as' . c ; ' - -,r - - ,r - - --' -' v - - -'i,-'a4't'oa --- s - MMMJJm. WIMM- . . . V Isnsnasnst B sbsIms Yit TfnT V IMPk7 "1 MMWlM . -- - v . - ,,-., !&&? 3f--ZX - - . m.k; turners co. zzT ssf. l.t w , .pc tw KWH.t "tLcTjr iiiiiB V9V09'VilViVvS . . 7TgTw.. -, - to riffcto, Mi ly tk. ganmi. tober, wkM tke fruit w ioM. fro c ,, tb KtkWni nJ. I'A!!!"!. llllllllllllllllBmllH fltlW . M. fll I ll 1 W'k V - 9 " : wS UUm.- S (- tW pO. .-iW twoortluMtiM.tte e( 0'i.t 1 .iiJ- B f i V-WS I I ! V m &. y JN: The !! taT i- Bjthwc MTa will OM tlM Ci s -- aa a mt,) boat EvtqMaMUiCMt eM add hi mita to the olatiaa of Um tsjls sshjIBryHpafcCwJ 4ftrr ' ' f SIED TOTfTOES .BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa. W:' K ASD :M oUixfwiJiTkl El : r ':& . wJ ' a. - M v.. esaft fssmily 1 "- " - ,;- waei H:- -:ft. ' r ri ib ' IMMlaV J JiS - - . daaaAemsBBW dJLsjjsmSsBWal . -.- ., r f. J-"rrrTZL -i - u actiel o-tlu y r. r. rderopiry,7.Mti-il1: . ,,,-:.., ..w tUkfiw ! Dimd Dowty'. dnur atora, flVBT AiT.T. TOYTTrTR f 59SSRZMirMkr vii. nfNnHhlk: utM mtIW jrovtli M fnitiMr.rMHM -T - ..-.-s ii. ",, Nnkrui 80e MM SL -. . V7 - r- BBbV BBBBlBw BBBBBB9WBI - MkBBfl4c WK ir-lSffSSfiris iOT, U. & aiaiater at Japaa, diad at TolpOtlPiillliy Mf JaOaiaaaara afflicted witkwaat taay call taa -dry" grip policy 'of taia ooaatay. laaatSicc ... Hcith of Paakody, attacked aad kilted by a da- bmlL ' Taaa-va Tiaitad bj in, aad aroaarty worlk tBOflOO, iaaarad. agan- an) ardar aUotriaff taa aahatmant ia um U. S. ariy of 1,000 Iadiana. aaaa ooataiittaa on iinaaoa hvf ttaaSaO,000 for taa aapport aftaKahraakanatioaalgaard. taa New York from OH, aaa aaichaaad a aawapaaar plaat, xtaagraaiagFoat, at Oolaabma, O. - mmitiOxvhL, ataaafer of taaWflaon 'raaaa, Iwaaa, Taa killed Charlea Gaa taatl ia taa raaawal of an old quancL g ttTtarn1" aaook waa fait ia va riaaaaartaof taa atato of Waaaiagtoa, TaaadayUat waak,bat no daaugawaa WxaotiaatbatGooBcU Biota ia atOl raa of dipbtbana, a cuaaaaa baaa praralant tbara aevaral Oab F. O. Gux of Oanton, & D-,eora- auttad aaicida at Bioax City, Wadnaa- -day. Loaa of mumey is given aa tbe Jcimk John R. Bbadt of tbe N. Y. aopraaaa court died Monday. He waa ia ata aaaal good health Sunday and attended caarch. Aim a long debate, the Kansas leg- defeated the proposition of the of the prohibitory amend t, by a vote of 72 to 27. Gk. Xoaeux, coemiaekmer of Indian , adTieea the government to die i taa Tadiaaa aad gives many reaaona ia aapport of auch a eonrae. fUvwmmxK, at Broken Bow, who ia aadereenteace to be hanged April 14th, tried to commit suicide the other day, bat waa prevented by the sheriff. Jczmb Tkatkb, at St. Loais, decided tbat the Uaited States district court baa fall jurisdiction is the Wyman case to teat the validity of the XcKinley tariff law. It ia taoagat that CoL Wattereon ia eerertiy bnnwiar Wrn. B. Morrison of iforthe presideacy. The democ racy eeald go farther aad fare very much . Katie Stuff, called "Aunt Ks taa," taa oldest resident of Greencaatle, died raoeatly at the age of 98 She had aot tasted water since aha was a little giri. Itsar Wadaaaday the treaaary depart seat rsdesased 49,400, AH par cent heads. Of the 148MIP oaaeaa of aU et elated tor sale to the departsMnt, WMWaaaeaawara hoaght alders of St Loaie are foraatriha for higher wagea a gaaevaladjaataMatof grieraaosa 1. aad there is danger that tbe eatfta will spread to other cities. - of war has directed tU of the ordoaaas depot at aad the transfer of the atone aad enlisted thereto the Book lalaad arsenal all aad aredM shosdd U ia all theataees ao that waald aot hava aa advaatafa K M.l mmkmw iimmH -a i lor a rseoaat otthCvotea on the . saiaiaa.t, to taa ooauut- La aa eoastitatioaal aaMadsasnta 'and k01elw the Taylor, biU. rA tbecaaeeoftbaire it great leaaaf property of k Biahardm at a bay apaattiag a caaotvar. istheosaaeotatreaad Am, ssjrplaa aabscriptioaa to the faad taataat a state to the lata General vriU bo tnraed over to the gea TJader these dreajaataa- iB.Eaowaigivef200; other. i he weald have given hat $1,000. aad door factory ia Otaa down Tharaday eight, 85,000 iaaaraaea. The employment to forty f"&ffialkn rsrr-- -- aaraad traa daatroyad. -- ImmhtBmbwi aaa lamed t " awiHBSMSP -r.'c fMaajB. Tfillai I Fioharifana it frmaha. aaaasaaa aassi BBiBBaBBmja; a laaa af SMQyQOO. aaBamsai f-1 ' ? --v - Mrtwii.iiiiii alarka, book keepers, 4-v" .' Taseaaasoftheareisaotkaown. 1 Tj V '0 daath Maw Ojileeas Qatm iay, at m mr "X-"" W9f'fW' am6TW P3 asBBBRBBt - Jr"i-"- . rf,"E & JXbbbM- BBBBBBBBBBBvW'4sBBJW.HBaBBaaimBaja avaam BgPjv : mStinL stHf f" "' Baafsa3L'.4-r-s- VB,tl,wJiiJ?v BMBsiBsp. -Vir5- aajBssaslBs aBOa'Dass '.aaarpaaaaaeara BssssmBttS t J&i ' sp.,. - .y --, HHHr- - - - gftto BaspjM'ta BsaBlll '- Am of aa wttksU oa-taia aatMt uy r. r. Witoa, of Norfolk: Olaaat onlar to ba a jarfect or le 11 '! - - ao ae- c. j tj aonaptaTila anf infT iatafa I aaa psrlsctrepcsssatatoreoreaa- fiwUM -- mueesxiissMLiiii. boaght aad sold; that ia,rt aast be aer; vieaable ia carrying on the eammeroe of this nation with tae wona ss weuaa aasoag oaraalvaa. - --' ,4 , It mast also i ap r issat a eVamte aad, amaeensw W-m - - a a. a aa aearly aa possible, aa awchangeabie mIb. Ad aaaa. it sameient in aaaatity to aapply the dea J of each a nature at volameoan be regalated to corraapaad with the volume of business. Its vol mme mast aot be aader the control of aaymnnoraet of men or permitted to varyfcc:ordinf to the abilitr or disposi tion ot iadividaalB to produce it. as w tho ease now with gold. In other word, ve mast, if we' would nave seen a cur rency, comply with the spirit of the con- sajtatas anevauow ua mftiuwmuAmi to Vsciia Boasy that w, tomne monsy, aad the goreremeat most issue itac- to some oeaaiie mw wma regm t dietated or controlled by tbe of oM mines or ailvar ballioa. Bat how to obtain aaah a omnaney is the dmaealt problem to aolve. Tbose who feel disposed are invited to critioUe tho foUowmg auggeetione which it ia be beved, if pat in operation, vaU furnish a erewjy that will meet tbe demands above enamerated,a aearly asaayaya- timaVa VAfc BBMssfrnfsTsBatsml. Lstcongrees enact a law making real aetata, or rather, first mortgage bonds on real sstate, the basis of our currency; that is, let the government, instead of havin sold and silver, buy in the mar- ketat the market prioe, first mortgage bonds oa real eatata, issued in such man ner and form aa oongress shall direct, tbe bonds not to exceed an abaolately safe proportion of the value of tbe real estate erdesive of perishable improve SMnta. Let these bonds be payable to tbe government or order and subject to redemption by the mortgager under reasonable regulations an subject to foreclosure and sale by the government on failure to pay interest. Let congreBo determine the amount of money needed to carry on tbe baaineas and commerce of tbe nation, sey,for ex ample, $40 per capita, then authorize and require the treaaary department to issue tbe notes of the government to that amount. These ffovernmeat notes met be pat in circulation only by the purcnase ox inese uret mortgage uuwm. Let a aniaoient amount of these govern ment notes thus be put in circulation aa will increase the volume of money to roe amount per capita fixed upon, and aa our present currency is gradually re tired, supply its place by the purchase of more bonds. That these notes may be current the world over, they must be convertible into the world's currency, gold and eilver, not necessarily into coin,, but into gold and silver in such shape and quantity aa is found most conven ient, perhaps in bars or blocks. Let the notes then read on their face tbat the United States of America will exchange a certain number of grains of gold or silver for this currency on de mand at its treasury in Washington, and tbat the notes are secured by first mortgage bonds on real estate. Let tbe government stop the further coinage ot gold and silver, unless it would be to supply small change, and cast into bars the gold and silrer now in its vaults and that may not be kept or needed in circulation, and hold the bars, or ao much aa is needed, in the treasury to supply the demand that may be made for them. If it shall lie found necessary for the government to provide more gold and silver than it has at any time in its vaults, it can go in the market and buy tbe metals at their market price. 'The demand for gold and adver would be very alight, and only for the purpose of foreign trade; for paper ia more conven ient and desirable than gold for or dinary money purposes. But suppose for any cause" there should be a special demand for more gold than the govern ment had in its vaults, what then? Let the government borrow gold frost Lon don or elsewhere and assign these'real estate bonds aa security, and at leisure redeem them. The apparent results of such a mone tary system are many; the suggestion of a ff-w at this time will be snnfeient. 'At 10 per capita the currency of the x&:ion wouia oe over ouu,uw,uuu The government would become a com petitor among .moaey loaners, and inter est would be greatly reduced, just bow much cannot be said, but it is reasonable to suppose that it would be reduced to four per cant at least. The rate of interest payable to the government would be substantially uni form throughout the United States, which would tend to make interest on private loans also uniform. The revenue to the government by the payment of interest woidd lesson taxa tion and assist greatly to defray tbe ex pease of the government. At four per cent itVould be $100,000,000 annually. It would save the vast expense ot min ing and coining gold aad silver for money purposes; Lst us go a atop further. To prevent the money kings from oornenng the money, 1st the government also bsoome a bank of deposit, a savings bank, aad receive deposits, paying a small rate of interest to the depositor, and issuing its debenture bonde or negotiable certi fioatea ot deposit, payable on, say tea days notice. When a fiaaaaial oraue is threatened, tbe banks or others who have these certificates of deposit can ob tain moaey on demand u taa aovern meat has the mosey on band, and if not; than ia such time aa may be rea.uirad.for the government to borrow the necessary asaount, which can lie dona on these real aetata bonde. But the ability to avert a financial crisis will prevent the threatening of each a crisis: We would thus have a currency Mas good as gold" everywhere. The consti tutional cuaraaty- that congress shall pass no tew 'impairing the obligation ot contracts will make thk money mora than mare fiat money. The real eatata of the nation is bound to convert thie Bgmcy Tate the currency of the world if aaceeaaryvuad only the destruction of tbe national constitution or the sad of the world can nuke worthless tbe aaoaey At Kilgore, a email miaiag town Bear CattletUborg, Ky there was a daaee Thursday Bight. A quarrel arose, over a young woman present; suddenly a shot waa fired, and a panic resulted. Between 50 and 150 shots ware fired, and the shots ceased oaly when tbe ammuni tion wae'exhaueted. Six men were bad ly wounded aad three ot them are aot expected tolive. The "bloody grouad" iaaotod for ita many sosbss of violence; how would it do for the general-government to disarm them, after the ladies Woax has begun on tbe Jrst world'e faJrhsjiUiag ia Jackson park atCaica ga ttwiUbeotbriek,twastermihuB, In it wiU be turn fire- mwhieh to beep the at The latea earlier era amat food ia the soil sad fertilizers store readily available, aad -ia a vast number of cases will prove the xaaissiar liak" needed to complete the chain of profitable work ia tiffing " i MM soa.-KebrBjto Farmer. laatea We have aot at thie writing ed if the bill became a law, but it ia cer tainly high time all just chums were paid. Whea the froatieremaa loses hie stock, it is usually what he baa gathered with much labor, for a stert ia fits, aad when the goveramenV!SaSM aroma stock to the Indiana, aa a partaf a teaaty there fa ao excuse f or ast paytag taa settler that lost the stack Our information is totheeiisJt.that, tan hiH aaa ia all lwobairor iBMeeto a Uw7anr'ihutclaiBui for damagea mace 1865- will be adjusted aad paid. We hone this may be true as there are nmay. auJatata all over aha country, iariediai ourselves, who have baaa aiaatfallj kept out of just dues, by neglect of gov ernment to attend totamamtter.-Mon roe Ixkiag Glass. Got. Joem M. Pa U. & senator from nhaois, Wadaaaday, on the 151th ballot The contest con sumed more than fifty days aad coat the state, it is said, $100XL Aad thus it goes. For nearly hundred yeara, we aftve. baaa baaiag many of our govern iMntai theories unoa a distrust of the people (the Common" people, ao-calwd, and everybody who has glibly uaed the phrase, has of oourse meant thereby somebody slee than himself.) Theaear erwe can coma to first ariaaiples the better will it be for all concerned, and now let us provide for the election of U. a senators by the people, and save much ot the eapeaee, bssides scoring one against the ' exploded' theory that tbe people cannot govern themselves. t Tax diUculty with the farmer is that his products go up in price when he has Uttleor nothing toseU. When he has an abundant crop prices are low, but all the while waaes remain the same. Taxes keep on in the even tenor of their way. Interest on debts gets in its work twenty-four hours a day and 565 days in the year: Salaried officere experience no reduction ot their income. Railroads charge the same freight when products are low as when they are high. Cedar Rapide Republican. A jl&zt Iowa editor wails forth J he fol lowing: The lark came up to mee,t the sun and carol forth bis lay; tbe farmer's son took down bia gun and at him blazed away. The busy bee rose at five and hummed the meadow o'er; the farmer's wife-went for his hive and robbed him of his store. The little ant rose early too, his labors to begin; the greedy sparrow tbat way flew, and took bia antship in. O, birds and ants and bees be wise, in proverbs take no stock; like me, refuse from bed to rise till half- past eight o'clock." It is well that we are a nation of far mers. It will be better it tbe farming population, though, ia more divided .into gardeners, special stock raisers, fruit growers, dairymen, etc, with leas ot wheat-farmerscattle growers, pork pro ducers, etc. " Diversity in production is the hope and assurance of tbe future of American farming, and it ia a keen 'satis faction to know that this truth is now becoming fairly and generally under stood. National Stockman. . Last Friday the Minnesota., state senate waa informed by Senator Don nelly that the bankers of tbe state had raieed $10,080 to get upon the statute books a law permitting them to lend money at any rate 'from 8 to 20 per cent. Seaator Laavitt moved the appointment of aa investigatiag committee of. five, of which Senator Donnelly should be chair man, to report in five days. "It is thought that Donnelly's charge was buncombe. - Owxas) to disasaaioaa among New York democrats, it stems mow to be pretty generally coaoeded that the nom ination for presideat must go elsewhere, and aiace Gee. Palmer'a election aa U. a senator from Illinois, after a lengthy and euejtinf contest, bis name ia strongly msatioasd. One reason given for taw is that ha bolde ooaoervative thaaueatioa otooinageof ail- aonular-ia the Mabt years practice baa given C. A, Snow -4 Co,-solicitors of psteate, at Waahingtaa, Pi C uiaarpassad snocees in obtaining patents for aU clssass of ia- ventions. Tbay aaska a apeoislty of re jeetai oases, sad have secured allowaaee ot many pateate that bad been pre viously rejected. Their ia saether column, will ha of interest to iaveatora, palaatsas, awauiacturers, aad all who baveto do with pateata. MsmUBnauunBmmaaa--i. SkatocjPaboocb: has secommeaded for commissioner of the general land osace, in the place of Judge Graff, ja- eigaed, Judge Amass Cobb of the eu presBe court The Wisconsin delegs- tioawul support Cobb, as he was a for mer reeideat ot tbat etete. Senator Paddock strongly urges the sppoiat- amut of Judge Groff upon the court ot private lead claims, recently created by act at OataHA citiaens aad mritetiag the enbieet at aaaaratiag the city from the remeiader of the county, rnakisg Omaha a county, by itesU lfte St Louis, PhilaJslphjn and other large Tbay aamm that- they would about $2euQ0 by so dsiagin road tax, eare.of jaiigsat, ealeries, etc. Tux A. O. U. W. order ass about 350,. BBipJP sumaVaaWsFaTerereA wnawDam 'aununWjmTwBjB aWPa Psbbbubuju uu a east of about ataOO a year. The order is the eldest aad largest of the kind and is ja triisfsg its m sib irsfcip at the rateef ever Mat per amain. It pays eat todesmasnmt laamliss annually aot boa than fisVMMPsV wto last Taesday sight aad collection of aid face valae was flMVaamiamatie value $!)) Tea Bond hotel, Iiecola, said tobe iTs sale for $1, to satisfy a jaagment of $100. Isabel Bond has filed a petition askiBg that the aharire deed be set aside. She pleads ignorance of her rights. Wm, Dopsoa, who Uvea ia tbe unor ganised territory north ot Holt and Knox counties, is aa a visit to hie old at Madieou.and the Chronicle re us saying that the land there is about the aaasa aa ia Msihsne county. He will be ia the bow county of Boyd. A private oniam jeiat was raided last Tassdey at NorfoHt, and the awner, Sam J Lea, arrested. Sam Vjseat urns spppos-. ed'tbaVmnocent OhineeVianndry, but uvestigstibee proved that the heathen had a good aaaay friends who aecaafauaUy dropped in to hit the pipe. John Weir and Frss Davis of Ne braska City celled em Lea L. Beabow of Osaaha, the pomimor of a mad atoaa, for treatment by him. The wouads had beea'csnterised sooa after they had been inflicted. After repeated triahv aad the atone did not draw or adhere to the wound, Mr. Benbpw declared to the amsa that there was ao rabies virus ia their' veins. Wsahmgtea Letter. From ear ratalar oonrnaonsaat j Secretary Blaine has received 'ana ot the most remarkable business testimo nials ever'presented to a cabinet oSosr. It is signed by more than two .hundred ot the most prominent business nun -ot New York city, irrespective ot party, and includes Jthe most prominent wholesale merohaufa and importers ot the metrop olis, representing an invested capital ot more than i60.000.00a The testimonial expresses the appreciation ot the signers of Mr. Blaine's actions in negotiating a treaty of reciprocity with Brazil upon tbe terme provided in the McKinley tariff act, and their trust that the wise aad far-seeing policy thus inaugurated may be extended to other South and Central American nations, thus increas ing the prosperity of the United States. Mr. Blaine is very proud of the testimo nial, which is enclosed in a handsome morocco case. Postmaster General Wanamaker ia much pleased with the result of tbe ex perimental free delivery service, which is now going on at thirty small towns and villages, and about April first it will beaxtended to twelve more in different sections ot the country. He hopes to be able to make such a good showing, that the next congress will provide for the permanent establishment ofthe free de livery eericethronghout the country. Another new feature of tbe postal ser vice will be established April 1, when ocean nostofitces will be organized upon all the German steamship lines .plying between New York, Bremen and Ham burg, with all tbe facilities for the prompt distribution ot mail matter that our railway postal care now have. It ia hoped that the English and .French pos tal authorities will shortly enter into a similar agreement- Heretoforeall ocean maim have been dumped in hulk into the New York city postoffice, and much valuable time baa been lost in distribu ting "the matter intended for oiber sec tions ot the country. The, democrats never lose anything through not having cheek enough to ask for it Members of that party are now pulling the wires here for the purpose of getting Representative Culberson, ot Texas, a bourbon ot the bourbons, ap pointed to' one of the new United States circuit judgeships. Republicans can see no good reason for going to the demo cratic party for any of these judges, and they would be greatly surprissd sad pained should Mr. Harrison do so, but I am perfectly confident tbat the 'presi deat will put none but -true and tried" republicans into these important posi tions, and that the demoeratio support ers of Mr. Culbersoa will simply get their tauns for their trouble ia pushing amclaima. Ex-Seeator Spooaar was tendered a banquet and prsssatsd with a hinrlaema and. substantial teetiseoaisl by his lata .colleagues both raaubjicaa aad dsme eratie. Everybody here ie sorry to see Mr. 8poonar retired, but a sua of his marked sbilitywill eertaialy be beard from again in the political world. -The presideat has appointed J. H. BeaOy to be Uaited Stetes district jnage I for Idaho. He was MUdaated for the same position previous to the adjourn meat of ooagress but the ssaatefailed to act on nomination. :' Oregee, WsaeJsftau, sad the Nertawert Pa ; tiacCaaat. The constant demand of the traveling tmblictotbefarWestforacoaafortable and at the easas time aa economical modeot travelisg, has led to the eetab lmhment of known aa PuUnua Colonist Sleepers. These care are built on the same gee ersl plan m the regular firetclaaa Pull awn Sleeper, the oaly diffsreare beisg is that they are aot upholstered. They are fnrniebed cosjplete with good coeafortabie hair Biaftressss, warm blankets, snow white liana, curtains, plenty of towels, combs, brushes, efcx, which secure to the aceuasat of a berth aa much privacy as is to be had ia first- toilet roonw for ladies aad geatbunen, aad smoking ie abeelately prohibited. For full isformetiea sead for PuUsan Colonist Sleeper Lmlst .L.Lomax, Ageat, Omaha, Neb. Ebsum Spavin TiBimeat rsmsTte all nard, aoft or csllonaed lamps aad blem- ishes from horses, Blood Salmte, Wag Sarsias, Sere Coughs, etc. Save $ by use of Wmrsated the Cure everknewn. sWi by a B.sHillmaBidragpst . Stsavlyr.. Chieeco. Milwaukee St. Paal the only liae running solid vest- llmtsd, electric lighted aad steam heated trains between the Missouri. river and Gnicago, coasistiBg of new palace sleep- in cam. eleeuat free reclining chair ears, laxarioue coaches and the finest dining cars ia the world. The berth tending lamp iaite palace Bleeping cars is patented and cannot be need by any other railway company,.:: It-is the great huatovetoeat of theage. Try it and be eaaviaeed. Close connection in union depot at Omaha with all trains to and from the west JW.furtber particnlara apply to your tieket ageat, or F. A. Naau, Genl Agt. WaHowxu Travelisg FrX and Pass. Agt, 35febft Omaha, Neb. IsreaaTCfireelag Aseaaaeeswat. -v We are pleased to announce to bur readers that we have made anaugementa with the publishers of the Nebraska Farmer, the leading live stock aad farm journal of tbe west, by which we can offer it one year with Thk Cocvamca JouaxAXi aad the Nebraska Family Jour- aa), all for $240, but very little more thaa the price of one publication. This offer is good for renewale or aew sub scribers. Let every one who desires to take advantage of this liberal offer do so atoaoe. Address, M.K.TCBHXB A Co., Columbus, Neb. The Ai ra too sood for me jrnen have fous the ''supply, , perfect- cra..v .. Imim in tl,A iw dinesvin a clear Jifrongh rney, from uonncn mnnsAtna 1 Ssyrrancisco, onAheUnion mthern Pacific roads. - Kuaepny. This is what yon ought to have, in fact you must' have it, to fully enjoy life. Thousands are searching for it daily, and mourning because they find it not Thousands upon thousands of dollars are spent annually by onr people jn tbe hope that they may attain this boon. And yet it may be had by all. We guarantee that Electric Bitters, if used according to directions and the use per sisted in, will bring you good digestion and oust the demon dyspepsia and in stall instead Eupepey. We recommend Electric Bitters for dyspepsia and all dinnasnn of the liver, stomach and kid neys. Sold st fiOo and $1 a bottle by David Powty. druggist. - v We will furnish The Jocbnal, The Nebraska Family Journal and tbe Week ly Inter-Ocean, one year, for $180, when paid in advance. Subscriptions received at sny time. If you are not n subscrib sr to Tax JovBHAZi dont wait till your subscription expires, but pay us enough to stake it oae year in advance, and add the Inter-Ocean, ooe of the greatest and bast family newspapers in the world. - nekton's Aralea Salve. The bast salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures pilee, or. ao' psy required. Jtiaguranteed to give perfect eatismc tionor money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by David Dowty. 3 Baby cried, DoeW prescribed: Caatotial Itch cured in 30 minutes by Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. Sold by C. B Stillman. druggist. 26noTlyr Children Cry for PltolWt Casttrla. FINAL PKOOF. IjuA 0e at Oraad Islaad. Neb., Match sth,18M. J Netiea la hefas airmthat the followia- aaMw aattler haslled aetfea of hia iataattoa to akaaaet proof la aapportof Us claieuaad thatsaUatoorwUl J'lfcritoS?2? mtfmu?vS?,ae, No. MMi. far the XJL of awtioe 8, towadup M north at rsasa I ias1 Um aaaasa thamUowiac wkaeases to prove Ua eaatiaeaaa laaieaacs apoa aad caklrstioa of, am laavli: BatmanO. Inmyhieu. Hnoai. UMaUTheaeam Wefc. of atehaat, Kh.. aad aWwsiSHHi, of Colsatbae. Nah. rBAXKUSjaWKT, - llaara MnU nWnfMif ninMr. y tan fc m illini htmr t ilwSIH BBSBSUIBUIB- tmi.ww latf mn.Mmj aBjeafeumi 4 . tr Wlmlmmmfmmam.Wmamnjm. m tka. Taa turn anew X The Shlaisg Lights W7lTa7COl7aVirackia.Haaa. SaM Of the oldworldfeojdiers, stseenea and aWbofylstteBaf aUrrite iahssjx vstyfirabi of onViamlitie for traauliipBiaafirs Aiajssatitled tohaprse. OnMatisyiina to n notat ainner onxoue sr y11 w BBBBBjtTOyBBM dining cars onr tbaATnibnnd aoatthern LwSM3E$$9l3i PacifieiaUwaTsVan arrangemeslt which sssscRr v . - SSBBBBBBabt daSV . jcpnfc s - TssBBBBanzjiV :mmas- ' rowing recoiwctLsna UnVtourist nouf has LBLWW-AM left to hiaArheb hiarourney iacomnlet- rHHRBPlf ed, a charming taRaof of nerfectiraiD "vq$mt.-3v&.- servicapalafdruingars. ae ar- -SPECIALiaT 1N- irf thatitherto at'teofpted. arwaa lara Is tbatXNotbiug I teael,nanef iceBeuar1ceJre hebome noteaf nivtheyrooeir luxni travelenf inlhtfjforljir jmat win TrJtAJ&lfur UuTKma mioTt git iV,i i, -r -j " r-y and thatarhaiaf slab thamost 1.. - -. a - A.lutnt aaa j VYmtxyF mwuvnuj m wpfldr TkeraveleM Pnllman nance uunoer c inhisjoat Orualito and( ts&xttzi&smftzt Lf i eVhH l KftnvHiajror or o(KprarwBjt;o( iMtoni ilBhiriilJfciajIwtB I m. aV aimnW iiJBii mtmJkn aurgstHH. I JW U ktUtt jbmaad Jad MlhuMk ml TaMMHl liinlft aoatsauyrVI. fr I taeKidsaklr pumi iBy gnrmj H - 1fufnajn',yrTff - OEJIWtwhicli nava am leUhaheU'an IhwWt", infel'1 the "r jmXJtmtJhKWUmXf' J naii jbr MIm GBAfyLnyrTM at WyliljdijA. WHS for PIBwVw-J. (iiriiiMMUa, f'eb., Uc2 J. KMaaaiaig OminrNf m J I Mwaaix ( wajfaeTo. j Ki. aiwtS. 181.' llmr J $& $4aBasssssssK issYi:" -djnnnunununuuetl&daBBfUlirS SvCeaBaBaununununuTnunfaffio . tlliaBBBBBBBMBBKUfe. J7,"U TsaaLi.Jr:1 W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE 3gg Ws.SHIU,OliwStMiHBis. Dr. A. J. Sanders, -CRADUATK.OF- UXQ ISUXS COLLE&E BOSFITAL. V.T. Tiree Years Hispitalisi. bcwtitly from Uninnitj of ViefiAinUtrii 1?. O. BOX 23. GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA. KKFKKENTKS: J. D. MoonK, Prw. of Bank of Comim-roc. H. Howard. MHiiaer of U. I. Shop. W. H. i'UTT. 31ayur of (Srand I slam I. Chas. Kikf, lUprMtiiiatiTi. H. N. Wolhach, State Seaator. Oeo.1I. Cai.dwklu County Jii1r. 0rThoKe who have been nffenra forayoarn aad have been the rounds of the profpxaiou at home, without receiving relief from onlinary methods of treatment, are especially invited totsul. rrAll of onr natients mar exnert to rereive cood care, catefnl treatment :int sfit . m .- ... treatment :inl sfiuare dealing from a bnsiness Mtanitpoint. as we aiwajn exiiert :pect Will to give value received no far as poMoible. be at the Meridian, Saturday, March 7th, And at BELLWOOD, Thursday, March 5. ry Consult at ion free. Address. Ua. A. J. BANDERS. Box 23, Grand Island, Neb. aOaovSmp i-lii-i ilGDKE "V." fb Bgarc 0 in our dates will make & long star. So aiaa or woman now living will ever date a iocaifnt without using the figure 9. It stand la taa third pause In 1800, where It will remala tea years aad then move up to second place la 19001 where It will rest for one hundred yean. There is another "4" which has also coawtostay. It It uBllke the Iguro 0 in our dates ia the respect that it has already moved up to first place, where it will permanently remain. It l called the "So. r High Ana Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machlae. The "No. 9" was endorsed for list place by taa experts of Europe at the Fails Exposition of lau where, after a sevcreoontest with the leadiag auv ealaes of tba world, It was awarded the oaly Graad Prix given to f sally sewing auchlaes, all others oa exhibit harlag raeeired lower awards of gold medals, eta Tbs French GoTeraanat ahwreoogaliediUsapariorltybythadecotaUoaof Mr. NathaalelWbeeter.Pmldeatof the ooaipaay, with tha Cross of the Lagtoa ot Honor. The "No. e Is aot aa old machine lapcerta apoa. bat is aa aatlrely new aiichlaa, aad the Graad Prix at Paris waa awarded It aa tha graad estadvaace la sewing machlae mscisai of the age. Thosa who buy It can rest mail, theta. fore, el havteftba very latest aad bast. WMEELEB St WILSON MTG 0O.t VBS and 187 Wabaak Ave., CtlcafU eiOL.l BY W. KIBLER, Ltigfc. Nekr. 23apr'fi0-7St or lilllfurnMW.tm4e ik for a,, l. Jlnu rs. jidmid. iTa. m Juo. Bnna. T.I.Jo. Okie. n ioin ran, otr a it . n lirrrTr jtmtrt. C b- :ilh. Vilt,tliolWK4lklHlt, Iiurr. an ui? nuaj( iron, W9 i lead.r.AM.l'H. ITtrtew .Mifcow ad wen ynu. (.' wort In re il m. aiiMrMHftutv.aniAme lark.. KV am wWrfuL Paninlara ft. C.tStos esearUal.matao $3000? TaariBSHkavni teralbir. , A TEAI t I aneVrtak f o WtHrV tt but iarriv mtHli(ml irsasi ( vf&Wr brai. rr4 aad rllr.au4'! a Bo rrmMnuiiM,ui waoua iiiuailjr. m t am Tfcir ImaajaaaS Baakum awn laraNtiM.vhtTr lhjr H.l rCI tkahnw) tktmmt minf mi l n birb I'm m a tka rf mm ! ' ccrwfiil i ahar. CMilvaa I tfaain Un m Mtn fia nth tfwri.1 or Ka4l.aaukl!, drlla I y.i 1 aan wtaa; mr pm nari ata tat. CMJBIT, hiXE . BamcaMfa WW '-, amBmamBBanBBBVimsBUUBanw mtm. ar: iJSaUUaw VwaaBTBBBBsVaaaUBunr41 TF BBaUBaUUUBaUBaUl lamasaaaaaaaf' iTiTr-im MJ sB7 jkWWWWL Cajatarha at Dr. nmelChiMrwm. Ite KaMcie ambataWca. It far ruNMrie, Iraa. Soothlag Aynl It ia riini - Its purutet Coatarindeetra; Caataria pnTcata vaauHiac and Wind traMUaa, crv caoMlaatiaa aatawto amsiaiilatM the faad, reguJatea u bawela, ffirMc kaadthy tarla is tka ChiMres CfJrtoria. ifaiaaaaedteafwdtriaa far eeJl- Xatnefa aare repetUly UM aw at to lUufc-eaikfcea." Da. O. a Oseaaa. LawaV.Uaaa. Cnsteria tonas aMttaneir far cUMrea C .tU.lAmeusmlstr' 1 aoee Uufay fcia BUiHStnflH'- """ .rsaariata: aMeCUMTmrioaaaaadCBOstruaHwaian MtraylactMr lored eaei, by forciacP, KHa'g STTHP aaa OUtvr rain dwa mefc taroatt. thereuy i to aiwaatwa 4 1 . XM.J.F.SRI Caaway , Ark. n 1 A RELIABLE FAMILY NEWSPAPER. Tbatla thaCHaxactar Almost UBlTaraaUyQlTaata The Weekly Iktbr OcBnN. S3 araat la Its popularity that tor yaaia it taa bad tba LAEQEST CXRCUXA TXON It I usetulneaa It is a Qisistei)c sK!8psuM Sues as aataoonlotio to both public and OZtncSasaatagomauo toootnpi thk iiixxismn. x uxiranj MEKTct ita coatrll Bom. oi am W9. w ?.Wi?gSnuaydMarna In THE BOH, X1U. WUIUWBur, ao xmx. xu au&w w - --. .. a. ' tvl,,rr..1 annHTOsieamtiu aanaiof tnoaa X&a v rm iwn nnupinn Tk Yeuk's Bewrtwu, cusMltr Sko. final's liigtai, ail ne Iok ARE AV THE.fSELVS EQUAL TO A MACAZIXE. In addition to all this the NEW3 OFTHEVTORtD la On In V columns . tvt wMki T InaU departmeata it la careluUy edited ty competent sen im ployed tor tnat purpose. THE PRICE OF THE WEEKLY 1KTER OCEAI IS $i.N PER TEAR. ' THE SEKI-WEEKI.T' rNTER OCEAN 19 published h Monday and Thuraeay morning-, end is an excellent publication lor ttose wto can not aecui a dally paper regularly and are not satisfied with a weekly. . THE PRICE OFTHE SEMI-IEERLT UTER OCEAI IS JIM PER TEAR By Spoclal Arrangament with tho Publishers o That Magazine and The "Weekly Inter Ocean are Both Seat to Subscribers One Tear for TwoDollxr sad NiMtyCimts. ' TEX CEST3 LES3 TH.1S THE FfclCE 0 THE MA0A2ISE AL0SE. LIBERAI. COMMISSIONS given to whenever asked lor. AdOr9a all or tts: a COLUMBUS LUMBER CO. emBBBUmBaUBlBBBBmBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaUBUBBm S. R. HOWELL & CO. Dealers in -. " '" Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors, BLINDS, CEMENT, LIME. FIRE BKICK. FIRE CLAY, 3l:VRBLE DUST, WHITE SAND, FORT LAND ami MILWAUKEE CEMENT, and ALL -KINDS of BUILDING MATERIAL. THIRTEENTH ST., COLUMBUS NEBRASKA. " Hep. 2 '00.0 ao. - SIOO.OO FREE J. BEAMA, CARPENTER, Purposes giviair hi eerrices FBEE, to tbe first Strsonwho applies to him after the first puu calioa of this notice, in- Jockkai. of 11th Jaanary, "91. He takes thU method .f calling attcatlca to tha fact tbat IS A BOOK AGENT, Aad can famish yoa, CHEAPER than aaybody aim, aay book yoa waat. HOUSE AND TWO LOTS, Near Coart Boost, with all iaprovemr&ta,' for Bala anur. Also two mares sod two colts, jtddrees Colambas. '-'--- GaTWe call roar attention to tbe Alpine safes, and tha iaportaat fact that we are now offense a line of safes at prices below comparison aaa beyoad competition. For full particulars ad dress Colambas, Neb.. V. O. Box 9S. Please la clow 2 cant stamp for reply. Iin3mp T. S. JAWORSKI, lefiHatca PsHecny. ISNOrFFCCTE IY SALES. ts Street. Bursals EASILY MANACfB. find autlkf-haip. and hup Itjak One iloor nortii nf Hakf-r'a Lara. naBaCBi L. C. VOSS, M. D., a Hnupatbic Physician JJXT BURGEON. ilaTi am iwul .SLv. . flnAialt IK rhrrini i Carenu atteanoa (ivea to geaerai KKWa. UTC"?Jlr naUaaafJErSir n--Bl ft H.I1 mi BaTall BMsmuy naiaia"w. ia in thirty Cedie. aaa Castoria. CaaMriesfaclI adat4tockMma I wc imirailBaawpariflriaaay H. Aacaea, ak m. 111 Sa. OaaW4.BrMUya,W.T. -Onr wa meat aava 1 aicUr f e aanerl- racamtaeir praetice wkk Cortocia. Atlll am aniuiig ir waat ia kaaa an ttiiur ,eacai.rH wears fwa to rtM Uat U- HMriuer canenaaas' favor mm k." Mtoteekwnfc Uarrae BaarrrAi. axb Dm ita lcpubUoai flcuispaper. prtvata iatereata. the caper la axcellsnt. aaaaaaamoni w. trrjr-r". .. . KAUJ UTBOBS cl tne day. otanv similar publication in Uiecoaauy mni8rauu:. buuAu ei active ageata SAMPLE COPIES saaT TBXJNTXR OCEAN. Ckicmgo. COLUMBUS Planing 111 We have jtMt nparwd a nw mill on JtMt npaj enraeacr J! street, pared to do ALL KINDS OF WOOD are pre WORK, aucnae Sash. BUbbIs, Store Freits, Stairs, BaUsters. Taralig, Doors, MoaliMgB, Coasters. Stair Ralllip, Seroll Sawiag, PliBlag. Etc. .T'All orders proaaPUy attended to. oraddrase. Call oa HUNTEMANN BROS.. Colcmbms, Nebraska. lal3m Tlie BeeReiiceaii Price. THE PMCE OP THE OMAHA WEEKLY BEE Has been reduced to $1.00 A YEAR. Now ia the time to subscribe for the "." beet newspaper in the west. Sand in your orders early to : THE BEE PUILISHIKC CO. Omaha Neb. GUARANTEED GOODS, caaw than any body, opaoaka Clethet yaawu.maa wg SeMwCawnU aOkBuVaUkaameaV VttmBaBnruTauun and Baflamey. MUevaJ alaam. Cfato a Mather's Friemd. aaaaaas. I Aixaw a Sam. rw.. . v . -. mm W Mi. my sanii mmm w m"" .1 UBBT IVIT.'II f mmmvttJmmmmmMmmmrmm)mJlMfw ""A I T I SsjtTL j. luouri m m .& VF- 0 ,y ': V f r ".J- P 4r 'i m 4.1 lrl : fs; i rA . ,a,- - ,,.y , ltC H: '-f i- zUeddh J- ,& ',r?l-?lj.- -. -" : a. ---'. j-?e? 9 iMSM&m r?-'s-. . .:&., BSL V- fi& laS!5flniiaB"'" .'AsJlfraaV-iiCr'Sfoaa aV .-tafc Mses SJS3!? w '&z's&Msl T' r J -T , V" ." 'j," ' tZi, ..-?'l! Jiiaa5ftl5fe'XV? ,Tifii ' ,-.' J-' "m aaaam I " T - s.