'& iifyf ' ,, vJ . -Y fc-"J-- K---S"f Sgas? ,- :-: r ziz: ? s - - ' . Siv r' v? J -4M - T.a5V. ' s ' ' 4VW ? -"VTffC. jl ' .T. Tk Ajd ' XT Vir aiHUBWAY. JULY tt. Tke leaiae Uneom. 4jMa.au, aad anliw at Liaeola at 14S 349 p. au UMIOII FACIWCTOPt-TABLK. ooras P-iBe Ex....UM. Fart Mail CHeigoKi...BP. DamvarEx.... Liaritod S:S3 p. m Fa Mail.... 9:39 p. m Local Frt.... 7 a. m G.LLeeal... 8:15 p. m OoL Local.... 79 a. ml O.L Local... 83Ba-: ukoolv, ooumcs ass siocxcttt. rarriveefromrJ.oaxCtty.....ll:P. i.- rvJa-hoa (or Iiae'a. 74 P. - arrives from .Iiaeeta , - m g' "- .lias Mixed leaves for 8ioax City.. ..r. -J?- Mixed arrives............ 2aJr . Mixed leaves for Norfolk. ... .;22 arrives from Nortolk........-.--"a.m ytB AIiHOH AVD OBDAB BAKBa. Paaaiipwr IaT .. Mixed MTa Paaw5BceranifM. Mixed aitivea .2JSp.au ..Sa.au .t24BB.au .8JSp.au gtcittg 3tees- tar-All Bottom aaoer thia hmAlmg will as eWarWattaarateof$2ycar. A UEBAMON LOTOK IfeMjA. AJL AUtoSfarea Urited to attaad. r H. Haxxsoa. W. M. if. w. Wbrk. Bee'y. lajaly WILDEY LODOKNo.44.Lq.aVV. tmU TtaaKBW.erpM ;- at moir aau w "5J, atnet. VWUmj bncaraa eonaui H.A.McBiXBB.Bte'r. gjaaW-f vai LBOBOANIZEDCHUBCH OF IATg-PAY i 0laai knLI MBaBJDBaaP BBMTTllMal MMf Baaaaaaamlf Haiata kold llSloSa'S " - 1 lluI.H . AllmraoontiaUyiaTrtaa. Kkierau.J .Haaaoa. "Until further notice, all adver tisements under this head will be charg ed at the rate of five cents a line each issue. We make this lower rate to con form with the times. -Coiue to The Joubnac for job work. Buy the lads new suits at Galley roe. f olumtms f iraroaL mmgaaaBBBBBBm A.AM.TTMETABLE. ' t. "" tester Oaknaaas.... ..-- JS ias " - ""' IS SS'vP' lull 1 HbmiIb .. llaBa.BU Bras dBBaBaB avaaaa ltjalM) or ' a a J .u-,.a.b Mk1v- a4- Basmus tf UU oaae anu ww;. sen's. Dr. Nauman's dental parlora, lwn street. -UnnAav nitrht. waa clear, and lor m July, very cold. . 1-In Duel county steers are now .rorthSaOahead. ".n Born, .Sunday morning, to Mrs-E. D. Fitzpatrick, a son. Old newspapers by the hundred, 25 . oents at the JotnuiAii office. Dr. T. B. Clark, successor lo in. Behug, Olive st. In office at mgnt& -For sale, a fresh milch cow, with her f. Inquire of Mrs. D.R Harvey. 2t-p DI Tttm Piinna nmUUL HfiWUliF -Jfachines. E. D.Fitzpatrick, 13th st J. H. Drinaia gives it as his opinion that fat hogs will bring 6c before long. Go to Ed. J. Niewohner for fine watch repairing sign of the Big Watch. Dannie Warnick, who had his arm " broken two weeks ago, is getting along nicely. , 1-W. T. Bickly was on the South Oauha market Saturday with a car load of hogs. The Chautauqua met last night with JliaB Ella Wells, the last meeting for the aummer. . There are times when it doesn't . . rain in Nebraska for three whole hours." .. Norfolk News. : Dr.Ii. C.Vos8,who has been vis . itiag at Holton, Kansas, was expected home last evening. -J. B. Duffy, Schuyler, Nelx, will do your boase-moving, in good shape and reasonable prices. ltr-eow -Daring a little contest Thursday :between two buyers in town, a famer . got $122 for his hogs. ..A marriage license has been issued to a C. Terry and Mrs. Sarah J. Hall, .'both of Platte county. Tour nronarty witn noon tberaTNChey wiU place yoar baatLulaWaniea. 38tf Fremont w still troubled with a great deal too much water. The Platte river bridge is in danger. Neighbor Drinaia baa our thanks for a package of his unexcelled turnip aeed oa sale at Bagatx'a. , Victoria Carpet Sweeper, guaran- . fr teed for ftva years, none better made anywhere. Call at Gisin's. 133t The MaMinerohor picnic at Higgins's 'grove Saaday is reported asaTeryen- v. joyabla affair by those preseat. -L. ' The celebrated Quick-Meal, and Monarch gasoline stoves, the best In the -BAarket.Foraale"byA.Boettcher. 4tf a ., Weare sorry to learn that Mr. Har- ry Bead has been aorely aaticted with what waa proaoaaced aa barber'a itch. Wake has been appointed policeman by Mayor Bagatz, for a few daye, to look after the quarantined eectioBa. For staple aad fancy groceries of good qaahtybe sure to call oa Boro- wiak Bros, comer of FJeveath aad VoMaeatreeta. 124K Ra anaoMMW vomr iaaBVaBee wi(A Nyaf ChaWra. UaywiU, all lajpiila.ilrsl. fairrjrkoa, and pro tect yoar iatereats. 98tf , A eae-wneel cycle, eight feet high is tbe lateat; weighs 15 poaads lass than the two-wheel, is capable of 70 aulas aa hoar oa aa ordinary road. Aavawdr maaarad to furnish aoaaa weU cared new hay, baled or loose, please call oa Waa. Becker, ia Becker black, east Thirteenth street. tf Friday, Earl, aoa of JaaaaaH. Gal lay, waa taken down with diphtheria. Every precaution waa at once taken to . prevent the eareart t the Siuttm I We. are aew sliewiag tke yvekekeat llae ef aaaif le earpets 7 la tke eltj. Call aai see as. f . Oalley Brae. '. . CMMranOiyfMr e PIIOllM'al OaMtlMrtala MMnj 34x48, lor at the That a5yWilii 1 1 1" their tjanfly to las' oflbdiaoaaMi.toamTMteKhy.aad . Nkcrof KawYork. renewed "-'- - to To NatthBriraMi anal Maroaatikef lfraylaad JbmOUSk raflalWaaM BSflaBaB MaaaaVaWaaV -A am with a litUa Baaae ai CO- ?"f?,-md Mriaf MJ itafasmrle ftaVsmMf BBtSf Bt IBB BUffet Ma S far- W th '. CaHaaf BBSBl P. tu by maa.BC a tsrry heat on moctk W.Haatkfc. ' IHt OlSMatlMt. , A raaawiy yaaUrday ktaK- haUat itht. W kftvBot 7 wporti lmt aappoM 11 the Oaaaaa) MhooL She m a aery brigkt yoajiladj, aad wiU bo akmbt fh feed aatiafactioB. Hor Haniaoa wagoaa asdCoartUad priaf wagoaa aad brnggitB, call on J. A. OatzaMr, ovpoatto Dowty drac atom. Ha ia aaratoaatiafryom in prioea and quality. tt We hare jut receive ear g stack t favrasel ami aMbrellas, tke best llae Im elty, at Galley Bros. Srttatkrti kat flrtvrakr oaaaaad lot. with rood barn '? '?! omthoaaa,loraalaolaMf6roaalute,,,ht ? ."? ? ith's additioa. Inquire at Arnold A Kohler's real estate oaaoe or at Tas JotraaAitoaaoe. 9Bjantf A large crowd were prasaat at Ba cber'a bear aarflwa Monday avaaiag, at the muaieal aad draatatie entertaia ment; they will continue daring the week evenings. Judge Speice has applied to the governor for a notary's commission. In his thirty-one years residence in Platte county, he has held twenty-four years of that Miss Minnie Pollock gaged aa teacher of the graauaar de partment of the public eehool at Genoa. Tan JouBHAii can cheerfully recommend her aa a capable and ettoient teacher. Thaaka to Wau Meaya for a recent copy of the Grantham (England) Joar nal, a very interesting publication, which gives a pietare of life in the old country which nothing else can equal. Bring your job printing to Tan JotmxAi. oSce. We have excellent ma terial, nice type to do work with, and the beet of new, job presses. Workdoae aa promised, aad satisfactioa gaaranteed. R Y. Liaco lost half a docaa horses last week, one of them being ahot to pat it out of its misery, the other Ive dying of what one asaa proBoaaead to be hy drophobia; others, a spinal disease of some sort. D. F. Davis aaya the crops in south ern Nebraska and northern If ansae are all right, bat in soathern Kansas, there has been too much rain. Prohibition eeems to be pretty well enforced except in Atcaiaon. Mrs. Dr. Armstrong of the Orphan's home at York was hate yesterday to look after the interment of one of the boys who had wandered this way, and died at the Sisters' hospital Monday night of typhoid fever. Mr. L. H. North, of Columbus, acted aa starter at the races here on July 3d and 4th, and gave good aatiafaction.lforoDeof 00 flowers. ma a a m it fT The horsemen were load in their praise of his fairs sea and good judgment. Albion Argus. Another big shower Monday morn ing. Sunday was so unusually hot and sultry, that most of as expected it to be followed by a tearing storm, but it didnt come, only the water fills all the now, sure. -lotkiag! Clotkiag! Call anirsee oar aew. sariag styles. tkti largest stock ia tke city, aaitke prices tke lowest, at Galley Bros. All the esses of diphtheria ware re ported better yesterday morning Em ma, daughter of Paul Hoppea, aged about nine years, sad Iilbe, daughter of Jacob A. Ernst, aged ton years, being the last reported cases. Miss Martha Welch has been em ployed aa teacher in district No. 3. This will be Miss Welch's first exper ience aa teacher, bat she has the ele ments of success in her character, and will make an excellent teacher. Tomorrow (Thursday) evening, Messrs. Baker k Wells will give their fine new barn a eend-off by giving a grand ball therein. The Italian band will tarnish the manic, and everything will be conducted in the lateat approved style. Jadge Thayer of Philadelphia aaya that no person can be legally compelled to leave bis house and be treated in a hospital, evea if he have aatall-pox or other coatagiow disease. It ia the right of the patient to stay ia hia hoase if he Mr.McDaffy aaya that be had the track between this aad David City passa ble again Wednesday evening. It was simply wondsrfal, the amount of water lyiag around everywhere. Water tore out culverts thirty-five to eeventyfeet ialeagth. On Sunday evening last, at the res ideaee of the bridegroom's brother, Rev. W. M. Worley waited in aaarriage George T. Bazza aad Miss Jeaaie May Bow man. Uatfl recently, Mr. Bazza reaideBt of Grand lalaad, aad Bowauut of Wood River. The world wide kaowa Spragae caady company will iaatraet the public how to auks caady toaight at Fitzpat rick'a halt They will give 100 pounds away during the eveaiag; admittance 10 aad 30 cents, for the benefit of the pas tor's salary M. E. church. It is aow said that a aew electric appliaaee, iaveated by aa can be aaed with saecess on etesof vehicle, from the heaviest road wagoa to the lightest pleasure carriage. It is ao light aad cheap, and the elec tricity ao easily renewed, aa to make the aew Baotor practically aaifataal. Paul Hagel came am from Onwha Saturday, where ha had been mader the care of a doctor for treatment of hia eye. For jest a mom eat ha clearly saw the of the doctor sad his assist est, the riew ha rsBiiimhuia aver of the hamaa faes. Ia a law it m Mtteaded to iti will CMkrmOfyfer iHtOITrMfal QeMtealess gtialtj faafc wwi attnetod etaaWMM ? Jeani's team ecaxed near the U. P. freight depot aad atartod to ran, fol lowed by the brewery team. Jenni jampad from hja wagoa to aave himself, and waa afterwards picked up; he was braieed aome aboat the face, and oov ered with duet; one lady near the First Natioaal baak had a narrow escape, the wheel of the brewery wagon grazing her dress; young Johnson waa oa the street with his express wagon and aseing the flying wagon ooming at him, he jumped oat, aad hie good-natared horse quietly walked off oat of the road and stood etui for hia young "Doc" Beebe and C. D. Hazen are nver. it m a aeavuy-tunDered coaatnr. good water, plenty of trait of all kinds growing spontaneously. It has been raining the past six waka. Mr.Haam doeant like the eoaatry, ex pects to go to North Dakota and help hk aon4n4aw with 400 acres of wheat harvest, and then come back to Nebras ka, where hw possessions lie. Mr. Beebe continaea to improve in health aad strength. So aaya Mr. W. W. Bice, who received a letter last week from Mr. H. Blanche Mary Gillett,wife of Dr. W.aOtllett,died at her home in New man Grove, Jane 39, aged 35 years, 7 months and 15 daya. The Era aaya that the closing hoars of her life were sweet and peaceful, nearly her last words being: "Mamma, I am crossing the river, and it is beautiful, so beautiful; it is sweet to die," and we could aee the re flection of another and a brighter world than this beam upon her countenance, and a beautiful young life went out of its earthly tabeuacle, commencing a life of immortality. The terrible hail storm that occurred Friday week on the west aide of the Looking Glass valley extended eight miles in length and aboat two in width. The crops were completely destroyed, unless it is the com, which may come up again. A good many cattle and hogs were killed also. Those who suffered the bum loss, so far as we learn, are Aug. Eokman, O. W. Ehlson, C. H. Be- cher, H. N. Christenaon, F. W. Edwards, P. Bauer, J. and N. Berlin, J. M. An derson, P. Welin and Nels Ohlson. Mrs. M. Bragger has a night-blooming oereua plant that for the last few days has been quite a curiosity. Sun day night there were 14 flowers, about 8 inches across, in bloom, aa pare a white as could be imagined. Monday night three more opened. The plant stands about aix feet high and is a species of the cactus. Mrs. Brugger'e bloomed twice last year and will probably repeat fkn faaf lliia vmf. pUia has nnr 1 hanlra Last Friday Frank Faulkner sued John Lawrence before Allen and got a judgment of $125. Last July Mr. Faulkner made a number of oontracta with parties to pay twenty-five oents per bushel for oorn to be. delivered before May. Mr. Lawrence contracted 500 bushels and failed to furnish same, hence the suit. Quito a number of others are in the same boat and more suite will fol low. (Schuyler Quill. We are always glad to note the fact that Nebraska business firms are able to go into other states andsecure contracts. The Tribune of Fremont aaya that C. D. Marr came home one day last week bringing with him an $8,000 waterworks contract for the Fremont foundry. This state, we think, is destined to be at the head in agricaitare and stock raising, and pretty well to the front on man- The third annual summer confer ence for bible etady, Nebraska Young ea'a Christian Associations, is to be bald at Crate, August 3-12, camping out on the Chaataaqaa grounds; board and lodging for the entire session, $5; one and a third fare for round trip on all the railroads. Full particulars can be had by addressing A. Nash, State Secretary, Omaha, Neb. Byron Dieffeabach and family start today tor Fort Belknap, Montana, where Mr.D. takea charge as superintendent of the governasent Indian eehool there, and Mrs. D. as matron. We are glad to ass Mr. D. proaaotod in the service, and have ao doabt he will do honor to him- aalf aad the adaunistration which oon deaiahiau --Phillip Dieffenbach aaya that there 1 a mistake in Dabuque Iowa, claiming to now have the youngest soldier of the late rebellion in the person of F. M. Briet, as a member of the First Wiscon sin cavalry. John Hill of Ft Atkinson Wise, waa the youngest boy ia that reghnent; he ran away from home and joined the regiment. An exchange suggests that when ever there k a towa by a river, or with waterworks, it should establish a awim ming bath for the aae of the public, ompsaaatioB to pay the iadacemeet, of eouraa, being that tae death rate woald .. . .. . ha lowered, aad health; beauty and oral purity enhanced. L SJbterasen, Platte conatys dep uty treasurer sad family aad Lawreace CauistophersoB of Colambae spent the Foarth of Jaly with Nek naawlbach aad family at thk place.... MkaLtzzk Aaderaon waa ia Colambaa Satarday aadSanday Haary Ziaaeeker of Co- luaabus was ia the dtj Tuesday. 8t, Edward Newa. -. Aaother of oar citizens goae wrong. John 'Sohmess has gone io oae kaowa where. , Ha left a aamber of debts un paid aad got away with 'about $54 of the towns money baajdaa gettiag some of hk'Paaaadar friaada to aiga Botes with him aed thea aelliag them toOo lamhaa baaka. rGeaea Leader. Ok Okasa, the gararament carpen ter at Gnat Iastitute, went over to the Daacaa lake the other day, aad gives it aahk opiaiea that the eaasedbya aarpbai of qaato meaaa of draiaag v SV.VSBBBBS same for the bodr of water m WW irJ .lT waa at Hamshiey Hea. Gray CL Baraam -, i! J. M. Maafarlaad of Omaha ?Tv(S MiasM.E.McGeth ledfrieadsat J-aLOoadriaffweat to Freawat Sat-J arday, returaiag Saaday. Mae Sarah Fitzpatrick k visiting friends Bear Platte Center. Prof. P. W. Hess of Platte Canter went to Fremont Wednesday. F. M. Cookingham of Haaajmrey was in town Monday on legal business. Miss Lizzie Sheehan visited the Miaaws Ottis of Humphrey the first of last week. Theopbile Bragger visited his brother's family here a few days, returning to Lin coln Friday. TJ. & Marshal, Brad D. Slaughter and Bank Examiner B. R. Cowdery were in town Monday. Mrs. Henry Leiska and Mia. J. H. Buderadorf of Omaha are visiung Win. Hegel's family. G. G. Bowman of Omaha still has oc casion to visit his old stamping ground oa legal business. Miss Enor Clother returned Wednes day from a visit to G. L. McKelvey's family at Fullerton. Misses Katie Hays and Phoebe Phil lips and Joe Phillips of Platte Cantor were in the city Saturday. Peter Bolard, one of the young men of the Indian band at Genoa, was in the city Saturday between trains. Ed. Hosre, the government farmer at the Indian eehool, Genoa, was in town Monday, on private business. Miss Delila Davis returned home last week from Ohio and Maryland, after spending about a year with relatives. Mies Lottie Amer of Glen Falls, N. Yn arrived hut week to make several weeks' visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Murdock.- Miss Bertha Brown of Cedar Rapids, is visiting relatives in the city. She spent Sunday with her brother Ellis in Norfolk. Mrs. James Warner and Mrs. Charles Thrush of Schuyler were entertained "at tea" by Mrs. W. N. Hensley last Tuesday. Mrs. W. B. Backus, Yernie B. and Freddie Cooper of Genoa went through the city Friday, bound for Pennsylvania on a visit. Mrs. Y. T. Price and children of Rapid City, S. D., arrived in the city Wednes day hut, and will visit with her parents about a month. Master Forrest Butler who has been spending fus vacation with his sister will return home this week. Richland items in Schuyler Sun. Reuben Lisoo (who, by the way, is sheriff of Duel oounty) is visiting friends in this vicinity; also Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Lisoo of the same county. Mrs. H. Lu Winterbotham goes this week to eastern Iowa, for a visit of sev eral weeks among old friends, whom she has not seen for eight years. C. B. Whitmoyer who for some time has been working for the Oxnard beet sugar oompany at Grand lalaad, spent Sunday and Monday in town. Miss Gertrude Parton and Miss Black burn, teachers at Grant Institute, Genoa, passed through the city Satur- day, en route to Toronto, Canada. Miss Anna C. Turner, teacher at Grant Institute, Genoa, was in the city Satur day a few minutes, saying "how-d'ye do?" and "good-bye" to her folks. Mrs. Lizzie Truman and daughter Mamie of Genoa, spent Friday in Co lumbus, the guest of Mrs. & C. Boyd. They started Saturday for a visit to Mrs. Truman'a parents in New York. Frank Clark starts today for the Hot Springs, S. D., where he hopes to get rid of the rheumatism that has been afflicting him since the first of Febru ary. He has sold his house and lot to L. A. Wiley for S650. David Anderson of South Omaha was in the city a good portion of last week, "resting up." He has great faith in the future of that place, as much now as he had when there was scarcely anything visible down there in the way of im provements. Not a thousand miles from Colum bus, a newspaper, giving an account of graduating exercises, uses these words in regard to the principal of the achook: "A very quiet unassuming gentleman, but a few moments conversation reveak the classic scholar, bristling with dia mond points of a progressive, enlightened educator, adapted to the present age of civilization. He was ably assisted, Ac." These words have a familiar sound, but we didnt notice that a oopyright had been applied for, only if every principal and superintendent k to "bristle with diamond points,' the production of the precious stone will have to ucreese, or some one will go "short" In other words, it k really a fins figure of speech, bat not appropriate -for every principal or superintendent. Dak, if you wish to hold your own, you must spply for a oopyright The entertainment Saturday even ins; at the opera house given' by Misses Mas North and Mable Clark and assisted by Mrs, . H. Chambers, Miss Enor Clother and Mks Kittk Cowdery, wss well attended and highly appreciated. Miss North and Mks Clark gave three recitations each, besides a short pky en titled -a similar usee," wsicn com pletely captivated the aaxheaoe. Both the yoang ladies are fine elocutionists and tar ahead of many of the atsr ac tresses we hear. They are sure to have an interested audience wherever they amy be. Mks Clother's instrumental solo was of the highest order, and would do justice to many older. Mrs. Cham bers sang with Mks Cowdery ss ac companist, in her usual pleasing man ner; aha k always a favorite with Co Iambus aadjences. ia Ne braska. mile east of Columbus, 70 cultivation, 20 acres hay laad, 70 acVes good grass land. Down. dowa, to $25 per acre, Good terms. I am bound to selL D. Aroaasoir, 15jalt 8eth Omaha, Neb. V V SAP! SNAP!! SNAP!!! CaeaaesCTad, Beat Located Farm Onlyole acres unaer tT Aa H day i City CeaadL meetiag was held Fri st which ware present aad Coaacilmen Good- riag. Gray, Phillips aad Pollock. The atatemsnts of the city treasurer forthsaaoaths of April aad May were eabautted and referred to the committee Bilk ware allowed and warrants or dared drawn aa foQowa: 12 75 SSA V.W. av..... .............................. .. at, tw Bw vaaBiBaoa. avsyass. ate...... .... 22 75 TaaDffesC.;M.GsL,eoal 5 75 A. Heftus. llcaui LM45 All other bilk on file were referred to thw appropriate committees. Aaidewalk waa ordered on east aide of north 88 test, lot 1, block 85, and 1, block 85, along east aide of block 85. north 54 feet, lot 8, CoaaoSauin Bmttcher now took his sat at the council board. Bales were saspeaded, and an ordin ance passed providing for the necessary expenses and liabilities of the city the currea fiscal year. An ordinance requiring railroad 00m panies to keep all crossings and ap proaches in suitable and safe condition tor pablio travel over and across their tracks in the city, waa introduced, read a first and second time and referred to judiciary committee. A sidewalk ton feet wide was ordered laid from the alky at the post-office, asath to Twelfth street v Sidewalk west aide lot 6, block 3, Stevens addition, ordered repaired. Sidewalk north end lot 4, block 84, wast 1-3 lot 3, block 84 ordered rebuilt with new' stringers with suitable two inch decking aecurelp spiked thereto. Adjourned to Friday, July 17. District 44 aa Vielalty. v Thk weather k splendid for the well- drained orchard, and fruit trees are making a wonderful growth. L Gates of Richland passed here Wed nesday (last week) looking for a couple of young men who were traveling in an emigrant wagon and who camped in Richland Sunday night and started on the road early Monday morning after purloining a valuable tent belonging to Mr. G.; the men, as described, passed thk place about noon Monday going west, thus giving them a day and a half the start with very muddy roads ahead. A few chinch bugs in the wheat and also a few army worms in the fields are seen, nothing serious. Mr. Van Aktine, a Columbus stock buyer, was out here Wednesday. W. T. Rickly's best man, was out Thursday. L. Pittman and J. H. Drinnin each had hogs in Thursday. G. Engel was in Friday with hogs. Mrs. E. Sewell and children of Inde pendence, Kansas, came up Tuesday and are visiting with her mother, Mrs. H. L. Drinnin. O. McGann and O. Quinn have bought a new reaper and binder in partnership. M. Sbeedy has purchased a new mower and wheel rake for the hay harvest ,9110 continued high water in Lost Creek has undermined one of the twin bridges'near Brownor's, northeast of the1 city, which leaves it very unsafe for travel. Fred. Stenger has opened his part of the Turner road, and built a new fence on the south side. Weather Report. f Review of the weather near Genoa for the month of June, 1891. Mean temperature of the month.. M.70 72.77' 00 51 6 9 15 14 do month last year neratun on the 23d.... Iioweatdo,outb nth V AfSaa Qaa 9 AaUT uBgfB ! VaOttCUT QasXaw Baia fell darina portions of days Inches of raindariBC month a uoror same month last year us Prevailing winds SJ2. by E. Slight hail on the 15th. Foggy on the 16th. Thunder storms 1st, 9th, 12th. 15th, 16th, 26th. The observer calk attention to the oontrast between the month just past and the corresponding month of last year, though the mean temperature of the month k considerably lower the amount of rainfall k nearly double that of last year; the amount of sunshine k about one-third less and the number of thunder storms are one-halt more. AtMaaitea. u Qpsiiras, uohx, June 27. ,p-Manitou k to the people what barrel k to the flieson a bright day decidedly attractive. k an absence of flies and an in- flax of people at Manitou that k re freshing. These June days are of the leafy Jane that poets prate of cool mornings, warm enough at noontime to remind the outdoor wanderer that it k summer, and evenings full of moonlight and coolness. The walks, drives and traik about Manitou are so numerous that old timers of several seasons' experience find aome new beauties whenever they go out The country k a paradise for the lively young woman or the brawny young man who delights in exploring expedi-tkms.-fEx. Manitou k best reached via the Un ion Pacific. 8july4t Seal Estate Deals. For the week ending Jaly 13th, 1891. All deeda warranty unless otherwise shown. . Charles H.DavisaadwifetoC.A.Nw- m l a I t Kl.k at $ lSSjBf Joseph PWftaaic to Mary Peeaaaie, lotaaaaae,atoeama,q.e L. J. Cramer aad wife to Rater Beaaar, JraMaaVaadaH eeK.31.aa4w.... AadrtaaWarbaaadwifateNieBTaille. lot 7 and eH . bloek M. LockaePa add to Hamiilirej... Aag. Loekaer aad wife to Jacob KIpp. .M...F. " iW ............. .... Jacob Ripp sad wife to the pablie. plat of Bippa add to HampareyTaame baiasla sHaeK.rMB-lw...... HaghBasaeatoFrBakWoKaiak,Iot4t MartiB Bams aad wife to W. F. Di- loteS Grove add to Flatted nd hnahand f nflrm lota.bUcS.BUllard'aaaa . J. f. C Caldwell, aheraf, to W. A. Schroa. Sar, H BM4 smssw. saerUTs deed.. W. A. Hchroedst aad wife to L. O. Htocka. A. Btoeka aad K. M.8oear. eHaeJiSLltUw 11909 L C. N. E. A. ef U. 8. for International Convention Educational Association of the" Statealfhich wiU rBeeaat Toron- thk the TJBon Pacific will sell from all cannon stations tdVTor- onto st oae fare'fajr the round Vip, Pius tiOO Bmberehfee. Sea that yoar ticketaWead via the Ua km Pieific. Call 4a or write to meVparticmlars. J. B. MMAasma, 109t IgeatUaioa Pacific System. rSoerial a sugar summer There NatkmK United to,Cahada, lasertaat ClahMag we are piaaasd to awaoaaos to oar to readers that wa have atadaaiiaagaai ante with the publishers of the Nebraska Farmer, the leading live atock aad farm journal of the west, by which wa can offer it one year with Tsar Columbus Jocbvaxi aad the Nebraska Family Jour nal, all for $230, bat very little more than the price of one publication. Thk offer k good for renewals or new sub scribers. Let every oae who desires to take advantage of thk liberal offer do ao at once. Address, M.K.TuBHBBCa, Columbus, Neb. We will furnish Thx Joubxai The Nebraska Family Journal and the Week ly Inter-Oceaa, oae year, for $80, when paid in advance. Subscriptions received at any time. If yoa are not a sabserib ertoTHK JouBBAif dont'wait till yoar sabscription expires, bat psy as enough to make it one year in advance, and add the Inter-Oceaa, one of the greatest and best family newspapers in the world. - KetleetataeFaaue. DXMD. WIGOINS-Jalr 7th, of diphtheria, after aa illaeaa of oaa treeje. Floraaea Matcalf. daaehter etJohaaadBnmwkataa.- Flonaee was bora ia this eftr. Jaly Slat, MM. Tbefaaeraltook place from the waideace Wed- aeeday. Jaly 8th. a larse aaaberof yapathisl ias friaada of the family followiac the remains to their last raatiac place, ia the OMaetery.waera Rer. Elliott proaoaaoad appropriate words of Floraaoewaa a dear, bright, iateUisvat. lova ble siri,beloTed by all who knew her, a hnawa aow tiaaaplaated. from earth to the "Aa the aweet flowers that aetata the 1 Bat withers ia the rialac day Thaa lorely seemed the childhood's dawa; Thas swiftly fled her life away. Ere sia eoald blisht, or sorrow fade. Death timely came with frieadly care; The opeaiair bod to beATea coareyed Aad bade it bloom forerer there. She died to sia, aad all its woes. Bat for a moment felt the rod On lore's triamphaat wins she rose, To rest forever with her God!" "We loved her." B. 8. TzAoaxa axd Class. COLUMBUS MARKETS. sVarqaotatioBsof the markets areobtaiaed Tuesday afternoon, aad are correct aad reliable at thetlme. QBAUr.STC. 64 40 S 40 tssugaoo 10S12 12K ss Cora Oats AJO Floar...... Batter Potatoes... Fat hose... Fat cows... FatBheep... Fat steers.. J? CouPsB Hfllftlal ... raoDcoa. UVB STOCK. f40e425 S15MW10U S00K400 25475 $250JOO 12X4JI15 HBATB. Shoulders.. Bides gusintss Jtfites. Advertisements aader this head five cents a 1 1 linee Istocl iaeeach insertion. M.SCHILTZ makes boots aad shoes ia the best styles, aad aaea oalv the very beat stock that can be proearedia the market. 52-tf RBPORTOF )RIOI onaa Columbus State Bank, kCOLl JS. In the State y Nebraaka,lt the close of businim, June 30th291. Loans and dtseoaal 1 Overdrafts, secured L077 Other Doe from KmI Mtate. faraitara Checks and otw cash it Hills of otl Fractional nickels. and cents KM 4.7X60 Legal-tei .$19745 5 .$83,000 00 . 287 75 LIA Capital Uadivk paid ia. Iadividaal isabjeetto check ,j3U us 10.IUB17 4B380M 6,000 09 Demand Time certiacatos Motes and bills ttod, Total,. 7.US5S 8TATB or NKBaASKA, I Coaatyocnatte l jona maaaer. of the abov baak, do solemnly W meat ia tree to the tnlir. that the above j of mrknowl JOHH BTAC Babseribed aad swora day of rebroary, uwu H. F. J. HocKsmKaoKa, Notary robUc. LE6AL NOTICE. commissioner appointed to view apoathe practicability of locatias a oommeaeiasat or near the M line on the east aide of section at, town 1 east, at a potat oa ue norm osaa 01 duraaauut thence westerly aloaa said BBtileame iateraacte the section line uMrf mnA'wmtt. thmach said asctioa SL tbenoedae west oa said sectioa line to the Mtntar nf aeetioa S5. town 17. rSJUte 1 connecting with theMHaaey road' and kaowa anddestenated as the"Mitera road." has filed hia report ia thia ofltoe, favoring the loeaUoa aa above set forth. Ako, the same special oommissioaer appoint ed at same time to view aad report apoa the practicability of vacatiag all that part of the Colnmbas aad Colfax coaaty road coauaeaeiag at the east liaeof sectkm SS, towa 17, range 1 east, aad ruaniagtheaoe ia a aorthwesterly di rectioa to the center liae.ranniag aorth and aoath throagh aecttoa S5 of said township and range, has reported favorably to the vacatioa aa above set forth. . ..... Now all objections to either the location or TaeatioB as above described, or claims for dam ages ceased tliereby. meat healed ta the coanty ctek'sofaceoa or before aooa, September 15th, A- D. 181, or said kteatiaB aad vacation or either of them amy be made wfthoat tefmeaco lluiato Sated Cdambas, Kdu, Jaly . MM. r.. -i (. W. Pnuin, SBAUJ lSlalyt Coaaty Cleric TheSmdersigned has now mesed his dental oaks from lltffWlSth streWin the NorthVulding, Vherha am agafe prepared to eeWe all wao mayatronizo" XE7H.NACMAir. ItadSaLnaU aadftfixt secBoa 17.faase thaTsloBl r . w two a, aiaaesaaariaa SBAUJ I5jaly4 Coaaty Clerk. awlltlaa- SSSTnoticE jflSftttffls&L ToaUwhomitamyiyafaia: n JBScNfil The seeeial eoausiaafAer affamated to view tfeiaMm.ij JaVCOU ViMC aad report j thf rrinafimliaaft locatiag a K V&V Till rt in m iJ.aakr Mas aT meeiiam. BBSWWBBrvw -BBB V BWOpSb ICbetweeaVrtioaa Maaflu, iaak 18. range W- --aaaaagaavajWg 2VW. aad rnaaiagtlMmeeMaoaaBHi section TnT"j . fcU ' ItsBT TfF I t IiafToae aad ffoarth (lmHmffert con- CT " CISbbV JBaaSfct aaj-W with maTMPlatto Cfater ro& and VKL. LSSa nTmViaail iliaisaatcid as thn 7ainrT ri w ItEZaBB arSBJP . filed Bmjeport iamis oKce fataong Uaaloea- - - - - - WH J HWVXmT IW tioaasattTveaetforf,.. mT,mt as. IflfXa! tVVfijT MaameSme'toBSWanTre nflTaffU.il BT HK JDw oractieabilif vaeaamf all that part of the CALES. afT'l u BcalbTroieoaweBBaaT at the center of the YawaBBBErrBT nM 'Teeeaasofjai 19 aad 11. ia towa t Is faiaa, flamate gm 8MM uwlaatoTlriatleeettaufLa ' laTll biimIIh Im aVlimrtioa tn ithintiTTrrHrn rf 1 saaaLV ausaara. afaSFwal pabUe roadStalag aorUilad aoath betweea - Elm aactioaaJpHl47m towamraaa2weat,has IB1 . reporteBMT to thavadBJoa aa above set WW forth. aBBBB -V m at tUBaKfJSVJf,etiol flfi " Fiiii ait Fin Main. . vacatioa as i"deseribed,orlfclms for dam- tlasa aaiMBf amaa aaa iasf mimn dark's ofltee oarfja. before aooa Bagast 84th, 469 A. D. 1891. or the fjd location aadVwatioa or One door north of Baker's barn. ... either of them aaBBhe made witheat referaace tengem Mfl it.ium Dated Colnmbas.! Jam 1M891. a ST. PmuM " Miaae4 Coaaty Cterk. , Jgi aieaanTaT WATCH BABY .ammvaBTwal BkiMH aaaWLaZAaBKBl. ATrav I arTBV sna&risrsi&itt mikwifa& 3lfcSi?rf5SS liisail" -- "'- BaWdawafaaBVVa&aw AT l&mWtMtMmm jBjriMslmaaateiwjpoaalBle. 15JalyJt-p aBBBBaBwaBBUaSBBBV lllini!!SS.-!S'-5fS'fi!i mAjW s laMaaaja asjBaw CTr;r3iT aBBBBBanBW' g, , 1MVWI i. I atVaam-Vaam BBBlBBflmB H 9mmUimmm,mhmtmtMmAj -" I mm) BBWi slVllli I aiaiaatn. bThkn. I BBJBBB Waaaaaanvaaig.WasHity.a. Kitak.Taa4ra. I BSBBBB'aH T r . icyyayraymsma. tmii;., GUARANTF.F.l) fiOODS -XTafl aaamPMtl1flBBaWAaaBBlaaBjaM4flflMflV WaaMi SBBwataBB "Mai taBB BBaW I aV. rw fVff Tma TfllinH flj ?Bil 'Jmuimt AtVtZum " Wdy BOit lother heaaa. JlflT GUS Farm COLUMBUS, MONEY TO LOAM ON FABMSat loweat X)a?PLETKAB8TKACTS OF TITLE to Notary Pablie alwara ia oaten. Fana aad city property for aala. Make eollwtioaaof foreisa lafceri or aarope. SPEICE QmurmlAgeutftrtkmkf Star ila w laTaraBSWiteJ aad aatatsrofai. for aaaaaaaaaaiiillmii liti iataa ator. Wokaas aaaawaV ajrwaaaarsWe OOZ.TJMBUS, W.T. RICKLY 3Txeslx I Ssult evbst. , ttaltry, aai Frank Flfk. OliTt Stool, two Dears Narta p o Qtr,D, D CD P S tlJ Ors si Hi P o iv Am &s 09 ft pf 5 p P (D && LEGAL NOTIC Trt all vhnm it nuur concern: The Board or rMDervuors in Jam llwian. doclared the folI Hum nmBad as a nnhlie road, viz: at 8. K. corner or towa 19. and mnninir on sectioa (3) miles and term at northeast section 21. town 1. 4west,and to be "Alliance road." aad designated as the Now all objections or claims for dam- a " - - 1 filed in the oSce of hoase ia Colnmbas, the cobsh clerk at the a uavivin sbsi oa or beams aooa Ai U. 18SL or the ithoat reference aaidroadmaa.be thffmtn. Dsted I iilmiismii Hebu. Jane ,.1891. u. w. ixLXjru. 2tjaae4 . County Clerk. COLUMBUS Planing ill. We have just opened a new mill on M street, opposite rJchrosdera flouring mill anil are nre paredto do ALL KINDS OF WOOD WOltK. Sash. Doors. BVnnlaftna liiiaas Store Fronts, Counters, Stairs, Stair KailiHg, Balasters, Scroll Sawing, Taraiag, Planing, Etc UTAH orders promptly attended to. Call on or address, HUNTEMANN BROS., jallm Colambae, Nebraska. T. S. JAWORSKI, m GO BawaaTalha CO rraalnr eossion want soction sefaapn 33, theaceworth inSMna G. BECHER ft CO., and : City : Loans NEBRASKA. rates of lateteat. aheit ar teas Haw, la aU real eatataia Platte eoaaty. aad aell atoaaaais tickets to aU & NOKTH. ! Allliaiief of tke tint liHiMl Bg Q M S" (D o o W AND ANNOUNCEMENT or THK Cash Bargain Store. We have an arrangement with par tics in the east by which we receive a consignment of bargains every, week, picked up for cash at bankrupt and sheriff's sales for about one-half . their value, and we are offering these bargain lots to our customers with only our regular small per cent ad- , ded. Of course we can't duplicate them, but while they last you can get what you want at less than it cost to . make them. It will pay you to keep an eye on these special bargains. F. H. LAMB CX). GROCERIES t ALWAYS ON HAND A FULL AND NEW LIME OF OKOCE1UES WELL SELECTED. FRUITS! CANNED AND DRIED, OF ALL KINDS GUARANTEED TO BE OF BEST QUAIdTY. DRY GOODS ! A GOOD AND WELL SELECTED STOCK AL WAYS AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAP EST. ALSO BOOTS &SH0ES ! CT-THAT DEFY COMPETITION.! BUTTER ATD EGOS . Aad all kinds of eoaatry prodace takea ia trade aad all goods delivered free of caaraja to any part of the city. FLOTJE! KEEP ONLY THE BEST GRADES OF FLOUB 10.tr J. at- BvRBJflMBj9 THE SEED HOUSE! or lEIIal KMJICa I IM . Offer all kimb of Field Seeds at the loweat market price, sack aa RED CLOVER, TIMOTHY, ORCHARD, BLUE GRASS, RED TOP, HUNGARIAN, MILLET, and Choice - Seed - Corn. CARRIAGES 4mar4iu AA . mm fe Xm mJa I V JdM S. ym tur -l BMk mm k, bat ?" SIS br Uw Mm, 4 mum W on. BolkMx,a:l ayn. Imtmjfno Um wwk. au i. m. omt y "ef" nrnr -ck.r. Wa aurt . ftjraiaViaC MMkhc. EASILY. SKUtlLY hvML U all ...m. ti nm mMimMm wmmM 9mf Id r aBfaPfvaasTwaVKV wBaByaaaaBasaaaaaBBMr m aa v -v:4 . kiV. - J-w--t