote S5,000 in bends to sink an arte
sian well carried almost unanimously.
Contractor Kcarns, recently successful
in securing flows at Niobrara and Yank
ton, gives assurance that like results
may be expected there. Well machin
ery is now on the ground and will be
set in position at once. It is generally
believed that artesian water will be
reached at a depth of 1,000 feet.
Shot at Her Husband.
At Nebraska City Mrs. John Bau
nian, wifo of ono of the janitors at the
Postoflico, whilo temporarily insane.
went to tho oflico to see her husband.
She walked up behind with a revolver
drawn, evidently for the purpose of
killing him. He turned just in time to
cscapo death and grabbed her hands.
As he did so the revolver was dis
charged twice, the bullets entering tho
Charged with Stealing Hams.
A German giving the name of Jergen
Uben was arrested, charged with rob
bing Nat Woodring's meat market at
Cortland recently, taking therefrom a
quantity of hams. Jergen had disposed
of several of the hams and was under
taking the sale of others when arrested.
His Testimony Caused Trouble.
While waiting for a train at Papil
lion, F. A. Lanheine of Bellevuo, was
assaulted and badly beaten by Deputy
Sheriff Vic McCarty. Mr. Lanheine
had just given testimony in a case on
trial in the District Court, which is al
leged to have provoked the row.
Hubble Given the Limit.
At Papillion Ed Hubble, the young
man who eloped with the wife of
Adolph Peterson, plead guilty and
Judge Scott fixed the sentence at the
full extent of the law S200 fine and
one year's imprisonment.
Charged With Rape.
At Lincoln Frank Trudell, a young
man at different times with the North
western and Milwaukee Railway Com
panies, was arrested,, charged with
rape on a 11-y ear-old girl. It is a clear
case against him.
Columbus' New Industry.
At Columbus the Consolidated Tank
Lino Company will shortly erect three
tanks with a capacity of 11.000 gallons
of oil each, and will make that city a
distributing point for a large territory.
Livery Stable Burns at Silver Creek.
At Silver Creek Henry Schlitt's liv
ery barn burned. Thirteen horses, sev
eral head of cattle and a number o!
carriages were consumed. The loss,
exclusive of insurance, will be $2,000.
Bills Introduced aad the 'mportant re
lags o a Week in the IToase and fen
ate A Variety Topics ' Interest
from Washington
The Solens at Work.
The proceedings of the house on the 15th
were without interest, and ordinary the
Record would bo small, but Milllkon will
publish a brochure of "Plymouth Kock to
McKInley," and Dolllvar will file for publi
cation a scries of articles from the New
York Tribune, and Smith or Illinois, will
print a number of editorials and letters
from tho American EeonomM, which will
swell tho Record to a voluminous edition.
Several other Republicans, by printing ex
traneous matter, will bring Into public
prominence the action of tho House. Tho
bill to promoto the safety of natinal banks
was referred to the Committee on Hanking
and Currency, which it Is thought kills It.
The privato calendar was then resumed,
and tho remainder of the day was con
sumed In considering the bill for tho re
lief ot the heirs ot the Inventor of the Sib
ley tent.
In tjio Senate on the 18th Senator Vest
Introduced a bill prohibiting contracts by
tbo Postmaster General with any steamship
company making unjust discriminations
against any part of tho United States as to
Imports by vessels carrying foreign malls.
Senator Vest said it was reported that tho
United States aud Brazil Steamship Com
pany, ono of the lines enjoying tho mail
subsidy, has refused delivery of coffee from
Brazil at tho port of Newport News. This,
he understood, was because of objections
by merchants of New York City. Several
other members said they had received reso
lutions setting forth similar facts. The bill
was referred to tho Committee on Com
merce. The resolution of Senator Pfeffer
asking the Secretary of State to obtain in
formutlini concerning the use of electricity
lu the propulsion of farm machinery and
the propagation of plants In foreign coun
tries was agreed to. Tho Senato then took
up the calendar. Subsequently, on motion
of Senator Sherman, it went into executive
In the House on the 20th, after prelim
inary busluess, the House resumed consid
eration of tho Noyes-Itockwcll contested
election. Wheeler ot Alabama, criticised
tho majority report. Mr. Cobb followed,
reviewing tho legal aspect of the case.
Magner spoke in favor of Hock well, and
pending further decision the House ad
There aro said to be 135,000 Iopers In
TuEannual crop of English walnuts in
Southern California reaches, a million
and a half pounds.
It is said that Denmark, small as It
is among nations, consumes twice as
much liquor as Germany.
The members of the Yale Corporation
have voted to wear the academic hat
and gown at commencement.
The rarest thing in all Arizona, it is
said, is a thunder storm. Sometimes
thcro is not one a year.
Bai.mackda's mother has crossed the
Andes on her way to Mendoza, where
she will visit her other sons, who aro in
that city.
The lowest temperature ever regis
tered by the thcrmomctor in England
was at Kelso in 1879, when the mercury
fell to 16 below zero.
A Scotch Presbyterian Church is en
deavoring to save sinners by expelling
a member who supplied a duchess with
milk from his dairy on Sunday.
Tiik costliest pocket knife made is
sold for $25. Its handle is of solid gold
and it contains two small blades only
a nail life and a mimaturo pair of scis
sors. Fortv-nine years after being
wrecked a schooner sunk off Capo May
inlet has been rescued by the waves
Iroin her bed of sand, and within a
week will be floated. The sea docs give
up its secrets, after all.
Samuel Davis of Whitney ville, Me.,
who is 84 years of age, shot four foxes
in one day, making a totai of forty this
season, lie says that ''foxes aro un
common cute critters, but they're easy
to got if you know how."
Every politician has his notion of
what may be. Col. Henry Watterson
points out that the logic of the situa
tion is that the only names that ought
to be presented to tho Minneapolis con
vention are those of Blaine and Mc
Kinlcy. An enthusiastic reporter down in
Texas went to a wedding the other day
and was so impressed by all he saw
that he indulged in this bit of fine writ
ing: A cloudless sky, ruled by the
radiant moon and gemmed with mill
ions of stars, arched grandly tho nup
tial night."
There are some pcoplo who can't ap
preciate poetry. Tho other day James
Griffin of Plymouth, Pa., returned homo
after an absence of eighteen years.
When his wife saw him she remarked:
"Begone, I will have eo Enoch Arden
business here," and James departed,
feeling that ho was a back number,
sure enough.
If we first lay down the sun and then
place the earth one Inch from it, that
being the relativo distance; then ff wo
inquiro at what distance to put tho
nearest fixed star, using the same scale,
we will find that it must bo placed at a
distance of eleven miles.
Dr. Theodor Wolf, late the State
Geologist of Ecuador has made a
special study of the Aude; of that
country, which he says are between
ten and tweirty miles further away
from the Pacific coast than most of
our recent maps show.
A wealth r hermit, who dwelt near
Springfield, Ohio, has started for West
ern Indiana with a cart made of old
buggy wheels and shafts, to which ho
himself was harnessed as though ho
was a horse. A large dog accompanied
him as a body gunrd.
"Has the Jew, with his reputation as
the champion of commercial prosperity,
not found in the Yankee more than his
match? Has ho not in reality been out
done, and does not his future in these
Darts seem but a drearv one?" Th
foregoing inquiry appears in the .rlnicr
fcou Hebrew, and the inquirer is Max
J. UUman of New Bedford, Mass.
Mark Kenniston of Phillips, Me.,
has a bull moose which he has raised
from a calf, which is so tame that he
turns it out every warm day to browse
in the neighboring fields. He catches
the big bull as easily as he would a pet
lamb, and is breaking him to harness
He hitched the moose to a wagon last
summer, and was carried ten miles at
railroad speed before he could stop tho
An amateur violin-maker of Portland,
Me., has secured a prize in a spruce
beam from an old house at North Yar
mouth. The beam had been seasoning
for more than a hundred years, and the
thin little boards sawn from it eive forth
the clear, mellow sound that Is desired
in violin stock. Gemunder, the New
York maker of violins, was in Portland
recently, and secured some of the wood.
In 1430 A. D., aftsr nineteen years of
ceaseless labor and an expenditure of
about S00.000 pounds, the Chinese gov
ernment finished the wonderful porce
lain tower at Nankin, which stood for
nearly four and a quarter centuries,
until 1850, the most marvelous building
ever erected by human hands. It wjs
of octagonal form, 2G0 feet in height,
with nine stories, each having a cornice
and gallery without.
., O.T.B01N,
. 1
First National Bank
Ecart of Condition Ma j 17, 1C9I.
Lft-ics and Discounts
u. d. ticntis. ............ ....
Hil r.tate. f9n.l.nre aad
0xtra rT,M5.3a,
lino from other banls 23.772.32
! from U. 8 Treasury.. C73.Ce
Osahoahaaa v 13,173.45 BajpaJR
Capital and nri lus SC.000.Ba
rjntuiiicd proCts I0.I4J.14
Nntional 1-aakuotcB out standing 13,300.08
(ted scor.nts. ......................... lC.SSl.3t
Daedcposl'ora 136,181.03
Qns'mcsn gnrds.
Ofiiee over Columbus Stato Bank, Colnrabos,
Nebraska. .29
Offlca oxer tha First National Dank, Columbna.
Nekraska. tO-tt
Jyk K. TURNER k CO.,
Proprietors and Publishers of tba
Both, post-paid to anyiuldress, for $3.08 a year,'
strictly in advance. Familt Joobh ax, fl.OD 1
year. j
Columbus. Nob.
Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware!
Job-Work, Hoofing and Qitttr
ing a Specialty.
t2T" Shop on Nebraska avenne, two
doors north of Easmnssen's.
nt.K i
3y Repairing of all kinds of IJphoU
ttery Goods.
All kinds of Rcpairisg dene
Short Notice. Unties, Wag
ens, etc., nade t ttf er,
aid all work Guar
anteed. Also tall the world-famonj Walter A.
Wood Mowers, Reapers, Combin
ed Machines, Harvesters,
and Self-binders the
best made. j
Shop on Olive street, Columbus,
font doors south of Eorowiak's.
WtCptrBtthfara Fear, or I4JBV
Tk JotnuiAX, I acknowledged to,ba tba best
news aad family paper in Platte coonry.and Tba
American Macaziae ia the only high-class naoata
ly aiasaztne devoted entirely to American Liters.
tare, American Thought and Progress, and to
tho only. decided exponent of American lalita
lions. It is as good as any ot ta older masn.
aises. furnishing la a year oyer J.ww pages ot I
choicest Uteratar. written by ablest AsMti.
can anthers. It is beaotif ally iliBStrsted, and W
rich with charming continued and snort
No more sppropriare present can fee
Blade than a year's subscription to
can jsansine.
It will bo especially brilliant daring the
Tho prise of Jol mnal is $2.00, and Tho AbbotU
onnMacasiBoiS3.O0. Wo oSTor bota far tJ ;