d i& . t -1. ," l ' V a " I - -. . m . 1 - S ' . . - 1 . . -- .-jcc-.r -.'- .. ...- , -t. U" -.- I f a " -i .. ".li5 s !'-1 s A. .& . Entered at the Post-oafee, Colambaa, Neb., as second-class mail natter. XBflCKD KTXmt WKUSBBDAT BX K. TURNER & CO., Colambnet Nel. M. TZRXS OF BUB80HIPTIOH: One year, by msH, postage prepaid, ..$2.00 .. LOO en six months, Hires month, Parable in AdTance. gpypecimea copies mailed free, on applica tion. TOBCBaOBIBXBa. Whensnbacribcrs change their P."' ': deace they ehonld at once notify ue by letter or ofal card, civing both their former and thou find the name on onr mailing bet, from wlucn b..inC in typo, wo each week prmt either on the wrapper or on tho xuarpin of your .J oubnax. ine dato-to which your subscription iiwd" ac tuated for. 'llerailtances onld" be made cither by money-ord'T, registered letter or draft, payable to the order of & TO OOBHXSPOXDZHTS. f,acromnaniodby the full name of the writer. All commnnksaUona,toBecnre """H1"" and cannot agree to return the sae-Ao desire a, eorn-pondent in every school-dietnct ot 1'latte county, one of Rood judgment, anq re IiaWo in every way.-Write plainly, each item separately. Give u facta. WEDNESDAY. MAKCII 30, 1S92. 'Upf:' " : REPUBLICAN CITY TICKET. J" 't" ".' 4- . Major, ' , . ': V-.. ' JOHN G. POLLOCK, -wvx-'...- . " ' Clerk, --" '..;? - " : ' - D.N.MINER. ;.:.- . Treasurer, J-ri.;'- "..- ALONZO HAIGHT. 5 .':-''- .""V'"" Police Judge, I .'- .'":.' " H. J. HUDSON. K": ." --.... City Engineer, ; - ;--;-.'.-, A. G. ARNOLD. t ''..'' " Members Board of Education, j-. .--'. . M.WHETMOYER, i --:- : ::-; . . w. a. McAllister ..zaBBBMBWBBBwawsBBwawBBaBwaa Kc'imMiraii IHhtrirt Coiiveution. The republicans of the Third congres sional district of Nebraska, will meet in delegate convention at the opera lionse in Norfolk, Madison county, Nobr. on Thursday, April 21, 18D2, at 7:30 p. in., for the purpose of selecting two dele gates and two alternates to represent this congressional district at the Nation al convention to be held at Minneapolis, Minnesota. The basis of representation is one del egate at largo for each county and one for each 150 votes or major fraction there of cast for George H. Hastings, candi date for attorney general in 18i)0. and is as follows: Antelojie Iloone Hurt Cedar Colfax Cuming Dakota , Dixon Dodire c, Madison . Merrick . Nance .. . Pierce .. . Platte Stanton . . ThurMon.. Vajne . 8 . 4 . 4 . 7 . 4 . li .11 Knox r. Total JO It is recommended by the committee that no proxies be admitted to the con vention, and that each county elect al ternates. Delegates or alternates pres ent will bo allowed to cast the full vote of their respective counties. W. E. Peebles, Atlee Hart, ChairinaL Secretary Pro Tem. Dated Pender, Neb., March 1, 1892. Congressman McKeioiiax of this etate had his say on the Bland bill Wed nesday. Sixteen anarchists were arrested at Paris, believed to be tho authors of the dynamite explosions of last week. Grave apprehensions are felt for the peace of Germany, owing principally to Kaiser Wilhelm's sad physical condition. The Springfield (O.,) Union offers the following toast: "David Bennett Hill, never in war, seldom in peace, and fre quently in the pockets of his country men." MuisnALL Field & Co. of Chicago will soon begin tho erection of a mam moth business 'house to be the equal of any in the world, and to cost millions of dollars. A course of instruction is being given to the government physicians, and the government has decided to uso the Keoley treatment in twenty-eight of the soldiers'" homes. One day last week children set fire to the barn of Jacob Kasselder five miles northeast of Cedar Rapids and it was consumed with two ponies, 500 bushels of oats, a lot of corn and farming utensils. Some Maryland citizens have peti tioned congress to give them compensa tion for slaves taken by tho general gov ernment emancipated by a state con vention at tho instance of the general government. A successful tert has been made at Peoria, 111., of the primary battery sys tem as applied directly to tho running of street cars. Tho inventor has per fected plans for a large electric locomo tive capauio oi running a passenger train. Nebraska farms were nevor in more demand than at present. Those who did well last year are buying moro land that they may extend their operations. People from other states aro coming in by the hundreds. Cedar Rapids Re publican. The beet sugar convention at Denver last Wednesday was a success. It is said that the experiments mado in dif ferent parts of Colorado tho past two years prove that beets grown under ir rigation run high in saccharine matter and produce abundantly. A few days ago Tom Reed defined a statesman to be a successful politician who is dead. In a day or two a Bos ton man telegraphed him this terse inquiry: "Why don't you die?" "Not yet," replied Mr. Rsed, "Fame is the last infirmity of noble minds." The Ohio legislature recentlv passed 1 vm i: - . . a bill exempting from the provisions of the Australian ballot law all the town ship elections and all municipal or cor poration elections, excepting those of the cities. The action of the legislature is regarded on all hands as a blunder, if nothing worse. There is some rich and juicy reading in the democratic papers of the state concerning Governor Boyd, and espe cially his aetion with reference to rail road rates. The Grand Island Demo crat is specially acrimonious, calling the governor "a bull-headed fool," "an ego tistical bumpkin," "a barnacle," et cetera. Capt. A. D. Yocxm, under trial on a charge of murder, for killing Myron Tan Fleet of Hastings, was found guilty of manslaughter by the jury, after being out for twenty-one hours. As to the case of Jeff Teemer for aiding and abetting in the murder, it will not be tried at the present term, and it is said Vnat the case may be dismissed. I Br Ohio papers we notioe that prioee of sheep are going up. Sales held this spring show better prices than fdr many years past In Harrison county one lot of 500 head Bold at an average of $026, the befit wethers bringing $7.05, three-year-old ewes $7.00, two-year-old wethers, $6.80, and ewe lambs $6.00. The purchases, says the Cadiz Republican, were all made by farmers and they evi dently regard sheep as still good property. UtaVs AdHimioa. On Wednesday last, after having had under consideration for several weeks the Caine bill to give local government to Utah, the house committee on ter ritories decided to report it favorably, with an amendment striking out the section relating to the sale of public lands for school purposes, the com mittee deeming it best to have a separate measure covering this point. The bill reported is one which several hearings were given by the committee on ter ritories of both houses. The vote on the bill was a party one, the democrats favoring and the republicans opposing it The farewell banquet to U. S. Minis ter Reid at Paris took place Thursday. There were three hundred guests. In his address, he said that the true reason of his resignation was that he wished to go home and get a rest. He paid a high tribute to the French people, and in conclusion said: "I drink to this beau tiful Paris, the American's second home; I drink to France, our old and tried friend; to the republic, our sister, and to tho French president, whom all the world respects, and finally to the for eign minister, my resolute antagonist in many questions that have been settled between our countries, but always my sincere friend." At the Thirteenth anniversary of the opening of the State Industrial School at Kearney the other day, F. G. Keens had the following to say of the man at the head of the institution who, by the way, was a former resident of this city: "And the one man who more than any one else has been the means of placing the school among the great reformatory institutions of the land is its superin tendent. Prof. John T. Mallalieuj whose mild yet firm management broad views and varied learning have given him so prominent a place among the leaders of reformatory work throughout the land. Long may the state retain his services and this good work be perpetuated." The supreme court of Wisconsin has decided that the democratic apportion ment made a year ago is void because unconstitutional. It was fitting that the supreme court Bhould decide whethe. one political party had the right i ractically to disfranchise half the c.''''.ens of the state by an irregular ap portionment The decision is lengthy, and sots forth in very plain terms the gross injustice of the "gerrymander" law. It will be necessary now for the governor to convene the legislature in special session, to pass another appor tionment law. The same legislature will enact the new one, but doubtless they will avoid the splitting up of counties and shoe-stringing. It is stated that congress to a man will back President Harrison in his de clared intention to exhaust every avail able resource to maintain the rights claimed by the country pending arbi tration. The president's course has been clearly that of an American, unbiased by any considerations of partisan poli tics, whatever. It is to be hoped that war will not result from England's wrong position in the matter. The country can rest assured that whatever may honorably be done to avoid a clash of arms will be done by the president but, on the other hand, England will not be allowed to dictate terms to the Uni ted States. President Harrison will thus not only have the support of all the congressmen, but that of every in telligent citizen in the country. Washington letter. From onr regular correspondent. Secretary Foster was at his desk bright and early this morning, hard at work upon the business which had accumu lated during his flying European trip. He looks well, and he says he feels much better than he did when he went away, and there is no visible evidence of the black eye he received by being thrown against the side of tho cabin by a sud den lurch of the vessel, on the home ward voyage. When asked about the new butch of stories which have been started concerning the condition of the treasury, ho smiled and said: "They are simply repetitions of the stories which have been periodically started by the democrats for a year or two past The treasury is all right; it is meeting and will continue to meet every legitimate demand upon it and will also continue the policy of keeping the money of the country in active circulation, where ev erybody gets some benefit from it in stead of allowing it to accumulate either in the treasury or in favored deposito ries." Tho president and his cabinet have fully decided upon the policy of the United States in Behring sea, and it is probable that orders have already been issued that will send a sufficient naval force to the sealing waters to prevent any wholesale poaching during the com ing season. Lord Salisbury has net answered the dispatch sent him two weeks aco today, and there is good au thority f r saying that the president is now inu-tferent as to what that answer ' r wh! BhaU ta "nt .Great Britain was given a reasonable time to (jo-operate with us in preventing illegal sealing, and her neglect to do so is her own affair. Secretary Blaine continues to improve, and, if he does not conclude to take a short trip, will probably resume his du ties during the present week. He is in perfect accord with what the president has done concerning Behring sea mat ters. In spite of the complaints of the low salaries paid our consuls abroad much less in many instances than private business houses pay their representa tives at the same places the peanut policy of the democrats in the house has been applied to the diplomatic and con sular appropriation bill and the salaries of a large number of consuls reduced. The committee also struck out entirely the appropriation for the bureau of American republic which has been of great service to those having or desiring to have business with the countries of South and Central AmiHca. Notwithstanding th stteinpt df Ben; cv; atof Hill to bulldoze the democrats of the house election committee into en dorsing the theft by Which Mr. Bock well, of New York, holds the seat to which Representative Noyes was honest ly elected by the voters of the twenty eighth district of that state, only one democrat on that committee voted against the report declaring Col. Noyes entitled to the seat, which has been made to the house. At last one man has been found who is not ashamed to be called a mugwump. It is Representative Williams, of Massa chusetts, the gentleman who has been playing "me too" to young Sherman Hoar all this session. A number of clothing manufacturers having given the sub-committee of the house co-nmittee on manufactures a most glowing description of the benefits of the so-called "sweating system" of labor, that committee will think it over until the 20th inst, when it will go to Boston for further information. FroCAedlng-4 of th Uuartl or Sapervlaora. Thursday a. m., March 17, 1892. Motion by Supervisor North that fur ther consideration of the matter be now postponed until the next meeting of this board. Carried. The county attorney verbally stated to tho board that inasmuch as his asso ciate counsel in the case of the county vs. Stauffer the Hon. J. J. Sullivan, had been elected to the office of district judge, thereby disqualifying him from acting; and suggested the propriety of the county employing some attorney to assist him in the case. Motion by Supervisor North, that the firm of Higgins & Garlow be employed to assist the county in the presentation of the case. Carried. On motion, the county treasurer was instructed to transfer to the consolida ted county general fund all moneys on hand not otherwise appropriated, and properly belonging to said fund, and file his report of same with the county clerk. The committee appointed to investi gate the progress of the work of the experts, verbally reported that they found the same satisfactory. Supervisor North presented the fol lowing: Resolved. Bv the board of snDervisors I that the sheriff be and is hereby direct ed to nave a row ot suade trees set out around the court house block, outside of the sidewalk, such trees to be elm, ash, Cottonwood and soft maple, alternating in rotation, and that the sheriff be also authorized to dispose of the fence around the court house ground, and have the same removed, reporting to this board at its next meeting the amount received for same. Adopted. Upon recommendation of the com mittee on claims, the county treasurer was instructed to cancel all taxes for the year 1874, on lot 2, block 130, in the city of Columbus. The petition of Andrew Anderson for a "consent 'road" one rod in width, in Joliet township, was rejected, as by ad vice of county attorney no county road can be legally located less than 66 feet in width. The petition of Thos. F. Howard and others for a public road commencing at the southeast corner of section 19-20-3 west and running thenoe due west on the section line about 80 rods and terminating at the intersection with the "Mason road" was, upon motion, grant ed as a "consent road" to bo known and designated as the "Howard road," and the county surveyor instructed to sur vey and plat the same according to law and file his report with the county clerk. Upon recommendation of the com mittee on finance, the suggestion of tho county clerk that warrant No. 605 for 20.00 on the county general fund levy for the year 1886, and warrant No. 65 for $11.56 on surplus collected of county general fund levy for the year 18S2 be cancelled, was complied with, and, on motion, so ordered by the board. The following bills were now allowed: Greiaen Bros., mdae for John Qnittley. .$ 9 80 St. Mary a hospital, care Wm. Hramley. I. L. Albert, county attorney, salary D. C. Kavanaugh, sheriff, anndry bills. . A. J. Campbell, constable Feb. terra. D.C. A. Strottman, deputy sheriff O. V. PhilliDS. county clerk, onarter 24 10 2(i0 ou 2H0 75 36 00 300 salary 100 00 R. C. Boyd, work on court house til 00 G. W. Phillips, certf eta of appointment. 4 50 J. Rasmuseen, lamp per sheriff B SO J. F. Dineen, aervicea aa supervisor 10 00 Chris Johnson, " " 12 00 Ed. Keuscher, " " 10 00 F. Bering, " " 14 60 Joseph Ottis. " " 22 60 W.J.Irwin, M " 18 00 Robert Price, " " 10 50 H. S. Elliott, " " 1150 D.A.Becher, " " 10 10 W.W. Pollard. " " 1120 Gerhard Aache, " " 1100 J. C. Byraea, " " tt 70 F. A. Burner, " " 7 50 Htate Journal Co.. mdae for county 95 S3 Featner Printing Co., " " 67 70 Lincoln News Co., " " 95 00 M. K. Turner A Co., " " 3 77 Friedhof & Co., carpet, etc., for county aup't and aherin 27 13 J. H. Galley, mdae for county 11 S3 Ernst ASchwarz," " 10 S5 F.W. Herrick, furniture for county aup't. O. F. Davis, mdae for county lSH 04 8. E. t Trans, legal pub. for county 8 20 E. D. Fitzpatrick, mdae " 1125 JobnGiain, " " 2 50 St. Mary's hospital, care Wm. Katz 9 00 Henry uaaa, coffins, etc., for H. C. and Bradley Williams S3 50 A. Heintz, coroner, inquest J. Beckman. 12 30 J. F. Schure, coL del. tax 4 00 Aug Boettcher, mdae for county 3 90 Henry Lubker, 1375 L. li. Gray, repairs at court house 12 00 J. G. Pollock, meals for jurors 13 65 Henry Burke, witneaa Carrig t. county.. 5 00 J. W. Lynch, treasurer, cash advanced county 226 20 M. M. fiothleitner, bounty aup't, aalary to April 1 800 00 G. B. Speice, clerk D. C. sundry bills 178 43 J. G. Beeder. com'r of insanity 2100 26 00 1042 60 4 15 20 45 a 35 31 38 380 C. B. Stillman, M. D., same Also sundry jurora and bailiffs bills a K. Painter, acct 8t. Bernard tp Nye & Schneider Co., same " Foster & Smith, aameBismarktp Geo.Sebaidel "It Creek" !.'":"." H.C.Carrit' " " Nye ft Schneider Co., same Woodville tp. John Ernst, aanejfotler tp Geo. Berney, J. O. Blodgett, " - 230 14 45 250 250 250 The board now selected sixty names from which the panel of jurors for the May term of the district court will be drawn. The county treasurer presented a re port of 950156 to the consolidated coun ty general fund. On motion of Supervisor North the board now took s recess until Thursday, March 31, 1892, at 2 o'clock, p. m. A letter of thanks ana kind apprecia tion was presented and rssal frsaTMrs. J. P. Becker and childre, for the testi monial passed by this board in honor of their husband and father Motion by Supervisor Byrnes, that the bill of St. Mary's hospital for $121 for board of Erni at Franke from Oct. 11, 1890, to Not. 4, 1891, be allowed by this board and a warrant issued for same on the county general fund, levy fprthe year 1891. Roll called for vote Ascbe, Becher, Byrnes, Dineen, Keuscher, North, 3ollard, Rickert and Mr. Chair man voting yes 9; Uering, Burrows, Elliott, Johnson, Olson, Ottis and Price voting no 7. Motion declared carried. I The following bills ware allowed on I the comity general fund levy for the .' year 1891 and the; clerk instructed to issue warrants for same E W North, expert.::::..:. ., $ 137 50 I Sibbernsen, same' 32 50 G W Phillips, preparing 1892 assessment books 200 00 Mrs Mary Hamer, care Charles Hamer 27 00 C D Murphy, expert 23 00 Henry bass, walnut table for treasurer G W Phillips, cash advanced county Same, recording official bonds... St Mary's hospital, care Wm Katz 5 00 .22 45 120 00 8 75 Same, bill for January 52 00 Same, bill for February 56 00 D C Kavanaugh, sheriff, jailor's fees 62 00 On motion the board now adjourned until 9 o'clock a. m. tomorrow. Board met at 9 o'clock a. m., pursu ant to adjournment, Hon. W. J. Irwin, chairman, G. VI. Phillips, clerk, and fourteen members present. Supervisors Hurner and Rickert having been excus ed and Supervisors Dineen and Murphy, absent. On motion of Supervisor Bering the county treasurer was instructed to re ceive the taxes due on xe l-20-2w, leas the interest and penalties that may have accrued. Motion by Supervisor Byrnes that Thk Columbus Telegram, Journal, Argu." Printing company and Humphrey Demo crat be given one-fourth legal rates for printing delinquent tax notices and legal road and bridge notices; also that the Argus Printing company and Journal be given each one-tenth legal rates for publishing proceedings of the county board. Supervisor North presented the follow ing substitute for motion: Resolved by the board of supervisors that the Columbus Weekly Telegram be, ami is hereby ilesignnted as the official paper for the piii-M8 of putilish g tin fotinty itv.isurrr'H ilfliiujurnt list of t:txu for tlie ys'.nr ISM: commerc ing the tirst week i i October as provided by law. Roll called for vote on substitute motion Bering. Elliott, North and Ottis voting yes 4; Asche. Berher. Burrows, Byrnes, Dineen, Johnson, Keuscher, Olson, Pollard. Price and Mr. Cliuirinan voting no 11. Substitute motion declared lost. Supervisor Noith offered the follow ing amendment : That the clerk be instructed to notify the several newspapers of the coutitv to submit at the July meeting of this board bids for publishing the delinquent tax list, in accordance with the above motion of Supervisot Byrnes, and that the further consideration of this inattei !e postHned to the July meeting. Amendment accept-d by Siiervior Byrnes and motion as amended. Car ried. Bacfcle n'a Araira Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhoum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by C. B. Stillman. A Wonder Worker. Mr. Frank Huffman, a young man of Burlington, O., states that he had been under the care of two prominent physi cians, and used their treatment until he was not able to get around. They pro nounced his ca6e to be consumption and incurable. Ife was persuaded to try Dr. King's New Discowiy for consumption, coughs and colds and at that time was not able to walk across the street without resting. Ho found before he had used half of a bottle, that ho was much bet ter; he continued to use it and is today enjoying good health. If you have any throat, chest or lung trouble try it. We guarantee satisfaction. Trial bottle free at Stillman's drug store. 5 Some foolish people allow a cough to run until it gets beyond tho reach of medicine. They often 6y, "Oh, it will wear away, but in most c.ises it wears them away. Could they bo induced to try the successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam, which is Hold on a posi tive guaranteo to cure, they would im mediately see tho excellent effect after taking the first dose. Price 50c and $1. Trial size free. At all druggists. 153-y KrroMBttNilrtl by the Qatrea. This is what all English people say abont whatover they havo to sell. In America, however, it's "the verdict of the people" that Haller's Barb Wire Liniment 5h the most successful remedy for cuts, bruises and sores ever intro duced. For sale by Wm. Kearville. 8 Baby cried, Mother sighed. Doctor prescribed : Castoria ! English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blem ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, gplints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, gprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by C. B. Stillman, druggist. 2Gnovlyr Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. place for the election precinct or CUumbua,in be atthe court aid eleolion nm. i atMt on the west and mi uwwinu. tiua. in otaaid by on its tration in of said A Merrill ia bounded on south ty. tration council ofaid city. City Clerk. WANTED S1LESIEI. Local. AMDTaAVaxiiro. To represent onr well kaowa honae. Yon need no capital to represent a reliable firm that warrants nursery stock first class and true to name. WoaKALLTHKYXAB. S100 per month to the right man. Apply quick. wfSf aoL- "& Cv iSraerymea; Floraad8eedaafl,8t.PaaJ.Minn. ayTais aoaat to rwposrtbls. Staarip REGISTRATION NQrffcE. notice is hereby givan thaSM rariikm of readatration injfie of theVint wardlf ty aity Platte owantr, NmupE. Wul IwtnM iti aairf immfil flam thA cinct U boandai bavTjewii aonin ana eaaw- y That thejnSOt for revision of iWiatn the eleetiosjpraolnct qflhe Secondlsard dui wui at at wayam oiusiaei uiuck men and thaWSaid preenat is Defended on thVeaat Lawiamet, on thenreat by Vlatte etreejrand the tM aorta and Sdnth by tlW conMSRe Ban ofaGdcdtT. Zr That the place cor revision oMw the election precinct of ihe Ttaaravard city will be at the office of rJeaaoih thereuaand that said praMnct the eascujy plane BtrecBam me north; and weatvby tne corpojare umita oi eauLen The dayaon whicMaidjeTisioHof recu will be made are FajdaV March 25Uj. SaMrday, March 26th. A By ores of the nuyor and 23mar2t . 'V fcWJ Chicago, Milwaukee k St. Paul the only .lino running solid vest; . electric lishted and steam heated Bys ibuled trauls between the Missouri rivet arid.fi , consisting of hew palace sleep ing cars, elegant free reclining chair cars, luxurious coaches and the finest dining cars in the world. The berth reading lamp in its palace sleeping, cars j is patented and cannot be used by any other railway company. It is the 'great improvement of the age. Try it and be convinced. Close connection in union depot at Omaha with all trains to and from the west. For further particulars apply to your ticket agent, or F. A. Nash, Genfl. Agt. W. S. Howeli.. ' Traveling Fr't. and Pass. Agt., 20jantf 1501 Farnam St, Omaha, Neb. If yon are troubled with rheuma tism or a lame back, bind 'on over the seat of pain a pieco of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain' Balm. You will lie surprised at the prompt relief it affords. 50 cent bottlesffor sale by C. E. Pollock & Co. and Dr. Heintz, drug gists. tf t ADJOURNED BALE. Tn tin matter of the estate oftPeter J. Lawrence, deci?wxi. v,ri fir ti.'Xi 1-orM.y siTeivMlat in pursuance of an on' ..: in. . MPOst, judge of the district con:' .f i,u. ruroty, Nebviska, made on the 2lui .1 o f 'iiyrtubor, 1891, far the sale of the real v -t.iti- htuufter descriMd, there will be sold st xliyrtniH hou in the cif)L of Columbus, Platte cafinty, Nebraska, on the f 31.it ilujfiflf ATarcA, nf one o'clock p. niat pubUe Tendke, to the highest bidder Hubjeet to annortgagiK lien of $4,200,the purchaser V,fvo secuntyV before continuation tor the pavtnent oi the purchase price upon said lien onor before the same mhall becomo doe, the following deecribod real estate, to wit: The, southeast quartar of the eouthwaft quarter; the noruVwest quarter of the aouthwe quarter, and tbXwest half of tha. west halt of the northeast quarter of the southwest (garter of section number twenty-eight (28rnsT lot num ber two (2), in section number thiafy-three (33), all iri'townehip number seventeen (U) north, of range one (1) east, oMIio Sixthprinclbal merid ian in Platte countyNNbraa4Ea, containing 110 ncres tiiorKor lttw. ThqclkJPl part of Ma land is uuiier ciNiivnuuD, tuuLiim iniaun u eoua liny land. is also a Xootl uweJIio d weJlin S house and other buildings thereou. Sjfd sala will remain open one January ISth. lb PhkbeJ. Lawbknck. Exi-cutrix of the est o of Pete J. Lawrence, deceased. iuiarzt 31ASTKUS SALE. In the circuit court of tho United States, for the district of Nebraska. Giles A. Davis and Henry A. Piorce, complain ants, vs. Jeremiah N. Mitchell et ol defendants, in chancery. FOBECLOSURE OF MOBTOUIE. Public notice is hereby given that in pursu ance and by virtue of a decree entered in the above cause on the 7th day of July, 1891, 1, D. H. Mercer, Special Master in Chancery in said court, will, on the 14th day of April, 1802, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the front door of the county court house in the city of Columbus, Platte county, state and dis trict of Nebraska, sell at auction the following describe! property, to wit: Tuo east half (lj) of section one (1); also, the east half (W) of the southwest quarter (Jf) and the ciiM half (') of tho east halt" (ii) of the northwest quart or ('4) of said section one (1), all in township seventeen (17) north of range two (2) west of 6th P. M. in Platte county, Ne braska. .- D. II. MERCER. Siecial Master in Chancery. W. H. Atwood, Solicitor for Complainant. Vmar8t LEGAL NOTICE. In the district court of Platte county. Nebraska. Matthew L. W. Stott, plaintiff, vs. Mary Stott, defendant. To Mary Stott: You are hereby notified that on the 23d day of February, lt92, Matthew L. W. Stott filed a petition against yon in the district court of Platte county, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which are to obtain a divorce from yon on tho ground that jou have wilfully abandoned the plaintiff without good cause for a term of two years last past. You are required to answer said pot it ion on or before Monday, tho 18th day of April. 1892. M vtthew L. W. Stott. By Hiooins .V Gablow and J. N. Pact hia Atty's. 9mar5t alaisBaaiBHaiaHBaBHBMaaBHBaBBaa SINGLE-COMB, BARRED Plymouth : Rock -AND SIN6LE-G0MB, WHITE LEGHORN, (Both thoroughbred,) epgs, for hatching, for bale, at $1.50 for one setting of 15 eggs. ET"Orders from a distance promptly filled. H, P. COOL1DOE, Columbus. Nebr. 9mar2m PnRK5oii ST. VITUS DANCE CURED Sam Andrea-, Cau Co., Cal., Feb., ly boy. 13 yea w old, wta so affect K9. My boy, 13 years old, was so affected by It it he could not c to school for 2 years. th:t he could not go to school for 2 Two KttIe- of Pastor Koeulg'a Nerve Tonic rfstcr.-d lin natural health and ho is now at tei.dmg school again. MICHAEL O'CONNEL. THE UCENEST EXPECTATION SCItPASSED. M carnrssoRO, Jacehos Co., Ill , Nov. '68. Ho wiit Kjv. K. ocnauerte of aboe place: I uud beard of tli wonderful cures of IVf t-ir Koe aig's Nerve Tonic while I was a student, uud dur luuiy profettcioual callingl hail opportunity to convince myself of the reliability of the Koiucdy, and my koeuext expectations were surpassed cs a girl U years of ngo 'as cured from the epilepsy hi the use of six bottles of the Tunic FREE A Valuable. Book on Ne Diseases sent free to any address. and poor patients can also obtain this medicine free of charge. This remedy has been prepared by theBever end Pastor Koenig. of Fort Wayne. Ind, since 1S7& and la now prepared under his direction by the KOENIC MED. CO., Chicago, III. Sold by Druggists at SI per Bottle. 6fbs . targe Size, 91.75. 6 Bottles for M. CURE rack Headache and relieve all the teoahlas taaaV dent to a bilious state of the systata,saak at IMzdness, Kauaea, Drnaitnsss. Dlatraaa after atlag. Pain la the Side, te. Walls thehraMSl rsmamhlssnccesshas beaa shown la osalag . SICK Beaoaobs. yet Carter's Utile SJtnt tO tm alverandregulatethebowsla. gvealfthsyeahy "HEAD 'Aehatherwotubeabsostiirieclesisaf anfar from thU distressing compUlnt; batforhs. aataly their goodness does notendhereadthoM Vhoenee try them will find these little ptUsvals. able In so many ways that they wlU not bo wil Ungtodo without them. Bat after ill sir r haul ACHE facta bane of so many lives that Karsiswfcsra wamakooorgieatboaet. OarpOlsoanittwaiM Ctheta do not. CattefaUUla Liver Pills are very small aa4 vary easy to take. One or two pIUs make a doss. They are strictly vegetable and do not grips or poiRc. but by their gentle actios pleisesll who aaethem. In rials at 25 cents; IveforfL aVaai sTdxogciatoeTarywhars,orsastbyKa8. CARTER BMDtCflll CO., Naw Vwrk; lrSaiARNw.wlaULniCE WasrmBSJB aaVV VIBtVVfBaBj WWjBfJ B1BBslBaV 9 JBJ unicago Thare iwur. . a. a. - ;SbbbbbbbbbbW ea t? &i bW KBBBSrF - w i flHTiJiisMBBBc 3 o 7 s BMhHBBBBBBBl' s " S LTHBBBBBBl - JbbWIbbbbbbbbV " OB il!iK3flffial 2T 19 6 aBBfSBsSJv' 3 lU " CBfiKggfrr q (Q T 2 H 2Sjfi CARTEKSr COIiTJMiJTjS MARKETS. .tarq4dtationof the markets areobUiaael taaeiar afMraooa.and are correct aad raliabto Wheat Shelled Corn. Kar Corn V V Xo Floor Batter EsSIt Potatoee QBA,ETO. 60 23 24 JO BO t2 30JOO IS 10 20&S tSSIGUO g50g2 00 0MU90 OOfs 50 12K315 1112 raoDccs. LIVESTOCK. Fat hogs.. Fat cows.. Fat sheep.. Fat steers. Feedera... UKATS Hams Shoulders . Sides Klertru iSHUT-.. This remedy isbocomnii: ko well knon and fo populai ;is to need no special 11. ntion. All uho have used Electric Uittt.-s sin the s.me soig of praise. A pure- medicjue docs not exist and it uguaran.. 1 to do all that i.-t claimed, tlleetric L"4tei3 will cure all diseases of the Liver : " Kidneys, will remove all Pimples, Boils, '-. liheum and othor affections caused by impure blood Will drive malaria from the system and pre vent as well as cure all malarial fevers. For cure of headache, constipation and indigestion try Electric Bitters Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money re funded. Price 50c and $1.00 per bottle at Stillman's drug store. 5 We want every mother to know that croup can be prevented. True croup never appears without a warning. The first symptom is hoarseness; then the child appears to have taken a cold or a cold may have accompanied the hoarse ness from the start. After that a pe culiar rough cough is developed, which is followed by the croup. The time to act is when the child first becomes hoarse; a fow doses of Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy will prevent the attack. Even after a rough cough has appeared the disease may be prevented by using this remedy as directed. It has never been known to fail. 25 cent, 50 cent and SI bottles for sale by C. E. Pollock & Co. and Dr. Heintz, druggists, tf Charles Stewart Paraell. The death of this noted and brilliant Irishman was caused by the neglect of a simple cold. Had he used Haller's Sure Cure Cough Syrup his life might have been spared many years. For sale by Wm. Kearville. 8 WHY 18 THE W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE ciitfft. IK BEST SHOE THE HU R THE MKfP It Is a aeamlesa shoe, with no tacks or wax thread to mart the feet; made of the beat One calf, stylish aad easy, and beeaut tee state man aaocs of tku trad than aay otJUr wuximfacturtr. It equals fcaad awed ahoee costing from HM to SMtt. 4KIE Geaaiaellaadewed, taeSaeateatf 99a shoe erer offered for 3.00: equals naaca aaported shoes which coat from aun to tliOO. X4. Hand-Sewed Welt Hfcae, Sae calf. P"" stylish, comfortable and durable. The best hoe ever offered at this price ; same grade aa caa-tom-mada ahoee costlna; from S.oo to auu. C4 S Paliee Sheet Farmers. TRaJh-oed Mem 99 aadItterCarrleraaUweartBeBi:anecair. eamlfs. smooth inside, heary three solas, extea- eoae. una nair will wear a Tear. S2. OS Sae ealfi no better shoe erer offered at this price; one trial win convince those who want at A 25 aad S2.w Warklaaaaaa'a a saoe lor comrort ana service. 9wa are very strong and.durable. Those who have given them a trial will wear no other make. DamI 92.99 91.75 school shoes are DUJO worn by the boys everywhere; theysall oa their merits, aa the increasing sales snow. I af isatt 3 Haadewed shoe, best hall 168 Ooagola, very styllah: equalsrreaca taBDorted shoes cosUogrrom U to scoil Cdlea 4.5. 9'J.ew and 91.75 shoe for MlsseaarathahaataaeDoacola. StvUshanddimhla- Caatlea.-8ee that W. l. Doacias name aad BrfcaareatsaipBdonUebottoaaofeachshoa. V-TAKK NO SUBSTITfJTKsct laaw on local adverUsed dealers sapplvlaaT yo W. 1m DOUG!!, BracAtsa.atMaCTaoMW Wi. SHILZ, Oliu St., ColMivs. Unly 'l-5m GROCERIES ! ALWAYS ON HAND A FULL AND NEW LINE OF GROCERIES WELL SELECTED. FRUITS! CANNED AND DRIED, OF ALL KINDS GUARANTEED TO BE OF BEST QUALITY. DRY GOODS ! A GOOD AND WELL SELECTED STOCK AL WAYS AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAP- EST. ALSO BOOTS & SHOES ! THAT DEFY COMPETITION.' BUTTER AND EGGS And all kinds of country produce taken in tra and all goods delivered free of charge to any part of the city. FLOUR! KEEP ONLY THE BEST GRADES OF FLOUK L. C. VOSS, M. D.f HomcBopathfc Physician A2STD STJROBOIST. Office over post office. Specialist in chronic diseases. Carefnl attenUon gives to general practice. aSaovJsa F. G. WINDISH, usiiiiun in unci comra OTSTEBS AND GAVE IN SEASON. DO MESTIC AND IMPORTED CIGASS. Twtlflfi Street, 0olte U. P. Deaat. 4nov-tf Jl. e. sejri,. paoraiKToa or thk Eleyel St. taiial Parlor. Tlie Finest in The City. l9The only shop on the Sooth'Side. Colom- bns, Nebraska. 2SOct-y E.T.AI.LEK.M.D., Eye-and - Ear - Surgeon. Secretary Nebraska State Board of Health, W Baxos Block, OMAHA, IfSB agtf aaaaaSJaEwS BBBaHBBBBBBBISmCsV LLLLLissay What is Llf:K1tl;,rJ Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for IafkaU aad Children. It coataims neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It Is a harmless substitatr for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guaranteo is thirty years use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic Castoria relieve teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. Oaatorla la an excellent medidae for chil drea. Mothers hare repeatedly told me of ita (ood effect upon their childrea." Da. O. C. OaoooD, Lowell, Mass. Caatoria Is the best remedy for childrea of which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the real Interest of their children, and use Castoria in stead of therariousquacknostrumawhichare destroying their loTed ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup aad other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves." Da. J. F. Xmessbos, Conway. Ark. Tat Cental TI HENRY RAC-ATZ k CO, KEEP CONSTANTLY ON Staple ad Fancy Groceries, ALSO AS FINE AN Lamps, Glassware, As Can be Found in SSTThe very highest market price paid intrude for coimf produce, the present, in the Gluek block, cornerof Eleventh and North Streets, COLUMBUS, MULDOON, 11849. w ILL MAKE THE SEASON OF Columbus. Ho is a bay, stands 1G hands, and weighs 1100 pounds. Sired by Dictator Jr., 2193, he by Dictator 113, out of Monie West by Almont 33. Dam, Queen, by Clark Chief 89 second dam, Lute Boyd by Joo Downing, 710. In breeding to MULDOON you are sure to lie rewarded with a line carriage horse, if not a trotter. The foe, which is 25.00 to insure, is remarkably low con sidering the blood lines. Accidents and escapes at owner's risk. For extended pedigree and fnll description call on or address, Shnar2ni EE BBaBBBH BBBBBM BBBBBB BaVsTJ V ..if ? 1 .. WIM wii9 Ti,a Cr"" rmvtrmMt Fr rCharCV provided you iJ5"a55id5 lltanearita'VCXiKS? 10a DS anal 11a r.an.w7.k .-5XJr,r:Krr:". -i"'-"i5" "!!:i-aiT aaw B.pT-M-dVati-,sgirjft,a JMiircli COLUMBUS Planing Mill. We have jnet opened a new mill on M street, opposite Schroedera flouriDg mill and are pre pared to do ALL KINDS OF WOOD WORK, such aa Sash. Poors, Blinds, Mouldings. Store Fronts, Counters. Stairs, Stair Railing, Balusters, Scroll Sawing, Turning, Planing. STEEL AND IRON HOOFING AND SIDING. tVAll orders promptly attended to. oraddreas. Call on I HUNTEMANN BROS.. jalSm Colnmbns, Nebraska. SEED -HOUSE -OF HRBIIAN OEHLBIGH & BfiO. . Offer all kinds of rieia Seeds at VERY LOW PRICES. J3aM anlsee them. j Castoria. " Castoria is so well adapted to chiMr Ttyrnmn.tlfiaipTinrtoanrpii Iptinav known to me." H. A. Aacnaa, M. D., . Ill So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, M. T. " Our phyaiciaBS in the children's, depart ment aae spoken highly of their expert- 1. ence in their outside practice with Castoria and although we only haro among our medical supplies what ia known aa regular products, yet we are free to confess that tho merits of Castoria has won us to look with ., favor upon it." Uarrsn Hoarrrat. and Dtspuaaar, . Boatoa, : C. Smith, Prts., V Strtwt, Hew Trk CXtf. HAND A FULL LINE OP ASSORTMENT OF V Queensware, Etc., This Section of Nebraska f V l&cr For NEBRASKA. Ma27.iil-tf 1892 at the Fair Grounds, 1 mile north of L. H. Noeth & Co. TODAYS Wishing t fntmAuan sva a wait ana.l mdnikSnA.ratiinn wAk.A ilMlillk. .wA .... . KK.II. Uin RIinflUHIA ttBA Aanil . nl n jus tJZI ef,.n9 a C1 Picture. Photojtraph.Tlntypclnibroty pe JJaauerotVDe of vounelf nrnrituiTihrnfTnn.f.n,ii. ti-i. .....!. It will he ts e rlna with the H 'SLA IT CO.. I SafffZ'K V - l year At aai True 4 Co. iottrnctaa iwin me. 1 voriM taMily anil m.le money fMter in asKwiuj b e.tn. .hi. tn 1 "-" 'i"" " e.m. .010 to Dny n lslvxl and baud nuiiiommtriuiMi. in don't increed at th.t.1 will . ?: c V "' at oar mw tin. or work, ran Mly and honorably, by thos. of either tax. yonnr or old. a ra ttwrowa loeautiea, whrnrertbey five. Aay oaa n doth. work. Eaay to learn. WefornUasverythljic. K rri." To";eTo'yonrPre momenta, or ally oar Ume to the work. This entirely new lead brinifi woaderfal tae ceasta every worker. Rirlnmr r r ot .. p week and upward . and mora after a UtUe mu- a 5a7 "?S ,ornun yoa . employment-we teach yoa r .u Tui,,,"C"0f,areloaathin.adher.la ST.,WT,i- "" wonderT Greaj 25 . iiT. T,rrin,1atrious worker. Wherever yoa are vaorlalworh at once. DUy aeaaa much moaer bit a. w7wfli"wSrJf2iViUfJ: -J" . Titn..1 nr.y.Z nreM. -""' W. .BNS wBM StJeBWst AaMriCM Aftacyftr OAVKATS. flMBMMI BATatatTSl OOFVRICNTB. a. IAM.truMmwfa.. afTJNW St Cni. Sal Stbaaviwa Www Tin. OMsst tNareaa forseearraspateaU tn Aaaerlea. very patsot taken oat by as la broagat befota the pabae hy a notiea given tree ox chatga at tha Scientific nutican uwesat etrcalatloa of say adeatlSe 1 tA.T i-.. z. - year: nMmxmcmXAOmm MtTNNi CO.. .mii.Mil,wMiiBf,nte xora. JEatei-BWalB-'rMw -Javweae Co.: Shall we Imtrnct and start yon. readwt Ir w do. and if yoo work Indastriontly. too will in da. UBIt W U tonnvin iiltnil anf hnltil . ttnt.1 IjatJJjS wm lafisawi Him "n otraV nitice.. - rTiaf y PniiaeeAboat fourAils easet of ColambnaCeb. 15, one X J charaaaAaSri0 M"jftyProTjyi Progarty, pay,.. te , 'H r . f i. 1 I .t 'li m HT Ik-'- h- f i - l ri 3 4 1