The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 29, 1891, Image 3

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Columbus Journal.
VclNri.Vi V.MLJn -ii
I. .
"elT-.. ' - I.
. .
r -hi-
t-r- ..
1 -.
""tie i "i.r-- "a i i..3-'0it Ji
ime- 11 ' l.l.... it- " i . Ii rf"l
-in.-iln ..: 7 i.". .l. Ji-. ir.'i j-"-v it
2 U) p. a..
n . ial
rXlV-.t !K!---riM.-TBLfc
At ttntir r-x. II i" i. 1vie- tr liJ'n i
Pu.r r-J InT. u. m Dav-rti. -ni p. :n
Tt.nesKs. t--s- x Limn-I " --1 ii
a n r v . .
C.a ijnm. . " il ti Lu F- Tt-t-t.m np-nntendenr of Tl:- ins-tir-jte for the
U:, i -l- '"; -Imd. at Nebraska City.
,n.-r.t .;.r-Br ": -;-tt ty i Gi.! hotter was a very -nan'e ar
' Z r '.. i i- r, -ii tu'l-m The c;!v .Satv-rthn. iu- .lealer
ptte--ajr'r tt:t- fnti " in . l I . u. ai -
lw;n 'oim f..r Lc- a :. . in ia,j he conid have soil Two hnndreil
" " TTI-fTni L;D-in ".JB;i. "..,,,.
1a f.-i.Mit . it- i: " - n'e. if ne nati .t.
.j . . L.i i--ll ..
V. -.! inrt,iri:.'. . .ail.
i-i. i ti
zzrr r rr
4rnv -ir. .ff.llL
?-MUr (-v- - ' ' ""
Mss"' .. --.j. a..
Pta-as: -rr "J1" ''
ilar--- ' ' 31
Satiety JJo-tica.
rfii.rj-iJ hi :- nil- -t i"J -ar
ALtBvN' Ut--:.t N-- ".- r V V
S?' m '.ur -" '-ine-.Ui, : -.-ti
?jf. n. u: -.r-oir-a .ii.i-1 r,-f"1
11 tl V. j. --j ':
-k ti .-.i-i- -! ! 1"'' "
-i ( iihjj uref..r-ii
- U.i... 4
iil itrl
h ' H i-
; -n ci -
-: -
at ri.
( ..rt.
ti.lei h
ry L'liT..: far. tier Uc'u'f. ad 4-JVer
ttjeiltellta ttltoiet tine Urll-1 U be .hr
-J at Tbe rat? . tive .tenta d iiue- ect. ii
tssne. We Ilutke '.till. i.;'V" rate t.j .'ijli
ijTB. :ft lta T.h ttiuea.
-irea' sa'.2--t
; ,iiU
"a- -a.'l- iea ii;
' dl
-Pt.sHlfe ..
l-rirl-'.V bfLst ieUiil.l
ttUs season
Th.te-".u uee.1 vt 6..rae Ijiiltf -a- '
Te-e Jurp.Mi. iiiii.-e
I - F'T "i"-Ul. f"'-:'i .11 llleU .-e.l- u
t. tiie Koine ii-s!ci::aii'
- -V anted. &xL- " .n: r- '" freaii
"" J-iln-n CJT- J K i .alfe
oi-i--i.:el "-i;.'iieu j-
tile elill f Ule blj; 5'fa-
PI . '. oif ". AU" liri,if jai. Uer-
Uuv- sot reC-' ii anftr.
- '.'rr'hiUil i.lVs' St -. !' WI c.ta.
Stiir jinci a! ..ihUt; Bros
--.rd newypeper- v,v 'he- iiiuidfc-.i. S
rht;i a"t the ioi UV.L lli .
- T'".e .-.f- :'..r ' .1 , '- ".-i-'tr..'n'er '".:: '..;; ' '" - "
1 Hie tilltwV '.,ir ')P.'".es? ::i :i:e -T
- SeXl un.i
1- W.l.
.1. "leWoi-.:i.T V."' ii:ie ir w:i:. :i
r. T li. t.'.rk. -n.-t---. r .
"Kchir. -l:ri --. Ir.
ilii-v ,i !i:i.ts.
So... T-ix. P-in. nns.
"Macbnui-.. E. l?.Fr.'!si:n-K. l.:'i --.
Hen- j'h'ite ad.: II-hj-;- Lnt-ee
fvere ir- tue ':'; o ii ja-y "f: biunnesu.
3ir Sianditi :s ..- -.urri.-K. .ifer a
Steffe ii si'"fini?ss. and iix.k:.i i.- ei. as
Best -t.ak of -vai pa---r, p;iin:j? an.:
v alnliasune mi rfccit a- t;1iarar."s i'ur
i -stein.
:v J. V (rnswitid ;uteai ai- ;iHHie-
alcr .it- tli-- prvsbyTry '.usl weeK -.
Ji-hn Wurirus sold a n:i"e Imnru -f
st-rs Uia were dr.ven To .in.T i-n,:y
A new lor .f wai'Un ami jew-in
just rrzri -t N':eaohner. siti of the
Imc watch. "-il
Ouy '-' Bitnuin- b-i.- -e.Mi.-ed for the
-nmtaer Use scrut-- 4 nin j;-unisoi:.
Master Llt-co-
The V C T I wiiL nieet next
Fr'iity i "Si o'ck.-k p ui -i The bouse .tf
Mrs. L. Gerrurd.
--Ir. Fernjt) of the Genua Indian
sohcil went north aaiuriL-v for uwire
Indians for t-upils.
-L B. I-ufiy siolia- .er Vh, . wiii J.r
himse-iai:viii .n .jod shape Mnd
sue rensonsttie c-Ficec. ltt eiw
Mais, a- an- h.ur Any or n.rnT. at
tne &:n:e Re-uuiran'. .
- Insare-vour Bruuer- with Norte Jr
S. Cnaaber-. They w..l pice your policy
wni uitr test companies. 3-""tf
Hon. F Foida and daairht-'- Martha
arnv-d fcimie in t-chtiy ier last fledces-
day. from their trip to Europe.
- A porMon -f city orTal
was fcuned v-ua-iav :n 'he si.n'heastern
part of the corporation umita.
MiaS jjiuis Guthrie -utert-nned a -rjjnn you- j.b pnn'amr to The ' minntiie.
I-w of ber yuunt: fnettds mute pleas ' JrRN.-i. oitice. We uave eielleut ma- j .-.;,turday Joseph Welister hrmii-ht
anU Ut.-t W-dnes.iay ev.-nirnr j nice npe to do work with, and I a j.asket of nppies raised up..u his
-il,e celebrate.! -.v Meal, and I - ufn'?,r'-",PrMfer!S- Workdon" ! farm ad.o.n.n- Monr-e. H- says. N-M.nar-:h
sAau -tov-s. tne 1-st m the , promised, and satisfaction -narantrei.. ,..m Wh1 r,ma rMMns j.nitos.
aartiet. For .-.ale b- . Betcher. 4tf
It ts said t-ui- a nnmuer of small
ridces : Phtt-te iounty w-re -wejrt out
by th- fcvsh-T. of ivaday nurht w-ek.
- O I. B-utier. wmie 'l-randini; cattle
iasf w k was -otiiev:wrt hurt in tne
ahmti-. aad hud jo. '.? rest a few days.
Ther- is trtik ..f .'r-rrm--ns the La-
tiu-s Relief Crps here tn w k. An
pnbi'itdn for rbnrter has i.en Tor
Eighteen persons juned toe Un.Te,!
"rTretiir-n .ujr;h r-nn.hiy Rev Henry
LoKr is to pr-ach here a-roin n-xt .un
da Week.
Plymouth -Rocks and Sirirle-anib
Wfi;t Leghorns of the nnest strains.
' Ezs for h-atchiiitr S1..V) settinu. H. P.
CojlnU-. tf
B nre- to renew your insurance
viih North X Chambers. They will, in
:1 respects, deal fairly by you. and pro
tect vour interests. --
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
:etr:;e Max'teiL well known her- a
a former foundry man at Fremont, is re
ported as danireruiisdy ill in iMiv-r. ms
pn--enT bom.
T'lhn iVvrsch of NeNiville ras in
' own Thnrsday. and renew.-! hi? -ub-scriptmn
to The .Tonts'L. There is
room for more.
I n the present site of Henry
lLirtitz's store. L Gluek will erect a
handsome, hn.-fc Wuildintr for occupant
bv Jlr. Ramiz.
V J Cralley Bi
hL1- nr fair
mlley Bros, believe in seiiin- ooii
nnces. ani tnis onsinesh
T" " - .'- -- . .-----
pnfioiple of theirs in clothing, as
.n ail Otller UUe.
T X. Miner has the .-ontrart for an-
ii.ii.n- the Con:r-e..rauona ennrch. rite
family arrived last week and are !o.nteil ,
on Knnimer avenne.
Governor Biyd ha. appointed PmL
C D. Rakestraw. formerly
:ht- cit.
l, v .; ar-atxmt .eieiT n-w car-
ixt, 'i-r.' make a pureh.ise l-f(re
aei : .ind pnesm the dne 'm- at Gal-
i.y Hro-. on Eleventh sTre-T
Pr-tv nearlv a fr;st Mondn morn
.u; The cool wav? stmck u
cwnip, .xad .t s-einetl .is thou
nai f.illen somewhere northwest.
Finder ruiiT:. worn for the '-ire of
Ttienaiaiism. are mon the latr: a
r .o-.. We are Uld tiiat in F.nrope th-v
r- ii kept i: sale at the sror-3.
- Cbiirleto "'-Muke h.i.- iet tnr cnninu".
II. I. Mn "'it for a new r-suleii.--ln::i.i:n'
a : plicate f W M. Ctrn-
'l?.3 til liin km oi: enat I Ui."'e-I5'.:. -I
K . -i I ,..t ,. r in , -. "f s'-tt. and i'-s int.. busuie-s for h.m- ,,,:"n"-" ! Llvul L lT-v l ''l"
Jncu ' he ioinifrT of ti ifteiiin.' rie ; ,
lufcv Br,a due .-arp-U. and v., , , 'f "' Lincoln. , i .,. Mil W.irreti and Ed. McDon-
' t.wiev ur is nu- u'arp'
-lire le plellaed IfcilD :U slvie (in
Har-icon waon- acdCotirtland
Lr -.r v i'uDn aud bl'lea 'all ul I
ij'ZIlier. .'.poslte LloWT a JriliT al
in n.e to aiiUfity ju ui prices and ,
uaitilty tf
"-- H.uae ,ind nt. uiih nil burn and
,K. ... u ..... . ..i, ., r- k
l.a(tl 'Mil UOIICC3. loi sale rucap 11 i ou. ,
-aiith addiuou at Aruold i .
k Jtile
i , . i , ,. r.c,,
real estiiTe titilCe or at 1 HE
JoCEX-vi. orti.e. .-jaff Tum-r of .inc.,ii."er B '.
- Yed .U 'lie lTV W-dU di friiil! rhe
-a.-' and w .. r-uimn aWhlie T.i looa
after !Ur -sUi!e .it h
uroUier Aimer
I'urUer deitlleeU.
Ladies of he V I' I t Kre
iuin have Uei-ideil T.i tf!.t-a War -lii;s
iiUiff on La M i"h
f-r 'lie purpose .f r.liaillrf fullda t.i e."-C!
i juijiif uui.'jii:.
Hoik .r.iintv"- .iiiuiia ihm
.:i le : ,.l ai -"eoi.i.
A.iusi loth ami two . ks.
1'ho of 'ilir render- intere-Ied li take
nonce aifi.rdin-r'
V i partiei- ar- iiereby warned
ne city nil tlion ties uot to .lump aiau.ire
or oilier witi.o: r near the city
l.iiiits of 1 oiiimOii- if on do it mav
an.-e ;. i -i. 'rouble.
DirT frn. the ex 'a vaT ion for B.-ker's
new oniidinir :iis ben pb'ce.1 in tiie
'-..on Pacidcs tlo.-r srarden ent .tf -he
passenger depot, wncu. w.ll
nii! In pn: m .inn"-
V- p.,. tell ra m.i--i: i,r .vitTin.. i
.i i iti. i . ".ii ..- - -..- .- -.- . v . . ... .
- 'Ili- t4-iT .4 of !! r":irm-r-"
.-.-tL.'..i.. i.. -. ... ... ..-
.X-sonation In-j'i.r- of A. I . Ptck-tt.
a- -:ie "ew r.iB2T!3itinna. Hibr-ii ouild '
US. CoiUIllbll:
Vur -. 1-T,
--v'j'i.. - -;
. .- .t!.-- tt.'i t?T-tt i-.tri.-; -a.k
i-d..: nJ,i. -1. Pi'-nom .ienor 1-isr -on-
day It whs probacy driven on of its '
wniTer inar'ers "y ne :.i" w-a.ers
Hmiph.-y L'emocraT.
t-inii rnaraann uimi.y iei. laiirs-.
r T- 1 1 I . Tl
lay -' eninc tor rrunno. reiu. ai t j
iiar w!uch p. ace they exp-ct ; iake
ne:- future mime. sory to e yoi j .
F-ank. but success to you.
evera. pronunenT c:;er
Seniy eeate.i tneiuseive.-
na-- a -
r. G-eiset' .
-.n ni-a..l
new. summer snits. Ca.'
1.1 and von cannot h-ip
wttn twth oiids and pne .
- Miss Alice WjtKinp tauji. Mis
Cuai. iii. school Weiine-day and Thur
.in1 f last week, while haT yonm: ..idy
ts a' 1 m.aua. t- ne pre-ent at the we.4- '
..a: of -Miss Minnie Freemun.
The Gazette -ay- that W.i---n. re r.'.y appoi
coiumundar f the soldier- home at
Grand Lia. : has -ele,ted J D i"ira
ham of Beiiwood as his .i.l.utiint
John Powers whs in Mondav morn- 1
( inr wv a of potatoes, wm.m he
.oisposed of readdv
si -ii i hi.-:hei
; potate tonid a.wa be sold at
' price, what a people We would be
i j por'ion of last w k sheii Cre-K
; ,,vertiow-d its banks. East of Schuyler
lZ spread . vr-r a larje extent of connfy
( This was mainly in "onseunence of the
, heavy ram of the r-nnday previous,
j pv , txltl:: presiding -ider of tLe
North Nebraska conference of the M.
F chnren Crermaii.' was present sun-
.,: quarterly meetinj: servu-ea. and
,pr-acued mi Ensr'ish snn.iH evemn-
, Thomas Connoliy. a north.-ide farm-
er. was in town early Monday moruimr.
on business. He say- that tiie hiirn
wa;r m Shell .re-k hist wek. wvnt
down :n about as short Time as u came
T Glnck will shortlv remove ms
- .1
: .-... ...,;i.i;,..- n,.. V.irth street and
uiiii tr v --- - - j
mi.. .
nearly opposite the present ue. mis
is to m .. for Ancust B.cttcher To
nmn (o lvneiinne. fmui its nre-ent
Ttiesdav ni-rh of last week Joun
Haney lc-st thirty tv- hosrs. The larze
heni had taken their fe-d al' rurht in the .
evenin-r. and all were lar- and fat, but i
in the mornimr thirty live were dead as
iior nails.
G-ore . Davy, a prominent citi
zen of Fr-mont and district conn clerk.
j-oes to Nashville. Tenn.. :n a few days
to no into the abstract business there.
Several Fremont men have their eye on
the south, for a fnrure home.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
Charles Winamp tells of a terrible ;
hail and electric storui north of Lolutu
hus. that killed cattle and did much
t Lining-, -i Fremont FlaiL
No one around here has heard of it.
- The ladies" musical? met with Mrs.
Dr. C. L. Evan.- Monday evenmtr. at
which a :roolly number of the niemiers ,
were m attendance. The next meeting
will he held with Mis Neilie North.
li.-k McDonald, coiored.; chari!
w!tfa th theft of S-0 from JoHpk Flynn.
I was arranged Ufon Justice C. A.
Rnmiw Vomlav. The mrv. consisting
- .-
f ! . p--,Jiii.r r; .v nn Rwmvi.nt
... ..M...I-.. r- . It-lililll. T tl illiU UliiUnitia.
rprnrntHj a verdict of not guilty.
Cape Mile-Warren ;,f Bellwcwxi has
lw apuntj eommandani of the -tate
.,1 home ar Grand Island, by (;..v
ra0r Byd. The captain will le re
, niembered bv our older citizens as a
fre-jnent vu-itor here in the TO"s.
Sninir Beet Sene? X. '1. is issneii a.-
a jm jeun f the aru-uitnral xpenment
,ta:ion 4f Xel)n!ska. and those cit.eiis
who wi?h T4 Ik- thorouirhiv v-rsM in the
indiistrv wuid do wet! To :r-t '.T. Ad-
dre H. H. Nieholson. Lincoln. -b.
The board of directors of the Co-
mm on.- Kent rotate and improvement
Co. ir- now ouipo-ed of .1. P. Bei'ker.
.I..n,i- W-leh. Herman - hi rich. G. W
iii iimi A. .T:iirsi. same as The ol.l
Itisir'i. -scept C. II. Sheldon. resiiiei.
' tl-v .. .. - . . .... . -....!..
aell vou tlllt. .1 Hi 3L- l.t.-r linn iir
jl vpnnc or winter wheat hour: of srra-
suim. rye. or buckwneat Hour, klin-dned
corn meal, for family n.-e; ah- bran.
shortiS. clupped com. or chopjied
anl oat? mixed, call at Becker'-on
'e-P.tli atre-t.
We notice that B. R. Con den Co-! Mr and Mrs. Jame &-I! reiurne,!
unbH.-,. isoc.eof the federal jurors for f"! ' heir eiu-tern trip Saturday .ifter
he Mav wm of the curt at Omaha. "-- 1,inn- :h-,r ""- tey vis
Fhis remimisus that Mr Cowderv luis ! -N"tt "rk- "nrft.m and went
Mrs. Helena C McCashn. who ha j
bn i-vim.' Mth her sister Mrs. E. C '
SrfieV the piist f-W lllollths. died slid
Jn. Ton.ini '.eiOflLT !it 0 I". .IT the i
, -. .... . - ,
I TesltletlCe of L.
M r;.ile ared I- ears.
Tl..- fmirtil f.b r. .... '!.! pniP!i'n.' i?
iU" "- " . - -- (
10 ..'.'lock a. m.
John Kanev -a 3 tnai :n Tvv-ive
hours lasi w-eK n
lost between niHetv
''Qj d nnn.Irl b tmu He was iaum-
for tue .nine mariei - a clean tmmsaua
dollar- he thinRa they mnst have eht
i stn.-luimr that had been put out for!
al ipners. or s. Mile otner poistiU.
Vlnjllt 'a . loietluf ElUll Hoppefl-
v.,anj trieuda asseiutiied a! her parent-. f
home, .tinier of Rummer and fetith sLs . '
Friday eveiuuvr. : elehrate the nuitii
.ianiersnr ot
iter tiirthdrn . The
uiade everything uv-ly in .hat vieiui v
'..r s-enil hour-. anl hail a tine Time.
County lerk G. W Plidhpe h:ic re
t-.Ved a coiuiuiinication direMed to the
rMmrd of u rerv--.r-.
.i-kln tliem to
send re(.r-eiit.itives t. in- comm-n-ia
.... ,r .. r. 1..1.4 .ii ll.i-nvr V r- l.iiv
I'lii' . ' r . " -... . -- .... - .
. nt...P. Thai :ue ',..ard wul be eall-d ,
in extra -e-,oi. to dehl-raie upon the i .--nil the aton of her -oura-e ,n re-oum-subiei't
i the chiidr-n of her school in the bli2-
t inl ..f T in n:irv I 1 - viill i f:nmlvir
ndrew M.-itthi.- i Shell creek has
had an attack of lun-r fev-r. having been
ulltined tl llUi b-. TWO Weeks. He W:lS
abie To cum- to tli- city .Saturday
consult ins doctor. He says the unan-t;T-.
i f water near his honse Monday
liioniinir of hist week was not alcul.iTed '
.. n-ip uis .tuiplaiiit.
d t . . T...i- f t .,... mn ,n
iy. ....... iii-tei ' ini'""i ...- i m
. u.. ..... rlir.-oii.i- ...i.-iri.- --in.ri-io.inrs; I
ilt- .j,. i alii i..i luiiniu. ... ...... .
'or exhniuin the ndie.- of J. E. Ta.-ker
an.i Mr. Annie Ta.-ker. and their buna.
... . : Al- -vro.,.. T.,i.-r ..f '.iw .
4t ' irrn. tj.a . .niiii.ii. fc i;. i . r ... --
HtmrsiiiP1 hn? nr .1 monument 10
ma-ii 'tie last restini: psace. The lmdi-s ;
wer- shipp-ii yesterday :.. i renosi.
l The Stare of Neoraska v-. Mike
I Lamb for ke-pini: .u.-eased cattle, a case
. . . 1 , . .
tna" erenTe.! no ,.uie -icuem-u' m
tdione ennnty last winier. wtu? ueciueo
..t weeK oy a jury m Mike's favor, not-
withstanding tnat the veterinarian took
, niece- of sao fnm the animais. .n which.
tie -how ed the mantr- insects under the
:rtisi-o"e to be -til! alive.
Vtn. Eearv ile. who for -everal
rta-- u.i.- been dru-'irist at Piatt- C-n-
ier nas pnr--ha.-ed TJie dm- tore of
N.ewonner .v Lo. of thi citv, and as-
,,-med h.s re-nousibilities Wednesd.iv
li. . -r. ir..,-, ,1 i.., i m
List. Mr. Kear- il.e has aciju.
unviable reputation, not. only as a rnz
i, i.ut as a man and a citizen, .ud
-. r .
comes with the 21-o.i wi-he- of all b.i l.i
A r-sldeUt of The WeSt end of the
ci' says I think it '.'.oniu be a ;-ood
pian if the -city fathers" would see to it
l tnat no more dead animals are hauled
j o,lt ni - -t ooaide the city limits.
and tuose w men are aireauy uauieo om
b- cov-r i. a.- the stench ansiniT from
the saiie has bi-ouie very oifensi'-e To
r-idents m tne northwestern part of
the city.
We had the pleasure of hearing tu
Isa.ii Payt.n Coninly Co laet w-ek in
the rendition of that popular New Enr-
l .and '"omedv. Cncle .!oi-h U hit.'omb.
The unconscious bad "breaks" that Cn
.ie Jo-h iiiacs against the convention-
t auti-sof life are Very happily pictured
: , r pavtn. and. for the tune, he is
. to perfe.tion. in -very
t and we are free i. .onfe-s tnat we n-v-r
-aw so tine a basket- of J -niton.- any-
where, while the B-n. Davis ar- very
' tine Mr. Webster has a nice orchard
tnat liuis fair to De more proline every
var Lookimr Criass.
i . .
' me ieieio-uu is umwi ... .usj-
T"l . -T' 1 . . . . a - ...... ..
. t.. heruf Caldwell and u, County J ad;
tT ....-I...- -l... tiirTwt" I if. .j-n lnn.r '
-u. .e. -.-. . ... . - .
chee to whien party aey w.ll
. .ii.nere.
snthcieiit unto tne day l- tne
-vil th-reof. u prooubty a potent con
siiieration wii h them : but, candidly, are
not the-H- deim'rats after the stnet-st
kind, all-wool and a yard wide, if The
JorENAi. may be allowed thus to speak:
Rev. Worley".- test Sunday, was:
-Be not deceived: Go.i is not mocked.
Whatsoever a man weth. that shail he
also reap." He made the application to
individuals and to communities, and
when speaking of the violation of the
Sab'uath. said that a minister of. the city
had been requested not to have any ser-
vices that evenin-r because there -vould
j le a theatricsil performance at the opera
j houae. and moat of his conaregauon
1 -s-aniti he present tnere.
Terrence Drady is laid np with rheu-
W. T. Rickly was at Fullerton Thurs
day on business.
W. B. Backus and son Veniie of ' "enoa
were m the city Monday.
R. fL Henry takes occasional trips to
his dne raneh near Reilwomi.
Clark Cooncv ami W. A. Iavu have
cone w-t to py our rhe wsiniry
Heriert Chirk, who had hh. arm broke
i- .m v- n nt..vmre i m-
l7 TTT-rvrr nw i- .- ....-
jf lUt 1U.-
John Miller r-tnnied Friday from
poio,-.-?,, ft av- vviaimu l.ika
ai,ut as uri.".
W. H. Lewis, who had lee:i under the
weather several days, was reported
better Monday morning.
Mrs. W. A. Herudou r-turneti home rfCfiiin" lifter a three months i
v,it with her parents in Newport, this
v i- rr rr.iirr.- m f..r.,r ...r.-n
1. MlUn La !-- II --fc " .. .- !
here, now of insworth. Nebr.. wa in !
town y.-sferda "ii hu way to Omaha.
He ooks as tf oM and te the ame
" ""
ones Warner went to .-n-huyler J
Fnda to be with Mr-. iirire Kerne,
who reported as beiui: very low with
The grippe. aT the home of her mother.
Mrs. Charles Thrush.
ML-.- Martha M. Turner went to Berne.
Kan-.ic-. Wednesday, to visit a week with
Mi.- Arhtf Rinehnrd. after which he
ir,-, to ,: Joseph To vusi: her aunt.
Mrs. T. W.
ver the ti..nler to visit -ome Liina.han
aid of BuMer imnt were in the city
Moud.i on busine--. The Captain iOes
to l imnd IdlHliii t.'ua Week, to tlike i
orellUnU.irv s!ire of ttle r-oldlers"
r .
tiotue. of ivhu'U he haa been appointe.1
Liibt Wetlnesdus JocRXAL men-
nurriuife ot .Mins .Minnie r reeinan to r
l. Penne The marriiiife was -oleinn-.:Cii
at Hotel L-buue. )mahu. at -
..'.locfi. ReV Geonfe FerallaoU of Lm
oin ilSi'Litin F H. PelineV of Fili
lertoli acted as best man and .Ulss
Ph,.Uuie I'llshmof thla Ct v aa brides-
:jlai i -pieti.lid iirulul supper whs
it-rv-.l ar 1" ip.'lm'ti. There were many
heniltifn. ureseiita The Worhl-Heruld
f Mr V
u. us half a
jyj-n tfnerai st.r-s in as iuan towna
... . i. .t- ...! i ,m of the l.e-t knovwi
..f ! i.- Willllirr .'l.las T Uoillll-iaRs ill - .
He a- a handsome and poiisiied
ifeiltleiuail. and id p.ssesseu
f a lare
.luiolin! ol tllin Word- ioo.t.-. llle
f the tri.le will r-mam .u- on- of
fu- 'TiiiMe-i in ai. .-iintawi s i.isu.r...
to our I'hildr-u .n tiie a-fes to
i-oute. so loiitT as irood hrave hearts and
.ol ne.ids shall constitute naf lire's n.
inliTy. M:nnie Freeman will hold a place
in memory.
,j Kenscu-r drops a sii-r-stion
that i worthy of i-onsideration. A.-on
ftntnrila. h-re are nian day- when
TlleTe ar s(-0"e:
of farmer-' teams in
are fed bv jrain brount
"-' i,,u aere n tne ,,K-V 0:m intr
U'et Water; tlley. I -nurse, oi hi v wu-ii
o o to the lumber yards unless they
are buym
some lumber . to the uvery
j -table-. .r to otner private places, they
' don't wi-n to uuDOSe ou these, but tne
rt)UA ,vlthout any loss of self-
espeet. provide water for the farmer
i .i ..... . .i .,1- ,, -n ,- -,
I1UU Oli: -. --- wi. aA. .w ...
. f PWL What -av our -ltv father J
i '
Friday about noon, while Car:, son
of Lr. Eohen. was lrrr-ni his pny on
North str-et. the hnir:y brought up
aiain.-t a wairon near the Commercial
Bank. hrowm the lad about Twelve
feet, and knocking him insensible. He
w a.-taken to Stillnians drm: store near
i b- anl .if-?rwards to His home, opposite
! -mrt house. who saw the ac-
cident feared that his neek was broken.
1 fter iv'. davs" rest ne is .tiuun-r around
-Ui -' -nnipiaineu or no maru
P:-M- n" ,"lt- vrt" "rokeii. and u
supfitrseii tnat no bad results will follow.
--up't W B. Backus of Grant Insti
tute. Genoa. 'as in the city Friday.
homeward bound from the Cheyenne
R.--r aireiiev with five Indian lmys for
, tne m.hool at Genoa. He does not iriv-
i tl vrv bnsnt account of tnat countrv
, in,j saVa they have not raieed a crop of
eaja for the years, yet Thev are iroiu
rthead phmtm-r. He saw Biir Foot'a
camp and the home of Black Hawk, the
two chiefs who cansed the late war. The
Indians are .juiet. and amonu the agency
people and settlers ther- la no appre
henshrii of trouble.
Another fool mi rei'nrd Harve Daw
son and wife of Colfax, a newly-married
!oUpie. A ere Ser-lltlded. but to add tl)
the mnsic one of the boys iroiuht a
shot irnn. and durin-r the most noisy
part of tiie performance put the muzzle
of the ;un in at an open window and
tired on" a blank load. but. as the lmll
say-, "aithonirh it was loaded with pow
der mi. y. t turned out .jnite eriotiaiy.
f..r , th,- .Jurk he --or t. close to Mrs.
Ihtw-on's hemi. uurium- her head and
j .. in a manner."
, j. . Alexander ot .Monro- was in
I trie --ny Monday, he -aysthat he rode
i on rhe Fnlton the rirr ateMmliOHt which
-. ...w .... .. .. -.
I run on the Hudson, and that when m
! the earl v davs. the locomotive was not
, 1!tn , to o fa nf
- -
par-LS would sei me cuy on are. mu
the cars were hauled out bv horse-. Mr.
and Mrs. Alexander are recov-nnir from
the irnppe. which has had a stronir hold
on th-tn several weeks.
"How mnch do I ow- on subsenp
tinn.'" Not nei'essary to write us. Look
at the date opposite your name, pnnted
on ur JorRN.vL e:i,h we-k. That is
the date paid up to. or accounted for.
and von can tiirurfc the balame at ?2 a
year. As frequently as convenient, yon
, can send us a year's subscription nntil
all arrearaji-s are paid. Two dollars
paid in advance, then, will entitle you
to receive, free th Nebraska Famdy
I JouraaL
Gash Bargain Store.
We nave au arrangement with par-
tie- m the e:w by whicn we receive a
ctm-isrmuent t bar-rains everv week,
I 1 I 1
pu'kcd up tor cast! at naniCnipt
ami herili"- -ale tr about one-halt'
their value, and we are uSerintr the-e
banr.uu mt- to our customer:
milv uir regular -mall per cent :ni
ded. H' cour-t we -an't duplicate
them, but while thev la?t vn itui set j
. !
what you want at le than it nw to
make them. '
.... . '
W e have now on aie one Ui ot l-
! &" i ',,or an,i lU,u-v J
tripes at ;e. worth ID to l-c.
1 do-en handkerchief at : '
wortii 10c
100 ro dre button.- "e ilizen.
worth 10 to loc. ,
"o .loieii hath towels at 10c. worth '
We have addetl a nice line ot ?lioe-. J
, - . . . . I
hrt-and panfatlutt it will pay .m (
to -ce.
We are clo.-inir "it our baby coach-t1-
at les- than co-t to make.
F. H. LAMB A (.'.
City t'lillllril.
Council met Monday ev-nmir at L i
Gluck's ortii'e.
Minutes of last two meetitiifs read
ami inmnten correcteil to ihuv that the
old council had not adjourned and the
new one amnw.M. ,
i ommuniciiLiou oi .minis inon. ai-
riictel with shaking palsy, aakinif for
Hid for the neCesaariea f life. Was re-
- 1 . . fi .1 i
ferred to Jteice. overseer of the poor.
who atateil that he had been furninh
ltiir proviaioiia. but iiad not considered
that he had authority to provide for
r-nt. as requested by Glon.
A list of the dre company had been
left with the clerk anil was order-.l
A petition signed by Albauh. Schon
au. Curtis. Roberts and others asking
that slaughter nouses b- removed from
the city limits, whs. u miirion of Gond-
rmif. referred to Committee .m p.illCe.
petition sltjne.1 b HiiiTel. A Hell.
Ryan. Hohi. Kavanauh and others tn
retrard stagnant water corner of
.Hid 'th streets, wa.- r-ferre.i tit coil;-
miileeou tireeis aiii jfraiie- viiii ici
I To act
The communication from M. M. Tnr
.ij. i- I . . ... if f. n.r t.i T n lH.nil
i notices of the cltv at one third leil-l
rates W:is referred t., the 1' I ee ill!
The propo-itioii of A. Heiiiti to fur
msn liIlta for the -tr-eTs at il-tl a
vear was referr-1 to coiumittee uii pub-i
.n property.
iiie uomi or .joun turif-on. iienier.
wita approved and tiled.
EL T. Sp.erry made a verbal communi
cation to the conned. He objected to
tne takinir of dirt from the tirst ward To
Trad- -.treeij- in the third, and aiil that
the tirt had non- to -pare iieetled all
thev could !'-t for home ntiaiimntion. i
seinind. he objei'teii to 'he sidewalks and
... . .
'roesins south of the .-ourt house and
l-tWeen Oth ami Tth Streets; th.rd. he
desired :T distinctly undertooil that if
the street sprinkler is to be shut on" past
certain mts and hair blocks owned bv
nim. tne city must not taie anymore
..'-.i ir. ,.. I
soil from the same he won't stand it.
sln.i,.. r.o.l-1 .. atm. in ru.rui-i! r.
JWeiue lllii .1 sinhciucuu 11- it.ii. .
V... ii.niniiu f.i""Ll T. Kl iniU.-V
one . .ucciukj icici.c.i i. u; .jt....... ...r.
siud that they were nor put in last fall
because the season was late before the
work could be reached.
Petition of F. Coteman referreil to
'.ommittee on police.
The city attorney was instructed to
prepare contract and bond with terms
and conditions identical with those of
last year, with A. J. Whittaker for tr t
". sidewalk was ordered laid aionc the
north side of blocks A. Band C. Backer's
snb-division of out-iot No. . and alone
north side of blocks .". M and o7. or:--
ma! nlat of citv: also, on the C. P
track, between The rails on the east and -Litixinaa m B-rea t.. haul w.n B-r-west
sides of Olive street, and on the " in pHr :'" "i!c U
west side of North strt. the surface of I. iHuck is. -u"e ui .ina.-w Pasnmi;..
the walks to be on a level with the sur-, 5amri Y:ueie Lnuit. BI;u-r i .il-t-face
of the rails, also, repaired and re- JZUVZ't u, N,-t...m,
built w-st end of lots 3 and 4. block 1.
and w-st end of 1. "2 and ' in bloitk 17.
Stevens addition.
The -solntion of Philhpa for the pur
chase of lumber was referr-d to com
mittee on streets and grades.
The same committee was authorized
to purchase tive car loads of stone to be
need on street crossinj-s. Nine car
loads were purchased last year.
Mayor Rajat: railed the attention of
the council to complaints that had been
entered with him in r-trard to overriows
dunnir the late frestiet-in the vicinity
at C. A. Newman's, and south of the
Monastery heme the chief.
Ac ordinance w;u- passed nuns? the
.. . e. i .l. . i. ., .i. ....
rst Friday in the month as the r-irtilar
le-tinir day of the council. Councilman
olhik opposed -v-ry mov- leading To
ii- r-sulT he didn't like to teiin any
iirsi rridliv iu i.iie muuiu ao iiTiuai
thinif on Fraiav Hi- conscience, h
.ieilar-il. was ciear-.! with the last vote
asrainst adoption.
Adjourn-tl to ?Iay 1-t.
,, n t- r r
Mr. B-rt h.uer and .Ui Lona
Barnum crossed hands in wedlock Mon
day foreman. Th- bride and aroom. ac
companied by th-ir bnd-smaid and
aruonisman. went up t.i Daxid City by
buirsrv and had the I'-remony perfortne.
t.v the M. F pr-acher of that place while
.. ii .
al w-re -eate.1 in the vehicle opposite
the preacher'- residence. The scene waa
somewhat romantic in the ey-s of The
divine; but nevertheless he tied them
just as tight as he knew how The party
afterwards returned to Beiiwood where
Mrs. Barnum. mother of the bnde. had a
banqnet awaitmir them and where they
enjoy-d themselv-s for a few hours. In
the evenins they took supper at the
residence of Mr. and Mrs. Eaii-r. to
which place the band jiroceeded and
tendered the happy couple a tine sere
nade. After the serenade the band boys j
were invited inside, where they did
themselves justice at a lwnntifnl spread
of good things. The boys on their way
home also tendered Mr. and Mrs, Miller
t aerenad and were aam treated.
Ikllwocsi Gazette,
We are he-rinnin-r to think that sum ;
mer is not far distant.
G. V Vescott h:ia been having a tus
sle with the la monster.
Mr. and Mrs. D. 0. Pickett drove by '
Friday, on their way home from the
farmers ciub.
Henrv Mnhle's new residence was ded
icated last week Saturday nh-ht. The
Richland band wa.- present and with the
l.wr !- irj? frtni?i T"h m-rlir
w., nZ m harmonious enjoyment to
the hou.-e.
-. .teTT.Vl. Ulllt tllltT A U..ll.l..
i,an of mnles iviuch he dnds not net Wescott now drives a nandsome
ary to pound on the back
We would
like Ed. to tell u.- if the exact ae of the
jack witli whose jaw-bone S.uns.m smote ,
the fhilistines w;u twelve vears ev-n ,
months two week? and four. Jewish days,
how old would he have leeu :f he had i
beenamuie' '
. Thr Pat:tl to' "1 l: t'n- .
dav at the residence of J. L. wartslev j
The attendance was not lar-e. but the
nosr wa very interesting and much ,
was learned that is lienenciat to The I
honest tilierof the soil. The next meet
inir will be held at H. B. Reed'-, r-si
miiiv rhe !:ir Fml:iv in Ai:iv
rre. Alouo Miller, who is here on a
..WUw .- .... . . ..... - . .
"sit. has M .?mte sick with u.ensie
and luarT disease, we nope t.r ier
s; tlv re"ov-r.
-Tene N'ichoi and family were vi.-itim: i
at Mrs. Michael Erb- .nnda afte-tuHic.
Enirtir Jlaye has traded his cow w-th .
Frank Morey (or a binary. Ke also I
made a horse trade with rreil. i-temr-r
Mrs. A. C. Pickett and J. F. Hnchic I
sou met with -a hat murht have resulted
m a verv serious accident. Thev were
.tnrolB-, home m t.hun.h In tha.
heavy ram storm when their iy broke j
down in the middle, lettimr them down '
on their heads m the mud. fortunately
they hai a gentle hooe or the result
would have been very nniis They
were -mite frurhtened.
Mrs. Micnaei Erb has applied a 'oat
of paint to her house, which mak .
hxik tmte nea
.Tim Marsna.'. will plan' 20 acre- f
j sweet com this season.
i William Averhart from norrh of Sheil
creek was visiting friends in Tiie neih
borhood last w-ek rsnnda.
Mrs. H. B. Reei and daughter M.n
j rf Madison, -t.inror
,. rif.,T ,.-. ,,-r w-k M H
Reed accompaniel them on their r-r.i -fene
N'ichoi h.-u- l)een imppiv;':.' i.e
' l...'-u ..I' ki rl...... Ki- n......n.. 1... ....
iwoiv in 111 uuu r .- iiiiil.iii ui inii u.
AI. antt ,? r ',w. i,...,....
jooda. W hlCU Were -tupped ell-. .
March, arrived at Riverside. Ca!.. 'liei
destmation. on the 17th mat.
Luther Stewart assumed one 'ue
duties of every husband by pn-se:.' :
his wife with a new washing ma.-. .;e
purchased last a.ituruay.
J. C. Curry has beet. hns .a i'- . i
the past fw days.
Miaa Eate Erb w:is visitintr at ner is
ter and mothers .ninia
A. W. Clark purchased aOllie :iev
household effeCLs hist w-ek.
We Wish to mention ttl.lT !Ue ,'e-'.
TeadlUif that Emest Mae- .Hid Miss
Emma Erb Here maKimr call.- .:; aese
part- t.iat w k Sunday, was a iii..-tan-We
feel -.-ry bad ov-r the nu.t.i.-ie uj.j
hope the parties meiitioiieU iv.
bear with u.- and not feel :.. -..war is
l Veiopi
as he e-le-IUs &Js frier..i
mucii. IT was not mean: f. r an - 'i
merely an other parr was unsta.ier. U r
The Reeti Alliance hail a ver. 4oi ..
nieetinx hist We k. Monduv -elilUi;
ourit orim.-er. P E. fry va ;.- ei.-
ind delivered a tin- lurie -peecti. l'ie
.llsO re -lei-fed all 'he old orti'-ei-
understand tiiat the next meetim; w.
i.- held in L!stnct 44 -ehoul house
Deduce from a comparison. t'M-.iir a.
with the Black Art. the nrooaoie
Platte Cumity Teurlier
The next meeting of the -eacnera (
Platte COlint V. Will be held .it H.lllipi
j rey. Saturday. May -j. Ad tem-hers ar-
' invite.! to attend. Followmir ta the n
ram of etercise- as arramTed for Ti a'
Itoii i-:ill "rn.ll tii.iif- ml iei.
. ,, , ... . . . u u
. iai:er l.tlji in VnfnnieiH- r.. B. oai-.-
, .1(r la nat '.a .m.i r.. What hzleur
' -ii..imt t I'-i.-ner .ve t
T" l ',p'-"
, iteiii.iiitm
ti- Vnnie t'-eiaan
R.iD-r; nun
yii- tierrniile PtiiUi-
p.1rr--;u.r, With ma D. V Dirkenr-.n
r-ip-r- .tju f ti:iaunMi..c- in 2.-n..i
WofS lha f IHUOQ
DiwJii-uic if Pap-'
E. E. our'i
'ti Kauie rhuri-u
i nrtil,mir
D-ila -).inu
DiM-u mn of Paper
I .1 e I rtUl
Minai- Barr-t
rNp-r-orriilini; ( iiimtry svtiitoi-Di-.'!!
mn of P-ip-r
t M. Miller !
P W K .
Real E-I.l!e I-:ilt.
For the w-ek -ndmiT April 1. l-'.H.
All deeiis warranty nnie-s otherwise
L P K'. i . u Bruuer Uuan. 2am
r.-eipr. a.", a"- i."-L-Oa f
in "i
, !,in- Nw'koii-eK -ai! wife -.. .v. nder
win. lw l-l.-l-"
j W's. r ible- ami -ife n. V fi. B-u-
iler. 1111 I. 3l 3. LlU'Sarr - l.UI lit
I'M 11
ca; u,isad R"i:ik''- p,u"cr'
I '
liiUO "O
L -. P-u R.)w.itr. pteat.
IZ. "J
.o in
"' '"
Blar-r. "f-4 ae, J1-17-J- Blntr iiait -tfe ;iiaiiM lai-
liof. -w IT-tTr-
C. 5. .i Kaiinipli K.;Ui. pnt-n:. i
Viexaniter ' mae' to K.i V. nni-r.
). . av- a- aa.t a-- a-- lu.ri--A
"-itni-lc MurTO riaii -rrf- to WULuiai
? mint. I tton of 1 -nrre- nf a ! t
i-t .if .nit !nt ".. ' .iluabtii-
ni uo
ccupation tjis. a.- hxe.1 ty
tix-tl by ,
...r,- .....I J,io-n. Tn V-Iir-iL-l nn..n
1.0.13 nuu mu " uc 111 .'1-ii.u.iiu, ..u-.i.
every sort and -vino oi letriLimaie anu
praise wortnv tjusm-ss. is neeunnni
use wormy ousm-ss. is imniuu
ire and more unpopular -r-rv vear.
' "
-mont .s talkinir about -pihrn: t up
. .11
foreign corporations do.n-r busm-ss
. .f . L-in.l in th i.lfe iniiri rim
01 . .m- w- .
panieS. loHn Companies. UeW-spapers.
taiionntr establishments, -xpress com
I nacies. eti:
I"11-"' r-
TaUe Warnms.
jy'V wi-h to inform the pnbiii -r-a-rai'v.
and -v-ry man and boy hi particular.
. u..r f .1..- r... himtimr nn. fi-.rnn. on
'"-" r -"r " . -
j my premi.-
SOUth of the .'it. . and be
1 twe-n the IC K. Loup tiritiire ana tne
! counts wuiroii bndir-. It has heeom-an
...... .. .
' intolerable nuisane- and I pnrp.-se en
. i .. -
forciuu The aw .ip.m .u. tr-spassers.
i .r.- r si-T-ti.-e. ..
.j.iiiw l ..l. n.iuj.i.
STOEiR-UlKH-Vp- Zrir i .: a. ii ir
y.1 r-iiieQi- ir n- nr-iie - - ui u .u- i-h. h-
n ';u- !
Rev Heart Li.iir illuiilum -
f -.r-T tail M. Ke-
! ! -"Qr 1",h ,,f ,m ',r
I Al. 'he ai-Miiainlaat t f 'lie ..uiaii '-ik-
I nej jh) i- .iinsr sii pr-wp-r
KVlN-Ntr Ueune- tur. ril. .-iin -n-cer.
lift, lana
gaziness jatices.
AdvrtiBemestn amier tni- hemt a- '"
liae-uca ias
it. aTHILTZ 3Mf bout.- aaii iht m'n-
b.t. stTlt-. anil Uw .imj the r-ry or
ktlmtcaa bearKuretliS the marcet. -.
fliiMLW a m- j nr li.1 Thn 5.
t,w4M a . kI - - '" J. UaUr.
.m a an. .4a. l tn i
; v mi iw mm.. . -irn Iras Ui
f III U tlATT. il 1M . 1
m Hlti win. til ae. In n. uxl A .
BlTT.A. V -M 1 KiH.U.0 abll., 1-
. ii .wj iin. m. tai acinntiid.1 :.
Ui 4t . I ii tiicmi pv 3CM: r..r
rntiuiv. E.lslLr irEiailLr icrnt.
fAlnli.Cl.Aas f.ZV lumm-i,
iniy ui., ruaZLtOii, .
Farm : and : City : Loans
Mo.Nh !' l.i)Y iS iinint -m-ir -
ro .uir ipninr-
i oMl'LtTk !STlt l' VI Yti r i,.
.i(.nr l1!'.!:'- i.a.i- .a ttlf"
''.'":" "'-' Z:.T'' . '' ... .
I iiiir " i4-'" -. - -
f Kiin-i-
Genemi Agr n'J
or oa
lot J
f:tte uuatj
t-i F! a T, EST.TB!
I .
c-n pc iyh.b'jLJizm e?!r,.,CKSi5s:
t ..mer UaO- .aipr-.ed aad!. for Ie t low VJSJ
tad Plillli .ot .a ait? Uir " KP cuuiyiM .- --.-
WhnlMkla ad
fiaiae. Poaliry. ami Fresh Fish. All Kiitis f Sauae aSpwialty.
TCa Pni for Eide. P-lu. TUow. Ei2k airkt pne paui for Jmt trla.B
Olive Strwt. tw Doors Xorth of the First Nation! Balk.
r c
H 1
A w
s I as
O s:
ili t
? si
3-. rl
C - S
c c
v: r -
,... ., . ,,,-r.r.
t I L.l .IIOL "
r'lir li marsetear-.totnixi'-.l
ru-ia ift-rntn. jail r-rrvef aail r-liule
ii Ui-'iinr
- t "
1 Butler
! 3'il
Fntho- .. .. -wr.
Fur .-..- iZ-3Jc3ui'
Fal-he-i. I. ;
Fnt-te-r i3Ju...
Fier- '
Earns L: ,t.
Sh. miller- ttlw
2iii -
I.KIT-.L. Mri E.
V. ii. Mim ' nil; .m -r i
!,. pe.'ia. -.iniaii.i. n-r i: pour.-:
mil i;n.n ae en-ilu--t-. f -'ii-ca m:
pur nf l piinui- 'mniea.-ia.' c N r. -r-
aer of -ne N E. f - a - ' ! ' -xw
! -wt. ia.i -jnn.a -n-a- -mrn .ine-t.iur :i
.nile. rnein -nr ,ce-!i.: Jiu-nu -r,.a
' hae tail erraiaiiii u '.1- 2. t- .timer -A N. t.
.if N. t "t -.uil '.a r. 'wn i' raais- t
-u-x ia.i Icaiiwa l- 'ie "hjer-eh K.iwt" in.! 'he
, "Hr-i.-.--r K.uui" in.- ;TT..rm-i 'tun inry ia.i
alt nj- r-p..r- a mi.- nthi-e f.ivonc ae thci-
: rjuj. lu. ;ip,.c- t 'tr'n.
' . ii ... ... . ...n.... ..
( tW .IU Hli.-T..ll.- .11 '. hi 'HiiiM-
,iu'mj .-nu I 1 -liH vtieatitin lenf 31it
nl-il oi trie .-.ninty if-r ..thi 'if Hinn- -wiai ..
vhniak3. ic or -f..rH ai.n .Jane liHa. I)
IsVt. ur th- vaaitmn aiai - imute irii..ui 'ur
ther r-fereci-e rher-t.
Ir.ii i miimhib. .-.. April W. trfl.
i.. W PiniavJPSw
I'.-tprtr l .ninty lerk.
LEU VL Mmt'h.
r- nil vhtim may eim ra
Hie .pexu rtinimis-iiuner .tp..)inte.t r4 ci-w.
nnnn rr fiiiikii.r . .if '.niTitiai; aal
- -y - ',,. ,ar ,lt -a v h.
..r-ir ..f -tll.11 17 '.iivn ii "!U1- t. .tail
1 ....... - - . i..
nmnin-heci-eai i-.atn.-e-ier:y .hr--T ..u ia.t
--rrmriaimi .it in--rfitiit-t .iirner . v
f -una i. '
i-t. -ia- "-;. """"
, ,,,-,! . d par- ..f 'h- '- .itul
i fa-Her ' n-i.t. nas ;iert..rpie.i -nat lut, nil tue.1
air. 'Utei.mee. fav.,nmr ae -aesuna .0
, alM.-t '..rrn.
N..i ii. ili-.-tunf 'Herttt. i r .-inline for .lam
, J.', g, ....m ru-n-.f. a,a,, r-ml
. tn- -iictj
1,-rs. - .iiiiire on .r l ni n
j June rat -V. U IsSL .irthe-awl nrati.-a ma - ir:fti.Mir fur-her -efen-nre -Sen-. .
Tifii i iiiumuiin. Nei.. Aun. -I. l!
i 'A Ptl....
IZtiprrt ' ""a'
l-in.l urii.-- it '.-ui.: N
pr- Irtl'i. 1.
V.411 I- liereliv iJ-n 'Il-lt ''-
' aaoie.J I'ler !iai Hit-i .i-ai
r i.-
nmfc nn.ii rriol" :n' ul
rual -t:il proof A-0 i roauie i..r-
m.- iii-xner .-.mi. . ii
, aj,a ,., , jdsanD H-mmuVnr
. - N" ""- ;"''" j"", "' :
Ji ti-nMiiiJ I" north. nto- .
tn- ili-lnet .-.Mi.-
.iium mn
h- oanie- 'a- foiiowrnu itni j
tiu'.nii.m- i.lene p u intl -ilT
, v.-c. H...Tnain
' Ii.. -..!--ii ljtri-in;ina.
i- .,----
ta.t fcaw.n i;i---i- -if' ..C riOtt.. Neii.
r-insfci-.. -wsir-Ziipr'.
K-t -'-r
hi it.i nN rn e.
r isir-n-r-in'i i-r-t..f..r- i -' ru: - v n
t N ,iait W -i--n-i!. 'imi"- ' - lr-n jam
f iv-a-..n 'ir.-i . .i-- Ii . .--i -a h "t.i
la- -f pr-. !-".I "- ".-oi - '
flllll-it i t " rreTc r. -llt. V . 3tll-
.-..ui--t:..ns ta.t '.- i- :--
I evt.i ..luaitiii N'.. :.r . '-Ml
i- N : "v. i-n
h '
i , -. - - - i -t
Utter i.. Ii
.ml., if r -i : t- i
TJaret r - -iu-'i is
RED T ) P. H L' v i ARIA. .
Choice Seed - Corn.
re - .f taterer. -m -horr .r ton tiuia, la.amaaa.
ii e-r.ifeia PtnfTenmarj
-t: .:-...,., t.-C, t. n.t fr,,.n 11 Mrt.
- - - -- -j- .--- v
rsiuii-Btr .
f Ae xlf o
EUoil Qmlme ta
Mini I-. I'll HttllM.h HI t.lKK.
rwfetv tllit.,. ' if- mati ai-.liv lit
f..r in htio.iui. .t t.t tiri.lM
f. ninn
ime. flie Wn-lenito 'iniin-. i - "..rtv rr
nim. Timu -ijui ir.iMi-ti- 'a iit lon.
1 -wi.- f- itirfr 'Ue i.n. sail tijj. r.. .- m1c
Kliet.-.. tk. -, f .. n "tie tf- le't 1 ia
'inrt n ini-nelii-k .ia.i -'i- '" i1- itiii
-ini in?n unek.
Hie ..i-r. tae t mer Druiu- ' fie 'Ii.rj fet;
.u. 'He ataia -iia. .ii .r m-tit ilir fef tt)Q;'
. ... ..1 . iuie- .... .. .. W iritHMi:i tMT.t.
ui..-.- .1. enbiL
Biiln ui. b- ,.viM uj tie nn.l-e-"rf2-.t up :
'...ji.-. Thar iiiy pn! fliih. l-vt.
Die -Q--nip 'mini r-j-r- - z'M. r.. ri:t
aaj 'irriii niifc..
HfcirM. .. l.L th HK".
P kd i lerv. i-..n-i F .
Plait.- i .. . tft.r
KIN VI. PltnoK
Litaii i 'rhi-e it i mil Ljlmiit. "S-tj -apni
Tra. HL
N.itu l- her-lJ' iirvn inr 'h- tntlitwiua
aauir"l t'ier na. nl-I a.itwe ! nits .at-allna t.
niille aai pruof :a -iipir' .if rrn. i-Luni. na.l
uait -wiiit prfmf ill. ' laute before "ti
-ne iti-tnct .tiar tl uJuailm-. -!.. .m M.iy pU
;l. v. J. ma ' .mi.-n. H.une-i-iul "
or -he fc. . . W -, ia.i W - h. o .""oa
rz. ri.-Rip IT ani-a. ( -til-:- V. t.
Ke anaie- 'tii- foiiiiwiu a ' pn.v- hi r luvai-- np..u uiil -n-.v itmu .t.
ml ..-ini-. rz fe.n.ijn- li.-tu'.el SiiiHi.
LihvuI K. i .imulvi! "tait iiuu.i r.u-rt. .ill .tf
ami. Net. n 1 1 Kl H -rrJi r.
I'npn K-lnt-r
Lami 1 'tSif if 'jrarnt 1-laait. N-li..
pm l-t. let! I.
Nlllll- 'l lerehT crv" 'ult 'tie l)ltlWltti-
aiune.1 --' niif ni.-t itiiu-e.if m- ,ntenfiiJi '
niiie nn.ii pnnif .a -mpimr -it .u -iium. -tail
llnl -ml ,nl A!. '- il.ttle lielnr- t.le Clrtk 'il
ti- li-tniT t-iiiirr ir !-. la. N-n.. .in MarJsa.
t-l'l. j, .mi pn'teiynn. Hum. i-iutN.i. UVi-7, f c
.i.r-l.init iof .-turn I- 'uivi-ui W north,
-anirn I 'vi-t.
tie caint 'ti- foiliiub-nt; ita - pie hf
iinlinii.iii- "-.iiiem-e a;nc tail i-iiifiTiitinn tA,
-atil lami. "ir Frink i ipia. Kartak. r-ork.
Hlaj B.irnh anil iohn Mnra-t nil -if Dunnic.
Net. t.n i-sia-- wirr.
-,ipr- Reifer.
KIN l. PltooK
Uiml Otlue tt o-in.l l-iinml. Neli .
Var.-Ti JTtR. lerfL
iihpml .-u. -rail ! '1111-iHi-
aain-l. trier .uit. a,! at.t..-e .a 'lie ait-atn.u t.
aiafce nniii pn.f .a ni-j-.i- ..f in- iiuiii. an
-r-'j J;,1r . ,..n.-t,e ,-ier ..f
,fnm . ii Vi.. 51-1
. .,, T tt , h , . ,lfc ii. -H.-c.-ti.l N...
v r..r'-n- - t -..a -. --.-.ii in
.. . . ,.,
)Z.-fZ?ia- ..a. -.. r..v-tu.
inr.nix.ii- ui u.-
-sli.l - i e i '.
1 l -i r .- .iT
z. mit '! i-'i"in. f.
.i. : Taj - -cnie!
i r r--. Nt-ti.
."I . Il i t -WKiT"
C ' ,tef
' ffiaSB x pedal'7 of ma3uI.Ltarai
P tvr V.OT ilfe XCllIT -"Jr
the Ktall trm ( aell """
t rtTmie yartla. Crrta
llrl Fi-a mf rkwfl M
All prnau la C S Caaioci" ?
Ut4 . arti A UMM .
VLW : N J lN
i ir ".i . "... r '
il. SD NiW Lii
,NHj Ni Kirl; nr ALL ilDS
i.L ".ILLNTfctl TO Hb 'r MhT
i. injijU AM' AhLL sKLEi ThD ril'Li S. XL
X'i A5 ' HhP A THi ' fai-ii--
--rHAr t-fcFY yMfi.nill
Astl ail iinil- eticar-T -,niur ii'Q m :rvl
anital. .-tele.iv-r-.l 'r -.r v.'.Ara
.i is, pttrt -.r 'ii- i-ii
i,j.-.t j.f,euai.i,
H lH