SviV ' . i i ' 5P F2 "5 - " E. - i IN s i m i MEBBASKA. FAMILY : JOURNAL A Weekly Newspaper isned ererj Weinesday. 32 ftlmras f petdiig Batter. adstii-gtf Nebraska State Newi Items, Selected Stories aid Miscellanr. C-ample copies seat Ve to Bnbscriptioa prios, SI a yar, ! Idvtice. Address: M. K. Tvtatwm k Oa, Columbus, Platte Ocx. Nebt A. DTJSSELL, SKAXZB 6? K TUilPS REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. Olive St., nearly opposlta Post-sffloa. SjnncS-y LOUIS SCHREIBER. BlacMaiWapiiMer. AH kiln's tf Repairing deie n Skort Netice. Baggies, Wag tas, etc.. Bade to order, aid all work Guar anteed. Abo tell the world-fanons Walter A. Weod Mowers. Reapers, Combin ed Machines, Harvesters, and Self-binders the bast made. tWShop opposite the " Tattersall," on OIIto St.. COLUMBUS, 2C-ir Judicious Advertising Creates many a new business, Enlarges many an old business, Revives many a dull business, Rescues many a lost business, Saves many a failing business, Preserves many a large business. Secures success in any business. So Mr a man of business, and we add that Judicious advertising, for this section of country, includes THE JOURNAL As one of the mediums, because it is read by the beet people, those who know what they want ani? pay fom hat they get. We challenge comparison with any country paper in the world in this r. pect twenty years publishing by the same management, and never one dun to subscribers published in The Jocbnal. This, better than an thing else, shows the elass of people who read The Journal every week. tf GOSHEN FENCE MACHINE1 CHEAP. ONLY 15. Wore win aa4 slats, cut willows, split boards r aortal bine of the sort, nsed: after Doeta are set. feme can be made and stretched oa the groaad. ia the winter, by a boy or ordinary farm hand, M to M reds a day, and caa work it ever any Croud. The man who has one of these ma. caiaes osa baild a fence that ia mere durable and safe than any other, and make it at less cost. The Bsachiae aad a sample of its work caa be tea ia the city oa 11th street at Ernst Bchwars hardware store. Willsell racainse, or territory, or contract to pat ap fasces. laser J.R.MATHEWBOX. AbookoflMi The beet book for aa advertiser to oos salt, be be expert need or otherwise paBeraaaa estimate tardvcSalitg.Thea4vertleerbe aamA ana dollar. Sad la tttfce lav Maruirea,wkUeforhismwkewUl tea awjeOred thousand, dollars ia aeV esae u laoieatea wuea wiu reoulremeat, or earn at sbmU lelj wo jam, t aay address for Heta. Witt t GEO. F. lOWHi var w we l a oo. nwaPAFSK AD )TKEHUIW Sa..).Kew PATENTS 1"i ill nfT-'- Y-'' --" eat hiss as laHnetad for MODEBATl OUBOTF1CZ IB OPPOSITE U. B. 1 OFFICE. We have ao sab-agencies, all (.aeaeewe earn transact pateat LatUCSauoST taaa tfe dzawiacor cheto,witk We advise if patentable or mot. free of Bet ae tin pateat is secured. to Obtain Patents." with refer. teaetmal clients iayomr state, coaatyas seat free. Address rSttiiSSAKt wC Tfl$inHBW laifar Afwats Wawte.1 r Cncciaae tjSM Brmtav aaftty Bete 1 mrsafj away latiedee eamavi tag beys from I to Llsss en. reasaieaaaa J!M7J rstkttai riaaaaa m30'mmmK ssssBissssssiiaasiaaHlssssssssssssssM -ssflvjiiiWlV NEaEfArtR UHBrramg naaafalaa lists af WSSSSSBBsmBJ i THE BLAST, NOT THE MEANS. This I beheld, or dreamed it in a dream; There spread a cloud of dust along a plain. And underneath the cloud, or In it, raged A furious battle, and inenyeUed, and swords Shocked upon swords and shields. A prince t Wavered, then staggered backward, brmnwl by foes. A craven hung along the battle's edge And thought: "Had I a sword of keener steel That blue blade that the king's son bears 1 But this Blunt thing!" He snapped and flung it from his hand And lowering crept away and left the field. Then came the king's son, wounded aore bestead, . . . . And weaponless, and saw the broken sword Hilt buried In the dry and trodden sand. And ran and snatched it, and with battle shout Lilted afresh, he hewed his enemy down And saved a great cause that heroic day. Explaining-WliyTher la Less Deafness. A perceptible decrease In deafness has been noticed of late, which is partly ac counted for by those in position to know to the more general use of artificial means now perfected to a degree hitherto impossible. A very complete device of this kind was in vented in Bridgeport, Conn., a few years ago by H. C. Wales, which, being placed in side the ear, is worn with a secret delight by many whose deafness is thus never sus pected. McHale, the able Minnesota legislate! who was the father of the anti-tights bill, is said to be the most utterly crushed man in the United States, excepting, perhaps, Mr. Ingalls. The people of his state, of every sex and condition in life, have apparently conspired to make life a burden to him, and they have suc ceeded to a remarkable degree. He does not dare to tie his horse to a hitch ing pest but some fellows come along and incase the animal's legs in old trousers. When the girls meet him on the street they giggle. If he orders a meal in a restaurant the chicken's legs will be brought to him wrapped is paper. When Baby was sick, we gave hi Whea she was a Child, she cried f or Caetoria, When she became Kiss, she ehmg to Castoria, t ahs hid ChiMrea, she gave them Castoria Josiah Qcikct, the pompous demo cratic leader of Boston, not long since left the state house for the city hall, and was passing along a corridor of the lat ter edifice when two city laborers ob served him. "Who's that, Pat?" in quired one of them. "That? Why that's Josiah Quincy." "And who's Josiah Quincy?" "Mike, I never saw the likes o' you. Did ye never head o' young Josiah Quincy? Why, he's he's the grandson of the statue out in the yard there." The best cough medicine la Piso's Cure for Consumption. Sold everywhere. 25c. The Rev. Thomas James, who was born a slave at Cauajoharie, N. Y., in 180-1, died a few days ago. When he was 17 years old he was sold for a yoke of steers and a colt. In his youth he was called Tom and Jim, and he afterward united the two names and became the Bev. Thomas James. The Turkish Sultan's kitchen costs the empire $200,000 annually. The building extends 150 feet ofl every side. The dishes are scaled in the kitchen by no less a person than Osman Pasha, the hero of Plevna, and are unsealed in the Sultan's presence. Talk's cheap, but when it's backed up by a pledge of the Iiard cash of a financially re sponsible firm, or company, of world-wide reputation for fair and honorable dealing, it means business Now, there are scores of sarsaparillas and other blood purifiers, all cracked up to be the best, purest, most peculiar and wonderful, but bear in mind (for your own sake), there's only one guaranteed blood-purifier and remedy for torpid liver and all diseases that come from bad blood. That one standing solitary and alone sold on tried, is Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery. If it don't do good in skin, scalp and scrofulous diseases and pulmonary consumption is only lung-scrofula just let its makers Know and get your money back. Talk's cheap, but to back a poor medicine, or a common one, by selling it on trial, as "Golden Medical Discovery" is sold, would bankrupt the largest fortune. Talk's cheap, but only "Dis covery " is guaranteed SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. The snecesa of this Great Costa Cere k without a parallel in the history of medicme. All druggists are authorized to sell it oa a poa, hive guarantee, a test that so other care caa sac cessfully stand. That it may become kaowa, the Proprietors, at an enormous expense, are Discing a Sample Bottle Free into every home In the United States and Canada, Ifvoaaavt a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, fat it will care yoa. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and rebel is sure, it you areaa insx msaiou Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist foe SHILOH'S CURE, Price to cts., co cts. assl fl.oo. If your Langs are sore or Back laas aee SbHoh's Porous Plaster, Price 25 eta. AYER'S Sarsaparilla stand. at the head of all blood medicines). It Has Cured Others of boils, pimples, eczema, dyspepsia, sciatica, rheumatism, catarrh, and scrofula. If taken promptly, Will Cure You TirifsPHk fea'9sks,rsstetas)OTPelaea)d tLJBffloiM Mad icime. TOPICS OF THE TBIES. A CHOICE SELECTION OP IN- j TERESTINC ITEMS. Cosasaents aad Criticisms Based ITpo the Happening or Us Day-Historical susd News Note's, The cochineal insects famish a great many of the fine colors. Among tbem are the gorgeous carmine, the crimson, scarlet carmine, and pnrple lakes. A Japanese writer says that Dr. W. E. Griffis well-known work oa Japan, "The Mikado's Empire," is by far the best American -work on the subject. When the carpet has been soiled by ink, instantly apply blotting paper, then milk, then blotting paper, and so on until the Hoot is out, as it will be. Don't rub. The exquisite Prussian blue is made by fusing horses' hoofs and other reftue animal matter with impure potassium carbonate. This color was discovered accidentally The dust collected by a small patch of snow between Xov. 27 and Dec. 27 last iudicatei that 1000 tons of soot settles monthly on the 110 sqnare miles of London. The trustees of a Pennsylvania county school didn't have catarrh and didn't want it, and when the school ma'am wouldn't spell it -catar" they bounced her and got a teacher who would. Pennsylvania wants English as she is spoke. The first water mill ever built was erected on the River Tiber, at Borne, A. D. 50. Wind mills were in original use in the twelfth century. Tide mills were operated in Venice about 1708. Saw mills are said to have been in use at Augsberg, Germany, about .1332. The term "bine stocking" was orig inally used in Venice about the year 1400 to designate literary classes by colors. The application of the term to women originated with Miss Haunah More's description of the "Bine Stock ing Club" in her "Baa Bleu." To make an impermeable glue, soak ordinary glue in water until it softens, and remove it before it has lost its primitive form. After thi9, dissolve it in linseed oil over a slow fire until it is brought to the consistency of a jelly. This glue withstands water. A substance having all the essential qualities of silk has been made from wild hemp of Japan. The plant grows on moors and hillsides, and could be cultivated. The fiber is strong and glossy, and several silk factories are said to have found it to be in no way inferior to silk. Bells were invented byPanlinus, Bishop of Nola, in Campagnia, in or about the year 400. They were first nsed in France in 550, in Greece in 864, and in the churches of Europe in 900. In Switzerland they first appeared in 1020. The first tuneable set of bells kuown to England were used in Croy land Abbey, Lincolnshire, in 9ti0. SoFAnasthe hotels of Europe are concerned, not one in .fifty has a fire escape of any sort, and not one in a hundred burns lights to point out the stairways in the night The idea that any of them will ever bnrn up is the last thing to be considered. When one does, the guests are of course charged with "extras." The whaling schooner William A. Grozier, of Provincetown, carries one of the youngest sailors afloat the captain's son, aged 13 years, who is now making his seventh voyage whaling. He goes as assistant mate and navigator. He is regarded as a mascot both by owners and crew, as good luck has followed every trip. The first martyr to American liberty was Christopher Snider, 11 years old. On Feb. 22, 1770, a mob, principally boys, attacked the house of Mr Rich ardson in Boston, owing to his having attempted to remove certain marks set against the house of Lille, who had contravened the importation law. Richardson fired upon the mob, killing young Snider. Several lota of French paintings for the Berlin art exhibition arrived on the Berlin-German border on Feb. 28. The breaking out of the anti-German move ment in Paris had, however, so appalled the artists who sent them that all tele graphed to the custom house officials instructions to hold every consignment. A few days later orders were received that the pictures should be returned to Paris, and back they went. It is estimated that there are always 50,000 Americans in Italy, and that there are now ten times as many Ital ians in this country. Nearly all the Americans in Italy are well off, and nearly all the Italians who came to this country are in poverty. In most cases the Americans who go to Italy spend a few weeks or months there, while the Italians who come to the United States expect to stay here. The Americans in Italy spend their money; the Italians in the United States earn money. A new glass is said to have been in vented which is as Lard aud tough as cast iron. It is proposed to employ it in the manufacture of stairs, street lamp-posts, and gas and water pipes. If it can be nsed for the last named purpose, and thus do away with the dangerous lead nipe, it will be an acquisition, indeed. It is thought that these and similar articles can be made of this new glass 30 per cent cheaper than they can be made of cast-iron. An old crank named Conner, living in Iowa, tried to upset the last State election because he was too busy to go to the polls and vote. It cost him $800 in cash and a good deal of trouble, and the courts put a flea in his ear which made him lose fifteen pounds of flesh in ft day. At one of the steel works in Alle gheny City. Pa., there was recently rolled a strip of steel for a spring six inches wide, one-quarter of an inch thick and 310 feet long The order for it had been tendered to all the large English and Continental works, . but none of them wonld undertake the task. "I ah going to die!" exclaimed a de spondent youth, as he entered a Sac arsaento saloon not long. ago, "Give aaea glass of beer in which'to take this poison." The drink was handed to hint by the obliging barkeeper, who a mo ment afterward saw him sprinkle a small powder in it and drink it Two hours later the man died, having taken strychnine. The barkeeper, when in terrogated by the police, unfeelingly replied, "I' didn't think he meant what he said; but anyhow it isn't my funeral." The proportions of the human figure are six times the length of the rigfcl foot Whether the form is slender or plump, the rule holds good on the av erage. Any deviation from the. rule is a departure from the beauty of propor tion. It is claimed that the Greeks made all their statues according to this rule. The face, from the highest point of the forehead, where the hair begins, to the end of the chin, is one-tenth of the whole stature; the hand, from the wrist to middle finger, is also one-tenth of the total height From the crown to the nape of the neck is one-twelfth of the stature. "The music of the future," says a com poser of comio operas, "will be a blend ing of the German and Italian not one, but both. Harmony is what the public demands. We have not at pres ent any distinctive American music or school of music. The only distinctive school we have are the negro melodies, the great composer of which was Stephen Foster. These melodies em brace the 'Swanee River,' 'Old Folks at Home,' 'Gentle Annie' and other well-known tunes. Beyond these we have developed no seperate music. Our music, like our race, must be com posite." One of the properties sold by Phila delphia auctiosers is of considerable historic interest It is the house on Seveith street below market This has been known for many years as "The Jefferson House," and is said to be about one hundred years old, having been built by Jacb Hiltzheimer, who owned the corner house where the bank now stands and in which Jefferson drafted the declaration of independence, during the revolution. The present Jefierbon House occupies the site of a part of the garden of the corner house and was built after the English soldiers departed from the city. Captain Cauuie, of the British ship Wayfarer, which arrived in Oakland, Cal., a few days ago 54 days from Ant werp, reports a weird phenomenon on the night of Xov. 13. It had been blow ing for several days, but with nightfall the air became perfectly calm and the sea as smooth as glass. Overhead the sky was as black as ink from the dense masses of heavy clouds, and with the barometer at 28.50 a rainstorm was looked for. The expected downpour did not occur, but the sea glowed with a phosphorescence beyond anything the oldest mariner had ever seen. Tho ship's surroundings were lit up so that it was possible to read on deck. No body cared much for readiug, however; the contrast between the light from the sea and the inky clouds was so grue some that all hands could not help feel ing that some unnatural catastrophe was about to occur. The crew were much relieved when a breeze dissipated the clouds, and the phosphorescence was cleared at the same time. The largest apple-tree in New Eng land, according to the Boston Journal, is in the northwestern part of Cheshire, Ct, and it stands in the dooryard of Mr. Delos Hotchkisa, Its age can be traced to a family tradition to 140 years at least, and it may be twenty or twenty-five years older. It is now of symmetrical shape; the trunk is nearly round, without a scar or blemish; there are eight large branches; five of them have been in the habit of bearing one year, and the rumaining three the next Mr. Hotchkiss has gathered in one year from tbe five branches eighty five bushels of fruit, and his predecessor has harvested 110 bushels from the same five branches. By careful meas urement, the circumference of the trunk one foot above the ground, above all enlargements of the roots, is thir teen feet eight inches. The height of the tree is sixty feet, and the spred of the branches as the apples fall is 100 feet The fruit is rather small, sweet, and of moderate excellence. Macanlay'a Appearance. Although not an athlete Macaulay was active and high-spirited. He nsed to amuse himself at Cambridge and probably in later life with such sports as horn blowing uutil bis neighbors wished him far enough away. He was a good walker, aud that if it can be dignified by so pretentious a name, was his only bodily accomplishment Bide he never could, aud whea, as Cabinet Minister in attendance upon the Queen, he was informed that a horse was at his disposal he replied that if he were to ride it must be on an elephant In person he was not prepossessing. Mrs. Beecber Stowe, in "Sunny Mem ories of Foreign Lauds," describes him as short, stout, and commonplace in deed, thoroughly English, to quote her uncomplimentary language. Fat and rather ungainly, with a countenance in repose was singularly wanting in ani mation and intellect he might have been mistaken for an unlettered farmer; indeed, he was actually taken for "cholera doctor" so, at least, Mr. Gre ville informs us, with exquisite good taste and very scant courtesy to the fol lowers of Galen. That very accomplished gossip de scribes with some good humor his first interview with Macaulay and his con sternation when he discovered that the fat, silent man" at his side, who had lieen so badly absorbed getting through his dinner, was the' famous Thomas Babington Macaulay. The model in Mine. Tussaud's gallery is faithful enough, and is in no sense that of an im posing or particularly .handsome man. He dressed expensively, but with want of taste, and he looked more like a good-humored, country-bred tradesman of slender parts than a brilliant wit, distinguished statesman, and irrepressi ble talker. Talking, when he was in the humor, was his delight He would talk for hours, no matter who was present, and he rarely gave his hearers those brill iant occasional flashes of silence, as Sidney Smith humorously and felici tously called them. Gentleman's if ag ozine. A Week's Node. Theatrical Manager (hurriedly) Got anew play for next week. Scene laid in New York 1,000 years hence. Every body traveling around in flying ma chines. Stage Carpecter (bewildered) Well, sir? Manager I want you to make tha flying machines. Street & Smith's Good News. IS SHE SWIFT ENOUGH? THE CHARLESTON SAID TO BE AFTER A PRIVATEER. Hot la Farsait of tk Itata-Escape or the Vassal Places Cae'e Sam la a Peculiar PeetUoa Qaesttoa or Indemnity, a Uantttrh from Washington savs: The most pressing thing in state affairs now is the escape of the Itata. The pos ihiiifir that-this nan result in anv seri ous destruction of our relations with Chili Is remote, but tbe ever present specter of "Indemnity" is what scares the State Department "Indemnity" has become a hair-raising word in state circles. The Italians started it ana me hm f Mil Triav also hoist an emblem with indemnity emblazoned on it causes uneasiness. Ever since we maao ureac n.itin n S15.000.000 for vcrmittinK the Alabama to escape we have kept a weather eye keenly strainca upon every Cokini, emanir that mleht be susnected of wanting to carry a revolver to an enemy. Hence the first business 01 tue administration is to recapture the Itata. Tnctt-iictfnnx were sent to Admiral Mc- Cann, now at Valpara!so, to put to sea with the Baltimore ana i-ensacoia in or j. tn informant, tlin insuraent vessel. Similar instructions were sent to Ad miral Brown. The last report from mm was that he had left Caliao, Peru, with the San Francisco. His exact wherea bouts along the coast is not known. Orders have also been sent to the Charleston, now at San 'Francisco, to start in pursuit as soon as possible. This last dcos not amount to much, for t,a Ttnta. liaa fivR hundred miles and at least two days' start from any vessel that could sail from fcan t rancisco, ana :t ic dnnhtfiil if tho Charleston could catch her in en even race. If the ship is caught or intercepted it win oe oy one 01 Admiral McCann's vessels, though if the Charleston should catch her in one of the Mexican ports she could undoubted- V. 8. CKCISEB "CIIAnLESTON." ly fasten on to her and tow her back to San Diego. The actual status of the Itata is not that of a pirate, but an authorized ship upon tho seas. She has no flag, no clearance, no charter. Any ship of any nation can seize her, and if she resists she becomos at once a pirate. The position in which tho United States is placed by the escaping of tho Itata is a peculiar one, bearing in mind the forcible argument which Mr. Evarts and other able representatives of the United States laid before the tribunal at Geneva in respect to the escapo of the u29,"aftorvard tho rebel cruiser Alaba ma, upon which arguments Great Britain was mulcted in heavy damages. In that case it will bu remembered the suspected vessel got away before tho British au thorities had received suflicient in forii ation. as they claimed, to war rant them in seizing her. In the case of tho Itata tho vessel was abso lutely in the possession of tho United States Marsha!, and the responsibility for horesiape ean not Lo evaded. It may be a question between tho Depart ment of Justice and tho United States Marshal as to whether proper precau tions were taken to insure the dctension of tho vessel, but as between the United States and tho recognized Chilian Gov ernment should Baimaci-da be successful in the Internecine warfare now in pro gress, there can be no manner of dispute as to the complete liability of tho United States Government for whatever dam ages the Itata uncaptured may be able to inflict. There is quite a feverish all of expectancy round the Navy Depart ment as to the developements of the in cident, and many of the officers on shora are envying the opportunities which the Charleston and other cssels aro likely to have of brisk service atloat. The question of the right of the United States to tako the Itata on the high sea! is not altogether settled. The Slate De partment peoplo have searched theii authorities and have scrutinized the facts in the ca;e, aud are inclined tc doubt the right. The whole question arises from a dispute as to the charactet of the vessel. Were she a pirate, a ship in the service of an enemy to this country, and a vessel of American register engaged in act! in violation of treaty stipulations, th case would be a simple one But she is merely a Chilian vessel, engaged in the transportation of a suspected cargo, a cargo that may possibly be contraband in the light of the treaty, and there i! a very great risk involved. No on doubts the right of the United States to arrest the vessel in our waters for th purpose of examination, and her deten tion was in accordance with this belief. Bui now that she has landed the deputy marshal and sailed along on her business she may prove a hornet that will sting In after years In the matter of the international law Involved it would seem as though the State Department is not in entire accord with the rest of the administration, foi both Attorney General Miller and Secre tary Tracy lean to the belief that the vessel Itata is legitimate prey. A report has come from San Franciscc to the effect that Itichard Trumbull, a member of tho Chilian revolutionary Congress, has been arrested there. Nc knowledge of such an act has reached the Department of Justice. It is stated there that it would be an easy mattei for any one to cause the arrest of Trum bull on the charge of violating the neu trality laws. The marshal is bound to recognize an order to this effect con tained in an "information" or complaint sworn to by any citizen. In case thcr is a mistake and false an est, there i! redrcss only in the form of a suit at law against the informant Tho marshal ii not responsible. iSparks and Flashed. The way of tho whirled Round and round. Is no sense abroad Those who arc at home. How to make home sublime rut limi in your cellars. Thosk who wed are bound to bo happy For a while at least. Mioiit intellectual gifts not inaptly be termed presents of mind? The saddest woman on earth is the wife of the funny man. Scientists say the orango was orig inally a berry. In point of size some of those to be seen at tho present time might readily pass as such. Uaviso ascertained that an elevator is in charge of a regular attendant, it would seem absurd for the Insurance man to ask if it has a governor. Collars and cuffs Tho mother whs deems it advisable thus to discipline hex offspring. James Owes O'Cosnor lives on Storm avenue, Jersey City. Thero's also ' barn close by. Probably no physician, whoso um brella had been stolen, would hesitate to pronounce recovery doubtful. The freedom of tho press depends largely upon whether or not the old man is peeping through a crack in the parlor door. By. the way, a widow is an ax pressed freedom to marry again. A fashiosablb "sad gown" for Lent costs $150. No wonder Lent is so much dreaded by the gay world. A Bis Tark's Jastlee. Ahmed Vefyk Pacha, the Turkish scholar and statesman who died a few days ago, had been ambassador to Paris and grand vizier, and was the subject of many pleasant stories. It is related, for instance, that when he was governor of Broussa a rich man had judgment pronounced against him in favor of a poor man. The latter," owing to the bribes of the rich man, could not obtain execution, and complained to Ahmed Vefyk. After explaining his case, Ahmed saw the debtor riding up to the conak upon a beautiful Arab horse. He ordered the creditor to sit down, called a messenger, and whispered to him. The debtor entered the room and was surprised at tho exceptional cordiality of the pacha, who Invited him to sit down, to take coffee and to con verse. Presently when he rose to leave the pacha pressed him to remain, and kept him upward of an hour, until, in deed, a messenger entered tho room and placed a small bag on tho table before Ahmed. When the debtor next rose, Ahmed took tho bag from the table aud gave It to him, stating, "This is yours. You owed so much to this poor man. I havo sold your horse, paid him. and this Is the balance belonging to you." ; UhaBglas; Defeat to Victory. Tbefewnlus of Sheridan at Winchester changed defeat to victory. So when feeble adversaries In the shape of inefficient remedies fan to stay tbe progress of that obstinate and malignant foe, malaria, Hostetter'a Stomach Bitters tarns tbe tide drives tbe enemy back. Nothing in materia medico, or out of It, compares with this as an opponent of every form of malarial dis ease. Chills and fever, dumb ague, bilious re mittent, and ague cake It matters not one aad aU are extirpated by tbe Bitters. To take a coarse of the great preparative la advance of tbe malarial season is to bockle oa, as It were, an armor of proof which defies attack, 80 for tified, so protected, yoa shall be scatheless. Bemember, too, that the Bitters Is aa eradlcatoi of Uver complaint, constipation, rheumatism, kidney complaints, aad dyspepsia. The 100th anniversary of the birth of Mrs. Jennette Chisholm was celebrated at the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. William Allen, near Keokuk, the other day. The venerable lady was born In Inverness, Scotland, in 1791. When 13 years old sho came to Baltimore, the ocean voyage lasting thirteen weeks. From Baltimore she made the trip to Pittsburg by ox team, there being no railroads in those days. In 1860 she came to Iowa, where she has since re sided. Eighty-two years ago she was married, and of the union was born four children, all of whom are dead. Aside from grandchildren, the only surviving member of her immediate family is a sister living in Ohio. She is still hale and hearty and attends to her own room. Among her articles of furniture is her bridal bed, which sho still uses. The young emperor of Germany now has no less than three thrones. One is the old-fashioned affair of the days of the king of Prussia, another was fur nished for the occasion of tho Princess Victoria's wedding, and now a third appears, to be used only when his majesty appears as supremo head of tho United German Empire. This last one is created in the white hall of the German Schloss, and its canopy is of yellow silk and gold brocade, into which tho imperial eagle is beautifully woven. "Papa." said mamma, "bring" home a box ot Bull's Worm Candy." She meant Dr. Bull's Worm Destroyers, but then the chil dren call it candy and papa knew what she wonted. By mail. 23 cents. John D. Park. Cincinnati. Ohio. Ges. Lee and Wade Hampton were passing over the field in the battle of the Wilderness... They came to a narrow pass between woods, and Gen. Lee, noticed that the passes were well covered by the northern sharpshooters, who were doing effective work. "Hampton," said the commanding general, "I reckon you had better go 'round through the trees and meet me on the other side, as the fire of the sharpshooters is very .dangerous here." Of course Gen. Hampton said, "Gen. Lee, I guess if you can walk there I can follow you." . "A dibtt house and a scolding- wife are poor companions." SAPOLIO will cure the tlrst. and perhaps moderate the rancor of the latter. Try a cake. Vegetation in the Alps recedes downward from year to year. For merly Alpine roses grew at an altitude of 7,C0O feet. Now they are seldom found higher than 6,500 feet and aro at that height stunted. Beeches have gone down 1,200 feet. Various berries, which onco flourished 7,500 feet above sea level, do not grow in higher altitudes now than 5,800 feet. IN 1830 "Brown's Bronchial Troche1' were Introduced, and their success as a cure for Colds, Coughs, Asthma, and Broachltls baa been unparalleled. . Secretary Foster has no ambition 'to die in harness. It is said that he called his aides around him on taking the office and said to them: "You may do all tho work you want to; you may even work yourselves sick devising new duties and cares in fact, the harder your work tho better for me but I want it plainly understood that I don't intend to kill myself while I am here." Beecham's Nervous Ills. Pills core Bilious and Jessy Lisd, according to her mem oirs just published, disliked her career as a professional songstress very much. Writing to her father in 1842 she ex pressed the desire that God would save her from being obliged to sing on the stage. During her whole life there was a gradual increase of religious feeling, which doubtless induced her early re tirement from tho stage, although not through puritanical motives. F1T& An Fits stoppeff flee by DrJCUae's Great 5'erra Ranlorer. No Fits ftr first dara nue. Mar vellous cures. TrestiM aad S2J0O trial bottle (re to Fit cast. SaatoDr.aUiabaUAreaat.PaUa.Pa 5 ?JAClBSOI I TRAOC Rem EDY.Pi CuaxsPaoTLTJunFEaxASi3rn.T Iwabago, Beadache,Tootbache NEURALGIA, Son Throat; 8wlltafFreet-Mtes SCIATICA, Sprains, Braises. Boras, BcaMgi IK CMAILES A. V08ELEB CO., WMtn tmc Drrar ta awesa me acanixT fever, colds, MEASLES, CATARRH. AO. TTHI USE OPTNB INVISIBLE SOUND DISC mix. f mm laaja an imilm la tmrmiii W Ulm m Imam fail OTMIlnK. Faattlmljla- tiBa, miauMwciK LC.WAUa, vMkM. warn intm nam 11 Package mitn 1 gallott. DrUcistM. pvalt&f ul appeuilag. Said bj all drain. DcaaUrvirtcianBaaK and Carta acatltaa at aaj m aeadlsc tfcrfr addreaa la Taa C. K. HISXS CO, nilad FOLKS REMICED 15 to! IbavjOTnonthbrbarmleaaaactja , won 9 atArvina-. lo ineonvmiiaiiei gmil . for rirmlar. an .iratinioiitaia. Addisas !-. WJ.Srrora4!cVlclr'aTkwBW.CWeao.ia 'anil nn hajl itffaetm. StrietlvranSdantiaL WALLER- Be. TO See. A ROLL. p-write for samples. GEO. V. DRAKK. . oa 8L. cnicaso, w. EWE THE HOLY LAND, Bound tke World. Select partes. bsstUekatiag tadUttee.oceanUcktt. HjUAZBat OS.SSJBroadwax.S.V- (Est. ISM.) bm aroaSwsr. Kew York. CUr. nnrOaUH, HKR DISEASKS AHD THBW Kf TrasvtaaeattT A vsJasble Ulaatrstsd book of Basses seat tree, oa receiptor i osbmJo cover east es ssauug, eu. P.O. Box Hav PhUa, fa. B.CU.9. BUk WBSf-iHMaW CrOBSSSSSK MARK AIN wffiS!E BSwsll ft2 ntaUnfisfaggs ESAlStiirnlar- JEKBJS MTU ASD UBa OO- Iadlaa Mease XK "At the last legal execution In the Creek nation I was present," said Mr. Leo E. Bennett, the government agent for the five civilized tribes, the other day at Washington. "The details were very different from an execution in the army. There a squad is detailed, aad some of the guns are left unloaded, so nobody can tell who fires the fatal shot. At this last Creek execution the .con demned man was seated on the ground, with his back against a tree and his legs stretched out in front. He was not bound to the tree, nor were his hands tied. Just before the execution some one put a bandage over his eyes, but the prisoner tore it off and threw It away. Perhaps the strangest part of the pro ceedings was the selection or the execu tioners. That was left to the condemned man. lie was told to pick out the two men who he wanted to do the shooting. Strange to say, one of the selections was his cousin. Both men were from the Light Horse of the nation. The two men without any unnecessary delay walked out in front of the condemned man 12 or 15 feet, knelt down, leveled their revolvers, steadying the barrels with their left hand and fired. Both bullets struck the left breast over the heart and not more than an inch and a half apart. The man fell over on his side and in a few seconds was dead. Ac cording to the Creek law the third of fense of larceny is punishable with death. For the first offense the penalty is 50 lashes, and for the second it is 100 lashes on the bare back. If there is an attempt to carry out the death penalty again for larceny, I Intend to try the effect of habeas corpus In the federal court at Fort Smith. Shooting a man or an Indian for lareeny would come under the constitutional prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment. At least I shall see what Judge Porter thinks of the proposition. The last Creek execu tion occurred several years ago. A Creek woman was condemned to be shot not long since, but she was the chief. The Seminoles are the only other civilized Indians who shoot their condemned." ujesslag a Seal. In San Francisco a few days ago Sing Song, priest in a Chinese josshouse, was arrested on the charge of cruelty to ani mals. He was found on Washington street.wearing a square hat and a long robe. He was making a horrible noise by beating cymbals and ringing a bell. Near by he had a white duck in a tub of water with its legs tied together so that it could not swim. When asked what his performance meant, Song said that a Chinese woman had died In the house which he was in front of and he was trying to "joss" her soul into the body of the water fowl so that when it died its spirit would carry the woman's soul off to the flowery kingdom beyond. He was very indignant at being arrested. CHILDREN ENJOY The pleasant flavor, gentile action aitt soothing effects of Syrup of Figs, whea in need of a laxative, and if the father or mother bo costive or bilious the most grat ifying results follow Its use, so that it la the best family remedy known and every family should have a bottle. Fecnadlty of Fish. It is said that between 60,000,000,000 and 100,000,000,000 codfish are taken from the sea around the shores of New foundland every year. But even that quantity seems small when we consider that over 8,000,000 eggs have been found in the roe of a singlo cod. A herring of six or seven ounces in weight is pro vided with 30,000,000 ova. After mak ing all reasonable allowances for the the destruction of eggs and of the young, it has been calculated that in three years a single pair of herrings would produce 154,000,000. DB.. L. L. GORSUCH, Toledo. O., says: "I have practiced medicine for forty years, have never seen a preparation that I could prescribe with so much confidence of suc cess as I can Hall's Catarrh Cure." Sold by Druggists, 75c. Lived to Flgbt Another Day. A Japanese general who was supposed to have been killed in battle during a recent rebellion, and to whom a monu ment was erected, surprised his friends recently by appearing among them. It seems that ho fled at tho time of the battle and since been hiding. Doh'tvou want to taw money, clothes, time, labor, fuel and health? All these can be saved If you will try Dobbins Electric Soap. AVe say "try," knowing If you try it once, you will always uso it. "Luxubt, like wine, both stimulates' and weakens," Is tho conclusion of AI phonse Karr. Makes the Weak Strong Tbe war In which Hood's SersapsrlEs traUda op people la ran down or weakened stats of bealta eoaeloslTely proves tbe claim that this siedlclae oakes the weak strong." It does aot act like a sttaanlsat. lsaparttag ScttUoas strength from which there mast follow a resctloa of greater weakness than before, bat la the most natoxal war Hood's Ssxsapsrllla overcomes that tired feeUas. creates sa sppetlte. purines the blood, sad. la abort, gives great bodur. aerre. mental aad digestive strength. Hood's Sarsaparilla SoIdbysDdragglsst. ft: six for SB- Prepared onlr by a L HOOD A CO. LowelLafass. KX Dose On Dollar Before you buy two questions -warifr laamHV"arl Ki wiltratit iff HiDHfvvyi rhese quesHoriSSfcmay make you rich pur meywtn nevetpreveni- you from Duyimj eoM-c Its uses are many and so are Us friends; for where it is once used it is always used. To clean liouse without it is sheer folly, since it does the work twice as fast and twice as well. J.l. CASE TifflMIME CO, -MAJOJFACnjRERS OF- IRONSIDES AGITATORS, HORSE POWERS. SWINGING STACKERS, TREAD POWERS ail SAW FRAMES, SAW MILLS atf EWMS. Thej Are Far .Ahead of All Otkers ia Good Work aad Dtrasilitj. Catalagat ftJOL aT-XAxe this Kg every time yea write. Bjl aaaSOama Maa4. mfyT H CnrwwjiewanclMfAia. Pluaat and srfjaaKU wnw nS fj tale. Chfldrsn saha it wttfcosrt frfreSBT drwaiafrla. JJ . 9 BBBBBa-. rfftpftow , TwaefasTeiai aaa agwewja sai raaaaavaai sawaws a eaasssays awawa rawMWawnLswaawawawB "August Flower Tbem is Bctk Dyspepasim. mtt at Ifalofea-oa- the-Hodaogt, N. Y., named Captain A. G. Pares, who has written us a letter in which it is evident that he has made up his -mind coocerning some thiafs, and , this is what he says: " I have used your preparation ; called August Flower in my fiumly for seven or eight years. Itiscon r.taatly in my house, and we consider .t the best remedy for Indigestion, and Caostipatkm we IndlfrncrJon. have ever used or known. My wife is., troubled with Dyspepsia, and at times suffers very much after eating. The August Flower, however, re lieves the difficulty. My wife fre quently says to me when I am going to town, 'Weareout - Constipation of August Flower, . and! think yon had bettergetanother bottle.' I am also .' I am, I take one or. two tea-. spoonfuls before eating, tor a aay or two, and all trouble is removed." TheSoap that -."' Cleans .- Most is Lenox. EMCILmI MSTITITE. fcavCw-witawi .wo.aaw'faaaavsa sfejUAH, TOK THS TRTSTWraT OF AU. CJsTImc aAd Surgical Dtstasts. SURGICAL BRACES, APfUAKa FMalwwHTiaAaWTIwMfJl MUTmttm.A99mTntmmemin,mumi,tlm,mmm rcMlblTr feat t rr err Ana afaiia ra aastrkag MEMCAI. me BCKtilC AlaTatEATaUl i 2SO ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Memrd and Attendance. BtUAoeomodaibmelmWmt, tsrwniTE ran mce nrrr e wirinue 1J?'J.'!l.r2i:mSPw2H&Prt! "" aigarjx Tawijaa bivt. ibmotv m.jw, aisaal I mmmwm,mmmtmimwm.w KFKR AF nflawKM ASPECIALl-r. Book. vawwnvwwwa nnan.nmseaM.or womcaritfE. H tharelatelg addtd a Mno-fm department for- icon, em during confinement. (iTKICTsVT K1TATE.) talr aelsiMe Memcal toeUhrte awJaaf a Seeclalty el PRIVATE WSEASBeJ?".!: of yoothand manhood. All Blood iTMseaaes, lively aaat aeraaaaeatlir Cwr1. SyphlllUo Poison removed from the system wtthoat mercnrr. ttevr Restorative Treatment or Lots of VITAL POW CK.Partlesanable to visit us mar be treated at homa br correspondence. All communications nrnWilea tial. Medicines or la trnments eent by asaU or ex. press secTxrelr packed, no marks to indicate contents or sender. One personal interview preferred. Call aUUlVUtUI HBU(DCUUU1SW(7 Uijvur mi aeon ui puuu wispper, uur "StrviTi: yairi rMiMcniM" -fauns vate. Special or Nervous Diseases. Impotencr. SrpA His, Gleet sad Varicocele.wlth question list, Address CIMANSIlKALetSlllieALNsiTITITL st -- ---- - -" .-- - ininib awMnvna. wvwHVaVLaVVTl Upon Prl- L ' 98 ? LYE Powdered aad (MTCITID.) The ttronaest and street X.VS WUl 1 make the beef vet famed Hard Soap ta SSalaatea without boiling. XI for softeaatat wat cleansing waste-pipes, disinfect, tag sinks, closets, washing DOW ties, paints, trees, etc. rtlWL SALT HTG CI, Gen.Agta..Pbilv.Pa. lAStZSaWse Dr. te Oe"PerlodlearTinafoGa i -1--" i . ' j . .-- -- , Catta Saataa, ISR. " i ill lt n I MnnilaHMax T' mmlUj mmnmmmimmf. Sa., karate, ralktkl. Taay laSlhllr aaaaaatketakradariscprafnaBcy. Tttahag IliailMaa Wills S akh las an llakl. la !& ract raasJt U a. aranS saA fcrafalar iiaatniartn.. CopHctW aaaaUlyaaiaiaBa'iiai laiitl aa Mood aaaaaJat aa4 avn com.tnaOna. SSaii'"ar Sfar Sa. raraal!,laaIafaaaaU4aTlopa,oanaatptorarlaa. TtoJ caa nil Vs., w aolaaaMia aaa MjHj rrofrtaton. The gaaalas pill aU ay SEDGWICK a OKIjOcTO. aaa CUy, law, Wkaaaale aaaal mrnoN thb n ii J fflHtHif SIMKCIL fBaBB nfanWaaaSBi? a SSnWanWanWaWanwTTaSsnWanWanWawl c &RE0. BaffA aaWWASBa4sraaalaAauaaa VW SaflR3BWCW5R-SlCSatjS V, - i i r -l "V l M n si . T : t ". -r . - . . .- '.-! c . . - . '$ V ' - -t . ! :"-v--:- - nW MJ