b - r.v -S , A t si -3 m .r. Ifcjl ' N. .1 B li . B- I K Rs ft K P 1 - $0lumtms Journal. Mb MCObJ-cUm Mail AY BY M . K. TURNER fc CO., Columbia, Nel. or scBSOBtmoa: OMMw.br prspsiri. fjjj MXBOBthS.... litre mota-. -BVtoUAdTMM.- MIW Haw " W"",r Hob. WkNHUeribm etaac ft Hofn 4aBCttlumUataMBrffjr by letter or poetallard. civiac back tbair forser ! boij iatrpwkw.priBt, either oo the mpur or oa t- imii ot roar .J00"1!? Y? data to aUA vow SOBacrtPUaB W Jt T . or c- lotoit r HU-airtaacaa SSHBlfl B6 HUMM . BkbUtotUontor .-. Co. TO OOalWOKWTB. . AU CBMlBtoBHOM,tOycaT, ttfM'f"? UmccospkBMdbrtbo f all bum of tfaa ter. . . We rjssrro tfce riA to reject mr "b2k -.rLnt In ann .vOfl- trict Ol li -.Jiai.B.IUHWI w- - --- - 1'lattO OOBBtT, OBB Of liable ia avarr war- and re- itent aeparateiy. umm WEDNESDAY. MAY 20. IBM. A receiver has been appointed for the Nebraska Fire Insurance Co. : ' Bbio. Gen. Edward Stedman of the British army at Burmah, brother of Mr. A. Stedman of Schuyler, arrived there Thursday and is visiting with his brother whom he had not seen for thirty years. The completion of another large Methodist church at Omaha reminds of the fact that Omaha now has, including missions, sixteen houses of worship owned by the Methodist Episcopal church. Personal replevin was a leal process resorted to the other day by Oen. But ler to secure the release from jail of Mrs. Clarietta Johnson, who by the sentence of Judge Carpenter of the U. S. court, was serving her time for alleged perjury on a pension case. The last case where - this writ was used in Massachusetts was in 1844. HBtiirnulfofc a Care for lac Urip. A week or two ago a lady of this city wrote a note to the Tribune recom mending the use of horseradish as a means of alleviating the miseries of the grip, if not effecting a thorough cure. Several instances in which this sugges tion was acted upon with strikingly fa vorable results have come to the knowl edgerof the Tribune. Ordinary grated horseradish eaten at frequent intervals during the day and in connection with food at the table, if food is eaten at all, has been found remarkably efficacious in banishing the distressing cough that frequently lingers after all the other symptoms of the grip have gone. It can do no harm to try it, at all events. The humble but pungent horseradish must have been made for some good use. (Chicago Tribune. If reciprocity is a good thing with Brazil, why not with Canada? But the White House pigmy is opposed to the proposed Canadian reciprocity suggest ed by Bold Ben Butterworth. Steu benville Gazette. The reason is obvious to every Ameri can citizen who is not too prejudiced to reason. Brazil raises coffee, sugar and hides that we do not produce in suffi cient quantities to supply our wants. Canada raises wheat, corn, potatoes, pork, beef and eggs, that we produce all we need of. Under reciprocity Canada would become a competitor in our grain and produce markets with American farmers, while reciprocity with Brazil we get an enlarged market for our farm products in exchange for what we must buy abroad. One is "higher" protection and the other is free trade. That is the reason why democrats want Canadian reciprocity. Bellaire Tribune. The Sfcr4y Harder Trial. More than two weeks have been al ready consumed in the Sheedy murder case, and it may last two weeks longer. Dr. Beachly declared that the symptoms attributed to Mr. Sheedy by Dr. Hart, in connection with things made mani fest at the autopsy showed that Sheedy had died from the effects of morphine poisoning. Harry Shafer, grand keeper of the records and seal of the Knights of Pythias in Nebraska, testified that on the day following the assault of John Sheedy he called to see the wounded man, who was a brother knight. While there Mrs. Sheedy remarked: I believe that Mr. Sheedy is dying, not from the effects of the blow, but I think they have given him something to kill him.". The witness further testified that Mrs. Sheedy manifested no symptoms what ever of grief. Grossly undue familiarity has been clearly shown between Mrs. Sheedy and Wahktrom. Night shirts identified as having been sold to Mrs. Sheedy; also socks exactly similar to those sold her, and neckties sold to her were found in WahktrouTs room, and many other sus picious circumstances have been testi fied to. Alfalfa is being more generally sown and cultivated by our farmers this spring than ever before, especially in the western part of the state where its good 'qualities seem to be better known than in the eastern part. It stands dry weather better than any other kind of tame grass, and from two to four crops ' can be taken from it on a favorable sea son. Many acres of it are grown in Col orado, and last season Bosh A Morse of the Windsor Farm cut three crops from nearly one hundred acres and their large herd of Hoktein-Friesiian cattle did not get much else but alfalfa to eat They would commence mowing hay on one . aide of the field and by the time the field was cut over, they would begin again oa the aide they first cut. Last year a gentleman in Furnas county pas tured eighty head of hogs and three cows ob s six-acre patch of alfalfa. J. C McPreetoH, near Orleans, Harlan comity, reports that on a fifteen-acre patch of alfalfa, he pastured thirty-five headof cattle oa it from the first of May and ia June he turned fifty head bkjts ob it aad it furnished feed until fall, daring an Baaally dry season for eighty-five headof cattle. Where alfalfa had mot beea paetmred close, it was six iacaee high last week in this state, west of the one hundredth meridian. Let there be more of this most valmeble I elofer provender grown for both hay and I mmitiiin -Nebraska Fanner. ' Ik an editorial in the last Argus under the caption of "Let as reason together," there is quite enough suggested to jus tify the last paragraph, viz: "These few suggestions are not intended to knock the oSce seeking bee out of any man's bonnet, and the illustration which we make of the sheriff's office will apply with equal force to all the others." The truth is that the alliance are getting to that point in their history where the danger to party success begins. While out of power, but advocating principles, the sailing is comparatively easy; it is one of the easiest things in the world to find fault with the party in power; critics are always abundant; there are even those who have somewhat to say against the manner in which the Al mighty transacts the great affairs of the universe; it is easy to find fault, but the trouble begins when the fault-finders are placed in power. If they are mere fault-finders and nothing better, they will make no better headway than those whom they displace. But even with the most patriotic impulses, the actual work that political parties sre instituted to accomplish is a difficult task, and nom inations to office or appointments to office the distribution of public pat ronageis such a peculiarly difficult matter to manage satisfactorily that the possession of the offices is often a source of weakness rather than of strength. For instance, where there are twenty applicants for an office at the disposal of a congressman, and but one out of the twenty is recognized by that or some other, the unsuccessful nineteen are apt not to be very great enthusiasts for the re-election of the congressman. A radical out of office often becomes very conservative immediately after the responsibility of action is placed upon him. There is all the difference between saying and doing, between preaching nnd practice, or at least between the ideal and the actual. The history of politics is full of instances of what we are saying, and every new political par ty is, upon its accession to any responsi bility, confronted with the same old problems of choosing men and dispens ing favors. Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty and a great many other things as well, and if the adherents of the various political parties had always attended the primaries and made their sentiments strongly known, there wouldn't have lieen in Nebraska two factions of the two political parties, known as monopoly and anti-monopoly. Indifference to party management has been the prolific source of all our trouble, and unless a remedy can be found for that, there is little use in changing names. Maryland, my Maryland, how nice it will be, if now the knights of reciprocity shall be able to elect U. S. senators. Protection to our home products, devel opment of our own natural resources and as much of paying commerce with the outside world as we can contrive, those are the things this country wants. A few years of the present olicy and the American merchantmen will lie found everywhere in abundance. Let us, by all manner of good laws and customs, make it an easy matter for the indus trious, well-meaning man to earn a good living for his wife and children; make it impossible for our servants (the office occupants, the temporary holders of the lines), to run the wagon off into the ditch; let us require of them fidelity to our interests, a decent regard, at the very least, for our expressed wishes, and capacity to transact well the business we employ them to do. The American people are always about to elect a presi dent, senators, state, county, city, town ship or district officers, and hence it is always appropriate for them to be think ing of the manner of men they wish to put into places of honor and trust As for political parties, they must hold their representative men to a strict account for their stewardship, or the common voter will condemn both parties and men. The American people are learning that they must look after public matters more closely; learning that it is not so much a matter of "name of party" as "kind of men." Gen. Jackson nnd Jim my Buchanan were both democrats, but what difference between the men when it came to the treatment of rebels! The corruptionists hunt together, and sink party names for success to their plun dering schemes, and in this regard they are giving pointers to the sons of light, "to ngnt tne devil witn fire." Ex - Representative Barksdale of Mississippi is a somewhat historic fig ure. In bis effort for a senatorial seat he uses the following dramatic language: "If I fail, avenge me; if I retreat slay me; if I advance, follow me." An ex change remarks: "When the office-seeking itch gets hold of a man he seems to lose whatever common sense he may have previously possessed." It works differently on different men holding office does. Some look upon it as an in cident in their general training, are never anxious to run, try to do the best they know, in the public interest, in the discharge of their duties while in office, and let it go at that Others hold an office or two, or three or four, may be a dozen or more, and after a while they come to think that that is their normal condition and appropriate place; we have known a number of such, and sev eral of them who made model officials in e-ery respect; many of them, however, undertake to be masters rather than servants of the people; undertake to use their public position for their own pri vate gain; fleece the public, to line the nests of their party or personal friends; stand in with the cormorants in office and out of it who believe that the public is a great big goose to be plucked. The practical problems of life seem to be wrapped up in the two terms work, .wages and while all of us are doing our work here on earth for the living we get, and the opportunities we have of learn ing to appreciate the realities of things, the great body of mankind are not ag gressive enough against the thieves of all sorts that "are stealing us blind, and against those who mistake a desire to hold office for their own gain, as a spark of patriotic fire. Many years practice has given C. A. Snow A Co, solicitors of patents, at Washington, D. C, unsurpassed success in obtaining patents for all classes of in ventions. They make a specialty of re jected cases, and have secured allowance of many patents that had been pre viously rejected. Their advertisement at at niWr a aw an mill U. A( ?.&.-, l 111 iiiuuira wnuiuu, iriu mj m JUltjfeat to I inventors, patentees, manufacturers, and I aU who bare to do with patents. J Excarxioa to Hageratowa, Ma. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, the. Baltimore and South western Railroad Company, and the Ohio and Mississippi Railway Company will sell excursion- tickets to Hagers town, MiL, and return, at the rate of one first-class limited fare for the round trip, on account of the annual meeting of German Baptists, to be held at Hagers town, M(L. May 28th to June 5th, 1891. From points west of Pittsburg, Wheeling and Parkersburg, these tickets will be on sale from May 20th to June 1st, inclusive, and will be good for re turn passage until June 30th, inclusive, with privilege of one stop off west of the above named cities and one stop off east of the above named cities, on the trip to Hagerstown, and the same privilege on the return trip. From Pittsburgh, Wheeling, Parkersburg and points east of those cities, excursion tiokets will be on sale from May 25th to June 5th, in clusive, and will be good for return pas sage 'until June 15th, inclusive, with one stop off on the trip to Hagerstown, and the same privilege on the return trip. This offers a rare opportunity to visit points in western Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia. 1 Sekayltr. LFrom tba Sua. J. A. Jenning died of la grippe May 8; of diphtheria May 9, Josie, 11-year-old daughter of Sheriff Kudrna; of same,May 11, Harry, 3-year-old son of Adolph Dworak. It has developed that Harry Bowers, a young man who has been working at Peter Hill's livery barn, forged checks for small amounts on John Craig and C. F. Bentley and left Saturday going east. He must have been expert at the business as the checks were accepted as genuine. Mrs. Bohman has received the sad news of the death of her father, Mr. John Hollman, who died at Oldenburg, Ger many, April 20, aged 72 years. He has another daughter in this couuty, Mrs. Louis Micfaelson, and a son, John Holl man, of North Platte, who owns the Hollman block in this city. That dreaded disease diphtheria ap pears to have taken a fresh start in Schuyler. There are three more chil dren in town down, one of Mr. Riddell's, one of Mr. Baldwin's and one of Mr. Cech'a The authorities should do ev erything within their tower to prevent it spreading as there is no telling when it will stop unless prevented from spreading. One of Dan Sigler's stallions grabbed its keeper, John Corson, by the hand Saturday, biting it in a horrible manner by the lower thumb joint But for the timely use of a loaded whip winch Mr. Corson had in his other hand theanimal might have killed him, he having to kuock him down before he would let go. Corson was taken to Dr. Mile's office where the wound was sewed up. The animal is a vicious fellow, so we under stand, and when he is out of t he stable has a muzzle over his mouth. Mr. Sig ler feels very badly over the matter and says he would rather the horse would have died than harm anv one. California. La Vina, May 3d, 1891. Editor Journal: It is Sunday and I am kind of mopish; while I am satisfied with the change I have made and feel at present, reasonably contented, yet ev erything seems so different from our old home in Nebraska; new faces, new ac quaintances, new everything, habits, customs, manner of doing business, eat ing, drinking, climate and soil. It is true, there are a number of per sons from Boone county living at and near Madera, yet I seldom see any I know. When I am not at work and get to meditating and go out on a mind journey, among old scenes, I long to see the dear old familiar faces, and grasp the old-time friendly hands. Sunday, on the old farm at Woodville, always brought us together, either as neighbors visiting, or being visited, and in the interchange of views, on the pro gress of our crops, or our experience with our Btock, was always profitable, and full of pleasure, giving us a better understanding of one another and in its indulgence, became a recreation and an incentive to brush up, in its anticipa tion. It is to these gatherings I attribute the warm-hearted, generous and genuine help we received at our neighbors' hands, when we were preparing to leave for our new home. Mr. John Brown, the founder of this colony, is a religious, good man and takes a large interest in the welfare of the colonists, socially, morally and finan cially. When he laid out Madera he yielded to the suggestions of others and did not interdict the opening of saloons, and as a result there are a great many saloons in Madera. In laying out this place, La Vinta, no saloon can lie built on any of the lots. Mr. Brown says the saloons at Madera not only waste the earnings of the colonists, but they be come idlers, and shiftless, neglecting their work, bringing poverty to their homes, completely subverting the pur pose he had in view, by giving an oppor tunity for honest industry to reap the fruits of its own labors. I never saw so many drunken men as could be seen at any time in Madera. Mr. Brown is de termined it shall not be laid to his charge that he did not throw around the colonists the best safeguards he could for the social, moral and financial wel fare of the citizens of La Vinta. The boys around Woodville and St Edward used to play base ball without let or hindrance on Sunday, often to the an noyance of church worshipers, but here the bridle is put on and the bit in their mouths; no ball playing is allowed on Sunday within the corporate limits. The boys are champing their bits like yonng colts, till they get used to it My boys, Ralph and Orville, say all you that was promised oranges will have to buy them yourselves; while we have to pay 75 cents per dozen for them at Madera, you can get as good as they for 45 cents; this is a conundrum .to them that the boys cannot understand. Per haps the alliance at Mount Pleasant can solve it I must quit, wife says the supper is ready. "Drat it," I had just struck an alliance streak, and may not catch on again. I have been "rattling" with the "Newberry bill" and its veto, but hun ger is uppermost and wife will let loose if I don't respond. Adiem till next Jakes H. Hudson. Washington Letter. From oar regular correspondent. The president will return to Washing ton the 'last of this week, and he will find important matters requiring his atten tion in nearly every one of the depart ments of the government, so that he will have to put in several weeks of hard work in order to catch up with current affairs. The state department has the Spanish agreement for reciprocity be tween the United States and Cuba and Porto Rico; the Veneznlau reciprocity agreement and a number of minor affairs including the question of our right to seize on the open seas the Itata, the Chilian insurgent vessel which after be ing seized at San Diego, California, by a deputy U. S. marshal, on order from the attorney-general, sailed away with the marshal a prisoner, but afterwards put him ashore. The treasury department has the propositions of Secretary Foster as to returning to the old form of making up the monthly statement of the nation's liabilities and assets, continuing the i per cent bonds that will mature in Sep tember at 2 per cent and other import ant matters pertaining to our financial affairs. The interior department has some questions tq submit as to the pay ment of "certain moneys appropriated for the purchase of Indian lands. There are also some details about the Behring sea matters that the president's advice is wanted upon. Secretary Fos ter has mailed the instructions for the present sealing season to the command ers of the Revenue cutters, and has noti fied them that supplemental instructions will be telegraphed to them at Portland, Oregon, or Seattle, Washington, if they shall be deemed necessary after the president's return. Secretary Foater positively declines to make public the nature of the instructions sent, so that it is uot known whether the cutters will seize vessels illegally sealing or not. There is a general 'relief here that some understanding has lieeu reached with England that will stop all sealing for this season, ulthough it is not based on authentic knowledge. By the way, speaking of Behring sea matters, it is interesting to note the opinion of Senator Morgan, the leading democratic, member of the senate com mittee on foreign affairs, of Mr. Blaiue's manner of conducting the negotiations. Senator Morgan said of Mr. Blaine's last letter to Lord Salisbury made public several days ago: "Mr. Blaine is very adroit, and he has now got his questions just right I like the letter. It is di rect, clear, dignified and has sufficient pugnacity about it He keeps Lord Salisbury right down to the point so that he cannot get away. The solemn truth is that ever since the war of the revolution, when we escaped from under the claws of Great Britain, tTie senti ment of the British government has lieen hostile to us. We cannot make as satis factory treaties nor reach as lileral agreements with her as we can with other nations. There is that ever pres ent disposition 1o interfere with and hinder us 111 some way. The time may not lie far distant, if this continues, when she will go u tether's length too far. We are surrounded as it were, by a cloud or British influences. We feel them on the Behring sea and in the fisheries on the east, in the Nicaraguan canal matter everywhere about us she is reaching out to injure us." I have it on good authority that the national democratic managers are work ing like beavers and spending money lavishly to get the farmers' alliance to put a gubernatorial ticket in the field in Ohio, believing that it will draw enough republican votes to elect the democratic candidate for governor. I asked a prom inent Ohio republican connected with the administration, what he thought of the prospect. He laughed, and said: "The Ohio republicans who have joined the alliance are far too smart to vote 'in the air' to help their old time opponents, the democrats. The republicans of Ohio are determined to nominate and elect McKinley governor of that state, and they will not be stopped by any demo cratic trickery." Secretary Noble has gone to St. Louis on private business, and is not expected back for two weeks. The treasury department has issued to customs officials a circular of instruc tions on the new copyright law, which goes into effect July 1. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Mirrocnai. Very dry; the rain Friday was "eo near, and yet so far." In takiug a drive in the north part of the couuty, I find the small grain suf fering very much for rain; and the oats in many places so yellow, and some is being plowed up. They have not had rain for four weeks and that very light; nearly all of the corn is being put in with the listers. They claim they get a larger yield to the acre and it stands the drouth lietter. There is a large amount to be planted yet. Supervisor Byrnes seems to le very much interested in the western part of the township. Can't lie that it is the roads that call his attention so closely. Mrs. A. W. Clark was making pleasant calls in the neighborhood last week. If every liody would take an interest in setting out and caring for young fruit as T. II. Johnson has, it would not be long before we could compete with any of our eastern states in raising fruit. . Thomas has an orchard that would make any man feel proud to possess; not only that but it makes his farm that much more valuable. Samuel Gass and family were visiting at Mrs. Erb's Sunday afternoon. Miss Annie Hamer was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Clark at tea last Monday evening. Pleasant call from A. C. Picket and family Saturday evening. Miss E. M. Erb and sister Minnie were visiting at Miss Galley's Sunday. H. B. Reed was in Leigh the first of the week on business. While on his way a team of colts that he was driving became unmanageable and did his buggy and harness up to the tune of $120. Ella Browner accompanied Miss Ella Byrnes to Grand Prairie last Sunday. We surmise a wedding in the neigh borhood sometime in the near future. J. H. Reed & Son expect to finish planting 200 acres to corn this week. William Arnhart of Shell Creek was visiting in these 'parts Sunday evening. Miss Annie Hamer has resigned her position as teacher of the Reed school, and has been promoted to a situation in the schools of your city. Miss Hamer as a teacher, is undoubtedly a success. Miss Wheeler will complete Mi6s Ha uler's term at her former school. A. C Pickett says the rabbits have en tirely destroyed his young orchard, of which he was very proud. He also had ! a very valuable colt cut in the wire fence 1 Sunday evening. He found him-in the morning, tangled in the wire. ! Two. of our young friends attended divine services in the city the other evening. They had some difficulty in returning home, but with the assistance of one of your city lads and a balky horse and considerable patience they managed to reach home in the wee' small honra. Fred. Blasser is expected home soon. Cxclops. Written for The Journal. AMERICAN POETRY. BY K. O. HOUSTON, 31. 1). Hail Nature's muse! Columbia's god.le, hail! First born of Freedom on tb' Atlantic shore, Whose lyrics wafted over hill and dale Catch the wild echoes of Pacific loro! Scotia thy bards have sona their 8Wditett aook, And thy last minstrel moulders in the Rrue. Thy Moore, O, Erin! and thine Osaian Uax Mingled with dust, have ceased to tin,f the brave. England, thy Milton and Shakeeiieare have pone On golden harps with the anKhc land To swell sweet themes: with an immortal tongue Thy Cowper sings in the sweet spirit l&nrt! Song has departed from the orient clime, And weetern bards imbibe the living lor; O, Greece and Rome! thy music once Mihlims Aa angels' anthems will be heard no more! But the proud gemnt of the eastern world. Mounting thy chariot ever-circling eun. Swept o'er the seas and broader tails unfurled In the republic of a Washington. Thy muse immortal, Edgar Allen Poc! Rare genu of genius gleamed from every riime; Thy larobient hre, not unlike Hjrou'u glow. Burned with a brilliance lteautifull eublime! Thy lyre Longfellow was a rippling rill Oozing o'er pebbles with euphonious bong Thy diction charms like Tennyson's, and will While Caaco rolls her azure tide along. While fref religion finds one to adore Pierpont thy lines will make Devotion's lot Anil point forever to the Pilgrim's shore Where man could worship free aa heaven above. The simple Iujh that dropped from Whittier's pen. Glowing with genius, musically ntrong. Shall elevate poor human nature when Kuro mIihII cease to Hood the world with non;;. Lowell, thy line shall liw to charm the mini, Aud mote the heart with aceletitial glow, Till oceanV billows shall hnveceased to roll, Aud ld New England shall forget her snow. (), Wendel Holmes, thy patriot lire shall li. hen Union stars shall eeuse to Ih unfurled. When Kurolie's nations lme no somrs to i?ive. .... .r . . - "..'-" mine simll breathe life to future Freedom's world. No praise 1 hit ish on the t nlgar throng Who, having hearts, giosses no power to feel. Who weave their nonsense into dogeral song. But write no oetr) thnt they do not steal. But thou, Columbia, anst boast many uur Who Miur Hweet nectar from the muse's lips. Sweeter and purer than the antique lore. The rlasHir fistl from some old goblet sips. How t'oliN Are Cured in Alaska. Some of the readers of Tiik .Touhnai, may wish to know how colds are cured in the froon regions of the north. If so the following extract from a recent letter of C K. Coon, a druggist in Juneau, Alaska, will interest them. He says: "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is spiling lietter than ever. It is harder to get into the 1 nixes than to sell the Rem edy after they are opened.' Mr. Coon's sales were rather light for the first year he handled this medicine, but have in creased each year as the people there liecome lietter acquainted with its valu able proiierties, until it is now the most popular medicine he handles for coughs and colds, which shows that, real merit is as much appreciated in the far north as at home, and in time the best is sure to become the most popular. For sale by druggists. We will furnish The Journal, The Nebraska Family Journal and the Week ly Inter-Ocean, one year, for 82.80, when paid in advance. Subscriptions received at any time. If you are not a subscrib er to The Journal don't wait till your subscription expires, but pay us enough to make it one year in advance, and add the Inter-Ocean, one of the greatest and best family newspapers in the world. A Little Girl's Experience in a Lfghtboaoe. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Trescott are keep ers of the Gov. Lighthouse at Sand Beach, Mich., and are blessed with a daughter four years old. Last April she was taken down with measles, followed with a dreadful cough and turning into a fever. Doctors at home and at Detroit treated her, but in vain, she grew worse rapidly, until she wub a mere ''handful of bones." Then she tried Dr. King's New Discovery and after the use of two and a half bottles, was completely cured. They say Dr. King's New Discovery is worth its weight in gold, yet you may get a trial bottle free at C B. Stillman's drug store. t Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Bar Men Amira Salve. The best salve iu the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is gnranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per I mix. For sale by C. B. Stillman. ExnMsn Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blem ishes from horses, Blood Spavin,. Curbs. Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, StiHes, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by C. B. Stillman, druggist. 20novlyr The First Step. Perhaps you are run down, can't eat, can't sleep, can't think, can't do any thing to your satisfaction, and yon won der what ails you. Yon should heed the warning, you are taking the first step into nervous prostration. You need a nerve tonic and in Electric Bitters you will find the exact remedy for restoring your nervous system to its normal, healthy condition. Surprising results follow the use of this great nerve tonic and alterative. Your appetite returns, good digestion is restored, and the liver and kidneys resume healthy action. Try a bottle, price 50 cents at C. B. Stillman's dmg store. 0 Baby cried. Mother sighed. Doctor prescribed : Castoria I MONEY rbrriittatMrCTWtIniriiOf. m hily and honorablr. 1t thot. &f tllkri,I.tiMiirM AUt mmA ! tk.1. lotalitfM.w kcrcTtr tbry Htr.Any tMnadoiWwixk. r.t.)Mn . i uniu , 7ini(. nt nn joo. M nt. IhciiAkiN your ,. .Willi, or all jour tinx lo Ik. work. TLU ia am eutirarj w laad.a briaft troadrtfiil ancma lo mr wcikrr. fsiaaan in tatmioff from to (M par track aad ptrarda. aai nor ftr Hal iparhnc. W caa finaiak TO. la aaa. pUrarat aad track Ton ran. Itoajpacatomlalnkar. Fua ITlTil wumm. -A-K..K4B,-V.aAlM.-Z, The Chicago, Milwaukeo & St. Paul Ry is the only lino running solid vest- ibuled, electric lighted and steam heated trains between the Missouri river and Chicago, consisting of new palace sleep ing cars, elegant free reclining chair cars, luxurious coaches and the finest dining cars in the world. The berth reading lamp in its palace sleeping cars is patented and cannot be used by any other railway company. It is the great improvement of the age. Try it anil be convinced. Close connection in union depot at Omaha with all trains to and from the west. For further particulars apply to your ticket agent, or F. A. Nash, Gen'l Agt. W. S. Howell, Traveling Fr't. and Pass. Agt., 25febft Omaha, Neb. FINAL PROOF. Land Office at Grand Island, Neb., I May 4. lU. . Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has fifed notice of his intention to mnke final proof in support of his claim, and th-it said proof will be made before clerk of the .tirtiict court, at Columbus. Neb., on June Cth, 1MU, viz: George C. Smith, homestead No. 1111, for the E. Yz, S. W. li, of Section 82, TW n-thip 14 North, of Range 2 West. He name the following witnesses to prove hie .continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Henry Clay burn, of Platte Centre, Wallace W. Mauuibgton. of Monroe, Charles E. Chapui, of Oconee, William W. Wilson, of Oconee, Nebr. Fbankun Sweet, timay-6t Register. Ntotn &00 I OR $2on fa!17 SES W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE Bit other special ties for Ueatlemea. Ladles, etc are war- ranted, and so stamped on Imttiun. Address X. 1.. UUVUMSi H BrawkiM.JMaaa. soUkf Wm. SHILZ, Olive St., C.I.m.us. UMarcli.iui Dr. A. J. Sanders, (4KADUATE OF LONG ISIJklf D COLLEGE BOITAL, N.T. Three Years Hosiitalisi. Recently from Uoimsitj of Vinaa, Autria P. O. BOX 33. GRAND JSLAND, NEBRASKA. 1CEFERENCE8: J. D. Moose, l'rt-s. of Hank of Commerce. 11. C. HowHn, Manager of U. P. Shops. W. H. Pltt. Mayor of Grand Island. Cuts. Kief, Hepresentative. S. N. Wolb ch. State Senator. Geo. H. Cvldwell, County Judge. EVThose who have been entferers for yeais and have been the rounds of the profession at home, without receiving relief from ordinary methods of treatment, are especially invited to call. Cr?All of our patients may expect to receive good care, careful treatment and square dealing irom a Dullness standpoint, as wo always ezj spect Will to gie value received so tar as poseible. be at the "Consultation free. Address, Da. A. J. SANDERS Grand Island, Neb. Box 23, Jtkior3mp tut. tiuuiu: '.. fhe figure 0 in our dates will make a long stay. llo man or woman now living will ever date a iocument without using the figure 9. It stands In the third place in 1890, where it will remain tea years and then move up to second place in IflOO, when- it will rest for one hundred years. There is another "ft" which has aho come to stay. It is unlike the figure 9 in our dates in the respect that it has already moved up to first place, where tt Hill permanently remain. It is called the "No. V High Arm W littler & Wilson Sewing Machine. The "No. V" ua endorsed for first place by the experts of Europe at the Paris Exposition of 1889, where, after a ieverecoutest with the leading ma chines of the world, it was awarded the only Grand Prize given to family sen ing machines, all others on exhibit having received lower awards of gold medals, etc The French Government also recognized its superiority by thedecoration of ilr. Kathanie Wheler, Presidentof the company, with the Cross of the Legion or Honor. The "No. 9' is not an old machine improved upon, but is an entirely new machine, and the Grand Prize at Paris was awarded it as the grand est advance iu sew ing machine mecnanUm of the age. Those who buy it can rest assured, there, fore, of having the very latest aud best. WHEELER & WILSON MTG CO., 185 and 187 Wabash Are., Chktfa SOLD IY W. KIBLKR, Leigk. Nebr. 23apr'M-72t 6. nng Iitf.ffiuiihatttf,nma(tat vruik fvr u, hr Anna I'ufr. Amiin. iia, atil Jim. Ui.titt. Ttflrdo, Obio. xecut. ilrrrcttaranlX.TS,fcy t vuu Htu.crarnrr9MIItS nou 1 1. Von rndo tli wik and !. ! bm tAherrvrr row are. Lvra b Iianr re rsruiur from VS fa nd Marl jnu .- work In rrti or all !- tilt, llijr komv for work er. 1 allure trnktHitin moaff fm. .KV mud WHirfl. rartkulararVe. B&rrtl.f,ll. i.uiiuaci. $3000 A VRARt I uixl.rt.h. lol.il.. Icacb.ur furlr iui.lli.rul r.n&ruh.. ta, lwt trad and ttntr.aMl hu aftrr ll ruction. will work iiutrl.i. 'kArr ( a Vl.uj ataa ' var ia tkairowa loc lni... h.fyrrr thty 11, 1 will alto fan! i ""fT" rorawonirM turcr.rutatalitr. n.,i!j.al aukM I'.rn 1. 1 drtirr bin on worker from aarb durrkt a-roxi.tr 1 bat. alrtaJy l.urUt awl tvurktal writa tmploiunt a lat'n "?&..? Si "t,k,aS or Mill a yraraatk. liiXEW aad fMLIW roll w.t.cul.,jrtfcS. add,r.t oarT -E. C. ALLL.X. Mai . ANgHla, Malar. ... ..,., u. . nip!., ui.Di.ai uiiu n 5u raa etm tbalamwAt ItcH cured in 30 minutes by Wool, ford's Sanitary Lotion. Sold by C. B Staimaii, druggiat. 26noYlyr Aoo-.P Ji nojr JtW A BBBBBBBBBBBBbEV"" EBBBBB wzmmammm $JLi :oommmm zmmM tr M--W. ru ajjjjjjjjjjjjjnrc-:- iasaw 'llaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBaBj' IsssssssssssssssssssssawR aBW-MS-wBBVfa aV" Bv " Blr BaaaEB " i3r - aaaaHK,'--'' -, SV Ma ' -r Ie-HR- MSI'KCIALIST IN Tt--KA--a-- HBkTaTti ' 12?w What is LtfHliUii Castoria is Dr. Saarael Piteker's reacripU far Ialaate aad Children. It contain aeitaer Opiaam, M arpfciaa aar taer Narcotic substaace. It is a haraaleM aabatltata far Paregoric, Drops, Soot alas: Syrups, aad Caatar Oil. It i Pleasaat. Its guarantee is thirty years' aaa ay Miliioas of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worsas aad allay feverishaeas. Castoria prevents vaanltiaa; Soar Card cores Diarrhoea aad Wind Colic. Castarla relieves teething troubles, cures Castoria assisallates the aad bowels, tfviar healthy aad aatura toria is the Childrea's Panacea tha Mather's Frtaad. Castoria. "Oaatoria ia aa excellent medlcia for chil dren. Mother have repeatedly told ma of iu good effect upon their children." Da. O. C. OaoooB, Lowell, Mass. Castoria ia the best reroedy for caildna of which I am acquainted. I hope the day U not far distant w hen mothers will consider the real interest of their children, aad use Castoria in stead of the variouaquack nostrum which are - destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing; syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves." Ilu .T V Kmrvntf. Conway. Ark. The Cantaar Caa-paay, TX A RELIABLE FAMILY NEWSPAPER. Tnatia the Character Almost Universally Given to The Weekly Inter Ocean, So (Treat 13 lt3 popularity that lor years it has had the LARGEST CIRCULU. TION ot any CUicaoo weekly uewjpapjr. ...... It ia ably and carefully edited in every department with a special -lew to Its usetulnesala THK HOMt. THK WORKSHOP, and Till: BUSINESS OFFICE. It is a Q3i5ister)t Hepublieai) ffeuspaper, HiitdlaeiissM nil nubile ouestions candidly and ably. While It altaa falrtraat- roent to political opponents. itl3 bitterly OL.IK3 as antagonistic to both public THE LITERARY DEPARTMENT lta contributors some of the MOST POPULAR AUTHORS or the da The FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC SHOKTSTORIESarethe equal ol those Tic Youth's Depaitieot, Cnriosirr.Sbsp. Wcki'j liiEfti, aU Tk Iwe ARE IX THEMSELVES EQUAL TO A MAGAZIXE. In addition to aU this the NEWS OF THE WORLD is given in its columns every week. In all departments it is caicrully edited by competent men em ployed lor that purpose:. THE PRICE OF THE WEEKLY 1ITER OCEAI IS $1.N PE1 TEH. THE SEMI-WEEKLY INTER OCEAN is published each Monday and Thursday morning, and Is an excellent publication lor tnose who can not secure a daily paper regularly and are not satisfied with a weekly. THE PRICE OFTHE SEMI-WEEKLY PITER OCEAI IS $2,N PER TEAR By Special Arrangement with the Publishers o SCZ:iW13Nl:i,'S MAGAZINE That Magazine and The Weekly Inter Ocean are Both Sent to Subscribers One Year for Two Dollars ad Ninety Cents. TEX CENTS LES3 THAN THE IZICE OP THE JfAGAZISE AIA5K LIBERAL COMMISSIONS given to whenever aa-ad xor. Addi.alloiaeid COLUMBUS LUMBER CO. S. R. HOWELL Si CO. . Dealers in Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors, BLINDS, CEMENT, LIME, FIRE BRICK. FIRE CLAY, MA.RBLE DUST, WHITE SAND, PORT LAND and MILWAUKEE CEMENT, and ALL KINDS of BUILDING MATERIAL. THIRTEENTH ST., COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. Sep. 24 '80. a mo. iBIOO.OO FEEE J. BEAMA, CARPENTER, rurpotit-tt Kivinir liin eervieva FiiKK, tit the tirot Iteraon who apjiliei to him- nftir ltc hrat nl icatinn of thm notice, in .InitkNW. of 14th January, 'HI. lie tukn this inWliml of calling attention to the fm t that HE IS A BOOK AGENT. Anil can furnixh jon. t'HKAl'KK than hiijImI ehe,an IhhLuu wttiit. HOUSE AND TWO LOTS, Near Court House, with all improvement, ler wile ciikap. AImi two mare anil two eolt. AililreKK folnmlmp. J3"We cn.'l jour attention to the Alpine fuifee. anil the imitortnnt fact that we are now oHerinu a line of nafeH nt price below compariMin anil he)onil romiietition. For full tarticulara wl ilrem t'oliimfniH, Neb., I. O. Hi.x Hi. Plcaee in close Z cent Htanip for reply. lljanliinp T. S. JAWORSKI, Biilu aaat. IS NOT AFFECTED BY C4LES. It St-Mg. BuraM EASILY MANAGES. Wind Hills, Pumps ani Funp hfm, One door north of Maker's ham. Hangtfin L. C. VOSS, M. D., Homoopatiiic Physician --ND ST713.GI1E01SI-. Ofica OTar post oSce. Specialist ia chronic laretai attention giTen to ntmmax 2UotS rVl-M,i i lVVVvV-iMf TMTi knnWv fir constipation aad aatuleacy. food, regulates the Castoria. " Castoria is so well adapted to childrea ttwS I recommend tt as superior toaay piaaiipMnn knows to me." wr & ' n. Aw AacKBA,S. sfc. . Ill So. Oxford St, Brooklya, N. T. " Oar physicians ia the childrea's depart m'eat have spokes highly of their expert -euce in their outside practice with Castoria,. aud although we oaly have among our medical supplies what ia know aa reguW producta, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has woa ue to look with favor upon it." UMiTSb Hoarrrai. aaa I Aixbm C. Surra, Je. Manray Xew TkGHy. OPPOSED TO TRUSTS AND MONOP- and private interests. ct the paper Is excellent, and has amoaa CORRESPONDENCE. SERIAL AND TTT.AM AIlJ.MUMft DIID0IUT. ol any similar publication In the country active agents SAMPLE COPIES seat TBS INTER OCEAN. Chicago. COLUMBUS Planing Mill. We have juit oneneil a n-w mill on 31 etrset. opi-wite 4.hr(Mriter tiourinK mill ami Hre pre-l-nreil to ilo AU, KINDS OF WOOD WORK, tich an Sash, Doors, ISIiuils, MoiihliMgs, Store Fronts, Counters, Stairs, stair Kailinir. Kalnsters, Seroll Sawing, n i ii riling, Planing, Ete. WA1I nrilera promptly attemleil to. or aililreiM. Call on HUNTEMANN BROS., ('olamb-M, Nebraska. jnl3m The Bee Reduced ia Price. THE PRICE OF THE OMAHA WEEKLY BEE Has been reduced to $1.00 A YEAR. Now is the time to suhecrilie for the Ie8t newspaper in the west. Send in your orders early to THE BEE PUILISNIN6 CO. Omaha Nb. ": WATCH 9-L WnaWLWHtmW -AT- nnwSnmlSnLV 1 J. 1M.LB'!. GUARANTEED GOODS,' ck2ga aarhorlj, opposite C1W V :!.T1 " " t n T.'Sf e .r h . '-S ik. r K At a T ' JT J I tli