The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 06, 1892, Image 1
--w-l Cke Cfltomlras 0ttrnaL t'-S- .V t? i j V J& &i VOLUME XXIL-NUMBER 51. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDJVESDAY, APRIL 6, 1892. WHOLE NUMBER 1,143. ..P r B.v r :) ?r n . . -. i THE OU) RTT.TABT.K Columbus State Bant j ' (OMsrtBaktatksin4s j$. Pays Merest on Time DfmitJ J Mates Loais n Red Estate; fc ." IB8TJE3 BIGHT DBAET3 0T Oaaeka, Chieaw, New York & all FerdfrCutiw FELLS STEAMSHIP TICKET BUYS GOOD NOTES Ini Helps Its Csstomers wbeathsy Vtcd Help, OEFICEli AKDDIRECTOMl ' LEVNDER GERHARD. President. 1U1I. HENRY. Vice-President, JOHN BTAUFiER. Cashier. IE. BRUGGER, G. W. HULST. COMMERCIAL BANK,! or COLUMBUS. NEB. HAS AN MWmh Capital of $500,000 Paid in Capita 90,000 OFFICERS t o. n. sheldon. rrcs't. H. 1. 1L OEni.RlCH. Vice-Pros'. C. A. NEW ilAN. Cashier. DANIEL 8CUUAM. Asi't Cash. STO CKHOLDEKS : n Sbeldon, J. P. Rocker, ' lerniin P. ILOthlrich, V.ntl Rlanke, '. on it Wcl b. W. A Mo llittor. J. llonrv Wurdcman, 1L M. Winslow, !:eir.;o V Galloy, H. C. Grey. 1'iank ltoror. Arnold V. II. Ocblrte. , Ueury Loseka, Gerhard Lrfmk.. STTiank of feaoslt ; Interest a'lowed on time fe;oslta; Ijny aaa nil exchange n Unite! I.tatesand Kurs and huy and sell aval labia Ucuntios. Wo susll lo J lojBod 10 receive your pusiness. Wo illicit jour patronage. 18dec37 l. DTJSSELL, DEALER IS CO UJ PUMPS REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. Eleventh street, one door vest of Hagel & Co'ri. Judicious Advertising Creates many a new business, Enlarges many an old business, Revives many a dull business, Rescues many a lost business, Saves many a failing business, Preserves many a large business, 8ecures success in any bti&iness. fUgfU&nrS&t. (or tkis ssctioa a THE JOURNAL As m of tks atedlasu. haw It Is m Br " Swt Moplo, thoM wko know what tkey Mlt 4M pay for what they gat We cballomg ooaporiaoB with any country paper in thawerla iitkiini spect-tweaty yean yaaUskias Bf tks sails asaaaceaient, and asver one mm to sakserikets 'Baalish la In Jocmiai Iks, batter than Bytktec aba. shows tksclsss F scnls wko nai Tn TrmrwiT mrf awfr tf fAalatr AMts WmMI LOW BrrnUrl Safety Bala MiMmm (Iron away to latnaactkca. xth, emevoCTtanrrcwItoa. Um aoraraaacraocaHPfMC 8cs4 aetata IB p in w paav bob Willi larKltkdrilol ! UatJljrol ta " tar W-fcr aisa. Hallt ltw fPATElSTTS Cayeats and Trade Marks obtained, and aH. ent bnsineas conducted for MODERATE FEES. ; ODB OFFICE IB OPPOSITE U. a PATENT . OFFICE. WehaTanosabenci9aaIlbBsiaa direct, hence we can transact patent basines in lees time and at LESS COST than those remote from Washington. Send model, drawing, or photo, with descrip tion. We adise if patentable or not, free of, charge. Oar fee not due till patent is secured. A book. "How to Obtain Patents," with refer ences to actual clients in your state, county or town, sent free.' Address I OWKPaUOWaS.T-itolD. PUNGENT PARAGRAPHS. OPINIONS ON MANY CURRENT QUESTIONS. kert Sermons Are ass Hee4ed. Wisdom and wealth are often ac quired, but seldom inherited. Drunkeness may be adiscase, but its victims seem more willing to pay for the symptoms than for a doctor. Many a man who thinks he can't afford to buy a 10-cent bunch of flowers for his wife will pay that amount for a "weed" without a retrret. A very liberal paper of New Or leans announces jubilantly that everything goes" in that city. Cor rect. Even the lottery is getting ready to go. The art of forgetting is the hardest to learn where it is most in request. It is the happy past that makes a happy present, and together they give pledge of a happy future a threefold cord not easily broken. The proprietors of the late Stand ard, published at Jacksonville, Fla., sank nearly $35,000 in the paper in the twenty months of its existence. A town where a newspaper can suc ceed in spending so much money in so short a time cannot be altogether dead. TnE time is likely coming when express cars loaded with their mill ions of value will be made of some thing stronger than inch boards, and built on purpose for case of entrance and exit. Express companies have lost enough during the past ten years to have built cars burglar proof. "A tear," says an exchange, "is composed of water, minute propor tions of salt, soda, phosphate of lime, phosphate of soda and mucus, and when seen under the microscope after evaporation looks like a very small fish bone." Young men who have been on a tear will recognize the fidelity of this description barring the water. There is a bill before Congress to authorize a postmaster to throw an edition of a newspaper out of the mails if he finds anything in it that he regards as "indecent." It is doubt ful if the time has come yet for run ning the press of this country under the censorship of postmasters or any other class of officials. Bills for that purpose cannot be killed too quickly or too dead. Oscar Wilde, now posing as a playwright in London, appeared be fore the curtain of the St. James Theater in response to a call, with a filthy cigarette in his paw. He made a driveling speech, meantime whiff ing his cigarette. If an American backwoodsman had been guilty of this ineffable piece of coarseness in Lon don, the high society over there would have attributed it to our vulgar civil ization. TnE decision of the Supreme Court in the cases of Ficldcn and Schwab disposes of the points raised by Gen. Butler, and rules that the proceedings in the Appellate Court were consist ent with due process of law, and founded on "a wise public policy." The points raised by General Butler were strongly presented; but the ar gument of Attorney General Hunt so clearly presented the law and the precedents in Illinois, that the opin ion of lawyers at the time was that the Supreme Court could not rule otherwise than it did. The decision is of importance, because it is of gen eral application to criminal cases. According to forcigu papers, the queen of England receives 385, 000 sterling annually from the British Treasurj; the Empress Frederick of Germany, her oldest daughter, 8,000; the Trincc of Wales, 40,000; the Princess of Wales, 10,000; the Duke of Edinburgh, 25,000; Princess Christian, 0.000; Trincess Louise, the marchioness of Lome, G,000; the Duke of Connaught, 25,000; the Duchess of Alban-, 6,000; the Princess Henry- of Battenberg, 6, 000; the children of the Prince of Wales, 36,000; the Duchess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, of the Cam bridge line, 3,000; the Duke of Cambridge, 12,000: and the Princess of Teck, 5,000. What truth can there be in the rumor that Sarah Bernhardt, the divine Sarah, is soon to hide her genius in the cloister? Is it the shadow of a coming event or the fig ment of an ingenious advance agent's brain? Probably the latter. With her consuming love for the world, the flesh and so forth it is not at all likely that she would immure herself in a nunnery. Not, ai least, while there exist countries wherein annual farewell tours result in showers of gold. This world of ours contains too many pleasures which a woman of Sarah's luxurious tastes could not readily renounce. She could not shoot buzzards nor command applause nor maintain a menagerie in a nun nery, and it is unlikely that she will give up the world unless the world gives her up first. Dr. Cyrus Edsok, of the New York Board of Health, informs the readers of the North American Re view that the people of the United States live altogether too fast: He points out the not by any means ob scure fact that we have developed brain and nerve forces at the expense of bodily powers, and that the only means by which we can successfully oppose the encroachments of disease and tarly decay under the. money getting and money-spending pres sure of the times is to take plenty of ! exercise in the open air lie espei cially urges that the habit of strengths ening the physical powers be ac-, quired in youth under systematic training, until to take exercise dailjj in the open air becomes as natural to the bodily functions as any othei life-sustaining motion. This is ex: client advice, and being -followed would no doubt dispel many of thj ills and diseases of which civilized society is the victim. It is well, oi course, that extra mental and ner vous exertion should be met with in creased physical endurance, whicU may be cultivated easily enough i will directs. We are inclined, how ever, to except to one of the findings of the Doctor, presented inferen tially rather than argumentatively, and that is as to the influence of newspaper reading toward the dei rangement of the nervous system. He assumes that the women of a past generation were stronger, healthier, and longer live 3, because, as one of many reasons, they did not have a morning paper with horrible stories of crime and disaster to affect their sensibilities and agitate their nerves, tiring them out, as a lady declared to him, "exactly as a shopping trip will tire me." Of the numerous charges the newspaper has been com pelled to admit or repel, this, it seems to us, is altogether the most Quixotic. It is not necessary to deny that news papers do publish matter the reading of which is calculated to disturb the equilibrium of certain organisms, and we can imagine depression or even hysteria being the result of an atten tive perusal of the criminal columns of the daily press; but until Dr. Ed- son can persuade us that the libraries of fifty, a hundred, a thousand years ago were free of pamphlets, periodi cals, books, etc., other than tended to produce a sweet religious calm of spirit and purity of mind, we shall except to his latest proposition. Increased immigration to the United States is almost certain to result from the distressing condition of affairs that now exists throughout Europe. Recent events in Vienna and Berlin and some of the other cap itals of the continent show that the failure of last year's crops and th,e consequent poverty and scarcity of food is by no means confined to Rus sia. From all parts of the old world the cry for bread is heard, and the answers to that cry that have been sent from this country have served to turn the eyes of the people toward this land of plenty and to start a movement among them to leave the scenes of their present suffering in quest of new homes in the far West. Iany of the unfortunate people have already friends and relatives here who are comfortably settled on farms of their own in the West, and these have been urging them to follow their example and come to this country. They have done more than that. They have sent prepaid orders on the railroads and steamship companies to their friends to bring them here. The number of these that have been sent this last winter is known to be far in excess of those transmitted in previous years, and the railroads, knowing this, are anticipating a much larger second-class business than usual. Among the new arrivals there will doul-tless be many indus trious, frugal, thrifty people who will make desirable and useful citizens wherosrer they may go. There is danger, though, ttat in the large numbers that are preparing to come there will be very many who will be the reverse of desirable. Their com ing will go but to increase the amount of poverty and of crime which al ready exists to an alarming extent in many of the large cities of this coun try. For the industrious, thrifty settler this country has always had an open door and a warm welcome, and there is no likelihood that these will be withdrawn now; but for the shiftless, the lazy and the lawless ni) place is left The country is already too full to receive them. Another danger that threatens frbm this fresh influx of foreigners is the introduc tion of infections and contagious dis eases. Want and famine always carry disease, pestilence, death in their train. Many of the immigrants may have already contracted disease be fore embarking for this country, but it niay not have developed far enough to have become apparent, and it may not be discovered until after they have landed on these shores. It be comes the commissioners of immigra tion at the various landing places to be doubly watchful, and see that the laws of this land, which are intended to prevent the coming of those who will be a burden or a menace to the people, are rigidly enforced. Any remissness on their part may be dis astrous in its consequence. Doing; Her Share. A poor woman applied to the lady in charge of a charitable association. "Have you a husband?" inquired the lady. "Yes'm," answered the woman, "but he's poorly and can't make a liv ing." "How many children have you?" "Thirteen, mum." "Thirteen!" replied the lady, with surprise. "Yes'm, thirteen." "You must have had some twins? "No'm," the woman replied, inno cently, "there ain't no twins. I thought I was doing my share with one at a time." Texas Sif tings. An Explanation. She Everything good and beauti ful comes from New York. He (from Boston) Ah, that ex plains, then, why it is so disagreea ble to the visitor who has to endure what remains. Columbus Post A Royal Editor. The first Russian newspaper was published in 1703. Peter the Great took a personal part in its editorial composition and in correcting proofs. THE PASSING SHOW POMP AND CIRCUMSTANCE OF THE DAY. FIGHTING A COMBINE. GOING AFTER THE SUGAR TRUST RATHER HARD. Wholesale Grocers, Sugar Brokers, anil Others Have Prepared a BUI for the Itepeal of the 1-3 Cent per Found on the Keiined Grades of Sugar. They Are After the Trust. Philadelphia, special: Since the sugar trust absorbed the refineries of Harrison Frazicr & Co., E. C. Knight & Co. and Clans Speckles, thus acquiring control of all the refineries in tho coun try, the wholesalo grocers, sugar brok ers and other classes of business men have been contemplating steps to arrest the threatened monopoly, and have pre pared a bill for tho repeal ot the duty of M cent per pound on refined grades of sugars, which they claim serves only the purpose of allowing tho trust to control absolutely the refining trado of this country. The draft of tho bill it is understood has already been prepared by Samuel Gustine Thompson, an emi nent lawyer of this city and friend of ex-President Cleveland. Mr. Thompson has been recently living with Mr. Cleve land at Lakcwood and this has given rise to the impression that the bill has been favored by Mr. Cleveland with the idea of forcing tho Republican party into an attitude of defending a monop oly if ihey resist tho passage of the bill. Since tho combination acquired control of tho three refineries named the price of refined sugars in this city has ad vanced M cent per pound. At the same time raw sugar has declined from tho fact that there is but ono buyer tho triief The bill will be sent to Wash ington. Mr. Thompson declined to say who would offer i, but it is believed thyt it will bo cither McMillan or Springer. Lots or Wheat at Duluth. Dulutii, Minn., special: It has been years since grain elevators at Duluth have been so jammed with wheat as they promise to be this spring, and the indications are that by May 1 there will be nearly 350 cargoes in elevators here, while tho elevators themselves will be filled to overflowing. Never has there been such an influx of grain at this time of year as the present week has shown and as will continue through the month of April. 1 ocal grain men now claim that there will be in o'evators controlled by the Duluth 15oara of Trade not less than L'O.OOO.OJO bushels of grain by the opening of navigation. Duluth has re ceived so far of the crop of last fall 42, 000,COO bushels of wheat and expects to handle in the entiro crop year over fo, 000,000 bushels. Dynamite Romb Schools. Chicago special: A morning paper prints an interview with a labor oflicial who is quoted as saying that there is a dynamite school in Chicago, one in Bos ton, and another in New York. An in terview was held with Inspector Shaack who says that he is inclined to think that Paris anarchists arc using bombs made in Chicago. He says that there arc plenty of bombs in Chicago. There is a lot of about nine hundred bombs secreted, but the police cannot find their hiding place. Murdered by a Son. Houston, Tex., special: Mrs. Anna Shaw and her widowed sister. Mrs. Johnson, were found with their throats cut at their home. Walter E. Shaw, son of the former lady, was followed and arrested at Galveston. Shaw is too drunk to give an account of him self. His underclothes arc covered with blood, and there is little doubt of his guilt. Fatal Prairie Fire In Kansas. Nouton, Kan., special: A prairie fire has swept over several townships in Norton County. Hundreds of families have lost everything. William Dunn was burned to death. IN THE EAST. Philadelphia special: Claus Spreck cl's sugar refinery was formally turned over to the sugar trust in consideration of S7.O00.000 in trust certificates. Alexandria, Ind., special: B. S. Parks, some time ago, camo here from Marion, Ind., and engaged in the drug business. A few days after his arrival a pretty young lady came, whom he in troduced as ids wife. Later another wife came. All went well until wife No. 3 came into town from Marion. She declared that she was his legal wife. An ofliccr was immediately sum moned, but the guilty ones bade good-l their escape. 1'iTTsnuKG special: Another pipe lino from the Pennsylvania oil fields to the seaboard is to be built with English capital, and tiiat its promoters are En glish aristocrats. It is said that even the English royalty is interested, name ly, tho Prince of Wales, and Mr. Wilson of Tranby Croft fame. A charter has already been taken out in the State of New Jersey by Mr. Wilson, and the name of tho company is the English Pipe Line Company. Tho capital is 510,0C0,C00. Camden, N. J., special: The remains of Walt Whitman, tho poet, were bur ied with impressive services in the presence of a throng of well-known" people, fc-'everal thousand people gath ered around the tomb, and when the collin was deposited on the bier Francis Howard Williams of Philadelphia read extracts from Whitman's famous writ ings. Thomas 1. Harned, the poet's long-time friend, spoke for the city in which Whitman had lived so many years. Dr. Buck, the poet's biographer, followed in an address, after which Col. Ingersoll delivered an impressive and eloquent funeral oration. New York special: Judge Pratt of the Supreme Court of Brooklyn, has handed down a decision granting Mrs. Charlott Louise Bolton an absolute di vorce from A m. C. Bolton. This case attracted considerable attention last September when Mrs. Bolton secured her husband's arrest on a charge of bigamy Jaad abandonment These charges fell through, and then Mrs. Bolton sued for divorce, and the legal ity of a divorce obtained Ty her hus band in Sioux Falls. S. D., was brought up and made a test case. The defend ant alleges that after he trad obtained that divorce he was free to marry M!ss Schuler. In his opinion Judge Tratt holds to contrary. "It seems to be the settled law of this state,' he say.?, "that a for eign divorce for a cause not recogni ed by our laws and with no appearance by the defendent is oid.' After quoting several cases "in support of this view he adds: "It seems to be true that each State can dete mine the marital status of its own c.tiens and it does not seem entirely logical that a person can be married in one Sate and be sittgie in another, but such is the re ult of the decisions as they stand. There mnsk, therefore, be a judgment for the plain tiff." In his findings on the facts Judge Pratt holds that Mr. Bolton and Char lotte Louise Bolton were legally mar ried and that Bolton illegally married Miss Schuler. He adds: "This was without the consent, connivance, pri vity, or procurement of tho plaintiff. Tho plaintiff, as the dofendant in an action by her husband in South Dakota in which a judgment of divorce was ob tained against her, was not served with any summons or notice and did not ap pear therein. Tho plaintiff is, there fore entitled to judgment against the defendant dissolving tho marriage be tween them." IN THE WEST. Chicago special: Capt V. D. McGil lycuddy, formerly tho Indian agent at Pine Ridgo, called at army headquarters and gave it as his opinion that trouble might bo expected at tho Rosebud and other agencies. The Indians have been aroused to a high state of excitement by the recent killing of an Indian near Black Pike Creek, north of White River, and out of the jurisdiction of the government. Tho murderer was a desperado named Jack Whipple, who pounded the redskin to death. The Indians demanded ven geance and Whipple was arrested, but tho authorities claimed nothing could bo done with him, as tho killing oc curred outside of tho jurisdiction of the United States. The Indians could not see the logic of this, and are now mut tering and making threats. Capt. Mo Gillycuddy also says tho redskins are still indulging in the ghost dance and are ready for any exciting event as an oxcuse for an outbreak. Another complaint made by tho In dians is that they are not allowed to eat part of the cattle which tho govern ment gives them. Fresh entrails, and raw at that, are considered a luxury, but the eating of these delicacies has been stopped by the Interior Depart ment, it being contended that this food tends to arouse the brutal and savage natures of the Indians. Tho red men have greatly taken this to heart, and some of them have refused to take their rations because the beef was not served a la cntrail. Capt. McGiilycuddy sug gests as a remedy for tho murders of In dians that the government provide a fund for the prosecution of the murder ers. Entrails of beef, he believes, should bo kept from the Indians. Chicago special: Frederick Douglass at the head of a presidential ticket, running upon a platform whose cardi nal plank provides for pensioning the ex-slaves, is one of the possibilities of the coming campaign. William R. Vaughan, of Chicago, is at the head of the movement. Through his efforts a bill has been introduced in Congress to grant pensions to negroes, and it is proposed to call a national convention for the purpose of nominating a ticket which will make a fight an this proposi tion. In view of this fact several hun dred negroes of Chicago have sent him a petition asking that tho convention be held here. Mr. Vaughan recently wrote a letter to Fred Douglass asking him to indicate his willingness to ac cept the nomination for the presidency on the new party's ticket. Seattlk, Wash., special: Official In vestigations by agents of the Treasury Department into the system of slavery among Japanese women in tho slums here has brought out startling disclos ures. Seventeen women were exam ined through an interpreter and nearly all confessed that they were brought over by Japanese men to whom their earnings are being paid. They expected to get employment at embroidery and needlework, but were deceived and com pelled to lead lives of shame. Reports have been made to the Treasury Depart ment at Washington with a recommend ation that measures be taken to stop the evil. A dispatch from St. Paul says that reports from many North Dakota and Northern Minnesota points indicate that it has been raining in torrents from eight to twelve hours. In many places the country is flooded and roads impassable. The grain in shock was ruined by tho early March thaw, and this rain completed its destruction. It is believed that at least 10,000,000 bush els in the Red River valley must be counted as lost. Denver, Col. special: Manager As pen, of the Consolidated Mining Com pany of Aspen, and manager of several rich silver mines at Teliuride, received orders to shut down work within a week. This action will throw 1.000 men out of employment. The cause for closing is the very low prices being paid for silver. Madison special: The Wisconsin Lumber Dealers' Association met in this city. A committee was appointed to organize district associations com prising Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, Min nesota, North and South Dakota. FOREIGN JOTTINGS. Paris special: In consequence of the dynamite explosions the people living in the vicinity of any one connected with the government aro greatly alarmed and in many cases arc remov ing. As an inducement to prospective tenants landlords announce that no one occupying a judicial position will be ac cepted as a tenant. Several landlords have served notice upon such tenants to quit. Many tourists aro departing from Paris in consequence of the scare. It is asserted that ex-Minister Con staus has kept the secret service funds obtained during his term of office out of his successor's possession. Upon a house occupied by police offi cials tho following notice was found: 'This house will shortly be blown up with dynamite." At a meeting of the municipal coun cil it was announced that all the authors of the recent dynamite outrages, except two, had been arrested. Many households asked the police for protection. It was impossible to com ply with every request, but the people were told that everything possible would be done to insure safety. A wealthy distiller living at Romans has received notice that his distillery would be blown up with dynamite in a few days. THE MARKETS. CHICAGO. Cactus Common to prime.? 3.35 4.82 Hogs Shipping grades'..... 4.50 0 4.80 MlEEP ). 95 y 6 1 5 Wheat Cash .78 Corn Cash.. .19 UAlB akd xSARTJCT .5 Flax .79 Butter Western dairy 18 .25 Eggs Western .12 .12$ SIOUX CITY. 'Cattle Fat steers $ 3.40 3.C0 Cattle Feeders 2 75 3.00 HOGS...... 4.50 4.55 Sheep ............ .......... 4.50 & 5.50 heat.. ...... ... .75 OATS(new) .23 iUn m s as ) tjgQ 29 A LA .. -jasa) S I OMAHA LIVE STOCK. Cattle Common to prime. $ 2.C2 3.C0 Hogs Shippers ,. 4.45 4.55 NEW YOUK P1CODLCE. Wheat. .,5 .05 .9oJ CO01 ..... .ib .4) Offl-Boiera .31 ,36J ME WORST IN YEARS. ONE TOWN NEARLY WIPED OUT OF EXISTENCE. Nebraska VlslteU by the Worst Storm In Years Kelson lainaged to the Aaaouat or 100,000 A Number or BuUdlBjrs Un roofedTwo Mea Killed at Edgar. Cyclone la Nebraska. A special from Nelson say3: A terrible cyclono struck Nelson. It came from the southwest and could be seen at least ten minutes before it struck the town. It was preceded by a terrific hail storm lasting several minutes, after which camo a storm which proved the worst and most destructive that ever visited this section of Nebraska. Tho storm struck the town with terrible forco at 0:15 o'clock p. in. Many rushed into their stores and cellars for safety. The damage has been estimated at 100,000. 'lho First National Bank were unroofed; tho Opera House block unroofed and badly damaged; the Union block unroofed and tho southwest end torn out. The Arlington Hotel was un roofed; the new school house, costing 518,000, was almost destroyed; the Pres byterian Church was badly wrecked. A large number of residences were com pletely wrecked, nothing being left ex cept cellars and foundation?. One half of a house, that of Henry Pope, wa3 carried along in the track of the storm for nearly an cighthof a mile, with the contents and Mrs. Pope and two chil dren. Fortunately the family escaped uninjured. Miss Mary Brayman, as sistant principal of the rtelson high school, was seriously hurt, having a leg and several ribs broken. Mrs. John Eaton was also seriously injured. Most of the buildings were insured only against fire, and the loss will be almost total. Nothing has yet been learned as to the damage done in the surrounding country. Edgar, in Clay County, was also dam aged, the depot blown down and two men killed. Wires aro down and it is impossible to get anything from that section. The storm evidently traveled in a northerly direction. Specials from Wahoo and Norfolk tell of a storm of unusual severity there, a number of houses being blown down, but no serious damage resulting. SCORED BY THE JUDGE. Two Burt County Men Who Had De frauded a Widow Rebuked la Court. Judge Scott at Tekamah listened to arguments in the case of Margaret Kirkle against L. C. Mcnnell and E. W. Peterson at the session of tho District Court. The case was one in which plaintiff asked that a deed be set asido because of fraud. The Court cut the argument short and in rendering bis decision said he had a painful duty to perform, as the case had in it dark lines. He then arraigned Peterson as an at torney and Mennell as a man in most scathing language. He denounced the unfair and fraudulent methods of de fendant in unmeasured terms. Tho audience at ,pne time broke out in loud applause. Mennell acquired mortgages for about Sl,r,00 on Kirkle's ICO acres, and when Kirkle was dying Peterson was called in to draw a will. At the same time he induced Mrs. Kirkle, in her distressed stato of mind, to sign a deed for the farm, -conveying it to Mennell. Al though Peterson was administrator of the estate, the Court decreed that the deed should be set aside, and gave Men nell ten days to rcconvcy the land, and if it is not done in that time he ordered that the decree of the Court constitute a conveyance. The decree gives general satisfaction, and Judge Scott's honest but emphatic remarks are the theme of favorablo comment. NEBRASKA TO LIVERPOOL. Cattle Billed Through from Nance County Foino Figure. It was wortn a Nebraskan's while to see the fifty-six car loads of fat cattle enroute to Liverpool the other day, di rcct from Nance County. John Reimer shipped twenty-three cars of st?crs March 13, average we'ght, 1,625 pounds, direct from Fullcrton to Glasgow, Scot land. Later there passed through Omaha fifty-six cars, shipped by E. S. Burkec of the Kent Cattle Company, UDO head, averaging over 1,600 pounds each, through bill of lading direct to Liverpool. In 1810 FuIIerton was cred ited on tho books of tho Uniou Pacific Railway Company with the second larg est amount of stock shipped out of any town in Nebraska. This through ship ment is a new departure by Nance County feeders and the result in a finan cial way is expected to net the shippers quite an increase aver prices which could be obtained nearer home. The cars composing the trains were decor ated by banners giving full particulars as to where the stock was from and to where it was going. Considerable money has been spent in preparing the train as an advertisement for Nebraska. HORSES POISONED. Several Valuab'e Horses Poisoned Ity Strychnine at Kimball. A number of fine horses belonging to S. M. Smith of Kimball have died re cently, and suspicion of poisoning was entertained. Tho County Commission ers had the stomach of one of the ani mals analyzed, and brought out the fact that the horses had been poisoned by strychnine. On further investiga tion it was ascertained that the poison had been mixed with some salt in a trough in the stable yard, evidently by somo person with malicious intent. At their meeting the commissioners offered a reward of 5300 for the apprehension of the miscreant. The feeling is very bitter against the rascal who committed the dastardly act, although there is no clue to tho cause or tho perpetrator of the crime. Fatally Injured in a Runaway. Peter Truelson, ono of the oldest settlers of Sherman County, was fatally injured by a rnnaway team. He lived but a few hours after he was picked up. He and Joe Priess were returning from Ashton when the accident occurred. Priess wzs seriously Injured, having three ribs broken and some internal in juries, but it is thought he will re cover. Broke Jail at Ponca. John Grumbehg escaped from the county jail at Ponca. He had been ar rested and confined on the charge of disposing of mortgaged property at dif ferent places in that and surrounding counties, obtaining several large sums of money. Officers are in pursuit of the offender. Walked to His Death. Loins Franz,, aged 15 years, son of E. Franz, a well-to-do farmer living five miles southeast of Hampton, left his bed and went out of the house witk but a shirt and pair of shoes on. His mother heard him go out, and as he did not return after the lapse of about ten minutes the family were aroused and made a diligent search about the prem ises without finding him. The neigh borhood was informed of his disappear ance and soon a pesse of about forty men were on the hunt. He was found doad at daybreak about one and one fourth miles from his homo, on the banks of Beaver Creek, with no wound on his body. Tho manner in which he left or wandered or was taken from home will probably always remain mystery. Holt County's Litigation. In the District Court at O'Neill Judgt Bartow issued a writ of mandamus to compel the supervisors to sign a bill of exceptions in the case of Barrett Scott against tho Board of Supervisors of Holt County. This case was opened up some time ago by John H. Hopkins, backed by tho Alliance members of the County Board, and they sought to oust Treasurer Scott for alleged maladmin istration of the affairs of his office. Tho Democratic and Allianco mombers of tho board heretofore refused to sign the bill, although admitting that the evi dence was correct. Hopkins' attorneys objectod to the mandamus, but were overruled by tho court, and the board will assemble in extra session to placo tho signatures to the bill. Tho case will come into court on tho question of tho legality of the board's former proceedings. Accldently Killed. A distressing accident occurred five miles west of Shickley, at the the resi dence of Alfred Beugston,one of the old est and highly respected citizens of tho neighborhood. His boys had been out hunting and when thoy came home left the gun in the granary. A little girl, 5 years old, was out playing and in some way knocked the gun down. It was discharged, the load entering her neck, killing her instantly. Tho accident has cast a gloom over tho whole com munity. Prospects fur a i ood Crop. Prospects are that farming will pay just as beautifully in Hall County in 1812 as it did in 1S1M. Farmers are ex ultant ovei tho.outlook. If tho pleas ant weather of the last few days should continue, plowing may be begun in a few days. The outlook for a large crop of beets could not be better, tho raise in tho schedulo of prices having added much in the amount of acreage. Accldently Shot. At Bancroft as Andrew Swanson and a companion were going out hunting on horseback, Swanson's horse becamo fractious and ho handed his gun to his companion. Soon afterwards the gun was discharged, striking Swanson on the temple, inflicting a severe, if not fatal, injury. Swanson rode home after the injury and a physician was sum moned who dressed the wound. Accused of Horse Stealing. Several days ago a young man called at Spearman's livery barn at Papillion and asked for a horse to ride out in tho country a couple of miles. He got a pony and rode off and has so far failed to return. One of the proprietors of the barn has been out on the search for him, and discovered where ho had stopped over night in Omaha, after which he is supposed to have gone northward. It is thought he is the man implicated in the stabbing affair atFrc-3 mont. Stabbed by a Tramp. A Union Pacific brakoman named Cusic has been taken 10 Omaha from Valley in a wounded condition. He; was on a freight train and during a stop at Valley discovered some tramps and advised them to keep off the train. One of them thereupon stabbed him, cuttiug a deep gash on his shoulder and breast. He was faint from the loss of blood, but was able to bo removed to his home in Omaha. Defeated the Bonds. At the election called to vote $10,000 bonds to build two school houses, ono each in the Second and Third Wards of Ord, the proposition was defeated by 37 votes. All are agreed upon the need of more school room for tho children of that rapidly growing city, but cannot agree upon the plan best fitted to sup-' ply it. A public meeting will be called at an early day to consider the situs-1 tion. Transferred the College. The election at Stromsburg to vote on the proposition to transfer by deed' the Stromsburg Normal and Business Collego to Prof. J. J. Bryant, was car ried by 148 majority. This will give the professor authority to go on with speci fied improvements in the way of addi tions to the building, which will greatly enhance its value. Gibbon' New Bank. Several Alliance farmers in the vi cinity of Gibbon have a movement on, foot to establish cither a loan company or a bank. Dr. Hito has been selected' as President. Tho object of tho com pany is to do strictly an Alliance busi ness. None but Alliance members will' be cither depositors or creditors. Teachers in Session at Wilcox. The Intercounty Teachers' Associa tion was in session at Wilcox, with fifty teachers in attendance. Hon. A K. Goudy, State Superintendent, addressed a large audience at the Congregational Church. Mr. Miller, editor of the Northwestern Journal of Education, was also in attendance. Serious Accident at Fort Robinson. Lieutenant and Mrs. Trout, while out riding at Fort Robinson, met with a serious accident. Their team ran away, upsetting the carriage, knocking them both senseless. Tho Lieutenant was not injured, but Mrs. Trout had her shoulder badly hurt. Troubled by Younjj Thieves. Hastings ordinarily is little troubled with petty lawbreakers, but for a few days past a gang of young sneak thieves has bothered the merchants or that city. Tho police are doing their best to break up the gang by arresting and fining the members. Shot While Out Hunting. Will Bartlett, aged 19 years, son of T. G. Bartlett of Archer, while out hunting received a shot in the leg which completely shattered it from the thigh down. He was not found for about four hours afterwards, and could not undergo an amputation. , I rank Concentrated Lye. An 18-months-oId child of John W. Mayle, at Blair, met with a serious ac cident which may prove fatal. While Mrs. Mayle was busy the little boy got hold of some concentrated lye and drank it. The little victim's mouth and stom ach are badly burned. A 9200.000 r ire at Omaha. The five-story building occupied by the Omaha Hardware Company at Omaha was completely destroyed by fire, causing a loss of 200,000. It is thought that the fire was the work of burglars, who resorted to arson to hide their crime. Cattle for Liverpool's Market. Thk Superior Cattle Company of Su perior loaded several cars of cattla .01 export to Liverpool. 'Ihe cattle wi be taken from Superior to Fairmont by the Burlington and will be landeJ in Boston in sixty hours. 1 TjrniccTo u A. ANDBaflON Pp, x J.ILOALLKT.TIeaPratX - .. -- - -. a ---pai O.T.BO) ; t iwnsRiVW P. JACOB URKIBEN,. MMM sU- JOHN J. BUI IVAN. l-i- r First National Bank v Ecn3rtifCo!HtiiiI.yl7,12!l BESOURCZ-l tMsi and Dlsceoata u. if. PQwn a. ........ ........ Rati astata. fnn.ftara and 1MSU.M fixtures. .... ....... D. Doe from other banks f39.T7in Dee from U. S. Treasury.. C7S.0S Cash, hand 15,479.48 VJsB.St i LIABILTTTMl Capital and surplus ................... VSs.SBS.6S Vn liTided profits 10,498.1 National lauk notes outstanding 13.90S.0S Roil scocats.. ............... Dae depositors ...t...... 136,191.01 f216.SM.46i giisintss fntis. J N. KIEJAIV, DEUTCHER ADVOKAT, OBIco OTer Colombo Btate Bank, Colombo. Nebraska. 26 ' ALBERT REEDER, ATTORHXTS AT LAW. Office oxer the First National Bamk, Cstnmbas. Nebraska. 60-ftf y K. TURNER CO., Proprietors and Publishers of tbs CCWMBU3 ;07jTAL asl 1st I1. ttXILT ttWlVAL; Both, post-paid to nnjr address, for S3.00 a yearj strictly in advance. Family Jociif al, $1.00 a) Iff- ! W. A. MCALLISTER, W. M. CORNELIUS1 "I rcAMJMTKat COaMKsLlVa ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Colombos, Neb. E.GBOYD; :" MAKurACTcmsa or Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware! Job-Wsf k, Xaoflmr ud Omttsr img a Specialty. t3S" Shop on Nebraska avenue, two doors north of Basmnssen's. HENRY G-ASS. UNDEETAKBR I COFFINS AND METALLIC CASES fWRepairing of all kind of Uphold sfcry Goods. S-tt COLUMBUS. NEBSABUL A STRAY LEAF! A DIARY. THE JOURNAL OFFICE fOB CARDS, ENVELOPES, NOTE HEADS, BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS, DODGERS, ETC. LOUIS SCHREIBER. BlacMariWamMer. All kills f Retairiig irae Sfcsrt Notice. Uigfies, Wag sis, etc., Bate trie?, aid all werk Gasr aateed. AIM Mil tks worM-fiMOM Walter A. Weed Mowers, Smmts, Csmbia- d Macaines, Harresters. amd lelf-biaders-ths VMtaUdt. Shop on Olive street, Columbus, lout doors south of Borowiak's. SUBSCRIBE NOW TIE C0LI1WS JOtWUL THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE, WOftrBtkforYr,at$4M Ti JonutAZ. la antra rrwmHwrlt to. be tba 1 asSrs amd family asser ia Platte coantyad Tbs Aaicricaa Maavias is the oalyhiga-claMaieata. ly BMfasiae dovotad enUraly to Aaiericaa Liters, tare, American Thought and Progress, aad Is tks oaiydscttfea expoas&c 01 uasnsaa u lionsu Itls as snod as say ot tks .oUar sine, faraishiac ia a year over 1,566 fssjss of 1 aeicest UUrstare. wnttsa bj.tas aat Ai caaaataora. It U bsaaurttlly Ula rkh witk caenaiafcoBUanes 1 No store asDroDriats 1 aada thaa a jsar's subscription to Tks caa Mavaslnp. It will be especially brilliant dariac tks w. . i The pnse of Jouk.tu. ta $2.09, aad The Assart. uuh waer eecaEaraa t 1 9Bbbbbbbbbbsbbwsw 54jR9BBtsjsss"VLal prissat