The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 20, 1892, Image 1

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Columbus State Ban!.
(Oldest Bank la tbt Ustcj
Pays Interest onTime Deposi
Mates Loans on Ecal Estate.-
Omcka, Chicago, New York ami a
Foreign Coaatriaa, - '
in 1 Helps its Cnstonun when thsy Meed Ilelp,
lt:ixdi:i: oEiutAitn. rreiidfnt.
JL IL IIKNHY. Vico-I'reiident,
JOIIV BTAUFrJCR, t 'ashler.
Morizei Capital of $500,000
Paifl ii Capital 90,000
j, i
c. n. .snnr.DO.v. rros't.
11. 1'. II. OKtlklllCII. Vlco-rrci't.
O. A. M:UM.W. Cneh'er.
B.VNIKL SOUltAM. Asa't Cash.
" II Sheldon. J. P Becker.
If niiiii 1' ILOehlilch, I'nrl Blanks.
. uu-iWcl h. V. A Motllister.
J. lf nrv Wurdenian, II. M. Wihalow,
ue ir;u V Galley, N. C. Oroy.
I'mik lioror. Arnold K. II. Oehlr8.k
' iloury Losoke, Gerhard Loucke.
lTI'a:tk of SJepnMt ; Interest a'lawed on tltna
l"a;ioilw; luy ana a -II exchange n UnlteJ
I :u'.i n:iJ Kiirspr, and Iuy Mid sell Available
I cur.tios. We aUll le loafed tor-'COlra Tour
business. Wo sjtlcit your patronage. I8dec37
Eleventh street, one loor west of
Hagel & Co'ri.
udiGioHs AdvertisiBg
Creates many a new business,
Enlarges many an old business,
Revives many a dull business
Rescues many a lost business,
'Saves many a failing business,
Preserves many a large business,
Secures success in any business.
So ears a mas of business, sad wa s4d Hal
ladicioae sAterUsiag, fur tala section at eoattry.
Aa one of the medians, becaaee It ia naj tar Mm
best peoplo. those who know what they wmmf Sad
par for what they get. We challengs OomsarkMa
vith any conatry paper in the werld ia this
spect twectj xcara pabliablng ay tas
Management, and never one dan ta
abliahed in Tax Jocbxal. Tkla.
anything else, ahowa tbe class ai MtaM wbe
read Tac Jocbhal arary
A BlaafT Agsnto Waatstf!
1.000 Brewster's Safety acta Kalian
given away to iBlreaneetasm. Xrery
area owner bays from I to SU Haas
uarer under horses' fetC SaMSIeaua
In stamps to Bey'peatace aac
forJilctel riataa aaauieiaav
eta. 2cwsterM.
Caveats and Trade Harks obtained, and all Bat.
ent business conducted for MODERATE FEES.
OFFICE. Woharenoeub-agenci!e,aIlbaaiaeaa
direct, hence we can transact patent bnaineas ia
less time and at LESS COST than those remote
. from Washington.
Send moUel, drawing, or photo, with deacrip
" tion. Wo advise if patentable Or not, free of
charge. Our fee not due till patent ia secured.
A book, "How to Obtain Patents," with refer
ences to actual clients in your etate, county of
. town, sent free. Address
i CpoaitoPaUntOIhWaahTBiaoa.a
3 xs
The Consolidation of Corporations Inim
ical to Legitimate Trade and Contrary
to the Spirit or the Constitution Tho
Judge Reserves Hia Decision.
The Whiskey Trast Case.
Boston special: The United States Dis
trict Attorney has filed an answer in the
whiskey trust suits to President Grecnhut's
motion to quash and tho general demurer
of the other defendants.
Attorney AllcnAolds that tho objections
that tho indictment was indefinite, uncer
tain, and that it did not sufficiently Inform
the accused of the nature of the offense,
arc of no validity and should be overruled
flncc it appears that the indictment does
not charge a statutory offense; that the of
fense is under the second section of the
anti-trust act of July 2, 18M. and charges
the defendants witli monopolizing the arti
cles named therein. He says that the of
fense wai created by an act of misde
meanor, and quotes authorities supporting
the position; that the facts arc not tryable
under a motion of quash, because the facts
as set forth in the indictment show that
the offense was under the statute.
The District Attorney quotes at length
from the speech of Hon. John Shermnn in
the Senate on March SI. 18CU, defining the
purposes of the act, which is to so arm fed
eral courts, within the limits of constitu
tional power, that they may co-operate In
checking and controlling the most danger
ous combinations 'which now threaten the
estate, property, and people of the United
A Probable Clue to the Cause of Fay
master Cileason'a Death.
Marquette, Mich, special: A package
containing fragments of pattialls; burned bills was found near Ishpeming. It
Is believed that the burned bills are part of
the money which disappeared from tho
Cleveland Company's office, on the night of
Jan. 8 last, when Paymaster John Gleason
was shot. It was afterward found that Glea
son was short several hundred dollars, and a
theory of suicide was formed. Hut this
idea was decidedly negative by the location
of the wound, which was such as to make
It practically impossible for Gleason to have
inflicted it upon himself. It Is generally
bilieved that GJcason's murderer concealed
a part of Ills plunder in the wash rock
dump and feared or was unable to get it
again. How the bills came to be partially
burned is a mystery.
A Fiend In Finland.
St. Petersburg special: Anna Sainlo.who
was condemned to death for murdering her
husband. Prof. Sainlo. of the State College
of Tcvastohus, in Finland, has confessed.
She says that she bought a strychnine cap
sule and when her husband asked for qui
nine, enticed by the devil, she lost her rclf
control and gave him a strychnine capsule
in a glass of water. She then kissrd him
and went to the bedroom and put pillows
over her head In order not to hear his
scrcums when dying. She said that he was
never unfaithful, but he was In debt and
she wanted her husband's life insurance,
amounting to $2,500.
A Wealthy Pauper.
New York special: Philip Herzog. an im
migrant, arrived here March 20. His ap
pearance was so poverty-stritkcn that the
Superintendent of Immigration was about
to send him back when Herzog produced
$3,000 and proceeded to his destination,
Kirkvillc, III. Superintendent Weber re
ceived a letter from Chapin & Houghton,
bankers at KirkvlUe, asking for informa
tion of Herzog. The bankers state that
they have $3,500 to his credit in the bank,
but that he oad not arrived there, nor have
they received any news of him.
Preparing; for War.
St Petersburg specltl: The council of
the Empire has adopted a series of drastic
measures which indicate that preparations
are being made for war. All private rail
ways and steamers will be taken by the
government in case the troops arc ordered
Indian Uprising- Threatened.
Winnipeg, Man., special: It is feared
that trouble is to be expected on the north
ern boundary of British Columbia. In
dians from the upper Skeena say that they
will kill the government agent there if an
Indian whom he has In custody, charged
with murder. Is sent down to Victoria for
trial. The Indians are greatly enraged
about the matter and threaten dire ven
geance. "Lucky" Raldwln Forgives.
San Francisco special: Pretty Anjta
Baldwin, who recently eloped with her
cousin, has made up with her father. The
old millionaire fell ill several days ago, and
when the girl learned ho was sick she went
to his bedside to wait upon him as she used
to do. Reconciliation between them is said
to be complete, and the old man will also
forgive George for carrying off his favorite.
Used a Hatchet.
Hanging Rock, Ohio, special: Daniel Mc
Daniels, a widower 40 years old, proposed
to Minnie nayes, aged 18, and she refused
him. He : exclaimed: "Die, then," and
struck her twice with u hatchet, crushing
her skull so that her recovery is impossible.
He next cut his own throat with a razor.
He is in jail with a chance for recovery.
Contributed for Ituasla.
Washington special: Gov. Hoyt, Chair
man of the Russian Relief Committee, has
received $170 from citizens of Cincinnati for
the Russian famine sufferers. He has also
received a liberal contribution from Gov
Flemiug of Florida in behalf of the citizens
of Tallahassee.
A Life Time On the Force.
Inspector Thomas Byrnes has been ap
pointed Superintendent of Folice of New
York. He was appointed a policeman
Dee. 10, 1863. He was then 18 years old.
Inspector Steers was appointed Chief of the
Detective Bureau to succeed Superintend
ent Byrnes.
Sent to the Pen.
Joseph Greener, alias Buckskin Joe, forty
years a frontier scout with Kit Carson,
Generals Sheridan, Crook, Custer, and
narney, was received at the Southern Illi
nois penitentiary to serve one year, for as
suming to be an officer of the United States.
Qsebec Ylaats to Be Free.
A Quebec special says that the Board of
Trade sent a petition to the Dominion gov
ernment asking that Quebec be made a free
port, in order to secure from the United
States a remission of tonnage dues.
To Suspend Boring for Oil.
Pittsburg, Pa., special: The leading oil
producers of the Southwest are preparing
for a general suspension of drilling opera
tions for six months to bring about an ad
vance in prices.
A Fire la Tokio.
A dispatch from Tokio, Japan, says that
a fire there destroyed 6.000 houses. Fifty
persons are known to have lost their lives,
and a number are still missing.
Train Kobber.
Birminshtiu. Ala., special: Five negroes
broke open a car of freght on the Louis
ville & Nashville, between Birmingham and
Decatur, and attempted to steal a ride.
The brakeman s&ue an unsuccessful at
tempt to oust tbem. When the train
stopped, the men took to the woods and
officers went in pursuit. When the negroes
were overtaken a fight ensued. One negro
was mortally Injured and the others cap
tured with the exception of one man. One
of the prisoners confessed that he and his
associates attempted to wreck a Louisville
& Nashville train three weeks ago and suc
ceeded In robbing the Georgia Pacific two
weeks ago.
Two or the Largeat en the Ocean Con
tracted for by the White Star Line.
New York special: Two immense pas
senger steamships are to be built for the
White Star line. Tho vessels will be larger
than the two Cunarders now building on
the Cllde. The Cunarders are of 14,000
tons each, 600 feet long, and to be furnished
with engines of 30,000 horse power. There
Is little doubt that the White Star vessels
bavo already taken form on paper, and
that they will be nearly If not quite 15,000
tons register. This is larger than any
steamship now afloat. That two new freight
steamships, each larger than the twin
screw vessels, Normandlc and Taurlc, are
in course of construction was not denied at
the White Star office. In fact, the first of
these two freighters, Navonlc, will be
ready for service In July, and the other will
be finished later In the season. The Runic
and Cuplc, single screw, will bo withdrawn
from the New York line when the new
freighters go Into service, and will prob-
,ably then ply between Boston and Liver
A Chicago Burglar Who Destroys but
Doesn't Steal.
Chicago special: The latest criminal sen
sation is a burglar who destroys but does
not carry away plunder. During the past
few days numerous cases have been re
ported o' houses being entered and fine
dresses and lace curtains being slashed to
pieces with knives, jewelry broken and
stamped upon, and costly vases smashed in
pjleces. From the manner In which the
houses are entered It is evident that the
despoilcr of jewelry and costly fabrics has
a full equipment of skeleton keys and other
burglars tools. Nothing Is ever missed
from the houses Into which he effects an
entrance, but ho never leaves until his
mania for destrctlon has been amply satis
This Made Capt, King Mad and a Bloody
Scrimmage Followed.
Phoenix, Ariz., special: A serious shoot
ing affray took place ten miles from this
city. Six months ago a company of Minne
apolis capitalists jumped tho dam site of
CaDt. John King's claim and began a series
of improvements, working a force of twenty-six
or thirty men. King ordered the
party to quit work at the point of a rifle,
which they did. Later he Insisted that
they leave the claim. On their refusal, he
tired several shots. The camp returned tho
fire, hitting King in both legs. He was
brought to this city In a precarious condi
tion, but It is thought he will recover. Itls
likely a feud will follow
Blscharged at New York, but Rearrested
on Warrants from Boston.
New York special: James A. Taylor,
who was held by a Police Court warrant on
charge of bigamy, and against whom there
arc sixty-one charges of polygamy, was
discharged by Justice Truax, of the Su
prcnio Court. His counsel contended that
he could not be held without requisition
papers, as his first marriage occurred here
and his second in Boston.
Subsequently a writ of habeas corpus was
Issued for the production of Taylor In court
and hewas rearrested on papers from Bos
ton. The writ was obtained on the ground of
the insufficiency of the requisition papers.
Are Ready to i-tart.
Kingfisher, Oklahoma, special: There Is
an almost unbroken line of encampment
along the borders of the Cheyenne and
Arapahoe reservations, and every moment
the ranks of the boomer receives recruits.
Most of the boomers are a fine class of Im
migrants, although a number of Texas ne
groes, who are poorly equipped, are wait
ing on the south side. In spite of the vigi
lance of the soldiers, some people slipped
iuto the country, and when the opening
comes it Is. probable every place offering
any concealment will be occupied by "soon
crs." The facilities of towns along the
border are taxed to their utmost to accom
modate the rush. The line is already
formed in front of the land office. Town
sites in six new counties have been sur
veyed aud artistically named. Watonga
will be the county scat of C, Tolga of D,
Ioland of E, Ewing of F, Arap-thoe of G.
and Rossmore of II. It is stated that there
is no doubt but that the town sites will be
opened on the same day as the land.
Bad a Lizard In His Stomach.
Stroudsburg, Pa., special: Frederick P.
Phillips several years ago began to suffer
from peculiar pains in his stomach. At
times the pain was most severe, and his
life was despaired of. He h-s been a con
firmed Invalid for two years. His belief
was that some kind of an animal was inhab
iting his stomach, but his physician; ridi
culed the Idea and doctored him for in
digestion. Mr. Phillips finally began to
doctor himself, and a few weeks ago he
took a strong dose of liniment and the pain
was lessened. He took a second dose and
there came from hint a short time after
ward a full grown lizaad about five Inches
in length. Phillips is on bis way to recov
ery. Nine of Them Drowned.
Boston special: Instructor A. F. Noi
burg of the Boston Farm School, St. Thomp
son's Island, left the city with ten boys
connected with the school, in a sailboat to
go to the Island. Midway the boat was up
set by a squall and all were thrown into the
ice water. All managed to cling to the
vessel, but no relief came and one by one
they were chilled through, slipped from the
insecure support and drowned, until the
instructor and eight boys were gone. At
the end of four hours the boat drifted
ashore with two survivors.
They Forgot the Fire.
Warsaw, Ind., special: Word came from
ricrccton, a village of 1,200 inhabitants,
nine miles east, that one of the principal
business blocks was on fire. Two fire com
panies were sent from here. When the fire
was at Its worst a couple of the members of
the two companies became Involved in a
controversy. Each company took the side
of its member, and for awhile the fire was
forgotten, and the companies turned their
nozzles on each other. In the meantime the
building was consumed.
Cattle Common to prime 13.25 A I'.l
Hogs Shipping grades 4 53 Q 4 61
Sheep.... ..-.---.. ....... &.75 $ 6.10
Wheat Cash 8JK
Corn Cash 4.?i
4plO a
Rye '
Barley 60
f Xaaa O J
Butter Western Dairy 16 Mb
Eggs Western 2h& -13
Catte fat steers S 3.40 & 39)
Cattle Feeders 8.75 & 3.n
Hogs 4X0 44)
Sheep....... . 45 5.50
UCJali a O
Oats(new) ai
Com 3b oa .23
Cattle Common to prime $333 Q S. 5
Hogs Shippers 45 & 4.4)
Wheat .93 .j
Corn n m j
Oats Western o & &
America Pays 125,000 Francs Indemnity
Washington special: Inquiry from this
city confirms the statement from Rome of a
complete amicable settlement between the
United States and Italy of the trouble grow
ing out of tho New Orleans tragedy. The
United States acted voluntarily, simply as
an act of justice and good will, without
committing Itself to a recognition of any
claim for Indemnity. The money has been
placed In the hands of a representative of
Italy for the heirs of the three Italians
killed In New Orleans who were found to be
subjects of Italy.
Tho full text of tho correspondence on tne
subject was made public. The fint exhibit
was a letter from Secretary Blaine, dated
April 12, to Marquis Imperial!, Italian
charge d'affaires, congratulating him that
the difficulty growing out of tho lamentable
massacre at New Orleans was about to bo
consummated, and saying that the Presi
dent feels that there should be ample in
demnity for such an injury and Instructs
him to tender 125,000 francs to be distrib
uted by the Italian government among the
families of the victims. Blaine says that
while the Injury was not directly Inflicted
by the United States, the President feels
that it Is a solemn duty, as well as great
pleasure, for the national government to
pay satisfactory Indemnity, and hopes that
the Presldeat's instructions may efface all
memory of the unhappy tragedy and that
the old and friendly relations between the
United States and Italy may be restored.
In closing Blaine assures Imperial! that his
service is grateful and acceptable to the
United State.
Marquis Imperial!, In acknowledging
Blalno's note, expressed the pleasure of his
majesty's government to learn that the
United States acknowledges it as its solemn
duty and at the same, time a great pleasure
to pay indemnity to Italy, and accepts the
same without prejudice to the judicial steps
which it may be proper for tiic parties to
take and sees no reason why tho relations
between the two governments should not
again become intimafe, cordial and friendly
under the instructions to Premier Rudini
and In the name of the Dalian government.
Imperial! declares to Blainu that diplo
matic relations between Italy and the
United States are fully re-established and
pending the Minister's return to the capital
advises him that he will take charge of the
royal legation In the capacity of Charge
d' Affairs.
Bookkeeper Wlltshaw Found to Be Short
Some 933,000.
New York sjiecial: Wall Street paused to
listen to tho latest tale of defalcation. It
was tho same familiar story. Ayoun? man
eager for strawierric.s in December and as
paragus in January, and fino wines and
cigars at all times, aud a mighty slim in
come with which to meet even the ordinary
expenses of a modest station. The United
Stat-s National Bank at 4 Wall Street, of
which Dr. James N. Parker, ex-President
of the Cotton Exchange, is President, and
Henry C. Hopkins is cashier, opened its
doors for business about ten years ago in
the Washington building, facing Battery
Park. The late Mrs. Edward Scarles,
widow of Mark Hopkins of California, and
her husband had an interest in the bank's
affairs. Almost from tho day tho bank
opened its doors for business, II. Wiltshaw
was one of Its most trusted employes. He
entered the bank's service as a junior clerk,
and rose to bo tiic individual bookkeeper.
Ills duties gave him direct dealings with
depositors. On Nov. 14 last Wiltshaw left tho
bank hurriedly in his thin alRaca oflico
coat, and that is the last Dr Parker and his
associates have seen of him. At the time
Wiltshaw left lie was aware that ids books
vi ere beiug examined. Dr. Parker an
nounces authoritatively that Wiltshaw was
a defaulter to the amount of $32,072, of
which Dr. Parker thinks the bank may re
cover $8,700.
Three Men Hold Up a Train and Get
Away with SJ3tOOO.
New Orleans special: A daring aud suc
cessful robbery was committed within seventy-five
miles of this city. When a pas
senger train on the Illinois Central, north
bound, reached Hammond station, a man
boarded the engine, thrust a revolver in
the faces of the engineer and fireman, and
ordered them to go ahead. The command
was obeyed, and they ran to Independence,
where tho switch was taken aud No. 3
passed. The southbound train had scarcely
fluted by when two confederates of the in
dividual on the engine jumped aboard, and
at Neusome Mills the engineer was ordered
to halt. The engineer and fireman were
used by the robbers and Instructed to go to
the express car and order the messenger to
open the car, which was complied with and
an entrance effected by the robbers. The
safe was emptied of its contents, and the
robbers disappeared in the darkness, leav
ing the malls and passengers undisturbed.
Superintendent Fisher of the express com
pany said the robbers would get hardly
$3,000. A posse with bloodhounds is In
search of the robbers.
Their Lives Paid the Penalty.
A special from Fremont, Col., says: A
terrible explosion of giant powder occurred
at the Tani O'Shantcr house in Poverty
Gulch. Benjamin Hayden and Joseph
Kernes were handHng the powder prepar
atory to putting In a shot in the mine. A
man was in the shaft house, and noticing
the careless manner in which the powder
was being handled, he expostulated with
the other men, and at the same time run
ning for tho door. He had just passed
through it when an awful explosion took
place, wrecking the building and stunning
him for a few moments. When he recovered
he found that Kernes was dead and Hayden
was so badly wounded that he cannot live.
Clew to an Indiana Murder.
Marion, Ind. special: On the morning of
March 3, the body of William Raridon was
found near the Panhandle Railroad, just
south of herewith his skull crushed and his
pockets emptied of money. Several invest
igations by the Coroner confirmed the sus
picions of foul play, but implicated no one.
Nancy E. Burke, a domestic, filed an affi
dalt with Mayor Moore, stating that next
day Tobias Halllngcr, a laborer, had con
fessed to her that he had killed Raridon for
his money. She had kept the secret until
prompted to its publication by a fortune
teller who detected a b'irden resting on her
soul which could be removed only by con
fession. He Would Gamble.
Chicago special: Private Edward Cotah,
the only Chinaman in the army of the
United States, has been banished in dis
grace from Fort Sheridan, near this city, to
the far West. He has been In the service
over twenty-seven years- The cause of his
removal to his new station on the Niobrara
is for selling liquor and keeping a gambling
house, which was patronized by his white
Three Workmen Killed.
Lima. Ohio, special: A violent explosion
took place in Hard's machine shop by
which three men were killed. A piston
head was brought to the shop for repairs
which was put into a furnace and the heat!
converted the water it contained Into'
steam. The furnace was blown to frag
ments. W. Henry, Frank Josetta. and
Dave fiogan, who were struck by the pieces,
were killed.
Insurance Company Falls.
St. Paul, Minn , special: The St. Paul
German Fire Insurance Comrany made an
assignment for the benefit of creditors" on
account of insufticle it bu-ines-. The stock
holders are tho only persons who suffer aud
all obligations Will be met in full. No fig
ures have been given out. The St Paul
German Accident Insurance Company is in
no wise affected by the failure.
News of Everyday Lire or a Great State
Gathered and Condensed In a Nutshell
Happenings lor the Past Week from
All Over the State.
Killed at Schuyler.
Owes Green, a young man about 20
years of age, was struck and killed by
an cast-bound wild freight, about half
a mile west of Schuyler. Ho was sub
ject to epileptic Ots, and while rcturn
ine home was taken with one and fell
on tho track. Tho engineer sounded
tho signal whon he saw him, and the
young man partially raised up. but was
unablo to get off the track. Tho coro
ner's jury brought in a verdict of death
by being struck by a Union PaciGc on
ginc. They attached no blame to tho
engineer, although his train ran fully
300 yards beyond where tho accident
happened beforo stopping, and was
about fifty yards from the young man
when tho engineer recognized tho ob
ject on tho track to be a living person.
Romance of a Chicago Wair Who Now
Wants Hei Foster Father's Property.
Something over twenty yoars ago
Elder Jason G. Miller of Lincoln
.adopted, from a foundling hospital in
Chicago, a baby girl and brought her to
his home in that city. He died in Cali
fornia three months ago leaving an es
tato valued at S.iOO,coo, largely real es
tate in Lincoln. In the meantime the
girl, against tho wishes of her foster
parents, married, becoming Mrs. E. O.
Lewis. Eider Miller left a will be
queathing the larger part of his wealth
to charity and none to the daughter.
After his death the claim was made
that tho girl had never been adopted,
and this could not be disproved, as the
great Chicago lire had destroyed tho
court records. Recently, however, a
detective visited Chicago and thero
found the woman who placed in tho
arms of Elder Miller the foundling
child, and whose testimony is to the ef
fect that the adoption was legal Mrs.
Lewis now brings suit for half tho es
tate. The former name of Mrs. Lewis
and the history of her parentage havo
never been revealed.
Nebraska Butter and Egg Dealers' Asso
ciation in Session.
A meeting of delegates from the Ne
braska lluttcr and Egg Dealers' Associ
ation was held in Fremont. Tho meet
ing was for a conference with represent
atives of tho Eastern association, em
bracing Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, and
New York. These representatives
were Mr. Cherry of Now York,
and Messrs. Horn and Harris of Union
City, Ind. The object of this con
ference was to discuss matters of
mutual interest, tho principal one of
which is with reference to railroad
rates. The point to be striven for in
this direction is to get the same rates
on shipments as are now m ail o to the
dressed beef men. The risk of hand
ling butter and eggs is practically iden
tical with that of handling dressed beef
yet the rates are twice as high.
The question of promoting legislation
in the direction of driving out oleomar
garinc as a competitor of dairy proJ
nets was also consMcre:!. No definite
action was taken, but a bcgiun'ng was
made for uniform action that will bo
followed up in the future.
Mrs. Judge Miller and Two Daughters
Hurt in a Runaway.
As Mks. Judge and her two
daughters wero driving into Cole Ridge
from Hartington they were run over by
a frightened team coming from the
opposite direction. The horses sprang
upon the carriage of Mrs. Miller, turn
ing it over and violently hurling the oc
cupants to the ground beneath the car
riage. Mrs. Miller, perfectly helpless, was
carried to a house near by, whero she
now lies in a critical condition. It can
not at present be determined how dan
gerous her injuries are. Although tho
two daughters were thrown beneath the
buggy and the frightened horses passed
over tbem, they received only slight
bruises. The carriage was literally
smashed to splinters.
Shut at Ills Wire by Mistake.
A few nights recently D. M. Wolf, a
merchant of University Place, was
aroused by a noise at his front door,
and seizing a gun and light, proceeded
to investigate. The would-be burglar
answered him back when he asked
what was wanted, but heeded the warn
ing to mako himself scarce. Mr. Wolf
thereupon blew out the light and started
back to his bedroom. In tho meantime
his wife had arisen and was in the
kitchen, in tho act of pulling down a
window blind, when her husband came
to the room. Supposing she was an ac
complice of the other fellow attempting
.to escapo by way of tho window, Mr.
Wolf took as straight aim as ho could
and fired, tho ball going so near to its
mark that the powder burnt his wife's
neck. No injury resulted from the ac
cident other than a terrible shock
which has prostrated tho lady for tho
time being.
Ilartlngton's Proposed Oat Meal Mill.
The leading business men of Harting
ton held a meeting at the County
Judge's office, tho object of tho meet
ing being the consideration of having
an oat meal mill placed in that city.
The meeting was largely attended and
a great deal of enthusiasm was mani
fested. A committee was appointed to
solicit 30,000 wortii of slock. To this
amount the company which is to put in
the plant will add ? 1 00, 000. The mill
is to have a capacity of 00 barrels per
day, and to be completed within ninety
days from the time the ageement is
made with tho company.
Ponca Is Alter It.
A delegation consisting of N. S.
Potter and F. M. Dorsey of Ponca leave
for Lincoln to represent the Ponca
Driving and Fair Association at the
meeting of the Association of Nebraska
Trotting Horse Urecders in that city in
an endeavor to secure the August meet
ing of that association for Ponca. Lib
eral inducements will be offered and if
that meeting can be secured Ponca will
stand pre-eminent among the horse cen
ters of the State, no city having offered
nearly the purses offered by their asso
ciation for its July and October meet
ings. Union Pacific Brakeman Killed.
Chakles E. Wheeler, a brakeman
on the Union Pacific Railway, was
killed at Sidney. Wheeler had just
stepped off his caboose and was in the
act of going to the depot when the en
gine, which was on the other track,
backed up, completely cutting Wheeler's
head off. Wheeler leaves a wife and
child at North Platte.
stockville Citizens Disappointed.
For some time past the people of
Stockville have been anxious to have
the Court House yard improved a"nd
made presentable by planting trees
around the same, but tho Commissioners
hare always refused to do anything in!
that line, on account of the possible ex
pense to the connty. A number or
wide awake citizens made another effort
in this matter. They presented a writ
ten offer, signed by almost every busi-J
ness man in tho village, agreeing to'
plant the trees, seed down the yard and
keep the same fram weeds for the next
five years without any expense to the
county, provided the county would
fence tho same, but the Commissioners
refused to allow anything to be done.
He Was from Omaha.
A half-dozen Fremont business men
are kicking themselves for having been
confidenced by one L. Marks of Omaha,
who was in that city a day or two ago,
and who, according to his own confes
sion, was a llttlo short of funds. Ho
represented that ho was with-tho Al
bright Land Company, and that he
was paying taxes, etc. He succeeded
in getting several suckers to bito, and
they advanced him small sums of 12 to
$15 each by his giving them drafts on
himself through two Omaha banks.
The drafts have come back unhonorcd
and with protest charges, which must
bo paid by those who had tho honor of
Marks' brief acquaintance. Ono of the
victims is the City Marshal, who is also
at the head of a Detective Bureau. i
Old Settlera Meet at Gibbon.
The 7th Inst, was the twenty-first an
niversary of the settlement of Olbbon.'
In commemoration of the event about
twenty families, representing tho origi
nal colony, met in Davis's hall and
spent tho day and evening in a social
reunion. A permanent organization
was formed and they wilt meet every
year. The forenoon session consisted
mostly in the organization, and the'
evening session was occupied in nar
rating some of the incidents of their
pioneer life. Mrs. C. O. Childs of Shcl
ton read extracts from the first paper1
printed in Gibbon, and other members'
gavo short stories of their experience,
with the Indians.
Norfolk's Religions Revival.
A woNDERrui. revival of religion
now in progress at Norfolk under the:
leadership of Rev. N. L. HoopingarnerJ
tho distinguished Western evangelist.!
The meetings were commenced in Clio!
Methodist Episcopal Chnrch, but the!
church proved too small to accommo-;
date tho largo crowds that assembled to
hear tho preaching and the meetings;
were adjoin ned to tho opera house,
which is filled each evening. The meet
ings have been in progress littlo less
than ono week and a largo number have
already been converted, nearly all ofj
whom are adults.
Wanted Her Wealth.
Amie Wh.mams of Omaha was at
tacked by her uncle, Llewellyn Will
iams, and so badly beaten with a sledge'
hammer that sho wjll die. Miss Will
iams is heiress to a large property in
England. Several months ago her tin-,
cle came from England and urged her
to sign the inheritance over to him.
Sho refused, but offered him a homo
with her, her father being in Sioux
City. He accepted her offer, but after
brooding for a time over her refusal to
sign over the inheritance to him, became
crazed and assaulted her. Ho is now in
Took a Drink or Aconite.
A' mistake which might have resulted
fatally to tho participator occurred at
the drug store of J. L. Stewart, at Ran
dolph. In filling a prescription a bottle
of aconito had been used and had not
been removed when G. E. Rcebc entered
tho storo and eoing behind the prescrip-.
tion case took a swallow of the poison,
not knowing its deadly nature. His
mistake was immediately discovered'
and antidotes promptlv administered.
which were finally successful in thwart
ing tho action of the poison. !
A Normal for O'Neill. j
MESSRS. Giinn, Yost & Co. of Fort
Scott, Kan., have contracted for eighty
acres of land in what is known as II a
zclt's Addition to O'Neill, and a weir
known company will erect a normal
college. This is the same company that
is now building a normal school at
Wayne. Parties there received a letter
from Gunn, Yost & Co., who say that
work will begin soon on the college,
and the contract calls for its construc
tion by Sept. 1.
Llnco'nlten Protest.
At Lincoln a mass meeting of repre
sentative citizens, Gen. John M. Thayer
presiding-, protested against the passage;
of the bill now before Congress appro-)
priating 100,000 to defray the expenses
of the next Grand Army encampment
to be he!d at Washington, D. C. Reso
lutions were passed instructing the No'
braska members of Congress to vote
against the bill and a protest will bo
made before tho Houso Appropriations
Sixteen Hundred Acres in Wheat.
Ciias. Klcckiiohn, who owns about
.1,000 acre i of land near LcMars, will
have 1,000 acres of it put into wheat.
The larger part of his land is farm land
which he personally looks after. Mr.
Kluckhohn purchased a large quantity
of this land two years ago, and raised
grain enough on it tho first year to pay
for tho land, and the land to-day is
worth SiO an aero more than when he
purchased it
Ite Eloped with a Farmer's Wire.
Ed Huddard of Papillion, the man
accused of eloping with the wife of
Adolph Peterson some months ago,
waived examination and was bound over
to the District Court in the sum of :jr,C
on the charge of adultery. The woman
he is accused of eloping with is the wife
of ono of the wealthiest aud most re
spected citizens of the county.
Returning to Sun Salvador.
J. W. Love of Fremont, Consul tc
San Salvador, left for that country to
resume his official duties there after an
absence of several months from his
post to look after his private business
at home. Mr. Love goes by way of
Washington to confer with Secretary
Rlainc relative to certain policies to be
pursued by him in Salvador.
To Improve Country Roads.
The movement for a reform of the
methods of working and improving
country roads has resulted in the call
ing of a county meeting, to be held in
Fremont. One township of the county
is already moving in the matter of sub
mitting a bond proposition for road pur
poses at a special election.
Candidates for Weat Point.
Congressman McKeighan has given
the press a notice of an examination to
be held in May at Hastings of candi
dates for West Point. Cadet Arthur
Edwards of Hastings will graduate this
summer, and It is to fill this vacancy
that the examination will be held.
Dunkarda to Meet at Juniata.
The Dunkards held a big State busi
ness meeting at Juniata. There was
delegates present from all pans of the
State. The society will build a large
church in tne south side of town this
(.rand Island Burglir Captured. '
A Union Pacific car at Grand Island
was broken into and goods to the value
of S160 stolen. Tbo parties were
Bills 'ntrodaced and the important Do
ings s a Meek in tho rouse and Sen
ateA Variety o Topics
front Washington
la teres!
The Solbas at Work.
The Senate on the 8th resumed the con
sideration of the District of Columbia ap
propriation bill. Senator Cockrell's amend
ment offered was rejected. Senator Quay
offered a resolution, which was agreed to,
restricting tho use of tho appropriation for
tho subsistence and quartors of visiting
soldiers, excluding those residing in tho
District. The quostlon was then taken on
Senator McMillan's amendment, and it was
agreed to II to 10. Tho amendment as
agreed to appropriates out of the treasury
$100,000 to pay for the subsistence and
quarters of vetorans and delegates to tho
encampment, tho money to bo disbursed by
tho Citizens' Executlvo Committee under
tho regulations prescribed by the Secretary
of War.
In the House on the 0th the river and
harbor bill was reported aud placed on tho
calendar. The consideration of tho cotton
bagging bill was then resumed. Dalzell
spoke in opposition to the bill. Mr. Turner
closed the debate, speaking In favor of tho
bill. Tho bill was then passed yeas 167,
nays 46; a strict party vote except Coburn,
O'Neill of Missouri and English. Demo
crats, who voted In tho negative. Tho bill
to reduce duty on tiu plate was reported
and referred to tho Commltteo of tho
Wholo. Public business was thea sus
pended and eulogies of the late Represent
ative M. II. Ford of Michigan was deliv
ered, after which, as a mark of respect to
the memory of the deceased, tho House ad
journed In the Senate on the 10th Senator Morgan
offered a resolution requesting the Presi
dent to furnish the items of taxation on
imports from the United States Imposed by
Hftyti, upon which tho President based hU
proclamation that the tariff law of Haytl is
reciprocally unjust to the United States:
aNo the correspondence on tho subject;
also whether the President made any agree
ment with Germany relative to the admis
sion into this country from Germany, freo
of duty, of sugar, hides, tea or coffee;
whether Germany accepted such agree
ment; what articles arc to be admitted free
Into Germany from the United States in re
turn, and the correspondence n tho sub
ject. Two resolutions by Senator McMlilln
In regard to tho relectlon of bids fur tho
construction of warships at tho lake ports,
and in regard to the agreement between the
United States and Great Britain covering
the question of the naval forces to be main
tained on the great lakes, were agreed to.
Senator Palmer Introduced a bill to remove
tho limitations to the payment of arrears
of pensions. Senator Stewart offered a res
olution calling on the Secretary of the
Treasury for information connected with
the purchase and coinage of silver and gave
notice that he would speak briefly
on the monthly statements of tho Secretary
of tho Treasury on finances. After re
marks by Senator Galllnger on his bill for a
commission to select a site for a sanitarium
for pulmonary patients, the bill was referred
to the Commltteo on Epidemic Diseases;
then the Senate proceeded to executive
In the House, on motion of Mr. Durborow
of Illinois the bill was passed repealing tho
joint resolution passed by tho Fifty-first
Congress authorizing the Secretary of War
to lease the pierat the mouth of thu Chicago
River. Tho floor was then accorded to the
Committee on District of Columbia. A few
local measures were passed and the Houso
In the House on the 12th tho Senate
amendments to the Indian appropriation
bill were non-concurred in. On motion of
Hayes a bill was passed authorizing the
Illinois aud Iowa Railway and Terminal
Company to construct a bridgoacross tho
Mississippi River at Muiinc. III. Mr. Allen
asked unanimous consent for the present
consideration of a joint resolution appro
priating $50000 for the purchase and distri
bution of subsistence stores to sufferers
from the overflow of the Tombigbce River
and its tributaries. Messrs. Peel. Allen,
and Wilson, of Washington, were appointed
as conferee on tho Indian appropriation
bill. Thu House then took up the urgent
deficiency appropriation bill in tho commit
tee of tho whole. Mr. Illand took advant
age of the scope of the debute to bring up
silver Investigation by having read Palm
er's letter to a Chicago paper declaring
that the Bland bill was not a free coinage
measure. The committee rose, and the
bill, which appropriates Sl.OI2.631. was
passed. The Houso then went into com
mittee of the whole on the naval appropri
ation bill.
More than two hours time of the Houso
on the 14th was consumed in determining
whether Stone of Kentucky, Fithian. John
son of Ohio, ana Bowman could, by precon
certed arrangement and under leave to
print, publish in the llcctml at public cx
pitiMj and distribute under government
frank Henry George s book on "Protection
and F.-ee Trade." Although the attempt
to expunge thu matter proved unsuccessful
lo will probably bJ fruitful of good results.
as Republicans threaten to publish books
In favor or protection in the ieord, and it
will Iiecomo a circulating library. The re
mainder of the day was consumed in thu
conslde-iation of tho naval approDriation
bill. Boutcllu advocated strongly the
amendment providing for two additional
bnttle ships and ten torpedo bjats.
The illness of tho Duke of Edinburgh
recalls the fact that it was a similar ill
ness, hopeless from the start, which
carried off his brother, the Dake of Al
bany An irreverent critic is said to havo
shocked Augustin Daly greatly by ob
serving of Baron D'Eynecourt's recent
sylvar. drama: "Tennyson is in no
sense a Sardou. Nor, for the matter of
that, is he a sardine."
The Valkyrie, tho Earl of Dunra
ven's speeJy yacht, has won some fino
prizes in the matches olf the Riviera
Kho is on: of the fastest yachts in Med
iterranean waters, and there is no
keener yachtsman afloat than her
The New York Advcrtlfcr says: After
a careful diagnosis of his symptoms, Mr.
Thurston has come to thu conclusion
that he is suffering from an acute at
tack of the Vice-Presidential fever. It
may bo added that this is a very rare
disease and not contagious.
Lady Brassey, who met her hus
band, Sir Thomas Brassey, on the fa
mous yacht Sunbeam, near Washing
ton a few days ago, has well won a rep
utation as a traveler. Her writings en
route, too. are seasoned with smooth
words and sharp observations.
Enolandjs representative at the
Behring Sea conference in Washington,
Sir George Baden-Powell, Is a pro
nounced free-trader. As an author in
the economic field ho has made his
mark, his work on "Protection and Bad
Times" being considered a standard.
There seems to bo a growing disposi
tion to suppress the funny man in news
paper life, and now some of the gradu
ates from Vassar haveappointed a spe
cial committee whoso lively mission it
is to be to see to it that nothing but the
truth is written about their dear alma
It seems that publishers like liberties
with titles. Mr. Howell's last storr,
"The Quality of Mercy," has been
printed in England under the title
"John Northwick, Defaulter,"' owing to
the circumstances that another book
under the American title bad already
been published there.
The widow of Gen. Custer is not only
a beautiful woman, but a fascinating
talker also. She is frequently reported
as giving lectures in various parts of the
country, and description of "Buffa
loes and HufTalo Hunting" in Spring
field the other evening. lasting two full
hours, is said to have been delightfully
First National Bank
Eeuort of ConiitionMay 17, 1890.
Loaca and Discounts
U.S. Bonds
Real astare. far.. Lure BBtl
flxtir?s 17,963.38
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Cash on hand 15,473.45 10.923.07
- S2T9.990.4
C Aid tat and snrrlni fSO.OOa.00
Cn t.xliifd profits 10.12t4.l4
National bouk notes outetindluj 13.SOO.00
Red pconnta lft.bril.21
Due depositors 15C.13I.OS
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OATce oTer Columbus State Bank, Colambusi
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Office over the First National Bank, Columbus.
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M. K TDRNER & co..
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Both, post-paid to any address, for $2.00 a ywir,
strictly in advance. Family Journal, f 1.00 A
Colnmbns. Nob.
MANtrrACTunEB or
Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware !
Job-Work, Boofing and Gutter
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3 Repairing of cllkindtof UphoU
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All kiids of Repairing dene ei
Short Notice. Bnggies, Wag-
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aid all work Giar-
Also toll the world-famous- Walter A.
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: Wis Ofcr Both for a Year, at AM.
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No mora appropriate preeeat can bsj
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The prise of Joubxal ia $2.00, aad The Ameri
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