The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 20, 1891, Image 3

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Columbus gout-tial.
Voas. Freight.
8:35 n.m. 3:15p.m.
8VJ " 35 -
S:l " 4:40 p.m.
lOiil " 7:10 "
... i 11.3 a.m. 10:10 "
Leav Columbns....
IVltw.htl ....
Arrive h! Lincoln...
The 4i.MnBT leaves Lincoln at 430 1. m., and
arrives at Columbus 7:01 p. m; the f reit-ht leave'olit tit 7:l.i a. in., and arrives at Columbus at
2 40 . in.
6 HOISM i:ht.
' Allmitii-.Kx. 11:4 a,
ooiNa west.
Pacific Ex lliW . in
Denver Ex.. .. -" p. in
Limited 5:SMp. in
East Mail ... 9flrtp. m
Fart Mail
CIJcko Ei.
Iiniited... .
Col. Local.
0. 1. Local
Yi& . in
A-Xh p. ra
7-JU a. m I Local Fr't ... 7:00 a. in
8i a. m I (1. 1. Local . o:i: p. in
u scof.N, coLOVBns asij siorx oiTr.
ty" Fae-euCeratiiv.! from Sioux City. ...lhl.ip. m
leavea t 4imuiiii iui uuivu. ..w,.. ...
arrives from Lincoln 5:20 p. ui
leave for Sioux City HtOa. m
Mixed leaves for Sioux City .'.3d a. in
niictM arrive - 10p. m
JiUed leatt-n for Norfolk 40 p. m
arrived from Norfolk 11:00a. in
l'nfenr leave
Mixed K-aves
Pasrencer arrives
Mixed arrive
. 2:1. p. Ei.
. 625 a. in.
. 12:40 . in.
8:30 p. ui.
Sorieia Rothes.
"Vaw-sll iirM uiider this headiu will
chfart'od at the rate of 1 a year.
- LEBANON LODGE No. 5.3. A. V. & A. M.
fv-lUKular meetings 3d Wetlnewdaj in each
jLjK month. All brt-Uiren invited to attend.
V C. !1. rtHPi-LON, W. M.
M. H. White. Sec'y. -JOiuly
W1LDEY LODGE No. 41. l.O.O.r.,
meets TueIy evening- oi cncii
week at their hall on 1 lurieeiiui
" Hlivet. Vittilim: brethreu cordially
invited. , , H.J.lliii"w.N.;.
li. A. MOFJ.I.FH. At'.v. -J.JanM-tf
HaiutM hold regular services ew-ry bunlay
61 2 p. in., praxer uieetinir on Wtdnid.i evening
bt their cliK.el1 corner or North t1 reel an.i Piscine
AwMiue. ASlan-cordially invitcl.
lijultf Elder II. J. Hbuson. President.
.ITUiitil further notice, all sulver-
tirjements tinder tliis head vvili lie ohartf-
.ed at the rate of live cents a line each
issue. We make this lower rate to con-
. form with the times.
Kutfs are up ami butter down.
Maliel Kuntzelman has the measles.
All kinds of vegetables at lliumius
Hen a.
Buy. the lads new suits at
A full line of Curtis Uro'
; mm1s at
Leo Gielen cut a severe gash in his
..wrist Sunday.
.. George IJaim is t receive a pension
of $12 a mouth.
Mr. Fuller tells usthat. there is some
imjuiry for land.
Mrs. Jj. C. Draper was under the
weather List week.
' -Chase & Sanborn's eoHVes only to lie
liud at Ifcisinussen's.
Old newsiiapers by the hundred, 2T
cents at tho Joiiisnai. office.
Everything new on the market is al
ways to lie found at ltasinnasen'a. 1
The finest baby biijniies in the city.
Call and see them. F. W. Herrick.
Dr. T. 1L Clark, successor to Dr.
Schug, Olive at. In office at nights.
Book, Toys, Pianos, Organs, Sewing
Machines. E. D.Fitzpatnck, 13tl rt.
A light rainfall Friday evening en
couraging the husbandman considera
bly. Kock salt and oil cake at Rasmus-
tens. x
There were three applicants for
teachers' certificates at the examination
Baptism by immersion attracted a
number of people to the Loup Sunday
Mrs. J. M. Goudring was taken sud
denly i last Friday night, but is much
better now.
John Miller has moved his goods
iuto the Becker building, west of Gris
wold A: Son.
I. Gluck
second story
has concluded to put a
his new brick block.
Good for him.
Sup't Cramer started yesterday
mornlmr to visit schools in the north
part of the county.
Judge Marshall and a jury are en
gaged on the case of Guy C. Barnum v
B. A' M. Railway Co.
D. B. Duffy, Schuyler, Neb., will do
your house-moving, in Kd shape and
at reasonable prices. Itf-cow
When in need of furniture of any
description, call on John Gisin, corner of
M and Eleventh streets. 1
Insure j'our property with North &
Chambers. They will place your iolicy
with tho best companies. :58tf
Farm loans on from one to five
years' time. Low interest and optional
payments. P. W. Henrich.
The Fish and Ice Co. sent 77 bass
and 3 pickerel from their lake Monday
to Kearney, to stock a pond.
' Shoats for 6ale. The undersigned
has thirty shoats for sale, weigh about
KM) lbs. each. John Plumb. 2
The celebrated Quick-Meal, and
Monarch gasoline stoves, the best in the
market. For sale by A. Boettcher. 4tf
Kasmnssen has strawberries every
Plymouth Rocks and Single-comb
White Leghorns of the finest strains.
Eggs for hatching $1.50 setting. IL P.
Coolidge. tf
. Be sure to renew your insurance
with North & Chambers. They will, in
all respects, deal fairly by you, and pro
tect'your interests. 38tf
E. H. Naunian of Oxford Junction,
Id? has located here in the dental
business. See his card elsewhere. He
comes highly recommended.
The ceneral order from G. A. K.
headquarters includes a request to all
ministers to preach memorial sermons
on the Sunday preceding decoration day.
We are mow showing tke
choicest lime of sample carpets
in the city. Call and see s.
Galley Bros.
. ChHdranCryfor
Pitcher's Caturla.
Rev. W. H. H. Pillsbury of Grand
Island preached two very excellent ser
mons Sunday last at the M. E. church,
this city.
Lee, infant 6on of Tom Daniel, has
been very low with bowel complaint the
past week, but under the skillful care of
Dr. Arnold, is improving.
M. Wntkins was thrown from his
horse Sunday. Although not seriously
hurt he was considerably shaken up, but
will soon be around again.
We learn from the Colfax connty
papers that F. J. Preiss's store at Leigh
was closed last week by the sheriff. Mr.
Preiss was hi the time in Omaha.
John TTise, one of the best men in
the connty, has been Rjioken of as a can
didate for county judge. John would
make a good one, and no mistake.
One of the finest-looking, large cows
(1:500 lira.) was standing in front of
Matty's last Thnrsday. He had bought
it of W. H. Lewis. It was part Jersey.
The next regular meeting of the
ladies' musicale will Ik with Mrs. J. G.
Reeder, next Monday evening. The last,
with Mrs. J. J. Sullivan, was well at
tended. For Harrison wagons and Com Hand
spring wagons and buggies, call on J. A.
Gu turner, opposite Dowty's drug store.
He is sure to satisfy you in prices and
quality. tf
We have just received our
spring stock of parasols and
sun umbrellas, the best line in
the city, at Galley Bros.
- House and lot, with good barn and
other out houses, for sale cheap for cash.
Smith's addition. Inquire at Arnold .t
Holder's real estate office or at The
Juukn'al office. 28jantf
- Miss M. E. McGath was tendered a
surprise party by her pupils last Friday
evening at the home of C. A. Woosley.
Tee-cream and cake were served, and a
wry enjoyable time reported.
Don't fail to call at the New York
Millinery Store and see the new goods.
We are glad to have you call and ex
amine our goods and see our prices.
Mrs. M. A. Russell & Daughter. 5-3t
- A man who lives near the "bottom"
suggests that the offensive places le
moved IxkHIv into the heart of the city
whence all can have the benefit that
would be carried on the breezes.
- W. B. Dale says he never saw such
a host of ieoplo in Omaha as were thero
Wednesday last to see the president.
From Tenth to Eighteenth a crowded
mass of humanity, packed like sardines
in a Ihix.
-(lothiuir! Cloth hi ir! (all
and see our new spring styles,
the largest stock in the city,
and the prices the lowest, at
Galley Bros.
The old settlers meet thiB afternoon
at Speice & North's office to effect a per
manent organization. Those who came
to Platte county before June 1, 1851, are
to le considered "old settlers," for the
purjioses of this organization.
We learn that the Woman's Relief
Corps of Baker Post, will be presented
with a handsome tlag, donations for the
purchaso of which were made by E. D.
Fitzpatrick $3, J. W. Judkins &!, J. P.
Becker SI, George Lehman SI.
William Knights and family came
here recently from Nemaha county. One
child is very sick with diphtheria, and
they have b tn quarantined in the south
ern part of ihe city. The authorities are
to be commended for their promptness
in this matter.
The Grand Pacific Hotel, corner of
Olive and Tenth streets, is now open for
the accommodation of the public, J. W.
Judkins, proprietor. The house has
been thoroughly overhauled and refitted,
and will be conducted in first-class style
in every respect. tf
I have just received some private
funds to loan upon improved farms for
three or five years, borrower to have
privilege of paying off from 3100 to $500
on loan at end of any year, thus reduc
ing principal and interest Call imme
diately. P. W. Henrich. 6-2-2t
Fred. Hauter has purchased Mr.
Thomas's stock of tonaorial materials
and with that and his own former stock
has removed to the Phillips building on
Eleventh street, recently occupied by
Mr. Fuller. This he will occupy until
Gluck's new brick block is completed,
when he will remove to the fine room
in it.
I herewith respectfully inform the
inhabitants of Columbus and vicinity
that I have taken charge of the office
heretofore occupied by Dr. Kempter,
where I am prepared to give careful at
tention to all operations in surgical and
mechanical dentistry, and will endeavor
to give satisfaction to all who may favor
me with their patronage. E. H. Nau
nian. D. D. S.
C. B. Whit mover was examined
Saturday for a first grade teacher's cer
tificate, by Connty Superintendent L. J.
Cramer. As Mr. W. is a talented young
man, industrious and ambitious, he suc
ceeded in his endeavor not very many
first grade certificates are applied for,
and it is quite an honor for a young man
or woman to be justly entitled to receive
such a certificate.
Mr. Gondring is not a member of
the city council's committee on printing;
this was a mistake of the writer's in last
week's Joubkal. In our very hasty
reading of the Telegram's bid we thought
Davis had so made it as to take in the
full rate for one publication in dairy and
weekly. In this it appears that we were
mistaken. It was two-thirds. If Davis
would come within one-third of the ex
act truth, even one-tenth of the time, he
might be partially excused in calling
other people liars once in five or six
The child of Mr. McKnight's af
flicted with diphtheria was buried yes
terday. It is but just to say that the
family moved to where they now are
without the knowledge of Mayor Ragatz
at all, and of course, without his direc
tion. No others of them are sick; the
funeral was private, and the family re
turned at once to the house, which has
been thoroughly disinfected since the
death. Everything has been done that
can be to prevent the spread of the dis
ease, since the knowledge of its presence
came to the mayor, and for this he is en
titled to the hearty thanks of all citizens.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Cattorla.
Miss Annie Hamer has been selected
to teach the primary department of the
second ward school, in place of Miss
Addie Ransdell, resigned. Miss Clara
Wheeler takes charge of the rural school
of the district near Mr. Heed's, where
Miss Hamer has -been teaching. We
suppose that MissBansdeH's resignation
was dne to the fact that she had been
censured by the board for a rather
severe chastisement of one of her pupils.
Outside of the matter of punishment
(and this, as far as we know, only in the
past two years), she has had an enviable
reputation as a teacher, and most cer
tainly deserved it well. It can no
donbt lie truthfully said, too, that hers
is not the only case of severe chastise
ment on the part of teachers of the city;
it may lie the only case where a com
plaint on the part of a parent has
reached the board, and an investigation
pressed. Parents are too loth to enter
complaint when the bounds of propriety
are overstepped, and, generally speak
ing, it is only when they keenly feel the
outrage that they will go to the board
of education. Even then, some prefer
(and as we have lieen informed) have
kept their children from school, rather
than have the worry and annoyance of
making a public matter of it.
We are in receipt of a copy of the
National City (Calif.) Record of May 7,
for which we are indebted to George B.
Smith. In looking over it we fine these
references to former Columbus friends:
"On Saturday, May 2d, the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Deford was the scene of a
very pleasant informal gathering. It
happened in the manuer of a bona fide
surprise on Mrs. Stenger, mother of Mrs.
Deford, in honor of her sixtieth birth
day. Between thirty and forty of her
neighbors and well-wishers dropped in
during the afternoon and evening, as
fancy or convenience dictated; all en
joying the animated conversation, as
well as the light refreshments which
Mrs. Deford had so deftly smuggled into
the house. Various presents also found
their way in, to remain as "loving wit
nesses," a constant reminder to Mrs.
Stenger of the many friends she has
made in National .City."
Lorenzo 1). Clark last week closed a
sale for seventy acres of land which will
bring to this county three wealthy fam
ilies from Helena, Montana. Before
leaving they made arrangements to plant
the whole seventy acres to lemons.
The same paper also contains an ac
count of nn interview with some of the
officers of the "Itata," the insurgent ves
sel from Chili.
The St. Paul Fire and Marine Ins.
Co. is now prepared to insure crops
against loss by hail through J. D. Stires,
agent. The honorable and prompt set
tlement of all losses by this company,
wherever it has accepted risks, with a
capital and surplus of nearly one and a
quarter million dollars and total assets
of nearly two millions are ample guar
antee that it will continue to deserve
your iatronage. It has paid losses in
Boone county alone the Kist two years
to the amount of $2,4G0.50 and given en
tire satisfaction. Every farmer can af
ford to insure, but few can afford to lose
this crop. Get a policy of J. D. Stires,
agent, office over State Bank, Columbus.
Suggestion is one of the most power
ful principles in human action, and out
of this comes the great value of com
panionship of every kind, association,
reading, etc. Suggestion, attention and
recollection of what you have seen,
heard, felt or read, then a will to shun
the evil and cling to the good, and here
comes the practical value of the news
paper. Casualties happen that with a
little more attention, or precaution of
some sort, might have been avoided and
precious lives saved. A record is made
of them, and the suggestions become
valuable beyond calculation, to hun
dreds and thousands of people.
Henry Ragatz & Co. began the re
moval of their large grocery stock at
three o'clock Monday morning, and hav
ing only a short distance to move and a
goodly number of helpers, the work was
comploted by eight o'clock, a. m., and
everything soon ready for businees again,
as usual. This firm has, by strict atten
tion to business, careful buying of stock
and fair treatment, gained favor with
their customers, and the handsome new
quarters shortly to be prepared for them,
will enable them to still more satisfacto
rily transact their increasing business.
Give them a call when in need of any
thing in their line.
In a letter from our old friend J. J.
Judd, he adds after the bustuesa part of
it: "We still live in the sunny south
(Luella, Ga.,) and think we will till this
fall; then will go for the north. I think
sometimes we will come to the old home
in Nebraska. I am disappointed in this
state; will have a short crop of fruit this
year; again the peach crop nearly a fail
ure; it has been very dry till now. We
had six weeks of dry weather, but cotton
and corn are looking good. Corn is
worth SI. 25 now, and Irish potatoes
$2.25 a bushel." Come back, there is
plenty of room and a very hearty wel
come. Hon. Guy C. Barnum, one of the old
settlers of Platte connty, a farmer, and
a man of far more than ordinary good
judgment, is spoken of for sheriff of
Platte count'. We have not learned
whether he is or is not the preferred
candidate of the alliance men of
this section of the county, but if
Mr. Barnum should determine to enter
the race for the nomination, he will make
it lively for some one.
F. A. Gatz and family came down
from O'Neill, Holt county, Friday, and
visited with relatives till Monday, re
turning home that day. Mr. G. has
prospered considerably in this world's
goods since he left Columbus. He is
engaged in the meat and ice business,
and just now, in addition? is erecting a
hotel, for rent. He thought Columbus
had improved a great deal since he was
here last.
The Platte connty politicians who
are figuring just now must not loose
sight of the fact that there is a man
among them who don't make much
noise, who hasn't feathered his own nest
by office, who has hosts of very warm
friends in the county, and who will,
when the time comes, be able to show
them as clean a pair of heels as there'll
be on the race track.
The following combination was con
sidered quite a puzzle by your fore
fathers, but the smallest boy in Miss
Bice's room would have little trouble in
reading it:
Stand Take 2' Taking
Throw My
R. H. Henry went to Omaha Monday.
Tom Cain of Genoa is in town this
W. E. Walton of Genoa was in town
Ed. Polley of Seward was visiting
here Friday.
Hon. Loran Clark of Albion Sundayed
in Columbus.
J. M. Macfarland of Omaha was in the
city Saturday.
Dr. R. A. Kempter left Friday for Al
ma, Wisconsin.
Hon. B. R. Cowdery or Lincoln is in
the city this week.
S. O. Raymond and George Turner
went to Fnllerton Friday.
Miss Addie Ransdell left Monday for
her home in Warnersville.
R. A. Taylor of Silver Creek was in
town Thnrsday on business.
G. W. Hnlst of Rapid City, a D., is
visiting relatives in the city.
J. W. Tanner of the Fullerton Post
was a Columbus visitor Saturday.
Willis E. Cook was in town Monday to
make final proof on his homestead.
John I. Paynter of Omaha has been
visiting with his daughter,. Mrs. O. L.
W. S. Howell, traveling agent for the
Chicago &. Milwaukee Railway was in
the city Monday.
Miss Clara Weaver, one of Platte
county's bright young lady teachers,
spent Sunday at home.
James Haney returned yesterday from
a trip into Greeley connty. He says the
country is dry up there.
W. H. Patterson of Guthrie Center,
Iowa, who is visiting friends at Creston,
was in the city Friday and gave us a
pleasant call.
Prof. P. W. Hess, principal of the pub
lic schools of Platte Center, was in the
city Saturday, and gave this office a
pleasant call on business.
Mrs. O. II. Archer left Sunday for
Carlton, Wyo., her future residence; she
will have good wishes of a host of friends
for the future welfare of herself and
C. E. Rickly and Fred. Hoyt, his
brother-in-law and partner, have sold
out their interests at Rushville and
were in the city last week, en route to
Utah, where they expect to locate.
T. C. Thurston, special executive agent
of the N. Y. Central Life Insurance Co.,
and Charles Bal lance, agent for Nebras
ka, were in the city Thursday. Mr.
Thurston is a cousin of John M., and
evidently has some of the family quali
ties of his illustrious kinsman.
Win. Terrell returned Thursday
from a sojourn of several monthB in the
west. He returned by way of Denver.
We learn from him that D. A. Lord is
looking well, also Dr. Elmer Sheets, the
latter of whom has sold his restaurant
and is practicing medicine exclusively
now; Joe. Elliott has made some suc
cessful deals in real estate recently;
Lute Jewell is a detective; Wra. Rout
son, who had been in the mountains
with a mining company, has returned to
Denver and is in the laundry business;
Alvin Coan is conductor on a cable car
line; Marshall Smith has' sold his gro
cery, and is now a soliciting agent;
Frank Smith, who owns a farm in Cal
ifornia, had recently written for Mrs.
Drake, to take care of his wife, who six
weeks ago was very ill; Byron Millett is
located at Portland and has recently in
vested in some lots in Olympia. Of
former Columbus people at Tacouut, he
mentions M. H. White and George Wan
del as in partnership, having two har
ness stores, both doing a good business,
and Dave Mowery is helping Wandel in
one of them; Dr. Schug has a clerical
position in a treasurer's office, and is
also practicing medicine, and getting
along nicely; Ed. Palm, a former car
penter here lives there; also the Wal
graf brothers, formerly in business here,
John is foreman for a company engaged
in erecting buildings and is doing very
well; at La Connor, a town of about five
hundred inhabitants, they have an en
terprising community, some general
merchandise stores carrying stocks of
thirty to fifty thousand dollars, and one
of their chief business men is reputed to
be worth half a million. Maynard Hurd
is located here, and though a young
lawyer, he gaiued notoriety almost im
mediately upon his arrival by the man
ner in which he conducted a case in
court, and has been by his own energy
and ability, steadily gaining in prestige
and business ever since; Mrs. Annie
Paulsen (nee Lnth) lives here, married
about six weeks ago to Mr. Nela Paul
sen, a good business man of the city;
Miss Mary Brownlow, a former teacher
in this county, also lives at La Connor.
Asa Clotber is at Mt. Vernon, Washing
ton, where he has a brother, Henry, a
prominent citizen. Mr. Terrell thinks
it a great country around the sound, but
too wet for him; as near as he could
learn it is about nine months of the
twelve wet, raining or drizzling or
cloudy and getting ready to rain, and
the other three months summer; it has
the finest timber he ever saw it is not
an uncommon thing to have trees that
will furnish a piece of timber a hundred
feet long and twenty inches square; it is
too cold to grow corn, or vegetables so
tender as cucumbers; the breezes off the
ocean are cool, and striking the moun
tains the moisture is precipitated in rain;
at La Connor the rainfall is sixty-eight
inches a year, and at some other places
on the sound much more. That is an
agricultural country. On many pieces
of land they have raised 100 to 150
bushels of oats, for which last year they
received 65 cents a bushel. Such land
is worth $100 to $300 an acre. Near
Tacoma and Seattle there are a good
many hop fields, and that product is re
garded as profitable.
The alliance and the democratic
elements are beginning to form tickets
for the coming campaign, but we haven't
heard of any republican slate as yet,
We think we can see indications, here,
there and yonder, that there are some
democrats and some so-called alliance
men, probable candidates, that are
pretty "thick" for political opponents
having separate, distinct, different and
inharmonious objects. It has not been
a very uncommon thing in Platte county
politics to see men of differing political
creeds "work" their several parties for
their own individual benefit It nay be
don tbia year. It is being don today.
Joka DMea Satariay.
The great dialect comedian is to be
here next Saturday evening, May 23. ,
Everybody has heard of him, but not
many Columbus or Platte county people
have seen him. If yon dont bear htm,
you will miss a rare treat.
An excursion train will be run between
Humphrey and Columbus, reaching here
a half hour before the entertainment
opens and leaving a half hoar after it
closes, at one and one-third regular fare
one way, for the round trip, from the
several stations, leaving Humphrey at
6:45 p. m., Platte Center 7:10, Oconee
7:25, arriving in Columbus 7:45.
The play Wanted the Earth, needs to
be seen as rendered by Dillon as the star
performer, to be appreciated.
Am te SMrwalkn, Etc.
A little paragraph in last week's
Journal has roused two men to the ex
pression of at least a portion of their
Ed. Journal, Dear Sir; "Enclosed
clipping from a Columbus paper, please
hand to the very witty writer of the
rather slanderous little article in your
last Journal, regarding my sidewalk,
and ask him to put this in his pipe, and
smoke it.
By the way, I regard these everlasting
broken wooden walks as a nuisance and
my cinder walk far superior to any of
them. True, it costs me already a trifle
more than a wooden one would, and will
cost me more yet before it is quite
finished, but then it will alwajB be in
good repair, accidents as the one men
tioned in the clipping will be impossible
and the walk will look neater than the
common ones."
Very respectfully yours,
Lropolu Jooi.
"Little Eva Loshbangh while walk
ing along on south Olive street yester
day caught her foot in a break in the
walk and nearly broke it. The Telegram
has repeatedly mentioned the subject of
defective sidewalks but it seems that
there are still many that need repairing
and all such should be attended to at
once, before some one has cause to bring
a suit for damages on account of a
broken leg or arm."
Number Two.
Ed. Journal: I want to say that I
never was instructed to put down a
board sidewalk. If they want a better
sidewalk let them say so. I think mine
is lietter than the sidewalk in block 96,
built by the city, and also in lietter
shape for people who use sidewalks than
the same walk further along up town
near your own office, where there is a
pair of scales and an electric light pole.
My walk is up to grade, but I want to
put a little more onto it, so that when
thoroughly packed it will be just right.
Some people can see some things, but
can't see others. Do yon know that
there is a place in the city where a por
tion of the street is planted to trees and
another portion of it used as a potato
patch? One man, laughing, wants to
know if Uncle John Elliott, street com
missioner, is to have a share in those
Wm. Dietrich.
The Journal is very sorry to think
that either of these men should take the
least umbrage at what was said. The
Journal has a cement sidewalk which
cost about three times what a plank one
wonld have cost, but is practically per
petual, so far as wear is concerned.
Even in our poverty, we would be
strongly inclined to do the same thing
again, especially if we had another busi
ness house to provide for. We much
prefer the solid sidewalk, even for resi
dence property, where it is to be placed
permanently, and don't cost too much.
In conclusion, gentlemen, one of you
(Mr. Jaeggi), has given us some infor
mation (mental pabulum), which by
feeding upon (thinking over), people
generally can profit thereby, and the
city have better sidewalks in every re
spect than boards. The Journal is al
ways in favor of new-fangled things
when they sre clearly an improvement
upon the old-fangled.
Memorial Pay.
Saturday, May 30th, is Memorial Day
for this year.
Baker Post No. 9 has been making
preparations for the occasion, and has
been ably seconded by the Women's
Relief Corps, who for the first time take
part here, in the services.
The full program has not yet been
completed, but will be announced in our
next issue.
The Post, with W. R. C, Sons and
Daughters of Veterans, and all old sol
diers of the late war, will meet at G. A.
R. hall at 1 o'clock and proceed to the
opera house where the exercises will be
held, Col. M. Whitmoyer delivering an
oration; Mrs. O. D. Butler, an essay upon
the services, sacrifices and heroism of
the women in the late war; tribute to
the unknown dead by RL Rossiter;
songs and recitations provided by the
Weknow that Baker Post would lie
exceedingly well pleased if the hundreds
of soldiers in this section of the state
could be present and participate.
TliMA anil the nuhlic ironerallv are
v wvi;fillv invitjwl in atTAml
""' """ ""
Platte county politicians must con-
sider that the campaign immediately in
fpnnt will linva oavapal nnnililinna tVtltttr.
ent from any of its predecessors, and
the elements are now at work on plans,
Right here is where the great body of
the people have missed it, time and
again. They let the other fellows, the
schemers, do all the planning, and when
the conventions open everything is cut,
dried and ready to kindle, and, generally
speaking, the feast goes on without ques
tion. The proper thing is to do some
planning yourself. Consider whether
yon desire such and such a man for this
or that office, and if you do not, select a
man you believe to be good and availa
ble, and seek to have him nominated.
If you can, possibly, upset the plans of
those you know that work against the
public interest. Do some planning your-
C. I. S. C. Program.
The Chautauqua Literary and Scien
tific Circle meets with Mr. V. H. Weaver
Tuesday evening, May 26th, 1891, with
the following program for the evening:
Boll call Responded to by answers
to questions in the Question Table, the
"Stars of Man."
Walks and Talks in the Geological
Fields, chapters xxxvi-xxxix Miss Ella
Classic French coarse in English,
chapters xiv-xv H. Hockenberger.
Beading Rhetorical style of French
and English V. H. Weaver.
Music Mrs. Hockenberger and Miss
Fannie Geer.
Bring your job printing to Thk
Jotjbjux. oSce. We have excellent ma
terial, nice type to do work with, and
the beat of new, job presses. Work dona
Seal Estate Deals.
For the week ending May 18th, 1891.
All deeds warranty unless otherwise
G. tttouer and wife to Union Cemetery
Ana'n,2i tcmiBwUcor.Mi 90lUUw $ 75 Oil
E. T. Umhaat and wife to C. W. Njhoff,
1 acre ia swj aw4 bw lacSO-le 230 00
T. D. Robinnoa and wife to John Solli-
van, tract of land 12xS3 ft in eefi
neii 2I-3WW 43 00
Jacob Kiiip and wife to H. J. Breanift.
4ft lot 4 and w22 ft lot 5. blk I.
Humphrey 525 CO
Frank A. Heeaaa and wife to I. Ulnck,
lot 2. Mk 128 350 00
Charlea A. Speice and wife to J. H.
Hamilton. 'A awU 12-20-le 1200 00
C. E. Early to T.Brady and D.H. Smith.
eVJ lot 7, blk 85 1720 00
Wilhelm EnaelKart and wife to Henry
Barjenbttch, wi ae!4 3-19-le. subject
to$.VK)mort lttOO 00
Pioneer Town Site Co. to G. H. Beyer,
lot 7, blk8,Creatoa 100 00
U. P. lty Co. to John Huer. wK ae4
vlflPalY vWi' W
Same to J. Chmialeki. H ew? 31-17-lw 4W s-s
Same to P. C. Inaelmann, tw! ne? and
seU nw Ji and nwU tU, 21-MUe 800 CO
Columbea Maennerchor to John Graf,
lot 19. blk A, Columbia Sq 13000
C. H. Sheldon and wife to Conjcrtw
tional church, lotH 4 and 5,blk5S.... 1150 00
Julia Leonhart, widow, to J. (. Phil
lips, lot 1. blk 205 200 00
Poter J. Schacher to Joseph Giladorf,
Iota 3 and 4, blk 9, Lockner'e add to
Humphrey 500 00
Columbus Maennerchor to L. Schwarc,
lot IS, blk A, Columbus 8q 150 U)
Memorial Services.
Headquarters Baker Post No. 9, )
Dep't ov Neb O. A. It,
Columbus, Neb., May 19th, 1891. )
General Order No. 1.
In accordance with General Order No.
22, from National Headquarters, and
General Order No. 4, Dep't of Nebraska,
members of Baker Post No. 9, will as
semble at G. A. R. hall, at 10 o'clock
a. tn., sharp, Sunday, May 24; also the
ladies of the Woman's Relief Corps and
the Sons and Daughters of veterans,
who will march to the Presbyterian
church to attend divine worship, which
will be conducted by Rev. O. A. Elliott,
pastor. All old soldiers of the late war
are most cordially and earnestly invited
to join us at cur hall and participate in
the service.
H. T. Spoeury,
M. K. Turner, Commander.
From the Looking Olaan.J
Joseph Webster is on the sick list.
Miss Theo. McKay of Oconee is quite
sick with the rheumatism.
The print of this office took a year
ling steer out of the railroad bridge,
west of town, on last Tuesday evening,
thereby saving a wreck and a calf from
The prohibition state central commit
tee are making a county campaign.
They send Hon. George Scott to Monroe,
on May 25th, accompanied by the noted
singers. This will be one of the oppor
tunities of a lifetime to many, as these
singers will not lie likely to come this
way again.
Important Clanking Announcement.
We are pleased to announce to our
readers that we have made arrangements
with the publishers of the Nebraska
Farmer, the leading live stock and farm
journal of tho west, by which wo can
offer it one year with The Columbus
Journal and the Nebraska Family Jour
nal, all for $2.80, but very little more
than the price of one publication. This
offer is good for renewals or new sub
scribers. Let every one who desires to
take advantage of this lilieral offer do so
at once. Address,
M. K. Turner & Co.,
Columbus, Neb.
The city council and all concerned
are to be much commended for grading
on Olive street where it dips into the
valley, and southward. If the neigh
borhood can lie relieved of the standing
water that has usually been there in the
summer, the air will be much purer than
it has been wont to be.
(Ourquotationaof the markets areobtained
Tuesday afternoon, and are correct and reliable
at thetime.
Fat hogs....
Fat sheep
Fat steers...
f vVUVlB
Haxub..- ....
Hhoolden ...
f 2 503 00
126 W
. 10U61-J5
3 504 00
I200M3 00
3 255U)
fastness jQfititts.
Advertisements under this head five cento a
line each insertion.
WM.SCHILTZ make boots and shoes in the
best styles, and uses only the very best
etockthatcan be procured in the market. 52-tf
lumuuy (M
trees UI UHlbBB
thirty feet In diameter will be soli
and cut off thirty feot from tho grc
Tho trunk will then be sawed into
tlons and ihe outside pieces only sc
Chicago. On arrival at the exhib
8 v'1'
Jnt jt
t the
4k. .!... ...Ill Ka ..' nnUn un
Jung j
Ilsas -
Q the
L tne
the who represents a syndicate of tnl
capitalists, has been endeavoring to
suade the canners or caliiornla to
bine. As a result of his labors, tho
fornia Fruit Canning Company has
incorporated with a capital stoc
$2,000,000. Tho new company
ande last
about two-thirds of the canneries of
Dts and Dashev
Three kinds of vegetables to
unripe, overripe and decayed.
Ix tho lottery mandamus caso the
isiana Supreme Court has refused
id all
Masv thousand dollars1 worth of
were annihilated by a heavy hail !
in Texas.
There is a big gold excitement
Springfield, O. The work of sink!
roads I
Land OSce at Grand Island. Neb., i
April 10th. lSJttl.
Notice is hereby Riven that the followinit
named settler has Sled notice of his intention to
make final proof ia snpport of his claim, ami
that said proof will be made before the clerk of
the district court, at Colambns, Neb., on May
SUth. 1891. viz: Johann Hermann Naber, Home
Stead No. 18288, for the E. M S. E. of section
30. township 1 north, of rane least
He names the foUowiac witnesses to prove his
and Edwin Ahrens. of Colnrabns. Neb.
Fbamxun Swmxr,
22apr8 Register.
Land OBce at Grand Island. Neb., )
April 21st, 18M. )
Notice is hereby given that the followinK
naaiedasttler has Bled notice of his intention to
make Snal proof ia snpport of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the clerk of
the district court, at Colambns, Neb., on June
8th, UN, vis: Kortneir Boris, Homestead No.
sft7SS.for the N. W 8. W. i of mwUob 2, town
ship IS north, of rane 2 west.
He names the foUowiac witnesses to prove his
continnoaa rssirisnnr npon and cultivation of,
said land, vis: Joseph Sobas, Joseph Opieln and
Frank Balk, of Duncan, Neb., and Stanialaaa
UU JJICVta Kill UV IUk kvgcwci, JU , . ., -
the outside pjrtion will show just, worth 10 to loc.
did In the forest. It ia proposed to Ji() dozen bath towels at 10c, worth
it In tho center of the rotunda of
eminent Building. Tho interior o 'e
tree will be deooratod with cones, I Ve mve added a nice line of shoes,
and other attachments of the tre . . . . . ...
vided into rooma and tho whole ! shirts and pants that it will pu u
illuminated with electric lights. to see.
Catania of Caauloz Companies We are cloaillg out our baby coach
For the last few months H. Frames at less than cost to make.
MONKY TO LOAN ON FARMS at lowest rates
to suit applicant.
Notary Public always in office.
Farm and city property for ealo.
Make collections of foreign inheritances and
of Europe.
General Agents for the soft of
n.iMi wm mi ntm d Faring B. R. f a nan
- ! .aanal n.wnMatm tA
7yr.VZriir.t.i".Zlt..t ..-..Tr..!
vi m w-n !- -,..-.;--.
1 residence lots in Ute cj. we neap
Ptatt County.
flue, FMltrj, ! Fresh Fiifc. All Kifa f Savag aSpcialty.
HTCaalt paid for Hides, Pelts. Tallow. Bishtw. marled trtonvtvM for fM mMIi. " .
Olive Street, twe Deers forth ef the Fint Hfttfeaal tak.
M s 111 g
ffS- era 5 aft? 33 r
Hi i oil ESH
U 2 C aaiaZ 0 M Tf
ef gS. gd 3. W .2
3 S.ST o $&
Cash Bargain Store.
We have an arrangement with par
ties in the east by which we receive a
consignment, of bargains every week,
picked up lr cash at bankrupt
mil sWrifl".- sales for about one-half
their value, am! we are ottering these
bargain lots to our customers with
only our regular small jkt cent al
lerf. Of course we can't duplicate
them, but while they last you can get
what yon want at less than it cost to
make theui.
We have now on sale one lot of l."0
dozen hose in solid colors aud fancy
stripes at Jic, worth 10 to lfe.
100 dozen handkerchiefs at 'Jc,
worth 10c.
100 ross dre?s buttons
F. II. LAMB & t'O.
iTo all whom it may concern:
I Tim Rnecial comiDisoioner ninoiiit-d to view
COulrtajMi report upon tSie feasibility of vmiitint; that
part oi a uiim: road coininencing in me . r
corner of ectioii 17, towu lt. rnuKe.4 wel,aad
ranuinic thence in n -MUiUiweoterly direct ioo.uud
terminating st the southwest corner of N. W. It
of section 20. towu lit. ranxe 4 mt. and known
av4aud designated a a art fit the "Madinou and
rhwver road, tuts performed Hint iiuiy ana meo
his reMrt in this office, fnvorintc the vacation ax
above set forth.
I Now all objections thereto, or rlniin.t for dam
axes i-nUMtl by the vucntion thereof, must he tiled
in the county clerk's office on or before noon.
4 June 21. A. D. lH.or the said vacation may lie
made witlioiic further reterence inereio.
Dated Columbus, Nvb., April 21. IS1.
(!. V. Philum.
iiaprlt County Clerk.
Sense. SO jn I t!nc mU by Jobn X.
Goodwin,'! roy.N.Y.,at tfik fur lift. ltaJar,
ywa ma nut luaka a miuh, Lut mm fan
ffraib y.Mi quickly Ihw torara froneSlo
S I a tay at f h Mail, vim! mora at joa go
.n. Uvt'h ie. all a?r. In mmy art ti
.nirHa.tu can cr.niiunc at nooe. at
iuff all jour tiiua,Ar aara tuointnta omI. to
Um vf k. All ia naar. Great y ScKk I-1
etarv worker, tl Mart you. furnUbing
rtuinr- EASILY, B-ttlILrUari..l.
fAltrlCtLAIM iUtfc. AdrfrMaatou-a,
briMua tw., ramus, bauc
Offer nil kinds of Field Seeds at the lowest
market price, such as
iGhoiM - SUed - Corn.
City : Loans
of interest, on short or long time, in am
real estate in Platte county.
sell steamship tickets te
from nil pa
rVw lis at
aalfc BBwrhaasfSv
andonraasnnahls . AW
f.-Mu tnm nriri don rasinnshls
.- a-j- .- - .... ..i,
n compiew a-inum mm. a
l.nn.1 Office at 1 5 rami Inland. Nvb.,
April 7th. 1hI.
Notice i lifrehy xiven that the followinir
nauit'd m-ttler has bled notico of his intention to
make final pnir in Mipi-Ort of his claim, and
that Mid proof will la- inaile before the clerk of
the litrict court at Coliiiuldist. Neli..on May 3d.
liCJl. viz: John Cornick, Homestead No. WJWi,
for the K. i i 8. W. ! ami W. lJ M. K- U of section
Si, towuMhip 17 north, f rane 3, west. .
He names the followinK witnettse to prove his
continuous residence upou- and cultivation of,
baid land, viz: Jowph Knopic. Michael Kas.
David K. Campbell aud William tlrowMt.all of
(ienoa. Neb. Fhanku.n Swwrr,
ISnprtt Kemster.
Ijui.I Office at (irund Island. Nsb.,
April 1st. Vm. i
Notice i hereby given that the- following
naiued settler hat. hleil notice of his intention to
make final pnmf iu Hiii.portof hit. claim, and
that said proof will be made lieforw the ckwk of
the ditttrict. court at Oeceola. Neb., on May lath.
lft'Jl, viz: Jorteph tfrzj nn. Iloiiiexteod No. HM.17. for
lota 3 and t of section IS, town-liip 14 north, of
ratiKe 1 west. -
He names the following witness to prove hi,
continuous renidrnce ti.oii and cultivation of,
Miid law!, viz: Frank t Juvlu Hartak Tworek,.
Hlazy Horuh and John Murzek. all of Duncan.
Neb. Fkankun Hwbkt.
Saprrt Iteisjater.
l,anil Office at lirand Island, Neb., t
March SMii lsl. J
Notice is hereby iciveu that the. followum
nanied nettler ha hied notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of bis claim, and
that said proof will be innde before the clerk of
the district court, at Columbus, Neb., ofl May,
isth. luftl. vi: Willis K. Cook, Homestead-No..
ltirw: for the S. W. i of section , township In
north, of range 'i west. .
He name the following witness to prov hi
continuous residence upon and cultivation of . -Miiil
land, viz: l-evi Kby, Kobert Taylor,. Bamaei
Tuylor, Matthew Harry, all of Silver Creek. Neb..
FBANXtix Bwrar.
laprtl .. lUgiater;
tand Office t lirand Island. Neb.. I
May 4th. IUI. S
Notice is hereby eu Hint the followin
ii.mui fe..tti.i- in... ti!.l ii.Jir-eikf hit intention to
nmke final proof in Mipport of his cUiiu.nnd
that said proof will Ik- made liefore the clerk of
th- district court at CoIuiuImis, Neb..on Jnn
lritti. iil. vi: Isaac Keujon, Homentead No.
lza. for the K. !i S. K. . S. W. S. K. and
S. E. U H. . U 'f eciion rt. township ! north,
of rane 2 went. . .
He names the following witnesses to prime his
continuoUH residence upon anil cultivation oL.
rtaid land, viz: William W. ManninKtou. Joseph
Webster, lieonee Hall and Kuell D.Crostt,
all of Monroe, Neb. Sweet.
fimajfa Keuister.
Bake a specialty e( manafM titrtw
away jmrruRc
And all kinds of country produce taken in trad
anil all goods delivered frre of charge
to any part of the city.
li-tf J.aB.1
arara?aaaanjBaw aw
U)lHSl IJrtlSSjDajaTWaatme
an potato mU.H CMaSpaVN
- af '
.. -- '.
'- . !