The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 29, 1891, Image 4
v. - .-" s-J !" ;JJ f . -3J i ' " rx , S . w I?-: '1 I r. i NEBRASKA. FAMILY : JOUBNAL A WmUj XfWafaaer taMi ff7 Wefeesiav. 52 Ctlnrai tf reaitag tfter. aea ' sixties ef Nekraka State Nttw .teas, Seledei Steries ami ' MifMlIUJ. - tjrastaaawi Subaoristiea SI tfMT9 hi JUhmct. Addraas.:' lLALTramAOa, Platte O0U.IM Al. DTJSSEr.L, co 2 I'UHFS BEPAIBED OH fiEOKT NOTKH. Olive U, Marly eaaeslte, LOUIS SCHREIBER. B!acnsmltli ail Warn Hater. All kills tf atoairiig .sae ei Sbert Nttke. Matties, Wig- eas, etc. aiiia t trier, . ui til wtrk fiaar- aiteei. Abe sail tke werM-faawas Walter Weoa Mowen. laaears. Cai si. Xacniaei, Haxreatcn, . aa elf-aiadara-tka PWv aBsssssltBisa'd) tlTHhep ebpeslte the "Tstterssll," en - - - Olive 8U COLUMBUS. 3S-a Judicious Advertising MMBJeaSXasBSMBmBmi .. Creates many a new business, . Enlarges many an old business, ' Revives many a dull business, . Revues many a lost business, . .Saves many a failing business, Preserves many a large business, . Secures success in any business. Bo says a saaa ef business, and we add that Jadirioas advertising, for this aactioa ef country. lacli THE JOURNAL Aaoaeof the mediants, because it is read by the best people, those who know what they want aw pay for what they get. We challenge comparison with any country paper in the world in this re epect twenty years publishing by the same management, and never one dnn to subscribers published in Tax Joubxal. This, better than .anything else, shows the class of people who .TeadTHaJoPBKAi. every week. tf . GOSHEN FENCE IACHI1E! CHEAP. ONTJY $15. wire ana alata, cat wlHawa.ssJK ac ue sen, ansa; arssr aasa fsaesesa hemsiiaai atiattasi an tb ia the a bay as ccsuaary ti a to as reds a day. and eaa work It aatae isaaamLUasaatea taenia aasa shea any other, aad menu it at la lb ssarhisT sail a anamnla . Ha work aasa iathanifer aa lltfe lata, wtnsan taaamtBaai . av asinawByn. PATENTS all ;n opposite u.s. rj ,aui liiiltssssadatLl JtSIOiMl AfastoWi srsawataaa. Stery g&s aaaaBaaaaaaaaBBBBBBul -.aaMPBawawaaVaV aaaLaiwaBuaaaaaaaaVaaV'BBulwKXaW aMaataaa InaAM ttMasu414aUan la aV last aasl mid, ta any address terMasata. Writs' to' ba r. wOWaXL QO. WJtaraPAFXK ADVBBBaOa aWJlfAIl .lausaaHl niallaa Masai la 1 lTnrT?7 lalhassan 1 SI 1iifl tar MOPKBaTS FOR. wsof 'Kac opppsmt o. s. patjK COST taaathsas tisuli atom. wa aawass ac uatsataaw ar aec naa ac asssssa. OarlasaataaatmaatoatUsaeana. j AaaaaCaWw toOhtoia Tartff iiiaMaj auauauauauaW ' 1 ma aav arii aWaWaWsBsui in - asssssssssssa -tarfc- a a5fleffl52 LOVZB. I aa a low once," abe sighed; "Yes, last before I married yon. Who listened when I spoke and tried To answer alrmy questions, too. M8o eoHrteoas and bo Idad ao good! . He'd never think a man could be As thoughtless, and, Indeed, aa rude As yon too often are to toe. lw Jewel of nay love once won, ' He used to swear, coold ne'er grow dim; He would not dream that any one. Could whistle When I spoke to him! "If he had faults he kept them hid. I should hare mairied himt Yes; tme, And that's exactly what t did. My perfect lover, sir, was your etmggUaa; Up UIi'i Ragged '" With youth, vigor, ambition and an- indomita ble will to help ns, is no such Rrierous matter, hut tottering- down again, afflicted by the ail Mats which beast old age our backs bent with lumbago, oar elastic muscles and 'oints stiff and painful. Is a woeful piece of business. For the tatraslties which the decline of Ufa too often I brines, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is a benef lsent Boures of relief, a mitigating solace al ways to be depended upon. No regulating tonic erolred by botanic medical discovery Is so well itMA to thoroughly able, but without un due stimulative effect, to help the aged, the deli cate and the convalescent to resuscitate the vitality of a frame which time and physleal de ellne have impaired as this. Kidney and blad der weakness and disorder, costireness. malarial complaints, dyspepsia and rheumatism are among the bodily afflictions which this sterling rscuperant and regulator overcomes. ' A Mosquito spoon. A New York firm a few days ago re ceived an order for a souvenir spoon to gratify the whim of ope of the natives of New Jersey. The emblem required was a mosquito. Considerable trouble, it was said, was experienced in finding a satisfactory model, the text books on insectology furnishing, it seems, very meager illustrations of the famous and the greatly feared disturber of men's dreams. After a diligent search abd much inquiry it was discovered that an adventurous apprentice of the company had captured a fine specimen of the in sect during the summer and had pre served the conquered freelance impaled upon a pin. Thereupon there was great rejoicing in the factory and the Jersey customer was made happy. When Bahy was afck, we gave her Castorla, When she was a Child, she cried for Castors, When she became Miss, she dung to Castoria, IThsa aha hiil rimirt- tvr "'' '- Ukfobtcxately frogs aro not the only croakers the world has to listen to. It's sometimes said patent medicines are for the igno rant The doctors foster this idea. "The people," we're told, "are mostly ignorant when it comes to medical science." Suppose they are! What a sick man needs is not knowl edge, but a cure, and the medi cine that cures is the medicine for the sick. Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery cures the "do believes" and the "don't be lieves." There's no hesitance about it, no "if" nor "possi bly." It says "I can cure you, only do as I direct" Perhaps it fails occasionally. The makers hear of it when it does, because they never keep the money when the medicine fails to do good. Suppose the doctors went on that principle. (We beg the doctors' pardon. It wouldn't do!) Choking, sneezing and every other form of catarrh in the head, is radically cured by Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Fifty cents. By druggists. SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. The success of this Great Cough Care it trithoat a parallel in the history of medicma. All druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can sac cessfally stand. That it may become known, the Proprietors, at an enormous expense, am placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home la the United States and Canada. If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, foe it will care you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and rebel is sure. If you dread that insidious disease Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE, Price io cts., 50 cts. an fti.00. If your Langs are sore or Back lasts, as Saitoh's rorous blaster, Mice s, ess. The Cod That Helps to Cure The Cold. The disagreeable taste of the COD LIVER OIL is dissipated in SCOTTS emu ems a bub aa aaa a aa aaj i Oi tHre Jai aiiscr uu vsiibi HYPOPHOSPHITES OF t.t-k-f; AJSTD SODA. j The patient suffering from CONSUMPTION. i BstSXCMITIS. cercH, COLS). t WASTIC aISEAEJ. may take the ( remedy with as much satisfaction as he ) ( would take milk. Physicians are prescrlb- I 1 lug U everywhere. It U a p rfeet esaakioa. jaaawoB!rhlKtipro!arrr. Takeuotkr The Soap that Cleans Most 'f is Lenox. MWmJiT TOPICS OF THE TIMES. A CHOICE SELECTION OF IN TERESTING ITEMS. Cesnnents aad CriUdnw Saved Upon the Happenings m Use Day-Historical and Jfewa Notes. Previous to the tuae "of Elizabeth the only article to assist in eating was the jackknife, which also served for sundry other purposes. A horse in "Waterbury, Conn., m in ordinately fond of vie aud often, walk- iug to the kitchen door, refuses to leave until bis appetite for the dainty is satisfied. It is employment, says Daniel Web ster, that, makes p&tple liaipy; and, says Jeau Paul, I have fire-proof, perennial enjoyments called employ ments. - Great is the power of eloquence; but never U it so great as wbeu it pleads along with nature, and the culprit is a child strayed from his duty aud re- turnedto it ugaiu with tears. The reason some reople never change their minds is because they have no minds to change. To-day offers a new point of view, aud it may well change the vista f'om that discerned yesterday. According to a Boston paper the Prohibitionists of Maine are about to make an attempt "to curb the rum -fiend." How are they poing to do it when they won't permit a bit to enter their mouths? The following curious advertisement appeared not long sgo in a newspaper in Paris: "A lady having a pet dog whose hair is of a rich mahogany color j desires to engage a footman with whisk era to match." -Axew industry for females has lately come into public notice. They go from house to house amomg the wealthy classes.supplied withppirits of ammonia, and other ingrediets, and solicit employ ment to remove stains from costly gar ments. Statistics from the marine hospitals of the United States show that 50,000 sailors were under treatment last year, being about one in five of the men who follow that avocation. When they taik about the hardy sailor and his iron con stitution they seem to be way off. Constantly accumulating interest on a debt which he found himself unable to pay proved too much for a Russian peasant He hated the creditor, and to hurt him he hung himself to the usu rer's door, with this inscription on his body. "This pays my iadebtneM to yon." A West Virginia bchool teacher warned the girls that any one who chewed gum was not onlyt6 be classed with the cow creation, bnt could not hope to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. After he had been licked by several fathers ami brothers he put his theory in his pocket and skipped out. The warden at Sing Sing says that the bauk burglars are the best behaved men in his prison. Their idea is to serve their time as quickly as possible, and they are very careful to break no rules and enter into no plots. If one escapes he always goes it alone and makes a sure thing of it .They have no riot act to read in Italy, and so, when certain towns got up one morning this winter to find six inches of snow on the ground the first seen for twenty years the mayors came ont dressed in their robes of state and ordered the soldiers to parade up and down and look us fierce as possible. A curious phenomenon was recently observed on the sea at Folkestone, England. A ship laden with oil sunk in collision and the water was covered with oil. This produced a strange ef fect on the wild fowl, which are plenti ful there. Wild ducks, teal and other birds were easily caught, as they seemed unable to fly on account of their feathers being satuated with oil. Formerly the great arctic or snowy owl was rarely found in Central or Northern New York.but during the pres ent winter the species has been numer ously represented and numbers have been killed. This is thought to be due to the fact that ' rabbits, on which the birds feed, have been uncommonly plenty this season and have attracted them. A little cyclone in Mississippi picked up a corn-crib fifty feet long; by ten wide and moved it across the highway and up a hill for a distance of seventeen rods; and the crib stands right there to day with eighty-eight bushels of corn in it and not a log out of place. The only mystery is how it passed retween two stumps only eight feet apart, but per haps it will be explained in the small bUls. The proposed underground transit system in New York is an inevitable solution of the grave and inceasing difficulties that attend any surface or elevated routes. The hardships of the long flights of stairs in the elevated system are alone enough to appall ciA ilization. The noise renders all streets through which they pass unfit for hab itation, and these and other evils must eventually resdlt in their giving way to somethiug more .feasible. The under ground system has the disadvantage of gloom, but it offers the only feasible solution to the problem of combining speed, safetv and as little discomfort as possible to the city's activities. Large quantities of sulphite pulp, says a writer on improvements in chem ical wood pnlp. are now imported from Germany and Norway, and the industry has for some time past been carried on even in Japan, a good quality being there produced from tlfv Japanese spruce; the opinion, howevts?, it enter tained amohg aper makers that the German aud Norwegian article is not as' good as the American for the reason that, in cider to be shipped to this country in good shape, it is necessary tn rmt it nr.l;r th enrine roll and beat it up, thus injuring in a measure that strength of the fibre. Lime as a bask for holding the sulphur is in quite gen eral use by manufacturers of a' low grade of sulphite for news and cheap book papers, while magnesia, beug more expeusie, i depended oa for pro ducing an article of superior quality, the claim iei-'g thaty mawaiaftW improved methods ia this line, a book paper equal if not superior in all re spects to the best rag article is thus realized. Experiments have been made in the aaost skilful ways with cypress, yellow birch, and tamarack, with asore or less success, but spruce ha yielded by far the most satisfactory results, though at the South cottouwood is used aa a good substitute . One of the advantage of the rotary pump is its adaptability to beiug driven' by so many different method", and to the e has receutly been added the fol low itig: There is a fixed hollow shaft, one end of which forms the inlet "port and the other the out'et, this shaft beiug formed with an eccoutriccenter, haing an encitcling port communicating with the inlet and discharge iorts. Upon the shaft ii moauted, and adabted to revolve, a shell, which, enclosing the eccentric centre, forms at one part or line an abutment, aud at the remaining portion a water space, suitable packing and stuffing boxe-. being used between the parts. In the shell are swinging pistons controlled by spring and operating iigainst the circumference of the eccentric center; this forming -a rotary pump, the operation of which, upon revolving the shell is obvious. To revolve the shell, the pump, or a rim connected with it, is made from the core of an electric motor, this being doae by properly wrapping the shell with wire so as to form an electric ar mature, the wrapping it to be directly on the shell or upon a rim carried by the shell. Now.' the electric current parsing through the brushes and ener gizing the armature, tho latter is re volved by the field magnets; the shell 1 1 therefore rotated, and turougu iib piston, sacks in and forces out the water. An advantage peculiar to this form of-armature consists in the fact that, by reason of the hollow journals throngh which the water is passing, there is no liability to the ' drawback of journals, to 'which high-speed electric motors are subject. "When Prof. Morse first made tht statement that he could send communi cations ever a wire between distant parts, no one believed him. Evoa the Government officials were skeptical, aud il was a long time before he was able to get any assistance to perfect his system. A company known as the Western Union Telegraph Company was formed, and in 1858 it had a capital of $358,700. Within eight years from that time divi dends were declared amounting to $17,810,1-10, and stock issued for new lines, to the amount of $1,937,950. . To day its capital is nearly $90,000,000, and it has realized in twenty-five years net profits amounting to over $100,000, 000. The largest dividends declared up to 1875 was 414 per cent and the largest amount of stock dividends at anyone time was $10,000,000. One thousand dollars invested in the stock in 1858 would have earned np to to present time stock dividends amount ing to $50,000, and cash dividends of $100,000, or an average of 300 per cent a year. These are pretty large figures but they are factB, and show that those who, regardless of the scepticisms and doubts which prevailed in the public mind, invested in the company that was to become one of the greatest mon opolies, as well as one of the greatest dividend-paying concerns of the nine teenth century, were wise beyond their day and generation, and a study of the history of this great company may be a valuable lesson to those who are in clined to doubt and sneer at a new ides or invention because they are not able to comprehend its possibilities. Arabs as tiulde. It is not a little singular that the Arabs of the desert are far inferior tc the natives of America in the faculty oi findiug their way through woods or ovet plains. They are apt to-be near-sighted at the best, and often have the addi tional misfortune of sore eyes. In her account of the "Bedonin Tribes of the Euphrates," Lady Blount speaks of the incapacity of Arab guides. We were no sooner ont of the wady, and on the table-laud again, than we found ourselves in a thick fog, which would have obliged us to stop if we had been without a compass. By the com pass we determined the direction, and then kept to it by the wind, which blew from behind upon our right ears. It is curious how little faculty t ue Arabs have of finding their way. Their course seems to be directed entirely by what, 1 believe, sailors call "rule of -thumb." Once out of their own district, they are incapable of pursuing a straight line by the sun, or the wind, or by any natural instinct They travel from landmark to landmark, and almost always in a zigzag, which costs them many a mile. Here they had to depend entirely upon us for the direction of El Haddr, a place we had-never seen or heard of till two days before; andour knowledge of its nosition". thoucrh simple enouch tc us seemed very marvellous to the gnide3. When the fog cleared, as it did in the course of the morning, they saw, to theii surprise, El Huddr straight in front oi them. It was still many miles off, but our oouse had been correct 1 think this fog was a fortunate circum stance, as it raised us iu the eyes of all our following, who now professed full faith and confidence iu my husband. How to Keep Ice. There are three or fonr things that will help to keep the precious nugget of ice from melting away if the house keeper will only remember them. One is, that to keep ice warm is the way to keep it cold. A piece of ice in a pitch er, with tho pail over tho pitcher and a rng over the pail, will keep all xugnt. A piece of ice in a retrigerater, covered with a snug, white blanket, will eheat the greedy ice man every day, and snap fancy fingers at the milk that does not dare" to get sour, or the beefsteak that dares not fail. These things are ad mirab'ein their way and should be in every hat-band. But tho greatest trick of all is newspaper. With plenly ol newspapers above, below aud on every side, the way a piece of ice will keep is a joke. A Startled Organist. A enrions incident disturbed a con gregation at St Michael's church, Folkstone, England, a short time ago. The organ in that church is provided with kettledrums, which are brought into action by the organist pressing against an electric knob fixed to the back of his seat This arrangement was not explained to a strange organist, who had no soaner leaned back to heat the sermon comfortably than a startling uproar began in the recesses of the in strument Looking up in astonishment, the nnsusnecting artist only pressed the knob the harder, and faster and mora furions-becanie the action of the drums. Thin-went on for a considerable time, till somebody with presence of mind Jrahad up ud explained the aecret. de SUN DO MOVE." Ika Ut. Jena Jasper Orerwaelasa tke riUlaaeplHira aad Astroaaaarrs. Tho Rev. John Jasper preached his sermon "De Sun Do Move" for the 275th time last Sunday, says the Richmond (Vs.) State. The sermon has been too fully exploited to bear repetition. Jas per has a poor opinion of the philoso phers, and he proved that they didn't know what they were talking about when they called the 'earth round, "for the bible says tho earth has four cor ners,, and when it has got four corners if can't be round." Tho preacher concluded his sermon with this fling at tho philosophers: "They tell you that tho sun is so many miles from the earth, that it takes a cannon ball, traveling at the rate of a mile in four seconds, 351 years to go to the sun. Then, of course, you must 'low that cannon ball the same time to return. That makes 702 years. Then s'posin' a man could sit on a cannon ball. He boun take somethin1 'long to eat; he boun' take 'long ho washer and cooker. Now everybody kno' how impos sible all dis traveling would be. If parties started to the sun on a cannon ball, would the sun be so powerful hot that they couldn't get nigh it? Course it would. Well, then, what use of dis talk 'bout measuring distances from the earth to tho sun?" This seemed .to be a squelcher, and Jasper chuckled when he got it off. The utter absurdity of measuring the. sun's distance when the difficulties of cannon ball travel were so great provoked an amen from the palleries. As Jasper took his seat he said that if the bible did not have all the texts that he had quoted the people might spit in his face next time they saw him. A wan who baa practiced medicine for tarty years ought to know salt from sugar ; read what ho s&ys : Toledo. (X, Jan. 10, 1887. Messrs. F. J. Cheney Cc-Gentlemen-I have been in the general pracUoe of medicine for most forty years, and would say that la all my practice and experience hare. never seen a preparation that I could prescribe with aa nincfi confidence of success as I can Hall's Catarrh Cuw. manufactured by you. Have prescribed it a great many tunes and its effect is wonder ful, and would say in conclusion that I have yst to find a case of Catarrh that it would not cure, if they would take it according to dJree- tions. Yours truly, .. .r , II Tj. GOBSUCH, II. D., Office, 215 Bummit St We wfllgive $100 for anycase of Catarrh that cannot ho cured with Bail's Catarrh Cure. Taken internally. F. J. CHENEY A Co., Props., Toledo, O. aa-Sold by Druggists, 75a A Trick That Didn't Work. "It's mighty hard work getting any free advertising out of yon newspaper people, nowadays," sighed tho advance agent of a mammoth allied circus as he passed a stack of coin over tho business office counter the other morning. "Space Is space," replied the affable cashier, as he made out the receipt "I don't know why it is," continued the A. A., retrospectively, "but some how editors don't seem to bite as they used to. Same ou the eastern coast, too. I noticed it particularly on a little snap I worked way down in Galveston last fall." "How was that?" "Well, you see. I was on mv way to that city by steamer a week in advance of our show, when I struck a great scheme. 1 bought two dozen empty pop bottles and as many steaks frpm the steward. Then I eot a lot of arsenic from the medical stores and rubbed it into the steaks. I put some of our bills iu the bottles, tied a steak around each and dropped 'em overboard as we entered the harbor. My calculation was that the sharks would swallow tho meat, bo pois oned, float ashore; would-be cut open, the bills found and the whole thing be written up by tho reporters in great shape." "How did it work?" "Like a charm my part of it, I mean. Nine sharks altogether stood in with the show, but every tinio one came ashore I got a note from every editor iu tho place, proposing to write the thing up, with a snap camera cut of tho shark, at the regular rates!" "l'retty mean, that" "Mean those fellows could give Shy lock cards and spades. Tho only paper that referred to it at all was one wo gave "sixty-four passes to. The day wo left town it remarked that our show was enough to kill a blind nigger let alone sharks." And the colossal aggregator sighed deeply aud drifted out San Francisco Examiner. All who use Dobbins' Electric Soap pr:iie it us the hesl, cheapest and inwt economical family soap made; but if you will try It once it will tell a still stronger tale of its merits iUelf. Please try it. Vain Keereta. "My poor man," Inquired the kind hearted gentleman who was visiting the prison, '"do you mind telling me what brought you here?" "No, sir," answered the short-haired man in cell No. CT6, "it was whisky." "I thought so." "Yes," said the prisoner with a heavy sigh, "If I hadn't been drunk you bet yer lire they never'd a-ketched me." Mothers, don't lot your children suffer with ill-health. Try Dr. Bull's Worm De etroyers dainty candy lozenges. It will do them no harm, and may be just the rem edy thuy need. Bv mail. 25 cents. John D. Park, Cincinnati. Ohio. Death From Fright. A Teesville (Mo.) woman was sitting in a wagon watching her son cut down a tree. The tree fell toward the wagon .and the boy called to his mother to get out of the way. She seemed unable to move. The tree crashed just behind the wagon without touching Mrs. Troll inger, but she fell over dead. Love they say. is blind; lmt the most loving husband will seo the difference in his homo if you use SArOLIO. Try a cake. It saves labor in housowork. Student "We want badges for our graduating class. Wo have adopted as a design a graduate surveying tho uni verse." Jeweler "About how large would you like the figure?" Student "I think the graduate should cover about three-fourths of the badge and the universe the remainder." Best, easiest to use and cheapest. Plso'fl Beincdy for Catarrh. By druggists. 50c. Mies. Randall, who is known to many 15ti77ard"s Bay visitors as "Aunt Kcsiah,' and to whom congress recently voted a pension of S30 a month, as a widow of a soldier of the war of 1812, is said to be approaching the 103th year of her age, as shown by reliable papers. Yet she occupies a house by herself and tends a flower and truck garden attached to it. IP nfnicted Trfth Sore Eyes, nso Dr. Isaaa TUompbou's Eye "Water. Drngeists sU it. 3fie. Tiik man who spends all his spare time iu churches does not need a badge to show that fact. The same is true, we believe, of the man who spends his spare time in saloons. Beech am' s Prrxs cure Sick-Headache. "What was tho idea of dressing the little page at the Severe wedding like a western desperado?" "O, he has to hold up the train, you know." Frre- At! ntt stnppel free br Dr.KUne's Ureal Kerta Reiilorer. No tits after Unit dr' ue. Iter Ttllous cure. Trette aud BZflS trial bottle free to Vitctam. beadtoI)r.KUae.aSlArebat,aia.Pa THE POINT. ja From a Catholic AaaV J bishop down to the 47m Poorest of tha Pear Iff all testify, aot only to tae 99 virtues of ST. JACOBS OIL, The Gnat Remedy For Fain, but to lti superiority oTer all o&erreateaasn, eJEpresaed thac It Cuts lTAaaitly, reman!; which means strictly, that the -aala-stricfcaa seek a prompt relief with so retara of tha aaia, and this, i they aay. St. Jaaabf 0B was HOT. This is the Season la which store the 1 4 enrich she Weed, re sad baild n the aerses. ssaseisUy nssenMle la Tae ssosnsr atedtelaal asectt at area ay. Bead's fet sheas sB at aad aU erncoaaotsd by lew 1 Hood's SarsaporiHa aar boy was two years old he was at- lacked aad saasred a leaf Uaw with acromla seres. The thrtMfi at leesth told as to five bias Jtoedl asrsaarllto. which we did. Two besaee cared hiss. Be Is bow M years old aad ass act aad aar alga ef scrotals since. Wereeeauaead Hood's HeiesBeriUe." Mas. .C. curraaS Kidder aane. Hood's SsrsaparHla a MB8iBsa Hood's aaisaaarUla aa the beat snrias or saU medietas ersrkaowa. Iwaswoabled wiahthatslred feUac.srUcalariyUsaeasorala. Hood's asrssvsrilla ante sae stream as feel weU." Ain. Oanuu. M West Cross MdbyaUdrsaflslB. tl:elxrern. ealy byCtHOODaCO. Lowell. Mass. 100 Posts Otis DoMsr IXa LAST AFPKABAMCK. "Ok. whan are yoa going, my pretty maid!" Then ahe shot him de; eaa aad quietly said : rm going to head off that silly old rhyme. So bare it is ror the very last tune. Iaaaaeraaw) la aaeltaa Metal aad Nat But few men have ever fallen iato a pot of molten metal and escaped with a few trifling burns, but John Adams, of Tacoraa, did it the other night Hols an employe of the Ryan smelter, work ing on the night shift, and It Is only through great presence of mind that he was not burned to death. By some mis step he lost his balance and started to fall headlong into an Immense pot of molten metal. As he fell-he caught the rim of the pot, and, although ho was Immersed almost to his armpits, he drew himself out, and with an almost super human effort threw himself into an ad joining pot filled with cold water. Some of his fellow workmen saw him cast him self into the second pot and, rushing to his assistance, rescued him. His hands were badly burned, but otherwise he had hardly a scar on him. The secret of his escape was that he had on heavy woolen underwear and outer clothing, and before it had been burned through Adams was in the pot of cold water. Tacoma Otobe. Goad Heading. On receipt of 14 cents in stamps or cur rency, we will send to any address in the United States or Canada, postage prepaid, any one of the following named hooks: "The Last Days of PompeU".. .by Lord Lytton "John Halifax. Gentleman".. Miss Mulock "In Darkest England" by Gen. Booth "Love, the Greatest Thing In the World" byH.Drommond Address, Cnas. L. Stone, Gen. Pass, and Tkt. Agt. Chicago and Eastern Illinois Kail road, Room 501 First National Bank Build ing, Chicago. Little Kltty'a Letter U Msmi There Is a prominent railroad official in New York whose wife went out of town for a few days last week. On the second evening of her absence he was ac costed in the hall by his 10-year old daughter, who had an unsealed letter in her hand. "Will you mail this letter to mamma as you go out?" she said. "I left it open so you could see If it was written well." It was written well, he found. It fact it was written too well. It ran thus: Dear Mamma: When are you coming home? I miss you so much, and I know papa does too, for last night he didn't come home to dinner, and to-night ha la go ing out to sit up with a sick friend. Little Kitty's artless missive was de layed one post while papa wrote a letter of explanation as advance guard. BKOWNS BRONCHIAL TROCIIES" are widely known as an admirable remedy for Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Coughs, and Throat troubles. Sold only in boxes. God loves everybody, but there are a good many people he docs not admire. ssiaawre.Md. Nothing Else Will Do It. We have volumes of evidence to prove that S. S. S. is the only permanent cure for contagious Blood Taint I raaTered for fire worst form of blood years with the potsoB, during which time I was at tended by the best phy sioians I could find, and tried numbers of proprie tary medicines without any beneficial results. I continued to grow worse all this time, until my whole system was de stroyed by the vila dis ease, my tonguo and sE2? to at Bear MajUMs as K is ansaiMs tor a afelielas Is as is Km cars ef Bleed aaisea. tlireatbaylnggreatholescausedbyit. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta. Ca. aCaSCIfAM'C! PAINLESS. PI LLaSeFFECTUAL awarwORTH A GUINEA A BOXw ForBILIOUS & NERVOUS DISORDERS Suck as Win J and Pain in the Stomach, Fulfnesa and SmaHing arrar mania, Biziinets. and Dreuninta. ColdChills,Fluahinga at Mont, lass afMnaatita. Shartnasa ofMnath, Costireness, Scurry, Blotches an tha Skin. Btntutaad Shan, Frightful Dreamt, and all Merrous and Trembling Sensmthna. Me. THE FiaeT DOSE WILL CIVK RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. UlCHAWt HUM TAKE AS ttKCTU KESTOKE FEMALES TO COMPUTE HEALTH. For Sick Headache, Weak Stomach, Impaire Dtastion, Constipation. Disordered Liver, etc., VT ACT UKEM MIC, Sfiaaf tMnlf tha mnacnlar ffsafaw. f?!""! atede. brlnclnc back the Aetit see eoaartf . and arouaina; with 0f SAW Of HEALTH the sWsaw mkmthtttwmrng or the human frame. Oneotthabeatcnaraateaa WUeffJASw3tatbat BEECHA VS PHXS NAVE THE UUMEST SALE SF aav aaaaairraT mumemM m THAT amaia ??. . " w" - - . -w - -- a awns' njr Taea. auvBan. h. iii,..iuj yt sBaVss7aeawW. B. F. ALLEN Ca.SSSaad 3S? Canal L .SewYeriL Sthm ITaited SUM, trft (if - dntttitt does not Amp th.aU WIIX AtAlI, 1 nus oa bikukut or cn Tiaj)OtBlr.lrMrtTWcdlesl"Hlls.fjTin pata, itaaea, KiliMatallaKawte,lS;aclaai, 130;Cada, Wl CaH Saaav tSW. Cu all mtfnmlm hnaalaritia, aaS attly awaas' a. Sar,Baraiaa,taUaMa. Tkrpwanly MtaotiatakaiaBriatBnpaacy. Taetarg prayuttM af Itk Btvkkklafiat an llaala U tm Sinct tmlt t a SiMranaS aal amgilvBffHttaiBM. CaU.rf iaatMy.amiliaifima WlrjlMtafarfckcan.Ptlm. aari(,or Ifor $1, BrBnil,laalalaiatoanIMann)lrBrin. TAtari. na Pill Co., Wkalaalan aa4 Rt'T rroprktori, Th r"' ! M T SEDGWICK A OElOXe.Uraajaa, BMCitf, lawa. Wadaelt aad kaU Aetata. ASTHMA. pasham's Asthma SpecHto Oiyes InunedmU relief. It is belleyed to be tha Best ASTHMA Bemedy known to humanity. Bead for Trial Package, FREE. SoM by Druggists. hentbymaiL rxstnal. Inr at ner Box. Address IHOS. 9001 Bidge Ayenne. PhOaOa. BORE WELLS ! Oar Well Maeklnas are tke most make: MONEYI BKLMSLB.BCBaBLB.eccccasrBi.: They do mailK WSBK ana BukiGKKATCAt PKaPtT. They FIJI IBM Wettawaere Shrre rAlt.! any akte, t lacaaato al laches diameter. . LwMHS ft IYIUI, TIFFIN. - OHIO. CataiosTue F-tri ctlrcoaSdaatUI. SwVawtawa3Ei.TCiJ.C ja. " HENSK ITafSnlaespall syrslalastwar, I asTssa BSbVBH JwaWwPHfs VBaTaHPBawSaaaJ laJIfJ paaamlmztaau B.C I itSuSUiStMBttltimB. atty stoea. WALLEWl aVCLVaV. Mm.17-91 aaaaapaaa vBaBBBasPBafar POtflAM. fev Jr9 - - Crl.!- aATlZn.aaIaaaa i .U1U.I.C - - That the aeeale aaavsetass aba assets aC Bsrsaaarula t ebewa by sae tact taat asis has TbaLarxeet Sale ef ear aariaet ia as Is ssaaby. ftryee awOsMsaa jOOwMss SC VwffsvaU waWfasSSM ttlta is bder ea taa aaU aide ef 1 aalasass basaiewa X 1 C.F- H.T. Ths Spring JsfsKMctn When I Hied la rioaa 1 was atek a leas Hats. treat what the doctor said was aw. X deetded ta take Hood's it broaaht aae eat aH O.K. I take it aad any wane aw spa. ! U aeerlae far Heed's BanaaarUla, which always deea ana need- H. K, Coxxus.ef Wlabaasa a OeUlaa. BaMaar attest. Ths Spring IWsdlctns t coast aor Seed's BetseaerlBe the beat BBSdlciaa.aadoaa bslyasr that it Hskeslha Weak atroaff.' ItshettaUassaoasef aba laarwbea aesd ad, aad wowJd ate awjdeOaia fere beau of it It I ooald net set U far Joes." asanas a. Jaeaav, Ooaslastsa. L.I. H.Y. laWM WHbbb asMsK SsawBaHMlSCy MsMKds! fs Sarsaparilla SeldavaUeavaVlaw. tl; six tar ft. by C. I. HOOD a CO. LaweU.Mssa KK Doses On DoNsr Gs Botfc the Method aasl mote Bjnrp of Figs k tekts; H k pkavMl and nfreafciag to tho wMte, and acta sntljr yet proaaptlj oa tho Judaeja, irer and Bowels, cleanses taa sys Lr tem eflectoallr, dispels colds, laid aches aad layers aad cures asbttttsl constipation. Syrup of Figs is taa only remedy of us kiad duced, pleasing to ths taste aad ao ceptable to the dtomacti, prompt ia its action aad truly beneficial m its, effects, prepared only frost the moat healthy and agreeable sabstsBces, its many excellent qualities commend k to all and bare aaade it the most popular remedy kaowa. Syrup of figs k lot sale ia BOe and $1 bottles by all kadias; drug gists. Any rehable drumst who may mot haye it oa awusfwul aro enre it promptly for any oaa who washsstotryit. Do aot accept aay bViDstitnta, CALIFORNIA FI0 SYMUP tU smm mucmo9t OML, lOvisviuE. Kt.. mm roar, sir KXTt CREAM BALM Applied into Nostrils U Quickly Absorbed. Cleanses tlte Head. Heals the Sores sad Cane CATARRH Restores Tarts sad SmsH. quirk br BpUstcs Cold in Head sad aoionhe. Bee.atDroirsl's. XLT HBOa, SS Warren 8C.N.T. TOU HEED HOT FEAR that people wUl Know year hair la dye ST yoa asa that perfect IsalUtlea ef aalara, Tutt's Hair Dye Ha aaa eaa detect It. It fcwpai eeler aad freak Ufa ta tha hair. vt aUed.irriee,ei. Oaaee.9 II thea eoauaeacei taklaa; Swift Bpociflo (&B. 8.), aad la a tew thai was entirely curad,aad to this great BMdiatae do I attribute my eorery. Taiawaaorar two years ago, aad I bare had ao retara er aay electa of tae die ease since, aad aty alda Is to-day aa smooth aa anybody' a. Willlaaa Bowers, Corlagtoa, Ol . - - - n ! DOWN WITH bbBbbbVj Lw JL wbbbbbbbbbbbbbb orcB ENJOYS t9M BwaaBBBBBaBaaaMaaaaaamaa. WHTaot buy frees taa ImMeaC FaccaeT af tmmmmmmmm . aai. Ha kiad la taa tlVC MeTietea'aar . Hi WWUflL V wrawsaVaad 9ML Haalera' preSsa. SfrMHSSISSS I Sw Over 1,000 Artlalaa K. II BarmtA M tntt ' "mtumeri. tbersby lHzVssPawa I """JjL NsrlagMieMpereBt. H fwXnPPTF amitYvSr ssssssssssssVa' aaaaw wVaM ttt CBsralT8. aaaaaaawHawawawawHClHatawaV JawMsSwat eAOWtmmmM 99t $MWamVlaWta) Is. ammjXHHK THE LUBURC MANUFACTURING CO. PHLAEL-HiA. Pa. . Dejmt. A, 101 He. 31, SSS. 3S llaaHfc 8th Street.- "DISO'S SKMEDT roa CATAJtaH.--) J- cat Cold la astaaeat. tail ttl la la tae am Itfaaa at wakh a Was, Said by Xwassv emvaetnrtlnaommEaaam. . tym bha a I I S aa7S2a&Baai BBBaaBaBB&aaBaaTaaBaV SSBaa SaaaBaaaMSJC9aW r Aaaaa BwMaWamadaa)sVSSaSB. ' 11 .. aWaBBaaaWaWaTBBBBSaCl "German Syrup A Throat aasd Beecaee's Go Specialty, trouble of the Throat and Luags eaa hard ly appreciate what a traly weskler fnl medicine it is. The delicious sonfatioas of heading, easing, clear ing, strcagtH-gataerinf and recover ing are anknown joys. -For Ger man Syrup wa do not ask easy cases. Sugar and 'water may smooth a throat or stopa tickling for a while. This is as far as the ordinary cough medicine goes. Boschee's Gersmam Svrup is a discovery, a great Throat aud Xuag Specialty. - Where for years there have been sensitiveness, pain, coughing, spitting, hemorr hage, voice failure, weakness, slip ping down' hill, where doctors aad medicine and advice have been swal lowed and followed to the gulf of despair, where there is the sickening conviction that all is over and tha end is inevitable, there we place German Syrup. It cures. You are a live saaa yet if you take it, W. L. DOUGLAS ewm ouAa? fob T BH9 OnVa. OCNTUrejl. 54 44 Haad ibt Usb drsos Shoe which h eoMssaadS ltsal WMHI It, A fine oaUahoe na iad dtmhllitr. soaated tor stylo aad darabiliO. . Kin the atoadardarsss Whoa M a nOBalar jdcf. a kA gslltsmanfrgaeals & SarvKllmail man. farm All mad . la Coacreas. Battoa saS Lace. 99JOm wAaaahHmsav aaa w seta at uu popaiar price. BBweroriarties ilsaaewdepsrt- nre aad promises to become Terr popular. far LadlM and !.' sttll retain tbair excellence for style, etc. .7aserjBiesaB) AH gela warranted and stamped with name ea as. u aenerosea Meat agent cannot bhe seen street 10 xacwrr. aeiosins saver wTt'liStrireeAt. Deader la erer ettreadtewa ta take exclasive aa-eacr. All agea) napes. aeaaaiuasracaiawawa GOLD KBDAL, PAEIS, 1878. GERMAN Sweet Chocolate. The moat popular sweet Chocolate la the market. It Is nutritious aad palat able; a particular favorite with children, and a most excellent article for family ase. Scired as a drink, or eaten as confectionery, it is a delicious Chocolate. The genuine is stanped apoa the wrapper. S. GeS Dorchester, Mass. Sees byBreesrs STsrywatra. W.llXOCO,Dorekwter,'lfa8.. Dr.WOOD.a'iKrrSSL , Kega imnmXri ayaajLOaHpsAae)i Keaalnai Weak (last eseaiMl petaarj IrrtmularitU, etc - Regular Graduate ta Medicine 3 warn Aaaaitot and pHrats praeUce-. tabHshed la HIohx w wwyi am irw MOTH KB- lears-ianm -resting all frlTate, dlsoanea. SseraaiarrkM. aakaesa otiolt fas) Jaaaateaey aauMtt. and all Vemul. lAuiu Vrffutarwte-. etc. Carea guaranteed or soney refaaded Charge fair. Teraaa , flU IB workca? bvaialL. Mt&Utnmtnt arcrtncAn- frte from ear anabnah-. St state your cam and send for Opinion aaeT trass- CoBsaltatton ftrlctlr ennfldentlaJ. parse. aliT orbTletter-Dr. WOOD baa the jaraeafi. Medical ui Sarairal lastltata aad aad Ear laarasary la the West-Jtooa-s for.. patients at fawretee. facilities to meet say me sney A Onset Home aad bnt can and ikUl far -osssge JWbt3?!i BOOK and MAXOIcaZ lOVaUfAI. (OrniMiUOa this oanerJ -VASELINE- mam A 0IK-00EXAK Sirx setit as br asal aa wia deliver, free o all cbaraes. ta any setBoaAa abeOaltsdHtaats.aU of tae ioUowiac erncles. oara . raUy packed: twopence bottle of Pars Vaasliae.. ..... Nets, ttwo-oaaca bottle or Vaaelia Pomade.. M IS liar of VaMllo Cold Cream IS 1 cake of Vaasliae Canphor lee . 10 ".. cake of Vaasliae aiaD.uascented 10 . icabeof Vaaeltneaospexaaisltolrscaatedas bottle of : wane taseua - atis . Or, fTpmtmt saaaae. any afaffe mmelt at AU araM iiwnrt1 OmnoeouAt b peruadmt taaaeptrom mm mwgtM af ramlhm or preparation mmtfrom Salsss AsBMSd awk ear name. AacouM you wilt ctrtam aaliifiBTtnri ttiirfiiint iirrrr rrrnrrnrar . vew s stata c Bk x. asTPl AflAllBrCaBeradforsalbyUierillBoIa nil IHImL0atraia.U.Co.atanaTerace luUaUUUprTca of e&aa par acre, adapted ta FRUIT GROWING-. or geasral farstlag ; speclslly sdaptsd atea atAisnro or sheep. ' Iwaetwca'ars address E. P. SKENE. LaadOssa. ' aUsstoaer. " alicblssa Ave Chicago. EW THE HOLY IAXD. Round the World. Select paruea. Destucse'ing faelUUea. ocean tlcieU. H.OAZKa SOS. 9 Broadway. X.X. IbLWl) BBBmOM THS PArSa ' ini r PATENTS nin.tratad Haad Book free. J. n. CRAIXK cuu AVashlactoa. Ul C Kessei tala Paper tttrr time yoa write; HIGH PRICES. ITanlfW to ase. is carUBB..for lata matfW' jABBBBBBBBBBBBBKl!'ikJsWaBBtl f wsfJaBBBBwaawBHsTwHawBBfJiPif J Wl i V t f '. V m B V .: ar- r V V"- Itr-KST C'tfr ', -32Sa.r-- -At'i && ' ""- y 'XliJ tpvi fk-PA.l , ' &-: -Ajfi .i4sy-i-X-3r-- -i-y .v-.i. - Jj-V --- Zllp' '-vti .. J. ' y -. r.MM.- -. ?t. - .- .i.- iir . .-:. . J"Sft , M? r