The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 29, 1891, Image 1

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' .
Columbus State Bank
(OldMt Blata Bank In tba BUtaJ
Sjnfca CklctfOb Kw Tark, and a3 Foralfs
ilys IU Ctatomara irhen they Need Hel-a,
LEA-HF.R UERKA KJi. I'te-.ili-nl.
H. tt. IIENUV, Vii:e-l'resi,lent.
JOHN -TAl ITKi:. -ashler.
H. UUUGEU. Ii. V.'. iiui.yr
Antborlzei Capital of $500,000
Paid 1ft Capital - K0,OO0
C. H. SHELDON. FrM't. -
C. A. NEWMAN. Carfiicr.
C. n. SUldoa. J. F.JBek(r.
Uaraicn P. H. Oablrica, Carl Kicii''.
JotiM Wolck, W. A. McAUittor.
J. xTrarf WardaeiaA, H. M. Winnlow.
Jrca W. OailT. S. G. Ory,
Frauk ilorer. Arnold F. H. OUlrich.
flmry I.te. (iirhor.l I.uoke.
aTBuk of deposit; lnteraat allowed on time '
1apoalta; bar i aeU azctiacc on United Btat4
Sd Eoropa. and bay and aall araiIab1eeKDrlti4. '
Wa ahall ba yleaaad to raoaira feor.buaiaoa. VT
wicit row parronija, .4cc$7
. W. K1BI.ER,
XraiTllaC Mmletainaai.
ara Arst-claw in every par
U. P. Depot, Columbus.
tSntepairing of all hinds of 1'i.hA-
tlery Good.
m COLUMBUS, msbkaska.
BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBa& '
Information Gleaned From AH
Quarters of the Universe.
Xolsi.ii Mortis, Mm I'r.inlrieiit fjicr:ilor
uim! S'at-Ic.T. I 1 irst to iHrt Yitiils l
His Own Oilier V. Ill hollow Ills II
:tiri;il. Oiir I'uikln ..tiii.ii, y.
"Vi-l-nit M ?i s of -atsihat Ar-i-.i.m
A !' :in Mvifi v i ,.. me .ii niilj liitii
in tin-n.i.v mm 1 1 lit j.i v att- v ar.i
outride ut tin- i ii ok sl. k i aiiis. He
tli it t .u :jri:mi im-nt i mere y teiujMii.-u.i
and tltese lino l.c liirns ml:. aft'i a
l I:u- ni'ivi' their plant to T. Helton, lml .
Ii-l mil ll'e sta'e line T'ieois.t ir
p.-.-l that tiie lc. :riit eminent may
inlerjiiis' oliji-iTions. A mimic 'mil Mutrls
! lit) tii.-!i:ised ICtl 0 lj In a.'t of eattli- II.
Ti vj-, ami n SitiSH'itnl tin-lo'id canui.t.
uii'Ii r tlie .jiiaiantiiie it !!ulatliis, lie
lml. 1 in lii.iL-ii al anv j oiM -i eni
n ilinti a i it!. i. n ji.irt of tiiei 1 i stock ynds
Tliey Nearly "imo in Neu-
ii kin an Altiiujil '! I'oree it Strike.
The or.'mn ed I tail in slum masons in New
V.rk h-tve caused a ' oil ileal of tloub!' m
tli- uput'l end of thecltv The) 'Unci,
Voik on .j ileaiaiiil of eijht hums' time uilli
nine ho. lis' M . I'lesidetit llmii'f. of tae
fe 'er.iti-il anu 'in. ceil 1. 1 tliein that
tlie) Coillil i .lsil) ii-i-i m;lisi lln-'r -eii.;:.!id.
Tiiey .slj-m-k a ln;:lii n ulieie ;i lali-
Ix'i .f l;:il:.n. uon-iiiuo.i masin.s uere ei.i
i!ii.l ami they i.-fi:-el to i,uit. Tie- -'ru-
its dn
eie a
mi'. II
;v s ii, tti s a'.d picked up sii.iir-. ami
'.out to laid the place w .e:i the noil
ii en die'.! revolvers. The strike! s
tliell onlei teil 1 hem-el s with llllllj Mil
le s hi stout s. A d'Hieroiis riot u as im
minent uln ii a force of jM.lii'e came up an I
airetiil a doen of the h i n. Another
-xu.ill ! ."I ws stalled a few Uloc.s au.i)
and mute .tnests well" made th re.
i:i;s(ki t DYNAMiii;.
ir.-iii il l.tiulensiiess. anil Tornir. o!
lilili Itonilw Formeil it Creal I'.nt
llalilly had the s l'Jer left tlie eok'- ri
:o!i beloie the leils of lite cit iells V ele
ii- liied and aius of sirikiiis; cokeis aeam
tui md ii us' theii lawli-ss p.issiuus.
'I'liloiilu'ur the teii u all n.lit tlie earth
faiih tr 'iiilileil u .tli a succession of sl(i .s
fn.c. in;: an ep!osinn of d. namite Icieilis.
At l.i i-i:n ii.v. No. ::. i.f the l'ri'-ku mLs. a
croud of s.riueis j.':,tii(.:l.,i ,, t lit- iiiii. and
u! nut' tin.e thliiy I uin'is M-re eiiln:ieil
simultam oiislv. le. lilili ;!ia! holes in the
I'.itlh. Ii'':iklu tfie . tiidous m many
hic.i-e- :ui(l frijliti'iiilis tlie p iple f .1
ini!s an. iimi 1) I he terillic r.'.-n . X" one
wa- mimed, however, and hut little actual
il.itiuie t:is done, -ecti'lal) I' n ket. ot t he
la!Mr oiauiatluu. lias ordi led l.i0J tents
f ! Il.c siiflti uu,; of c.ictid peisiins. (In
appeal for letimi of the troops In the
sherlll. lliiv. I'.itli-.n uiied lo the eilect it is no! tlie dot) of tin- military to do
poll, e ilut) atiiiti.e -oiiln-:- ui.ulil not he
oldeled out until the ci li pmiT :s ex
hausted. ito.Mis at mi .: i'i:i: ci:sr.
. io)iuli!Iity Ttiat ;ivi'riii)iint l'l'l:-itlt.'s
.tlii) It i. I'loat-il :tt Tliix I It; lire.
Tlie iiosp'cti i lare pajmeuts on ac
count of pens oils, public nm-ks. malutlui;
IrtMids. etc , and the rather low ebb of te-
cipts. uith the resulting Hissihili!ies i f the
disappeatain'e of the surplus, is causing
some uneasjiitss an.on tiiiaucial nCiciis
of tlie tli Usury. llesides endeavoru.'
to put in circulation tin Mi!i:i!iaiy
sI1t coin. i'iietary I'osti r has in
lew another plau. concerning the -t'. jier
cent b.iiids. amount in it to ?.'ii.uuu.Uni. w hli-li
m-ilute next M' The secret art hi
lietesthe uutlolial banks wlucliii.iltl ;!'.'.
iiPti.dlM i.f bonds would be sltld to le- '
etaiii them as a basis for circulation eien
at a reduced late of inteiest. It is i !
Raided as feasible. erli.ijis. to fuse!
ImmiiIs at - per cent. i lie sect clary a
pici'ciit-ii! for tlie plan in the action of Sec
retary Windom :u 1---1.
a good schi:.iik.
A I'viiimylvania ,Iinli;e lutrr.iliicfs Xctv
Kulcs tor Natiiraliatiou.
Judge llice. at Wilkesharre. I'a.. sin prised
two I'olatnlers :iiul the liii'.ur, '!'..
I'lil.tudi rs liad fir u.ttiiiar.-itioii '
papers. Tlie Judge put them tlitoii.-'i a j
severe examination. They weie aski d the i
leading pi inciples on wiii h tlie government
is based. Tor instance
1. What was the oojecl in fotming tins j
.'. Wlio are the tuleisV j
... What liberty is-;ii.iiaiiteed cilieiis and i
It haiipened that the I'olanders had been
in tills country for a long time and were
able to aiisui r the oiiestioiis. otheruise
they would have been tefil-id iiajieis. Inj
the future the cour: will grant patls onlv
to foreigneis wlio are able t interpret t lie
stkikk ami i:i:c.mi:.
Tho Kit for Thotiipsuu Steel Works Ite
cmploy Mirny Men. While tho Ituilil.nv;
j Trmlos j;d Out.
I'mployn.ent has been :uu n given to'.' mo
men by tlie resumption of tlie Kug.-ir
Thompson steel wotks at I'ittsburg.
Tills In tit,. Other W.iy.
A general lockout of the stone masons
has been inaugurated at I'ittsburg and Al
i leghenv hv the Master Mason's association.
Tiie trouble is over tlie etnployinent of nou
cnion men. and the action of the mastei
masons may result in precipitating a lock
out of all the miu engaged m the building
Tills Is Meant to Sccurn I'eae-.
Four carloads of heavily armed I'ink-ertoti
guaids have arrived at the coke legions.
It is thought that tiies men will take the
piace of the niilit.a. as tin governor will
ii. it allow the national guaids to be Used to
ev iet strikers.
A Halt Dispute Vf hich Uoet Not Con
cern V.
A few days since a large number of New
foundlanders in schooners assembltd in
Kay d'Fste detenuiiud to ell herring to
the ushirineii of St. I'ierre. A Kritisli
cruiser. interfered and the fishermen re
sisted, some of the crew of the cruiser being
injured. The fishermen are rioting and
threatening, evident'.)' instigated by St.
"lerre influence. Tlie government has d;s-
I patchid more steameis. It is currently te-
ported from London that th- conferences
between the New fount land delegates and
J Lords Salisbury cud Kuntsf, rd haw been of
i a. satisfactory chartctir and promise a
.iractical and dcliuite agreement, be-ih side
making concessions.
Xhe American Output for 1800 the Largest
or Any Year Yet.
The annual statistical report of the
American Iron and steel association sav-s
that in Ism) ibe Fnited slates made tlieLost
record in the production of iron and sieei
that has ever been made by any country.
For lsuO the production was a-- foilsw- in
net tons: Pig iron. Including spie-el. 10,
307,02s; Bessemer steel ingots. 4.13l,.-i5;
open hearth ingot. jTLs'-'j; llessomer steel
rails. 2,091.9?::: open hearth rails, 4.01s:
crucible steel inzots, T'.'.TIC; rolled Iron, ex
cept rail. 2,-04,s29; rolled steel, except
tails. 1,''J.24T: Iron r:i!I
:i:i1 on- blooms. .'!O.T-:J: k
nail-. !.-(;. i::0: Ui-s- of lei-l out nail
j ....!. I: ki-- of win- nails. :t.l3."i,Ull; iron
i :i"d -u"lr-!re' '"'''1-
An fiiiimrtHtit "niptr" Case in Court.
T. o Toiwisend-?mith contest over a claim
adjoining l-Mn.oiiii, (). T.. :uul in fact a part j
nf the town site, bids fair to become the i
mo-t famous of ail t lie "sootur" cases, for i
ni tliis oae the "sooner" clause in t lie j
opening u-t will be tested. Smith, a rail-
load employe. was ruled out uu tlie gtoiind
that lie violated tlie law and the proclama
tion, .mil Tuwiisend was awarded the land
on tlie ;' :ul of piijr settlement, smith's
tiling :i - canceled. Townsend now has an
acti .ii in the d strict const to dispos
sess smith, he havjn; refused to acute
v. hen the si eretary ruled against him.
Smith now jn-..i..-es to test tlie locality of
t! st-onei" la'v. or rather to get a judi-
al iMiistriirtiiei of the meaninc of the law.
It u I In-carmd t the highest tribunal,
no matter what thedeL'lsion in the terr.tor-i-il
I'lJiirl in:iv be.
! Ceu. Itutlir W'.t- tscnrtrtl Out.
A neek or m aai CJen. Benjamin F. But
ler, ct.ntj as tlie attorney of Mrs. Johnsi u.
conti. teil of perjur.t in a pejision case, had
i ilisput with Tinted States District .ludio
: '"arpi-iiter. :is a icsiilt of which Hutlcr ui
i forliiddcu to app-ai l.i-foie tlie court. TiiO
other ni:'i nln;'. hmti'ter. wlien the case
I c-.jiie up. Iiutler came in and insisted on
I adihessitii; the coiut. .Iinl'je Carpenter de
I cla.ed ii i ti. di oideilv and oidered the inar
: shals to lemove him fiom the court loom.
The inatshal and assistants escorted him
out. The old zcutleiriuii uas much alf'JCted
i and his eves filled '.villi teals as he ex
' claimed: "Ijteld to fnce." When the
j i...i!-li:il n-Ie. s.d him in the corridor Uen.
llutler iiiitncdiately leturne.i to tlie court
n uin. Jtide I arpenter had left tlie bench.
Iiitpostiir-c liiipiotlni; tlio Opportunity
Two strangers n-piesentins theniselt is as
A. A. i'.iimjgitid i'lir.sioiiier Kott. of Ellen
d.tie N. Ii.. liat e been MiliciliiiK suh-crip-j
tauis ,(i llulialo. X. V.. for the people of
North lak it:i whom tlie lepicsentcd to he
siiileium lor food, clothing and iinuify.
I Tin muyoi ittot- lo the governor of North
lal ota and lias leccit ed a iep!v that the
men an-not .uilli.i icil to collect money.
and addinu that llieie are no doubt -time
cas-s mil th) ofcliaiity in Mcintosh county,
hut neit'iei the county nor tlie state n
oii ice has been ehausie.l. A letter was
al-o ie 'eiv ed from the oieinor of outh
I'akota sat iin; tlie people did not need
A Kevnliitli nary ICellr.
Secretary Kiisk will receive in a few daVs
! from Willi itu Iteiry. of Macon. Mo., the
sv.oid worn by the secretary's randf-ither.
"aiuiici Kiisk. in tiie war of the retolulioii.
I'm in -ome cotrespjiulence l.elween Mr.
Ileirt's son and Mstet.-ny Kiisk. casual
! meniioa was niadi- b tlie fortiu-rof the fact
j that the retolution-iry lelio was in the pi s-
sossion of Iteiry. senior. Tlie secretary in
i tim.itcd in :t letter lo I)r. Kerry that he
v. oe id prize the ai tide highly if he could
serum it. lie receitel in reply a letter
stating that tlie swonl would he sent at
Kii ami Snake Stor)' Sousou Opanetl
Thn e 1: d living near I.ewistou. III., ran
across a snake den and killed foity-tiveof
taiioiis varieties. Mime v. etc live feet loin;.
The other evening larse black clouds
pas-ed mir (I'leencistle. lml.. ni'iir the It was foand that Cue clouds were
coinj used of millions of tms. an inch in
sie. They passed fiom west to east and
tlie noise of it. eir combined win'Js sounded
like an epr s wain in full speed. Several
wet.- raptuted and are pronounced by
natut'ilists to I e the ''.Ilino bu" species.
They aie daueioiis to vegetation.
TJie ItHtanU lo ilctire.
The I'.avanl mausii n on Massachusetts
avenue. Washington, has been advertised
fi r sale. This means tint the Havard faui
ilf. which lias tiguied conspicuously j ti,c
lilstorv of the country fm over HIO teats, is
at last to sink out of the public life of the
national capital, pciliajr- foiet er. The Kay
aid fan ilv lias tiured ia longre-s since
IT'T. h u Thomas sliton itavard nteied
tlie h u:s of lepieseiitafSve-. It liad bed
thoiighl Thos. i". ltayaid would seek to te
enter the senate, but tin understanding
now is that Senator Uruy will lie iielected
w :thoul oij Ositlou.
Dislr.ineliisoit lor Vote Selllii;;.
I'ioateis v.h s.ild their votes in the re
cent inline ipal election at Paris. 111., were
aircstcd and airaigned before Judge llun
tei. Josluia iiibson and l.'obeit Ca'n were
both found guilty and sentenced to uim ty
il.its in the county jail and disfranchised
fi-r live yeats. and aKo to ay all costs of
tiie co. in in eai h case. All of the other
c-is( s were continued until tlie June term.
The pri-oners were committed to jail in de
fault of b.inds The cases created consid
erable excitement. as they are the first ever
tin d theie.
Conl ratteii Laborer Sent Hack.
Spei ::,I Agent Stration repoits to the
tteasury tlepartmeiit that he lias detained
at the ji wl of l'hiladelphia live glass. work-
i er-destined for lord City. I'a The men.
he says, came into the Fnited Statis under
conita'-t iiitcreit into al stolbcrg. ui ai
Thev !
Aciiens. .ix la Cliapjelle. German
will in- sent back. The men reported that I
tin to i-now an .igint in Stolberg engaging
glas-work-ers to come to the Fnited States,
and that within the past few mouths more
than '-.'"ii have left Stolberg for different l
parts of tiie I lilted State.
Tlio sjstcr Itratictit Trouble.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Itaugh have been liv
ing i .ip;ii!y in a pretty cottage by Xacou
lulii Falls, the n.Ost romantic -tiot anion'.'
1 tho I.mikoiit ir.oimtaii.s in Ftaw county.
i Ala. Kut Mr. Kaugh's si-ter appear d amid
tho-e lotnanticsollludes. aimed with a war-
i i ant and accompanied by a loiisiahle.
K.iugii now languishes in .all al Gads-nd.
It tlmt he has a family in
Arkansas and the supposed wife was his
niece. Mis, Kvergreen Kaugh.
A Gfadsioncan Hefeat.
An eltctioii to fill the vacant seat Ii. tae
Englsh house of count o:is for the middle
division of oxford-biie oicurieil at which
tlie candidates were Mr. Morrell. libeial
unionist, mid Mr. Ketison. Gladstoneau.
There-ult was a victory for Mr. Motrcll.
who received .44s tot,-, against ::. 700 cast
for his opponent. At tlie last election Mr
Mr I can, liberal unionist, was returned
without opposition.
The Wholesale hootlug UliI ot Occur.
News lias been received that the execu
tion of l.oss Kielly. Jeff Krowu. Ik)ug!as
I'.rown. Ci.dge Harnett. I'ani Johnson. Lake
Andy and l'rlnce Hawkins la tj.e western
portion of the Wewaka district. Cries" na
tion, which was to have ocouired a few
davs sin.-,, was frustrated by tlie escape of
the prisoner-. Jell Krown. Trlii-'e Hawkins
and I 'am Jolin-on were rec.iptuted. but
they had been pardoneJ liy the chief.
Ile'.il for Malting Lottery Atls."
Nicholas I.iepbeimer and Arinan.l I'los
soun. of the Mexican International Itaukluz
company of t-iii'iaJ .luare.. bate
been IhiliiiI over at F.1 I'aso. Texas. Jn IV
sum of t-M'OO and 5i,000 ie-pe lively by tlie
Fnited Stales commissioner for n.aiiiti
lottery advertisements in tlie postotKc- at
F.l I'a-o.
Insfccteil i'ork AVHI 1'lt-anr fJerm my.
The Ilerlin -Yiico iViVji says tbe removal
of probiliitory restrict ii ti en Ameri. an
pork lias been arranged for a- soon :t the
Fnited States govtrntneiit has issued i emu
lations for carrying out tlie inspection law.
This 1. IMiTerent-Too Wet.
A d.'spatcli says the continued wet
weather in eastern Kansas will probably
cause the failure of the oats, ccra and ro
tato cits. Wheat, however, ia not aJ
fected excent cu low lands.
Tt?!e roping Car CIlvo Them No Chunrn oi
K-cape. hut C'rusli Their l.i to Out I:i-
utiiutiy -The Wloeli Iteiiiltcil fr.tiu llross
Kil war J Urowti. eimineer, Toledo. Ohio.
thark's Topliir. eitijiiieer. To'edo. Ohio.
1'. .1. Nttijeiit, i-ostal clerk. Toledo.
liarlo- Hainmill. j ostal clerk, Klytia.
l F. Cletnetis. posta' f'erk. I Ievcland,
John .1.- Ilowertiiu', postal clerk. Klyr
ia, oliio.
.lames Mclvinloy, postal clerk. Cou
iieaut. i.liio.
V. II. McDowell. Ostal clerk. lilvrla,
Malcy, lireinan.
Tliese moii were in-tatitly sent to
eternity hy the frightful carelessness of
some oho -of whom it is not known.
At Kipton station, a little jilace on tho
Lake Shore and Michigan Southern road,
fortv miles west of Cleveland. hio. tin
fa-t mail hound east collided with the '
loledo express just a tlio latter tram
was about to pull on thesidini; to let the j
fat mail pas. The latter was ruuninij; !
at full speed, and tho for e of the collis- '
ion was so u'reat that both I'li-imes.
tlirou mail cars and one lia'miiii' car
wie completely wrecked None of the
passi-'nuer cars left the track and none
of the passengers received serious in
juries. It was the custom for these .two trains
to pass at Ixiptoii, the Toledo ep: -s
taking the side track for the fast mail,
which usually went through Kipton
without slackening its speed. The To
ledo express was a few minutes late, and
had just come to a stop at the switch
when the fa-l mail came in -ight. There
is scatcely any curve at the station, but
on one .side of the titt"k was a line of
freight cars ami on the other the station.
These mjeht have obstructed the vision
of the engineer of the fast mail.
He applied tin air-brakes when ho
saw that a oil son was nevitable. but
the speed of tho Ira n was not che ked
mater ally. Tin i ngiiu of tho Toledo
exnre-s wa- k'no -ki d Mjtiarelv a toss
tin tra k and that of the ta-t mail
reared in the air. restim; on top of the
other. The fast mail cons sted of three
mail cars and two parlor cars, and the
Toledo exptess of live oaches and two
baggage cars. The first and -ecoud
ma 1 ars wi re telescoped and ma-hed
to k lulling wood, and the third i cashed
into the first two and rolled over on the
"station platform, breaking tin w'miuws
of tin lut'ld ng. Tin two ba'.'gage ar-
of the To'edo express were knocked
from the tra k, but did not turn over.
The force of the collision was so great
that of the sixty-four revolving-chair- in
the two parlor-cars only four remait.ed
attached to the thiol's. a!I tin othei- he-
iug broken and hurled
l! out
i ! mi t in i-iiii fit.
sjon. The passenger- wen
tlllOWU 10
the 'loots and bad!) shaken.
Tin passengers of the two trains at
once bean the work of te-ciie, and with
a corps of physicians from tin town
i miuisiereii t i me lew who were injured.
I All but one of the dead wete beyond
human assistance as soon as the collision
i icciirred. The bodies were all horribly
j cru-shed and mutilated, arms and legs
i being torn off. ami the corpses were al
most beyond tocognition
Charles ToplilT. the engineer of the
fas', mail, remained brave't at hi- post.
and was found dean with his hand on the
throttle. His hands arid face were sol adly
scalded that the blackened llesh dropped
from the bones when his b dy was taken
out. The poor jo tal clerks had not a
( ha nee toes -ape. Tliev wetecaged like
rats, and tin telescoping of the car
crushed the life out of them without a
moment's warning. '
When tin passengers who wore on the
fast mail arrived at Cleveland they
brought the lirst authentic account of
the wreck, there being no lorrespondjnts
or other faci.ities for getting the news
from Kipton, wlcc.h is a mere hamlet
These passengers sav that the cars and
locomotives were piled in a heap higher
than tlie station.
It is difficult to locate the blame for
the accident, as both of the engineers
are dead, it is said, however, that the
express v. as ordered to stop at oborlin,
but went on to Kipton. which is six
tniles farther west, and had not sulli
cient time to make the side track.
Strikers In Pennsylvania Itesiiiim Violent '
Tactics and llefy tlio Oltircr,. j
Hardly had the soldier-. left the Scott
dale. I'a . region 1 efore tlie fears of tho
citizens were teallcd. and gang- of '
cokers again turned Iooe their lawless
passions of hato ami revenge. Through
out the region all tin night the earth '
fairly trembled with a succession of
shock-, following the explosion of dyna
mite bombs At l.eisetiriiig No. :i of the
:'r'ci W'TK"5 a crowd of strikers gat li
nen on me nui. ami ai one time thirty
bombs were exploded simultaneously". '
' tearing great hole in the earth, break
, ing windows in many houses, and fright- '
j ening p-ople for many miles around bv '
' the terrific roar. Xo one was injured,
I however, and little actual damage was"1
j done, the strikers contenting themselves
with this portentous warning to the
I workers below. j
) The water tank at the Kyle works was I
blown tip 1 ut the perpetrators weie not
discovered. in of tho most daring and ,
lawless acts of this; lawless str.ko took
I place at Leith. In order to disperse the
j threatening mob, Deputies Smith ami
nice arrested one of them, a young man !
named John Shaffer, and started to bring -him
to Jail. His loinpanions attacked'
tho deputies, beat them with clubs and
t mi's, and rescued Shaffer. Denutv
Smith was severely injured. Ut received
a number of ugly bruises on his
j and a drop gash in the head with a knife. !
, It is also feared that Deputy Santier, i
v.-ho wa.- injured in the riot at Lei-enriig
No. V. will not recover,
sheriff MeCorini k telegraphed tin
I governor for tn litary aid, and was told
: in reply that it was not the dtttv of '
the military to do police duty and the,
soldiers could not lie ordered out until
the i ivil power is exhausted. ith the j
inob storming the office from which the i
message was sent, he made a second ap-!
peal, ami (low I'attisnn then wired Capt.
I- H. Fraier of lompany K. Tenth regi
ment. I'niontown, to place his company
under arms and assist the sheriff in .
maintaining the peace. A telegram was I
a!so sent to Capt. I.oar, at Mount PI a-i
ant, to take his company to a-sist s-h r IT
losti Itlllin-s' I'liilosopliy.
How menny suspishiis people one me -ts
in this word. If their itoze wa. stulfed
with kotton wool they would smell soin.:
kind of a rat.
Most ov the animiies and insox (at well
az the men i Hv on each other: but the
spider i. the meanest in the whole lot,
for they set traps for their viktims. and
don't oven bait their traps.
What should we do if it wasn't for the
churches? Thare i plenty ov people
who leant worship Cod. only in a church.
If they were out in a field on a Sabbath
day, they would at once become lawless,
and fall to digging out wookchucks or
hunting for bumble-hoes" nests
Give every one you meet, my ho v. the
time ov day, ana hafi tlie rad: and if
that don't make him civil, don't waste
eijjaorejfragrance on the c us.
j The Groat Geruotti Subtler Surrender to '.
iH'ittlt On y.
The death of Count tun Moltke js un-
nounced. He atteiuied tiie M'.s-jon of the
! rilohsi:i in the afteimoa and ids death (
was teiy sudden, at:d tiie phtsh-iaiis who'
tteie stiii.!,i.itu'-il. aniiouuied that it was
cau-ed by a failure of tli- heart. He passed I
' away a: t:J5 p. in., iitiietly and painlessly. I
The i. cas ot the count's unexpected death
j caiisf-s r, :lt sorrow In lierliu.
llelln.utli Count von Moltk.e was de
scended fr. m a well known Mecklenburg j
family and was born at I'ar.hini. October
I LT.. 100. To "Father .Moltke'' ami Jus hrll- j
lijint sr:itr a.'c ascrii ed the snlen.'.id I
( iclories of the th ricaii arms in the 1 r:mco- !
. lieiiii'in war. lie was tlie cOmiuander-in-
I chief. In lecoiillion of h:s untit aled er- i
xlCOs.Xliltke. who was altead. a 1 ::ridr, '
was cteated a lotmt Ui-toli! r -. lsTO. and
made the chief marshall of the (lermaii em-
pile. lie recei.ed fiom the c ar :ni nier
from St. (.'eoise. an fioni i'mpen i W lli;ini J
tlie maud Cm. ss of the oidei of the lion
On s. Heietiied from tiie command of
tin lo'imaii ariuv u the accession of tin
j rs-sent emperor.
; ,
I'lsTtll. .AMI Ittll IU. ;!.
they Cause a I'oiiMc Tr;.-;eily in liitlnna
I'oliCc's in lr.
Martin L. I'erri.'k. for t.vcn'y-hve years a
trusted t iiiplo.te of t'ie I'anli inJh; lailroad
i al Mi' el'.o. In, . si,(,; :lll(i fatally
1 wouiide I Jeff Ituimell and then immtiii.tte v
i turned ttie leti.lvct on himself and imt a
I Imllet thtouii his heait. dyiiu instaiitl'.
ISutoit li's wouiii s ;lre fatal, the ball hat Inj;
I passi-d thioiih ills I oily .n the r gio. i of
1 tlie kidneys. Tlie tragi dy occurred In full
-;ltt of llie pass -ji. ei-s o i the I'an'iandle
, evjire-s wli.i i. was just pullin; in. The men
. had h:id si.u.e Words ii,-i a h.h lueiis and
I lev license town t-lc. tiun colitis:, but no
j i ut antii luatetl any seiiotis trouble, itoth
1 inoii icavi families.
A CIllCAliO cam:.
lho Great I'aii'ier,' .Nlorris. 1 Itiiihliog
Private Stock Vuriln.
Xi Is'in Moiris. it has bci'ii disc ivcied. is
htii!d.iig a private stock )atd at Chicago,
th'e a. r -s in evtent. hv v.'hii h he expects
to e- :;.! the ardage cii irgo made by tiie
preset t )a:is. It i -iiji; os.d that Aiiuoiir
and Mtilt xtill follow uit, and the novc. if
s tcce ful. means the lo-s of many tlioti
s.ind doilais to the stock yanN roeipauy.
The I.ith i wiM probably take the matter
into the omits.
Ttto .lieu Kilbil In a Setter.
A hank of an Omaha sewer tieiich. in
which l.." miu wire working, gave way
fr.-in tli.- l ttom. Charlis Holmes and
1'iauk Olson, loth Swedes, weie caught tin
lei nine feel of laitii ami killed. Four
others weie caught but were gt t ton out
ttlivi. The jilace wiieie the sewer is l.eing
dug litis been very wet all spiiug and extra
pre "unions aga u I caving hail been taken.
It was about hfle u feet deep wliete the
accident occurred. It took an hoar to un
covi i the 1 odlcs of tlie dead men. Neither
was mairied.
Clo-li-j- Acts ot tin; Minnesota Legislature.
On the last day of tiie Minnesota legist i lor pas. he; bids tin session wa a long
ami excitlu; out. A gieat number of hills
were not act. d on. The new usury hill was
defeated b) unci ion and tlie famous Mr
Hale auti-ti::hts lull was killed in like man
ner. '1 he bill bringing building associ
ations under charge of the bank examiner
I'aniKll's Wauiii; Support.
In the I'ugli-h house of commons an
amendment hv Nolan. I'ati.ellite. to the
Irish land hill was deteuted .'ii.' to .. Of
the live C.V.. ti.t"d ) e.t by mistake. This
ej'iie of tiie I'arnel ite strength i.f three,
in view of I'atnrH's boast that his help
would enable the government to pa-s the
hill, created much merriment.
Vermont Sweetness
The Vermont maple sugar season for 19I
has practically clo-eil. The nop of sugar
lists been i oiishieratily laraer than the av
erage. Fully 17J"f.0!)i) pounds of sugar
and sirup have been made, of which IU per
cent U simp. The market value of the
crop will exceed Si.'.'nn.uuu.
Our Foreign Traile.
Tiie expoits of n.ri handise from tho
Fnited States for the twelve months ended
1 March ::i were .-;.s7L'.(iIl)..:7T: the ittijMrts
cs:jr,.c,::i.i'j(i. During Match the gold ex
ports exceeded tlie impnits by S-l.S41.aliC
and tin-silver exports exceeded tlie lm
l poits by SLO'-'I.."-'.
Nevtrt ill General.
vivtii;itNTs to the number of :s,3:il were
lauded in New Vork in oue day last week.
Ducim: March .".','.17 aliens arrived In
the Fiiited States, against ::.1.7."i0 in March
of ls'iO.
Tut. St. Louis presbytery has voted al
most uiianin.ously to recoiiimi'iid to tho
general the appoint incut of women
as deac 'iietsts.
Fun: in the fuiiilfire factory of W'ull
w odder .". 'o.. in Cliieag , did damugn esti
mated at neatly sIOo.O-jO. Msnley Semple,
one of the employes, was badly burned.
Till. Illinois senate has adopted the 1)111
repealing tie state cousplriev law, which
was enacted just after the Ilaymtirkct
anarchist Incident in Chicago a few years
At Auburn. N. Y.. between the ward
visit, of tlie night watch at the Willard
state hospital. He Witt Savacool. an epi
leptic patient, killed am titer patient named
John Mot row.
Tut miners of the Fpper Monongahela
r:vi i legions have thrown a bomb Into labor
elides in 1'itt -I urg by tefiisbig to go out
fi r th" eu'lit hour day. May 1. when the
geiieial iiiinei s is to Le made.
o. L. Cioss. an old and well known
plautei. living near Itrankiey. Ark., was
shot and killed iiistintlv by Deputy Sheriff
Hides, who was attempting to evict Cross
from a trad of land that was in HtUat.'on.
South Oitntlia Live Stock.
Sor-rii Omaha. April '.'5. Hous Estimated
receipts. 4.000. Oflielal yesterdny, 4.47.
shipments. 1.051. Market opened 10c lower.
LIgbt. S.40Q,4.."; mixed. $4.5lr34.70; heavy,
Cattle Estimated receipts, 1.200. Official
yesterday. 1.27"; shipments. 55'-'. Best
cattle tirm; others steady; quality fair.
CliicaK" Live Stock.
Chicago. April 5 Cattle Receipts.
12.000. Market slorv; lovter on everything;
top prlct-s 5.".40-;t; 00.
Hofis Receipt, 2,oCO. Market dull and
lower: common. 3 1. 004. 50: mixed and
packer-. ?4.7ifei.,.0; prime heavy and butch
ers' weights. S4.Mia3.i0: Hebt. 54.75G.0.
Sheep Receipts, Market steady.
Western. Sj.j0.t."..-.-i: lambs. S1.3027.15.
Cbl ! I'rotlne.
Clin; vno, A pi II 5 Clo-e: Wheat Easy;
cash.'.,; Mav, Jl.lOsttLlO'g: July,
Corn Steady; cash. 72c; May, 70Jc;
July. C;;(ft6'j:(,c.
Oats Easy; cash, 35e; May, 54.c; July,
Pork steady; cash. 12.37212.d0; May.
512.47SG12.30; July. 512.S7.
Lard steady: cash, Ji.70; Mav, SS.70&
6.72; July, 7.02H.
s'bort Ribs Steady: cash.f3.126.15; May
Rye Easy; 92c.
Barley Finn: SCc.
Timothy 81.31.
Whisky IMP.
Flax Sl.lSJi.
w Sork rrotluce.
Xew VoitK. April 25. Wheat, lower:
May. L22(SJl.23; July. ILlC-l.KJj.
Corn Lower: No. 2, e2Slc.
Oats Steady: western, 60S71c
I'ork Steady: new. 3 13. 75 14. 30.
Lard Easy; S6.U5.
Butter Firm; western, 12S27c.
Eggs Steady; western, 13' c.
.Stiiprmlous IncreiiHe In Wealth thitt .Miglit
lie I roui;llt About by IrrlEHlluii 1 lie
liiimleratiou Lutv Should lie Moio
The subject "Transportation and
Improvements of Watetwavs. Lake,
(njf. ami I acilic Forts" was discussed
at the Commercial Congress in Kansas
Mr. S. A. Tiioinjesoii, Soctetary of the
Commercial (Tub o. Dtiluth. adv. cated
the iinprovement of waterways js af
fording the cheapest transportation.
Col. T. C. Catcliings. of .Mississippi,
argued that att increase in water tr.iihr,
however groat, would not decrease nn--road
business, but would rather iil
c roast, it
The Hon. .1. M. Murphy, of low t.
spoke on the Hennepin Cana: Hi-I.f.
had inn juiriiose ;tml his heart one hope,
and that was th. coiisti-u.-iiou of the
Hennepin anal. He explained in a Ion;
speech the benefits to :i''i tuo from the
construction of the canal at.d he had no
doubt that the (.(iveriiuieat woti.d iiui
struct it if i ouiil he Irot.-ght to
a tealutiig m'Iim) of the i anai's im
lortance. Col. A. C Fish, of Do'imv. delivered ;n
address upon irrigation He said .M'-,-(n)O.ilH
of people won kep alive i.n
food raised on imitated land in Siain.
China, i.'gvpr, Russia. India, and t:..
Fnited States, yet tho siib.i ct of imga
tion, although earned on 'sstiiily
for hundreds of years, was but little
uiuler.stoo I. in the tratis-Mississij pi
country enough land was allowed to go
to waste that was susceptible i f cuitiva
tion to supj.o'"t whole uutiot.s of p oph
Th work of irrigation has ti te.uly been
begun by the I nitod State Mr. I ow
eli estimated that there were 1.
stjuare miles of arid lands in the West
ern country that could ho made proilu. t
ive by irrigation At the minimum
price of public land. 1..'." per ane, th.s
land hail a value of sS.s ii,oim.ih 0 At .(
tier acte, a moderate estimate of its
I value when irrigated, it would b worth
j Sl.V-.'IMl.OOO.'KIO.
I .Mr. Wickliffe said he would tnathis
sub ect. "Immigration and Setilonieut of
1 iiblic Lands," from the text. "America
for Americans " "We have been told."
ho said, "that this laud is broad enough
for all, but I submit that tho countries
of the other world have made it the
dumping ground for their paiiors and
criminal classes, and I believe that I
speak for the whole American people
when I say that the tune has come when
all that -mUss-stop. There is enough
rooMfor-all who want to come here to,
beoirntJus', but not a foot of ground
for oneBfcyioso paupers and criminals
of thoflfeld. I 11. ay fee! deeply up'Hi
tin siibjelalpt I have latch come lies(
from a most terrible object lesson, which
too c early indicates the need of a change
of our iinmigia'iou laws.
"I believe that th S congress ought to
declare that the National Congn-sshould
ptohihit tin: landing of immigrants who
are not willing to become good citizens.
1 think this law ought to be put into
such shape that no man who has not
within a given time tiled hisint -ntion for
citieitsiiip. which is now altogether too:
short, and who has not within another;
given time taken out what is known as
his second papers, ought to bo shipped
back to tlie country from which he came,
(lentlemon. it took twenty-one years to
make a voter out of each one of you: it
does not take twenty-one : seconds to make
a votorout of aforoignor. Let uomaiisti p
foot upon the Mil of Columbia who cannot
bring a true bill of moral cleanliness. I
am. as voii know, a State-rights Demo
crat, but I believe tlie power to make
American citions ought to bo taken
from tiie state courts and given to tho
tJeneral (loveriunent. Perhaps you do
not realie the need of all this, but in I
looking up the nationality of those crim- :
ilia's whom the citions of New Orleans
executed not long since it was found j
that the naturalization papers of one of ;
those, his cerlLlicate of good moral char-1
actor, was certified to by two of his fel
low criminals. I believe that the scones
which we have witnessed during the last
few weeks ought to be Impossible, j
The raising of tho g'orious stars and '
stripes under that of a foreign Hag, as '
was done in my own State, and the rid-
dling of our flag by bullets in lVnnsI-i
vania. very clearly indicate tho need "of
a change of policy as regards our immi- I
.'ration laws."
A resolution favoring free coinage was
received with applause. A resolution
telative to immigration was loudly ap
plauded, and the resolution which hailed
with delight the burial of all animosi
ties between the North and South was
gr. eted witli great applause, and, upon
motion of Major Warner, of Missouri,
was given three learty cheers.
The congress then adjourned to meet
at the call of the K.xecuthe Committee.
Till. an. I Ilia'.
Tin; disappearance of dyspepsia as a
national disease proves that Americans
have improved in their coi oking.
Tiik Washington Ailnrtl rsays: '-Our
oliniat beats the world." In somu
respects it does say along in Ati.u-L
"What is your salary. Dr. Sti-'gins'.'"
"Mv salary, "ajaid the clorgv man, slowly,
"is c::,boo. Dut mv pav is about S1.2t (.
Dm.wN Whv, how pa'e you look;
have you boon iil? Dobson Worse than
that: tackled a passion novel last even
ing. liiiiijhuinfilmi Hciiii'ilii-int.
Ara recent game of foot-ball at Cor
nell Fniversity six students wore laid up
with 'broken boms and had sprair.s "
There is a heap of fun in foot-ball.
A i.ivk horse in New Vork stepped on
a live win and was dead before his
driver could wink. And yet experts are
afraid electricity won t kill suddenly
enough to supplant the rope.
Mi:. Civ.i.khi.v HI p. in. I
vou'd civfi rue my dry c'othe-. Maria,
I'm soaked through. Mrs. ;. .with deep
moaning) Ah. yes: your breath shows
j vou're not as dry as when you started.
I' isfo was as-a-smated
by '-.Men of Chili," brother Spaniards,
under . I nan do I.ada. a party belonging
to the Almagro faction Almagro had
eon a partner with I'izarro in the con-
Skit. 2.".. lf.13. from tho mountain top
of Panama, Dalboa. was the first white
man in the new world to look upon tho
water of the Pacific, little thinking that
the ca before him covered one-half of
the earth's surface. Francisco Pizarro,
who afterward conquered Peru, hurry
ing to the mountain top is said to be the
second to view the great sea.
Aiahfali'a, the captive Inca of
Peru, for his release offered to till tho
room with gold as high as he could reach
and Francis Pizarro traced the length
with his sword around the room. The
dimensions of the room were 22 feet
long, 1C wide, and 9 high. Tb gold was
bars and plate taken from their sacred
temples and representations of animals,
images of the llama, and even women.
The Peruvians were worshipers of the
sun and their temple at Cusco. facing
the east, was covered with plates of
gold. Although Pizarro promised the
Inca chief his freedom, circumstances
were such that he could not well avoid
the crime of which history accuses him,
notwithstanding the chief offered as
much more sold as already given for Uia
liberty and Hie.
NEBRASKA'S governor
He Incf n" tlio 1'oopte of Rroken llotr by
Kosliltii' a .tliinlrrcr.
I Albert T. llannsrine, tho mtinlfror
who was to have been hmisr at Uroken
j How, was rcpit.'ii for thirty days by
How Hoyd. priuiuiK ait Investigation
. into his s:mit. This did not tile-si tho
,(-..-...,.,:. ...,..,.. .. ,, ,,...,, ,,.r.,, ,
- .. -. . -. ....... ,...,,.... ..........
I to nave me ii.iuiiilc ami wauieu u to
come otl. ami tlircat were nutiio all day
i of a mob anil stimmarv euueam-e upon
I hitn. The crowd w hicli gathered to wit
ness the hanmni w;ts liiconed
at the action of the governor
and three attempts wete made
to lynch Hami-niuo. Armed with
crowbars the mob made an attack on the
jail, but the sheriff and fuliv
armed, held thorn at bay. The leading
citizens made pacifying speeches anil tie
crowd liually abandoned their purpose.
i Hniiustiuv's crime w.ts the murder of
j two school directors over a year ago.
! Ilamistim h;t.l stolon a clock frotn the
school house, and when the directors,
traced it to his home ;uul threatened to
have him arrested he shot them down.
For a year he w:s coulined in (he state
penitentiary for safe keeping, public
sentiment at lirokon Dow bring so in
dignant that it w;ts feared ho would be
dealt with by a mob if placed in the
county jail.
Counterfeiting in Nebraska.
Fncle Sum will take a hand in the
counterfeiting busine-s which was par
tially unearthed at Tokamah I;st fall.
The Fnited State-, marshal rami; up
from Omaha and arrested John Dennett,
the foltow who was tried in the district
court at this place for passing counter
feit money and who was cleared. Den
nett was taken to Omaha, but i (turned
home, being roleasedon bail. Thorn is
very strong evidence against Dennett,
and many think he was mixed up in the
manufacturing of the spurious com.
While he was in jaii at Tokamah the
shentf found in his flennett's, pocket :i
receipt for iniing certain metals to
counterfeit silver. At the trial a fellow
criminal was brought front the jail who
.swore that the receipt belonged to him
and not to Dennett.
Otuartl Talks on lleet Sugar.
Henry OMiard. of (.rand Island, man
ager of the Oxnard Deot Sugar company,
met the citions of I tillortou and Xatuv
count', and addressed them at consider
able length on the beet sugar industry of
Nebraska. Mr. Oxnard enjois the proud
distinction of being the best inform, d
man in America or Duropo on tin beet
sugar industry He made the point that
inasmuch as surrounding states are now
giving bounties to beet sugar manufac
tories. Nebraska would, on account of
the repeal of tin cent bounty, sutler in
coiiseiiUence. He expressed the hope
thalOov. Doyd, in case ho should call a
special meeting of the legislature, wo ild
include a recommendation to re-enact a
"cent bounty on boot sugar, 1 cent to be
paid to the manufacturer and 1 cent to
the producer.
The Alliance lo Have a Paper.
The alliance people in the North IMatto
section are about to form a stock com
pany for the purpose of buying and run
ning a newspaper. The capital stock is
to lie ?.",,oi)o, payable in live yearly in
stallments, and the shares $." each, any
poison being limited to live shares. Th,.y
expoct to bit) a plant for SI, , with
one-fifth paid on tho capital, and then
send an agent through the senatorial
district with the expectation of getting
about alliance men to embark in
the enterprise or subscribe for the paper
and pay cash. The scheme is purely a
political one.
Found Moulin CpiI.
A man by the name of Wilson, resid
ing in Diair. was tound dead in his bod
the other morning. Ho had boon troubled
with dropsy for sum,, time, winch is
probably the cause oT his death. Sonn
of the family wore sleeping in the samu
room and did not know ho was dead
until they wont to wake him. lie was
apparently as well as usual when he
went to bed.
An Kteetlou Contest.
The first echo from the Australian
ballot system was heard from Nebraska
City. D. M. Foster, republican, has
commenced legal proceedings in tlie
county court to contest the election of
.1. W. Cliadduck, democrat, for the
police judgahip. The petition alleges
misconduct on the part of the judges of
election, says that illegal votes wore re
ceived and legal votes rejected; that er
rors were committed by the board of
canvassers, and that In marking tin
tickets lead pencils were used instead of
N.liruil.a llrltfi.
Skkh potatoes are selling at S- per
bushel at Deatrice.
WoitKon the excavation for Kearney's
cotton mill is being pushed rapidly.
Dcsinkss men of Dodgo wiil pay an
occupation tax in order to raise money
to pay off the town's indebtedness.
I'i.ank .Ioxks, pocketpickor, was
captured at Lincoln just as he had
snatched the pockotbook of O. .1. John
son, of Greenwood, which contained
Tun elevator at Hay Springs loans out
wheat to farmers with the condition that
in the fall they are to pay back four
bushels of wheat for one bushel of seed.
W. G. Murphy, while visiting a
brother in Lincoln, was chloroformed by
burglars who entered the house and
robbed him of S.V-'. Ho could not he
aroused from his slumber until noon tho
next dav.
Sil Kdwards the farmer who disap- I
pcared hist fall suddenly and during his '
absence neglected to inform his family ,
of his whereabouts, has returned to his
home near Denkleman. Sil says bo bas
traveled since he loft last fall 'J.-;, 000
miles, has visited the frigid and the '
tropical countries, aid was snowbound
in northern Montana this winter ten
Docs without a muzle on are shot by
the town marshal of Oakdalc.
Many bogus nickles have been
palmed off on Omaha street car conduct
ors lately.
Tin: Norfolk Sugar company has con
tracted for the raising of 1,000 acres of
Tun Friend fair association has de
cided to hold a trotting meeting on
August 20, 27 and 2-.
C. J., who destroyed the
painting, "Doturn of Sprint," at Omaha,
is now out of jail, friends having fur
nished the required bond of SI, 000.
A xew elevator with a capacity of
100,000 bushels is being built at Nebraska
Several persons were slightly in
jured In a wreck at Palmer, caused by a
train running too fast into the yards.
0. N. Pay, of York, was bound over
to the district court on the charge of
setting fire to his drug store to secure
$1,100 Insurance.
Geo. D. Wallace, of Rising City,
who became insane from the effects of
grip and was taken to the asylum, died
the next day after he reached there.
Mrs. II. W. Zln-k, of Lincoln, is In
sane. Her husband is in jail for em
bezzlement, the family household goods
were all mortgaged, and Mrs. Zink was
sL'k in bed with a child only a few days
old. The holders of the mortgages
were anxious to foreclose and the great
strain and worry caused the woman's insanity.
l. AXUSHSON. I'w't.
J. 1I.UA1.LKY. VfrA r-wrt.
o. AXi)F.nsn?r. r. ANDmsos
First National Bank
coz.TjrnxBTjrs. iieb.
Haport of Condition May 17, 1890.,
r oaa mid Dlisonnta
v S. bonlt
;.eal tttr. furn-'tari fc-ut CiisUta..
Dun fraic o:iar ban's") a.T73."K
- t S. Tl .r.ttry C73.W
Mb on bani 15.478. tf
"apitat and (ttrwlns ,
x- or.iI biak n-tsKoottt:njiB2
I'tts cUpeaUore
gusintss xrdSr
r n. KiULArv.
OfSee orer Colambtta State Bank. Colnmhtja.
fiebrneka. -tf
08;i.I,lVAft a UEEDKB,
Ofliir OT-r First Jtationul Dank, Colnmlraa,
Nebc.nslta. fX-tf j
I"-jhtandheTrhanlin. fiooda handlad witit
carp. iircd.uar(ora at J. P. lacker A tVa Cffiea.
r-lepl.ono. M and 54. Silmajl'Ki
Succetsors to Fauite cj Buthttl),
tV"Coatrctor and builders will find cur
brick firtt-cla-a and ri-Tprfil nt rroX'Hiibla rate.
We ivra also jTupaml to tlo alt kind of brick
9-k. MmaySav
rropristora and l'abliithsrs c. the
CCLTTUE33 JKSitAt 1st thi 23. TSXIZZ J0328AL,
Both. pot-raid to nnj Rililrrss. for $2.00 a yar,
trictly ia ftiWaace. F.iitiLY Jocrnal, 1.0O a
Columbaa. Nob.
-R. C. BO!TI,
Tio and Sheet-Iron Ware !
Job-Work, Roofing ncd Oatter-
mg a Hpocialty.
RT"Shop on 12th etroet. Kratiso Bro.'a old
"taadou'lhirtCsntu street. Ktf
Fhas. F. Kita?!. Fba.vk R. K:urr
Contractors and Builders.
Fjtictates ifnrn:liod oa '.brick aad toctj'wa'rk
olicitfxl. Hvfuroccoj civea
Coltiabtta, Nob.
for .ii' in dliell Cr.s-'k valley
imar Columbus, oontaiuin JS.0
nc;f- of 1'iDii. nbout l'.ti nrrra
uml'T cultivation; 10 ncre-i hnvtly tim'-red, rf
iraindiT mostly in lotrr ami blu cro. ;'iitlant
an I hay land; Uu fruit trens, app!a, ieni,
chorrj, plums, rtc.nnno b-ann;; nil kind.- ut
ornamental troei ntnl xlirnbi; K0 full.b-.ixic;
i;raX vines. Tho fa' i rati re ia fenced, ami ili
vnied ititosma.l Celt's 'y fence. Duelling housa
of t-.eren roorr.i. Krnnaiy. corn crib). larae horn
r.tblo with luiy-mo-w, utile barn which holds o0
tont of liy; ho l.on."; 2 wMIu; runaing writer
ia pasture. For farl!.ur inrticulara iaunirn at
Jocrxai. oiSro, or -'I.irbsa, 11. B., care of Joca
V.U Colnmbua. li-'ur. 23aiajU
.TF Offer Beth for a Tear, at 4M.
iie JocnxAZ. Is acksowleiffec! t ba tha nwt
TTi nad fimiljf paper in Fiatti coontT'.aad Tha
Americas Macszfc) ia 'tie onJjbich-cIsairvja'.'h.
lr isa?.asii:e UtToted eatirel; to American LsVexa
tare, Amarit-aa Thottsl.. and I'rozesa. and la
tho only decided rxpos:nt of Americta Iatiu.
ti3-. Ii is r.-t QOod as aay of : is rdder taa?..
;:.?. fiirn'ihlcj; is a I.C03 pzn :l tlt,
; i vst literature, wr 'lea by ttioubl.M Aiq-ri.
ri.; atthort. It-is beaatifullr illintrKted, aaii
nrh .-. chariaiDgcoctiaacu tnd fthon uori.
?" mo.i :ppruyriat"i pn-sent ce. lit
mci: t'.anayar'a 6ubicnptioa to Tho Aaerx,
can l'i Hiia".
it vtail U fsceoially briUiaat darlnalkttTcaa
Th- prir of JorajiL is 2.00, and Ths Ameri.
auMaouasttSLOL WatfCarbeUftu LQk ,
ami pttwi-rinc. irf. MpaciAl attbtiqnKltn to
a;tis-r t)Clia:. raantlw. ftc. BUstdfl altd
tieic polnt'asr old or now brick -aork to iy.-
fnt rrc-icil line, n fsiiocialtr. l'n?