The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 20, 1892, Image 3

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olumbus Sfonrual.
L?nvrt- t'olunibuB. ......
David City,
Arrivi'hat Lincoln
8:35 a.m.
9:18 "
102 "
3:20p. m.
3i5 "
4:40 p.m.
7:10 "
10:40 "
The iiasoncr loaves Lincoln at 420 p. m., and
arrhei at Cltiui:itu 7:C4 p. m; tho freiKht leaves
Lincoln at 7:15 a. ni., and arrives at Columbus at
3:"'0 p. in.
Atlantic Ex... 7 53 a. m I Pacific Ex.... 10 Ala p. m
Chicago Ex. ISO p. m Tnyerhx.. .. 2J p. m
Limit.! ... l:10 p. m I Lixnito.1 . .WO p. m
Col Ixtral. ti.-OOa. in Local rr t. .. :G0a. m
I'assenjtcrr.rnw from Sioax City - ll'- m
' leave (Vdmnlms for Lmc'ii. 2:0f p. m
' amies- from Lincoln 2.10 p. m
leave for Simix City 2:20 p. m
Mixed loaiw. for Sioux City 553 a. m
Mixed arrivit. 1050 p. m
I'asKPnmT leaven 20p. m.
Mixed leaicn 7:00a. in.
l'.is-enecr arrives 1:50 p. in.
Mixed arrives SiM ! ,n-
gorictff otkts.
jrAll notices under thiH heading will Ik
dullest at tho rate of $!acar.
Ta i;.iilKr KiM-tim: 2d W.-dneIay in each
XT month. All brethren milled to attend.
r t. 11. Siiti-iKis, . M.
M. H.Vnnr--.Sec'y. 20july
Z W1LDKV LOIMSE No. 41, 1.O.O.F.,
?&- meet Tm-nlay ejeninRH of each
t,?'w.k at Iheir hall on Thirteenth
'5ff htre.-t. Nicitini: brethren cordially
tniited. Vf. H. Notkstkin, N. .
I'.J.NW)H8'). gijanUl-tf
HaintH hold regular wn ice every huiiday
at 2 i. tii.. i.niicr incctiinr on WImday ovviiiiik
... .1...-..1. ,..-.( ,.,.i-TM-r..f North Mrcct and Pacific
Avenue. Al! aVecoidiullj iinitfd. .
Ujiilsii Elder II. J. Huwsos. President.
3?" Until further notice, all atlver
tiMiiunt.s iimler tins head will lo char
tl t tho rato of live centH a lino eac-h
Hisno. We niako this lower rate to con
form with the times.
Sale bills printed at this oflice.
Come to Tun .lortKNAi. for job work.
Horn, Thursda nif,'lit, to Mrs. O. T.
IJoen. a daughter.
lr the finest styles of culling cards,
call on Tun .Ioitknai.. tr
Work is going forward on the addi
tion to Calley's store.
Silverware and jewelry at your own
price at A. .1. Arnold's. 2t
- Horn, Tuesday niyht of last week, to
Mrs. .1. S. Hatfield, a son.
Old newspapers by tho hundred, 2T
cents at the .TouunaTj office.
.lohn von Uergen of Humphrey has
moved to Gordon. Nebraska.
Horn, Wednesday, April KUh, to
Mrs. Patrick McTeggart, a boy.
Dr. T. It. Clark, successor to Dr.
V Schug, Olive st. In ollice at nights.
Schuyler in to have electric lights,
the entire plant costing about $(1,000.
-i Eye and Ear surgeon, Dr. E. T.
X Allen, 300 llamgo block, Omaha, Neb.
Tho children in tho schools will cel
ebrate arbor day, Friday of this week.
Tho ball at Maennorchor hall Mon
day night was enjoyed by a large crowd.
Some lino young cattle for sale, or
exchange for city lots. Call on 1). B.
Wo will probably have to seo a little
moro snow before we get settled warm
-Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Ilcitkemper are
on the sick list: both are over eighty
years old.
Pianos and Organs. Do not buy
from pedlers until you get prices from
Fitpatrick. tf
The regular meeting or the Ladies'
musical will be hold at Mrs. llusche's
this evening.
It did look for awhile last week as
though the wet weather was never
going to cease.
- -D. 15. Duffy, Columbus, Neb., will do
your house-moving, in good shape and
ut reasonable prices. Itf eow
Tho republican county convention
convenes just as we go to press this
(Tuesday) afternoon.
K. 11. Henry. G. K. Speice and Dr.
Evans attended a Masonic meeting in
Norfolk Friday night,
Tho ''calico" ball at tho opera house
next Friday evening will be enjoyed by
tho social dancing club.
Tho little child of Mr. and Mrs. A.
Covert has leen very sick for several
days, but is recovering.
F. W. Herrick has on exhibition a
fine specimen of his own handiwork in
the upholstery of a sofa.
The celebrated Quick-Meal, and
Monarch gasolino stoves, the best in the
market. For sale by A. Bootteher. 4tf
- Call at A. J. Arnold's jewelry store
on Nebraska avenue for silverware and
jewelry at greatly reduced prices. 21
- Hunteniann Bros, have completed
and set up for Otto Mortz a very line
large ice 1mx for his meat market.
The hist Looking Glass notes iinilo
a numlwr of purchases of lots at Mon
roe, also prospective improvements.
Charles Schroeder returned Friday
from Humphrey, where ho had been en
gaged overseeing repairs on an elevator.
Dr. Nanman, dentist, Thirteenth st.,
opposite Barber's. All work guaranteefl.
Gas given for the painless extraction of
teeth. 2l-tf
Ono great advantago you havo a
choico of ten of tho largest companies in
the world by insuring with P. W.
A. M. Darling, an old Columbus
citizen, was in Schuyler last week, so
tho Quill says. Ho is now located at
Archer, Merrick county.
C. A. Snow & Co.'s pamphlet, "In
formation and Advice about Patents,
Caveats, Trademarks, Copyrights, etc.,"
may be obtained freo at this office, tf
A heavy rain Monday' night soaked
tho ground again. No lack of moisture
in this region just now. Still tho
weather is cold and fires are comfortable.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
We guess that spring is finally here
for good, and it promises to be every
thing desirable in the way of rapid
Henry Huntcman has had an offer
of $2,500 for his property corner of 10th
and K sts. on completion ofs the new
The diphtheria sign is oat at the
residence of J. K. McFarland, first house
west of the High School building in the
Second ward.
Ben B. Cowdery of Lincoln, state
bank examiner, made a thorough exami
nation of the Citizens' State bank at
Fallerton last week.
Tho Monroe Looking Glass thinks
there is no question but the escape of the
two prisoners from the jail will cut some
figure in Platte county politics this fall.
Platte Center society folks are look
ing forward to a grand concert the 18th
of May. Mrs. Kilroy of Lincoln and
Mrs. E. H. Chambers of this city will
Thursday morning was the first of
last week that gave promise of a good
wash-day for the house-wife, but even it
was cloudy with only little patches of
blue sky.
.Judge J. S. Armstrong of Albion
was in thocity Sunday. He is connected
with tho prosecution in tho Miko Lamb
case, which will come here by a change
of venue.
Gus. Speice. Ed. Early and William
Kagatz started Monday morning for Ok
lahoma. Louis Phillips intended to go,
but is detained by the very serious III-
of his mother.
of good land in section (5,
o 1 east, Tor salo for cash
! to purchaso all or any 80
of said tract, ple:iso address M. K. Tur
ner, Columbus, Neb.
Tho social dance club will havo their
next dance Friday evening at tho opera
Jiouso. All tho ladies are to dress in
calico and furnish their gentlemen es
corts with calico ties.
UFor rent, a commodious storo room
onEleventh street, centrally located,
and suitable for grocery, dry-goods or
clothing. A long timo lease preferred.
Call at Joukxai. oflice. tf
Tho ladies of the Presbyterian
church aro preparing an entertainment
to bo given in about three weeks, that
will bo quite a novelty, and entitled
The Temple of Fame."
Through passenger trains, through
freight trains, quick timo, via tho Chi
cago, Union Pacific & North-Western
Lino to tho principal cities east of the
Missouri Kiver, via Omaha. 11-llt
Tho Easter social at tho Congrega
tional church last Friday evening was a
grand success. Tho house was packed
full, a good program was rendered and
choico refreshments served.
A lire-limit ordinance has been in
troduced in the city council of Colnm
lms, but ir pjissed and complied with no
better than a liko ordinance in Schuyler,
it will do but little good. Schuyler Sun.
Wo have a communication in hand
and which will appear next week from
Elder George W. Galley in reply to one
in hist week's Jouuxaij concerning bap
tism over the signature, A Word to the
Bev. Lcodom last week attended the
Ministerial association meeting at Cedar
Bapids. He preached at Genoa on the
10th, and says that tho church there is
nourishing notwithstanding their recent
Policeman Coleman had given notice
to a justice yesterday morning that so
soon as he could havo a complaint pre
pared ho would htive a warrant issued
for an attempted burglary on a saloon
Monday night.
Sheriff Kavanangh and his assist
ants, A. J. Campbell and John McMa
hon, havo returned from the hunt after
Moroarty and Morrissey, tho young men
charged with rapo who broke jail some
days ago. They did not find them.
Tho Cornet Band serenaded Coun
cilman H. T. Spoerry and Mayor Schup
bach Friday evening, discoursing some
very excellent music. Of course, these
gentlemen tve duo recognition of the
honor conferred uion them by the visit.
Mrs. Weddell and Miss Mann have
opened a first-class, dress-making es
tablishment, fn the rooms formerly oc
cupied by Mrs. Drake, two doors north
of tho Clother House. Prices to suit
tho times, and work ready as promised.
01 -It
Henrich refers parties about
ttako oi
out insurance to tho following
gentlemen in Platte Center who suffered
losses in tho recent fire at that place,
and were insured in his companies:
George Scheidel, David H. Carrig, Bob
ert W. Price.
ITouxado, the storm king, is out on
hil summer tour, and may take a trip
through Platte county, calling at Co
lumbus. Protect your property by
taking a ''tornado policy" of H. J. Hud
son, oflice on Olivo street, opposite Me
ridian hotel. tf
Ernest Clark was adjudged insane
on Friday by tho loard, and taken Sat
urday by Sheriff Kavanaugh to Norfolk,
but was refused admission to the asy
lum there, tho officials claiming that the
patient properly belongs to the institu
tion for the feeble-minded.
B. II. Henry, grand inspector for
Nebniska, inspected Damascus com
mandery, K. T., on Friday night, the
ordeal boing passed through in a very
satisfactory manner. C. D. Evans and
G. B. Speice, of Gethsemane comman
dery. Columbus, wero also visitors.
Norfolk News.
Antony Heitkemper's cigar factory
is now located up-stairs in the Delsmnn
block, where the proprietor or somo ono
representing him may bo found during
business hours. This factory is one of
the solid institutions of the city-and has
built up a large trade, not only here,
but in all the country hereabouts.
"JP. W. Henrich, insurance agent,
makes no extra charge for permit to use
gasoline stoves, for lightning insurance,
for permission to use electric lights, for
permission to vacate your dwelling
house, for permission to rent your dwell
ing. His farm policies cover horses
against fire in any private barn in the
state and are equally liberal in other
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
There eeems to be a disposition in
some quarters to hold The Joubxal re
sponsible in a sense, for' what appears or
has appeared or may appear in
other papers than The Joubxal.
This is hardly fair, under the
circumstances, whether complimentary
or otherwise to The Joubxal. We do
not 6et the type for any other paper in
the city than The Joubxal. The press
work done in this city on the Creamery
Messenger, the Wochenblatt and the
Argus is done on the power press of
The Joubxal, and so long as they keep
up their pay for the rent of the press,
why not allow each and all of them to
have the credit or the blame of their
own editorials?
Friday evening, Carl Holle and
Pearl McCoy, both young men at work
at the Meridian hotel, got into an alter
cation, and Holle struck McCoy with an
iron bolt. McCoy drew his pocket
knife, and though blinded by the blow
over the eye by his 6avage assailant, he
struck out, cutting a gash in Holle's
neck from which the blood spurted pro
fusely. The wounded lad was taken
care of and is now at the Sisters' hos
pital. He is reported out of danger.
Hollo has been a quarrelsome boy, while
McCoy has always borne here a good
reputation as a sober-minded, gentle
manly young fellow.
JThe lower story of The Joubxal
black is now for rent. It comprises two
rooms, wnicu can ue separate or logeiuer
to suit lessee entire lloor, 21x132 feet
from Eleventh street to alley in the rear
a very suitable building for a whole
sale or retail grocery, a general mer
chandise store, or an extensive steam
laundry. It is located on one of the
best business streets of Columbus, and
faces the Union Pacific passenger depot.
Terms reasonable, for a long time lease.
The third quarterly meeting of Co
lumbus chargo will be held Saturday
and Sunday, April 23-24. Quartorly
conference Saturday 3 p. m. All official
members should be present. Love feast
Sunday 10:15 a. in., followed by the
preaching service and the sacramont of
tho Lord's supper. "Ask and ye shall
receive." A welcome to all attending
theso sorvices. Preaching 8 p. m., sub
ject, "Nature and Duration of Future
Punishment." J. B. Leedom.
Sunday, being beautiful and warm,
tho several churches of tho city were
crowded with parents and friends to
hear tho little ones in their Easter ser
vices. All wero bountiful in flower and
motto decorations. The St. Bonaventu
ra, Lutheran and Methodist churches
held their services in the morning, tho
Episcopal in tho afternoon and tho Con
gregational and Presbyterian in the
evening, all of which were very inter
esting. Encourage every home industry by
giving it the work you have to be done
in its line of business "the butcher, the
baker, the candlestick-maker," so to
speak no matter how insignificant the
industry may seem to look to yon; it is
the many small orders and large ones too
that go to make any business prosper.
Help each other is the true theory, and
the practice of it is much more agreeable
and profitable than its opposite.
The new building in contemplation
of erection by the First National bank
and M. Brngger on their business lots
fronting north on Thirteenth street just
west of Fitzpatrick's, will be erected
this summer, if the upper story can be
disposed of to advantage. Wo under
stand that the decision now virtually is
with the committees of the Commandery,
Chapter and Blue lodge of the Masonic
Brad. Slaughter, U. S. marshal, was
in the city Thursday on his way to
Grand Island, and The Joubxal office
was one of the institutions honored by a
call during a Btop between trains. Brad.
is one of the men of tho 6tate who keeps
thoroughly posted in the political move
ments of tho times, and he is watching
with more than his usual interest, now
at tho dawning of the presidential cam
paign. Bemi Miller of Polk county says that
his son E. A. has prepared fifteen acres
for listing. He goes between last year's
corn rows with the lister-plow and then
when ho comes to plant with tho lister,
will plant right through and along the
old row. He has also thirty-five of fall
plowing ready to be planted to corn.
Kemi believes in putting the crops in,
in good shape.
John Keating and Miss Longtin
were united in marriage yesterday, and
left for a trip east. They will visit in
Omaha and Chicago. Mr. Keating has
been an employe at the U. P. depot for
a long time and has many warm friends.
The bride has not lived hero so long, but
has made many acquaintances who wish
the new firm prosperity and much hap
piuess. J. C. Morrissey of Lincoln was in
the city a couple of days last week. Mr.
Morrissey has made a special study of
speculation on the board of trade, and
its effect upon the general business of
the country, and he ought to set his
viows in order and give them to the
country. We believe that they will be
very generally appreciated.
The friends of Miss Carrie Dale will
be much pleased to learn that, under the
care of Dr. Pratt of Chicago, one of the
most celebrated practitioners in the
world, she will in a few months be re
stored to perfect health. An invalid for
a number of years, sue may well be
glad of the day when she was advised to
consult Dr. Pratt.
Mrs. Lathrop's horse walked out of
shafts of the buggy the other day, leav
ing the vehicle in deep mud, she on the
buggy seat in deep meditation. Neigh
bors Berney and Barnum kindly waded
through the mnd and, like the chival
rous knights of old, helped the lady out
of her troubles and sent her on her road
The First Nat'l bank still keep up
their interest in the tobacco industry.
They have now supplied seed to one
hundred porsons. The pamphlets fur
nished are sufficiently explicit as to the
planting; others will be supplied later
on for directions as to the cultivation of
the plant in this latitude.
John I. Payntcr, formerly proprie
tor of the Lindell house in thiB city, died
suddenly of -heart disease last Thursday
evening, at Omaha. He was the father
of Mrs. O. L. Baker of this city, who
went to Omaha Friday. The funeral
took place Sunday.
A Masical Feast.
-The entertainment given by Mrs. B.
T. Page at the opera house Monday
evening was not a success financially,
but those who attended were highly
pleased, and the audience were very at
tentive throughout tho entire program.
F. W. Spencer, the celebrated violin
and guitar player, gave six selections
that deserve more praise than we have
space to give. Every tone was clear and
sweet, and the expression was so marked
the audience were carried away in en
thusiasm with the pieces.
The duet by Mesdames Martin and
Evans was very excellent, both ladies
doing even better than usual, which is
never below a high standard.
The recitation by Miss Ida Martin was
listened to with great interest and re
ceived by rounds of applause.
Mrs. Chambers was loudly applauded
when she appeared to sing a "Ballad,"
and was enchored at the close, but only
responded by a bow. She never fails to
please a Columbus audience, by her
gracious manner, and her charming
A chorus from the ladies' musical sang
"Oh Joy! Oh Joy!" and "Yo Ho!" from
"Fisher Maidens." The last being en
chored, they appeared and sang "Annie
Laurie," the low alto carrying the air
with the other three parts humming the
accompaniment. This was the first time
theso ladies have Bung in the opera
house, and their excellent work was a
surprise to the general public, who have
not been aware of tho existence of such
a bouquet of twenty lovely voices right
among us.
Mrs. Page deserves the hearty thanks
of all for an evening of rich pleasure,
and those who failed to be present
ought to regret it for a year, at least.
The Omaha Bee of Saturday had
this to say of our former fellow-citizen,
whoso sudden death last week caused
all of us to mourn the departure of a
friend: "Another pioneer has gone.
John I. Paynter, who came and sottled
in Omaha in 1833, died Thursday night
of heart failure. Ho was 70 years of age
and was apparently in excellent health.
Ho ato a hearty supper at his home, 2451
Emmet street, after which he went into
the street for a littlo stroll. Shortly
afterward he suddenly fell dead in front
of his house. Mr. Paynter was a civil
engineer, and camo to Omaha in the
employ of tho government in 1853 from
Salerno, Ind., where he was born in Jan
uary, 1822. He was accompanied to this
city, which was then an open prairie, by
Jesse Lowe, Omaha's first mayor. For
eight years Mr. Paynter was tho pro
prietor of tho Occidental hotol at the
corner of Tenth and Howard streets. A
wife and four children, Laura, Lotta,
John I., jr., and Winfield, survive him.
Tho funeral will take place Sunday af
tornoon at 2 o'clock, and will be con
ducted by Bov. Mr. Turlo, pastor of
Kountzo Memorial Lutheran church.
Tho pall bearers will bo selected today
and they will all be old settlers. The
remaiiiB will bo interred in Prospect
Hill cemetery."
Keimlilican Primaries.
The delegates elected Monday to tho
county convention wore:
First ward W. M. Cornelius, John
Wiggins, James H.Galley, H.T. Spoerry,
S. L. McCoy, O. C. Shannon, Henry
Lubker J. S. Hatfield.
Second ward J. E. Hoffman, A. M.
Swartzendrnver, W. B. Notestein, A. M.
Doty, C. E. Pollock, A. M. Covert, Wm.
Allen, J. D. Stires, Hugh Hughes.
Third ward-J. G. Beeder, C. H. Shel
don, C. J. Garlow, Frank Stevenson, M.
Watkins, J. A. Griffin, L. G. Zinnecker,
C. C. Gray.
Street Commissioner Elliott hauled
dry dirt for several parts of the city
whero the mud was deeper, and those
points aro now pretty good roads. This
reminds us that John Eisenmann re
cently suggested to us that, as the city
has a good street sprinkler, sand and
gravel placed in tho middle of the
streets would make an excellent road
way, and at a cost perhaps less than
with any other good material. The sug
gestion is certainly worthy of considera
tion. How would it do to try two or
three rods of it, and thus test its merits?
Tho Cedar Rapids Republican says
of Rev. Leedom's sermon at tho Ministe
rial Association meeting on the nature
and duration of future punishment, that
"it was evidently prepared with great
care and was regarded as an able effort.
Tho subject, of course, is not the most
agreeable to the popular ear, and the ex
treme literal interpretation of scripture
proof given was not accepted by all as
quite uii to the standard of modern or
thodoxy, and yet no one questioned the
abilitv of the sermon."
Letter liist.
List of letters remaining in tho post
offico at Columbus, Nebraska, for the
week ending April 18, 1812:
John (Silisoii,
(i. Ynlc,
Ham Johnson,
Uco. It. Parmer,
Miss Jt'uniu Wiltwm,
Miss Mary RirnH,
Uins. M. H trend,
Kred Km men,
A. Hunt,
It. E. Nicholfl.
Mixti Jennitt linger,
Mrs. it. V. McCdodlish.
Parties calling for tho abovo letters
will please say "advertised."
Cabl Kbamer, P. M.
There is no danger from whooping
cough when Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy is freely given. It liquefies the
tough, tenacious mucus and aids in its
expectoration. It also lessens the se
verity and frequency of the paroxysms
of coughing, and insures a speedy re
covery. There is not the least danger
in giving it to children or babies, as it
contains no injurious substance. 50 cent
bottles for sale by C. E. Pollock & Co.
and Dr. Heinz, Druggists. tf
The population of Columbus is
about 3,500, and wo would say at least
one-half are troubled with some affec
tion of the throat and lungs, as those
complaints are, according to statistics,
more numerous than others. We would
advise all our readers not to neglect tho
opportunity to call on their druggist
and get a bottle of Kemp's Balsam for
the throat and lungs. Trial size free.
Large bottles, 50c and $1. Sold by all
druggists. 34-y
The homeliest man in Columbus as
well as the handsomest, and others are
invited to call on any druggist and get
free a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for
the throat and lungs, a remedy that is
selling entirely upon its merits and is
guaranteed to relieve and cure all
chronic and acute coughs, asthma, bron
chitis and consumption. Large bottles
50 cents and $1. All druggists. 33-y
I. Gluck was in-Omaha last week.
J. D. Stires was in Bellwood on busi
ness Monday.
W. B. Dale visited his family in Oma
ha, over Runday.
A. L. Bixby of the Argus was at Ful
lerton Saturday.
James Kinsman of Clear Creek was
in town Saturday.
The Misses Costello went up to Platte
Center Saturday.
J. B. McFarland of South Omaha was
in the city yesterday.
J. W. Lynch, county treasurer, spent
Sunday in Platte Center.
Miss Ella King of Albion is visiting
the family ofRev. Leedom.
Hon. W. A. McAllister has returned
home from a trip to Texas.
Perry Loshbaugh went to Polk county
Friday to see Grandpa Shank.
Mrs. John Sacrider and son of Watts
ville were in the city Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Meyer came up
from Lincoln Monday evening.
Miss Bertha Kranse was out Saturbay
for the first time in two months.
Mr. Tiel, tailor at the Indian school at
Genoa, was in the city Saturday.
Miss Anna Turner came down from
Genoa Friday, returning Saturday.
Judge Dean of David City returned
last week from an extended trip south.
Mrs. Charity Smith is visiting her bob
David, coming up last week from Oc
tavia. Miss Katie Hays, after a visit here of
a few weeks, has returned to her home
in Platte Center.
G. W. Clark of Humphrey was in the
city Saturday between trains on his way
to Nance county.
Misses Kate Early and Delilah Davis
have returned from an extended visit to
Omaha and Lincoln.
Miss Watkins of Columbus is in town,
visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. Lewis, says the
Humphrey Democrat.
M. H. Barber, editor of the Fullerton
Journal, was in the city Monday and
gave these headquarters a call.
Mrs. V. A. Macken and daughter
Mamie and Johnnie Fagan, havo been
visiting with friends in Omaha the past
Miss Mary Turner went to Kalamazoo,
Madison co., Satnnday, where she will
visit her sister, Mrs. E. H. Jenkins a few
Dr. Condon of Iowa passed through to
Humphrey Saturday, where he will help
his brother, W. M., who has a large prac
tice in dentistry.
E. B. Leedom, a studont at the Gar
rett Biblical Institute, Evanston, 111., is
at home visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. B. Leedom.
W. B. Backus, superintendent of the
Indian school at Genoa, returned home
from Washington Sunday, having ac
complished what he wont for.
Ellis G. Brown, one of the telegraph
operators at the U. P. headquarters in
this city, went to Cedar Bapids Satur
day to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
G. W. Brown.
D. Anderson of South Omaha was in
the city on business Thursday and Fri
day. He said Mrs. Anderson had par
tially recovered her health, and expected
to visit friends in Ohio this summer.
lost a horse
John Berlin
and twelve
hogs recently.
Mr. McTaggart had a hor6o killed by
lightning in the last thunder storm.
M. C. and Carrie Hanchett have both
been sick and are not able to be out or
sit up all the time.
Effie Walen came home from school at
Genoa sick and is not much better.
Martin is sick also.
Martin Nelson and sister Lena have
both had a relapso of diphtheria and are
only just getting a little better.
The men that are not sick are sowing
gjain in tho mud.
Mrs. Scleter expects her sister from
Sweden to visit her this summer.
Important Clubbing Announcement.
We aro pleased to announce to our
readers that we have made arrangements
with tho publishers of the Nebraska
Farmer, the leading live stock and farm
journal of tho west, by which we can
offer it one year with The Columbus
Joubxal and the Nebraska Family Jour
nal, all for $2.80, but very little more
than the prico of one publication. This
offer is good- for renewals or new sub
scribers. Let every ono who desires to
tako advantage of this liberal offer do so
at once. Address,
M. K. Tubxeb & Co.,
Columbus, Neb.
"I have just recovered from
ond attack of the grip this year," says
Mr. James O. Jones, publisher of the
Leader, Mexia, Texas. "In the latter
case I used Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy, and I think with considerable suc
cess, only being in bed a little over two
days, against ten days for the first at
tack. The second attack I am satisfied
would have been equally as bad as tho
first but for tho use of this remedy, as I
had to go to bed in about six hours after
being 'struck'.with it, while in the first
case I was able to attend to business
aIout two days licfore getting 'down.' "
50 cent bottles for sale by C. E. Pollock
& Co. and Dr. Heiutz, Druggists. tf
ethodist Cenentl Confereace At Om-
ha. May, I892.
the accommodation of those de
siring to visit at points east of. in the
Icinity of or at Omaha, during May, the
Union Pacific will soil tickets at one
fare for the round trip. Tickets on sale
April 28 to 30 inclnsive, limited to June
1, 1892. For tickets or additional in
formation apply to J. R. Meagher, agent
U. P. System, Columbus. 52-3t
The Coming Line.
ago, Union Pacific & North
e offers the best accommo-
3p8 to th
the traveling public en route
to Chicago and intermediate points via
Omaha. Through trains, fast time,
magnificent sleeping cars, elegant din
ing care, reclining chair cars and hand
some day coaches. 10-llt
. Wanted.
Cf tile to pasture during the season of
'92. Good pasture; good water and
plenty of salt. Reduced rates on large
herds. Apply by postal card or in per
son, to Alonzo Haiuht.
Columbus, Neb.
For Sale.
Afey3G years of successful farming
in Nebraska, and being desirous of en-
ing in other business, I offer tho fol
lowing lands for sale:
120 acres of good meadow and farm
land on Shell Creek, 2 miles from
Platte Center, living water.
320 acres within one mile and a quar
ter of Oconee on the Loup, with about
100 acres in young timber, a corral for
300 head of cattle, a frame house and
stable and about 60 acres broke, all un
der fence an extra good stock farm,
being well watered.
My homestead farm of about 560 acres,
three miles west of Columbus, finely im
proved, 100 acres of good timber, large
brick house, largest barn in the county,
stables for 300 head of cattle and horses,
five corn cribs, two large granaries, a
large feed yard with living spring water
in it, with ten self feeders, 100 feed
boxes, 400 feet of shedding and tight
board fence, the largest and dryest yard
in the state of Nebraska.
320 acres on the table land 5 miles
northwest of Columbus, under cultiva
tion good buildings and well improved,
at $20 per acre in any portion.
80 acres improved land 3 miles north
west of Columbus, in Section 34, Town
ship 18, Range 1 west, $22.50 per acre.
320 acres of as fine meadow land as
there is in the state, 5 miles from my
homestead farm, all under fence and
within 1 mile of Oconee.
320 acres 4 miles west of Columbus,
80 acres under cultivation, 25 acres of
timber, frame house and stable, all under
fence, and having living water, at $18.00
per acre.
160 acres in Nance county, 5 miles
from Genoa, with 80 acres of young tim
ber and 80 acres of good meadow land.
Terms, Cash. For further information
call on the undersigned at my farm three
miles west of Columbus.
41-2t-p Patrick Mubbay.
Or call on or address Becher, Jaeggi
& Co., Columbus, Nebr.
La Grippe Again.
During the epidemic of la grippe last
season, Dr. King's New Discovery for
consumption, coughs and colds, proved
to be tho best remedy. Reports from the
many who used it confirm this statement.
They were not only quickly relieved, but
the disease left no bad after results. We
ask you to give this remedy a trial and
we guarantee that you will be satisfied
with results, or the purchase price will
be refunded. It has no equal in la
grippe, or any throat, chest or lung
trouble. Trial bottles free at C. B. Still
man's drug store. Largo bottles, 50c.
and $1.00. 2
... - v
We will furnish The Joubxal, Tho
Nobraska Family Journal and the Week
ly Inter-Ocean, ono year, for $2.80, when
paid in advance. Subscriptions received
at any time. If you aro not a subscrib
er to The Joubxal don't wait till your
subscription expires, but pay us enough
to make it one year in advance, and add
the Inter-Ocean, one of the greatest and
best family newspapers in tho world.
The While House Stable.
The American people aro always inter
ested in anything that pertains to the
White House. We are reliably informed
thnt the stables contain a full assort
ment of different drugs and medicines
and they also (bo the head groom says)
keep a bottle of Haller's Barb Wire
Liniment, which is tho most successful
linimont they have ever used. For side
by Wm. Kearville. 9
Omaha and Uetarn One Fare for the Koand
Forthe accommodation of those de-
sirm to visit at points east or, in tho
vicinitysof, or at Omaha in May during
the session of the Methodist General
nference, the Union Pacific will sell
kets to Omaha and return at one faro
for the round trip. Tickets on salo
April 28 to 30 inclusive, limited to June
1, 1892. For any additional information
apply to J. B. Meagher, agent U. P. Sys
tem, Columbus. 52-3t
STEVENS-WELLS-April 13th, at tho M. E.
parsonage in this city, by Ker. J. B. Leedom,
lion. Henry Stevens of Genoa and Miss Mamie
Wells of Fairweather. 111.
gusiness Notices.
Advertisements nnder this head five cents a
line each insertion.
SCHILTZ makes boots and shoes in the
best styles, and nses only the very best
that can be Drocnred in the market. 52-tf
At a regular meeting of the Hoard of So per
visors of Platte county, Nebraska, on January
13, 1892, the following resolution was unani
monsly adopted, tiv.wit:
"Resolved that the Itonrd of Supervisors of
Platto connty earnestly urge nil tax payers to
list their real estate as much as fiossible in balk,
and by so doing assist in lessening the present
heavy and useless expense incident to the
iiresent method of listing proerty, and be it
"Resolved that we request all the Assessors in
Platto county to nso all honorable means in
carrying out the provisions of the foregoing
Hy order of the Board.
Attest: (!. W. PHILLIPS.
County Clerk.
Columbus, Neb., March 2T. 1892. SOmarf.t
Land Ollico at Grand Island. Neb., )
April . 1W2. f
Notico is hereby given that the following
named settler has hied notice of his intention lo
make final proof in support of his claim, mid
that said proof will be made before the clerk of
the district court at Columbus. Neb., on May
21st, 1S92. via: Thomas Wilson, Hd. No. 17225, for
the W. !i N. W. ?4 of section 28, township 1H
north, of range 1 east.
He names the following witnesses to prove hi
continuous residence uHn and cultivation of,
said land, viz: Rudolf C. Muller, Otto MuIIer,
John U. Craun and J. William C. Craun, all of
Columbus, Neb. Fbanklin Hwket.
Maprfit Register.
circuit court of the United States, for the
I Nelirak:i.
vis and Henry A. IVrro. eomidain-
Jeremiah N. Mitchell et al defendants.
in chancery.
Public notice is hereby given that in pnrsn
anceand by virtue of n decre entered inJthe
above cause on the 7th duyof Jnly, lblM, I, D? J I.
Mercer, Special Master in Chancery in said
court, will, on the 2-lth day of May. 1&2, at tho
hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day. at
the front door of tho county court Iiouhl in the
cityf Columbus, Platte county, state and dis
trict of Nebraska, sell at auction tho following
described property, to wit:
Tho east half (Vi) of section one (1); also, the
east half C4) tf the southwest quarter (4) and
the east half (4) of the east half (4) of the
northwest quarter (Ji) of said section one (1),
all in township seventeen (17) north of range
two (2) west or 6th P. M. in Platte connty. Ne
braska. D. H. MERCER.
Special Master in Chancery.
W. H. Atwood,
Solicitor for Complainant. 20npHit
Drink Habit !
Also Tobacco, Morphine and
other Narcotic Habits.
TOIAKE a specialty of cwratini; rieglint;
A purses and sfaWons and thewdKlinK boU. 1
tko Hlto right cte' scirrus enkus canstmby
qlainpohJts with roure. I wifmbo on liaad
as soon ask weatherill permit. L A
23marlp "x A F. J. Hdscueii.
district o
Giles A.M)n
nnts. vs.
Best Chance of All
Ilnying made arrangements with
line of instruments, we have decided to CLOSE OUT OUR ENTIRE
We have just received a full line of spring goods, so this is a grand op-,
portunitv to supplv vourself with anything von need at very low prices.
NVE WILL MARK EVERYTHING DOWN to a price that will insure a
quick sale.
But to get a choice you .should come at once. This is positively your
last chance to luiy goods at Mich prices.
"Will sell the whole stock, good will and tixtures to a reliable party
on easy terms.
Entablkhetl 1S70.
kxa.d. ZESesuL Sstate.
MONEY TO LOAN ON FAHMS at lowest rates of interest, on ahort or Ions time, in amounts "
to suit applicants.
BONDED AHSTKACTEKS OF TITLE to all real oMatP in l' county.
IteprcM'nt THE LEADING INSUKVNVE COMPANIES of tiieWorlil. Our farm ooliciranro
tho inobt LU-nil in iim. Looses adjusted, and rouutl paid at this otliee.
Notary Public always in ollice.
rami anil ciiy property for wile.
Make collections of foreign inheritances and
of Europe.
General Agents for the sale of
Union Piolio and Midland Pacific II. It. Lands for salo at from SS.00 to f 10.00 por aero for cask
or on five or tan years timo, in annnal payments to suit pnrchascra. We havo also a larse and choiot
lot of other lands, improved and unimproved, for salo at low price and on reasonable turuiu. A1m
business and residence lota in tho city. Wo keep a complete abstract of title to ail real estate ir
Platte County.
Wholesale nod Betail Dealer. In
Sane, Poiltry, aid Fresh Fish. AH Kinds of Saisage a Specialty.
LVCash paid for nides, Pelto, Tallow. Highest market price paid for fat cattle."V
Olive Street, twe Doors North of the First National Baik.
y i i y $ y ki u
'The racing season will
soon le here and yon will
want to know what time
your horses make. Ve
have sonic split, seeond
tiiners in gold-filled e:i?e.
for $18.00 and $28.00.
They start, stop and ily
back. They are
at about one-half the price
yon ever heard of before.
AVe have also a fine and
large assortment of
Gold and Silver Watches,
ranging from S-5.00 to
S100.00. We arc bound
to please yon in this line.
Parties with good refer
ences can buy on the eu.-y
payment plan.
Sikh of the H'ik Watch.
A ti h ft h i
S3 SHOE ceheVn
It Is a seamless shew, with no taeki or vraz thread
to hart the feet; mado of tho best flno calr. sty Hsa
and easy, and because we make more W or ffcit
grade than an j other manufacturer, i t equals haaa
sewed shoencostlns from $t.MJ to $3.00.
CK eGenniue llandrwed, tho finest calf
99a shoe eer offered for $3.0): cnuala trench
Imported shoes which cost from 10i to SI2JW
t4. llnnd-Sewcd Welt hf. ano calf.
9"V stylish, comfortable and durable. The best
shoe CTcr offered at this price : same grade as cm-torn-made
shot-s costing from f.(W to ffJ-UJ.
A 5f) Police Hheet Farmer!. Railroad Men
9vi and LettcrCarrlcrsall wear them: tine calf,
seamless; smooth Inside, heavy three soles, exten
sion edge. One pair will wear a year.
A 50 Saecalf: no better hoo crer offered at
9aSa this price; one trial will convince th03o
who want a shoe for comfort and service.
A 25 aad 82.0V Workinsman'f shoes
9'i are very strong and durable. Those who
hare given them a trial will wear no other make.
BAve) 9&.S0 aad 91.75 school shoes am
DUJD worn by the boys everywhere: theyscll
oa their merits, as the Increasing sale3 show.
AffiAaf 93.09 IInud-ewcd shoe, best
rill IPO lxngola. very stylish: equals French
Imported shoes costing from l.(W to $Cjuu.
Ladies' 2.50 82.00 and 81.75 shoe for
Mlssesare the best flceDoagoU. Stylish and durable.
Caatiaa. See that W. L. Douglas' name and
price are stamped on the bottom or each shoe.
Insist on local advertised dealers supplying yo?.
W. 1m DOUGLAS, Bracktoa, Mass. Sold by
Wi. SHILZ, Olive St., Columbus.
Uuly '91-r.iii
The Journal for Job Work.
sHlPnB ak
:i large music house to handle a lull
tell fcteamship tickets to and from alt parts
Andal! kir.df.or country produce taken in tra
nndatlKiMxNilelhrii d freo of charge
to any part of the city.
10.1 f J. n. ih:i,nma,
The American Farmer,
(Established in 189.
The Oldest Agricultural Paper
in America.
Office : 1720 New York Ave.. Washington. D. C.
Office Southern Edition: 22S ; . Baltimore St..
Baltimore. Md.
The veteran Amtkh n I.i:ut i:. ulmli
hy inaiiy yt-:ir of all tin- rtcrntilliinil iwihtk In tin
i-uiiiitry. having l-.-n imiMlsIui! i:t ll.ltinmr- for m-irly
tlintMii:irli'p f:t tTiitury.aud 1 ..y; i:ialntain .i
tiili rhann UT. Iia.s Ita! into ui-iv t.aiul. Jm have
rt'inoviil tlw main tillur to VaMm,tu. 1. I. Tile
ullttvorilM'-MiiitluTii IJlitinii will -till ! al
IilliiiK.rc .M.I.
i:kati.v i:xi.aim:ki axi i.ri:ovi:i.
Tiic nrv.-iir"ri-tnr-i liavt- t'natlv cnluwd ami Im
pruxed the joimril I: in." -' t.i:e i-k- , illi a
li.iiiii(iiii- .u!)-IiNlii-l i r I: . i-rtnK .! .ti tlieU-it
mjIimiii t.ii'- '11.I; . . i r an :U.i:i-t.i:.i. ..I ilti.v-.n.tsim.--by
tli- lx-t .-im It aim ti. .- Ur;i-l
ami liaiuisoii "--t t.irLu-r -ikkIuv.I hi tin- inilry. .mil
wi ttft r rrjc uit t ft hith-fttui inithit't tttttttt r-.
rui; vki:v iirT ac;ku:i;'i:ai.
ill Hie CnitPu r-t.t- iia- ii tu-.-I to wrlli- for U.
-jx-ci.ilb.ts in pit Iiraiirlic if f miilii-:. wl.o .iro a
kaowIedKi-d :ot-md.r t: v.-iy lusiil t tlwir ri-jx-t.
lv lini?-!ii- .r'Nivij'tf:m iMt-ii i-it t:?i! ti ti.n
('tift ll'i- t.trioiH V;-.iilmi-ntjt of tl.e j.mnuil, un.l
--ry"ii"" "ut Ji'wvr m ".- Ushhii If ..l.!u). ntly
ri-iidl on to ix. tin 'n-i . ! l-it-M kmut-rf .ii
HJ.-IU..H t.n ili .ulji-t. X -- intii- -! siuritultun w
nu.k.n ; -tr..!i-i in !..!-. . ...j.iiii-nt.jiii,Tiii:.3::i:ioN-Fai-'i:
: "ilifl ui ' tok"-fii- r.-a!Tfnli ..l.r.-.i-il
f fi .4ti--t th wi. t -u'-. . 'wi ni.iUi-t':ir. the lest in
fo-m ' .in ' .- !: i-t.j tin mt-t !"ul r.iiiror
In tin" imiiiM t. i.;k- io.v t tin- m.r.; from
In .' N .i.i i Ho K n.itiiK.t lii: .non;iti. ami IIh
kwnn.Li an. I :i-'.ulll Iroin Tiii-. Ak;i:-s
Ki:iii: i I I'uiUr lt- Milrx-n; lio.i n-v.i nt )iotlt
.ilV iu- ii. M.t for him. All tl.i.' wilt U:
nialli ir. 'in... anda-ot'i-lntt iiii-i-iy !.iy !.iii.-iiay.
rouTiu: i-'A!:mi:us i'A.nn.v
t!i-r- i a !.ilf-Kir Inii: rln. !.:, .i.:..i- a-,tol i-xtvllrnl '
liort "tini- and iuten-Min.: inr-o-ILi-'t-oirt matter, and
a llnir-eimM lH-;oirtin!H. miKlnitrd hy tin- fwri'iinrl
woman wriu-rou theonltjeii in tl.i whole iiintry.
I'm ltruif. in I'tkiit i -nit ix- entirvly iirutml in
;i!itii-x, 1ml -llinx.rt to the -.: of iNuiilllly .1 Juilirioii
protection tl.roiili mi..nt tines on eerj r.iriniii
pnx'nrt. Il will have no IriciuN In a- partv Imt the
friend of tile Tanners, ami i:u ciiwiiie-t tail ll'elrx. It
will not ho-it.ite :n attack any uho. I. vxeiior
voU'.oppo"- the interests lit the f.irnn r el it will
nrf(iil' .ttt'i eery movement :n 'n-:ri-, an.1
every rnhiix ami i!c.i".in in the l.ti.ili- !.:irt
meat all" timi tho-e interests. It s only tiriiims
Ikijmt in the iiniKtry fiat makes She", things u .-s-cialty.
is!eot-dc-rcci.u'!y to Hie prx!uetr aiet in
terests of tliei-oiitii.aml ul!lare inlalMroref-i-in
promotiiihe well-helmr ofthepl-iiters mid farmers
rhe Journal is piihlHhvd reanlarly mi i'ielstandrlli
ifntrli nio:itIi.Uix.scIviin:2lliii -! ,-r and a i
iinrmirt" amount of re-.uliiis; main r ter : -:o.iey.
The Milwrtption Is jl a jia. jKiyrJi!. In sul
:ince. V liitrmhU'lliiii o3c tAinn!: : it
irihe r. n .iludi rr Is'rifor.Vr-ii:.
lrivi. i ihtns. snt-il whelhcro.t t'ie ortlie
......I t i i.hlion. -nd mm.ey J" xn lit oiiteror Ni-v
.ik "r.ifN. Address .ill eonr ia:iieiti..i. to
1?U New Ym-tt Avenue,
Sample I'apiea Free.
AYuslUugtou, U. ?.