The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 12, 1891, Image 2

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aepsretely. Gi-ans
Rrenblicaa Connty Convention.
The republicans of Platte county will
meat in delegate convention at the court
' house in the city of Columbus, on Wed
nesday, September 16th, 1891, at 2
o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing
fotir delegates to attend the republican
state convention to be held at Lincoln,
Nebraska, September 24th, 1891, and
placing in nomination candidates for
county clerk, county judge, county su
perintendent, county treasurer, county
surveyor, coroner, sheriff, clerk of the
district court, and to elect delegates to
the judicial convention of the sixth judi
cial district in Nebraska, and to transact
such other business as may come before
it. Each township and ward shall be
entitled to the following representation:
City of Columbus
First ward 5
Second ward 6
Third ward 8
Shell Creek S
ColnmbasTp 5
Botler 4
Bismark. ...... 4
Monroe. ........ 8
Walker 8
Grand Prairie S
Granville 4
Barrows 3
St. Bernard 2
Loup 2
Humphrey 4
Laoet Creek
Creston 6
Woodrille 7
Sherman 5
Joliet 6
It is recommended that primaries be
held at the last voting place in each
township on Saturday, September 12th,
1891, at 2 o'clock p. m. and in the city of
Columbus between the 'hours of 12
o'clock noon and 7 p. m. of said day. It
t is recommended that no proxies be ad
mitted and that the delegates present
cast the full vote of their precinct.
J. G. Beeder, Ch'n.
B. P. Drake, Sec'y.
Coming Events.
Platte County Fair, Columbus, Sept.
Republican state convention, Lincoln,
Sept 24th.
Platte comity teachers' institute, Au-
gnsmfrio. w
Independent sixth judicial
A.. IK
convention, Uolumbus, z p. m,
AUg !'
Nebraska State Fair, Lincoln, Sept.
Democratic state convention, Grand
Island, Wednesday, Sept. 17.
Independent state convention, Hast
ings, Tuesday, 4 p. m., Aug. 18.
Republican judicial convention, Co
lumbus, Sept. 21, 3 p. m.
Republican county convention, court
house, Columbus, 2p.nL, Sept 16.
Platte county Driving Park and Fair
Association, Humphrey, Sept 21-23.
Nance county fair, Fullerton, Sept
Soldiers' re-union, Grand Island, Aug.
31 to Sept 5.
Summer meeting, Beatrice driving
association, Aug. 26-28.
It may be justly affirmed that the
southern alliance is not in favor of a
third party, at least not yet awhile. A. Dana does not worship
Cleveland, as the embodiment of democ
racy and statesmanship, and every once
in a while sticks long pins into the ex-
New York is still engaged in trying
to find out how she can have other
people contribute the money and she
have the honor of erecting the monu
ment to General Grant
Ybs, thanks to steam and electricity,
our country can hardly be too extensive.
The Great Republic is destined for use
fulness to mankind, and her patritotie
sons must be careful to guide her in the
paths of true statesmanship.
The McKinley bill is a great benefit
to fruitgrowers, as cheap sugar means a
vast increase in putting up fruit for win
ter use. The housewife can preserve a
third more fruit for the same money now,
than she could a year ago. Nebraska
The largest sheets of roofing tin ever
made are now on exhibition at the Press
office, N. Y. city, and made in this coun
try. It is confidently asserted that
American ingenuity will soon produce
continuous tin without a seam, which
will work a great revolution in roofing.
A fact like the first mentioned is worth a
ton of imaginary would-be's of the free
trader. At one time during the national en
campment it was thought the next one
would be held at Lincoln, but the 36
votes of New York had been counted in
the wrong column, and the vote, proper
ly, was, Washington 366, Lincoln 339.
That was a pretty good showing for our
capitol city. John Palmer of Albany,
N. Y-, was elected commander on the
third ballot by acclamation.
G.W.HonKof Dayton O., is credited
with saying that the income-tax plank
of the Ohio democratic platform (of
wnicb ne was the author) was inserted
"to capture lots of farmers votes."
Every available stone ia Ohio mast be
tuned, yon know, this year. It democ
racy succeeds in Ohio this fall what a
owl of delight will go up from the
lufactariBg districtsof the old world.
. Txkt have had a considerable time at
Omaha in regard to their new school su
perinteadeat After he was selected, he
wanted a three-year contract and in
creased pay. The Bee says: "Mr. Fitz
patrick had too good sense to insist on
either more pay or a three-year contract
He was wflliag to accept his office for a
aad take aat casaowt Tiie new
iteadeat is neither a alota nor an
A STATZuxvT recently issued by the
bureau of statistics of the treasury de
partment shows that oar foreign cosa-
for the fiscal year ending; Juae 30,
the largest in oar history, amount
ing tofL72aJ390V896; it also showa that
under the first nine months of the Mc
Kinley tariff law we imported merchand
ise to the value of 9690,906,006, while
for the same period in the year before
oar imports amounted to only $598,769,
905; also that under the McKinley law
the goods admitted free of duty amount
ed to $2956 v- against $a066373
for the same period in the year before.
Ho w the democratic lies by which they
secured control of the house of repre
sentatives last year are going home to
roost Just let the policy of reciprocity
be kept to the front as it has been the
past year and the next twenty years
would see a most wonderful change in
the commerce of this country. Our
ships will be abundant in every sea
worth mentioning in business quarters,
and our merchant marine the pride of
every American. And why should it
not thus be?
Jadge Waxen' Fttitfcal Praverwa.
Detroit Free Press: Nowadays wunst
is plenty to die f er yer country and
there's mity doggon few looking fer the
job, even at them Aggers.
Ef the Amerikin eagel hadent bin
created, the Garden of Eden would have
been a patch of weads.
Iibberty gets smothered ef you set a
crown on top of it
The charriot of Progress flies the Star
Spangled Banner from the dashboard to
the hine axel-tree.
Politishans that aint morrel cowereds
is gittin' aceercer evry year.
Patriotism is wide enouirh out fer a
heap site of skulduggery to hide under.
When a woman's voice gits coarse
enough to scour up the floor of a saloon
with, it will be time fer her to voat
A nartizen is a nattnott cut halt in
Some men aint got eny use fer a coun
try that could get along without offices.
The more politicks you can git into a
presink the cheeper you can buy voats.
You can't raise a crop of thrones on
the sile of the Western Hemmysfereto
save yer neck.
What a man sex on the stump to a
a inthusiastic aujence he don't alius be
leave when he gets in bed and shuts his
The central Nebraska M. E. college at
Central City is to be opened again short
ly, having been put on its feet financial-
A couple of Scott's Bluff county boys
paid $1 and costs each for the privilege
of assaulting several ladies with decayed
hen's fruit
While leading a colt Jesse Otto of
Auburn was kicked just over his right
ear, and died seven hours later in spite
of all the doctors could da
Blackleg has appeared among the cat
tle on Snake creek, Cheyenne county,
with fatal results. Thirty-five head
have died during the month.
A portion of a field of oats belonging
to Mr. Selky, west of Tobias, was burn
ed by a fire set by the lightning striking
a shock of the harvested grain.
A little son of Clark Lambertson of
Ord roasted some potatoes in. his fa
ther's barn, and the fire got under such
headway before it was discovered that
the building was consumed.
A Fremont man saw a water snake
swallow a frog and at once proceeded to
kill the reptile. The frog was then
aided to ascend the snake's throat and
jumped out uninjured and hopped away.
While lariating out some cows on her
father's farm four miles south of Broken
Bow the other day Nora Deciouswas
badly hurt by getting tangled in the
ropes and beeing dragged a quarter of a
A tramp called at 'the residence of a
pious lady of Oakland and asked for
something to eat The lady gave him
a dry piece of bread, saying, "I give you
this for Christ's sake." The tramp looked
it all over and then said, "Well, for
God's sake put some butter on it"
Tae Tariff front a CeainMn Seam View A
Spirit of Fairaeai is Ceamenaable Even
la PoIiUes-Bned-Gaage Statesmanship U
Enduing Wildest.
En. Jouknax.: "Gospel truth by an
ex-repnblicann in the Sentinel recently
should not be accepted too literally as a
whole. His "deliberate opinions" would
perhaps be improved if formed after
more thorough deliberation. TheMun
rest" he speaks of is not peculiar to this
time, and to attribute tins condition to
the tariff, by inuendo or otherwise, is a
trick of the demagogue to catch the ear
of the masses.
I have no apology to make for the
large majority of our laws, either na
tional or state, which are the result of
corrupt influences and which are not
liable to be much improved by present
prospects, but it is too much to concede
that honor and patriotism has failed to
prevail at all for thirty years in our halls
of legislation.
Nor is his reasoning sufficient to ac
count for the depressed condition in
prices of cereals; a more careful investi
gation would probably show other and
more potent causes.
But it is the system of Drotectinn that
he fails to find words to stigmatize as
iniquitous in the extreme, that I am
more concerned about, and it is entitled
to more consideration and broader char
ity than he is inclined to grant
"All tariffs are wrong in principle be
cause they levy burdens upon what we
consume ana not upon what we possess.''
If we assume that the tariff is a tax,
that upon the whole increases the price,
there would be some reason in the argu
ment hut this in no wise is borne out
by experiences of the past All freedom
is won by present sacrifice; even the
evils of war are preferred to long drawn
out oppression and tyranny, and the
Jirudent will make the present sacrifice
or the sake of the future benefits. Even
the labor strikes of today, with their nn.
told sacrifices and innumerable hard
ships, are upon the whole intended to be
beneficial The wisdom and foresight
of our forefathers in fostering and en
couraging by self sacrifices, have secur
ed the blessing of low prices to this and
all future generations, of a number nf
the common neosasaries of life for which
we might otherwise be dependent atill,
upon the whims of monopolies induced
by lack of competition, and the fickle
frmndelbmanientleHsand tyrannous
la every locality where the benefits of
protection are not directly and immedi
ately felt it is popular to attribute all
evil to the tariff and all good in spite of
it but were this traeot aay particular
locality in its present condition, that
does not prove that the prnsoials is
wrong when applied to a whole country
like oars, vast ia extant, varied ia its
resources, inexhaustable in its poaai
bilities. Every nation mast foster and develop
in proportion the three fundamental
tilsnoon. agriculture, manufacture and
commerce, to become industrially great
It might be good economy to produce
in each locality just that and only that
for which it was particularly adapted, if
the whole world were a common broth
erhood of co-laborers in fact for the
common good. Bnt as we are all com
petitors (nations as well as individuals),
and, under the most favorable ckeam
stances, suffer enough from our depend
ent condition to warn us of the dangers
in that direction, we should strive to
attain a degree of independence that will
at least guarantee self-preservation.
The south, always strong in opposi
tion to anything like protection, because
of the apparent local and present ad
vantage to employ the cheapest labor to
produce cotton in competition with the
world, in 1816 advocated and inaugura
ted through their champion John C
Calhoun, protection to the manufactur
ed products of cotton, because it prom
ised local advantage, and while these
products entered largely into the neces
sary expenses of every household, more
heavily upon the poor than the rich, and
comparatively fow seemed directly ben
efited at the time, yet who will say that
the few years of burden that has secured
the blessing of lower prices than ever
before and the supremacy in that line of
manufacturing, to our own country in
stead of continuing to depend upon a
rival and to pay tribute to her as she
might demand for all time to come, was
not a judicious sacrifice. We are young
as a nation, our resources are too vast,
we know too little of what nature has
locked in her embrace, for us to refuse
any reasonable encouragement to de
velop, by our genius and disclose by our
effort these hidden possibilities. Henry
Clay was the means of ..securing the
tariff of 1824, an average of 50 per cent;
from that time till 1830 it fluctuated, as
the selfish or liberal element prevailed,
from which it was gradually reduced
till the panic of-1837, when the system
succumbed to the narrow-minded sel
fishness of the southern element and so
continued while they held the power.
How dearly they paid for this contracted
policy during their unholy struggle, is a
matter of history. For a nation to unfit
ltseir tor war is to render itself, incapa
ble of one of the highest functions, and
often a duty to its peonle and the world
in general that it has no right to evade.
A broad-gauge statesmanship will
generally prove wise in the end. Does
the farmer who advocates free trade
realize that such basis would reduce
wages and prices to correspond with
competitive countries, and would not
reduce nxed values; such as the mort
gage on tne farm and monev obliga
tions? The very object he is seeking,
by an increase of currency to restore
values to their normal condition and
thns comparatively reduco these obliga
tions, would be defeated, and his mort
gage would be increased to correspond
with the debasement of labor and other
values. Think you the poor farmer and
debtor or greedy bond and mortgage
holder would reap the benefit of such a
The capitalist and manufacturer make
use of agreements and understanding,
to protect themselves from loss when
unforeseen conditions arise that threaten
to destroy them, and the farmer might
learn wisdom from their example.
The present crop promises fair returns
to the farmer and there is no more rea
son why he should market it below a
fair margin than that the manufacturer
or producer of anything else should re
quire a profit To be sure, he needs the
money for his crop, but the prospective
consumer needs his product and u they
are not forthcoming as soon as they can
be put on the market the consumer will
induce promptness by advancing the
price to a just basis. For the consumer
of farm products can no more dispense
with them than the farmer can with
money or what he needs in exchange.
The difficulty appears greatest at the
outset but a short time would be suffi
cient to effect the DurDose. and conld
not result very disastrously .to the far-
.. FTIt.:.. ? 1-4. 1 i i;i ...
ujoi. xuib uiikul iook une a violation
of the anti-trust law, as well as a hard
ship to the poor consumer, but the
warehouse law provides for and contem
plates it, and the consumer is not bene
fited by low prices to the producers,
while a clique of gamblers in Chicago
are not satiated.
I believe if there were more honest
effort among the leaders and educators
of the people to inform them rightly,
instead of the schemes and tricks of tha
demagogue to blind the people to the
true course of their difficulties, these
seeming hardships would prove lees bur
densome, and better feeling and lees
"unrest" would prevail among all classc
Washington Letter.
From oar regular correspondent.
Secretary Foster will this week go to
Ohio for a short vacation if nothing un
expected turns up to keep him here.
Notwithstanding his announced deter
mination at the time he entered the
cabinet not to follow the example of his
illustrious predecessor and work him
self to death, the work and responsibi
lity of being at the head of our finan
cial system is gradually wearing the
flesh from his rotund figure. The fact
of the matter is that as at -present con
stituted there is too much work connec
ted with the Treasury department for
any one man to attempt to direct unless
he has a constitution that can stand
about twenty hours workaday; there
are several important bureaus such as
the Revenue Marine, Light Houses, Life
Saving Internal Revenue, and Engra
ving and Printing now under that de
partment that the Secretary of the
Treasury should be relieved of in order
that he might devote his entire atten
tion to strictly financial matters. There
is no sense in killing more ffood men be
fore making the change,nd there is
little doubt that overwork in that office
killed secretaries Folger, Manning, and
Windom within the last ten years.
The rumor fiend has evidently had
resignations on r the brain for the last
three or four days, and among those
that he has caused to resign may be
mentioned Secretary Noble, Attorney
General Miller, Postmaster Wanamaker,
Treasurer Nebeker, Assistant Secretary
of the Treasury Nettleton and Commis
sioner of pension Kanni. Not one of
these gentlemen has resigned or has the
least intention of resigning so far as
those who are in positions to know have
any information; bnt the rumors go on
just the same. It is safe to refuse to
believe that any official intends resigning
until it is officially stated, or is oiven
out by the official himself or some one
with authority to speak for him.
Ex-Representative Simonda of Con
necticnt, the new Commissioner of Pat
ents, assumed control of that office on
Indian Commissioner Morgan will
spend his vacation in Europe. The con
troversy which has existed between his
office and the Catholic bureau of mis
sions has ended satisfactorily to all con
cerned. Deputy Commissioner Belt,
who is in charge during the Commis
sioner's absence, said on the subject:
"There is a perfect understanding be
tween Cardinal Gibbons, Archbishop
Inland, and Commissioner Morgan, and
the outcome of the interview between
the last two named was the antablishimr
of the most cordial relations. There
seemed to be an idea existing that Com
missioner Morgan was opposed to the
Catholic Church audita schools, when
this was not the case, as was evidenced
by the work of this department The
objection on the part of the Commis
sioner was the interference of the Ca
tholic Mission bureau which attempted
to control and guide this department in
the transaction of its awae Mr.
Morgan showed Pishsp Ireland that
instead of
aleaosis it aadbaaa I
increased $40,000: that instead of being
antagonistic to Cataoho sohools ha waa
friendly towards them, bat
to deal with them through the
u or. Missions, 'mere m no trou
ble detween the Commissioner 'and the
Catholics. Both aides have been dis
cussed snd both parties are satisfied aad
the work will proceed without friction,
looking solely to the education and ad
vancement of the Indian youth".
Eleven hundred clerks were dismissed
from the Census Office last Friday be
cause the work upon which they were
engaged had been completed. Another
big discharge will take place this
month for the same reason.
Although it had been known for some
time the official promulgation of the
reciprocity agreements with Spain, af
fecting the trade of Cuba and Porto
Rioo, the . temporary schedule of which
goes into effect September 1, and the
permanent schedule July L 1892, and
with San Domingo was joyfully recei
ved. They are certainly very desirable
agreements for the interests of' the
United States, particularly those of
Agriculture and manufactures and to
gether with the others gone before and
to come, they will make thousands
of new friends for the party
which has given the' country
the boom of reciprocity without
injury to a single American interest,
thus differing radically from the demo
cratic idea, which is to break down the
home market by destroying home man
ufactories and letting in free of duty
the manufactures of Europe, without
getting additional markets for our pro
ducts. Mb. Thomas Barb, editor of The
Graphic, Texarkana, Arkansas, hat
found what he believes to be: the bast
remedy in existence for the flux. His
experience is well worth remembering.
He says: "Last summer I had a very
severe attack of flux. I tried almost
every known remedy, none giving re
lief. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoaa Remedy was recommended
to me. I purchased a bottle and re
ceived almost immediate relief. I con
tinued to use the medicine and was en
tirely cured. I take pleasure in "rec
ommending this remedy to any person
suffering with such a disease, as in my
opinion it is the best medicine in ex
istence. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale
by C. E. Pollock & Co. and Dr. Heintz,
b Chicago, Milwaukee k St Paul
is the only line running solid vest-
ibMed, electric lighted and steam heated
trams between the Missouri river and
Chicago, consisting of new palace sleep
ing cars, elegant free reclining chair
cars, luxurious coaches and the finest
dining cars in the world. The berth
reading lamp in its palace sleeping cars
is patented -and cannot bo used by any
other railway company. It is the great
improvement of the age. Try it and be
convinced. Close connection in union
depot at Omaha with all trains to and
from the west For further particulars
apply to your ticket agent, or
F. A. Nash, Genl Agt
W. S. Howell,
Traveling Fr't and Pass. Agt,
25febft Omaha, Neb.
A Wonder Worker.
Mr. Frank Huffman, a young man of
Burlington, On states that he had been
under the care of two prominent physi
cians, and used their treatment until he
was not able to get around. They pro
nounced his case to be consumption and
incurable. He was persuaded to try Dr.
King's New Discovery for consumption,
coughs and colds and at that time w
not able to walk across the street without
resting. He found before he had used
half of a bottle, that he was much bet
ter; he continued to use it and is today
enjoying good health. If you have any
throat, chest or lung trouble try it We
guarantee satisfaction. Trial bottle
free at Stillman's drug store. 5
Electric Hitter.
This remedy is becoming so well known
and so popular as to need no special
n. ntion. All who have used Electric
Bitu.'s sing the same song of praise.
A pure, medicine does not exist and it
is guaran ..-.-d to do all that is claimed.
Electric Etei3 will cure all diseases of
the Liver ar.1 Kidneys, will remove all
Pimples, Boils, J't Rheum and othr
affections caused by impure blood Will
drive malaria from the system and pre
vent as well as cure all malarial fevers.
For cure of headache, constipation and
indigestion try Electric Bitters Entire
satisfaction guaranteed, or money re
fundedPrice 50c and $1.00 per bottle
at Stillman's drug store. ' 5
Fob diarrhoea or summer complaint
in any form, there is nothing better
than Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. Mrs. Nancy Berry,
of Adams, Lawrence Co., Kentucky,
says one dose of it cured her of an at
tack of diarrhoea. Two or three doses
will cure any ordinary case. When
reduced with water it is pleasant to
take. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by
C. E. Pollock k Co. and Dr. Heintz,
Ekglish Spavin Liniment removes all
hard, soft or calloused lumps and blem
ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs,
Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles,
Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat,
Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one
bottle. Warranted the most wonderfnl
Blemish Cure ever known. , Soldby C.
B. Stillman, druggist 26novlyri
Baby cried,
Mother sighed,
Doctor prescribed s
Baeklea's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by C. B. Stillman.
In almost every neighborhood there
ia some one or more persona whose lives
have been saved by Chamberlain's Colic.
Cholera and Diarrhoja Remedy, or who
have been oured of chronic diarrhoea by
it Such persona take special pleasure
in recommending the remedy to others.
The praise that follows the introduction
and use makes it very popular. 25 and
60 cent bottles for sale by a E. Pollock
uo. and ur. uaintz,
Itch cured in 30 Buaatss'by Wool
ford's Sanitary Lotiou. Sold by C.B
Stninaa,droist. ISaorlyr
PltOMr0 Catturflwl. 1
What is
KiMstie mlMtaace.
far PaJwric,DTO, Sathiac Byrpn,
It nrnm-t Its aunuitM is thirty
teasJdac travbles, emi
the fa,
towels, glrias; healthy
toria. is the ChHdrem's
Mothsm have mnentsnly tola nwef Its
Csstoria si the heat massy for ehOarss of
wfclcfcl am acquainted. I aose the day is not
i mothers wfllconanhwtaa real
tor their children, aad nse Castoria in-
(their loved aw
asmns dew thesr threats, theresy ssaamg wveraoatt
UkBatonrentttsragiwreB." Uauae n nil, ana Pauanuasay
V.J.T.-Kmmum, awnsavnaa
Conway, Ark. Auan C Burn, fvm.
ffi RAGATZ k CO.,
Lamps, Glassware,
Queensware, Etc.,
As Can be Found in This Section of Nebraska.
HPThe very highest market price paid in trade for country produce,
the present, in the Oluck block, corner of Eleventh and North Streets,
aattetteCnaractar Almost UolTscsaUyOlTaa to
The Weekly Inter Ocean.
SooTCattsttasopalaTltTtBntforysanlt has feadtteXASGE8TCXRCUXiA
TXOHofanyCHicaaowMklTMwapapar. . .. .
u u Biur aoaonniuT uwu in nnr WMnmniwiu niKiuTMWKiiia
It Is
a qxftlattrje
Mte la Uttarty
vopocn vpouc ana
sMattp pouuoaiOMoa
Ms oontrltonssnnanni
m t h IffnfH V091TLA9 AITTHOUB frfth rfv.
ths aaaloftnoss
In addition to aH this
mwmf .was, am
it ia
. XJBEKAXi COmoseiOire olVaa to
-rs-f.t i
tor. AdarassanTdara
To all whom it nuy concern:
The special commissioner appointed toTiew
aad report apon the practicability of locating a
imUte road coawmrinc at the aw corner of sec
tion U, town 13. ranee 1. wast, aad rnnnins;
thence dae east oa the section lines, natil the
snaw intersects with a slongh or draw, in the
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L. C. VOSS, M. D.,
HiMopatbic Physiciaa
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Specialist ia chronie
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VZaamnmUnW " " s mm ''' "s
.BBBBBBBBBBBBK k m. kr Asm Aft. aaota,
sVssnmnmnmnmnuT JmIm, Titk
asBmaaUBBBBBnaaHB wSflvivOTycB wc. Kvibsw
BU3SajSBBBBBBBJaaMaB7nkw aaSta
.y Vjiy rnanrsseay.AaawLWaw
aa mV Aranm"aaaa?Slla,?!i.T!?!k2
anBsnUMsaan) amasses wasaaswassMfnasnmn)
MM. AH 25, 1891.
'nZI'W k .mSwaUsaWwVw TL JBbbU W MnaBmT
A Truly Wonderful Collection of
Carefully selected and acceptably presented, offering to tke
public an array which cannot be duplicated.
A Multiplication of Modern Marvels
Rare Wild Beasts, Birds and Reptiles from the Jungles of India,-
the Wilds of Africa and the Pampas of South America..
Whole Circus r iwm Fofeign Artists !
Picked from the Leading Arenas of Every Continent, and for the first time
presented in this country to amaze the world by their daring deeds..
Skilled Juggling, Artistic Tumbling, Thrilling Bar Acts, new,
crisp and sparkling Ring Features ! The Entire Show is Orig
inal in everything, presenting a model, complete and wonderful
exhibitional enterprise which all amusement patrons can enjoy.
3L "aV''" if BaV BNsfl aV tnUr swaav w aPUsaUaw awasf af aWVBBBUnusBi .af!?
V X X. i.J iSsnT Waj LjfrK ""y5 luafaFBB: AvBB anB lnUsawl
SjmM"MBW 11'EaBsUaUBawanaL' aUsaUSBUjr C S -asav AsaBBsnX"
At noon, every day, rain or shine, a Grand Highway Holiday
ImBsediately after which may be seen, upon the show grounds, THE
OF THE AIR in his Swing to the Clouds! The greatest Free
on Earth.
REMEMBER this is the only Big Show of the United
States Ajjpiisement Pool visiting this
place this season.
The proprietors of these shows do fully maintain the proud distinction '
of HONESTY and MORALITY, for many years accorded its celebrated -founder.
We allow no gambling, no games of chance, no dishonest practice?
of any sort upon our patrons. We maintain that same reputation of sincerity .
so long the the characteristic of the great founder, and by which he won his
established reputation as "THE GREATEST SHOWMAN." Jl
Doors Open at 1 and 7 p.m. Performance begins 1 hour later. : '
M .
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