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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1891)
A, -.- M saia- Iff ! i ' Ik' i . JT NEBRAPKa FAMILY : JOUBNAL A Weekly Newspaper ismed ererj Wednesday. 32 Column? of reading matter, sistics of Nebraska State Newi lU:::s, Selected Stories aid Miscellany. I rVScaisrte cop's sent fret to Bf Subncription priea, SI a year, in Advatxf. r- A.Jthesa: M. K. Tcbkzb k Oa, Columbus, PlatU Co.. Nebi ATlDtiSSELL, SKALXB t CO J ax VIZ UJ flu 13 l-UMPS REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. 0:ivf St., nearly opposita Poit-afllot. CjnneeS-y "1.0UIS SCHREIBEE. BlsoRsiillieiiuWuSonHsfiGr. .All kinds of Repairing itie S.;-t Notice. liUffies, WTg- ess. etc.. made to order, and all work Guar anteed. Also b!1 the world-famous Walter A. Vocd Mowers. Reapers, Combin ed Machines, Harrestsrs, aad Bclf-binders tho best made. SThon opposite tho TaiteriH." on OlWe St.. COLUMBUS. 26-m Judicious Advertising Creates! many n new business, ICii-urges nianv an old lu?inc.s3, Ili-vive-. many a dull businer-i!, L'.-.-ct.vs iiiuiiy a lost business, J"avi.-s many a lailing busines?, I'lierves many a large business, Secures success iu any business. So aj n man ot lmsinp, and wo add that jadirious ndvert isinu. for this section of country, includi-0 THE JOURNAL An one of tbo mediums. beran it i rsad by the i.. ..,. .1.? t !..... uli.i Irn.iw irlmt tbf.v nnt pni? jwy foi v.'.'.vl tleyset. W challenp comparison I nl.i nnyoauir3 pafier in hib worm in im ic-i-jkvj twenty yirs puli!isliic(t by tho aame n.Hiiwiiieiitl and never one dun to ubscriben jiuMihhi .1 in Tue Journal, 'iliis. better than n.nxlliicc eKe. 6hos tho eiast of peoplo who n-iid The Jouiinal every week. If GOSHEN FENCE MACHINE1 CHEAP. ONLY $15. Won vnwiraaauau,eBtwuiowa.oputDoanM i 3 thing of the ort.oaed; after pooUaroaot. I can be made and atretched oa tho creaad, I or an) fincA i in the winter, by a boy or ordinary farm hand. cround. Tbe man who ha one of thaw aaa- I "HIIH mmmmf mx crouna. ine man wno naa one ot uni w- uine uicnn. ." chines can build a fence that ia mora durable aad 1 nlMtin' was over aafe than any other, and make it at leaa coat. , mlm Vs "tr Tbo macliine aud a aample ot itowork caa be , from the inside do eee in the city on llth street at tmat m sen wan hardware store. Willsell mchinea, or territory. or contract to pat up fences. linajtf J.B.MATHEWSOK. AbookOflMi Tae koat book for aa adTonuer to oo nit. bo ho ezsari aecd or otaorwlee rapoDors aad esttmatea rtke coata'UlTorUalK.Tboi ladTortieerwbo waata to aaem oo aouax. u u bum graaUoBBqulfovwhlloforWaiwkpwill UTeatoaohaatfred taonaaa dollars iaa ToraWt a acaeaio Is tafllaate which wUl aaoet hla OTOty reqalfeaioat. or earn saaas to 4m kg $V0litt1immmmm1g mrHttdmtbgmr rmmtrndimtt. im odftla haTO boo laaaod. oat. pooa-podd. to ay uMmt for 1 oasts. writ t tjko. r. ewmrix cow VKWSPArKR ADTBBTISIXa BUKKAU. !!0tsnsss t.Frint1sg noass aq.). SiwTah " . - - ... PATENTS Canata aad Trade Marks obtained, aad all Pat. isTliaiia -.- for MODERATE FEga. OCB OFFICE 18 OPPOSITE IT. 8. PATENT OFFICE. Wo haTO bo anb-aseaciea. all bnsiasas elinot. Wars we caa transact pateat hmlnaat ia loss timm aad at LESS COST than those remote resasnstan snodeL drawiac. or photo, with eVaorip. Wo ativiss if patentable or not. free, of charts. Ou'faanotdaetillDateatisaecared. A hook. "How to Ofataia Patents." with refsr. aosstosotaal cliaste ia yosr state, coaatyor awsusaatfroa. addroaa fjpjsslfi Pateat OSoe. jisiojjw "AfleatoWaatwil CiBcuLaas Fan. 'Safety Ada Balaam Kironawai SecaseMr tetBtreaaeethem. Irsty rraasltsa. UM aavcraBSer la slaaiss te par swPiskel rials) Itaantaiaa llata of S5 THE NINETY AND NINE. BV MRS. il. S. SMITH. Ieer are uinety and nine that live and die. In UlUlJer Hlid VTttilt and cold. That none mar revel in IfiTurv. And be lapped in in tilLen fold; The nicety and iiint in ihc-ir hovels l.are, lhe one in a palate xith riches rare. ( Tbty toil in the lie-Ids. the ninety Bid nine; For th trui- s 01 our mother earth ; Txiev ciig na udve in tfcu an-ky mine. And birri its hid tieavjre- fortlr. ' But th v.eulin i-en-..t b thnr sturdy blows To tbe heiil- of tbe one forever dowi. : By the sweat of t'jt- r l-ro-ii tho des-rt blooni3. ' And the forest Itelotc them fall's ; j Their labor has builunl huuible iiouivs, Acd c!ti-- v.i'u 1 "ity hull- Hul ils one ovtiia i-itie-. tui buinen and l.iiMi. While tho tiirteti i!id niri- bate emtL, hand-. But tbo night - 'r. r n-.d .lark Riid long It last filial i.-Miuonii-u lrit:j: And over t5ie Ittliil tlie - - ' I Of tbu iiineiy hjjiI ::nif -niU -'-UK AxkI echo nlar frojii .., to r.cun I Jtejorce forUbur -lisl i:ie i'soau. AUNT MEHETABEL'S COURTSHIP itv loi:a . l mani'E. f )!i iiie land's sake, girls, . whal are you doing?" ex- , c'.ai ued Aunt .-.le'.-ctabel j atll J)PUr,. near iaa for a wee':, to i.i astuni-hmeni. as .he . j)ajsii ,ue. When lie did come.mydan fonud two pretty : ,,r was UJ ani tjlo u,,,i,dt of it was, nieces. from the city.sitting, wo i,,,, friendship then and there, in the shady corner of tho : yayie wo U nU h.ivo made up, but farm-house piazza bu-ily j Volir u,lcljJ j.lIIU,s ,vilfta ,e ,,m'e got snipping away at the ob- j ;ttt,.,,,,if ji4in-t jet anv grass grow under stit ate threads that held 11S ,eef anu ufter fu. jia,x Cl,me to ee Wk fast the plumes and Howers ot rheir ,no av. liile, I wondered what i could hats. Yes best Sunday-go-to-meetxn' j hav e(.u m tlmt fcijv gjias Melton, hats too, continued she," what air you pat.r ad mother liked James, too, rippin' them upfor? Don't they snit j anil lt came to Kef nie iejTU;ar as you as they air?" clock work, three times a week for over The two girls looked at each other in jour years half-ashamed way. then pretty Maude fc A(1 m u laUe answered apologetically,, we litve other lhat h t( 0nli-r hats, Auntie, when we want to wear Hp (i( ' r ansWGr4nl them, and the fact is, we were so morti- j Maheltabel, ith a mem- tinkle tied last uight at the lecture, there was . her e Mrs. Hopkins' hirel girl with a coan-e - ' , hat, beat into that new haie like mine. I..". Ami Hetly you d dr. t a-k .i'i i...f.... n..,u,L,;ffm-or'lnmto marry von, did yon Asueil auu a ..uiiuii ..! . : ......t .-t, one hiaa oi tue urim. jusi the brim, just cxactlv as j Madam Lovelle, arraigned my mi ken poppies and ribbon-grass, in the latest French style; and in front of us there was a freckled-faced, red-headed girl, wearing a grass-greeu dress, trimmed with red riblnuis, and a hat that was the qneei esfimitation of Cousin Ada's Gains borough hat. I wish you could have seen those old tips, dyed a bright-blue, sticking up around that old hat a la Ada's white plumes." Aunt Mehetabel sank down iut t the depths of the great split-lottomcd rocking-chair, giving a little sigh as she did so. -Well girls! J did think von had more sense than to let a little thing like that upset you. Tain't no dUgrace to be a hired girl, nor a freckled-face one either. 1 take it as a compliment, when folks try to look like ine. Fact is, if it hadn't a been for another girl tning to look like me. aim a geltiu every thing to w I'd never ha ear jest like my things, have got your L nele Jamej. and I alius think of that wlien 1 see a raelf up jest like ' thinks is sorter i girl trying to get her some other girl she ..:. I. a1.?""- i "Oh, do tell us all about it," cried i Ada; 'yon do tell such charming , stories?"' Yes, do, chimed iu Maude, "I like ! to hear love stories, especially trne ones that vou know are sure to turn out well." "Well," said their aunt, complacently, ; T n ,. !. . -7 in ,l,ic von It M. ;. jwu ..... . . , ; , I .nn vamaf afr.Vk vill l- w 1 ll ! tt Tfi lilfAA , JWU -g. j.. U...,.,B .- ----" . me M .WM . .. MU ." ...w - w ...D.- --j , I ilnnt wanr niir ln)lP04 so lllfrii-iiv I .. . .1 . .. . 1 ... !.. I MMW -. - ' have anvthine like them 'rV lkurrin with mr storv. tlioilch. ' hadn't ought to tell it, seeiif its myself , ' Fill talking about. "I was about the be-t looking girl in . j Tipton Center, ami 1 had lots of beaux. ' I (lirls used to like to llirt them days, ! j same's thev do now. but there was one ! beau used'to come to t,eo me, and ho ' j kept a'coming so stead v like that b- ( and-bv the test nuit hanging around. , I and it was the talk of the neighborhood-' I countrv places are awful for gossip, you j J know that we were to he married. His i name was Silas -Silas Motion. He was i tall and prettv fair-looking, with his j cnrlv hair and black eves, and for them . davaheputon a heap of stvle. He' Aw n... ...... .. . ,, D" would bow and scrape and palaver uutu I begin to think right smart of him. . "Father and mother the v didu't like ! him much, but for all that" it would had ! been a match if it hadn't a'been for Lydia Terkins. "She was a soft, sillv thing, anywav, , and she was that near dead after Silas ! that she would sigh and roll her eyes at him for all the world like a dying calf. The other bovs teased him a'most to J death about her. and Silas couldn't wQ.r hor or sneak r.eaceable i v . --.-, -- -i-- a her hardlv, but she got , I worse and worse, sighin' and lookiu' j ' at him. He was migh:v fond of style, and she kept thinkin' the reason he went with me was because 1 had better clothes thau most of the girls. 1 had j an aunt in the citv and she used to send I me patterns sometimes. So she fell to ' borrowin' inv patterns, and makiu' all her clothes like mine, even to Her i aprons and sunbonuets. "One spring Aunt Sarah sent me a new Leghorn bonnet trimmed with blue striped ribbon. Leghorn was just comin' into style then, aud none of the other giris had one for a month or more. Then Lydia had a chance to send to the citv. and of course she or- dWl one like mine. The hr.-t time ' she wore it was to praver mectiii' at j the old Center church. " She came in lato. and as Deacon Smith was vravin'. 1 she sat down bv the door, and hardly I anyone saw hen Now the young folks used to have a standing rule of polite- J ness that ifavoung man wanted to es-! , nrt ttT-nnno-ifirtv hom. he mnst ask . . n.,, as . --uaab- -. .. .- -- - ! hsr for her company in the entryof the . ..liurnli la mlistl t Oql," llfr in ask her in tue . . ... lrL-Jil fnrwnr.l nor after church, that iooked lorwaru nor anei she reached the steps, that was icc-lnw and backward; an the lioys used to ; make a break for the entry the moment ami stand in a row loor to the steps. The entry didn't have any light, 'cept from J 1 tho open door, bnteveivbov watched i step. Fathar looked at Fred so hard. 1 sharp. I an' when the risht" girl come he didu't dae to say a word, and then along, he would step up and bow, and : he muttered something about its being i sav, 'Can Iseevou home to-night?' an', bedtime, an' left the room. joffithev would go. arm inarm. Some-' an' the boys all followed, times "a noor fellow would get the I s'pose father thought we didn't veed ' mitten, which was kind of hard, 'long any extra company just then." as the other bovs were listening, but Aunt Mehitable patc-ed a moment to that is the way they used to do. fan her.-eif, and to listeu smilingly to "Well that night. I was a going i her neice's impatient remarks, slowlv along, not hurrying, fori knew "Oh Auntie, please don't stop right Bilas'was a" waitin" for me, so what now, in the very best part of the story! does Lvdia do but just push Did you get married the next W ednes ahead, and when she was good in j day aud oh, tell us! what did he say, the entrv, Silas saw her wide bonnet, I and how did he look, and how did he and he walked up as grand as vou, please aud a-ked for her company. never knowin' his mistake till she says w-tl. c lit! cmiur ulir. nf ronrca. with pleasure.' And there he was rith ' her hangin' on his arm, and the lvs a ! laughin fit to kill, i "I was close enough to see and hear, it all. and I was so mad and mortified I ' eonld hava cried. Borne one stepped nn mv fi;,ift a, thonch he was goia to speak to me, and as we passed through the door, and out on the steps, I saw it was 'bashful James Richards,' as we always called him. There wasn't a better young man iu the country, bat he was so bashful that he would turn red as a piriey if any girl spoke to him. You see, he had wanted my company a long time, but hadn't dared to ask me, r 0 mnd though he saw Atlas was out oi Via wav for that night, it took him n Inner to cet his courage UP. that ve were ont ot doors before he managed in c very quakery voice to offer to escort me home. Now, I was so mortified bv the wav thines had trone, j that I would have said yes riaht oa the i i?t, brtt then I heard Julia Simons , j iuiclier right behind me. I never I could bear that girl, and I thought i I would show her I could be as independent as Sliss Anybody, if I did have to go home alone, so 1 an swered quite orushingly, 'So, sir ! Not after I get out on the step..' He was that scared he never heard thefir,-t part of my answer, and thought I said 'Wait until I get oft" the steps,' so wlien we reached tlio walk ha took niv arm ne- j fore I could say a word, and Julia sriiok eied again. J wa bonnd to show Mis t.Iu.ia that 1 tlidu't care, so I laughed and chatted uiy liviiest, as.d .lauieV j Itn-hlulness wore oft a little, an' if I I hadn't V been so mad about Julia ca j turing Silas m that redicalous fa-iliion, I I'd V bee-i quite haimv. "Ah, me! what a little ihiwr will nange a persons wuole liifSiunH.ime.. iiie n )V.s teased Silas uiiniercmilly about his misiake. and he invcr did speax t .or I.vdia acain. He was ...fn; joajoUs, and was hojipiug mad ,,.,n hfhi(iril.lmlinfl !ai:r.i.u?honie M....U . ..,....,.: 'TK,.,. ,1M mil ...... .o...t,.x y. ..w... 10 marrv nun, u ne never anei ou to?" "Listen and you will find out. He kept coining week after week, and year after year, but never a word of love making out of him. liloss your hearts! I knew all the time he was in love with me, but you never need such a bashful man. Mother at last told me I mibt kind of help him out, and let him see he had nothing to fear; so I shouted him how many quilts I had pieced, and told him about the pretty gray erH father promised to give mo when I wa mar ried, but the more I hinted, and the easier I made it for him, the more seared he was. and the less he said. So it went on until nearly Christmas. "Christmas came on Saturday that year, and two of my cronies, Mary Jones and Sallie Hodge, were to be married on that day. On tho Sunday night before Christmas, which was the l'Jth of December, James was at our house on his regular Snnday visit. We alwavs sat in the family sitting-room. ull1 father and mother, my big brother Fred, ami the younger boys a-,d girls, stayed there, too. until half-past eight, i i i i..i : it w,,lc was u ir '" ten. Jame always went away, for our i folks were very strict. This particular nmiy wgiu were aiisiinugaroumi me nig iirts-piwcB iii jiiue ai.ici Frances in James lap, and little Henry leaning over his shoulder, for ho always lilted to iilav wish the children. We ! ,...-- . .. .. iir . ii . were au taiKi- gnuuut iub euiiwKs mat. "Oli come oil" that week, when .-,.-,, !-,, who delighted to tease sudden tv: M sav, sis, --- -'-, me, sio::e u: ,..t... .lf...f r..n .1.1.1 I,,,, li.ari'lliil tilA . ,, u , l.vrii b wu ..lit. ...... fv .......... ...v. I I same time with the others it would bo -II -. . iolli uv- "Now, if he had said that to me when we were alone I would have boxed his ears, and that would have been the end of it. but it sort of llust rated me when James was theie to hear, and him so easy plagued, but 1 says as eisy and careless-like as 1 could to tnru the matter off 'Oh, I'll never get married the tiiil end of Hie week, Christmas or no Christmas.' "Ue married on Sunday, then, said Fred, tantaliziu'ly. " 'No, nor on Sunday either,' said I, getting more and more confused, but trying hard not to show it. Do yon s e i am ;-'oi-.iK m (im on no . clothes the very day after I am married, and go into the wash-tub? Not much! I'll wait until the washing and ironing are both out of the way.' 'How would Wednes ' began Fred, but father shut him up with a stem 'Hush, weve had enough nonsense! When father spoke in that tone we chil dren always minded; that is, all of us but little 1 rauces; she was tne yonngesT. and father had spoiled her until she wasn't a mite afeai ed of him. She had . .... ., bee'i listening to every word, ana ine minute lied unshed, she turned lound on .lame-' knee,so she could look straight into his eyes ad tl-.ereshe says in her quick, sharp way. 'is you and Hetty truly going to get married?' '"I didn'i dare to take but jest one peep at your uncle, but I declare, 1 never seed such a red face before. He looked awiuuy piagueu, out nances w. ioo..- i nig him s.iuare m tue lace, ana at last he stammered out I- whv I yes, I cuess i expect tuat is, if Hetty'll have me ' and then he begin moppin his face wi h his haudkerchief. " Oh. she'll have yon quick, I know she wil!,' says Frances, bobbing her head u; and down. "And air you gu- ing to -get married Wednesday, as brother said, and is Hetty ' " 'Chiid! child!' cried mother, trying to lift her off from James' lap, to carry her from the room; but Frances was so spoiled she wa bound to have her own way. and she throwed both arms around his neck, and says to mother: 'I'm not a coiner one step till he tells SJ . - me, Jaiues, James!' and she almost screamed as mother tried to pull her away from him. 'Toll me quick, air vou going to get married Wednesday? Air you.' Air yo"0 Air ynnV" fa 'Yes I am,' answe ed James.desper ately, loosening her hands from his neck, and then mother carried Frances off. her kicking and screaming every act, after the rest Had gone away. Tmph !" said Aunt Mehetable slowly. "He said well it was something rather 2 foolish I exuact. tlp-ugli A uaiu i thmk f o then. Wait until your own lovers oomp. and then yen will know all about it. Anyway, the e d of the story is, we were married very next week, and I ain't never been a mito sorry I took . lum either. I a vuev omnasium. j The cheapest and best gymnasium in ; the world one that will exercUe every ' bone and muscle ia the bedy is a flat 1 piece of steeel, notched in one side; j fitted tightly into a wooden frame and, j after being" greaed on both sides with a bacon rind, rubbed into a stick of wood j hu j lengthwise on a sawbuck. Yor cccasionlly see a man so pretty be won't marry, but you never see a man so ugly he ca-i'r, A THRILLING EXPERIENCE. Jteaisr liable Sttterunt ot Personal Danger unl Froiiilent al Iene. The followlug story vMch is attracting Wide attention from tbo press is io re uatkablc that we cannot; excuse ourselves if we do not lay it cefoio our readers en tire: To the editor Rochester (X. Y.) Democrat: Sia -On the first day of June, 1SS1, I lay at iny residence in this city surrounded by my friends and waiting for death. Heaven only knows the agony I then en dured, for words can never describe it. And yet, If a lew years previous any one we that 1 was t) Do brought o low, and by so terrlblo a disease, I suoul-i have scolTed at the idea. I hud aiwayabe.-u Uncommonly struus and heaii'-y, atd welched over ioa pjund. at d unruly k::r.v. In my . wn eper:oncc. what jK:ia i v si.-; -ties- were. Very :aan who va'I read this htatciiient roaiUi; at time- tl.ul they uro unns mlly tired ami cannot ac count for It. T!n-y feel dull puius in various partof ih b;dy and do not under stand why. Or tuey arc lmu (ty one day and entirely .itticut uppctito be tioifc This wa- ju-t the vr:-y l f.-:i When the relentless malady i',:eh h td fastened itscif tipn mo iirs.1 be.-:i. uil 1 thought nothing o? It: tiira probably 1 Iku! taken a co d wiiUh woni.i "d u pav a.vay. Shortly after this I noticed a h.a . and at tinier nearalsic. pain in one bid ot my bead, but as it would c uue ouu d .y aud 1 o Cone the next, I i a.d little attem.on to K. Thea my stomach would get .utof ordtr and ruy food often failed to, caiibinir at times Kreut lucouv eulence. Vt, os . n as a physlcisu, I did no'. Ui!uk tuat tln-su tblligi meant anything se.l us. 1 fancied I was sulfcriji from malai.a and dort red ayself a-cDTdlnijly. Bat 1 'tot no better. I Bex' noticed g peculiar toi .r and odor about tli i liulds I vtaa rns-iu' alb i tb.a there wlto lare quantities one day and cry litUo the next, and that a persistent froth and s mm ap oared on the surface, and a sediment settled. And yet I did iut jeallze my danger, for. Indeed. oeiiu thCiO symptoms continually, I Cuaily became ac customed it them, and my oi.:i-i..,i was holly disarmed by the fai't that 1 had r. pain iu the affected organs cr in their vicinity. V by I "dioulrt have been so blind I cannot under-tand. I consulted the be-t medical s!:ill in tbo land. 1 visited all the fc.m:d ni.iiCiut Springs in America, and traveled frei.i .Maine to California. Still I xrew wors-i. No two aptccd as to my malady. One said fwas tronbl d with irrita tion; another, dy.spepbia: nitother, hc.t dl-ea-e; am tber. general debility: auoihur, i nsestlmr of the of t5r. brain: :u d o on tlitouxh a lor? list of coaniiuii uiea.-,as, tiiesi niptoms of many of which 1 really had. In this way several jears i as--ed. dm.n? tthich time 1 was steadily growing wore. My condition had really beeomo pitiable. The slight, symploms I had at tirst experienced wero developed into terri blo aud coustant disorder.. My weiglit had been reduced fiom '-'07 to lP.'J pi:nd. My Ufe was a burden to niyself and frunJ-. 1 could retain no food on my stomacn, and lived wholly by injections. I was a ill n; masi of pain. My nul was iincontroliable. In my a;ony I frequently fell to the in or and clutched the carper, and ) rayed for death. Morphine had little or no effect in deadening the pain, l'or six. days and alghts I had the death-piemoaltory hic coughs constantly. My water wa tiled with tube-casts and albumen, i was .-tru 4 Sllng with Brieht's Diieaso of ihe kidne.s in the last staeI While suffcrlu!; thus I received a call from my p"stor, the Uev. Dr. roate, at thai time rcclor of t. Paul's EuUcopal Chare 1. of this city. I folt that !: ws car last in terview, but in the course of conversation Dr. Footo detailed to mo tho many remark able cures of cases Illce my own which nad come under his observation. As a practicing physician and a graduate ot the schools, 1 derided the Idea of any niedlciso ouu-ido the regular channels being in the btu Sficlal. So solicitous, however, was Dr. Foote, that I Anally promised I would waive say prejudice. I began its use on the firt day of June, ltfSl, and tooic it according to directions. At first it sickened me; but this 1 thought was a good slgu for one In my dc Dliitated condition. I continued to take it: the sickeuinz sensation departed, and I was finally able to retain food upon my sioi.i sch. In a few days I noticed a defined change for tho better, ns al-o did my . in and friend. My hiccoughs reaped, and I cxpcr'enccd less pain thau formerly. 1 .:s to lojoiccd at this Improved condition iba. upon wlif.t I had believed but a few !..;,. before was my dying bed. 1 vowed, hi ih presc-.rce of my family and friends, -h.u!d I recover. I would both publicly and pri a;e ly make kno:.n this remedy ior the l humanity, wharevcr and whenever 1 bad an opportunity, and thi. letter i- in fulb.l ment of that vow. My hirpriement was coustaat front that time, and in less than three .months I had gained CO pound;. !n Gob, becamo entirely fret; from pain, a:; 1 I believe I owe my life and pre-ont conditi n wholly to Warner's Safe Cure, the reim- ly which I used. Slnc6 my recovery I have thoroughly re larestlgated the subject of kidney dlfii. til tie and Bright's disease, aud lire truth. developed are astouudinu. I fier 'o-e State, deliberately, and a- a phyt-ich.n. tb:.t 1 believe taor than onc-halj He .'i ii ic'iu-h 9Uur in America arc caused hy Hi .'; '. ii-fM-'- (he hidnty. This may sound like a rash statement, but I am prepared to fully eri fy it. Bright's disease b:.s no di-tii.ctlv features of It- own ( often m elops without any ! whatever in the kidneys or their vi . :.-, but 'ias sympfoni9 of near'j every other roiiiii..m complaint. Hundred- of iteoplo die did-, whoso burials are air berimed by a ph .-.-cian's certilicato as occurring i v nn -!li'-;rt Disease," "Apoplexy, Paralysi-," .pi:ial Complaint," -Khcumatism." -Pneirmouia. and other common complaints, when in reality It is Bright's diseabo of the kidneys. Fsw physicians, and fewer people, realize tbe extent of this disease or it; dangerous and insidious nature. It steal- into the system like a thief, manifests Its presence If at all by the commonest symptomsand fastens Itself In the constitution before tie victim Is awaroof It. It is nearly a-liered-itary as consumption, quite u-cumiuc.n and fully as fatal. Etitlro families, inber.ting It from their ancestors, have died, and yet none of tho numtx know or realized t'-o mysterious power which wa- rcuiui ing them. Instead of cemmon si'mptoms :t often shows none whatever, but brtr.s death suddenly, from convulsions, apoplexy or heart disease. As one who ha- s.tffertd, and L-iows by bitter experience ha' iu savs. I imtdorc everyone who reads, tbu e words not to neglect the slightest symptom, of kldtroy difficulty. No one can afford to hazard such chances. I make the foregoing statements l-as'-d pen facts which I can substantiate t j the letter. The welfare of thos? who may pos sibly be suffercro sacb as I was, Is an ample Inducement for me to take tho step 1 have, and If can successfully warn other- from tho dangerous path In which I once wa!l.nd, X am willing to endure all profes-ional and personal consequences. J. B. tlEMO.v. M. D. Rochester. X. Y.. Dei?- 30. Tbe Giow tli or Brains. In the Inferior races the head ceases to grow after 20 ycara of age. In the superior races tho bead of the Sntcllint and educated man Increases in volume until 35. 40 and 55 years. The skull has reached its maximum development when the bones composing It ar wildetl to gether so aa to render the sutures invisi ble. Once the sutures are solidified, the further growth of the brain is impossi ble, which Is said to explain the insur mountable difiiculty experienced in try ing to teach illiterate adults. The solid itication varies according to the investi gating activity of the brain. It takes place between the ars of 22 and 2." years iu the task-worker, between 29 and 3." in the niiddle-ela-5 manual profession, and after 35 in educated persons who practice intel lectual professions. Recent experiments in tho female colleges of Russia prove that the woman's head, though naturally smaller than man's, is susceptible to similar developments under educational treatment. The skulls of great thinker grow throughout life. The frontal sutures of Pascal, Rousseau and others who lived to a ripe old age were found open. Comparison of the individual skulls of different races discloses the sin gular and important fact that in the in ferior beings the solidification of the sutures begins in the frontal, or intel lectual, region of the brain, aud terminate-; in tin occipital, passes to the parietal bone, and thence to the frontal, thus giving tiii the last moment the fullest scope to the superior functions. Chicago Acir. Ills Baby's Shoes. The curse of drink. A man offered his little baby's shoes at a pawnshop for 10 cents. This was too far for even the pawnbroker to go, and he refused. And then the fellow urged, "but the baby is just dead." Boston Traveler. "I am going to be your hub," said the young carriage builder from Boston as they stood before tho altar "Yes, said his "blushing bride, who intended always to have the last word, "and I will supply the spokes." "And I," wound up the clergyman, as he joined their hands, am tho tie-r." 5f. Joseph Xcw$. TAUGHT A LESSON IN MANNERS Iiui.rUomely Knocked Cut by the Big ;.rotliL-r or a t-til lto Had Irntulted. A sensational soone occurred just out side the dining-room of the Southern hotel last evening, between 0 and 7 o'clock. Two mci, both of whom were apparently gentleman, were exchanging blows. The struggle did not last long. One was six feet tali and heavy in pro portion. The other was about medium size aud soon fell beneath the blows of Ms antagonist, who, having knocked him down, walsed away with au air of contempt. J l.c man who was worsted iu the atli ay was OI.arL-- WiNon, a well-known tt.ixi ling uian of this city, lie hastily picked himself up ami rciin l. a littlo the worse for theconiiict. Iu doing o he dropped the key of 1.:- room, which his ertwhih antagonist picked up, and, hurrying to the otLcu, displayed it to the clerk. A few words were then ex changed, am! then, by request of the management, Mr. Wiison left tho hotel, but, not in-fore ho had ordered a raw be- fstcnk to apply to hi, eye. lie after ward secured a room til the Hict elien. The pre-ludi to the affair was quite as sensational as the att'air itself. Friday evening 2.!is- Eintna J. Frame, : charm ing yotit.g lady, just returning from school, arrived from Now York aud went to the Southern to join her brother on her way home. Ho was ill and routined to iris heil and she remained at the hotel with hm., cc.iir.g. after dinner, site loitered for a few innlutes in the par tor, and while there a uutu was brought to her. On opening it shn was surprised to hud that it contained an invita tion for her to go riding. Then she was surprised to find that the signa ture was that of a man with whom she was not acquainted. Winn this fact wl- discovered she grew indignant, and, bursting into tears, tan to her brother's room, lie w.i'; still in bed, under the treatment of Dr. Powers, but when he nad the no;e he gathered his strength, and with a look of determination in his oye a-ked hi- s-istur to retire to her own room. Hastily dieting, he sought the oPiice, but no such peron as that whose name was signed was stopping at the hotel. The name was a fictitious one. and hud it not been for the- g.iiilty looks and actions of the culprit he would never hac been discovered. The brother t-tr.rted to return to his loom, but as ho passed tho e!oor of tho dining room he noticed a. man who seemed desirous of avo'ditig him. lio was in a combative state of mind and faced the stranger with .1 questioning look, when the latter began to apologize for having written Ihe note. Then followed the scone tirst related. Mr. Frame, although much larger than Wilson, was exhausted from illness, and, when he saw that the latter was-aueasurahly punished, felt hi- weak ness returning and allowed him to es cape. St. J.&i't. UtvliZ-Dcmocrnt. Had I.uck ut the Funeral. Tho funeral ot the late Ephriam Geisingcr, of near l.luc Church, Upper S.tucon township, Wednesday, was held with considerable difiiculty. At the home of the deceased's parents, about two miles from the church, elaborate prepa rations were mado all day Tuesday for tho dinner which was to be served at the conclusion of the obsequies. A calf was killed and set r.side to wait the roasting process. When the hour arrived for this Wednesday the matrons having the affair in charge were greatly surprised to find tiiat during the higjit some person had stolen the calf, together with other of the funeral meats. The excitement eua.(l hy this announcement had scarcely subsided ere one of the horses attached to the hearse of Undertaker Thomas eh:iifer, of I.imeport, while be ing driven into the yard, stepped into a hole from which a post had been re trovoti. and broke his leg. 1 he poor animal had to be shot on th- spot. The h.-arse wv.s also caught by a wash-line and dismauteled of its plumes. lfcn 1'i.wt (lt.) L'lironicle. iNevorytov.n and illlage not already ta'.en tbe Ir. Iteueer Minium formally wu'itsu :'':'. re pei- 'ii --r-jct r.'iuau. j:en- i a! -tore-k.i ej.eror private i i-r on as local agei't f-r the ale of tin Ir Mundard Family Midlciue. which has been known and sold for er -. sly yeat-. I'liierprNiiig cotmtry store', vi p r. throiichoiit tho United Sshtcs are ava'I u-; the:n-ehe- ef this very de-Ir-ab.e oppoi trinity, l'or particulars address l)n. Miur-i Co.. Chicago. 111- .". Surprised Youth, don't quite understand velhr audac ity, young man. iu de-.ii ing to marry-my daughter." So sjuike the stern father. "From vi hat 1 cm heir you seem to have noti-iig but a little reputation as an amaii ur actor. I don't believe you could supjort your wife." The youth 1- oiced a good deal sur prised, and after a pause stammered: "Why you- daughter doesn't, want to star, does she'.'" Wahhuj!) l'est. When Ii.iby was rlci. we gave her Castorla, When .--he was a Ch.M, she cried forCostorifl, Whn sho bo-arm Miss, she clung to CfUtoria, When the ba.l ChilJrcit, xite rravo them Castorla. Tun imperial tribunal of Ltipsfc has ib-chied that h--nceforth a refusal to rise and participate in a toast to the health of the kaiser shall constitute high trea son. Cktin.s-nil tiro time. I'r-or child. Ikuow whi:t in :;-; yeu so p'jovtsa and cross. M-'thor :r u-r. g :t you a b x o: tiioso swott little candles called Dr. lull's Worm De stroyors. P. uni. 25 -.eirts. John D. Park. Ciuc'iruali. Ohio. Tiik following is a copy of the made hy a colored constable on return a war- rant in Liberty county, Georgia have thi- Day i'est tho Rody of Ann Lecuunte. I have Hir iu My Tliis the uth day of tho 17th of HOI." "I Kate Cust. Jan., I leivc been occi-lonnlly troubled with I 'mil. lis. and ii each ca-e nave used Ui.W.N' iJKONtlllVL "iKOCUIs, vlr.cti have never faibd. and I mast say they are -e o'ld to u'ine in the world.1' l-lir 71. 2Iuy, C'liju'er. St. Paul, Mhtn, Ti'K Rritish canteen system has been adopted in the barracks of Germany, with a view to keeping the soldiers away from the liquor shops. It pays to ici S M'OLIO in all eleanlns. for "1'iiiit aud ( k'.ralia ss ar twitt br 't.r prs." Sipoi.o i-j a 'ii I c d:o of Kcouriu s'o.ip. T. y it in hon-o ele.inia. I)::. .sjin:.vrri:...Kic. of lV.latka, Fla.. has recently sent to Kurope a handsome bouquet, coa: posed of wild Howers, the handle being an alligator's tooth. Top a DisonnEnnn Livei: try Beechaji's The crawfish are so numerous at Ra mos, St. Mary parish. La., that they stopped a train there recently by crawl ing on the track. J!T!.-AI Fits efir 1 fr bv Dr.KIJnc. Great Kervu !Jotoro-. Ti . . a.iorflr-,t do's i. 51i--veit s. cuie-. Troiu,o .d .00 Mai 'jottl fro m fit cases, send to Lr. K.iu-. 9il Arch St. l'ci!i, I'a Rem pXA Tlic corAT EDYfoR CUE3 PE02IPTLT AX3 PT.r.JAXI3m.T tumbago, Hcadache.ToothacIie. NEURALGIA. Soto Throat, SwcUIngs, Prost-bltes SCIAXICA.. Sprains, Bmlset, Burns, Scalds IHE CHARLES A. VOCELER CO.. Baltlmors. . K& - Xh3X&a aLi -dsts?Z2aEXlZ& BACK FltOM TOWN. Old friends alius is the best. HalesMtke and heartiest: Kuowed us flrst. and don't allow AVe'ro so blame tnucU l-etter now! They was standbV at the bars When we grabbed '-the klvvered kyars" And lit out fer town, to make Money and that old mistake ! We thought then the world we went Into beat -The Settlement." And the friends Ut wa'd make taera Would beat any anywhere l And thev do fer that's their biz: Tney beat all the frien U they is 'Cent the raal old friends like you At staid home, like I'd ort tot W'y. ot all tho gcod things yit I ain't she: of. Is to quit Kus:ues. and get tack tosreer The-e old comforts wait'n here These old friend : aad these oU hands At a feller tu it r.-tands: These old winter ni;;hts, aud old Voung folks chased in out the cold!. Sing "Hard titnes'll come as'In Xo more:" and nelshbor- all jlue lal Hero's a feller come from town Wants that air old riddle down From thechlinciy Git the Uoor Cleared fer oni cowtllHon more! It's poke the kitchen tire, saj s he. And bh.'tke a friendly leg with me! -Jama .'iiicoini liilrytn Met (entuiy. To Be Robbed of Health By a poitilcntlal clixate. by n vocation ea tailins conttaat exrosurc, physical oierwork, or cdoutnry drudgery at tbo desk is a harJ let. Yot many parsons orb;tnalty posaossed of j r. fair couatitation suffor thitt deprivation be (oio il:n mcrlJion of life ii raspod. To any and all subject to conditions iuimtcil to health, no , lmior or more ncrocable rresotvativo of tit? Urrato.'t tnrthly bl '6s njs citu bo recommend' d ti'iiu Uos'ettor's i-tomnch Uitte-rs, which inuro rho eyateur to flinifitio chausa. physical fatigue, and n. until oxhaastion. It. eradicates dynpepsia, tho lano of sedentary bruin workers, plcservca acd reetores regularity of thsboRfli tied liver, when disordered from any caaao, an liihilatc fover and ayuo and prevents it, ohcvhi tho growth of a toiitleccy to rh'-atca'isra B"d r,oi. nad noutralt:cs the dinger to be appw hpndd fromcaasi-s prodnctivoof kidnov, bbid Jer, and uterine Ailment-. To bo convinced of tbo truth of those atateuiouts, it is only cecos sary to givo thla stetlicg preparation an impar tial trial. A Conscientious Jury. First Citizen "If you had doubts of the guilt of Mrs. Rorgia, tho alleged prisoner, why did you vote to hang her?" Second Citizen (who was on tho jury "Well, you see, the trial made her so notorious that we knew if we didn't hang her she;d soon appear on tho stage." JVcu l'or; Weekly. The Indian 4iietion lias been the ab-orbing topic lately. A facetious corrospr ndeut says: '-If the agents. Instead of doslug the poor ludlans wlib cough cures to tho disgust of thoir palates mid destruction of their stomachs, Intel sold them Shlloh's Consumption Cure, the emly reliable couh cure, palatable to tho ta-te aud instantaneous In otfect, tbey would all bo o:r tho reservation yet." This Is doubtful, but e:ertaiuly nothlnjj creates rnoro alarm than a cough nothing cities as quickly as Shlloh's Cure. It in:.-: the. ilitt guaranteed cine for coughs, asthma and consumption. It is tho first In the estima tion of all wlo bavo usel it in throat or lung trouble, llemeinhcr ShUoh' Curt. Children Not Wanted. Homeseeker (looking at highly deco ated flat) "These apartments aro cer tainly elegant, but the windows are too low. Uiildrcn would fall out of them and get killed." .1 uni tor "Ves'ni." Ifome-sceker "Do you think tho land lord would object to having bars across?" Janitor -"Yes'm." AYw York Weekly. i-ewarn or Olutmmt Tor Catarrh that Contain Mercury. Aa merefcry will surely destroy tho sense of arr.cit and corrplotdy derange the whole system '.vheaGn'erine it through the mucous surfAcss. Huch article.-! should never bo used exct-pt on prescriptiens from roimtabls pbvBicians. ai tha I datuaj thoy will do is tenfold to tho Rood yon i can )oiisIl)ly derive from them. Hall's Catar-h j Curs, mnuiif nctured by F. J. Chacoy & Co., To- ' Ielo, O., contains no mercury, and ta token in- ' torr.allj-, and acts directly upon the blood and , mucous RiirfictiS of tho fiyatem. In binlnh' j UR it J ijiue ui buro n j;ti iui eunoint. It- is taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, bv-F. .1. f h ceyitCo. "jC-TsViId by IirSijists, price Too per Lottie. i'lat fr tho Amateur. St. l'eter "Well, young man, how did vou get in here? What is your busi ness?" Young Man "I am an amateur pho tographer; would you allow mo to take a shot at the pearly gates?" St. Peter "The elevator is juSt going ' down; step right in; we press tho button, j you do the rest." New York Herald. I'm you ever go within a milo of a soap factory? If -so you know what material Ihev make soap of. Dobbin-' l.lectrlc .Soap factory i as free from erdor as a chair far tory. Try it once. Afk your jcrocer for it. The committco appointed last Septem ber to inquire into the causes of tbe ab normally high mortality in Madras has reported that the water supply und the drainage aro defective. Buonchitis Is cured by frequent small doses of i'iso's Curo for Consumption. Thk state of Texas has S772.S3G in tho treasury after paying every claim. No one doubts that Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy really cures Catarrh, whether the disease be recent or of long Qtnnrlinrr rvfrniicf. thf mnl-rf-rs; of it clinch their faith in it ' with a S500 guarantee, which j isnt a mere newspaper guar antee, but "on call" in a moment. That moment is when you prove that its makers can't cure you. The reason for their faith ! is this: Dr. Sage's remedy has proved itself the right cure for ninety -nine out of one rmnrlwrl rn;p: nf (""rifnrrli in the Head, and the World's Dispensary Medical Associa-' tion can afford to take the risk of your being the one hundredth. The onlv Question is are you willing to make the test, if the makers are willing to take the risk? If so, the rest is easy. You pay your druggist 50 cents and the trial begins. If you're wanting the $500 you'll get something better a cure! CUT THIS OUT. Grant! Palace Hotel 81 to 103 N. Clark SU CHICAGO. S9TFot:r minutes from OourtlloriFe. Kcjoras $.7 weekly. Transict 5oc nr. American and Lu ropean plana. vttt Tn:u Sr.w. T.ADIES.T3F Dr te Dnc'sTerrtoatcsl'KHi.frcia ?u.s Friw:.. Z.tbl:iLe.t In E.rop, iZl-, Kcgz.. Uif". Caahia. UT3; U-ki.d Stain, ImT. Cure, a! I fiyfnttiaz; tmr-Iarien, aas nacsM-r J-r.ijj3t.. S-r, hiraiat, r.JUi:. Tt7 .i.U!y mnstactbaioVra dfirtsr:pr naacj. Tllar-- pnxMta cril!a towi&ilad.t ar l!aMt is tli 4t rlt f a d wnlrrH anl lnljlT n.ntfToxxSoi. Co&ITsjM rKaialj; opp--tcnt mtlt la l,'.ol p-'. .Ir- aa-i quick casca?'.9-. $i a pafa, cr' fcr Ji. ftr mT, la pTjtia fsj.4 .3T.Icp, oa nca'pt of ;-! Tbo AitrW caa I'M Co., Wiulnaim aa4 Rojaltj Frotiiori, Tbo r-aao p!il aoM hj SEDGWICK DEIjONe.Praa-- Hoax CUf, Iowa, WboM asA KataU Aetata. PENSION LAND and INDIAN DEPREDATION CLAIMS. Speelal ate-tonai.en to the above. N'ATHAN lSICKKOKIJ, Solicit .rof Claims. Wa-lnnf ton Ir . I'.eterencra turiu-hed in any btate. Blanltb free. FAT FOLKS; laL Serjdte. forcirrolaniand t i Kedileed 15 to SS prHtadlBw rcocrri ry b.vnil tiertad r ."-... ... wmi .iajg. Off Send o. for rircaiani and testimonial. Addrea vm. w. n. m, uiaaa, at a auta ac, Calaag, III. Narce'thid paper when you writel 0.000. BUS. niSHJ i.m POTATOES i v Y-Tff i Frevesition Is bitter than ctrrs, ssd iwcrla who are rnrbject rh-nicaUsm. ci.t lirevect Rttici. by Lccpir; t.e blood pare and free 'roru lia a-iu hbh ciC-s tio d!ecae. Thl- sasots tbe u o: Ho;d'-. Sar a.i rills. unQuesttonibly tia bist bleed . st which has be;n used with uroat -ucc;s forthi- l; pnrpes.- br raaav peoh. Hocd's Sirj,ap:ri!la has als? eared issnnr--nb!o case) of rlieuciitiiai c tic severest trc b i: . iou trful effect in neutnllzlug ncld.ty cf tte b!coX ana inaanrthoXianrjsandUvertoj'r05orlTrosiovff '. wiswvitdtti.e?VNt3-n. Trrlt. Hood's Sar3apar.!!n , Fold by til dnuK tsri. fc C. 1. HOOi; I; CO, ft: rx forts. ltevsr-.lo-rl AfOihccsries. ILo-v e.r. Mi. 100 Doses One DoILir SHILOH'S The success of this Great Cotitjli Cere ii without a parallel iu ths history of ucdicir.c. All elragists ate authvtred to -.ell it en a :-os-itive uuarantee, atcst t':it no o'htv cure car. suc-cei-fclly stand. That it may become known, the Proprietors, at an cnora -- exreusi. a.c placing a Simple Bottle Free into cveiy home in the United Stscs and Cai:aa. If you have a Cough, Sore Thi oat, or I'tonchitis, use it, Kir it will cure you. If yoar clnid has tbe Croup, or Whooping Coush."usc i: pronspily, and relief is sure. If you. dread that insidious disease Consumption, use it. As!: your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE, Price ic ct5.. 50 cts. and $ 1.00. If your l.ttni;. are sore or Hack lame, asc Shiloh's Torous Plaster, I'ncc 25 cts. atttunlato the torpid liver, strensthen tha digestive orgaasi, regulate Ute bowels, aad tare ucequaletl i saa Aaiii-Biliona 3cdioino. . KtefrantlyRUicarcoatsd. D;tsmaH. Prieoi 25 f cnt-i. Oth'c. VJ & 41 rurk I'luce. X. Y. KT.YS CI85T.AM Ml.1 fkVT ?tif- ? .ami en int'r. itiiuiiuiu a J L? -Hi . ..w-- ....... .v.. -... . .- . 1.'-11.QKI' r &.. " l',nk1 vli llr-.Kii. ... A- AC- Heals Ihe Sores sud Curt 3 &LDV&' CATAgSH KXf&tiC8& Z STR. -' iVftorqTa.tfrn.lS!iTrl!.(iUirk- 17 !;-lif-H VAd in H ai aa-i-vM i. B!tOrfW wanm-ScX V-ZSS-3r! - -I OIST35 ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figa is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to tho taste, and acta ? entry yet promptly on the Kidneys, aver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels co!d3, head achea find fever.-j and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Fig3 ia tho only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to tho tasto and ac ceptable to tho toruneli, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, ita many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figa is foi salo in 50c and 81 hottle9 by all leading drug gists. Any rcliablo druggist Tvho may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any ono "who wishes to try iU Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIO SYRUP CO. SAN fRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE. KY. KW YORK. N.Y. BORE WELLS !n larW.-!IMihlr.o8 aro thr meat fTnt wasas .. KiLiADi.a'.irKBL-.-it;rci!i:iCM TI.'i:i.HMK VVOiCKRr.d , o.DKitt-.vri-.i: ritorir. tber a-AM.! Anjr lic. - friiSl'll inches to 11 luclit i diamctt'r. gyH.j -pi i-.iii w. .iia wi.trr fu i. L00M1S & NYMAN, TIFFIN.-OHIO. .R iSafi taioguo FREE! hciItmc Otarntal is uuats ar JC-AnLCTFEVER.pOLDE. MBASLCS. CATAISRH. Ac. or nil use or-TMC IrfWiaiBLI SOUND EMSC Whist, ri Tur:4l to JaV i'Sr Wi triit of cuot ta-aa svll siouaj- a- iI-mmdMi-I. Tktmitff thi Sif rlgtl9. i"iT whnt rlii,3afrnt-a C.WAI.K. U'ldffcyorv -4.-..W PROF. LOISETTE'S NEW MEMORY BOOKS. OriticiaWi-ontvrorBCirt Ifera rrSritim. T!e-nl? itfiui April tt. r'nilTablfcSof ivn -.Iti fi.rAa-dsJ ctny to tliofe who fund at.-ntwildi. t '! !ni-!oi iio iivM-pecnis iosr nu k ot tho i-oibtitiisa .ut Of S-jverl'oncelllcir. Aililr,. rrof LuisBrrir.v-ir Fifth Ar y- mm. Prettledt P.OOK Krrr lmitil. SEED clir-anssdi:. liv oi. .t 5 One cent a oka. Ud if rare. . Cheap, pure. l-r. lOC-O&OOextraS. lieautitMUliisstraieue-aia.ogiicirtr. It. II. Sltuinway, iiockfortl. 111. , PS sajQjaatijtJOIlN W. MOKIlN. Succossfuily Projascu'es Claims I.ate Prim-iral Ktan 1 "-UK. et.-.ion Birrca i Sjroin'a.twar lsd (t at'Kcl ljs a ystr:..- PEB1NE IIOVT ARE VOtTIt F" mrs tolu or tentlsr F wollcn or ccrsiris? EET. Sculler Shoes rnav krn with eemfott Pries, so eta nt T-,.-T r.rr er bv xriAi? Irlil rkicc and !.!uitra!:i HI I InliPr ,cd F- -vl- D- A. rutn. (IraDgers. Labor HLLIrilluL Iterorrners. O e:iliac!rer a:.d Anti aiyiioyohsts, stad for barajUu copy J-.ttt illl.) Jiews. P Cn;cHESTirs English. TT" E.1 tmi'Ifa rfaP CaVfl THE 0:CIKLMD CCMUIN fttllaa. i Unci!.: f.r Ckichuttrt lhwlu boi.. -.!(.l wlta Ml ntNo Tik. no AH ptl.. Ia r-iirr.r.t bsiei. tint wrir;?ri -le. ii iubpi iv f.n..iiip. t tflr9oi-a 1 V.eOe T..:I-uitJ. ni J-iicr. Brj D Zi LakcI UriuzU TsslFg- EsunS BTafa a u Si tTiCAri inrg LB I tsSi'sEm. Bv TL Vdtd :X2nJal ISO'S P.EMEDT F0H CAT AltP.H. Best. Easiest to use. Cheapest. Jtelief is innncdiatc. A curft is cert3in. in. for Cold in .io Ileart 'A"v It i.s au Ointment, o2 vliich to the nostrils. Price, GCc. by urail. Aadress, . T. 'Ibmaybelruc whabsome men say. irrnaun oe rrueM Jrvh&r a men stw" wmuc, gndorf-Sl5r .Snnf r. -. lY is Ql solid caJe ofcourind soCaD For many years SAPOLIO has stood as the finest and best article of this kind in the and,- although it costs a trifle outlast two cakes of cheap cheapest in the end. Any j reasonable price. SEED CHEAP EH"A"af-l""l"-"il"a waW-Il.J.-Mi;-IiAtTA-aTa I , f fgml mWMMZM ramimMmVflit CC4T rman 99 yrup For Coughs & Colds. Tohn F. Jones, Edom,Tex.,wiittt' " have used German Syrup forth rr-ot six years, for Sore Throal; C. ugu, Coltls. Pains in the Chest a-1 Lungs, and let rue say to any-, c 0 wanting: "--" a mediciue ( . . auau Syrup is the best. ?.V. Baldwin. Can:e3vn!e,Teiin.f v . tes : I have used your German Sv .up in uiv family, and find it the be t medicine I ever tried for coughs r i colds. I recommend it to every c . for these troubles. .bninlhausen. DrKCfirist, d -rlestou. lll.,writes: Alter trying res of prescriptiotis and prepara- -w I had on my files and shelves, out relief for a very severe cold, tch had settled on my lungs, I ed your German Syrup. It gave j immediate relief and a penna- ::t cur -. G. d. GREEN. Sole Manufacturer, Woodbury, Xcw Jersey, U. 9. A. Aoo Mi W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE FOR GEfiTLCMIN. 5rr.0O li'e.iliino IIml ... e.l. i'l oriiut ac. yf U ti irci. -t u btcl: roraniradj ita!t S1.00 i:.iin!-sc.l Wv!t. A finoraif daoi:a - ui,-ii-.ttorstii.t .JurblUtr. 3.59 ;ocJ)ar VV olt ifttaeatiudarddKlsShsn O at a i-opuUr t.r Srj."iO i'o:irriiiaiis .silo ! ec!illy aasot O forrillroiil meu. triur. W. AU mall lu Cowkm. liuttua and Lisa. 9-9.00 Tor r-ailtei. U ibo culy li4ud-seweJ titloe 2 R,vd at tfci-i ioi.uirj'ric BJj.l DoliotShoo rorIldiUniiltlV il ur jail iiriiu:"i Ij tc-omw trr popular. 9J.0O Mioo tor lobe. tuU 1.1 5 for .tllsswS -- fUitrut.ta taoir :i-!!ccc tcrttr.'o.ttc. All kooiW warraured and etarnpsi with nam oa bottoM. If id. ertivd local reeut caano: nypl rcii. m. .-.t C.Iect t'j factory, lnclojtas sdTertisM Liiict or a io-dal tor ra-r iiiana. At. 1- DOKiiaS, IlrockUNa, . GOLD MEDAL. PARI3, 1S7 W. 1MKEH k 0.S Breakfast Cocoa from which tho execs of oil Iom been rrrr.OTed. Xs otsulufefy pur atntS it im aowfrto. Ko Chemicals ar tfa.l In Ifsi nronfieat'nB fa BT3 uat-xl In Its preparation, it Iaa than Urn timi Ms strength of Cocoa mixed wttk Etjrrh. Arrowroot or Sugar, i ssd t therefore far more eco- I Domical, conttnj trit than on crntnaip. It is delicious. Dour 1 lahisff. rtrensthnins, SasiLT rlJESTED, and admirably adapted fer lavaiida iia well a for peraona Ii health. Sold by Urneers sTstywaete.' ' W.BAKEH eiCO.Dorchewter.Mam, Dr. WOOD, SSSfink IJrsiiIor Graduate tn Mt-dldn-t- t.iir hc'Bit uitit trrtraU prvcMo lOiii VfJitfo ar-tl .Vrtc fw-ta-t.tlillalil In Nluux City Mae a'n.n mii:H ail rrilSIf, .VrOUJ. Chronlo and Kusalai tliseaaes. 8aerBiatnrriliav. Nriuiuni .c.kne9 (nijK bnaj IraPotaacy io,sujt;rual jyi"T.'. anu aii irmi.:eiiii(ijet, i.ituu .ir.f(M. t'c. Cure cus.'aataoa or money refur.doil 'Jlrarg-e fair. Taraaa r.Tli. ii-rjiortenee aro Important. Me ta-luroi- tuoiJIclcea 'icd Xotirni lost from worker liti.-In'ii -ratlents Kt a distance treated I y mall ilfi'itlnrj ifil e--nitr.irri frt iVnn cm anahrntisr u -'li.'c v-iir r.isa sort .'nJ f-ir Wpluion aad triti -f(m-ialtat!i-a itrtotlr onnCdCkUa. persoa cliv i,r tiT lettor Ir. W.Mtn ha. that larsesC r-Tedirnl nml Horelral lnstitate and Eye ! mid l-:r InUrmvarr In the Wtaak-cooaiafDr la:i-nts at ratr rater, fsellttlea to laact any esaer-rir.7- A Uulet Hnmo anil float car mnS tktSl fw t Loh.-j liitWny Vrignamj ana. CjnJLrmrnLmX to. I tnr Illustrated BOOK and SlKOlCAl. DL'RJilI,. ti-Miailon ttila rDerJ -VASELINE- FOB A ONE-IMJf.LAR fULt. ssnt us By rarj wit will deliver, free of alt e! auy TMSaoata ne llnlird Statin. aU ot fee follotnac artrdoo. ara t ul. y packed: On, two-onnca hof-'e of Para TaSsllas... lOsta. one two-onnce. botUs t Vaelne Fotaade.... n tir.olar if Vaseli' 8 I'o'd Cream ... ........... U Oti.,Voof VaJioIlnntTaauUirlco 10 . m ai la .. . Mm ta.l Tfi I On-eaksof Vaetl-ioS-ai -x'l .itelS--eatsd I Una to-ouuce botUs of wut.a Vasollaa S , j Cl-i ' Or, ;VsiM-fi lnip. unite arttdt at Us irfc I named. Ot nn account b pertvaUJ to aocapi Aa zanr drwjut surj I'auHn or prrjHirmtto thtwwra unlw liiiirM trUt nur ruin, keatuat you Ulit oartaiav :y rmefs ar. Oul'tttivu io.McA Sn UtU or no ctuo. CMjeuri'tiu .lus. .-. sr-f iu ca. -. ASTHMA. Pd-jhaih. AsUuns 8.-eelfe (ivoi Itumtvllate rsltef. l: is Vv.!Ttd to be ta l!es!i AbTII'iA ltae kuuwn t hamunliy. '.ml i for Trial racks. 1 11KK. bol I 7 .Jriigilsts. tenfj l.y l'nall. r-oatpeld. for il i or lTos. . --Jilreaa TlfOS. Voi'UAM, 2m ltrdfis i-ruaae. Itiilada. ,. . , .. I a2a. aaiaai- -.- r-f " "- tSSS!SSt W4K Wl .i.tli n.l h.M ttt, til m--!.t.l.t tia l-. utSjrlT a eeaturr.' Tnero are fow drvu to whtou ttiaakiaa Mm iiiliiA. miim f.frt.aal?? tLn anrM lTes aaS . .., ... .-.!. I..N .n-A m..AI .aVI. t tried without socoeia. rpr..tUmil llIarBiBas M,-ini are followed It will do-.. .1!. .5e 1rI!eaS2 !i! tfte atfnilon Of '.; U Uiu to L" "J- J tale t.y all CmrgHt-- J",- '- IOrSO'l. col Tsov. S:v. fotaUW 1 :.'. rinr.ui atousi.'Wi'.e.ntaat4i !Si ir.uUinlluiMi a.i:i. m. rsnti u Tt - ttiftaa UlUtlMT iox. Tacuaa. w -. N. V. N. 7ttl Reo Cross ---K DrMOrto Dkaho V ttriiS Ttunnl. Hf.Tr. Hii..ui,il,cUartJ ttrmmlm. IHum: Brwi la Keid aas Cld m";:H k klml- Jltflf Xul-itUutn mr nMtiu. '. jnirerDaeaiiterft4l.' 1 'KmlUT tur IUIm. i Ui:,r. , rrlmrm Mall. CHtCHCSTCR CMCWICSL Co . Utn-m i-r lUIiaUi.I.(-ill.L. l-a it has no cquaL a .smiiil nartiolt ia anpiicel .Sole! by drigiist;or -jsnt Uaz2z.xi.. Warrsw, Pa. , m world. It knows no equal, more its durability makes it makes. It is therefore the grocer will supply it at a K i-frLr a -ai v9o.aw9Bi . f-iiKwaxMu-?! a.v2wmimrtt JtBHWfr 11 ili;Mn m in in awii'iiwu Ml fcgvmw i ft'.-Srt'im, TFw-W i-fllOn r . r ) Bit' I? I. 'rf r. w y. I