The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, February 24, 1892, Image 3

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s5 A-
1 . V -
. L
xilitmbxis f mmtal.
' -.;".. L-i'avct- Columbus
""" -'. . ltolwood
-,'".."" .DaviJCity
"T -- - Seward
V-. -Arrives at Lincoln
838 "
0:18 "
1022 "
3sK "
4:40 p.m.
7:10 "
10:40 "
. . Tlie'i).asi.miror loaves Lincoln Kt 4:20 n. m.. and
;- TjJBMamvtafc"i--aKa5S
f- ." ' j - arritgH at Columbus 7rfHp. m; the freight leaves
i ' " -.-"" .f Lincoln at 7:15 a. m., and arrives at Columbus at
- v.bjj). m.
. ; aoiNo east.
All antic Ex... 7:Ka. m
Chicago Ex.. . 1:30 p. m
VLiniitod 8:10 p. m
Col."lAical.. Gtf) a. m
Pacific Ex... .10 JUS p. m
Denver Ex. ... 2:05 p. m
Limited 5:00 p. m
Local Fr't... 7:00 a. m
Pans-'ngt-r arrives from Sioux City. ... 120 p. m
leaves Columbus for Linc'n. 2:05 p. ru
arrives from Lincoln 2:00 p. m
lea v9 for Sioux City 220 p. m
Mixel leaves for Sioux City 535 a. in
Mixed arrives 10:59 p. m
Pa!bDfcer leaves 230 p.m.
Mixed leaves : 7:00 a.m.
i'iwsnjferarriie 1:10 p.m.
Mixed arrives , 830 p.m.
ocittu Notices.
tSAU notirt-rt under this- beading will
chtirgial at t he rate of $2 a year.
LEBANON LODGE No. 58, A. F. & A. M.
Kecular uuftiucs 2d Wednesday in each
uloiith. All brethren invited to attend.
C. 11. Sheldon. W. M.
H. Wiixtk, Soc'y. SSjuly
WILDEY LODGE No. 44, L O. O. F.,
moetH Tneday evenings of each
rru.l' nt tl-ir linll nil Thirtinth
SW Htnvt. Vifcitine brethren cordially
i nvited. V. K. Notevtein, N. G.
H. A.31CELLEH. Kec'j. 27jan'Jl-tf
- Saint R hold regular hervices every Sunday
at 2 p. in., prajer meeting m Wodnesdny evening
at tlicir chaitel, corner of North street and Pacific
A venae. All are cordial Ir invited.
13julb9 Elder H. J. Hddson. President.
SSUntil further notice, all adver
tisements under this head will be charg
ed ?it the rate of five cents a lino each
Issue. We make this lower rate to con
form with the times.
- -Foggy weather.
Spring will soon bo here.
Sale bills printed at this office.
Come to The Jocbkaii for job work.
Old newspapers by the hundred, 25
cents at the Journal- office.
For boots, shoes, hats, caps and
jjenisT underwear, go to Honahan's.
Br. T. R. Clark, successor to Dr.
Schug, Olive st. In office at nights.
liny your boots, shoes, and gents'
underwear, cheap, at Honahan's. 2-4t
Eye and Ear surgeon, Dr. E. T.
Alien, 309 Bamge block, Omaha, Neb.
Some fine young cattle for sale, or
exchange for city lots. Call on D. B.
The ladies musical will meet with
Miss Nettie Anderson next Monday
r.. DionAo inf4 Umaqmo Tin tint ltflT.
... . .a IBI1V9 Uliu VI yailt sj ijuu uuj
lf-Ths. from pedlors until you get prices from
117. paiTlCK. II
Tho Knights of Pythias will have a
social -Friday evening, for themselves
and families only.
D.TJ.Duffy, Columbns, Neb., will do
your house-moving, in good shape and
at reasonable prices. ltf-eow
-For rent, lCU-acre farm, iau acres
j:?v. -vn. under cultivation ;Juuse,"bai
C K" ' ; ' tmeii P. W.' Henrich.
, barn "and pas-
The celeiirated Quick-Meal, and
n- lonarchuasoline sUn es, the best in the
market. For sale by A. Boettcher. 4tf
Dr. Naumau, dentist, Thirteenth st.,
?k opposite Barber's. All work guaranteed.
Gas given for the painless extraction of
teeth. 21-tf
Perry Loshbaugh writes us that he
- - 13 much improved in health, and that
himself and wifo will bo home in about
ten days. Thy are now at Alliance,
020 aores of good land in section C5,
town 17, range 1 east, for sale for cash.
Those wishing to purchase all or any 80
of said tract, please address M. K. Tur
ner, Columbns, Neb. .
OnTeceipt ofonr cents to pav post
age, ITJie Mailer x'lwprietary Uol, Ulair,
...-- Nebn, will send a Bel 6f handsomcards
"tii andiWeainplo box OCtheir celebrated
VAustnuran Salve, free. 42-4t
. FranK- Fugard who recently re-
;"V-6rned frp.a Washington, has accepted a
'3 potion with T. N. Stevenson, and will
-: .superintend and have charge of the dif-
:- J' terent routes of tbo creamery this
Word was received by relatives from
Mary Fitzpatrick, now at Lafayette,
.. ; Ind., that she had taken the white veil
last Thursday. She now has the name,
"Sister Edwarda." She will 6tudy to be
p a pharmacist.
According to the Australian ballot
law candidates must be named at least
, twentysfive days before election. This
. would be by about March 10 only
."isome" two weeks yet Let's hear from
yoQf gentlemen.
A Mr. Whitman of Fargo, N. D., was
here last week buying up stock.
5leason & Merrill bought a car load of
horses anwmules for him which he
shipped to Fargo Friday evening. He
. says there is a scarcity of the equine
-. race in that state.
.- On Monday night a party of friends
met at the home of J. H. Galley, it being
. the 21juiniver6ary of their wedding
j'.day. A verjtaajiaLaie was had. The
officiating miuielr.r the wedding was
present, together with several others
'.. who witnessed the ceremony 21 years
;-.-' About twenty young folks gathered
. -attfceMaennerchorhall Friday evening
-vto give Misses Treacy Fight and Ida
:'V.:Wherbein of Plattemouth a farewell
;:"-: party and ball. The young ladies left
- 'Saturday morning for home after a visit
'of bout b week with the families of
Hagel's and Schroeder's.
'-.-rThe jury in the case of Barnum vs.
thiB C.;B. & Q., returned a verdict Thurs
: "day afiernoon of, no cause for action.
Jhis practically ends the matter and
.'..also virtualy says that a stream may be
,; obstructed; that adjacent land and
a property may be damaged and destroyed
and 'that there is no redress.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Cattorla.
Bainy yesterday.
Bananas at Basmnasen's. 1
Where are the candidates for city
Judges Sullivan and Marshall ex
changed pulpits again last week.
The city schools had a 'vacation
Monday, it being Washington's birth
day. The social olub will give their next
dance at the opera house Saturday
SherifL JEsvaaaugh took Gus. Kohler
to the penitentiary at Lincoln Monday
Rev. J. B. Leedom preached at
Clarke Sunday. Bev. Shank took his
place here.
Miss Mamie Chestnutwood of Nor
folk, is reported as being very low with
Miss Alice Turner closes a three
months' term of school south of Lind
say, this week.
L. J. Baker filled the pulpit in the
Baptist church at Albion Sunday morn
ing and evening.
The dance at the opera house Mon
day evening was well attended and a
good time reported.
Those who attended the entertain
ment given by the Noes family Friday
night were well pleased.
It appears
though we would
have an early ammmr. and our faith in
I the ground hog is shaken.
jay flierrm returned irom ms trip
to the southern part "of the state'Thurs
day. He purchased some horses.
C. J. Garlow was down to his office
Friday, the first time for several weeks,
owing to a threatened attack of brain
Yesterday was a muddy, drizzly,
dreary kind of a day. but as we heard
one remark, it would bring the ducks
Tho card, "Closed Legal Holiday,"
on the bank windows Monday morning
reminded us that it was Washington's
H. T. Spoerry received his pension
last Saturday, about $200 back pay and
will hereafter draw at the rate of $12
per month.
Miss Leedom came home from Al
bion Thursday, at which place she was
compelled to stop teaching on account
of sickness.
There has been organized what the
ladies call an inner circle to the ladies
musical, for the purpose of studying
classical music only.
The Gazette of Norfolk, published
in the interest of the G. A. B. and S. of
Y. was made the official paper in this
state of these organizations.
The widow of Henry A. Mueller has
received one thousand dollars from the
Mutual Accident association of Odd
Fellows, located at Piqua, Ohio.
H C. Carrig, well known in this
city, has opened up n real estate and
insurance office at Platte Center, with
John P. Walker as a partner.
A. D. White of St. Edward, was in
the city Tuesday, looking after the af
fairs of the 1-te Mrs. Whitney.
This is Bev. Bedding's last week in
Columbus. Vhe church has been crowd
ed nearly every night duce his arrival,
and much interest mrinihatml . ,
jj Wanted, immediately, a competent
printer to take editorial and mechanical
charge of a country Jpaper. Address
S. C. Woodruff, editor News, Stroms
burg, Neb. ,
W. Beckett, of Genoa, president,
and Q E. Barnett, of Archer, secretary,
of the State Band Union, were here div
ing the G. A. R. encampment, in the
interest of the new organization.
Joseph McGonigle of Palmer was
among the delegates here during the
encampment. He was an old comradjj
of E. j). Fitzpatrick'and Dick Bossiter,
who had not seen him for 28 years.
The jury was discharged Saturday,
but Judge Sullivan will hold an equity
session of, the rest of this week. This
term of court has disposed of an un
usual large number of cases and the
docket is beginning to look rather thin.
An eastern editor wrote a ball room
puff saying: "Her dainty feet were en
cased in shoes that might have been
taken for fairy boots." But the italic
eyed, blundering compositor made it
read: "Her dirty feet were encased in
shoes that might have been taken for
ferry boats."
If any one imagines that farming in
Nebraska doesn't pay, just let them look
at the retired farmers who are at present
living in the city. We could cite many
cases right here in our own community
where parties came to Nebraska many
years ago with comparatively nothing
and are now retired worth from $20,000
to $100,000.
Twenty-one little folk met at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Judge Hensley
Wednesday afternoon to surprise their
little daught, Ruby, on her Beventh
birthday. Delicious refreshments were
served and innocent games enjoyed un
til bedtime. Many tokens of remem
brance were bestowed on the little
Mr. and Mrs. L. Westcott returned
home Wednesday. Mrs. Westcott and
children went to Chicago about Jan
uary 1st visiting relatives, and on their
return one of the children was taken
sick with diphtheria in Omaha, where
they were detained about three weeks,
Mr. Westcott joining them there. The
little one is now nearly recovered.
Leigh World.
The Pioneer Hook& Ladder com
pany's grand annual masquerade ball,
last Tuesday evening, was a success,
financially as well as otherwise, as the
boys cleared nearly $120. Judging from
the way spectator's tickets sold, we
take it that our citizens appreciate the
services of the fire boys who are ever
ready to rotect your property and
home. This is right, and only as it
should be.
Dr. W. M. Condon, T. K. Oitis,
Misses Lucy and Nancy Bruenig and C.
D. Murphy, all of Humphrey, paaaed
through the city Sunday on their way to
Omaha, where C D. Murphy and Miss
Bruenig were united in marriage Mon
day evening. From Omaha the happy
couple will take .an extended eastern
trip, and will probably visit Switzerland.
The good wishes of all Columbus friends
go with them.
Tuesday evening the members of the
M. W. of A. and A. O. U. W gate a re
ception and banquet in their lodge
rooms in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Selsor,
and Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Bobison, who are
soon to leave Humphrey. There was
presevtV much larger crowd than has
attend, any" of the former receptions in
the sanMrooms, and a very pleasant
time was the result After an b-iror
two spent in card playing and cor crea
tion the company were agreea!:.y sur
prised by a visit from the Humphrey
Orchestra, who played several selections
which were much enjoyed. At eleven
o'clock a delicious- supper was served,
followed by music, recitations and
speeches suitable to the occasion. At
the close of the ereningsMr. Oooking
ham, in a few well-chosen words, in
behalf of the lodges, presented each
couple with a handsome silver tea set,
exquisitely engraved. Humphrey Dem
M. K. Turner of Columbus, Ne
braska, is visiting friends in Cadiz and
vicinity. Mr. Turner is a Cadiz boy,
born and bred. About twenty-five years
ago he went west "to grow up with the
country." At that time Columbus was
a small village, now it is a flourishing
city. He is engaged in farming and in
publishing the Columbus Journal, one
of the leading and influential journals of
Nebraska. He looks natural, and the
m7 with wnich the boBta of Teare has
silvered ms nead, does not cnange tne
I features of his youth. His many friends
here are glad to meet him. Cadiz (O.)
While in search of news, we over
heard a merchant and a customer in dis
pute over some dishes; the customer
asserting his wife broke too many dishes
in baking the food. Always glad if we
can be a peacemaker in families, we
submit the following from an exchange:
HArtnenware which is to oe used in
baking should be tempered by putting
the dishes into cold water over the fire
and bringing the water gradually to the
boiling point When the water boils
around them, remove them from the
fire, and let them remain in the water
until it becomes cold.
Some parties hunting near the city
one day last week saw what they sun-
posed to be a white prairie chicken but
failed to capture it. Several of these
birds have been seen in this state this
winter. They are not prairie chickens
but ptarmagins. Webster says of them:
"The plumage is ash-colored and white
in summer; almost entirely white in
winter. They inhabit the lofty moun
tainous heights of Europe and America
and only descend within range of vege
tation occasionally, to feed on berries,
insects, etc. They belong to the grouse
Mr. Moses Kennedy Turner, of Co
lumbus, Nebraska, came out to Cadiz,
his former home and native town, on a
business trip last week, and has been
visiting the haunts and greeting the
menus oi ms ooynood days. Me was
formerly Superintendent of the Cadiz
public schools, and will be remembered
by many teachers throughout the county
as a member of the board of examiners.
He has been the editor of the Colujibus
(Neb.) Journal for the past twenty-one
years, and more, and is the father of nine
children. He looks well. Cadiz (O.)
Last Wednesday morning a young
child of Gus Windish's had a narrow
escape from death by the flames. Mrs.
Windish left the house for a few mo
ments and upon her return found the
interior part of the house afire. Prompt
action on the part of Mrs. Windish ex
tinguished the flame, but she was badly
burned about the face and head. In a
very few moments more the house would
have been consumed and the little child,
less than a year old, would doubtless
have perished. An alarm was not
turned in.
Fred Sacrider, son of J. H. Sacrider
who lives about four miles north of
Monroe, met with a very painful acci
dent last Saturday week. He was out
hunting when the gun was accidentally
discharged, the entire load going through
his foot, striking on the top of his in
step. Drs. Martyn & Evans of this city
were called and amputated about one
half of the foot, and the unfortunate
young man will be a cripple for the
balance of his life. He walked nearly a
quarter of a mile after the accident to
reach a neighbor's house.
A. Heitkemper, the cigar maker, has
sold his property in the eastern part of
town to William Both. Mr. Heitkemper
will locate his factory somewhere up
town. Speaking of tobacco culture for
Nebraska, Mr. H. said that it undoubt
edly meant much for our state. He said
he had tested Nebraska tobacco, and
while the tobacco had never been
properly handled or cured, yet he was
well pleased with the result.
Yesterday morning it was reported
that the residence of D. D. Lynch of
Platte Center was burglarized Monday
night. Among other things missed was
a very valuable sealskin cloak, which we
J learn belonged to a young lady who is
visiting Mr. Lynch's family. Deputy
Sheriff Campbell left for the scene of the
robbery about 10 o'clock yesterday, but
we are unable to learn any further par
ticulars. Last Tuesday forenoon while Mrs.
John Eggars was making ready to do
her week's washing, and had filled the
washing machine with scalding hot
water, her' little three-year-old son
pulled the plug out of the machine
letting the hot water out over his legs
and feet, scalding them terribly. Dr.
Smart was called and dressed the burns,
and the little fellow is getting along
nicely. Humphrey Democrat
The handsomest Tady in Columbus
remarked to a friend the other'day that
she knew Kemp's Balsam for the throat
and lungs was a superior remedy, as it
stopped her cough instantly when other
cough remedies had no effect whatever.
So to prove this and convince you of its
merits, any druggist will give you a
sample bottle free. Large sue 50c and
fly ;-34-y
or rent, a commodious store room
onJFJeventh street, centrally located,
anq suitable for grocery, dry-goodsor
clothing. A long time lease preferred.
Call at Joubnax office. tf
Children Cry for
Plumb went up to Lindsay
. Joseph Krause was' down from Genoa
Frank Wake of Genoa was in -the city
Thursday. -
Bev. G. B. Clarke of Wattaville was in
the city Friday. 5 .
Mrs. Ghaa. MatthewB spent' Sunday
with Mrs. Clother in Genoa.
Mrs. Bobert Lewis of Postville, was a
Columbus visitor last week.
Miss Emma Addis of Canton, BL, is
visiting Mrs. Charles Martin.
Mr. Lee of Colorado is visiting his
brother-in-law, S. G. Saterlee.
Mrs. A. L. Beaty, nee, Nellie Curtis,
was visiting her parents last week.
Attorney Robinson of Madison, was
attending court here last week.
Mc and Mrs. J. C. Fillman started for
Chicago Monday on a business trip.
Charles Thrush of Schuyler, was vis
iting in this city Sunday and Monday.
F. R. Allen of Pleasant Hill, Mo., came
last week to visit his twin brother, W. T.
oub. ueorge Mentzer or lucniand is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. D.
Mrs. J. C. Caldwell left Monday morn
ing for a visit with relatives and friends
in Missouri.
James Condon, of Gago county, a
brother of our Dan, was among the del
egates last week, -"""
J. R Mathewson started for Holt
county, Saturday, called there by the
serious illness of his father.
Mrs. H. Hockenberger and son Willie
went to Omaha Saturday to visit for a
few week with Mrs. Hamilton.
W. B. Albro went to Bnrwell Tuesday
to inspect that part of the country. He
may possibly decide to move there.
Mrs. Will Gibson returned home to
Cedar Bapids Friday, after a few days'
visit with her aunt, Mrs. H. Woods.
C. W. Stevenson of Fremont was visit
ing his brother, '. JN., our accommo-i
dating creamery proprietor, last week.
Mrs. Ed. Wescott of Columbus came
to her father's, D. Harmon, for a visit,
the last of the week. Osceola Record.
Wm. Thrush of Schuyler, who has
been visiting with the family of Dan.
Warnick on the Island, returned home
Mrs. J. M. Gondring went to Wana
tah, Indiana, last Tuesday, whither she
was called by a telegram announcing the
serious illness of her father.
Wilson Bice arrived here Tuesday last
from Holyoke, Colorado, where he is in
the employ of a dry goods firm, and will
will make a two weeks' visit with his
Among the members of the G. A. B.
from abroad who visited us last week
were Franklin Sweet, register of the
land office at Grand Island; J. J. Bu
chanan, Hastings; Judge Tucker, Val
entine; S. P. Mobley, of the Independ
ent, Grand Island; J. H. Culver, Milford;
Joseph Stickel, Hebron; Judge Pat O.
Hawes, Omaha; J. Sandesland, Albion;
A. T. Bowe, Oakdale; Bev. J. L St. Clair,
A Former Columbusite.
Some friend has remembered and sent
us a copy of the Larimie Boomerang
Annual, a neatly printed publication
containing numerous fine engravings of
buildings and notable men of that sec
tion of our domain. The following
sketch is from its columnB and refers to
a former Columbns citizen, whoso many
friends hero will be pleased to know of
his prosperity in his new location at
Carbon, Wyo:
We herewith present to the public a
portrait of Carbon's genial bonafice, Mr.
O. H. Archer of the Scranton house.
Those who have had tne pleasure of en
joying his hospitality will remember the
Scranton house at Carbon. This well
known hostlery was established at Car
bon in 1883. Mr. Archer leased the prop
erly in July 1889. A year later the
building was destroyed together with a
large part of the city. Lewis & Ander
son, the owners of the building at the
time, erected a one-story building on
the original site and occupied it in
August, 1890. They conducted the hotel
until April last, when Mr. Archer pur
chased the entire property of them. He
was ambitions to give Carbon a good
hotel and establish for it a reputation
among the traveling public. On the 17th
day of April he therefore contracted for
the enlargement of the building by the
addition of a second story. The build
ing was thoroughly remodeled and im
proved during the past summer and today
as a comfortable and enticing place for
the traveler or pleasure seeker has no
superiors in the state. It has fifteen
nicely appointed sleeping rooms.
Mr. Archer is a thoroughly western
man. A Virginian by birth, his boyhood
days were spent in Wisconsin, and when
he reached his majority he followed the
course of the star of empire, westward,
and settled in Nebraska. Mr. Archer
saw Nebraska grow up and witnessed
the most important changes in the
state. He learned the printing business
when a young man and followed the "art
preservative" until he left Nebraska.
It was in the latter state that he married
the lady who is now such an acceptable
hostess at the Scranton house. Mrs.
Archer's father, John J. Rickly, was one
of the founders of Columbns, Nebraska.
It is an honored and well known name
Mr. Archer has been a resident of
Wyoming nine years and before going to
Carbon was engaged at ranching. He
has witnessed a great many important
changes in the state. His confidence in
the future of Wyoming is attested by
his investments in the Scranton house.
His enterprise in improving it and his
manner of. conducting the hostlery is a
great credit to the place. Visitors to
the city are met at the depot by a 'bus
and driven off a short distance to the
hotel with speed and comfort. The
table is always supplied with the choicest
the market affords and the service, is
of the very best character.
.bout Farm Loans !
give a privilege in our loans which
very valuable to the borrower. It is
privilege to pay one or more hun-
dollars at time of any interest pay
ment, in this way reducing both prin
cipal and interest. '
Our present rate of interest is seven
per cent, payable annually, and no
charge is made for drawing up papers.
P. W. Henbicu,
Columbns, Neb. 36 . Loan Agent.
Letter Lift.
List of letters remaining in the post
office at Columbus, Nebraska, for the
week ending February 22, 1892:
mble, CSE. Wtutnev.
iy Grant, Join BehnW.
a IL. Barrett, Nancy Benedict.
ie FMzler, S.EhUv. V
Thomas Daltpn, HeleriSSydoJek.
Parties calling for the above letters
will please say "advertised."
Caul Kjumib, P.M.
I por bu gotdea food
all the birds that sins
oaai or soldea rod:
ay mirror back to-day
of the goldes ray.
Ttaaateerald paataraa rick and broad!
Blajfrtraaked and apeckted cattle feed.
v AntfaUof Jacob'a deirybreed,
! aiafct the wide aoread colden rod.
a yaOa of milk at nbrht and mora;
QoHm tetter fills oldPleaty's horn,
Ow the fence the well tilled row
Of rod-like stalks filled with golden corn,
Birthmarked by the golden rod when born.
Like the battar oil from tha dairv crrwn.
I Give the Une a plenty of golden ears.
aeu. gotoea cream jnroeg&pat your years.
Gold batter brings the shining gold.
The world's great golden rod is we
ii oappuy oaea; or u rjy eteaun
Yob hide away your com to mould.
Your napkined talent when brought forth
Brings you beneath the iron rod of earth.
BaUc golden sunlight for your health;
Plant golden corn to ear and nod
'Imntagnate by the golden rod.
To hear you butter, gold and wealth.
And happy, too. that city wife!
Spreads creamery butter all her life!
W. K. Lav.
District Court.
The following is tlie proceedings of
the district court from Tuesday noon to
Saturday inclusive: ;
C. & L. Kramer v. M. S. Lindsay;
motion for new trial denied. Deft ex
cepts; allowed 40 days to file bill of ex
ceptions. -.
wm "- . .i ; 4TT
J- H. Watts v.-Thomas Dack; jury re
turn verdictffor plfTt in the snmof $9.
Elizabeth Brandt v. First National
Bank; dismissed deft's cost
Guy. C. Barnum v. C. B. & Q. R. R.
jury return verdict no cause for action.
First National Bank v. R. G. Fleming.
DeftGerhold allowed until Feb. 29, to
filer amended cross bilL Deft Mast
reply in 10 days thereafter.
Fuller, Smith & Fuller v. Platte Co.
By motion of deft, order to dismiss is
set aside.
Marguerite M. Russell v. Josephino
Fortune, et. al. Sale confirmed deed
J. C. McMahon v. Win. Hagel, et. al;
demurrer to petition overruled. Deft
allowed 20 days to answer. PlfTt reply
10 days thereafter.
Jacob Lobeman v. Ada L. Hendryx;
tried to court under advisement.
Tena Cedar v. Lowis Cedar; alias sum
mons allowed for other defendants.
Hugh Hughes v. Mary McMahon;
dismissed plffts cost.
Daniel Weihn v. Citizens Bank of
Humphrey; motion to retax costs.
Iu His Absence We BIrbb for the Editor.
Cadiz, Ohio, Feb. 17, 1892.
To The Columbus (Neb.) Journal.
"Time motheth not, our beings 'tis
that move."
Returning to one's old home after an
absence of twenty years we find that the
young people of our day have silvered
hair, school boys and girls have become
heads of families, some have found homes
in other climes, some have gone beyond
us all. The poet might have said, "Our
beings 'tis that change," but the change
has not effaced individual lineaments,
the countenance beaming with pleased
recognition leaves no doubt as to the
identity of each as one after another of
our early friends takes our hand and the
old time voice is betrayed in the greet
ing. We find ourselves not so much
surprised at the changes as by the same
nesses, made precious by "fond recollec
tions" of "ye oiden time."
Such thoughts are awakened by the
presence among us of M. K. Turner, now
of Columbus, Neb. Happy as he seems
he cannot be gladder tlutn we to see him
again. . -. -. .
The following resolutions wore adopt
ed by Baker Post No. 9, G. A. R., of this
city at tneir meeting Saturday even
ing last:
Resolved, That we, the members of
Baker Post No. 9, extend our heartfelt
thanks to the citizens of Columbus for
the generous manner in which they
opened their homes for the accommoda
tion and entertainment of tho delegates
of the W. R. C, and the hearty welcome
given the old soldiers who visited our
city; end be it further
Resolved, that we extend a vote of
thanks to our honorable mayor, Henry
Ragatz, for the able manner in which he
delivered the keys of the city and gave
tho delegates a cordial and hearty wel
come; and be it further
Resolved, That we extend our thanks
to all of our citizens who aided us in
securing the funds necessary in defray
ing the expenses of our encampment,
thereby making the gathering a credit
to our post and an honor to our oity,
and also that we extend our thanks to
the members of the S. of V. drum corps
for furnishing the music for tho occasion.
D. N. Miser, S. L. McCoy,
Adjutant. Commander.
e World' Columbian Exposition.
50 Vents, to Bond & Co.,57G
ry, Chi
posupaid, a
Guide to the
engravings of
s and buuu
g spirits, and
ings, portraits of i
a map oi tho city
o; all of the
rules governing the
ion and ex-
hibitors, an
informmtionVwhich can
be given out i
Also, other en
formation will
Ivanceqf its opening.
ivings and printed in-
sent yon as published.
It will be a very
table book al
ery person should secure a copy.
Important dabbing Announcement.
We are pleased to announce to our
readers that we have made arrangements
with the publishers of the Nebraska
Farmer, the leading live stock and farm
journal of the west, by which we can
offer it one year with The Columbus
JounxAii and the Nebraska Family Jour
nal, all for $2.80, but very little more
than the price of one publication. This
offer is good for renewals or now sub
scribers. Let every one who desires to
take advantage of this liberal offer do so
at once. Address,
M. K. Tobneb & Co.,
Columbus, Neb.
Tho population of Columbus is
about 300, and we would say at least
one-half are troubled with some affec
tion of the throat and lungs, as those
complaints are, according to statistics,
more numerous than others. We would
advise all our readers not to neglect the
opportunity to call on their druggist
and got a bottle of Kemp's Balsam for
the throat and lungs. Trial size free.
Large bottles, 60c and SI. Sold by all
druggists. . 34-y
V' Seed Oat For Sale:
rhave a quantify of seed oats for sale
of the White Bwooinn variety, which
yielded fifty bushels per acre last sea
son. Inquire at. the premises, three
miles northeast of Columbns.
H. B. Rked.
(Through passenger trains, through
freight trains, quick time, via the Chi
cago,' Union Pacific k North-Western
Line to the principal cities east of the
Missouri River, via Omaha. U-llt
I r$j
fcago.Vnd you will
fohr hundred page
Twnniiilinn nktli
fUW. .., ..
thv grounf
of hicak
s prfj
For Sale,
years of successful farming
in Nel
and being desirous of en-
her business, I offer the fol-
lands for sale:
of good meadow and farm
land on Shell Creek, 2
miles from
Platte Center, Irving water.
320 acres within one mile and a quar
ter of Oconee on the Loup, with about
100 acres in young timber, a corral for
300 head of cattle, a frame house and
stable and about GO acres broke, all un
der fence an extra good stock farm,
being well watered.
My" homestead farm of about 560 acres,
three miles west of Columbus, finely im
proved, 100 acres of good timber, large
brick house, largest born in the county,
stables for 300 head of cattle and horses,
five corn cribs, two large granaries, a
large feed yard with living spring water
in it, with ten self feeders, 100 feed
boxes, 400 feet of shedding and tight
board fence, the largest and dryest yard
in the state of Nebraska.
320 acres on the table land 5 miles
northwest of Columbus, under cultiva
tion, good buildings and well improved,
at $20 per acre in any portion.
80 acres improved land 3 miles north
west of Columbns, in Section 34, Town
ship 18, Range 1 west, $22.50 per acre.
320 acres of as fine meadow land as
there is in the state, 5 miles from my
homestead farm, all under fence and
within 1 mile'of Oconee.
320 acres 4 miles west of Columbus,
80 acres under cultivation, 25 acres of
timber, frame house and stable, all under
fence, and having living water, at $18.00
per acre.
180 acres in Nance county, 5 miles
from Genoa, with 80 acres of young tim
ber and 80 acres of good meadow land.
Terms, Cash. For further information
call on the undersigned at my farm three
miles west of Columbus.
41-2t-p Patrick Murray.
Or call on or address Becher, Jaoggi
& Co., Columbus, Nebr.
We will furnish The Journal, The
Nebraska Family Journal and the Week
ly Inter-Ocean, one year, for $2.80, when
paid in advance. Subscriptions received
at any time. If you are not a subscrib
er to The Journal don't wait till your
subscription expires, but pay us enough
to mako it one year in advance, and add
the Inter-Ocean, one of the greatest and
best family newspapers in the world.
The Coming Liar.
hicago, Union Pacific & North
western Line offers the best accommo
dations to the traveling public en route
to Chicago and intermediate points via
Omaha. Through trains, fast time,
magnificent sleeping cars, elegant din
ing cars, reclining chair cars and hand
some day coaches. 10-llt
St. Patrick's Pills are carefully
prepared from the best material and
according to the most approved formula,
and are the most perfect cathartic and
liver pill that can bo produced. We
sell them. C. . Pollock & Co. and Dr.
Heintz, druggists.
WARNICK February 20th, 1892. Roliert.
youngest child of Dan. and Marian Warnick. of
pneomonia, aijed 7 months and 13 days; its sick
ness was only of three days' duration.
Funeral services were conducted at the homo
of its parents, who reside on the farm of tlie late
Abner Turner. The remains' were brought to the
Columbns cemetery and laid to rest, Elder II. J.
Hudson conducting the sorvicos.
Little Robbie was a beautiful child, nnusnnlly
bright and forward for his age, the ideal of the
household, the joy and hope of his mother's
tenderest care.
"Death lies on him like an untimely frost.
Upon the sweetest flower of all the field."
gusiness -Jloticts.
.Advertisements under this head five cents a
lineeach insertion. '
JT1TM.SCHILTZ makes boots and shoes in the
fr best styles, and uses only the very best
stMc that can be procured in the market. 52-tf
1 -
matter of the estate of Peter J. Lawrence,
is hereby given that in pursuance of an
of Hon. A. M. Post, judge of the district
Platte county. Nebraska, made on the
,y of December. 1SU1. for the sale of the
real estate hereinafter described, then will be
sold at the court house in the city of Columbus,
Platte county, Nebraska, on the
3d day of March, 1S92,
at ono o'clock p. m., at public vendue, to tho
highest bidder subject to a mortgage lien of
$4,200, the purchaser to gie security before
confirmation for tho payment of the purchase
price upon said lien on or before tht Mime shall
become due, the following described real instate,
to wit: The southeast quarter of the touthwest
quarter; the northwest quarter of the southwest
quarter, and the west half of the west half of the
northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of
section number twenty-eight (28) and lot num
ber two (2), in section number thirty-three (33).
all in township number seventeen (17) north, of
range one (1) east, of the Sixth principal merid
ian in Platte county, Nebraska, containing 110
acres more or less. The chief part of said land
is under cultivation, and the balance is good
hay land. There is also a good dwelling house
and other buildings thereon. Said sale will
remain open one hour.
January 18th. 1892. Phebe J. Lawrxxce,
Executrix of the estate of Peter J. Lawrence,
deceased. 24feb2
the district court of Platte county, Nebraska,
latthew W. L. Stott, plaintiff, vs. Mary Stott,
Mary Stott: You are hereby notified that on
thoV3d day of February, 18S2, Matthew L. W.
Stotruiled a petition against you in tho district
court V Platte county, Nebraska, the object and
prayer Ofwhich are to obtain a divorce from ou
on the ground that you have wilfully abandoned
the plaintiff without good cause for a term of
two years last past.
You are required to answer said petition on or
before Monday, tlie 4th day of April, 1892.
JIatthew W. L. Stott.
By Hiooins A GAnxow and J. N. Paul, his
Atty's. 21feb5t
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb., )
February 5th, 1W2.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has hied notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of hw claim, and that
said proof will bo made before the clerk of the
district court at Columbus, Neb., on March 21t,
1892, viz: Joseph Sobas, lid. No. 17175, for the
N. K N. W. J4 of section 10, township Its north,
of range 2 west. He names the following wit
nesses to prove his continuous residence upon
and cultivation of, said land, viz: Frank Bok,
Joseph Opiela. Kaszmiers Borjs, Peter Lis, all
of Duncan, Neb.
Franklin Sweet,
lOfebSt Register.
Land Office at Grand Island. Neb., )
Fshnmnr IB IKft f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the clerk of
the district court atcolumbus. Neb., on April
1th, 1892, viz: Patrick Deegan, Hd. No. VOtG, for
the E. i i S. W. li and W. . S. E. i of section 2,
township 19 north, of range 3 west.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said land, viz: Michael J Clark, Charles Under
wood, Simon Borrows and James BIcPhillips,
all of Lindsay, Neb. Fbaxkli:; Sweet,
24feb5t Register.
Land Office at Grand Island. Neb.,
January 2ti. Ib92. f
otiee is hereby given that the followinir-
named settler has filed notice cf his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the clerk of
court! of
24th da
the district court, at uolumnus, neo., on .March
12th. 1892, viz: John Kosiba, Hit. No. 17127, for
the-N. W. J of section St. township 17 north,
of range 2 west.
He names the following witnesses to prove bis
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said land, viz: Peter Lie, John Cielocha, George
Lis, John Zaremba, all of Duncan, Neb.
Fbaskxu Sweet,
3ftMt Bfftlatsr.
i ?
HONEY TO LOAN ON FARM8 at lowest rates of interest, oa short or lose Urn, in amoaata
to suit applicants.
BONDED ABSTRACTERS OF TITLE to all real estate in Platte couaty.
Represent THE LEADING IN8URANCE COMPANIES of the World. Our farm policies are
the most liberal in nse. Losses adjusted, and promptly paid at this oSee.
Notary Public always in office.
Farm and city property for sale.
Make collections of foreign inheritances and sell steamship tickets 'to and from all parte
of Europe. lamatl-tt
General Agents for the safe of
Unioa Fastle asd MlaUaad Facile B. R. Laaaw
orcaBTaccMBywuattma.utaJuuydpaymaaxtoauUBwichaflara. WehaTaalsea
lot of other leads tmnrored and uammDroTsd. for aalo at lowBtieaaadaaireaaaaal
bwiness and issldsaos lota in tha city. We hasp
e, PtiltrT, aid Fresh Fiifc.
WCaah paid for Hidae. Pelts. Tallow. THehesr amihetarieeaidforfat laiUit "eal
Olive Street, twe Deen Ntrtfc ef the Fint KititMl Baik.
!3POuninotntionof tho market sareobUined
Tuesday afternoon, and are correct and reliable
at thetime.
Shelled Corn.
Ear Corn
xly O
Fat hogs
Fat cows
Fat sheep
Fat steers
f4 1 10
tl5tt2 25
1 S0&! 25
S3 0063 50
$2 506300
Shoulders .
ne 12
Of the condition of the Columbus Lund, Lottn
and Buildiny Association of Columbus, Ne
braska, on the 3tst day of December, 1391.
First mortgage loans $13,100 00
Loans secured by stock of this asso-
ciation 23.200 00
Exiienw and taxes paid 'JJ, 5!
Cash with treasurer 209 55
Total .
$67,827 35
Capital stock, paid up
Premiums yr.ia
Interest received
Fines collected -
Entry and tmnstcrfees received...
State of Nebraska, )
$ro,stt so
, 5,030 20
, lO.ttlA 05
lift! 80
573 50
. $)57.S27 35
Platte County, ) . ,
I, H. Hockenberger, secretary of the above
named association, do solemnly swear that the
foregoing statement of the condition of said
association, is true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief.
Subscribed anil sworn to lefore me this 13th
day of "January, 1SV2.
Notary Public.
(Jus. (i. IlrciiER. )
J. E. Hoffman, Directors.
V. 11. Weaver, ) Sfebat
30 Days Only 30
In return for your generous
patronage during the holidays
we want to show onr apprecia
tion, and rather than give you
a piano or farm as we intended,
Ave nave ueciueu 10 worK ior
you for nothing for 30 days
and pay our own expenses. So
for the next 30 days you can
have anything in our Store
and we mean REAL TRUE
COST. Come on, now, for any
thing and cvervthinjr, and if
we haven't got it we will get
it. Reniemher, for 30 days
only. Don't ask us to extend
the time; we can't afford to
and won't do it for even you.
lion 1
GateratrtstarTowaa-lCajit Trn & Co. lottraetad
and started ma. I worked itaadily aad made raoner fatter
taaa 1 ezpacted to. I became able to bnj an island and build
(mall f ommer hotel. If I don't succeed at that. I will go
to work again at the boine in which I made my money.
Tnt fc Co.: Shalt we instruct and start yoo. readerr
If we do. sod if yon work indastrinnsly. yoa will in daa
time be abletobayan island and boild a hotel, if yon wish
to. Moaey can be earned at oar mew line of work, rap
idly and honorably, by those of either sex, yonng or old,
and la their own localities, wherever they liie- Any one
can do tha work. Eas7 to learn. We tarnish everything;. No
risk. Yon can devote yonr spare moments, or all your time
to the work. This entirely new lead brings wonderfol sac
cos e to every worker. Beginners are earning from Wt te
S54) per week and upwards, and mora after a Utile expe
rience. We can famish yoa the employment woteaeh yoa
KKE. This it aa see of raarrelocs things, and here is
another Brest, nsefal. wealth giving wonder. Great gaaa
will reward every industrious worker. Wherever yoa are.
and whatever yon are doinp. yoa want to know about this
wonderful work et onre. Delay means much moaey lost to
yoa. No space to explain here, tint Ifyoa will writs to as.
we wiiimaaoaiipismtoyoa stavr. Aaaraoa.
TIKVJidE avw.
Locu and Traveling. A good chance! Don't
miss it! You need no capital to represent a re
liable firm that warrants nursery stock first-claao
and true to name. Work aij. the tear, and
good pay weekly to energetic men. Applyoaick.
rtaUnjc age. L. L. MAY & CO.. Nurserymen,
Florists and Seedsmen. St. Paul, Minn.
tS'This house is responsible. 18nov-pd
-Pi lii-BSIalBaSK
The Journal for Job Work.
Established 1870.
far ami at Crasa mitt
a complete ahatiattot title to all teal
All Kiidi f Smar. m Sttrialty.
And all kinds of country produce taken in trad
and all goods delivered free of charg
to any part of the city.
10-tf J. .: J Wa IV.
S3 SHOE enrttlkn.
It is a seamless shoe, wlta ao tacks or wax tarsal
to hurt the feet; made of the best aae calf, stylish,
aad easy, and because we siaae mutrm Mora 0 tMs
grade loan amy other manufacturer, it quata kaaaV
sewed shoes cosUag from au to fAoa.
CflC vGeaaiae HaaaVaewed, taatasataalf
shoe ever offered for fUD: equals rrsaca
taported shoes watch cost front au to SIXOU.
e4. Haad-Sewea Welt SfceeTiae calf.
atyllsh. comfortable aad durable. The best
shoe ever offered at this price ; same grade aa eae-tom-made
shoes costing from atOO to faux
m Am Pallee tthoei Farmers. aUtoad Mam
9wa andLetterCarrlersmUwesrthe!ii:Becalf.
seamless, smooth taslde, heavy three solas, aztaa-
A 99 flae eaJfi ao better shoe ever offered at
fais this price: one trial will convince those
uae pair wiu wear a year.
woo want a enoe ior comrort aad service.
MU9 aad 3X. Warklaamaa's shoes
am venr.stroas; and durable. Those who
have svaaihem trial will wear ao other make.
HAVvl'M I-73 school shoes era
BUJ91, worn by the boys everywhere: theyasH
oa their maJUrf the lacreaalne; sales show.
oaflJamTfS-. Haadeweol shoe, beat
MIOIOP Dongola. verystyliaa: equator rctia
Imported alasseoattajt from tuxo to atcu.
l?dlea fr.w: aad fl.73 ahoe tor
KlaveaaratatTSaat AieDMcola. Myl&h aad datable.
Caatlea. 8e that W. U. Dongiar aims aad
price are suataed oa the bottom ot each shoe.
Insist oa local advertised dealers sapplyac yam
W. L. DOUGLAS, BtwcftUM, JafaaaTlSW
Wm. SHILZ, Qlivi St., Clinks.
Unly 'tll-5m
Planing ME
We have just opened a new mill on M street,
opposite Schroedere' flouring mill and are pre
such as
Store Fronts,
Stair Railing,
Scroll Sawing,
ar'All orders promptly attended to. Call 01
iolSm Colombia, Nebraska
fljCSMMi sY
roTlrJ&n&ai ft1 Handbook write to
Oldest Daren for eecBrisnr Detects la Ameti
vary MteaC tahaa oat by as w areata Mm
Jtientifit' wtu
Largest etrealatloa of ear sdeatlfe
te tha
world, aaleadldly- lUastrated.
maa etieald ho wkhoat K. W
vaar: HJe atx - A lift m
PTJsu.rsHtBA an Broadway. Mew Tare.
ere far am
aBsL- I i t i i j
ataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam .bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW
hAAA Sllt-tii, Amlrilml
jMLWKKfa .my far
vwv mMmmMwr mm m h mm
relief and is an infallible)
Care for Hlea. Price $1. By
ururfrauvr mail, aamaiaa
Box KM, NtwiXwrB CT
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