The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 30, 1892, Image 3

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1 . - 1- i.
ixlumlms Qoxxviml.
L?avc Colutnbus
" JMlwood
David City
"Arrivesat Lincoln
8:35 a.m.
856 "
9:18 "
10:22 "
3:20p. m.
35 "
4:10 p.m.
7:10 "
10:10 "
niep:u.-nper Wve Lincoln at 420 .p.m., and
rrives at Columbus 1 KM p. m; the freight leaves
Lincoln at 7:15 a. m., and arrives at Columbus
320 p. m.
Atlantic Ex.. . 7:55 a. m
Chicago Ex... li!0p.m
Limit! G:10p. m
Col. Local.... 6:00 a. m
Pacific Ex....l0.-05p.
Pasnenz'T amvei from Sioux City.
" loqrna (Vilnmhn: fnr
.. ia)D. m
leaves Columbus for Linc'n. 2:05 u. m
" arrives from Lincoln 2:00 p. m
" leaves for Sioux City 2:20 p. ru
Mixed laves for Sioux City 535 a. m
Mixed arriveu.. 10:50 p. ni
Passenger leaves
Mixed leave
Passenger arrives
Mixed arrives
2:S0 p. 111.
7.-00 a. in.
1:10 p. in.
830 p. in.
oricfg Notices.
CffAH nolia-H under this heading will bo
charged at the rate of $2 a year.
A LEBANON LOIMIK No. 5H, A. t X A. 31.
?, Regular meeting 2d Wednesday in each
TVJ month. All brethren invited to attend.
AVA C. II. Sukldon, W. M.
M. H. Wuite, Sec'y. JJuly
W1LDEY LODGE No. 44, 1. 0. 0. F..
Lmeets Tuesday evening of each
fweek nt their hall on I liirtwnth
'r-' Htrei't- Visiting brethren cordially
invited. W. It. NOTEsTKIS, N. G.
H. A. Mcklleb. tk-c'y. 27janitl-tf
Saints hold regular services every Sunday
at 2 p. m., pniyer meeting ou Wednemlay evening
nt tlieir chapel, comer of North street and Pacific
Avenue. All are cordially invited.
13julSU Elder II. J. Hudson. President.
ST Until further notice, all adver
tisements under this head will be chnrg
ed at the rato of five cents a lino each
issue. Wo make this lower rate to con
form with the times.
Sale bills printed at this office.
Come to The Jouukaij for job work.
Don't forget tho show at the opera
' house tonight.
"An advertisement is not a luxury
but a necessity."
"It is the careless advertiser that
eeps alivo 'fakes.' "
For the finest styles of calling cards,
call on TnE Journal. tf
Old newspapers by tho hundred, 25
cents at the Journal office.
Born, Saturday week, to Mrs. Dr.
C. D. Evans, a bouncing boy.
''Joshua Simpkins" and The Farmer
Band at tho opera house tonight.
-fJTho ladies' musical will meet with
Mrs. Reeder next Monday evening.
L. J.l,Bakor delivered a temperance
lecture in Albion Monday evening.
Dr. T. R. Clark, successor to Dr.
"Schug, Olivo st. In office at nights.
" i Pass. Freight
, -I)r. A. 33andere will ba at 1
f" Mendhrrf holeinftonday Jpril -itnv 47
Joseph Sovus of Duncan made this
office a business call last Wednesday.
7. Eye and Ear surgeon, Dr. E. T.
jAllen, :W1) Kiinige block, Omaha, Neb.
The Farmer's Club will meet at A.
C. Pickett's Friday, April 1st at 2 p. in.
1 Some fino young cattle for sale, or
JsjBXchango for city lots. Call on D. B.
Mi6s Anna Naylor is home, having
finished her six months' school west of
"A good advertisement is like the
merchants' shipB; it bringoth abundance
from afar."
Pianos and Organs, uo not buy
from pedlers until you get prices from
Fitzpatrick. tf
If you are not already a subscrilier,
drop into The Journal office and givo
us your name.
D.B. Duffy, Columbus, Neb., will do
your house-moving, in good shape and
at reasonable prices. ltf-eow
M. Vogol has not yet determined
what improvements he will make on his
Eleventh street property.
The celebrated Quick-Meal, and
Monarch gasoline stoves, the besi in the
market. For sale by A. Boottcher. 4tf
Dr. Hewitt of Bellwood, Butler
county, has bought 1G0 acres of Colora
do land, just across tho Nebraska line.
C. S. Herrington of David City was
in the city Friday making arrangements
to start a coal yard here in August next.
Dr. Nanman, dentist, Thirteenth st,
opposite Barber's. All work guaranteed.
Gas given for tho painless extraction of
teeth. 21-tf
A sleet storm Saturday morning be
tween this and Omaha broko tho tele
graph and telephone wires in many
The Wheeler property (formerly
owned by C. A. Brindley,) has been sold
to Mr. Hurley. Mrs. Wheeler intends
to remove to Oregon.
James O'Keefe, wanted at Albion
for some time for stabbing a man by tho
name of Parrotte, was captured last
week at Des Moines, la.
The contest of the will of the lato
Bridget Murray, before Judge Hensley
last Thursday was decided against the
contestant, Eliza Hennessey.
Bev. Bedding preached to a crowd
ed house Sunday evening at the opera
house. He leaves for California today.
His wife accompanied him here.
C. A. Snow & Cc's pamphlet, "In
formation and Advice about Patents,
Caveats, Trademarks, Copyrights, eW
may be obtained free at this office, tf
E. Corbin of Grand Island was in
the city Saturday. Two monthn ago he
toot Dr. T. K. Clark's cure for the
tobacco habit, and pronounces it a most
decided success.
Frank Knapp, secretary of the Y. M.
C. A, is the new editor of the Columbus
department of the Looking Glass, suc
cessor to Lt J. Baker, who is called to
work elsewhere.
Next week Thursday, April 7th, J.
H. Beed will have .a public sale of a
large number of horses, 120 head of
cattle, 60 hogs, besides farm implements,
etc See bills for further particulars.
Children Cry for
Pltohr9 Castorla.
rm m m. m u
Samuel Anderson 01 Uenoairasin
the city Friday on his way home from
Omaha, where he had been to Say in a
stock of general merchandise for his
C. H. Chapin was with us Wednes
day on business. He says that his in
formation from the Creeds mine in
Colorado is that it is not "flying so high"
as it has been.
320 acres of good land in section 6,
wn 17, range 1 east, for sale for cash-
hose wishing to purchase all or any 80
of said tract, please address M. K. Tur
ner, Columbus, 2?eb.
ik For rent, a commodious store room
II . ... ,
at On Clover Street, centrally located,
and suitau.j for grocery, dry-goods or
clothing. A long time lease preferred.
y"" "" .... v-...,.
nu I mi . : i 1.
DenverEx.... 2:05 p. m "K" pusneuKer tr.iiuo, uiiuugu
Limited .... 50 p. m freight trains, quick time, via theChi
LocalFr't. .. 7:00a. m ,, . ' ... ,T ., ,,T ,
uigo, union ijilmuc x in onu-western
Line to the principal cities east of the
Missouri River, via Omaha. 11-11 1
A. J. Arnold will close out his entire
ock of watches, clocks, jewelry and sil
verware in tne next sixty days. Come at
once and buy jewelry regardless of price.
Ho is absolutely closing out. 47-4
Of Henry J. Honsor, who recently
married Miss Louisa Zingg of this city,
the Bellwood Gazette says that he is one
01 ineir rising young farmers, wno is
bound to meet with success.
y5Ir. aild Mrs. W. F. St. Clair now of
Ottumwa, la., are rejoicing over a fine
big loy baby, which arrived at their
home March 19th. Mrs. St. Clair is re
membered here as Miss Maud Van Al
stine. Tho Kearney Industrial School
Courier of April 1st, contains a picture
of H. D. Shaft", and says he is principal
of one of tho buildings at the school.
He has had charge for nearly three
"Joshua Simpkins" appeared at the
opera house last night and gave entire
satisfaction. Tho band is a dandy.
Elmira (N. Y.) Daily Advertiser. At
tho opera house Wednesday evening.
March 30.
. - -
J. L. Hqrnini of fjmaha, has rented
the store room of Gerrard, Whitmoyer
& Post on Nebraska avenue, and opens
out today a line of general merchandise.
Look out for his advertisement in next
weok's Journal.
Business at the creamery is picking
up a little as spring opens. The pro
prietor, F. N. Stevenson, was in the
-country last week organizing routes for
the season. There will bo some new
routes added to the list.
Last week The Journal mentioned
the death of the infant son of Mr. and
Mrs. Byron Dieffenbach, at Harlem,
Montana, after an illness of five days of
pneumonia, lie was born Jnneotn last,
and named Phillip Earnest.
A meeting of the North Nebraska
Teachers' Association is held at Nor
folk today, Thursday and Friday. Miss
Margaret Gallagher, one of our very
best teachers, has a paper Thursday
morning on "Physical Culture."
J. S. Henrich has leased Wm. Bloe
dorn's farm and will engage in rural
work this summer, for his health. The
Journal is glad to welcome him back to
Platto county, and hopes he may be
fully restored to his oId.4ime vigor. -
C. B. Speice of Columbus, and Miss
May Hart of Madison, were married in
this city last night by Judge Matt
Miller. Mr. Jpcice is the son of C. A.
Speice, an old and prominent citizen of
Columbus. David City Press, Mar. 25.
J$. C. C?reede the discoverer and
owner of tho great mine bearing his
name, in Colorado, is the same man
known hero as Billy Harvey, lieutenant
of Co. C, Pawnee Scouts. He refused
one million dollars for a third interest
in the mine.
No trouble to rent dwelling-houses
in Columbus. It would pay capitalists
to put up small, neat cottages, not too
far from depots, and suitable for the
families of commercial tourists, for
whom this is one of the best points of
location in tho state.
:E. P. Swearingen? esq., was in town
last weok for tho first time since his in
jury about six weeks ago. Ho thinks he
will soon bo O. K. Ho expects shortly
to move to Stromsbnrg and probably to
Lincoln from there, thinking that a good
place for his children to attend school.
INew gas apparatus with vimHzed air
;f.tachnrWnt, the"Taest and mok, im
proved. Versons desnug nitrousnxido
gas or vitarinqd air for nfce painlesV ex
traction of tee can havoWio sameVd
ministered wiuksuccess aiiy denial
parlors, corner OnSiand Thirrafcnth at.
Dr. E. Y. Haughawout
D. B. Duffy began work yesterday
removing tho dwelling-house of G. W.
Phillips, county clerk, to M street,
facing east, on tho same block on which
it has been standing. As before noted
by Tne Journal, Mr. Phillips purposes
the erection of a large, fino dwelling-
house this season.
ersQgR desiring Ofiniai operations
perroNned m a careiui amci easy manner
will be pleaded by callinjkat my dental
parlors. I havekibundancewif testimony
and am convinA one and 111 thatyny
work lltoerformewwith the least possi-
ble nam ftd in the most skilimi manner.
Dr. E. Y. Boughawou1
The speed program of tho Nebras
ka state fair, September 5th to 9th next,
has been issued. The premiums run
from $150 to $600. In all stakes the
horse must be named when first pay
ment is made, May 1st, 1892. Entries to
all trotting and pacing purses to close
Monday, August 29, 1892, at 11 p. m.
The First National bank have sup
plied tobacco seed to ninety men who
have called, and who will plant 44
acres to tobacco; 50 packages have
been sent out by mail, and there is seed
enough left to furnish for thirty or forty
persons more. Pamphlets have accom
panied these and others will follow as
the season advances.
Two trains of palace cattle cars
filled with 900 steers averaging 1500
pounds, passed through the city Sunday,
destined for Liverpool, England. They
were shipped by tho Kent Cattle Co. of
Nance county, and one of the men in
charge waf W. E. Walton. The cars
were decora.ed with various advertising
devices, such as: "From Genoa, the
Queen City of tho Plains," "From Nance
County, the Home of King Corn."
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla. j
Henry T. Spdfttty, th republican
candidate for councilman of the First
ward, has a considerable interest in the
welfare of that part of the city as a
property owner, and has the qualifica
tions for making a first-class member of
the city legislature. Mr. Spoony is one
01 that class of men who take pnde in
doing the work that is laid upon
them by the confidence of their fellow
citizens, and doing it well. Yon may be
sure he will be found at Jus post of duty,
ready for action whenever the demands
of his ward or of the city are upon him.
He is a man of a great deal mor than
the ordinary ability, and a ver; jreat
deal more than the ordinary courage to
press his views of right and expediency.
With Mr. Spoerry in the legislative body
which largely shapes the expenditure of
the city's money, those who vote for
him may rest assured that the humblest
citizen, as well as the proudest, will have
in him a representative of his interests,
who will help to see that the public
moneys are properly and economically
It has been said as against the can
didacy of J. G. Pollock for the mayoral
ty that his property interests hero are
not large. There is some misapprehen
sion in this matter on the part of those
who use it. Mr. Pollock has always
had, since he has been a resident of the
city, and in the hotel business, several
thousands of dollars' worth of property
invested, and has expended with the
business men of this city from twenty-
five to fifty dollars a day, and this, too,
of money derived almost wholly from
transient trade money brought from
the outside. If property interests are
to be questioned at all, it is well enough
to be juBt
John Hoffman, the well known busi
ness man of Thirteenth street, is the
republican candidate for councilman of
the Second ward. Mr. Hoffman is a man
who takes a lively interest in public
matters, and, though not very demon
strative, ho is nevertheless earnest,
honest and capable, and will make a
first-class councilman. He is thoroughly
well informed on all matters of local im
portance in his ward, and will, in the
filling of the duties of his office, be
guided by the law, by common sense
and justice to all interests concerned.
Henry Bristol, one of the most suc
cessful raisers of wheat in this vicinity,
always drills his grain in, and before
sowing he always runs his seed through
a fanning. mill twice in order to takeout
all of the weed seed and small wheat.
By so doing he always gets a good stand
and never fails to get a good crop. Per
haps if some of our farmers who have
had "poor luck" raising wheat would
try Mr. .Bristol's plan tney w
d meet
with better success. Howe
The candidate of the republicans for
councilman of the Third ward, Gus G.
Becher, is too well known to our readers
to need any commendation from The
Journal. No man in the ward, proba
bly, is better acquainted with its needs,
or in better position to have those needs
recognized by the city authorities than
is Gus Becher. Those who have any
doubt about this can very readily have
those doubts dispelled by a few minutes
talk with Mr. Becher.
. H. Galley purposes enlarging his
store, making sin addition running back
to the alley, thus giving him a room one
hundred and thirty-two feet in length.
He will also put in a new front with
French plate glass, thus making one of
tho very best and most commodious es
tablishments in the city. Mr. Galley,
by the way, is a thorough-going busi
ness man and has established an en
viable reputation for fair, square, all-the-year-round
The program of the Y. M. C. A. of
district number one, embracing tho
counties north of the Platte river, for
the third annual convention, has been
distributed. The convention is to be
held here April 8-10, in the Congrega
tional church, and among those to be
present are: the Very Rev. Charles H.
Gardner, dean of Trinity Cathedral,
Omaha, who will make the opening ad
dress, and A. Nash, state secretary of the
Clarence Gerrard, who is now in
Chicago, came near getting killed lately.
He was on the street car when a run
away truck-wagon struck the car, the
shaft of the truck going through the
car and hitting Clarence on tho back
knocking him across the car, striking his
head against the other side and stunning
him so that he was unconscious. He
was getting along well when last heard
from. Monroe Looking Glass.
P. W. Beerbower and family intend
to leave today for their new home in Co
lumbus. Their many friends are sorry
to see them go Frank P. Smith, of
Humphrey, Nebraska, who has pur
chased the Kasselder place, seven miles
northwest of town, was in town Monday.
He will move his family out here in a
few days. Cedar Rapids Repub.
In Science for March 11th is an ar
ticle on the Loup and Platte rivers by
Prof. J. E. Todd of Tabor. Iowa, who
several years ago made a study of this
region. There are in it several points of
interest to the general reader, but most
ly it is an article designed for the
learned. We thank the professor for
sending us a copy.
A legal notice published elsewhere
in today's Journal will show voters that
but one day remains, April 2d, to see
that your name is on the list all right.
This is a "revision of registration." If
yon were on the list at last election and
have not since changed your residence,
you need not pay any farther attention
to it, .
The first Sunday in April is State
Sunday school day, when every Sunday
school in the state is expected to devote
a portion of their regular session to a
season of prayer for state work. Each
school is asked to give a collection of
two cents per member to aid in the
work of organizing schools in the state.
Street Commissioner Elliott was at
work on the streets Friday last with
shovel and grader, in an endeavor to get
a move on the extra water. A system of
sewerage on the principal but-iness
streets, which would give good drainage
would be a wonderful help to the streets
in rainy weather.
ice-Anaul XeetiaKr Colaatbl
The annml meetingof Coin
township wilfe held on Tuesday, A
5th, at 9 a. m. X H-B-
1 X Town Clerk.
Mrs. Chas. Pollock visited in Genoa
last week. '
Wm. Welch, near Genoa, was in the,
city Saturday.
Mrs. Joe Krause came down from
Genoa Monday.
Gus. G. Becher went to Humphrey
Friday on business.
Theo. Waldchmidt of Burlington,
, Ja.,
was in town Monday.
Mrs. Davis is visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. F. Gleason.
Miss Anna Turner of Genoa spent
Sunday with her parents.
Mrs. D. M. Doty and child have retur
ned home from their visit to Lincoln.
Mrs. Mclntire went to Omaha Monday,
called by the sickness of her daughter. '
Mrs. A. M. Covert went to Oconee
Monday to visit her sistert few days.
Abraham Scott of Oconee gave us a
very pleasant business call yesterday.
Editor McGill of the Humphrey Dem
ocrat gave us a fraternal call yesterday.
Mrs. C. A. Brindley and Mis. C. A.
Newman are visiting friends at Creigh-
ton, Neb.
J. W. Tanner of the Fullerton Post
was in the city yesterdayand gave this
office a call.
Miss Louise Bauer went to Sioux City
Monday to take lessous.iu China paint
ing and firing.
Mrs. J. H. Watts and Mrs. John
Keeler of Wattsville made this office a
pleasant call last Thursday. r
Mrs. Paul Krause returned home to
Albion Saturday after spending soveral
weeks with her parents here.
Jesse Becher and George Whaley camo
up Saturday from tho State University
for a week's visit with parents.
Misses Phoebe and Grace Gerrard
came up from Lincoln Friday evening to
spend Sunday with their parents.
Herbert Shoaf passed through the city
Monday from Central City to his home
in Genoa. He' returns on account of
poor health.
Rev. J. B. Leedom went to Schuyler
Monday to assist Rev. Eddlebutein con
ducting a protracted meeting. He ex
pected to return today.
J. H. Reed, now of Riverside, Califor
nia, arrived in the city Thursday by way
of Ohio, whero he had been called by the
illness of his mother who died March
13th. Mr. Reed is wonderfully enthu
siastic over his new location.
From the Schuyler Quill we learn
that Mrs. Marie Folda, mother of F.
Folda, aged seventy-eight years died
Sunday March 20 The PresbyteriajMi
have decided to build a parsonage.":.
Plans and specifications have been pre
pared for Janacek's new $16,000 opera
house George Groat and wife have
returned from Canada where they spent
the winter at George's old home. From
the Sun: Dr. Walter Maxwell of Wash
ington, D. C, is expected to arrive to
day. He will have charge of the sugar
beet experimental station north of the
city this year. There are few people
here who realize what a benefit that
station is to Schuyler. It not only ad
vertises it all over the United States as
the location of the station, but what
some people would call more practical-
there, is expended .c-r will be -'this yedF
over 910,000, all of which is left right in
this city. Besides even all this there
will be three persons of note from Wash
ington hero spending their salaries in
our midst aud in all, tho citizens of
Schuyler should learn to appreciate a
good thing when they have it O.
Nelson will be the manager of tho far
mers' exchange store John Wertz
while bringing a load of hogs to town,
found that one of them had died from
the jolting it received on tho way.
Reno & Ford's "Joshua Simpkins"
company will be tho attraction at the
opera house this (Wednesday) evening.
As the title at onco suggests, it is a
rural drama or comedy-drama, showing
the honest simplicity of New England
country life as compared with the hustle
and pitfalls of the great metropolis.
The action of the piece opens on Maple
Sap Farm, in a small Vermont village,
and changes to Now York City, which
"Uncle Joshua" favors with his first visit.
He is at once set on by tho wolves and
sharks of the great city, but as ho reads
tho papers and is not as green as ho
appears, he bailies the bunco steorers
and confidence men who seek him for
their prey. The play allows of many
very funny scenes and situations which
are not lost sight of by the company.
There is also a well defined plot and
several startling dramatic scenes and
situations. Incidental to the action of
the piece, many pleasing and excellent
singing and dancing specialties are in
troduced by different members of tho
"I have just recovered from a sec
ond attack of the grip this year," says
Mr. James O. Jones, publisher of the
Leader, Mexia, Texas. "In the latter
case I used Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy, and I think with considerable suc
cess, only being in bed a little over two
days, against ten days for the first at
tack. The Eecond attack I am satisfied
would have been equally as bad as the
first but for tho use of this remedy, as I
had to go to bed in about six hours after
being 'struck' with it, while in the first
case I was able to attend to business
about two days before getting 'down.' "
50 cent bottles for sale by C. E. Pollock
& Co. and Dr. Heintz, Druggists. tf
The Belvedere has recently been re-
builtnewly and elegantly furnished, is
heateaby steam andopen grates and
has all moriern appliances; is located in
the center ofHhe city of RTashington,
D C, within two blocks ofVhe U.S.
capital, and midwaV between he'B.&
O. antiunion depots.V American plan
$2 to $3"axday, accordingvta location of
rooms. Eurbpaan plan $1 aad upwards;
special rates to exwjrsionistsSond com
mercialvtravelers. D E. Hoadley &
Sen, prop're? p-1
Letter List.
List of letters remaining in tho post
office at Columbus, Nebraska, for the
week ending March 29, 1892:
G.T. Sovei
Cornelius X
SaAiel M.
learns, Chrmt Heye
fy, AuthXfcnclc.
Parties calling for the above
will please say "advertised."
Carl Kramer, P. M,
Cattle to pasture during the season of
92. Good pasture; good water and
plenty of salt. Reduced rates on largo
herds. Apply by postal card or in per
son, to ' Alonzo Haiqht.
Columbus, Nab.
J. lGukore
CTa bowt,
Miss Uesve IB
City Council Proceeding.
An adjourned meeting of tho city
council was held Friday evening,
March 25. Present, Council men
Boettcher, Gondring, Gray, Phillips,
Pollock. Speice and Mr. Mayor.
Minutes of previous meeting read
and approved.
Petition for sidewalk along the
north side of blocks 59 and 60 signed
by F. H. Rusche and sixteen others.
Referred to committee on streets aud
Indemnity bond of $300 from J. B.
Delsman was presented, approved
and filed.
The police-oonmittee presented a
report upon a report from tho police
judge, which was read and consider
ation or same postponed until next
Report of committee on sidewalks
recommending the payment of D. N.
Miner for constructing sidewalks,
was adopted.
For the construction of sidewalks,
the following valuation of lots to
gether with tho amounts charged and
assessed against the same, was fixed
as follows :
Val. Ain't.
.3200. S-JCtt
. 200 21 11
. 21X) 21 1G
. 190. 21 W
05. 7 S2
T5.... 8 8$
95 11 fll
C3 7 82
CT. 7 82
200 2T 73
201 25 73
Lots 5 and 4. block 8s .......
W; or block C. su iMllvof o 1 8.
Lot 1. block B, same .
IOt 2. block 3. Stevens' add
Lot ti. block 12, Hiuhland Park.,
Lot 3, block 9, same
I.0IC. block 9. same
Lot 2, block 12, same
Lot 3, block 10. same
Lot 2, block F, sub dlv o 1 8
Lot 1, block F.sanie
"Thqse valuations wero ordered
certified to tho county clerk for the
purpose of collecting taxes on same.
The city clerk was instructed to
draw warrants in favor of D. N.
Miner, on the special assessment
fund for improvements, for the fol
lowing amounts assessed against the.
following described lots:
LotM3and4 block SS. ......... $21 11
'yt block C, sub dlv out lot 8 23 36
Lot l, block II. same . . Zi 1C
lite lil.ii-lr 1 Ktpvpno mill ?. 1i.
'Lot C. block 12, Highland Park add 7 48
Lot 3, block 9. same . 8 an
Lot C. block 9, same 10 :rr
Lot 2. block 12. saino 7 1
Lot 3, block 10, same... 7 18
Lot 2. block F, sub fliv out lot 8 . 24 U"
Lot 1, block F, sub div out lot S .. - 24 C3
Oare 31 ore. A Chrixtian Burial for Chris
tians Only.
Ed. Journal: Two articles appeared
in your last issno in reference to the
abovo mentioned statement. It would
bo useless to enter upon a detailed re
ply to the same. I will simply say this.
Tho broad viows of Christianity which
characterize our nineteenth century and
which are so loudly proclaimed in tho
"Partial Review," are not contained in
the scriptures, are not the loving Sa
vior's teachings. The teachings of the
loving Savior have always been and are
appallingly so in our days, an offence to
tne great multitude or tne worlds
people, consequently when scripture is
held up to them and scriptural truths
practiced they cry: "bigotry! intol
erance!" It was bo in the days of
Christ's visible presence on earth, and it
is. so to-day and will continue to be so
unto the end.
To the writer who cal$, .huaaett HNot
Infallible," I would' especially say, that
if at any time in the future he should be
tempted to write about some one, he
should at first make sure whether his
statements can stand the test of truth.
The whole passage of the "Redding
affair," (which by the way, stands in no
connection whatever with the disputed
question,) is, as far as my person is con
cerned, a blunt lie. If the Rev. Redding
really did such good work here; it cer
tainly did not affect the "N. I." very
much. Probably it would be good to
have Mr. Redding another three weeks
here, to teach the "N. I." to put away
lying and to speak the truth. - So the
"side light" of the "N. I." turns out to
be a sitle shadow, thrown upon himself.
As to ray reasons upon which I base
my action of refusing christian burials
to non christians, they have not been
weakened by the objections the "N I."
raises, and as long as this is not the case
there is no need for better ones.
Atthe;closinj?,of his article the"N
L" says: "That" a man may, exception-"
ally perhaps, go to heaven without any
help from any chnrch whatever, the
strictest bible christian will not deny,
for it is plainly shown in the case of the
malefactor on the cross," (which state
ment, by the way, reveals very confused
ideas concerning the doctrino of the
church,) and then continues: "Was
Mr. Heintz as bad as that criminal?
Supposing he had been worse, does Mr.
M. know if ho did not ask for and re
ceived pardon nt the eleventh hour?"
Whether Mr. Heintz asked for and re
ceived pardon at the eleventh hour I do
not know. I cannot look into the hearts
of men; but is there any earthly evi
dence that he did ask for pardon? He
was known ns a despiser of tho word of
God unto his end, and Christ, who
judges the heart, says: "He that is of
God, heareth God's words; ye therefore
hear them not, because ye are not of
God." And through the prophet Hosea,
God says: "Because thou hast rejected
knowledge (i. o. the word of God) I will
also reject thee." If we therefore con
demn a despiser of tho word of uod, as
Mr. Heintz has been ono, we do this in
full accordance with God's word and if
in this case tho words of Christ: "Judge
not that ye be not judged," are held up
against us, they are entirely wrongly ap
plied. II. MlESSLER.
Another Interesting Letter from onr Itcsi
deut Correspondent.
Bno. Turjtek: Since my last letter to
you there have been many developments
m the way of improvements in tho furth
er growth of our big, southern babe, Vo
lasco. It certainly is a marvel of its age
and you would bear me out iu the asser
tion were you here.
Wo are in the midst of beautiful spring
with all that we enjoy of that season in
Nebraska and much more in the way of
birds, flowers, garden vegetables and tine
atmosphere. Pine, costly buildings are
still going up, now principally large
bricks, and still more talked of. The
plans and specifications for an elevator
with a capacity of 100,000 bus. of grain
and annexed a large cotton compress are
in, and the work soon to begin; a large
exchange building also a board of trade
building, and more large, business houses
are nnder way of construction. The ex
tension of the wharf is being pushed by
the syndicate; the jetties are still being
worked on for permanence.
A corps of engineers have started the
survey from there for Richmond for a
railroad line to tap the M. K. & T. sys
tem. The Sante Fe will also run in here,
so in the near future we will be in com
munication by land and sea on all com
pass points. New shipping appears in
the port every week, showing that com
merce by 6ea is gaining rapidly at Velas
co. The freight trains on the new road
are growing longer every day. The traf
fic in city property is quite active, and
what we need now is more farmers to set
tle in here, while they can get near the
city. In my judgment there are plenty
of mercantile businesses here now, for the
present but still the foundations are be
ing laid for many more; probably they
see further iu the future than I do, but
with the hosts of business houses, thea
ters, churches, etc. one would think it is
enough, but still they come. There was
a rush of mechanics until the supply was
gorged and many of the surplus have left
disgusted because they did not get work,
but I have been fortunate enough to se
cure plenty to do.
Boat building is employing quite a
number of people; an ice plant, 15-ton-capacity
daily, is being put in. when ice
will be plentiful and cheap. To-day the
temperature is 61 degrees above. The
health is good yet, no one sick. The doc
tors have tho most unhealthy appear
ance and seem to find the most objections
to the health of the city. I am surprised
myself when there are hundreds of peo
ple living in tents and rude shanties along
the riverside, sleeping on the ground, in
cluding women and children and no one
sick. There are here the healthiest look-
ing women and children that 1 have ever
found in my travels.
So far as my judgment goes up'to date
I would not be in doubt to advise com
ing here, especially ladies and children.
Catarrh and asthma are cured here in
a month's time and no medicine needed.
Colds and coughs are very little noticed.
Spaniards are plentiful, and so are ne
groes and Chinamen. No mosquitos as
Yours as ever,
JouxW. Ssrrrn.
For Sale.
r36 years of successful farming
raska, and being desirous of en-
in other business, I offer the fol
lowing lands for sale:
120 acres of good meadow and farm
land on Shell Creek, 2 miles from
Platte Center, living water.
320 acres within one mile and a quar
ter of Oconee on the Loup, with about
100 acres in young timber, a corral for
300 head of cattle, a frame house and
stable and about 60 acres broke, all un
der fence an extra good stock farm,
being well watered.
My homestead farm of about 560 acres,
three miles west of Columbus, finely im
proved, 100 acres of good timber, large
brick house, largest barn in the county,
stables for 300 head of cattle and horses,
five corn cribs, two large granaries, a
large feed yard with living spring water
in it, with ten self feeders, 100 feed
boxes, 400 feet of shedding and tight
board fence, the largest and dryest yard
in the state of Nebraska.
320 acres on the table land 5 miles
northwest of Columbus, nnder cultiva
tion, good buildings and well improved,
at $20 per acre in any portion.
80 acres improved land 3 miles north
west of Columbus, in Section 34, Town
ship 18, Range 1 west, $22.50 per acre.
320 acres of as fine meadow land as
there is in the state, 5 miles from my
homestead farm, all under fence and
within 1 mile of Oconee.
320 acres 4 miles west of Columbus,
80 acres under cultivation, 25 acres of
timber, frame house and stable, all under
fence, and having living water, at $18.00
per acre.
160 acres in Nance comity, 5 miles
from Genoa, with 80 acres of yonng tim
ber and 80 acres of good meadow land.
Terms, Cash. For further in formation
call on the undersigned nt my farm three
miles west of Columbus.
41-2t-p Patrick Murray.
Or call on or address Becher, Jaeggi
x Co., Columbus,
There is no danger from whooping
cough when Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy is freely given. It liquefies the
tough, tenacious mucus and aids in its
expectoration. It also lessens -Utaat
"... , - ...v..vx, . 3vw
vrib aim irrxjaeuuy oi'iue paroxysms
of coughing, and insnres a speedy re
covery. There is not tho least danger
in giving it to children or babies, as it
contains no injurious substance. 50 cent
bottles for sale by C. E. Pollock x Co.
and Dr. Heinz, Druggists. tf
is nenpy givcnyuiat 1 wHl on
honr ol2
nfclnnk n
ffer for sale ntjnmtion tue
renco surround
the court housXyard
andrnll sell tke samto tCfchighest and
best bituVrfor cashnriuifBy order
of boartVof
The handsomest lady in Columbus
remarked to a friend the other day that
ehe.knewjKemp's,Balsam.for.the throat
and Inngs was a superior remedy, as it
stopped her cough instantly when other
cough remedies had no effect whatever.
So to prove this and convince you of its
merits, any druggist will give you a
sample bottle free. Large size 50c and
81. l-y
I want you to understand John Hen
ry, that you ain't to drink that Haller's
Sarsaparilla all up, I got it for pap and
me. Pap he sez mam you go down
and git bottle of Haller's Sarsaparilla
and Burdock and you will git oVer feel
ing so tired and bad and git rid of all of
them pimples. So let that alone now.
For sale by Wm. Kearville. 8
. The Coming Line.
we Chicago, Union Pacific & North
Wepprn Lino offers the best accommo
dations to the traveling public en routo
to Chicago and intermediate points via
Omaha. Through trams, fast tune,
magnificent sleeping cars, elegant din
ing cars, reclining chair cars and hand
some day coaches. 10-llt
I'age in History Club I'rosrMin.
Following is the program for April
Henry II of Knxlaiul....
Iouis VII of France
i; ichnnl I
Trincu John of Enclaiiil.
.Iiiil' Vot
..i I. Albert
C A r.rimlli'y
.................Mrs Sullivan
-Miss Kal'-iKlier
Oenerai Discussion The Saracens During
Third Crusade. Sulij-ct opened by Mrs
l'age, followed by JIrs C Kramer... .
St. Patrick's Pills are carefully
prepared from tho best material and
according to the most approved formula,
and are the most perfect cathartic and
liver pill that can be produced. Wo
sell them. C. E. Pollock x Co. and Dr.
Heintz, druggists.
gasiness Notices.
AdvertiBOincntB nnder this head five cents a
line each insertion.
stock tl
.SCHILTZ makes boots and shoeainthe
beet styles, and uses only the very best
that can be procured in the market. 52-tf
MAKE a specialty of castrating ridiclinsr
apnea and stallions and the ridgling bull. I
at to neht colts scirrnn conls caused by
kps?colta with rupture. I will be on hand
an as the weather will permit.
jSl a regular meeting of the Board of Super
visors of Platte county, Nebraska, on January
IB, 1S92, the following resolution was unani
mously adopted, to-wit:
"Resolved that the Board of Supervisors of
Platte county earnestly urge all tax payers to
list their real estate as much as possible in bulk,
and by so doing assist in lessening the present
heavy and useless expense incident to the
present method of listing property, and be it
"Resolved that we request all the Assessors in
Platte county to nse all honorable mi-ans in
carrying out the provisions of the foregoing
By order of the Board.
Attest: G. W. PHILLIPS."
County Clerk.
Columbus, Neb., March 25, 1892. SOmarOt
Office at (TTSmUsland,
Fehruari 1!. lttoL
hereby given tAat the following-
has bled noticelnf his mtpntioa to
make final
roof in supporaof his claim, and
that said H
will be made ne lore the clerktnf
thet district
at CoIumbuVNeli., on Apl
Ithll&K. viz
icar Deegan. MTTMiio. itM-.
the X. i 8.
and W. VJ S. E. U V bection
townVhip 19 no:
f if mum 3 west.
illowing witnesses tVprovc his
continuous rcsnlance upon and cultivation or,
said laniLlviz: IKhael J. Clark. CharlVt Under
wood, Simon Burners anil James McVhillipd,
all of Linasay, Neb. kaxklin swi
21feb6t V X Kegister.
"A5AKESIS gives instant
relict ami is an iiuulliblo
I'vrertirl'UM. 1'ricuSI.Ily
Drtiinjtrtsoriunil. Samples
Box 24US, Nuw York City.
, Afe
in Neb
X. ' Sheriff
W. J
Our Store is a
bargains, which
can procure.
Money invested in
the Best
We always take back anything
that is not satisfactory, and our.
methods of doing business are.,
strictly honest and legitimate,
therefore our aim is your aim. We
give honest values for honest
Cloak Dep't.
Have vou seen our new spring gar-
moms lor indies and misses 1 11 non,
wKy not ? Your own mind tells you
that our stock is larger than all the
other stores in town combined, and
thev are all
All-wool Reefer Box Coats in tan,
grey and black,
$3.75 and $4.00.
Long Cape Ulsters in Heron-bone
$10.00 and $12.00.
G and 40
mchcsIong in tan, grey and
And hundreds of other bargains.
Dry Goods I Carpets,
Best Chance of All
Haviiiir made arrangements with a
line of instrument, we have decided
"We have just received a full line of spring goods, so this is a grand op
portunity to supply yourself with anything vou need at very low prices.
WE WILL MARK EVERYTHING DOWN to a price that will insure a
quicic sale.
ut to get a choice you should come at once. This is positively your
last chance to liny goods at such price?;.
tSrAVill sell the whole stock, good will and fixtures to a reliable -party
on easy terms.
5IONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS at lowest rates of interest, on short or long time, in amount a
to suit applicants.
BONDED ABSTRACTEKS OF TITLE to all real tstate in Plattf county.
Represent THE LEADINO INSURANCE COMPANIES of the World. Our Tarm policies are
the most liberal in use. Losses adjusted, and promptly paid at this office.
Notary Pnbhc always in office.
Jarm and city property for sale.
Mako collections of foreign inheritances and aell steamship tickets to and from all parte
of Europe. laug'91-tf
General Agents
naloa Paoile tad Midlaad Paeilc B. B.
eronfivorUayartim,innntlpaymeaUtoaltparcliaera. W have ab large and choio
lot of other laid, improved aad unimproved, for Mia at low pric aad oa rnMonTn terms. A1m
basins mad iwidiaco loU in the city. Wa keap complete abstract of titla to ail real estate it
titae, yf Itry, aid Freak Fisfc.
paid for Hide. Pelta, Tallow. THiliiil til hi tm inlil luilxl aajUi.l
Olive StrMt, twe Dnh Nerth
constant mine of
brain and energy-
our Goods reaps
Bargains !
Ladies' fast black Hose, 10c.
Boys' Hose, 5c, 8c; 0c, 10c,
Baby Underwear 10c, 15c, up
pure siik.
Good Corsets 50c, worth 85c.
G. D. Corsets 81.00, worth SI. 50.
Calicoes, 4c yd. .
Ginghams, 5c yd.
Pins, lc per paper.
Fine Dress Ginghams, 10c yd.
Scotch Zephyrs, 12Jc yd.
Best OutingFlannels,"l2c vd.
Good yard-wide Muslin 5 and 6c yd.
38 in.-wide American Senres lie
vl., worth 15c.
Cashmeres, 12$c yd.
Plaid and stripe spring Dress Goods,
38 inches wide, 25 and 33c yd.
Wool Dress Goods, 40 inches wide,
and in fancy effects, 37 J c yd.
40 inch-wide, new Plaids, handsome
goods, 50c yd.
bukerlines in beautitul patterns,
15c yd.
Shades, all complete, 30c each.
Carpets 15c, 25c, 30, 35c, 45c and
50c, all special values.
Haudk'fs lc, 2c, 3c, 4c, 5c.
200 silk Umbrellas going at $2.00
each, worth $3.00 and 84.00.
large music
house to handle a full
for the tale of
All Kiifc tf SausgtfeSpeeialty.
tf tie Fin ffatieatl laik.
.- t
A 1