The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 02, 1891, Image 4

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The Only Oae Evr Printed Caa Xoa
Find tho. Word?
There Is a 3-inch display advertisement
in this paper this week, which has no two
rrcrdb alike except one word. The same Is
true cl eacli new one appearing each week
frcm The Dr. llarter Medicine Co. This
liou-c places a "Crescent on everything
tl.ey make and pufclfefc. Look for it, send
liicm the name of the word, and they will
return you book, beautiful LrraocuArns,
A Good Example for Royalty.
Tha Qr.cen Regent of tho Netherlands
and her dauphxer declined tho offer of a
9 public reception during their recent visit
to .cistwdam. They requested tho city
o Heals to use the money collected for
the iccption in feeding the poor. Con
s.quo:itIy more than 3?,00J poverty
stricken creatures received presents of
3 fcoJ and money and 45.C00 school chil
dren were provided with a b cakfast.
L'aili chi.d received also a photograph or
the young lu.'ca.
It Is very important in this ac of vast
n.alcrfcil lirosrcss that a remedy be pleas
i? to the tato and to the eye, easily taken,
acceptable to the stomach and healthy in
its nature and effects. Possessing "these
, qualities Syrup of Fig3 Is the ouo perfect
laxative and most gentle diuretic kuown.
American Tourist In Europe.
Front April 1 to Oct 1, .15,000 Amcrl
can residents crossed tho Atlantic ia tin
"steamers plying between the ports of tin
Un toJ States and Kuropc, says an fcn
glish paper. A rough calculation has
been made that each passenger spends
' after his arrival about S0 (of course
many spend mut-h more , so that rr, 000
tourists leac on this side of the Atlan
tic ijnite S"2-',ODl,L03 a iisr-ful contribu
tion to the funds of IZmojc.
to progress, often results in an incurablo
throat or lung trouble, "frotcn Urundtial
aroc,iC"sive Instant relief.
Or all countei foils there is none moro
contemptible than counterfeit humility.
TIT?. Ml fits .stopped free ly Dr. Kline's
Great Nerve Kcstorer. Xo tits after tirst days
use. Man clous iiire-. TrcatiM. and
1 ottle tree to Fit cax:s. Scud to Dr. Kline, ll
C0F16HT lB39
Jj's a cijii
that j'ou need help, "when pimples?,
blotches, and eruptions begin to ap
pear. Your blood needs looking
after. You'll have graver matters
than pimples to deal with, if you
neglect it. Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery prevents and
cures all diseases and disorders
caused by impure blcod. It invig
orates the liver, purifies the blood,
and promotes all the bodily func
tions. For all forms of scrofulous,
skin and scalp disease, and even
Consumption (which is really lung
scrofula) in all its earlier stages, it
is a certain remedy. It's the only
one that's fficaranlcctf, in every case,
to benefit or cure, or the money is
refunded. It's a matter of confi
dence in one's medicine.
It is tho cheapest blccd-pnrificr
Bold, through druggists, because you
only pay for t7iT(jood you get.
Can you aslc more?
Tho "Discovery" acts equally
well all the year round,
The Best Remedy m
In this ttM, Bays J. nofherr of Syracuse, N. T.,
Is Pastor Koenig's Nerve Tonic, becotfcio my son
who was pnrtially paralyzed threo yoara ago and
attacked by fits, has not had any symptoms of
them sinco ho took ouo bottlo of tho remedy. I
most heartily thank for it.
Tlic Best Ever Used.
WnrrcwATXE, Wis., October, 1830.
When 17 yoors old my son teas first attacked
byepilopticfits, at intervals of ono year, then
four mouths, throo monlhB, tvo months, one
month, then overy threo Trecks, every nino dayg
and later oven twice a day. We used many
remedies for fits, but oil without bonoSt. Pas
tor Koenig's Nerve Tonic is the very be3t we
over used and ho is again strong, bis mind baa
gain ia.iirovcd and ia clearer.
-A Valuable Boole on Kcrvooa
l)lc:se scut trco to any address,
and poor patients can also obtain
tills uiotlicino free of chanrc.
m Jl... luum nMM..s fl,tVA T?A,T,snA
Faster Koemjr. of Fort VfaTie. lnd since lSJiaad
janowpreparednnderhis direction by the
KOENIC MED. CO.. Chicago, III.
1 SotdbyDrucsistsatSlperBotUo. CfbrSSi
TtrznKizc,Sl.5. GCotUesforSO.
5ton SiMROl
Reuable ; Accurate , Durables
"Bf a thorongU Ixowled of tha aaron! laws
rV.chFOTcrnUie operations of d!get!on and nutrl
tl i. aad by a carerul appll: ctlon of the fine proper,
titsof uel-S'lcctel Cocoa, Jlr. Epos has provld:d
cor breakfast tabie wlta a delicately flavoured ber
crao wolsamay aara as many heavy doctori bills.
It Hoy tie J aim ai ass of aca article of diet
tbatacoaultuttamsy t9 gr daxUy built up until
stroaenoaa to ralil crerf tcadeasy todkease.
UuailreiUct sabUo maUdlea arj Coatla; around ns
r?adyta atucX wneraror tbers i a woak pont.
VTc may eaeapo ntaar a fatal abaft by kecpin; oar
eircsweUrortUAltrlthnars blood a"d a prcperly
if crUbed framo." 'Clri! Strifes Gazette."
Made attnplr -wlta baUla? water or m!U. Sola
cly la aalT-uaaa 1 tia. -y Grccrr. labellc 1 thus:
JAXGs KPra & CO . I3iaeopatttIo Chemists,
Loxsox, NGasx.
rorr ijvek phxs
lMiwnttirvirfnrs or the Isrccr (men;
i n illy effective; purely vegetable. V
swt stcn thnm in till border.
n-'i-I. r d ia an DiFAlAl
JIJ: lUttE tor FILES,
lvu.H: at dtuesuw ex
t-v man. Ka ties .y
. New yoBX Crnt
Plaos Seoady fix CUarrh Is the M
BMC TZ to I II In lH I M
Ccu ar4nEAU or
": i
Oh, tho steer, the beautiful steer.
Kicking the flees from tho point of Ita car,
Flapping its tail in frolicsome glee.
Hopping about liko a Enako Biter flea.
Thundering along!
Filling tho air t: ith its steorical tong, .
Till the rumble from its lurg-ladon pit"
Scares timid jack--abbits and wolves into fita.
To mo tbcro lb nothing on ear h half co dear
As tho long-horned, sl.m-bodied Texican etoer.
How often I wish that I ivas af teer.
With a long shiny born atiho butt of each car;
With a clear, fearlo-s eye. nnd a tapering toil
That would snap like a whip in thu maddening
How I'd beller
Anil roar!
And rawup tho ground!
And lope over the hilla -with a thundering
And snort liko a terror and bump up my back
When I saw tho will cowboy pureeing my
track ;
And I'd laugh nt his oaths as ho fell in the tear.
Oh, I'd be a Jo-dandy if I w as a btccr.
I onco roiied a beautiful steer, but I fell.
Fell from my pony wit fa car-piercing yell !
Fell with tholr.riat fast to my wrist I
IcU to be dragged through tho grass wet with
Grunting I went!
A full mile a minute, or I don't wunt acrnt.
The gnu el and gra-,8 yanked tha Lido from my
And ruined a pnir of torty-cent hose ;
Ao, oen my bustle whs thrown ont of gear
By tho frolicsome freaks of that beautiful steer.
"Where away?
"Two points off tlie weather-Bow,
"Gin you make her out?"
"2fo, sir."
"llcnort to the captain, orderly,"
said the oflieer of the deck to the
marine stationed at tlic cabin door,
"that a siil has been reported from
aloft two points oH the weather-lniw,
but that the lookoutcannot make her
out yet."'
Meantime a little group of oilicers
had gathered aft, and the men on the
forecastle had crowded close to the
weather-rail, and all eagerly scanned
the horizon, for a sail in that portion
of the western ocean was no common
thing to see.
It was a dull, threatening after
noon in June, and the sloop-of-war
Croydcn was bowling along close
hauled on the port tack, about two
hundred miles to the westward of the
Ilail the lookout again," said the
captain, "if he can make anything
out of her now."
"It looks like a wreck, sir," came
back the answer from the topsail
Sow wc could plainly make her
out as she swashed and wallowed iu
the waves. She had been bark rigged,
but the foremost had been carried
away close to the deck, while the
bowsprit and headbooms held by a
tangled mass of rigging, trailed from
her bow. The upper masts of the
main and mizzen were also gone, and
the only remnant of a sail that could
be seen were the main topsail yard
arms. She was very deep in the water, and
now and then, as she fetched a heavy
lurch, a sea would plunge across her
deck and gush and gurgle from the
scuppers, and the only sign of life was
the sea birds that, frightened from
their perch upon the vessel's masts,
circled round and round and with
shrill cries uttered their displeasure.
The Croi'den was hove to a short
distance to leeward, and a boat at
once dispatched to the deserted ves
sel. The ollicer in charge was or
dered to make a thorough search, and
to gain all the information possible
concerning her, and if he should 11 ml
that the ship had been abandoned, as
seemed probable, he was to blow her
up with the torpedoes furnished to
the boat, as in her present condition
she was a danger to navigation.
"Keep a good lookout for j'our re
call," shouted the captain, as the
boat shoved off, "for it looks as if we
might have some bad weather before
It was a hard pull to reach the
wreck, and a dillicult matter to board
her, but by careful management the
boat was shot under the counter, and
one of the crew, seizing a rope's end
that hung over the side, quickly
raised himself upon her deck, and
then, throwing a line to those in the
boat, she was soon secured, and one
by one the men clambered over the
A scene of desolation met our eyes.
Forward, the forecastle house had
been swept away, and one of the an
chors, torn adrift from its lashings,
had pounded "an ugly hole in her
l)ow. Aft, the waves had smashed
in the cabin bulkhead and broken into
fragments the cabin littings, while
overhead the splintered wreck of
masts, held by rigging whitened by
the spray, thrashed to and fro with
every roll of the ship.
Across the stern in tarnished gilt
letters was her name, "Henrietta."
She was lumber laden, and that was
why she was still afloat. But why
and when was she abandoned? The
only places wc could search for any
clew as to the mystery were under the
topgallant forecastle and in the wreck
of the cabin, for down below every
thing was awash. We could And
nothing in the cabin to show that it
had once been the abode of human
beings but a thorn and water-soaked
peajackct under a pile of debris in one
corner. It was a gruesome thing to
handle, this discarded garment of its
absent owner. The pockets were
searched, but the only thing they con
tained was a flat piece of wood a foot
long, perhaps, and six or eight inches
wide. But on this, scratched with
sorao instrument, possibly a nail,
were these words: "Sprung a leak la
gale, May 10th. Pumps choked:
waterlogged. Abandoned ship 15th,
latitude 14.10 north, longitude 39.25
west; nine men, provisions for two
That was all. These words had
becn.dug into the wood as the most
lasting way In which could be pre
served the record of their disaster and
placed in the pocket of the coat,since
this would most likely be one of the
lirst things to attract the eye of
-. "Well," said the Lieutenant in
charge of iheboat, after wc had all
examined the writing, "there is noth
ing moro for us to do but blow her up,
so get the torpedoes read-"
"The recall is hoisted, sir!" cried
the man who had been stationed to
keep a lookout on the ship, and sure
enough a blue flag with a white center
6t reamed out from the mizzeu-royal
masthead of the Croydcn.
"Very well! Look alive and man
the boat!" shouted the Lieutenant,
as glancing to windward he saw a
heavy squall of wind and rain sweep
ing down upon us. If it had been a
difficult matter to board the vessel it
was much more difficult to . abandon
lfer, but one by one we man
aged to let ours2lvcs down the line
into the plunging boat beneath, but
not without many a scratch and
bruise. Quickly the men took their
places on the thwarts and the bow
oarsman stood by to cast off the line
that held us.
"All ia?" asked the Lieutenant
"All In but Thomas, sir," replied
the coxswain, dancing at the crew.
"Where is he did anybody' see
Thomas?" inquired the Lieutenant,
anxiously, -
"Sing out for him one of you," and
one of the men standing up in the
boat put his hands to his month and
shouted through them, "Thomas!
Thomas !" "
And as he did so a man came rush
ing aft from the forecastle house, but
with such a look of terror on his
blanched face that few of us rccog
uized him as our shipmate.
"A skeleton! a skeleton!" he
screamed, and then fell headlong on
the deck.
"A skeleton," cried the Lieutenant.
"Pull the boat in a little and I will
see what it is."
The bow oarsman stooped to do so,
but as he did so a heavier sea than
usual tore under the vessel's stern.
The line that held us, already worn
and chafed, stranded under the added
strain, and the blinding squall broke
upon us and carried the boat faraway
to leeward.
Bravely the oarsman struggled to
regain the ship, but the boat was too
small and the seas were heavy, but
the wind was now blowingfuriously,
and slowly at first, but soon faster
and faster, wc drifted away fiom her.
We could see the unfortunate man,
now running back and forth on the
deck like some caged animal and now
standing on the rail as if about to
plunge into the sea.
"Jump, and we'll pick you up!"
shouted the lieutenant. But the
wind caught the wordsand bore them
faraway and he did not hear them, or
if he did his courage failed him and
he dared not do it, and soon the mist
and rain closed in about the vessel
and shut him from our sight.
It was a desperate pull lo reach
the ship, and when we caught the
line thrown to us from the Croydcn
the boat was half filled with water.
That night for us on board the ship
was an anxious one. The squall that
had caught us in the boat was but the
beginning of a gale, and the Croydcn
was soon lyinir to under storm sails
with barely steerage way. The mem
ory of that poor fellow on the water
logged bark with his ghastly ship
mate was ever present, and few of us
who had seen his terror-stricken
countenance got much sleep that
night Happily towards morning the
gale showed signs of abating, and be
fore the break of day the sea, which
had risen so suddcnl, began to go
down, and as soon as it was possible
wc lowered a boat.
The Croyden had drifted more to
leeward than the wreck, but wc could
soon make her out on the horizon, and
the well selected crew, with long and
steady stroke, soon shortened the dis
tance. As we drew nearer the form
of Thomas could be seen, leaning
against the rail.
"Thank Heaven! he's still alive!"
exclaimed Mr. Horton, the officer in
charge of the boat. When we came
within hailing distance we shouted to
him words of cherry grctting; but
Thomas made no response until when
within a few boats' length he sprang
to the rail and, screaming to keep
off, hurled pieces of wreckage which
lie had gathered about him at the ad
vancing boat.
"He's mad!" we cried; Vthc night
on board has made him mad."
Wc stopped pulling, and then
backed water to keep clear of the
missiles which the maniac never
ceased throwing at us.
Ordering the crew to lay on their
oars, Mr. Horton rose in the stern
sheets and said:
"We've come to take you back to
the ship, Thomas. Don't you know
us? Don't you know me? I am Mr.
"Know you!" shouted back the poor
fellow, "of course I do. Haven't I
been lighting to keep you off my ship
for the last week? Ha! ha!" he
laughed, "and I've done it, too. One
boat's length nearer and I'll blow j'ou
out of the water!"
We hesitated, undecided what to
do. Of course wc might dash up and
board the ship, but then there was
danger that Thomas, in his present
excited state, might throw himself
into the sea and be drowned, and so
it was deemed best to act with cau
tion, aud if possible to gain a foot
hold bj- stealth, and then to seize and
put him in the boat. Wc pulled
slowly around the ship, Mr. Horton
by soothing words endeavoring to
calm the maniac, who followed us as
wc circled about, and with many
threats warned us to keep away.
When wc reached the other side a
horrible sight met our eyes. Propped
up against the stumps of the mizzen
rest was the skeleton which Thomas
had dragged from beneath the fore
castle, and the grinning jaws and
sightless sockets were surmounted by
his own ragged cap. Around the
bones he had drawn the old pcajacket
found in the cabin and the long aud
whitened Angers hung limp below the
And as the ship plunged and lurched
the arms swung to and fro and rattled
against the mast, while the shiny
head bobbed and bobbed in hideous
"Horrors!" cried Mr. Horton; "I
can't stand that. Give way, my lads,
and board her!"
Wc shot the boat through the
water and in aii instant had gained
the vessel's deck. The moment the
boat touched the side Thomas fled
and, grabbing the skeleton as he ran
with a swiftness born of the terror
that possessed him, mounted the rig
ging, and clutching the dangling
bones with one hand and the shrouds
with the other, gazed down upon us
with fear-distended C3res. With fair
words and promises we tried to tempt
him down, but' there he hung, a
terror-stricken maniac. Jf we ap
proached he would ascend still higher
on his treacherous support, until at
last, crouching on the extreme end of
the swinging mast, he swept back
and forth with the rolling ship.
Every moment we feared- that his
hold would loose, but he, apparently
fearless of everything but us, gave
heed to nothing but our movements
down below. There seemed no es
cape for him now except by tho sea,
and while some of us manned the
boat and stood ready to pick him up
should he jump others climbed
cautiously up either side of the mast
to seize him.
He betrayed no sign that he ob
served the men as slowly tljey ap
proached, and we hoped that his mad,
ncss was leaving him and his own
quiet nature returning, when just as
one of his pursuers was about to
stretch forth his hand and lav it on
him he sprang to his feet. With a
wild shriek he hugged the skeleton
to his breast and hurled himself into
the sea. and the bubbles that floated
up from his fleeting breath as he and
his ghastly comrade shot into the
ocean's depth marked his grave for an
instant and then were swept away by
the hurrying waves.
Half an hour later the Henrietta
was blown into a thousand fragments
and shortly after the Croydon making,
all sail speedily left behind her the
floating debris of the abandoned ship.
New York Advertiser.
JuTsalta Autographic Mend.
It is to be regretted that the
juvenile custom of going West tc
"light Injuns" has fallen into decad
ence. The boj-s now stay at home
and collect autography which i3 a
much more malignant' occupation.
In the old, gentle .days, when the
autograph collector was a scholar in
his way, he was courteous and endur
able. Kow that he is only a scholar
in the public schools he is -truculent
multitudinous and' abominable.
Mr. Bcccher used to say that when
one thinks enough of you to write a
letter asking for your autograph and.
to inclose a stamp for reply the least
you can do is to gratify him. That
was well enough when there were per
haps a hundred autograph collectors
in the country. Now it is different!
Autograph-hunting "breaks out"' in a
school like measles. All the boys and
girls are attacked with it at oace, but
the Health Board never closes the
school on that account and so the in
fection spreads without restraint.
The young licggars know nothing
about you and care nothing. They
are engaged iu a competitive collection
to sec who can get the largest
number of autographs. They learn
from some library catalogue or similar
work that you have written soma
books or made some speeches or
painted some pictures. They get
your, address spelling your name
wrong if that is practicable and
send you courteous, llbbing requests
for jour autograph, assuring you that
they are so iu love with your work
that the absence of your autograph
from their otherwise complete collec
tion is an occasion ofgrietand pining
to them. You usually receive about
eleven letters of this kind in a batch,
all postmarked alike and all written
in an unformed handwriting, indicat
ing that the writers have been learn
ing chirography from identical copies.
It means that the more alert youth
of some school have just heard of you.
If you do not answer you presently
receive truculent reminders that
"stamps" were sent for a reply, as if
any human lcing might establish a
valid claim to a written answer to an
The thing was not so bad at first.
When the stimps were simply inclosed
busy authors threw the letter into the
waste-basket and preserved the
stamps. These sometimes made an
appreciable addition to meagre liter
ary incomes. But the boys have
ba filed that. They now send a stamped
and addressed envelope, which "not
enriches"' the victim by a single mill.
"The custom of "going West to
tight Injuns"' was comparatively
harmless. It ought to be revived.
New York Wrorld.
Electricity vs. Kerosene.
Some time ago wc publishca u
brief paper in which it was demon
strated that under favorable circum
stances the electric light could com
pete not only with gas but with the
kerosene lamp. The statement
seemed at first sight an extraordinary
end, but a little investigation showed
that there were good and sufficient
reasons for the observed fact, aud
this even at American prices for oil.
Elsewhere the difference in cost may
be yet more striking, and a fine ex
ample of a case perhaps exception
ally favorable to electricity may be
found in the city of Madrid. An ar
ticle in one of the Spanish .papers
recently contained a long review of
the facts with details as to cost. It
appears that in the city mentioned the
cost of'oil Is as high as 20 cents per
pint, while gas costs about 82.35 per
thousand cubic feet. Figuring out
the cost in Madrid of an oil lamp of
say 10 c. p. burning five hours per
day, it appears that the total expense
amounts to about $1.06 per month.
There are plenty of places both in this
country and abroad where the clcc
trie light companies would be glad to
furnish even a 10-c p. light at that
rate. Low candle power lamps, how-,
ever, arc comparatively little used in
this country. By turning to the
London experience wc find that tho
10-cp. electric lamp could be fur
nished at current rates at .about 75
cents per month. In the ordinary
practical use of kerosene lamps where
a number are kept lighted through
out the evening,as was the case in tho
paper previously mentioned, the re
result would,, be even more in faver of
electricity, particularly if supplied by
meter, for economy can be practised
with electric lightning better even
than with gas. From this bit of
foreign experience it becomes evident
enough that there are many localities
where the electric light could be in
troduced and prove a commercial
success when compared with oil lamps
even on the score of economy. At
the prices ruling for petroleum oil
and gas in Madrid there can bo no
question as to the outcome of the
comparison. ElcctBic ji'orld
Fotroteitm fuel for Steamsn:p.-
The use of petroleum fuel ror
generating steam in stationary boilers
has become extensive, but its appli
cation in connection with locomotives
and marine boilers has not advanced
beyond the experimental stage. A
paper read before the London Ship
masters' Society by Capt. W. V. Car
michacl gives account of what is
probably the most thorough testing
of liquid fuel on an ocean steamship
j'cthad. Commander of a vessel
built originally for the use of such
suel, the Kwo, he sailed her under
variety of conditions and found the
results most satisfactory in all. He
especially emphasizes the elements of
ease of handling, constancy of steam
pressure attained, and safety. The
last point may occasion surprise, but
it is explained by the fact that pe
troleum "residuum" is the "form of
fuel used, which is non-inflammable
up to 350 degrees. Capt. Carmichad
calls attention to the important part
which the new fuel may play in naval
affairs, showing how it would almost
entirely do away with the difficulties
of coaling at sea, and would lessen
the necessity and value of coaling
stations in all parts of the world. The
Italian naval authorities have tried
the new fuel on some of their smaller
war ships during the year and report
favorably on the experiments. South
American railroads are probably more
active than any others in using pe
troleum in their locomotives. One.
of the Argentine lines has all its en
gines fitted for burning petroleum,
and it is reported that two of the
Peruvian roads have decided to take
the same step. They are doubtless
led to do it, in largo part, by the dis
covery and rapid development of oil
deposits in Peru. New York Post.
Cfaes Bostoalens.
Miss Kussellinia Waldo now tired
you are!
Miss Olivinia Lowell Yes. Mater
and I have been c!aclug up our sum
mer spectacles and getting out our
fall ones. Jewelers' Circular,
. Prat-SkariB .
la England twenty firms adopted
profit-sharing- in 1890, bringing tne
total number in which profit-sharing,
pure and simple, is practiced, up to
The' South Metropolitan Gas Com
pany of London is one of the largest
firms to adopt it. In the winter the
company employs 3,500 men, and
2,000 in the summer. The system
was begun by a present from the com
pany to every man who had been in
its employ June 30, 1889, and would
sign an agreement not to leave for
three months. This gift varied with
each man's term of previous service.
The amount was credited on the
company's books to each workman,
to draw 4 per cent, interest for five
years. In June, 1890, about fifteen
hundred men were entitled to share
in the scheme, and the sum they re
ceived reached about $25, 000.
Already a great improvement is
f een in the men's work. They are more
diligent, and see and suggest ways of
saving expense.
In other English firms the results
arc equally good. In France, where
the movement began, it continues to
prow rapidly. Wherever it is fairly
tried, whether through cash pay
ments, credit in provident funds or
presents from the company's stock,
the outlook is . nearly sure to be en
couraging. .;
A system ujlider which the' hum
blest toiler, in just measure with the
man of more brains or skill, sees his
work recognized, and knows that,
pood or bad, it affects the total result,
must be better than old methods.
A man's ambition cannot last long
when its bounds, in wages and nar
row opportunities, shut him and his
family in on every side. If it can be
quickened by profit-sharing or any
other just plan, by all means let the
plan be tried. Youth's Companion.
Accuracy and Greatness.
The wonder of Prof. Agassiz's
knowledge was the completeness of it.
That is the secret of the power of all
great naturalists. They see what es
capes the observation of others, and
pre able to discover the meaning of
slight differences that ordinary men
have not noticed at all.
A young artist once called upon
Audubon, the great student of birds,
to show him drawings and paintings.
Audubon, after examining the work,
"I like it very much, but it is de
ficient. You have painted the legs
of this bird nicely, except in one re
spect. The scales are exact in shape
and color, but you have not arranged
them correctly as to number."
"I never thought of that," said the
"Quite likely," said Audubon.
"Now upon this upper ridge of the
partridge's leg there are just so many
scales. You have too many. Ex
amine the legs of a thousand par
tridges, and you will find the scales
the same in number."
The lesson shows how Audubon be
came great by patient study of small
flcrso Fas.
A Mansfield, Ohio, doctor is the
owner of a horse which has a fond
ness for practical jokes. Recently
the physician drove out into the
country to answer a sick call. Ar
riving he tied the horse to a post,
near which hung a rope attached to a
large bell used as a dinner signal for
employes on the place, and went in
.Bide. Shortly afterward the bell
rang violently. The doctor and the
man of the house both looked out,
but could see nothing except the
horse. They had hardly turned
away, however, before the bell rang
again, and again they looked, but
could see nothing. This was repeat
ed, and the doctor determined to
solve the mj'stcry, so at the third
ring, instead of going into the house,
he stepped out and hid in the yard.
He kept his eye on the bell rope, and
in about a minute was surprised to see
his horse lift up his head, smile slyly
and give the rope a good, hard tug.
When the physician sprang out and
confronted the horse, the animal in
stantly tried to put on a look of inno
cence, but was unsuccessful.
The New Silver Coins.
New halves and quarters will soon
be ready for circulation. In the com
petition by artists about a year ago
between 200 and 300 designs were
submitted, but not one was available.
The designs that have been submitted
to Secretary Foster were suggested
mainly by Director Leech, and the
drawings are by Charles E. Barber,
the designer in the mint at Phila
delphia. The character of the devices
is limited by law to this: On one
side shall be an impression emblematic
of liberty, with the inscription,
"Liberty," and the year of the coin-
Sje, and on the reverse side shall be
le figure or representation of an
eagle, with the inscriptions, "United
States of America" and "E Pluribus
Unum," and a designation of the
value of the coin. Most of the de
signs were on scales too minute for
use, and a classic head will make the
new coins artistic. The design is to
be the same for the two coins, except
the words designating the value.
New York Sun.
A Bock Foretells the Weather.
According to Koy Meninger, 3
traveler who has just returned from
Mexico, their is a rock near the vil
lage of Chilpancigno in the Sierra
Madra del Sur that possesses the vir
turcof foretelling rain twenty-four
hours before it falls. Mr. Meninger
was incredulous until the rock gave
an exhibition oMts powers. It stands
alone in a little valley of great fer
tility, and seems to protrude from the
ground rather than rest upon its sur
face. It is about five feet In height
by ten in length, and is of aklull,
grayish color, the surface . being pol
ished and cold to the touch. About
a day before the rain comes the rock
'takes on a reddish hue, and its tem
perature rises to about GO degrees
Fahrenheit. The heat and color in
crease until rain is precipitated, when
the rock cools and gradually resumes
its original gray. In a thunder-storm
the stone emits a palo blue light, and
therp is every indication that it is
charged with electricity. Local min
eralogists say the heat is from a vol
canic source.
Bow to Make Good Teeth.
One cannot have very strong, white
teeth unless plenty of bone-making
food be taken up by the system. The
best food for the' teeth consists of all
the cereals, pure, rich milk, brown
bread, lean meat, vegetables and fresh
fruit. All such things as candy, pre
serves, cake, pastry, and all other
sweets are absolutely injurious to the
Mistress (benevolently to her maid
in anticipation of a compliment)
What would you 'do if you amid play
the piano as well as I can? JIaid I
should take lessons.
Two haired and tlxty-oae years sso'
Bottoa frt caae iato bein-. For years
before there had been a few settlers on
the Charles, sod ihe cows had wandered
over the peninsula In search of pasturo
and water, making for themsel os paths
through the bashes, which were subse
quently developed into roads and then
Into the streets of the modern city. That
Is how It camo about that the streets in
the city proper are ?o crooked. Out la
Boxbory, Dorchester, and the now dis
tricts the' streets are broad and straight,
but in tho heart of the city a stranger
will lose himself in going two blocks.
Peace oa Earth
Ii aot the boon Toochaafed to the ckroole,
Berrooa InTalid. Slight noiua startle him,
odd and unexpected sensations perplex him.
Be neither steeps soundlj nor eats hearUlr. he
Is almost inrariably troubled with dyspepsia.
What should he do? Bugla and pursue sys
tematically a course of Hostetters Stomach
Bitters. With digestion fortified and food as
similated, strength returns, the nerves grow
tranquil and the aet of life returns. A blessed
consummation, Indeed, and not only effectually
but pleasantly wrought by th? Bitters. Bilious
cess, malaria, rheumatism, kidney complaint
are also prerentedand cared by this aeTcreign
regulating medicine. Try It at once If your
nerves are oat of order, and If their weakness is
perpetuated by the existecoe of disease. A su
perb appetiser and promoter of sound repose.
A Rapid Orator.
Bishop Arnott, of Wilberforce, O., tho
senior Bishop of the African Methodist
Episcopal Church, is the most rapid ora
tor in the country, rattling off words at
such a rate that the most expert stenog
raphers are unable to follow him. At the
Ecumenical Council at Was'iington tho
stenographers gavo upOheir task in de
spair, and pulling ont their stop-watches
as thoy would at a horse ra?o, held them
on -him to girt his speed, which was found
to bo SOOwords a minute or about 3,000
words in a tcn-minnte'speoch.
Beware of Olatmrata for Catarrh that
Coataia Mercary,
As mercury wttl surely destroy the sense of
smell and completely derango the whole system
when enteringlt through the mueous surfaces.
Such articles should naver ba used except on
proscriptions from reputable physicians, a th
damage they will do is tenfold to tho good you
can possibly derive from them. Ball's Catarrh
Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney A Co., To
ledo, O., contains no mercury, and ia taken in
ternally, and acts directly upon tho blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. In buying
HaU's Catarrh Cnra be sore you get tho genuine
It is taken internally, aud made in Toledo. Ohio
by P. J. Cheney Jt Co.
SEaTSold by Druggists, price 73o per bottle.
The First Armored Ship.
The first account we have of an ar
mored ship is in 1530. It was one of
tho fleet of tho KnighU of St John, en
tirely sheathed with lead, and is said to
have successfully resisted all the shot of
that day. At tho siege of Gibraltar in
1782 the French and Spaniards employed
light iron bomb-proofing over their
decks. The first practical usa of
wrought-tron p'ates as a defense for the
sides of vessels was by the French In tho
Crimean war in 1853, to be used against
the Russian forts in tho Baltic.
It Pays to Bead the Papers.
Especially your county paper, for often
through this medium business chances and
opportunities are presented that might
otherwise entirely escape your attention.
For Instance, B. F. Johnson & Co., Rich
mond, Va., havo an advertisement in this
paper that will prove of especial interest
and value to a large number of people here
abouts. FeenUar East Iatllaa Customs.
' Some of the peculiar customs of the
East Indian coolies, called Lascars, are
very amusing to Americans. For iu
instance, they always eat their food in
tho open air, with their faces toward
tho west; and tho greatest insult a white
man or "Giaour" can offer thorn is to
walk between them and the sun while
they aro eating, causing his shadow to
fall on their food, which immediately
becomes unclean.
When Baby was afck.we gare her Caetorla,
When she was a Cnfld, she cried forCastorle,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
Wbm the tod Chfldrea, she gave theraCastori,
Mahogany Golna so Waste.
It is said to bo a whole day's task for
two men to fell a mahogany trea On
account of the spurs which project from
tho base of tho trunk, a scaffold hn tn
bo erected and tho tree cut off above tho
spurs, leaving thus a stump of tho very
best wood from ten t,o fifteen feet higb.
Iv afflicted with Sore Eyes, use Dr. Tsaae
Thompson's Eye Water. Druggists seU It. 25c.
Goo needs people who can cat a cold
dinner without growling, a great deal
more than ho needs louder talking in
tho class meeting.
Cats. SsjeHhies. Braises. Strains. Gait. Strains. Lameness. Stiff
If they witl not eat.
quantity of the Oil is put.
GENERAL DIRECTIONS. Saturate a pill of dough, or
bread, with St. Jacobs Oil and force it down the fowl s throat. I
Of Roxbaiy. Miss- sqrs
Kennedy s Medical Discovery
cures Horrid Old Sores, Deep
Seated Ulcers of 40 years'
standing, Inward Tumors, and
every disease of the skin, ex
cept Thunder Humor, and
Cancer that has taken root
Price i.5o. Sold by every
Druggist in the U. S. and
The Full Prospectus of Notable Features for 1892 and Specimen Copies will be sent Free.
Brilliant Contributors.
Articles haTe been written expressly for the coming rolumc by .1 bost of eminent men and women, among whom are
The Right Hoa. W. E. Gladstone. Count Ferdinand de Lesssps. Andrew Carnegie. Cyrus W. Field,
The Marquis of Lone. Justia McCarthy, M.P. Sir Lyon Playfair. Frank H. Stockton.
Henry Clews. Vasili Verestchagia.
tSWiaa urso.
Niae 'frustrated Serial Stories.
Articles of Practical Advice.
Glimpses of Royalty. '
Railway Life aad Adventure.
700 Large Pages. Five Double Holiday Numbers.
tlCi SanmpmriUm, Being a ConjXm.
Meat! jrMcry, Ueadily liemche
Met Curt It.
TA seats of grsUtide ssd a desire to beneSt tftbse
aStie'ed prospts m tlrocoraa.end Ucod' Sxr.a
parilla lo all who navs catirrli. Formary ye aw I
wastreabled wit!i caUrth ana indicestlo i andiea
eral ddbUitr. I aot so low I cou'd not not a oani
tho house. I tried ahont cvjij-thiru I s 7 recant
mended for catarrh; bat futUa: ia tnr; Iss'ance
cf being reliere J, 1 becania
Very Much Discouraged
At last I decided t tako Uood'd Sar 2 pari la and
D.saa to set relief. I hara nor nscd.wltala two
jo w.tcaortwelTebctt'es.a:d I feci betur has I
hare for years. I attri tut ui y i xpro veme it w ao!ly
to the use of
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Mas. Caus. Rnisr. corner York and Pleasant Sts.
Hacov;r. Fean.
HOOCl'S Pills For tho liver and bowels,
act caUy yet promptly and efiicleutly. lTice 'is.
The SBceess of this Gre?t Cough Cure it
without a parallel in the history of medicine.
All druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos
Mire guarantee, a test that no other cure can suc
cessfully stand. That it may becuui: knows,
the Proprietors, at an enormous expense, are
placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home
the United States and Canada. If you have
Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for
k will cure you. If your child has the Croup,
or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief
b tare. If you dread that insidious disease
Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist far
SlIILOH'S CURE, Price 10 cts., 50 cts. aad
fl.00. II your Langs are sore or llaclt U
H Shiloh'a Porous Plaster. Price s eta.
Rots Clothes and
Chaps Hands.
" All she lacks of beauty
is a little plumpness."
This is a frequent thought,
and a wholesome one.
All of a baby's beauty is
due to fat, and nearly all of a
woman's we know it as
curvesind dfihples.
What plumpness has to do
with health is told in a little
book on careful living; sent
Would you rather be
healthy or beautiful? "Both"
is the proper answer.
New 1 ore.
Your druggist keeps Scott's Enulsion of cotl-Urer
sVaU4njgisaevsrywlKre!o. $.
ri-?.. n...
CJ 5 blCdW Ddllil (gcctncic
dm n 111 11 run PSshi . s?nn
uulu in nimw
aS "?
I Price OO Cent.
Apply- Balm Into each nostril.
ELY BltOS. 56 Warren SU X. Y.
Onr improved Embroidering Mu
chino makes itu-ts w.ih am or ra s.
Fine EmbroldcniiK wrn us or zev a-
yr. U.rcular ana tctnmo m.uic
rMiinr nlnrl r.titfrtt bO( . 11111
ten pattern, samples of work. cat. iinio I nt. direc
tions, etc. all by mall for Sl.'O Satisfaction aiiaran
Slea or money xeiunded. E. KOsS i C J- Toledo. O.
UENTIOM THIS PArEIl wnct cmsa to ibuetuxu.
WWm nT
mm. Cracked Heels, Scratches. Contractions. Flesh Wounds, I
SWnealt. Sort Threat. Distemper. Colic. Whitlow, Poll Evil.j
t-istuta, inters, counts. KMODones, aae apatin in uietr carry i
ages. iMfcaees wnn sacn some.
tGEXERAL DIRECTIONS. Use fretlr in the hotrswilT.
drench with milk into which a email!
Bare cure for SICK HEAD
ACHE, iirpilml d'gMtlcs.eoiirU-
ptiiOB, Torpid gianuff. inrjejonze
Tiims orgui. nciuTc i uj. uc
xuicsi. Kancu cnrci on iif
Bcrsandblnuuer. Conquer
Bilious nervous dis
order. Lsuciua au
nral DAILY actios.
Beautify complexion by
par If j Ins
blood. rcaaxY VEGETABLE.
Th. Urmrn I. n'rIr edlct! to m!t nir. is on- Bill ean
aeverlMtoo ouch. Ech iI contain) 4Z,cirl-d invest
pocket, like lead pencil. Itaslnes.4 isan's zrcU
onTtnlenee. Taken eai'cr Uun c;r. Soldrerj
Wbtre, All genuine coout bear "Crescent."
SaadS-ccDt ataop.Yoa get 32 cs book with esmp!a
W. Clark Russell. The Earl of
Mmm n n 4r m m "t w, to
mr. iicnry m. oiamcy, anu une nunareu Vinery.
Volume for 1892 will Contain
100 Stories of Adventure.
Sketches of Travel.
Popular Science Articfes;
Chanubig Children's Page.
Illustrated Weekly Supplements. Nearly 1000 lUostratkma.
FREE TO JAN. 2, .392.
Te Kew Sabeerlkere whs will eat oct nnd en aa ible alip with nncae
aad aeareae aad Si .73 we will wad The Companiaa Free to .Inn.. 1S&-.I.
aad tar a Fall Year treat that Dale. Tfai-. oiler iurlude the THANK.
CITING. CHRISTMAS aad NEW YEAR'S Unable Holiday Nambrrai
We will alee eead a ceey era henelifnl pniatins. ratified "A VAKD OP
ROSES." lie redeetiea baa cent TWENTY THOUSAND DOI.l.AUS.
Send Cheek. Pott of ee Order, or Rrgklered Letter at our rui. Aihlirss,
43 THE .YOUTH'S COMPANION, Boston. Mass.
Here is an incident fiom the South
Mississippi, written in April, 1890,
just after the Grippe had visited that
country. " I am a farmer, one of
those who have to rise early and
work late. At the beginning of last3
Winter I was on a trip to the City
of Vicksburg, Miss., where I got well
drenched in a shower of rail. I
went home and was soon after seized a
with a dry, hacking cough. Tlyfc
grew worse every day, until I had
to seek relief. I consulted Dr. Dixon
who has since died, and he told me
to get a bottle of Boschee's German
Syrup. Meantime my cough grew
worse and worse and then the Grippe
came along and I caught that also
very severely. My condition then
compelled me to do something. I
got two bottles of German Syrup. I
began using them, and before taking;
much of the second bottle, I was
entirely clear of the Cough that had
hung to me so long, the Grippe, and
all its bad effects. I felt tip-top and
have felt that way ever since."
Peter,Jr.,Cayuga, Hines
Co., Miss.
It Cnres CoW. Con-li. Sore Throat. Croon.
Influenza. limipui C.:n:h. ItroncbltU ana
AiUmu:. A certain oiTtf tr I'ontumptlou In Oral
K'zvt-b. ai'tl .1 hit. rvliet in attvanred txeen." ITse
aton.f. on will co tlxooxrellexteaoctancr
taking tlie llrnt Iom. Sold by dealers eveiy when . o
Laice bott-e-. i, cenU and tliiO. . .
- '
IV. BAKER & CO.'S ! 0
Breakfast Cocoa .
haa been rcr&oved,
Im absolutely pur mm
it im sefu&fe. .
m v i ill
No Cliemicals
are used ia ita preparation. II
haa ti.ore ttoa thrtt timtt ie o oq
itrtngtK of Cocoa mixed wttt o
Btarch, Arrowroot or0i$Bga,,
and is therefore far moro eco-
comical, anting let than Jne
eentacvp. Itladel!clous,aoar
Is&ng, strengthening, axsiLT .
EIQ2STED, and admirably adapted for iaTaUde
as well aa for persons in health. .
Sold by Crorersererrwhere.
V.BAZER & GO..BoTchester.lDMaC 0d
Ladies can make BIG
C S H v.
I'rOCt by Bocnrt'-fr snb'crlbero ror the laid Inf. old 9
est and Lest I.adt" Horn and Faahion MtfiSine la
America. A p clt'able and plecdint occupation, thai
sny Icdf can rnzjiceln.nuil mjir.tilu tier dltnity.
For Iu 1 particular widiw your name and addraae
0:1 a potal cirl. If yon want a full nutnt anS-o
vamplo co.iy. fend l. cent. or wa will rendfos
litre months fur 2.1 cent, that yen may kno
and appr.ciatc itt excellencies. Alwjys addreat c
CODEY'S LADrS HOOK. Bat W 1583. Phlladelphte.Pa
We want a wide awaked
lionrst man or woman ia I
IpSW wli wVcTcrycunntyintho U.S.
AMAMTM tnititrnduroasiarftrsev
11 I ra acbodyartllfla- ll-
OC(. Ailipted to loan or connlrr. No patent
medicine orclii-ipjowelry. Splendid opening for
tliu rizlit iKarnri (Jool laha are anum
aad dani wait loasr for taker. Kveii if
joii cm rp-tft: l.tit it few hours a ", write at
oiireto B. K JUIIJOON I'D.. Ilithmoiid. Va..
for information a '.Mint the blaxesS talaw aaa
cartli-rcmftliius ttiat will open your eyas aad
Pennsylvania Agriccltnral Works, York, Fa.'
raranliar'i Standar J Engines aad Saw Mills.
Send for Citaloini. l'ortabL, Stationary. Tractloa
a , fina AUiomauccngineaaipcciaixy
adOrcsa A. B. FAZMlUEIAaY C. Yew,:
and TUMORS. Nokalle.'
lilakter or caustics.
a. sat
uenutii. jioss
num. aiostua
co Dame on sue next.
train. Med cln.-w Brn. t euro ftmalt pitirnal can, o.
Sixth and Ohio Street. Terre Haute, lad. 0
Kerrous Debility. Vital
WeaSnees.etc. A ijsiOIXite i.j stb
CUKK. No Zallurn Mo naln .'
Electric nonsense, ro hutabusi Qcicxs Kxrossfc
Send 19 cents for 160 paga book etYln p-irOcalan.
Dr. N. E. WOOD, 30 C Vaa Buna be. Cnlcaso. UJ,
MENTION TIII3 PArER wan ram ,.,
Mm. Alice Mapla. Oneon. Ho., writ
"Mr Treieht xu 220 mnmU no. it I.
. wrttt
neicht nu 330 nonnd.. now it 1. Be,
M- I'nr nrrnTir. .iliti.ii. Illien n
aredoetlnn of li itw." For circular, addrwa, with to.
Dr.U.V.lSNYi)Er.. UcVickar'alhratra. Chlcaso.iu!
orccinmls.l. n. to liaadlo tho Sew Patent Cbenitaat
irkilrrf 1'cncl. Awer.U makintr SOO Mrwlkssat
Monroe tnstr JlfcCo- La Crease. Vib. Box SSWaT
Jli.AL.lM llr 1. 1'rK. s 'idMim fir"arfl:.l cony V '
I . editor. Ur. JOHN II. LY$. ISuOalo, X. Y. '
K&SSrSkw T xl
-;-Jr-'' i ii saaewa aw eaeew o
rcsloreaCemplrxioa :carvsCeatlBetlea.
Sat Crnbui.M US wwtttthSMnv !, .
1 0UISBA8SER i CO. K.nffiSit " '
INSTAT RCICT. Cvftajaetoa
Ncxer lemrus. wijuiu No Slr. N
ipTxiuorjr.KUJtKi kulid rasa. Adore
DATgrWTRQ',lck1' oiuind. No rra
l"A I GiM I ii patent la altowid!
AdUco EocWrec. CIOZE PiUST aCCT WaaauD.G.
.n...M. n &iiu i ruoutn and expe
Madtsiirt. Wis.
S. C. N. U,
Mcath Dr. Lymaa Abbott.
The Best Short Stories.
Hints on Self-Educatioa.
Household Articles.
Natural History Papers.
Yae I
Jsa ff
This Slip J ):&;
and $1.75. ;;;J:-.
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