The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 16, 1892, Image 3

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    p. -cy- -
J. - - . . .
---"- -.-
r. "" "
i '-.-JvVv
fr'- "J.
. .
xrlitiubus gottntal.
Tj fevct Columbus
' " JMlwood
" " David City
- Seward
.'Arrivos at Lincoln
8:35 turn.
3:20p. m.
355 "
4:40 p.m.
7:10 "
10:40 "
856 "
S:18 "
1022 "
11:35 a.m.
-The 'passrruror loaves Lincoln at 450 p. m., and
'.arrives at Columbus 7:04 p. m; the freight leaves
Lincoln at 7:15 a. m., and arrives at Columbus at
3:20 j. m.
-'Atlantic Ex... 7-55 a. m
Chicago Ex.. lSWp.m
Limited 6:10 p. m
Col. Local. - 6:00 a. m
Pacific Ex.. ..10:03 p. m
Denver Ex.... 2j05p. m
Limited 5:00 p. m
Local Fr't.... 7:00 a. m
lunstT arrive- from Sioux City. ... 120 p. m
luavi Columbus for Line n. lHa p. m
"- " arrives from Lincoln 2:00 p. m
leaves for Sionx City 2:20 p. m
Mii-1 leaves for Sioux City 5:85a. m
Sfixvd arrives 1030 p. m
Pa-ttfnKer leaves. .
Mixed leaves
1'MH-nKer arrive .
Mixed arrives
. 2:30 1. rc.
. 7:00 a. m.
.. 1:10 p. b.
HSsu p. n.
Socicttj gloticcs.
t3AU notices under Uiih heading will be
Charged at tho rate of $2 a year.
,lteular meetings 2d Wednesday in each
tmiutli. All brethren invited to at tend.
fr . C. H. Sueldon, W. M.
J M. II. White. Sw'y. 20jnly
. :& W1LDEY LODGENo.44.LO O.F..
.-&&& 'tH Tu.-s.lay, evenings of each
:-2K?3P3"-weck lit their hall on Thirteenth
IV.. Yll lu
- t.trni4. Ylhllllig uremreu cuiuiiu'j
invited. "
II. A. Muklleu. S.-C y.
' Notkvtein. N. ii.
i.viiniviyi.MWMllIH('H OK LATTER-DAY
J Saints hold regular services every Sunday
at 2 p. '".
prajer meeting on neuumuaj ,'.?
.- ,,.. i.... .....:....
ul t lli.II tltftl.
Avenue. All lire cordially invited.
J, corner i :oruiirnui,iJu ""
Elder 11. J. Hudson. President.
3?"Until further notice, all adver
tisemente under this head will l charg
ed itt the rate of five cents a line each
ifisuo. Wo inako this lower rate to con
form with the times.
Sale bills printed at this oflice.
Come to The Jouun.u, for job work.
Horn, March 12 to Mrs. .7. H. Miles
a daughter.
Tncle Tofhabm, 2JTnJs at lid.
I'itpatnWiNS. "- 1
For the finest styles of calling cards,
call on Tun Journal. tf
" Old newspapers by tho hundred, 25
cents at tho Journal office.
Tho Farmers' club will meet at A.C.
Pickett's, Friday, March 25th.
Dr. T. R. Clark, successor to Dr.
Sohug, Olive st. In office at nights.
Dr. A. J. Sanders will be at the
Meridian hotel, Monday April 4th. 47-4
Eye and Ear surgeon, Dr. E. T.
Allen, 309 Kamge block, Omaha, Neb.
Somo fine young cattle for sale, or
exchange for city lots. Call on D. B.
II. P. Coolidgo was engaged Monday
lining tho baptismal font at the Baptist
- Pianos and Organs. Do not buy
from pedlere until you get prieee from
Pitznatrick. tf
Miss Ilattio Berger has been em
ployed to teach the Way school the
coming term.
- Charlie Landers has become agent
of tho Union Pacific .at Genoa, vice tho
old agent removed.
D. B.Duffy, ColumbuB, Neb., will do
V your house-moving, in good shape and
at reasonable prices. ltf-eow
-Two coaches that wore backed into
in the yards here Monday have gone in
to Omaha for repairs.
The celebrated Quick-Meal, and
"""Monarch gasoline stoves, tho best in the
market. For sale by A. Boettcher. 4tf
- Messrs. Backus, Beissinger, Winter
botham and Spear of Genoa came down
Saturday for a season of hunting.
Willie "Weber, who had been ailing
for some time, first of diphtheria, then of
scarlet fever, died Monday night.
Tho supper given by the ladies of
tho M. E. church Friday evening was a
grand success financially and socially.
The district conference of the Y. M.
C. A. will meet in this city, April 8, 9,
and 10. A large attendance is expected.
J- Dr. Naiunan, dentist, Thirteenth st.,
opposite Barber's. All work guaranteed.
Gas given for the painless extraction of
teeth. 21-tf
Miss Emma A. Dawson began
another term of school at Oconee, Mon
day, by the unanimous call of the
A case of Gerrard it Zeigler v.
Oconee Cattle Co., tried before Judge
Hudson and a jury of four Monday, re
sulted in a verdict "No cause of action.'
'Messrs. McGill & Meere will here
after havo control of the Humphrey
Democrat instead of Mr. Crans. There
will doubtless be some changes made in
the paper.
Last Tuesday night and Wednesday
was about the windiest time this part of
Nebraska has had in a long while,and
what with wind and cold, the mud was
mostly disposed of.
j 330 acres of good land in section 6,
( town 17, range 1 east, for sale for cash.
Those wishing to purchase'all or any 80
of said tract, please address M. K. Tur
ner, Colnmbu6, Neb.
For rent, a commodious -store room
on Eleventh street, centrally located,
and suitable lor grocery, dry-goods or
clothing. A long time lease preferred.
-" Call at Journal office. tf
A. J. Arnold will close out his entire
Vr stock of watches, clocks, jewelry and sil-
- verware in the next sixty days. Come at
''. once and buy jewelry regardless of price.
- He is absolutely closing out. 47-4
A. J. Brimblecom has leased the
Swearingen farm for a term of years,
and will now, doubtless, be a frequent
visitor to Columbus on business. The
Journal will keep him posted on local
Messrs. Henry C. Carrig and John
P. Walker have entered into partnership
and opined out in Platte Center, in the
business of 'insuring, conreyaoeiag, col
lecting, etc. They deserve liberal
share of public patronage.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
rough passenger trains, through
ight trains, quick time, via theChi-
Union Pacific k North-Western
Line to the principal cities east of the
Missouri River, via Omaha. 11-llt
Conductor A. Lash fell foom a car
at Norfolk Monday and broke his left leg
between the knee and ankle. He was
brought to his home in this city, where
his leg was set by Drs. Martyn and Ar
nold. The marriage record at the county
judge's office shows permits to wed re
cently issued to Jacob Eiseman and
Miss Lizzie Schutz; Wm. Leuschen and
Louise Goetz; Ernest F. Bodekorst and
Caroline Reigel.
The drum major of the Archer band,
who had such a distinguished, foreign
air appearance, was no less a personage
than Charles W. Adams, a former teleg
rapher here, also a member of the old
Shoo Fly base ball club.
-V" The B. & M. will give special rates
toUio Knights Templar conclave at
Denver, Aug. 5-14. There will doubt
less be a bi crowd on hands there. It
is expected that there will be four or five
hundred Pullman coaches.
ufhe Original New Orleans Uncle
Tom's Cabin Co. with a Gold Band
W, .. ..
grana uperauc urcnesira, special scen-
arv. n finn mnln nnnrtAtta and a Ifinre
.rf, -j D
and excellent company of players will
be the attraction at the opera house on
Friday, March 18th.
A suit brought by Mrs. J. C. Mc-V
Mahon against A. Boettcher for three
months' lease of ground on Eleventh
street, was tried Thursday before Judge
Hensley and a jury, resulting in a ver
dict for defendant, "No cause of action."
The case was appealed.
Persons desiring dental operations
performed in a careful and easy manner
will be pleased by calling at my dental
parlors. I havo abundance of testimony
and can convince one and all that my
work is performed with the least possi
ble pain and in the most skillful manner.
Dr. E. Y. Haughawout.
Messrs. Tannahill, Searl, Abe and
Balse Tschudy, Wnrdeman, Chas. Miner,
and the Sons of Veterans drum corps
with Capt. A. Sauer as leader, Bert.
Coolidgo and Ed. Wurdeman, went to
Genoa Monday and were present at the
organization of a camp.
Alvan Leavie has sold his farm of
116 acres two and a half miles east of
Duncan, to John Alder of Jacksonville,
HI., for $28 an acre cash. We hope that
Mr. L. will find another good farm 'in
Nebraska, and stay with us, It' is good
to have such "grow up with the country."
to nav
I attach
ew gas apparatus with vitalized air
chtnent, the latest and most im
proved. Persons desiring nitrous oxide
gas or vitalized air for the painless ex
traction of teeth can have the 'same ad
ministered with success at my4 dental
parlors, corner Olive and Thirteenth st.
Dr. E. Y. Haughawout
IL Andrews, engineer, had a very
narrow -escape from death Monday.
Near Humphrey, a pin gave way near
the rear wheel on the right, letting thai
driving-rod loose, which in its whirling
knocked the men out of the cab, and
fortunately, set the air braka. Andrews
says if the accident had occurred on a
down grade, there would doubtless have
been a big wreck.
According to the Omaha Bee's report
Myra Hempleman, testified against her
father John Hempleman, formerly of this
place, and her step-mother to this effect:
"That for the most trivial accidents she
had been knocked down, kicked and
battered with fists and sticks, dragged
about the room by the hair and treated
in a way that would do credit to the
most brutal slave drivers."
One of our moBt prominent business
men has handed ub the confidential cir
cular of George Russell, care J. E.
Gumear, 212C, Eighth Ave., New York
City, who Wishes to dispose of counter
feit bills. Complete directions are given
for secrecy, etc, but it is "no go" in this
direction. The business men of Colum
bus read the newspapers, and are not the
kind wanted for this purpose. These
letters are becoming monotonous.
The Belvedere has recently been re-
newly and elegantly furnished, is
heated by steam and open grates and
has all modern appliances; is located in
the center of the city of Washington,
D. C, within two blocks of the U. S.
capitol, and midway between the B. &
O. and Union depots. American plan
2 to S3 u day, according to location of
rooms. European plan $1 and upwards;
special rates to excursionists and com
mercial travelers. D. E. Hoadley &
Son, prop'rs. p-1
Warwick Saunders Baid in his last
issue of the Platte Center Argus that he
was coming to Columbus. As we write
this we are informed that individually
he is here soliciting for a new paper to
be called the Platte County Argus, and
published in Columbus; again it is said
that there is to be a consolidation of the
Sentinel and Argus. Which of these is
correct, we are not able to verify by
either of tho parties in interest, as we
have not been able to find them, and be
having that rumors should be given as
such, we give the rumor.
Tho twenty-sixth annual Nebraska
State Fair will be held at Lincoln Sept.
2d to 9th. Entries close Sept 3d. The
premiums for county collective exhibits
range from first, $250 to seventeenth,
$30. Arbor Day is April 22. The pre
mium for the greatest number of trees
planted on that day, to include fruit,
forest evergreen and all other varieties,
is $50; greatest number of hard wood
$25; greatest number cuttings $10; best
acre of timothy grass, west of the 100th
Meridian, $15; best acre of blue grass,
$15; best acre of red clover grass $15.
Robert W. Furnas, Sec'y, Brownville,
will answer any communications for
more light
"I have just recovered from a sec
ond attack of the grip this year," says
Mr. James O. Jones, publisher of the
Leader, Mexia, Texas. "In the latter
case I used .Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy, and I think with considerable suc
cess, only being in bed a little over two
days, against ten days for the first at
tack. The second attaak I am satisfied
would have been equally as bad as the
first but for the use of this remedy, as I
had to go to bed in about six hours after
being 'struck' with it, while in the first
case I was able to attend to business
about two days before getting 'down.'"
50 cent bottles for sale by C. E. Pollock
& Co. and Dr. Heintz, Druggists. tf
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Casterla.
Last Friday the Archer (Merrick
county) band and the Columbus cornet
band went to Genoa to take part with
the Genoa Indian band in a "feast of
music," in fact a re-union of three of the
first bands that formed the State Union.
Open-air concerts were given Jn the
village and at the Indian school Friday
afternoon and Saturday morning. The
speech-making was done by Sup't
Backus, response by C. W. Adams of the
Archer band; also an eloquent tribute
by E. V.Clark, esq. The concert and
dance in the evening at the hall are de
scribed as a grand success in every par
ticular, and the members of the Colum
bus band speak in the highest terms of
praise of the hospitality, of Genoa citi
zens and band. We hear commenda
tions of all the numbers on the program
for the evening, and especially of the
flute solo by A. Sauer; the cornet solo
by C. E. Barnett; the baritone solo by
Roy Farnham; the Harvard Waltz by
the Indian band, the music being im
posed by their leader, W. F. Be. .tett;
and the song and dance by the Colum
bus band, the clogs being represented
on the snare drum by F. C. Turner, and
the shuffling of the dance by A. Sauer,
with sand blocks. Mrs. Cook of Fuller
ton, an accomplished musician, added
greatly to the enjoyment of the audience,
as accompanyist on the piano to the
vocal numbers and flute solo. The open
air concert Saturday morning at the
Government school was greatly enjoyed
by the nearly half a thousand Indians
in attendance, who appreciated the con
sideration shown their superintendent
themselves, and the institution. If
Genoa or her band wish anything in the
future, just call for it
Mr. A. N. Briggs a former citizen of
Columbus, was in the city Friday. He
is now a resjdentof Deer Lodge co., Mon
tana. His locality is 7,000 feet above the
sea level, and the thermometer some
times for a few days reaches 35 to G4 de
grees below zero. In summer the nights
are always cool and sleep invigorating.
Horses pick their own living dnnng the
winter, flourishing finely on bunch grass,
when snow is not more than two feet
deep. It is always light and fluffy, and
not fit for sleighing. Mr. Briggs's resi
dence is within a mile and a half of
Georgetown, a considerable mining
camp. Mining and ranching are the
main industries of Montana. Mr. B.
tells of some of the fortunate "finds" in
mining, notwithstanding which he has
never had the gold fever: H. S. Clark,
who fifteen years ago invested his last
$75 in a sack of flour, is now worth $16,-
000,000 above ground, and has twelve
hundred men working for him under
ground; Marcus Daly, thirteen years ago,
couldn't raise 50 cts. to pay for a meal's
victuals and now is worth $13,000,000.
A man who worked for Bert Briggs at
$3 a day on the ranche, got restless and
-said that was too slow a way for getting
rich. When told that he might do a deal
worse prospecting, he replied: "bigger
fools than I am have got rich that way."
"He bought him an outfit, went prospect
ing and within three weeks ho sold his
find for $75,000 'but, as Mr. Briggs says,
where one is successful, there are dozens
of failures.
"Do you believe in ghosts?," is now
one of the local queries, which seems to
have a shadow of story sufficiently
strong to give the credulous food for
conjecture. The habitat of the rumored
mysterious being is at the Y of the
Union Pacific yards. Not many nights
since, a prominent jeweler and a prom
inent druggist of the city accompanied
by a large multitude of interested
spectators, many of them railroad men,
approached the scene of the ghostly
haunts, and sure enough there was the
unearthly creature, having somewhat
the form of a sheep, mayhap one of
those that formerly
"Grazed upon the Grampian Hills."
The jeweler presented a bold front, and
spoke unto the vision thus: "If yon are
a man, let it be known now, because I
have a revolver and propose to shoot"
The stillness was most profound and
entirely unbroken by a word of audible
speech from this world or "the other
one." The jeweler snapped his pistol
and snapped again and again, without
effect, and concluded that the ghost or
some other power had bewitched his
shooting iron. The vision then as
sumed the form of a man and after con
tinuing thus for about two minutes in
defiance of all the guns of the crowd, it
suddenly vanished as speedily as it had
appeared. Thus ends the first chapter.
Young men of eighteen are eligible
to membership in the Columbus Repub
lican Club. Now is a good time to join.
Give your name to C. J. Garlow, secre
tary. This is the party of progress, an'd
has been since its organization in 1854,
representative of the best that has been
accomplished in the way of legislation
in the United States. The enterprising,
wide-awake, conscientious and intelli
gent youth of each generation, (being
the latest, revised edition of humanity)
represent the actual progress of the
race for the time, and should step for
ward to their proper place in the line of
public duty. A country without a good
government is like a carpenter with
broken tools; like a farmer with poor
soil; like a workman lacking willingness
and strength. You owe it to yourselves
to do the best you can to further the
public welfare, by helping the political
party that most nearly expresses your
There is no danger from whooping
cough when Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy is freely given. It liquefies the
tough, tenacious mucuB and aids in its
expectoration. It also lessens the se
verity and frequency of the paroxysms
of coughing, and insures a speedy re
covery. There is not the least danger
in giving it to children or babies, as it
contains no injurious substance. 50 cent
bottles for sale by C. R Pollock k Co.
and Dr. Heinz, Druggists. tf
Some foolish people allow a cough
to run until it gets beyond the reach of
medicine. They often say, "Oh, it will
wear away, but in most cases it wears
them away. Could they be induced to
try 'the successful medicine called
Kemp's Balsam, which is sold on a posi
tive guarantee to cure, they would im
mediately see the excellent effect after
taking the first dose. Price 50c and $1.
Trial size free. At all druggists. 33-y
92j Gi
ttle to pasture during the season of
Good pasture; good water and
plenty of salt Reduced rateajpn large
herds. Apply by postal card or in per
son, to Aionzo Haiqht.
Columbus, Neb.
Miss Nellie North was in Fremont last
Mrs. H. P. Coolidge is on the sick list
this week.
G. W. Hulst of Rapid City is visiting
friends here.
Paul Hagel went to Omaha Thursday
on business.
Miss Bertha Krause is still very sick
with congestion of the lungs.
FredSchmid and Frank Stovicekof
Shelby were in the city Monday.
Mr. .and Mrs. Dan Warnick from the
"Island" were in the city Saturday.
Mrs. George McKelvey and chiiarea
ollerton spent Sunday in the city. "
Herbert Henry came home from Oma
ha Friday on a vacation from his school.
Mrs. L J. Slattery of Chadron spent
last week in Columbus visiting old
J. N. Baker of Palestine paid this
office a pleasant business visit one day
last week.
Mrs. W. T. Rickly was unfortunate last
week spraining one of her ankles, and is
unable to walk.
Mrs. Paul Krause of Albion came
down Thursday, called by the sickness of
her sister-in-law.
Harry Lawrence, grandson of James
Warner, was very sick last week? but is
able to be around again. ', "
The Schuyler Herald is authority for
saying that Gardiner Turrill is about to
wed a lady of Jefferson co.- -- -"
Brother Wnldron of the Osceola Dem
ocrat called at these headquarters
Thursday on his way to Clarks.
Mrs. Charles Thrush, who was visiting
Mrs. Warner last week, returned to her
home near Schuyler Wednesday.
D. N. Jennings arrived in the city
Tuesday evening last from Minnesota,
where he had been on an extended visit"
Mrs. Wm. Hagel, jr., went Friday to
Beulah, Polk county, to attend the wed
ding of the daughter of Rev. Henry
Mrs. Polley, who suffered a stroke of
paralysis last week, was reported Mon-
day as having been improving
Mrs. O. D. Butler returned home Sat
urday from Leavenworth, Kan., where
she had been several weeks caring for a
sick sister.
Rev. and Mrs. Worley and two chil
dren of Albion were in tho city a few
hours Thursday on their way home from
Central City.
John Stauffer, jr., who has been se
verely afflicted with typhoid pneumonia,
is better, and hopes are entertained of
his speedy recovery.
Mrs. I. H. Britell of Columbus came
up Saturday, being called by a change
for the worso in her father's sickness.
St Edward News.
E. N. Stout, a typo on the Telegram
for several months past, left for his na
tive south Tuesday of last week. The
Joubnal force wish him well.
Miss Mariannn Burgess, editor of the
Red Man at Carlisle, Penn., who had
been at Genoa visiting her old haunts,
passed through tins city Friday, bound
for California, where she will visit with
Elsewhere will be found the call of
the committee for a republican city con
vention, for the nomination of a city
ticket, to be voted upon April 5th.!
There are to elect: mayor, clerk, treas
urer, police judge, engineer, councilman
First ward, instead of Mr. Speice, whose
term expires; same for Mr. Pollock of
Second ward; same for Mr. Gondring in
Third ward. Besides these elective
offices, the following appointive offices
will depend, for their filling, upon the
result of the coming election: city attor
ney; water commissioner; chief of police;
policeman; street commissioner, and va
rious and sundry other interests of more
or less importance, among them the dis
position of the printing for the city, the
renewal of the contract for supplying
water to the Union Pacific R'y Co.,
etc., etc.
In addition to these is the selection of
two members of the school board.
Those whose terms expire are R. H.
Henry and J. N. Taylor.
Of course, as the city grows, these
interests become of increased import
ance, and must be carefully looked after
by citizens, those especially who pay the
taxes and thus foot all the bills, to
whom the coming election is doubly in
teresting. Every man entitled to a vote should
see to it that, so far aB his influence
goes, good men be nominated und
Letter List.
List of letters remaining in the post
office at Columbus, Nebraska, for the
week ending March 15, 1892:
Jakub TVrenr,
Chas. KiegK&rt,
W. 8. HioA,
Frank JlaRuire,
JoKn Ha5C
L. It .Morten.
MrsM"'rank Mntard,
Mary Rradehof t,
o.j.a V,
ies calling for the above letters
will please say "advertised."
Cam. Kramer, P. M.
C. L. S. V.
Program for March 22d:
Quotations from Whittier.
"Initial Studies in American Letters,"
chap. rV Dr. Nanman.
Character Sketch Nathaniel Haw
thorneJennie Weaver.
"Story of the Constitution" The
Amendments Mrs. C. A. Brindley.
Reading from Longfellow Martha
Mudc Bessie Sheldon.
We will furnish The Journal, The
Nebraska Family Journal and the Week
ly Inter-Ocean, one year, for 82.80, when
paid in advance. Subscriptions received
at any time. If yon are not a subscrib
er to The Journal don't wait till your
subscription expires, bnt pay ns enough
to make it one year in advance, and add
the Inter-Ocean, one of the greatest
best family newspapers in
The homeliest man in Columbus as
well as the handsomest, and others are
invited to call on any druggist and get
free a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for
the throat and lnngs, a remedy that is
selling entirely upon its merits and is
guaranteed to relieve and' cure all
chronic and acute coughs, asthma, bron
chitis and consumption. Large bottles
1 50 cents and $1. All druggists. 83-y
wm;. Dogan,
Leopold LAo
JakSb Feral
CharlfcB Math,
Mrs. A. K. Hicks,
Miss lfeesie Icy.
Annie Ennon,
For Tax JocaNAL.1"
How can we tell what the rears will bring.
Whether a tear, a smile, or a frown,
Onr days are bo much like the flowers that swing
Now, ap on the braens. and then, low down?
How opnld I tell what the rears would bring.
When I counted the sails of my ships at sear
The storms swept down, and the white waves
Alas, for my ships, and, alas for me!
How oft there gleams through the spring-time
FraiL tiny blossoms of sea shell pink!
The. frosts sweep down, and the bleak winds
blow, i
Then into their grares our blossoms sink. "
"color and beautr are worth design,
Whr, the frost-so fatal to flowrets' birth?
Alas! at tunes, in our hearts we find
There are frost graves, sadder than those in
I ?5ft!??wVie ftLt,niei.Bfi heVt8 8h.!l" eia'
Ana ups mat tremble shall smile again.
And so it must be that the Father's hand
Hath held, doth hold, and for us will keep
Earth s coveted apples of gold from sight.
Til we, his children, awake from Bleep.
David Citr, Neb.
La Vina, Feb. 26, 1892.
Editob Joubnazi: Since I last wroto
to you, I have seen iinany changes, and
have laid up lots of experience, and
could discourse philosophy in big
chunks. I have paid liberally for what
I know about colonies, cheap homes, and
the poor man's paradise. California is
a great country for fruits and flowers, it
has its thorns and' briars, it has Ub
health spots and its sickly places.
Wherever irrigation can be secured,
plenty crowns the laborer's toil, but, O
my! No matter how good the soil, 'tis
but a parched and barren waste without
the fructifying rains of heaven, or bub
bling stream from mountain heights.
In my last letter wo were hopeful that
the rumors about fraud on the part of
the men who organized this colony, and
the questionable title to our purchases
would prove unfounded, but alas, for
trusting humanity! The fraud did ma
terialize to our detriment financially,
and our title to our ten acres has gone
"where the woodbine twineth." The
Pacific company of San Francisco, are
trying to unravel the tangled thread,
twisted into galling knots, by Brown and
Baird, how far they shall succeed time
will tell. I believe the Pacific Co. are
men of character and will do what they
can to establish clear titles for us, but
possibly at the forfeit of what we have
already advanced; wifo and I were fortu
nate to secure employment at the camp
of the new deal. With economy, and our
health, we may save fifty dollars a
month. We have just finished planting
300 acres with grapevine cuttings. It
requires 2,000 to each five acres, making
120,000 cuttings planted. I put them
all in with a gang of ten Chinamen. The
rainy season is about closing, and every
thing looks beautiful. The hills are clad
in emerald hue, and the flowers are fill
ing the air with odors and perfume that
intoxicate the senses, and make us for
get the drear' wastes that lie along the
dreary alkali deserts, and volcanic for
mations, so utterly destitute of all veg
etables life.
La grippe has been cavorting around
among our people, after the Nebraska
fashion, as I gather from The Sovkskv,
and while it touched us lightly, it leaves
reminders of its visit in aching- bones
and stiffened limbs. Apart from this,
our health has been very good and I
have no desire to give the shake to
California's glorious climate.
If I had invested my money in lots at
Madern', it would 'have been a good
stroke instead of snapping at tho decoy
as successfully displayed by the John
Brown colony scheme.
But, Mr. Turner, the old saying, "you
must kick around in the dust whero you
dropped your nickle, if you expect to
find it," holds good right here, and when
found, you are apt to put it where it
will do the most good.
This I shall try to do.
James H. Hudson.
Koll of Honor.
Pupils who havo neither been tardy
nor absent during the month of Feb.
Eddie Coolidge,
Georgie Scott,
Florence Kramer,
Ella Rasmuesen,
Harry Andrews,
Jessie Griffin,
Essie Kossiter,
Zara Morrow,
Ho by Hasmnssen,
Willa Lash,
Annie ltossiter.
Adolph Berger,
Ella Lnth,
Lonise Brodfoehrer,
Daisy Salmon,
Georgie Zinnecker,
llobert Henry,
Dan Echols,
Charlie Woods, -Hoy
Hazel Wiley,
suss m'colm's boom,
Nels Johnson,
Kosa Wiseman,
Harry Clark,
Josie Sparhawk,
Hermie Miller,
Olga Lnsinger,
Fritz Bosiger,
Minnie Hoge,
Emma Kersenbrock,
Lillie Ernst,
Laura Segelke,
Lizzie Stanb,
Fritz Stanb,
John Sliarer,
Je Sharer.
miss bice's boom.
Lawrence McTaggart, Delia Albangh,
Freddie Saffian, Alfio Heintz,
Lida Turner, Grace Bonton,
Emma Kagatz, Emil Hoehen,
HamcHohl. lo Schonlau,
Otto Schreiber, Willie Durkop.
Hoy Coffey,
Eddie Knntzelman,
Nellie Matthews,
Charley Woosley,
Fred l'oht.
Mary Tiffany.
Laura Miner.
Nettie Gondring,
Georgie Knapp.
Pearl Elias,
Francis Gondring,
Ellen Knapp,
ixrttie Cup.
Willie Willard,
Clarence Hollenback,
nuuuey aiaunewa,
Frank Young,
Luln Patton,
Ollie Ifland,
Hattie Elias,
Fred Hollenbeck,
Maggie Willard,
Sam Elston.
Jessie Dnssell, Mildred Davis.
Ijanra Davis,
Bertha Nelson,
Ethel Donovan.
Willie Knight,
Lizzie Glure,
Henry Knight,
Otto Durkopf ,
Mary Fleck,
Sadie Wilson.
Alfred Wilson,
Bertha Glure,
Minnie Durkopf,
Carl rollocK.
Eugene Clark, Willie Daffy.
Elwood Daffy.
Last Saturday the farmers intended
to "commence sowing wheat next week."
John Engel had a car of fat steers on
tho Omaha market last week.
Nick Blaser started with two cars of
steers to Omaha early Monday morning.
John Witchey has been confined to
the house for some time, suffering from
an attack of the grip, bnt is reported
One of Gottlieb Lemp's boys met with
a serious accident, having some of his
fingers crushed very badly in a corn
sheller; it is said that amputation was
Mr. John Alder, a newcomer from
Virginia, 111., Las bought Alvin Leavie'e
farm 3 miles east of Duncan. Mr. A,
has a large family and is therefore a
valuable addition to the population of
"Mr. .Lamb, an old time Colnmhna
merchant, has taken charge of this rail,
road section as foreman, releasing Mr.
Costello, who removed to Rogers sta
tion. s.
St. Patrick's Pills are carefully
prepared from the best material and
according to the most approved formula,
and are tho most perfect cathartic and
liver pill that can be produced. We
sell them. C. EvPollook & Co. and Dr.
Heintz, druggists.
For Sale.
After 36 years of successful farming
in Nebraska, and being desirous of en
gaging in other business, I offer the fol
lowing lands for sale:
120 acres of good meadow and farm
land on Shell Creek. 1M miles from
Platte Center, living water.
320 acres within one mile and a quar
ter of Oconee on the Loup, with about
100 acres in young timber, a corral for
300,head of cattle, a frame house and
stable and about 60 acres broke, all un
der fence an extra good .stock farm,
being well watered.
My homestead farm of about 560 acres,
three miles west of Columbus, finely im
proved, 100 acres of good timber, large
brick house, largest barn in the county,
Btables for 300 head of cattle and horses,
five corn cribs, two large granaries, a
large feed yard with living spring water
in it, with ten self feeders, 100 feed
boxes, 400 feet of 6heddmg and tight
board fence, the largest and dryest yard
in the 6tate of Nebraska.
320 acres on the table land 5 miles
northwest of Columbus, under cultiva
tion, good buildings and well improved,
at $20 per acre in any portion.
80 acres improved land 3 miles north
west of Columbus, in Section 34, Town
ship 18, Range 1 west, $250 per acre.
320 acres of as fine meadow land as
there is in the state, 5 miles from my
homestead farm, all under fence and
within 1 mile of Oconee.
320 acres 4 miles west of Columbus,
80 acres under cultivation, 25 acres of
timber, frame house and stable, all under
fence, and having living water, at $18.00
per acre.
160 acres in Nance county, 5 miles
from Genoa, with 80 acres of young tim
ber and 80 acres of good meadow land.
Terms, Cash. For further information
call on the undersigned at my farm three
miles west of Columbus.
41-2t-p Patrick Murray.
Or call on or address Becher, Jaeggi
& Co., Columbus, Nebr.
KrpobliraH Convention.
A republican convention is hereby
called to meet Friday evening, March
18, 1892, at 8 p. m., at Fitzpatrick's hall,
for the purpose of placing in nomina
tion a full city ticket for the election to
be held April 5th, nJi Republicans
from all the wards of tho city are invited
to be present in full force.
By Order of Committee.
I want you to understand John Hen
ry, that you ain't to drink that Haller's
Sarsaparilla all up, I got it for pap and
me. Pap he sez mam yon go down
and git bottle of Haller's Sarsaparilla
and Burdock and you will git over feel
ing so tired and bad and git rid of all of
them pimples. So let that alone now.
For sale by Wm. Kearville. 8
The Coming: Liae.
e Chicago, Union Pacific Jfc North
western Line offers tho best accommo
dations to the traveling public en route
to Chicago and intermediate points via
Omaha. Through trains, fast time,
magnificent sleeping cars, elegant din
ing cars, reclining chair cars and hand
some day coaches. 10-1 It
WAKD-WILSON-Harch 8th. at tho resi
Uenre of tho bride's brother, S. W. W. Wilson,
in thiB city, by Rev. O. A. Elliott, George T.
Ward of Oconee and .Miss E. Witty "Wilson.
May prosperity and true happiness bo theirs
is The Journal's wish,
(iISIN March 10th, after an illneos of two
days, Tabitha, wife of John Gisin, aged 33 jears.
2 months.
The funeral took place Sunday afternoon f roni
the German Reformed church. Iter. Fleischer
The deceased was an estimable woman, be
loved by all her acquaintances, who sincerely
mourn her departure to the spirit world.
fastness Notices.
Advertisements under this head five cents a
line each insertion.
il.SCHILTZ makes boots and shoes in the
iirat RtvlpH. nml niui nntr tliA vow luu.
that can be procured in the market. 52-tf
Columbus State
IlUft!, V
In thv. State of Xebraxlci, at the cloke of
miness, MarrlJii, 18WJ.
Loans and discounts s. JtiJi.sfK ;
Overdrafts, Secured and unseaWd... 17,711 21
inner sioca, oonus. anil mortgagM . .,Uul 83
uue irom nrauonai una lot
1.945 M
Heal estate! furniture and fixtures 1
Checks anJ other cash items ,
Bills of oiler Banks
11,3815 49
l.S71 W
7,IK7 00
fractional aper currency, nicl
and cents
stock paid
lnal deposits si
iject to check
i of df
ills re-disti
State or
I, John
Platte S
.utter, cashier
the nbove-i
bank, do
swear tn
the above
ment is true
the best of
iy knowledii
Ioun HtarfiI
Subscribed an
sworn to I
fore me this"
day of March, II
i. Becheh.
, Neb.,
Notice is li
Kiven tli
Fie follnwing
is intention to
namaa settler ha
led notice
support of hi
Iaim, and that
cleric of the
s. Neb..
Hd. No. 17im for the
i of secti
10, townshipBO north,
of range
west. He o
nesses t
me ioiiowin wit-
rove his com
us resiilAce noon
ion of. said 1
viz: Fnk Bok,
rjs, 1'eteLis, all
of Duncan,
UN Sweet.
Land Office at Grand Island. Neb.,
renruary iw, iwe.
Notice is hereby given that the following,
named settler lias filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the clerk of
the district court at Columbus, Neb., on April
4th. 1MB, Tin Patrick Deewm. HcL No. 1585, for
the E. )i 8. W. U and W. J J 8. E. li of section 2,
township 19 north, of range 3 west.
He names the following wit mos to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said land, vis: Michael J. Clark. Charles Under
wood, Simon Burrows and Jainm McPhillips,
all of Lindsay, Neb. Fbaxklix Sweet,
24feb6t Register.
relief and is an infallible
Care for PllM. Price fl.ny
Dnnnristsormail. Samples
Box Sllo,Nuw York City.
T... 128 14
-I... 4,355 01
$201,804 6l
....$3,O0O 00
. S,I3! HI
.58,ltU HH
. 7,131 !W
J 45,351 24
A 2,700 00
.20Tpi 61
1 V.
maVe final
ililh iiKlllll
KfiTz: Jbe
The Journal for Job Work.
Dry Goods and Carpets.
New Goods,
Grand Assortment of the LATEST STYLES aid
Dress Goods, Silks and Spring Jackets,
Spal Mains Mew Coofls
Light Tan and Gray wide Diagonal,
40-inch wide, 33c.
Bedford Cord, 42-in. wide, 48c per
yard, all colors.
Chevrons, 38-in. wide, in all the new
spring shades, 37c ier yard.
Henriettas, 17c per yard.
Crepon, something new, 90c per yard.
One lot of new Plaids in beautiful
colors, 42-in. wide, oOe.
And hundreds
of other
new and de-
confined to us, and you will not see
them in any other store in Central
Dry Goods I Carpels,
t Chance of All
Having made arrangements with a large music house to handle a full
line of instruments, we have decided to CLOSE OUT OUR ENTIRE
AVe have just received a full line of spring goods, so this is a grand op
portunity to supply yourself with anything you need at very low prices.
WE WILL MARK EVERYTHING DOWN to a price that will insure a
quick sale.
Rut to get a choice you should come at once. This Is positively your
last Chance to buy goods at such prices.
J&Will sell the whole stock, good will and fixtures to a reliable party
on easy terms.
MONEY, TO LOAN ON FARMS at lowest rates of interest, on short or long time, in amount
to suit applicants.
BONDED ABSTRACTERS OF TITLE to all real estate in Platte county.
Represent THE LEADING INSURANCE COMPANIES of the World. Onr farm policies are
tho most liberal in use. Looses adjusted, and promptly paid at this office.
Notary Public always in office.
Jarm and city property for sale.
Make collections of foreign inheritances and sell steamship tickets to and from all part a
of Europe. laug'l-tf
General Agents for the tale 9
Cmiom FMiifl aad Midland Pacific B. B.
r m fr ci tmrmn time, in anneal payments to
intof otnorlaana lmrmmiani TiniTnrim-mrl fnraalnat Inwurira aad on raaaonaMn tsinn Ah
and raakMBca lota in the city.
We keep a
One, Ptiltrj, ni Fresh Fisfc. All Kiiii pt SauageiftflfteiaUy.
VGaab. paid for Hides, Pelta, Tallow. ni1 ul aiiiiil 111I1 mill fi 1 lil bbMIi. 1
Olife Stmt, twt Dun Ntrth f tkt First NitkMl Ink.
New Styles!
10 rolls Ingrain Carpets at 25c pr yd.
Wool Ingrain Carpets, 35c, 50c and
55c per yard. Biggest value ever
200 Shades with
rollers all
complete, 30e each
If you want to save money come
to ns anil get GOOD GOODS
Jackets, - Capes.
Military Garments.
All-wool Jackets, 81. 98, 82.50, 83.50
and 84.00, all new goods.
New Style Capes, 85.00, 3b'-iu. long,
all wool.
for aato at treat MM to ttt.08 Mt mam for caal
asit parchaaen.
W hav alao a laraa aad ckoio
complete 1
or uua to all rami aatata u
. .
' 'V
, '' Fix
. "
- v