The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, February 17, 1892, Image 1

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V:- -V -," (Oldsst Bant in ths tattj fj
'.Vf.ysiiteat on Time Deposits i
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:"K;:''&:vSfclGans on Heal Estate.
'""'.,- fJaisfca, Cbicag. New York ami al
; rForoIgn Cramtries
'n 1 TleliK It J Csstomi r3 uhen they Need Helf
-fif:i5m:it r.nunr.p, rrosid'at.
-lLlLUKNUT. Vico-President.
-;V - JOHN BT.VUFFKK, Ceihier.
u. UKTa3K!: a. w. dulst.
PflBgtrijpiAj RANK
:-jt';M ii Capital
. - : -'.cLH.i;nr,TON. rrrst.
;:. rii. oizauticn. vicc-rrrs't.
O. A. SCW .IAS. Caih'or.
r- n SIioM-m. J. P Bcctcr,
linnTnl'. iLQeliliicn, Upu IiIenLo.
.;. ,iVM-ft.
V. A Mo llieter.
J. insr"VurlC-luan.
II. M. Vnsiow.
t. ('. firoy.
Am-3d 1". II. Oeliltlo. ,
Gerhard TiOS- ko.
.J. 3 J-Jlauk ofcepotif; interest jillowol on tlmo
-, -. 1c;qslra; liu? tea e"ll oicLano n Unlto.1
- " '"fi!K3 und JCurspe, ajI 1-ny cud soil available
A- jB-curitle1. We flliall Lo i Irjiso.l to r colvo your
" tdsiejq Yi'o jtlcit your iatronaie. i6doc37
l, rxjssEr,L;
rr AI.W rs
ViJlIv. 3!. nearly opposite Pot-effle.
- naz&-r
MM r-
:I5 JiiMs- Advertising
.:s .-. '' Oleics many a now business,
V- Jjilcrgcs many an old business,
.-"" - "Itovirca mrviiy a dull business,
---Vj'-'iicscaes many v. lost business,
''?' .Sfivus many n failing business,
--, -- " Preserves manv alanre business,
ki 9. V '"
'V-- .- -Secures success in any business.
;I.a. v--' .go tiyf jean of lsiaifs, cd w add thet
r . -..-. - luctfiuut uT.ruibv, tot uut gcvuuu wi tuuiiuy.
k - - 1a? oao oi us rapciccu. txenia :
L -r. . "i -bestjvople. thoeo wio tao? -wh
.-. "'' -,'pnj rorwiist'tb'ycct. WecbsIIe
C i"t " ? "viih.sisj conntrj paper in the ti
:A? oao of th sacdicms. bcensa it U read bj the
vao taoT? -wasftiiey lra&i anc
Iiea coaipariion
f world ia tiii r.
."-7-. ...-"-fJifot t-arnty. yrsm psbliahins by the eatse
. -j.' r.ciinsrvrnost, eevr one dn to sutscribcre
i-; r - ;fafclikbfd in Tas JocaKAU This, better than
- "."." :'. "i) thine el 6ho-S3 the rlrus oi people who
-;...""-" .;;iad Tils Jouknal ercry week. tl
rJjFi?" ASn Wtnlcdl
1 : arctrrtcr'aEs.'cJy E;la Esliea
rrjj ever Tt frra I to Usee
tci ssf.- :a' ft. "i
. -,-;-- -; t252il faertir iTiae.airfw
clja tad Tsl Marks t?.,HI52"
OITIC. JTe hire S3 ab-ssaci', iil beeSaw
Y" -k '"z. r-'r-irrr'r..'; t.i
U3iefidtLE2SCOaT tiaa the reaote
.'IroasMlj'estia. ...
.-' -3fid la. dravlsc, r jAc4, with dacnr-
lias.' "We aU ii palejtiil cr not, free el
" ri-t- Ou I rot djaa Ul I pntsnt le eecaraj.
-. j bode 'How to Obtain Paieuls." wltS xrer-
acca tccctsal ciieate ia yosr ctal. coaary j
r uwm,aetire.
A Cutholic Church at Council 151 ufT- Is
CIoscil -u;t:iit llio American 1 I;ik
I atber O'Jtourke Afterwanls SetiU- an
ApoJogj- Ihc Local Grantl Army I'o-st.
Stntirif by Hie Stars anil Stripe.
ACoi,n-H IUulT irpscial ay- IMtrick
MrCaim, an old sIdi?r, cik-il licru and
-hon'I have been burk-d according to Cath
olic rites, 1 nt a row cccnrrcd at ths clmrch
hotwocn members of tho local Grand Aimy
po,t and Father O'Kourhc over tho tar.
and btrije-s. Thu Orai.ti Army ettoit
v.r.iiied the casl.nt in an Aiut-rJcan Ka;.
As the cortege neated Ht. I'rancN Xavier'.s
church an 1 halted in front of tl-.e ('ojr, it
nas met by Hev. Tather O'Kosirkf, who in
rormvd tiiu Tost Cniiii:i:iiultr that th Hag
ro.i!d not be t:ihe:i Int the chir h.
Then followed a imM dl-sracefUl con
troversy. I'inally the -oldiers api:alel to
tho futility of the dead iii:n, which upheld
tho veterani in tlieii stand, and told them
to move m with the remain. Thi wa
done, t j the priest"", chagrin, and tlie dead
brave was siven a -olui:r"s bui'ial. Fattier
O'Kourk s-ent an ajnolo?y to the G. A. If.
1'o-t later in the dnv.
They ICeTntc to Jte ent ISack or to Ap
pear in Com t. f
A S.m Francis o s-ria! ay: District
.iudge Moirill ticd Fob. 12 for the appear
ance in couit of 110 Cliinc-e wh'i worepiven
lilKTty on bond and v.crc t j hae in-en re
imnded to the custody of the United States
Marshal for return to China. H.ich piinci
pal had two Chines siirvtiei on lii bond.
The gro :uu for which the sureties are
liable in cae of the non-appearance of the
pr:n -ipals was &MQ.01KI. o,.tlurths prin
(.ipaltuor tho Mirotie appeared and ail
bond were declared forfeited. It ! under
stood. Iiov.eie-. tliat but few of the bonds
are collectable.
Untold Sultcring In lJusi:.
A dispatch from IVnza, the capital of the
-overnment of thai, name, says the tlier
inornctor r'gisJered S3 degrees Lclow zero,
and thai th'-re is terrible suffering among
tiie peasant. A number of men have been
fio7cn todcatli on the iiigliroad. A quan
tity of grain for Use famine sufferer, has
armed at I'enra. but it i . impossible todi
tribute it bcvaiiM neasiy all tlie horses
hae been killed for food or sold to procure
money with which to buy the necessaries of
life. It i- estimated that nearly a million
draii-zhl animals have Le'ii killed through
out the eiiij ire sine-; autumn. Typhus
fever, smallpox and dij thcria are decimat
ing the inhabitant. Aiotiud Penza 2)0
inhabit mt.s have died of tl.e-e diseases.
The dispatch add-, that i i the governments
of raniar.t. ?a ntov and Nijui Xovgrod the
condithn is far worse titan in l'eu.:. In
th(s thiee gocrnmenls Ihou-iands of
peasant haio fallen victims to hunger and
ilie.e. In the governments of Itarkliov
and Kazan typhus feer ii especially terri
liie in its ravage, the inhabitants dying by
the bundieds.
Inspecting: ttio Moc!; Yartls.
Tha Fiench comiiiissioners sent here to
make an investigation of the health
fuli.ess of American meats -pnt a day or
two at the stock yards at Ciiicago inspect
ing the great packing establishment and
tlie federal sy.steni of e.xamiiiinz pork for
poIb!e cases of trichina. 51. Duelo.
spokesman for the party, expressed hime!f
as highly satisfied wit'.i the methods of in
spection. The gentlemcu will remain
several days, carefully examining all the
details of killing and preparing for the
n arket hogs and catt'e.
Only a Dynamite irn.uh.
A Lisbon special s.iy: A sensation was
caused in that city by th explosion of a
dynamite bomb in front of tlie Spanish con
sulate. The uoie of the o.xjilosion was ter
rific, but no damage was done beyond
smashing the windows in tlie consulate and
In tho houses near by. Nobody was in
jured. The police are searching for tlie
author of the outrage, who is supposed to
e an anarchist.
JXevv Yoil: Jewelers Swindled.
A New York special says: A score of
wholesale jewelers of that city Iot jcwelery
and precious stones worth over S100.000 by
the suspension of Gurrdliug ,: Co. David
Handling, thes n'or member of the liim, is
in jail on the charge, it i said, of swinling
liesc firms.
Frightened to Death.
A Pittsburg. Pa., special Viys: Caroline
Gardner, aged 15, v.a frightened to death
by two men who cliaed her. She ran into
a hou-e, fell on tin. floor In convulsion,
dying soon after. Her pursuers, who were
recognized, have been held for man
Karthqunkc in Xevr Jersey.
A Trenton, N. J., special siys: A shock
of earthquake was felt in East Kurlingtou.
Houe shook and trembled as if about to
fall, clocks were stopped and the people
ran wildly and ocitedly into the street.
The duration of the shock was about ten
An Imprest Train in Kuropc Uurned.
A special from Itucharest reports tlrat a
first-class carriage attached to an express
train bound Tor Uraila burned, and eight
een paengers, who were asleep when the
fire broke ouu perished in the Humes, the
doors ot the carriage being locked.
"o Tight with Cowboys.
A Coalidge. N M., special says: There is
no truth in the reports sent from this vicin
ity that cowboys had a light with Navajo
Indians and killed three of them. Every
thing is quiet now, and it is probable that
no serious trouble will occur.
Oklahoma Democrat.
Tho Oklahoma Democratic Territorial
Central Committee has decided to call tho
Territorial Convention May 17 forsclccting
delegates to the Nat Tonal Convention. The
committee stood 23for Cleveland, 2 for Hill
and 1 for Boies.
Tvphus Fever in Xevv York.
Fifty-seven cases of typhus fever have
been found in tho lodging houses of the
Vnlted Hebrew Charities at New York.
Tho victims are part of the 500 Russians
who arrived January 30 on the steamer
Explosion ot a Locomotive Boiler.
By the explosion of an engine on the
Reading Koad at Philadelphia George
Kouschandtwo unknown boys who were
stealing a ride were instantly killed and
five men injured, one fataliv.
Cold by the AYagonlod.
Another big strike of ore is renortcd frem !
Copper Rock, Colo., ths vein oeing fourf-et '
wide and pieces ofrock from the top being
almost full of fres gold. A rua is being
made for ths sew diggings. i
A Bead Xurfman. .
Gen James'F. Kobiason is desd zx Lex- '
mgton. Ivy. Oeri. l.oilnson was a well
known turfman, having been President, of
the Kentucky
Association for
'u '
Tlie Spniffeon Funeral.
A London social ays: The nal funeral
ervices over the remains f the late K v.
Charles II. Spurcou t'.ok place in the Mvt-
forolitan Tabernacle, which was packed
ahr.oit to suflicatioa The hymn "Servant
of God, Well Pone," was sun? by the Im
mense assemblage, nearly everybody join
ing in the siupins. Secretary Hs rvold then
delivered a touching prayer. "The Sanlsof
Time Are Sinking," a favorite hymn of tho
dead pastor, was then unff and. Dr. Peirson
eloquently eulogized the pittor. The hariB
tves fdllnvrcd by forty mourning conches to
which succeeded priv.-.l: carriages Of iili
kinJs. Everywhere tile greaiebt; resiiect
frtts showii for ihe great dead.
Rumors or tho Gigantic Corporation
At li'.cii Has Iloen I'ormeil,
Humors of a gigantic deal bstween the
coal producing companies continue curron
and regular traders oil tlla stock exchange
in New VUrk City arc all be'levers in the
report that an agreement has "been made by
the companies with an immense syndicate,
which agrees to handle tlie entire output
and pay the owners of all tho coal lands 25
cents per ton r yalty on all ccal taken by
them, Pinrision? at'e beiilg jiiade llnit the
syndicate shall have exclusive rights and
that tlie royalties shall aiiuunt in the ag
gregate to S10.CGD.G03 a year. It is under
stood that tloj syndicate will establish a
joint agency for tlie a'e of coal at all the
largo distributing pjints and that tlie pres
ent sa'e, agency system will 1 abolished.
T-Udlng' In coal stock in the stock e.hcangc
continued enormous and the price was
roui: AXAitciifeTS gakiiottku.
Fp.inish Authorities Choice Objec
tionable 1'or.sons Till They Die.
A Madrid special says: Four anarchist
leaders wore garrotted in tho public sqitaic
at .Vies. Kvcrythiry 11'is.svlnu qilietty,
the fympath:zer.s of the dead anarchists
making no demonstration. One of tlie exe
cuted anarchists left a letter in which he
said that the anarchist press takes advan
tage of the ignt ranee of the working classes
to inculcate stories against justice and
reason. He desired his comrades to know
that tlie anarchist journals have been de
ceiving them, and that he Is convinced that
many of tnoe preaching doctrines to them
arc perfectly indifferent as to their fate.
He advies his comrades t repudiate their
teachings and lie lione?t worker with faith
in God and re'Uiu.
Three Person- Will Iio anil Others Are
I'ntlly Injured.
A Chicago special says: A passenger
train on the Pittsburg, Fort Wayno St Chi
cago Koad ran into a street car at tlie
Thirty-first Street crossing at noon, and
all the inmates of the car were more or le&s
Injured. .Tohn Moylan. E. W. Dutzcu, and
.lulia Maud ley will probably die. Mrs.
Ellen Haiiuan and daughter and Drew ltor
dey are badly hurt, and others received
painful cuts and bruis?s. The car was two
thirds acrosH the track when the train
struck it. demolishing tlie rear end and
hurling the passengers in a heap into the
other end.
The Federal Court Y ill Mtiko the Man
agers I xpjntii.
Bench warrants were ordered by Judge
Nelson of the United States Court of St.
Paul for tlie arrc-,t of all tlie principals in
the Mississippi Iliver Valley Lumbermen's
Association. The corporation was indicted
by the grand jury for maintaining a Lum
ber trust.
Tho bench warrant under the indictment
of the Mississippi Valley Lumbermen's As
sociation were brought in by Putted States
officers and bail given for the persons
named. The entire board of directors of
the association is included.
nuhorn Appointed Judge.
A Washington special says: The Presi
dent disposed of tho remaining unfilled
position on the new Applliatc Court by ap
pointing as Judge of the Eighth District
Walter II. Sanborn of Minnesota. This is
the place for which Judge Shims of Dubu
que; Judge Mitchell of St. Paul, and ex
Senator Moodey of Deadwood, were candi
dates M- Sjiibarn Is an attorney of St.
Paul and vas ttrongly recommended by the
Minnesota delegation for the position. His
district is tlie one presided over by Circuit
Judge Caldwell a-id includes the valley
States west of the Mississippi.
An Attempt at Highway IJobJjery.
A St. Louis special says: A remarkably
daring attempt at highway robbery was
made by George McKinslcy. Paymaster
Jennings, of tlie Broadway street car line,
was riding from the bank to his office with
a vallsa containing S4.50J. McKinIey
snatched it and jumped from the car. Jen
nings and others pursued him. Archibald
Bruncr caught up with McKinslcy and re
ceived a painful stab in the side from a
dirk. He managed, however, to draw a re
volver and wing the fleeing man, who was
soon caught Neither McKinsley nor Bruncr
are seriously hurt.
Another llcvolt on llnml.
A dipjtch from Kio Janicro announces
that a revolution is imminent in 'Brazil.
Pelotas, near Kio Grande, in tho Province
of Kio Grande do Sul. is said tobe in a state
of open revolution, and a battle between
the troops and tl.u populace is anticipated.
In fact it is rumored that a conflict has
already taken place. The truth of the
story cannot be ascertained at present, as
all the telegraph wires between Pelotas and
Port Alegre have been cut.
Fatal Election Ittot.
Mail sdvic3 from the City of Guatemala
contain an account of olectijn fights occur
ring January 12. They were started by the
attempt on the part of a crowd to seize
some ballot boxes. Troops, as well a; the
police, interfered. Over sixty persons were
killed and 100 wounded. Atthc time of
writing mora fighting was expected.
Assassinated by Moonshiners.
A Birmingham, Ala., special says: An
other bloody assassination by moonshiners
is reported fiom Cleburne County. A few
days ago J. W. Scatham testified against
the moonshiners. A party of men sur
rounded his house and opened fire, killing
his 9-ycar-old son and fatally wounding
his wife. '
Burned With His House.
An early morning rire destroyed the Cen
tral tobacco warehouse at Louisville. Cipt
W. E. Edwards, who was. sleeping in the
building, was burned to death. Loss, S25,
000. Capt. Edwards was the senior member
of Edwards, Barnard & Co.. who owned tho
Death ot John Jay Knox.
A New York special says John Jay Knox,
for many years Comptroller of the Currency,
died at his home in that city, of pneumonia.
Catile Common to prime..
Hous Shipping grades
O e
1 FATS - -- a all mm
Eggs Western.
Cjljzlh l'a; steers
Cattle Feeders
xSfi "' '
Oats (new)
5 9
Vt t
mtATTA T.1VP btvis-j.
I Cattl.1: Common to prima... S3JJ
J Hogs Snii-pcrs -y
Wheat si.
WATS ..,,. ..,,,.. ,,.. ,35
Thayer Turn the Affairs Over 1o Gov.
ernar Boyd.
A Lincoln, Neb., special says: There was
no demonstration over tlie change of Gov
ernors. Gov. Boyd and party came dowr.
from Ohiahn, arriving here Kt noon? anc
went directly to tiie Lificoln Hoiel. wtier'c
rooms liad been engaged sliice the first re:
port of tlid decision. After a hearty dinner
hie cboVerhor received a ntiiijber of his
friends in Ills rooms, and tlleii shortly be:
fore 2 o'clcck the party went to the State
House, where they found the halls and cor
ridors thronged with people anxious to see
the new Governor In his place. At 2:15
Gen.Vifquain opened the doors to the exec
utive office and announced the Hon. James
E. BoydiGoeniorff the State of Nebraska.
The party entered, the Governor marched
into the center of the room and was fol
lowed by the ladies and gentlemen who ac
companied ,him from Omaha. All in tho
room at once arose to their feet, and ex
Gov. Thayer, advancing from the office,
approached Boyd with his hand outstretched
and said:
"Governor, how do you do? i am now
ready to turn over the office to you, and I
have an inventory of the office which we can
consider together."
Boyd replied by ayiug that there was no
need of that, as he had been Governor all
th tim. Gov Thayor then asked if lie
could be of any assistance further, and re
ceiving the answer, -No," he turned away.
Boyd at once entered the private office,
took on" his overcoat, the crowd passing in
after him. and a forced reception was held
for an hour afterward.
liabilities and Assets in tho -Millions but
Xo I Statement,
The assignee of Field, Lindley, Weichers
& Co., of New York, filed schedules show
ing liabilities: secured, $1,074,000; unse
cured, Sl.918,000; nominal a-,ots. SI.'JIS.COO
and actual re-sets, S:i'J,00l). ' These assets do
not include securities pledged as collateral
with secured creditors. The assignee said
that it was impossible to determine posi
tively the status of the firm's accounts with
persons and corporations mentioned in their
schedules. A final statement can only be
made after some investigation and in some
instances litigation.
Ho Will Meet .Mabcr When the Latter
Whips Fit.siiiiinon.
A private communication bearing the sig
nature of John L. Sullivan, received by a
personal friend at Chhngo, states that Sul
livan on Feb. ! attached his name to arti
cles of agreement to fight to a finish with
five-ounce gloves, 0.ueenbury rules, with
Peter Maher fcr a purs ojT S:55,OU0 l.e'ore
the Metropolitan Club of New Orleans, and
a side 1 et of tlO.noD, seme time during Au
gust, provided Maher whips Fitzsimmons.
The Transport to Bosnia.
A Philadelphia, Pa., special says: Mayor
Stuart received a message from the Russian
relief commisioners representing the mill
ers of Iowa and the people of Minnesota
and Iowa, in response to a query, stating
that 3,000,009 pounds of flour and l,t 09.00.)
pounds of corn weie on the way to New
York, and requesting that the ship offered
by the citizens of this city for carrying pro
visions to Kus-sia lie prepared to receive the
cargo by Feb. 27. The reply sjnt the com
missioners states that tho ateamer leaves
Philadelphia Feb. '-0 for Lilian and cannot
delay to receive part of her cargo in New
York. If the flour and corn are received
here on or before Feb. 10 tho Philadclphinus
ask if they shall consider It a part of the
cargo. They aie desirous of transporting
the donation and ask for an immediate
United Mine Workers Convention.
A Columbus, Ohio, special says: The
United Mine Workers of America convened
in annual session with 103 delegates pres
ent and Picsidcrit Kae in the chair. Gov.
McKinley delivered the address of welcome,
in which lie spoke of the imjiortance of the
mining industry, congratulated the miners
and wished them prosperity, lie spoke on
the eight-hour day, and said that when they
were in position to enforce it they would
have no trouble in getting it. The report
of Secretary and Treasurer MoBrido showed
receipts of $70,025; e.p?uditurcs. tCJ.170:
halanco on hand January 31. (.5J5. Tlie
Secretary in speaking of the several ill ad
vised strikes said that they cost the organ
ization S20.000 and lost it 7.000 member.
She Reflected 011 Pensioners.
A Maseoutah, III., special says: Quite a
stir has been caused at Carlisle by tho
charges made against Miss Luella Nicholls,
the assistant principal of the high school
there, by the G. A. 11. and Sons of Veter
ans. They charge that in a class lecture
on patriotism she made very serious reflec
tions upon pensioners. An attorney has
been employed by the local encampment
to prefer charges before the Baard of Edu
cation. To Ship ( rain lriroct to Europe.
A St. Louis special says: A scheme is on
foot which may result in the shipment of
grain from that city direct to Europe with
out transhipment by menus of "whale
backs " A representative ot an Eastern
syndicate has been in consultation with.the
grain expartcrs. the government engineers
in charge of the Mississippi River Improve
ment, and men familiar with the river with
a view of putting the plan into operation. "
Colored Men's Association.
A Little Kock, Ark., special says: An
as-ociation for-mutiul protection has been
formed by the leading colored men of that
section and articles for the incorporation of
a stock company with a capital of S2,COO,000
have been fileJ. The association will be
national. Its object is the establishment
and operation of business houses for colored
people, to be conducted by members of their
An Oatmeal Fir 111 Fail.
A St. Joseph, Mo., special says: The St.
Joseph oatmeal mill and a wholesale and
retail flour and feed store owned by S. J.
Burns & Co. have closed, the former under
deed of trust aniountiiu to ST.0,030. The
liabilities are SrtO.OOO; assets, 550,009. The
heaviest creditors arc .the Ayre Lawn Com
pany of St. Louis and the Des Moines Man
ufacturing Company of Des Moines.
Executed for Being Civilized.
It is reported from Chfna that Gen.
Tchen Kitong was executed at Tien Tsin
for t cason, in having pledged himself to
co-irt French influence, In having become a
Christian, and in having sought an audi
ence with the Pope to facilitate the work of
Catholic missions in China. The Emperor
was reluctant to sign tlie death warrant,
but the influence of tho old Chinese anti'
Christian party prevailed.
A strike in London.
A London special says: The strike of the
coal porters, of whom 10,000 struck, in one
district only, continues and threatens to
bring about a coal famine in that city.
The director of the chief coal company
met and are setting an example to their
subordinate officers by driving coal delivery
vans and in other ways helping to keep
business going. '
Focndered During: a Mutiny.
A London special says: Sensational
rumors are current to' the effect that the
Greek steamer Embricos, recently wrecked
on Scilly Island, foundered during the mu
tiny of the crew, la which the Captain and
some of the oHcers were murdered, and also
that the remaining officers were murdered
in a fight with knives to secure one or Ihe
boats after the accident.
. -- - .
Closed Two Banks.
The Comptroller of Currency .has closed
the First National Rank of Deming, N. M.,
and the First National Bank of Silver City,
same State.'
The Baroness Tells the Story of the
Wrbhlrs Sh Sutlercd The Case At
irafctiiig 'tiilitc' H Littlfc" Interest The
J bilge Tabes ihe Case' Untldr Consider
ation; The Bo Stuora Divorce Case.
Tun Do Stucrs divorce trial opGftcd
before Judge Aikens at Sioux Falls, and
the interest manifested in tho case is
unusual. The L'aroncss, who has re
sided in Sioux Falls sinco .Juno 1, 1501,
"vas th3 only wline? examined so far.
The grounds of lier complaint arc ex
trtnio cruelty and an attempt to incar:
cerate her in an insane asylum. 'J he
Uaroncss was accompanied to the court
by her ward, and has a good deal of
what Americans term " spunk. "
ThroUclitJUt her testimony she showed
iii many different ways that she wits an
American ana utun t caro wuo wncw it.
The chief point of her testimony, be- j ,lccarc',j t!Ilder the Constitution and
sides narrating a dozen or more inci-. ,awg of 0lt cfJntry anu state tour
dents where the J'atons insults and r, ,t to tho oflk.0 of ctfvcrnor, without
cruelty drove her near y wild, was the awaillng the mandate of the court as
attempt to incarcerate her 111 an insane , am bo,,t to lcavc thc State to bo ?
asylum In 1 ranee. Ihe Itaion being sont gQmu weeksit wouId bc mo3t con.
Minister Plenipotentiary for . he INotli- , VMIlIcnt to Ine to turn over thc olicc to
erlands has a great deal of uifluei-cb l t 1? r llaurc to accept the
LltUllJ .A-I1U UtilUll-U JltDill- lIUlllllIp kUb
depositions. Judge Aikens declined that
he wished four weeks in which to make
a decision, and that ho would give, ac
cording to agreement, twenty-one days
for the arrival of additional impositions
from Europe, and would consider them
thc same as if they were in the case.
South Dakota Victims Numbered hy the
Hundreds lie In Now in Nebraska.
Somk time ago a slick individual rep
resenting himself to bo an agent for
the International Enlarging and Copy
ing Company of St. Paul, who purport
to make a specialty of enlarging and
copying photographs, made a trip
thiough many portions of South Da
kota, and f 10111 information receive J he
covered the State pretty thoroughly.
East of tho Missouri ltivor, as far as"
can be learned, he charged SO cents
each for enlarged portraits of the pho
tographs given to him by unsuspecting
persons, and this amount for each pict
ure was required to bo paid down with
the order. He stated that his company
would complete tiie pictures within a
cw weeks. When they would bo for
warded to the owners.
A short time afterward the St. Paul
end of tho swindling concern would
send catalogues of high-priced frames
to thc person ordering the j ortraits
with tho request that they select a
frame, varying in price from S." to Ss.
which they could pay for on receipt, of
portrait. Mo one. of coin. so would cr
der a frame at the high price charged,
and after that nothing further would
bc heard from thc swindlers. The
agent is now said to be operating in Ne
braska. In the Ulack Hills he got away
with a great amount of money, his vic
t'nis being numbered among the best
people of every Ulack Hills town.
A Sioux l'atls Contractor Discounts His
Jlen'.i Wiiges.
Ti&kk Is likely to be trouble for ex
Mayor Schaetzel, of ioux Falls, in ful
hliing his contract to excavate for the
public building there. He contracts
with laborers at 1 a day aud then
charges them a discount of 10-pcr cent,
on payment previous to government pay
day. A meeting of tho workers of the
city lias been held aud a committee ap
pointed to protest to Schactzci. If it is
not effective tho matter will be brought
to the attention or the government
through Senator I'tttigrcw.
I'upiilat'ng the Farms. AnvsTRoNo of DcSmet reports
that within thc p.tst four mouths fif
teen new families hao purchase! and
tottled on faims near the L'cadlc and
Kingsbury County lines. Most of them
biought with thrin stock and farm im
plements, and are preparing to put
every acre possible to crop tlie coming
season. Mr. Armstrong says ir.ore land
has been sold aud more new families
settled in that locality within the past i
few months than in all the three jojis
previous. .Mr. Armstrong, v.uo is one
of the most extensive breeders in the
Northwest, says there never was a
greater demand for good farm horses
than now; his business excetds his
greatest expectations, and nearly cvjry
sale is for cash.
South Dakota's School Kxtilh t.
Mits. L. I. Jefthies, Secretary of the
Hoard of Woman's Commission of thc
World's Fair, stated that the failure or i
success of tiie State appropriation will j
in no way interfere with the work of
an educational exhibit, which is being
raised by the public schools. The
County Superintendent and teacher,
are taking an active interest in the
matter. A iist of the contiibutiuns of
thc various schools in thc State .s to be
published, and it is believed that there
will bc an additional incentive to tho
schools to sec that their ptoportion of
the fund is properly rai-ed.
Suicided Because He Was Arrested.
John, a farmer living two
miles west of lltu-icy, committed suicide
by shooting hims df with a shotgun, lfe
was arrested upon an indictment for
rape and taken to Parker, where court
is in session, lie returned home
Deputy Sheriff Colman and his attor
ney, W. G. Quigley, and steppins from
the sitting room to his- bed room he
placed the muzzle of a shotgun to his
right temple, and pulled tho trigger
with his foot, dying almost instantly.
Tvvo Wells 011 Farms.
Two fine Mowing wells were obtained
by farmers near Vilas during thc past
week; one on thc farm of Alex. Gray
is a strong flow in a three-inch pipe a
was reached at a depth of about seven W
feet. The other is on a farm belongir.g
to L. P. Chi istianson, three miles south-
,.0., ....U IS tl tl'O-IUt.11 Slll'lLJi. .LUtJStJ I
wens are ueing put, cown on every farm
and add greatly to thc value of the
Black Hills Product.
A handsome bar of Nigger Hill tin
was produced by Titus Molitor from a
few pounds of ore out cf one of the
claims owned by thc American T.n
Mining Company, of Fear Gulch or Nig
ger Hill mining district." Miners arc
confident that with proper mining facil
Hi23 for the treatment of thc ore' this
section ol thc lilack Hills would soon
rival the output of Cornwall or Malacca.
Indicted tiie Chinamen.
Tue United states grand jury at
Deadwocd brought hi indictments
against eight Chiuaraen recently ar
rested for using the raai!s fcr thc trans
mission cf lottery mattor. These cases
will be tried at once, and if they are
convicted of the offense, which is looked
upon as a test case, numerous other ar
rests will follow.
A I'ccal-.orrtts Sa Varble.
James KiOr.D.::, the fcniptor.
jusi compieicu adianusome statuette 01 meeting win oe nc;u to perfect arrange
an ludian girl fcr J 1m A. Gaston, I ments and hear reports from committeo
one of South 1 akotas lady :nanr,gcrs of j previously appoint di
e of
ilio World's Fair. Mrs. Gaston says that
tho statuette n-Hl occupy a prominent
place in the Soutli DSItota exhibit atthc
exhibition of "93." The fisnfd is j?a,rvcd
out of native white marble, which Ex
perts say is nearly equal to the far
famed Italian article.
ThayerV Invitation to Got. tiiifti e fake
BricK the Cha'r.
Gov. ThayKi: iidCrcsScd Gov. IJoyd at
Cnialia, prior to the reinstatement of
the latter gentleman. The text 67 h"
letter wa this: "When I commenced
proceedings A y?r alio to test your
title to the office of GCTcrnor, 1 did so
in the belief that there was great t'oubt
in tho public mind as to your citizen
ship and eligibility. I then took occa
sion to publicly say that as soon as
your citUctiship wa established by tho
courts I would gladly 3ur render tho of
fice to you. Tho contest via"? but one
of personal strife, nor to sat'sfy aiiy
ambition of my own, but to comply
with and uphold titc Constitution of the
State ow that the public press has
nnrii ,., .ilt, i,-Diiot tribunal has
Further Lois or 8(1,000 Found In thc
Treasury at Hasfngs.
Coi'xty Tkkasurkk Fleming discov-c-cd
a shortage of somo Sti,000 in thc
school funds of the county. Tho com
mittee which had charge of the invest:
gation of thc County Treasurer's rec
ords during the term hold by the ex
Treasurer had not before been shown
the books in which the records of tho
school funds arc kept, consequently the
scho-jl fund shortage just discovered
was not included in thc original short
ago of ?."2,000 discovered in January.
Tho expert and his as&istnnts arc at
work, and it will iequirc sixty days or
mjre to complete thc investigation, as
they are obliged to refer back twenty
years in many instances.
Burt County Farmers Institute.
Tin; Hurt County Farmers' Institute,
which closed a three-days' session at
Tekainah, was one of the most interest
ing and instructive gatherings ever held
in the county. 'Ihe institute discussed
short horn, Hereford and Foiled Angus
cattle, and swine bi ceding and cattle
feeding. I'rol. Ingersoll read an excel
lent paper on "Heredity.' horse
breeding for profit, dairying, orchards,
small fruits, and vegetable garden'ng
were also topics of discussion. The
subjects of Nebraska soil, rotation of
crops, forage plants, weeds a blessing
in disguise, corn worm, aud education
occupied the last day. 'A State Sys
tem of Education" was the sublcct of
Chancellor Canfteld's address, and wa
listened to with attention by a large
audience. The institute elected ofh'cers
and will hold annual meetings in difTer
parts of tlie county. These gatherings
will be of great benefit to farmers if
they attend aud take part in the dis
cussions. Hanged I.'or-cir 'While limine.
Tin: body of Mrs. Christian I'achuus,
wife of Clans ISachuus, a farmer resid
ing four miles south of Elkhorn, was
found hanging in an outhouse. Mrs.
IJ iciiuus was 07 years old. That morn
ing she got up at tho usual time and
prepared breakfast for her husband and
son. She appeared to be in unusually
good spirits, although she was suffer
ing a slight attack of the grip at the
time. She had suffered considerable
sickness during her life, and at times
was nioroieand despondent aud hadfre
c uently expressed the wish that she
were dead.
AYiiber'ii Opera House Burned.
Tut: 'Wilbcr Opera House was totally
destroyed by fire. It was a substan
tially built frame structure aud was
considered one of the largest and best
c.jiiipped places of amusement in that
section of thc State. The building be
longed to tiiu Urabcc estate and together
with the lots was sold at referee's sale a
couple or weeks ago to a Mr. Anderson,
0f Chicago, for SJ.'JOO, subject to a
mortgage of 1,200, but the sale had not
yet been confirmed.
Hanged Iliiuselriu His Own 1 ouse.
C. W. I.ocKWOoi), a farmer residing
one-half mile from Ericcon. committed
suicide by hanging. He used a bridle,
fastened to a beam upstairs in his own
houso, to hang himself. His wife and
;- ear-old daughter wore thc only ones
a home at the time and before they
could get help he was dead. Mr. Lock
wood made tivo attempts to shoot him
self in thc morning, but was prevented
by his son. Fcspondcncy seems to have
been the cause.
Slot IFs Sister.
A TKRi'iiiL" accident happened a
Farmer's Valley, resulting in the in
stant death of the 115-year-old daughter
of F. . Haymti-er at the hands of her
l-I-yeai-oid brother. 'I he boy was mak
ing an effort to :
time of the traj
se."v his sister in
hoot two owls nt thc
cdv. He did not ob-
tr.e vicinity until she
fell dead from thc effects of thc shot.
The bullets struck tho little victim in
thc back of
lible wound.
tin head, producing a hor-
I'or tho Belior of Veterans.
Tur, soldiets' lcliyf commission held
its annual session at Nobra-ska City in
the Court House and organize! by elect
ing J. O. Moore Chairman, D. W. Her
sliey Secretary, and Fred Neu Treas
urer. Thc commission estimated thc
amount needed for thc ensuing year at
?I,00l and asked that the County Com
missioners make a levy of two-tenths of
a mill on the a?s sstd valuation of thc
property in thc county to raic that
:. mount.
V. Sll Have Sutr Beet riant.
Yoi K is determined to have a Sugar
beet factory. An association iia been
organized with J. F. Harrison, Presi
dent: K. Armstrong, Vice-President,
and N. P. Lundon, tccretary. A Vice
President has been appointed for each
township, whose duty it is to sec how
many farmers will experiment with
beets this year and what amount they
will devote to the industry if it is a suc
cess. rentier Barkeeper Arrested.
United States Deputt Marshal
Geokge Harris made his second trip to
Pender, and this time took John A.
Cronk, the barkeeper in thc saloon,
tack to Omaha with him to answer to
the charge of selling whisky to the In
dians. Cronk has always borne a good
reputatioa as a citizen, and it is be
lieved he will b8 able to prove himself
not guilty.
1'repariEB for P.ersty of Ka'.n.
On account of the inclemency of thc
weather the "meeting held at Penkel
man to consider thc artificial moisture
question was not largely attended, but
enough was done to insure the seciirins
of tets for the coming season. Another
meeting will be held to perfect ar
Bills Introduct. and the Important Do
ing or a Week In tho Bouse and fen
ate A Variety o Topic o.- Interest
from AVashiustoa.
The .'olon at Work.
In the House on the Gth resolutions were
c"ered expressive of sorrow for tJi'J death
ot iL'C te Congressman Lee. of Virginia.
Several euloglrti; addresses were delivered
arid the resolutions iters then adopted. The
House, out of respect to the memory of tho
deceased, adjourned.
) the Mh Senator Proctor introduced a
bill authorizing the enlistment iu the regu
lar army of X.0Q3 Indians under the samu
conditions that govern tho enlistment of
other persons; the strength of the army to
be lncroasea to that extent.
IM the Houso ontuCtHu the Mutcliler res
olution Erecting Inijutry io to the failure
of Kevstoltti itptl Spring Garden Hanks or
riiilad'elphta and tho Maverick National
Hank of Boston, was adopted. A nr-olu-tlo
1 was introduced directing tlie CaiimtJ
tee on Jiulieiarv to inquire into the riglitot
thc Secretary of tho Treasury to employ
1W),0J((OOO of the gold reserve for current
expenditure?. The Hatch ISlll. placing tho
Secretary of Agriculture Iu line of prcsi
uer.tiHl succession after the Secretary of
the Interior was passed. Tho Houso then
went into a cofi.'rnittee of the wholo on tho
military academy appropriation bill. The
hill appropriates S405,75f, Which is larger
than lint year's appropriation. butSUI.t
less than the areragc amount of the appro
priations tor the past three year.
In the Senate: on the 9th adverse reports
ffere made by tUc1 Finance Committee on
the following bills: For tho free colnageof
gold and silver bullion, by Stewart; increas
ing the circulating medium by lsuing
treasury n'oies based oh gold and sliver
coin and bullion, by lVffer; for the retire
ment of national bank notes, free coinage
of silver and promotion of International
free coinage, by Plumb; malting certain
hs-ues of money full Icgnl tender In payniuit
of all dets, hy Kyle. The first threo bill.,
with adverse rnorts. were placed on the
calendar, and the IP:?, indefinitely post
poned. The Senate bill appropriating f:'J0,-
000 for a monument and stattlo to l.Vn.
Grant was reported from tho committee.
Senator Sherman Introduced a bill to pro
hibit the coming of Chinese persons iuto
the United States. Senator Pet tig row.
Chairman tit the Pelect Committee on the
tiu:idro-cciitcniiia!, Introduced four joint
resolutions extending Invitations to the
Presidents of tlie American l.cpublies and
Governors of the American Colonies to par
tlclpatcln the "World's Exposition; to ex
tend like invitations to the King and Queen
of Spain and the descendants of Coluinhus;
requesting a loan of certain articles, relics
or Columbus, from the Spanish government,
and authorizing thc Librarian of Congress
to exhibit certain documents referring to
Columbus. Senator Gibson, of Louisiana,
Introduced a joint resolution for the ap
pointment of a commission of live Senators,
seven Representatives and three expert .
to he .selected by and associated with the
Senators and Representatives, to take evi
dence and inquire into tlie depressed con
dition of the agricultural interest and the
low prices of agricultural product, espe
cially cotton; the causes thereof; whether
Unite causes are of a permanent character
or whether they have been created, or can
be remedied by legislation. A joint reso
lutkn for the payment to th St lie of West
Virginia of her proportion of th direct tax
was taken up on motion of S.mator Faulk
ner. The most significant event in the pro
ceedings or the Houe on the 10th was the
report of thc Bland free coinage bill. The
action was not one that involved debate, is
tho bill merely went 4.11 the calendar to he
taken up in order of consideration, but it
iiuloatod that it was the int-ntiou r th
free coinage men to force the hi.l with all
possible haste. The Houso a!o, 01 a re-
1 ort of the Committee on Rules, o.-d.-red an
investigation t th Pension Bureau. ?s
mrtnaged by Conimi-sionor Katun. On n.o
tion of Mr. Seerloy a bill was parsed ex
tending the time for the contrurti- 11 of a
bridge at Burlington. Aftorsonie further
buInos tlr Hou-e went Into Committer of
the Whole 0:1 thc Military Acad-my bill.
In the Senate on the 10th a joint resolu
tion as to West Virginia's proportion of the
direct tax went over after some debate.
The bill providing for the pri.iting, binn
ing, and distribution of public documents
was then taken up as uiilinlshed Ltisiness.
A clause authorizing tho franking of official
matter gave ri-o to some ditliculty. but was
finally fixed in these words: -The Vice
President, member. and members-elect ot.
delegate- and delegates-elect to Cori'res
shall have th" privilege or sending free
through the mailsaud under tlieirignaturc
any mail matter to any government otli
cial." Tiie bill then went over without ac
tion. The oath r ofl'ce was administered
to Mr. Gibson or Maryland, ami after an
executive session tlie Senate adjourned.
In the Senate on tlie lltlt an adverse re
port was made from the Committee on Mili
tary AfLiirj en a bill to provide for the bi
ennial isstio of a Ixiok to 1 know.i as a
military register or th 1'iilted t"tat.s. Call
nlTered a re-olutioii asking for an investi
gation into the alleged efforts or railway
and other corporations t Control the elec
tion or Seoators in the Florida Legl-lature.
A bill providing for poitotlica buildings in
towns and cities where po5toIhVo receipts
exceed SJ.0G0 annually was made a special
order tor Moaday next. After a short ex
ecutive si'sslou the printing bill was taken
up, the-question being on rs-nator Coke's
amendment 1 1 increase the number of extra
copies of tlie agricultural report. The
number of extra copie of th- report of the
Bureau of Airimil Indutry. also on motion
oi Coke, was increase'!. Senator (Jibson
introduced a bill t improve navigation and
afford ease and safely to trade and com
merce 0.1 tho M:sls-ippi River and prevent
destruction by flood;, approptlating SK"..
OCO.OIO. of which not more than 3 :w:j,U00 is
tj be expended Jrr any om year.
It was on the "Jackpot" claim where
the recent big silver discoveries were
made in CrceJ, Col. One must "speak
by thc card" in chronicling it.
At a meeting of thc Pittsburg presby
tery resolutions were adopted declaring
that unless thc World's Fair were
closed on Sundays and the sale of liq
uors prohibited on thc grounds, they
would not vu-it tho fair and would use
their influence to prevent others from
A commission composed of the mem
bers of the American Legation in Paris
and a representative of the French gov
ernment, has drafted an extiaiitlon
treaty between France and the Un ted
States for submission to Foreign Min
ister Kibot a u'd United Sttts -Minister
David Pouter, deputy collector of
customs at Savannah. Ga., was shot
and killed hy his ltj-ycar-old son. Por
ter went heme under the intluoncc of
liijuor, 'and, being ciiidcd by hs wife,
struck her. His daughter interfered,
and then young Porter ran to a bureau
and. taking out a loaded reo5er, killel
his father.
Iv the Creek Nation. Indian Terri
tory, Esna Gordon and Cafcr lirunner
were killed by deputy United State ;
marshals, and Deputy Marshal Mc?ali
wa seriously wounded. Thc olicetS
had surrounded a number of outlaws at,
Isruniu-rs house, when the fight began,
with results as stated above.
All of thc great central bolies of
labor organizations!! Nov York have
now endorsed a bill tp enable all self
supporting women to vote at all elec
tions. Even thc socialists, who polled
a vote of 1 1,030 for their candidate for
Governor, Daniel Ee Leon, last fall, are
committed to the measure.
IIenrv Laeoucheue says in Truit
"Personally I do not feel the slightest
loyalty to tho royal family: indeed I do
not know thc meaning of thc terra
royal family. My loyalty to the Queen
Is a feeling or respect for thc vLsiblo
emblem of thc laws that we ourselves
Have made, and I honor hec because of
her sterling finalities and for the good
sense that she has shown during her
,ong reign,"
Ii waf.
. S,
'ALIJE:, Vice Free
ft. I.
U.J.. IiU.
JOHN j. 60LL1 VAS.
First National Bank
Report of Contitloa May 17, 1899.
mi Sfaeanmta
17.tM6.3t .
D.8. Bonds.................
Bal ettate, fwmltat nd
Due from otkar banks $23,77X93
Dee from U. a. Treuory.. 873.00
Cua ca bind ,... : 13,479.4
"Ta -
CTapltal and rcrploa
Undivided profit
National baok aott ontstawlinf.
Redtioo nuts ........ .......
. 13,000.00
Das depositors
justness arts.
j n;. kixiaiv,
0cs oTer Colombo Stats Bank, Columbus.
KebraiktC 29 i.
Office over tha First National Bank, Colntnbns.
Nebraska. 60-tf
jyrj( K. TURNER ft CO.,
Proprietors and Publishers of tha
Both, post-paid to any address, for $2.00 a year,
strictly in adrancc. Fxvivt Joua.vAL, $1.00 a
Colambas, Neb.
n.c. BOTri,
Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware!
Job-Work, Hoofing and Gutter
ing a Specialty.
tVShon on 13th street, Krause Bro.'s old
stand on Thirteenth street. S2tf
F Repairing of allJtimlsof Uphol-
All kilds of Reoairing doM tl
Sbort Notice. Baggies, Wig-
tis, etc.. nade to order,
and all work Guar-
Also tell the world-famous Walter A.
Wood Mowers, Reapers, Combin
ed Machines, Harvesters,
and Self-binders tha
best made.
MTShop opposite the "-Tattersali," on
Olive St.. COLUMBUS. 26-m
Wt Offer BothforaTtr,att4M, l-
Tk Je15it Is tekaowlstlcsl tsss) sW
MsadfjusuTrjtsscr ia f btscs)t73M
saws i
siatt. f ara!bhfif is a ? oyeri,!
hdit btaKttlre, vnttea bj w
caaa'nthotw. t is bematifsjl
nca wiU sbarsaisi cuiiHAtsd
Kh vhm ADtarbBrl&ts
is Dtmaitn
bbbjm tsaaa fsst? s sabset
.,., . , mr- fV m
itL isst s saoseriBttsst
Hit will U WBCsiaUTbrQlisat
T yriCs oi Jotbsal Ja $$.. ss$ 1
.MMwra.tsUOt, rfsssMsvlV
sv - sty m tar stv
itiraly td IlljplHtaS.
tht aad fn$&tlmJ
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