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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1891)
I ; -v t 1 I ? I i i t .4 O, Ov v (T Pllimb US jlOUUXitl. VS&DNESDAt. FEuRLAEY IL. IaSJ. A. IN TtilETASLE. P-uh. Freiast. LiTet '"olsrabsw t-i u itj Arri af Lia-otu ?iS a. a:. SJSp.rK. 'il- 1-Mp.a. lOiT: " 7J " I 7 ' nr?l&i7gt: Xusro&At T2,iaf! -fcrriT-M at rolussb: at i . 40p. - UMS Prir-l."TI3IE.TA3LJi. tr-Jf'T tl'T Atlantic fc-t '-ZZ 1. iTiiitac'' - x. It-' p 31 Li:M-i '. 1 I-, m "3I 5"E.T. !ll r TT! ' i:"i p. SI Lisiif-i Fi-t IIaiI Lt ot. "-: rxari b -tocr city. mi- frai Linct'tn 5i5) p. s lefiTtf- for siccx ir ?12 t. -n ( 5fni-ii l"n- for Sioni City 3i0 d. ni Foa vls: r cm v xvitir-. t li p. j. -55. n.. li.C p. a. -ja p iu. Jitx-i t-i Societn Jfcotires. lT".KA &- imiVr thia hf-iL will be ji-irttil at taa rate ot i a yr . A LEU VON LObtrE . . 4- F. A A. H. Jx KrvtilAr Lie-tin iii ic-xiij ts Mich 'x H. sasiu.j-, W . -, V'LDhY LOlMLNo. . LO.O F. "-grSj - at thr h.t!l -i l'h.-- crh -r-rt i-i.a br-frirn rtirtiii 4.r-i H J. Hvu-on N ' F.oaiAMZiO HLEi Sot LvmS-DU ar Tiwr tui-i. rrn-c .f Vrth -rrw-t vail H.-nr Hia-j r.'trHJ H: ir . Prt-miect. ir- . f-rthe-r notice, al adver-ti-em-n:s under tnis hrad will be ihanr tni at the rte of dve oen- a iv. v-ach ioUe. We !r.ake th.s l..-er rite to con form with x.h .n. Diphtheria is pradinc m rvtV-ijlW Will Ernst's two children ar- on the sick ht- For jrcl i!rars. ro to the Home Restaurant. Tke sale (f th J S.-Loi'.tz farm wa not confirmed. :K9MBaSjL ,i Old newspapers b th- hmdr-L i I rent at the Jotbnal ofiice. I .... i. . ! rit-te rtitria ueo rinnoa ee. ac , the hospital, of coanmptior. j F M-Sackett of B--ne tiat lot . i m Lnn.l..'l rl.-.r. kr T K.. r.lTTTl 1 -C K. Sheldon -hipped a -ir load ot fat iiTtl to uiana TLunti.-i . -Frda niitht the i-L-e n Wed up ten tramps. aturdi aurnt -it. -WilL E-ist -hirri i ti-.e U-- -t f.t cattle to S"n'u a,ab.i r '!-- Ia j?mnx st? Cornie.T. Jfutst ie. x Ur. T R. Ciars. ucc-a-or t. !-. 4chs. Ohv st. Ir. office at mLl ;e -av that Mr-. M'n'heahh. "" ! The Bellwt-jd Gaet; R-jchou i rapidh zainfn 4 The Home Restaurant for a -A pVzueal at any hour of the da or niirht. Cheap-et-t place to huj b H. h - Vahd underwear is a HonahanS -tor1. 3:Ax. Toy. Pian-. Or.-aas. ?-mg Machines. r D ritputrick. Kith st. Henry Luer-' team ran od Fnlsy. i s-:ilhng crea but duttiir no other i damage. i TT, e.-.-,f- -e r?ht "t .'tilHler taS o- J--W -- t of G j I been decided bv the appoicmen E.Wells. Saturday Nick Adamy -ind C. Buss brought to market two ounches of nice i fit cattle. Somebodv -ill have ac 0pn.3rs.umty " to buv a rood farm when' the Jc- ; Schauta place .-.1.4 t 1 and i blc:k "). m Stevens "V. addition for sale. Addr--- C. C. Nic N colls, S:huyler. Nebr. V-3z The scow beiran meltmi: Siturday in fine shap-. and ail the water pust-ed clown into the cround. Expensive w-athe: for r;ulrojidmg roils bloikeii sure ecouch: all tb again Monday moraine. The cornet band meet Monday and Friday evenings, instead tf Monday and Wednesday, as formerly. liiaii - -ii. jj.kt. . .--j. v.. .. Chambers. They wdl plat- your poiicy with the test ciMnpanies. otf TueSilay not many members of the legislature had renrned from home to their labors at the capital. I. L. Albert and J. M. Gondrinc have formed a law partnership, and they will make a strong combination. Friday evening AL Gnsold enter tained a number of his younc friends at the residecce of his parents. Mike Welch is not able to set the mail to Shell Creek. NVcoville and Bo heet because of the deep snow. Randall of Coiumbus shipped a car of cattle from here last Saturday in the storm. (Monroe Likin:r Giass. The celebrated Quick-Meal, and h srasolme stoves, the Lest m the Market. For sale bv A. Boettcher. 4tf Hacel .t Co. received a car of California oranres last week, and are irrttmc readv for the egs business. A jecerai mercSwUdise tore i- to be opened sn at Burrow- -tation. I tw-en Platte Center and Humphrey. I have a w. larze--ized. fire- prcjf safe, very conveniently arranged, which I will sell cheap. Wm. Becker. :?-;t" Be sure to renew your insurance th North L cambers. They -Kill, m all respects, deal fairiy by yon. and pro tect your interests. 3tf For Harrison wagons acd Courtlaud spring waiuns and buggies, call oc J. A. Gutrrcer. opposite Dowry's drur store. He is ure to satisfy you in prices and nl'lliw tl House and lot, with good bam acd A other out houses for sale cheap for cash. TsSmitf additloc Inquire at Arnold Kobler a real estate office or at The JoraxAi otiice. SJantf Children Cry for Fltchr' Cattwria. -Tb-DaT1 City Tribune evetfc 17 TT . T .!.-.-. . . . nampuja nas soia Da uorary ana ill abandon the the practice of the law i for the pre-ent. We learn thnt Mr. and Mrs. Henrv C. MarkeL who lived here laat snsmer. mitt-i t. V..I... ....t t .1 : ".,, .--r v.iKtu.t. rr.inii.. loe. iiiinr little babe by death. A pension has been granted to Patrick Fshey of Platte Center, arf a re-isbne to Christian, father of C. Eoettcher. address. Columbcs. B. J. Whelen. late of the Grand I- .,!.. , .,. . . .. ... . , . ..v. M 1CT. c, . j rlu-. uiijuu without notifrin,, i, -nmm-. " t0r" e m U:n;U:a Mona-T- -STfra! viio invr.Ui rn m ftrn: - -- '--- - w - .- --. ; -Honday evening to be present at the entertamment given by the Indiana ere diaap .uted because there as so ram. The Women's Chnstbm Tempertnce I'nton ;n rr or h ;.!. nr r- Brugser nest Fndav."the 13th icu at J p. m. All member ar recu-ste-i to be presetit. - - Pioneer Hi.ok and Ladder Co. No. 1 will ive their 17th annual mmKjuerade ball at the opera hous Slonday evening. Fr-bruary -JAl They should he well patroned. Bid were aked for :sj tht the hoard muht isoertain what papers would like to io the count printing," sajs the Argus. This is one of Saun ders's .jokes. E. P. McCormick. formerly a resi dent of tnta city, later erf the Oakdale (Neb.j Pen and Plow, : cow a ntizec of Phoenix. Arizona, where his uncle, L N. Taylor, is Uated. We notav that David Andersn of Siurh Omaha was recently elected a di rector of the Bnildmg and Loan Asso ciation there. Anderson will make an energetic director. Eisht couple of young people sur prised Mis Louise Wellman last Friday evening, it being the twentieth anniver sary of her birthdav. An emovable evening was passed. Invitations are out for the mar nae of Miss Jennie Sacnder to Mr. Fre-man R. Hoppoch. February at the residecce of Mr. and Mrs. John Sacnder in Wattsville. - The net amount realized by ;he chanty ball Weiinesday evening was ven dollars. That amount of supplies was distributed amonx some of the nedy r"or by Mr. Ginck. A protracted meeting of the L'nited ! Brethren began Monday evening at the j s. resilience o. of lork- a n Wm. Lohr. Rv. J. Austin , . miri;ir rcri.i hni J-ui-ir r. tutuii.' - i" r mu; uil U.& l i vears in the servic-. ijclciatini:. r rom our old come at Camz. Omo. rote tee sail oru - . .i . i i hat Mr-. John A. I Biaiham departeil this life January oDth. I A nobi woman in everv reii&i.vt. .-h i a a- b-lovti fcv .il xho kn-w hr A Any one wishmc a first cla-s spring i gou. suitabie fr a familv or leliverv b. also sleiith runners adapted to it. J d a iroii -inirle harue-. itn be aceoru- : nvwatei oy caiiinc ou w ai. t-cirer. , I - V The infant child of Mr. -ind Mrs. i John Tancahil!. a:r-d three months. diei "undav morning ot cocirestion ot the luns. and was buried Monday after- noou' F-v- w- M- Worley officiating. - r - Brin - r yo-ir job printing to 'The mTU tl. Otuce. office. We have excellent ma-1 nice type to io work with. acd .j. . v,.-.-. .r .,- ...u. o f-i-.-.- a- promised, and satisfaction j:uaranr.-ed. ; It is reportei that a family consist-! i' of u.n f- and child. hvic- near Silver Creek, ittcmpted too homr fn.m lo-eCi in b.e -torm. l;t their way. and ! w cr zc to death. Names not 2ivec. , zr r .-ar-.-r , ee- 0.11 i r ..l- Vi , ,V,-, ..T,r-.-,.r.r UiiCWT l-r -3 - - ' -- - m. uc iiAi j." The latest is the papering of his store! j and it is certainly s. very fine piece .,f i work and makes the esrahLshniec tip-top. 'AmiIv 'r C: oc Fuceral services were held Thurs day mcrcici' at Clarks. over the remains of Mrs. S. B. Cowles. The body was sent to Wah'O for bunaL Business hiuses were all closed out of repeot for i he deceased. S1. Rickner. Will Ernst and his man and R. W. Young broke the road Monday from the blue's, m to town. At Y onus's place, the drift was six feet deep, and the men were from eight to half past twelve coming the two and a half miles. We learn that near Central City the rotary snow plow struck into a herd of cattle, fifteen in number, and that before it could be stopped, ten of the cattle had been literally shaved to pieces and mixed with the scow thrown from the machine. An alarm of fire was made Wednes day coon, the occasion being a fiurry at the Grand Pacific hotel caused by put- tins a gallon of od into the furnace to clear it out. The furnace door opec' and scorched some joists, but doics no dasMse to speak of. George W. Barnhart. we learn, has been promoted to be seneral asent of the St. Louis. Arkansas .t Texas railroad, with headquarters at Fort Worth. George is a very excellent railroad mac. acd we snail not be surprised to hear of his climbing nsht up. Peter Koslow-ki. 'ho is postmaster at Duncan, was arrested last week on a charge of selling liquor without hcecse. was arraiimed before county judse Hensley. waived examination, acd w-u. held to anwer to the district court. A. : Heitkemper and Louis Schwar: sroing ! on his bond. -The city council met Saturday evemes. and quite a cumber of bills were allowed. If acybody thicks the city hasn't been shoveling any scow. they should see the bills. Mr. Gariow introduced an ordicance creating a board of fire inspectors. The monthly report of the chief of police was read acd filed. To the account given m last week's JouHNAi. of the bunjiary. robbery, aad the murder of Mrs. S3. Cowlgat Clarks there is no important particular to be added, exce t that, the eotrv to tie I house was made at midnight. Mrs. Cowles givicg the alarm to her husband. and that Mr. Cowles u unconscious about two hoars. Children Cry for Pitcher's Casttrla. t Ic-ok r . reijip7 ril ecor:Afor ke tMee orUlX) AShill eeSowcmip,cd b-VitoaXor haSMucseKVerwAlcadav. ifcesiJHice sJecVoovl. VoHnCur. reduret. -Rtk the t - .-- - . . xn twecty-nttn anniversary oc ' wedding of Mr. aud Mrs. J. R. Meagher was celebrated Monday evening at their j rHidace on Ninth street, to the utter ' Hnse of the happy eoaple who have ' innfrT1 atrro t.n-otYr for u iTiarTr ' -- ---- . t of a century. After ac ereninj? spent in I t?v nioarinnt .-taril frffninr fh i becotciss ref reshoents. Hon. J. EL North pronounced a novel and interesting marriage ceremony ovr the blushing nxm and hi fair partner, azd m very aI Prnpnie ana iouccibs language, pre- . . 5. ?- t. 1 nrp,4 .t, . ft- h,Vn r bn-ifcl. a.4 J ... .r . 7 w-il TitnaKiji r.l ttaernl- Stiver tea set; ' . dozen solid silver ..... , t -..x. --.j u . -, ;- t bCn;uuuU3, kVlU w&uA ill LXJJ l - 4i 11 handsome axodaed silver case. d o2 ; degree 3Li.nic charm froru tiecds:! j -alrer and Bohemian glaau brr: dish ! from the members of the 0. E. S. i Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. F. , ' W. R'ir- Mr. ar.d Mrrt J. IX Brewer, ! Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Xorth. Mr. and Mrs. : I- C. Kavannugn, Mr. and Mrs. H. P Coolidge, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hardeld. 3Ir. and Mrs. J. C. CaldwdL Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Oehlnch. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Davis. Mr and Mrs. M. K. Turner, Mrs. W. F. Allen. Mrs. W. A. Schroeder, ,, ,. . ... Mrs. Charles Davis, Mrs. D. Lewis, Misa r- r, , ,,- r r J, . fCar Parlv. Ua r.otri. Ricklv of ---- -? .'- I Creighton. Miss Anna Reimer, Mrs. C. E. Early. Mr. L. H. North. The Jochnai. with the many friends of the happy couple, wishes them nutny returns of their wedding Anniversary. Representative Stevens of this county has introduced into the legisla ture a bill making an appropriation to pay the militiamen who went out, at call, on the late Indian tronble. They did their duty and should have their pay, as they have already had the thanks of the settlers in northwest Nebraska for their prompt response to calL It is too often the case that when the benefit is past, it is easily forgotten. The danger disap pearing, the favor is not always appre ciated at its fnll worth; patriotic re sponse to duty on the part of Nebraska's militiamen, mnst at least be met with an appropriation somewhat commensurate for their time, and the men who served are already praising representative Stevens for the bill he has introduced. make other etter t ani oii'v- Th1 -superintendent of Indian -.hl. remarks about the Pawned In- ( .. 'instriai -cni tnattnereareetifhty-four ! pap1" enrolled, nti tnat nearly all tae j Pawnee children of jchoof a- are in jn . ir r n nr rn nunr . ii i r . .l w.UUii.fc ..-,. " J the of neitrlyj) tndin- is j making quite .-, fniz:ttioa and niakicir o.uite rapid pnicresa towards rapi.Ily di"ardiiig the . Ue ,.t.- umu ..-.-- .. i t . i . .... .--. - . r - acre of tlie tx-&r corn ae iourn-y . Their :Ia.i t.. o learn lUi T! e TjuHe-' MnslC-lIe met With "U'.. W M. Corcehu.- Monday eveiiiiii:; the --- o.cetir .!' I- t Mrs. Chainoers's Monday, lot u. We iv- the lLt of those who are now n.ea-l-r uf the .ef as -Tl -if . .1 Tl t.. .1 .!.. -. lUllU- .TJ.e-J,j.tIiie 17 K?. &1.WC, V uaiu -- ornrlios. Davte. Garlow. Gleas.)n. Hkenberger. Jaeggi. McAllister. Mur- j doi-k. Reeder, Rusche. Sullivan, uhit- moyer. and Misses Anderson. Amiertcer. Clother, Gushing, Fitzptitnck, Glenson. Harm"rn. Limbaugh. Morse. Matthew., North. Pout. Rieklv and Turner. The superintendent of ludian sculls fur the United Stutes -peaks very highly in his report of the Genoa Industrial schjot mow Grant Institute., under the charge of Superintended W. B. Backu-. formerly of this city, whom he praises for great exertion and tact. He says the school shonld lie wisely and liberally provided for, as its location with its other advantages makes it oae of the four ;reat Industrial schoois be tween the Uleghames and the Rocky mountains. Notice if Destitution. 1tpt YrMiac ::SWhere did yVn buy tlit pair of shoesNr Oh.ot tm at-V V -What ofcl y pay'- -$5.." VWellojk St these. I jikt bonghVat j theC:tshBargiVi StoV; ?v are e ameVhmA. nreoiArlv. an In.-. naid 2..." V X . .- m j "A:t-raref a. tmVir - I bl yon ar rVht. I ditiVt 'skp'i I would oiercmarie oie lifc- Ait. bi: suppose-he ha to ch."kge cVjr 'o iio tor pcr accounts. x That's but X I h;?je to Jky c-ropSt'- debts. I wjfct to know tj no rn wiiie aioce a-i ij-t iur .1 tmt j a i:iah -?ore." ( old neiirnljors her- i-e ciaUy -uch a relate the historic .act of I .fciv. , ttr.m a 0r.,rr..--.rv no-e r. n- .:,.. Hrv that the Pawnee i-v r-' hS e"nn-? '- i ?-::. r"c stance.. ,T- FT? v.., .r. .,. - tV.-.;-. I "K Co' --. Pl'-c a-mace .'o.a- I !9Syce is hrebycven that the part nersLipxistiEk befVeen th nnder sigcd. doing bninessnnder he firm name acd aSjde ocVScharoth JPlath. pjyjr torcnMGthxUJ;,jOvras ocNiat day luseolvlu by 5utuaTijnsVit. all? countsSJue thV firniNbeingIacd m the hands oW!. .JGarloTt es forVplIec- XV JV-F. SNFFBOTE. LEOPOLDltaTH. We will furnish Tee Jocbnul. The JjjLirUlIt nahWas Ana raska Fanulv Journal acd the WeekTyA , . ..... L''e are pieasel to arm jrTrrr-(i!n nra roar fnr S- ll nrhe paid m advance. Subscriptions received at any time. If you are cot a subscrib er to The Journal don't wait till your subscription expires, but pay us enough to make it one year in advance, and add the Inter-Ocean, one of the greatest and best family newspapers in the world. Borowiak Brc. have removed their k of groceries to the Hecrybnilding. ?e tli'W'irs XMt of their fiire-r n)-ii.i ..f business, and oc. the corner of Olive and 11th streets, where they can cow be found. Thankful for the patronage they have received, they would be giad to see all their old customers, and as many cew one- a desire good goods at fair prices. -l-3t C. C. Nfccolis of Schuyler has pur chased the Grtnd Pacific hotel of B. J. Whelen. pay tog therefor $20JK and took possession Monday. Mr. NIccoIls will make a decided change in the man ner of conducting the hoteL and already his good work is felt. He has the abil ity, both financially aad otherwise to conduct a first-class hotel in every re spect. Mr. Sandiland. ooe of the olu time typoe of Colaaabti. now a farmer of t Boone- county, bat just t present an employee of the Nebraska legislature. wm in town Friday md spent a few nsiautes at Thx JocKfAt. chapeL He is cow one of the swat radical of alliance mec, acd pounds the old parties go. the wack. -fit. to kilL A.1 PERSONAL. J J. IL Lynch of Omaha was in she city Saturday. j TV T R. Cla-k was called to Fuller- ; toc Friday. . T L. Fvet: returned tu Omaha Moa- , I day evening- ! . J. S. Tumll of rvonyier was xc tu- " "- Hon. Wm. Schelp made a few days visit with bis family the p;t week. v H r , ro - &nra hat gaSurdav bv the serious 21-1 fc-rf- -- - ... - - -- - ne of his father. jIiGarrn bad aTreiirt started to the tv i G-onre Graves. who now ha. a situa - i tine with rh Jonmiil at Fnllertoc. PCt I Saday Q Q" ty. yi -j q, Becher a nti daughter DoTie a ro Omaha Saturdav. "lvie will atrnr,,! , at Rniwc&U halL i -"- J1- -cias -aie uuj nun- -..- A. M. Jennings came down from Xew- . maB C;n) Saturday, intending to re- .; "xra JlOQ""-" JUl-Ttl-" "wuu,i "'"' j Miss Savage, who was snowboundfpa I CJrand Prairie with Mike, returned 011 the cars Saturday, not tike Mike, who ' came on snow 3ho-s. , rviu ;,r James L.imb. who an imp.irtant I . . , , , , . position at C. 1'. Ue.idqnarters. Om:uha, i . . uncle. Rev. J. M. Ryan. Jonas Hedman of the vicinity of Genoa, and one of the staunch fencer- patriots of old 1'iatte. gave u n very pleasant, call Friday ktot. Always wel- come. Jonas, call often. W. S. Howell, traveling freight and passenger aent for the Chicago. Mil waukee & St. Paul company, and a for mer resilient here, was in the city Wed nesday, looking m his usual ixl health. W. A. Davis of Nance county, was down List Week to visit with grandpa Hayes, whose death is expected at al most any moment. For more than three weeks he has not been able to lie down, and his strecsth is steadily departing. C. M. Taylor has returned from Leigh, where he had been for two weeks visiting his mother. He returned to duty da chief of police Monday. Before he re turned from Tecnmseh. be had been forty days in bed afiticted wuhyghoid A Wcnl of Apptvetation. r Butler county is entitled to the credit cf havinir had two writers of excellent p3etry ; one of them. Mrs. Mary B. Finch, cow at Clearwater, the other. Mrs. Hattie Boydston. m the western part of the state. For many years, thet-e ladle- have - contributed occasional poems of marked ! - merit to The JorKN x. and many of I theee. ith others, have oea nubhshed I in various periodical- of the country. . . aOQ.e of tuctu taking the places of honor j m recent b--k.- of peai-. 1'he follow- m appret'i.itive word.- tncernin Mrs. h Boydston. would -vith sjme changes as ! to themes, be very appropriate concem- mc Mrs. Fuich also "A distant friend who ha. loag Lcea a reader and admirer of her manv merito- nons pfas suggests that the peonle of ' rintier county will never know pernaps i zm tc Qac ll micnt Have been to &i. .should havA lien nn.n.i in rh-i- vrv -...!..- rr, .u ... t' theG. A. R.. witu many others are eocted '--. v.. --li.. liWt. -tUhU fc-fc land re r;heTW) are taznfi- of ia.4-1 " iu " uau uiLiw uuii ir. jti.r- uu' - i ---- the people of her county wdi l lad to the people of her county wih le .rlad to j 5 t i been any thin written more tender and r'1i'-etIC. e eutor ot tue lowa rtotneteao i inaliv renown to manv oC our i rs. and into the publication over ' ;dcs he has the faculty of ucc ne prt getting T.or- ot practical worth to the i square inch of white paper, than any similar pubii-ation we know of Life is too -hort, and the dem.tnds of uiir west ern fariu life are too many and urgent to ii.t..,miFnM.-.n,f,.m -.. -. w... ...j. "-'" """' "u- icals tuamU taken up ith something appropriate oniy to their own locality. See "he proposition elsewhere l the . riomestead Co.. and if von don't wish to bother senuing for their paper, call at this office, and we will take your snb- ition, along with that of The Jorp.- both papers, hen paiii one year in ;ance. for S73. tf business and pnifessional men iatte ami adujinmg counties, which. course, incudes evervuxiv who has bnsiness to trmsact with newspapers, or through newspapers with the public: all who wish to reach the public for purpo poses of their own individual concern, are hereby informed that we will dupli cate the prices of any of our contempo raries. This refers to advertising and to rates for job work of all kinds. Locals o cects a lice: displayed advertisements running for a few issues. cects ac .cch. sicgle-colucic. first issue: two thirds that, each subsequent issue. We have no old job-presses, acd do the best of commercial acd legal printing. tf aonai'eatent. AVe are pieased to announce to oar readers teat we have made arracgemects with the publishers of the Nebraska Farmer, the leading live stock and farm journal ot the west, by which we can offer .t one year with The Colcmbcs JorRyvi. and the Nebraska Family Jour- caL ail for -.N). but very little more n.ic .ne pnee d one pnoucatioa. l ul aa . n tiL--1 -ee Uer Dt.-ems in a b3un.i voiume esne- tnrou 'fi this necfr -(nis I;v-t S..tnr- "nty. -e3c-i.4ia. 'he o.ecr aail -priir r V ail otrer is gcon to.r renewals or new sub- inches, while here it averages twenty senbers. Let everv one who desire- to t ,. lUui. take advantage of this lioeral orTer Aty so xy of you yon3!. iaIlrt &d .fce at once. Address. j Rfehland -Rackets." and who oC- JOu M. K. TrE.vnit at Co ; wouldn't have preferred the fiatterv tLit Columbus. Neb. JMiHoiigiandgot.' ' county , Teahrr" AM)eiatioii. seeteiou of the Pldtte Xeacners .Vseoi.'iation will be held at t o, s .-,..- xrii.e neuter nex; aturuay. oegiacing at b) o'clock. A program covering many points of school work has been prepared, acd will be participated in by some of our leading teachers. A good attecdacce is expected. Our teachers acd school people should take an in terest in these meeting". Much good is accomplished by such means and those who miss them fail in an important part of their dutv. The city is entitled to shovel snow off street and alley crossings, and the occupants or lots are oougeu bv law to clean sidewalks within twenty-four hours after a snow. If all hands would promptly comply with the law, how nice it would be! The penalty may be levied aifiuu. Btrtrirt 44 aai Vicinity, I Tuesday of last week a strong chilly wind blew- fronr X-E. during the day: at : P- nuroow began failing and con- ( siai H nS and all day Wednesday. " w-CIi time n" changed, nut owing to the dampness of . , , , V--. the snow, there was verr little dnning: . . . . . t - mrt iVBr ,- n tk lereL Few teams hare rectored on: i yet Friday evening note have reached the city from here. Darling Corbett got two miles south for load of hay a ground hog case. T. Johnson started for city; got as far as O. McGaun's. Mr. . Friday p. m. for the mail and by the vtg- i rta -,T7 ;,- ,- a,wn .T arr. I -vJ ayi'UitMtvu vu m atwy auu t jw- ctede.1 hx.-jpKtaijr as far as Fred. Stea- tf vfierehe abandoned the trip and ' tarned home, declaring he would try f 'lt & tomorrow. Our school has leen very liht since -puesdav in oncseouence of the storm. J Mr 3Im. a c p-cke.t w sno Mund Tuesday night of last week at I her mother's; they returned home next day. It take actual feed since the storm. to carry-live stock, all pasture feed being l covered-.- -; It is. !e Be; hopeii the state is lookimr to the eifare of onr drouth-stricken brethrec in the west. Xow is a good time to begin planning for our snria? work at this heavy snow J2al5e3as a crop oi hay and small grain. . '- . . i .r pf. Hick3 of Ss. Loow. to the contrarv. cotirfthstandln i sjnntiay. G. I. Ward mounte.1 a horse ' 19 hands high, rode into the city and bnuht out a sack of mail; up5n his arrival each, ecrambler was made happy with accumulated papers and a letter. Another snow storm set in last night from the north, thermometer at zero and the storm trying to break away at this this writing. 12 noon. Monday. Herman Herring was out Sunday with one of his ferrets, returning in the even ing. He was loaded down with brush rabbits: he gave away several to boys in order to lighten his load. His hands were scratched and bleeding from catch ing the rabbits when driven from their burrow. -Heap sport-" The Byrnes and Drinnin road was broken past the school house early after the recent storm and the now heavy travel gives the road inite a business appearance. John- Curry and John Byrnes were the first to open a track through the heavy snow. If a good portion of the present heavy snow is cot removed before March there will be some cases of sufTerins amon the stock cattle. The farmers have hay and rraic enonjjh to feed their work rMr . r .i -.,- l.,rt.. -M..- ? .r .a m- I greater waste than other vears tv hen of ,.,,", average lenirtn. and as ion as th- snow remains there can be no feeding in rhe stalk fields. Oh DiTtncc ill Of thi-e if'd -sritc Dotai of mf-r-t v arill Lailite; Thy rrwitae-n iloth cw ao'v (vh"-v : I-f all aow we Ueaaii move. That ia thu 'oril we have a Dtiirv. -Vati ia its pir-ilj. in th- chaee. Aail all an x-it is to play c- fair Aail you will aad a. fftia then. But w henr yon -iy. "Oil -e "Oh -r' Sj for yoar zool ve'll ara aioc pn ey Our people are suffering from an epi- ; t j -. j emic ot mnuenza. tx. ir.- i :i. -. ...fc..- .il,V t. . .'. JlTZ CA4U I VTiXh .rr-n.u.? r nrr-,.?.? -. rerr . ..-d-.u. "tv' -. , ---'"- ounnie noaian.1 pa.-e,i . j or-ga.eH tn meetmi m the Richland L E i church and .viil ontmne them each evenm- next w-k. Mr. Michel! verv i -. w- : conversant ith the bible and presents! its truths- so clear! v and forcibly we bv. here none can hear without being con vinced. 'on shonld hear him. Reporteb No. 2. The above reache. us ti) late for last t T-. r.. ,. it. wi -lutt-UL. .is we o.e lo preserve the local history, we give it this week, Kd. . !" K-inilom-. Two fret of snow. Who said we Were I not to have anv winter Mr. Kifer and family were .f C Mar shall's gcesto last week, returning to ! S'hm.ler Fntiav. James 3Iarshall sold twenty fat hogs Tfanrsday; this is all he has and all he ever intends to feed. The lyceum of January 2S in this dis trict was ptp.)cei until February 11 by reason of the gentle weather. Johnnie Marshall was on the sick list Saturday and Sunday. The dance Friday eremng at Fitzpat rick's hall was a grand success: a gol many young folks from this district at tended. Will Meayes. jr.. says of all the cowers that bloom in the garden he prefers the lily, cot the tiger-lily. Last week coasisted of some stormy days although our brave school miss did not fail to be oc duty every morning. tu , Kn.? ,.,;.-..; -;.?-..... j.,.1 .u The bad roads acd sickcees reiiiiceii the number of scholars present last week. It was a mistake that he does not decy. but whec a hoy does a large amount of chores eight and morning, keeps up with his studies in school. keeps two county papers alive acd fur nishes a literary swiety with a paper, he does remarkably well. If you don't be lieve it. try it yourself. The Bugs correspondence from Holt eoimcy rep.rts th- snow only about four Air. Watson is prepancg to move to B3ce countv; e are sorrv that, he u - . -. .. , -", . . -it . -ir v-n t. . u - u firs. Marsnall lest tcree hos in the late storm. Jryz Bra. Mienxnwai. January came in Hke a lion and went out like a -lion." Genuine blizzard Sunday night. Miss Bertha Dunlap gave a farewell party on the eve of the storm. A large number of friends were present. The evening was spent witi. magic-lantern pictures of Ireland. France and Germa ny, also innocent games, etc- after which a splendid supper was served and the guests did it Jnatice. Miss Bertha expects to tart to California about March 1st. where she will reside with her uc-de, J. H- Reed. Miss Annie Hamer spent Satnrdayand Sunday with her mother. . -,-w .... .- w .-.. --- paay. rr fzzj aztx tatr-r' c tnr-iii nr it pr t pupds. IS confined to her bed ' Tr- -' inaaau f .-- awtn-try tir-t Vprti - , iifh. L--".. .iart .file April Lt. L-.-0. -ic -vau-h f wi,n a seere attaca: K rUeUmatism. , rher l .tie jrL.) oait later r ar i) fer.--nr 1 t-. . t ,-.-.. ...... . ! frnni Anrti 1-r. LJ.). ad t rihfe?T -iir Liriit '. ! I nev. inomaf. cuneii i- -tul cocanct- ri... cr.irr.ear of -a:.! .iw.r. ,a.l otuanu r-m- Misa E. M. Erb ia visiting har mtut. Jlrs. H. B. Reed. Mrs. J. H. Reed and Saunter were en- j Joyinc the beautiful: snow. Friday with a new slefjrh- They have laid their little basket phaeton by for the present. A young sou at Christian -Tossia's. during the storm Johnnie Carry was hauling ice last , week. tie uM.e iieiuu t.u. oiiii don't like b)ther. But if you had seen him Mocdav nrninir. von wonld have thought him wonderfully clever. What t on earth could a fellow want more! He took the trip through the snow with a j school niamx. Where was Johnnie Byrne the night j of the storm It wasn't Orand Prairie. ! this time. Miss Kate Erb went to the party Tues day evening. She stayed till she sot a ! sleiirh ride home with him who eiou-; i lates the damsel lachrymose. Ctcxjjp; MARRIED. HA5TEKS-.Urrt HELL-Firi.irT T:h. -t PLut- -awe-, by Kt. . Haartcfc. Uruij- lb. trr sl Jtisi Eaisnt t. 3litcfc-Il. ' COLUMBCS MARKETS. iB'Otirii2iMtionof theai.vric;taario ttAZSil rcerwiiy iit-trs)c..i3ii .ir cnvt .tcil rrli.ibl at thtime. Whit . .... rn Cora. t 0i Siirz !Ij 20 Fliw g!4;iC0 raoococ Batter LSrr!.-. Kr LVOi Potati I '.-1 23 lits -rocs. Father a tu Fatct- tl'.n Fat-hep J!:i.Vij;i F.u tr jjM;fj F-ier- :M M2.r. Haaia . ll'-iffi Sh.iolilert ... iJtrlt) aiiW ltK' Easiness Notices. ViTertinii?ati a:nler tbn hmi o-at; lisi'e-urh tsrtio!i. .sf'HILTZ aiiiie bijr- tad ihivn is th- S-r -tye, isit c onlj the ery bst -tccfVit can be pnxnirwl m. th aiiirk-t. --tf IV !' whom r tlit ciirtt-rr' The Bouni if siip-rn-r of PlaKe onatr. j NeUi-uji-u ia rviraLir -iTmiija it. L-Ul. ' public rojui. "nz tnn:eaci3rf .it ;. E. ci)catlr of --vtioa 10. tu'wa it), raarftt l -t-r. .tn-t raaa.a thfa t uc -eioa Iia tu . V .i.raer of -ernon ". tiiws i). najH l ww-c tail ia-va aail .! ucaaril .u ie -Druculi K-uut ' Xott aj. .ty:ti-ias thersrfi.. or i.ura.-' for ttun-a"- canl thereby nost Le aieii in tht ctcaty oleri 4 crKee of Platte i-iviaty, -bt-ia'.i. oa r hnfor- ai)a JLirch Jt. A. D. t-Ut. or the iiiii rt-jut ai.17 beiinly Iisitl -'ith)t further rfer ea'e then-r.i. Dwre.i l "olnaiDnj.. N-b Jaan-iry IV. I!(l. r. IV. Pun.r,ri?. ..-talt i ttusr; llert. !,.. LhilAL Mrif F t" au t&uci ir niax eiccra I TV- Pi'iirl ? !;:i;ri-4)r. it Platte ooatr. ; yehm.-!ca. ui rsralar kmi Jaacary U. l-il. i t ,jrt-iar-.I thefoti.-T-ax Uae- -nwt . ,i pb!..- ' f- lSi """", ttZ'SZ'K l aorh oc -e.-ni.chaeoQe l mile .tail t-nnta.f- j iax at. rfce N. E ouraer of roa" I -ot. aail r be Va- '. irtKia 11. tora t(i. ( -ra aail LrUa.itil l- tvx all cuuai.- for laat-t . or obie-tioa- ' ' rherro. ast be aifl a tne oxiaty cleric" oiHce ; of PLitre i-titaty. Nehruiki. oa or t-for aooa , I ILircn it, L-il. or rhe rnl uiay te ilnly ii sirwi t n if himf rfenai:e thereto. Diitv-.i i olum!-, VeJx. J taiiary 13. L-Ot. r. W. Pan.j.i?-. i-iaa-VS 'oiiaty t'lerlt. i ICE TO "ON-BS5IIET HFJEN DANT r - -i tirJary iioriey .iet?i:,ia' ni. 'u- c..t. e ?:thac oa the .2ta Liy at 'Xzaar; l-ai tl Phi-cix ia.-arani;e i occpiwij. l Brt oajja. N-' ork. plaiatirf her-iii. alel it- t-iitit.a in the ! I Ditri- ("dart of Watte nwory. S-i-o!w. Lrnin-r -.ui Hnrv H irtv i-i il- -I.I n i i. in.ii.1 iiir ii .it'll "imi: i i. t . i -- ) :: im..: in i a-Eiia."- f..r ir-.n-hsiect ? he -.jntaeiu-r t of : ..a A r.--a.-hiP w. p.- : w,. ,n puii-. inilxaiean a.cua.-r -.mi 'iefeciiaat. Tien flur !ev. mil that -imi Insil rriT he i5 r. ..iM-fr 'Be ' amocar f..nail dae .ia -ui sore. I .J.'.l1"11.,13 r"t'"i"c ,r;oir H.UUU l.iX, l"Vl. , , tl , ' i ''VKUW , Uiu'e.j. Fenruiry nth. i-ii. uf.o-it LEtrAL .Nonet. At t riraiar aieetitur iif the B.iri of ?uce.-. 7ts:rs of Platte (treaty. NetimaiH. aelil at 'he iiiart hmie ia Colnaitaiw oa J.ianriry I'th. L-iil. the fuliuvtna eriiaate of fuail- aee -ir7 ti ie- timojiiaJjrioe, inr urn -IB.UW )L- le l Kaaaiamn.-lj .-uloprett fay tae K-uir-t. ne. Eipec. 'or -listnet court. -He i li. .j i -iippiir of p, J- i.'lii m) iiTr' sihiry. faei. -ti j. ' rv-.-onU. -tatiocery rfe Z.A'i A I "irimntr-r coiiaty r--. on!.- !. i .ti I l..i.t. .i) j Total tar-ril ftiau sW coiia r"il foai! " brairf- For pityavctof iateoti.c j.'ti.t.'i) I A" N. V. Bjtilw-iy r--faaiiia tciL For pjiyraeot ti lawnt aait per ocr pruieipid.c ilZ.t') Huticr pociai-t For 5ayaiit of iafenr oc i.l - imabi:.t piveisor tcit For payrnect of iarrt oa JW.w-t) o- luaihiiit tiia.-ip brutr- raila F-)r-tlilier-' relief fnai! ..Ml) , 1.U ) linail iral .! '. A -rie iipy Uy orler of .- I.4irt of ?nferit-r-. Lhtttl - fiujioii!. eo.. I laitiry LI. UrliL i. V. PutlXXP". .-!iat: 'oaaty ( lerr. LEitAL MTH'h. :li whom it ai.iy cocra. jrDefi-ii cifdOUsi-locer .ipcotateil to Jie-w ;ii p-cort fa. the prattifiihility of Ln:atia. .t faoiic rial coiamenciax at i p)iat VAit feft jocta of the aorthw c coraer of tae -oiith- r carter of -eirtioc IT. toadaip W. -ia" 2. " c aai raaaiaif theace lae -.inta oa -t-tioa Uae. betweea -retina,- IT aait L. twa.-hip W. raa i. c. latil -Kune tafer-etc rhe olit "MiilMry K. ui. " aaii -ciiwti aaii te-iaaretl ,u- he "Ti7.or Komi, had rvporteii tironaly apua -'ani n.oi- tluC .U?t the -.aaie i)cimjse;ocer -v-vs La.-trtetetl r"Ljr: np)c the pnctiisihihty of -r-uiina-r xli that pir; ot a pcouc naito.ciaii-ai-ia.u a pt,iar ,,. Lri,.,:,7 th roe-h-vr r r ..? me oata-vec .laafer t,f -lettioc l. towa.-hip W. raaj"i w e aail raaaiax thec-e ilne eat TL! fe-c aail 'coi3 aaii 'ieiapte!t v.- "DriTie- Komi "o. 2. haa dieil hi rcort rt)ci2ieaha the 7aeitioc a abte iei;riceil. .Now ill obieetinn.- taerto. or Laiaie f. -liiai-tst caasetl by the lonnoa or 7aiutioc of "tth-r of the above .iescnfce.1 rrii. ainet be aliti ia tfte coiiatj clerk"? ctBce of Platte ctjoaty. Neorasi;. oa or befor? ao)a April 11th. A. D. Tr'tl. or rhe i-ati)a or vacaaoa. or etther of "hem ie fte ca-e aiay Le. ai;iy U 3i.nie 'hi at -fer-nej thetvro. D:itel l oiaajhn. Sel . 5--onary 1. !;!. V Phili r? ilfeo;: onatj ie-!c. GROCERIES ! ALWAYS ON EAT A C Li. AD EV LINK OF GPeHKLKS WEIX SELHLTKD. FRUITS! CANNED AND DP.IKD, OF .OX SCIN'Le ' VlAUlUUiUSLUCBUl f QUALITY. DRY GOODS ! A GOOD AND WHLL asr.SCTHD STOCK AL WAYS AS CHEAP Aa THE CHEAP EST. ALaO BOOTS k SHOES ! cr"THAT DEFT COMPETI TION.-I BUTTER AKD EGGS Aad all iiads of cccatry prolcc takea ia ird iail all C4ia delrer-i Iree of eh&rg- to aay part of tie city. FLOTJE! KEEP ONLYTEE BEST GRADES OF FLOCE 10-tf J.I.BELNV4.1 t A - Subsfandal - Statement ! Wo hve 2i iiuishel nine month. in bnitnrTs?. vc wuser to sav that we hare soM MORE CLOTHING than any other house in Platte Counj.yT' Tht stutcmeit i very encouraging for il- to make and vcwiil tell von the reasons whv we hae ?oId more: s ' FIRSTr-We are the only exclusive Clothing House in Platte County. SECOND We.carry a larger assort ment. ' THIRD Our Prices are the Lowest. FOURTH Our fit is better. FIFTH Our goods are all tailor made, and trimmed superior. SIXTH On account of our one-price system which applies to every one. 1 THESE ARE FACTS ! s And can not be disputed. x We have decided to give you a big benefit after January 1st, in the shape of a 25 per ctnt iisctnt on Suits I OrercoatsTl and hope you will avail yourself of this grand opportunity. This is a bona fide sale, and these goods must be sold under any circumstances. We must have room for , SPRING - GOODS ! Now is ,the time to buy clothing at your own price. Remember, all ourgoods are marked in A - so you won't be Maurice THE - GLOBE - CLOTHIER. Thirteenth St., Columbus, Neb. le 5 3: -1 trr e - COP g C S eS 2 X CC e i- C as W B c j: IZ BO zrc. . c 9 si c z H C rj III 9 W :ro c r P"""- eC 2 - V 91 ?3 o c 9 H c e e "5 o m OO W. T. RICKLY "VTzcLemZe aad Etal Doar ia z Gaae. Paaltrr. aa.l Fresh Fish. All KimLf f Saline a Specialty. Twh. p:il fcr Bui, p,ia. Tmllow Einrnz arzc 5n ;:d for fr cat-. Olive Street tw Doom Xortk f the First Xatioial Baik. SPEICE & XORTH. Gmerul A'jtnls for the soli of ! orotr loc !aad.i2si aad .wfiltoo Ecu ia th city T?t uap F!csaCcs3?f. COLUMBUS. 4Z3.G. 3KMZ3L Xatihluinri ttt. GUS. 6. BEGHER ft CO., Farm : and : City : Loans COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. JIQNEY TO D N ON r" l.EJLS ar lvw-t r4t of tat-rr. oa -e..rt or toci sime. q na.Hn, Ui cit ippliraat-. rOilPLETE AEJfTK..Crs OF TTTLE to I1 r-I fate ta Platte t)uaty. Ncta-f Pabtie al--iy ia odn.-e. Farai aal eirjr pnjperty for -ttle. Maiur colle:tiio.t of for-La tah-ritaao aad sell r.-!ai-hip tickets to tad frtiai ait ictt cf Eac. 'isjslisjti our inventory ami altnouga onlv 'ZGr-crs: 23, deceived. A. Mays rr ox, 0 CD W 0 w o o III i.ND ESTAT T ittr for c5 tcrau. ALh m cctBpleca acacp:z of titl tu all nwl -in it VEBRASKA LZOPOLD ZGGt V: "S