The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 09, 1892, Image 4

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I Caa't Be Cared
By local applications, u they cannot reach tin
dlmaJM perUon of the ear. There Is only ono
wayjK crjry Deafness, aafl that is by constitu
tions;! remedies. . DcafaAss is caused by an in
flamed condition if the tnnconf .lining of the
Eustachian Tube. VThenthls tube gets Inflamed
yon have a rambling Bound or imperfect bear
ing, and when It is entirely closed Doafness is
the result, ana.uhlessHhB Inflammation can b3
taken oaTaaatols tnbe restored to its nomial
conditiois; Bearing yill ba" 4estroyod forever;
nine cases oat of ten are caused by catarrh,
which is nothing hut an Inflamed condition of
the mncous surface.
We irllL rive One Hundred "Dollars for any
case of Deafness (caused by Catarrh) that vo
cannot cure, by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. Bend
for circulars, frec., . -
P. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, Ohio.
Bold by Druggists, 75c
"A mnn who wns'troll knum in bo fond
nf cnnnrMncr his rvarn nrftirtAR mot a frinnd
- on tho street one day, and began to
abuse a common acquaintance for say
ing something in bis own behalf.
' "I can stand anything but a boaster,"
said he. "I hate a braggart!"
"Then," said the other, "you can't be
accused of egotism, eh?"
. Straining and Racking: your Lunss and
. Throat with a rasping Cough, is hut poor
. policy. Kathcr cure yourself with Dr. I).
.Tayuo's Expectorant, an excellent remedy
lor AStuiiia anu uroncums.
Soft soap mixed with tho juice of a
lemon and a little salt will remove mil
dew from marb!e, and may also from
bronro. Leave It for a few days, wash
it off with clean, warm water, apply It
again and wash it off.
' Beeoiiam's Pills cure sick headache, dis
ordered liver, and act like magic on the
vital organ, lor sale uy all druggists
Thejisc of the electric light has been
found material y to reduce tho amount
.of illness in factories which had pre
viously u ed gas or oil for lighting.
If you have poor health, wrlto to Dr.
Crowley, Torre Haute, Ind.
' TnKRE arc "eighty anti-vaccination
?cagues In England and Scotland.
' Hit the nail on the head
' . one of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel
' lets. They do the right thing in the
'right way. They cleanse and regu
' late the liver, stomach and bowels
thoroughly and effectively, but
mildly and gently. They persuade,
rather than force. One tiny, sugar
coated Pellet's a gentlo laxative;
. three to four act as a cathartic.
They're the smallest, but the best.
There' less to take, but there's
more good in it, "when it's taken.
They're the original Little Liver
. Pill,"and they've never been equaled.
Sick Headache, Bilious Headache,
Constipation, Indigestion, Bilious
Attacks, and all derangements of
the liver, stomach and bowels, are
prevented, relieved, and cured.
They're the cheapest pill you can
buy, because they're guaranteed to
give v satisfaction, or your money is
Medical Discovery
Takes hold in this order:
Liver. li
Kidneys, 7"! -
Inside Skin,
Outside Skin,
Driving everything before it that ought
to be out.
-You Jcjioiv whether you
need zt or not.
old by every druggist, and manufactured by
. Before tre cause of con
sumption -was known (that
.was only a few years ago)
we did not know how Scott's
. Emulsion of cod-liver oil did
so much good in consumption
and in the conditions that
lead to consumption.
The explanation is inter
esting. We- send it free in
a book on careful living.'
Scorn- & Bourn, Chemists, rja Sooth 5th Avenue,
New York.
Your droc&tstleeps Scott's Emulsion of wd-hrer
tt-WdngtaeTeryirBeredo. ft.
iu, ..
4 Know
The raost tho'coghly
ccssful remedy scifencc has
ever nroduced for the
4 v " cure of all forms of Fc-
r I mil tf"oTnr1n?ntQ ?c 7.det
E. Pinkhanfs Vegetable
ftmtAminJ. Tt lias Stood
the test of many years, and to-day is more
widely aud successfully used than any other
remedy. It will entirely cure Ovarian
troubles,-Inflammation and Ulceration, Fall
ing and Displacements, also Spinal Weak
ness, and is particularly rioted to the
MH V"'"' - ' "
Change 01 luc i
dissolve and expel tu
mors from the uterus in
an early stage of devel
opment, and check the
Itendency to cancerous
Lydia E. Pinkham's
liver Pills cure consti
pation, biliousness, etc.
All Dn&glits wQ it, or icrt
by mall, in form ofPiIlt or
.lint TiM,- ike. Con- llsjC.. Jf?jA
iVXBUL E. PtsKHAM Mm. Co, Jjwrt ar.Vu fm
wtth Pistes, Enamels, and Paints which
staia'ttt sands, injure the iron . and burn
dBS Tfte RisinijSun Store Polish is Bril
! Jiant Odorless, Durable, and the con
sumer "pays lor no tux cr glass pacnage
with every purchase.
,MS f&mifL SALE OF 3,000 TDK.
OmuubU and Criticisms Based Vpea
k Mmppemlug or th bay Hlstecical
as JCews XoUs.
ScANDAi. is more susceptible of ex
pansion than any other base coin.
TnE Rrip has invaded Mexico and
there is a-possibility that Garza may
be caught by something at last.
There is no occasion for any seri
hs alarm in England over the pros
);ct of being poisoned by " American
pples so long as they are worth from
jJ to $6 a barrel at home.
They are going to have private
theatricals at Tranbycroft this year
instead of baccarat. Last year's per
formance was theatrical enough, but
a trifle too public for good form.
Patti sing "Home, Sweet Ilome"
and "Coming Through the Eye" to a
New York audience the other, night.
Simple as her ditties arc, they arc" not
one half so simple as the people who
pay the prices she charges.
A Boston man has given Senator
Stanford $150,000 for his horse" Arion.
Itisn't every Senator who can get as
much as that for a real horse, though
some of them make the United States
pay more than that for their hobbies.
A good deal of fuss is being made
over the fact thatccrtain persons who
live upon their wits, succeeded in
leering several Western pool rooms
Wt of a considerable sum of money.
t is only a case of the fleecer being
Ax Indiana sheriff, while recently
crazed by drink, was locked up in jail
by his own mother. She was a little
out of practice but succeeded in yank
ing him around just as she had done
when he was an obstreperous and mis
chievous youngster.
Siu Edwin Arnold says that the
time is coming when England and
the United States will rule the world.
England's present policy makes it
Bcein quite probable that the prophecy
will be fulfilled without the addition
of one foot of territory to the United
TnE wife-beater who followed the
unfortunate victim of his brutality to
continue a castigation begun "at
home," it is said, was finally brought
to a standstill after several shots had
been fired into the air in order to
frighten him. Too bad to torture the
air when a target like this invites.
English naval experts are seri
ously considering the practicability of
liing liquid fuel in naval vessels,
specially torpedo boats, which should
ic light and not carry a great cargo
if fuel. The locomotives on the
Jlreat Eastern railway in England
already use oil for fuel, and the naval
experts believe that the same system
can be used on the torpedo boats of
the navy.
LiETTEits from Russia indicate that
the half has not been told in the pa
pers about the great famine. The
misery and sarvatkm have spread
over large tracts with frightful
rapidity, and in one section the peas
ants arc represented as openly saying,
If the Czar is responsible for all this,
let us kill the Czar, and have a
change." This attitude is so strangely
at variance with the usual semi
Oriental acquiescence in all kinds of
oppression and suffering as to be note
worthy. TnEheir-presumptivc to the throne
of England is dead, but there is no
lack of other heirs, direct and col
lateral. Prince George the "sailor
Prince" now stands "next to the
Prince of Wales, but should he die
before ascending the throne or with
out issue the crown would pass to
one of the children of the Duchess of
Fife the daughter of the Prince of
Wales. Thergwill be claimants to
the British crown long after the people-
have concluded that the crown
itself is an expensive and useless
Some of the newspapers of Nice,
France, have gotten themselves into
trouble by speaking of a Mrs. Wins
low, who is wintering there, as "the
widow of the inventor of 'Winslow's
Soothing Syrup,'" the fact being, as
the lady takes pains to explain, that
she belongs to the family of Gov.
Winslow who came over in .the May
flower, while the syrup was invented
by a man named Curtis. The out
come of the suit will be awaited with
some interest, for until it is actually
brought to trial there will be more or
less doubt in the American mind
whether the whole thing is not a con
cealed advertisement for the syrup.
TnERE are many suicides clearly
traceable to the grip that is to
say, the dread influenza makes life so
unpleasant for the sufferers that they
prefer to take their lives. A little
will-power would have carried these
unfortunates through to renewed
health. But they did not summon
will-power to their aid. This ought
to serve as a warning to thousands in
delicate health, who go about in fear
and dread of the grip, and so fairly
worry themselves into it. In the vast.
majority of cases an epidemic is like
the devil in this- particular respect
resist it and it will flee from you!
A recent municipal election in
Toronto, Canada, was made intensely
exciting because it involved a pro
posal to introduce Sunday street
car service. The proposition was
vigorously opposed by the clergy
men of the cityr and, mainly
through ' their efforts it was de
feated by a majority of 400. The
electors who favored the operation of
street cars on Sunday, -and who are
unable to provide themselves with
other methods of convej'ance," can ob
tain their revenge by failing to at
tend church.
. t
TnE old story about the immense
fortune that is coming to American
heirs of "the historic Hj'dc estate" is
joing the rounds again. It is a
chestnut that should no longer serve
the uses even of sensational journal
ism. The report was investigated
some years ago by an American jurist
then abiding in England and found
to be fabulous. The alleged suit is
located "in Chancery," and it is said
that "the great Hyde Park is
on 2,000 acress of the land men
tioned." There is no longer a Court
of Chancery in England nor are
there any old estates or Chancery
moneys regarded by good authori
ties as susceptible of. recovery, while
Hyde Park has belonged to the Crown
for centuries. 4
The death of the Prince of Wales'
eldest son has given rise to a good
deal of discussion concerning the suc
cession to the throne, in the course of
which much has been said and not
quite correctly said as to heirs appar
ent and presumptive. The dead Duke
has been spoken of as the "heir ap
parent" and the "heir presumptive"
when as a matter of fact he was
neither. If he had survived his
grandmother he would have been
heir apparent, that is he would have
had a title to the throne, whichcould
only be defeated by his death. lie
would not have been an heir presump
tive because an heir presumptive is
one who if the ancestor should die
immediately would inherit, but whose
right of inheritance may be defeated
by any contingency, as the birth of a
nearer relative.
In a fit of drunken remorse John
L. Sullivan has once more signed the
pledge and donned a Francis Murphy
ribbon in token of his desire to re
form. His business mangers, who
persuaded the slugger to take this
step, were greatly surprised at his
readj' complaisance and arc hopeful
that the last reform will be per
manent. So we hope it may be.
Total abstinence from alcoholic liquor
for the rest of his life would go a long
way toward rehabilitating John Sulli
van in the esteem and confidence of
his friends. It might even "make a
man of him," though Some passing
glimpses of Sullivan sober and at his
best have almost destroyed that hope.
But Sullivan drunk is a disgraceful
and dangerous beast who has been
somewhat too long at large. Unless
he can keep sober now public safety
and decency will require that he be
either caged or killed. And the
sooner he is caged the less chance he
will run of being killed.
One may be forgiven for heresy in
matters of religion, but there seems
to be no excuse for the man who sug
gests that the blind devotion of the
courts to precedent and technicality
is becoming every year, in conse
quence of the growing mass of laws
and decisions, more calculated to de
feat the ends of justice. It is, of
course, rank anarchy to intimate that
no case is exactly like any other case
and that every case posesses individ
ual characteristics which entitle it to
'sepcrate treatment. If this were not
the condition of society the people
might find fault with the manner in
which justice has wobbled in the at
tempt to punish James W. Sjkes, of
Chicago. Mr. Sykes, it is admitted,
borrowed $100,000 by mortgaging
property which did not exist. For
this he was sentenced to the Peni
tentiary for three years. The Su
preme Court gave him a new trial on
a technicality and he was sentenced
to two years. Now the Supreme
Court has ordered him a third trial.
Is there any question about Sykes'
guilt? Certainly not. The Supreme
Court has simply made the discovery
that the Merchants' Loan and Trust
Company, which has been a party to
the suit, changed its name during the
progress of the trial!
How an Official Uulldlnc Was Cleaaed ol
Its Plague ofltodents.
A delusion which has lingered long
in the public mind is that "flreprooF'
buildings, if not actually fireproof,
were at least ratproof, but the idea is
no longer entertained at the corpora
tion Counsel's office, says the New
York News. The city's law depart
ment has offices in the Staats Zcitung
Building, but of late the rats have
got so thick as to be a standing ad
monition of temperance to Corpora
tion Counsel Clark's young assistants.
They ate Mr. Clark's soap, rum
maged through his library and nestled
in all the snug corners, where
they were least desired. It is
even alleged that one lady rat had
the termidity to establish her inter
esting family in the pocket of an old
office coat used by one of the j-oung
Blackstones in the office, and when
the owner of the coat imprudently
introduced his hand into the pocket
he got a sharp reminder that caused
him to be active for once. Things
got so bad that finally, Isaacsen, the
rat-catcher, was called in, and
some 300 powerful spring traps were
scattered about the building, and a
number of lithe, wiry ferrets were let
loose in the various rat holes. There
was a unanimous stampede of the rat
population, and a barrelful of dead
rodents was carried out By actual
count seventy-one rats were killed.
The war will be renewed, and the art
ists for the morning papers arc draw
ing upon their imaginations and pa.
per all the scenes, to be accompanied
by descriptive letter press from ac
complished reporters who were not
Fraud ia Diamonds.
An expert says that the "painting"
of diamonds is a trick known to all
dealers. To give yellowish Cape dia
monds the appearance of white
Brazilian or Indian diamonds, a man
has only to dip them in aniline blue.
The process resembles the blueing of
clothes by the washerwoman, and
was discovered about ten years ago.
Thb operation is so simple that not a
few Paris women . practice it They
buy cheap diamonds and touch them
up just before wearing them out, in
an aniline bath. The appearance of
the doctored diamonds deceives even
the experts at the first glance. The
layer of color wears off quickly, how
ever, and the fraud is then evident
The difference between Cape dia
monds, which is the basis of the
fraud, consists in. the- greater beauty
and clearness of the latter, as well as
in their-greater durability. Yellow
diamonds break easily.
If you grant a favor, do it without
whining, or do not grant it at alL
The America Farmer Orerlook tee
Value or Mnor-A Onr-Ox Yoke The
Best Katloa for Hogs Uouiohold anl
Kitchen Notes.
Value of Manure.
HE American
armor as a rule
has very poor no
tions about the
value of the ma
nure that ac
cumulates on his
farm. Proof of
this is seen in
the little effort
that is put forth
to care for it, to
save it from loss
in various ways.
But few farmers
read and study
on this question
with" a right-
dcad-in-carncst idea of acquiring tiie
best judgment possible in the matter.
Yet a man ought to "know all he can
now to save the fertility of his farm.
Fertility is like mone$' in the bank.
If j'ou don't keep the deposit good
you will soon have to stop checking
Some valuable facts arc brought
out in Bulletin 27 of the Cornell Uni
versity Experiment Station. Prof.
Roberts proposed to find out the
amount of loss in manure exposed as
the farmer usually exposes it. Here
is the result:
In tho experiments of ISW.horso manure
was saved from day to day until a pile of
two tons had been accumulated. This was
done from April 18 to 25. Cut wheat straw
was used plentifully as bedding, tho relative
amount of straw and manuro beiiiK HM'J
pounds excrement and GS1 pounds of straw.
Chemical annylsis showed that one ton of
this fresh m.muro contained nearly ten
pounds of nitrogen, seven and one-half
pounds of phosphoric acid, and eighteen
pounds of potash, making its value about
about S2.80.-if these constituents be valued
at the same rate as in commercial fertilizers.
The pile of manure thus made was put in
a place exposed to the weather, and where
tho drainage was so good that all the water
not absorbed by tho manure ran through
nnd ofT at once. It remained exposed from
April 25 to Sept. 22. at which time it was
carefully scraped up and weighed and a
sample taken for annylsis.
It was found that the -1. 000 had shrunk to
1,730 pounds during the six months, and
analysis showed hat tins 1.730 was less
valuable, pound for pound, than the original
lot of manure. It had not only lost br
leeching, but by heating or "lire fanging"
during periods of warm weather, and tho
value of tho pile of 4.000 pounds had shrunk
from $5.C0 to 92.25 a loss or C2 per cent.
In summing up the result of this experi
ment. Director Huberts says: "It seems
safe to say that under tho ordinary con
ditions of piling and exposure the lo:s of
fertilizing materials duriuir tho course of
the summer is not likely to be much below
50 per cent, of tho original value of "he
Further experiments showed that the
liquid manure from a cow is worth as much
per day as the solid manure, and that the
combined valuo of tho two is nearly 10
cents per day. if valued at the same rate as
commercial fertilizers; that from a horse at
7 cents, that from a sheep at W. cents, and
that from a hog at y. cent for liberally fed,
thrifty shoats of medium size.
Director Roberts is careful to explain that
those values will have to be modilled to
suit individual circumstances. What he
means is that if farmer's can afford to buy
commercial fertilizers at current prices,
then tho manures of tho farm are worth the
prices given.
The bulletin closes with plans illustrating
a cheap manure shed, under which manure
may be saved with practically no toss.
The bulletin is published by Cornell Uni
versity. Ithaca, N. Y.
A One-Ox Yo?e.
A good yoke for a single ox, says a
correspondent, may bo made as fol
lows: Take a piece of natural crooked
wood a n d
hew it out
as shown in
-tiie cngrav-
ying. Then
bore holes
for the bar
A, about !)
in. a j) art.
The holes
may b? 1
in.' in diam
eter. Now bore a hole at each end of
the yoke, B, through which a rope is
passed and made fast to Hie end of
the yoke, while the other end is matte
fast to the singletree. Tiie bow is
made of hazel or hickory. Take a
green hazel of suitable size and steam
it To do this make a" small fire and
hold the middle part of the bow over
the fire about live minutes. Then
take and bend to the proper shape
and tic C, and let it stay till dry.
Tho Ifest Ho; Kation.
The cheapest hog food we can pro
duce is clover, but the best single
food is corn. In the combination of
these two foods lie the best restdts.
Some say this necessitates exclusive
summer feeding. Not necessarily:
clover hay and clover ensilage form
part of a ration for ho?s in manv por
tions of the State in winter, and give
the best of satisfaction, especially
where fed to mature stock kept for
breeding purposes. Some parties re
port that they have kept brood sows
on good clover hay, with two pounds
of corn meal per day in addition, the
latter fed without preparation of any
kind. "While this style of feeding is
practiced quite extensively in the
eastern part of the State and by the
best farmers, I cannot speak of it
from experience, but consider it
worthy of trial.
But I can speak from experience in
feeding grain on clover pasture, and
I prefer corn and can honestly say it
is one of the best, if not the very bi'st,
way to produce pork at a low cost.
and it is somewhat strange, so few
farmers avail themselves of its advan
tages." At present prices pork conuot
be profitably produced on an all-grain
ration, and 3'ct it is equally true it
cannot be produced on an all-grass
ration. But the person who has
never tried feeding a limited amount
of grain to thrifty hogs on a good
clover pasture would be surprised at
the results. The practice of many
feeders of feeding milk to hogs on
grass in the absenccot grain ration, is
not to be recommended. "While young
pigs do not derive much benefit from
pastures except through the exercise
and contact with the soil, when the
weather is suitable it is the safest
place to keep them, as old pms with
their unhealthy surroundings and bad
atmosphere are particularly injurious.
"Winter feeding should be avoided as
much as possible, especially the prac
tice of keeping what are termed store
hogs, when not kept for breeding pur
poses Thomas Convey, in Farm and
Home. '
For Cows.
The Germantown Telegraph gives
the following directions for prevent
ing -cows from kicking: Tie your
cows short up in the stall, then take
a rope half an inch in diameter, tie it
securely around -the cow just kick of ;
the" foreshoulders, insert an inch J
stick, whiclrought to be two feet
long (an old buggy spoke does nicely,)
under the rope, give it a couple of
turns, the short end catching so as to
IK "".
draw the rope very tight, and then
tuck the long end of the stick under
the foreleg. If the cow still offers to
kick, give the stick another circlo
turn., I have, seen vicious kickers
completely subdued in two minutes
by the simple twist of the rope. Tho
device is not patented, and is very ef
fective, as the cow soon learns that
every kick means an additional
twist of the rope and stick. Ofcoursc
the rope should be removed as soon
as possible after the milking is over,
as it is a very powerful persuader.
Dairy Kotos,
Good care of the dairy cows should
commence with the calves.
Ground oats mixed with the bran
and corn meal will be sure to increase
the How of milk. Have you oats?
Try them.
"Do von the cows as you would have
them tlo for j'ou; your best for their
best is a fair exchange to which no
good cow will ever object.
Ivn Stock Xoto.i.
"The most skillful veterinary sur
geon often cannot tell whether a horse
is sound or not," writes Dr. Galen
A cheap poultry house is as good
as ah expensive one if it is only warm
and clean and keeps out drafts, and
hens will lay just as well in it.
The farmer who gets the craze for
raising or trying to raise fast trot
ters, has entered upon a branch of
industry in which there arc few
prizes and many blanks.
SiiETLAnD ponies arc becoming so
popular for children's riding and
driving animals that five carloads
were recently shipped from the East
westward to a single horse dealer.
A Vlin.ip Ilatrjr footer.
ft costs lot of money to" put in a
cold storage or cold air system in a
dairy or other building, and most
farmers cannot afford the outlay. We
herewith present the plan of a dairy
house that is used by Henry Fred
ricks of "Australia. The ncccsJJiry
thing is an abundance of cool water,
which may be found on most farms.
T -
The principle of cooling is that wa
ter is forced bj' gravity or otherwise,
onto the roof of the building and the
evaporation takes up the heat. In
the illustration, AA is a pipe which
runs up and connects with a hori
zontal pipe on the ridge and others
parallel to it about half way down
tiie roof. These, savs Farm and
Home, arc perforated with small
holes and the water is forced through
them in small jets out on the roof.
It runs down and is caughi by the
gutters and then used for irrigation if
necessary. The building is double
roofed and virtually double walled by
having a closed veranda all around it.
It is a model dairy in every respect.
By this construction and the means
adapted to apply water, the building
can be cooled in a short time to any
desired temperature, even in the hot
test day in summer. The principle
is a very simple one and could be ap
plied, where water is plenty, to other
uses, such as cooling one's dwelling
house, stables or a building for keep
ing meats, fruits and vegetables.
Advice for lirpoptlcs.
"A family doctor" gives the follow
ing advice to dyspeptics in Cassell's
Family Magazine: "Tiie greatest
mistakes of all overeating and eating
too often. So long as a person is
growing the system needs extra nour
ishment to enable nature to build up
the frame-work of the body. But
adults have need of food only to sup
ply the materials for new blood
to make up for the waste of tissue.
The waste of tissue is constantly go
ing on, to be sure, but only in direct
ratio to the work we do, whether
mental or bodily. Ir a greater quan
tity of food is taken into the system
than can be used up, it is more dele
terious than if we had taken so much
sand. The food so partaken of leaves
the stomach in an undigested form,
and never fails to work all kinds of
mischief, and instead of doing good
does injury, and weakens the bjdy
that it was intended to strengthen.
'The next most common mistake
that leads to this form of debility is
the much-to-be-regretted practice of
eating a poisonous mixture of foods
at the same meal. Tiie adjective
'poisonous may be thought a strong
one, but it is not too much so. If
people who suffer from nervousness
would only live plainly for a month
or two in all probability they would
find renewed health, and with it a
happiness and repose, to which they
have b-en strangers for many years
They would positively find themselves
growing young again instead of grow
ing older, for the simple reason that
they would not now be living so fast
or sj feverishly."
To Va'tii a Good Disinfectant.
All authorities, I believe, arc
agreed in giving the preference to
chlorine, which may be evolved by
mixing in a bottle two tablespoonfuls
of common salt, two tablespoonfulsof
fed lead and half a wineglassful of
strong oil of vitriol in a quart of
water. The bottle 'should be kept
cool, tightly stopped and in i dark
place; a little of this lluid exposed
a saucer, sprinkled on the iioor, 9:
soaked in sheets of old linen and hung
about the rooms, rapidly destroys
effluvia. Green copperas (sulphate of
iron) one pound, dissolved in a gallon
of water, is another very excellent
agent, and the same may be sai.l of
the fuinesof sulphur(sulphurous acid)
for unoccupied rooms. Chloride of
lead solution is another potent fluid:
it is cheap, involves very little
trouble, instantaneous in its effect,
and perfectly safe. Indeed, any of
the above will be found to destroy
"fie rankest compound or villanous
smell that ever offended nostriL"
lt-C pil.
Small Plum Phddixg. One cup
of milk, one-half cup of sugar, onc
half.cupof molasses, one-half cup of
.butter, two cups of flour, one cup of
raisins, one tcaspo mful of soda.
Steam two hours. Sauce: One cup
of sujar, one egg, beat together and
add eight tablespoons of milk. Flavor
to taste. '
" Scalloped Potatoes. Peel and
slice two quarts potatoes thin. But
ter an earthen dish, put' in a layer of
potatoes and season with pepper, salt
iini butter. Sprinkle on a little
flour; now put on another layer of
potatoes and the seasoning. Continue
this way till the dish is filled.
Sprinkle on top j lacr of cracker
crumbs. Cover with milk. Bak
one hour. Cold potatoes may be used
in the same manner and will require
less time tc bake.
Don't Experiment.
Until you learn tho taste, of your vis
itor never servo any risquo food, such as
tripe, liver, nsn, Drown oreaa, or saina.
iwithoufcprcparing a second dish known
to be liked by your guests. Nothing wil"
I make any one so tired of a visit as bei.
oxpocteu to cat tno particular Kina v.
food that It always gives one tho night
mare to think of, and of having to cat it
or go hungry. In serving stranger
guests it is well to remember that beof
st ak; roast beef, v al, lamb, egg, wheat
bread, tea, coffee, apple pie and sponge
ntr. nan ho .itn bv neaflv everv one.
while to many 6uch viands as ham, pork, J
mutton, urnnam oreau, vuut-vwiv, cun,
custard or cranberry pie and chocolar
cako aro entirely distasteful.
Vile and Unworthy
Of conetdoTatlon aro nostrums ot hich it Is
Asserted and thero aro many such that they
:urc immediately bodily nllmcnts of long stand
ing. Xbero aro none such that can. Chronic
llscrdcrs cannot bo instantaneously removed.
Continuity in tho rso of a genulno medicine,
iacli as Ilostcttcr's Stomach Bitto s. -will eradi
cate chronis physical cv:ls. Not t!ie least of
lit as last in tho forco of Us opposition to moll
sinola constipation, to tho removal of -which, it
pcrsiaU'd in. theBittirs is particularly adapted.
Constriction of tho bowels is a complaint which
should ho dealt Trlth early and systo vat'cally.
Po arc its usual attendants, liver complaint and
dyspepsia. For these, for ma'arl . rheumatism,
kidney trouble, nnd moro recently "la cripro,"
iblh Uglily nnd rrofossiounlly commended med
Jclue is an ntidoTibted ipeciflc. Nothing can ex
ec cd it, morcovor, as a mcaur. ot impart ma
strcng'Ji to tho feeble an J ncrvots.
A Colored Benefactor.
Covington, Ga., ha? a school for col-v
orcd student?, which derives its entire
eu.jpcrt from the earnings of a palace
ear conductor. Lewis AVntt? received a
good education from the Atlanta Uni-
o.-ity, and sent his sister through that
school. AVh-in she graduated "Watts
bought an eld houso in Covington and
there established a school. All the money
he earns gors to the support of this
school, which n-jw occupies throe build
ings and in which aru 100 s.tudents.
Altogether 7C0 colored pup'.Is have re
ceived a emmon school education in
this institution.
Tlio :uly One Tver 1'rlntctt Can Von
Find tho "Word?
There is a :-inch dNpIny advi-rt Yemeni
In this i:!i-er tills week, which has no two
wrrds alike i xceit one word. Thcsnir.o is
tiro rf each ins rue appearing each week
fiomlhc Tr. ll:.rtcr Medicine Co. This
houso places a Crescent" on everything
they make and publish. Look for it. send
them the name of the word, and they will
return you book, beautiful UTiior.KAriis,
C.r SAJIPI.KS tiiec
i-.i.Krrmc wcidiiig has now become al
most universal I i large csta'iiishmo ts.
The u;c of a lltix I; unnecessary. Elec
tricity is now used for inaKinz forg'nas,
::u ors, railroad spile s, ba 1 bearings
nnd many o'her articles ma c
by hand or by cxi-onsivo machinery.
An Important IlifTcronco.
To make it apprreat to thuuaufs. who
II. i ikthtmselve.s il that they are not af
reet d with any disc sit, but that tho sys
tem t imply need-, cleansing, is to hrins
comfort homo to tlio heart:-, as a festive
rondHI hi i- easily cured by u-iiiK Syrup of
Fijrs. Manufactured by the Ciilitcrnia Fix
Syiup Co.
ix csracnsijing tho longitude" of Mc
Gill Collate, in Montreal, by means of
th t-!e?raph, it was found that it took
ths electric current ono and one-half
se oaus to cross the ocean and return, a
di-Uncc of eight thousand m lei
Any book in "Sui prise Series' (best au
thor.), 23 cent noveK alout230 pagvearh,
sent free, postpaid, by Cracin & Co. of 1'hil-i-deIphiu,Pn..ou
ic ;elpt of 20 wrappers of Pob
bins'EItctrkSjap. Send 1 cent for catalogue.
A new treatment for ye low fever has
cured every caso of this disease in San
tiago de Cuba. The principal rart of
the new process cons'sts in p a-lnjr the
1 aticnt in what is termed a "polar" room.
When Baby was Met, wc pavo her Castoria,
When rfie was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When gave them Castoria.
Recext experiments show that with
proper appliance; ordinary gaslight can
be used in taking photographs.
Coughing lnds to Consumption.
Kemp's Uaisam will stop the Couph at
once. Go to your Druggist to-day and get
arce sample bottle. Large bottles 50 cts.
and SI. .
1)::. Xklsox. the newly elected Uishoi
of Georgia, is fond of wood rarving, at
which he has bgco:n.' an expert
XO SAKEK liEUEDV can be had fq
Coughs and Cold, or any trouble of tl
Throat,. than "Iiimcn' Branchial Trtichc.
l'rlco 2." cts. Solil only in Ixire..
i:muRXEi tourist: "Docs your daugh
ter p'ay and sing as much as ever?"
Hostess: "Oh, no: she's married.'
A Galloping Consumption may bo avoided
bv the timely nso of Hale's Honey of Hore
uound ani Tail
Tike's Too HACiiKDRors Cure in ono Minn to.
:5 MJfiJPXm2MA mj
11 1 nmmiiwiiipii n
uimimiMUMSMinoNiH m4o xaiiiM a
I ELY'S CREAM BALWI-Clcanpcii tfco Nasall
iroitiiageisaiMjH rain
tno aorea. ,wcswre itw
.tv.-s Relief ut onco
irvnluintn the Kottrilx.
160c. IlraggbtB or by mail. ELY
.fATuiL&i. i..-ffirrrr sun
Epileptic Fits, Falling Siekncss, Hyster
ics, St. Titos Dance, Lerrousness,
Hypochondria, Melancholia. In-,
chritj, Sleeplessness, Piz
ziness, Brain and Spi
nal Weakness
This n:2dic!nc has direct cction uron
the rurvc cen:rs. allaying all ir-itabili-tier,
and increasing the flow and powr
of nerve fluid. It is perfectly harness
!.no. Jonvos pn "nniftaeat. effects.
bm-A ValnaMo Booktw Nero
Lnt7E7 llewe:ut rree to anradoreM.
Ttmrr and poor paUects can alo obuin
I IfLi tliU medicine Treo of charse.
This remlyliaa been preparad by.Uie Bereratid
p?rnr KoemJ of Fori VSavae. Ind, Blnce lSTS. and
2SowppSrfdnrlerhlS!lrecUon by the
KOEMIG MED. CO.. Chicago, 111.
SoM brlrreist4 at SI per Bottle. for fc
I4USCMM.S1.75. SBottltsCHrair.
Mrs. W. R. Francis
Is tho wife of ono of the best-known
pharmacists in Ncnr Haven, doing busi
ness at 141 Dixwell Ave., and ex-Fresi-dent
of the Conn. Pharmaceutical
Association. He says: "Ay wife, was
for several yenrs in ba 1 health, duo to a compli
cation ot di-ordcrs. Friends persuaded her to
ta!o hood's Sarsapa-illa; sho is certainly a
pood dctt-1 tetter siuco oveiy way."
For Ladies,
Tiocd's Farsaparilla is especially adapted, nnd
will euro difficulties peculiar to tbn bjx. Head
this : "i'or over two years I snffcred with a
Complication of Diseases
till I wna a confirmed invalid, blood poor,
npretilo gono, bowels cut of order, and
mi'-erublo i luliul mid bodv. 1 read ot
such wonderful cures performed by Hood's
fcar-ararilla that I thought 1 would try
bottle, as, if it didn't make me better, it could
rot mako me worse.
It Did Make Me Better
and ou mv third bottle I found myself almost
aTnew woman. I will gladly convince any
lady, as I bavo proved myself, that purifyiug
and enriching tho blood, which
Hood's Sarsaparilla
does to perfection, is tho best Constitutional
Treatment, and in many cases .does away
with all Local Treatment In tho n any
diaea es with which womon are atllictol.
Mrs. Maltua IttEU, 183 ltauiacy Street, Ualti
irore. Mtl.
N. It. If you decide to tako Hood's Enrsa-
Jarilla. do not be induced to buy any other,
nsist upon HOOO'S.
HOOD'S PILLS act easily, jut promptly.
and llicieutiy, on tno liver un uaweii. mro
'.Vis GREAT COUGH CUrE, this success
ful CONSUMPTION CURE is sold by drug
gists on a positive guarantee, a test that no other
Curt can stand successfully. If. you have a
vill cure you promptly. If your child.has the
r icl:.y -nd relief is sure. If you fear CON
SUMPTION, don't wait until your case is hope
less, but take this Cure at once and receive
immediate help. Price 50c and $1.00.
Askourdruggist for SHILOH'S CURE.
If your lungs arc sore or back lame, use
Shiloh's Porous Plasters.
" Mothers' Friend " is a scientific
slly prepared Liniment, every ingre
dient of recognized value and in
constant use by the medical pro
fession. These ingredients are com
bined in a manner hitherto unknown
WILL DO nil that is claimed for
it AND MO RE. It Shortens Labor.
Lessens Pain, Diminishes Danger to
Life of Mother and Child. Book
to "Mothers "mailed FREE, con
taining valuable mtormauon ana
voluntary testimonials.
Cent by express on receipt of price ft JO per bottle
Ms Hair Dye
CJray hair or whiskers clianjrcd toa glossy
blnrk liyaidnglenpplicntiuiMirtlilsDyo. 16
Imparts it natural color, acts instantaneous
ly nnd contains not liing injuriously the luilr.
Sold by druggists, or will be sent on receipt
of price, 1.W. Ofli-e, 39 I'ark l'lace, X. Y.
rvlitt. "ii.l is an INKALLI
l'I.E CCltK tor I'lLKS.
lnc Jt; at drusntistH or
tir mail. Sample free.
Address "ANAKKSIS."
Vox au&. "Jtrw Vobk cur.
A9 I V'M-Acnn
ad.trrtt. we will mill trial WW IICUd
Inercr tub: send us rotf
an.tre. we will mill trial WW lib VnoTTLK
MENTIOV THIS n w.m.o tn BTmu.
nun jnuaiuuiuumi, .-
am .imcu. nu m.T
for Cola in Head.
It w Cniekl't Abtorbtd.
BROS., CC Warren EC, K. Y.
v'Airrcn 20 YA:!3. W 0"iTSKel
w' il4'kfeLMLLVsLLLLLBHf ""
Wt- wuXSLBHiiBu3MiB 'Tk "-i
SMrr&Ki tllHDSHflB JbT SIT"
wl lifcrfu jm JL JBc 4IjL
:V - - rvinp r "---m-tn1
;ia 'oac ?r-,.-iji ii ' 1 m - . . r Miim -fBM
f oft no more than sn ordinary clnmur wood pirlet affair that ols.tnietrt the view and will rot or fall apart
in a s-fcort tim'. "Jlie Hal tnt-n Ft nee in artistic in dwiim retert. the (jronnds wltboiit concealing tli. m
andUprartirallreic I .t 11 . II.I.V Tl:,lUO VMM. til t. Jtlll JWCh.SAfO Ao .. A-i ,
I.Ut.KU FUt:::. Addrcn. your n-arett .-pent. II.1KI.HA JIIO.CO., Uo ic-lit.!?. Fa.
T. D. GAUSS. Cenc-al Western Sales Agonf, 508 'State St., CHICAGO,.
Ltr CVir K A .Ijbeiex 11 kwa'k Co Om:ha. Neb . General Agent3 tor State cf Nebraska.
.ZCAlaajn raeLtton this paper.
.CX 7 Mr. Alice MaIe. Or
I il I J'WWmeierrlwiissajis-.
cre-lutioaof K)il!t. ForcircuUrj
Oregon. Mo..wriir
anils.no1 iikia
r. m lrf4 wlinorH
,!c'icLer' 1 beat re. Chica-o. Il-
-, Rv r.o Ir Free. WilXXt V.UU. Fi al
( iini l itav..'i:'i:rr!.u o uui"u-c.
n ..ia .... u .w ., .;- 1 tlrlm IrM
in vlln cv-r rrin'drias d.cov rjl aimIe euro
b Cb l.e will ttml ttavn U H tellow u reiers. VI
rcM T J. II. IlKKVKsi. ITux JOO. N. V.Cllr. N-Y
ad for Inventors GniiU.or Uott n Obtain a I'itent.
SUrml lor DlK&t .t le . o i and l.miilt Law
1'ATIUL'K O'irMUi.lii . AV- .i.u.t..i. U. ..
n "lorpMno ITablt Cored in 10
il . " lys. Ni pay II'I ruretl.
D3. J.STE.PMS.NS, LCDanan.vnio
L? I rwrtAY'
A 1U W CI i
" I am ready to testify under oath
that if it had not been for August
Flower I should have died before
this. Eight years ago I was taken
sick, and suffered as no one but
a dyspeptic can. I employed three
of our best doctors and received
no benefit. They told me that I had
heart, kidney, and liver trouble.
Everything I ate distressed me so
that I had to throw it up. August
Flower cured me. There is no med
icine equal to it." Lorenzo F.
Sleeper, Appleton, Maine.
It Cnren Colds, Cough. Sore Throat. Croup.
Iiitliicnz:i. U'lioopiii Cough. UronchitW .nil
Astlmiii. A certain euro tor t'uusiiinptioii in nrt
a'ascd. ami a nr rclW In uilvanccd KtMKPS. Use
atnr. Von wilt nee ItioereUe it ellect after
tuklnic the tint dose, s.11.1 ir dealer ueiy wucru.
Largo twite?. SJ ceuLs aud IIjOU
Wilt purify BtOOD, rejrnlate
disorder, ludM Mrcuxth. renew
apnclitp, restore iieauu ami
Ylpnruryoiith. Trpepiii
jnuisCMinn. uiai (ircu irci
l.icalisolutel r eradicated.
Mind Iirltflitrncd, brain
power inrrcasou,
Ixmrs. nerirs. mnj-
clcs. receive nnw force.
. tnlTerlnir fri'in complalnU 11c-
collar to tUelricx, uslusrlt.liml
.. 1 safe, cure. Itctiirna
rose uIcmo'ic'icvks.lieauiiiics Complexion.
Sold cvervn-liure. All Pennine bear
"Crcsrcnu" Scud 113'Jcci.t stamp tar M-pag-j
01. HARTER UESICINE CO.. St. Locls. tZo.
in "Traatod with Cartaa!-: cf Scl'3, Uaivz'j,
Pa'v.h or Bicabor.:ta of Sodi"
The use of chemicib can bo readily
deteetert by the peculiar odor from newly
cpened packages, and also from n c,as
of water in which a small quantity of
chemically treated cocoa has been pl.ireil
and allowed to remain for several days.
Tor more than 0:ie Hundred I'rnrj
the house of Walter JiuJccz- A Co.
liare mmie their Caeoa JVrjarntloii
Z'atent l'roee:3, Alkalies, or Jiyci.
W. BAKER & CO., Darefctsltr, Kiss.
eppss mn
"By a thorough knowlel;o of the nalur ' air
wh ch govern Ue operatl ns of d'ge tton an .utrl
II . and by a. care ul op;lljntl)'i of the line . er
llesor wel-s lecte I Cocoa. Mr. F.v ha vkl-d
our breakfast tables wltn a delicately llarouri-il bet
eragc which ma savo u many heay doctor" bills.
ItLsoy thoJuJlcioji use of suaa article of (ll't
that acoaitltutloa may oj Rr duallr built up until
strong cnoiuti to rotUt ccry tendency todi-eaw.
Hundreds of subtlo maladies arj floating around u
r-ady to attack wherovar therj U a weak po n'
Wo may escape many a fatal shaft by keepln 5 our
elrca well fortMe I with Duro blood a d a properly
ncurlshed rnvne," "Civil Serrfou llazettc."
Slado simply with bollla; water it mil-. Told
only In half-ootia 1 tin, '-y flroc. r. labelled thus:
JAMES Elfl'! fcCJ . llOTveopathlc Chembia,
It Is used by
every Itetall
btorp. Lw
trr, Oorlor;
r erery Ilib'lo
School la
,. j... v...v
adopting it:
Editor and
all tbr Cor-cinmrnlOf-flcrrs,
rausr of Its
clran print.
roan Wld
copiw. , No
tearbr e-
lCh"ji ierniat'r fc tcirm.1 oulrKJ. will
do Tour work in on honr" practlc. Snt to nr luwn
in the IT 8. fortl hnl.-.nce C O D. nl)wt to
trial. Order now and trrt tt.e Agency. ODF1.I. TYPE
WHITER CO., MS to 3 Dearborn Mreet.Ch'.coco, III.
:)?.osl.:c.t .h:Mrto
coxaes rtti!tj
of bad cmi iag;.ure Sick Ilrai ti-j
rcatorcaCcmplcxton ; ccresConst I pal ion
Th OUttt Mtdieifi in the World it trelmc
TTila article u u cariliiily pn-pare-l i slcui'i 4 prw
crip Ion, and has been la runtant ue for nearly m
ecntury. There are few dlxrases to which mankind
are uojcct more dLtrelug than sore cjc. and
none, pernars. for which n.ore remedies have iea
trli-d without succem. For " external Inflammation
of 'he eve it Is an Infallible If the dlrs
Ocns are followed It will never f..U. Wepartlcilarly
Invite the attention of phy.lclans to Ito nierits. Tot
ulf by all druggists. JOHN t- THOXTbCHi. S03J
CO. Tbot.N.Y. Established 17K.
That will plane sixteen Inches wide. This
machine in in gtod. order and will re dcHvcrcil
'it board the cars for t7X For further particu
lars address V. II. KOUKKS.
SIS IVarlSu Sioux City.low.i
I liis-ritiactAlTcrtinrrs,r1rn.Innit fall
I to mention this paper. Il!rr to
1 know what mediums, pay them bc3t.
YOU want to make 310NEV.
Ton are a gool aerait? you can sen
or The Simple Account Pile 1 '
To everybody who keeps accoun's.
It will pay both the agent and purchaser.
5snxn ro:t ifrmp. 1 O'ood Chance
The J. JJ. Van TJoren "., Fremont. Ohio.
S. . X. U.
Pisa's Remedy tot Otarrli is tae
IV?t. Tasiest to Use. sd Cheapen.
Sold by druists ur win by null.
Sac JLT. Haaelt'r.'Vajrea, Pa.
i$Sfc iSrUii0!1
. 12
a?eieses?6irss.?w d
r --