The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 06, 1891, Image 4

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A Weekly Newspaper isiiei ever?
32 folnnns ef reaing after, ei
" &isti- ef Nebraska State Newa
Hews, Selected Stories aid
rT-Saapla copies Mat frem to say
BubscriptioB prioe,
la year, ii Mvuct.
II. K. TtmitKB A 0b,
Piatt Crx, Nsbi
OUvs St., nearly opposite Poet-sftoe.
f 7" rT
:AI1 kinds ef Repairing done
Short Notice. Biggies, Wag
ons, etc., aade to order,
sad all work Guar
anteed. .Also sell the world-faraoni Walter A.
' Wood Mowers, Reapers, Combin
ed Machines, Harvesters,
and Self-binders the
best made.
"t-5TShop opposite the "," o
Olive St.. COLUMBUS. W-nt
Judicious Advertising
: Creates many a new business,
Enlarges many an old business,
Kevivesinany a dull business,
'Kcm'iics munv a lost business,
Saves manv a'failin; business,
Preserves man 'a1are business, l
secures success in any business.
y '
. So says a man, of business, and we edd. that
judicious advertising, for this section of country,
m m unmi fit ft A tww,a,aA t mm l... l.j.
tt.t people, those who know what they want an?
paj forw hat tliy get. We challenge comparison
with any ronutry Paper in the world in this re
eiK-ct twenty years publishing by the same j
management, and never one dnn to subscribers i
published in The- Jocnxw. This, better than
usi tiling iKe, chows tiie class or. people who
read Thk Journal every week. tf
Wots win aavS slats, cut wtUowm. sfOftl
vaartaiacot Im sort, naed: altar nostai
feacocaa b mad and stitchd oa the croasd.
in the winter, by a boy or ordinary farm haad,
10 to 40 rods a day, and can work it orar any
rreaad. Xtte man who has one ol thes asa
rhiaoa can boild a feme that is mors dtxrabls aad
saf than any other, and make it at less cost.
The machine aad a sample of its work can be
sees in the city om 11th street at Erast 4 Schwars
hardware store. Wiilsell mcaiaea, or territory,
or contract to pat ap fences.
lmajrtf J. R. MATHEWSON.
Tke west book for aa
adrertiaer to eo
alt, be be czpert
eaccaor oiaerwiem
i lists of newspaoers we: eromitf
namd ens donax. ftade 1b it the la-
Mrecntree, while fortaimwko will
haailred thonsaag dollars la a-
i U laflieatca which will
Lhu ererr reonlremeat. or cm etmetft
todetgllUrmmmmmmtngmrrinda, jrosr
rmwfan. Is eduioas bare bees iseaes.
eat peek-paid, to aay address for M easts.
Write to filO. r. KOMTEU. CO,
' t.frlBtinH eBq.). KewTaE
Caveat aad Trade Marks obtained, and all Pat
eat bemaese eaadacted for MODERATE FEES.
OFFICE. WehareBosub-agracios.aUbasuieds
sVirw. heaoe we cam transact patent boaiaess ia
lees time sad at LESS COST thaa those remote
(rem Waswiaftea.
Bead wioiisl. dhswiag. or photo, with emerip
tiem. We edTiae if patentable or sot, tree, of
eliSMB. OerfWBotdaeUUpateatlaaaeaiea.
AEsaflowtoOsUin Patents," with icfa
itoaetaml clieate ia yoar stale, coaatrar
tawa.asBttoe. Amsrme
TO $ in -put
sAiJ JT AfltaU Waatswl
T CiaectABsFata.
mt- n rf... eaf., Ba Sfulia.
astvanawaytatatredaeFtbtm. Every
Mam aayefroat I to . tiers
a etaaue is eer setni 4 aatkma!
cmifh nun WofrnTilfoV-ou
aaaaaaV Laf aaaaW H .aaawsaTLwmmmaaVaV
tafaaaaal aaaaaaB aaaaaaaaaaaaaraaaaaaak'' aBarw.
A Modern Fable.
Having made the acquaintance of a
boar, a young jackass was deeply Rrati
lied and promised himself great pleasure
in the communion of souls. In the
meantime the bear had told his wife that
he had met a very pleasant fellow who
had, however, a "pair of criminally long
ears and a voice that incited misde
meanor. A rat in the bear's den heard
these disparaging remarks, and the ears
of the ja'ka-s Soon came to them, and
loudly and somewhat unmelodiousiy he
lamented the perfidy of his false friend.
"I shall let bears alone henceforth," he
exclaimed, they are
seems, by considerations of decency and
good faith."
"Why," said an Owl who, being
within a marine league, had overheard
his complaint, "why should you bewail
the natural consequence of your own
folly? Your treacherous friend has not
disparaged you because he is a bear, but
because he is married. Did you expect
to enjoy the friendship of a married ani
mal on "the same easy terms as that of
an unmarried? Learn then, from me
this great central, basic, and eternal
truth: "Xo man is a hpro to his friend's
wife." Sun Fruncisco Examiner.
Sunshine In London.
From records of the amount of sun
shine in London kept at the Greenwich
observatory for the last fourteen years it
appears that the darkest month of the
'ear in London is December, in which
hen' is a total of only twenty hours of
iiitibliine, or S per-cent. of the possible,
md in which there is an average of
twenty sunles days. January is but
dttli ltettcr, with twenty-six hours of
sunshine and an average of nineteen
suulea days. February has twice as
much -sunshine as .January and March
shows an equal improvement on its pre
decessor. The brightest day only four
iiours of sunshine are to bo expected,
while thronchout the entire year an
iverage of sunshine amounting to 1.214
nour.s, or 27 per cent, of the possiblo
tinount is shown.
riie pleasant llavor. gentle action and
toothing effects of Syrup of Figs when in
eed of a laxative, and-if the father or
fciothcr be costive or bilious the mostgrati
"yin;r result follow its use, so that it is the
best family remedy Known and every fam
ilv should have a bottle.
('kokgk W. Ciw.ds avows himself one
of iioii who believe it a mistako to put
off. being generous until after one is
dead. "In the first place," ho says,
"you lose the pleasure of witnessing the
good that you may do, and, again, no
one can administer your gifts for you a9
you can do it for yjurself."
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria,
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When she bad Children, she gave them Castoria.
Mrs. Catharine Sharp, of Philadel
phia, is now in her 114th year, and has a
daughter 73 years of age. The old lady
is in good health, and expects to live
several years yet. She attributes her
longevity to the fact that she "never
worried about anything."
HALL'S CATAltRII CUKE is a liquid and
la taken internally, and acts directly upon
the blood and inueu surfaces of the sys
tem. end for testimonials, free, sold by
druggist-. 73c.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Proprs.. Toledo, O.
Rewards are offered for designs for
the new silver dollar. Most people have
designs on the dollar, but the dollar it
self to them is a sufficient reward.
Pesnv Rise and'pound foolish" are those
who tkink it tfoiiomy to use cheap soda and
rosin soaps, instead of the good old Dobbins'
Electric Soap: for saie by all giocers. Try
it. Do sure, buy genuine.
The man who "feels himself to be dif
ferent from other men" shouldn't al
ways brag about it. Dime museum
freaks are in the same fix.
"Ne'eb seek a wife till you ha'e a hous?
and a Are burning." and even then bo sura
that she uses bAPOLIO if you want a
clean, cosy home.
Blinkers "Hello, Winkers, I hear
you married a woman with an independ
ent fortune?" Winkers (sadly) "X-o;
I married a fortune with an independent
"Why have you got that string around
your finger?" "To remind me that I
have forgotten what my wife told me
to buy."
Fashions favorite
fad, centers in tbat famous, fascina
ting game lawn tennis.
But there are women who cannot
engage in any pastime. They are
delicate, feeble and easily exhausted.
They are sufferers from weaknesses
and disorders peculiar to females,
which, are accompanied by sallow
complexions, expressionless eyes and
haggard looks.
l)or overworked, "worn -out,"
"run-down," debilitated teachers,
milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses,
''shop-girls," housekeepers, nursing
mothers, and feeble women gen
erally, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription is the greatest earthly
boon, being nnequaled as an appe
tizing cordial and restorative tonic.
It's the only medicine for women,
sold by druggists, under a positive
guarantee from the makers, of sat
isfaction in every case, or money re
funded. This guarantee has been
faithfully carried out for yean.
VOK A OJODOLLAR BlXXsent ashy mal
we wiU deliver, free ot all cksnes.-to any person IS
me United States. aU ot tee toUowiac articles. cre
taUy packed:
One two-ounce bott'e ofcPttre Taseltae. .w. JO of.
One two-ounce battled VaeUae Pomade..- IS
One Jar ot Vaasll-e Cold Cream. p "
One cake of VtsellneCa-nphorlce.. ........... 10 "
Use cike ot VjuwUne 8 xv. unscented 10 "
Onetwo-oance bottle of White Vaseline JB "
Or. erpneragtejamacawa'Stagisarticlsat the prle
as-eaf On no oa&mnt ht ptrtuaitd to oxxxplfrtm
varm-waitf nay YatttouorprtparaUon Vurtfrom
aaiset XaVieJ teitk our name, became you will art aim
mr rmXHimeantnataUonnkick hoi UUlt or no 9lw.
1Mb. M scat SS H.Z.
jTaT" j t "iNM."1 iMncmwwumxaKM
mtaam J AV r tt . " sutBcim. oinciiy connaiiJU.
"agents wantdi
Eddies or centlr-men. to seU our Enctlrptl Inhaler.
Cure Catarrh. Hay Fever. Headache. AsthmaAc Ev
errbodr bnjs. WJiJStone&Cososrborn fctChicaro
Traarmtft.- Avalnabloillutrateabooltor
aacee seat tie, on iveriint of lOcantw.taflnvapaost
at maUiag. eta. tuinu T.O.Box lfttt PaUa. fa.
A i 9k.
- ' mT ..' - tW.Jb V
faWii i"i i .J. u1 EemSaeiJ. 'K tfilivi rap
Copyright, 1330. jGltf;,ii
Comments aad Criticisms Based Upoa
the Happenings or the Day Historical
and News Kotos.
A Missouri man has gone before the
Legislature of that State advocating the
the introductiou and passage of a bill
compelling the keepers of railroad res
taurants to date their pies.
These is a proposition ou foot at Seat
tle, Wash., to establish there a plant for
drying the codfish caught in Alaskan
waters and making Seattle the treat
distributing point for fish on the Pacific
The negroes of Terrell.County,- Ga.t
are steadily increasing in prosperity and
acquiring real estate, for which they
have an especial liking. They own
some of the best farm lands in the
The weather in Paris during January
was so severe that the flower market was
suspended. One florist lost 100,000
rose bushes aud the total loss fo rose
growers is estimated at 7,000,000 francs.
Ix England, in the seventeenth cen
tury, there was a renowned hangman,
named Detrick, who erected gibbets
and attended executions by hanging.
Hence a machine, with ropes for hoist
ing, took his name.
It is said that the blackest man in
Glynn County, Georgia, is named white,
the whitest man is named Brown, the
tallest man is named Lowe and the
largest man Small.
Among the latest disinfectants is "ly
sol," which appears to be very much
like carbolic acid. The emulsifying
agent is resiu or fat soap, tar acid being
incorporated with the soap at the mo
ment of saponification.
Scarcely a train passes through Ash
land, Ore., for the North without hav
ing from one to three carloads of fruit
attached to it. The fruit consists al
most wholly of oranges and lemons at
this time.
Ax Indiana farmer walked twenty-,
two miles to find out what the word
"kennel" meant, and he was so dis
gusted that he went home and smashed
the dog-house with an ax. He taid
they'd be calling a barn-door an arch
way next.
No Kcssiax city is allowed to have a
city director-. The idea of the Czar is
that if his police know a man's residence
that is enongh. If anyone else wants to
know it let him go to the police. The
Russian may well doubt who owns his
Mrs. Rose McCormick, of Green
point, died on the 17th instant fnlly be
lieving that she was 101 years old. On j
the 18th papers were discovered which
proved her age to be only 91. This
would have been a Fad blow to her, and
it was lucky she died when she did.
Ix Germanv iodoform is being made
by use of the electric current. An al
coholic solution of iodide of potassium
transversed by a current of carbonic
acid is subjected to the electric current.
and iodoform is produced in the shape
of yellow capsules.
The Atlanta (Ga.) Constitution has
the hardihood to publish this item:
"Capt. A. C. Bell, of Americus, says he
has a turnip in his garden measuring
seven feet across and with a top so high
and strong that the small boya climb it.
A pair of mules will have to be used to
pull it up."
A resident of Middlefield, Conn.,
makes the strange boast that he has
skinned mors skunks than any poli
tician in the Nutmeg State. So far his
record is forty-five skins. He states
that the only drawback to the business
is that he is compelled to live practi
cally by himself.
Just name the date for your dress
buttons and the makers will run 'em
back in books and pattern as far as the
year COO, and the extra charge will be
very light You can also secure pic
tures, statuary and draperies, the same
way, and being "new spring stock" are
to be relied on.
Some time ago a woman of Brooklyn,
Ind., before selling a few eggs wrote
her name and address on one of them.
She has received a letter from a young
lady living in Massachusetts, saying she
purchased the eggs and was in the act
of making a lemon pudding when she
discovered the name and address.
The Woman's Christian Temperance
Union has waged a vigorous campaign
in Chicago for five years, yet the con
sumption of alcoholic beverages has in
creased 23 per cent, in that time. Ohio
has satisfactorily demonstrated that the
saloon never gives way but to the law,
and only then where lawyers are scarce.
The gross valuation of the County of
London will be found to have passed
the enormous figure of 40,000,000,
even if all the county council appeals
were to be dismissed. The actual figure
staled in the icturn 3 39.837,147, but
this is subject to additions iu respect of
the seper&te assesments of the hamlet
of Penge, and to other additions con
cerning the government property.
The Washington correspondent who
said that "Mrs. Morton often receives
over 8,000 calls in a day" had probably
thrown his arithmetic at a dog. Calls
are mode from 1 to 10 p. m. nine
hours 540 minutes. No person could
j.ascendthe steps, bow and descend with
out taking thirty seconds. If she re
ceived 250 calls in nine hours she was
rushing business.
The chronologe of the Rev. Canon
Ciuquemani is an ingenious clock, and
consists of a single-toothed escape
wheel, which propels a pair of pallets
and the pendulum. In addition to this
there is a chain of lead balls, one of
which is discharged over a revolving
drum every quarter of an hour. These
keep the escape wheel going and by
another contrivance strike the hours
and quarters.
The estimate for the population of
the United States for the year of 1900,
by Hon. Carroll D. Wright, Superin
tendent of the Department of Labor,
gives as the approximate figures 76,
639,854. This is the result of a careful
consideration of the estimates made by
several other reliable individaala, the
known rates of increase, and the vari
ous circumstances that bear upon the
growth of population.
The Bank of England is the custo
dian of a large number of boxei de:
posited by customers for safety daring
the past 200 years, and in not a few in
stances forgotten. Some years ago the
servants of the bank discovered in its
vaults a chest which, on being moved,
literally fell to pieces On examining
the contents a quantity of massive p'ate
of the period of Charles II. was dis
covered, along with a - bund'e of love
letters indited during the period of the
There are no quieter, better tem
pered, gentler or quicker-witted people
in New York than the Japane-e resi
dents, who are abont two hundred in
number. Their language is soft aud
melcdius, and their mode of personal
address is p!easant to behold. They
mingle freely with Americans and like
the American garb. The few New
Yorkers who have had the opportunity
of enjoying a Japanese feast at the
"Japanese Union" Club speak in praise
of the daintiness of Japanese dishes, the
delicacy of Japanese cookery, aud the
pleasing style of Japanese service.
Oxe peculiarity of the grip in Japan
was its prevalence among the upper
classes, whereas the cholera selected its
victims among the poorer people. Some
idea of the extent of the epidemic may
be gathered from the fact that at Yoko
hama the sufferers officially reported
numbered over 50,000, and it is esti
mated that the unreported cases through
out the perfecture were nearly twice as
great Of the 130,000 inhabitants oi
Kobo' 25,000 were attacked by the dis
ease. In Tokio the epidemic raged
with great virulence, aud similar re
Krts come from some of the Chinese
A tr vix in Georgia was lately held
up by a lone woman. It had got about
two hundred yards from a station when
a negro womau was seen running fran
tically after it. The conductor saw her,
pulled the be'.l, and the train camo to a
stop. A colored brakeman stood on
the steps and reached out his hand to
help the woman on. But bho iuii on
by, and a negro boy hung himself out
of the window and kissed her. The
conductor was naturally a little wratny
and told her ho. She told him that her
boy was going off and they didn't give
her time to tell him good-bye, and she
bad to do it if she would have to follow
the train ten miies.
From the report of the British Com
missioners of Inland Revenue we learn
that the gross assessment of land for in
come tax for 1888-9 was 58,775,134, as
compared with 69,548.790 for 1879-80,
when the assessment was at its highest
To the diffeience between tbec twe
amounts the Commissioners add 604,
800, the capital value of income tax re
mitted in 1888-9 on account of agricul
tural distress, making the reduction in
the gross rental of land in nine years
11,398,462. Large as this sum is it
does not express the whole of the loss ex
perienced, for it is well known that rents
have been nominally kept up in thous
ands of instances iu which they have not
been paid in full, without any remission
of income tax being claimed. Such is
farming in Britain.
A practical joker secretly introduced
a phonograph in the kitchen of the
house where he boarded, and it recorded
the orders of the landlady to her cook.
The following Sunday he placed the
machine on the dining-table in the
presence of the guests assembled at din
ner, told the lady that it was a new
fangled music-box, and asked her to
turn the crank. She innocently did so,
and thi is the speech that came from
the phonograph: "Mary, you don't
want to pay over eight cents a pound
for meat, anyhow; it is good enough for
them, you can get it on Mulberry street
for that Yon are giving too big pieces
of steak, I notice, too. Let 'em eat
more vegetables. Yesterday yon bought
fresh pie. How often have I told you
to save five cents on 'em by getting them
stale and warming them up. Here on
this bill is twenty-five cents a pound for
coffee; fifteen cents will do hereafter.
I've got enough trouble without feeding
three men at $5 a week on porterhouse
steak." The boarders appreciated the
joke more than the landlady, and after
hearing the first few sentences she in
dignantly bounced out of the dining
room. Itnttle by Machinery.
During the last six weoks the Ameri
can Bottle Company, whose works are
located at Woodbury, N. J., have suc
ceeded in making bottles by machinery,
beiug the first successful attempt to do
so in this country, says the New York
Sun. The machinery used is an En
glish invention, which has been used iu
that country for two years. The glass
is gathered in the usual way and al
lowed to run from the rod iuto an iron
cup, which measures the quantity
needed for making the bottle. From
below a hollow iron plunger is pushed
up through the bottom of the cup and
through the mass, and the cup is re
versed, leaving the glass suspended
from the hollow plunger. The cup,
which is hinged, is then removed, and
the movement of a lever admits a small
quantity of air through the plunger,
after which the bulb is flattened at the
bottom and dropped into the mold, which
is then closed and the air applied. This
complete) the bottle, which is taken
while hot to the annealing oven. By
the old process the ring at the top of
the bottle's neck was made by a second
ojieralion. By the machine the bottle
comes from the mold complete. Men
totally inexperienced in the handling of
glass are able, it is said, after six week's
practice, to turn out as much as an ex
perienced blower with a blowpipe.
Canine Jealoasy.
Druggist Koehler lives in Sit Au
burn. He owns a huge bloodhound,
which for a long time had been the pet
of the children on the block. Not long
ago he presented his neighbor, Mr.
Hill, with a solemn looking little pug.
The child i en immediately transferred
their affections from the big blood
hound to the little pug. The. blood
hound moped for a while, and once or
twice assaulted his rival, the pug. The
other day the pug diappeared. It was
sought far and wide. One of Mr. Hill's
servants remembered that she had
seen the bloodhound carrying the pug
pup in his mouth through the side yard
of the Hill residence. Another search
was made. The pug was found in the
cistern. It was dead. The blood
hound had captured the pug, carried it
into the rear yard and dropped it
into the cistern well, the cover of
which was half removed. The blood
hound thus disposed of his rival. Cin
cinnati Commercial.
rne Street Car Service la Detroit Pars-lyard-Peaa'ylViiBla
Coke Workers la a
Vlicta'd Battle with Osacers Bloodshed
aad I'ealh Result.
Nearly the whole of Datrolt's police
force was called out to keep order during
i monster labor parade of shoemakers
and stove molders, which was incited by
the street car troubles. Immediately
after the parade passed it was decided
to start ten cars ior evening service on
Woodward avenue. The first car got
away all right, followed by a patrol
wagon containing ten officers. A second
;ar started immediately after without
the accompanying protection, however,
and the strikers threw it on its side and
across the track. The attempt to start
cars was then given i.p, but the first one
Oiift continued its perilous course, being
the target of anything handy to the
strikers the whole length o.' the
avenue, and meeting with the jeers and
taunts of the peop'e as it passed along.
Two policemen were on every corner
the who'e Iensth of the route and the
ear eventually reached the river front in
safety. On the attempt to start for the
return trip thero was a very exciting
scene. A burly man sat in a dog cart
directly acro-s the track. The police
men led his horse away. The man
whipped up his horse, overtook the car,
and diove a toss the track aain direct y
iu front of the streot-car. His buggy
was smashed aud he was thrown to the
ground. Ho was linaliy overpowered
and taken to the station. As the car
kept on its way the small crowd sect
only a few stones as a parting salute. A
car which had been lying at the river
front a 1 day was then started
up the hill The word was quickly
passed, and' in a short time about
liftmen tiiousand people packed the broad
avenue from the north side of Jefferson
avenue to the river. The car started up
the hill at break-neck speed. The mob
closed about the car. A man leaped
from among the ciowd and grasped the
team's bridles. The driver whipped his
horses. The man was dragged from his
feet and pulled all the way across tho
street But he held on, ran the horses
into a buggy and stopped the car. -In
the meantime a number of buggies,
trucks, et., had been run across the
track. Tho tioicn policemen on the car
tried to remove them but could not.
Then Strathcrn licndrio, tiie treasurer
of tho company, got up on tho front
platform with tho driver, l'ulling a big
revolver from his pocket he pointed
it threateningly at the crowd. Imme
diately cries of "Kill him, hang him,"
etc.. went up. Bricks began to fly
through tho car windows, and it looked
as if car, driver, policemen, Hcudrie,
and all would be torn to pieces, llen
drie's discretion evidently got the better
of his valor then, and the car was start
ed back to tho river. Tho crowd pur
sued it, and, unhitching the horses, tried
to run the car into tho river. A ferry
boat coming into the dock just that mo
ment prevented them carrying out their
design. At this point tho crowd was
charged by a force of police and clubbed
unmercifully. Kevolvers weto drawn,
and for a few moments it looked as if
there, was to be bloodshed, but tho police
presented a sturdy front and. effected
some arrests, which quickly quieted the
crowd considerably. It began to rain
shortly after, and as no more attempts
were made to run cars, the crowd gradu
ally dispersed.
l"he Authorities Are Having Mora than
They Can Io.
A serious riot occurred at Monarch,
Pa. Though the riot resulted in the
probable fatal wounding of ono man and
the serious injury of a woman, tho
Sheriff of Fayette County, with his dep
uties, has been defied aud the Sheriff
himself assaulted shot in the hand and
beaten and cut with an ax in the hands
of an infuriated Hungarian woman.
Since tho ugly Morewood affair the
women have taken the princija! part in
defying deputies, tho men either prefer
ring to obey the orders of their leaders
and remain inactive or thinking the
Sheriff and troops would not be so severe
where women led tho attac ks. Sheriff
McCormick and his deputies went to
evict ten families of striking Slavs, and
they had a bloody battle with an
infuriated mob of men and women.
In order to reach tiie houses
the Sheriff aud Itis deputies had
to march several hundred yards up a
stee; road, at winch point h ordered
tho militia which came up with him from
Tiotte"-, to remain until they were
needed. It was about 11 o'clock when
tho sheriff and his t'eputios i cached
house Xo. 10., o cupi. d by Thomas
Tarr. A crowd of three or four hun
dred men and women had collected in
front of the premises Tarr, witli an
oath, declined to evacuat , and. seizing
an ax, stood in the doorway and defied
tho sheriff to enter. Then the troubles
commenced. Men and women, in broken
English, yelled deliancc and berat 1 tho
sheriff and his deputies iu the strongest
language they could command. Tli 'sheriff
tried to reason w ith them, hut without
avail. Their blood wasup.and nothing but
a first-ciass l.attle would satisfy them.
Antiy liiashko s wife, spying the sheriff,
mado a dive for him, pistol in hand.
Just as she was about to fire he struck
tho pistol a downward blow and at the
same time fired. Tiie two pistols went
off simultaneously. The sheriff had
shot the woman in the flesh part of tho
left thigh, and shu had shot him
in the left ankle. ISy this time
the sheriff's Llood was up, and with
a cocked revolver. -14 -caliber, in either
hand, stood with his haik against the
end of the house, and informed the mob
that the first one wlia made a move
toward him he would shoot, and shoot to
kill. Martin Scroupka left the crowd
and rushed at tho Sheriff with a huge
club uplifted. The Sheriff waited until
Scroupka got within live feet of him and
then tired The shot took effect, tho
bullet striking Scroupka in the mouth,
knocking out two of iiis teeth and lodg
ing somewhere in the back of his mouth.
The wounded Slav wheelo 1 and started
to run and tiie Sheriff followed him.
Some one shouted to the Sheriff to look
ont, and turning he aw Tarr, the man
on whom lie had sene-l the writ, com
ing toward him with an ax Tho Sheriff
pointed botii his revolvers at him and
Tarr retreated. IJy this time Capt
Frashcr, of Company C, hearing the
shots aud the uproar, iiad brought the
soldiers up the road on double quick,
and their presence at once quelled tho
rioters Tarr Is now iu jail.
Then He Was .Mad.
A German cobbler, whn was reputed
to be one of the la iest and most worth
less men in Ladville. dug a hole in his
yard and salted it with ore, and showing
the pit to the representat'ves of a com
pany he was able to sell it for 82,500.
Daring the carou e which followed he
boasted publicly of the way in which he
had fcoied the capitalists, but before the
purchasers of his property heard of
these remarks they had sunk the shaft
four feet deeper and had struck one of
tht richest veins of carbonate in Lead
ville. The cobbler, on leai ning what had
happened, danced about the edge of the
pit and swore that lie had been swin
dled. The mine yielded about 1,000,000.
He Took Chance.
A white boy about K) years of age was
playing with a colored boy a year or so
younger on Calhoun stroet when the
mother of the latter cal eJ from the opea
"Reuben, what von doin' out dar?"
"Who you plavin' wid?"
Playin' wid A bcrt."
uIb ho cuTd or white?"
"Den you waikyousaif straight in yere
Jn a niinit! How many times has I got
to tell you dat you can't pi.-k up all dese
white boysdat cum a!on?'without dun
losm' 'your reputashun? Skin fur dat
back yark, sah!" Free Prat.
Early Ristec far Waaaea. .
Polly Peppers says. In the American
Home, that early rising wears out women
too fast "I notice that our thrifty great
aunts and graudmothers had a habit of
dying early and giving their husbands an
opportunity of leading two or three
blushing brides to the altar. Now, I
don't propose to leave any chance for my
husband to get any such double or triple
bliss as that I don't Intend to have any
other woman walking around .in my
shoes, appropriating my kisses and do
ing other, disagreeable things which I
should object to. I mean to take care of
myself so as to last as long as my better
half. No woman has any business, ordi
narily, to get up and go to work at 4 or
3 o'clock in the morning. If there is
anvthing in the world tbat a woman
needs it is plenty of rest If she feels
tired and languid In the morning and
hatesto get up, it Is a sure sign that she
is overdoing and wearlngout Six o'clock
is as early as anyone ought to get up and
go to work."
Uoa't Throw Vp tho Saaagat
That hideous ogre, Omnt Despair, often fas
tens bis clutch upon the chronlo Invalid. Coa.
stantly plagued by dyspessla, btHonsaess, sad
constipation nervous and sleepless, too what
nonder Is it that, having tried ia vala a multi
tude of useless remedies, be is ready, figura
tively epeaktng. to 'throw ap the sponge. Let
the unfortunate take beart of grace." Hoatet
ter's 8tomach Bitters can and wiU pat a ter
minus to his trials. It strengthen the stom
ach, confers nervous vigor by promoting assim
ilation of the food, arouses the liver wbea
dormant, and relaxes the bowels without pain.
Ths ability to digest and assimllatearestored,
tho ability to sleep follows. Nothing then can
stay the renewal ot health but imprudence.
Hostettsr's Stomach Bitters, moreover, trans
cends all others as a remedy for malarial,
rheumatic, and kidaey complaints. A wine
glassful three times a day.
1 ha Camphor 1 roe.
One of tho most useful and magnifi
cent productions of the vegetable king
dom that enriches the soil of China,
more particularly the provinces of
Kiang-si and Canton, is .the camphor
tree. This stupendous laurel, according
to the testimony of learned Chinese man
darins, has been known to attain a
height of 300 feet and a girth measure
ment of 80 feet The trees seldom grow
on uplands, but are to be found in
abundance on the banks of many of the
larger streams. Lord Amherst's em
bassy reports the average height of
camphor trees at from 50 to 70 feet with
a stem circumference of 20 to 35 feet
Besides yielding the camphor gum of
commerce, this valuable tree is the prin
cipal timber wood of the celestial em
pire, and is used not only in building but
in articles of furniture. The wood when
dry is of a light yellow color, and, al
though light and easy to work, Is dur
able and not likely to be Injured by in
sects. Scurry aad Soorbatlc AflT-cttoas, Pimples
and Blotches oa the Skta. Bad Lea. Ul
cers, Wounds, Etc., Etc.
The cause ot all these complaints is In the
blood, aud it often happens that they are
lloatlug iu the blood a long time before they
break out ou the body.
This class of diseases requires tbat the
blood be powerfully aud perseveringly acted
upon, iu order to cleanse it from all the
morbid humors which have been floating
in it, perhaps for many months. It is of no
umj to heal tho sore by outward applica
tions, for iu so doing you only get rid of one
trouble to make way for a much worse In a
short time.
Bcocham's Pills are prepared only by
Thomas Ueechani, St. Helens, Lancashire,
B. F. Allen & Co., 305 Canal street New
York, sole ueents for the United States,
who if your druggist docs not keep them,
will mail Beechatu's Pills on receipt of
price, 2o cents a box, but inquire first.
Calf Carried Oft by a 'Gator.
At Staunton, Fla.. a few days ago
Miss Gatiin was engaged in household
duties, when she was alarmed by hear
ing a calf on the grounds bellowing as if
iu pain. She rushed out 'to see what
was the matter, and found that about
forty yards from the lake an immense
alligator, fifteen feet long, bad caught
the calf by the back of the neck and was
slowly dragging it into the lake. She
very courageously tried to make the
reptile leave by throwing light wood at
him, but he had evidently other inten
tions, and in spite of the presence of a
human being, which is supposed to strike
terror to the hearts of such animals, he
dragged the calf over forty yards into
the lake aud both disappeared.
Nkolkctino a child troubled with worms
may cause it to have epileptic fits. Horri
ble! Give it Dr. Bull's Worm Destroyers
at once and save the child. By mall. 35
cents. John D. Park. Cincinnati. Ohio.
He Got Ihe Worst of It.
He was a Bath, Me., hackmau, so the
Enterprise says, and he had a Canadian
qxarter, worth only 20 cents in Bath,
tl it he wanted to dispose of. So ono
dark night, when an innocent old lady
handed him half a dollar, he gave her
the Canadian quarter in change, and in
stead of feeling ashamed of himself ho
chuckled over the transaction that is,
he chuckled until he pulled out the coin
the lady had given him, and by the light
of a lamp discovered that it was a Can
adian half-dollar.
For strengthening and clearing the voice,
I lime commended thorn to friends who
were public speakers, and they have proved
extremely serviceable. Rev. Henry Want
Die. Charles F. Heuser. an eccentric
physician of Baltimore, who died re
cently, made provision in his will for a
number of silver vials which were to be
distributed among friends after they had
been filled with ashes from his cremated
BcucnAM's Pnxa act like magic, on
Weak Stomach.
Gov. Hooo, of Texas, named one of
of his daughters Ima Hogg. Her re?'
proach to her father must be "you're
Ifo Opium in PIso's Cure for Consumptloa.
Cures where other remedies fall. 25c,
Judge "Have you anything to say in
your defense, prisoner?" "Only this,
your honor. It was all a mistake. I in
tended to rob another house and mistook
the number."
riTJC-Anrita etoppea ftee by Br.KIIae's Great
.Nerve Restorer. No Fits after first day's one. Mar
vellous cures. Treatise and ttt trial bottie tree to
Fit cases. Send toDr. Kline. anArelt at. Pbiia. fa
ru curcu uy
WolJNDs,Ctrra, Swellings
Cherry Pectoral
than any other
medicine of the kind,
relieves and
Promptly Cures
cold, coughi,
croup, ore throat,
bronchitis, tonailitis,
lung f ever, pneumonia,
incipient consumption,
a. c v. V.
. 1S-S1
ntldbUJJS Hafr
i&EmV M used Ull
ZMwmmW according in 11
Good Blood
Is absolutely
" Essential to
Good Health
You may have
both by taking the
best Blood Purifier
The saceem of ths Great Coach Caw
wkaomt a parallel ia the history of Baediciaa.
All druggists are aathorized to sell it oa a pes.
Mive guarantee, a test that bo other care can sac.
ceskfally stand. That it may become knowa,
the Proprietors, at an enormous expense, are
placing a Sample Bottle Free into every hoase
at the United States aad Canada. If yoa have
a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use k, far
it will care yoa. If your child has the Croup,
or Whooping Cough, use k pnaaptly, aad rebel
is sure. If you dread that nsahous diet
Consumption, use k. Ask your Druggist far
smiJUH'S CUKE, race locts., 50 cts.
Il.eo. If your Luags are sore or Back
eat Sailoh's Porous Platter, Price Sjct
The Soap
is Le
ae appetite, Iadlgeetioa. Kata
Headeaae, "all r aa oewa" or I
yoa will Bad
tuffs Pills
Jast what yoa aeed. They taae apt the weak
I Powdered aad I'erflimed.
The strongest and purest Lye
made. Will make the best per
fumed Bard Soap la SO minutes
without boiling. "X. last Bao
23osurt 'or softening water,
cleansing waste-pipes, disinfect
ing sinks, closets, washing bot
tled, valnts. trees, etc.
Gen. Agta., Phils.. Pa.
rackafe mates t gallons. iJclicious. sparklm; and app-iliiac.
StUbj all drains. A beautiful Picture Book anJ Carta scat free tt
ay Madia Uwlr address w Ths C. . HIKES CO, Rdlada
Be. TO ftee. A ROLL.
4aT write tor ssitptea.
.aladikon St. Chicago. IU.
Remember last winter's siege. Recall how trying
to health were the frequent changes of the weather.-'
What was it that helped you win the light with disease,
warded off pneumonia and possibly consumption ? Did
you give due credit to SCOTT'S EM U LSION of
pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites of
Lime and Soda ? Did you proclaim the victory ? Have
you recommended this wonderful ally of health to your
friends? And what will you do this whiter ? Use Scott's
Emulsion "as a preventive this time. It will fortify the
system against Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Scrofula,
General Debility, and allAnamic and Wasting Diseases
specially in Children). Palatable as Milk.
SPECIAL. Scott's Emnlsion is non-secret, sad is prescribed hvtreMedc Ao.
fession all over the world, because its ingredientsare scienbncally cuubined ia saca a
manner as to greatly increase their remedial value.
CAUTION Scott's Emulsion is put np in salmon-colored wrappers. Be sure aad
ret the genuine. Prepared only by Scott Ae Bowne. Manufacturing Chemists. New York.
Sold by all Druggists.
.Who wins the
If you
certainly use SAP LI 0
wKf I VJRTsV lEw
in house-cle&ning'S&poIio
is a solid cfiakeof-scouring-so&p
Try jHn house-cle&ning
fry your toune just a much s sy yur efrea. Keep it tumt mud
clean and your reputation will thine. Xeylect it mnd yur yoed
name will suffer. Dt net think that heute-elemninyie t treuble
aome; it ia tcorth all it ceets, especially if yen reduce the Mftoy of
time and strength hy usiny SAPOZJO.
Beat feat Medicine.
Can where att
Clrtdrtm take it withoat object's.
AaaK..2!fi2!'il!"fM!- VRT
"I have been afflict -
01 mui uuHmsneas) .
Stomach ." &st e
another prepara-
Pains. " tion wassuggested
" tome and tried but
"to no purpose. At last a friend.
recommended August Flower. I "
' ' took it according to directions and
" its effects were wonderful, reliev-
'ing me of those, disagreeable
" stomach pains which I had been'
" troubled with so long. Words
"cannot describe the admiration.
"in which I hold your August
" Flower it has given me" a new
" lease of life, which before was a
' burden. Such a medicine is a ben-
" efaction to humanity, and its good "
"qualities and K
"wonderful mer- Jesse Barker, . -
"its should be . -. -.
"made known to Printer,
"everyone suffer, Humboldt.
mg with dyspep
sia or biliousness Kansas. -C.
G. GREEN, Sole Mas'fr.Woodbary.NJ. .'
t. t.Cs.Wasue-emaiM.Vaal
Clric and Surfical DissastSa
Beet Fai. "!' Asoaratae east WtomM tw eae
1 Trestf BBeMft atff ftrrr ffSavsa .
aad Atttndamce. Best Accomuxlationt in Wstt
UsUBBMl. PSI aw Tbibsiavm. sTa. St .MS. !! I.,
Vla Sect. Carvaiarce t
Wthartlatetw adttnt a imna-tn trp.irtment fur iron.
tnunriMaconjtnewunt. (bTUCTLY PtUTATE.)
all KetiaMe Meakal lmtibrtesMkiaaSpeciBHya
iMlAlt R0EA0CO eases resaluSg from abuse!
of youth aad manhood. AU Blood riisenoi. Pa.
lively aad aerasaaeatly Cared. SyphllltM
Poison removed from the system without mercury.
Sew Restoratit Trtatmrnt JurLostof VlTAhlOW'
by correspondence. AU corrmunlcatiOB conSdeB
Ual. H6dictnes or Instrument sent by mall or ex
press marks to Indicate content
or sender. One personal Interview preferred. Call
and consult nsorseml history olyour case, and we.
svus ovum iu pioia wrapper, uur
vate, Special or Nervous Diseases, lui potency. Sypb
Ills, Gleet and Varicocele.wlth question list. Address
t. E. Car. Waaaawava. and Van,
aVit, Fraacs. E.tiMlshsd la Europe. liW; England. 19U; Canals.
UCs; UaiUd SasUs. US7. Curas all ssppnaUsas, lirsgularlHat. sn.1
SMOlMy araa(tsnt. Safe, hannlaw, rsllaMa. Tay assitlsslr
Batteot to Ukra during angaascy. Thslargs Brapoitw of Ilia
aa which lads an IlabiaU ths direct rsiult of a d.ssrdsrsd sal
ss.'itsi iiiiii ill iisltim Centlausd awathlyssaprsadoasmalt la
.HBadaaaoalcgandqakkcouaaiBtlaa. (tapackags.or Jfr gs.
aar avari, la plilu wald snrtlope, oa ncsipt of pries. Tbs Asrl
caaPUl Co., Who!ut.r and &Ta!ty PrJprtatori,
Ths gmaiM pill !J by SEDGWICK A "DE 1-038. DiaggUs, -Sans
Civ, laws. WLolcsals aud BaUU .accots.
THE UULT UaND; Round the
World. Select parties, best Uckellnar
facilllle.oceBn tickets. H.UAZKx
SON. W Broadway. N.Y. (EaUMtiJ
74wA..iw Actable use. ay-s run tor circular.
Household aurrx.T Co. 2S Dearborn bUChicasut.
eyes, wins eJl.-
you will
Pleasant i
.- . ..
" .
' .'
1 1
'-. V
'-rw ,
L. .!? 1.
--A - a i