I. f .. -. M l- i i - g Columbus gouvuat. Entered at the Post-office, Colombo. Neb., u tecond-class mail matter. H8BZD BTKBT WONK3DAT BT K. TURNER & CO., Columbus, Neb. M. TXBX9 OF SUB9CBIPTI0H: One year, by mall, postage prepaid,.. Biz months-... .....-...-.. .- - Xhree months, ..... .-.....- ..$2.00 .. LOO Payable in Advance. -Specimen oopiea mailed free, on applica tion. TO BCBSOUBKB8. When eubecribrrs change their place of resi dene tliey should at once notify us by tetter or postal card, giving both their former and thou present pftet-offioe, the first enables us to readily find the name on oor mailing li6t, from which, being in tne, we each week print, either on the wrapper or on the margin of your Journal, the dale to which your subscription is iMtid or ac counted for. ltemittance should be made either by money-order, registered letter or draft, pajabletotheorderof M & Co. TO CORRESPOND JtTS. All communications, to nernre attention, mnf t be a-o.miKinied by the full name of the writer. w.. .rrU i,a riMif: to reWt hhv manuncnpt. ml cannot agree to return the same. We deriirn rorreeiiondent in every ncliool-distnci of I'latte county, one of good judgment, and re- liahle in every way. Write plainly, eacu uein separately. WEDNESDAY. JANUAKY 2s. 1891. Buffalo Bill is a grandfather. VrtTiiixfl is cheap when wo have nothing with which to purchase." Itch cured in 30 minutes by Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. Sold by C. B Stillman. dnurinst. 2Gnovlyr Let us have no free trade in silver. If foreign mine owners wish to get their silver on our market, let them pay Undo Sam for coining it. Will some democratic editor kindly inform us what are the opinions of Messrs. Cleveland and Hill on the free and unlimited coinage of silver? The democrats do not appear to have lxen as successful in controlling far mers' alliance legislatures in other sec tions as thev have lieen in the south. There is a reason. Do you know it? Taiiifi' for protection to lalior; home production to make more labor; homo markets, the best reward for labor. The United States is a big enough country for free trade among its own citizens. News comes from Topeka, Monday of a wreck Sunday night at Irving, Kansas, of the train conveying the Seventh cav alry homo, colliding with another train and killing lioth engineers and firemen, and badly injuring several soldiers. 'Pastuuaoe is the raw material of the Hock-master, and wool his product. Wool is tho raw material of the spinner, and yarn his product. Yarn is tho raw material of the weaver, and cloth his product. Cloth is tho raw material of tho tailor, and garments his product," The mice have been doing some more mischief. Tho general store of Clarke Luther ,t Son, near Boone, la., was burned down, with a loss of 810,000, the fire supposed to have originated by mice getting into tho matches of tho grocery department. Insurance expired tho day before. The gold bugs want one filing- scar city of money; tho silver bullionaires another -heavy government order fo eilver; but tho iieople want money i.i sufficient quantities to do the business of tho country. They don't care so much whether it is gold or silver or paper, as . long as it is sound, safe and plenty. Omaha World-Herald. Bath Donovan expects to put out fivo acres of tobacco this year. Bath was raised in tho tobacco regions of Virginia and no doubt understands the cultiva tion and mode of curing the fragrant weed. We wish uhi success, for a variety of crops is needed in this state. Too many depend solely on their corn fields for support Schuyler Sun. New Yoke is without communication east or west except by rail on account of tho great storm Saturday night and Sunday. The storm extended over the entiro region from Boston throughout the lower eastern states, southern New York, New Jersey, Deleware and south ern Maryland. The storm opened in tho Gulf of Mexico Friday. The rain chang ed to a blizzard and snow foil nine inches deep at New York. Johnny Boll, having been com pletely knocked out in tho diplomatic ring by Mr. Blaine, has jumped into the judicial ring in hopes of better luck. The attempt to have the supremo court fender a decision upon one of tho ques tions at issue between this conntry and Great Britain was intended by tho Britishers to be a great surprise to Mr. Blaine, but it did not surprise him in the least; ho had leen expecting just that very move. Com again, Johnny. The Buttler county Alliance have elected a committee of one from each precinct to be known as a legislative committee. They will keep one man at the capitol during tho session, as their corresjK)iHient and lobby. By this means our representatives are to be kept posted as to tho wishes of their con stituents concerning any proposed legis lation. D. A. Wynagar is tho man from Ulysses township and II. H. Hess from Read. Two good selections indeed. Ulysses Dispatch. Befoke the democrats decide upon the next republican national ticket they should turn their eyes towards the cut throat vendetta now raging in the ranks of tbeir own party, between the friends of "I am a democrat" Hill, and of those of I am your only leader" Cleveland, and if that doesn'c .convinco them that harmony is not tho controlling senti ment of the democratic party, they might put in a few minutes on the twenty-cornered fight for the speaker ship of the next house. That will settle it. Senator Paddock is interesting him self in forwarding the collection of claims for Indian depredations, which i..rolvun Tkondini? for vears. In srwk iwr to the measure the other day he ing w "" ,- - said- "Hundreds of people now living said- "Hundreds or people now living are interested in the passage of this bill, and urging that it should be considered and passed. Hundreds of others have gone to their graves, and the govern ment has thus escaped from the pay ment of their just claims against it. JThe bill has been put over, crowded out, trampled upon, and frequently set aside in order that other measures of much less importance 6hould receive con sideration. I for one will consent to this no longer." Peor Farms. The present board is one recognized as pledged to such measures as will give relief from the burdens of taxation. The question of a poor farm for the county has been under discussion for a long time, but has, so far, never been very seriously considered. There are a num ber of dependent people who could do some 1 !e work, (many of them enough to pay their way) on a farm owned by the county, and operated in its interests and for the benefit of the county's poor. We have noticed tho lenefit in such an establishment, in providing the destitute for work, and relieving them from care. If all tho poor were Bick, thon of course a hospital would bo the proper retreat, but a county farm is tho ln?st place in the world, while yet those un der county charge have a share of health, to keep them with a portion of it, and gi-e them as good a home as the county can provide. If other counties throughout the east can best take care of their pauper poor on a farm, why not Platte, which is now pretty well populated? From a recent number of the Fremont Tribune we copy a few paragraphs showing what Dodge county, our next neighbor east but one, is doing: "The annual reiort of the superin tendent of tho poor farm is a most grati fying one. It shows the total expense of the farm for 1S90 to have been $004.02, aside from the salary of the superin tendent. The cash income for the year was 8617.15, leaving a surplus of 8112.53. In addition to this surplus there was on hand January 1st, the following: 1,800 bushels of corn, 000 bushels oats, 30 tons hay. This would make the showing to be rendered January 1st of next year much better, even, than the present one, since tho prices at which these farm products can be sold are much higher than was realized for those sold during the year 1890. The corn, oats and hay now on hand is worth, at the present prices, 81,100. There have been thirteen inmates dis charged during the year, and twelve remain. Since tho application of business methods to the management of the farm, which began with tho first session of the county board under the supervisor sys tem. -tho revenues of tho farm have steadily increased, until now, instead of being a burden on tho county as it for merly was, it is almost self-supjtorting. Besides all this, tho inmates of the poor house fare sumptuously in a homo pro vided with every comfort. A splendid steward of the farm and township or ganization have done this much for the county and its ioor. No county farm in Nebraska cjui make a better showing." The Legislature. Among bills introduced during past week, are the following: Emnowerinir county loards to the use sinking funds. Begnlating telephone charges, fixing a rate of 81.50 a month in private houses, and 82 a month in business houses, and not to exceed 25 cents liotween any towns in tho state for a fi-o minutes' talk. Fixing tho penalty for usury at for feiture of lioth principal and interest and a fine for the lienefit of tho school fund equal to tho mine. Relating to water privileges in irriga tion districts. Providing that all saloon and other license rees shall lo paid into the gen eral f l.ool fund. To prohibit free passes to public offi cials. To define the jiowers, duties and obli gations of homestead associations. Reducing passenger fares to 2 cents per mile. Providing that all loan agents shall bo licensed who accept chattel mortgages and shall not receive a greater rate of interest than 12 per cent. Tho license feo is fixed at from $5 to 825. For the levy and collection of taxes on mortgages on real estate. Providing that there shall bo ono sec retary of the board of transportation from each of the three parties, republi can, democrat and independent. Providing for a state examiner to in sjieet tho accounts of county treasurers and inaugurate a uniform system of keeping accounts. Regulating tho eligibility of candidates for district judges. To amend tho usury law. Providing that an elector may cast as many votes for ono candidate for repre sentative or member of tho legislature as there are representatives or members to bo elected, or may divide his votes be tween two or more candidates. We are indebted to Hon. Leland Stanford for a copy of his speech in the U. S. senate, Dec. 19, IX), together with his proposed bill "to provide the gov ernment with means sufficient to supply tho national want of a sound circulating medium." We have heretofore given a summary of the senator's speech; tho notes proposed to be issued in pursuance of this bill, should it pass, are to be re ceivable at par for all debts, etc., "ex cept interest on the public debt, and in redemption of tho national currency." Otherwise than this, we can see no ob jection to tho proiRised measure. It is all well enough to talk and work for an increase in tho circulating medium of the country, but what just measure, out side of this, h:is proposed a way whereby the government notes can be largely cir culated among tho people all over the country, wherever good farm lands have a value, resting upon the soundest basis of security recognized among men? No matter how much the volume of cur rency is enlarged, we must have some thing to give for it, either by way of ex change outright or by pledge, in order to have it for out- use. We are all agreed that the primary, and perhaps tho one proper, use of money is as a circulating medium, and that when used outside of investment in productive industries, such as farming, mining, commerce, its income should be nicely nominal. At the very least, it is a class of property which should not be highly favored above all others. The Lincoln correspondent of the Madisoi Importer puts it in this way: "For .ownright iiolitical shrewdness tl it. o. d. beats the world. Their ! latest scheme lias cropped out to tho secret dismav of their democratic allies, rr.. ... -u -,tu ,. ,iam.0tn Thev will unite with the democrats to defeat the contest, seat Boyd and the republican contestees. Then the su preme court will very kindly 6tep in. declare Boyd ineligible, and the Man-with-the-blne-shirt - from-Neuiaba-coun-ty will reign in his stead.'r There is no doubt but the "grand old party" has some able schemers, but the best "scheming," politically, is that straight-forward course which rests on sound policy and right. True repub licans have no faith in meanness. If the evidence shall show fraudulent votes enough to count out all theso fellows, and count in the independents, so be it. If thee evidence shall 6how Boyd to be elected, and fnrther evidence shall show that he is a citizen and eligible to hold" the office, so be that. We need a few more statesmen and a great many less politicians, traders and tricksters in this blessed land of ours. Managers of po litical pots and pools at Lincoln must understand before long that the people will pass upon their doings, with ap proval or condemnation.. Voters and tax payers are more interested in good gov ernment, honest voting and counting and canvassing, reduction of public ex penses and honest administration of af fairs, than they are in mere partisan or personal successes. Get to business, ami quit "monkeying." Tariff FictHrei. New York Press: November 1890, was the first full calendar month of exports and imports under the new McKinley bill, which raised tho duty on hops from 8 to 15 cents a pound. Our imports of hops for November, 1889, ncio 1,183,519 pounds. but for November, 1890, they were only (137,237 ponnds. Woolen clothing, as represented by the consumption of wool in this coun try, has cheapened considerably under protection since 1870. In that year our per capita consumption of wool was 7.94 pounds. In 1889 it had" risen to 9.15 pounds. Cleveland Leader: The price of block tin has fallen 3 1-5 cents per pound since the passage of the McKinley law. This either duo to the new law or it is not. Tho free traders are entirely wel come to take whichever view they please of it. THE OTII Kit SIDE. Mix. !:. J,. l.ositer Receives a letter rrom Her Aunt. Sliv Adelaide O'ltrien. Sydney, New South Wales, ( Deremlier 24. 1S90. Deak Niece:- I have just got here in time to write a few lines to you, by this mail. Wo were landed hero on Sunday morning, after a very nico voyage; of course wo had some rough weather, but we got through quite safe. I will write a full account of tho voy age some time, as I think it would in terest Dick. We have seen so many countries and so many different things on our way! Oh, how I wish you wero here to enjoy this lovely Xmns weather; the sky is so bluo and tho sun shines from morn till night; the llowers are bright and beautiful, the fruit apricots, plums, figs, strawberries, are all ripe, tho peaches are just beginning to ripen, tho apple trees are full of fruit, and tho crops all look lovely. My old friends are all pleased to see mo once more. Washington Letter. From our regular corresiiondent. 1 Senator Teller declares upon his honor, which has never been impeached, that himself and tho silver republican sena tors did not make a combination with tho democrats to secure tho passage of the free coinage bill.which went through the senate last week, as a substitute for the caucus financial bill, and if any proof were needed that tho senator's statement is correct it is furnished by the faet that Mr. Teller and the other silver republi can senators are voting ami acting with the republican majority in the determ ined elTort that is now being mado to force a vote upon tho federal election bill. The fro coinage bill is now in the hands of tho house committee on coin age, weights and measures, and is not likely to bo reported to tho house until next week, if so early, and in its present shape it is hardly probable to bo report ed at all, although, of course, the present bill will bo offered as an amendment by the free coinage men to any modified bill that the committee may report. It may be well to state in this connection that there is no foundation for state ments purporting to tell what action Speaker Reed proioses taking on this bill. Mr. Reed has not told any news paper man what he proposes doing; on the contrary ho has positively declined to answer any questions on the subject, lean state, upon what I consider unques tionable authority that tho bill in its present condition providing for free and unlimited coinago of silver, from whatever source, that, may be presented tho U. S. mint, should it pass the house, will bo vetoed by the president. Mr. Harrison is not an enemy to silver; on the contrary he is disposed to be very friendly towards the white metal, but he fears the effect of free coinage, unless surrounded by safe-guards not possessed by the present bill. Judging from the first session of the house committee engaged in investiga ting tho alleged silver pool, which was held on Saturday, some sensational tes timony may be expected in a few days. A number of names, including those of senators, representatives and outsiders, have been . given the committee, and they are to be summoned to testify. Tho committee will hold its next meet ing Wednesday of this week. The venerable historian, George Ban croft, who died at his residence in this city Saturday afternoon, was born Octo ber 3, 1800. and during his long life has filled many positions of honor, besides writing what is conceded to be the most complete history of the United States. While secretary of the navy under Pres ident Polk he established tho present naval academy at Annapolis. Senator Quay denies the absurd story of his intended resignation from the senate, which has been sent from this citv. A big delegation of Sioux Indians is expected here this week, the president having given them permission to come and present in person their grievances. The house committee on the World's Fair has mado its report. It recom mends a general cutting down of salaries of the officials engaged in making ar rangements for the exposition. Many years practice has given C. A. Snow & Co., solicitors of patents, at Washington, D. C, unsurpassed success in obtaining patents for all classes of in ventions. They mako a specialty of re jected cases, and have secured allowance of many patents that had been pre viously rejected. Their advertisement in another column, will be of interest to inventors, patentees, manufacturers, and all who have to do with patents. SvbophU of the Proceeding of the Board of aaprrviMirs. Wednesday a. m.. January 14th, 1K1 Board met at o'clock a. tn. pnrenanLo ad journment. Hon. Wm. Irwin chainnajf. i. W. Phillip clerk. Members all present Jftit Sup re Byrnes and Welch. The following official bonds prjfeented, exam ined and approved: A. C. Pickett, clerk Columhm twp Peter Rankin. conxtableJR. Bernard twp. Joseph Bender, r Humphrey " 8. T. Fleming. treaMfr Creston The county treasurer made application for one deputy and one assistant for his office for year 1891 at a total yrpenw not to exceed $l,100,which uion motioorwas granted. In the mnter of the "Proveck Road," the re port of me appraisers was, on motion, adopted, and thp road declared duly located and the county Mirveyor va instructed to ienetunte tlie uovfiini-ut section corners and file his rexrt withf the county clerk, and that tdl chums of whJsoever kind in connection with this roud be reftf red to Lot Creek twp. for payment. Tie chairman announced the following stand ing Vommittts 'or lrt,1: Juticiary Duody chairman, Johnson, Pollard. Hoa) and I'riils-w-Hurrowschiurumu.Morau, FreemaV lij rnes. FinanV.Wajs and Means Dene,u chairman. Ottis, Mur Accounts a3VlExienditures Bering chairman, Campbell, lludi Claims McAllisThr chairman, Keuscher.Asche. Supplies and Public Property Welch chair man. Uickert, Olscn, The secial committee id whom was referred the bids for supplies prestcd the following report: "Your committee have examined tho several bids for books, blanks and statiouVv anil report that M. K. Turner iii!ul the lowest id for fur nishing blanks, and tho Lincoln SVs Co. the Innreht bid fur fnrniMnii" Itooks. Hour com mittee would recoinuiend that all bid for sta- tinnprv li rciwImL Jamks Beano J. S. Fbeeman, W. A. McAlusr, Henry iuckehtj C. D. MtJUPHY, Commit On motion, the report of the committed was MPMrtM and aonroved and committed dis charged. On motion, contracts were awarded iiwest bidder as shown by report of committef. and roimtv nttomev rvnumtcd to prepare ciAtracts accordingly. Motion by Sup'r Denc-n that Sup'r McAllister le appointed purchasing agent for tpe county for the purchase of stationery rwiwred by the county officers. Carrie!. Motion by Sup'r Murphy thayllie compensa tion of Sup'r McAllister as puacliasing agent for the ensuing jear lie placed atr. Carried. Motion bj Sup'r Kicketriiml no hill- l al lowed by this board fosiipplies except those ordered by purchasiUR agent and those with whom we have conUncts. Carried. Sun'r Ihrnes nvv entered and took Ins seat with the lioanl The reKrt Jt the "experts" on the rconls ol the county clerk's office was presented and read, and on mjflion. referred to committee of Snp'rs Biirrow-sMcAllister, Murphy, Moran and Bering with instructions to coufer with "experts." the counA- attorney and Mr. Stautfer, aud reiiort their recommendations to this board. 'n motion of Sup'r Deneen, all bids that shall belfiledwith the clerk up to 2 o'clock p. m. for leAl printing, etc., for the county for current jeaV were referred to a siecial committee of Sups llni'w.ii, Kreeman, Bjrnes, Olson and Kick fin' Xotion. Iiourd now adjourned until : o clock pvii, dnesdav p. til., January II, Is'JI. Board converted at S o'clock p. in. as r ad journment, Hon. niui. J. Irwin chairman, pre- Hiilini' (!. W. PhiinWi clerk. Members all present but Sup'r Welch A communication from 5I5fcts. fiibson. Miller A; Richardson, of Omaha, proteshqg against the action of the board in scalping hillsWndered by hem for sunnlies furnished coiintyNyns read and on motion, laid on the table. Iteoiiest of county attorney to have hisoffice uptown, granted. IIikiii reoucsl. Suii r Keuscher was no ex cuscd A ceinmunication from John (ileesou iotest- ing against the confiscation of his Ianil for a imhlie road whs read and. on motion, referred to committee on roads and bridges. On tiwitirin Iwvinl now ndiotirned lintil '' o'clock a. in. shari tomorrow. Thukkdiy a. ui.. Januaryi5, 1SV1. Board met at 9 o'clock a. in. as m adjourn ment. Hon. Win. J. Irwin chaufhan, O. W. Phillips clerk. Members all pretB but Sup'rs Burrows and Welch The following official bonlffsented, exam ined aud approved: John Cramer, si Isurer Shell Cieek twp. Martin l'ofeth Humphrey Wesley Devi verseer Creston " The Imls Uir ttervu county physician for current jear were now Vpened. Mot ion, y Sup'r Deneen that bids for county physiciaA bo placed on hie aud that Dr. tvans be requested to appear liefore this board this p. mi. Carried. Onmotion, the clerk was a!o instructed to notifi- Drs. Voss and Clark to apiar before the boarf this p. ui. ThWommittee on printing presented the fol lowing report: To thftVonorablo board of supervisors of Platte county, Oentletoen: We, your committee appointed to open bills on printing and rejiort same, leg leave to reW.rt recommending tiiat the following papers bo designated to do the county printing and at the following rates: Platte CenterXrgus of tho legal rates. Columbus JourBal 4 Humphrey Deinoc and wn also further mend that the Colum- bus Wochenblatt bo alio1 lt of legal rate for niitilienlion nf snme. H. JTUcdson, Ch'n J. C. Bt Nils OlsoS J. S. Fbeema Henry Rick: Vl'p. vr.nr committee, fnrther recommBiM that the iiaper having the largest circulationXin the county of I'latte be declared the official pAjr of this county board. That the publisher iff the sutcral iapers furnish a certificate of theil cir culation duly sworn to, and tile the samelwith Hi, coiintv clerk and noon the filint: of sail cer tificates of circulation the said jmiier havinV the largest circulation so certified, shall lie del lared the official organ of the county. H. J. Hudson. Nils Olsos. J. S. Freeman. J. C. BlBSKM. Henry Ricki Motion bv Sun'r Doody that reirt of com mittee lie adopted. Amendment offered by SuprWcAMster that Kentinel, Tki.eguam. Hiiuftnrey Democrat. Journal and Argus, eadi to be granted oue- tltth legal rates Amendment opfe.l ly Supr. Moran that the TKi.KiatASLHiUKNAL. Humphrey Democrat and Argurfeach he allowed one-fourth l gal rate. Ibis amendment was accepted by Supr. McAlfister in place of the one offered by him. Itll now called for ote, Asche, Bering. Cuipbell, Johnson. Moran, Muiphy, McAIIK- te ON in and Ottis v -ting yae.-St yrnes, Dineen, Doody, Freeman, Iliubon, Keuscher, Pollard, Uickert and Mr. Chairman voting nay. 0 TlieNoicudiiieut declared lost and roll called for vote wHJje original motion, Asche. Byrnes, Diueeu, 1 1 1 n ilTwioirui . Hudson. Keuscher, ONiii. Pollard and irii TTTT nil inn 141 10 Bering. Campbell, Johnson, Moran, jracphy. McAllister, ottis aud Mr. Chairman otingay 8 The original motion declared carried The committee appointed to confer witircx Couuty Clerk Stautfer, et al. in regard U the report of experts asked for and uponnotion was granted further time to preseiirtheir re port. Motion bv Supr. Byrnes thrfl the county attoiiiey be, and is hereby ufslructed to here after meet with this board at any and all times. Carried. The committee on tiniate of expenses for year presents theirtpcrt which w:is adopted. approed and conrfnlttee discharged. On motion tire board' now adjourned until 2 o'clock p. 111 Thursday, r. St., January 13. tail Board u.eat 2 o'clock p. in., pursuant to ad Jotirnment J Hon. Wm. J. Irwin, chairman, and Q. W. Phillips, clerk. All members present but Supervisors Burrows and Welch. Motion b.Supr. Freeman, that the deputy and all assfyants employed In the county treasurer's onlcWof this county her, and the same are required itu-efceiit their bills for such salary, or labor, to tluPtoard for payment, and that when such bills areUowed they shall be paid in county warrants, carried. Dr C D Evans appeared uefVe the board and verbally offdred to furnish medical caie to paupers hi the hospital for theVum of $100 for current ear. Other physician! appeared be fore the Itoard as per request, Motion by Supr Byrnes that till of Dr Evans at $100 be accepted, same to include services, medicines and surgical apparatu Amendment offered by Supr Moran that the bldsofDrT R Clark be accepted. Roll called for vote on the amendment, Asche.feerln;, Campliel!, Johnson, Moran. Murphy, McAllis ter, Olson, Pollard and Rickert vottn Jyen. 10 Byrnes. Dineen. Duody. Freeman! Hudson, Keuscher. Ottis and Mr Chairman vf ting nay -s Amendment declaired carried. I Original motion as amended now came dp and was curled. Motion by Bering that the clfrk notify Dr Clark of the acceptance of his Aid as county iliMcian for the ensuing yea and that the county attorney be requesteiLio prepare con tract and the chairman exccuteJkuuc on behalf of this board. Carried Motion bv SuprMorau thaf the county sur veyor be and is hereby insviictcd to use iron rods 2'4 feet long and onech in ditmcter in stead of stone to perpetiiite government sec tion corners. Carried. Motion ly Supr Freeaian that members be allowed mileage for a distance actually trav elled. Carried The question ofreioving the sidewalk alon the south side ot ie court luuwe square to a line parallel withother walks on said street was brought upXul on motion was ordered re moved, and thcomiiiltte on supplies and puli lic properly JfTstrueted to have same done. The queon of whether altr.icts made by O W Phlljn shouHl lie entered on the fee liook of the cufliity clerk was refeied to the county attorn for his opinion. Thefollow ing bills were now allow ed ami clerkRust ructcd to Issue warrants for same Gus Becher, ac't del tax C Schubert .. .8 5 2.-. 7 17 'Si .' t5 750 13 00 15 00 4t 3 00 1150 3 00 10 50 27 4"i 3S50 IV 6 1H5 81 3t80 JC ilduell. shell n, misci lees neice. clerK dist. court, fee bill G II Joh 1 tSi-siii, curtains for court room Chi , Wake, watcning prisoners Ki' rieham. same DrA Ileintz. mtlse lor county Dr. I Willy, in. dieal attendance lor uri CIms llbuvis. repairs at the court house K D Fifatrick, mdse for county D It Ack. costs inquest J C & K Lake.... Argus, purfeuprs proceedings, etc Telegram. nVlse for county A'gus, pubjplax list - I) F Davis. uIcgal notice-, etc- W X Henslcy. fiV, certificates, etc. G B Speice. clerKlist. court, for postage 11111I i'Yiiress 19 S 30 30 11 75 112" J Ml 0 00 1120 1100 '.170 10 50 13 no 11100 H00 10 U) 23(0 12 O 10 50 12 00 MOO 12 00 1100 :v, '.n; 300 t; :.o Gibson. Miller & nchardson. mdse for county Same D F. Campbell, services : supervisor.. J t- nineen. same H J Hudson same W M Pollard, same Ferd Bering, same J C Byrne, same J S Freeman, same Nils 01on. same ilenrv Rickert, same... OS Moran, same Eil Keuscher. same Gerh Asche. .same Joseph Ottis, same PFDoodv W J Irwin, same W A .McAllister, same. II J Johnson, same C D Murphy, same huller. Smith & Fuller. ;ic't Shermaf twp Christ Boss, ac't l.ouptwp Win Rlocdorii. ac't Grand Prairie p. George Thoiiia.hi, ac't Burrows tw 2 so John M Wolf, same .. 2N Geiteu & Briieuig, same -i. II M J !" Schuiv. same ..JT. 2 90 Siebert lleibel.ac't Sherman Jrwp 1 3t " ac't Itlsiiiarjlw p 1 30 M .1 llogan. ac't Coliiiiibujflttp 240 George Murie.same .Jc.. 2 30 KO Wells, same .JT.. - 2 40 .1 K Fischer, ac't MAMC-...- :m:ki On motion thetuuty treasurer was in structed to caucuiersoiial taxes of N 11 Adams 111. loliet twp for the years lS2 and 1SS3. On motion. rd now adjourned until Tues day. March , 1891, at 3 o'clock p in. Ed. Journal; -In looking- over the proceedings of the county board I felt that though a humble citizen I could not but criticize ono or two of their re cent acts: First, the repeal of tho rule prohibiting smoking when the lward is in session, and which, though it has leen occ;isionnlly violated in the past, has al wavs stood as a reminder of such breach of good "order. Tho people of Platte county are not all smokers, and to many of them the fumes of tobacco in a close room are very offensive. I have there fore strong doubts whether tho board have any right to render themselves ob uoxious to those who may have to tran sact business with them, and if they aro so confirmed in this habit that they cannot dispense with it during business hours, what an example of self-control are they setting to the young and rising generation! Again, I notice that the new board has adopted tho folly of its predecessor in permitting the county at torney to remove his office from tho court house, notwithstanding the county has made ample provision for all its officers in its own building. It is true tho public are not asked to pay the rent of the county judge and attorney, at this time, but who shall say that at some future time wo may not be called upon to do so? The ground of such removal (tho convenience of the officers and the public, particularly the former) is about as tenable as it would be for the sheriff to remove to the public square, liecause it would bo nearer to tho depot, besides the risk from fire is greatly increased by scattering tho public records in the densely built up portions of the city, and to wako up some morning and find theso destroyed would convince us, when too late, that wo havo too much permitted individual convenience to outweigh the public good. George S. Truman. Palestine. W. D. and Carrie Hanchett went to Albion on Saturday last. Gus Benson visited his parents and sisters last week. Quite a number of our ueighliors at tended the Nelson sale on Tuesday last. We understand that everything went high. Mrs. Stenzil returned from her visit to Minnesota and Wisconsin on Tuesday. l'eter Waleen went to Omaha with a car-load of hogs on Friday. John Abrnhamson and Will Crozier went several miles beyond Albion Thurs day on business, returning Friday. Dan. Specimen Cases. S. II. Clifford, New Casscl, Wis., was troubled with neuralgia and rheuma tism, his stomach was disordered, his liver was affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, and he was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Electric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Ilarrisbnrg, Ill.,had a running sore on hia leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Elec tric Bitters and seven boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, O., had five largo fever sores on his leg, doctors said he was incurable. One bottle of Electric Bitters and one box of Buck len's Arnica Salvo cured him entirely. Sold by David Dowty, druggist. y rffVhet JrmenVof The Shining Lights old world, soldiers, statesmen and letters, all write in tho most ex travagant praiso of , our facilities for travel in America. And we are entitled to the praise. On every English line there is the same old dusty lunch coun ter, known by all tourists for theso many years. Not even a drink of water, nor a crust of bread to le had on the train. No wonder our trans-atlantio friends express amazement when they sit down to a hotel dinner on one. of the palace dining cars on tho Union- and Southern Pacific railways an arrangement which I is the most perfect in the country today. OrM. Washington, and the Northwest Pu rine UNISI. nstant demand of the traveling the far West for a comfortable 6ame time an economical mode of traveling, has led to the estab lishment of what is .known as Pullman Colonist Sleepers. These cars are built on the same gen eral plan as the regular first-class Pull man Sleejier, tho ouly difference being is that they are not .upholstered. They are furnished complete with good comfortable itair mattresses, warm blankets, snow white linen, curtains, plenty of towels, CQtnbs, brushes, etc., which secure to tho occupant of a berth as much privacy as is. to be had in first class sleepers. There are also separate toilet rooms for ladies and gentlemen, and smoking is absolutely prohibited. For full information send for Pullman Colonist Sleejier Leaflet. E. L. Lomax, General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb. The Pulpit and the Stage. Rev. F. M. Shrout, pastor United Brethren church. Blue Mound, Kas., says: "I feel it my duty to tell what wonders Dr. King's New Discovery has done for me. My lungs were badly dis eased, and my parishoners thought I could live only a few weeks. I took fivo bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery and am sound and well, gaining 2ti lbs. in weight." Arthur Love, manager Love's Funny Folks Combination, writes: "After a thorough trial and convincing evidence, I am confident Dr. King's New Discov ery for consumption, beats 'em all, and cures when everything else fails. The greatest kindness I can do many thous ands of friends is to urge them to try it." Free trial bottles at David Dowty's drug store. Regular sizes 50c and 81. Important Clubbing Announcement. Wo are pleased to announce to our readers that we have made arrangements with the publishers of the Nebraska Farmer, the leading live stock and farm journal of the west, by which wo can offer it ono year with TnE Columiics Jouknai, and the Nebraska Family Jour nal, all for SiSO, but very little more than the price of one publication. This offer is good for renewals or new sub seriliers. Let- every one who desires to take advantage of this lilierul offer tlo so at once. Address, M. K. Tuknek Si Co., Columbus, Neb. A Charmiiis Memory. improvements have been so mark- snugnaiiy,ericci 111 attainment, in e lastew vears, as 1110 numerous lux uries which havo been introduced in trans continental travel. Instead of har rowing recollections the tourist now has left to him when his journey is complet ed, a charming memory of perfect train service tuid palace dining cars. The ar rangements this winter for dining cars on the Union and Southern Pacills roads is something far in advance of anything in that hitherto attempted. The American Idea mt ''Nothing is,toojjood for me when el," anil in consequence we have noted us, the most luxurious in the world. That which the people demand, tho roads must supply, and thus wo have also the most perfect ly apppointed railway service in the world. Tho traveler now dines in a Pullman palace dining car clear through iu his journey from Council Bluffs and Omaha to San Francisco, on the Union and Southern Pacific roads. Baby cried, Mother sighed, Doctor prescrilteil : Castoria I Itucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, liruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by David Dowty. 3 English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blem ishes from horses. Blood Spavin, Cnrlw, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save 850 by use of one lwttle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by C. B. Stillman, druggist. 'iGnovlyr Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Dr. A. J. Sanders, mw ' - -SPECIALIST IN- -GRADUATE OF - LONG ISLAND COLLEGE E02P1TAL, W.7. Three Years Hospitalism. Becntlj to torsitj of Vienna, Austria P. O. BOX 33. GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA. liEEEKENI'ES: J. D. Moohk. I'reu. of Bank of Commerce. 11. V. Howauo. Manajterof liP.HhopB. W. II. Platt. Mayor of (irauMlanil. Chh. Hi El', Heprefeentative. 8. N. Wolb cn. State Senator. (Ieo. II. Caldwell, County J mice. gyThotte who have been Hufferurn for yearn and have been the rounda of tho profeMiion at home, without receiving relief from urdiaary metlurtls of treatment, are cttciJly invited to call. CrrAllof our patient may expect to receive good care, careful treatment and iwiuare dealing from a uUfcineoa utandpoint, an we Mlwayn expert to give value received so far a pooeihle. Will be at the Meridian, Saturday, January 31st, And at BELLWOOD, January Jth. tafCoDBultatjun free. Addrew, Dn. A. J. SANDERS, Box 23, Grand Island, Neb. ?0ag3mp pufclicV) ami at cite .JV Mi yti i)eeoinV travelers BSJHBSSSBk 7MS5VT BBBBBBB&BBBBBKETwiL MVl"niiJlB'i. 4TW,' raw mm What is Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for IbCmU ad Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It U a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Caster Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the fowl, regulates the stomach nnd bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's Panacea-the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Ctatoria U an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told m of Ita good effect upon their children." Do. Q. C. Osgood, Lowell, Maes. Caatori i the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day U not far distai when niotherawillconsiderthe real Interest of their children, and use- Castoria in stead of thevariousquack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by fercinsopiiiiu, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful genu down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves." 1k- J. F. KlMCHKLOB, Conway, Ark. Th CeatMr Ctaipaay, TO Mi A RELIABLE FAMILY NEWSPAPER. Thin it the I'liarm'tfraluuM Unaiiiiimuily liivi-n t. THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN. Mo (treat is its popularity that for jenrs it has luul tl Hrcist circulation of any t'liicHHo wrekly nWHiaNr. . It in ably anil carefully iilittit in ev-ry lrwirtin.'nt with a HpM.mil nw to itt usvfuluifw in tlt hoiiiH, the workshop anil the luiner.- otliiv. IT IS A CONSISTENT KE1MI5LICAN NEWSPAPER, llut iliMCUHtieH all public iitestionH candidly and ably. While it riti Ctiir tniittiient to political opixwentM, it in bitterly oppontil to tniatt and iiionoimlicH u.h nntaonixtic to ImiIIi public aud private interetttx. The literary department of the aper in .Cillnt,nnd ha anion; it contributors foment the nioKt popular author of tlieilny. The forehtn and ilonitie corrcMondence, atrial mid short otorics are the eiiml nf tlioe of any ximilar publication in the country. The Youth's Department, Curiosity Shop, Woman's Kingdom, Tho Homo Ai:E IX TIIKMSKLI'KS EQUAL TO A MAtSAZIXE. In addition to all the news of the world it i;icii in its nnluinntt every week. In all iletrt mentH it in carefully edited by couiMteut men employed fur that uriow. THE PRICE OF THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN IS $1.00 PER YEAR. The Semi-Weekly Inter Ocean is publish,-)! each Monday and Thiirwlay niorninc. and an excellent publication for those who cannot secure a daily paper regularly and are not Kitithcd with a weekly. The Price of The Semi-Weekly Inter Ocean is $2.00 Per Year. Hy special Arrangement with the I'liblislierHtif SCEIBNEE'S MAXlZ T 1ST E That .Magazine and the Weekly Inter Ocean are Both sent to SUBSCRIBERS ONE YEAR for TWO DOLLARS and NINETY CENTS TKX t'KNTS LKSS THAN THK I'KlfK OK TIIK MACAZINK ALONK. Liberal comiiiisniolin Kiveii to actiie iiKetits. Sample copies M-nt whereier asked for. Address, nil orders to tf THE I INT Jilt CEA.1V, diIMiK4 ' COLUMBUS LUMBER CO. S. B. HOWELL & CO. Deuler.s in Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors, BLINDS, CEMENT, LIME, FIRE KKICK. FIRE CLAY, MARBLE DUST. WHITE SAND, PORT LAND ami MILWAUKEE CEMENT, ami ALL KINDS of BUILDINtJ MATERIA L. THIRTEENTH ST., COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. Sep.'Jt'W.lilili,. SIOO.OO FREE,1 COLUMBUS J. BEAMA, CARPENTER, Purpose Kivinit his services KKEK, to the hrst Iiemon who applh-n to him after the first pu ication of' tins notice, in .IhIihnvi. of lith January, 'UI. He taken this method of calling attention to the fact that HE IS A BOOK AGENT. Anil can furnish joii, CHKAl'KK than aulxsiy el:e. any lssk joii ukM. HOUSE AND TWO LOTS, Near Court llnnxe, with all improvements, for wile CIIK.M. AIxo two iiiaren and two colto. AdilnaM Columbus. S"e call jour attention to the Alpine Kifen, and the important fact that we are nowotferinu a line of wife at price helow eominrhon unci lieyond comiietition. For full nrticularH ad- ilreHa i omnium. ?x-1l, r. U. Isox VS. lleuxe m- coe 2 rent Htamp for reply. lljiin'nup T. S. JAWORSKI, Regulate Perfectly. IS NOT AFFECTED BY GALES. It Strenf . Durable AND EASILY MANAGED. Wind Kills, fmps and Pump Repairs. One door nurth of Itnker'h Iwirn. aauKtim L. C. VOSS, M. D., Homoeopathic- Physician AND' SURGEON. Office over poht office, ijpecialis-t in chronic QMwea. laretoi attention given to treneral practice. 2onoT3ai Castoria. ' Castoria is so well adapted to children that I recommend it assuperiortoany prescription known to me." H. A. AacHM,M. D.. Ill So. Oxford St. Brooklyn, N. Y. Our pbysicUns in the children's depart ment have spoken hhchly of their Mperi ence In their outside practice. withCaslorU. aud although we only haT amou our medical supplies what is knowu as regular produces, yet we are free to confess Uiat tho merits ot Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." United Ilosrrrst. and vispcssabt. u.-tett-ta """". Aixsm C. Smith. iYes., j StTMt, Maw Tark Ctty. Planing ME Uehave jtirt oiM-neda new mill on M lrW. opIMwitn Kchroedem' Hoiirinir mill und ar titvl pared to do ALL KINUS UK WOOD WOItK Mich tin ' Sash. Uliiuls, Store Fronts, Stairs, ltal listers, Tu rn iii";, Doors, Mou 111 ings, Ton titers, Stair Railing, Scroll San in-, I'laiiin-, Kte. 55ftAUonler promptly attended to. ('nil on onulilreM, HUNTEMANN BROS., i"3'" Coluniliiia. Nehranka. The Bee Reduced, in Price TIIK PltlCEUF Til K OMAHA WEEKLY BEE Has been reduced to SI.0D A YEAR. Now Is the time to subscribe for the best newspaper in the west. Send in your orders early to THE BEE PUBLISHING GO. Omaha Ski:, WATCH i ;. mm.. GUARANTEED GOODS, cheaper than an hnH ,. ISebly hodJt oppowte t'lothet hoM.. VjmMEIlE&jff -AT- ylUfsm I 1 O 1 i- n I 2 r ::.T ( '