The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 08, 1891, Image 1

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5 i 1" ICCTT-OTtS
J. U. UAJ.LKY. TIc Pj---'t.
p. j.NDr.rj-ox. v. Asnap?o-
jcii.s j.scj-U'.a:;.
-iii .Ui:iiU yiJieV
coLitrniSura. kte:q.
P--?port o Condition Maj 17, 1690.
rcujuiTlisrsn!! i3.s73 3
. H. b'.n :e . Jiio 0
1.! ,R.t fi-xi'tir-? fatl Situr- . ll.J"3 S3
lna Irsu. j to . 23,T:: H
T" . Tjjaiary .. t?5 CO
t . on fc-Lc! :;,: 45 33.31: 6"
rx-il'a' ad trr 1-ii ."
1 - (iiljir it.
! m. ' t; o ..tjtao-jisg ...
t.edx.cs jl'
Lea tJ-pciitari
R3.OQ0 51
IC.i.tJ It
la.SM -.1
;.. J. ;J
Qvshtess gzrrts.
OSire rr-r Co!55Lcs Slate BanV, Colnrnl-oj.
flilice e.s F:rt Nt:4,uiil liaak. GoHnLea.
Sti.T.ras'i.a. to-jf 1
- j Icad-ra atu-r H J . i. E;cksr .V. Ui.VgQM.
V'tia!rtftr,re utJ ii!!cr Trill fad ccr
lirk: &rUc:j! ?pu n ftf-j zA rcU' 'nih.' rtx'w.
'.VpjLrw cjo tirv;-M-?rj tu do all tittV 'f 'brick
to!". I.'iij-vin
7vj l- u.i.i. w CO.,
r-e, :..rJ J-u.-: -. r !!.
llctS. jv :-r-.'...l :.- ,-.y uJdrp. for J x r'"'".
tuctlj j;. .ai.t..-. I iL'ia Jrn.iL, a
V?. A. ?.'ci!. I.1 ."Li:. ".V M. .-'.SEI.!U;J
ATrouxzvs AT LAW.
Tin ami Shoot-iron Ware!
Job-Work. p.nd Getter
xn a Specialty.
t3ff"..i'T ' 1"'-' f t, Krisrt lirv old
U::d n: i "m.i :-t. .tf
Gontrsotors and Builders.
1 ,,Tr.a 'nrr.o-i on bn;k ar.d stonework
iti '. ;. is:rinc. 'rtt. Syjcjsl attu ion Ki?s
f1 .- hclirt;. nr.atlf. ft". sttialn: hni
1 e-ji pont!Df old or iiijvr brik -or!: tn rprc-.-r
: ; red u- :'.. ti eifjciii.T. CorrpipoatiiTir.j
wo.-. .;?J. lluf'jrcacoj circa
:i:uja7lj KXAlT 3F.0S..
Cclambus. Neb.
.lfSlA A rlNE IMrUOVK!) 1AUM
' Jj'n.'T'jJsi "r sa" ,"i ;h'ic r.
le'jSJi'rS? nrnr ! i -. ".' ri. 'J .'
. kS223 n'-r-x ef .h .!. : ' t !-- . rrs
"" . c; !-r ciuliTati .r,. 1j p.rrei ! -.!... ' r U-. J. to-
xaj'2fliTm.'; in c:.'Voranii 1'iu." r. !.---:r
u.l ha? I- ': iw frl '""". ;!- ;-r.
c!.nrr-, i-l'-i !..!f:. all .a. i
fi;! tro- and -hiah. J."') f- - .'
rrao Ti-'s lhvf-jrn; t-stjre it feac i. .!.:'. . -
- -r.J'fl tnt'-uii. 1 '. K lj r-nr. 1'. .-p1 .-
J . OI" .tiui rt?--n. ;as:y. ora crjt. :cr.'- :. -
r-.b. wi'h 1 -tn. r.T. .-.ttle Um v :. : . ' -i 0
' tnn ef raj. I l.oi -. 2 w.-iS. rur.mrs .T.:-r
in j.iturc. t'er fn-5-.T xar: i-oUr!; it
Joltin a ;. office. r i U. H , tAreof Jet s-
SJ AL. l.'oinaibi. .Sobr. Zliaai 1
.rr CvJfrr Both for a Tsar, ai UM.
Zh9 JOTBXAT. It ck30Trlvicl to, he ti- hivt
l.w and Xii5y psrr 3 Platte connty.nnd lht
Acisricaa Micasic is ts enly hi!;h-rJi.?nv,i!.
ly cisur:cp i!i--otd eMircirto Aiavricjn Lj-. .3
'i;c. AaerlcU Thonsut asd ?::. r.- !
the csly :e-i1 P-ponent of Aaii;f'; li .Ij
lvD. "it is a-, soovl S3 aur cf . '- " - n
.:sc;. f cr'i--ii: ia aypir ovpr J.-C vr- " sc--.fhcfct';
iif-aturo. wn'tea by : ,? i V- i-Ci-t
hctnorsi. If i bcantifclly iiiut tri-tiv. n- ;
ao!i v' ci.irc;iarfci.iaiaaca to: i .'.ur: -: .r. :i
taoro ii'prupriato pre-ft- o.-, U
iri- fwajfjr'i taaccrir'tios Ij Ta3 Assert
ca:lMi -tjia-.
H uiil "Ui. esrsoially b.-i!Ii"iat Jcrf cthiy
Tfc prita ol JoCKSaL it 2.00. and Ti Amri
b MQtixf Is M.0. W Sr both lot iiu.
Information Gieaned From All
Quarters of the Universe.
The Sufferers Were Th-Mixnelve- Partly to
iilaxiio Tli Nloety-i HiMised iu PexuisjI
vmilu. Prole. Mug Their Innocence
OtIU-r Kiciitx of lul-Tfut.
l.iiNiniv. April ... A disastrous ex
plosion tn a - al ininc took placo to-day
"at Apvdale, SnlTord-hir.-. Ton por-ons
wen killed it:i:fhl and several Others
were seriously injured. The bodies of
the dead Ji;nc be.-n exiri. ated from the
nunc. Tne : of the disaster is, sup
posed to-be air damp and the foolhardi-tn--Js
of the miners after its presence was
Tlie ClreIy H:iit'l. ItIiiniK' I"rftt-.lins
Intiii4;-iicc to t!iu I.a-t.
S. mi nKr. I'.i.. April ',. Tin: Ni-dy
hrothfr.-.. lo-i-phiii;J uvn' hanz'tl
i;-UTdiy aft ruiuin. iioth di'd uame
and pr.t -ti-nj: iniio- wo. I f-at n re-:-ttd
" from trtti?i;I.iii.)ii. The ae
uas an i-trardinary one. On tin.
r-Vf-nin f l"-h. '7 life hon-o
.( Daiid I'mlM-rcT was n
t' red I y tvio iu.thitl ir.-n.
tt!in klljf-d him in the prf-etiri- of Jiis
ianuly. r't'!d hi:u f 'M'tn-'i-n -lt-.ii
and c'tujoo ea-h and e-.apt-d. Su?
pieion ua-ilir''"t"d tfrtvarJ :he Nh-olv.
wlso belonir. d to a wealthy Dnnkard
famih. In pite of the l;er- Iei:al liirlit
they w-re cijivieO'd on -"trouir ein 1:111
Utntial .-idei.M-e m thii iier.xi'id f pop
ular opinion. L.:ter the fi-r wa ni!ii-plii-.itefl
by the Mvorn eonfe-siun if John
Keaeh that h and :t man named Miller
committed the crime. Th- l--ud of par
dons 1kw t, de- ht.vd to ir,trfer!.
Tlie hrthr lua-.e' lw M-;i-; at
tempt at 1 -Mpf. s"-ltii:ir away onee. )K
werw ret apuir.'-d.
' Kin Hiiijjlii'rt' ;)4-f imieiiJ .MaUisi; No
' lleaituu) reeling at Klunr.
lNvi.e, April "i. It j harnvd from re
liat'ie Jitirf-f - that I "uited Mate Mini
t-r i'irti r ha: fl-iiie iiiieh x puHfy the
ltaiiiin iroern!iii-nt: ll.-at In hj win
. -vi r 'trher uilr.i-tT-:. -ever:tl of vvlinrn
have bf ii trVfiii to indue- th- Italian
premier. M:irjui de liud:ni. tf be '-
iui-ty. The idea of war i - oi:t d ln-r
'i ii!imatfc a n-1 ffvetnn.etit eifl. -.
IIvoij tlaren I'av.i"- Imal w ha
i.ot. ii i n de'".uii-jy di'fidi-d upttn. "It is.
Mini that .ven J-'ava" v. ululravval was
. tiiine nn! a-a fornlde proti't. known'
in flipouiiry.aui i:t a tlie forerunner
of a i oiiIIk t It tweeii rh- 1'iiited Mates
. and Italv. The Italian cabinet iiijaf-ters
tire in je..eipt of ;t lame miiiiber of cable
grams and letter-- from prominejit Ital
ia:i in New "York uririnsr lnoderation.
-Mani'ii- di Uudii-i. th' Italian pre-iiii-r.
eiit anoth'-r etlde ini-s.ii;i' to Seo
i--:ary Kiaine -t-rduy on th -ulij--;t
lf til'; New Orlej'lS trouble. Th; Iites
fasje leple-s to KJailie" SrtT note. 1 1: It
i)i .-av that Italy ha- a-k 1
notliiiitr but the prompt iniituuon of
recular judicial proceeding a?aint the
cititty parties ai New oitean-. lfe add
tluit it would be ab-'ird to elann punish
ment for the olTender without the iruar-
, atitees afforded by a regular trial. The
diplomatic incident, he continues, can
only be eloped when the federal ovrn
meut ha (b-clar-'d in pri'ii-e t'-riu- that
the jiro-eeution will be re .illy , om-
i meiieed. In the meantime the Italian
ivf rume nt tak-s coiri.i ,f the fed
eral sovern:iient" deciartaimi aeknmvl
d?:u? the fact tliat eomp'-n-ation i due
to the families of the vKtim- by virtue
of the treaties exNtniir between the two
A Fre'ieli View.
I'.viti-. April J. The Jtii nuil dr )..
.V" to-day ay: ."Italy has undoubt
edly a rtebt to demand from the I'nited
States, that an t.tlori -hould be made to
puni-h the meji who hn ued the Italians
at New Orleans. It N natural that Iialy
litids a difficulty in admitun theilitim--tion
which Ulaine flraw? between the
entral and local power, becau-e .ho
ha eoernizance of federal power alone.
Therefore, -he can only apply to federal
power for redrew. Italy has not acted
W.vMiiXf.Tow April '!. 'Attorney- Jeri
eral Miller ha receivi-d a t leirram from
tin- 1'irited Mate- district attorney at
New Orieans satins he was nsased in
the investigation of the recent kil'ins of
Italians. i:! accordance with instructions
from Washincto'i. and w ill forward hLr
report a? pr:np:lv ;v- possible.
I'rnjro" fit I lie War.
CAirniA. April :'.. A dispatch from
Mr. (iurden. one of tho-e whoeM"apel
from Manipur. says a ISrilt-h force ad
vanced March ; to arrest Chief .lubra.
who had depo-.-d tie- r;i;ah. The Mani
jmries re-isteil and shells! the residence,
lindini: their amniunuion almost sone.
Commissioner Qi inton nutilied the army
that they were disposed to
arra-nce terms for a ces-alioi
uf hostilities. The enemy tisreed,'
ami Commissioner ,mntoiis polit
ical asent, iri!uwoM:. and Col. Skene,
with Me-sr-. Cos-ci and impoa. went
out to confer. They treacherotly
seized and h"ldasj)ris.iiers. The enemy
then resumed the attack on the residence
and the force was obliged to retreat.
. liirhtinir the wayaiTo-s the hiils until
they met Cowley's detachment. (Jnrdeii
says nothing about how :uany of the
Urstish force were kill-ii or escaped.
The viceroy .ef''-"aphs t-day that so
far a iiow known the loss at Manipur
was one officer and liftetn Sepoys killed,
twenty wounded and loj missing.
A l'ruiiiltient 31:isint Dead.
Washixi.toV. April 3. tien. Albert
Tike, jjrand oonmauder of the Scottish
Kite Masonry of the southern jurisdii:-
tion and thief of the royal order of
. Scotland for this country, died lasteveu
. ins. It is said that (-Jen. Pike has ap
pointed Josiah II- Drummond. of Maine,
his successor-as the head of the royal
order of Scotland, ami it is probable his
successor in the cottish rite will bo
either Surceon-Ueneral J. M. Urowne. of
the navy; Thomas H. Casswell. of Cali
fornia, or Thomas M. Dudley, of Kentucky-
Albert Pike was well known to
nil persons interested in Free Masonry,
having held the highest offices in the
order and written many works in regard
to it.
Terrible TrfchInoN-
Platte vi i.i.e. Wis., April 3. Two
dangerous and well-marked cases of
trichinosis are report! d at Drybone. near
this city, md ereat excitement prevails
' in the town. Iu the Iteming family, who
partook of raw ham. live persons are
under the physician's care, and the lives
j of three of the number are despared of.
Pork of every kind has been interdicted
in the village.
ASinruerous Family.
MBTDfSVU.i.E, Ind.. April 3. Sixty
of the di(ndants of .Mrs. Ruth Vogles
gathered at her home in this city to-day
: to celebrate the 77th anniversary of her
birth. Mrs. Vosles is the mother of
I eighteen children.
t"he Well-Knmm Divine IVuscs Peace
fully Away Ka-ter Kvonin.
New Yoi:k, March 3D. Dr. Howard
Cioshy died at 5;4." o'clock last evening.
His end was pea-cefuJ. A the buLls
were rinsing for tho vesper Services of
Easter day, lie asked, by a sign, for a
paper and wrote a few lines to hi- loved
ones, to his absent sou and daughter In
Egypt, and the three members of his
family at home. The Grit words of tL.s.
his last writing, were; "I know 1 have
to go."'
ir. Howard Cm -by wash ru In Ne.v Y--';.
Teb. 27, isiii. -rr-idua't-fl at tlie l"i..ersity
Of Ihe uj Xi-tv Vcrk in 1--U. ai-.i he
.u'n" iirofes.-or ef Ureoi. therJ- m !" I. l'i
1 "i-.J le- tv. s called . t !.. iTr of J. re -U :
Klit-rers. Two year- !.iH-r I'O ei'ttied i e
m i uis.try of the I'r.-tiyt. riau c.ln,r-.i a-.,l
uilitxl the limits of past t of the ii:-i
chcri-ii of New i utiskii.k urili th-"e of lii-pri-fi.-sorsiiip.
In ImJJ lit'Sa- up bis wurk
;it .Ni-. l:rt.iisslt-k. to li'-come pa-t:ir of t in
lOiirtb Avem.e. rrc-et.tiTi-iti e'iur--li l..
New Vork eri, wmcJi libit c he I i-!ii M time in' bis- death. He .tl-
held the oili.-e of . li:nv!Uir of the 1 ni ..rr
siiy of New l.s."0 t .ssi, jirei U i
since I&1 teen a l.iember of its t-uuiiei'. In
ls.": he received the dcr-e o' 1).
I. flow H.nvaril and in 171 that l.h
. fr.mi t'olunilil.t. He u.js rito-e;: i:i il I.v
lor of the i;i net at a intiiy of tl:v l'r s -v-ti
riau church Of the Cuii'd s-;ii. s in I- -.
and had oft n Leon a d'l;r .: r the 1'i-st
I'restiiteMun COaeral c micii at K-m '' .i- i
Dr. t r-shy was al o n-.t.-d i- an. -!!' it
Qf t mpenui'-e a disti'i.-uisbed f,o. . t 't.t!
a-,st,n-in'e. lie t. O.. a kalm; i'i'1
foiincin- the -o icty fir tie- p ev.i-:. u . '
crime, v.lio-i. chief object is the re;t. il n
of tl e :. iiul er of saJiH tts and :" r -!
-not the h, Uo irafliC. !!. ot- ah !n
tvfes e 1 m the of til.' kil .i'i.- ,ir d
in Ji.o pi-i. lire: .exit of an nit-'txial i i'.i
Dpyri-rl.t law. He p x Il-lied a iiui.h" r..."
WyrK- on ethical raid tl.- lei.i ul -u -,
was a fre;innt o xn J ilmtur t ite" tnaj i-iiiv-i.
and wa s: eo.' r.f ti At.e i ':iu
c-.ii.miuoe tj re. is.' inc .w i s i ..-ut.
" Tho AlM-Uete-i. aijtlion.ilro htill tliu 0
jt et ot -Altieli lnti--r-t.
Ir.n:tn. Mich., 3. !!, m-
. terest was added to the famous ,tii.!i.--
tion ease by J't-rrit u's lawj.r- ore!t..if frr the arre-t amle.-avi ".'.
' the abductor-, or evidence tha' w.- ii i
' had to that end. lVrrieu would hi-..
otter.. d tins reward the day after ins r.
, turn, '..ut t hief of Police. P.orr.i:i: ad
vised asamst it. A lneaeli has 1-. .:: between the chief of po-.c- ;.:. i
tl.e perrren l.dative- by re.-.-mn of Morj
ini: b.:i.-: done, and Law yets Ma- m.
. towie.s and Jerome, who have . "iar:e
of Mr. Perrien's lnte!e.t. 1 av
drawn up char-fts ;o -pre-ei,; f.;
the police commissioners t !. I
" llonrman. as-ertini: that Jie iteirh'rted to
. work out clews that were fnrni-hen.
and claimins that had he done -o P r
rien's abductors would "nave bee.n landed
thcUr-tdaT. As far as can bo leaned
the police, are a much in the da'T is
tie' were tho lirst day, although Jo.m
Lvons. who keeps a livvry stable and . .-
. waysifoes bail for tlioerook.s. is s'rou-.'ly
suspei-Li-d of knowiug who they u.v: i-ui
will not talk. The case is lik.-jy to in-t'e
its effects felt, as the lawyers will p-dj
the charges aainst the chief. L..n-
. was called ttlpoi. by Perrien's iawvers,
and r;vv anirry. telling them they had
better cease to trv and catch the abd' t-or-,
or the first think Perriei: knew he
would turn up tnis-in again, and vvuuld
either ive up his money or die. LVrr.-n
. and his son-in-la applied to the mayor
for permission to carry revolvers. :...d it
vva granteil.
Iran lu.Uetiiieiit I. l'uiuifi TlniH.inl WHI
Nkw Oitt.E.vNs. March 30. I: is under
stood that witnessfs have appear d be
fore the eraud jury, among them s.-v.-rai
person.- confined tn the Par:-h pris.m at
the time of the late attack upon that
building and the lynching of the I tali it:
prisoners, who are ab'.e to ideutity the
men who broke in and did the shooti-nr.
It was asserted to-day by the leaders of
tho mob that if
found against them for the part they
took in the affair 2,0u0 person woidd
inarch to the court- and surrender th.m-
selves as equally iruiity.
Italy A few- tin- 31:4ttcrSeinlIly.
London-, March 30. The Tinu ' cor
respondent at Pome, savs: The excite
ment caused by the lynchins at New
Orleans has completely subsided. 'I ho
government fully appreciates the diffi
culties under which tho American z
eminent labors and it is not likely ihat
any pressure will be brought to bear
upon the latter. Public opinion enc to
show that no sympathy for the lynchee
Matia is manifested. Many Italian;
sav it would bo well if the other m 'u
bers of the Maiia were treated in tin.
san.o way.
Interxiat:n:il Kvanselical Alliance.
Londo.v. March 30. The ninth inter
national conference of the I. angel k.
alliance will be held in I-Ion nee from,
the 1th to the Pith of April and prom
ises to be a- great success. The Untied
States and every European coi:nt'-y will
be represented, and tho Italian p-ote-t
ants will utilize tho evasion for an ni
precedentcd demonstration. Th'rty
years aero Florence was the scene tf bit
ter sectarian strife arising out of the
attempt of their priest-ridden covern
' incut to stop the prote-tant propaganda
carried on by the agents of the aliiaiue.
Several of the latter went to prison for
c.t.s-ienie s.a".ce. and wi" of ;h-ii w i!"
take part in the emfereiKo next
Not the least ratifying feature of tin
f. rtlu-oHiins irather.n. whi -h is the lir-t
of the kind ever led I on Italian --:1. i
t! e (act that the Catholic Kins Humbert
has evpressed his eord;aI solk! wishes for
it- success.
Couch" slayer to Suinc fur ft.
Wichita. Kan.. March a). After be
iu in -e-sion for four weeks, th--1 I r.s. t
t rtn i'V.t In-id i;i th" ste'. tic- twi
I'nited Sates i.ourt; have ii'.:a.!y ad
jotirned. Svi.:etaes wore pas-ed ou ail
the convicted moj,. J. l Adiis the
- n.r of (.apt. V.'m-. f.. i.otu-h. tl.-- t'ka
iioni 1 .le.'ld'.r, ar.d i-Jd. Peidell. late oi
Ktu'!o. Iil.. who k..!'dCUarL-ot;r.-.nt,
:.-. a" l'.;t:;.Mt.. ki.ihs..a, were b ;.!; -'u-10:..
i u . hatiS 'j:i June .'.".
Tlio C.i'oii;! et serifu-l Iiijurc-I.
Yinyaud H vv i -v. Conn.. March -
The I'nited Ma's - steaa:' r. C-a!e:.a. vv.-tS
r'i at.-d of; tiay Ula. thi- ir...rn:iu by
ti r.T st. a-ji tus- and by the a:d of th
si1;,", a: iiur atid hawser, which was
carrf-Hi oi;'. The (.ialet.a arriv.-d h
in tow in the afternoon a: d ip.-'j u -a'-
s-.dc the v. hatf. !' leak-only
a: out t'Ue and ohe-i.a': inches ;i-r lu-ir.
w ha ii indicates that there arj no l-.ole-in
her liottom, wL" h probably is on'.y
-train-'d somewhat. The work of iloat
it.s the I'nit-d States tus, Nina, will
Lonrni. p.- utome.
r.-rlincr Vi ill Take a.IIaiitl.
SPTiivoriEi-D. JIareh 30. Senator Pal
mer will not so to Ciiicaso until Wednes
day. Ii- will h-' tlure Wednesday night
and plate Liiu-cif at the disposal of the
citv committee to lili any appointment
the committee mariaako for him- He
is still siilTerluc from la. arippe in a mi'td
form, and deemel it uhwise to risk
catohins a sreater cold than he now ha3
by iuakis-g the trip to Chicago last nU;ht.
W. P. Mooke. who is acensed of the
embezzlement of So.500 from the South
ern Express company, while acting as
chief elerk. has been arrested at Port-,
land. Ore.-, on a dispatch from the chief ,
fcf police of Oiuani.
' Klondy Work That Cost Seven Live-
Il:e C'oko trtr-ki I.patN In An AttiMiipt
t, Tert-riL tlie- Workmen at Jleiro
oooil Tne I'ltrticixfars.
PitT-iu Ho. Pa.. April 2. A desperate
. battie is i.-poit. d between the strikers
atil armed guards at ?dorewood. this
morning at 3 o'clock. Three or four
. hundred striker- approached the 'works
of the II. C. l'li k tyk- company and
besatt to b-att-.r down the sates. When
ord.-red r. d sist they tin d on ihe deputy
sheriffs, subtly ins several. The
ia::- r r-pr.ed with PeniinstoasandUfned.
-, iu of the ri't.-r- instantly: while
many others were wounded. Tlf suards
Tr tt two volley- brfoiv th rioters re-
' Heated. Previous to the raid the rioters
cut tie- tek-sraph ahd telephono wires.
t'artiriilxirs of the ISilttlc.
Mr. I't.i..v.sNr Pa., April '.. At 2:45
this.mornins a mob of 7a)0 men began
riotins at the standard works. They
(iestiMed -onio of tlie company's prop
erty and cot the teb sraph tines of the
" .jf company so that no warning could
! s,.it t?. ti:e . plo at Morevvoud.
. Ab-au 3 o'clock a party marched to
Morewoo.j. In the nit anwhiJe the wires
were hnrri. d!y repaired and word sent
to Mor -w. u that the striker- woulti at
tack tli.t wor-vsln three phues and had
a well laid plan to destroy tire whole
piartt. Deputy sh.:rilTs were ?oon in reatT-inei-s
to receive the attack. The men
titvided into titne parties, : apt. Lauer
. havms chtirse of a party pLeed behind
the bis gates of the barn and stable en-ciu-ure.
As the rioter- pa--ed the t. m-
. pany's store they raidid it and t.ien
marched to the barn and attempted to
. break down the sates. Tl; y succeeded in
doitts fliis, and as they entered Capt.
Lauer callni out to them to halt or he
wouhi tire upon them. Their answer
was to fire a rattling volley in the direc
tion of the deputies, none fif whom were
seriously injured. Capt. Lauer then
save the order to tire. Two volleys
were lired before them jb broke and ran.
Eleven men fell di .ni iu road and
' the wounded are otiuutt.i a high as
. tWontV'-seYen.
1 he "llesnitie- and Their Instruction.
The deputte- who took part u the riot
were etperit'-nci d tut u. armed to tho
teeth. La-t n:s.'it superintendent Pack
ard told them the r.ud was contemplated
on tlie works and pn Tited each man
Willi a Winchester. .' -ali.
I have uTii.ii-vtl pro;e-t.ou to our irien,
anil I J.H--1 sP e .1 to tnem. When tho
raidi r- come ob. v nu. lire the tjrf siiot
Into l'j a-.r. Jf tin-r: deis ,u not retreat
lire a ' li i slot and i.e-p o.i li:i'. while
you havu a.?u:m:iiit-ori: proteci the com
p.ny"n j. ropert;,. :... ct tl-e ri..-:i tit worlc,
protect 5-.u; ,,wrii liw-i. Tlie juitn in my
employ who n. ii-I wtli tli ...t dead cui the
sot. An., many nilm i- t.e' -.iii-'ud to uo
ce'tit my tern.- will plea- ilr p ixit tho rear
and 1 will send him h .ine ui.d- r uard.
I i'.t rybv'iiy satl-i'i-il'.""
'Is everybody sat i -fi u.'" asked tho
Yes, yes,"" rang out all along tho
Each -man was supplied with twenty
. .irrridfp's a;.d under the command of tho
siiporii.'-eh --:.t marched ;u a convenient
Uoitiro tlie It-itte.
Ail night ions the strikers, were pre
pares for the raid. A delegation
headed by a drum corp-s marched to and
fro to places of rendevoi;-;. An occa
?iuial pistol shot ould be hoard in the
distance, and now and then a rocket
flashed into the air and from the adjoin
ing hill-top swing lilit- could be soon.
There were three parties of strikers,
tjne came from Stonvi'je. aiiotln r from
Moorhead, and a third i.-u the mines
in tho neighborhoi d. Tie were wry
noisy, cheering t.r.l sL.eitins. bearing
drums as they c.aiif along. The three
parties met and deeid-.u to mike tho
march on the work-.
The .Mrlfcer I)iu:lml tlio IJniMc-.
Some of the strik. rs -ay to-day that
tiiere was no intention of doing any dam
uge. but that they -imply marched to
tlie works to intimidate tiio-e a work.
The dead thi- morning w-re carried into
the (Oinpa'iy -'ore at Moorwood. The
strikeis del'liail-lt d tho bod;, s of th-
victims. b;. vv. ! reins, d ahd the place
is now surroutiihd by in ar..: 1 mob of
over -.000 men who sjy they will burn
everything ou tho 'premises unless the
dead bodies are given up. Tho feeling
here is very bitter atno: s the workmen,
who tienoajjt. e the artiou of the deputies
in no uncertain terti.
The .linitlii Ortleretl to Iho scon.
The governor lia-ordi r ! the Tenth
regiment to aid tl..- sheriff of v,-slmore-land
county in tjueil-ins the tru ;ble in
the coke region. The Eisb'eeuth regi
ment of th's citv has bt.i ordered tc
hoiditse'J '.:-a-J::..s-.
The N'anis ol tlie ICHIcfl.
Mt. Pi.eysant. Pa.. April 3. Caim-r
review of tl'.e JMore.vo)d riot scarcely
betters the situation. Th-- attack was
well piatiued, h.-aded by in u delermined
evidently to intimidate the men working
there once for all. At 1: o'clock small I
bodies of strikers b san to gather on i
the hills. They were armed with re
volvers, stones, iron bat and ev ry con
ceivable weapon, ai.d headed by a drum
corps. Tho striKer- ii.-tat.tly killed
were: Creso Hm ro, Italian: ,Iohr: I-'n -dora.
and Antonio Hist, iluns; J.teoo
Shuckasky and James ilrmhte. Pole.-: Val
entine Zeidel and Paul Dohannis Slavs.
The tirins on both side- cr.uiiutu-d hardly :
three mintites. TI e volleys frni the
saurds had a terrible ollvt on the.
Z ....,-- . t .-.i- ..... ,.i.;' .1. I... I
LOlupaco fii.tss Of sninvi-. .. iii.c tne lat
ter made an attempt to return the fire
with what weapons ttiey had. but with
out effect. The d ad wore 1 f t lying in
the road, while the wounded, estimated
at between forty and tlfty. were 3ither
assisted or bodily carried avvfcv into the
hills by their fellows.
The IJa! Were All Allen-.
Ail day je-ierday tne entire coke
regions nresented scenes of the wildest
eKc.iteme.nt. Th- foreign el. ment es- f
peeially vva- driven,t:c !y this wt.s- J
ful res-alt of their aiiti -i pa. ted vi.-torioiio !
ra.d. Aivvav - Lirbulent. stiifn ar.d '
ready for de.-perate measures. th.y were j
no: one wmt cowed by the dtuth of '
several of their number, while they
have sedulously i-onceai-d in their homes
those of tlieir number who were wound) d,
many no douht unto dt.ath. An-athemas.
loud and deep, were hoard on every side
all day. The word has b-- n s.;.nt by J
secret means all over the region that)
their comrades vere i7r d on and mowed j
down without provocation, and deadly j
vengeance on each and '.cry mcaib. r of
the guards has been swor.-i to. This all i
comes rom the foreign elemeiuT. It will
be noticed that all the men killed b'Sir ,
foreign names, and it is a fao: that nut '
One of them was a naturalized citizen of '
this country. It is also supposed that
many of the wounded were foreigners,
and this explains the dc.p resentment
expressed in every foreign face in the
regions last night. The Slavs and Iiur.
were almo- fcarh .-s. the deputies
say. NotCne was struck on tLe baei:.
but all bore mar-s of bullets in tuo face.
indicating that they di-d
with what weapons they tt-"ssessoj!
Thousands of strikers ar.d. their friends t
poured into this place from all over tho. j
region to have a look at th- dead and I
perhaps hoar what th" living have to t
say As darkness fell last night the for-'.
eigners began to draw atfav in knots, t
and night lowered am'd-t great fc-ar of
what might happen before another dawn, j
' Late hist night word was received here
that two-more men concerned in the riot
had died in a striker's house. The
names could not be learned. These two
j (tenths make nine in all that are known
as a result of the tiring of the guards.
j but there is no doubt others are either
. dead- or in a critical condition, as the
guard-; had order-to lire to kill, and evi
dently dui so.
f Arre-tiiis the Depntie.
The labor official- deny that the men
, at Morewood were killed for good
j causes, ami warrants have been issued
I for the deputies on a charge ol murder,
j with Ueticral Manager Lynch, of the
i Ericku company, and Superindent Katn
. say, of tip' Morevrood plant, charged
as accessories before the fact. A :
iarse nuxnber of deputies have already
been arrested and the labor leaders say
they will not ivt until all are taketicaro
of. Master Workman Wise was refused
warrants by two. different justhe- of the
peace, and after roundly denouncing
thorn, secured warrants fron: Justice
McCale.b. They writ be served on all
tho guards connected with the aifair.
An Incitlent ut Icl-enrtn.
At Leiscnrins, Constable Campbell
i atteiupiei to arrest .lohn Ltishka. a
I llus-iau, for complicity in the bomb
i throwing that occurred there Monday,
Lushka Ire reel y resisted and called for
aid. A follow countryman who wa on
on tho outside of the office where Ltishka
had been trapped save ihe alarm and iu
j a iev: moments there was a howling mob
J of foreigners surrounding the place.
i Lushka leaped through the office win
i dow. carrying with l.wn a pa'r of hand
! ciiifs. Several shot- ,v. re i.'red after
him but he escaped.
An CnevfiittuI Ntlit.
Mount Puiasant, Pa., April 3.
Quiet reign- throughout the coke regions
this morning. -No outbreak lias occurred
since the fata! raid yesterday morning, '
While tlio situation is stiU grave the
presence of the militia lias had a reas
suring effect. There are two regiments
upon the ground. The uncertainty and
fear of last night has
proved an awful strain upon
both strikers and citizens. No sleeping
was done in the entire region, but crowds
paraded the streets, or gathered in knots
at the corners, or disappeared iu bunches
over th dark hilN. leaving doubt as to
their destination and Intention. Tliu
foreigners are quiet, but are always In
crowds, and tho fear of a momentary
outbreak which tSie entire regiment
could not quell, was only dissipated by
tho first r arly dawn.
Another Dead More- Will Die-
So far ten deaths have occurred, and .
several are in a critical condition. Tho
funerals take place Saturday. Peter
Wi-e., ui.-i.-tcr vvorkmau of the knights of
Labor, says the entire, coke country will
turn otft. and about that time peoplo
must take care.
The lnq.uesf.
The. inquest on the bodies was re
sumed this morning. Neither the sheriff
nor the coke companies wore repre
sented. The labor leaders were repre
sented in full force. Albert Ilalley
swore that the only shooting he heard
came from tho guards. George Taylor,
watchman, testified to hearing two or
three pistol shots before tho regular
firing of the guards. The witness was a
deputy and carried revolvers. He had
not known whether all the guards car
ried revolvers or nor. This doubt, cre
ated a to whether the pistols were fired
by the guards or strikers, was received
with eiieers by the crowd.
All Danger Not Vet I'MH-eil.
Notwithstanding the prevailing quiet
the wise ones say the trouble is not
ended. While the troop- in this neighbor
hood will command peace, other places
are unprotected. Jen. Wiley has tho
matter tinder consideration, and it
is possible that tho Lishteenth
regiment will be moved over
to or beyond the Youghio'ieuy river.
He Is in communication with the author
ities and will be kept advised of every
move. A special train will be kept at
his command which will enable him to
move the battalion or regiment at a
moment's noti-e. The dead foreigners
will be burcd with pomp and ceremony.
They are called martyrs. Ten thousand
men will follow the coffins to the graves.
.Iu Important Conference,
pm-stunto, April a. A most Import
ant conference will be held this after
noon in this city of all the miners' offi
cials with the national officers of tho
labor organizations, and a future course
for organized labor in this country will
be decided upon.
A Patient Who Cannot hear tha Touch of
tho Human Hand.
Chic vgo, April -'. Lying In a cot in
the county hospital, imploring the phy
sicians to help him, lirs a patient whoso
malady has bailled the skill of the entire
medical staff of the institution and many
phjsi. ians, surgeons and specialists in
nervous diseases who have been called
in to diagnose ir. The patient is Charles
Weeks, an evpert accountant, who was
admitted to the hospital for treatment
three months ago. Ho had fallen from
the t..p of a car and hurt his head,
which, however, had healed. When ad
mitted he was apparently in fairly good
hea'th. but for a peculiar affliction. His.
whole system seemed to have a peculiar
aversion to the touch of a human being.
A person's hand laid upon any portion of
his anatomy sent a thrill through him that produced by an electric shock.
He could not perform his daily work be
cause of the unavoidable contact with
people, particularly in street cars. Since
Weeks has been in the hospital scores of
experts in nervous diseases have been
attracted to the hospital by reason ol tho
stranse malady, but they have all come
away nonplussed.
Tliat Is The Lay ot the ."Manitoba Iloomers
to .Drought SuxTerers.
OumvAV. S. D.. April 2. Manitoba
boomers are Hooding all the draught
strictieii counties oi nortuern Soutn Da
kota. They have been in all sections of
Hrown and McPher-on counties and
have secured a great many people to
emigrate to Lritish soil. They have a
financial agent located in Aberdeen while
the field agents rustle for recruits. The
premised laird is located about 300 xuiles
northwestof Winnipeg and about sixty
miics from Yorktown. Man., which is at
the present terminus of a railroad.. A
tract, top miles wide and thirty miles
lung lias boon set apart for tlie Dakota
people. The inducements offered are as
follows: They will pay up secured in-d.-btodness
against the party going to
the amount of Siuo, taking a biil of salo
of all the emigrant's effects and likewise
tile their claim against the settler's
c'a-im as soon as the land is taken. The ,
settler will have from five to eight years '
to pay off the--e claims.
The Child Never GretJ-Any.
Ma?v Hi., Anril 2. A 2-vear-oid
daughter of Mr. ai.d Mrs. Fritz Har
be.k. of Sl Libory, died to-day weigh
ing twelve pounds-. The child, although
apparently healthy, never grew any
after it was born," and it weighed tha
stLUio when U died as when it was born.
;Anx.ipous- April 3. Ernest I'orbos,
thi1 eolorpf? hnv u irn enmnirrft o rtt
rLV nn linrthii Vhinlin Vnvntnhor tor i
wa's hanged this momin?. . " '
M.inr SIea-ure4 of J'-ore or I.e Import
ance lltin Introiliiceil at the I'reaeut
.sV-fiou ut tlu Siiijd.iwi r I.rgi-tlature
A ItUvv e-rii.
I.ivoi.. March 27. In the senate, house
rtdl No. 4GI. appropriating 5I0O.0UO for tlie
relief of drouth sufferers, the tnlrtl bill of
the kind, was reconsidered and placed on
ueiieial tile, "-e.xator Wilson's resolution
ixitro.iinvd yesterday, pr.ividmij for the '
app .Iiittiieut of a c- liference conittiltteo
relative to final adjournment was read,
senator I'oyuter auieuibd the reso
lution appointing senators -!evius Keip--r
ai:d .shumway a. " the omu.'ttee.
T".e resolution a- amended i
.us adopted. The f'llv.ving were read a
third tune .ind pass.-d: House roll .'.'ID. re- I
hit. tig t the - le -ii.tu of juror- and uraud
ju:er-i in Pouirlas ami Lattea-jt- r e.viutle.-; ,
it ji;-. ru4l -Ji-.D. roia'iug t the admission, of
ettl.lcnts t,, (,0 cnM-ROs of the univ ersity
oit the payment mrly of tiiatrictilatifiu fees; roll' No. 113. prorld.ii- a ptX!i:-hineitt
for the iiifringeiacnt of label- adopted by
(or!i:igtutii as-oci.itio.-s; senate tile No.
Jolt, relating t the jur's ifotioij of county
jtidji - ia flvil ca-es. senate tile No. SU. e
tu" i.s..His agri.iiitiiral c-verlnu ntal sta
tions at Ctilberr.-on ami ts:iii.i!-.t; senate
Ji'e No. -";.'. i emulating- the soldier-' nn,
si:i.-...s" hoiiu- at c.'ralul i-l-tird: s,-j..,T)- tile
. -r. p ivSag liirurs o-a of tfie general
f t.-nd : senate Iil-.- No "Jo. t-st-ilUl-Fiiim the
tieunU.ti .. s of Thur-t-.n county ; house roll
No .I-, providing for thu- election of r;ie
state ho ird of r.i-Irt.iy coaiu-.l -Smer-. The
fo.l uiirg stt.n,i.j. ii.., wt-ro pas-iI:
N-. i. relatiiig to the piiym -nt of
jury fee- and mileage out or the ge'i
eral fluid; No. '.. c:e-.iitng the office of as.
. ;a i-iii.s ,if the tuo'io, oli'.au clas-.
ai)l tlehxiiiig the dutie-. ouex-s ami liahih-liu-
and pn-si-ribii g ihe c. Tnpi-u-itio'i of
the same: No. Jc. tiro Id Ins for the deposit
ing jf -rat'' ami ooutity fu.ols hi state and
n'ttinn.-'I h.-t'iks. AdjO'irixed.
In tlio house the i- li-J lerat dui ef the gen
eral appro nation h.ll ui. tirkeu uy
in coiiimitt. e.if the whole. V iihoitt- e.uu
plt ting consideration ot the billt'uo house
LiNCU-N. March '.'-. -In the vfiuti' the
sifting comtoittot: i-epurteil xiKhi thirty
hills nhl-h will ho considen d in the order
of the rep -rt. The seuato w.-iit into oom
mittt e of the hole to consider bliis on the
gv-.i'.-ai tile. Mouse roll No. !1. cotitUiit
ing i:iglit Imtirs. a tla-'s I.thor. wa- re
c r,si(it red anil lecoiutiieiidf d f r pa-igo
w.t'nout any' aii.i-n Imei.t-. Tho hotly
i oxxsldi red hous roil No. -ti.l. ajipro
priating a third slOU.ono fur the ro
lief of dxoii'h sufferers. The b 11 it.i. n c-ommi-nded
for indefinite postponement.
Ad 'Dm ne.l.
The li m-e resumed consideration of the
general appropriation Id!!. Tho cjni'i.itt.'O
arose and xejiorted the hill back, with the
. recommendation tint- It d pa-.-, mid It. MM
):otne up ffr tiuat acti. n at I a. m. Monday,
the iiour to widen the mu-e xoljotirneil
I.iMoi.N. .March :.0. After indetinite
posti.oiicmeiit of scvora! bill.- tlio senate
. went into committee of the whole to con
sider hills on the general tile. A number
of bill- nore coiisidercit anil te.N.i.eiiPXided
for p iss.ige, hut the s,ta! adjourned be
foru iho fonintttoerep'irlt'd.
The hou-o in theforeu i-o-i-iilered bllK
.in committee of the whole. In the after
noon the general appropriation bill was
taken up and pa--ed. yeas. 71: nays. V.
The reapji irtloii'nei.t hill was then taken
up. A motion to substitute the Too. bill
for house roll -'a . which re-cstaMeilies tho
present app irtionment. wa- lo-t. after
which tlie bill fis referred hack to the
standing committee for reviai n. Ad
journed. l.iN( or.N. March ::i. lit the t-natt the
following hills wero p.i-sr.l: riou-e r.dl No.
10.;, c.-imiieniiit; raiiroail companies to uamu
tiieir-t.itions aftvr the towns in whi.-Ji tht-y
were locaied; hous roll No. ','2. requiring
county clerks to keep a fee Inoik: hou-e
mil No. to-.', ronuiring comity treasurers to
regi-ter warrants in the order they
nnd pre-i nted: house toll N'o. 40.'!. providing
for the perx-tanotit iiiM-stmtMil of the ohool
funtl; jioii.e roll No. I-i'.i. teg ilating -eb)o!s
.:n iiit-tropolitan citie-. Tms refe:-s espe
cially to Omaha, lloij- xoll No. lot. mak
ing eight hours a day s Iab.r. The -enate
wi nt into committee of tho '.vho-Vj t cm
slde.r hilla on the general tile Adjiturnud.
Tho house ordered -ei,ate lilt- 'i'.ii. by
Coulter, providing r.ile-. and regulation
for tlie government and con: nil of the il
: diers' home, to a tiuat rt-ul ng without
amendment. The hiru-e pas-e,) the following-
House roll 41s. !y Corni-h.
that warrant- on s,.hrMl di-trict1-.
not paid for want of funds
he registered and paid lu the
of rogistxati ,n yc-is. 7: niv-. :;.
Seuate tile 10, authorizing oi.ies halng
over .-.)'' inhabitants to is,ue iwmds not to
exceed -"t-dJO. to j-oasiriict a stein of
wat- rworks. senate tilo so. by Jlo .re. the
amended Lincoln charier yea-, ": navs.
2. The house adopteil the ie;ort- of the
special committee of V ilsoxj. Klley. :iiry
rook. s'.-Iielp and lle.aih ox the con
stitutional amendment advertisements.
Hills for the latter Were set.t in by a uum
ber of new-paper- and ran Trom 12..U to
nearly -I.'jOD. Tlie recommendation of the
Committee was tliat each of the claimants
bo paid 5130. The apportionment bill was
indefinitely postponed. Tie-?. ott bill tjnk
Us place, hn: when the latter tomes up for
action all of it, save the enacting clause,
will he stricken out, and the apportionment
rep irt iy tlie committee will hesubsiirutod.
Li- .u,.v. April I. Iu the senate the fol
lowir.g oilU '.veie pi-s-d: II.i:-e roll No.
7I7. appropriating i-'V.i U for ttie payment
of the ..ITicers. iu-inber- and employe;, cf the
present leg slature: Iio-i-o roll No. .!. re
,tiiring rud-.'-ad eniupxttiius to .uip their
ingii-s ind i ar- with aituiuati.- couplers:
ltnii-e loll No. 211. relating ru the incorpo
ration of . icieties; h uie toll N. l'i I. pro
veiiting h y- and girl- from being retained
Iu hou-e-of ill fame; s-iutt' iil N lit,
punishing the giving away .r selling
of l!'U.r to luilians who nn nut . Ul.-ns of
the l n. ted State-; st-ii.-ii" (iu. No. 211. cur
io ting the form of tax reo:p:-. senate tile
No. -tin, lelattug to tie . uau.e of litjuor
lici-ji-os hy county i oxxiiel mners in two
inilo limits: senate tile No. 112. regulating
the . alching in the Miso. ri river. The
senate concurred iu tin house am'iiIn.ent
to H-iMtf tile No. 1-0. striking out the emer
gency elau-e relating 1 1 the organization
and government of cities of these -ond class.
The senate receded from its amendments to
hou-e rdl No ."7. Thu senate then went
Into committee of tin- whole to consider
bills reported by the -lfring committee, and
ro-omiuended the pa--age of the house, roll
appropriating :7o."j0i for the erection of two
wings to theius.tno ho-ital at Hastinzs.
In tlie afternoon the. -enatj considered tlie
general appj-oprlation bill in committee of
(ho wno'e
In the house tht committee of the whole
recomij.pnded the pas-age of the app .rtlou
ment bill prepared by the commute". Thu
bill appropriating sj:;.oO f.r contest -penses
vas rccutiixi.t-ndect for passage.
Cranio xnovexl that ii a. in. of be
3ed as the t'.iue for final adjournment, but
action was cut off by adjournmorit for the
Lincoln, Aprils. In the senate ;ho fol
lowing bills wore passed: House roll No.
332. appropriating 573.0'jO for two wlngi to
the Hastings insane asylum: senate file il9,
rtlating to the publication of urUcles of In
corporation In newspapers: sea ate tile No.
213. relating to the catch'n? of game fish
and regulating the building i.f dams and
governing tho bf fouling of streams:
senate Sle N'o. I.'O. regulating the
salary ot tjaiuii3 in uistrtct o ii.-t-; senate
file No. 221. providing a p. nalty f..r parties
ayrested In hou-e-. of ill-fame; senate file
N'o, 221. pre-."ribli-g the kind of evidence to
bo introd'ici d to determine whether a hou-c
Is or is not a place of ill repute: senate fiie
No. 22i', prescribing the duties of the adjutant-general
of the state: senate file S2- iV
providing for the election of Ue secretaries
of the state railway commission, one nrem
bcr beinj from each of the leading political
parties. s,t.nate j;;, No. 22a, providing
for a normal scii-nd at North Platte.
Senate file No. 147. relating to a-se-smenta
was pai-ed. In committee of the whole tho
following bills were considered and recom
mended for passage: House roll N'o. 2GD,
appropriating S40,0-j0 In payment of the ex-pc-nst'S
ot the national guards iu aiding iu
the supprc-slonof the late Indian Insur
rection; house roll N'o. 52.,. appropriating
$2J.000 for the support ot the national
guards; house roll N'o. 27t. de-ignating con
gressional districts (senators- -steens and
Collins offered substitute-, tut both of the
latter were voted uownt; house roll No.
sC relating to the creation of cousty com-
S110110-5" Afstricts: hqa-e roll No- 212, ro-
latin;; to the Is-uianee of lii4uor licenses by
county comuilsslouers or petition of free
holders: house roll No. 462, authorizing the
state treasurer to transfer from the capital
fund to the general fund 537.7s 1.97: house
roll No. '). amending the criminal code pun
ishing persons for obtaining money under
false pretenses: house roll No. 7, a Joint
resolution submitting to the . eople au
amendment to the constitution providing
for the permanent Investment of the edu
cational fund. The committee rose and
reported and the report was adopted.
llou-e roll No. 51 'J. making appropriation
for the current expenses of Mit? state gov
ernment for the two years ending March 31.
Is93. passed under the suspension of tht
rules. Adjourne.1.
The house paxscd honve roll 413. allowing
counties by a luajorlty ot to establish
offices for the borrowing and loaning ot
money by a vote of 51 to 22. Alo senate
tile 213. to estahlish experimental statloni
uearCulliertson andOiallalla otito IT. AlsC
senate tile 232 to prevent Inmates of the
soldiers home from marrying wives under
50 years of age and ijuacter them on the
h.une 7ti to 1. J"ne reuialuderof the morn
ing was taken up by the Omaha charter
bill The hill was tinally recommitted. The
speaker was instructed to apiKilnt three
d.-legalos to the convention of western
state, at Kansas City without expense
to the state. The house went into commit
tee of tho whole, and adjourned without
(in. Logan's VTitlow IuttlgiiMntly Uaalei
Current Wahlncton (ioeslp.
W.vsmxc.To.v, March 31. Mrs. John
A. Logan gives a most emphatic denial
to the report that she Is to marry. She
I have scarcely words to evpress my
Indignation at such unjust rumors. Ina
way they are cruelly unkind. I have no
charity for those who circulate such un
founded reports. If I had no sentiment
about remaining the widow of Uen. I.ogan
ami I hare I have uo desire or nceil to re
marry for other reasons, since, thanks to
congrevf and tho General's friends. I am
well provided for. ami I now enjoy the
friendship of many good men who wero his
frleudi. and wlnse wives are my friends.
Why should I want to sacrifice "all these
present blessings and the assclaxions o!
thirty years of happy wedded llfo for the
uncertainty of other tica?
lie lCettirne th Maximum Itat Bill Wltk-
out Uis Approval.
Lincoln. Nob.. April 3. Gov. lloyd '
this morning returned tho Newberry
maximum rate bill to the legislature
without his approval, on the ground thai
it was unconstitutional. The bill passed '
the house over the veto, but it is be-1
lieved the veto will bo sustained ia the
CuuiiiiUsoncr Run in to Retire.
Washington. April 2. Tho under
standing iu administration circles is that
Pension Commissioner Ran in will soon
rosigu. The commissioner has not uoti
tied anybody at tho pension bureau of
his intention, but in higher quarter!
there seems to bo no doubt of it. Gen.
Pauin is now in Chicago. Gov. Beaver,
of Pennsylvania, has been mentioned a
his successor, but tho Pennsylvania peo
plo say he would not accept. Ex-Congressman
Charles Hrown, of Cincinnati,
would like tho place, aud ex-Congressman
Rowell, of Illinois, woud not de
cline It.
Kauin Ilasu't Heard ot It.
Ciiicaco, April 2. Pension Commis
sioner Uaum, who is in the city, to-daj
emphatically denied the published rumoi
that he is about to resign.
GIaltonV- Attltuilo Towitr-1 OUke.
London, April 2. Mr. Gladstone hai
come in for a great deal of criticism be
cause he Interfered in the PartioH affaii
and not in that of Sir Charles Dilke at
the present juncture. Mr. Gladstone ro
plies today, stating that ha refuse? to sll
with tho latter gentleman in any cabinet
until he clears himself, but that he can
not interfere with any constituency thai
may choose to elect Sir Charles, as h
would not interfere if Cork should choo-j
to keep Mr. Parnell as her representa
tive. That Cincinnati Meeting.
Cincinnati, April l. Capt. C. A.
Power, of Terre Haute, Ind., is here to
make arrangements for the alliance con
vention to be held on May 10, toorgaaizfl
a new political party, with the Farmera'
alliance as tho basis. Power Is tha
national organizer of what Is known A3
the Citizens Industrial alliance. U
says that there will be 1,000 delegate!
present representing thirty states, and
that the conference will put a ticket is
the held next summer.
A Western Outlaw Corrallait.
Los Axr.Ki.Es, Cah, April L Flenrj
Miller has been arrested by United
States Marshal Gard and is now in jail
iu this city. He is wanted for robbinc
the United States malls, and is believed
to bo the uersoix who held up the stage
running from Redding to Weaverville ou
March 7 last. Miller has a Ion record
of criminal deeds, extending back ovei .
ten years. Sinco 1SS3 he has been hold
ing up stages single-handed.
A Small Johnstown Dl-m-ter Possible.
Lima, O. April I. The Mercer county
reservoir, which covers nearly aO.OOfl
acres of land, is in great danger at ;
breaking the embankment and th-odina
the surrounding country. The reser
voir has been filled by the recent heavy
rains, and in one place, about a mjle
from Celina, has broken the embank
ment. If the waves continue to wash
the embankment it caunot la; Many
people Iu the vicinity are moving out.
Sve-a Prlaonor Escape.
St. Louis, April 1. It has been
learned that fourte v to twenty soldiers
imprisoned in the guardhouse at tha
Jefferson barracks made their cscap
last Sunday night. Tho guard hoass
contained about twelve garrison prls--oners
(soldiers held fcj po-ty offonses),
and eight general unes, the latter being
in cnstoJy on charges which would send
thorn to the military prison for a term
of years. The guard, w ho was raw
recruit, fired several shots at the llnelng r
men but without stopping them.
Alarnilog Death Kate lu Chieaco.
Chicago, April 1. Tho deaths re
ported at the health ollice yesterday
numbered 1C5, the larger proportion ol
which were caused by pulmonary
troubles, induced or aggravated by la
grippe. For the first three days thi!
week 490 certificates were turned in.
The remarkable fact Is that the city was
never more free from contagious dls-'
eases, diphtheria, etc., and the terrible
mortality appears chargeable directly tc (
the prevailing infltienz?, epidemic. I
After the Violators or the Iw. '
Chicago, Aprils. A. J. Lester, thai
government alien labor Inspector, is in the ,
city. He says the alien contract law has
been violated in mav instanees of lata
and he is getting together the necessary
proof to put the law in force agalnit the
violators. Ho declines to give any
names. Lester, it is said, will soon bq
called upon to make exhaustive re
searches among the Italian colonies of
the south and report upo.a the number
of Italians not cltijens who are working
here under cciratj.
Sacurad a lil-c Haul.
Jebsev Citv, X. J March 31. The
j'eweiry store of AdoJph Walter wa3 en
tered by burglars last night and dia
monds and other jewelry valued at $280,
000 were taken.
Columbus S
Lttttf Ufl
4Cldst Stat pnk ia th SutaJ
; Omata, Chicago. New Yorkv aad l XoiUfa
' Cooatriaa
Al4 Helps IU CiUtotnc-ri wfceu thoy .Need Hi
LEANDEli Ki:i:. UP. President.
It. li. HKNUY, tee-President.
JOHN TA!'ITKU. Cashier.
-or , r
-iuthorlzed Capital of 500,000
Paid in Capital 1)0,000
U. H. SHELDON. Treat.
H. P. II. OHLRICn. Vio Tr. ti--C.
A. NEWMAN. Cashier.
C. II. 8heldoa. J P. Peek-r.
ltrman P. ll.Oehlrich, Pari ItipaVc.
Jomw Welch. V. .v MrAllietor.
J. llanry Wtirdaman, H. M. Winslotr,
Ooorae W. Qallpy, 4. O ri7,
Fraai Rorar. Arnold F. H. OUrick.
tar I.DJfke. (lurbsxd I.cioit.
WBiaJc of deposit; iai.iredt allowed oa ti
deposit; bay and tell exchaa-r on United 8tai
and Europe, asd lay and atli aTaiiablooecarittM.
We hall bo plfsuod to receiro jov baincM. W
elicit jonr patronaca, 2Sdej-$7
Or -. W. KIOI.RK,
Ti crell Ktilniui.
PThM organ, tr flrUcl in Tr7 par
ticular, aad to (raaraatettd.
IL P. Depot, Columbus,
tSTIiepnirlnij of all xiadt of f"ijf
tVry Goods.
liySjHri ON SALE
pctBK CPyjfljfj-Ej B
. S.
. r