The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 11, 1891, Image 2

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Columbus g onrttaL
m:. k. turner so co.,
Golmnvnbma, STato
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ofHf u fav letter or
llStSEe?4Stot enable aa to readily
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iwtWfali asar cC the writer.
every ""!.. i jr
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HHBHI jum aHraaj WaF. '
rataly. Giveee
"btRATios is the eincereet praise.
Szsatob and Mrs.
left for Washington.
Msnderson have
Lake Michigan is two feet lower than
it has been in many years.
Tnnn is the greatest worker on
the farm the man does the chores."
Snow in Virginia on the 5th, the
ritrat in the season for many years.
Mayob klbct Bemis of Omaha is be
sieged by countless applicants for office.
"Wants traveling, keep nnder the flag
of some civilized country, if you desire
Six miners were killed by an explosion
of gaa in a coal mine at Nanticoke, Pa.,
Tbjc entire business portion of Buffalo
Gap, 8. D., was destroyed by fire Sun
day afternoon.
Thk discovery of a plot to assassinate
Colonel Canto created great excitement
at Valparaiso, Chili, on the 5th.
Sixteen counties in Iowa have lady
awperintendents of schools. Page coun
ty has had one for six years past
P. IiobiIabi, the great tobacco king,
lost $30,000 worth of tobacco by fire in
his large factory at Jersey City Tuesda v.
The tie vote on sheriff for Boone
eounty between Farris and Shaffer was
decided in favor of the republican can
didate. Cleveland and'Boies, Boies and Rus
sell and Palmer and Flower are among
the democratic combinations talked of
for next year.
- Qtjakttch, the noted London book
dealer, intends to send to the Expoei
' tion an autograph letter of Christopher
Columbus, for which he paid $5,000.
Edwin Wood, postmaster and clerk
of election, was placed under $1,000
bonds for smashing a ballot box at
Wenoken, fourteen miles east of Bis
marck North Dakota.
Nebbaska's advertising train returned
home to Omaha Friday; was on exhibi
tion Saturday and the work of stripping
the train of its beauty commenced Mon
day. The scheme has been a success in
very way.
Seventeen men were instantly killed
by a falling cage in a mine at Butte,
Mont, Wednesday. There were nine
teen men on the cage seventeen were
instantly killed, crushed out of human
It used to be a boast that the sun
never set on English soil. The sun
now never sets on the United States.
When it is 6 o'clock at Attoo Island,
Alaska, it is 9:36 a.m. next day on the
eastern coast of Maine.
Gold was discovered at Kansas City,
ander the Missouri river. Carl Went
rock, a civil engineer, examined the
strata and said that the specimens con
tained free gold in sufficient quantities
to make mining profitable.
It is reported from Vienna that near
ly 2,000 of the Russian troops on the
Prathhave perished of typhus. When
the balk of the force was removed some
distance inland the sick were left almost
withoat help, and these are perishing
r Joseph Howell was convicted of the
marder of Mrs. Hall, a widow, and her
foar children, at Brookfield, Mo., in
Janaary, 1869. The details of the mur
der are extremely brutal. Howell was
a school teacher. He should have lived
ia Omaha.
T TnTawJt convicts escaped from the
Saate Fe, N. M penitentiary Tuesday.
They assd imitation pistols whittled out
of wood to stand off the guards and
de their flight on horses. One of the
. trio .was shot in the arm and recaptured
.PoTTEB Palmes is to drive the
; aail in the Woman's building. The
lady saanagers of Montana, at tl.
ggwtionofMrs. J. E. Richards, are
: the nail made of gold, silver and
It will be forwarded to Chicago
is completed.
Jambs S. Claque, a stock raiser of
Grsaley, Colo, left his berth in a aleep
aa( car Bear the city limits of Burling
ton, la, aad in his sleep walked off the
Ie woke up in the ditch and
I to the police headannrtera. TTa
in the hospital quite ill.
Msbstd men held up the night pas
seager train on the Missouri Pacific out'
tt. Oanaas Wednesday night almost in
tla) city limits, and robbed the express
car. The Express company could not
enate the exact loss. The police say the
fjsarription of the men answers that of
Ha robbers who went through the
Motor railway company's offices a short
A BBOTE named McLain, narrowly
oawaysd bains' lynched wTopeka, Kan.,
Waaaaaaaay. A aine-months-old child
af mis dawi recently, aad upoa investiga
tjsmitwas discovered to have its leg
its head and face badly
i Jjaahed. McLsia was
ivy the sheriff, bat cowld the
ggfci-; ""AV.'V.V.V.".. -
we iusums
mtteaJmder. p,
J. W. EdcnttjB, p. ....
BegtmU UaiTewity
A. d'Allawintl. P. i
Will Uont.p
E. A. Hadlervp.1
Charles Marple, r.
Onoliae M. Woodward, p
Albwt Ewiap, p. i
jame A. OnaiaoB, p. ..
Coand HoUewbeck, d
William Marshall, r
John J. houitbo. a
Coaaty Clerk
John C. Swmrtatey, p. 1
DaBielW.Zricler, r...
For CoaateTwararer
JAb K. Daek. n. i
IS. A. Gerard, p.. .
J. W. LyBch, d
For Sheriff-
John P. JohaaoB, p. 1...
D. C. Karaaangh, d
Har O.
For Clerk of the District Coart
-Albert r. i.rr, p.i
H. F. J. Hoekaabarcer, p ....
a. & Haetee. a,
For Coaajgr Jadfe
W.N. Heasley, d. ............ ......-.
J.N. ilia. r...VJ....s.....v""
For 8ajperiBtaadeBt of Public Instruction
Philip W. Hem, p. i. ............ .....
Faaaw H. lahtaer, p..
M. M. BotaleitBer, d
Coanty aorreror
John T. MorrU, r
A. a Pickett, p. i
K. Lu Boaatter, d
Harry J. Arnold, r
A. lleinl
Onions aad Dyatherin.
In a case of dyptheria raw onions
should be placed in a cloth and beaten
to a pulp, and the cloth (containing the
onions, juice and all) bound about the
throat and well up around the patient's
ears. Renewals to be made as often as
the mass becomes dry. The effect is
almost magical, the deadly pain
yielding in a short time.,, Scientific
Omaha is fast gaining a reputation not
of the best Since the lynching of the
negro, a couple of bold robberies have
been committed right within the city
limits. Our eastern neighbors may
think that Nebraska is as bad as Okla
homa, but Biichianot the case. .These
things are very unf requent, and Nebras
ka as a rule, though alive and enter
prising, is as calm and docile as any of
the New England states.
The t upporting columns for the Fores
try Building at the Chicago Exposition
j..o to be trunks of trees with the bark
on Chief Buchanan has requested each
state to furnish three trunks of trees for
this purpose. Arkansas, California,
Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana,
Iowa, Maine, Minnesota, Montana, Ne
braska, New Mexico, Pennsylvania,
Texas, Wisconsin, Washington, and
West Virginia have promised to furnish
their quota.
William Cox and son William, aged
50 and 23 years, of Wapella, 111., last
Wednesday attempted to make deeper
an old well. The son went down into
the well, but finding a large quantity of
gas which oppressed his lungs, he start
ed for the top, climbing a rope. When
ten feet from the bottom he lost sensi
bility and fell back into four feet of
water. His father went down into the
well, being let down in a bucket When
near the bottom Mr. Cox fell out of the
bucket unconscious and both he and
his son lay dead at the bottom of the well.
The victory of McKinley by a plurali
ty estimated at about 15,000 not only
places him in the front rank of Ameri
can leadership, but gives a popular ver
dict that is practically decisive in favor
of maintaining an intelligent policy of
protection to our domestic industries.
The significance of the Ohio vote is such
that it is not too much to regard it as
settling the contest begun by President
Cleveland's tariff message, and which
has continued as the pivotal question in
our politics ever since. By this result
the republican party will be confirmed
in its course, while from this time out
the democratic party can be expected to
prepare for hedging in its platform dec
larations on the tariff next year. Pitts
burg Dispatch.
Sullivan and Marshall Elected District
Jadces BaUlvaa's Plarallty the Largest
KwIbb; Third ia the Race.
Although official returns from all
counties cannot be had, it is ceitain
that J. J. Sullivan of this city, and
Wm. Marshall of Fremont, are elect
ed district judges. Reports so far
give Sullivan about 1000 plurality
over Ewing, and Marshall about 800,
according to the following table:
-5 rs a a a:
X 2, i
? o
: - : K l
: : ,: t :
z :
: : i
Karnes of
Sultivun. A
Hollenbeck, l.
Marshall, r
Kwinc. 1
Grinuon. I ......
12511 837!
3211 Ml
163' 3186
392 511
1-441 715
SflO 476
eao- set
The schools are closed at West Point
on account of diphtheria.
Cicero Hill, at work on an elevator at
Adam. fell thirty-four feet and sus
tained fatal injuries.
A thirteen-year-old boy of John Kun-
halek of Elk Creek, Custer county, wi
kicked on the head by a horse, severely
fracturing the skull.
Kearney is pushing her cotton factory
to completion with more than western
energy and will soon have in operation
one of the best factories in the anion.
George Hammond and James Roberts
near Valentine, lost seventy-five tons of
hay by fire last week, supposed to have
been started by sparks frost a locomo
The residence of Hon W. F. Cody,
mnffalo Biin was destroyed by fire at
North Platte Wednesday evening. Im
$5000 insurance $4000. Origin un
A single packing firm in South Oma
ha killed and packed over 6,000 head of
cattle last week, breaking all previous
records. In addition to the cattle killed
they also slaughtered 2,500 sheep.
The body of a man was found on the
Union Pacific track near Omaha Friday
morning, that was horribly mangled.
He was recognized as a working man
who was going to Italy this month to
bring his family here.
A small boy, son of J. E. Shipmaa of
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J3 a a: a ai st sii to a ie lis ios ios 4 44 c lii. im
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82 25 91 32 It 60 75 55 74 SO 24 UW 75 K 101 57 86 U8j!l220
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41 31 S 89' 21 6 41 30 44 43 29 8 68 34 21 111 35 20 98 121 913 .
138 131 84 S S8 H2 X 72 68 62 64 52 147 60 130 18 43 109 17 9 1480 587
94 110 114 38 19 39 SI 27 8 22 15 3 55 10 49 21 29 12 19 12:j727j .
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cigarette and his father is several hun
dred dollars poorer. The barn caught
fire and was almost entirely consumed.
There was no insurance.
Gus Martinson a Swede, drank too
much booze at Holdrege and laid down
on the railroad track to sleep. A lmx
car woke him up by cutting his bead
open and otherwise mangling him.
Strange to say, he will live.
Felix Antonio Paree, an Italian, was
literally ground to pieces on the Union
Pacific tracks between Omaha and
South Omaha, Friday morning. He
lived near Fourteenth and Jones, Oma
ha, and worked in South Omaha. He
was walking down to work when killed.
Al Caldwell, a motor man on the
Lincoln Street railway was killed Wed
nesday morning by a collision with his
car and a Union Pacific passenger. The
track was-wet and he could not stop the
oar. He jumped but the car caught him.
There were no passengers in tha car at
the time.
All but four counties Banner, Fron
tier. McPherson and Sheridan give a
total of 75,357 for Post and 69,856 for
Edgerton. These counties, it is esti
mated, will still leave Judge Post's
majority about 5,000. The returns are
lacking from thirteen counties, on the
regents of the state university
A curious accident befell a little
daughter of George Cox of Kearney. She
had been left in a room eating nuts.
Her mother was recalled by her screams,
and was horrified to see flames coming
from the child's mouth. The fire was
extinguished before much injury resul
ted. The flames were caused by the
head of a parlor match which had been
among the nut kernels and ignited by
the child's teeth set fire to the oily nuts.
Friday last Norman B. Egliston, -a
farmer living six miles south of Oakdale
turned his cattle into his beet patch,
about 8 o'clock in the morning to let
them feed and turned them out at 9
o'clock. About 1 o'clock they com
menced dying, and twenty-one died with
in an hour. There is a mystery as to the
cause of death, as he had been feeding
his cattle all the beets they would eat
for some days. While they were in the
field they fed mostly on the tops of the
beets. Physicians are investigating the
matter to ascertain the cause of death.
Wasalagtaa Letter.
From oar regular correspondent.
Neither the president nor Secretary
Blaine have any apprehension of serious
tnroMbleott account of the present squab
ble watb the temporary government of
Chili, notwithstanding the numerous
reports to the contrary. If, however, a
nation that was anywhere near our equal
in strength had sent such an insolent
reply to a courteous request as Chili
did to our request that an investigation
be made of the recent mobbing of Amer
ican sailors and that reparation be
offered for the indignity thus placed
upon the American flag, there is little
donbt that there would be war. It is
the weakness of Chili, when compared
with the United States, that will make
the administration go slow enough to
give the misguided men now at the head
of affairs in that country an opportunity
to retire from office, which they will do
in a few days, and be succeeded by the
newly elected officials, who will, in the
opinion of Senor Montt, the Chilian
minister here, see the desirability of
maintaining friendly relations with us.
Senor Montt has advices from Chili
saying that the investigation asked for
by this government is being pushed
with all due diligence and that already
several Chilians have been arrested for
being connected with the mob. Young
naval officers who are ambitious of an
opportunity to distinguish themselves
have had a good deal to do with the
warlike stories which have been sent
out from Washington for several days
past but there is only one contingency
that will give them sn opportunity to
show their metal. It has been stated
with a great deal of positiveness within
the last forty-eight hours that English
influences are at the bottom of Chili's
insolence, and that the Chilians nave
been led to believe, if not actually told,
that England would interfere if the
United States resorted to force. Should
this prove true trouble maybe looked
for, as it is certain that the United
States will fight England if it shall
attempt to interfere with our relations,
good or bad, with any republic on this
continent and it would be backed by a
unanimous public sentiment too. It
con be stated on the best authority that
Minister Egan is, arid has been all
through -this trouble, in perfect accord
with the administration, and that there
is no present intention of recalling him,
notwithstsndiag the clamor raised in all
.the newspapers of thk coantry which
take their editorial cues from the Loo
don Times.
Reciprocity is getting the greater por
tion of Secretary Blaiaea attention
since his retnrato Wsahiagtow.. Inad
dttkm to the agri twists with Brazil
and Spain, which have been fully con
summated, he anticipates that similar
arrangements will be perfected with
Mexico, Colnmbia, Venezuela, Pern and
the British West India colonies. It was
not generally known that any efforts
were being made to negotiate a treaty
with England for reciprocity with her
colonies in the West Indies, until within
the last few days. Delegates from Bar
badoes and Trinidad, empowered to act,
are expected here in the near future,
and as they are anxious for our trade
there is little doubt of a satisfactory
agreement being reached.
Mrs.-Harrison held a special reception
at the White House Saturday afternoon
in honor of the delegates to the Wo
men's Home Missionary Society of the
M. E. church, now holding its annual
convention here.
A party of naval officials went down
the Potomac Saturday to witness the
tests of the strength possessed by'the
various kinds of armor plate. The tests
are under the supervision of the ord
nance bureau of the navy department,
and will be concluded this week. The
idea is to get some sort of an armor
plate for the protection of our new ves
sels that can turn atide the forged steel
shells now used by improved guns.
cago, Milwaukee At at. ram
o only line running solid vest-
trie lighted and steam heated
n the Missouri river and
Chicago, consisting of new palace sleep
ing cars, elegant free reclining chair
cars, luxurious coaches and the finest
dining cars in the world. The berth
reading lamp in its palace sleeping cars
is patented and cannot be used by any
other railway company. It is the great
improvement of the age. Try it and be
convinced. Close connection in union
depot at Omaha with all trains to and
from the west For further particulars
apply to your ticket agent, or '
F. A. Nash, Genl Agt
W. S. Howell,
Traveling Fr't and Pass. Agt,
25febft Omaha, Neb
A Wonder Worker.
Mr. Frank Huffman, a young man of
Burlington, O., states that he had been
under the care of two prominent physi
cians, and used their treatment until he
was not able to get around. They pro
nounced his case to be consumption and
incurable. He was persuaded to try Dr.
King's New Discovery for consumption,
coughs and colds and at that time was
not able to walk across the strwt without
resting. He found before he had used
half of a bottle, that he was much tat
ter; he continued to use it and is today
enjoying good health. If you have any
throat, chest or lung trouble try it. We
guarantee satisfaction. Trial bottle
free at Stillman's drug store. 5
Cheap Kafe to Denver.
esiring to visit Denver will
plendid opportunity.
Mining Congress will be held in
the Hjueen City" Nov. IWi and 19th.
and it is expected a great many will
visit Denver and other Colorado cities
about this time.
For the especial accommodation of
these visitors the Union Pacific has
made a rate of one and one-third fare
for the round trip.
Tickets will be on sale Nov. 16th, and
will be good for return passage until and
including Dec. 6th.
For further information regarding
time of trains, eta, apply to
J. R. Meagher,
3t Ag't U. P. System, Columbus.
Klectrlr Itirter.
This remedy is becoming so weli kno c
nd w ioiuiar ;:s to need no special
!i. "ition. All who havo used Electric
JiUc-s sins the same song of praise.
A pure- medicine does not exist and it
is guaranw 1 to do all that is claimed.
Electric Lfei. wilt cure all diseases of
the Liver a Kidneys, will remove el!
Pimples, Boiltt, -t. Rheum and other
affections caused by impure blood Will
drive malaria from the system and pre
vent as well as cure all malarial fevers.
For cure of headache, constipation and
indigestion try Electric Bitters Entire
satisfaction guaranteed, or money re
funded. Price 50c and $1.00 per bottle
at Stillman's drug store. 5
Baeklea s Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cute,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. .Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by C B. Stillmsn.
KkwiWW Spavin Liniment removes all
hard, soft or calloused lumps and blem
ishes from horses,' Blood Spavin, Curbs,
Splints, Bins; Bone, Sweeney, Stiles,
Sprains,' Sore and Swollen Throat
Coagha, etc Save $50 by use of one
bottle. Warranted the most wonderful
Blemish Care ever knows. Sold by a
the uni
trains Devajee
Have be
B.SiillBkta.droffist ataevlyr '
District Caart.
Hoppen v. Klantschi and others. Mo
tion for new trial sustained. Verdict
set aside.
Williams v. Fahey and others. Judg
ment of foreclosure. Finding for plt'ff
$3,477.7. Default against Fahey.Clark,
Holleran and. others.
Marois v. Tschauner. Plaintiff re
quired to give security for costs within
ton days or case be considered dis
missed. Citizens Bank of Humphrey v. Stoff
els. Settled.
Schon v. Bender. Motion to dismiss
Russell v. Fortune. Default.
Platte county v. John Stauffer. Mo
tion for more specific statement over
ruled. Deft excepts. Deft to answer
in thirty days.
Leach v. Reagan. Appeal dismissed
at pltff's cost.
Citizens Bank of Humphrey v. Mayta
and others. Settled.
Jackson v. Flynn and others. Finding
for plt'ff $1,205.10, to draw 8 per cent,
which' is a first lien. Finding for deft
Hugh Hughes 5976.96, which is a sec
ond lien.
I'lfoi. v. Qninnetal. Foreclosure of
mi i tao. Finding for plt'ff $494.45.
KirklanJ v. Kirkland and others. Dis
missed at pltff's costs.
Johnson v. Johnson. Deft required
to pay into court for use of plt'ff $50
within ten days.
Close v. Nielson and others. Default
against Nielson. Fiuding for Platte
Center L. & B. Association $249.20, first
lien; finding for plaintiff $350.15; for
Edney & Gibben $6.90; for Moline, Mil
burn & Stoddard Co., $454.
Magill v. North. I. Gluck asks leave
to intervene.
Hnntetnann Bros. v. W. H. Rightmire,
was on trial as we went to press yester
day afternoon.
Memorial atasoluiIatM.
Whereas it has pleased the supreme
ruler of the universe to summon
from this terrestrial lodge to the
grand lodge above, our beloved
brother Henry A. Muller, whose
genial nature together with an
earnest zeal iu the interests of Wil
dey lodge No. 41 Independent Order
ot Odd Fellows has developed In our
heurts the profoundet sentiments of.
brotherly love, therefore be it
Resolved: That while we reverant
ly bow in obedience to that being
whose ways art post tliiuing out. in
removing our deceased brother from
this (He, wo desire to express our
drM sense of our loss of one who
:i!-iv fittingly, by his faithful dis-i-h;.ii;eof
evry duty imposed upon
him bv the obligations of the order,
illustrated one of the corner stones
of our institution ; Fraternity.
Resolved: That in the removal of
brother Henry A, Mueller, we desire
to put on record the great loes this
lodge, and the order generally has
sustuiiied, when we recall his
promptitude, in all his official acts,
fuirhfulness and integrity.
Resolved: Thatlwe share deeply in
the sorrow of the widow.the children
und relatives of our deceased brother
and hereby tender our heartfelt
sympathy, and commend them to the
care of him who has promised to be
a "Father to the fatherless" and a
"Helper to the widow."
Resolved : That this lodge be suit
ably draped in mourniug as an ex
pression of the grief wo feel for the
loss of our brother and a Past Grand
of Wildey Lodge No. 44, Indepen
dent Order of Odd Fellows.
Resolved: That these resolutions
!e spread upon the minutes and that
u copy be transmitted to the widow
of our deceased brother; and that
the city papers be furnished with
copies, requesting that they be
published therein.
H. J. Hudson,
J. D. Stires,
J. A. VanSchoik.
Tli8 Bee Bareaa of Claims,
Associated with
The San Francisco Examiner,
For the States of Nebraska, Iowa. Kansas, and
South Dakota for the Collection of ail
legitimate claims before the various
Departments of the
Under the auspices of The Beo Publishing Co.,
Omaha, Nebraska, and the San
Francisco Examiner.
Offices: Omaha. San Francisco. Washington.
Room 600, Uee Baildiog, Omaha, Neb.
Will practice in the Supreme Court of the
United States, the Court of Claims, the several
Conrts of the District of Colombia, before Com
mittees of Congress, and the Executive Depart
ments. Indian Depredation Claims. We obtain Pen
sions itml Patent9. All classes of Land Claims.
Mining, Preemption and Homestead Cases.
Prosecuted before the General Land Office, De
partment if the Interior, and the Supreme
PKNSIONS.-Tiioasam!s yet entitled. Write
for information.
HElKS.-Wi.lowu, Minor Children, Dependent
Mothors, Fathers, and Minor Dependent
Brothers and Sisters entitled.
INCREASE. Pension Laws are now more
liberal than formerly, and many are entitled to
lietter rates. Apply at once for List of Ques
tions to determine right to higher rates.
Claimants to xecure the services of this Bureau
must become, as a condition precedent, a new
subscriber to The Weekly Bee. Those who are
now subscribers can become members of the
Bureau by sending in a new subscriber. This
will entitle the new subscriber as well as the old
'to a membership.
We have the names of over two hundred thous
and ex-soldiers and sailors residing in Nebraska,
Iowa, Kansas and South Dakota.
Correspondence Solicited. Information Free.
We charge no fee, only in the event of success.
Send for our Prospectus.
aVkTTaiflr A 1 " llisawaV
Sent to a batons atatoof th system, saaa as
Wxxmeav, muses. Air nwasaa. vmuwm
satin. Pain in the Bids, nc Wills taser
inaa Dsaaaaovfaas
ItT-'T-Ti yat Csrtera Lttaa Utav Mai ant
aqiuUTvaluabtotoConstipftUon. curing aad ata.
lrmsadawalsaUaebowaia, XTeaiftaajaeJa.
ffffLffrtllmfitMtTmlrygrfmtplMiall DatftXta-
SaaaTtcatrgoodneaiooea nosaaanerajaaaiaoai
waeaaeatiytbem will Sad tarns little pfflsvala.
Mela soman? wayataattner & be wO-
tetneataaee no many Urea taat
waaMaaotggmnt boast
It walls
Cartarn ntue unr rum
TaryaMTtottU. onaoriwoynis o .
Sasy araatrJeuy f ataamla anS da aot aff"
ana. bat by taaUrgantle actios plsaaaaaV waa
aaalasm. laTialaatSSeantat ftvafarft. Ma
ruiTrs aaanimnTrn arwTaia
What is
Caatoria it Dr. 8aael Pitcher prescriptlosi far Imfauts
aad Children. ItcontaiMaltbrOiiaiBa,Mwraiimoaar
ether Narcotic rabaUace. It Is a aarailaai sabatitate
far Paregoric, Drops, Saataias; Syruas, aa4 Caator Oil,
It is Pleaaaat. Its soaraataa is thirty years ase by
MUlloas of Mothers. Caataria destroys Warsas aasl allays
fererishaess. Caataria prereats Yoaiitias; Sear Car,
cares Diarrhcea and TOad Colic. Caataria reUevea
teethiac tronbles, cares ceastlpatioa aad aUtaleaey.
CastorU assimilates the food, regmlates the ataaiach
aad bowels, civia healthy aad aataral sleep. Cas
torU is the Children Paaacea-the Mather's Friead.
l la aa aaeslsat for
- Cantoris m tha beat raawdy far caOaraa of
aUinlauiauiualatiil I bono tan day in aot
far aavawtwaeaawttaaawmeoaaldartaa real
nearest of their caOdrea, aad aaa Caataria ia-
atomi uftbii mlnanmik ualiiinnifblrnTi
deatroytactaeir loved oaaa, byfotetaoataa.
aootaias syrup ana otacraaraw
down their taroatt, thereby
hn a malum Rlia I
Da.j.F.KracaBa, I aVnaam,aaaaV
- Conway, Ark. I Aixaw C. Sam. Pro.,
Tha Qsartawr Caamaaay. TT Mmrray aVarast, afaw Tea OHyw
Stifle and Fancy GnGedes.
Lamps, Glassware,
Queensware, Etc.,
As Can be Found in This Section of Nebraska.
5The very highest market price paid in trade for country produce. For
the present, in the Gluck block, corner of Eleventh and North Streets,
Iaai glad to tettur thatleeed Pastor Kee
nigs Nerve Tonic with the beat saocavs fat
leepleami ea.aeil beJawetaataraaUyagreat
relief for saSeriag haneeaky.
K.FKAKK. Pastor,
fit. Sererln, Keylertoa P. O.. Pa.
Jiasimin. Iu-, May n. Men,
1 tats plBsews to let yon know that my boy a,
iuuaurigai,aeaasnoinaa any or me i pastas
dace about Starch aeta. The people can hardly
believe It from the fact that be had as many as M
a day or more. I believe be vas a very nervou
child all bis life not did not show any eigne of
pasms until last December, otter Which they
came tn regular accenion, and I bad 3 doctors
attending who conid do nothing for htm, nor
tventcUpawnatwastbemalter. I had der pair
ed of his ever getting !!, until I got Koenlg'e
Nerve Tonic. After taking not quitea bottletul
he got quite well and has not bad the least sign
ot spasms since. Respectfully yours,
I testify to tba facts aa sta'ed above to be
strictly true. JAS. HABTY, Pastor.
A Va
ana peer psaenni can anwonouB
"- - .. . w . rzm
i sect free to aarai
'patients can also
uutmamvui uveas ntaisv.
Tata remedy baa been prepared by the Bever
endPasarKosnig.otFortWayne.ind.ataeelBav aad la new prapaiedaadarhls directloaby the
KOENIQ MED. CO., Chicago, 111.
. burg Sine, ei.75. SBettleafaraS.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
rtiE iuveta !. -
fraelaarnSinoardateswillniakea Ions stay.
ffo man or woman now liviag will ever date a
Joeanamt without nmng the lean ft. It steads
la the third place In tttt, where it will remaia tea
years and then more np to second place in 1900,
where it will rest for oae haadied yean.
There is another "9" which has also come to stay.
It is unlike the Ignre 9 in our dates in the res peat
that it h&salready moved np to first place, where
It will permanently remain. It li called the "Xo.
r High Ana Wheeler A Wilson Sewing Machine.
The "JCo. 9" we endorsed .for list place by the
experts of Europo at the Paris Exposition of 1889,
where, after a severeoontest with the leading; ma
chines of the world, it was awarded the only
Grand Prize given to family sewing machines, aU
others oa exhibit having received lower awards
of gold medals, etc The Preach Government
also recognised its superiority by tbedecoration of
Mr. Nathaniel Wbeelcr, President of the company,
with the Cross of the Lcgioa of Hoaor.
The "No. r is not aa old machiae improved
npon. bat u aa entirely new inrhlae, aad the
Grand Prise at Parte waa awarded It aa the gnad
est advaacaiasewiag machine mecaanlsa of the
age. Those who bay It can rest assured, there.
tore, u having the very latest and
MB sod 187 Wabaah At, Cmmrngm
I recommend
K. A. Aataas.M. D..
IU Sa. Oxford St, BrooUya, N. T.
la the eaOdraaa deeaft-
aisJaly of their exneri-
aaea ia their oaanee practice with Caatoria,
aad attaoesa we ealy have among our
ia kaowa aa regular
we are free to coafsaa that tha
of Caataria. has won new took warn
favor apea it."
Uxms Haemal, akb :
If aecTerealela year place aak year
dealer ta need Sir cataleeae, aeeare thr
agency, aad act thews far yea.
aerTAMK MO 8CatifrlTtJaV.aTJ
S3 SHOE essfSBiss
It Ma seamless shoe, with ao tacks or wax thread
to hart the rest; made ot the best aae calf, stylish
and easy, aad bttaute make more saoes or rats
eradsthaaaap omersiaaaacrarr,tt equals hand
sewed shoes cosnag nxaaSlMtoauaV
aifz CeaalaeHaad esweS. awnaesteahT
a9a shoe ever offered for SU: eaaals Preach
imported shoes which cost from SUM to SIziM.
A 99 HaaeVHewed Welt Hbae. aae calf.
wna styttrn, comfortable aad durable. The best
shoe ever oeTered at this price : same grade aa cus-tom-made
shoes costing from fjtro to Sjaa.
SP4 U) Pellee Hheei Farmers. fiaUroad Mea
SOi and tetterCarrtersaU wear them: aae calf,
stamlefa. smooth inside, heavy three soles, exten
sion edse. One pair will wear a year.
MSa See calf i ao better shoe ever offered at
a this price; one trial will convince those
who want a shoe for comfort aad service.
fffcA 43 aad S9.SS Werklaasaaa'a shoes
9dne are very strong sad durable. Those who
have given them a trial will wear ao other make.
Bnweif S4.SS aad S1.74 school shoes are
oa their merits, as the lacn
mt worn oytae ooya every waere. ineysen
I Mtriiaatm Head aewed shoe, best
awaaiCaV Doagola.veiTsrUih:raaalsrreach
Imported shoes costing from fUS to SUS.
Kadiee' il.3eVSa aad Sl.TS shoe for
hamaretaebsttnaeOoagola, SrUehaaddarable.
Caatlee.-8ee that W. L. Doaglae name and
price are stamped oa the bottom of seen shoe
W. L. POUOXA8, avocktea. Mam
Wi. SHILZ, Olive St., CiImNs.
L. C. VOSS, M. D ,
Homoopathic Physician
OSk over post office. Specialist in chronic
diseases. Careful attention given to general
practice. SBnovJm
A VKAK ! I BM.rffak lu k.ri.
M. .hi rJB rtftt SIMf Mrif. -mmA i. K..
n.r ii.rai:.-.i,ill work iixtaMrimuly l!f I Mffl .1.. ft.n 1
mm fmvfjofjv or wm yujmm wditb 70a cm mm on tm-if t
X matitT for aw mlf) nttrmrwl boTr. Immtjtmt ytirU
liia. I inttm bat ou wofkvr from each diatilti urcoaatr. I
bsvaalfaBtraMMikt aixl pravMrdwMt iflujiita lirmt
a jawiMiav. rau carncuia araaaESS. a ril at
je. aj. man aa
Saaa; IHtta fcctiaw ham tafa mmtmtm
watk tot urn, by jlaas faa. aaarta.
iinu, aaa Jtio. Bona. Tawos. uu.
co:. vitnninaomtmwu. way
a? Sa cam e a
a. ToanaSata watk aad m
a nan. mwi yaaaia. Eaaba
aajwa t aaili laialaa tVaaiSatai
'eMao7..AIIacT. WaaanwTaabaw
aad Mart 70a. Can arack la taara llaia
rantbfiiaM. Wr aMaay It watk-
a. Fallaia nnkaowm UHaitba.
XKW aJw.aSarlhl.raramlaiaaat.
Wafcialakaiaijialaj W
' WntaatrtesvyaWKaf wam.
naUly aad boaonklr. u7 lban i
thaw . Taaaic or aU. aad la eMr
am locsitiM.kmw tka Ha. Ay
aacaaSataaiaiark. rmi.uu.
flrtkta.Watartyaa. ffek. To eaa Smta
na.araayaarnaMtotkatiofk. TkiaUaa
mlt a Hula s
Baby cried,
TfOt aWT MgwTfl.
Laat .aaaam I
T Taaaaaaw!2
BB.eweaieei ae..
,3iJ li 8
o fi a i-s- J
a " is vj'c i
aaal 1! -S 3 fil
I a Nj 95 111 . .
J rS . 2 Z
Rifi -51-h
01 11 o ;
Si 6 H a
N hhasBs
Caal H S6 "
fa oil I
0 gig. r
0 ss .'
H a S - -
d Ml a .
I fi 81 ".
I 0 !! 1
3m Hiaaaaaaaaaaal amaaV
' w