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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1891)
t x. o o m -r l-i m . . t- I. O O 9 o a oa o 0 "JS 5 IS o lf a ... o a oo S Oo to "- O. Columbus Journal. 1. K. TURNER & CO., Gousmlxa). ZTeto. hair dan of resi- aUatTtWawa-addaVtOBM BOUfy PV ewer or .SKLSTblMtotuUJ; Ih, itririn of yoar JOUBWAiiue - it; Wto.wkkk iy"S??SArEl :d or ae- counted far. Iteenittwres made aitlter brmMMr. latter or draft. tolMMr JL K. Mm Co. trt nmn atteatioa. mwl fall name of the writer fAwmtti right to reject say bbsm WAcaanot agree to return the - user:;". dsirc . m mmA tadsaaaat. and n Za. AW ehool-district tit kWle ib everyway wmrtily. Gftaaa m-ar Write plaialr. sch itei. .WEDNESDAY. DECEMBEB2. 1891. Ita. ''i Thk present issue ot pensions is about 90,000 a month. Edison's phonograph is to be adapted to the use of the blind. The volcano of Colmia, Mexico, is gain in active operation. IdKOT. Schwatka has returned from aa exploring trip to Alaska, and thinks " his discoveries cl considerable impor tance. - Ackazt man named Bath shot at Dr. -. John Hall, pastor of the Fifth Avenue - Presbyterian church, N. Y., but didn't hart him. A wobkkax on the Elkhorn railroad was instantly killed near Hot Springs, 8. D., Tuesday last by the caving of a and bank. Whue workmen were putting a tar roof on a hotel in Marshalltown, la-, a ' barrell of tar exploded and the structure was soon in flames. Loss $75,000. At Ourdon, Ark., the white citizens are armed awaiting an attack by ne groes, who say the whites have been exercising supremacy long enough. Tax Chinese rebels have taken the walled city of Leao Yang in Manchuria, 4tffrt"g the imperial forces, causing the greatest anxiety to the government Jcdgk Maxwell of the supreme court has gone to Ann Arbor, where he so joarns about ten days, to deliver lectures before the law students of the univer sity. D.T. Beals, of Kansas City, paid ftyOOOfor the ransom of his 2-year-old boy, who was kidnapped Thanksgiving day. The masked man who paesented hiawelf wanted $20,000. Thk Seventh annual convention of the Nebraska Dairymen's association is to be held at Norfolk, December 15-17, this year. For information address the sec retary, EL C Bassett, Gibbon, Neb. Coal has been discovered in our Alas-b-bb posscnsinnn It issaid to be virtually inathanatihla in niton t; and can be laid down in SanFrancisco for SI a ton. Like all Pacific coast coahyt is of lignit io formation. an a saloon dispute at Struble, Iowa, Wm. McFarland struck Tony Wenner, the saloon keeper, with a piece of iron, breaking a hole in his skull below the ear ao that the brain oozed out Mc Farland was lodged in jail within a short time after the murder. Claba Hollowat of Camden, N. J., died suddenly at a card party in honor of her engagement A post Bftortem examination proved her a victim of tight lacing. The lungs were found badly congested. This evil is not near ly ao bad as in former times, although it is more prevalent now than is gener ally believed. Csicaoo was startled Thursday when it was discovered that many cheap res taurants had been using horse flesh for beet. A raid on one market disclosed a lot ot horse meat for sale as beefsteak, also a lot of pickled horse meat labled "corned beef." The proprietor was ar rested. His partner escaped with sev eral old horses that were intended for slaughter. Jjosk nationalists denounce priestly i in political matters in Ireland. One ot them, J. Atkinson, says: "I am aa ardent Catholic in religious matters, but I think I am a Protestant in poli tic. Catholic Italy is ruled by non Catholics, Catholic France by non Catholics and the same condition is fast approaching in Peru, in Chili and in vary country where the prelates of the church meddle in political affairs. I think, then, we had better say (with deference and firmness) that we have no awe for a theocracy, no use for republics w Ireland controlled by a theocracy, no Saw for a home-rule parliament elected by the aid ot theocracy, and that we oar divinely-ordained spiritual i weald let our statesmen and pol lock after statesmanship and politics entirely." e Omaha Bee is after the oil inspec tion ot this state with a sharp stick, and says: The investigation of the Bee lead to the mafaaaion that the politicians who are drawing salaries for. inspecting negligent or corrupt, and in- ias the law has practically driven all competition with the great Standard oil monopoly out of the state, than is abundant reason for suspecting that this corporation controls the in i well as the sale of .the oil. the law was enacted, three chief t and a large number ot depu ties have been appointed to enforce it Iaawaaas hare those positions been They have l regarded aa spoils of of- have been dealt oat to political l aa payment tor political services. has been'-ased to pro- i a amag asr sasn waoae DHsmeas is for .the protection of .regulation ot a basi- . large proits may be made to aaltag iamrior oils at standard Use oeueves reform is neo- rj the oil inaprirhon service ot IwiU endeavor to quicken loftaaaelitioilwire-pal- 'ateaseatBablic the auforcemeat aavaaaammaeei A Shack at The earthquake shock ot Oct. 28, felt by the American bark Hssper, Capt Sodergen, at the harbor of Koke, Japan. Her standing rigging was carried away by the force of the shock. On October 30, when the vessel was about twenty five miles from Kobe on her homeward trip another violent shock occurred shortly after daybreak. A rumbling aa that of a submarine volcano was heard and -the sea was dashed into foam, the waves breaking over the vessel. The bark was shaken and tossed about most violently and maintopmast crosstrees went by the board. The deck was flood ed with water of a temperature so high as to seem almost boiling hot, and the air, which was filled with a sulphurous odor, became stifling. The strength of the vessel and her crow was taxed to the utmost for an hour and a half, but it was fully five hours before the storm ceased. Captain Sodergren then steered the ves sel to the southward to keep out ot the storm. He lost four days by his course, but as fair weather was experienced for the remainder of the voyage a quick run was made to San Francisco. Now that we have a right good system of voting, the Fremont Flail suggests would be a good time to elect all officers by the popular vote. The Journal has for many years favored this policy on principle, and there is no good objection to it The people, who at last pay all the bills, are the best judges in their own affairs. The forebodings ot some of the revolutionary fathers in regard to the non-ability of the common people to govern themselves have never been real ized, the truth being that in every crisis of our history, when as a government the will of the people was most closely ad hered to and followed, we had the best results. The class ot people who make their living by holding office, are not fa vorable, and it will never be made if they can prevent it The less power the peo ple have, the better it will suit profes sional politicians, but we shall never have a satisfactory administration of the laws, either national or municipal, until they can be enforced with an impartial hand, and outside the pale of local influ ence. Instead of being allowed to go from bad to worse and worst, as is the case in many places, the rule should be reversed and a radical change made along the line of better. Great evils are like great fires they should be circum vented and squelched, and, when possi ble, prevented. A dipperof water at the proper moment would have saved Chicago from the great conflagration that burned like a furnace. The leaven of better ways can work until "the whole lump is leavened." All the people can see better than some ot the people, and there is no good reason why they should not elect postmasters, U. S. marshals and senators, as well as county and city officers the general government too, in all things should be an expression of the popular sentiment Once a SaBporter or CeWea new of Me KiBley. John Byrne, sr., of Gladewater, Texas, writes as follows to the American Econ omist: I am getting your paper regularly. I am always glad when it comes. It is an encylopedia from which I can learn the social condition .of. the world. I am an Irishman by birth, but not of the McAdoo or Davitt school. I am an American by choice, but not of the sockless tribe or half-breeds. I served my time to a trade. I am now farming, but if I had to fall back on my trade, the robber baron here under, protection would pay me more than twice as much for doing the same work here as his friend in Ireland would pay me, and I can buy flour cheaper here than there. I can buy beef here for 5 cents a pound for which I would pay 20 cents there. For leave to drink a pound of tea there I had to pay 12 cents. It is free here. For leave to drink coffee, $3.50 per cwt, and for leave to chew tobacco, 5s a pound. To earn the price of one pound of tobacco, a farm laborer would have to work five days When young I was an ardent free trader and supporter of Cobden and Bright I tell it with shame. The big cheap loaf was tempting. I never thought until too late how the poor rack-rented struggling farmer was forced to supply the cheap loaf, till I saw the murderous crowbar brigade, under the protection of troops burning them out of their houses and turning their land into game preserves. I saw these farmers afterward wheel ing barrows on government work for 9 cents a day. I knew a good strong plow man who worked for the rector of Bal inahinch, county Down, for 18 cents per day without board. I have known horseshoers to work in the county Deny from 6a.m until 10 at night for Is 25 cents a day, of our money. Please tell this to Mr. McAdoo, as I see by one of my papers about how degrading protec tion is to American citizenship. I have worked at my trade in Ireland from 5 a. m. till 7 in tho evening for 9s a week without board. I am now getting old, but even now-working at theaame trade in America, I could earn 48s a week thanks to our protective system. The only degrading thing would be having to carry a three-quart tin dinner pail in place of a more genteel one just holding a small pint NEBRASKA NOTES. A charity ball at Fremont realized $250. Burglars at Wilsonville robbed Letson & Artz of SGOin money, Tuesday night ot last week. ElnoiiScoU, a young lady student at University Place became insane Wednesday. Four Valparaiso citizens were fined $5 and costs for stealing- coal from the railroad company. J. W. Love, TJ. S. consul at San Sal vador, is spending a vacation at his home in Fremont Wayne suffered a$50,000 fire Thursday. They had nothing but a poor hand engine to fight the flames with. The Edgar canning works have closed for the season after having put up 200,- 000 cans of corn, and 100,000 cans of to matoes. Wenxel Hoble, two miles from Clark- son, was thrown out of his wagon on a bridge near his home, and killed, Thursday. Bay Lammers, a twelve-year-old lad ot York, waa drowned whQe skating on the bat Thursday. The body hmimmiL c B. Bocae, a farmer aaar Crete, his year on forty aoraa lSOyOOO a pop corn which he shipped to City and Chicago. "- ' Minnie Johnson ot Saroaville had a lit tle spat with her brother and tried to end her life with a dose ot roaghon rata," Too much ot the poison was what saved her life. Mrs. Veeney and her cousin; Miss Meyer, charged with the murder ot Mr. Yeasey, the husband ot the former, ware acquitted last week at their trial at Fal lerton, Mrs. V. is about to become a mother. Joseph Roe of Lincoln has been arres ted by Tryber Sweetland, oa a charge of embeEzlement ot $500, it being claim ed that Boe had sold organa and pianos for the firm and had not turned over the proceeds ot sales. Through the efforta ot Senator Man derson, Julius Grossgean, an inmate of the Douglas county poorhouee, lately re ceived a pension ot $2408, with a month ly pension ot $54 daring lite. The old soldier's heart waa made glad. Prague was visited by a $10,000 fire Thursday. One general stock ot mer chandise together with the building was totally destroyed. There was no organized fire department and they were not prepared to handle the fire. Johnny Kuhn of Beatrice, seven years ofd, while prying open a cigar box with a fork Wednesday, the instrument slipp ed and flying in his face the tinea struck him in tne eye, completely destroying the sight The injured eye was removed. Private Turner ot company D, Eighth infantry, tho company tailor, froze to death near Fort Bobinson. He was in Crawford the day before, drinking heav ily, and had evidently wandered off the road and becoming exhausted, hud down in a snow drift and died. The office of F. J. Mack ft Co, lumber dealers at Albion, waa robbed Tuesday night of last week, of about $65. The office of Montgomery & Jaycox was also entered, but after tampering with the outer door ot the safe, the burglars seemed to have been scared off. It is said that there are beds ot fine cement rock in different portions ot the state, and the managers of the Urge Portland cement manufactory of New York have been in correspondence with the bureau of statistics, with a view of opening their works in Nebraska. An irrigating canal near Sidney baa been completed, thirty-five miles in length, that will irrigate 100,000 acres ot land. That is intelligent bwnaess, good horse sense, a step in the right direction, the proper thing to do, and will no doubt make the lands productive, and worth four times what they were. It looks now aa though the cement rock of this state will soon be utilized. Two quarries exist one at Beatrice and one at Sidney. The former was operated at one time, but work waa stopped be cause ot high priced coal and freight rates, but these objections are about to be removed, and it ao tho state at large will be greatly benefited. Last Thursday Dr. Lester removed a large bead from the ear ot the four-year- old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. & D. Cos, which had become very pnfnl. From what the- little girl told it must have been in her ear at least a week, and it was only by her complaining of her ear hurting her that the bead waa discover ed by Mrs. Coe. D. a News. Wasklagtea Letter. From our regular correspondent. The national republican committee held a very harmonious meeting here to day; elected. Oen. Clarkson to succeed Senator Quay as chairman, and selected the place and date for the meeting ot the national convention next year. For two daya past the corridors ot the hotel in which the committee held its meeting navereminoea one or national conven tional times, owing to the presence of so many republicans ot national promi nence. The members ot the eommittee have an abiding faith in the success of the party next year, and for that reason they determined to make no mistake which should be serious enough to jeopardize that success. The selection of Gen. Clarkson for chairman and the date set for the convention meets with unanimous approval, but as was to be expected after the sharp rivalry, the se lection ot the place for the convention to meet has caused sore disappointment. But no more than waa inevitable. Only one place could get the honor, and those who are disappointed because it was not their city have the consolation ot know ing that a good and honorable fight was made by them all. Tammany Hall sent Governor-Senator Hill over here to put in some preliminary licks in favor of the election of its can dJdate Crisp-to the spssksrship. Of course Hill did not dare disobey the orders of Tammany, but it waa assy to see that he was out of his elemeat in Washington, and he got away as aoon aa possible, and it is understood that he will do the rest of his work for the tigers candidate in New York City; where, surrounded by his ''heelers,' he feels more at home than he does in Washington. Secretary Proctor's annual report is a model of its kind, and shows that, be leaves the war department in much bet ter shape than he found it" r The system of drying paper money by steam has, by order of the secretary of the treasury, bean discontinued at the bureau of engraving and printingraad in future, all money printed at the bu reau will be dried by the natural process before it is delivered to the treasury to be circulated. It was thought that the steam drying was responsible for the blurred appearance which many of the notes show after a little handling, and that it weakened the tbre of the paper to a marked extant, thus shortening the time the note would last. The annual meetiagof the twelve di vision inspectors of the Bjaasoaace de partment ia now going system ot bringing the all over the country into contact with each other, for mutual information, once a year, ongmssen wita inapsetor Bathboae,who ia now fourth sjstiat by the department caaoials very hslafal tothessrviea, Tho shaft iaepeetor at the Csnadiau postal service was a wall pleased with his visit to the aseetiag Imrnt m thai: U flflljir aaBUBl thia m J. . -m ( Ha imissuj, awing to the , Itmtaof m 'diecussed, - It has beea decided by the executive eusamittaa to secure, an additional $f0,. 000 for the entertainment of .the G. A. B. aacampment hare next year, and the I work of 'obtaining subscriptions is now being pushed with diligence. This, ad ded to the guarantee fund ot $50,000 already subscribed, will make a total ot flOOyOOO to be spent on the encamp ment. ' Mr.Dolphim P.Roberts, who-is said to be one ot the moat prominent colored bmb, of Evansvills, Indiana, has beea ap pointed recorder of the general land caaee, to fill the vacancy made by the resignation of the Ber.' James W. Town- d. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Bella H FortaeauMta Albert Ftckcr Nereaiberae,lSH. Ethel Bsyi Eddie Kaatzlenaa !ry Tlaaay tarraee HoRenbeck rredHol'eabock OttoBoen KtofaeKoea Francis Goaaeriac AnBaMunr oa Maggie WalUrd FkoBDle Cassias. Teacher. Carlev Weosley Ethel Watklas Frank Toaajr Clarence Boobs LalaPattoa Nettle uonderiBg OlHelfland Anaa CuaalBghaat Bessie Whttasy Eally Borer Florence Koutsoa M. . UcOaUi. Teacaer. Jessie Dusset Willie ;1It Sadie Wlisoa Alfred WUsoa tarrFl Mildred Davis K no Tomer Oscar Weber !na Heeker Minnie fobr Lizzie dure Jennie Langblin M. aallasber. Tsaeber. MlkeHncel MlaBieMeO MvrUe Hewli rift Berths Glare LaareaceMcTrcgart ldtoIajUln Freddie lafiM Grace Boston Otto Schism Maade Weber Henry JOaaat Willie Baker FsrdStlrrs Lid Tamer Aide Heists Cbattle Bice. Teacher. Archie Griffla Petite Martya EttaUatbrle Lulu Brodfwehrer Guy Baker Ele Bosslter Harry Mowery FredFrtcdhnf Grace Hufnuan Jessie GrUflB BoyCoolktss Asasta Schubert Ge-rzle Scott Eddie CooJidtce Harry Andrews Geitnrte Kiaaecker E!U Lutb Earl Weaver C-harlle Woods Beryl Baker Myrtle Hoffoinn Fa reaee Jennings ( Dora Weaver Hosier Martya A.M Matthews. Teacher. George Morris BoseStaufler Lean Uliir Eddie Kavwnasgh Joseubiue Kumpf Llliliiu Klxhy Hfiiry Miller Lizzie r charar furl Behroedcr Willie Krewer Cuua Martin. Teacher. Louisa Mcbrsm Lawrence Hvhl Birdie Huwel Peter Ltiehainger Ida M. Martin. Teacher. TottieSliannou Herman. Miller Willie Seipp Willie Becker Oie Nelson Lulu Coleman GUa'ord Caldwell Earl Austin LicZie Stntib Alfrrd tieiiannl Annie I loth Jo.iie Snniliawk Freddie 1'latU Minna Huge Nels Johnson Miss McColm. Teacher. VeraKrasser George WUUrd Alvia Baodniehrer TeaaZiBueeker Albert Kastnussen Eddie Baldwin Delia Newman BalphBoyd Ham Friedliot Grace Woods Kny Jennings Julia Van Mcholk C A. Hcott. Teacher. Clara Inlay Lela StlUtaan Fanale Merrill Bddie ljasata. Arthrr Boaton Rov Boaton Madge Cashing Guy Fox (iertte Whltawyer Florence Wbitmoyer Karl n- cker Bert Stlllinan Antunia Brodluebrer Howard Leedora I . A. Brittel, Teacher. Grace Cofley Inlay POPULATION OF PLATTK COUNTY. OStesal Glvaa Oat By The Seal Of Census. Following to the 1890 census) ot Platte county, by townships. Riving also the population of the villages and city ofcolutnbts. The popula tion of tbincounty In ltto was 9,511 in 1890 it waa 15.437. an loorease of 5,936. In 1890 Columbus counted 2,131 inhabitants, and in 1890 it was credited with 3,134, an increase of 1,003. Paste this in your hat. TOWJOHIW. POP. Btsmark Burrows. 675 582 3.861 .m Mntler Coluabttfl, incladlug Cohuab m city Columbus ctty -.... Vf Bid I.IWHMMMH. M.... IJMM9 wrard s... ... MM.M.M wara ... ........... nw CrastuB,lnclading Crestoa village... Crestoa village...... Rmtl ' ........ . 701 90S i.tes 516 Granville, ladadlag part of Humphrey village Humphrey village (part of) 1 Total for Humphrey village In Granville and Humphrey tps SH Humparey. Including part oi uumpn ray vlllase... -.. ......--. HuBBhrry village (part of).... Jftllll m M.w,mmn 7SS IIS Ml Lost Creek. Including finite Outer village-.. .. . Platte Center village, "rirPi 1.138 sat 437 7W TZ0 St. Bernard, including Lindsay village Monroe. uuosay village IX 3SB CSS hmcii iTeeK, Hbermaa.... Walker. Wcodvllle. Palestlee. Mr. MoNabb is having his windmill put up again, after being blown down in th&'storm some time ago. Not many were at the concert at West Hill church Thursday night tost, on account of the dense darkness. We re gret very much that thk was so, for the Christian home for whose benefit it was given are. suffering for money now at the beginning of the cold weather. God help them for the sake ot His little ones Mia. Elwall of Albion came down sad gave, an extremely interesting talk on "Bambles in Heathen Lauds" and she wss listened to by sn interested au dience. A woman'e foreign missionary society waa formed and over twenty mite were given out or spoken for. Mr. Pearson has just built a new barn. Mr. Bolt is finishing the fencing otj&is whole farm, 660 acres. Hewants other 80 for a garden patchy 'inanasgiving any was a very qi one in this part of the town, too a corn ont in the field' yet and of too a quality to make farmers feel hsppy, yet there are many, many things to be thankful for. Miss Ella BirdsUl of "Arena" ia visit ing the Misses Hanchett for several daya. Dan. : La.firlBae Agate. Tjuriagthe epidemic of la grippe last staspa, Dr. King's New Discovery for coasnmptiou, coughs and colds, proved to be the best remedy. Reports from the many who used it confirm this statement. They ware not only quickly relieved, but the dJsiasi toft no bad after results. Wo ask yon to giva.this seasedy a trial wa guarantee that yon will be with results, or the purchase pries wl be ratuaded. It has no equal in 'la grippe, or -any tnroat, ensst or inns; trouble. Trial bottles free at C.B. StM- maaa-drag store. Large botttos, 60c sad $100. 2 TXI LIC SALE. puBUo auction at my rea-l mike mdrth and three miles of Oolumbus.VeisTht miles south from Leigh,' . at, Dae. lf 1801, 10 o'clock am., sharp, the following-dhecribed properfyTMo wit: 2 work horaesTTnharee, 1 colt to years old, 1 colt one yeel old, 12 milch cows, 4 heifers two years old, 9 steers one year oldsijesxliiighifehotaj to fouriaontha old, 1 Whod self-bin almost new, 1 mowing machine, 2 culti vators, 2 stirring plows, 2 lumber wag ons, 2 harrows. lVoroplanW. 1 roller, 1 hay rake, 2 sets harness, 1 scrafler, 1 hay rack. 1200 bushels of oats, 15001 bushels ot. 20 tons of ygood hay.. 160 acres ot to rent, on verms toje an- n Te: On all sums ot $10 or under. cash in id. On sdms over $10, a credit of t lve month8wille given at 5 percent tercet on secured bankable notes. 5 cent discount for cash. Befresh on the groundfree. If the day should rove stormy, sale will take place next Ma 1THX LosBkx. John Hubkb, Auc - Ati.iM.y tho magasines for Decem ber, rcteraon's is one of the earliest and the best. This closing number of ita 60th year is especially fine, being rich in illustrations snd literary msttor. How ard Seely's "Two Belles of the Border," is a very amusing sketch of Texas life. "Idle days at St. Augustine," is ably written and illustrated with fine photo gravures. "My Husband's Cousin," is a capital story, and all the others are good. The fashion department com mends itself for the practical character ot the plates, the descriptions of style and the plainness ot direction for make up. New writers of well known ability, snd new features are announced for 1892 that will add materially to the value of the magazine. Terms, $2 per year, with low club rates, and valuable premiums to club raisers. Send for sample copy with full terms and premium offers. Address, Peterson's Magazine, Phila delphia, Pa. Happy Hesneni. Wm. Tunmons, postmaster of Idaville, Ind., writes: "Electric Bitters has done mora for me than all other medicines combined for the bad feeling arising from kidney and liver trouble." John Leslie, farmer and stockman, of same place, says: "Find Electric Bitters to be the beat kidney and liver medicine, made me feel like a new man." J. W. Gardner, hardware merchant, same town, says: "Electric Bitters is just the thing for a man who is all run down and don't care whether he lives or dies." He found new strength, good appetite and felt just like he had a new lease on life. Only 50 cents a bottle at C. B. Stillman's drug store. 2 ', uiaun a. u. s. sum s, a By is fceonly line running solid vest ibuled, etoctrio lighted and steam heated trains between the Missouri river and Chicago, consisting of new palace sleep ing cars, elegant free reclining chair ears, luxurious coaches and the finest dining cars in the world. The berth reading lamp in its palace sleeping cars is patented and cannot be need by any other railway company. It is the great improvement of the age. Try it and be convinced. Close connection in union depot at Omaha with all trains to and from the west. For further particulars apply to your ticket agent, or F. A. Nash, Gen'l Agt. W. S. Howkll, Traveling Fr't and Pass. Agt, 25febft Omaha, Neb Weaasrfal. E. W. Sawyer, ot Rochester, Wis., a prominent dealer in general merchand ise, snd who runs several peddling wag ons, had one of his horses badly cut and burned with a lariat. The wound re fused to heal. The horse became lame and stiff notwithstanding careful atten tion snd the application of remedies. A friend handed Sawyer some of Heller's Barb Wire Liniment, the most wonder ful thing he ever saw to heal such wounds. He applied it only three times and the sore was completely healed. Equally good for sll sores, cuts, bruises and wounds. For sale by Wm. Kear ville. 11 Hark Twala, This noted humorist lives in Hereford, Conn., and by bis own writings has made life more pleasant to thousands. By the use ot Heller's Sarsaparilla and Burdock thousands of lives have been lengthened and life made pleasant.. Both are benefactors and both are enti tled to the thanks of mankind. For sale by Wm. Kearville. 11 Letter List. List of letters remaining in the post office at Columbus, Nebraska, for the week ending November 28, 1891 : George A. Ford, LT. Gilmore, aaXgigdon, MrsML sitlieb H. Dabbl .Earnest, Parties calling for the above letters win pleaae say "advertised." Carl Kramer, P. M. As a preventive and cure for croup, Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy has no rival. It is, in fact, the only remedy that can always be depended upon and that is pleasant and safe to take. There ia not the least danger in giving it to children, as it contains no injurious substance. For sale at 50 cents per bottle by .a E. Pollock A Co. and Dr. A. Meintzdrtggists. tf - OaVtal State Vete. - The officers of the returning board completed their work tost Wednesdsy. The ocacial figures on state ofBoers are: For judge of the supreme court; Post, 76.447; Edgerton, 72, 311; Bittender.7,322. Far regents: Marple, 09,507; Sham way, ISJB2; TTAllemsnd, 6G24; Hsdley, 67, 6); Gorst, 897; Woodward, 9,177. A Haass Bawa Has Up. Baby had a cold, Mrs. McGinnis said not whisky. Aunt Ksty said -catnip tea, Cousin Em. aaid rhubarb was the thiag, but Grandpa (heaven bless him) said Haltora Sure Cure Cough Syrup would take the cake, and it did. For sale by Wm. Kssrvais. 11 'St. Patbjok's Pills are eerefally efsaared from the best material and sceordiag to the most spprovedformuto. sari sn the bo perfect cathartic sad liver pfll that can be produced. We eeUthem. C E, Pollock A Co. sad Dr. TumAJhicago n? What is Castori Is Dr. Snntnel PftdMr9 praeriutiem for Infants It contain meithcr Onisun, HernUae nor Narcotic snheranrn tear Paracolic, Drone, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its puaranteo is thirty years wse by MUUona of Mothers. Cstoria destroys Woraaa and allaya Jtwrialineas. Castoria prevents womitias; Sr Curd, cares Diarrnooa and Wind Colic Cnstoria reUeves tscthlnc traables, cures constipation aad natnleney. Csaitoria aaalamilate the food, reaalates the stomach aad boweto, fivinc healthy aad natnral sleenv Cas- teria is the ChiMrea's Castoria. kave laaaatedlytoMt as of as Da. Q. C fereaiMnaof wafckl laeretkaaaytoaot taereal of their caSaraa, aad as Castaria la- waiehi hartfal down their female, tharehy nauaV DB.J.P. Ooaway, Ark. I Axijbi C Sana. Prn., asa Q tawx Csaapsaj. TT Manny aVareet, Hew Teak City HMY RAGATZ & CO., KEEP CONSTANTLY ON Staple and Fancy GroconB, ALSO AS FINE AN Lamps, Glassware, Queensware, Etc., As Can be Found in This Section of Nebraska. fWThe very highest market price paid in trade for country produce. For the present, in the Gluck block, corner of Eleventh and North Streets, COLUMBUS, LEUAL NOTICE. lathe district court of Platte coonty, Nebraska, October term, A.D., 1801, to wit: November Uth,1801. IathesBattarof the estate of 01ofB.IIolra.aa iaaaaopersoB. Order to show caase. Thia eaase carae oa for hearing apon the peti tioB of WilUam J. Irwin, gnardiaa of the person aad the estate of Okf B. Holas. aa iasane per. soB.piariBgforUeensetosell the soath half of the Borthwest qaartor of section thirty, in town ship aiaetaaa aorth,of raaa three wast of the tthr.SL.for Uw porpoaaof payiag thedebts mif fja y mwkA msiwtfliBiBgthsssiil intswtt psrsoB, there not being snWrient personal prop rty for that purpose. It is therefore ordered that the next of kin aad all persons interested in said ward aad ia said estate appear before bm. A. M. Post, jadga of the district ooort ot Platte county. Nebraska, at the oSice ot M. WUtawrer, ia Oie city of Cohuabua, ia said cooaty, oa the 24th day of December, MM, at 11 o'clock show cannewhy a license saoald not be granted to said guardian to sell said real estate. It is farther ordered that a copy of this order be pabushed foar (4) sacosssive weeks ia TBx CoLtmus JocawAt, a weekly newspaper pnb lished la Oie city of Colambas, in said coonty. Dated, Nov. 12th, 18W. A. M. POST, 2SaovS Jndae District Court. LEUAL NOTICE. To all whom it may concern: The Board of Supervisors ia regular 8Mion November 11, WW. declared open as a pablic road, ia aeoordaare with a petition of the legal ly required aamber of freeholders of Butler township, the following described land, tow it: A strip of land thirty4hrce () feet wide oft of the entire west side of the northwest quarter (N. W. it) of section 28, town 17, range 1 west of wn r. n. Now all objections to the location of this road. or chums for damages caused thereby, moot be filed ia Oie county clerk's office on or before noon, January iitn, a. u. waz, or uto location may be made without further reference thereto. Dated Columbus, Neb., Nov. II. IWI. O. W. Phiixips, 18bov4 County Clerk. FINAL PROOF JkOTlCE. Land Office at Grand Island, Neb., J November 24. 1891. i is hereby riven that the followinav setuer nas med notice cl tils intention to nioof in suDDort of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the clerk of the district court, at Columbus, Neb., on Janu ary Mb. ltsjBLTic: Stank Uok, lid. No., for tne H. a B. w. Si oi section z, township in norm, of ranee 2 west. He aameaJhe fqUowiag witnesses to peeve his cuaiuauaa ronucncn gnu mm cumnuou u, said land, via: Joseph Sobas,' Karrainss Boric, Joseph Opicla, ot Duncan, Neb., and Frank Skor apa, of Columbus, Neb. FaAxxxiir Swxrr, 2dec8t Register. FREEss :ouraiD.oa, lsmatli aXTaV SI ChlMmfOiyfavr motet"! CsMttrla. NoVce makewaal . sa PTaasr"""fc''asM . A XATBBAI. BEVDTrOX fgapjSsaBaaafeBM SlwIlJalasBTHj. tllHf laMi k. Wb9IMM CaV ' FSBBJSSSBF - BJ BtvPBvaSSBBaSF BBBw aBB HBaaBHBBBJ BBWaBaBvBBaSBBB BMuMgilaesft BraJs fDi usrSIsi 1 nHSptaal Weak ij I lqrll asrasaasjcaaSow aadBowarafiieirVttHiil maaB5 OvileahjB. IH It is a auuraaleee sahetitnto Castoria. " rsstta Is Is in -mill nfrr -- I mi nmaarail r-- t! 'l"" kaowatoBas.n BLA.AaaBm.aLD., Ill Sa. Oxford 8A. BrooklrB. If. T. "Oar BhyatciaBS ia Uw caikwea's depsrt- hava spokea aigaly of taeir expert ia their uutsiihi aracUoe with CsstotU, aad akhoaga we oaly have amoojc "" BHiMrsl aappUes what ia kaowa as reguUr aioaaelB,yetweara free to coafesa that tho sertts of Castoria has won as to look with favor boob it." Uarrsa Hobktai. axd Duraaaaav, HAND A FULL LINE OF ASSORTMENT OF NEBRASKA. Maj2VM-tf LEGAL NOTICE. In the district court of Platte county, Ne braska. In the matter of the estate of Peter J. Lawrence, deceased. This cause came on for hearing upon the peti tion of Phebo J. Lawrence, executrix of tho estate of Peter J. Lawrence, deceased, praying for license to sell the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter, the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter, and the weat half of the west half of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section number twenty-ei;ht ilS), and lot number two (2), in section number thirty three (SI), all in township number seventeen (17) north, of range number one (1) east of the Sixth principal meridian in Platte county, Ne braska, containing one hundred and eleven and thirty onevhundreths acres according to itovern- ment survey, for the payment of debts against said estate, and the coats of administration. there not being sufficient personal property to oejr the said debts and excensee. It is therefore ordered that all persona inter ested in said estate appear before me at the court bouse in Columbus, Platte county. Nebraska, on fee 24th day of December, 1891. at 2 o'clock p. m.. to show cause why license should not be granted to said executrix to sell so much of the above described real estate of said deceased a shall bo necessary to pay said debts and expend, ami it is further ordered by the court that notice be given by publication of this order in Thk Co IXXBBS Joubxai. four successive weeks. Dated this 9th day of November, 1891. A. M. POST, Judge District Court for Sixth Judicial Dis trict. !Snov5t be figure 9 in our dotes v. ill make a long stay. So man or woman now living will ever date a Joemaent without using the figure 0. It stands in fee third place in 1S90. where it will remain tea years and then move up to kecoud place in 1800. where it will rest for one hundred years. There is another "9" which has also come to stay. It is unlike fee figure 9 in our dates in the respect that it has already moved up to first place, where It will permanently remain. It it called the "No. 9" High Arm Wheeler &. Wilson Sewing Machine. The "No. 9" was endorsed for first place by the experts of Europe at the Paris Exposition of 18B9, where, after a severe contest with the leading ma chines of the world, it was awarded the only Grand Prize given to family sewing machines, all others on exhibit having received lower awards of gold medals, etc The French Government also teoagllisil its superiority by thedecoratioa of Mr. Nathaniel Wheeler, Presidentof the company, with the Cross of fee Legion of Ilonor. The "No. 9" is not an old machine Improved upon, but is an entirely new machine, and fee Grand Prize at Paris was awarded it as fee grand est advance ia sewing machine mocnanism of fee age. Those who buy it can rest assured, there. fore, oi having too very latest and best. WHXKLER; WILSON WTQ O0L 185 aad 187 Wabash Ave., GUsaja 80IJ ST? . W. KIBLE1, Lgfc, Nsbr. 7St WANTED aUiSSev LeaALAmTBAVKUsa. Agoodchaaee! Doa't HlRHLJSfl?0 P-ml to represent a re ibbjh arai Teas aajtiaate aaraftrr stock i ' J'l'1 eas ali. thb tkab, aad wm iiisui wssMBBBsteawa. apply qaicK. .aw-u. MAI ' CO.. Narserrssea. aX.Paal.maa. SI SI as. I gnaw, awaw. CASH Bargain Store Our stores are now loaded with First-Glass Goods ' Bought for oO cents on the dollar" throughout the east. We never buy at regular prices like other merchants lo, and we give you the benefit of our experience. We know our com petitors tell you our goods are dam aged and shoddy. We can't coutrol , their mouths. We only ask you to use the senses God gave you to con vict them of lying, and our money is always ready to return for any decep tion. We buy the same goods they do but of different parties and in a different way. The only difference between their $1.00 underwear and our GO cents, is the price. Our cloves at S5 others sell "at S1.25. We have shoes at 81.50 to $3.00 that others get from $2.50 to $5.00 . for. So on all through our store. Our motto is to "underby and UN- DERSEL." We have the largest variety of Christmas goods outride of Omaha bought from headquarters and shipped in by the car-load so we saved one dealer's profit and half the freight, and you get the benefit. Come and see and save the dollars. No use going to the city our prices are lower than in Omaha and we will get anything you want if we don't have it. Remember that all purchases of us before January 1st count on the con test for those elegant presents par lor ORGAN $350 SEWING MACHINE $55, etc. No blanks. Bring your butter and eggs. F. H. LAMB & CO. Tlis Bee Bflrean of ClaiMs, Associated with The San Francisco Examiner, For the States of Nebraska. Iown, Kansas, and South Dakota for the Collection of all legitimate claims before the various Departments of the Government. Under the auHpices of The Boo Publishing Co., Omidin, Nebraska, and tho San Francisco Examiner. Offices: Omaha. SanFrancisco. Washington. EDWARD P.ROGGEN.Manv.kii. Room 600, Bee Building, Omaha, Neb. Will practice in the Supreme Court of tho United Mates,tho Court of ClnimH, the several Courts of tho District of Columbia, lpfore Com mittees of Congress, and tho Exccutie Depart ments. Indian Depredation Claims. W obtain Pen biodh and Patents. All claeses of 1-ind Claims. Mining. Pre-tmption and ilom--te;ul Cnses. Prouecuted beforo tho General Ijind OHico, De partment of the Interior, and the Supremn Court. PENS10NS.-ThousandH yet entitled. Writo for information. HEIRS. Widows, Minor Children. Dependent Mothers, Fathers, and Minor Depeudi'ut Brothers and Sisters entitled. INCREASE. Pension Laws are now more liberal fean formerly, and many are entitled to better rates. Apply at once for of Ques tions to determine right to hfehfr . Claimants to secure- tho service b of thirillnreau must become, an u condition prt-(fIiiif. n new subecrilier to The Wet-kly Bee. TIm.m who aro now subHcriljers can become mcniliers of the Burean by sendini; in a new suhecriber. This will entitle the new subscriber n well as the old to a membership We have the names of over two hundred thous and ex-soldiers and sailors residing in Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas and South Dakota. Correspondence Solicited. Information Free. Wo oliarKe no fee, only in the event of onccess. Sond for our ProiectU!. .Ask say ageata far W. L. Baaala Sh dealer to send for caialaaae, secure thJ agency, aad set theai far yea. OT TAKE NO 8UBST1TUTB.S ii aas ir aaie IH TMr Blaet, uk fur W. L DOUGLAS It U a seamless shoe, with no tacks or wax thread to hart tae feet: made ot the best One calf, stylish nde7' ad bemuse e make more tkoea of thia grade than aay other manxfacturer. It equals naad sewed shoes costing fTomg4.U)to5.U0. fS SS) Oeaalae llaad-Mwed, the finest calf ' shoe ever ottered for SSJJO; equals Preach toported shoes which cost from IBM to glZUO. SSjf, SS llaasVSewed Welt Mhe. fine calf. Ps styusa. comfortable and durable. The best shoe erer offered at this price ; same grade as custom-made shoes costing from SLOO to afjJO. SJO ??"ee gSaet Farmers, aUroad Xsa 9aa aad LctterCarrlersall wear them: SaecalT. seamless, smooth inside, heary three soles, exten sion edge. Oae pair will wear a year. SS SW aaecalft no better shoe erer offered at aWsKe this price: one trial wiu convince those who want a shoe for comfort aad service. ftO iU aad SA.aS Warfclaaaama'a shoes sPaaa are rery strong aad durable, thoso who vaj aaaajss raezcga igola, very sty IB from sun lmnorted ihnrs matlsvfmm .?y":equal8Yenca MadleV 'Xaa. S&.SO aad ft.' Sa.aS) mm A1.9S aluv. itoauM. aeboagolsvStyusaaaddarable. for raalluU that W T Tw.-lu atlas are stamped on thai bottom of each shoe. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brocktoa, 1 Ws. SHIIZ, Olin St., GiIismjs. I July '91-Sm rYeaawBaaat TraeACo.lasWBetaa I WiuS bm. I warssdsuadily sad auds aoasy Cusar isistitMsio.DscaiajiiopnjsiiiMaaasamaa asaaBsaaiaMrhotsl. Iflasa'traeraadMthat.Iwfllge to work sgsia st Um haaasss ia which I and ay sumey . TrswaW Cswt ShaU wa iastract aad start yoa. raaasrf If weds, sad if yoa work isasMoasly. yea will hi lu aa ba aMotabay aa Maad aad haBd a hotaL if yoa wtoh to. Maaewraa he ssrsad at soar aarav lias of work, raw sad la isaw owa tocaMtio. waomar n aS?Aav oae - - - eSTkt. f --l -- - - ",U.?sgBBsaafa wasaawavarwj-iaw Maaaaaiii asranastac, ai nara ITrti i Tsa..yssaeatosilalahaa,saaTi WasVBBBBBSBBawWBBBp BLMY fiELETD lavuw sHOat lasssaaaw- -Jaw L srT " BBBBabBBaatBBBBaBaBsaBlsl cay tsawMy wmktt. BtmtnvmmgmimmWtmmmm Mwav 9,mwmmtmamAMuZmmZ. - - - yw- -r TS 1 . . mm aaswaaa; as aaasjasj awBapa), "T. "T T 'TsgaBrjMawBt tml. di ss TtSaallassa ma --- fZT "rMTg1 Jl WMmmUmm mmmimmm9mmWmmmm9WHmlmimmL fAal aUavaa lai SfJ1' ''g',fi'j"es ass: Whaaia JMBraT wtaliiwlworkatoaro. rilii anaiaaihaiiil i yaw. Be ssaea to saalaaa aam. ami itS2 waa atak aa TTa j.Rwyaa waa wvas wv ws JS BBBBBB BBfBWBjrw. WBajBfaBBaTwBal ' . lr it V o ijL$ 4 " ' . ML . oo o 1 . o ' I Oo oO o ! aj o - - A . o . .A "V. "I r: :f LA I . . ! r Ji, -- o !. fr ft I 'l ? ' r. .R lv pi O W! Oa fC r V o O :t la si isaevaa i -.--V '- ' E& " o as. s.4i &Kr T Z i' SAi -, l!'' SsSaSs-.-: . -2 at K - --,. f-- a " -Y - -i..2 i. - Jt. V - - .. -' -"-.