The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, February 24, 1892, Image 2

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olumb us go urudl.
Knteted at tbe 1
seooad-claaa mail natter.
Colambas, Neb., i
Columbus Nel-
nua or scBsosxnxoa:
pas year, bjr mn, postage prepaid,..
Three montha, ............
Payable in Ad vanceix- ,.
er-Spariaa&oopias mailed fata, on application.
.... LOO
When subscribers change their place of reei
dice they should at onoo notify ns by letter or
pootal card, giving both their former and tlirii
present poeUoffioe,-the first enables ye to readily
find the name on onr mailing hat, from which,
being in type, we each week print, either oa the
wrapper or on the margin of your Journal, the
date to which your subscription ib paid or ac.
eoanp-d for. Bemittancee should be made
either by money-order, reguierea nam u. ..,
payable to the order of
M. K. TCBirsH & Co.
All communications, to eeenre attention, mm
be accompanied by the full name of the writer.
We reserve the right to reject any manuscript.
nit nnot aaxee to retain the" same. We .desire
a correspond
Platto county.
liahl in avert
eeparately. GiTena facta.
in nTAnr hool-distrlct of
one ofjpod judgment, and rp
way. Write plainly, each item
Chicago is to have
library building.
a 814200,000 pub-
Two millions of dollars was the value
:of property destroyed at New Orleans by
fire last Thursday.
The ministers of Chicago to the num
ber of 200 have formed what they call a
ministers alliance, their object being to
fight sin.
Miles Zentmeyer, a well known at
torney of Schuyler, has been appointed
commander of the soldiers' home at
Grand Island.
The Minnesota Editors and Publish
ers association held a reunion in St.
.Paul last week. An outsider remarked
"There are the real rulers of the country."
Ei-Goyebnok Satjxdebs who has been
lying very low at his homo in Omaha, is
now said to bo on the high road to re
covery as the worst is believed to havo
been past.
Three were killed and three seriously
injured by a locomotive jumping the
track near Houston, Tex. There were
about a dozen on the engine, all friends
of the engineer, who was among the
Wobd just received at San Francisco
announces the loss of the bark Tamarine
which was dashed to pieces on the rockb
three days out from that port. Eighteen
of the crew were lost. The vessel was
loaded with oil.
The governor of North Dakota, was in
St Paul, Minn., one day' last week and
said that his state could rue from 1000
to 1500 men this season. There was
much work ready to be done and bat
little help to do it with. He said the
immense crop of wheat raised in that
state last year was more than could be
handled and that machines would
likely be running until May, before all
would be threshed. North Dakota as
well as other western states, is evidently
enjoying a tide of prosperity. What's
wrong with the present administration?
Tariff Picture.
The tin plate duty of 22 cents a pound
reduced our imports of tin plate from
pounds in December, 1890, to 21,181,848
pounds in December, 1891.. How do we
know that that increased the American
tin plate industry? Becauso our im
ports of tin, the duty free raw material
among the various ingredients of tin
plate, increased from 2,180,326
pounds in December, 1890, to 2,999,274
pounds in December, 1891.
Eight years ago Robert Rose of Atch
ison, Kan., obtained a judgment of
$25,000 against the city for injuries re
ceived by falling through a hole in the
sidewalk. The case was fought through
all the courts and the decision of the
lower court sustained. The city was
mandamnsed and forced to levy a tax to
pay the judgment. Rose's attorney was
paid $1,000, but upon being notified
Rose went to Atchison and delivered
himself to the sheriff and went to jail.
He says he planned the accident, was
not injured, and deliberately perjured
himself to obtain the verdict. He now
confesses in order to set himself right
with God.
A teak ago General H. C. Hobart, of
Milwaukee, projected and organized the
Libby Prison Tunnel association, which
is composed of all veterans who had any
connection with the digging of the cele
brated Yankee tunnel through which
109 Union officers made their way to
liberty twenty-eight years ago. Last
week the second reunion of this associa
tion was held at Libby Prison, Chicago.
General Hobart's experiences were, per
haps, the most interesting. After the
tunnel was completed he was given
charge of it, and to him and his good
management is due much of the success
of the escape. The officers passed
through the underground channel undo-
his direction.
At a general rabbit round up in
Southern, California, recently, over four
thousand of the innocent little animals
were killed. These little pests are a
source of great annoyance to the fruit
growers of that country.
The friends of Walter B. Earl of New
Tork will sue Dr. Keeley and his asso
ciates for $100,000 damages. They claim
Earl's death was due to treatment re
ceived at the institute. He first went
insane and shortly after died. lie was
discharged as cured. '
Another daring attempt at train rob
bery on the Hudson River railroad in
New York, Saturday evening. After a
. long chase with engines and horses,
the robber was finally caught. He se
cured nothing; the plucky messenger,
though three times shot, gallantly do
fended his treasure. This train-frequently
carries $1,000,000 in currency.
Two little six-year-old boys were
drowned in Indian creek at Council
Bluffs. They broke through the ice.
The bodies were recovered in ten min
utes but all efforts of a half dozen doc
.tors to recusitate them wore fruitless.
It is feared the mother of one of the
boys will become insane from grief over
the terrible affair.
The more thoroughly we investigate
the merits of the Australian voting
method, the deeper becomes our convic
tion that it has come to stay. It imparts
a new dignity to voting and fosters indi
vidualism and enables the citizen to vote
as he pleases, and for the candidate that
his own convictions leads him to believe
ill best serve the interests of the pub
ic without molestation of the party boss
or fear of his threat. It takes a step far
in advance of the old methods by pre
venting officials from intrenching them
selves so firmly that they cannot be
reached by the popular voice and vote.
Leading weak men to the ballot box
and ballot stuffing are impossibilities if
the Australian system is honestly" en
forced. Surely the authorities are sur
rounded with ample safeguards to
secure an honest vote and a fair count,
and thus avoid the disgraceful contests
in the future that have been made pos
sible in the past.
nately no blood was spilled. s
The elevator at Phillips v&s totally
destroyed by fire Monday, together with
a large amount of grain. Loss $11,000
with only about $3,500 insurance.
Mrs. Sawyer of Pleasant Hill, whose'
husband was drowned two year ago
while he was intoxicated, was awarded
1,500 damages against the saloon keep:
era who sold the liquor.
Samuel Randolph, a farmer living five
miles southwest of Wallace, got his
right arm caught in a corn sheller and
torn off closoto the shoulder. There is
slight chance of his recovery.
A young roan named Null was found
dead by the side of the road near Su
perior with a charge of shot from his
gun through the heart. It is generally
thought to be a case of suicide,
When the news of Boyd's ousting was
read in the Peru Normal school last year
it caused a demonstration, bat when his
reinstatement was announced the other
day tht-ro was no excitement whatever.
MasU-r Emmons, a young son of G. C.
Dimock of Newman Grove, drank a
small quantity of ammonia one day last
week, but very fortunately without any
serious results; an emetic having been
promptly given.
Myron Vanfleet, a wealthy and in
fluential real estate dealer of Hastings,
was shot and almost instantly killed by
Captain Yocura of the same place. It
was the result of an old difficulty, and
the report says that it caused but little
excitement as it had leen generally ex
pected. Vanfleet left a wife and three
Two trains, carrying in all about 200
000 bushels of corn were shipped from
Omaha, Thursday, donated by Nebras
ka's generous citizens to the famine
stricken sufferers in Russia. Mottoes
like these, printed on banners, were at
tached to the cars: "Just a little of our
surplus for Russian sufferers." "Sym
pathy for Real Sufferers." "One touch
of nature makes the whole world a kin."
Theodore A. Leger, who is now a mis
sionary in Africa, formerly resided at
Ashland. His friends there hadn't heard
from him recently, and a while ago,
when they saw in the papers that a lot
of American missionaries had been
killed and eaton by the savages, they
began to have fears that Leger might
have been among the unfortunates.
Later word came that Leger was all
right and his friends are thankful.
The National Sabbath Union has now
joined in the movement to close the
World's fair on Sunays. Ministers
all over the country havo been notified
by circulars to address their respective
. congressmen and get five lay members
of their church to do the same, urging
him to oppose any appropriation except
on condition that the gates be closed on
Sunday. They urge nothing more than
to make the day a civil Sunday.
Jcst as predicted by this paper sev
eral weeks ago, Dr. Graves, who was
sentenced by a Denver judge to be hung,
is now out on bail. He is virtually a
free man. If he was guilty, and the jury
says' he was, he should be punished, if
innocent he should go free. It is a hard
matter to hang a man who has money or
influential friends; that chapter of law
has not yet come into general use in
bur courts. South Omaha Tribune.
- ' . .-; Govebkob BoYiJ exemplified the char
- ",- ' acter which was celebrated in song by
-; . Sir Walter Scott. Like the true knight
:' -- of old he maintained that "the hand of
.;- Douglas was his own." Telegram.
-J;., r Shades of Sir Walter! What base and
'"."' -. .-' ignoble purposes, are the finest creations
::: -";.' ;of thy majestic mind composed? If
---'"-- ' "rScotia's proud "Douglas," the soul of
--.-.. "honor, bravery and loyalty, could hear
'.""--. . he comparison made between Boyd
yjx': d himself, the editor of the Telegram
'--."'.-..would wither beneath the scorn of
:."- -' - Douglas' ire.
':.!.': Thk negro fiend, Ed. Coy, met an
.?" ..."awful fate at Texarkana, Ark., Friday.
"-"V..;..- He was taken from the officers by a de--."-:-"
'termined mob and bound with chains to
; .-'- -- . . "'a stake and slowly roasted to death in
y-V-'.r'ths presence of C000 excited people.
-.- mra. uewen, me woman wno ne eo
' -''i'.m -fiendishly assaulted, applied the match.
.--;:.:- -V She was weak but determined, and was
'fi' "f:; supported by two men, relatives. Coy
';- r". " -was .covered with kerosene, and his
':?l'': Agony was heartrending. He slowly
-.'..' "'. suffered for fifteen minutes.
World's Fair Xotea.
Iowa, in its exhibits at the Exposition,
will show the various forms in which
products are useful as food, and also the
processes of their preparation.
The Sultan of Turkey has consented
to the erection of a mosque at the Expo
sition grounds for the religious services
of Mohammedans who attend the Fair.
It is reported that $3,000 will be ex
pended in its erection.
The Pennsylvania coal operators want
to construct a bnilding entirely of an
thracite coal at the Exposition, and to
have 50,000 tons of best anthracite on
A parade, participated in bv 24.000
bicyclists, may be a sight at the Expo
sition. Efforts are being made to bring
about that result.
It is reported from Argentine Repub
lic that strong pressure is being brought
upon that government to increase its
World's Fair appropriation from $100,-
000 to 300,000.
Some Swiss painters, at Geneva, are
painting a large panorama of the Ber
nese Alps, with the intention of bringing
it to Chicago for the World's Fair. The
panorama will measure 51 by 345 feet
and cost $300,000. The sketches for the
panorama were taken from the summit
of the Mannlichen, 6,600 feet high.
' ."DuBDfo the month of October last
1 '.'54482 immigrants came into the United
.;- " States. These people had evidently
' never read Senator Carlisle's predictions
". -', aa to the woes and miseries that were to
. . ' 'follow in the train of the McKinley laws.
They hadn't heard that America was
-".. going to be routed by the new tariff.
How many of them, do you think, would
' vote the democratic ticket if they really
. 'understood that it was a ballot in favor
-of establishing here the very identical
industrial system from which they had
. nwmy!
A mad dog which was chasing cattle
was killed near Madison by a farmer.
''The Baptists of Gering are making an
effort to raise money to build a church.
The Kearney Savings bank and the
Buffalo County National bank are to
A you .g man named King died near
Unadilia from getting a rabbit bone fast
in -s throat.
The W. C. T. U. of Kearney lost all ite
funds for charitable work by the recent
savings bank failure.
A lodge of Daughters of Rebekah has
been instituted at Aurora with twenty
five charter members.
By the death of her brother in Indian
apolis, Mrs. Barney Keenan, of Saunders
county, fell heir to $75,000.
Mrs. George Moeier, residing near
Rising City, died last week in Chicago
from the effects of aurgical operation.
The "white prairie chicken" killed
near Mason City turns out to be a ptar
migan, rather a rare bird for Nebraska.
A farmer near Linwood, Butler coun
ty, found a chunk of coal eighty feet
Concerning World's Fair Exhibits.
Under the rules adopted by the na
tional board of control, as interpreted
and declared by Director General Davis,
exhibits of the following class will have
to be made in their respective depart
ment buildings of the exposition proper,
and will not be permitted in state build
ings: Dairy products, apiary interests,
manufactured goods and products of
every kind, textile fabrics, the fish in
dustry, machinery, women's handiwork,
poultry, and all kinds of live stock.
These are facts important for intend
ing exhibitors to know.
Director General Davis states in a
letter of January 20th, that "no excep
tion to these general rules has been
made for any state."
The exhibits in state buildings will
under the rules be confined strictly to
products in their natural etate, illus
trating the natural resources of the
state, agricultural and mineral, and his
torical and educational exhibit of non
competitive character. It is well to
remember that all exhibits of every
character intended to be competitive,
and to be catalogued and recognized by
juries of award must be made in their
respective departments by the exhibi
tors abd not in state buildings.
By bearing these facts in mind dis
appointment in . the future will be
Circulars giving full instructions can
be had by applying to any member of
the Commission.
Seth P. Moblet,
Press Committee.
Nebraska papers please copy.
A Letter from Mr. J. W. Smith, a former Res
ident of Colambas.
Velasco, Texas, Feb. 14, 1892.
Dear Friend and Comrade, M. K.
Turner: Temperature 64 in the shade.
The fields green, horses, mules and cat
tle enjoying the new grass. The birds,
of which there are many varieties, are
singing all around us, which makes me
feel as though it cannot be possible that
you are still in the midst of that beau
tiful snow. Well, you can have it all
and I will sit evenings on the front
porch of our hotel by the moonlight and
speculate on the coming metropolis of
the great south.
This week the contract was let for the
building ot a $40,000 hotel at Serfside.
The motor line will be ready to run by
the time I write you again. The im
provements here are just about the
same as usual The emigrants still keep
coming, and it is being overdone at
present until the Santa Fe and Rock
Island B. R's get in, and then there will
be business for all. A company from
Chicago is soon to commence some large
elevators here. An immense sugar plant
is spoken of, also the big canning plant,
and still there is room for many enter
prises that such a place as this will
Ex-Gov. Thayer and party are expect
ed here this afternoon. I shall see the
old man, sura, bat he does not need his
overcoat here.
I should like to aee mora Nebratkans
Pete. Her than he could carry and fell
into some water and inud and chilled to
death, and that is the way we started
the cemetery. Yours, ..
J. W. Skrby
The Encampment.
The Fifteenth annual encampment of
the G. A. R., department of Nebraska
has come and gone.
Last week Colambas was arrayed in
her holiday attire and entertained -no
less than a thousand visitors in a man
ner very creditable to ourselves and very
satisfactory to our guests.
As early as Tuesday night there were
several hundred of the old "vets" here,
while all day Wednesday they continued
to poor in. Upwards of three hundred
delegates and visitors of the W. R. 0.
found accommodations with private
families and one and all were loud in
their praise of the hospitable treatment
they received while in Columbus.
At 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon the
delegates marched from their headquar
ters to the opera house, to the strains of
martial music from the S. of Y. drum
corps. They were called to order by
Commander Teeter.
Mayor Ragatz made the following
address of welcome.
Sir Department Commander and Dele
gates to the Grand Army of the Republic
encampment: It is a most pleasant duty
1 am called upon to perform, to welcome
the representatives of the Grand Army of
the Republic of Nebraska to our city. In
selecting Columbus as your place of meet
ing we feel highly honored. No organiza
tion could arouse our people to a more gen
uine and hearty welcome. Our people
have a tender regard for the men, who, dur
ing the years of 1SG1 to 1S65 were engaged
in the most gigantic civil war the world has
ever witnessed, who risked their lives in
order that this country might remain for all
time, in truth as well as in name, the
United States under one flag which protects
every citizen alike. Ik. he black or white,
rich "or por. You tli.l your work Ix'tter
than you at that time realize1 1. Wean to
day, 'thanks to your efforts, the greatest
nation on earth.
A grateful people can never do enough to
compensate you even in a measure. The
life you lived, the many hardships you en
dured during those years taught you the
possibility of great achie. euicuts if under
taken and pushed with a brave determi
nation to succeed. The Grand Army of
the Republic has done a grand and noble
work, ever true to their principles, fra
ternity, loyalty, charity. 1 congratulate
you on the flourishing condition of your or
ganization in Nebraska.
We are glad you are among us. We
want 3'ou during your short stay to feel
perfectly at home, and hope when you re
turn to your homes you may carry pleasant
recollections of your encampment of lS'.y.
Sir Commander and delegates, as maj or of
the city of Columbus, 1 take great pleasure
in extending to you a hearty, sincere and
cordial welcome, and in surrendering you
and offering you the entire freedom of the
city, and turning over the keys. Yon may
consider yourselves at the head of this city
government during your stay, aim any sug
gestions you have to offer will be gladly
carried out.
With our best wishes for the success of
your order, and hoping that your encamp
ment may prove a great benefit, I will
leave you to your deliberations.
This was responded to in a happy man
ner by Commander Teeter.
The encampment was then formally
opened and the routine of business taken
An evening session was held which
was opened by an address by Judge
During the same time the W. R. C.
was in session at Oehlrich's hall, and an
evening meeting was held at the Metho
dist church.
Thursday morning the balloting for
department commander was taken up
and C. J. Dilworth of Hastings was
chosen on the fourth ballot.
Other officers wero elected as follows:
senior vice commander, A. H. Church of
North Platte; junior vice commander,
R. LaFountain of Kearney; medical di
rector, Dr. S. K. Spaiildiog of Omaha;
chaplain, W. H. H. Pilisbury of Grand
The board of administration selected
is as follows: J. H. Culver, Milford; H.
C. McArthur, Lincoln; S. D. Davis, Wil
ber; J. T. Surany, Beaver City.
Following are tho delegates elected to
attend tho national encampmant at
Washington: Johnson, Strode, Whit
man, Sawhill, O'Hawes, Congdon, Bu
chanan and Barbsby.
In the meantime the W. R. C. had
elected the following officers for the en
siling year:
Department president, Mrs. Amanda
B. Tisdell; senior vies president, Miss
Ashbrook of Geneva; junior vice presi
dent, Mrs. Clara J. McCoy of Columbus;
secretary, Sarah M. Spaids, Grand
Island; treasurer, Gertrude Horr Con
nell, Grand Island; chaplain, Mrs. Rich
ardson, Gering.
Council of administration Mrs. Mer
rill, St. Paul; Mrs. Smith, Tecumseh;
Mrs. Boldshaw, Lincoln; Mrs. Whit
marsh, Omaha; Mrs. Powell, Beatrice.
The general expression of the dele
gates was to the effect tbat they had
been well received and treated daring
their stay.
By Friday night the crowd had largely
dispersed, although very many took
their leave Saturday.
Just how much Columbus will be
benefited by the advertising that will
follow, remains to be seen, but we pre
dict that she will reap her reward.
The next annual encampment will be
held at Fremont.
The boys all enjoyed themselves im
mensely and many met old comrades
whom they had not seen for years. On
the whole they were a good looking, in
telligent set of boys old boysp of
course and The Journal hopes that
they may be spared for many more hap
py meetings like this one.
At each successive reunion or other
gathering of the old soldiers, it is pain
fully evident that the ranks are becom
ing thinner. It is a sad reflection that
in a few years more there will scarcely
be a quorum left as they are fast answer
ing the final summons and rapidly
"falling in" to the last great march to
the land beyond this vale ot tears.
They are, one and all, true patriots, and
may the flag which they so proudly
defended never suffer humiliation nor
iktagtea ui the Northwest Pa
die Coast.
tant demand of the traveling
pnblio to the far West, for a comfortable
and at the same time an economical
mode ot traveling, has led to the estab
lishment of what is known as Pullman
Colonist Sleepers.
These cars are built on the' same gen
eral plan as the regular first-class Pull
man Sleeper, the only difference being
is that they are not upholstered.
They are furnished complete with
good comfortable hair mattresses, warm
blankets, snow white linen, curtains,,
plenty of towels, combs, brushes, eta,
whioh secure to the occupant of a berth
as much privacy as is to be had in first
class sleepers. There are also separate
toilet rooms for ladies and gentlemen,
and smoking is absolutely prohibited.
For full information send for Pullman
Colonist Sleeper Leaflet. E. L. Lomax,
General Passenger and Tioket Agent,
Omaha, Neb.
. 38marl J. R. Mraoheb,
Agent Union Paoifio System.
No healthy person need fear any
dangerous consequences from an attack
of la grippe if properly treated. It is
much the same as a severe cold and re
quires precisely the same treatment.
Re:! iin .'uietly at home and take
Chaiuburiain's Cough Remedy as direct
ed for a severe cold and a prompt and
complete recovery is sure to follow.
This remedy also counteracts any ten
dency of lagrippeto result in pneumonia.
Among the many thousands who have
used it during the epidemics of the past
two years we have yet to learn of a single
case that has not recovered or that has
resulted in pneumonia. 25 and 50 cent
bottles for sale by C. E. Pollock & Co.
and Dr. Heinz, Druggists. tf ,
A Little Girl's Experience ia a Lfghthoase
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Trescott are keep
ers of the Gov. Lighthouse at Sand
Beach, Mich., and are blessed with a
daughter four years old. Last April she
was taken down with measles, followed
with a dreadful cough and taming into
a fever. Doctors at home and at Detroit
treated her, but in vain, she grew worse
rapidly, until she was a mere "handful
of bones." -Then she tried Dr. King's
New Discovery and after the use of two
and a half bottles, was completely cured.
They say Dr. King's New Discovery is
worth its weight in gold, yet you may
get a trial bottle free at C. B. StUlman's
drug store. 6
Bab j cried
If other sighed.
Doctor prescribed : Cattoria I
Many persons who have recovered
from la grippe are now troubled with a
presistent cough. Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy will promptly loosen this cough
and relieve the lungs, effecting a per
manent cure in a very short time. 25
and 50 cent bottles for sale by C. E.
Pollock & Co. and Dr. Heintz Drug
gists, tf
wiliis may seem sham
irfanritiilibv nmnUi.
vaaare nscing-spv
Males Ci
HallerVBarb V
er fails to cure
for It.
o but if they
so if they
7 about
mentwmou nev
rst out or sore.
Ne. 9s Scrape.
George Mbcket made the first start
towards: spriag work Thursday. He
eoaunenced to break stalks.
Earnest Msaya shelled his corn Wed
nesday for which he received 27c.
. Tommy, eldest son ot Thomas Lyons,
fell on the, ice while skating, knocking
three of his front teeth oat.
W. T. Rickly of the city was driving
through these parts Saturday looking
for live stock whioh has recently taken
a rise in price.
H. Grover had a valuable critter break
its leg by attempting to jump a fence.
Mr. Jones, the baker for Dave Smith,
and Will Marshall spent Saturday
squatting through the stalk fields to
bushwhack the unwarned geese; they
got hunters luck.
W. F. Marshall start for Washington
county, Kansas, Tuesday for a visit with
his daughters.
Joseph Nocks returned to Richland
last week, after a seven months' visit in
Good Rdnnkr.
We want every mother to know that
croup can be prevented. True croup
never appears without a warning. The
first symptom is hoarseness; then the
child appears to have taken a cold or a
cold may have accompanied the hoarse
ness from the start. After that a pe
culiar rough cough is developed, which
is followed by the croup. The time to
act is when the child first becomes
hoarse; a few doses of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy will prevent the attack.
Even after a rough cough has appeared
the disease may be prevented by using
this remedy aa directed. It has never
been known to fail. 25 cent, 50 cent
and $1 bottles for sale by C. E. Pollock
fe Co. and Dr. Hefntz, druggists, tf
English Spavin Liniment removes all
hard, soft or calloused lumps and blem
ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs,
Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles,
gprains, Sore and Swollen Throat,
Coughs, etc. Save 950 by use of one
bottle. Warranted the most wonderful
Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by C.
B. Stillman, druggist. 26novlyr
A father can give his young son no
better present than a year's reading to
the Scientific American. Its contents
will lead the young mind in the path of
thought, and if he treads there a while,
he'll forget frivolities and be of some ac
count, and if he has an inventive or me
chanical turn of mind, this paper will
afford him more entertainment, as well
as useful information, than he can ob
tain elsewhere. Copies of this paper
may be seen at this office and mlwrin.
tions received. Price, $3 a year, weekly.
Backlea'a Aralea Salve.
The best salve in the world for outs,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by C. B. Stillman.
What is
Castoria is Dr. Saarael Pitcher's prescripts for la"1
aa.4 OkUdrea. It comtaias neither Opium, Morphine nor
ther Narcotic substance, It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing? Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasaat. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by
Xniioas of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
leTcrisauiess. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend.
laaaexceUeatinaUclaa for chll-
Mothara have repaatadlj told me ot Its
Dm. Q. C OasooB,
Lowell, Masa.
Caatorla to the baat remedy t or chOdrea of
walchlaaacqualated. I hope the day la not,
far dfetaat when mothera will consider the real
t of their childrea, and use Castoria in-
l of the Tariooa qaack Boatruata which are
i1aHiujhc their lored oaea, by forcing opium,
morphiae, -a; ayrap aad other hurtful
dowa their throata, thereby warning
i to premature graTea."
Da. J. P. KncHSbOB,
Ooaway, Ark.
Castoria ia so well adapted to chfldraa that
I reeoaamead it aa superior to any pnacnptkm
kaowa to aae."
H. A. AacHxa,M. D.,
Ill So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. T.
" Our physicians ia the children's depart
ment hare apokea highly of their experi
ence in their outside practice with Castoria.
and although we only bare among our
medical suppUea what ia known aa regular
products, yet we are free to coafeea that the
merits ot Castoria baa won ua to look with
favor upon it."
Uitrran HoarreAi. axd DiamaaaT,
Boston. :
Alum C Surra, Pre.,
Street, JUw Terk City.
FOR 1892.
Up to not
witii ueatn, I
soiencbas due
vent evenv
For sale by Wm. Kearville. 7-12nangy
Death aad Its Straggle.
whosOsentered into a fight
ought aMoeincr bent now
overed Vway to cihmm-
death-Haller'K Sarsaparula
and Bnrdockgrapples with a disordered
system and carefallyvJtiiilda and reor
ganizes. Try iK. Fd(rJ sale by Wm.
Kearville. 7-12augy
y -
Children Cry for
Pltoher's Castoria.
ssssssssT avssssH
The Aggressive Republican Journal
of the Metropolis
Founded December let, 1887.
Circulation ovir 100,000 Cepiis
Epileptic Fits, FalliBg Slekmem, Hys
terics, St, Titos Dance, Nerreaa
tie&s, Hynochesdria, Melaa
cholia,Inebrity, Sleepless
neas, Dizziness, Brain
sad Spinal Weak
This inodlolne has direct action npon the
wrve centers, allaying all IrritahOltlea and
oereasing the flow and power of nerve fluid
t la perfectly hanaleea and lanes no an
flea sent effeota.
The Pmzsa is the organ of no faction; polls no
wires; has no animosities to avenge.
The most remarkable Newspaper Sue
cess in Neto York.
Tax Paras is a National Newspaper. Cheap
news, vulgar sensations and trash find no place
in the columns of Thx Pkbbs.
Tax Fbxbs has the brightest Editorial page in
New York. It sparkles with points.
Thx Pbxss Sunday Edition is a splendid
twenty page paper, covering every current topic
of interest.
Thx Pkxss Wxxkxt Edition contains all the
good things of the Daily and Bandar editions.
For those who cannot afford the iDatlt or are
prevented by distance from early receiving it,
Thx Wkkkxt is a splendid substitute.
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
Lamps, Glassware,
Queensware, Etc.,
As Can be Found in This Section of Nebraska.
iy The very highest market price paid in trade for country prodnce.
the present, in the Gluck block, corner of Eleventh and North Streets,
Jlatf 7. 'flUtf
Tie Host Popular Familj Newspaper in tbe West
Tux Press has no superior in New York.
TaT Ma
easBaaaatfteato inrirtili
and noor natfantB can Ian n hit In
this medicine) free of charge.
Tula nmedrlusbeenprepired bribe Bever
endPsjtorKoenis.ofTort Wayne. Inil. since 181.
aad la now prepared uader his dlreotloB by the
Sold by Drasxlabj at 91 per Bottle. 6 lea
& Kiuze8lae.Sl.7S. BotUeeferSw.
'XUJJL: gT?.TK5,5.
IFifAiti the reach of all. The best and cheapest
Newspaper published in America.
Daily and Sunday, one Year $'5 00
bu zau
Daily only, one Year 3 00
" - four months 100
SP'J?? Year-;; 2 00
Weekly Press, ono Year 1 00
Send for Tax Pbxss Circular.
Samples free.. Agents wanted everywhere.
Liberal commissions.
Pottxb Buildiso, 38 Park Row.
"ebSt JCewTerk.
below the surface while digging a welL
The girl's industrial school at Genera 1 1. j . . .
;Dii i . , ,.". here; a Rood ahow for everybody but
is well along towards completion, and is I v .
MM to v .iM JLL,rJ . carrnters-hewar. too many of them
..u..iU.j uwBcu tu. iui t "Th-a.j, arm fl-j, tshmnnmm nm
small and great inTeetaMnu in etty and
county property, yet tbe prices seem
high, but nothing compared to Omaha
and Chicago. The hoalthfnlnesa of tbe
climate here seems to be very excellent,
two deaths only recorded one man fell
in a bnilding and died from injuries re-
Wm. McLaughlin, who broke the first
sod in Sarpy county, still resides npon
his original claim, land taken in 1854, in
La Platte precinct.
A nrnminprif. nliTBiman mil ...
rVH..HwHH f..w.wu 1U & pilflCB
sional gambler of South Sioux City, in-1
dulged ma shooting match bnt fortu-J oeived; another, a Mssioan, got more of
The First Step.
Perhaps yon are run down, can't eat,
cant sleep, can't think, oan't do any
thing to your satisfaction, and yon won
der what ails you. You should heed the
warning, you are taking the first step
into nervous prostration. You need a
nerve tonic and in Electric Bitters you
will find the exact remedy for restoring
your nervous system to its normal,
healthy condition. Surprising results
follow the use of this great nerve tonic
and alterative. Your appetite returns,
good digestion is restored, and the liver
and kidneys resume healthy action.
Try a bottle, price 50 ceats at C. B.
Stmnian'i drug store. 6
Tne Bee Bureau of Claims,
Associated with
The Saa Francisco Examiner,
For the States of- Nebraska. Iowa, Kansas, and
South Dakota for the Collection of all
legitimate claims before the various
Departraenta of the
tmp?tata?Tae?lwISB,1 ,WOP3 r8ader3 POrfeCtly e
Its UTERAHT FEATURES are equal to taoe ot tho best maoazlnoa
Amona its contributors are W. D. HO 5rt.t.5t frank HBTOCTmR Mki
yard xmamp. bhirley dare, mart hahiwell catherWooo
and tne beat.
The Youth's Department, Curiosity Shop, Woman's Kingdom The Home
Are Better than a ICaaaatne for the Family.
One of tne Moat Important Features is tie Department ot
Edited by EX-aOV.W.TJ. HOARD of Wisconsin. Editor and Pronrlotor ot
&gSSSAtSSSSrB1)on questions now
Is One Dollar per Year, postage paid.
la published every Monday aad Thursday at $2.00 per year, postpaid
Liberal Terms to Active Aaents. Sand for Sample Copy.
Address THE INTER OCEAN, Cbacacro-
relieve sU the trraaMaa
Cent to a bOkrae state or tne sjhsui.sim
WBsess. ffaaasa. ajtotvsibsssu ajwctssb
alms. Pain lm tbe Shle, to. While thai
Bataaehe, jet Osrler'a JUttla liver MM tm
Under tbe auspices of The Bee Publishing Co..
Omaha, Nebraska, and the San
Francisco Examiner.
Offices: Omaha. San Francisco. Waahingtoe.
ED WaRD P. BOOOXN. Kasaqxb.
Boosa 600, Be Building-, Omaha, Neb.
rasalatethabowaia. Seaatfttsf i
Alfcfcaa fVafl WHuflA tM aOsBBBBBBtavfrVleBBM uVl 4
autefromthtodJsbaaBUf complaint; busferan.
oesos try taaaawfll and thsse little atUs vats,
able la so assay wava that ther will not be wfl.
there fa noC
very easy to take. Oneertwepffla
3mer araatrJcUy Tagetshtoaaido
Dane, hut by 1
Buethssa. Xnvlalsat
a 4
n. Mi
at oaatai aval
r seat ay i
Will practice ia the Supreme Court of the
United States, the Court of Claims, the several
Courts of the District of Columbia, before Com.
mitteea of Congress, aad tbe Executive Depart.
Indian Depredation Claims. We obtaia Pen
sions aad Pateute All classes of Laud Claims.
Mining. Pre-emptiom aad Homestead Cases.
Prosecuted before the General Land OSce. De-
partment of the Interior, aad the Supreme
m PENSIONa-Tbouaaada yet entitled. Write
for information.
HEIB8.-Wldowa, Minor Childrea. Dependent
Mothers, Fathers, and Minor Dependent
Brothers aad Btatara entitled. e
INCREASE. Pension Um in mwbum
liberal than formerly, and many areeatitledto
better rates. Apply at once for List of Ques
tiona to determine right to higher rates.
Claimaato to eecttretheesrvices of this Bureau
most become, aa a conditio precedent, a new
subscriber to The Weakly Bee. Those who are
now aubeenbera can become members of the
careaupyssafinig ma aew subeenaer. This
to a membership. u
Wa have the aaaaaa of over two hundred asoue
ni bt snlitisri sal sailors rseiiltsg la Wshrsska.
Iowa, laasaa and South Dakota. '
Xu Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Panl
J By tevdbe only line running solid veet-
ibuledelectrio lighted and steam heated
trains (between the Missouri river and
Chicago, consisting of new palace sleep
ing cars, elegant free reclining chair
cars, luxurious coaches and the finest
dining cars in the world. The berth
reading lamp in its palace sleeping cars
is patented and cannot b used by any
other railway company. It is the great
improvement of the age. Try it and be
convinced. Close connection in union
depot at Omaha with all trains to and
from the west For further particulars
apply to your ticket agent, or
F. A. Nash, Gen'l Agt.
W. S. Howell,
Traveling Fr't. and Pass. Art..
2Qjantf 1501 Farnam St, Omaha, Neb
L. C. VOSS, M. D.,
Homoeopathic Physician
umoe over poet office. Specialist in chronic
diseaww. Carefal attention ,; V17iT
wiiMxt in urns mm.
Twelfth Street, Opposite U. P. De-poL
tnov-tf '
If you are troubled with rheuma
tism or a lame back, bind on over the
aeat of pain a piece of flannel dampened
with Chamberlain's Pain Balm. You
will be surprised at the prompt relief it
affords. 50 cent bottles for sale by C.
. Pollock & Co. and Dr. Heintz, drug
gists, tf
Correspoadeaoe Solicited. Information Free
fee, only U the
Parties interested are hereby advised to send
ma proposala at once for the purchase of
N. W. X. 8EC. 4. T. 19 N., of B. S WEST.
aa I have a customer who desires to close con
tract Immediately. For particulars address, er
sail oa am at Columbus, Hebr.
MS!, tonal Parlor.
The Finest in The City.
BaThe only shop on the Sooth Side. Colam
bas. Nebraska. 2SOct-y
E. T. ALLEN. M. D.,
Eye -and - Ear - Surgeon,
Secretary Nebraska State Board
of Health, .
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