The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 13, 1892, Image 1

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Columbus State Bant
fOldMt Baak la the
Pajs Merest on Time Dejtsib
Mates Lorn in Real Estate.:
ka, Chicago, Hew York mmM, all
Fereic Gentries
li Ilelpi 1U Customers whea they Meed Help,
1L IL JIENKY. Vice-I'resident,
JOHN 8TAUFB, cashier.
.AiteM Capital of $500,000
M ia Capital 90,000
0. II. HIIIXDON. rres't.
1L 1. H. OEIUUICH. VIco-Prce't.
, C. A. NEW MAN. Cnah'sr.
DANIEL SCUltAU. All't Cash.
f.ll Sl-eMi-n, J. P. Becker,
J I-rnion V ILOvhlilch, '.i rl Blenke,
. oil Wei h. W. A Mo illirter.
J. tiuurv Wunlernan,
Ce r,o W Galloy,
I'iaik Itonr.
Ucury liOieLo,
J!. 51. Wmslow.
B. C. Orey,
Arnold F. H. Orhlrts. ,
GcrnxrJ Losiko.
3Tank of iposit ; intern. s'IottsJ on time
f stilts; I ny :ia e-ll exchange n United
i tatea and Eurc,o. and luy and oil available
i oantios. Wo shall lie ; leisod to r coirs your
jmineS Wo solicit your jatrona.o. l8doc37
street, one door -west of
Hagel & Co'ri.
Judicious Advertising
Creates many a new busmen,
Enlarges many an old business,
Revives many a dull business,
Rescues many a lost business,
Saves many a failing business,
Preserves many a large busineat,
Secures success in any busimeaa,
aaa ot bncineea, ami w M tka4
it ectlalac, (or tbia eectioa et eevatey.
Aeae4 the meilwmm. bee ee It IBee4lrSWf
beet people thoee wko kaow what they mat sjaff
yaqr for what tbergH. We efcaUeaM ooatparieoa
vitb ear country paper ia tbeireilel la tkia M
peet-twecty yeare ambliafcJaaT by the Ml
feusaiceaBent, and aerer oae darn t avbecrlben
Mbliabed ia IB JotraifaU Takf, better tbaa
aaythiBC eke. ehowa tbe daaa T veofla who
teed TM JcpajiAi. erery week. tf
-A .
QSIeVAiMts WantatJI
l,oeo BinHu1! Safety Xcta Mem
ftf veil away (owneaciiaeaj. Kvery
aoraa otuc eaye noes i xo w
attTcraeecraoraar rcn. ea
la ataaaae to pay vaalac ana aiialaa
ftrKlekel Ptotei SawrtataateaMaairel
water sua-. amj.
CaTeate and Trade Marks "obtained, aadi pUJhA.
ent businw conducted for MODEBATU FEES.
OFFICE. Wo bare bo Bnb-agencwe. all bowaye
dirnct. benoe we can transact patent bsslaeae ia
less time and at LSS COST tfaaa tbose reasoto
from Washington.
-Send modtl, draring, or photo, with deeerip
tion. We adieo if patentable Or not, free of
charge. Ocr fee not due till patent is secared.
A book. "Bow to Obtain Patents." with refer.
eaoes to actnal clients in your state, coaaty or
town, sent tree. Aaarees
- frsWrlll , .
ri a3.
la Connecting His Kims with the Presi
dency. He Says in Case !" His Election
"It Woald Be CenstractlTe Salclde"
Coald Net Live Oat His Term.
Blaine's Ultimatum.
Pittsburg special: The Times prints
the following from a correspondent in
Washington: In the course of a con
versation with tbe writer and one of the
leading- physicians of the country, who
occasionally attended tho Secretary,
the physician remarked: "I see some
rapers continue to connect your iiame
with tho presidency, Mr. Secretary."
Mr. Blaino responded: "Tho presidency
8 an office without sleep. I am now C2
years old, and although you have told
me and I believe that in heart, lungs,
kidneys, and otherwise I am tree from or
ganicdiseasc, suffering only from torpid
ity of the liver, I do not believe if
I were to be inaugurated President to
morrow I would live out my term. If I
were assured, therefore, of the nomi
nation and election to the Presidency I
could not accept it. At my age and
with my temperament, and knowing
what effect a long life of exhausting
labor has been upon my vitality, it would
be constructive suicide."
The Secretary spoke with the empha
sis of perfect candor and with the ap
parent desire only to make himself defi
nitely understood.
Alter the Rustlers.
Caspar special: A special Union Pa
cific train came in here from tho south
loaded with armed mon and stock grow
ers' representatives. The rustlers had
started a round-up with the intention
of rounding up all the cattle north of
here and in the Big Horn basin, and
it is supposed the men that started
from here are to start a regular round
Upwards of 100 men left here and
along their lino of march they com
pelled men to travel with them. No
one can guess the outcome, but it is gen
erally thought that blood will flow and
there will be a clean-up of one side or
the other.
The regulators arc led by some of tho
wealthiest citizens of the State, and tho
men are armed with improved weapons
and ride fine horses. Never was there
greater excitement than prevails here
now, as no one knows what such a pow
erful force will do or whom they are
Another Heir to Millions., Wis., special: Mrs. Charles
Shirley has fallen heir to a quarter in
terest in a 1.500,000 estate in Kew
York city and has left for that place to
take legal steps to procure the prop
erty. The estate was left by a great
uncle, who died wealthy and unknown
in New York many years ago. It is
said that nothing was known of his rel
atives till several years ago when the
body was removed and a will found.
The address of a niece was found in a
pocketbook in tho coat in which he was
buried. This niece was Mrs. Shirley's
Tennessee White Caps.
C1.ARKSVH.1.F, Tenn., special: White
Caps who have for some time been op
erating in this country are now re
ported administering their mode of jus
tice to citizens of Houston County, just
across the Montgomery County line.
A man named Keel, residing on Well's
Creek, was taken out and a terrible
whipping given him for his alleged
Two Children Turned to a Crisp.
S-. Louis, Mo., special: n At an early
hour the house of Mat Williams was
burned. Two of his children, Marga
ret," aged 9, and Nettie, aged 8, per
ished in the flames. Williams was ab
sent from home at the time, and it is
supposed the children upset a lamp and,
suffocated by smoke, wcro burned to a
Dover, Dal., special: Hon. Willard
Saulsburv, State Chancellor since 1874,
and United States Senator from 1859 to
1871, died of apoplexy.
Boston special: Through the inter
cession of the State Hoard of Arbitra
tion, the striking furniture workers and
cabinet makers, who wanted nine hours
a day, will return to work on a basis of
nine hours with nine hours' pay.
Xrw York special: Senor Gorgoss
of Venezuela, who has just arrived
here, says the troublo there is worse
than reported here. All the States are
'no. en revolt against Palacio. Finan
ciers arc wrecked and trade is dead.
The revolutionist forces outnumber the
government troops and it looks as if
they would be successful.
Nkw York special: Rumors of the
possible organization of a big sugar
refining company to compete with the
sugar trust are so far advanced that
the projectors are negotiating for suita
ble property on Staten island for the
plant It is further reported that Eras
tus Witnan is interested in the scheme
and ready to invest 1,000.000. Wiman
declined to say who the projectors were.
Mii.i.vili.f, N. J., special: P. J. Mc-
Guire, General Secretary of the United
Brotherhood of Carnentara fnr Amnrirsi.
says that on the 2d of May a demand I most violent symptoms of hydrophobia,
for an eight-hour day will be made by growling, barking, and snapping like a
the carpenters of Baltimore, Cincinnati, doS frothing at tho mouth, and at
Ccnver, Salt Lake City, Decatilr. III., tempting to bite or scratch those near
and Toronto, Can. He considers that him- hen uis Prxysms arc most
the prospects of winning in these cities v,olcnt he ls fastened to the bed with
is very good, and does not expect either' straps. At times these spasms ieavo
a strike or a lockout in either. Mr. ' hlm and he be&s. .those around him to
McGuire further states that seventy
one cities throughout the country will
make a demand for a nine-hour day on
the same date, and thinks that tho de
mand will be granted in sixty-five of
Dover, N. H., special: It has been
learned that Julius McArthur, who
killed Deputy Sheriff Charles H. Smith
)f New Hampshire May 6 last while re
sisting arrest for stealing a horse, and
who escaped from the jail July 17, is
none other than John Arthur Simpson,
alias George Simpson, alias George M.
Stiilwcll, formerly ot Fredericktoc, N.
B., once a Baptist minister, and later a
burglar, horse thief, incendiary, forger,
bigamist, and finally a murderer. His
chief seat of operations for the past
twenty years has been in New England
and the provinces, but -the police think
he has now gone South or West. He is
a remarkably fluent talker. The crime
for which Simpson is wanted was com
mitted less than a month after his dis
charge from tbe State prison of Massa
chusetts after serving a three years'
sentence for bigamy. Leaving Boston
. . . IT 1 . .
ne went 10 ve.rmout, am mere stole a
horse and carriage at Enosburg Falls.
He was overtaken near Farmington, N.
II., with tho team, and in the attempt
to arrest him. shot Ofllcer Smith, who, !
however, held his prisoner until secured I
by others. The day after he wis placed
in jail "McArthur" attempted suicide
by opening a vein. He was then placed
in tho women's depaitment of the jail
for medical treatment, and later suc
ceeded in making his escape.
Sax Francisco special: A meeting
of sugar refiners will be held here.
There is now in San Francisco Claus
Sprcckels, who has just made a com
pact with the sugar trust by which he
will be given a monopoly of this coast;
Paul Eisberg, the German sugar mil
lionaire; C H. Davis, representing the
English sugar refiners, as agent of the
Spaldings of Boston, and no less than
six large Hawaiian planters, whose con
tracts with the American sugar refinery
end in a short time. It is understood
that the conference is to make some ar
rangement for the handling of Hawaiian
sugar. Nearly all the planters of
Hawaii three years ago rebelled against
the Spreckcls domination and formed
an association which bandied two-thirds
of all the Hawaiian sugars. It was re
fined here by the Aaierican refinery.
That agreement is now ended and
Spreckcls action in surrendering to tho
trust practically makes bim master of
the situation. He can dictate terms to
the planters, and it is said they have
secured the help of Eastern and foreign
sugar men to bluff him. If he refuses
to agree to a fair arrangement they pro
pose to form an association and build
an opposition sugar refinery. All inter
ested are close mouthed, but these are
tbe facts and the meeting promises to
be lively, as Spreckels will not endure
any bulldozing.
Lake City, Cola, special: One of tho
richest strikes ever made in the San
Juan country has been made in the
Eagle group by A. L. Lewis and W. C.
Lee, in what is known as Slumgullion
Gulch. The ore runs very high in gold.
A mill run shows nineteen ounces in
gold in an assay of twenty-four ounces.
The vein is six feet wide and is com
posed principally of carbonates, and
can be taken out with a shovel very
easily. Great excitement prevails over
tho find, and hundreds of men are
on the ground staking off claims.
Tho mine is six miles from Lake
City, with a good wagon road all
the way. The strike was made in a
valley three miles wide and four miles
long, ana just unaer tbe surface is an
iron cap. A mill run of two sacks
gavo nine ounces of gold per ton. The
iron cap is about 'twelve feet through
and underneath it is the rich carbon
ales, a small run of which returns nine
teen ounces of gold. So far the vein is
known to bo thirty feet wide and tho
full width is not known. Neither is it
known how deep it is.
Waupaca, Wis,, special: The grand
jury, which has been investigating the
murder of Banker Mead for the last
three weeks, handed in its report and
was discharged. While the result of its
deliberations is kept an official secret,
yet there is a general opinion here that
at least four indictments have beon
found. No arrests have been made as
yet. It is believed that Fred Lea of
Waupaca, member ot the lower Wis
consin House, who was accused of 'the
crime two weeks ago in an amended
answer to his jfuit for slander against
E. E. Gordon, is one of the indicted
men, and that fab Pryor of Rhine
lander, Wis., who was arrested a year
ago and discharged, is another. The
identity of the others is not estab
lished, but they are said to be Sam
Stout, a Waupaca saloonkeeper, and
Ed Bronson of Tacoma, Wash. District
Attorney Gurney and W. C. Williams,
who is assisting him, professed to be
satisfied with the verdict. Tho whole
secret will be out as soon as arrests
are made.
Chicago special: The National
World's Fair Commissioners had a lively
debate on the question of hearing argu
ments as to the propriety of selling
liquor on the World s Fair grounds.
Mr. Brainerd of Connecticut raised
tho question by introducing a resolution
providing that any person who desired
to be heard on the question be allowed
to address the Commission on the day
set apart for considering the Sunday
closing question.
Mr. Huntley of Alabama opposed the
resolution and said that the Commission
should not be made a forum, where any
body of politicians can come and air
their views. It is a disputed point
whether the issue is a political or moral
one, and he did not think that par t'sans
either for or against the sale of whisky,
should le given a pulpit in the Commis
sion from which to disseminate their
views over tho whole United States.
The Commission should bo reached by
petition in the proper way. The rcolu
t'on was laid on the table.
Sax Fjiaxcisco special: The steamer
Australia has arrived, seven days from
Honolulu. Various reports which havo
been current at times regarding the
expected outbreak in Honolulu received
apparent confirmat'on on the morning
of March 2$, when the curbing sur
rounding the royal palace was found
piled up breast-high with sandbags,
t which, it is explained, were placed there
, as a protection against an expected raid
by a party of malcontents under Robert
I Wilcox. The ministry disavowed any
I preparation for defense, however, and
Wilcox also denied having knowledge
' of an intent to commit an overt act.
Over-zealousness on the part of Marshal
Wilson is givenas the reason for plac
ing the sandbags in position.
Champaign, III., special: John Holt?,
the 27-year-old son of Thomas Holtz, a
prominent citizen of Mahomet, isefiuffcr
iug the horrors of hydrophobia. He
was suddenly attacked a few days ago.
Since then, with the exception of tho
time he has been under the influence of
opiates, young Holtz has shown the
Keep away irom mm. 11 is parents say
that when a child he was bitten by a
pet dog.
Ei. Reno, Oklahoma, special: The
presence of troops had the desired ef
fect of keeping the "sooners" off the
Cheyenne and Arapahoe Reservation
and increasing the intense anxiety
about the opening. Two carloads of
negroes arrived in Kingfisher, all being
pretty well-to-do, and determined to
found a town of their own. The rail
roads are increasing their facilities, but
every incoming train is jammed and the
army of homesteaders is still increas
ing. It is predicted that the Cheyenne
country will be settled by 60,000 people
tbe first day of the opening.
Kingfisher, Oklahoma, special:
Thousands of settlers are coming in
daily with teams and over the Rock
Island route. A colony organized and
left here for the Wichita country to
make a run for County "G," the sui
veying party having completed the sur
vey. Kingfisher and El Reno, the dis
tributing points for the new counties,
are overrun with robbers and thieves.
A man was robbed by pickpockets in
broad daylight. Another was robbed
of his transportation. Gambling dives
are running wide open day and night,
and the officials seem powerless.
Madrid special: Great excitement
was caused by the discovery of an an
archist plot to blow up the Chamber of
Deputies. The polico had Teceivcd in
formation that two foreign anarchists
were conspiring with Spanish anarch
ists to blow up public buildings. The
suspects, a Frenchman named Duval
and a Portuguese named Fciriora, left
their Louses, each carrying a parcel
wrapped in a newspaper. The police
watched them.
At the Cortes building both placed
themselves before a door leading to the
Chamber of Deputies. The polico then
decided to arrest them. Both men
fought hard, but were overcome. They
had in their possession conical bombs in
closed in castiron cases and each having
a three-minute fuse. The bombs weighed
eight pounds each.
The prisoners, who had the appear
ance of workmen, wcro conveyed to the
Minister of the Interior and scarchingly
examined. A document was found on
them containing the plan of the Cosmo
politan Society, according to which they
were to mow up tbe Cham ber 01 Depu
ties, the Senate, law courts, Council of
State, Minister of War, royal palaces
and the Bank of Spain, in the order
named. The work to be completed be
foro May h Each prisoner made a con
fession, but it is not known whether
they gavo a clue to fellow conspirators
or to the scopo of the plot.
Rome special: Tho Tribuna, refering
to an offer of 820.000 reported to be
made by tho United States in connec
tion with tho dispute over tho New Or
leans massacre, advises the Italian gov
ernment to reject the offer if it be ac
companied by the reservation that the
money is given solely as a mark of
friendship for Italy, A denial of liabil
ity,, says the Tribuna, will make the
offer an act of degrading charity. Semi
official papers deny the report that such
an offer has been made, but deny it in
terms that lead to tho belief that the
denial relates to the form and not tho
substance of the report.
Paris special: The Journal Dcs De
bates says that a serious quarrel is
threatened between Spain and the
United States owing to the latter coun
try refusing to withdraw the appoint
ment of II. Rand as Consul at Ponati,
one of tho Caroline Islands, to whom
bpatn persists in refusing to grant an
exequatur. The matter is at a dead
lock. St. Petersburg special: It is ru
mored that a vessel trading on the Cas
pian Sea, between tho Russian port of
Baku and Persia, has been lost off the
Persian coast and that 200 passengers
perished in the wreck.
London special: Staffordshire potters
and other manufacturers havo decided
to lock out 25,000 workers, the latter
refusing to submit disputes with em
ployers to a board of arbitration.
Paris special: At Angiers anarchists
exploded a bomb against tho police sta
tion, seriously damaging the building
and wounding one of tho officers.
Ozark, Mo., special: If the expected
happens in Taney County, the Bald
Knobbers will reorganize and come
over the hills and adjourn the investi
gation into the lynching of Murderer
Bright and the killing of Deputy Sheriff
Williams a few weeks ago, now going
on at Forsythe. That a mob will ap
pear and take the men who are under
suspicion out of the jurisdiction of the
court is almost certain if they are hold
for the crime of killing Williams. Tho
investigation is proceeding slowly. The
evidence against Lawyer Taylor is
pretty strong, and tho indication is that
he will be indicted for trial. A strange
story, which may have some connection
with the doings of the Taney County
mob, has reached here. At tho Lewis
place, six miles northwest of Walnut
&naae, on me iarm 01 unaries Lewis, a
new grave has appeared in the orchard,
and his son, Frank Lewis, is said to be
buried in it. The cause of the young
man's death is not known, nor was the
fact of his death known until the grave
was seen. Neighbors proposed to ex
hume tho body and find out the cause
of death. The father, Charles Lewis,
refused to allow it to be done, and
threatened to shoot any man coming on
his premises lor the purpose. So the
matter stands. Some have asserted
that Frank Lewis was one of the mob
who hung Bright at Forsytho and that
he was accidentally shot and has since
dffed of his wounds.
Moitii.E, Ala., special: The continu
ous heavy rains for thirty-six hours
havo ceased. The washouts on the Mo
bile & Ohio Road were very severe north
of Meridin. The iron bridge over Tibee
Creek is two feet under water and the
roadbed is entirely washed out just
southwest of Point Mississippi. There
There are several minor breaks north
of Tupelo. Heavy floods in Northern
Alabama demolished tho Louisville &.
Nashville schedule. Trains stopped
between Decatur and Hansville, tho
track being flooded for miles in all di
rections. Campton, Ky., special: John Smith
and W. II. Reynolds, residing near
Campton, met in the road near the res
idence of Ira Drakes, Reynolds' father-in-law.
They had a few unpleasant
words, when Smith struck Reynolds
twice on the head with a niece of wood.
from the effects of which he died within
six hours. Smith helped to dig a grave
and assisted the neighbors in the inter
ment, after which he was arrested, and
is now in the Campton jail, bail being
Chattanooga, Tenn., special: It is
stated on good authority that tin ore
has been found near Opison, Tenn., but
a few miles from this city. Tho ore has
been tested and found to be of good
quality, and a company will be formed
for developing the miue. The fact of
the deposit was learned during tho war
by a Union soldier, but it was allowed
to rest until the second find.
Charleston,- W. Va., special: A
freight train on the Chessapeake & Ohio
Road was wrecked and a dozen cars de
molished. It is reported that the engi
neer, fireman, and. brakemen were
killed. i?
Cattle Common to prime..? 3.75
4 80
4 75
Hogs Shipping grades 4.60
Wheat Cash
Corn Cash
v I"
'J C
riCj ..
Butter Western dairy 17
Eggs Western 13
Cattle Fat steers... t $ 3.4D
Cattle Feeders 2.75
Hogs 4.;o
Sheep 4.50
Oats (new) ...
Corn ............ .25
Cattlo Common to prime..? 2.70
Hogs Shi j.p?rs 4.25
& 3.00
0 3 00
& -1.C0
(2-5 50
0 315
Wheat $ .98
Corn. ....................... . 49
Oats Western 34
.50 J$
3fj !
The Remarkable "Experience of Chas.
Quant as Investigated by an Albany (N.
V.) Journal Iteporter A Story or Sur
passing Interest.
Albany, N. Y., Journal, March 4.
Saratoga. March 4. For some time
past there have been reports here and
elsewhere in Saratoga County of a most
remarkable indeed, so remarkable as
to be miraculous euro of a most sevcro
caso of locomotor ataxia, or creeping
paralysis, simply by the use of a popu
lar remedy known as "Pink Pills for
Palo People," prepared and put up by
the Dr. Williams Medicine Company.
Morristowu, N.Y., and Brockvillc, Ont.
The story was to tho effect that Mr.
Charles A. Quant of Galway, who for
4ho.last six or eight years has been a
great sufferer from creeping paralysis
and its attendant ills and who had be
come utterly powerless of all self-help,
had, by the use of a few boxes of tho
Pink Pills for Palo Pcoplo, beon so fully
restored to health as to bo able to wa'k
about the street without the aid of
crutches. Tho fame of this wonderful,
miraculous cure was so great that the
Ercnimj Journal repoiter thought it
worth his while to go to Galway to cill
on Mr. Cuaut, to learn from his lips,
and from the observation and testimony
of his neighbors, if his alleged cure was
a fact or only an unfounded rumor.
And so he drove to Galway and spent a
day and a night there in visiting Mr.
Quant, getting his story, and interview
ing his neighbors and fellow-townsmen.
It may be proper to say that Galway is
a pretty little village of 4C0 people, de
lightfully located near the center of tho
town of Galway, in Saratoga County,
and about seventeen miles from Sara
toga Springs. Upon inquiry, the resi
dence of Mr. Charles A. Quant was eas
ily found, for every one seemed to know
him, speak well of him, and to be over
flowing with surprise and satisfaction
at his wonderful chio and restoration
to the activities of enterprising citizen
ship, for Mr. Quant was born in Galway
and had spent most of his life there.
Mr. Quant was found at his pretty homo
on a pleasant street nearly opposito tho
academy. In response to a knock at
the door it was opened by a man who,
in reply to an inquiry if Mr. Quant
lived there and was at home, said:
"I am Mr. Quart Will you
como in?" After a little general
and preliminary conversation, and after
lie had been apprised of tiic object for
which tho Journal reporter had called
upon him, he, at request, told the story
of himsLlf,and of his sickness and terri
ble sufferings, and of the ineffectual
treatment he had had, and of his final
euro by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for Palo People, and cheerfully
gave assent to its i'so for publication.
Ho said: "My namo is Charles A.
Quant. I am 37 years old. I was born
in the village of Galway, and, execpt
ing'whilo traveling on business and a
little while in Amsterdam, have spent
my whole life heie. My w ifu is a nativo
of Ontario. Up to about eight yoars
ago I had never been sick and was then
in perfect health. I was fully siv feet
tall, weighed lfcO pounds and was very
streng. For twelve years I was a trav
eling salesman for a piano and organ
company and had to do, or at least did
do, a great deal of heavy lifting, got my
meals very irregularly and slept in
enough 'spare LeJs' in country houses
to freeze any ordinary man to death, or
at Ieastgivo him the rheumatism. About
eight years ago I began to feel distress
in my stomach and consulted several
doctors about it. They all said it was
dyspepsia, and for dyspepsia I was
treated by various doctors in different
places, and too'c all the patent medi
1 could hear of that claimed to bs a euro
for dyspepsia. But I continue 1 to grow
gradually worse for four years Then
I began to have pain in my back and
legs and became conscious that my legs
were getting weak and my stp un
steady, and then I staggered when I
walked. Having recc'.vd no 1 enefit
from the use of patent medicines, and
feeling that I was constantly growing
worse, I then, upon advNc, began the
use of electric belts, pads and all the
many different kinds of electric appli
ances I could hear cf. and spent hun
dreds of dollais for them, but they d 1
me no good.' (Here Mr. Cuant showed
tho Journal reporter an clcctiic Miit of
underwear for which he paid $121.) "in
the fall of 1SS3 the doctors advised a
change of climate, so I went to Atlanta,
Ga., and acted as agent for the Fstev
Organ Company. While there 1 too'c a
thorough electric treatment, but it only
seemed to aggravate my disease, and
the only relief I could get from the sharp
and distressing pains was to take mor
phine. The pain was so intense at times
that it seemed as though 1 could not
stand it, and I almost longed for death
as tho only certain relief. In Sept-m-ber
of 1888 my legs gave out entirely,
aud my left eye was drawn to one side,
so that I bad double sight and was
dizzy. My trouble so affected my whole
nervous system tuat 1 nau to give up
business. Then I returned to New York
and went to the I'ooseclt Hospital,
whero for four months I was treated by
specialists and they pronounced my caso
locomotor ataxia and incurable. After
I had been under treatment of Prof.
Starr and Dr. Ware for four months
they told me they had done all they
could for me. Then I went to the Now
York Hospital on Fifteenth Street,
where, upon examination, they said I
was incurable and would not take mo
in. At tho Presbyterian Hospital they
examined me and told me tho same
thing. In March, 1SJ0, I was taken to
St. Peter's Hospital in Albany, where
Prof. II. H. Hun frankly told "my wife
my case was hopeless; that he could do
nothing forme, and that she had better
take me back home and save my money.
But I wanted to make a trial of Prof.
Hun's famous skill, and I remained un
der his treatment for nine weeks, but
secured no benefit Ail this time I had
been growing worse. I had become en
tirely paralyzed from my waist down,
and had partly lost control of my hands.
Tho pain was terrible; my legs felt as
though they were freezing and my
stomach would not retain food aud my
weight fe 1 away to 110 pounds. In
the Albany Hospital they put seven
teen big burns on my back one day with
red-hot irons, and after a few days they
put fourteen more burns on and treated
me with electricity, but I got worse
rather than better; lost control of my
bowels ana water, and upon advice of
the doctor, who said there was no hope
for me, I was brought home, where it
was thought that death would soon come
to relieve me of my sufferings. Last Sep
tember, while inth's helpless and suffer
ing condition, a fr.'end of mine in Ham
ilton Ont, call d my attention to the
statement of ono John Marshall, whose
case had been similar to my own. and
who had been cured by the use of Er.
Wi Hams Pink Piiis for Pale People.
"In this csre Mr. Marshall, who is a
prominent member of the Royal Tem
plars of Temperance, had after four
years of constant treatment by the
most eminent Canadian physicians been j
pronounce I incurable, end was paid the
51,000 total disability claim allowed by
the order in such cases. Some months J t
after Mr. Marshall began a course of
treatment with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
and after taking some fifteen boxes was
fully .restored to health.
'I thought I would try them, and my
wife sent for two boxes of tho pills and
I took them according to the directions
given on tho wrapper in each box. For
the first few days tho cold baths were
pretty sevcro, as I was so very weak,
but I continued to follow instructions
as to taking tho pills and treatment,
and even before I had used up tho 'two
boxes of pills I began to feel beneficial
effects from them. My pains were not
so bad; I felt warmer; my head felt bet
ter; mv food began to relish and agree
with me; I could straighten up; the
feeling began to come back into my
limbs; I began to bo able to get about
on crutches; my eye camo back again as
good as ever, and now, after the use of
eight boxes of the pills at a cost of SI
sco! I can with the help of a cane
only, walk all about the house and yard,
can saw wood, and on pleasant days I
walk down town. My stomach trouble
is gone; I have gained ten pounds; I
feci like a new man, and when thq
spring opens 1 expect to be able to re
new my organ and piano agency. I
cannot speak in too high terms of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People,
as I know they saved my life after all
the doctors had given me up as incura
ble." Other citizens of Galway, seeing the
wonderful cure of Mr. Quant by the
Pink Pills for Palo People, are using
them. Frederick Sexton, a sufferer
from rheumatism, said he was finding
great benefit from their use, and Mr.
Schultz, who had suffered from chronic
dysentery for jears, said ho' had taken
two boxes of tho pills and was already
Mr. Quant had also tried faith cure,
with experts of that treatment in Al
bany and Greenville, S. C, but with no
beneficial results.
A number of tho more prominent cit
izens of Galway, as Rev. C. E. Herbert,
of the Presbyterian Church; Prof. .las.
E. Kelly, principal of tho academy;
John P. and Harvey Crouch, and Frank
and Edward Willard, merchants, and
many others to whom Mr. Quant and
his so miraculous euro by tho use of
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo
ple aro well known, were pleased to
have tho opportunity of bearing testi
mony to the high character of Mr.
Quant, and of verifying the story of his
recovery from the terrible affliction from
which he had for so long a time been a
Truly, the duty of the physician is not
to save life, but to heal disease.
The remarkable result from the use
of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in the case
of Mr. Quant, induced the reporter to
make further inquiries concerning them
and he ascertained that they are not a
patent medicino in the sense in which
that term is generally used, but a highly
scientific preparation, the result of
years of study and careful experiment
They have no rival as a blood builder
and nerve restorer, and have met with
unparalleled success, in the treatment
of such diseases as paralysis, rheuma
tism, sciatica, St Vitus dance, palpita
tion of the heart, that tired feeling
which affects so many, and all disease
depending upon a watery condition of
the blood or shattered nerves.
Dr. Williams' link Pills are also a
specific for troubles peculiar to females,
such as suppressions, irregularities, and
all forms of weaknesses. They build
up the blood and restoro the glow of
health to pale or sallow cheeks. In the
case of men they effect a radical cure
in all cases arising from mental worry.
overwork, or excesses of whatever na
ture. On further inquiry tho writer found
that these pills arc manufactured by
tho Vr. Williams Medicine Company,
Brockville, Cut, and Morristown, N.
Y., and aro sold in boxes (never in bulk
by tho hundred) at 50 cents a box, or
six boxes for $2.50, and mJty be had of
all druggists or direct by mail from Dr.
Williams' Medicine Company, from
cither address. The prico at which
these pills are sold makes a course of
treatment comparatively inexpensive,
as compared with other remedies or
medical treatment.
Thoy Used Gans Which Woaldat Shoot
When It Rained.
Tho precise population of New Eng
land, citho Indian or white, at tho time
of Phillip's war, cannot be stated; but,
for the purpose of war, it may be said
that the forces on ono side and on the
other wero almost oqnal. At that timo
tho Indians wore as will used to fire
arms as the whites, but the firelock of
th so days was but an inefficient weapon
omparcd with the musket of later timo
or with the rifle of to day.
It 8 ems co. tain that in Europe flint
locks had been introduced before this
time; but tho Puritans still relied on tho
matchlock The form of this can be
readily explained to any perron who has
socn the old flintlock of the present
cntury. A ham'ner a good deal
larger than tho hammer which after
ward held the flint but quite like it--had
a screw which tightened or loosen
ed tho hold which two pieces of Iron had
upon a match
Fach soldier was obliged to carry
some yard) of this match with him, and
when tho battle began ho lighted the
piece of this match which was fixed in
tho hammer of the gun. A nan which
held powder, e actly as tho pan of a
i intlock afterward did, was in front of
tho hammer, w th a cover projecting
from which a sort of a horn ran up near
ly crtical, to bo opened by the hammer
when the soldier pulled the trigger.
The fire of the match then communi
cated with the powder and the gun went
This was a sufficiently complicated way
In which men should go into battle, per
liars in a wilderness, whero even the
procuring of fire at that time was at
tended with some difficulty. The ac
counts of skirmishes of those tlme3 was
full of occasions when a sudden shower
put a stoo to the whole battle. This is
because the fire of the matches was ex
tinguished by the rain.
Heavy Blows at Blsnaarck.
Senor CaBtelar, in a Spanish maga
zine, violently attacks BIsmarok. Among
other things, he says: "If Bismarck
were in Parliament to-day he would re
mind one of the plucked and cackling
hen that the sophists placed in the room
of Socrates. In that assembly where in
former times he appeared' so proudly
with his saber by his side, a helmet un
der his arm, and a cuirass on his breast,
and rattling his spurs as he walked, he
would come now liko a little angry
schoolboy. Among the very deputies
that he used to crush with a strong
hand and everwheim with ridicule and
haughty sarcasm he would appear like
Gulliver chained by the LlllputJans.
History must bury him now, not like a
despot, in urns of papyrus, but in the
grave of a buffoon."
How to See the Prince or Wales.
It is apparently almost as difficult for
a tradesman to gain entrance to Marl
borough House, the London residence
of the Prince of Wales, as it is to get
within the lines of an armed camp. A
narrow glass door in the right wing of
the f.Iaee ls reserved for such visitors,
and oaly those having an appointment
previously arranged for by tho Prince e
valets are admitted, while several sol
diers and minor officers of the law are
close about to prevent the admittance
of undesirable persons. A "trade inter
view" with his royal highness is said
to last about three minutes. ...
Bills 'Btredaced and the important re
Injrs o m Week la the I'oiise and Jen
ate A Variety e Topics o Interest
Irons Washington
Tho Soloas at Work
in tbe House on the 2d the river and har
bor bill was reported by that committee
and reported by the union calendar. Mr.
Flthlan ot Illinois reported a bill for the
free rdmlsUon to American registry of
ships built In foreign countries. The Com
mittee on Commerce reported a resolution
granting to the Compagnie Franclscltco flu
Telegraph de Paris, of New York, the ri?bt
to land a cable on the shores of South Car
olina and Virginia, from there to be laid to
tbe island ot Cuba or San Domingo, or both.
A bill held to be one ot the niot impor
tant now pending in tho American Congress
was passed by the House of Representa
tives on the 4th, after only thirty minutes
debate. It is commonly known as tho Chi
nese exclusion bill, and was takeu up on
motion of Mr. Geary. Tbe bill absolutely
prohibits Chinese, whether or not they are
subjects of China (excepting diplomatic
and consular officers and servants) from
entering the United States, and Chinese
who may hereafter leave the United States
aro prohibited from returning to this coun
try. It makes liable to arrest Chinese, or
persons of Chinese descent, entering tho
United States or found unlawfully therein,
and provides for their punishment by ltnJ
prlsonment, not exceeding five years, and
their subsequent removal to the country
from whence they came; provided that
when they come by way of contiguous for
eign territory they will bo returned to
China. A proviso allows the Secretary of
tho Treasury to admit Chinese, other than
laborers or artisans, to temporarily viit;
the United States under such rules as he
may prescribe. Tho last clause repeals
"all acts and treaties inconsistent with this
In the House on tho 7th the free wool bill
was passed by a voto 19 yeas and 40
nays. The-Hou&o tnen went Into Commit
tee of the Whole on the Turner cntton'bag
glng bill.
In the Senate on the 7th a resolution
offered by Senator Teller was agreed to.
calling on the Secretary of the Treasury
for a statement of the amount of silver
offered the government each month sim-e
the passage of the act of July 14. li90, by
whom, at what prices tho amounts were
purchased each month, from whom and at
what prices, and the number of day given
tho seller in which to deliver the silver.
The Senate then proceeded to consider the
District of Columbia appropriation bill.
A Philadelphia saloon has a sign
in the window which reads: "A bi-chlorfde-of-gold
sandwich with every
A mountain in Australia was named
after Mr. Gladstone last year. Another
has now been named Mount Salisbury.
The onlysrcally happy monarch in
Europe just now is the King of Spain,
and he is not old enough to know any
In proportion to Its population New
Hampshire stands first among all tho
States in the amountof its savings bank
The new German army tent is divisi
ble into two portions, each of which
can bo converted into an overcoat in
case of rain.
Mexico will enforco tho collection of
an export duty on ores, in order to in
duce the establishment of smelters in
that country.
Within five years electricity has rev
oluttunized the welding of metals and
cheapened the production of aluminum
over 80 per cent.
Prof Wm. McAiiams of Alton, 111.,
dug up a bundlo of fossilized vegeta
tion which he estimates has been bur
ied nearly two thousand years.
Jui.ks Verne predicts tho invention
of a "tclephote" that will enable people
at the distanco of thousands of miles to
seo one another.
A sistek of Cardinal Manning, Mrs.
Austen, has survived him, and although
over ninety years of age, she is still
active in charitablo and benevolent
J. if. Johnson of Blakely, Minn., ad
vises farmers to build their own flour
mills. They can then get SI a bushel
for their own wheat, says Mr. John
son. A new diamond is being cut in Ant
werp said to be the largest ever found
in Africa. It weighs 400 carats, and
when it is finished it will be reduced
A recent pamphlet on the railways
of London states that there are ."0
railway stations within a six-mile radius
of St Paul's Cathedral, and 301 within
a twelve-mile radius of the same center.
Tue election board at Neville, Pa , at
a recent election ruled that a legal voter
mut be 21 years and 20 days old, which
shut out a young man who was but
fourteen days past his 21st birthday.
No explanation is offered.
Knowledge is power, likewise mone
A French economist has been charged
in the Chamber of Deputies at Athens
with receiving enormous pay from a
French syndicate for his services in ef
forts to depreciate Greek bonds.
Two hundred and fifty electric rail
ways are running in the United States,
embracing 2,024 milesof track and 3,830
motor cars, with 174,43fi horcc-power.
These railways represent a value of
over S.9.0C0.000.
The story comes from Benson. Minn.,
that Bertha Carnahan of that place is
to marry Samuel Kahn, better known
as "Maj. Atom." Bertha is 20 years,
old and 28 inches in height and weighs
40 pounds. Tbe "Major"' is 10 years
old, 32 inches high and weighs 05
A Mississippi man who has counted
the number of seeds in a bushel of vari
ous grains found that corn went 7-I3 ;
wheat, 830,000; peas, 1OD.O0O; cotton
seed, 104,100. This item would have
more value if it stated the kind of corn,
wheat and peas selected for the experi
ment. Coyotes la California.
Coyotes are still very plentiful in
Southern California, in spite of the
liberal bounty offered for the heads of
these diminutive wolves by the State.
San Bernardino County's bill for nine
months was $7,615, and Los Angeles
submitted vouchers for $1,953. San
Bernardino's large claim is accounted
for by the fact that it is near both Mex
ico and Arizona, where coyotes multiply
into the thousands. The bills or north
ern California counties aro insignificant
in comparison, Some of them are as
follows: El Dorado. $210; Tehama,
$560; Contra Costa, $550; Alpine, $5;
Butte, $75; Sacramento, $130; San
Mateo, $335; Shasta, $365; Almeda, $30.
A Stranger's Generosity.
"Joe Jefferson," says an old-time
theater-goer, "had taken a lady to a
restaurant, and when he put his hand
In his pocket to pay his bill he didn't
feel a penny. He explained his position
to the cashier, but the cashier 'didn't
know him.' The perspiration began to
ooze, when a gentleman stepped up,
laid a $20 bill on the desk, and said:
" 'I know you.slr; allow me to settle. "
"Jefferson was profuse in his thanks,
and, when near the door, said:
" 'Yon must give me your name and
address, sir, in order that I may call
around to-morrow and settle
" 'Never mind that,' said the stranger
with a smile. 'That bill was counter
Xtt and I got ?17 iBauge,'
A. ANDERSON. Pros't.
t J. lLOAIiLXT, Vies Pros't
, aT.BQXZf.
First National Bank1
Keart or Conflitf on Maj 17. llll.
Loons and Dlacenats fCS.t7f.9J
U. 8. Bends lsUOS
Usil eMate, fan Lore sad .
Une from other banks fO,77W
D- o from U. g Treasary.. C73.Q)
Cashes band .... 1S.47XU MM
Capital and snrrlas ........
Un liTintd profits 10.IM.I4
National baak notes outstanding 13.90e.Oa
Red scounts
Una depositors , U6.H1.QS
gusiness nrds.
Office over Columbus Btato Baak, Colambas.
Nebraska. '
Office over the First National Baak, CelBBabas,
Nebraska. SO-tf
Proprietors and Publishers of the
C0U7MS73 J07BHA& Ui til HI. ttMttT irflMIA-
Both, post-paid to anraddress. for $3.09 a jsarJ
strictly in adjonce. Family JonufAL, 94.09 i
year. j
w. a. McAllister.
a cokhkliijsI
Colambas, Neb.
K. O. BOYD7"
Tin and Sheet-Iroi Wire!
Job-Work, XoofiBf aid OtUer-
inf a Specialty.
Ijg?" Shop on Nebraska avenue, two
doors north of Basmnssen's.
tW Repairing of all kinds of UjaAofr
f cry Goods.
BlacKsmltli afii Waioi Maler.
All kills f Repairiig !
Sfcert Notice. Buggitt, Wag-
is, etc.. Bale w trjer,
aid all work fiiar
aiteed. Abo seU the worli-fiuMia Walter A.
Wood Mower , Immcs, Ctatkia-
m mackimei. Harri
aad Belf-oiBdtrf-tkt
Shop on Olive street, Colnmbus,
font doors south of Borowiak's.
Wt Oftr Brtkfor a Fsar, at $4M.
The JotnwAx, fa aekaowledavd ta,be tbe best
news aad faatilj paper ta Platte eoaaty.sad Too
American Macauae is the oaly bifh-class isoalfe.
ly auuuUiae dtfroted entirely to AsMrieaa Liters
tare, American Thoocht aad Ptostsss, sad fa
tbe oaly decided exponent of Asserioaa Iastif.
uobs. it ta as good as say oi tao oieer bmj
aiaet. faraishiac in a year otbt LMft boms of l
choicest literature, written by theakisss J
caaaatkora, It isbetifnlli illastrsBsi. (
tick with charmlag con tiaaea aad short H
Mo store appropriate punas ei
ssade than a year's sabsciistioB to The
t w3f be'espeeially brilliant dariaa the ysaa,