The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 01, 1891, Image 4

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A Weekly Newipaper iMiei rrtty
82 folnum ef reiiiig after, Ml
sistiisr ef Nebraska State Hi!
I tens, Selected Steriea aft
- Miscellany.
CrSam pis ooplas Mat res t say
Subscriptioa ptiotv
Sf a year, in A.waKi.
-L&Tnap-0, I
Colunjtofls, I
Platte Co., Nsbt
rive St., nearly opposite Poit-IRa,
All kinds of Rep&iriig i
Short Notice. Biggies, Wag
ons, etc.. nade ft trier,
aid all work Guar
anteed. Alo sell the world-faiaoTU Walter .
Wood Yowen, Reapers, Coaeia
ed Machines, Harvesters,
and Self-bindersthe
best made.
ZrShop opposite the " Tattersall," en
Olive St.. COLUMBU8. 98-a
judicious Advertising
(.'routes many n new business,
Knl:i!n many an old business,
Iiovivo many a dull business,
Kc-mos many a lost business,
S.-tvcs many a tailing business,
I'roerves many a large business,
.mires success in anv business.
So wij n man ot bninoos, acd ire add that
ji.'H'-ii'-.iaJvertibine. for this section of country.
Ai -ne c.r the mediums. lecaoN it ia read bj th
Ixr-t i-ilt tlio-c who know nhut theyirant and
f.i) thoyRit. WV challenge comparison !
iih an lu.intry paper in the world in thia ro.
jvt fiwnty Are pablit-hinft by the same
manaennnnt, nntl noicr one dtin to ub6criher8
viililit-h-l in The Jouhnu. Thin, better than
riixiliiiis 1m bhows the class of peopla who
nrfITiiG JouKNALeeo week. tf
Woven wire and slats, cut willows, split boards
or nn: thing ot tlio sort, used; after posts are set,
font can be made and stretched on the (roastf,
is tin winter, by a boy or ordinary farm hamd,
1C to 40 rndf a day. and can work it orar any
cronnd. The man who has one of these) sit
rhmre cm build a fence that it more durable aad
rate thin any other, and make it at less coat.
The marhjui ami a snmple of its work caa be
oen inthecity on 11th st root at Ernst & Bchwars
hardware store. Willnell mchines, or territory,
or contract to pet np fences.
liaajtf J. B. MATHEWBON.
i-tnYtTDTIQIUfB ::!,
.book oflW
. The best book for
Aitr , Caa. ak
Itcontaius lists of newspapeia and asttmates)
ef the cost nf-.dYeriislng.Tbe advarUserWM
wants to saend one dollar, flnds ia lttks) la-
fonnationherequlresi while forhlsa who m I
Invest ono hundred thousand dollars 1st at- j
Yextistrsc a scheme is indicates which will '
meet hie every requirement, or caw te ssssts
rttjndence. It9 editions have beea issued.
Sent, post-paid, to any address for IS eants.
Write to GEO. P. BO WELL OO,
:0oraoe8UPrlnUnsHouseSg..). SnrTsii
Caveats sad Trade Marks obtained, and all Pat
ent besiorea conducted for MODERATt FE&
OFFICE. We hare no sub-agencie. all business
direct, hence we can transact patent business ia
leas time sad at LESS COST than those remote
from Wasbinsten.
Bend model, drawinr. 01 photo, with deecrip
tioa. We advise if patentable or not, free of
cbarce. Oar fee not due till patent is secured.
A book. "How to Obtain Patents," with- refer
ences to actual clients in your slate, county 01
tows, sent free. A,iJ,fi1.0 A -jj
OppoSTttt Psieat'Omoe. Wash in-toa. DC.
AM r Agents Wants I
f- " Ci-icruuts Fan. -I.WM
Brewrs Safity.Brla Holders
ftven a way to introduce thess.- Ks-y
ire tr a-l "rem I to WsS
-trvctftrfcar-' f-l. fWtlitH"
10 cvra ra i,JI
fr n -! raiec -r 5ySvS'W
KsFa jHa V"M
Ut u-i r'iMir tWUs
e -MaMra.s4Uk Mr, I
The livery of heaven uniform good
ness. As open-faced watch the yawning
The Cincinnati board or education has
decided that married women can teach in
the public schools of that city.
Primus "There ara times I, think,
when money is a curse." 'Secundus
"Yes, for Instance, when you haven't
If a man. is bad his mother says it is
because his wife does not understand
him, and his wife says it is because his
mother always spoiled him.
Wife 'I wish you'd tell the nurse to J
wash baby's face and hands and put on
his clean clothes.' Husband "Why,
my dear, are vou going to take the baby
out this kind of weather?-' "No, darl
ing, I thought I'd let him play with
Fido a while."
E. C. Waters, manager of the govern
ment hotels in Yellowstone park, was
asked how many animals were in the
nark. MaDV hundreds or perhaps
thousauds of elk," he said, '-about a nun- '
dred of buffalo, and some mountain
theep and bears. The buffalo are in no
danger of becoming an extinct species. '
Since they have been placed under pro-1
tection of got eminent troops they have
boon increasing. Elk also thrive there.
The bears are perfectly h;uwles9. Hav
ing nevei been htint-i thy have no fear '
of men.'
A. X. Lochwoon, pieident of an ac- .
cident association in "Sew York, says j
that since the accident companies of
fered an indemnity of $2,500 for the loss
of a hand or foot there has been a great ,
increase in the number of accidents to i
the left hand; m many, indeed, that it '
was found that people were maiming
themselves to get tne Insurauce. Finally ;
the companies were forced to offer a less
sum for the left hand than for the right,
since which time there has been a de
crease of 80 per cent, lit this variety of '
accidents. ,
Those who believe that Dr.
Sao-e's Catarrh Remedy will
liable '
cure them are more
to get well than those who
If yOU happen to be One Ot (
those who don't believe, there's ,
a matter of $500 to help your !
faith. It's for VOU if the mak- '
ers of Dr. Sage's remedy can't
7t i. 1.-... u. J 1
1 cure vuu, iiw iiiaiici iww w (
or of how long standing your
catarrh in the head may be.
' The makers are the World's
Dispensary Medical Associa
tion of Buffalo, N.Y. They're
known to every newspaper
publisher and every druggist
in the land, and you can eas
ily ascertain that their word's
as good as their bond.
Begin right The first stage
is to purify the system. You
don't want to build on a wrong
foundation, when you're build
ing for health. And don't
shock the stomach with harsh
treatment. Use the milder
You wind your watch once
a day. Your liver and bowels ,
should act as regularly. i
they do not, use a key. .
1 ne key is
Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets.
3 ClOSe. I
The soccess of this Great Cough Care k
without a parallel in the history of medicine.
All druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos
itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can sue
cessfully stand. That it may become known,
the Proprietors at an enormous expen, are
placing a Sample Bottle Free iuto every home
in the United Mates and Canada. If you have
a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for
it will cure you. If your child has the Croup,
or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief
b sure. If you dread that insidious disease
Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist for
SHILOH'S CURE. Price Io cts.. 50 cts. and
f l.oo. If your Lungs are son or Back la
Me Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price 25 eta,
Both tbe method and reiulta ivhea
Syrup of Figs ia taken; it is pleaaant '
aud refreshing to tho taste, and acta
fently jet promptly on tbe Kidney,
arer aud Bowels, cleanse the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
acbea aud fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is tha
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the tomach, prompt in
iu icuon uu truiy oenenaai in iw
effects, prepared only from the most '
bealtby and agreeable substances, its 1
many excellent qualities commend it '
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Fin is for tale ia 60c
and $1 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
.nay not nave it on nana will pro-
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it Do mot accept ay
CMUF0HMM m snwr ca
tun mmenoo, oml
lOul&VME. Kt, MEW tout. M.Y.
TJIDOES.U! Dr.Le Due's Pert ofllcsrKIls.frota
iK3,)t. ruusi t4iiiiK ,iu; .. nu.c. I
VCS; L'E.t.1 "!, 1SR. Curat : I n , tm Jv -.
wtr! dnrnagmoau. Eaft, kiralM, ; Tkt pat.-tfc;y
a! St U lta Stutag afuscy. Tb Utp cnpcit'ca Ilk
t i Ui 1 U H t dints ranU X I ui
trrtvHWsntruatiaa. Cm aW Mtk! dcatwUt la'
t3po:rta4 JAcaiai fltoa. ftaacf,or Sfcr Si, ;
r I,lrtaaU4aaTri,aai ntptafarln. TtoAjatrt. I
ta nit C., Wlra-a b4 U lly rraatfcUn.
TSa ana 4U aoU ky 8XD6WICK PS LOSS, Snaga,
i aaTtar mir. .
Ma Saaat Jaaa u
n TiiBtrftdsltsiS
Sss roe MM BSaS (
sBkXmi sBv mbhbbHHk
1 " . tNsMfrjffiBi7i TsTsai liisM
mt MM CHI atmwum vpa
r tk Drnj-MlmticmX
Among modern inventions is narked a
bird's wing of diamonds with the least
possible setting of gold visible.
Two costicts have ofied fa the Con
cord, Mass., reformatory from drinking
alcoholine, a preparation used in the
shoe shop.
Betting on the rainfall has been car
ried on to such an extent m lndta that
the Government has paised an act for
bidding lu ,
In 1513 Vasco Nunez de Balboa
crossed the Isthmus of Panama, and
discovered the Pacific Ocean at the
vest of America.
Tin institution of Fa Day is of
very ancient origin. Iu the time of
Christ fast dayu were numerous, any
where from two to live in a week.
Hknkv Kramek. a linemau, leceutly
received au electric shck at Louis
ville. Ky., and has become hopelessly
insaue, believing he is pursued by an
electric ghost.
YiKGiMV North Carolina, and Ten
nessee' raise an average of 2,970,000
bushels of peanuts a year. The annual
value of the (WP averaged $2,"00,000
for the last four ars.
Thf coaaters of the P.iji Islands will j
not eat until thev can sit flat upon the
rond directlv over a tciangle made of
flrea bmaU fi3ll bone; tbjen they handle
the food with the left hand.
A Bus i os wicmaker y that the
bnlk of tbe bair used iu iykt countr for
wigi and switches is juifuneu .
Fi aiice and Germany, this hh- is less
i.,;tia .! lusts loncrer than the hair of
yew England womeu.
Tuj uk is very ittld abb or fl(m. of
tiJe ia tne Arctic, but ccasianally
there are very strong cuntenta. All
winter there is ageneral flow of tide and
otnvard tliA south, while in uummer
ice toward the south.
this flow is northward.
Foi: many years it was believed that
the atmosphere had a great deal to do
with thread-making, and that good
thread could only be made in Scotland. J
It is now known tnai u is an mw ii
aud nothing in the atmospheue.
-TflEitE are women in thisylace who
flirt on the street when they ought to bo
at the wash-tub," said a pneacher at
Daleville, Pa., and during the week
nearly every single woman in town called
on him and said it was none of his busi
ness. He was hittiAg at only two.
The other day a philanthropic lady
found the following appeal among her
usual grist of begging' .letters: "Dear
Madam Will you help ne to get a po
sition as teacher, to support myself and
two little ones? Also tell me where I
can buy a parrot 1 year old."
It is authoritatively atated that the
don has proved that a speed of twenty-
four miles an hour is practicable.
There are
before tbe House of
( UAM mmw nfhal' Kmtiall
uaiUBWD3 iroiu juuj v,u. ....
cities for rapid transit rail-ways on tne
same plan. t
A oun man with small fqet was tbe
last person to leave a friend's bonse
after a social entertainment in 1 ewiston,
Me. The only pair of rubbem that be
could find proved to be badly -.matched
a No. 6 and a So. 11. He -wore tbe
small one, and tbe other still awaits a
It has been calculated that the elec
tromotive force of a bolt of lightning is
alnmt 3.r00,000 volts, tbe current about
14,000,000 amperes and the time to be
one-twenty thousandth part of a second.
In such a bolt there is an energy of
J,4r0,000.000 watts, or 3,284,12 horse
power. A Sykaccse street car horse, which
got into the habit of kicking tvas tied
in a stall and a bag arranged for him to
practice on. He began at 7 in the
morning and kicked until 11 :35 "without
a let up, and then, broken-bearded and
disgnested with man's ways, he fell on
his side and yielded up his life.
A Nevada paper wants convicted mur
derers dropped into tbe shaft of a mine
iu that State which is 89G feet deep.
It says that a person falling will lose all
consciousness after descending 400 feet,
and the death to be found at the bottom
of the shaft will be entirely painless
and without any chance of bungling as
on a gallows.
There are no less than five
eries aside from Koch's for the
cure of
consumption, and all by reputable phy-
"" "d P.ved of "f.
predicted by medical men that within
ten years consumption will hardly be
known in the civilized world. Tbe
discovery made by a Detroit physician
ranks, in the professional mind, almost
on a par with Koch's.
On Feb. 8, 1862, tbe island of
Roanoke in North Carolina was taken
by the Uuited States troops under
Major-General Burnside. Roanoke
Island, the scene of hir Walter Kaleigb's
original colonization scheme, was the
key to all the defense of Norfolk. "It
unlocked two sounds, eight rivers four
canals, and two railroads.
Tkk a slice of tbe United States as
larcre as Ireland, makiiur New York and
; Brooklyn the eastern boundary.and forty
tenants are evicted from dwellings and
farms for every one in Ireland. New
York alone turns out 100,000 non-paying
tenants a year, and all are poor peo
ple. Brooklyn evicted 53,000 last year.
"Pay, or go," is the motto here as well
an in Ireland."
There are thonsands of wives and
mothers in New York who make ends
mCfji, by sewing on overalls that pay 75
cents, shirts 60 cents, vests 95 cents,
trousers $3, flannel shirts 1 a dozen.
They are obliged to tind their own
thread for the overalls and shirts and
carry tbe work to and from tbe bhop.
If they take a street car one-tenth of
their earnings is gone.
Ix New Mexico the total number of
cattle is 1,810,000, valued at $25,000,
000; horses, 80,750: burrow's, 41,500;
J mules, 5,180. The number of yearling
steers that can b -hipped daring IWf
VMA990- fe?p " ssawtr ef
698, 500 ara for sale and ready for ship
ment In Arizona there are 41,961
horse, 2,37 mules, 837,500 cattle and
4,945 hogs.
A RrssiAK civil official reports to the
government that in January ha saw a
pack of wolves estimated to number
2,000, and that half an hour later he
saw another pack about 500 strong, all
seemingly in good condition and pre
pared to devour anything eatable which
might come handy. Ha adds, as a sort
of an apology for making the report,
that he was up a tree when he saw the
In England's large cities after the
holiday seasons the shops all hold what
are called "Rummage Sales." In New
York similar sales are held, but in one
of the great stores the much-tumbled,
much-marked down articles are put on
an immense table and marked ''Odd
ments." Women hang over them day
in and day out like bluebottles over
molasses. We do love to get much for
little in this world.
Si'ferstitiun controlled many .jf the
actions of fleinrich Schliemann, the
great Germau traveler. It was a rule
of his to always pull on the right leg of
his trousers first; and he believed that
if he chanced to unwittingly reverse the
process, bad luck was certain to attend
him on the day when he did so. He
would pause half an hour on his way
rather thau walk under a ladder, and he
invariably ate his boiled eggs from the
small end.
An old soldier of the Massachusetts
Thirty-fifth Regimeut gives the follow
ing advice regarding cold feet: "At
one time while I was stamping on the
ground, in the eflort to warm my ex
tremities, a comrade in the same regi
ment said to me, 'If your feet are cold
try this.' He raised his foot from the
ground, and struck some light blows
with his hands'on the upper part of his
leg, just above the knee. I did the
same with both legs, and instantane
ously felt a flow of warm blood cours
ing downward, and the feet soon be
came comfortably warm."
The court in Algiers has acquitted a
man who murdered his wife on the
mere suspicion of her infidelity, it being
adjudged that she had conducted her-
' self with enough unwarrantable freedom
to excite bis spirit of vengeance. M.
Oinessa. the murderer,
a Corsican by
birth, and an Algerian journalist by
profesniou, was told that bis wife, also
a Corsican, had been receiving atten
tion from an army officer. On coming
home he ucensed his wife and she de
nied bis charges, but admitted that she
bad "been to see the man," whereupon
he shot her, and, rushing to the officer's
bouse shot him. His acquittal was
loudly applauded by the good people of
Bona, the city of his deed.
A pretty story about the good heart
of the Yountr Emperor of Germany is
goiajc the rounds of the court circles of
Berlin. During a recent dinner at the
house of Herr Ton Kotze, Master of Cer
emonies at the Imperial Court, Count
Eulenberg told his Majesty of a young
music teacher in Carlsbad who had lost
her piano in the late flood. The girl
was poverty-stricken by her loss, as the
piano was her only means of earning her
daily bread. Tbe story touched the
kind nature of Emperor William and he
at once proposed to take up a collection
for her benefit. Placing 100 marks on
a plate, he passed it around the table
and quickly secured enough money to
purchase the young woman a new piano
and to Rive her a fresh start in life. It
is needless to add that the young woman
is now a "schwaermerin" for his Maj
Kaiu' Horn Gives
Its Weekly
SMALL tempta
tions are -extra
. dangerous.
L.OVE is always
the trainer by be
ing tested.
No one can
know Christ who
is not like Christ.
Failure is al
ways next door
neighbor to suc
cess. .
God always
runs to meet the
sinner who repents.
If you look wrong you will be sure to
step wrong.
Nothing scares the devil -like amove
to the front.
Hehsay religion is never ery at
tractive to anybody.
No max can be truly brave who is not
trying to be truly good.
Walking backward toward God is a
matter of impossibility.
No max is true to God who is false to
himself or his neighbor.
A 0001 j many people would say more
if they didn't talk so much.
No max can ever forgive himself for
having been untrue to God.
No max is a real hero until he is will
ing to stand alone with God.
Wuexevkk God lifts a man up ' he
gives him something to stand on.
The moment a Christian quits look
ing right he quits walking right
Ik we Lai to be judged by one an
other no sinner would go to Heaven.
The Christian religion is the only re
ligion that sends out missionaries.
God is continually looking for people
who can be trusted with prosperity.
The time when we most need faith is
when things look black all around us.
The devil never has any power to
scare us as long as we keep him behind
God's work is most hindered by the
people who are unfaithful in little
"Cold as ice is nice for lemonade,
but not a good thing for a church mem
Light was the first thing God created,
and it is His first gift to every heart
Gon will not give any soldier am
munition who is not willing to tro into
Poor, digestion has a good deal to do
with the devil's success in some places.
If it wasn't for its light nobody would
ever find out that the sun ihas spots on
A discouraged man is one of the sad
dest sights that angelB ever have to look
A great many people are gloomy be
cause they believe all their joys are be
hind them.
The man who can not respect himself
has only one more step to take to fall
into the pit.
Aged Millionaire And you refuse
me? Miss Beauti I am sorrv. air. but
I cannot be
mnot be yoar wife,
too old?' -Kojit
. .. . "' - -i
"Isitbccatue I
ia becaavt joa
rt att eldtrt
Our favorite authors are Russians and Poles,
And German our barbers and tailors.
We drink English breakfast tea with our
French rolls.
And our ships man with polyglot sallow.
Our maids are all Irish, Italian our cooks,
Our laundrymen almond-eyed Chinamen.
But great Caesar's ghost, Just think how It
To have anything strictly American.
Nearly AU of Them Marry YotBg- Without
Leaf EnfacrmenU.
The daughter is a great pet in Rus
sian families, perhaps because there arc
generally more sons than daughters.
Tako the younger members of the im
perial family as an example, and we find
twenty-two grand dukes and only seven
grand duchesses: and this may be stated
to be about the average proportion in
most families. The necessity for men in
the rural districts as assistants in tlio
agricultural labors of their fathers has
given rise to a saying, "One son is no
son; two sons are half a son. but three
are a whole son.'
Notwithstanding the pride and satis
faction with which the birth of a boy is
hailed, tho little girl is the darling, the
object of the tenderest affection and care
of parents and brothers, not speaking ot
other adoring relatives. Much is not '
expected of her iu the way of asitaucu ,
in iuu muni, sua is iiiuucu us mi a-
their means and circumstances permit,
and she takes it quietly and as her due,
but it is rarely that she does not volun
tarily and tacitly contribute her share in
helping her mother. Her occupations
are much about the same as those of ail
European girls, but parish work in Rus
sia cxiateth not for her. She can not
have classes at Sunday schools, as relig
ion is taught by priests or deacons.
It would be thought quite extraordi
nary and improper were a young unmar
ried girl to visit the sick or poor in towns,
but in villages it is sometimes done under
the direction of mamma or grandmamma
She is undoubtedly fond of pleasures,
likes to be well dressed, and generally
adores dancing. Music is not the Rus
sian girl's forte, nor is solo singing.
Most of the institutkas, though they
thoroughly understand the theory of
music, play like a child of 12. Of course
there are exceptions; but it is seldom
you find a girl able to play a quadrille,
or polka off-hand.
Uirls marry very young in Russia, and
there are ery few of those most esti
mable individuals called old maids.
There are no colonies for tho Russians
to run away to, and statistics show that
the births of boys much exceed those of
Long engagements are not approved
of; they seldom last longer than a few
months, during which time the fiancco is
the mistress of the house. Her girl friends
assemble to help sew the dowry, tho
sewing afternoon generally ending iu a
dance after tea, when the bridegroom
drops in with a few bachelor friends.
Another wedding is thus often arranged,
and so on, little by little, till, like the
fifty-one cards in the gamo of "old
maid," they pair off, and ono, generally
of the sterner sex, is left forlorn.
Tli Frostratine Kliocka
Of malarial fever are not to be counteracted by
quinine with sy degree of certainty, or for any
length of time. Tne eradication and prevention
ot diseases of a miasmatic type are, however,
ascertained possibilities. Long experience has
shown that there is infinitely more proentive
efficacy in the fine botanic medicine, Hostetter's
Stomach Blters, than in the alkaloids, druga
and roisons which were formerly the only rec
ognized means of remoing and anticipating
attacks ot fever and agueaml bilinns remittent.
When the system has been ili-plett-d by period
ically recurrina paroxysm, this aurrea'de re
storative rentws the fund of energy nud in 11 t
only a rositive specific, but repairs tlw damage
to the general health inflicted by all .'ebri'e com
plaints partaking ot the malarinT character.
Discourtesy Didn't Pay.
Courtesy generally pays large returns
and tli- lack of it often entails serious
loss. Tho will of Jonathan Scoville,
recently defeated, bequeaths S25.000 to
the KulTalo Academy of Fine Arts, hut a
codicil revokes the bequest. Last Janu
ary Mr. Seoville sent to the academy a
present of several handsome, pieces of
Matuary which was not acknowledged.
He waited a month, and then, angered
at the -Hence of the academy
made tin todicil. In thi case
of thanks would hae been a
letter of credit.
a letter
Not Run for .Iccitiuiiiftilittl n.
Lounger (in saloon) "Ever notice
that thee aloou ain't like other pl.tces
of business?"
l-'ellow Lounser "In what way?"
"No water cooler in the corner, with
nice little dipper and all that.'
Barkeeper (taking a hand in the Ii
fiiSMoni -"Eer notice that people ain't
in the habit f coming into saloons when
they want a drink of water? What do
yotiwiMi, gentlemen?"
Said ono lady: "I wish my children looked
as blight ami heultliy as yours do." Ko
plioJ tins other lady: "Mine would look ju-t
as siukly and puny as yours if I did not 00-e.u-lonally
give them Dr. Bull's Worm
Destroyers." By mall. 25 cents. Johu D.
Park. Cincinnati. Ohio.
When rice: n hor.-c become a bookkeeper?
When he become- a "charger."
When Baby was sick, we gave her C&storla,
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoris,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoris,
When she hsd.Children, she care them Castoris
The Emperor of Japan is a great lover
of art and has established a society for
its promotion. The members include
the most eminent sculptors, painter.-,
lacquer, and weavers of the country.
iViu:N Dobbin's Electric Soap wn firt
made in I-O it o.t t'O cut a ltr. It i
prtchtlu the same ingredient', and quality
notr and rf'i'i' ''"f- I'.v it f your
procer and preserve your clothes. He will
get it.
A 1.AI1V u-lso allowed a dude and a poodle to
tike supper with her, airi they were "purpy-two-at-te.i."
Xacman Indeitcntltnt.
"A traixixc; in cleanliness U a fortune."
Complete your education with SAl'OLIO.
It is a solid cak of couring Soap used for
all cl-anins purposes except tho laundry.
Wnvr there iE in a nnmc Mr. '""hsune is
the President of the Boston Fat Men s Club.
Boston rt.
Best, easiest to use and cheapest. Piso's
Bemedy for Catarrh. By druggists. 50c.
What room would one expect to find in a
castle in the air? A "brown study," to be
sure. Lift.
Xr afflicted with Sore Eyes, use Dr. Issao
Thompson's Eye Water. Drucests seU it. 25c.
A TfcXAS man lied with three wives under
one roof. He was arnsted for disturbing
the peace.
Beecbam's Tills cure Si"k-Headache. court before they are married,
and they must, also, go to court before they
are divorced.
FITS. All Fits RtnppM fre br Dr.Kliue' Ure:tt
Kerre Iteilorer. No H'saHernrhtdtjr'mi-e Ms'-
Velltllta rtifit. 1n.ifii a. ..I OTil fpi,l MtfUfM. fn
ItttcaM. Sndtn! ArthSS-I'hllx-P I
SorMpartlla is the best medicine to take in the
prin. PoMSsiac Just those powers to parity
tbe blood, create an appetite and build up the
system, which nearly everybody needs. Hood's
Sarsaparilla is tbe ideal Spring Medicine. Be sure
to get Hood's, and only Hood's.
Sartaparill wlU do yon an enormous amount
of cooil just now, by purifying your blood nd
buil. imc up your system so that yon will -iiiie
over" the depressing effect of tuifrier weather.
and escape "that tired feeling. to common when
the seasons cba :ge.
SarsapnrilU has by iu po:iUve merit gamed
m-h a hold UDon the confidence ot tbe lhop c
tiiat fiey refuse ev-n tbe mott earnest wu't ts 4 Iwttte ot Hood' S.raparilla contain WW doses
of ilerk"; to try "our owa" or some other nibtl- and w.U!ataiuoti!h.btle otlur rtevaration last
Into medicine, aud flrnily Insist upon having , froji one to two eeka; therefore Hood's Sarsapsr
Uood'a Saraprills. Try it. ' allU combine ecom.iy aud strength.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
FoldbyslldruMisto. ft; six for V. Prepared oaly
bj C. 1. HOOD CO. Lowell. Mas
IOO Doses One Dollar
Sudden Attack.
Boston Citi7en (on his way homo from
church) "Wait outside a moment,
pieasc, Waldonia, while I step into this
drug store and get a cigar."
Vifo of Boston Citizen"! thought
druggists In this town were not allowed
to sell cigars bunday v
Boston Citizen "They aro allowed to
sell them when needed for catarrh. (To
druggist, a few moments later): "Jodes,
give bo a tcd-cedt cigar. Batch, please?
A Consistent IVitnes.
A laughable little story is told of a
woman on tho witness stand in a French
court. Shn was asked her age, and an
swered that she was 30 years old.
"But," said J the magistrate. "Did
yon not tell mc you were 30 when you
appeared before mc two years agoV
"I think it very likely," she replied
smilingly acknowledging her falsehood,
and not at all abashed. "1 am not one
of those women who say one thing to-day
and another thing to-morrow."
TDeafiio4 C it n't If Cured
By local applications, a they ennnot reach thi
diseased portion of tho ear. " Tnerw is only one
way to cure Deafness, and that is by coiiii-:
tlonal remedies. Dcafuegs is caused br nu iu
flanied condition of the mucous llntiii; ot the
Eustachian Tube. When this tuba gets intiained
you have & rumbling s.-nd or imprfect hear
ing, and when it Is entirely closed Deafness is
the result, and utiles th" iiitlatninntion enn bo
taken out and tbia tube restored to its noimil
condition, l.earing will bo destroyed forever;
nine cases out ot ten are caused by caTnrrb.
which is notbiusbut au inflamed condition of
the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
case ot Deafness :(caued by Catarrh) that no
arnnot cure by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure, fee nd
for circulars, free.
F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, Ohio.
aWSold by Druseists. 75c.
An Undeserved Insult.
"To come to bmincss at once, said
the. spokesman, "wo will give you S."0 if
yon will vote as wo desire on this meas
ure." "Gentlemen," replied the alderman
from the 'Steenth ward, his eye ablazo
and his wholo franio swelling with indig
nation, "you insult me beyond the power
of words to express by presuming to
think 1 would sell my vote for S30."
affection of tho Threat from clilMlionl,
causal by diphtheria, and havo used vari
ous rcnicdiei. Lut havo never found any
thing equal to Unow.v'.s Bi'.o.ncui r,
TuoniS-..' fee. G. .If. l Hampton, I'ike
(mi, Ku- Sold only in boxes.
Ukv. Booth's plan of regenerating
"darkest, l-'ngland,"' which he proposes
to introduce in New York, includes the
givinc of supper, bed and breakfast to a
tramp at a coat of 8 cents, in return for
which the tramp is expected to give at
least 8 cent3 worth of work. It will in
quire great strategy to get this much
work out of an Ainercan tramp, but if
Gen. Booth wishes to try It he should be
encouraged by Americans generally.
Tftr fellow who "smiled" in his sletvo had
a "pocket talcon
How Is Your Appetite.
If it is not good
you need a tonic.
Hunger is a sauce
that skives vour food
a flesh -making and
strengthening pow
er. S. S. S. is fa
mous for its health
giving and building
up qualities. It is
the best of all tonics.
W. 9r 9
you enjoy
what you
and cures
you of
Sick Headache, Weak Stomach, Impaired
Digestion, Constipation, Disordered Liver, etc.,
ACTING LIKE MAGIC on the vital organs, strengthening the
muscular system, and arousing with the rosebud of health
The Whole PhvMcal Fncrgy of the Human Frame.
Beech am 's Pills, taken as directed, mill quickly RESTORE
FEMALES to complete health.
Price, 25 cents per Box.
Prepared only by THOS. BEECHAM, 8t Helsas, Lancashire, Ecglani'
FT, AZZEIf CO., Sot Aijmt fnr Vfitnl Sttite.?,0.l JL- 367 al .
vlr ,hn s;rimtr ftrttt'ii't iloct uot
rreeintofvriee hut inquire firrt.
Tutt'sUTrr Fills art as kindly on th
child, tho delicate frmaln or infirm old I
w mm nnon tha lmmua man.
TirH's Pills
grra toaeaad strength tntli wrak stoov
ack, kowcls, kidney and kladder.
Applied into .Nostril." lsCJ'iick'y
Abnrbrd. Oeanres tlio Head.
Heals the Sores aod Cures
fteftorea Tadta and Sra'll.anirk
Jt Relieves Cold in Ht-a-t and
Soulacbr. SOc. a'.Dni.w-u.
ELY BROS- S6 Warreu bt-'.Y.
Pooham's Ajthma S-eciSc
GlvS imnieilfals rello.
It 13 lieUoTdl to bi the
Bsss ASTHMA Remedy
Iwiio n to hnniHtsi'y.
Scml for Trial 1'ackaKe,
SoH by Drccgisti.
j-entbvmail. lostpatd.
er si .J.rVn AddrfSS
TEOS. PUI'HAM. 2001 Bidga Avence. PhUadav.
nanfi llfl-l lAinn MAKE
HUut WtLLo !
Cur Well Machines ars th-mot
Tber Fl IXII W IU wherr
tbera r Ml.' Anjr size. 2
mcA lbcura maiueiri.
FMOIafftllJ?I, iv.iortis
WuKltlitsclon, I. '.
cutea ciaima.
fit? aloe.
aeV'r&3 '
EI5r -?
k!!-ir m
BT JfS CataioKuo
4fe FREE ! '
SanaparlUa is carefully prepared from Saisa
parilla. Dandelion. Mandrake. Dock. Juniper
Berries, and other well-known regetable reme
dies. tTery ingicdlent teinz carefully selected
and every s'ep ot preparaUon being carefully
watched to obtain tbe best pocsi ble result.
Sarsaparilla will cure, when In tbe power of
r.itdiclU". Scrofula. Salt ltlieuiu. ScaUlhtad. Sorest
B01N. i'lmiile. all Humor-.. Dyivpia lUUou.
ue-s. Sick llea.lmht?. Indirection. General Debil
ity. Catarrh. Malaria. lthcuuiatim. Kidney and
Liver Complaints.
Sar"pnrllTn is thi only medicine ol
-I0 lx-ei. Cue IolIr" can truly be raid.
Fold bv all dnisgtst. ft; six for W.
1 C. 1. HOOD .t CO. Lowell. Msas.
IOO Doses One Dollar
The Soap
is Lenox.
( As a Flesh Producer there caa fee J
no question bat that
2 Of Pure Ccd Liter Oil and Hypophospbitcs
j Of Lime and Soda (
' is without a rival. Many, have (
gained a pound a day by the use f.
of it, Zt cures
EASES. -." l'AI.AT4Ur.K A ?IILK.
I lie sure tjoit net th genuine its there are I
t poor inittlo)i3.
Grand Palace Hotel
81 lo 103 N.Clark SU
J8f3"Fonr nilnutes from
Court Hoii'.e. Jtoiii" .t
withlr. Traiislcntrt VJo
up. Anienoau ami fu
mitean plaus. Kveks-
TH1.NU Nl.W.
klllnEtrateJ Hainl Hook free.
9 AVashini: ton. !.-.
I".eao mention this Paper every time jou write.
TifftliaS''Sl.nor.rlw:f la MSr inflA
lAuUmilfcriai 1ILI fr- ISKtl I IUUT
Talu. TllOHA UHaSTSirT lO TAlUBi, n
Gained 44 Pounds.
Mr. James J. SIcCallcy, of
Monet, Mo., saj-3 ho had
dyspepsia for eight years,
which wade him a wreck,
sick and suffering during
the whole time. After try
ing1 all tho remedies, includ
ing all the doctors in reach,
ho discarded everything and
took Swift's Specific. Ho
increased from 114 to 158
pounds and was soon ft
sound and healthy man.
St.. Xeut
kern thein) trill mail Brechatit's 1'illsoyi
i ' f cfli .vt mi
i &
9 "W -A Tt.
3 Streoige indeed Mif s .
-iC; i:i CI AQni 1 r a.tair.ttM
ft ." Jki"fc everything so brihh bub
"A needle citfties obhers,a.nd is itselj:
What folly it -ouM be to cut prasa with a pair of Bcis3ors! Yet peo
ple do equally silly things every day. Modern progress lias grown up
from the 'hooked sickle to the swinging scythe and thence to the lawn
mower. So don't use scissors!
But do you use SAPOLIO ? If you don't you are as much behind the
ajje as if you cut grass with a dinner knife. Once thero wero no soap?.
Then one soap served all purposes. Now the sensible folks use ono boap
in the toilet, another in the tuo, one
A. II . - a. 1 1 rli f n rl An t -a Vi
tor all ootiring aud house-cleaning.
PISO-.S KEMEIiV FOi: C-ATAi:niI. Dt. Eas!e5t to nsa.
I heaped. llk! is lai'iietltatc. A euro is ceruui. for
C old in tlie lleail it lias no 'j'S.ii.
ar atdaSSI
It is :in Ointment, of rliHi .1 small particle is applied to the
nostrils. Price, one. SoM 1-y ilrugcts or sent by mail.
Adrtrrv. K. T. IIaxkltine. Warren. Pa.
jra -ti
Ladlra.'uc C'iej"'t far Mfft Mnjl1
t ! -a!i
t' r't""- Ta!icK9tkrLlaS.
L 'M i
aaa, tS Ae, h l'm 'r.f rirf.f't't.
r. i ;- .. tarM
a lilr''
urxts szaz
We hare selected two r
Croup. threeline$ from letters;.
freshly received from pa- -.:,,
rents who have given German Syrup . .
to their children in the emergencies .; ;
of Croup. You will credit these,.;--.-,
because they come from good, sub- ;
stantial people, happy m finding: .-,.
what so many families lacka med- -;- .
icine containing no evil drug;, .which; . ,
mother can administer with "cn- .....
fidence to the little ones in their -.:
most critical hours, safe and surc
that it will carry them through.
Ed. L. WiCuts, of '.Mr. Jas.W. Kirk,
Alma. Neb. I rie it paughtera toueg.
to my children when
Harrodsbunr, Ky.
troubled with Croup.
and never saw any
preparation act like
it. It is simply mi
have depenecd upo
it in attacks of Crouft,.
with tny little danga
ter. and find it sn ia-
aluable remedy.
Fullv one-half of our customers
are mothers who useBoschees Ger
man Syrup among their children '
A medicine to be successful with the
little folks must be a treatment- for -,
the sudden and terrible foes of child- .
hood, whooping cough, croup, diph
theria and the dangerous inflamma
tions of delicate throats and lungs. 9
S3 SHOE oenAe.
9C.OO Pennine rwcil. so rlrfcint and
' w NtvishIre-s,IiiK illicit coiuiucnd" Itself.
Vyf.OO Hai!.I -u-.t V.ctU A ttnucalt Shoe un-
rqualftt torMvl niitl tlurnbUitr
SH ; VcltlHthobtanilarild sSho
I O t popular ,n f ..
1 00 I'olu'emuii'H he M especially saavteiS
O lorrailroTil men. tarmr.. etc
AH mi t in IV.usri'-, llnttoii and Lare.
IS4M) for l-(!i'. is 1I1.- only liaiHl-.owctl bboai
O sold at tint :Himlar iirlrr
SAJO liiKI.i,liMrrJilieHiB.'nc.'n depart-
unr ami prolines f I'Cfoine rv popular,
f 80.0 Msot for Iji.I.o-. ami SH.1.1 t'r ."ll-e9
I a htUlntiKiili'ir ci'rllcncolrbt)lc.ctc.
All irootU warratitfj antl fttampeil with nalne on
iKittoiu. IT ailverUKpa locu su-nt ciniio. Mippif
j-ou. M'Dil illrect to Lictorr. Intloslna a.UerUoa
V. I- Dl :r.A. itrorlctoii. iMass.
.INTI" S1mk Pealer In every eitr ami town
not (vciipiccKto tako oitlu-lvn aerni'v. All asnta
7ertl6.Uiuli.iliair. fccmUorillust'dcaUIogua.
Breakfast Cocoa
from hlch th ecf at Oil
Iia bt 1 n 1 1 cd,
la al'ioltttrlji pure anS
it is soluhie.
Xo Chemicals
artt'til in it preparation. It
hr.s -ore than t.'ire times thm
sturgtlt of foroa. mlsrd with
t-tarcli. Arrowroot or Suirar,
ond Is tl'eicfcie far more eco-
nncilral, cctihtj less than on
cenitttup. Hisdellclous.nour
' lshlntr, itrcn6tlicning, xasiLT
riaiSTED, uud admirably adapted for Invalids
as well as for persons In health.
Sold by firorers eierynbers.
W. BASER & CO.. Dorchester. Kajt.
TtR A NE-lMr.t4.R nit.1. nt n by tta
ielJrii'el States, all of taotoUowina arUdsii. car-
I aha
. tul'r packed
13 eta.
I One cake of Vaseline S ;. undented ... ..... W .
I Onecakeof Vaeliriesu.a'i-lte vvenreaa
One to-onuc botUe ot WUite Vasollns
' on.
Or. ferpnttage utamrt. anv -jt "??2 "f, lSl
nanied On no nrount ft peirutled to accept from
yZTZruMM an r.i"H or -proration Tefr
unltx-i Itbtleil tcU.1 ourmintr.i
ClaMbruaila .Hfa Co- a Stat St- .X.
Dr. WOOD, sfociwftiowii.
Kenular Grailuuto in Med!ctn 3
irurs luifi'ttiil ami prlvtl prattle
O iii Ucao ami Xtw 1 era Ks
.tHlillslii'd iu ifux Ciljr Mm
IVr.irs Uct'.lltro.itlSitBlli'rlvto.
'Nfrinin. (.'Iironlr anil Sn'-lal
'lieuse. Spar rm at r r It .r-a.
kvmiiui u.3L-nfM (mo'it lse IiiinolcncT
(t'uintinwil -f'irT). ZB'l all "nn:ilt tliori.
frrriuMnri" etc. t:ir-( sirRnt-rl or
moiifv rrfuntieil ClmrifC fair. Trrma
ruHli. Airland PTrlPnro nn- lni:rtiint.
jiirlnii. mcdliiu.'s uert Xo tints "it rrnn work or
f.n-.ln- I'ntlcnts at a (lltanc Ueatd tiymall
Villtia jf lit ereru'th'T Jree from out' "" t-aij-'13'
M.ife ti-j-ir ciue ami pnd for ,ilnrn iiml
trrmi n!iltat:m atrldly cnttdi'iitlnl. p-roRr
nlir i.rbrlrtter-Dr. WOOD ha tlu Iazf
Jlfdwal aiil Siirtrlral Inatituto unl h.rm
ami Intlnnary In tir t t.viw t'T
lintliMit at f.ilrrtff. facllltlo to m-t any vmee-
zviii't 4 iinirt iinmo nmt rx.r rure anu ki r
M'H's during
xiatiiro fori
in -. s VUlt-L llflljli" nil'l ir-. nil . .-..- - -
uiWs rliirln? Prrgiumru ami i'onjlntment f-'"l. 'J-lift-
for lliuntratMl KMK and .MLDICAf.
(PMDtloi mis ualiL-r
na uiBia.Kri. if- - .. y.-,,-
JBDRGCHAIR.l!al'nk i
Wo ratal) at th. 1-mn.t
IiImmI. Una
vKnlnat lartory prirti.
.' I I
msia Btxtp munm V D9 It
pud for on tlUTry Ir"
ll Mtma for CU-
TO Hisr.
.-rrrm. tia
loCU. Aamyu'ifinrHL
E.UUCEO lire- co.. n Jt. ft at. rui..r
in' S100.00 in
.r-t.nnni a-.j-v!
iSHTtart' ami r-
5HiizTS h? ;r s
sossmtnt Old- r pay-
ti 'it luorttii' ai .tn
estimated cot of J. Ketiutabto
men and wonion can srurc hi, oral coin-pon'-atioii.
Artflre M. McIHTYa
Supreme Manager, No. J02S Arcli Street.
Philadelphia, Pa.
--. -v r - - - No. ls-ot
soap m me Biawea, u jji vixvr
Diamond Braxd
Th'aalr Rafa. Sa.aB4..(..r..
Mtnifvl rii Is tr- fij iM4 r '!,
M X U- ilr. yCi
ai aCll aaaaaaaK&l" !,! LifllffS
Mil i. 1. ni
-Ml j 5
nr m
mm I iu
k.ian.nnnnlinlt'aof Pllr8 TaSSllD. .......
Vw two-ounce lottln Va.elln Pomada.... m
Onsjarof Vieli"e !d Cream. g
vr hf9
ukssssv ''WKivivssiswf.'i rw i
w," "aivjtoi.itfgff
' 4
: . .'