The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 16, 1892, Image 2

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GT olumbn s gottrual.
Entered at the
second-class aail mutter.
Columbus, Net?.
Dae year, by mtH, postage prepaid,...
&x months.
Three month,.....
. 1.00
. JO
Payable in Advance. .
VSpecimea copies mailed free, on applica
When Mbacribera chance their place of resi-dnnr-e
they should at once notify ns by letter or
portal card, giving both their former and thou
present post-office the firet enables ns to readily
find the name on our mailing list, from wliicii,
being in type, wo each week print, either on the
wrapper or on the margin of your .Journal, the
date to which your subscription is paid or ac
counted for. Bemittances should bo made
either by money-order, registered letter or drau,
pvabletothaorderof JLJLsam&Co,
All communications, to secure attention, must
be accompanied by the full name of the writer.
W reserve the right to reject any manuscript,
and cannot agree to return the same. We desire
a correspondent in every school-district oi
Platte county, one of good judgment, and re
liable in every way Write plainly, each item
. aoparately. Give as facta.
Paddock's pore food bill Las passed
the senate.
Fakm land in Nebraska is steadily ris
ing in price.
"Eveby dollar as good as anybody's;
the largest possible individnal liberty;
protection to American labor."
Five hundred people are now gathered
around the Cheyenne lands waiting for
the proclamation opening them to set
tlement. At Napa, Cal., Sunday morning at
8:35 a severe shock of earthqtiako was
felt, the vibrations being from north to
south, and continuing twelve seconds.
"A man is relieved and gay when he
has put his heart into his work and
done his best, but what ho has said or
' done otherwise shall give him no peace."
The nearer the farm and factory are
to each other the greater the homo mar
ket, and the greater the home maket the
greater the value of tho farm. Merrick
County Republican.
Every worker at manufacturing in
this country consumes over $00 worth
of our agricultural produce per year,
the English, laborer consuming only
Si.42 worth. Merrick County Repub
lican. Ik a government museum at Wash
ington Ib a plow which took tho pre
mium as the best plow at the Jefferson
county (N. Y.), fair in 1820, and owned
by Col. Wm. Lord. It has the veritable
wooden mould board.
Ik a Colorado case recently the jurors
agreed before hand to abide by tho re
sult of a summing up of the several
damages set down by them divided by
the number of jurors. The judgment
was reversed because the agreement was
made before the calculation was made.
The new year has witnessed a most
unprecedented mortality among the
great men of England. The Review of
Renews for March has extended notices
of these men. Its principal long feature
is a group of character sketches from
the trenchant pen of Mr. Stead, in
which the late Mr. Spurgeon and Car
dinal Manning are characterized and
discussed at length, and in which Sir
Morrell Mackenzie also has a place. All
of these men were personal friends of
Mr. Stead, and ho writes of them in his
usual entertaining manner.
Ik Pennsylvania a widow brought suit
against liquor dealers under the Civil
Damage Act for furnishing liquor to her
husband while ho was intoxicated. The
drunken man tried to get home, reeled
into a gutter, got thoroughly wet and
chilled and had an attack of pneumonia,
from which he died in a few days. The
attorney for the dealers claimed that the
man knew his own failing, and that on
the ground of contributory negligence
on his part, no damages should be al
lowed. The court says:
"Such a ruling would practically de
stroy . the. Act of Assembly. Every
drunkftrtTaot only takes liquor volun
tarily, Ifat whenever he can get it, and
becauwbf his weakness, the law makes
the saloon keeper responsible for selling
to snch persons. He has not the will
power to resist the temptation, and for
this reason the sale to him is forbidden."
The Jourkai. admires tho originality
of the attorney, but tho language of the
court carries the full force of tho situa
tion, and is so truthful that every
drunkard should in his sober moments
ponder it well and act accordingly.
- John Koenigstein, mayor of Norfolk,
is out in a card asking Mr. Rainbolt as
trustee of a certain city fund, to make a
statement, claiming there is a balance in
. the hands of the committee of ST00.
Mr. Rainbolt is one of tho committee of
Norfolk business men who guaranteed
the $100,000 bonus to the Norfolk Beet
Sugar Company, and who claim to have
paid the S100,000 to the -company, but
"claim to be short a very largo amount,
in fact more than they are able to stand
and therefore ask the citizens of Norfolk
to'belp them out, at least to some ex
tent." Mr. Thomas Drinkall of Prairie Creek,
brought us a sample this morning, of
Borne excellent maple syrup, made by
Mr. and Mrs. Drinkall at their farm. It
is the first genuine home-made maple
syrup we have seen in this country and
is simply splendid. Mr. Drinkall in
forms us that he has made enough for
his own U6e There are more people
coming to Nebraska'this spring than at
any time for a number of years. Ne
braska soil is the talk of other states
and her fame as a corn and stock pro
r daring state will soon be second to none
in this country. The immense crop.
she has produced within the past fifteen
years and not having had a total failure
in that time, make her a record without
' flaw. All that is necessary to Ne
braska's welfare is the upbuilding of her
markets and a thorough change in the
'cost of transportation, so that the far-
mer will realize something above the
cost -of what be produces. Merrick
County Press.
Farm Notes.
A loose loamy soil is best for potatoes.
Plan to have what you grow of the
beat quality.
Apply the fresh, coarse manure on the
corn land.
Good seed is as important as good soil
and good tillage.
A good variety of crops lessens mate
rially the necessity for hiring outside
"What Tops the farmer and his family
can itow and harvest properly will re
turn the most profit.
Properly managed, production can be
increased at a faster rate than expenses;
and hence a large yield returns the best
For The Journal.
A Christian Burial for Christian Only.
The undersigned has publicly been
criticised in the last week's issue of this
paper and in the Columbus Wochenblatt
for having denied a christian burial to
tho late Martin Heintz. Not to excite a
controversy but simply for the sake of
the divine truth as revealed in the holy
scriptures, I feel constrained to set forth
the reasons for my action.
The burial of the dead, taken in the
abstract, is simply a common, civil, hu
man affair, a duty of love which all man
kind owes its dead. The unbelieving
world also has its dead to bury, and it
may do this in any manner it pleases;
that does not concern us christians in
the least. "Let the dead bury their
dead" said Christ to the disciple who
wished to follow him.
But as soon as a burial takes place
according to the appointed rites and
ceremonies of any society or corporation,
it is given a special character and dis
tinct purpose. For instance, a burial
performed according to the rites of
Freemasonry has its object tho bestow
ing of public Masonic honors upon the
deceased, and his former comrades
thereby testify of him, that he was a
member of their society "in good stand
ing" and true to his duty. Otherwise
he could not receive a Masonic burial.
Now the case is similar with regard to
a christian burial performed with chris
tian churchly rites and ceremonies. This
also has a perfectly distinctive purpose;
in this manner also a public testimony
of honor is given the deceased, namely
this testimony, that the deceased waa a
christian, i. e. a true believer in Jesus
Christ manifesting his faith through a
godly life, and also died as such. And
this is ierfectly in order with those who,
as far as men can judge, really were
christians; it is done in full conformity
with tho word of God, the holy and im
mutable constitution of the christian
church. "Precious in the sight of the
Lord is the death of his saints," we read
in tho HGlh psalm. God honors His
saints, L e. His christians, even in death
and after death. Their souls are in His
hand and no torments come nigh them:
and that their bodies may bo preserved
foa the day of judgment He sends His
angels to guard their graves. His saints,
although dead, still live before Him, and
Ho even then numbers them with His
Now, since God Himself esteems them
so highly, the christian church is per
fectly justified in also esteeming them
precious and therefore accompanying
tl'om to the grave with christian honors.
And the christian church has at all
limes honored her dead by accompany
ing them to their final rest with various
churchly rites and ceremonies, always,
however, and above all things, with sing
ing, prayers and preaching of the word
of God, and has laid their bodies in the
bosom of the earth as a precious seed of
God. In this manner she not only
wishes to show her compassion with the
mourners, to unite with them in prayer,
and to give them consolation from the
word of God, but also, and especially, to
publicly honor her dead brothers and
sisters as fellow-christians. Living in
the midst of heathen and infidels she
thus wished to give to her departed dead
the testimony that they had been no
heathen, infidels and godless people, but
pious christians, members of God's peo
ple on earth, that they had believed in
Christ during life and had also died in
faith in Him. This she rightly held to
be the most honorable testimony that
can be given man after death.
And this significant meaning a chris
tian burial still has today. A cJirisliati
burial is a public testimony of honor.
Every one buried with christian church
ly rites, receives public testimony of
having been, as far as men can judge, a
christian, i. e. a believer in Jesus Christ,
for nono others are christians. That
this is the signification of a christian
burial the people are well aware of. For
this very reason they try so hard to se
cure the honor of christian burial for
those who have died in unbelief; they
understand quite well what kind of a
sentence is pronounced over their dead,
if this honor be refused them.
To bo sure, it is no matter of indiffer
ence to a christian congregation and
their pastor if they be of necessity com
pelled to pronounce such a sentence,
and it is also a very sad matter for the
relatives of a departed infidel if the
honor of a christian burial be denied
him. But should christian congrega
tions and pastors consider their own
feelings or the feelings of other people
in this instance, and grant the request
for a christian burial in every case? Can
they, dare they do this? No! As surely
as a christian burial is a testimony of
honor, so surely such an honor dare not
bo granted to avowed unbelievers. To
want to bury notorious non-christians
with christian honors is a contradiction
in itself. To give manifest unbelievers
a christian testimony of honor, is giving
yourself the testimony of being a miser
able hypocrite and liar. To bury as
christians those who have lived and died
as un-chnstian and heathen is a public
insnlt to God and His holy people.
Again, as little as a christian burial
would help and profit one who had died
in unbelief, so little would an injustice
be done him if it were denied him. He
who hm spent his life in sins, vices and
infamy, and has died without repent
aiu a and conversion, must justly bear
as a consequence of his life of sin, that
he be buried as a godless person: nor
does any such deserve the honor which
is bestowed upon the saints of God. He,
who with all his outward virtue and
honesty has nevertheless despised the
divine means of grace and not cared for
God's holy word and sacraments during
his life, has no one but himself to blame
if the honor of a christian burial be de
nied him in death: if he could live
without the word of God, and dio with
out the word of God, then let him also
be buried without the word of God. He
who during life sought the society and
friendship of the world, but believed
that he could dispense with the society
of the church of htm the church
does no injustice if she deny him her
society in death. If he could live with
out the church of Christ and her ser
vants, and if he could die without them,
then he may and shall also be be buried
without their services.
I will make no application of the
above to the case in question, but leave
this to tho reader.
H. Miessleb.
WaHUlMgtwB Letter.
From our regular correspondent.
The president camo home from his va
cation two or three days earlier than he
intended, because of the very peculiar
action of Lord Salisbury in refusing a
renewal of the modus vivendi in Behring
Sea pending the arbitration proposed by
the treaty signed last week. The presi
dent and his cabinet consider the situa
tion very critical, and much regret is
expressed Imhsuusb Secretary Blaine is
confined to his bed with the grip. Lord
Salisbury's action is virtually an insult
to this government, and makes the treaty
of very little service, as there will be
nothing to arbitrate if this government
allows the Canadian sealers to go into
Behring Sea the coming season, and
nothing but force will prevent them, and
if we uso force we shall unquestionably
have to fight the British navy, and after
the fighting is begun the arbitration
treaty will not stop it.
The arbitration treaty was to have
been sent to the senate this week, and
if it goes in aud is called up in executive
session there will probably be some very
belligerent talk, as there are senators
who, believing that Salisbury has delib
erately and intentionally insulted us,
are in favor of refusing to ratify the
arbitration treaty, and of having the ad
ministration inform Salisbury that this
government intends to tnaintain its
rights in Behring sea by force if neces
sary. For the first time in years a night
session of the cabinet has been held, tho
president being determined to do noth
ing rashly and at the same time to leave
nothing undone that is necessary to the
upholding of American rights and Amer
ican honor. He will show the world
that he will deal with powerful Great
Britain in precisely tho same spirit he
did with weak Chili.
Well, well! wonders will never cease.
Senator Gorman says, and he evidently
sxpects the couutry to believe him, that
he never had an hour's conversation with
Senator Hill in his life, and never had
any consultation with him on any sub
ject Gorman is very shrewd in detect
ing the way of the wind, politically
speaking, and he seldom speaks for pub
lication without having a definite ob
ject in view. Some say his object in
making the present statement is to
announce his desertion of Hill, and oth
ers that it is merely a dodge in Hill's
The Hill boomers are making prepa
ration for a demonstration in force in
the south, which section the Cleveland
men have all along claimed aB their ex
clusive property. Discreet Hill agents
have been working up a Hill sentiment
in the south for some weeks past and
how well they have done their work is
shown by the invitations to visit that
section which Mr. Hill has recently re
ceived and is daily receiving from its
prominent cities. A tour will bo ar
ranged for him, perhaps it would be
nearer exact to say by him, which will
take in ail the points whero his ageuts
report a probability of capturing any
delegates to the national convontion.
Jerry Simpson's attempt to introduce
the Mrs. Lease stylo of stump speech on
the iloor of the house was a flat failure,
and Jerry had to withdraw his unpar
liamentary languago and apologize to
tho house for having used it. His apol
ogy was a slander on tho good people of
Kansas, for he tried to leave the house
under the impression that tho use of
bad language was so common in that
state that he should not be held respon
sible for having used it The objection
able language was used in a running
debate on the bill allowing railroads to
give special rates to commercial travel
ers, when Simpson referred to Senator
Cnllom, the author of the interstate
commerce law as an "iniquitous railroad
otfnraat "
The democrats of the house appear
to have fully made up their minds that
no private pension legislation shall get
through at this session, for, although
Friday night sessions have been set
apart for this purpose, the democrats
purposely remain away and then raise
the point of "no quorum" in order to
prevent anything being done. The same
thing might have been accomplished in
a more manly way by the adoption of a
resolution reading something like this:
"Resolved, That no private pension bill
shall be voted for by the majority of
this house, no matter how just it may
be, nor how needy the applicant may be."
Senator Hoar, who has been confined
to his room for several weeks with an
affection of the eyes, expects to be able
to resume his duties this week. Several
important nominations, including those
of the judges of the new circuit court,
are before the judiciary committee, of
which Mr. Hoar is chairman. They will
all be disposed of this week.
The house for once did just what it
was expected to do, when it voted on
the resolution setting aside March 22,
23 and 24 for the consideration of the
Bland free coinage bilL
Importaat dabbing Aaaoancrmrat.
We are pleased to announce to our
readers that we have made arrangements
with the publishers of the Nebraska
Farmer, the leading live stock and farm
journal of the west, by which we can
offer it one year with The Columbus
Journal and the Nebraska Family Jour
nal, all for $2.80, but very little more
than the price' of one publication. This
offer is good for renewals or new sub
scribers. Let every one who desires to
take advantage of this liberal offer do so
at once. Address,
M. K. Tuskkk A Co.,
Columbus, Neb.
A fatheb can give his young son no
better present than a year's reading to
the Scientific American. Its contents
will lead the young mind in the path of
thought, and if he treads there a while,
he'll forget frivolities and be of some ac
count, and if he has an inventive or me
chanical turn of mind, this paper will
afford him more entertainment, as well
as useful information, than he can ob
tain elsewhere. Copies of this paper
may be seen at this office and subscrip
tions received. Price, S3 a year, weekly.
Washbtttoa aad the Northwest Pa-
tant demand of the
public to the far Welt for a com!
and at the same tiinWan econ
mods of traveling, haB lei to the
lishmant of what is known as
These cars are built on tnu mute gen
eral plan m the regular first-clAs Pull
man Sleeper, the only differencl being
is that they ale not upholstered.
They are fuVnished complete with
good comfortable hair mattresses, nrm
blankets, snowl white linen, curtains,
plenur of towehvmbs, brushes, el
whictt secure to the ftccupant of a berth
as tnnbhprivacy as b to be had in first
class 6leeVers. Then are also separate
toilet rookis for ladile and gentlemen,
and smoking is absoltufebr prohibited.
For full iiformation send r Pullman
Colonist SleWer Leaflet
L. Loraax,
General Passenger and Ti
(et Agent,
Omaha, Neb.
38marl J. R. Meaoheb,
Agent Tiun PaciGc System
Specimen Cases.
S. H. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., was
troubled with neuralgia and rheuma
tism, his stomach was disordered, his
liver was affected to an alarming degree,
appetite fell away, and he was terribly
reduced in flesh and strength. Three
bottles of Electric Bitters cured him.
Edward Shepherd, Harrisbnrg, Hl.,had
a running soro on his leg of eight years'
standing. Used three bottles of Elec
trio Bitters and seven boxes of Buoklen's
Arnica Salve, and his leg iu sound and
well. John Speaker, Catawba, O., had
five large fever sores on his leg, doctors
said he was incurable. One bottle of
Electric Bitters and one box of Buck
len's Arnica Salve cured him entirely.
Sold by C. B. Stillman, druggist 3
e Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul
Ryis ihe only line running solid vest-
ibaled, electric lighted una steam heated
trains between the Missouri river and
Chicago, consisting of new palace sleep
ing cars, elegant free reclining chair
cars, luxurious coaches and the finest
dining cars in the world. The berth
reading lamp in its palaco sleeping cars
is patented and cannot be used by any
other railway company. It is the great
improvement of the age. Try it and be
convinced. Close connection in union
depot at Omaha with all trains to imd
from the west For further particulars
apply to your ticket agent, or
F. A. Nash, Gen'l Agt
W. S. Howeli
Traveling Fr't and Pabs. Agt,
20jantf 1501 Farnam St., Omaha, Nob.
Now Try This.
It will cost you nothing and will sure
ly do you good, if you havo a cough,
cold, or any trouble with throat, chest or
lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery for
consumption, coughs and colds is guar
anteed to give relief, or money will be
paid back. Sufferers from la grippe
found it just the thing and under its use
had a speedy and perfect recovery. Try
a sample bottle at our expense and learn
for yourself just how good a thing it is.
Trial bottles free at Stillman's drug
store. Large size 50c. and $1. 3
Fkom latost reports, the deaf are
about to have the use of a device that
will relievo many of them of their diffi
culty. It is a sol", rubber disc, arranged
on a rubber spring aud so shaped that
when inserted in the ear it will focus
the waves of sound on the natural drum,
thus increasing the vibrations of the
latter. Tho inventor is D. H. Wales, of
Bridgeport Conn., and the new dovico
promises to do for tho ears what spec
tacles do for the eyes.
Bac Men's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guranteod togivo perfect satisfac
tion', or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For salo by C. B. Stillman.
The population of the United States
is 62,622,250, not counting Alaska.
Nebraska has 1,058,910.
KceoMMraded by the (seen.
This is what all English people say
about whatever they have to sell. In
America, however, it's "the verdict of
the people" that Haller's Barb Wire
Liniment is the most successful remedy
for cuts, bruises and sores ever intro
duced. For sale by Wm. Kearville. 8
Baby cried,
Mother sighed.
Doctor prescribed : Castoria !
English Spavin Liniment removes all
hard, soft or calloused lumps and-bleov-
ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs,
gplints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles,
gprains, Sore and Swollen Throat,
Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one
bottle. Warranted the most wonderful
Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by C.
B. Stillman, druggist. 26novlyr
If yon are troubled with rheuma
tism or a lame back, bind on over the
seat of pain a piece of flannel dampened
with Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Yon
will be surprised at the prompt relief it
affords. 50 cent bottles for sale by C.
E. Pollock & Co. and Dr. Heintz, drug
gists, tf
Children Cry for
Pitchers Castoria.
In the circuit court of the United States, for the
district of Nebraska.
Giles A. Davia and Henry A. Pierce, complain
ants, vs. Jeremiah N. Mitchell et al defendants,
in chancery.
Public notice is hereby given that in pursu
ance and bv virtue of a decree enteifid in th
above cause on the 7th day of July, 1891, 1, D. H.'
Mercer, Special Master in Chancery in said
court, will, on the 14th day of April. 1892, at the
hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at
the front door of the county court house in the
city of Columbus, Platte county, state and dis
trict ot Nebraska, sell at auction the following
described property, to wit:
The east half (H) of section one (1): also, the
east half (K) of the southwest quarter (H) and
the east half (H) of the east half (H) of the
noruiweat quarter U4 oi said section one (I),
all in township seventeen (1?) north of range
two (2) west of 6th P. M. in Platte county. Ne
braska. D. H. MERCER,
Special Master in Chancery.
W. H. Atwood.
Solicitor for Complainant. Bmartt i
J He cone
In the district court of Platte county, Nebraska.
sattbew Lu w. etott, piainuo, vs. Mary Btott,
To Mary Btott: You are hereby notified that on
the 23d day of February. 1802. Matthew L.W.
Btott filed a petition against you in the district
court oi riaiie county, HeDrasKa, tne ooject ana
prayer of which are to obtain a divorce from yon
on the ground that you have wilfully abandoned
the plaintiff without good cause for a term of
two years last past.
You are required to answer said petition on or
before Monday, the 18th day of April. 1892.
Matthxw L. W. 8tott.
By Higoixs & Gablow and J. N. Path., his
Atty's. tfmarSt
EaOurquotationsof the markets areobtained
Tuesday afternoon, and arc correct and reliable
at the time.
Shelled Corn.
Ear Corn
$2 5063 00
Fat hogs
Fat cows
Fat sheep
Fat steers
Bides ,
ft 81fi4 25
t fJifi m
si uWf I M
3 00i 3 50
Plymouth : Rock
(Both thoroughbred,) eggs, for hatching, for
bate, at 1.J0 for one setting of 15 egga.
ia?"Ordera from a distance promptly rilled.
Columbus. Nebr.
Sm Andrea , Cau Co., Cal., Feb.. 8S9.
My boy, 13 years ilJ, was so affected by It
that he could not go to school for si years
Two hottle of Pastor Koenlg's Nerve Tonic
restored hi- natural health and he is cow at
tending school agaiu. ...
So writes Iter. K. acauuerte of aboo place: 1
had heard of the wonderful cures or Pastor Koo
olgs Norve Tonic hile I was a student, and dur
ingtny professional talliniil bad opportunit) to
oonnnce myself oi ttiu i eltability of the Remedy,
and my keenest e xpectations were mrpa-Bcd as
agirl U years of agt. :a cored from thoepUeyay
bjr Umj use at six botUos of the Toole
A Valuable Book on Mi
Diseases sent free to any address,
and naor Datlenw can also obtain
this medicine free of charge.
This remedy has been prepared by the Barer
end Pastor Koenig. of Fort Wayne. Ind since 18
and is now prepared under his direction by the
KOENIG MED. CO., Chicago, III.
Sold by Druggists at 91 per Bottle. 6 fba
& large Size, 91.75. O Bottles for SO.
Belt Headache and relieve all the trouble J
dent to a bilious atateof the system, sack a
tHrdneas, Nausea, Drowsiness. Distress afts
eating. Pain In the Side, Ac. While their moat.
reouuabUsuccesshaabeenabowniacaitag ,
Headache, ye Carter'a Little Lttw KOa att
equally Talnable in Constipation, curlngand pre
venting this annoying complalnt.while they alee
correct alldUordersofthestomachjtlmuUte the
Uverandregulstethebowala. Xraniftoejoolf
Aclather would be almoatprlceleMtofhoaswM
Buffer from this distressing complaint; butforta.
aataly theirgoodness does notend herend those
who ones try thorn will find these little puis vain
able In so many ways that they will not be wil
llsgtodowithoutthein. But after allaick head
Isthe bane of so many llTea that here la where
wemakeourgreatboast. OarpiUscurettwhUe
Others do not.
Carter'a Little Liver Pills are very small and
very easy to take. One or two pills make a doss.
They are strictly vegetable and do not grips or
ar?e. but by their gentle action please all wha
use them. InTialsat25cenU: BveforSL Sold
tf druggists everywhere, or sent by sudL
Ie Bee fin of Claims,
Associated witii
The San Francisco Examiner,
For the States of Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, and
South Dakota for the Collection of all
legitimate claims before the various
Departments of the
LlJnder the auspices of. The BeePublishing Co.,
umana, neurasaa, ana me nan
Francisco Examiner.
Offices: Omaha. San Francisco. Washington.
Room 000, Bee Building, Omaha, Neb.
Will practice in the Supremo Court of the
United States, the Court of Claims, the several
Courts of the District of Columbia, before Cnm
mitteee of Congress, and the Executive Depart
ments. Indian Depredation Claims. We obtain Pen
sions and Patents. All classes of Land Claims.
Mining, Pre-emption and Homestead Cases.
Prosecuted before the General Land Office, De
partment of the Interior, and the Supreme
PENSION8. Thousands yet entitled. Write
for information.
HEIRS. Widows, Slinor Children. Dependent
Mothers, Fathers, and Minor Dependent
Brothers and Sisters entitled.
INCREASE. Pension Laws are now more
liberal than formerly, and many are entitled to
better rates. Apply at once for List of Ques
tions to determine right to higher rates.
Claimants to secure the services of this Bureau
must become, as a condition precedent, a new
subscriber to The Weekly Bee. Those who are
now subscribers can become members of the
Bureau by sendimr in a new snhacrilwp. Thia
4 will entitle the dew subscriber as well as the old
to a membership.
We have the names of over two hundred thous
and ex-somiers and sailors residing in Nebraska,
Iowa, Kansas and South Dakota.
Correspondence Solicited." information Free
We charge no fee, only in the event of success.
Bend for onr Prospectus.
Local asdTbavklino. A good chance! Don't
tmes it! Yon need no capital to represent a re
liable firm that warranto nnrsery stock first-class
and true to name. Work aix thk TXAB,and
good pay weekly to enerjretic men. Apply quick.
statin age L L. MAY 4 CO.. Nurserymen
Florists and Seedsmen, St. Paul. Minn.
Urrrhis house is responsible. ienov-pd 1
. & . k.L. " aaa
co iki rn
Sol HHLs ?sf
fckNh.xm. - jtp-
Among subjects recently discussed in
addresses before a republican club at
Chicago were: Why Soldiers are Re
publicans; Why I am a Republican;
Every Patriot a Politician. This last
was the theme of Stephen A. Douglas,
son of the great Ulinoisan who loyally
supported Lincoln when the crisis of
rebellion came. He feelingly told why
it is the moral duty of every American
citizen to do his share in protecting the
country by the ballot in time of peace
as well as by the sword in time of war.
- i "-i
e matter of I
estate of Peter J.' Lawrence,
Notice is herebr eivthat in naradance of
that in naradance oi an
order of Hon. A. M.
it. iudce of the district
court of Platte cou
21th day of Decpmli
y, Nebraska, madion the
1SV1. for the sale oi the
real estate hereinafi
sold at the court hoi
described, there will be
city oi loiumrjus.
Platte county, Nebraska,
7th day of
'eh, 1892,
at one oieelt j. m.. at
blic Tendue, tb the
highest bidder Vubjoct tc:
a RiortRaico lien of
f,M). tne parfhaser to
confirmation fdr the pay
ive security before
I confirmation left- the imi-nTTal nf thr pure
price upon saiirlien on or before tin xame e
I become due. the followinir dtwcrihttl real ewtat
j to w',: Tim Southeast quarter of the MHithwest
quarter; me punnwmi quarter ui uie tiouiuwesi
quarter, and it ho west half of tho west half of the
northeast quarter of the southweit quarter of
Bection number twenty-eight (2d) knd lot num
ber two (2), iVgectioti number thitty-three (S3),
all in townshipHumlter seTenteen 17) north, of
range one (1) oastYf tho Sixth principal merid
ian in Platte county, Nebraska, containing 110
acres more or less The chief part ofaid. land
is under cultivation. and the balance! good
hay land. There Is also a good dwelling house
and other Daildaogs thereon. Said sale will
remain open one
January 18th. 1892. Phebe J. Liwremck.
Executrix of the estate of Peter J. Lawrence,
We want every mother to know that
croup can be prevented. True croup
never appears without a warning. The
first symptom is hoarseness; then the
child appears to have tasen a cold or a
cold may have accompanied the hoarse
ness from the start.. After that a pe
culiar rough cough is developed, which
is followed by the croup. The time to
act is when tho child first becomes
hoarse; a few doses of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy will prevent the attack.
Even after a rough cough has appeared
the disease may be prevented by using
this remedy as directed. It bus never
been known to fail. 25 cent, 50 cent
and SI bottles for sale by C. . Pollock
& Co. and Dr. Heintz, druggists. tf
Charles Stewart Parnell.
The death of this noted and brilliant
Irishman was caused by the neglect of a
simple cold. Had he used Haller's Sure
Cure Cough Syrup his life might have
been spared many years. For sale by
Wm. Kearville. 8
S3 SHOE ecsfflWea
It Is a seamless shoe, with no tacks or wax thread
to hart the feet; made of the best fine calf, sty llsh
aad easy, and because ce stake atoms show or fait
grade tkanang other aiaawoctwrer, tt equals hand
sawed shoes costing-front U to es.00.
fJE Geaalae Haad-sewed, theaasatealf
99a shoe ever offered for tS-OO; equals Vteaca
Imported shoes which cost from a&ooto gtZOO.
da2 Hand-Sewed Welt Shoe, dae calf.
9a stylish, comfortable and durable. The bass
hoe ever offered at this price ; same grade as eaa-som-made
shoes costing from s.oo. to tun.
4 SB Pellre Hheei Farmers. Railroad XB
Wi aadLetterCarrlersaUwearthemiflaeealf,
Msmlna. smooth (aside, heavy three soles, axtea
elooedKe. One pair will wear ayear.
BIO SB flae calf j no better shoe ever offered a
9sfis this price; one trial will convince those
who want a shoe for comfort and service.
lO 33 and B4.M YVerklanaa'a shoes
9fia are wtty strong and durable. Those who
have given them a trial will wear no other make.
EtAWttf d S1.73 school shoes are
D VJ 9 worn by the boys every where: theyaaU
ea their merit as the increasing sales show.
I ttHlAdk I. Head-sewed shoe, beat
laBOICV Uoagola. very stylish: eqeatsFreaeh
sported shoes eosttng from un i
lXdlee 3.3B. . mad
n buiii
Klawsare the best BaeDongoU. stylish aad durable.
73 snoe ror
aiaatiM. See that W. L. Dooclaa mi
price are stamped ob the bottom or each shoe.
Wr. SHILZ. Olivi St., CiluibHS.
lJoly 'Vl-tm
And all kinds of country produce taken in tra
and all goods delivered free of charge
to any part of the city.
I"" J. H-ahKUtllAIV
L. C. VOSS, M. D.,
Homceopathic Physician
-AlNID surgeon.
Ofhce over poet office. Specialist in chronic
diseases. Careful attention given to general
practice. 28novim
Twelfth Street, Opposite U. P. Depot.
Jl. e. sejrl,
p&oPBirroB or thk
BleTBntH St. Tonsoilal Parlor.
The Finest in The City.
tyTlie only shop on the South Side. Colum
bus. Nebraska. 280ct-y
E.T. AIXElf. K.D.,
Eye -and - Ear - Surgeon,
Secretary Nebraska 8tate Board
of Health,
100 Basuk Block,
In (he
tBafe '9J 1
What is
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups and Castor Oil.
It 'is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms aud allays
feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd;
cures Diarrhoea and TViud Colic. Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates the food, regulates tho stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
toria is the Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend.
Castoria la an excellent medicine for chil
dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of ita
good affect upon their children."
Da. G. C. Osgood,
Lowell, Mass.
Castoria ia the best remedy for children of
which I am acquainted. I hope the day ia not
far distant when mothers will consider the real
tetereat of their children, and use Castoria in
stead of the various quack nostrums which are
destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agents down their throats, thereby sending
them to premature graves."
Da. J. F. Kmcbelos,
Conway, Ark.
Tka Camtamr Caaaasy, TT M
Staple ami Fancy Groceries,
Lamps, Glassware,
Queensware, Etc.,
As Can be Found in this Section of Nebraska.
ISTTho very highest tuarkot prii'o paiil iu trmln for country produce,
the present, in the (thick block, corner of Eleventh and North HtreetB,
MULDOON, 11849.
Columbus. He is a bay, stands It; hands, and weighs 11(H) pounds. Sired
by Dictator Jr., 21!3, he by Dictator IK, out of Monio West by Almont
Dam, Queen, by Clark Chief 8U- second dam. LuteUovd by Joe I)ornini;,710.
In breeding to MULDOON yon are sure to bo rewarded with a line earringo
horse, if not n trotter. Tho fee, which is S'il.OO to insure, is remarkably low con
siderinK the blood lines. Accidents and escapes at owner's risk. For extended
pedigree and full description call on or address,
L. H.
Offer: Senl us a
Of DllirilHnttTIWfif Trmrlf
Slid WO Will IllftkA TOIl It rpikvnn
MDlDlt It to your friends ft3 a sample oT onr work, ami u;e your Intluenr In b-
CBnnfPllA futtirA irrf(r tnta nnmn wvwl nfrfsoea -in hnatr Af nlr.H.A HK,i la ill a,. .
A .....-- ...v ..m.uu taai
P; likeness. Refer to any bank In Chicago. Address all mall to Kri.IPE PORTRAIT CO..
,,SSAJlJlSHS5M,0,p,, 8t etL,c.SU,LL P;8.-We wiU forWt.$100 to any one
iaaf2egiaotjyejvfraycBpietBreFlEE aapr this offer. This offeri bona &&
Planing ill.
We have jnst opeaed a new mill on M street,
opposite rlchroeam' flooring mill and are pre.
anch as
Store Fronts,
Stair Bailing,
Scroll Sawing,
EVAI1 orders promptly attended to. Call on
or address.
CoInmliQs, Nebraska.
Otter all kinds of
Field Seeds at VERY
Call and see them.
2 Mar 2 mo.
" Castoria is so well adapted to children I
I recommend it assuperior toany prescriptiOB
known to me."
H. A. Aucnia, M. D.,
Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
" Our physicians in the children's depart
ment have spoken highly of their experi
ence in their outside practice with Castoria,
and although we only have ainoog, our
medical supplies what is known as regular
products, yet wo are free to confess that the
merits of Castoria has won us to look with
favor upon it."
Unitxd Hospital and Dispknsirt,
Boston, :
Aixxn C. Smitii, Pres.,
array Straet, New York City.
Mio 27. 'KM f
IWfci at tho Fair Grounds, 1 mile north of
EE i 30 DAYS
PjVIshlns to Introduce our CRAYOX POR-9
fiftdfflAkt nwriifiirnpr' wth'tr tlfriiUrt tt milm thleUiiaAll
Cnhinet Pictiiro. I'hnbKfmTih.TIiitvtwft Amhmi :nii
nrnnf niomhitrnfrimr fnrvillv llvlnf4itfvmijf
Va-ff asealt Vmm Af4'huu r.ts,i.Tu.l u.n.
-"""I i"va ' (''-'UlCJ Ullll lb Will UT TVJ
'.C1 yW,r
now '
AN i
Caterprlalna Toms Man i True .t Co. Instractot
nd Urlei! me. I worked ttea.litjr ami made m.inejr filr
man i e-trciei i. i necameabl l itny an tslrtri.x aui &nil3
a small aucimer Itutcl If I tlnn'ticce-la: that I mil go
toworfc a-ain at th bnnness in which I ma.!.- my money.
True A Co.: Shall wo instruct start you. rcaj.rf
If .i. and if yon work iu'lmtri..u-lv. you will in lua
tiro. aMMouuyaui!aniI and Luild n hotel, if you wish
t. Slnnry can he earrjl at our neir line of work, rap
idly and honorably, by tlioaoiif ei:!j-rfex. ounc or old.
and ia their own localities, whererer tb.y lire. Anron.
Ican do the work Kasytolearn. We rurniiiietery thing. No
rik You rftndevnteTnur0pArrmoments.orallyourtim.
v .u cfeiiruiy new leiu unnK, wonderful S3C-
ee toerery worker. Beginner are earning from 85 (o
859 pr week and upward . and more after a littleexpe
"";) "? furnish you theemployment weteachyoa
FKt.E. Thisnan ace of marretnu things, and herei
another creat. uefut. wealth civing wonder Creat raiaa
will reward eery industrious worker Wherever yon are
and whatever yon are dome you want to know about this
wonderful work at once. Delay means much money lost to
you. No space to explain here, hut if you will write to as
we will make all plain to you FRCI1 Address
TltUEdl CO.. Jloi wWrAatTwtaMaiaa.
SciMtilc AaMriaaa.
Affacy for
Information and free Handbook write to
.&!!?? coi Broadwat. Nrw Yonic
Oldest bureau for securing patents tn America.
Every patent taken out by us Is brought before
tne public by a notice given free of charge In tho
Scientific Snifviiro
Largest circulation of any scientific paper in tha
world. Splendidly illustrated. Nontrtlftiat
man should be without it. Weekly, fta. m
LSO six months. Address Sf ffTttW rJZrT
BU30XB3.3b1 Broadway. New York. V"
Taken tip at my premies about four mileeeast
of Columbus, reb. 1j, one -h
Owner can have name hv nmnin ..,....
charges and taking 8Jumk away "44fc' W
2mar5 L. ILuiaiuii.
rKi i fficSSHRH IE
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