Cfllttmte Iflttrnm. m - - r COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, M$RAliY &, 1882. WHOLE NUMBER 1137. YOLUME XXII.-NUMBER 45. T t o : - - :- -. Z - I 1. 1'- r :, " " it- N msr I ::. f : -Ki- -I -" " . - r.v- K " v ' r-V. V i- ?.;t-- Ki. TBS OED RELIABLE Columbus State Bank (Oldest Buk to the BUtaj . P?is Interest onTine ' Mats' Loan ii Real Eslaic ISSUES EIGHT DRAFTS ON Oamaka, Ckioac. Hew Trk Ferelga Caaatriea, stall BELLS STEAMSHIP TICKET BUYS GOOD NOTES n 1 Help Ia Cnstooi n when they Meed Help, OFTICEaS AXDDIBECTOlSs LE VNDF.It GERRABT). rresld nt. It. U. HENKY. Vfce-lreeident, JOHN STAUFrER, 'ashler. JI. BRUQGER O. W. BULST. COMMERCIAL BANK, OP COLUMBUS, NEB. HAS AN AolliorM Capital of $500,000 Pdiii ii Capita 90,000 OFFICERS : O. IL HTIELDON. rrea't. n. i. h. oehijuch, vice-Prca't. C. A. NEW 4 AN. Caah'er. DANIEL BCORAM. Aas't Caah. STOCKHOLDERS: C. U Sheldon, J. P. Becker, Herman P. ILOehHicb, Crrl Dlenke, Jon u Wei -h. W. A Mo Ullator. J. Honry Wurdoman. II. M. WimIot, George W Galley, S. C. Grey, Fiank Roror. A roc Id F. H. Oelilrlo , Henry Losoke, Gerhard Losike. d7Bank of deposit ; Interest allowed on tlmo Deposits; bur end nil exchange n UniteJ Rtatee and Knrsno, aud )ny nod aeil available e?ouiitIon. We shall lie i lei sod to r celre roar euilneir We SJllcit your patronage. I8dec37 SAX ! 2 tefJaa Ct3 Baa? PUMPS filPAIBED ON BHOBT KOTIG1. Ollvt ft, Marly aapttltt Fait-taUt. tfraafar Judicious Advertising Create tvany a new business, Enlarges many an old business, Revives many a dull business, Rescues many a lost business, Saves many a failing business, Preserves many a large business, Secures success in any business. fe ays a maa ct bnriaie, and we add that MUc adrerUaing, tor tbia eectloa of coaatry. THE JOURNAL ifloaeot theBMd!aa9a.becaMeIt iaieadkyttte Met seople, thoee who know wltat they want aa? pay for what taey get. We rhaIee eoKpariaoa with any coaatry paper in tba world im this n epect twenty yrare pabliahiac by the saaae BBanajrament. and nrrrr one dnn to anbecribm pabliabed in Tax Jocssau Thia, brtter thax asytbinc elae. ahowa the claae ol people who read Tax Jouikax, erery week. it WifOIMT oc S3 if ar Aotats Waatt4I r CracvLUN Fata, UN Bmratafe Safttr BtU etran a way le tetewjiet taeav aiaTai baity ant. tntlM. arUffUJa PATENTS ri ubiaelTiTl - aadaUFM. TlrUH. ' ?pl 5.--J. Lrjif arf .inui idb oniiz in onuura u. n. rjaiju rjurr W kt?e ao ena-atciie. au y .aiaiuaa iWSrurss ph4wiiaaWip- fcMe c? ar. i!a.o; II reMfit U"1 PtieaXa.'1 wiU rwec- IWIJ BBveaveaKKKe.'dY LIM eliaaaT tal ' yaas aw. JrXWK8 THE PASSING SHOW POMP AND CIRCUMSTANCE OF THE DAY. HE SLEW HIS BETRAYER AN AMERICAN HUSBAND'S RE VENGE. Baaker Deacon Find m PTomlaeat Frenchmam la . HIa Wire's Koom at Canaea aad I'uta Three Ballets la Him The Coapte Well Kuowa. A Tragedy at Caaaes. A Paris special says: The American colony has beon startled br a terrible tragedy which occurred at Cannes. Ed ward Parker Deacon, a citizen of the United States and a member of an Im portant banking firm in that "city, re turned unexpectedly to the Ilotel Spleo dide at Cannes, where he has been stop ping during the winter with his wife. After exchanging a few words with the porter on duty, Mr. Deacon ran upstairs to his wife's bedroom, burst in the door and found her there in company with M. Emilo Aboille, a Frenchman who was a friend of his. After exchanging a few hot words with M. Abcillo, Mr. Deacon pulled a pistol and shot tho Frenchman, who fell to the floor mor tally wounded. Deacon was arrcsteJ. Mrs. Deacon is still at the hotel with her four young children. AN AUTHOR'S HARD LUCK. He TOUI FiRlit Duels With Three Men He Offended. A Paris special says: M. Drumont, author of tho work, "Lo Secret dc Feurmis," has become involved in diffi culties through certain passagos in the book which offended various persons. He has already received and accepted three challenges to fight duels from men who deem themselves insulted in the book, and he went out to meet M. Isaacs, sub-Prefect of Avenues, Department of the North, who was the tirst challenger. Tho weapons were pistols. Isaacs was wounded in the abdomen and Drumont struck in the chest. A Genuine Strike. An Ouray, Colo., special says: The Cutler Creek gold strike appears to bo genuine. Men wore climbing over the hills and staking claims all night. Every available horse in town was chartered for the new camp. More than one hundred claims have been staked in the last twenty-four hours. The country is under snow, and It is specu lation what the result will be. Many of the boulder.:, when broken open, are flecked with virgin gold, and some of them run by asay nearly one hundred ounces to the ton. It is five miles north of Ouray, and seven or eight miles by wagon road and trail. He Was a Woman. A Chatanooga, Tenn.. special says: Henry Armstrong, aged GO, an old set tler who died a few days ao, proved to bo a woman. According to an old diary found among her possessions her namo was Myra Lawrence. Just beforo the war she was deserted by her lover, who afterwards entered tho confederate army. Then shn donned male attire and enlisted in the same regiment to be near him. He finally died in her arms from a bullet wound. Retaining her masculine attire, Myra Lawrence then began a new life as a man, and kept her secret until the end. A Gambler's Luck. It Is now ascertained that the man who cut off his tongue at Los Gatos, Cal., last November, is Georgo Wilson, a professional gambler, although he dresses as a priest. His family is wealthy and lives in New York. His father has just died and left an estate of $150,000. The estate cannot be set tled until this man is found. One Trust Commence; War on Another. A Chicago special says: The whisky trust is backing a syndicate which will endeavor to sccuro control of all tho breweries in Chicago not belonging to the English syndicate, with the inten tion of forming a combination to com pete with its rival, tho now syndicate. It is said to have a capital of $5,000,000. IN THE EAST. A dispatch from Hamburg announces tho death of Mr. Carr. the founder of the New York Union Steamboat Line, aged 01 years. At Goshen; Ind., Jo;ie Kane filed suit against Sylvester W. Shumard for 810, 000 damages on the ground that the de fendant unlawfully sold liquor to her husband, thereby alienating his affec tions. The convention of lumbermen called to meet at the national capital Feb. 23, has been postponed till March 1. The purpose of tho convention is to protest against the proposition to put lumber on the free list. The cause of the post ponement is the probable absence of many Congressmen from Washington Feb. 23, owing to the World's Fair" ex cursion. A Cincinnati, O., special says: Mere dith Stanley, tho bridge jumper, made what in all probability will prove a fatal leap from the Cincinnati and Covington bridge, a distance of over 100 feet, into the Ohio River. As Stanley -jumped he saw a piece of wood floating In the water and turned his body in the descent to avoid striking it. In consequence he fell on his side. A New ror.K special says: W. Trav ers Jerome, counsel for CarlyleW. Har ris, under sentence of death for poison ing his wife, received a letter from Chi cago sent him by the young man who says that Harris' wife was in the habit of taking morphine. In his letter he encloses some powder wtrch he says is part of that used by Mrs. Harris of As-. bury Park, N. J. The real name of the writer of the letter it now appears is Carl Hanraan. though in Chicago he is known as Carl Petersen, and when he first wrote her hes'gncd his name Peter sen. Mr. Jerome will have the powder analyzed. A New York special says: Tho dif ferent trans-Atlantic steamship compa nies are greatly exercised over the tvnhus fo.vnr nnthrnak And pstinriallr oyer the action of tho health officer of tne port in quarantining such a large number of immigrants, as the compa nies arc obliged to support the Immi grants while in quarantine, so that the profits made in carrying thom here are wiped out. There aro now due a large number of Russian immigrants. The agent of the North German Lloyd Steam ship Company cabled instructions to the other side to refuse any more Russian immigrants 'The passengers on the north-bound passenger train on the EvanviIIe & Indianapolis Railroad had a thrilling experience recently. As the train was approaching Saline City, lnd., a freight was trying to back upon the switch so as. to permit the passenger to pass. The brakeman on the freight lest his head and threw the freicht on the track with the approaching pa-.scngcr. 'dhc engi neer saw that a collision was imminent, Ihd ho reversed the eflffino and he afid the fireman" .both iufflped. The BaSseH gtiratid freight baroljr' ttlchb cacti Other, whdn the fofaier jslbwly began to back up: The speed. ticreased and ii it passed the engineer and fireman l was going so fast that neither could get into the cab. Soon it was backing down tho road at the rate of fifty miles an hour. The passengers became panic stricken and men and women -screamed and wrung their hands in the agony of despair. The conductor tried to quiet the affrighted passengers. He started to the engine, climbing through the baggage car and over the tender. .He finally gained the cab and brought the train to a halt Several of the lady passengers fainted. Between fifteen and twenty wolves have made their appearance in West Seneca, a suburb of Buffalo, and women and children are afraid to go out of doors. They appear in the village at night and escape to the woods about a mile away. Several old hunters claim to have seen them and are following the trail well armed. The story seems incredible, yet it would be very easy for the hungry hoi do to have crossed the ice from the .wilds of Canada, as the lake is frozen over and it -is only ten miles across the point. Children are kept from school and the men have their muskets cleaned and loaded. A party of fifty or sixty men will start out on a hunt for the wolves. IN THE WE3T. A San Francisco special says: The State Department will bo astonished when it gets the formal claim of the sailors on the Baltimore, who were wounded by the Valparaiso mob. Law yer F. Allcyne Orr has the cases of twenty-four men who were all wounded in Valparaiso streets. They are com mon sailors or coal-heavers, but they want big money for their rough hand ling by the Chilians. Their combined claims foot up $1,305,000. The largest sums are demanded by John Hamilton, sailor, and Jeremiah Anderson, coal heaver. They apply for $150,000 apiece. Hamilton has three bad wounds and de clares that there is still a piece of Chil ian dagger in the wound that refuses to heal. Anderson Is disabled by several wounds, the most serious being in tho lung. Other claims vary from $100,000 to $30,000. The American bark Colorado left San Francisco for Paget Sound and thence to South America. Instead of taking a crew from the Coast Seamen's Union for Puget Sound, then shipping a deep water crew on the sound, the captain signed a crew for the round trip. This was opposed by the Seamen's Union, and this morning when two sailors were being taken aboard tho vessel an attack was made on them and John Curtin, a boarding house man. The three men were beaten unmercifully and in a few minutes a hundred men were fighting on the wharf. Deputy United States Shipping Commissioner Therwald was roughly handled, and by the timo of the arrival of the police a number of the crowd showed cuts aud bruises. A Wichita, Kan., special says: A stockman named Pratt and his little daughter were killed and their bodies terribly mangled by wild dogs. These dogs come in from Colorado at this timo of year, but their depredations have been confined generally to ttock. Pratt evidently m ade a desperate fight, as the road along which he was chased was marked by the carcasses of dogs. He and his daughter left Leonard for home just at nightfall and got within a mile safely before succumbing. There the wagon they were in overturned and they were evidently killed just where they fell. A 8EX8Ation was created at Adrian, Mich., at the union service when Rev. Dr. W. K. Spencer, Presbyterian pas tor, announced that on tho pievious evening he had made tho rounds of the principal saloons and. gambling places of the city, disguised, and at each had found members of his congregation. Thcso the clergyman proceeded to scoro right and left. Many transgressors caught their breath expecting to be named, and blessed their stars when they escaped. The contribution after tho services was remarkably large. A Chicago special says The consti tutionality of thoMcKinlcy administra tive act is to be attacked. The first movo was made in the United States Circuit Court by filing a motion to dis miss tho appeal of Colloctor Clark from the decision of tho Board of General Appraisers, assessing certain dress goods belonging to Locke, Huleatt &. Co. The motion is on tho ground that the administrative act is void, and a number of technical points are raised in support of It A Kalamazoo, Mich., special says: Harry Bernard and Edward Holdshfp. aged 19 and 17 respectively, and belong ing to good families, are under arrest for robbery and jail' breaking. The robbery occurred three years ago in Elyria, Ohio, and after escaping into Indiana they were arrested and re turned to Elyria. The same night they broke jail with eight others. They re turned to Kalamazoo six weeks ago, but the story of their escapade fol lowed them. The Elyria officers took them back. The rush to take up sapphire ground along the Missouri River near Helena, Mont, still continues. Every day loca tion notices are reccived'at the office of the County Clerk. Just what state the titles to thfsc various claims arc in would be hard to.tell. Some are located two or three times. Not only is the ground on both sides of the river taken up, bntjocations are made in the river bed and channel, so not a spot may be overlooked in tho region of country cov ering the sapphire fields. A tPECiAi. from Abjl'ne, Kan., says: A horriblr find was 'made in Marion County south of here, by a little girl going to the cabin of Henry Mulier. the found tho man's wife and mother dead and Mullcr unconscious, lying on the (toon. Mulier died in a few minutes after being found. Asphyxiation from coal gas is thought to be the cause, but foul play is also suspected. Mrs'. Mart Bradley of Everest, 'Ivan., was convicted of muider in tho first degree after a trial lasting several days.. An imbecile niece came to live with the Bradleys, the son Charles be trayed her, the "girl was driven away, and Charles married Miss Julia Garvey. Later the girl came back with her child and Mrs. Bradley poisoned' and bur ied it . Gkeenwoop, Bohm & Co., at Helena, Mont, clothiers and dealers in liquors and tobacco, assigned. The 1'abilities aro estimated at $2".0.OOO; assets un known, but will probably reach $200, C03. The house has an office in New York. It has been in business in Mon tana for twenty years: Toor collections are given as the cause of the failure. The first world's convention of dele gates from the bichloride of gold clubs, composed of pcisons who have, been cured of tho liquor, opium, and tobacco hab'ts at the Kceley Sauitarium. has assembled at Dwight, Hi. - A Lak:: Crystal, Minn., special says: Christ Toistad, a prominent yoanj farmer, was killed during a row at a country dance. THE SOUTHERN SUMMARY. A special frofij darksbiifg,- W: Vfc saySi A ro'poft lias jusl reached" Bef8 from si: Geoff 6" iha'ji two m5n jfrfpet sonating officers captured two wealthy, citizens whom they meant to hold for heavy ransoms, but they, were foiled by the escape of one victim while L they were out after the other. The first iHtOi captured was Thomas Varney, whom they charged with setting fire to a mi at Rowlesburg. They bound him with a heavy rope and took him to a shanty about four niilos in the mountains, where they tied him to the floor. They then returned to tho village and goinrf to the house of Dr. Harper, knowing, it is supposed, that ho was sick, pretended to arrest him for the same critrie Harper's weak condition obliged therd to go very slowly, and this gave Varney time to loose hU bonds and escape. When his abductors arrived at tho shanty and found Varney gone, they were afraid he would alarm the author' ities, and hastily fled, leaving Harper st'll bound, miles away from his home, lie finally released himself and found his way back to town. t A Dallas, Tex., special says: The public Is greatly excited over the reVG1 lations of the doings of Col. J. B. Simp sou, who for years has been a promi nent citizen. It has been learned that his real cstato deals were on a mam moth scale and that the people who purchased from him are beginning to find that he had placed other mortgages on the property. He was President of tho Fourth National Bank of Dallas and it Is said that be tried to mortgago that concern, but was prevented by the directors. Among the losors is tho Weir Plow Company, Monniuuth, 111. Thoy sold him a stock of carriages on time without security. He disposed of them for about $20,000. Attachments are piling up in the County Clerk's of fice by the dozen. Among tho heaviest are the Edinburg-American Land and Manufacturing Company, $51,000; and tho Scottish-American Land and Manu facturing Company, $50,000. It is un derstood that he is on the ocean bound for Europe with between twenty and, forty thousand dollars in cash. A special from El Paso, Texas, says:. Francisco Mariano arrived thero from' .Anthony, N. M., with a herd of stock' and reports that at the ruins of tho! powder mills, eight miles above El Paso on tho Rio Grande, he saw two Ameri-' cans lying dead insido ono of the doors,' one naked and the other having a suit of underclothing. Residents along the rivor rcpoit soeing two Americans go- Ing toward tho ruins. The powder! mill before its destruction belonged to; a well organized gang of train robbers under the leadership of Doc Smart It is believed the dead men were members! of the gang who returned to tho old scenes and were murdered and robbed.) The fact that the bodies wcro stripped, supports the theory that tho men were killed by Indians. A disi'Atch from New Orleans says The true secret of the withdrawal ol the Louisiana State Lottery from the fierce political struggle which has been, raging for many mouths is because tho lottery is to. go to Mexico. Arrange ments to that end have about been com pleted with President Diaz, and Fort ress Chapultepec will be the location of the Louisisna lottery after 1893. Wheat in Tennessee was considera bly injured by the late freeze by being "spewed up" by tho roots out of tho ground. Whole fields are entirely de stroyed. FOREIGN JOTTINGS. A London special says: The loss to shipping during the recent storm has been very heavy. The extent of it is not known, as the reports from the coasts, owing to the prostration of tho wires, are very meager. Tho British bark Cavour, It is believed, has been lost otl Roundstono, on the western Iri.-h coast. Fragments of the wreck have come ashore marked "Cavour, Green ock." A box of books marked "S. F. U. Y." has been picked up. A large vessel, timber laden, has drifted ashore, bottom up, near the same point, and fishermen just come in report that they saw the body of a woman Jn the water. A Madrid special says: The number of anarchists arrested at Cadiz is 192, all of whom will bo tried by court mar tial early next month. There will be no executions. A dozen principals will, be sentenced to Iifo imprisonment, fifty others to various terms of imprisonment' and the remainder discharged. A forco, of gendarmes sent in pursuit of a ma rauding band led by two brothers, which' has caused much trouble in the out-, skirts of the city, overtook it, attacked and dispersed it, capturing a number of prisoners. The latest advices from the Soudan aro to the effect that the Khalifa was compelled by the growing discontent' among his followers to take an aggress ive step, and that his movement toward tho Egyptian frontier is at the instance of the warlike and quarrelsome Ba-: garas, whom ho is unable to restrain No doubt is felt of the ability of the' Khedive's forces to repulse any attempt at invasion. A St. Petersburg special says: The' Aoroe Vracya asserts that the wood from the State forests which was placed at the disposal of the famine sufferers l.y order of the Czar does not go to the poor, but to the profit of the rich peas ants, who take the logs to build houses, while their unfortunate brethren are perishing with cold because they do not possess horses to transport fuel. The identity of the ship seen burning Jan. 10, about 1,200 miles southwest of Cape Clear, Ireland, has been estab lished. She was the Nova Scotiau Clip per Loodiana, which left New York with a large cargo of refined petroleum Dec. 2. She carried a crew of thirty eight men. none of whom have been heard of since. It is thought alL were drowned. Six men employed in an amber mine near Balmuecken, East Prussia, on the shore of tho Baltic Sea, were drowned by water which flowed into the mine from the sea. THE MARKETS. CHICAGO. Cati l,5 Common to prime. $ 3.10 4.10 0 4.25 4.7J G 5.00 .11 .42 . -"8 .C8 . .25 O .IS Hogs Shipping gruaes. . S U 1 t" 4.70 Wheat Cash. Coax Cash .". .. vAls XaXE - a5A-RLEX . sv iAft . Butter Western dairy.... Eccs Western .18 IT SIOUX CITY. Cattle Kat steers S 3.53 Cattle Feeders. 2 75 X3 Uu3 - "3 r OuLLt . .. a)a I O V lllAT .. m OATS(newj vOlW . .a9 lAa . . OMAHA LIVE STOCK. Cattle Common to prime. S 3.00 Hogs Shippers 4.55 XEW YOKK I'KOrJCCE. K-K AT. ., .t9 1, 03 vUKa, wv 4a Oiia Western.,.. ........ .S 4.50 3.25 2 4.t5 5.(0 ..75 .23 6 .23 .62 S.4) Q. 4.G0 e i.'o Q ,37tf GREAT DAY AT LINCOLN1 BOYD'9 RETURN TO OFFICE CELEBRATED. laonsan'ds Cheer & GgsgHWr ttil ill Way-Given a Jfoa-rnrtlsan IVoietfneVj; Curernora Boles and Peck Unable to Attend-All Nebraska There. All Nebraska Let Loosrt. It was the first time in the history of Nebraska's statehood that the bourbon hosts from the broad prairies of tho State could asicmble tlndor the shadow or the c&pitol's dome and cheer lustily for a Democratic GttYcrnof who 'was" sure to retain his scat. The day was everything ttiat co'u'ld have been desired; barring an unpleas ant tendency tif tho mercury to scok seclusion in the basement Story ot the thermometer. Tho sun shone brignil; however, and overcoats, muQlcrs, and enthusiasm kept tho visitors warm. It had bcott cSpeCted that the Govern ors from Wisconsin, Ioft'd, KHd Missouri would lend their presence to the cele bration. It was learned, however, that Gov. Boles would not be here, and a telegram from Gov. Peck announced that he also would be Mnabta to come. The first delegation to arrive was tlq Democratic Club from York, headed by tho K. C. & O. land of twenty pieces. Foilowing a few moments later came the Johnon County delegation with two bands. The Cadet Band of tho State University also made It S appear--ancc on the streets aud acted as escort band for incoming delegations that now began to arrive on trains but a few mo ments apart. Nebraska City came with several hundred men in line. Otoe County's representatives cheered and were cheered heartily as they marched to their quarters preceded by a military band. At 11 o'clock the first division of tho Omaha delegation arrived. Line was promptly formed and the march to the Lincoln Hotel was taken up. The Sec ond Infantry band from Omaha led tho way, followed by tho Omaha Guards. Then camo tho Snmosct Club, with Humphrey J. Moynihan, John A. Creighton and Buffalo Bill, guests of the club, in the lead. Tho last was tho lion of the spectacular display, and tho hundreds who lined tho sidewalks fell over each other in their frantic efforts to keep alongside of the hero of a hun dred sanguinaiy contests on tho saw dust arena of every capital of the civil ized world. Then came the members of the Jacksonian Democratic Club. The entire Omaha delegation crowded into the Ilotel Lincoln, where the ranks wcro broken and everybody prepared to re fresh themselves bofore the celebration of the afternoon commenced. The decorations along the lino of march were not profuse enough to con fuse the eye, but what little was dis played was tasteful. Most of tho busi ness houses, irrespective of the political afliliatious of their proprietors, dis played the American flag, while the na tional colors floated from the hotels and public buildings. Postmaster Gere's Republican senti ments were engulfed by tho wave of Democratic enthusiasm, and when the brawny Samosets and brave Jacksoni ans arrived from Omaha the national colors mounted proudly to the stairhead and waved a defiant non-partisan wel come to the assembled hosts. The green flag of Erin also added its color to the decorations and indicated the presence of many patriots who de sired to distinctively honor the land that gave birth to Gov. Boyd. Gov. I'oyd did not make his appear ance to the crowd during tho forenoon.. The parade began to form soon after l o'clock under the direction of Will Love, marshal of the day, and his aides, T. L. Hall, C. W. Weckback, F. E. Thomas. C. I. Neal and C. L. Eaton, all of whom worked energetically to bring order out of tho confusion which for a time reigned supreme. Before the sig nal gun sounded the various organiza tions were massed on the west north, ami cast sides of the government square, all eagorlv waiting for tho appearance of the first Democratic Governor electod since Nebraska joined tho sisterhood of States. The work of forming the line con sumed more of the time than had been anticipated, and it was not until shortly after 2 o'clock that Gov. Boyd made his appearance on the balcony of the Hotel Lincoln and was greeted by deafening lurzas from tho serrieJ ranks. Gov. Boyd was accompanied by Mrs. Boyd, Mrs. Blerbower, Miss BoyJ, Miss Mar caret Boyd. Dr. George L. Miller, Judge Wakeley, Charles Ogden, C. S. Mont gomery,, Euclid' Martin, and Julius Meyer. Tho appearance of the distin guished guests was the signal for an Diitburst. and when the Governor lifted hat and bowed to the crowds, the breaking waves of enthusiasm daShcd higher and higher until the air was rent with resounding cheers. The parade was one of the most Im posing demonstrations ever witnessed in Nebraska. In point of numbors per haps, it has been exceeded, but taking the class of men represented, their ro sition, profess'ons, and standing in their respective localities into consideration, the affair has never been e iialcd. Nearly every organization in line car ried a banner or transparency upon which its members expressed their own part'cular sentiments in their own pe culiar way. Arriving at the capitol grounds the procession divided, one division passing around to the west and the other enter ing at the east. In a short timo the crowds were massed at tho south front of tho capitol impatiently awaiting the 'appearance of the Governor on the bal cony above, which had been appropri ately draped with tho. national colors. After several bands bad assaulted the air with melody of various degrees of excellence, Adjt-Gen. Vifqua'n lifted his hand for silence. He then said: "Fellow Citizens: Gov. Boyd will ad dress you in a moment. When he makes his appearance' I want you to welcome him with a chcci.' The admonition was followed strictly to tho letter and when the governor appeared, leaning on the arm of Dr. George L. Miller, he was greeted by a long drawn out cheer which did not cease for over two minutes. Mounting the broad stone parapet Gov. Boyd Spoke as follows: Yellow Cittzens-It affords me greU pleasure tofcepenn'tted to make a personal acknowl edgment to so large a number of my gratitude to the people of Nebraska who have stood by rne so loyally in securing to me the restoration o my richts as a citizen aud to the people their choice aa an executive rights and privileges of which I was temporarily -deprived by the majorltv or a partisan Supreme Court and be lieve me. I am deeply grateful to all partici pating in this magnificent demonstration. I am Governor of Nebraska, put there by tho hovercign will of the people, expressed by them through the ballot box. and viillcated by the highest tribunal in our glorons Republic. The period of service remaining to me as executive Is"limit?d. but I hope in the few months re maining to be still able to do something to vin dicate the expression of your will. There are still grave questions of public moment to be dealt with, and I promise you here to exercise every honorable effort in your behalf in meet ing them.' 1 must confess, too, to a personal gratifica tion to myself in the restoration to me of those rights which I esteem above office -lhe power and privileges of an American citizen, lhave never been a citizen of any other nation than the-Unltcd State?. I want no prouder distinc tion thin to be laiown as a citizen of the fore most Republic in the worid. I have been sub jected to the eyitfcet 'alien." hurled at me in partisan madne33 by political opponents, but I have never deserved it. During all the years or r ly manhood, from Ihs pioneer days when I vr;th others began to li.'t Nebraska from- a sparsely settled tenltory to the splendid 4r'.evemeator its pit sent Statehood, i have ever had la mind the d&lpcbnTlctifotfeof tne resDonsibiliUes of citizenship. I rMve ever tried discharge the duties and requirements of ttraf citizenship to the honor and credit of e3cay ana imtadntted myself. I believe, to my own satlslanWafld yours. " The suspense Of llfew,mBtb during which an attempt was madettf.SfWa Soof doubt upon my right Jo exerclS .con pf that citizenship aasleu jnore sew apon ine (ban w of you can rafljra;:;;1011' awi wtfetfarslOTWe was lined ttaAiCS hV ttf gratification waFbjjrWHl e than when the election retunlif WtertlM 7ur choice to the highest office wltttltf yJKi fcplleve that the incidents attendant tipoW MrM uftoe.toHJtefl controversy and its final resuit will faV.rarea?Wntt effect upon our poUtlcs, and umiaffl wlH beneficial to the cause of DemoChKf: , ...-.. ,Mi, As the representative fit SSaU and those most nearly codCOwliftlstt the efforts of our opponents to rotttil tt WrOOg bve been guided throuKhoutby tnfd terHUtttiofl to ibide absolutely within the law, to. art eVriBettattWly in all measures taken, with si fiftr u Wptoldifljr.tne honor and credit or cAirpirrty afid ?h faif fftftW Of theState. It Is not arrtio Democracy wmett Iws Vin dicated, but the principles1 of 'Wl crnment, I sec beforo me here' loyBn " various shades of pOUMcal beUef, represent tits Republicans and Independents, as well as Demociar?: I have tho right to construe their presence as testlPHmy to their satisfaction m seeing the grave question which arose to our State affairs setUed wholly WWia the law. and ki th rendering of full Justice ami triumph tff riglit.- I cwMtrue the presence or yoU m aoj asalersaltribHt to myself so much as to the vindlc3tfttt tf the right of the majority to rule. The tuimllt St Baif and partisan malice Is hushed In the prMcfcSfr ? ,icli a dignified expression of your will afid 9wmnfc v e can all meet and greet one another ,Waj2 upon the enduring platform of citizenship na in ctfmhKHi.- Anf while I stand upon a plat form of pilrMtltes enunciated by my party, none will claim tha any of those principles contemplate wilful harm t V He State. I believe that on many questiW pymocrato can co-operate with, and accept ccjtertwn from, men of all parties. We agree abomty upon certain questions relative to publicmat ters, dtid if, a mora conservative, less radical spirit can tat Titonliiht to temper action upon ideas held in commffi; ateai good can be ac complished. The Democratic farit 1h pledged to the bringing about of those urintljwft gn elated in its platform. Upon those prihclriej I stand in the discharge of my official duties and I appeal to all good citizens for their co operation and support in the onerous duties of the execiitlr ofllce. In addressing yoti it has not been my purpose to make a speech rather' to extend to you an expression of my appreciation Or vtnr kindness and hearty acknowledgment of my tJWnks. Therefore I shall be pleased to meet rod p"rr sonally in the executive apartments, and now extend you a cordial invitation to enter. The Governor was frequently inter rupted by applause and cheers. When he had finished Gen. Vifquain handed him a handsome bouquet of rosea and choice flowers, accompanied by a card which boro the following inscription: "Will you pleaso accept the best wlshos and prayc.s of the children of St The resa's school for a happy and prosper ous term of office." Gov. Boyd then retired to the State Library room, where he was congratu lated by his immediate personal friends. He then walked down stairs to the ex ecutive apartments, where he received the thousands who passed through to take him by the hand. Tho reception lasted until after 4 o'clock. The pro cession was then reformed and the vis iting organizations marched back to tho Hotel Lincoln, where tho ranks were broken. The evening's program consisted chiefly of a promenade concert by thn Second Infantry Band and a grand ball in the parlors of Hotel Lincoln. The crush at the latter was indescribable. The parlors were inconveniently crowd ed, the corridors were thronged, and the rotunda below was simply a jam, in which ladies and gentlemen endeav oring to reach the parlors above were jostled and pushed from side to sido until they were forced to believe that an inaugural ball was not everything that could be wished for. Aside from the inconvenient crowding tho ball was in every way a success. Many of the best society people of Lincoln were present, while many prominent guests from Omaha and other Nebraska cities graced the occasion with their pres ence. Dancing continued until mid night and after. The large assemblage gradually dispersed. WORLD'S FAIR EXHIBITS. Facts That Are Important for Exhibitors to Know. Hon. SETn P. Moblky, as press com mittee of the World's Fair Commission, has prepared for the- press of Nebraska tho following circular concerning ex hibits: Under tho rules adopted by tho Na tional Board of Control, as interpreted aud declared by Director General Da vis, oxhibits ot the following class will have to be made in their respective de partment buildings of tho exposition proper, and will not be permitted in State buildings: Dairy products, api ary interests, manufactured goods and products of every kind, textile fabrics, tho fish industry, machinery, woman's handiwork, poultry, and all kinds of live stock. These are facts important for intend ing exhibitors to know. Director General Davis states in a letter of Jan. 20 that "no exception to those general rules has been made for any Stato." The exhibits in State buildings will under the rules be confined strictly to products in their natural .state, illus trating the natural resources of the State, agricultural and mineral, and historical and educational exhibits of non-competitive character. It is well to remember that all exhibits of every character intended to bo competitive, and to bo Catalogued and recognized by juries of award, must be made in their respective departments by the exhib itors and not in State buildings. By bearing these facts in mind disap pointment in the future will be avoided. TERRORIZED BY A MANIAC. Fremont Citizens Hare a '.Terrible Ex perience. A crazy man terrorized the people at Fremont. Wilson, the young man who took morphine with suicidal intent, after being carefully nursed back to life, left his room at his boarding house and, seizing a pitchfork created a brief reign of terror on Main Street. He went into several biisiness places and routed out the people, and with fork in hand gave chase to pedestrians. A mob finally surrounded Wilson and captured him before he had injured any one. Nebraska Stock Breeders Sleet. Tne. annual meeting of the improved Stock Breeders' Association of Nebraska convened at Beatrice. Dr. Billings of Lincoln presided. After a business meeting a paper on "Tho More Practi cal Methods of Education for the Farmer," was read by Professor Inger soli of the State University. Prominent stockmen all over the State were in at tendance. Dr. M. E. Knowies of Terre Haute, a veterinary, read a paper upon -'Sterility in Breeding." The session lasted three days. Shot While Huntlnj; Geese. At Chapman, while riding in a cart on their way to the Platte River to shoot geese, two young men, Fred Rice and his cousin, Clark, who is visiting with Rice, met with a very serious accident, which was caused hy the gun slipping through the foot slats and being dis charged. The full charge of shot en tered Clark's right arm near the shoul der, completely shattering the bono and necessitating amputation, which may prove fatal. Looking After the Finances. The county alliance mcii.bcrs aro making preparations to sue County Clerk Reader and the Board o? Super visors at York for. the return ef S100 allowed Reader Ly. the board for his services as clerk of the board. jAIMED AT THE FARMER! t HY SAY ANTI-OPTION LAWS WOULD HURT HIM. Freatdeat Hamin aael Other Cfcleaceaaa Attempt to Shew that Feadlaa; Meas aree Waadel Depress Prices or Grata aad lire Stock aad Derange Baslaeaa. Spectriatfafft Talk. President Hamlll and four other mem tof ol the Chicago Board of Trade ap peared fefbrw the Senate Comaaittee on Judicary to fwHeat against tho legisla tion contemplate by the Hatch and "Washburn anti-option WHa. President HanlU made a long addreaa, and waa trttowed by Thomas A. Wright and Michael dahjr. ''Speculative' bodies, " urged Mr. Hara 111, "are necessary to adjust the rela tions between the supply and demand ot products. The advance in prices checks Consumption and stimulates production, and the- fall In price checks production and increases eomaumption. There Is some prico at which they aro perfectly adjusted, and this 1 termed 'prop er price.' The speculator makes tiiO actual ' market value conform to It. He cannot influence it, since tho supply and demand do that, but ho merely determines the actual market rice and makes it coincide as nearly as po8iM with tho proper price. Fluctu ations should be as little as possible, and the tendency of speculation as pou ducted by tho board of trade is to keep the market in a state of equilibrium. Th jnovemont of wheat last fall was enormouf Under the existing system tho dealers and exporters placed wheat for delivery In the future ot high prices. The orders wero filled, and by tho time lfw farmer was able to deliver it tho machinery of commerco was in motion, and the crop moved off easily at good prices. No glut ensued, and tho se.Uers as well as tho buyer were benefited. The speculative supply, as a third ele ment, prevents unduo enhancement of priced The speculator is also an im portant ffleter Id distribution. Buying in a market relatively cheap and selling in a market relatively high prevents ac cumulation at some pcnat and unduo depletion at others, and thl equalizing process helps distribution." Mr. Haraill continued that tho hill would have the effect of prohibiting mer chants from handling products in legiti mate channels ot trade. While it would allow the farmer to sell his products for future delivery, the merchant who bought of him would bo prevented from selling until the actual delivery was made. "The result is," he continued, "that while the fanner has the naked right to dispose of his property, even beforo ho has raised it, ho can really dispose of his wheat only, and th to the miller alone. His corn, rye, and barley must bo sold, if sold for future delivery, to a dealer who, under the provisions of tho bill, would bo prohibited from disposing of such property until its actual deliv ery! It entirely eliminates all legiti mato competition in tho purchase from 'the farmer of his products, for the reasou that the miller and maltster alone re main unhampered as possiblo buyers from him. It discriminates solely in favor of the miller and maltster, and creates a monopoly for their advantage by driving out every other dealer and warehouseman. " Under the bill, said Mr. Hamill, tho packer of hogs, now the only important buyer in that lino, would, bo prohibited from contracting for futuro delivery of pork products. As the result the packer would be compelled to insist upon a larger margin to cover the additional risk of market while manufacturing. This would tend to reduce the price to the grower or farmer. Asa final objection to the bill Mr. Hamill urged that it would result in overturning and unsettling to tho extent of the total destruction of long and well understood usages in the handling of agricultural products. The restriction placed upon the business of buying and selling would prevent men from engag ing in a legitimate trade. Thomas A. Wright followed in a long argument In which he cited tho legal phases of the situation and quoted from various decisions to show that contracts such as were made on boards of trade, wero legitimate and recognized as such by tho courts. In closing he claimed that the effects of tho passago of the law proposed would be to drive capitil out of tho business of handling agri cultural products. To prohibit futures would be to remove tho only insurance afforded the dealers. He thought the .measure was intended solely for tho benefit of the big millers. Senator Washburn, tho author, who was in tho milling business himself, made no ob jection to this intimation. Mr. Wright produced some statistics recently gathered by 8. K. T. Prime, of Dwight, showing that many farmers as well as millers and grain merchants throughout Illinois, Iowa and Minnesota were opposed to the anti-option bills. It was also shown that selling future de livery was a practice coming into vogue in many agricultural districts, and tho farmers were taking the same advan tages as the grain dealers to insuro themselves against loss by selling for delivery ahead. The Salvation Army. The strange spectacle of a band of rioters making an attack on the Salva tion Army was witnessed at Eastbourne, England. A number of its members were severely handled and the banner taken from them. What use has such a crowd for a salvation banner? Louis ville Times. The Salvation Army had a pitched battle at Eastbourne, England, in which, apparently, they had to fight botii the mob and the police. Their bravery showed that they possessed the courage of their convictions and the treatment they received indicated that there is 'need of some kind of an army in that (locality. Indianapolis News. SaiiVation Army reports shows that there aro nearly 1,400 corps, 3,700 of ficers and 2,500 local officers connected with the army in the British Isles. And still baccarat scandals, aristocratic di vorces and general rottenness among Britain's upper classes are rampant. The army should change its base and order a general assault on Satan's strongholds in high places where ho is most strongly intrenched. Grand Rapids Democrat. Died While IJanclng. A young woman fell dead at Pitts burg while dancing. The moral is: Girls, don't but, like the theatrical "gag" at rehearsals, this moral had bet ter not be spoken. Kansas City Journal. Still another woman has dropped dead while .waltzing. This is the third case reported within a fortnight, and still the dance goes on. The social toe Is bound to be fantastic if it dies in the attempt. Boston Herald. Some people will use the "case of the Pittsburg young lady who died while waltzing as a warning against dancing, but it will not be a fair illustration. Dancing in itself is not wrong, and only the abuse of it is an evil. Baltimore Ameriean. Strange Symbol. Among the most, extraordinary pieces of symbolism known to have been used by the early Asiatics was a figure of a donkey's head used as a representative of the Deity. P. AIIBEMOrl . HKNRT aUUAlZ, . BUiiUvaa. First National Bank Enm itCnftia Iv n,ll!l. BESOUBCSm Dtseenat flSNJTMl 1MW.W U 9 eNHI(i.Mit Baal estate, fanttara aad U(llll..iiii Dae BToaaotaer eaaaa d.ttui Dee treat U. .Treaaary.. tW.9 Daamtaaaad ,. is.4n.4i MM' i' .-. f xiAnunm Capital aasl nrelas ................... 4JSa.9H.Si. Undivided proata 19.iJB.14 Katieaalbadk aotes estttaadfaf IXSee.08 RdIS0OVStal aeaa MW.X Dae depositors .-. UJ.lP.0S t9ft.94n.48 DEUTCEER ADVOKAT, Oflea .over Colubas State Bank, Colombua, Nebraska. 29 . . ALBERT A REEDER, ATTomnra at jjlw. Oflce OTer the First National Bask, Colnmbua. Nebraska. fO-tf 2 K. TURNER e CO., Proprietora and Publiahera of the coiuxm jotutal m tk n. timut nratai,- - Both, poet-paid to any addrese. for flOO a year, strictly in advance. Fault Joobh al. $1.00 a y r. W. A. McAIiLIBTEB. W. M. CORNELIUS -ACeAIiUSTKBi COB ft ELI ITS ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Colomboa, Neb. ' R. O. BOTH' auauTACTcaxa or Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware! JeVWark, BmImt art Gmtttr- - img a Iftcialty. oa 19ta etreet, Kraoaa Bro.V old tandoa eentb afreet. rar . HENRY G-ASS, TJlSriDERTKER ! COFFINS AND METALLIC CASES U" Repairing of all kinds of Upkol item Goods. i-tf COLTJMBTJB.NEBS1BXA. A STRAY LEAF! DIARY. THE JOURNAL OFFICE lta CARDS, ElfVELOPES, NOTE HEADS, BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS, DODGERS, ETC. LOUIS SCHREIBER. BlacbaiMWaicMfe All kiiif tf Bepairiig 4tic rSktrt Nttiee. Biggies, Wig tig, etc., Bade ft trier, ait all wtrk Giar uteed. AIM ttll thtwnli-fuaUKU Walter A, Wtoi Mowtn, Beaten, Combin- td MavekiiM, Hanreateri, . and ielf-bindtrt tht ttitamadt. KaTSkop appetite the " Tattersall," o Olive St.. COLUMBUB. 28-m SUBSCRIBE NOW TIE COLIINS JWrWUl. TIE AMERICAN MAGAZINE, Wt Qfr Balk for a Tear, at tiM. Tae Java!. ! acknowledged tobe taa beat raauiy Baser ia runacouirMiii Jaertcaaifacafiae i la UaBlyaw!wJasaseate l7Baaaaiaed.oted entirely to Aaiericaa Litera. tare, aricaa, Taoacht aad Proareet, aad ia tae oaljdeeWed ezpoafet of American laatita. Una. Itiaaagoedae aar of tae older saaaa. . aiats, faraiabiaf ia a Tear oyer 1, jaeetjSe . taoicest Utsajnov wpe by the aMaat awS- rfcest ntsatarew written laethor. ItiaeaaUfal caaaathore. ItieeaaUfU7illraaaa i rle. with flisxirta ofaas. S .atore pwi65 .nliL aa aa tJb&a.azaar'e a a to 14 AtMti.. enauKacin. . . It will be eepeeuUy brflUaat drta the artee ef lonats. ja ttflt, aad Tae AawU' aeai aa, waaawaarnxwaua j fcassfe r "--ia am 4W j. -yj. ) - v - .t i -I . " .' : ' '.-" -i