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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1891)
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Wxnslow. George V. Galley, B. C. rev, . Frank Borer. Arnold F. H. Oehlrlch, - Beary Loaeke( Oerbard Loflrke. AVBank of deposit ; Interest allowed on time ; bar ana sell exchange m Unite! ' Statee and Europe, and buy and sell available aaeuritles. We shall be pleased to r.-cetve your business. We solicit your patronaje. I9dec37 ;A.. I3TJSSELX,; BSHBBalSH B 39S awawBaawaWawaV S3 raaJIJUiBaa PVMF8 REPAIRED ON BEOET - KOTIGB. Ofiv it, ariyappaslte Post-oRee. Judicious Advertising . Creates Ban y a new business, Enlarges many an old business, Revives many a dull business, ; llescues many a lost business, Saves many a failing business, Preserves many a large business, .; Secures success in any business. a at fanaiBfea. and we add that .rerOslBctor this section at coaatry. THE JOURNAL Is was wf Ibn awfllsins. li raass It issaaaaytae beat Btiple, those whokeow what they waai aa par for what they set- We challeage cosapariaoa with aayeoaatry paper in the world in this re apeet-tweaty years pabtisaiag "by the ause sunn nt. and never one den so eabseribm aabliahtd la Taa Jorasai. Tata, better than aaytaias else, shows the class ef people who read TmtJotraxai. every weak. U PATENTS i C JUIOAM 'bbIbIbB All t" Wamaaal Bsflis&isg BBaaBaaVaaBaBBaBBaBm. " y Bkgw-v -ayjSB aaaaaaaaalaaW " y .ILLggTZbaaaaaatBaaS) BBf aaSB. BaBaA tf LaT BBBf atflaaaat iawi ia' ' aZTtSsrlfia' aB sHBBV'B'Vlft wSBBBB iHaUBalaaa WatsB IVtBT W?Z& - - 'v'"" Jcr SIHDUIIZEB IIFPENIRGS. k Brief Compendium of the Busy World's Evente. THE TIRANT ROUTED CHILIAN INSURGENTS WIN A DE CISIVE VICTORY. , Fareee were nutated After Desperate tsattla, la Wblcfc Vive IIhmmM Saldlers Were Killed and Wvanded Treoaa Desert to tbe lav arcuate. The forces of Balanced in Chili were de tected in the last decisive battle with tat laaurgeats. The fghtlag lasted less that Ire hoars and iU desperate character may be Judged by the (act thai tally S.SOS met were killed and wounded. Canto-, the In orgeat chief, bad his position: on the hlltt above the race track at Vina Bel Mar. Hi bad. absolute control of the railroad U Baatlago ana commanded the ordinary roads. Affairs had come to such a past that It was necessary fir Balmaceda tt snake some more. Accordinsly word wai Civeato attack the position held by the revolutionists, and the government troop advanced under cover of a heavy are trots their batteries. As soon as the approach Ins column got within range, fire was opened by the intrenched revolutionists. The gov ernment troops, however advanced steadi ly. They were soon near enough to retun the fire, bat shot, shell, grape and cannistei tore through their ranks Until despite thi efforts of their officers they broke and re tired almost ina panic As soon as the) got out of range of the deadly fire thi officers worked like beavers to reform thei solumns, and at last succeeded. Then earn another attack. In steady ranks the gov ernment troops started on double quick uj otto the torrent of firo and lead which blazed from the insurgent ranks Again the line wavered, and then Gen Cauto gave the order to charge. With s wild yell the congressional army left tbel iefenses and charged on the now rctreatinf aneroy. The artillery poured a deadly fin mto the ranks of Balmaccda's troops. Tbi ioss of their general officers bad left the lat ter without a head, and all the efforts ol subordinate officers to rally tbem were of nc avail. Bctreat became rout, rout a panic, and then utter demoralization. The gov ernment cavalry made a stand, but it was short. They were literally cut to pieces. Volley after volley was poured into tbe de moralized mob. Wboie regiments which had not lost tbelr regimental formation went over to the victorious troops of Cautc and joined in the attack on tbelr late 'com rades. These deserters were generally "volunteers" who bad been impressed bv Balmaceda since the beginning of hostil ities. Their sympathies ail along bad been with the Insurgents, and they grasped this, their first opportunity to join them Tbe defeat of tbe government is absolute. There is no possibility of reorganization, and if Balmaceda does not succeed in mak ing his escape through tbe mountain passes tbe chances are that be will be captured and shot. Two Steamers Collide. A dispatch from Melbourne, Australia, states that a collision occurred between tbe steamers Gambler and Easby. Tbe Easby itruck the Gambler amidships, crushing in her side and sinking her in seven minutes. A scene of terrible confusion and excite ment followed. Most of the passengers, who were In their berths asleep when the accident occurred, rushed for the boats without waiting to dress. There was no lime to cast the boats loose, and when the iteamer sauk she carried with her five sa loon and fifteen steerage passengers and six of the crew. The Easby remained Iong:de tbo Gambler and rescued many of the iatter's passengers and crew. It is rlaimedjiy many persons that proper look outs were not kept on either steamer. Knsslaa Bye Riots. There have been serious riots among the people in Russia to prevent the exportation 3f rye reported at Vitebsk, Dunabcrl and Mhcr places. At the first named place the peasants attacked the railroad officials and the Jewish grain" buyers. Tbey wrecked aud pillaged the bouses of the latter and Ihc authorities were finally compelled to rail on the military for help to suppress the rioters. The soldiers fired a volley upon tbe peasants, killing two and wounding a auuiber of tbe others. IN THE EAST. The business failures during fie last seven days number 210, as compared with a total of 227 for lsst week. Foi the corresponding week of last year the figures were 192. ' At the preliminary examination .Tame Roberts, the supposed Columbus ('rove. O., bank robber, failed to c-tablfsh an alibi and was held to the gran-.! jury. The medical examiners declared h:ni to be sane. The men who saw tiie mur derer on seeing Roberts expressed a be lief that he is the man. A mystkhious case of a man's bone structure gradually crumbling away is attracting the attention of the medical fraternity at Springfield. O. William Green, a farm hand living near that city, became incapacitated from hard work fifteen years ago by a mysterious disease in which the bones arc gradual ly disappearing and arc being absorbed by the blood. Prof. Bklknap, of New York, made his second trip, in an inter for Illinois town, to the clouds in his air ship, "Carlotta." He had it under perfect control and ascended to a height of 500 feet. Near the city he held the air ship in position with his rudder and paddles and turned it in any direction he desired, that the people might see that he could control it. There were 15,000 people who witnessed the trial trip. Johs S. Fitzgerald, president of the Irish National league of America, has issued an address calling for a conven tion at Atchison on October 1 and 2. The call says in part that the present lamentable conditiou of affairs in the eld land and the falling off of the Irish American support as a direct result of the dissensions in the ranks of the par liamentary party are reasons enough to induce the lovers of the cause to come together and devise measures to over come the difficulties. Mb. Dixox, a farmer residing a few miles south of Columbus, Ind., has a he. that is now several years old, which up o last spring was clad in a coat of feathers after the fashion of other hens and laid an abundance of eggs each season, up to the present. Early last spring the hen shed her feathers almost to uudeuess. and when the feathers grew out again tbe lirst to appear were the long aud beautiful Mowing tail feathers common to the farm-yard rooster, and in n short time the whole body was fuliy feathered in a brilliant coat of male attin. aud has every ap peal auce of a .rooster except tbe large comb end head-dress of red. She now crows in good style, but continues to lay gg I tbe twinkling of au eye. without warning, without hope or chance of es ie? at lea t fi 'ty p5won wcraswept to :r ii tlu- ii: . ro.'.Gii Utf building, in i s. k la. e. :;- Vork City. It was Taylor's buildifig at No. 68, 70, 73 aad Wai totaarabhers, bookbinder, a, ttphthl My joarnal called the S6i&, arid on tbe trround floor wJrc a drag store, restaur- hti 4rii a paint and plumbing shop. .It "Wasa-structure so ancient and so frail that the fire department had marked it 'as unsafe and Insurance companies would hardly issue policies upon it. It collapsed like a piece of burnt paper and crushed down on the people la It-. Then came fire and added its hbrrBr to the rest. IsrO&iATioN has been gathered in the Indiana gas field that the supply of natural gas is rapidly diminishing and 'is likely to be exhausted in a few years ,at most. A large number of wells have gradually lost pressure and have filled with water. The statement is made that "careful observation and Inquiry lead to the estimate that onethlrd of the wells now in use in the gas field are -more or less affected by water, and of the scores of wells Which have been 'abandoned after a term of service it is regarded as an entirely safe estimate that 90 per cent, were given up because 'of the encroachment of water." Rev. Howard MacQceakv, the Episcopal minister who was recently suspended from performing clerical functions for heresy, is in Washington attending the meeting of the American Society of the Advancement of Science. He makes the statement that when his suspension expires next month he will return to Ohio to reopen his case on a new issue. IN THE WEST. A dastardly outrage was committed at Missoula, Mont. A party of fifteen white men wearing masks descended upon three Chinese gardeners living near that city, looted their cabin, de stroyed the structure, broke all the fur niture, and maltreated two of the China men in a terrible mantier. One of them ws pounded brutally aud gashed with knives. The other was tarred and feathered, his que cut off, and he was so roughly handled that he may die. It is thought the raid is the restlt of a rabid auti'-Chinese agitation Inaugurated and fostered by the laboring men of the city. At a rcceut mass meeting violent measures were urged, but finally a gen eral boycott was declared against the Chinese aud all who patronized them. From the fact that there were at least fifteen iu the party it is plain robbery was not the prime motive. Secretary Noble says that he is now giving much of his attention to matters pertaining to the opening for settlement of lands in Oklahoma recent ly ceded to the government by the Sac and Fox, Iowa and Pottawattamie In dians, and that within a short time they will be brought to the attention of the president for action. This will open to settlement about eight hundred thou sand acres. As to the Cheyenne and Arapahoe reservation, west of Okla homa, seven allotting agents are now at work, and it is hoped that the allot ments will be made by the coming autumu, when this reservation of about three million acres will also be opened to settlement. The scheme for establishing a system of co-operative stores in every county in Kansas was approved by the committee appointed at the alliance commercial convention and January 1 set as the convenient time to close out the busi ness of the alliance exchanges. Frank McGrath, president of the alliance, was chairman of the committee. A long re port was prepared to be submitted to the alliance state convention, which meets at Salina in October, in which it is claimed that the conditions in Kansas are more favorable for a test of a co operative mercantile system than any other state in the union. Doubt is thrown upon the reliability of the annual report of the Chicago & Northwestern for the last fiscal year. The report claims a net surplus of $3, 680,563 after paying charges, but an in vestigation by expert railroad account ants indicate a deficit of more than $100,000. In addition, with an increase of only twenty-two miles of mileage, there is $4,000,000 charged up to "con struction and equipment account." It is noteworthy that additional bonds to to the amount of $7,585,000 have been issued during the vear. The Farmers' Alliance of Oklahoma has just concluded a largely attended territorial convention. The Ocala plat form was unanimously adopted. They favored the building of an interstate road from Duluth to Galveston on tbe co-operative plan and condemned tbe action of the Cincinnati convention. Collector Phelps, of San Francisco, has discovered that some one has been issuing notary certificates of prior resi dence to Chinese, who arc in no wise en titled to landing papers, being neither mechanics nor professional men. These certificates have been forwarded to ad dresses in China. THE SOUTHERN SUMMARY. A most remarkable balloon ascension was made at a summer resort fifteen miles below Wilmington, N. C. Char lie Williams, a negro helper to the aero naut, became entangled in the guy ropes of the balloon just as it was ready for the ascension. While struggling to release himself the balloon suddenly shot upward, leaving the professional aeronaut ou the ground and carrying the terrified negro to a height of 5,000 feet. The balloon fell a mile away and it was supposed that Williams had been killed, but just before reaching the ground he succeeded in disentangling himself from tbe ropes, jumped away, and escaped unhurt. TnE Texas state Farmers Alliance, which has been in session for nearly a week, finally adjourned. Aside from adopting the Ocala platform aud re affirming the sub-treasury scheme, it took no other decisive steps'iu a political way. But in running through the dele gates it is useless to deny that the ten- aency oi me ainauce is to unit away from the republican and democratic parties. Miss Josie Bext, a milliner Ki:d highly respectable young lady of Bards town, Ky., shot and fatally injured Wil liam Hamilton, a negro. Hamilton had been following Miss Bent for several mornings while on her way to her place of employment and one morning made an indecent proposal to her. A reformed train robber -.stepped into the office of Passenger Agent Harris of the Burlington system, at St Joseph, and startled him by handing him a package containing $65, representing an amount that was stolen from G. H. Baxter, a traveling passenger agent .of the road, about two years ago. Judge Bor Beax, of Laagley, Tex., has been arrested for smuggling. It Is alleged that he has been concerned iu running horses from Mexico into th:-. United State. He is eve of the moat celebrated characters of the frontier and. has been- justice of. the peace for any' years. Two distinct shocks of eartequake, one of which was very severe, were felt at St Louis. . A short time before had Jteon a violent thunder and lipht niT storm without ran. Ucusos i. sotii.j'ssajts or the c.ty were rocket by the most severe ol the shocks. T4 Park trtace. ft COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER fflE 4m$ NORfHWfel THE LATEST NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST. SsaaU Itaaaa r Criasa aaa Casualty la Saatb uakata iMpraveateat Kffte TaVra4tet tM CeBtaMwaltk-Y-rllMs fcveats er Mara Tbaii Vsaat las. frSrtaaae- The following figures are of Interest as showing the manner in which the state board of equalization has acted on the returns forwarded by the various counties as to the value of farm lands of the state. The returns of Clay and Lake counties have been increased 5 per cent.; -Turner and Hand 10 per cent.; Brule, McCook, Union ind Sanborn, is pet cent; Clark; Day, Jerauld, Law rence and Kingsbury; go per cent:; BrookittgS; Douglas and Yankioh, 25 per cent.; Grant, Hamlin and Hutchin son, from 40 to 50 per cent. The re turns from the following counties have been decreased: Codington, Faulk, Han son and Sully, 5 per cent.; Minnehaha, Bonhomme, Campbell and Beadle, 10 per cent.; Brown, 30 per cent.; Mar shall, 43 per cent In the other conn ties no change has beett made; The Value of farm lands wilt reach at least $80,000,000, and if the same ratio of in trease and reduction occurs with all lines of property the grand total will reach $140,000,000. Did Net Baaaea Assessments. The representatives of the South Dakota railroads made a hard fight for a reduction in their state assessment be fore the the board of equalization, but without avail. The board refused to lower the assessment from the amount fixed at the previous meeting. They claim that tbe assessment made only averaged about 93,500 per mile, and the property is not worth anything if not worth that. The assessment on the express and telegraph companies was also not changed. The companies threaten to fight the assessment in the courts, as they claim their taxes in the state upon the present assessment are entirely out of proportion with the taxes they pay in other states. For State Certificates. ScrERrXTEXDEXT SALMON, of South Dakota, will hold examinations for those desirous of procuring teachers' state certificates at Mitchell Tuesday, Sept 8, upon application being made direct to the state superintendent or to the coun ty superintendents. These examina tions are held only once in two years, and teachers holding certificates can teach in any county without being sub jected to examinations conducted by the county superintendent while the certifi cates are in force. Tbe UumI of Pleaty. There has been gathered to the threshing machines in South Dakota this year a harvest of small grains which is simply phenomenal. Seventy bushels of oats to the acre, thirty bush els of wheat, forty bushels of hulled barley, sixty bushels of rye. Yankton county alone will raise $3,000,000 worth of grain, to say nothing of cattle and hogs, butter and eggs. This is the land of plenty for 1891. Special Eleetloa Called. Gov. Mellette has issued a procla mation for a special election for the successor of Congressman Gamble Tues day, Nov. 3. THE NEWS IN NEBRASKA. Kveats Great aae SsaaU af Interest All Araaad taa State. The Omaha smelters came within an ace of suffering from a rlotMonday night The day gang of 200, who went to work in the morning, was preparing to knock off and the night gang was getting ready to go on. Then Maurice Knetchmeyer, a Bohemian tailor of anarchist views, began an impassioned harangue. In the midst of it two men, a Hungarian ana an Italian, started off from the crowd to go to work. Fifty excited men surrounded them and commenced to beat and kick them, when big Jim Bacon, who has hitherto been recognized as the leader of the strikers, rushed in to their rescue. Opportunely a platoon of police which had been called to sup press another disturbance appeared on the scene and what might have been a serious riot was nipped iu the bud. The operators of the smelters think they will have no further serious trouble, having granted the demand for -eight hour shifts. Favorable fer Nebraska Cera. The warm, sunshiny weather of the past week has been favorable, and corn has grown well, but it has not pro gressed as rapidly as it would have done with less rain. The temperature was decidedly above the average the first part of the week, but the cool weather of the last two days reduced the average for the week to from one to four degrees above the normal. The sunshine has also been above the average. The rain fall has been above the normal every where except in the northwestern part of the state, where it amounted to about half an inch. Throughout the Platte valley from one to two inches fell, aud in the southern and northwestern parts of thestate over two inches. Thunder and hail storms have been frequent and somewhat Injurious during the week, especially on the 17th and 18th, when heavy tbnnder storms prevailed through out the state. Corn has gained slightly iu average condition: the growth and acreage Is large and with a late fall will yield a crop decidedly above the aver age. Clark Woodman's Accounts. Later developments indicate that the financial affairs of Clark Woodman, of Omaha, who was -found dead in the Grand Pacific hotel at Chicago, were not in -the best shape. The attorneys ror the United States National bank have brought suit against the Woodman-Ritchie company to recover $30,000 on promissory notes long past due. The elevator on North Seventh street Oma ha, is in the hands of tbe sheriff, and it is undersood that other suits for large amounts will be brought in a day or two. State Board of Traasaartatlaa. The state-board of transportation has selected W. B. Taylor, of Lincoln, for chief weighmaster, and L. F. Hilton, of Blair, for chief registrar. Chief In spector Blanchard chose R. -P. Thomp son as his assistant A full set of rules governing tbe board were adopted. Aaaaal Carlstlaa Ceaveattoa. The twenty-fourth, annual meeting of the Nebraska Christian convention hss been holding its session at Fairfield, out 200 delegates were in attend ee. The four evangelists show an increase of 733 members to the Christian church during the pa9t year. Taa Klght Hamr est Trial. ', The people of Nebraska will watch with interest tbe p:oceediirrs in court this week-b o.iht to test tha cosstit: ' ioaai ty of lit eli i hour law. If it tr ct tut o-I l.- bu :e s In er st cf iu ?;ute must u.j.i thunsclvt-s to thi-sAuaUon. ?6REid! JdffiNG- I A textile manufacturer who wa sammoned to examine the garment known as the holy coat uow on exhibi tion In the cathedral at Treves, says that when the wrappers were removed the vesture Was found to be in such v tattered condition that it could udt bt placed dri eahlbltidd. BKhort Kdr.utn. he adds, then consulted somj experts, and finally the coat was given to au aged and experienced nun, who gummed the fragments of the garment together. as tbe material was too much worn to stand the strain of ueedle and thread. The holy coat Is now partially overlaid with layers of material with which it has been wrapped tip, and these wrap pers having become decayed cannot be separated from the coat. Dr. Bock, of Alx-IaChiielle, declares that lid has examined th reverse sidedf the holy coat ind that be found it was mdunted on byssus silk, which was used In the first century, which was never manu factured after the sixth century, and which was always extremely costly. Catholic circles .consider this to be proof that the holy coat Is a genuine garment worn by Jesus Christ Sfsci Russia began last spring to Withdraw her balance from European centers of finance, the controlling spec ulative Influences have come from St Petersburg, and the will of the czar has been the most important factor on the foreign bourses. The movement of gold to Russia dominated the financial world for months. The reception to the French fleet and to the kingofServia are the most Important recent develop ments In the political World, and finan dally the edict prohibiting tbe exporta tion of rye has affected the commercial world more powerfully than any other event of late years. It has not only de veloped speculative activity In the grain markets of the world, but It has direct ed tbe attention of all speculators to America, and forces the conviction that the United States would acquire the EDwer over financial circles that Russia as recently Wielded. Russia's power has come from a succession of good crops, which enabled It td conlmand money and credit abroad, as well as prosperity at home. With the I033 of crons comes the loss of power and America will be the gainer thereby. Oxk of the leading papers at Rome prints an article that hi supposed to be Inspired by the Italian minister to China and which goes Into the Chinese ques tion at some length. The deduction to be made from the article is that the chances and reasons for European in terference becoming absolutely neces sary are growing daily. Riots and other hostile demonstratioas In China are be coming more and more serious. The two viceroys of the Yang: so provinces, which are Inland, are absolutely at the mercy of the piratical rabble. The Chinese government has neither the strength nor the authority to' put down the insurrection. To make the situa tion still more' critical it is rumored that certain high officials and other powerful personages in the empire are viewing the present state of things with secret satisfaction. The official publication of the reci procity arrangement with Spain, made In the Government Gazette of Madrid, contains the announcement by the min ister of state that all the commercial treaties which Spain has with European governments have already been de nounced, and that the . last of them will cease to have any force the 1st of July next This declaration makes it clear that neither England. Canada, nor any other of the British possessions will en joy any of the benefits of the reciprocity arrangements as to Cuba after that date. The latest advices from Martinique says that 340 persons perished In the re cent hurricane, without counting the shipwreck fatalities, the bulk or the shipping in port having been lost The governor has permitted foreign vessels to engage In the coast trade in order to supply the needs of the Inhabitants The international congress of accident insurance, which will be held at Berne, Sept 21 to 26 next, will be of much im portance. Among the governments that have promised to take part in the deliberations are those cf the United States. England, Germany, France, Switzerland, Norway, Belgium and Austria. Tiik AIds are blocked by snow. The shelters provided for tourists in such emergencies are snowed in and cannot be reached at present. Relief parties have been sent to the aid of the be leaguered visitors. It is said that gold of a very tine quality has been found in the vicinity of the gold mining company's lands iu Hastings county, Oat. The vein Is a large one and will yield a large percent age of gold. The Russian government has ordered the custom officials to confiscate all grain intended for export which is found to be mixed with more than 8 per cent, of rye. Reports received from various por tions of the northwest show that but ittle damage to the grain resulted from the frost. Sixty unarmed Chilian youths, while holding a political meeting, were massa cred by order of President Balmaceda. Postmaster Gexeral Raikes of England Is dead from the results of an electrical shock. THE NATIONAL GAME. tiamee Won aad Lost Hew the Clwwe Now Stand. Following Is a showing of tbe standing of each of the teams of the different aaaociar tions: AXIOXAL LBAOUE W. L c. W. Calcagos....SS SB JMBrooklyae...47 Bostons GS t JBdCtevelaads..47 New Yorks.SS 41 .73jClBCtBaaUs..41 PhUadelp'aJH 48 JBS3lPlttabargs.. L. BS 57 SB 4 e. .470 AlTaatCAS ASSOCIATXQJt. Vf. L. Vet W. L. S7 80 Bostons.. St. Loots 78 SS .704ColnmbU..JM JS 4D JMaUlwaak .417 BalUmores.r fiBtUoaisvules.JS MSiWaaalatVs.3 Patladelp'aJM SI jaaociAnoK. Omaha .....4S WoaxOtva-at Cyan si Sie I.. .75 S7 Ml THE MARKETS. CHICAGO. to prlBM.$ S SS S.SS US .7 3.SS 4.T5 i.savf 1.M wjej . X .3 LtSX .3S 45X 5.SS i 4.7S .as OatS. VawnpaaVea eaaeeeeweeee OMAHA LIVE 8TOOE. Carna -Cbsaawa to prima. 3.00 Hogs Shippers....-..'. 4.55- 5.1ft 4S4.M SsKaaaw, 4 JSWDeaven Bsaaawmw TawXeaX'OaawSCal VUsnawMBvwaann iimjt as uA0nnaaa aeaaeee WW a awakaV aae wSsavwJaW" ww ShWsJCaa a e av sioux on v. CATTte laSetaate $ 4.SS fbdaXTaawT VwWVBCS t Setl BfaawS 4-aaS Sawe ea VeW awawawawaw 2-41 snawawT . eaadmv wwawaVwsVwT eee. Vuur 6 1.1X9 l-U i.Ojnj, .a............... ...... 4. , Kit . i 7 Oaxa-Wesssra. . .ee fa s07j 2, 1891. BENNINGTON'S PttlDE A HBR REVOLUTIONARY WAR at tea Uttla Tews IT.led with KatfcaeMstM FiatriSa Jietavle The ceremony of dedicating the' md oment erected to commemorate tab pat1 tie of Bennington crowded that nttl Vermont town to overflowing. The presence of the President of the United States and members of bis Cabinet, as well as the Governors of three States, gave the event more than local Interest It bronght people from all parts of the Uhlted Stated, bit particularly from the New England States, to witness and take part la the ceremony. Probably M the whole history of Bennington no each distinguished gathering win ce aem again. At tbe encampment grounds around the Soldiers Home, when the Interest of the event centered during the early part of the day, the soldier boys were aroused by the reveille call early In the morning. The crowd Was nn with the soldiers, for with the first break of dawn the streets began to assume a lively- appearance and the roads leading into town commenced to empty their stream of wagons and car riages Into the camp grounds. Every private as well as every public house In Bennington was crowded and many slept on the lawns, while hundreds were glad to find sleeping quarters in tents which afforded little protection to the chill night air. When the first of the special trains arrived the gayly decorated streets were well filled. Among those prominent In national aPairs were tbe Pre Ident and his cab inet ex-Gov. Prestott, of New Hamp shire; Gov Page, of Vermont; Gen. Veazey. of the G. A. R.; Edward J. Phelps, and others The celebration was the culmina tion of a series of events covering a century. The anniversary of the battle of Bennington is to the people of South ern Vermont what the Fourth of July is to the nation. For nearly fifty years there has been more or less preparation for the building of a suitable monu ment The first organized effort was made In 1853. The Vermont Legislature in that year appropriated $3,000, with the condition that the corner-stone of the proposed memorial be laid on the 16th of August following, and that tbe sum of $7,00.') be raised by private sub scription. While these conditions were not fulfilled and the appropriation lapsed, the agitation continued. In 1875-7-j the Bennington Historical Society, and subsequently the Bennington Battle Mon ument Association, were organized, tne latter chartered by the State of Vermont with an appropriation of $15,000, condi tioned on the raising of $5,000 more The celebration of 1877 followed. These events, and the subsequent action of the States of New Hampshire and Massa chusetts and the national government have conspired to cause the erection of the noble shaft en the site of the conti nental storehouse, the object point of Col onel Faum's expedition in 1777. The cost of the monument and site has been in round numbers 8109,000. Massachusetts contributed 610,000, New Hampshire 87,500, the national government 40,000, and Vermont the SI VMM) aforesaid and a supplemental appropriation for the site. The balance has been raised by private subscriptions. The monuntent stands ou a command ing site 283 feet above the Walloomsac River. This river f ows through the vil lage of Bennington. The foundation of the monument is the solid rock of the mountain, on top of which was the Ben nington of the revolution. The struct ure Is an obelisk, built of native stone, and faced with Sandy Hill dolomite. The height from the base to the top of the cap stone is 301 fe3t 101-; in hes. The monu ment at the base is 37 feet 4 inches by 37 feet 4 inches, running to a point at the top. The walls aro thick at the base, but do crease gradually to a thickness of two teet at the apex. The outside stone is inlaid with "stretchers and headers." The insLe walls rise'to a height of 260 fe?t after which the stones extend through the wall. Inside the walls are left in the rough rock: outside the stone is rough finished, aad at the right angle earners with the shaft and also at tie windows and other openings the stone :'s finished in quarter-! draft lines of arris. This gives the structure a finished and ariistlc ap pearance Th? look out rcom li 188 feet above the foundation, and i reached by an iron staircase. Ihis room is marked on the outside by two entablatures en circling the monument Fiom th:s look out the battlefield s plain y visible seven miles away. Tbe first rcom in the mon ument contains four ttb'ets, three of them ins-: ribed re p.ctlvoly to the State of Mssachu etts. New Ha npshire, and Vermont . fourth is blnk. The outlook room conla'nsfourhi toric gran ite tablets, paced there by the Veriro .t Historical Society, the Masonic frater nity, which laid the cornerstone in 1877, the Older o! Odd FelloAS, and the Grand Army of the Republic. To Be Read la a Xlaute . Those who are not present always need and lack a defender. The fiercest eacle in the sky imagines it is an innocent dove. People dislike to hear nonsense, bat they hear a great deal of it Before believing the bad stories a man tells on another, find out bis motive. The serious man is the dangerous man. Humor is incompatible with vie iousness. A great maiy women imagine that they are files, and that all the men are spiders. 1 a it an's record is a bad one. he can't travel o fast that it will not over take him. TiVt-rniKu- of vour life is spent in waiting.for koto good iuck tbat will never come tv you. A mas keeps his friend's secrets be hind a veil, but he keeps his own behind a lock and key. A r.RKAT deal of tbe bad luck yon hear men eomplzining about is simply pun ishment for io'.Iy. Fuss .are so foolish, and spiders so wise, tbat a hungry spider is as rare a sight as a fly without a-scar.- T-ix: lost peopTe in the world are those who have found oar- for themselves the felly of being wkked. IN FAME. A Hebla aaaft Xraeasd to Weaer af aa- H HEADS HIS OWN TROOPS. BALMACEDA SURPRISED, BUT GALLANTLY FIGHTING. A DaraMCeWwlet-OT.rew Caeaal t!e.with bat SO. Traaw awawd T.ia Olds Has rrobahr AwJvad-Val- p :rl.o Wild with rxcltewseaf. la th? Scale. Eve i while the battht was raging, news reached th conntry of a collision between the Congressional aadGovorn ment rarces of t hilt The dispatch was sent from Valparaiso and reads: i resident Balmac da and the Junta DeGobierno are conched In the final t'esperato struggle for the mastery of the Rcpubic of Chill. The chosen battle grounds are in full view of the city of Valparaiso, and thoa sands of anxious eyes are watcblng from every point of vantage the battle which Is to decide the fate of the country. The battle has been raging practically for three days. The first engagement was at the mouth of the Aconcagua and resulted in a reverse to the Government The final test of strength Is now be ing made at Vina del Mar Coach, directly across Valparaiso Bay and .ess than five miles away. When the news reached here that an army of f',0C0 robels had been landed at Qulntro Bay. Balmaceda aid his gen erals were taken by surprise, but .the utmost activity was used in getting troops to the front, so as, if possible, to nr.-went tha invading array from cross ing tho Aconcagua River immediately south of the bay. The arrangement were made hurried ly and only a lltt'e over, half of the troops were availablo for this purpose. Six of the In urgent war ships were an chored in Cosnon Bay, at the mouth of the river, and under the cover of their guns the army of the Junta undertook tbe task of forcing a passage of the river. A mo it de perate and bloody battle re suited, lasting near'.y all day. A galling tire from the Insurgent ar tillery, which was formed on the northern bank of the river, aided by the heavy batteries and machine guns from the ships, was too much for the government troops and the were forced to retire, which they did in good order. Both sides forght with the utmost valor and the de perate character of the battle maybe judged from the fact that while loss than 20,000 troops were en gaged, the list of casualties will foot up nearly 3,000 men killed and wounded. Balmaceda found out that the Insur gents are something more than "nitrate stealers. " The general in command of the government forces selected a strong pos ton on the beach of Vina del Mar, the eastern shore of Valparaiso Bay, as his second line of defense, and leaving force enough in front of tne enemy to check his progress somewhat took his placo there and went to work to strengthen it as much as possible. All day long the insurgent forces pushed their way steadily forward, iriving the comparatively small govern nent force before them. It was a con stant skirmish for fifteen miles over broken countrv. At every point of vantage the Baima cedans made a stand, and while they were constantly forced to give way be fore superior numbers they retarded the advance, and gave the main army at Vina del Mar a chan.e to better prepare Itself for the decisive light It was not until late in the evening that tho attacking army arrived in front of Balmaceda's line of defense. It was then too late to give battle. In the meantime President- Balmaceda, with every available man in this depart ment himself in command, went to the front He had over 13,003 available fighting men. while the insurgent forces had been reduced to less than 7,000. At the back of the government line is Fort Callao. the heavy auns of which have done good work, both in raking the enemy by land and preventing the in surgent Ceet which baa entered ma nay from doing anything more effective than long range firing. The Congresslonalists attacked la force and the battle has raged with the utmost fierceness. The war ships did all they could to aid tbelr land forces, but they had a healthy regard for the heavy guns in the forts, and were com pelled to do their fighting at long range. They sent as many men as they could spare, with all their available machine and rapid fire guns, to aid as a naval auxiliary brigade the attack on Balma ceda's position. The most Intense excitement prevails In this city. Tho roar, of heavy attillery and the sharp rattle of small arms re sound through the streets and are echoed back from the high hills surrounding the city. Everybody who Is left here has sought some place overlooking the battle ground, and thousands of people are watching the desperate struggle which is being fought under their very eyes The scene from Valparaiso is one of awful grandeur. A heavy pall of smoke hangs like a cloud over the contending armies. It Is lit up almost continuously by sharp flashes of light from the cannon and rifles, and the thunderous roll of the artillery can be herd continuously. FLOODED THE TOWN. rieree Star at PetUvUle Erlves Peeala to Their Garrets. A cloudburst broke over Pottsville, Pa, and the water poured down in tor rents for an hour. The culverts were unable to carry all the water, and por tions of the town were flooded. Fully 400 families were driven to the upper stories of their homes, and the cellars and kitchens were filled with water and mud. The business portion of tbe town suf fered greatly, the cellars of stores be ing filled with water. Railroads and streets were turned into rivers three and four feet deep, and the raging torrents carried all sorts of goods and debris down to the Schuylkill. It was tha worst storm ever known in Pottsville. The damage Is estimated at $100,000. Reports from Minerville, St. Clair. Port Carbon, Schuylkill Haven, Girardville and Ma hanoy Plane tell the same story of de vastation and damage by the rain and flood. MIsitBUaba. A cattle range in Washington is over 300 miles long and 200 miles wide- The Georgia mother who so d her twin babies for a dollar probably made a good bargain for the twins. South Nokwalk, t onn., boasts of.a dog which recently swallowed at oae gulp a good sized live chicken. There are so many people , in the world of the kind that discover you have gray hairs coming in your head. Talk to any man in town, and you will- discover in five minutes that he believes lie has thb worst I nek. in the world. Dox'r flatter yourself that yon can commit a sin without being found out. Thousands of men have tried it, and failed. A voxa5 always has one object upon which she is concentrating all her thoughts, all her affections, and all her prayers Iv some parts of Georgia, crops of melons tbat should hae been marketed long ago are still green with no signs of rlLening- - ACcX i o lo a : ew Vork Appellate Ceurt, a an.s m'.u ; dc arable us xty days after de h I :pd against the maker's estata WHOLE NUMBER 1112. A. AsTDKUOM. Free. a. MM"Tml'dArua. viae a Z, BOSH, O.ABPKnaQW. JACOB OBaUflBT. JOaUfJ. r.ANDEBSO. . KEHBTKAOATZ, SULLIVAN. First National Bank, Columbus, Neb. Henri rfCaitMlaT 11,11 RESOURCES. Leaae aad Dleceaam U, D BeSanaCaV e Baal estate, fanlinre aad Sxtnxe...............--.. . Dae from other banks $38.77X31 Dre from U. 8. Treasury:. 67S.SS Cash oa head 15.473.4S 87SJS JUsSSMS 17.1 TJAB1LXTIEB. Capital aad sarplas Ca tividcd proSts. ........ . National beak notes outstanding.. Rod HCOOHtal.... Duo depositors . .gaMsase . ie.4S9.14 . ISBftSS . 1S.88LSI , USJBL86 J. N.MfLIAJt. DtUTOBXM AD) Maw, iiLi-iipifi is-r QDlAlTACl eat ATTOXNXYBAT LAW, Sehraaka, nanSHsa,- sSff&tu&tisrvn ATT0MXST8 AT LAW. MSaVS Til ud SkMt-Irti Wirtl 'vw.SpJ HENRY GrASR COFFINS AND METALLIC CASES. ETRepalrtng S aU Mndt f tTahoJ. story Goods. Ml COLfnUaw," A STRAY LEAF! A DIABV. JOURNAL 6FF1CE LOUIS SCHRE1BER. iiifiwlilir iuiii AU II kill of BfftlrlM iMf 8ltrtHwtkw. HaK, Wif it. tic. atatt it ni all wtrk ttttti. AattawntltwWaw Walts!. Csaiaim- Weed Mewses. ad nfeawJaaw. enswslte the "T (Sin I , St COLUMBUS SUBSCRIBE NO W TIE TIE AM11CAX aUtASO, tSTe OJw Jettwr a Tmw, Julias aJ kail ia ! awjMiaaeVtuted eatireiy ta ilu lm Ttine.fir saw . sxn. f eraisalaa ia a war awtrjtjbw. tunaMt lit writtea ayHwablad Smii isaatindlf ttesaaasi. and '&, author. It irh w'd caarsslBxceuliai K, awe "ipproprte r- ...- AaMA mmm rut 931- :(! JW T tin .V. atia-. . . . It wilt te espaataUy bnlfiaat vS. Cawhahwh M-r10 y- aetsaJM JSSaaaa W.a-MeAUJsTraX W.atMlMlawIwi m mAMJumrtwrn m ftoatfilaart. la dEmTawawawaw 3yi. sdaabasbaaml aaamafttiai uatTtswisawJt, Seat! a a e -SfSI -ft ; .- - ---cii:- ' X -'zri .dr & v, -- l-.-f -- -