The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, January 13, 1892, Image 3

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"V r -j.
- . -A. & N. TIME TABLE, .
836 - .V-.
335 "
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- . --r -A.' " -Bvilwood : -..;:.
-- "';-"Artlv$st.LiflCoitt7.Vi,-.':
- -t ': 'i ' '
wwam ..-.,
-" ". -Tfiopncerenvoii.l4nc!olnat4i!0'p"HJ.and'
.-. -- Lincoln at :E a." njL and arrive at: Colombo
;- -tfr'---v- :..: ,.- :-, -r;-.,-j
iioiNn"EA3.- . ih'. : "nOi;nwt8T.
vl " AflftntttEiJv'TiS a7 ra FPacifiq;.v.10jpt
. .JmjvYw fhtSrooxCity..
""-"- !taixed"ave.fpfc8iouX.-CHy'.
-, .-Mixed .arrive...
:,-,..:. 1050 p:-nv
ttlntole ?c? 7?rt'
-EEHANQN JXDGfi No," 58; AT. 4 Ai.
ltuiar ineeiisuhi 2d WedatadaTia.each
. inoaUi. .Alt brethren Ihvited to atTesd:
-;jr.1.YmT; flecVi."-. -VL - .apjubt.. .; v.-.
, WH,TJ:V 101GE iJo. W.IlO.O.P
fcinrteft Tnpday 'emrenufga'--bf-.&oacli-
f .T- :. I.:.7W l.oll .An - hirfaantk'
:- iZiZfy- Bt?t. " Vinitini brethren-cordially
?" V-.'f nvilwl.--'. A -' ' - -:W. K. NdttTaiir,-.Ji;.G.-
'- i i ' " f .r i i ii .
. -CtucaBoKct.-. l:30.p.-m- -JJpaTerKx..-.. 25p.o
'.. :--:.-' -i.IriJnitcd-.r."60p.'tnjrJ-amitd..'....-il'pm
-"" '.-.. .Col."Ial.i.-6rfA..m1liocaf.Fr't,t.75D0a.m
''-''''i;".'.''.i:.!"' "'"'.' ;' ';-'----' ''"-"
." .' -JeVn.amvfafromSiiVireitV-lilhK-pi
-.' y -..""'?. s. JeaTtCo'uraliijif6cI-inc'n.-2P5p..'ni"
xv.. :!-.: '.I-' .arrivepfrom.L.ipc"ln.V."....2ipm'
. . - . - t
r v" wieccleav"ijr....vvv:-.:-;vv.;..'..":230p."in
-."' MUed.loavea:'.:..-:i,:-.'v-?-..-.jc;:: j.r..-.7dOO)Cin;
. .- V!v PajengF nrrivef , A'--."-vr.. 1 .'-"I.-. '.'.-. WO p,m.
... 'k y- Mixed aniv"w.:.-:-":;J..'i4.:..".,.LM.. "C 830 p. is;
. v"y. " .'". r I". " . ' "' .
" -'." V'-- . ;. ..-. ; ' '..
- .'f :tSBBB a.Btdfertir widiBik bi'
- .N'viMyu
- ' JtBBBBf--"
'- " ::"'Tj'KOU(rANl2IK:HUUClLOFTTEB-DA!r-'
-.: .".. i.y.:,- -8ainVn i(r-re?nlarBjri'3i-"eyery "jHanuay
t -i.ii-.Tn.t Jirnvcr i(fiinuin UHumuu eTtnuuK
-Avtuu';:-r-AUaWicrQiallyaiivitl.-. .-", J
' njdIW - .-- KJcL-f JX. J, UDDSOSV-PreaiiTent.-
.'-'-' " " ;"-; ""'. " "" "
!--:-i.lJritii..rTurtLn.nptice,-.rt-' ajSver-
'"iiBeir.efcts iinderthis heai.-t'be'cB'arg--
.' -.- !ij'd aLrthftnito-of .fivB-centtfti linereach-'
..-!.-;-r-,soTm:TOiu.ine iitties. - , . - ".
- -;""-lVbilla"prnj3aVftiS4)fpcft - --
, . -,. .-A-an'owfroiii-tuQjist Sunday.- -
: .. .-- ..;"--i.-" I? irejneh-'s'rfnnuallJalUfleb 1::-
-: ',. ;S?--r--qr'w "aafl I'ljITJ-ltaamTlssgn'BT
. .- ',V"j-'- - -Ck)iiieHto,TnE:J3WBAfdr,joUwo'rk.
4 ":..'i" "V-'.-A-i-pensioniias. 'bpdn .allowed j'to
" .;!:.7iicVrajCjeoao'-."y' . W
". .-'.". 'IStkqJry. ntKS "vitlSiJKJSP1--1
...V."' Vhe.w.aVfmttss8n,8-.C-' " ':KSf
V -3j -v iJlriv Jacob VErnst;-BU.fferbd"a:"BeriouB
.. --"i- V"- T'ofgp'seIonday-'n-nt. "".--':. . ,' -. "
. I "-; -.,- ?ld"4iewsp'ap.o'fs'-y the hundredp25.
" ' ' v'con'ts-attbe'JfotJRN'Aii'onice.""'"". .;' :
.-, -.' ;- ' j-ifalliing but X -P-' Becker's indonujb-
. ": ;-v--flblp".wiU seemti tb;lplithalivel.-; ' -".'
'-T X "v- ' - --vDr.r-Tr R 'Ciark, Kdctssb'-t .fq :.Dr.
' -. "X-cKng,"0n.y'eBt.7li;.offic.a 1.
- .'-":".-.'-r-lrEye--'rid ".'foi. ,6urgeon,jr.-pr.':E..T.".
c l,iV&'vfrfen; J:Rame block; Ojnt&i'fK- -
--f . ------The ?aies?jiftusibai-.lwH-: tnee't- next-
; ". "'.- :KaxvinffjlU-Mr"-G.;E
r .;. .:,- jiueLw ..-s- i- .. r-- " .--.-.-; --.'-..- ". :
' ' "-. "" . "VSonie-fine vdiiDff -'cattle:--fpfzsale'- or
-..; "ii.eicUange".'.fGf";city iots..-Gall-.:ph -B.Bv
: . :l Jl'-V -.;'"-. ..- .-- '".-:.-.--."-5
-ii;lTh.nest.'-.'rgiirai ; 'jijetinK tK"'ifee
-' '' -lnan'friveiref Gbrps wifl'.Thurs'dayj
.'-, -"Hi --" s-HS2(K)i)0r-.. intb'-laneV'to.-sell -niy-i
"." .-. "'. iX4rc'--'Mdrci, '-Klluper'i. ; South
-p'.ViBehd,iha:.:-::--: ... " 'Vawft-
i .-.. '. .... KLTi-.l-a"hT--r.-fVi1iiinliiB" tfftli -trill' Art
. '-""-'iyair.bpnse?TpoVin "and
."-'- :.-at feasonjiblii' prices. -" f -.,-ltf--eow:i
-;."" -'' .-;-.": '-l-"Wi8ll6ia-is justified... of her.-thp-'
V T'Av-?-wiiileiVhy cni-se&lipf' in
.. r ;v.tiirif.cHrsed"b3, - r - .
" '' - l"""Sofnr:ria-ehe:irdaQiu"an.tUreaM
" . ;; " eiuiu: 8tyke.n"Qthe" fjir'-, saying. "Tiie
r J.. ;. .-- rdas- ar-e.g'irnj .lohjjer.'. .: ' :-. c .'. "':
1"-.-:v .- ' V f.rischrilz is:di-"fli6 .sick l.iat and
. H-;;--:7"jnFhlfiaiin is-icluig.-ttfl liisiibstitute
' .- . .".t nmisMnRiMf "isf nliiislHiKknC " 'J
".-Rrbnarcli gaspljn6.s'tp,eB,'-tli5'e-
"-'--. " i"-"-' " i. u --j:i'--V"- ii. '
v;.'A.-:. market For sale bv:A.Boettcher.-4tf.
-"'"" -''"' f-- --v -.? ''" '-."'--- : to '-""
.-":.- j :.".--Oiir'WQr41ij-..i'G"imt': surveyor, K,-Ii.
!' -! --"-.: " Essi" sttojvbbund in:ibe.-cityi
". " " -hz-. r. rSiil v f Ht'iii-(--nrd(---ff.f or f iitrire bllsThSS..
'".V.On-1 be' "vety lixgt-.tluy'-.'of his 'term,
I-!" - --V'juSpiSulliya'n had ."an .iiic-ltion.; tor
ffi vX:;-y.naliRi.nUs,-.cniofrom "Nance, "county.
J..'-..? ''- .-.lj!r:'.raitnrau, -dentist; Thirteenth. st,
'" "-W"rtX" jiw9iieja'rberfe. " AlPwork guaranteed..
:-"7-"C-:'Ga8,'"gi'ven.Tor the painless' Ktracliori of
!: '':: -'ttbvv -i . ." ..,.",:; v - rMt
'i - " V-. .-". ".. TAto wATrk. In liroco tliA nntzr lifenr1 of
. . ? . . . .. .....-. -.f.. .. .-r i .
'-;s zri; tiuper'ier nrejiu'jsess'ioni ,-VuWwe- shall
"';-:: .-.--.Siifr iiliiililo 'to- report.. Jiny argaoizatioii
v t'm -. -- V" " - - - " ' - ' ' .
..;."." ' "-.V.'tGrs--areeki; " '. .-..----, "'.-;-- - .-.
."- j-.-i .1-,'"-r-7M,rI Shoiifiaki?f.and..famUy ofTalloy
-V -sT- .'?-counih"av'rempved.jEo thb'tsil', gndlie
.jjiO" -M.-elwKl'.n .yjEsarS-' einplpynientr.Avith
" l"-V " "-i: r '- cX -ii.''Albri;VEiq.,--.was ttecessf u.1 in.
'". ."-'-"getting"lhe-nrtt7fro.nV;RvI Eamb,. '&.
. iL r.V(:whjVr?:T;:,ie: CIjn-kv,receited .the .Tbe
.""Ct .-!, - ..-"-: :--., ...-? .-; .-
: . il; i-V":.:r Jlaftin jOtTcanVfliot'aifofviias Skip-. January
; 'Z. v -V :WWe6St-.ixney say. gonespme-
:. V'.Vr-.-'S whe're" in.;j3Jfin6i.8;i" . : --.':-- : ':.:.
'. . iiv"--i-.. - . .-. .--fc . - -.-. . .... .. mt
.:.' -'.V -'". EaHaga'ivrUes-froca.Ojualiathat.-
- r "." i- V- .,VV-"JkrL 'ii?-"j:"-,"-a -Uwl.'"
.". '.Rinftfl.tlm.ontfraYion ori".bis-"evev the- .lias
l-ilf4ffi ?
'':liN'"V.V-lie.fiad"-ever expected-to? . I i" :
1 : cV;'r-vj- -'-SiWe aVe "sorVvr-'to-.leaiu : that 'attHfie
f " !-; -j; -Ov".jmembera-of-ifie hou.sehold-of.'J6nas H-edr
l -,l --.".-.- ..;.; .-jnan-hving lnvtlievwestern 'poru9n.Mne
I .-i:.Vr--cojunty,are:auucxfia.-irainriiiQ. prevailing-.
' : -y "i-- :V -;-i7H320"acTe8 of-oQd4and:in- 'section" .6
"4 :. r - ". -Vr:"toWn'57,..rangerl eas.v o.r sale "for: -cash:' -
y: ' ;:V7--VVFptJenva'Vomnwo
- '.-;- .;-?TT" Jonoventh8titVu
";, 'j-r"::.:U;suJtabltf--fa5 grpTOj;dryygb8"".6x.;
' l-.r-?( Mo1hihz r-lX'ipng-itime.iei'p'reYefted,'.
. "''.''' ." 'CallafrJbtXttQffiwV-V -" .- ..- :--tf.-.
: v v:-? - . :-.? -. ..... .:ci... -. :.. .- v - :. .: .
i4:-:jl ClarkLthe:Jtor-i)rotii.erf
j.r;--:baa".-gone..:tb" Albany, 'Jf: -;to-entet a
Children Cry for
; . ; -;. ;..--.'profei6pal-4ibrananys .-school,7Jie only
:- v:dne:inj.wod:rx
I .-."' '" ' J''; offeVs:whehhe"conlpl6tes."lu.s"jl3adyi-." ' "
. - z i- -." r-. . - . ...--.. . .
!"-v t.-.- -.,,- -'-'frK vnnn''rTnik.TKTW'llTAIllc'!init.'Ilill'
., . ....v.;. ,.-:.. .-V7y7ir-.--7:. "'- : --T.
fi - : -".---. - V .: Across ine-irozensQu -.... :- : -A
' .-.-. -' .-.J i'-Nocab;jri 8ightahd:pcor:BflR"-eQal7" . ,
Jl-.- -1 - "-"- WbrtJiientycpnte'anodi-"-c. ..
. .... -..
The provident farmer occupies a por
tion of his time planniag for the future,
f .not failing to consult with hie good wife
as to the main" items which make for the
.general welfare '"
. yesterday was the fourth anniversa
ry ot the great' Nebraska blizsard of
1868. The gloomy recollection of that
eventful day causea-a shiver to run down.
down our spine. .
.f-l?r. T.-R. Clark took a tumor off the
left thumb of -Joseph Yanroe, Monday.
It was not larger than a good-sized pea,
"but was giving a good deal of uneasiness
whenever it happened to get struck. .
. -4The!.T.M.'C. Are holding gospel
meetings;-at-the. M. E. "church every
evening this -week, and will, continue
until. -further, notice.:. Good music and
iriteribetib'g .sermolBs: Everybody, is: in
vited. :-.-.;'- ,.: - v"
- -We ar Ta receipt of a Whatcom,
Wash-iwpec.frbmW.iM. Leach,- fQrm
eriy.6f.the Era of this .city". " TheT. Ex-,
presiis a large and able'; representative
of. the enterprising city wherejt is pub1
Jished. :-'- - - ' -.:
.. rThQxToneer Hpok Ac Ladder Com
pany will give .their annual, mask bill at J
the .opera house, Feb. 19. It has been
'their ''custom-'for several "years to give
(heir .ball . Feb: 22d, but thatr. das had
been engaged. -. . ' " .' . -.--George'
-Shei'del, 'saloonkeeper.;. t
fiatte. Center has been sued for" $10,000
by the wJdQw'of'Martia liaise, who' was
reoentl jrfound frozen' ibaleath' nesr-'his J
homeC ''Albert k Beederhava oharg
of the prosecution:
.: . -" - .. - y
: K,.P: social this, Wednesday, e'ven-
ingj-at their halt. installation of bffi-
cers-and" literary .and 'musical exerdses
Vill'be the order of 'the evening. Those
wkolad invitations to the other .socials
.are i -respectfully invited to this one.
VFred.Henning, seven -miles 'south
west of Columbus,' oi -the .Island, will
Uave-a.;sale -.of stock; machinery, .hay,
etc.,-:M6nday; Jan. 18th. Any of our
neighbors who wish bargains may pos
sibly'be able to find tHem at this sale.
Saturday "morning, the six-months-,
xJd.son'of -Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lewis of
-.thisbi.ty departed this-life. The funeral
took place "Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
The' afflicted. parents-have the heartfelt
sympathy of all"' their acquaintances in
- - rJohn Elliott was at Omaha recently
and lie says our Columbus streets are
TOry nice compared with those of Omaha,.
just artliis time; while they are doing
8Q.mucli "grading down there, -the clay
ijetson. their, paved, streets and makes
.them -very. muddy and sticky.
. '.- If on: -W X Irwin, ex-chairman of.
-the' "board of '"supervisors, received a
splendid gold-headed cane Thursday
last fromhis fellow supervisors, .the pre--sentiatiori
Bpeech being made by Hon! H.
;J:Hudson."' -Mr. Irwin is -one of those
peculiarly-happy' natures just fitted for
JaJnipotlgd Percheron BaAShire sial
' liobs lBrgMt.importation of (draft hors
es 'to 'JfrnenCsTlhiB year A! nflVclass
horsMpO, on en e, two and three rears'
time; ate per cent!, enabling the hoe to-
pay for himself. ."vrfli payyour expei
es if I cantt suit younhorseand price.
Hiram -0. Ytheeler; OdwJUJt,' Sac Co. la.
: lyjany persons who .have recovered
from.'la. grippe are now troubled' with a
pfesiBteni cough. Chamberlain'sCougb
;iJeniedy wilt promptly loosen this cough
and relieve .the lungs, offeoting a per-
TOanent'cure in a very short time. 25
and 50 cent bottles for sale by C. E
Pollock'-& Co. and Dr. Heintz Drug
gists. : .. , -. tf
'-i. W.-'.Stevens received word from
Kis -wife-Thursday morning. She is in
California for .her", health, and sends
some brilliant" samples- of .California
flowers picHted tip for'ihabccas'ion. They'
are'now eating all kinds-of 'fresh vegeta
bles', also. 8tnwbe'rries...-.She gives a
very, glowing -account of -.-.affairs around
Han.lWego. :." - , ' -: ''', -..
"?V Maud Maley'-commenfeeda'suiffor
"b&staT'dy : .against-.- Frank L.;-Whitney:.
Mrfc-Whitney suoceedeXl in' getting the
giB'tct'gp to the home, of tlie- friendless
at.Milfordrand there was no. odfr to ap-pear'agains't'Whitney-whe'n
the hour-. of
.'trial'came.'"'-Be8ides-being a very gener
ous "lady, "-'Mrs: Whitney- evidences con--si'deralefihreVdness
as amahager, ".
. Tuesday,".was "by far "the
' coldest if the. season th'e mercury." reg-
isteting-iC!-4eloW, about 7 o'ciocK;
Tbere-jvefe'several cases of frozen hoses
and'.-nipped ears, and Harlem oil.-.and
othe.C4Uitidotes for frost bites .we're-in
tieinand. . The coal -dealers were all
smiling, and the .ice dealers were getting
tools in shape, preparatory to harvesting
an unusually large crop.
-The homeliest man in Columbus as.
-well as the handsomest, and othbrs are
mvited to-call' on. any-druggist and get
free a. trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for
the' throat" and lungs, a remedy that is
j'selling .entirely-upon its nierits. and is
guaranteed to relieve - and cure all
.chronic andacUte coughs, asthma, bron
chitis and consumption. Large bottles.
.50 cents. and $1..' All druggists. 33-y
second qnarterly meeting for
Columbus. M. E. church, will be held
16-17. Saturday at v2 .-o'clock
the quarterly conference will "convene
for the' transaction - of its duties:'. Let
there be a full-attendance. Sundayt.10
a. m.:,'lovefeast;. preaching at 10:5D a.m.,
"followed by sacramerit. All. under the
come- all who may-- cont& J. B. Leedo'm.
"Tr-TJnjdn Bervices were held .at; the Sunday 'evening,,
Riav.-.Cole preaching an interesting .ser
mon to a goodsized-congregatian. The
bligalion restihg-jupbn christians is to
minister 'to.' the spiritual. wants of their
-feliow-creatureVas others minister to
-.'..--"... - - -.
their-;xnenfal and physical needs. A
.mau-is often well-fed physically but
starving for. mental an'd ..spiritual nour-.
ishmeht: "" - . " ."
- A party. Of yootig folks, met '.at the
residence of E. O. Wells Friday evening,
"the, .occasion being a surprise on Miss
EliaV.- ".The. "-first intimation of their
presence-' was ..some;"-delightfnl music.
.ooteide. The 'eroning was spent. pleaer.j
antlyan'd all regret saving their, .filial;
"fareweU'toliiss Ella. The'jOhautauqua'
alsope'nt- tbeVvening'thore," Tuesday .of
J h.-wkrVMs Wells was. one. "of itsj
most':, prominent .'members ' and .the ;so-
cieiy"aB well'sa the city,.wiU" miss'bne
L'of jtheir brightest; young ladies.' She-
JeavBS this ."week" -for ' Sb -.Paul.-Minn..
inhere', she enters' the Visitation Acad-J
'emy,dOr her life-work as a" teacher. Her
'jnbtherwiU.acc6mpany"her.thither. "." .
Children Cry for
' Nearly two hundred ladies and
gentlemen sssembledvat the Maenner
chor Hall last Thursday avaning, bring
ing large amounts of provisions of .all
lands, for a bountiful supper later along
and -which was greatly relished byalL
About eight o'clock, the house was oal
led to order and G. W. Phillips, Oomrity
Clerk, on behalf of the county oSoers
elect, in a neat speech, presented to Mr.
and Mrs. Davis, a handsome, silver tea-set-
There were, besides, other tokens
of regard suitable to tha tenth anniver
sary of the worthy couple's wedding-day.
Mr. Davis, in response, replied in well
measured words,, expressing the com
plete surprise of himself and -wife, and
thankmg.those gathered on the occasion
for the many expressions of their good
wilL ThK feeling tribute he paid to
married life n? general, and to hie own
in particular, "was highly appreciated by
all 'the benedictaXpresent, and was as
hearty on", hk.own was frank
and -sincere. 'Refreshments over, the
Maennerchor Orchestra burnished 'some
fsscinatihg music -for dancers, and af
ter midnight) the very pleasant party
beean'to break up. The writerxwould
give a pretty button ..-to have .the com
plete pictures, of the scenes, and. phono
gravures, . so. to speak, of the; many
.voices; "lie dancing on the stage and
tiie "cooking'' of the coffee conlchit be
left out : Among out-of-town folks on
hand, were Hon. W. J. Irwin, ex-chair-
saan cMtrb6adtof .supervisors; ;
Byrnes,- Ed. Campbell and Mr
'also of the board. Altogether the oc
casion was one long to be remembered
by all present,, and more especially by
Mr. and Mrs. Davis.
The new buildings under course of
construction at 'Grant Institute, Genoa,
are.progressing as 'rapidly aa the -winter
weather will permit, and it is the uni
versal verdict of all who inspect them
that the work is substantial, and that
the .'contractor, our fellow:townsman
'James Pearsall, will see to it that "they
are completed in the very best manner
possible a credit to the government as
well as to himself. Quite a number of
Columbus men are employed on the
buildings, among whom are Ed. Clark,
Frank Clark, L. B. Harmon, Louis Phil
lips and Ed. Davis. -While there last
.Friday, the writer, in company with
Adolph Sauer, was piloted by W. F.
Becket through, the different industrial
departments of the school, where the
Indians in all branches were busy as
bees at their different avocations, and to
see them turning out harness, brooms,
clothing and boots and shoes by the car
load, doing carpenter work, printing,
etc., etc.,: strongly impressed one with
the thought that the Indian can and
will "work, and that his best "hold" is
not in another direction, Doc. JBixby to
the contrary notwithstanding. Supt
Backus was absent in the west securing
more pupils for the school, but as every
thing about the school was moving
along like clock, work, it is evident-that
the heads of all departments are in com
petent hands and will not suffer-from a
temporary absence of their chief. Supt.
Backus is doing a grand work for the
Indians under his "charge, and the peace
policy for the Indian is undoubtedly the
The installation of the officers elect
of Sylvan Lodge No. 133, K. of P., took I
place at uenoa last naay evening, in
the absence of their, appointed officer,
W. B. Backus, Occidental lodge of this
city was called upon to help out. Dep
uty District Grand Chancellor, Carl
Kramer, Grand Master at Arms, -A.
Sauer, Grand Prelate, D. F. Davis, A.L.
Bixby and J. A. Turner were present
from this city. -The home of the lodge
is' in a hall .fitted up magnificently by
their retiring Chancellor Commander,
W. F. Becket, whose skill as a decorator
is visible everywhere. The opening ad
dress on the objects of the order was
'delivered by Carl Kramer, and the re
maining 'exercises of the installation
were interspersed with vocal music, con
sisting of solos, duets, trios, etc, and a
recitation very well received by the au
dience, by Mrs. Spear, the exercises
closing with short addresses by Bev.
Turrell and D. F. Davis." Quite a num-
ber of the Genoese were present, 'and
visiting members and others taking part
in the program were handsomely ban
queted by Sylvan lodge. Sylvan lodge
instituted several years ago, has
about forty members, and is one of sev
eral lodges hereabouts in which Occi
dental takes peculiar pride.
Tuesday evening last, Baker Post
Q. A. K, Woman's Belief Corps and
-Sons of Veterans organizations of this
city held a union meeting at their hall
on Thirteenth street, and the officers
elect for the ensuing year were-duly -installed,
Comrade Price of Platte Center
officiating for the veterans, Mrs. Tisdell
of Grand Island for the ladies and Capt
Searl for the Sons. A splendid ebony
cane, gold-mounted, was presented to
ex-commander -Henry T. Spoorry, M..K.
Turner in the presentation, referring to
the organization of the two -.subsidiary
orders under MrvSpoerry's' administra
tion;; the securing-of the state 'encamp
ment; the -doubling, of the. number of
members of the post, and other matters
indicating the prosperous condition of
the order generally in the city. All -the
old boys are. unbounded in their, praise
of Mr. :Spoerry and :the work he hasdone
the past year for Baker Post, and well
-they may be, because he has given to the
work,. heart, time and attention. Taken
completely by surprise, he yet. accepted
his cane with, some appropriate 'words of
cheer for the Post, and .also patriotic
sentiments well befitting && occasion.
An'express agent., has a peculiarly
.trying position to 'occupy, sstnetimes.
All-goes well when money: "is plentiful
and everybody can pay.their scoreibut
when times are hanly money searee and
circumstances are sdch-ss-to .enlist sym
pathy, then it is that '.the-. tunes try a
man's soul." Last falL Mrs. Annie Nel
son was "on. her- way .'from Sweden to
Denver, and .was compelled- to .stop be-
." .-.. V. . m f 1 .V
cause or me.siCKneeB -oi ueruue cnuuj
which afterwards'died here "at "the" hoe
pital. 'Olo'f-Johnson, the' express, agent
here; advanced: to the company fourteen
dollars and -fifty cents, express charges
due "froni." Mrs.. Nelson, and was. reim
bursed'fbr the..same last-Friday, receiv--ing
'it fromher at Denver. Mr. Johnson
says that ofseveralsimilar cases: 'this is
the only'one "where-he has received pay
ment . Sotne.people have 4m -errb'neous'
notion thaktKe express company is the
loser-in s.uch cases. The agent is made
responsible in any.tcaas. ' . " - .'
M. Welch was at Genoa Saturday. ,
Judge X G. Higgins was in Omaha
Friday. -
H. M. Window returned Friday from
Chicago. ,
A. H. Swartzendruver was in Linoobi
last week.
. Mrs. W. A. McAllister and mother are
both quite sick.
George Willard was at Genoa Satur
day on business.
E. D. Fitzpatrick is confined to his
house by the grip.
Judge Sullivan is holdings term of
court at FoUerton. .
Julius Basniussen was at Omaha Wed
nesday on business.
Miss Enor Cloth'er returned Friday to
her home at Genoa.
J. S Cameron .returned Friday from a
trip to southern' Nebraska.
Mrs. Jas. Pearsall went to Omaha Fri
day for a visit of a few days. . .
Ed. Hoare, farmer at Grant Institute,
was a Columbus visitor Saturday last".
Miss Mary Keogh of Omaha has'been
visiting friends in Platte Center the past
week." ' '
" M. C Bloedorn is. the new marshal
at Humphrey, John Walker having re
signed. y
Ma RD..F)tzpatrick lawmaking her
'daughter, Vary, a two" "weeks' visit at
thnaha: N - . "
. Bossa Wiggins is making a visit of
.several weeks with Charles Winship," at'
D. C. Kavanaugh andJacob Greisen
were among the Platte Center visitors
last week.
F. N. Stevenson, the creamery man,
visited with his brother, C. W., atFre
mont Sunday.
Mrs. A. Beaty of Wattsville .Was visit--iting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. P.
Curtis last week.
D. N. Jennings of St Edward has gone
to .Albert Lea, Minn., expecting to stay
till next summer.
Miss Clara Martin has been quite' sick
but is now better. Miss Kate - Taylor
taught her school.
Mrs. Bird of Cedar Bapids passed
through the city Friday on her way to
Omaha to visit relatives.
A. M. Jennings was down from Genoa
and spent Sunday with his family,' re
turning Monday morning.
Bev. Samuel Goodale and wife and
Miss Clara Lehman started Friday even
ing" for southern California.
Hub Pepper, one of the oldest 'settlers
of Butler county, was taken down quite
severely last Wednesday with the grip.
Miss Ella Wells started yesterday for
Milwaukee, where she expects to reside,
permanently as a. teacher in one of the'
Catholic schools.
Frank J. North, of Fremont,, official
court reporter for Judge. Sullivan, came
up Monday evening and went to Ful
lerton, Tuesday afternoon.
J. M. Curtis was down town Monday
morning the first time since the Tuesday
night previous he -had a bad case of
grip, seemingly all kinds at once.
Miss Belle St Clair entertained her
Sunday school class and a few of their
friends at a watch meeting, Jifildatjtjer.
residence New Year's eve.. A jolly. good
time is reported. (Madison Chronicle.
Among those who attended the art
exhibition at Schuyler last week were,
Misses Chattie Bice, Louisa Bauer, John
Tannahill, J. N. Kilian, M. Beagan, Dr.
Clark, George Lehman, Gus Kohler,
Mrs.'M. K. Turner and daughter Martha.
Victor .Anderson, who has been visit
ing old friends in Palestine, has returned
to Albion.
Mrs. H. E. Hanchett has been quite
sick the past two weeks with the grip,
but is' now slowly recovering.
Miss Ella Birdsall gave a party to her
friends New Year's eve. All enjoyed
themselves immensely.
We are sorry to learn that Miss Sadie
Pearce is very sick with an attack of the
Mr. Wm. Irwin, sr., has been danger
ously ill. His brother from Illinois is
visiting him.
Peter Welin shipped a carload of hogs
to Omaha, Wednesday.
Quite a number of the little folkB in
the neighborhood are sick.
No healthy person need fear any
dangerous consequences from an attack
of la grippe, if " properly .treated. It is
much the same as a severe cold and re
quires precisely the same treatment
Bemain quietly at home and take
Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy as direct
ed for a severe cold and a prompt and
complete recovery is sure to follow.
This remedy also counteracts, any ten
dency of la grippe to result in pneumonia.
Among the many -thousands who have
used it during the epidemics of the past
two years, we have yet to learn of a single
case that has not -recovered or that has
resulted in pneumonia. 25 and 50 cent
bottles for sale by C, E. Pollock & Co,
and Dr. Heinz,, Druggists. tf
.Letter List.
List of letters remaining in the poet-
office at Columbus; Nebraska, for the
week ending -January' 11 1892:
Parties calling .for the,, above' letters
will please isay "advertised." 1'" . ".
-. Cabl Keameb,P. Mj
1 i
bout Farm Loans !
. .
give a privilege, m our loans which'
ry valuable, to the borrower. It is
privilege to' jay -one or more bun-
dollars at time of 'any interest pay
ment, in this way reducing .both prin
cipal andinterest- '
-Our present rate of interest is seven
per cent, . payable annually and no"
charge is made for drawing up papers.
.'. :u ...., ;T;?1?lBICHf3.
..Columbus, Neb. 36V Loap Agent
f " - "
TT . For Sale. -. ;
i-'few choice brood -sows Toe 'sale, on
obfe year's time,by"the undersigned, at
tbfhome farmrfour mUes'.jiortheast of
Cbiumbuf. .. . . J. H. Damns.
eray JE Sburman
DomsShnrman CGSigdfoos
GeoTtoe Sinf ord C K Panaelee
Geo E Miller Jskaea Nfthol
Alet Francis ' August Bred
Arthur Gardner Hugh Gafagher
Henri KeeH. .Frimz-KiW '
George Kerner Mb. Almond.
Mrs. ISP-ulto-Q. . Mr FH Gain
MnWHHil .'Miafe Minriii
JShadk . Ladra S BbVda
9FranBis MrsVMBrppr
is Ire
-""""TT"""""-',it""""""- . T .1
aa the Nerthwcst Fa
cile Cms.
oonstant.dsmand.of the traveling
the far West for a comfortable
d at the same time an economical
sode of traveling, has led to the estab
Hshmsmtof what is known as Pullman
Oclonist Sleepers.
These oars are built on the same gen
eral plan as the -regular first-class'' Pull
aaaa Sleeper, the only difference being
hi that they are not upholstered. '
They are furnished complete with
good cosafortable hair mattresses warm
blankets, snow white linen, curtains,
plenty of towels, combs, brushes, etc.,
rhich secure to the oocupant of a berth
is much privacy as is to be had in first
elass sleepers. ' There 'are also separate
toilet rooms for ladies and gentlemen,
and smoking is absolutely prohibited.
For full information send for Pullman
.Colonist Sleeper Leaflet.' E. L. Lomax,
General Passenger and Ticket Agent,
Omahsjjfelk ' c
86caarl - JBMkaohkb
L Agent Union Pacific System.
Milwaukee & St. Paul
Ry isjths only line running solid vest
ibfOeaLelectrio lighted and steam heated
trains between the Missouri-river and
Chicago, consisting of new palace sleep
ing 'can, elegant free reclining chair
carWluxuxious coaches and ihe finest
Mp. can in the world. The fcrfr
reading lamp in its. palace sleeping cars
is patented and cannot be used by any
other-railway company. It is the great
improvement of the age. Try it and be
convlncedf 'Close' connection in union
depot at'Oniaha with all trains to and'
from the west For further particulars
apply to your ticket agent, or
F, A. Nash, Gen'l Agt
W. S. Howeli,,
Traveling Fr't and Pass. Agt.,
25febft " . Omaha, Neb
Happy Homier.
Wm.- Timmons, postmaster of Idaville,
"Electric Bitters has done
more for me than all other medicines
combihedsfor the bad feeling arising from
kidney ancEliver trouble." John Leslie,
farmer and stockman, of same place,
says: "Find Electric Bitters to be the
best kidney and liver medicine, made
me feel like a new man." J. W. Gardner,
hardware merchant, same town, says:
"Electric Bitters is just the thing for a
man who is all fun down, and don't care
whether he 'lives or dies." He found
new strength, good appetite and felt
just like he had a new lease on life. Only
50 cents a bottle at C B. Stillman's drag
store. 2
We want every mother to know that
croup can be prevented. True cr up
never appears without a warning. The
first symptom is hoarseness; then the
child appears to have taken a cold or a
cold may have accompanied the hoarse
ness, from the start After that a pe
culiar rough cough is developed, which
is followed by the croup. The time to
act is when the child first becomes
hoarse; a few .doses of. Chamberlain's
Cough Bemedy will prevent the attack.
Even after a rough cough, has appeared
the disease may be prevented by using
this remedy as 'directed. It has never
been known to fail. 25 cent, 50 cent
and $1 bottles for sale by C. E. Pollock
& Co. and Dr. Heintz, druggists, tf
TATHERoan give his young 'Bonn
1 IU" V ... . .
better present than a year's reading 00
the Scientific American. Its contents
will lead the young mind in tho path of
thought, and if 'he treads there a while,
hell forget frivolities and be of some ac
count, and .if he has an inventive or" me
chanical turn of mind, this paper will
afford him more entertainment, as. well"
as useful information, than he can ob
tain elsewhere. Copies of this paper
may be seen at this office and subscrip
tions received. Price, S3 a year, weekly.
Iadlaa War Sews.
One of the most potent factors in
causing the close of the Sioux war was
the -promise of the government to make
suitable provision for the maintenance
of the Indians, and in the agreement
finally signed Young-Man-Afraid-of-His
Horses especially stipulated that a full
supply of Haller's Barb Wire Liniment
be provided, as it was the most wonder
ful remedy they had ever used on their
horses. For sale by Wm. Kearville. 12
Some foolish people allow a cough
to run until it gets beyond the reach of
medioine. They often say, "Oh, it will
wear away, but in most cases it wears
them away. Could' they be induced to
try tho successful medicine called
Kemp's Balsam, which is sold on a posi
tive guarantee to cure, they would im
mediately see tho excellent effect after
taking the first dose. .Price 50c and $1.
atrial size free. At all druggists. 33-y
'Wmo'erfal Saeeem.
Two years ago the Haller Prop. Co.
ordered their bottles by the box now
they buy by the carload. Among the
.popular and .successful remedies they
prepare is Haller's Sarsaparilla and Bur-;
dock which is the most wonderful blood
purjfier known. No druggist hesitates
to recommend this remedy. For 'sale by
WnuKearvOle. 12
English Spavin Liniment removes all
hard, soft or calloused lumps and blem
ishes from horses, Blood Spavin; Curbs,
gplints, Bing. Bone, Sweeney, Stifles,
gprains -Sore , and Swollen Throat,
Coughs.- etc. Save $50., by use of -one.
bottle. Warranted' the most wonderful
Blemish Cure -ever known. Sold by C.
RStillman, druggist. 26novlyr
' " '' 'T.
. Baeklea's Amies Salve.
'The best salve in the .world Tor cuts,.
.bruises, sores', ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores', tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi-.
tively' cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guranteed to give perfect, satisfac
tion, or nioney refunded".. Price 25 cents
per box. '.For sale by C B. Stillman.
' -.
' If' you 'are 'troubled with rheuma
tism or a lame back, binu on 'over the
seat.'of pain a piece of flannel dampened
with. Chamberlain's Pain 'Balm. You"
will be surprised at -the prompt relief "it
affords 50 cent bottles for sale byC.
E. Pollock & Co. and Dn Heintz, drug
gists. " . .. ; .
. .. 1 .
. St. Patrick's Pmifi are carefully
prepared from the best material and
according tq the most approved formula,
and are the moetperfect ..cathartic and-
llivorpiir that can be produced. We
sell them. G. E. Pollock & Co. and Dr;
I gfu waeaiagtea
Haaitz,diuggiata. . ,..
. It is reported that if 'the Greenback
era get into power they will pass, .a law
to make everyone buy Heller's Sure Cure
Cough Syrup and do away with doctors.
For sale by Wm. Kearville. 12
Nelson January 9th.
to Mrs. John
Nelson, a son.
Becklam Nklsox Jan 6, by Bev.
Clarke, at the residence of T. M. Nelson,
O'Kav". Charles Becklam nnd Mi
Phoebe Nelson.
Cleveland Jan. 7th, of heart disease,
George C. Cleveland, aged 73 years.
Ahbexs Jan. 11th, at noon, of
apoplexy, Edwin- Ahrens', aged 59 years.
Mr. Ahrens was born in Oldenburg in
1833; came to Nebraska in I860, locating
in Bismark township, -where he had ever
since resided. In 18G4, he married Miss
Anna Loseke, and leaves a large family
to mourn the loss of a. very land hus
band and fat.her. His children are Mrs.
Julius Hembt, Mrs. Fred. Loseke, Mrs.
Henry Sanders, . John, Herman, Anna
and Bertha.
Mf: Ahrens' will long be remembered
I by his many acquaintances for his genial
good - nature; and his practical 'good
sense. He had, besides, a ready wit
when he choose to exercise it, that at
tracted men to him. Mr. Ahrens al
ways meant to do just right, by all his
fellow-men, and will be thus remem
bered by them. The family have the
sympathy of all thoir acquaintances.
Funeral tomorrow (Thursday) from
the late residence at 11 o'clock. Services
at the Lutheran church on Loseke
gnsiness Notices.
Advertisements antler this head five cents' a
line each insertion.
KfM.SClIILTZ makes boots and tthocsintho
"JfNjgst styles, and uses only the very best
stock that can be procured in tho market'. 52-tf
Toeeday afternoon, and are correct and rdiablo
Bhelled Corn.
Ear Corn
f luur 1
a) Q 116 IT
Fat hogs....
Fat cows....
Fat sheep...
Fat steers..,
Hams. ......
Shoulders ..
"Ill iwt only (fan 'Bmy Main's MijrJiI.f.'
bot b piily adzpird Id thr 'Cinjr
(n.) tl'CT A. OSIUM).
akklu State NortuISttcaL
Rllsa FranccH 'JVIllard. "Thebricht-
est outlook window in Christendom mr bus
people who wnnt to ne n!stis p:lpnlnt!rt:t'r.,'
Irovldcncc T,IceniUJ.-"A great boon
to the busy, the lazy and the economical."
1 ae jonsrecMumiiiiti.-ini3inontniy
has no peer in originality of design, scope and
iccuracv of vision, thorouclincss in execution
ml fihilitx to trjinnCirni t rraj. uitoritiznanllNcnorM.!
Ciilcau liiicnoi-. '!. Keziezit oflic-
?ric;uf, of New York, has come to the rescue ol
busy people. We know 61 one At& railroau
3flieitil who for a month has worked until 11
o'clock at ni'.it, and yet has kept well informed
of current world events. Hcrca.-tsthis Magazine.
It gives nun a rtinninj; commentary oa important!
events, iesu:es a invest 01 use uest articles in
Price 26c. $2.50 a Year.
46X513 WASTCB.. ttTBUAfiCSOXirrUClTlM.
fcr Supte fupj. '" W itiar PUrt, Sew .t t
THe Bee Bin of Claims,
Associated -with
The San Francisco Examiner,
. . .
For the States of Nebraska. Ibvrn, Kansas, and
South Dakota for; the Collection f nil
leRitiRiateplaims before'ihe Tarious
DepnrtmcnU of tho
Under the- auspices of Tho Bee PabtifTiinKt'o.,
. Onialia, 'Nebraska, and tho Kan
Francisco Examiner.
Offices: Omaha. tJan Francif co.- Washinson.'
EDWARD P..R6GGKN, Maxaokr, '
Boom 600, Deo liuilding, Omaha, Neb:
Will practice in th Supreme Court of tho
ITnited Ktates. the Court ,if .Claims, the.sftvcml
(Tburts of the District of Columbia, before Coin..
mittees oi IJonrcts, anil tne ixecutiyc Uepatt-
Indian Deprcdition Qlaimsw ViTo tobtaih Pensions-ami
Patents'. All classes of Land-Claims.
Mining, .Pre-emptjon and Homestead Cases,
prosecuted before, the General Land Office. De
ftartment of the Interior, and the Supremo
Court: ," . . . '
PEN8ION8. Thousands ye entitled! Write
for information.
TIEIBS. Widows, Minorhildren, Dependent
Mothers. Fathers, .and Minor. Dependent
Brothers and "Sisters untitled..
INCREASE. Pension Laws .arc now moro
liberal than-formerly, and many arb'en'itled to"
better rates. Apply at once for List of Ones.
tions to determine right to tosher rates.
.'. Claimants to secure the services of thisBurcau
must Dccomoya b cooauion preceueni, a new
subscriber fo Tho ".Weekly Bee. Those, who are
how subscribed can become -members "of 'tho
Bureau by sending in-a new subscriber. This
will entitta the new subscriber as well as tho old
to a membership. '. . . s
W Katm the names of orr two hnndrcd thous.
and ex-soldieri and sailors residing in Nebraska, 1
. .. ?jn L Tl T" . " - I
4owa, t ansae ana pouin uuuia. j
Correspondence 'Solicited. - Information Free
Wn'clisnre'nb fee. only in the e'rentTof aacceaa.
-- r jl .
Tsto Agalart tke HrwaUtki.
rn o 3 5 rt - ' ' vi ;- : v--- -
OBAiN.ETc. . Jt O g .Xg, aj .yj " v -v; jpa.;-r .$ ;?::,y:-.
S C 2. i-n "(5ll M trx M;: ISAC-v-w
rA nScD rri o o ? mm2i.r-pi- - r7.-- '' "-
W0TC325 (L-af H aaaai O" OB M "iBf-" .-'T-X-wSa; '"' V-" -.- '.-.-' :.'
..-. .-. $1252 00 fm ,3. aaaai g t " VaasaaawsV .-. -.- !' '-,.- r:
.. 30O40O !1 SjtJJQ saaaaai JtZ Q aai -aaWsaaVaaiBBV.V - ..wP --"-.- -;. -.: c'
:.s... jsooeatM ip prp m saa on x m c j- .- ",. .- .i - .-.
. 175g250 " CD KOI -"aW & SsaaawawaM ""'-" c M-. - "v
miats. g ZZZT C JQ. iaat-T j "''' j-' '' ""'
auf!? M &j S pg c-a-; f-fP-.::!'
CD CD Z m XD . .. -:. . ''.::-J :.:; -
vAU ..,. SaaCaal CD Tj .. ... fc3CJ- -. I.'.- V-" ' -4; "-" -' :-:
Toall whom it magoncern: s flafa l ff3 -.3 R-" " CSi ' ''' ' - " t--i:' "
" 'Ao .special comtnttajoner appointed o view ? ! CD ti S? T - -SSSZ - - '"" "' ".".a'sa -" Ir-". '.- - .
andVeport upon the Macticability of vcatinK OS S? av.' ' ' m '.--.-' - :' ?: ". V
nil tat part of tho "ESi Creek KoVVinh-m! 1 CD' O Ss kba3 '-C?TJ .- '-..-. .-...-'
for injftxertain petition iftaVgiKned and fiIeTjta 9 M B W tQ " . , :V. - -IsXr,.'; '. .-
the omc9Sfct'ie connty cIerkriaWnlIowt. to ivitV a Ss a'?'''- "- Z3 ".'"' "".""..-." ;"i"-, . "''jr"
t'ommencinA at N. W. cornerdl 8. W. H P - fll n S. ,tT j T -' vV'- " - -:r . -; '?;. .
N.W. Uof MkUon.townl.rad2we8tand ' lJ g a tti P AND:. ... . -.:..-: .--;-,'::' v -j- .
raiming theaco southeast and terminating at T J- CQ H M ".' F " "" '." ; "- "." .t. --
tl Ecarner of soction'35. town 19. raogo 2 west J CD Zaaa (b ! ' J -. - :" ' '' ."-- '.'.. :' ""
oTNsaWiyboBt'sj'iii filed hs,report.fflisoflice ffl - - t" , aaaaaaaK.- tJ'v' -ESQ -"" - -V"". - -'"-I- , -i.
rpcomnlendinK the vacation as prayed for.. ' Vf v5"I- y ."taasaaf ' f " -"T iaaaJ2;".'- ' 1 'v.' :'?-:--f. .- "-". .',-.-- ..
NoW ill objectionsko the vacation of tus road ? . 5 V s"!li S . Vaiaaf.' :- - '."."". "J- "...-- Vs..
as aboto described,! or claims for dnaens -atSjV CDf5.'. & 2 !"""," .. bmmJ - ".. ... '' " -i".--
caused Uhereby, ma be filed in the cTPRBTy T - 4 O . Pvv' . "' -. J- J i -' -'- 1 : v.-': -'-"." -'--." f,'l. ' V-
clerk's Mike on or fteforo noon, February 22d, A .5 Cj . bm 'Sfl' " CZi- "'-.- ----'' ..";.-' " .""
A. D. 181)27 tho vacfllsBBajaay be made with- w Vi I . . ... . ". . 4 .i - t-" :.-' ,'"'' N ".
out farther Reference theretoIV " " ! ' ' : :- ' - :T .. ..
Dated Coldmbus, Neb., Dec. 21 1891. '- -r ? "-r-r j Ft". 7 V . ''" ---" ..' . .-.; . -.: "-w. - .
a O.WAPinxUPS, -..-. X-nTlI W TO t ("' " " " BaBaPilaaJ. f' "--'' '. ' "- -- ."- ".' ' "" V
""""""' Bp!'.'"fc --'-V V"""-:""5.--:-'.:
1 ALWAYS ON nAND A FDLL AND. NKW LINE " iKflf. &,; a : ' '- ' J'v.-V"'. '" -"'"' -1"
BBaaaBaaaaaBaaBaaBaaBaBasBBaiaU IIbbbbbbbbbbbW
sasBBBaHsBBBaaWtBaflPV' .'
TP TJ T I m Bf llB fcfc m'
aaaa'aaaHasK' ' -
I aaaHalPaW'''
ALSO V55v ViiV - .-'.
BJSS.V IS THE C . .. .u . it .
L8w4 ?r ourProsptfcttis, ..... .;. .
Cv- J r
MONEY TQ LOAN ON FABM8 at lowest rates
Beprmeat THE LEADING INSURANCE COatfANIBfiof the World. OarfsraseUekiiare
the asoot liberal iansc. Losses adjnsted. and prtianfthr paid at tkia oMce.
notary rnbJic always in office. .
Fana aad eitr property for sale.
Make ecOIectiens of foreign inheritances and
of Earops.
General Agent
Haas, ia mail nntaia ta
tmllt 1
lot of other
saOTedaBdMapiovs6 for
HMstoto lata sky. Ws tosff
i wCss
TfinlaiTs iai Tsaill Ttsslsa aa-
v sanBsaBaapav aaaapas vas9asjasaAslaaBTsaTBBt saaV
Gaae, Poltrr, aid Frwli Fill. AU Kiids tSwmgM9f.
(trCash paid for Hides, Pelts, Tallow. HlnsstsrtMtaaMfer aMk. i.'v'
Oliye Stmt, tw Dhh Ntrtfc
And all kinds of country-produce taken in trad
and all goods delivered free of charge
to any part of the city.
n.H j, R- XK'LffllAIVy
Wo h.i.vp jnst opened a ne.w mill. on M street,
opixMit SchroederH'-iloiiring mill tind are ir
such aj"
Sash. . Doors,
lilinus, '. .."MouI'liiigs,
Store Fronts, . Connters,
Stairs, Stair Kailing,
Hal asters, Scroll Sawing,
Tiiriung, Planing.
. ' : SIDING..
"S"Allonfors promptly atiendotl' to. Call on
(ir.atlilreEH, -
jnl3ai .. . Colombna, Neiiraskar.
Sctartilc Aawricasi
ABCy far
EaiQM -BATtiirrrl
For Information and free Handbook write to
Oldest bureau for securtna patents In America.
Ererr patent taken out bras la bsoBahtbeftm
" the public by a notice gtren tree, ox caaise tn the
. Largest circulation of an
..wono.. Bpienai
man aoald be
?BLlxjBontaa: Address MfN:
Eublisuxbs, aa Koaitwan.New York.
. r: ; ' ' . - T r .... v .V...
IH pjs; i SSoi 1 1 . o,-.-'-.5..,..;-".r-,-.-.1-
il"'! 'li Saaaaal . m ' ..- '.-....- i
WZO-X saaBsaa P S S L ' ' ' ' : ' - " ''
" Cf-a saaamfM T Jk . 5TH- - '. ' -"-."""h " . - '
, saaS fp -5 O ' fcai. ' -55 ' -- 'ti-J -
HI Poict ff- 2 -- . -N---3;-. i-':'--if '..-.--v ---"--
P tfffi Saaaai P S . -' IsWbI l
i2M3. ESS 3 BS'g " -$Tc
& a a
esasM . m i aa aa ai t aa
saaal M a J sal a arTs
aTsaTI' 'afsT m m aV H .aV M.
faaaaaar f
T ecfeBiUe baner In the. '
HIT Illustrated..-- No intelliiient
Wttboat it. Weeklr.' .1.s)s) -m.
of Istemt, oa short or loa fasMia 1
ml 1
nl estate ia Platte coaaty.
sell steaawUp -tickets to
teat aU tufts
tsstm-tf ..
for flat safe of
sate a lew arlsssWaaraasssMdJs tit sat Alaj-.
a rnsialste iitiliiut eC tlate as all wsl sstals-ai.
". -ir.
- -,
tf like. Fwit Kitkial
o -9nseiNTrLCMtir.
mBEST3HCTW)atBrm5wf .
It Is a seaaUeis shoe. wHti bo tacks or wax thread -to
hurt tae feet made, of the .best ne calf, stylish,
and easy, and because. tee more aloes ethie.
Orade than amy Ulur tamiMmdma
sewsdeaoescostlogr.froiaa4j09toa3.09L "" T
tK GeaalaHaai4.ssgrssTt taesaeatefclf,-,
Wi taoo ewr offered for as.00; taJrracll
Imported ahoea.whfch cost from tBJ0tol?09. -' -SA
Ha-!ewe Welt ksev eK .
stylisn, comfortable and durable. Tbebest
Boe'erer offered at this price ; saaia arade as custom-made
shoes costing from fjsxato tM. - ' -.
Q 09 Pallee Hae -FanBem'-RaUCtoad aTea
0 and Letter Carriers aUweartaemiaae calf."
seamless; smootn. lndtto, tirfiTT-ftirro solrs.vflTTa
slooedge. One pair will wear ayear. . '- - '
SO 3w ealft notenersteeVereeTetMatc
9sSa this price; one' trial will convince, taosa'
a 1K and w,WB wtrkliian'i.
avaai are Terr atronar and durahlM. .Thia akn;
tiaTe giren them a trial will wear ao otaermake:
RraVst' 1.75ataoot ahoesr..
DUJO worn by the-bpyseTnxwaere:Uy tell,
oatheur merits, aa the lacreaatdc sales show. .-. - ?
1 arfiaW.-H"'l"',0- ''
'UCKjICo longola.Tei7tyliaa:eraataiCeaca:-
lmportedslwesoosUnKfromauiototaJaV' '.
CAt.3m. . aad 9173 shoe. fo:r
Misses are the bestaae Doagola. StyUsaaad Oarabhfc.
Caatlsa.-tiee. that W. I. Doaalas. aaaaa aad '
pries are itamprdoathebettoaofeafaaaos. ".
Wn. SHILZ, Olivi St., CeluabHS.
-. .'.lJaljrTiWm--.
t Tfaa tri I.H.. i iii
and itarted mi-1 workedataadllT and --' -- Cki.'.
a amall tajtamr botal. If i doa.' t laccecd St that;i will '"'
(a work araia at thabmloeaa in which I.atadaaayanaar -
' Trw4:'Ct.tSbalI.wala(raetaaditartrea.rMarr
ii wodo..aaur yonwork.1aaastrioa1lr.70a wttl-a dn-'- '
tlm be aMe tobof an island anil botld a hoimf too wjah" '
to. Mpajey caa touniiatpir Bw'KaAorwvrk: ras-'-i
idlr and boiterablr. bT (lut oaitb ft-iax. y&ant.r-old. -anl,ntbcirowalncaiitIe,.wlnrtfnthy.UT.
randotbawork.JCaayto'Uatn: Wararaiin-ertryOilas'. It)."
k-isk. Yon candTot& toot apare.inomints,afaU,oar Una '
to rbe wwk. Tha load rianwoadarfal tae- ""--
cMaiooTeryworkos. BririnnaraaM'aarniatfroraJiBlaVcw.' '
P wiokand anwii.nd mora aftara U'tUaaxpa-' .
I.E. Tbia la ait arof marraloaa thlnrt. aadluwa ia
anothr-BTaat.iMri1l..wa,lh-si.Incwonaar: Oraatcaiaa.
wilt toward orery Indriitrioaa workri:-WhorVer.z0a tri-w
wderfal work at .nc I)elj nuno ran'h mosa, laa to
wo will mako all
no apaca to explain Jiaco-. hnllfjroa will wtltato mi; -
'"ipjaintojon- fKEE.- AddtwM. -' ;
Rood parweeklj-.taeneriraficmeri. Aiinlsoniclr.
statinR.&Ke.--L. LOrAPA: t'tL." NBrsersmeJB,
Flhnsts and SeeL rden ' St. I'au-l, Minjr. ':'.' ' '. '
""trhrs'hoase is"resrjfingible..l' 18nxT.pd'"-
'lTCAinSSjtrTeakiBtant' ;'
eiicr ana Ban mtaijibi.
arelwr'nies.-Pric6l. Rv-' -:
iiirujrjrmsor mail. tMaipIea."
-V -- saaa.B -? - .
now i&Egf&fiL-an-
ilj'SBZK '
KBterarlUaw-ranav atma
IApASDTiLtTEij-(j;'-Aociance";--loh't " -V .-...
miss jtl-: Yon-'neCdno.cnpitnr.toT represent sre- " I "-". 'Z '.
liable finn that warra-ntAarwryHtooJcfirstclawr.1''-' '"-. --..
and thie to name. Wohif.Ai.r.lTHR..Ttrri:."nml. ..- .- '' .-?... -.
BBwi H'SBwl BBwl BBBV T"
Y.V -
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