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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1892)
. . - : . 1 J.: .' . .- - -V . " ZL ,. . t J.. '. : . -.-. -.. v. . h - -... - .-. h- i- r V" " -- A . I- --- . " .: : .V" ... -" . v . - - J . Used tip. It's the only way to use some things, but it's a bad condition for a man or woman. It means disease. Take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. That means health. It invig orates the liver and kidneys, purifies the blood and cleanses and renews the whole system. For all scrofulous humors and blood -taints, and even con sumption ( or lung-scrofula), if taken in time, it's a positive remedy. It's a guaranteed one. In all diseases of the liver, blood and lungs, it's warranted to benefit or cure, or the money is refunded. No other medicine of its class is sold, through druggists, on this pe adiar plan. You can judge why. You only pay for the good you get the Owen Electric Belt AND APPLIANCES FOR HEN AND WOMEN TONS UP THE SYSTEM RESTORE LOST VIMB. ONE. A GENUINE CURRENT OF ELECTUCITY Is generated in a battery on the belt, and can be applied to any part of the body. The current can be made mild or strong as the case nay re quire, and Is absolutely under control of the nearer at all times. OCR IXLtTSTKATsW CATALOGUE Contains fullest Information retarding the cure of Acute, Chronic and Nervous Diseases, Sworn Testimonials with portraits of people who haTO been cured, Price List and Cuts' of Belts and Appliances, and how to order, published In Eugllh, German, Swedish and Norwegian Languages. This Catalogue, or a Treatise on Itupturo Cured with Electric Truss, wilt be nailed to any address on receipt of six ceatt postage. THE OWEN Electric Belt and Appliance Go. Main Office, Head Salesrooms and Only Factory, 205, 207, 209, 211 STATE ST. Car. Alias, The Owen Electric Belt Building, CHICAGO, ILL. New York OMce, 828 BraatMy, Cer.ttH) 8L THE LARGEST ELECTRIC BELT ESTABUSHMMI IN THE WORLD. When writing mention this paper. Kennedy's Medicaj Discovery Takes hold in this order: 'Bowels. Liver, -Kidneys, Inside Skin, Outside Skin, Prlvinj everything before it that ought to be out. Yow know whether you need it or not. cold by every druggist, and manufactured by DONALD KENNEDY, ROXBURY, MA8S. I Hate to Ask Oh, Woman I False modesty and procrastina tion are responsi ble for much of your suffering. We can excuse My Doctor." the delicacy of the young, but there is no excuse for a woman who neglects the freely offered assistance of a woman. Lydta E. Pinkliani's Vegetable Compound is the .product of a life's practice of a woman among women, and an untauiBg cure for woman s ills. It removes at once thoc pains, aches, and weaknesses, brightens the spirits, and invigo rates the entire system. An nnTrellerl TfmAv ... . j fnr Kirtncv Trrmlile.. tCjS.SiK.y2 J &?A All nrnprjn ttu It. or tent rA hr mail, in form of Till, or r l.nrcn-e.nn receipt of S1-SS). ". Liver 11119. S..C. Con- ji . - - freely answered. JTiyi XM4aCT Aildreit in confidence, w -. . .-, LTUI1 l riNKIIAU MED. CO., ' X.TSN, Mass. yue&& Young Mothers! We Ofer Tm m Jteaaettat arAicb Insure Bafetp tm lAfe cfMother mnd CkUf. MOTHER'S FRIEND Jtoo Confinement tfU fmin, Hottt mn&MUk. After (utacoaebottleof " Mather'a Trieaa t suffered but little pain, aad did sot experteaee that weabKn afterward usual la such cases. Mrs. Asm: Oaox. Lamar, Mo, Jaa. 13th, UK. Bent by express, charge prepaid, on receiptor: pr!ce,SltrboiUa,fi(KktoMoCansaUedfre. RAPFIBLDSEOTJI.AT9B CO., ATLANTA. G A. OLD BY AU. PBTjaaWTS. Tutts Tiny Pills A enable tho dyspeptic to cat whatever ( be wishes. They cause the food toaa- slmllate aad nourish the body; give, appetite aad develop flesh. Flier, M jeeata. Exact atxeahowmtehorder. PILES AAKKSISatfrMastaat relief, ami is aa INFALLI BLE CTJKE tor PILES. nee. l'illw BOI3418. Xaw Yoaa Cxxz.- MHTKIFCnvn with Pastes, Enamels, and Faints which stain thohands.injure the iron; and burn off. Tbe EisingSunStove Polish Li Bril liant,' Odorless, Durable, and the con sumer pays for no tia off glass package with every purchase. mmmmLvu&oooms. CURE J MANY 'MtlsMaH DISEASES 'QB ALL jrrrKEsHb. OTHER aHB REMEDIES fjBi fail, pm GET ONE (" jEr DR. A. OWEN. fcA mm .Z4& 1ET POLISH III THE WOKLP.1 rlSPrSSHl G. W. AS AN ATHLETE. THB IMMORTAL WASHINGTON A HEAVYWEICHT Was the Strongest Man of HU McIhhor heed His tBcceaa as a Wrestler A 8te7 of Bis Splendid Horsemanship Several Other Yarns. Welshed 210 Pound. Washington was a heavy-weight. Ho was six feet and one inch in height and weighed 210 pounds when in condition. It may bo added that ho was never out of it oxcept when ill. His weight never went above 210. Even his sedent ary life as President of tho United States, with its banquets, late hours and other luxuries not consistent with the rules of strict training, did not put him in bad trim physically. He was ono of thoee men who did not grow fat under any provocation. His fine physique was in a great measure a gift from na ture, a matter of inheritance and cir cumstance. His father was a very strong man, who used to shoot swans on tho Poto mac, holding his fowling-piece out at arm's length like a pistol. This weapon was so big and heavy that few men could firo it at all without a rest. George inherited not only the gun but the strength to uso it. His muscular powers were brought to perfection by plenty of outdoor exercise during his youth. As a school-boy of 15 he was well grown and the best all-round ath lete in those parts. His bulky frame did not handicap him in those sports re quiring pure agility; indeed, it was in these that he most notably excelled. He was tho local champion at running and at high brond jumping, as well as at wrestling and pitching the bar, a sport something like the modern game of put ting tho shot. Washington's legs were so strong and his footing so sure that he was invincible as a wrestler. There is no record that ho was ever thrown by anybody after he had gotten his growth. Tho length and strength of his legs gave him a great grip on a horse. Ho was a perfectly fearless rider. All he asked of a horse was that tho beast should bo able to go, and he laughed at the Idea that he could be thrown so long as the horse kept on his pins. To Illustrate his mastery of the horse, a story is told which Is much preferable In my opinion, to the cherry-treo fable, and containing tho same valuable moral lesson. "Washington's mother, who was fond of fine horses, had bought a spirited animal which had never been broken to the saddle. Some of her son's friends were at the house to dinner one day, and after the meal George proposed that they should bring forth the untamed steed and try to ride him. They did so, and several of tho company took short promenades along the lawn on the bridges of their noses In consequence of their inability to stick to tho beast's back. Georgo, however, succeeded in getting a sure scat, and then begun a battle royal. A slip and a bad fall then, and all of us to-day might be as much the subjects of Great Britain as any Fifth avenue dude, but fate had not so ordained. The long legs of the youthful rider gripped the horse like tho folds of an anaconda, and his iron hand restrained the animal's flight. It was a hard tusslo and was fought to a decisive finish, for the horse fell stone dead when he found out he was conquered. When George beheld at his feet the corpse of his mother's favorite horse he doubtless realized that victories may be dearly bought. It looked decidedly squally for the Father of his Country; but his cour age did not fall him. He went to his mother and told the whole story and was forgiven. I will not quote her words from the historian's r3age, because I know In my heart that sho said some thing much more touching and gram matical. I like this better than the cherry tree, because there Is more action in it; and because, by my experience, ittakes moro courage to face a mother's tearful re proof than a shingle, a father, and a scene where tho tears are furnished ex clusively by the erring. Charles Wilson Peale, the artist who made a fine portrait of Washington in 1772, tells a story which shows how good a man George was even when all out of training. He was 40 years old at this time, and probably hadn't pitched the bar In a long time, and yet ho made an exhibition of several young athletes who considered themselves pretty good at this sport, so popular in those days. These young men, of whom Peale was one, were stripped down for exercise, and had made some very good casts, when the Colonel (as Washington was then called) appeared among them. He was Invited to participate, and tho pegs which marked tho best records were shown him. With a smile that was doubtless childlike and bland Washlng- ton stepped to the line, took the bar, and proceeded to smash a large hole in the record. "No sooner did the heavy Iron bar feel the grasp of his mighty hand than it had lost the power of gravitation," says Peale, "and whizzed through the air, striking the ground far, far beyond our utmost limits." Washington hadn't so much as taken his coat off, and apparently had made very little effort. This was what made It so exasperating to be beaten by George. He nevei seemed to be half trying. "When you beat mv pitch, young gen tlemen," said he, "I'll try again." He had not yet been called upon to do so. He had a wonderfully disconcerting gaze, which would have helped him greatly in the ring if he had ever done much in that way. lam inclined to be lieve that this overpowering look saved his life many a time in hand-to-hand fights by unnerving his opponents. "Per haps this may be the reason he wasn't shot by a poacher one day on the shores of the Potomac by Mount Vernon. The story of this occurrence illustrates Washington's strength, his courage, and. WASHINGTON IN HUNTING COSTUME. GEORGE BREAKING TOE IRON-BAR RECORD. I should almost bo templed to 'say, his luck. Thia occurred after the' peace of '63, and before Washington was called to tho E residential chair. For some, time he ad been annoyed by depredations on his lands. One day he was walking in the woods near the bank of the river when ho heard a shot near by. He walked in the direction from which tho sound had come and soon saw a burly fellow with a gun. Tho General gave chase and came up with the poacher Just as he wrs about to shove off from tho ehofo in a little skiff. Washington Seined the boat with the grip from which nothing escaped. The poacher threw down his paddle, and seizing his gun, cocked it and aimed It directly at Washington's breast. Why he didn't carry out his design and make himself eternally infamous, I am unable to say. - 5 "" BENT THE OtTN-DARRSI. ACROSS II 18 KNEE AS IF IT HAD BEEN A JTWIO. Perhaps it was that "spirit protection. " 1 which the Indian prophet said would : preserve Washington; perhaps it was the catlike quickness of his movements. ' At any rate, tho weapon was wrenched l from tho poacher's hand; and Washing i ton. nuttina forth his cicantic strength in a way that must have made the ma rauder's hair turn gray, bent tho gun barrel across his knee as if it had been a twig. Then, having ruined the gun as a weapon, he seized tho poacher and chastised him as if ho had been a school boy. COMPOUND INTEREST IS GREAT dust Fut a Few Dollars Out That Way and Walt. Compound interest is a great thing in its' way. Not many of us aro able to draw any such thing, but most of us would if we could. This story was told by a man who knows something of the banking busi ness, the other day, and is strictly true. It related to a gentleman connected with the Equitable Life Assurance Company. As It was told by tho banking gentleman, he received in September, 1890, a letter from a brother in tho country. With it came a bank-book numbered 116807 of "The Bank for Savings" at 107 Chamber street, New York. There is no such bank there now, but still the recipient of tho letter followed the matter up. In the book there was a memorandum showing that an account had been opened with the Bank of Savings in 1849, for tho benefit of the writer of tho letter, by his father. In 1850 a second deposit was made, but even then the total deposit amounted to but $29. In his letter to the gentleman in the insurance line, the man for whom a bank account was opened in his boyhood, did not seem to think the bank-book was of much value. "I had forgotten all about it," ho wrote; "and even now can recall the fact in a vague way." He had found tho book in a pile of old papers in his garret. ."I write to ask," he went on, "if It Is possible that tho money was left to accu mulate and then forgotten, if (in that case) this little book would enable me to recover It ajid if the bank still exists and Is solvent?" The bank at 107 Chambers street was no longer In existence, but had grown into that healthy institution known as the Bleecker Street Bank, which is quito famous ia its way. This bank is very solvent, and it has veteran clerks. Checks and drafts worry the veteran bank clerk but little. He is used to them. So the man in tho insur ance business went up to the Bleecker Street Bank'nnd presented the old bank book with its small account that was opened in 1848. If he hoped to surprise the paying teller of that bank, ho mado a mistake. That gentleman mcrolj looked at one of the big books that arc a part of the general make-up of a bank. "That is all right, sir," he said. And a moment later he handed him a memo randum in red ink, on which the deposit of $29 was acknowledged, and below it was the statement: .?" July, 1890 Interest, $239.50 And this amount the teller paid over without a smile or frown. To him It was a natural proceeding. But there is a man up in tho country who thinks more of the matter. Ho it was who picked that bank-book out of a heap of waste paper, and he thinks inter est, especially compound interest, is a great thing. New York News. Strictly Business. Operatic Manager "I can't afford to pay you over S17 a week and ex penscs, and you must permit mc to announce you as receiving $1,000 a night." JIadame Highnote "Make it $20, and you may announce mc at $2,000 a night. "Puck. Out of Season Prices. Greene I And it cheaper to court summer girls in the winter and win tor girls in the summer. "White How do you make that out? Greene Things arc always a little cheaper out of season. New York Herald. His Mouth, Not Himself, Said It. "Papa, what do you intend to give me for a Christmas present?" asked a young girl of her father, a well-known New York magistrate. "Give you," said the magistrate, whose mind was evidently on some thing else, "give you six months." Texas Siftings. No Artistic Success. "You are another poor victim oi circumstances, I presume," said the charitable housekeeper. "No'm," replied Mr. Hungry Hig gins, proudly, "I ain't, I'm a self made man, I am, even if I ain't much of a job." Indianapolis Journal Oa the Bowery. Guest "Waiter, bring me some rice pudding." Waiter "Boss, I can't jess recom mend de rice pudding to-day." "What's the matter with it?" "Nuffin' 'cept dar ain't none." Texas Siftings. , His Error. Puppette Why, here is your sister, Willie. You said she wasn't at horic, Willie De Peyster I made a mis take. I thought you were trying to collect a bill for a dry-goods house. Cloak Review. Knowledge Is Wealth. Dru gist "You might have charged that young man $2 for filling that prescription. Why did you put the price at 25 cents?" Clerk "He understands Latin." Good News It is estimated that at least fifty mill ion dollars of the Government's paper money supposed to be in circulation has been lost or destroyed. . The .ostrich covers from eleven to fif teen feet at every strids whlls running. REAL RURAL READING WILL BE FOUND IN THIS DEPARTMENT. rlar for a Bid Preperlt-Bired irSa el tfca raraft-Feedia Flga-LlV sleek aad IHdry KStet Orchard aad bardea HMttataeTd aad Kltchea, - lred Mea oa the Farm. TAHE daily papers I have had a good deal to say, of late, about tic terrible risk farmers nin itt taking 1 11 01 f hirrM men, of whom they know next to nothing, into their fami lies. Some of them go so far as to say that the whole plan is wrong, and should give place to other arrange ments, says the Massachusetts Plow-' lian. On large farms this is often Tone. A separate table and lodging Louse is provided for the hired men, ind they have nomorcto do .with the family of their employcr.than do the operatives in a factory with the mill twne'r's family. On small farms, however, when lo rated at a distance from town life, the farmer must at present, and prob nbly'for some time to come, board his help in his house and sit at the head of the table in person. This custom has prevailed so long among our country people that it will not easily be changed. There can be no question what ever, that the average farmer is alto gether too careless about trying to find out what sort of a man he is welcoming to the hospitality of his home; a man who is to become a member of a rclincd and Christian family should not object to be re quired to show that he is worthy of the confidence that must needs be placed in him: and the farmer who does not take pains to learn whom he is hiring is neglecting his most evi dent duty to his family. Stockman. The Care or HMes. Farmers kill more or less beeves for home use or to sell in their nearest town or city as dressed beef. Lcef is low and it should be the aim of each one to get out of each animal all that is in it. To do this we must begin with the outside the hide. If a hide is taken off and properly cared for it will often bring a fifth or fourth as much as the dressed carcass. If taken off improperly and neglected it will bring very little. A hide ought to more than pay for taking it off. After the animal is dead turn it up on its back and run a sharp knife along the carcass as indicated by the dotted line in the first illustration. To do this thrust the knife, point foremost and edge up and run the slit the entire length of the carcass, from the chin over the breast in the line of the naval to the tail. Then slit the skin of eacli leg from the cleft of the foot; to the central slit. If these lines are followed the hide will be the right shape to care for when removed. The horns do not go with the hide nor docs the tail bone the tail and cars do. After the hide is removed spread it out as in the second illustration. Cut off all pieces of fat and flesh, (for if you are not an adept you will probably cither have some such pieces on the hide or some holes in it, and it is better to have meat than holes, as very slight juts, especially at or near the center makes a badly "damaged hide" and it likewise damages the price badly) and sprinkle the flesh side with salt. Fold the hide flesh side in and put where it will not freeze. If the above is too much "bother" it is very likely the hides you remove will be the shape of the one in the third illustration, and probably it will be "hung to dry" in the same po sition and the price you will get well it will be hard to get any price that will pay. Take care of the hides. Stockman. LIVE STOCK AND DAIRY. reading Hffs the Flrtt Three Months. To have good strong pigs, says W. A. Harris in Farm and Home, the lows should be in good flesh, but not Dver-fat, when the pigs are farrowed. After farrowing the sows must be liberally fed on corn; bran and ship ituff or whole oats may be used in Itcad of the bran and shipstuff. As aoon as the pigs begin to eat which frill be at about three weeks old, give them a trough where the sow cannot get at it, and put a little sweet milk in it. Give them but little at a time at first, as what is left will get sour and not be liked by very young pigs. As soon as the youngsters get to com ing regularly for their feed, stir iji some shipstuff and bran, with a little linseed meal, increasing the shipstuff and bran as the pigs require. Whole oats is an excellent feed, and pigs wilUearn to cat it while quite young. It is well to feed somo corn, say one third of their feed, "and,- if the weather is cold, one-half. To make good growth pigs should have about all they can cat; and if not more than one-third of the feed. is corn they will not get .too fat to grow well. Feed equal-quantities, by measure, of bran and shipstuff, made into a thick slop with milk or water, and feed it before it sours. Feed corn and oats whole and dry after the slop. Pigs ought to have a warm and dry-place to sleep; It sunt be dry. To kill Ucerub'pe- ffgtk L VlrlL. D H bY LflBw iVw5iS? aw Mm ism f wSKm i- T troleum where you see nits. Lastly; don't expect pigs to grow Without liberal feeding, for that ii ihlpbssibi& L'f o Stock KUtei. Feed the high priced corn to low priced cattle and that will make both corn and cattle worth more. The breeder who neglects to make, the brood sows comfortable is not only cruel but is an enemy to his own pocket-book. Some people who give the cattle the best of cafe neglcCt the hogi; The hog will repay good" care as well as othtir kinds Of stbCk. G5ard against constipation in swine. The fat forming foods tend to produce costivencss. The opposite kinds of food tend to prevent it. While calves can be wintered on roughness alone, a better growth can be secured by feeding a little grain, especially in severe cold weather. Don't be n ninny and feed one big feed once a day, and imagine it the proper thing. Put yourself in the animal's place and there would le some kicking. roaming In the C'llttfrt. An Ohio subscriber, says tho Stock' man, is having lots of trouble with his churn or rather in his churn. Tho cream foams and produces no butter. He feeds his cows corn, fodder and clover hay and uses the cream at a temperature that used to bring good results still he gets no butter. See that the cows have free access to all the salt they want every day. If they have not had this privilege in the past give each an onnce the first day, then miss a day and give another ounce; miss a day and let them go to a trough or box and help themselves. Keep the milk above freezing, 55 de grees is a good temperature for win ter. Skim the milk in twenty-four or thirty-six hours and hold the cream not more than three days, thoroughly stirring the whole batch when new cream is added. Let it all be together twenty-four hours before churning at G2 to G5 degrees. Have the churn as warm as G2 degrees when the cream is put into it, and churn at a moderate rate not too slow, and the butter ought to come. Vagaries of Cranks. There is no vagary so wild, no foil so absurd concerning milk and butter milk but that some crank is ready to commend it and support his com mendation by the authority of science, says the Jersey llulletin. The latest that we have met with is the state ment that "most springs and wells arc impregnated with enough lime and sulphur to hurt the keeping qualities of butter." At least nine-tenths of the water used in butter-making in the United States is from springs or wells, and it is rather late in the rentury to begin talk about such water impairing the keeping quality of the butter. The fellow who wrote the quoted words has a case of water on the brain. Difference In Cost. Prof. Whitcher, of the Ucw Ilamp shire Experiment Station, says tho Dairy World, finds that the milk from his herd costs an average of 2.74 cents per quart on good feed. The lest cow produced itat a costof 1.95 cents, while the milk of the poorest cow cost 4.2( cents. On a richer ration the cost from the best cow was re duced to J. 32 cents, while with the ' same cow fed on a poor, innutritions ration, tne cost, went up to u. jo cents per quart. ORCHARD AND GARDEN. Settles; Out Troca. It was thought best twenty or thir ty years ago to set out trees or groves around orchards, but we have found out by experience that it was not best, for several reasons. First, they shade the orchard too much, and sec ond, they prevent, too much, the cir culation of air among the fruit trees;. This causes the fruit to grow small and scarce. Farmers should set oul trees of different kinds to shelter, nol their orchards, but their barnyards and their feeding lots, by so doing they could modify the temperature a few degrees and save some feed and prevent a great deal of suffering to stock. Again, farmers on the large prairies of the West and North should set out trees or groves for farm use, for firewood, posts and other purposes. If the people of this generation don't need it the people of the future generations will, for tim ber is getting scarce up North fa the pineries and other places. A few hints in regard to orchards: A young orchard should be plowed and worked a few tears and planted to potatoes or I other truck, then seeded to clover, never to timothy, ior mat makes tne ground too soddy and dry. None should use their orchards for pig pens and pasture too much, as it packs or hardens the ground too much around the roots and often causes the trees to die. Uetter build a chicken house in the orchard and let the chickens pick up the insects. fin Slow. Some of the best fruits we have arc those whose merits have been slowly recognized. It is a safe rule to be shy of much lauded new fruits. Even where the eulogium is justified so far as concerns one locality, the fruit may be good for nothing elsewhere. This is the case now with some excellent, well-known kinds, which fail in a few localities, though doing well gener ally. HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN. Dr. Haire says he has cured many victims of sick headache with the following simple prescription: When the first symptoms of a headache ap pear, take a tcaspooonful of lemon juice, clear, fifteen minutes before each meal, and the same dose at bed time. Follow this up until all symp toms are past, taking no other medi-. cities, and you will soon be freed' from your periodical nuisance. Sick headache is the signal of distress which the stomach puts up to inform-; us that there is an over alkaline con dition of Its fluids that it needs a natural acid to restore the battery tr its normal working condition. Lem onade without sugar1, plain lemor. juice and water, is a grateful and medicinal beverage for a person of bilious habit, allaying feverish ness and promoting sleep and appetite. Nervous headache is said to be in stantly relieved by shampooing the head with a quart of cold water in which a dessert spoonful of soda has been dissolved. Some Tested irc!p-s. Rice Dumpunos. Put your rice in a stew pan, -and pour on each cup-of rice one gill of milk; stand it near the flrc where it will keep hot but not boil. As soon as it has absorbed all the milk, pare your apples, take out the core, and put the rice around them instead of paste. Boil them until the apple is soft. They should be tied fn dumpling cloths. , It is, beltcflo kcqr) riiffere'ril klnU of sta&.sejjarate: That Is especrallj tailc If itie battle tiavc riornsl P61SDNED BisHes: Thai Were Regarded la Qlden Dajrs is ?reaer?atlres Against Polsan. ,, ffbeii, JU$J are now served covcrea t Is undarstpod'that it Is merely for the purpose; of) keeping them warm. . This waa not, however, tho principal rea son why they were served cov ered daring the dark and middle ages. It was tho fear that poison might be in troduced' Into thorn surreptitiously be tween the oulslno and the tablo whero thoy were to be served to the kings, or tho lords, or oven to persons of Inferior rank. The cover were not"rrnovcd till the fnaSter dt . the hbxisS hihttakcn Us place: J$. diefeeS .afterward served were brought 8Hth8 tablS liijthosamo manner. It was tho custom originally whon the dishes were rncovcred for some of the servants to first partake of them, but this custom was afterward In part replaced by tho servants touching tho food- with ono of several objects which were regarded as lnfalliblo pre1 servatlves against poison. These objects were tho horn of the unleom, a serpent's tionguo, tho fabulous stone found in the head of. the toad, serpentina agate, etc. The first was considered the best, but aS the unicorn never existed. Its horn was replaced by that of the narwhal or by a shark'Btooth, which Were sold by oil the druggists instead ot It and under Its name. Many persons kept a Small picco of It at the bottom of their drinking glosses. Unicorn's horn was so raro and precious that It was worth moro than ten- times its weight In gold. It was nover proved that the stone alleged to como from the head of the toad bad that origin, and tho druggists who eold it know that what they vended was a mineral dug out of tho earth, but this did not prevent the fraud or put an end to tho superstition. In tho tlmo of Louis XIV. and Louis XV. tho faith In theso talismans had considerably weaked, but all tho dishes placed on the royal tables were touched, as well as tho plate, tho napkin, tho knife, the fork and toothpick of the-tnonareb, with a piece of bread, which the chief of tho goblet at onuo swallowed. UNITED STATES COURT. An Editor .tcnu'.tted or the Charge or l'rlntlng a Lottery AdTertlsemriit. .TosErii Muem.ep, who was charged with having published a lottery adver tisement in the Doilyc County PUmccr. at Mayvil'c, was acquitted in the United States Court yesterday. 1 lie case is an important ictory for the Louisiana Male lottery. It was charged that a certain notice that appeared in the pa per, wh'ch Is a German weekly, was an :idvertiscmmt under the new law for bidding the mailing of publ'catinn; con taining lottery advertisement:. The card read as follows: CONKAD! CONKAD! COXUAD' CAIIU TO THE rUC-IC. White It M mi? that I have b-on elected President of the LoiiKi;in;i Stale Lo'tory Company, vies M. A. Dauphin, deceased. 1 im still Pieshlcnt of the Gulf Coast Tec and Manuf.iotiirln? Company, and all orders fur mntrial. machinery, etc.. as well as all otliir bu-in"ss Icttvr should be rdlie-wl to mv as before. Paul Coxkad, Iwx 1,333 New Orleans. Gen. E. S. Itrags, of Fond du Lac, de'eidcd Mucl'er. arguiug that the ad vertisement did nut tome within the scope of the statute. The jury was out but a few m'nutc. Milwaukee ( is.) Spiitir.0. Feb. 4 Bellets Ahint l'alntln-. The carlior Christian writers, believed that painting and sculpturo wore inter dicted in tho Scrlpturos, and wero con uequently ovil arts. It may bo quos tior.o 1 if this opinion did not havo its root In the Idea of primitive peoples tha; the art of drawing was an instrument o.' sorcery, by of which one ac quired the power to act upon a person. Mussulmans still havo a horror o images, and the Koran forbids having one's portrait mado and possessing any image at all. I'eirsrs or OIntm-nt Tor Catarrh that Contain Mercury, As morenry will surely destroy the senso of ttiioU anil completely drrango the whoI evAtcm .lso i enteritis It through tha mucous (tiff.iTos. Such articles shout 1 novcr l- uicd except on rotcrlpirns from renutvblo phfaictacs. a th lamagj they will ilo is tonfol 1 t) tho good yon ?an pcs&ibly derive from thorn. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured ly F. J. Che ev A Co.. To ledo, O., contains no mercury, aad fa taken in ternally, acd art directly upon tho bloxl and mncous surfaces of tho system. In haim? Hull' Catarrh Cnro bo suro you get tho countno. It is takon internally, aad made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney A Co. (aTSold by Druggists, prlco 75c par 1 Kittle. The Children Kesemole Snake. There Is sold to be a family In Gray on, Ky., four children of which bear a "cmarkablo resemblance to snakes. 'Their jods are pointed nt tho crown, eyes small and beady and located near tho top. When excited or angry thoy run their tongues out with great rapid ity, exactly like a snako. Their skin is scaly and sheds off In patches exactly tho same time each year, it is reported. Tho parents show nothing uncommon in appearanco. The Only One Erer lrlnted Can Tom Find the Word? There is a 3-inch display advertisement in this paper this week, which has no two wcrds allko except one word. The same U true of each new one appearing each week from The Dr. Harter Medicine Co. This house places a "Crescent' on everything they make and publish. Look fur it, send them tho name of the word, and they will return you book, BEACTirm, iJTnocitAras. or SAMPLES VP.EB. They Must Hare Keen Rusty. Whllo a log was being sawed at a saw mill, three miles from Grant City, Mo., tho ether day, tho saw 6truck a piece of Iron which was imbedded In tho center of the log, and which had undoubtedly been there fully one hundred years c"r more. 'It was dug out and found to be tho blade of a hand ax, and with It was a tomahawk-head made of iron. These had been imbedded in tho tree and the wood hod grown over them until they were a foot under the surface of tho bark. The ld!es. The pleasant effect and perfect safety with which ladies may use the California liquid laxative Syrup of Fig, under all conditions, makes it their favorite remedy. To get the true and genuine article. look for tho name of the California Fir Syrup Co.. printed near the bottom of the pack age. .every woman believes that if her hus band could be married to somo other woman a week, ho would know better how to appreciate her. Then Baby was sick, we gar her Castoria, Whea she was aChild, she cried for Castoris, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she hadChOdreB, she gave them Castoria, Men are like little boys; they all like to have a great big rag tied around a little sore. Coughing Leads to Consumption. Kemp's Balsam will stop the Cough at once. Go to your Druggist to-day and get arr sample bottle. Large bottles 50 ct. andl. Thebe may not be a personal devil, but could an impersonal devil cany out successfully such enormous contracts? Century. 'Don't Ihhitate tocb Lcsgs with a Stub born Cough, vhen a remedy, safe and cer tain as Dr. D. Jayne's .Exportant can be so easily procured. Sjrc Throats and Lunjs ire speedily helped by lu 3Iek and women are the only things ever created that the nearer you get to thorn, the smaller they get. Damieb Ahead 6urcALX."D bt a Ccucn is averted with Bates Ucszt of HoBtnocs. axx Tab. FrEx's TosniAcnz DBorsCureln ona atisn c He who Is Influenced by public opin'oa aever Influences it. I afflicted with Bora Kyes, use Dr. tsaac I sacra water, vruaginsaaum Bse.j . fclffht of .W,roB: $Fhicn a ill yo Larei It djes seep as it iom fpikspraferto tare tha hyt condition of the iver ratbei ttan the first. They.jerpetuaUy doeo themselves with purgatives totaUy with tutv'rtuea altera' ire of Uvertroable. Hos teller's stomach Bitters la tie saccrssrol can didate for the ieop!es choice, and ytt, popular and wen kt o ah as I', fa, there are unfortunate who kerpoa trying the drastic resaadies of for mer days. It is to the intc llfgent pbnloa of the 1 ubUe tr at tha well axowa and long tried prop, cities of the 1 lttets appeal. Reason should be added by ex: rience la tho matter of niedlca tica. "The best (at !e ta car feet is tha larrp of experhBoe," laid a great patriot of ih rarly revolutonary period, and the exclamation la pregaant wtth truth. For over a third of a eeatary the 1-i ters daily has met with 'he lr--Borseujbutbf $Hple siiffeiins rota liver rb:n plaldt. malaria const fiat ion. rbup:aiUm; da, biltty and troubles accompanied ,ly dypepia; J.atterly it has declared itsct and I eon thor oughly approved as a remedy for "la Rrinpo. Singular aad lleauUfu". A Chinaman of St. Louis has a native Chinese plant which is one of the most curious specimens of tho vegetable king dom. It has green bark and a flower something liko a rose, but having the singular peculiarity of being whito or red, as It is placed in tho shade or ex posed to tho sunshine. When in the Bhado, or at night, the flower is white as a lily, but carried into tha 8un it be comes first a delicate pink, which gradu ally deepchs Into a bright red. Bo far as the botanists have anything to say on the subject, this Is the only flower which changos its color on exposure to the light. Any Look in 'eutprl.o Series," (best au thors). 23 cent novels, about 300 pases each, scut free, postpaid. byCracin & C, of Phil adelphia. Ph.. on to-elpt of ZD wrapper of Dobbins' Electric Send 1 ceut for catalogue. The Appearance of the Devil. A mediaeval authority reckons tho number of devils as 41,435,556, but It has been 6ald that thoy vastly exceed that number. Tho flguro of a dovil, gen erically, is that of a goat with two horns in front and two behind, but ho also ap pears as a frog, a fry, a donkoy, and a spider. He assumes any shapo. Indeed, except that of a lamb or a dovo. By Europeans ho is commonly painted black, but tho Africans prefer to mako him white. "I havo been rccnsionally troubled with Couth-;, and lu each case nave used BKCW.VS HIIONCIUAL TltOCHEc?. which hae never failed, and I must say they are second to none In tho world." Felix A. May. Canhier, St. I'aul. Minn. Mr.s. Mackat has been giving a dross concert In her London housp, which for lavish wealth, distinguished company and high-class music has taken tho town by stjrm. It takes an American mil lionaire to gild refined sold. Beechm's I'ii.h have been In popular use In Fu one for 50 years, and aro a safe, sure and jrcntlc remedr. 2." cents a Lot. The better looking a man is, tho less he amounts to. il AFTER 22 YEARS. Newton, HI., May 23, 1S88. From 1863 to 1885 about 22 years I suffered with rheumatism of the hip. I was cured by the use of St. Jacobs Oil. T. C. DODD. Hiis GREAT COUGH CURE; this success lil CONSUMPTION CURE is sold by drug. f ists on a positive guarantee, a test that no other C crt can stand successfully. If you hare a C OUGH, HOARSENESS or LA GRIPPE, it v 31 cure you promptly. If your child has the CROUP or WHOOPING COUGH, use it q tck.y 'nd relief is sure. If yoa fear CON S' JMPTION. don't wait until your case is hope 1; 55, but take this Cure at once and receive immediate help. Price 50c and $i-oo. A.k your druggist for SHILOH'S CUKE. If your lungs are sore or back lame, use Shiloh's Parous Plasters. pysiWori avEicR1 Tfcaaks te the Lord. XII Bt. Faux, Minn., October. 1690. I recently bad the opportunity of- testing the celebrated Fastor Koenig's Nervo Tonic in a very severe caso. A poor widow to whom I have frequently given aid and assistance In my capacity aa City Missionary, sent her 12-year-old daughter to mo one evening to procure necos sary aid; while she was relating her destitution and stating that her mother was now nearly to taUy blind, tho poor child suddenly feU into an epileptic fit. I gave her two bottles of your medicine, and tbo girl is now woll aad happy, and the support of her aged mother. The Lord be thanaoa 1 I think that such a case as this redound to your honor and to tho glory of Him above, fttxo has given you the knowledge to pre pare such a blessing for suffering humanity. R. B. 1KMSCHEK, Missionary, 695 Otsego Avo flWiSBkSWiBB A Valuable Book en Kerroas LfcJL L Dbtemnet sent free to aayaddre&s. w K w W and poor patients can also obtain I lib ! this medicine free of,chance. This remedy baa been prepared by the Eeverend Pastor Koenlg. of Fort Wayne. Ind. since ISIS, aad la now prepared ucderhis direction byuio KOENIC MED. CO.. Chicago, III. Sold hy Druggists at SI per Bottle. CtbrSff. T.nrsoSlze.'M-W. O Bottles for . Beauty often depends on plumpness; so does comfort; o does health. If you get :hin, there is something wrong, though you may feel 10 sign of it. Thinness itself is a sign ; sometimes the first sign; sometimes not. The way to get back plumpness is by careful living, which sometimes in cludes the use of Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil. Let us send you free a little book which throws much .light on all these subjects. 1 ScotrftBowa.Cheraais.i3SoathsthAvaoe, Your dn'iggkt keP Scott's Emulitea of cod-liver cil all druggists everywhere do. ft. Common Soap Rots Clothes and Chaps Hands. IVORY SOAP DOES NOT. S(M) 1 1.. ST7IV? M. -ttWv Jt "August $ My wife suffered with rndigestion and dyspepsia for years. Life be came a burden to her. Physicians failed to give relief. After reading one of your boots, I purchased a bottle tit August tflovvef. It Worked. like a ctiarni:. My v?ife received ini mediate .relief aftefr taking the first dose. She was completely curcd now weighs 165 pounds, nnd can cat anything she desires without any deleterious results as was formerly the case. C. H. Dear, Prop'r Wash ington House, Washington, Va. . It Carca Cof-I, Coach. Sore Throat. Croapj Influenza. Whonpliuc Cuiigli. Rrotichltin and Asthma. A certilu t-nre f ir 'uniui-tinn In tlr-4 racrK. a'K a mr Ttliel in nilvanml fttnero. Una atn-c Yotivrill nee tlioetel'e itellact ultaa taklnar tha ilmt ilio. Sold by uea era vetrwurrs. Large bulte.-.SJceuU and ttua ELYS QataDRH SifSOO mit THKr fever! Woman er Chili? siiucrin-; from CATARRH W NUT A LIQUID UAY-PEVER or s.mju. A pantrllapi led lut ecu nosiru an i i hki ll. lTir50rntatln:lUrbriuill. 1X.Y HUOTUKRSl X Wamu Street. New Tcr ajtrtro- i. LITTLE V LIVER PILLS DO KCT CEirS rtOU RtCKHS. Euif ear for SICK II.ATl- ACntC. Inrl',l nlj'sUm,om:i. psuvn.toiM g;:ini. inrr " llnrM. ! flrtt i KI1- nrv4tmlL'ImlMr. Cnjnr bilious nervous dl- OO .iuer. l.lMla nat ural Uaily Actio. Kawntifr complexion by purifying blood. 1'CSFLT YSUCTABUC. Th? doae I. n ircly .illuitn! to iult ea . ai one pill can BtTtr b.too much. Eat h vial contain. 42,rarnri lu pocket, like trail P'ncll. ItiKlnes man srvat eonnIenc. Taken railer tkan sug&r. SolJeTtrj vber. All K i.uln eooda txar "Cmetn I." EcadS-centftamp.Yoa get Spas book with tampla M. HARTER MEDICINE CO.. SI. Leals. M MENTION THIS TArER na. linn n ..tarrniM. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 187a IV. BAKER &C0.'S Breakfast Cocoa from which tho excers of oil has been removed, It absolutely pure ana it i toluble. 1 No Cliemicals are uaed in Its preparation. It has more than Vine timet th strength, of Cocoa mixed with Etarcb. Arrowroot or Eucar, and la therefore far more eeo I nomlcal, cot tiny le than ona ctntacup. It is delicious, nour-'lihlDs-. strenirtbenlnir. rasivr eiqkstid. and admirably adapted for Invalids as well as for persons la health. - Sold hr flrottrs everywhere. T7.BAEEB ft CO., Dorchcater, If an! GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. EPPSS COCOA BREAKFAST. "By a thoroofh knowledge of the natural laws wh'ch gorcra the operatl ns of digestion and nutrl tl n, and by a careful apjtllc atton of the fine proper ties of well- 'leeted Cocoa, Mr. Epps ha provkt- d our breakf aat tables with a delicately flavoured bev erage wnioh ma aava us maoy beary doctsra bill. It la by thejullcldjt use of auc article, of diet tbatacomcltutloa may bj ar dually built up until irons enoujtt to retlat every teadenoy totlle-ua Hundreds o atibtle maladies art floating around tit ready to attaot wharever there te a wrak po nt. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeplnc oar srlves well fortlflel wlfi pure blood n-d a properly Bourlahcd frame." "Civil .Sertrfea (Jazttte." Made simply with bolllux water r mile, fo'd only la balf-pount tins "y Grocera. labcl'd thuar JAMES KalS A; CO.. IIouKeopathio Chcnbta,. woaro, cauLA-iD. iU B FAMOUS ODEUTYPEW & ltlaiuedbr every rtrtafl Store. Law. Wfe. W ..yer. a.rer. Minis f ' ler. Doctori wj every PnbUe e Srhoo 1 la M I i G 1 Ira m I 1 In mm adopting lit Fdltor and all the Gov ernment of. fleer, b -ran, of Its claan print, implicit; A , copies , Ko) Sj tearhr e- I Caeca enotatr SI I aalred: will do toot work In one hocr'a practice. Sent to any town) In the U.S. for it deport, balance COO. aabjeet Ut trial. Order now and ret th.Ajreocy. ODKU. TTrC WHITES. CO.. 3M to MS lMarkorn Street, Cblcaco, Hi. 'Mtov.tUL.V.T..te8aatafcai Orer. cornel results of BMMft eat tngtcairee Bleat Ileatrtachet 'cataraaCaajipicxMmtcaureacamstlnstMti. YOU want to make MONEY. Yon are a QQi asent? Youcaaaeii or The Simple Account File-&3 To everybody who keeps accounts. It will pay both the agent and purchaser. Send for TEnsie. A Good Chance. The J. B. Van Doren Co., Fremont, Ohfo FAT FOLKS REDUCES Mr. Allen M.nlx. OrMOD. Mo., wrltaa I Wf J J"Mxwightwas23l)poanda.nnwlti.lSa a redaction of CS Ine." For circulars addreu, with Re IhT.O.WJ-JNYUKB. McVlck.raTb.atw. Oucaso.IU, PATENTS! PENSIONS! Senilforlnventor'sGuide.orHowtoObtalnaPatent. Send for Oijcefrt of I'enalon and llounty Laws. FAT1UCK 0FA1UIK1.I- WiwhinstoH. 1. C. fill TP Keaedrrae. IIITIIT HUIT. Moal till cure surge I ILLU noaatve: nnanppo.itorr. A victim tr.ed in vain everv remedv:has diaeov red a simple eura a4drS. e wUt auU trial llstBOTT14iigi-7IS,M.FREE' AnilllflIorl'la Baolt Cared In 19) IMIUsM"30dyB. No py tlllcured. l7riUIH DR. J.STfePHJC LebanoSrOruo. g. C. N. U. 8-92- Plso's Scsnedw sot Catarrh, la, toe west. xasKsc ia Bar. as M X.T.; isflsMSMT -.?jRm4 GARFIELD TEA S.t .9 4 1 A. 1 I " :-4 I :fM h v.