The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, January 21, 1891, Image 3

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Columbus Souvual.
J-Fnrni to
i of Colutu
rent. ICO Hcres. one mile ' On th motion of refrrinj to the
Plnnillliu- 7(1 ..roa imilw ...lit". I pntltlt attOrnAV fof IliS ODinlOn, tUB
x.. .........a. ... avco uuuc .. , ........ .- -
vation: 20 acres hay land. Money reut.
SStTi a. m.
.- "
ll-.s: iv. ui.
:;:ir.p. m.
7:1 '
Ui.l'i "
((1l' O.ltlillll'lft
lt-1'r.vo...l ."it
S-.tnl . -Arrivi'ial
Tli.. .....:iir.-i l--w I.ilifiuti :t I. !".,iinl i .
.irrU.., .a ('.liimltti- 7- I ?.. in: Hi. fr-iitlit toix.- I ,m 4
Luiooln at l:-t a. ni.,.twl irii at I'.iluinl.J-iit i treasurer.
J W Jt. in.
Atlantic Kx. TSmi. jh I Pacific 1. 11M'.
J.',-,, t Mail -,'' ! !l 1ciii.t Kx. -:- j. m
i'litcaa.. V.x. 1 I'. i Kimilwl .-.. i. m
Lhuitcl :.!. in Ka-t Muil Ui.1i p. in
iinc'ii.v. -ii.o:nr Mt sinus oirv.
I,i.,.iii'r.iiri. f:iii Si.mi 1'itj 11-15 i. ii
iraini ..ltll.lim- lr l.iur u .." i. ai
trrivHxJroui Uur..!n . .' 1. in
lcavi-i f.rSiom 'tl - -"Sin. m
Mii.-l !..- for "il "-'' H- :"
MisM arrive- - lOJlp-"'
hh vt.iii' wi riH hvrnts.
l'fttt--n;:-r lni-i
M1.-I l.-.'.vi-l'tt-
wnK'T hrrin-s
Mti1 iirrivi-i
MS j. ui.
i'.. a. :n.
rj:l. J. in.
n:4ii . in.
Socictn Jffotirrs.
....l..r ll.i, liH.i.llIli; Mill l
jrif.Ul rn.tici-t iiikI.t I!
rhatxed t tli.' nit .f $Zz)
ft I.KIUNON I.OiH.K Si. . A. 1 A A. M.
-.-fo K-vulur ui.N-tiunn ii !uIh i"
XT'"i''5' -n fill mit I I.. HtiHii.1.
M. H Vi.Mt.S".''3 'J-'Jub
ToJtHVNI.l.lMSM K lint lAlTl'JM'AV
riniiit-. I...M rvnliir miw -kVrj "'m,,M
nt - t- in., i.inwf m.f mix '" A-diie-ibo -J,-"1.""
. ,l. ;,. .1.,.. -1 C..m.T..t WllirlftrillUll J'WlSl.'
at S2 ier a-re. payable Dec. 1st. 1801.
Aihlress. 1). Anderson, South - Omaha.
We present to our readers today so
much of the supervisors' proceedings as
have heen furnished us hy the county
lerk. The sesMon was of three days,
and considerable business was transac
am now ready for receiving and
ptin for the taxes of 1800 in .Shell
ireek township, and will le at home for
I that purpose, every Monday. Residence
. wortinn !. -lolin Cramer.
A number of yetitleiuen and ladies
of Heat rice liave formed a vocal music
sM'iety, and atart out with forty mem
Ikt. Columbus has several organisa
tions of this sort, but there is room for
still more.
lt pays to keep iswted on price- of
roous, act' ji that very reason it pajs
business tuyn t advertise the prices of
their -roods. iVople are on the lookout
ror bargains. Advertise. Advertise in
Flossie, daughter of Col. Whitmoyer,
stirtVred the fracture of both bones of
the right fore-arm Tuesday afternoon of
I last week, tailing from a fence while at
j plaj. Dr. Clark was called, and minis-
tered t the wants or the little Hufferer.
Isaac Albertson. one of the 11 wt
sailers of Colfas eouuty, and who had
been county treasurer anl judge, died at
.v..i,,m!,i .Ihi. r. of heart failure. Since
' -- -
,.r.. .. tlhlll 1I1V11(I.
rj!r II -K Hi inns, ri.uiwil.
&? ai. .a. AAnvr iaarH
question wuemer iuo iuum.. ...
should turn into the treasury fine re
ceived for attracting, a very pretty dis
cussion arose, in wliicli me county cier.
O. V. rhillipa took a part. He made a
statement that several yeant ago he had
invested several hundred dollars in a 6et
of abstract books; he had given bonds
as an alwtraeter, as required by law: his
work as such had been done outside of
the hours required for his official duties
as deputy and as county clerk, and he
didn't think that he shonld lw required
to turn such earnings into the fees of the
clerk's office, any more than county
treasurer, lJecher. should he compelled
to turn into the treasury the earnings in
his private business up town. Air.
Phillips expressed his satisfaction in
having the matter referred to the at
torney, because it was better to ' ave it
determined now, than to let it in on
without a clear understanding . what
is to le done.
-Thursday the militia companies from
Geneva. Central City, Tekamah and Ne
braska City arrived at Fremont on their
way home. McFherson Vost O. A. It.
met the Fremout boya, escorted them to
the armory where their arms were stack
ed, and marohed with them to Wolse's
parlors, where a royal banquet had leeu
spread for them by the citizeus. The
account says that they came home cov
ered with glory and a rank growth of
beard. R. Kurgin. of this city returned
here the same night, and is none the
worse eicepting a severe cold. He gives
M. V. Moudy, esq., of Genoa was in
the city Monday.
Rev. Worley was at York last week
visiting his brothers.
Mrs. C. A. Brindley visited Mrs. V. 15.
Backus of Genoa last week.
Nels Hasselbach of St. Edward was in
town a day or two last week.
Mrs. G. W. Clother and son returnet
Saturday from their visit to Albion
farms (of which she has two, unincum
bered), this year, but will remain where
she is until the return of her husband.
Kdith Herring goes to Schuyler, about
Feb. 1st. where she exiects to remain
during the summer.
We hear it whispered that Mrs. J. H.
Ueed and daughter Bertha will soon
start to California, where they will assist
Mr. R. in transforming those luscious
strawljerries. of which our friend writes.
I O. Mcliann purchased two nnlcli cows
i at some sale near the Platte river.
" I If T 1 I-.-J A.ltll S lk J-Wf
1. ii. iouuson uao a uu.iuie i"
badly cut tip in a wire fence recently.
justness fotices
AilrertiHenientN uniltr thi lit-inl tiw rwil n
I lineacli insertion.
TTTM KI'IIII.TZ mute lxMt .lUtl "ll
W k.i t.l.. Htiil iiitM. onlv the ft:
stock tliat can" In? iirecurwl in Hit mnrkt't. ."'
H -r
g i rm III
vi i h - am id - i
Wt I ftllllllllllll III allUIUIUUUl
In the tiiiittcrof iii lati .t .Itiliti V. Mnrhnll.
v..i;.. w ! .Miii t tint tlic cri'.litorH of
mill ilcif-l will met the niliuini-tnitnx of ,
ail estate. tK-f.irs- inc. coimt jmUce of 1'Inttc
c..u:it. X.lirack-i. at the coiuitj court r.Hini in
-aiil c.snt. on the ittli .lay of .latmar. 11. on
. I. . .(.Ml. .!".. ..f l... Ill tin. I .in . In. "Ill!i itflV of '
rntt r..llliflllor uf witltor. I..l. .-,..':.. l.l..-..r....l- .." ... .. ...1. .! f..r- nru.
I .f.i . -r :i. .e . n:..i.... :.. ...n:......l i : . ? i..r r .: r... .i;.......i.
,. - t-i -. ,..-"0 Urnkuii 'inn n-m Hie lamiiv oi -l. I. . l lCen i iiuin.-n.-n -.liun iiinrnami'; im rwiiiMin'u. ,.,.,,
Flossie W hitmoyer s broken .irm was. , aw, .,iownIl.. six month- nn- :iHoi-.I for
, niiu -." vni -7w7. . ir. .,.. .......ikt tl.ip jIiiiii4 iiTiil in nr
It seems to me that the nignts are ; f),r,i. mlmini-trHtrix t. -.-til.' ii.t .-mtc. rrom
getting knul of surprising. For the ' thfUt:i tN r J.-.nimr. l-'.H.
vann.r folks l.n.l :. verv enioabIe time! Datl. Dc.vmU-rJlth. A. .. lit. ,
at L. Pittmau's and A. W. Clark's this
hist week.
Miss Eli.a Drinnin. who has been on
the sick list, is now better.
Mrs. Warnock is suffering with lung ' Mi.riK-om.
trouble, and is being tended by Dr. T. It. j j.mUj,rv thaw if vou please, with a
so neatlv set that the break is not
Miss Ida Meagher returned Saturday
from an extended iit with friends in
X. Hknhi.i.y.
I'ountj .IhiIki'.
... it . i l3.. i..,. r.,ii.i i me iui iibi, i jiii nviici.
Jonas Welch returned Sunl.u rrom j A CvcloiM, IKI8e,, ,n .md tlu, IlllMin
s visit to California. He likes " I was flUinin bright. H. B. Reed's kitcheu
:. ..a t,.'a nm'ninn tbat if the military un
last spring, when he suffered a stroke or dertftke to di8arm the Indians by force,
jmraUsw, he had been unable to speak. iU im trouble. The Indiau has
;-?Tl.'iiiil ru.-lhor u..tice. ad adwr-tiM-m.-ntM
no l.-i :!n- hejid will be charg-
therat.'o! bv.- .vnls a i "
o inako this lowrr rate ''-
foini with the tinier.
oil at
S. A. Wedded h.n i
ClaikM.n t.i Oconee
Kt Maui tnt for
l;t ui night.
Oo Home K
in tune. if d
The combine of insurance com
panies. b their rejiresentatives, met in
this cil lat week, and lixwl the rates
or insurance on buildings in the city,
ir rates go much higher, people will find
some other way of organising a combina
for self protection.
Madison county has returned to the
old commissioner system not having
lieen particularly well pleased with the
I towushin s stein. Ferdinand Haase,
:i..ved from ; tt,u 4,jnwi to serve, is stipplanteil by
II. A. PaKwalk. General opinion seems
s..od nds I ... i, fjivorable to the new board.
It. It. Sutherland has been appoin-
1I..1.W l?..'.t:ii!r:ir.t directly
I'nion Pacific
Dr. T. It. Claik. Mi.vehsor t
Schug, )hve st. In "Hice at nights.
.W.-.N-. 7V..N-. Pianos.trgans. ?M'iiig
Machines. K. 1. Filpatrii-k. l".tli st.
Walter Phillips V child is recovering
from a tcvere attack of whooping cough.
Jacob Wagner has traded the
Checkered barn propel ty ! Win.
Itucher. cry. He is more and more enthusiastic
The Maennerchor society had a very ; every year in advocacy oJ this method of
i i ...ii ... .i i. ..ii i :...........,;..., ii... I'l-Ailit ni.l of the farm
emova i e lliasiilieiaiie n;ui ;u in.-ii ii.ih no .i-iin "v --
Satuidav evening.
Mrs. Hurd lias been sitiVeiing with a , JO( j(sistant superintendent of the Xe- .
-evere attack of toiisibtis. j braska division of the Union Pacific with
Old i.ewspapeis by the hundie.1. ii hea.lqiiarlers at i.incoin. -.
. . r..n..n- rViliimliiiM to David City:
cents at t'le.iorirwi.oiuco. i ' . , -
itliof , Valley to .Marysviue; Valparaiso u run -
Held: MeCiiol Junction to tairoury.
An Kpworth League is talked of for
Columbus by the young folks of the
Methodist church: it is an organization
Tor social and spiritual improvement.
Members of the church are supposed to
take the lead in the organization, but
others may leeome associate members.
I). L. Bruen received $42 for cream
sold last month to the Columbus Cream-
We see by the Schuj ler Onill that
the death of Ni-1 .MePherMn was due
to blood poibotillig.
Lucinda .1.. widow of Milton Good
win of Platto Center, has been granted
an increase of pension.
Insuie your pioperty with North .v
Chambers. They will j.iace your policy
with the best companies. -Ktf
Jim Fraier shipped C'l head of cat
tie last x.-eek and "1 head Wednesday to
the South ( iu:iha market.
L. .1. r.akei's Home Restaurant is
noted all along the line or the I'liion
Pucifn as giving the best me.d-.
The celebrated ,un k-Meal. and
Monarch gasoline stoves, the best in the
mniltet. For sale b A. l'.oettcher. It f
- I have a good, large siren, ure-
proot safe, very conveniently arranged.
which 1 will sell cheap. Win. IWker.
U-ai ti
-The I'otigjegationahot.; now hold
their services in the Presbyterian church,
preaching at 2 p. m.. Siinduy melted at X
The funeral of George Wilhoiir, the
mililiamuu of Schuyler who was killed
at Gordon, occurred at Schuyler Thurs
day. Fggu and bultei .d way n have a teddy
cash value, and immensely moie cmld
Ins made of them by tanners than is
Mr. A. J. Tuber, wife of one of the
..,,..i...ra !.t the Genoa Indian school.
irt ii".
a died Jan. 11th t
A pension lia- been granted J. G.
Cleveland ot Madison. YAintlirop lliin
bjirdof Silv.i Ct.ek and Hiram F.ley.
Weal Hill.
Richard Kempler. I. 1. S.. practical
VJ graduate dentist. Latest methods and
TV skilful vrorkmaiihtp. OthVe in 1.
t? Glu.U's block. "jani
The Jackson. is selling in
Omaha at .4.."ii. Just wait till Platte
county strikes coal, and you'll seethe
prices tumble.
- 11. M. Win-low is off southwest buy
ing cattle. Never saw -itch a man
buying and selling. J leveling "hit her and
von. an me nine.
Re sure to renew your insurance
with North A- Chambers. I hey will, in
all respects, deal fairly iy you. aiuipio-
eet your interests. "
At the Methodist church. Sunday,
Jan. -J-'ith. Rev. Worley s text for the
morning service will be Jo-hua. xxivlo:
evening. I Cor.. xiv:l.". All invited.
For Harrison wagons and Conrtland
spring wagons and buggies, call on J. A.
Gutzmer. opiKite Dowty's drug store.
He is sure to satisfy you in prices and
One or A. M. Parson's children at
Schuyler, is just recovering from a se
vere attack of scarlet fever: a child of J.
Brouelette and one of Mr. Robinson are
sick with diptheria.
-Any one wishing a first class spring
wagon, suitable for a family or delivery
wagon, also sleigh runners adapted to it.
and a good single harness, can be accom
modated by calling on Win. Becker.
Marriage licenses were issued last
week to Stiuislau Winski and Miss Mary
Maslouka: Win. H. Fry and Miss Hattie
M Daek, daughter of Albert pack:
Michakfecheekand Miss Sophia Baron.
Our Pvthian Light Guards have ac
quired a wide reputation for effective
organization. Major Dale has received
mu application all the way from Atlanta.
Ga., for a copy of coiifctitution and by
laws of the Columbus Cadets.
ledger, and says if more fanners would
give it a good, fair trial, they would find
it pay them well.
C. W. Spenee. the "tourist" for
Great Western Tyie Foundry of Oma
ha, was in the city Friday on business.
This reminds us that the printers of the
west can lie letter supplied now from
Omaha than they were twenty years ago
from Chicago. The country is growing,
ami that very rapidly.
w C. IL Whitrfioyer, who has had two
Aiirs ffflfcriiceyas JfcclieMof cal
fiiuVici turn mamic 8ls .LovvU,
Tndi;a. wMn aJlasatliaVMeL
.,lieliiehi8 Jitv. nAt Mulay f,iriistnAion UTvoNd music.
Tb-iiis 31.) for twe W&somt, meetiugs
Momlays and Tuesdays, 7::M p. in., at
the M. 12. church. p-lt
-The Faruiors' Klevator Compuny at
North Bend has had a somewhat check
ered eerienee. The first year it ran
terriblv liehind, and considerable stock
changed hands at fiO cents on the dollar.
The nest year was a little lietter, hut
the past vear, under u different uiau-
agement it has great ly prospered and a
dividend of forty per cent has Wen le
ehtred. - W. B. Bnckus's work at Washington
City has already told in good results for
the interests uuder his charge. Thurs-
Ituws and arrows, but they are for sale
as relics. Kvery buck knowa the value
of a good Winchester ride, and it will
naturally enough be the last thing they
will want to part with. When asked if
he thinks the trouble is over. Mr. Burgin
shakes his head ami say a "some ieople
think so."
-The Jocknai. has been interested in
the subject of artesian wells, and hns
believed for years that Nebraska will
owe wiueh of her future prosperity to
t hem. It is gratifying to note that there
are occasional communities that have
nerve enough to make an effort to sink
wells to a considerable depth. In
another place in today's JoritSAUwill be
found a reference to the well just
opened at Springfield, north of us alaiut
a hundred miles. While Dakota uas
numerous such wells, and Lincoln, a
little ways south, has one, and Platte
county has several shallow wells in
which the water has risen to within a
few feet of the surface, it looks probable
that we might, with a little effort, suc
ceed in striking a "spouter" that would
-A noted advertiser says he goes
through the columns of a paer carefully
and considers what is being presented to
its readers regularly in the way of liter
ary and news matter, and then he tries
to conceive of the class of eople who
would lie likely to take the paper to ob
tain such reading matter, and if he is
impressed that it circulates amoug jieo
ple that he wishes to reach with his ad
vertisement, he invests his money. This
might le set down as a golden rule for
advertisers. Thk .Toiknal has never
employed a "circulation liar;" hasn't
eugaged in the trick of -stuffing" circu
lation: continuing to send papers where
they were not ordered; but it has always
congratulated itself on the fact that its
reatlers are among the lest people of
this "neck o' woods."
Judge A. M. Post and court reorter
F. J. North went to David City Monday
to hold court.
S. Anderson or Crest on was in the city
Monday ami gave this office a very
pleasant call.
A. M. Jennings passed his Sunday at
home, ret uruiug Monday to his work at
Newman Grove.
Johnnie Hulk-r was at Platte Center
Saturday and Sunday, ami gives us an
item of news from there.
O. W. Kibler of Leigh was in town
Friday and Saturday, called as a witness
in the Sjiencor divorce case.
Roller t Ulilig 'f Omaha came up Sun
day for a day or two among in- iu
friends, who are always glad to see him.
Miss Alice Cowdery or Lincoln, daugh
ter ot the assistant secretary ot state,
arrived in the city Saturday, and will
visit friends.
John Haney comes to town again oc
casionally. He is not quite so strong
physically as lefore his accident, but
enjoys fairly good health, excepting
some twinges of rheumatism.
How 1'atuiiiy t-mi.U Were l
vlitfil A.ooiic Ho- seliool lliilrirl "1
I'lMtlt futility Hj iiierii.l-inlrnt Tru-
iii r.
County Superintendent L.J. Cra
mer has mumrtiotied the school
funds received from
county, according to
! l.KCAl. X01 UK.
i To all whom it may concern:
The -.i'iiiIcoiiimi"ionTaioinl'l to view and
' i.-iMirt ilium the timet iraliilily of Mtnitmi: all
.. .. . - i. - .. i.' ii i.?.: ir ....
chimnev siuldeniv increased in nigni. ttmt i-urt i limine i-oao i-wiuum.-.. -- ;
V T IViKt li-ii iiiTcii-ied I'd Wis. inelieitn: at tl' lionmiiM pwiutiu vnma...
V. 1. l.rilst pi.n.l!.ise! l.U. wis- i raw. . we,t.atid runninc tli.-n.e-..i!th
colt's corn stalks. ..n-ftion liineiitht cm nlMiml iIit. tfriu-
Miss Anna Hauler, teacher of Reed's' inatnu;. ami known mul il.-iKii.iied a.-, a imt .r
school, round it necessary to have more ' ii.:-"SchiU K..d.'' ha- retried r.nond.l,. .,,,.:,
, , , , 7 . -t i -h!m aration. , . ,
seats placed in the house last .Monday. , .. an oii.-etion- thereto, or .i.inn-. for.huu-
Jollll McGill. jr.. who rtveiltlv moved as;.- MUed l.y the acatioi. r ther.m.UlMne
to the .city, expects to goto Omaha in "X JtlZtJnt
t lie spring. , in-fore mx. IVIintHrj -Jltli. A. 1.. l.'i. or in.
vacation ma lie made without reference thereto.
Dated t oliiiiilm-. .Neli.. lieiviuiier ..l. ".
:. . Pnii.i ii-.
d.-e.-Jl-lt foiinlj r'erfc.
Miss Rlhi Bvrnes. who is teaching on
Grand Prairie, was a Columbus visitor
Sam Drinnin. one ol the Fremont Nor
mal graduates, is expected home this j umw NOIU'K
Lawrence Ryrne, is still t.ili..l t.. j-hl'KErSt S-SS'i" K"
his house.
George Fugle is hauling corn from
.... . m - , IIOMII ".I 'i " "' ...-- --
iOU Will have to excuse I lops tins 0( fork rier and kiiimii and de-Miniated n- I
iiiiw: . i
I. I'omiiii'ticiai: at S. V. corn, r or -s-tion ?1. j
town 17. range 1 e-t. and running then.v duel
north on ction liue.nnii leruiitiaiiui: ai uie
week, for ho is in on repairs.
i lie
state and
Vi ix.Uvilh' llriU4.
June weather in January. It was so
warm Sunday that a tire was not needed,
and it was too warm to wear a coat.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gillespie enter
tained a number of their friends at a
nig carpet sewing Friday, and in the
evening gave a dance, which lasted into
the wee sma' hours of Saturday.
Mr. John Koop, one of the oldest resi
dents of the township, died last week of
lung disease, and was buried in St. Kd-
tli. "Mi'Kim Kiutd.
II. r.HllllieSH'illK nt S. V. Wlierof mi'! loll 1-.
town !'., riniK'' I w t.and running thence due
nit on -.ction line two.-' mile-, thenre north
one tli mile and terminating lit N. !". eorner of
mhMioii i;. town lt. ramv I we-t. mid known and
diMi'imt.Hl :it the "A. 5. Jol.ti-o'i KojhL"
Now all olij.vtion thereto .ir el.iim- for
:iBert citi-.-.! ttierelij mii-t In- tiled in the rotint)
.lelkott:ie f I'latte fount. Xehr.i-k-t. on or
Nfore no.ui. March liith. . I. 1-1. ol the liicil
I.M-ution of thealMiVe di-i-riU',! load- .r citlier
.if ttii'lil. Ilia lie Iiiade witlioiit referi'tiee thereto.
ll.'teil t'oluuiliu. Xel... .lanuar in. l'.i.
i'.. I'm I.Mrs,
.lllj-mTli'-lt fount t lerk..
To all whom it ma.v eoneen.:
Vlie -M.'i.d eommi"-ioiier nii" 'I "t'st to iew
I) L. Clark has been in Lincoln the i nail reiM.rt hpon the prattii-ahilii t" local uf: a
past two weeks: M.ine say that he went j j-.Mij nu l -... - .
down to see that Gov. Hoyd was seated. - toVkIl j;, r.itw l v.-t. riuiuins th.n.e dm-
- he has not returned, it is presunieii M.uth -nHi-. thence iiue .m-i oncniu ? mu-
that he has fallen a victim to the
iieiidents. We lament.
The daughter ot Air. ami Airs, .louu v.
totheeait hue of -md -icliou .'.. tlietiee itile
oiltti on -eetiotl line tinlil -..line HUei-celt tin
"Li-co I.'imiI."' and known a:.d d a- the
Otiiawa,' lias reixut.d t-uon.M
Slate rinid-
l'liie- and l.u-eii-.-
..KI "
l.U' .
l". ..
21 .
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. i i .... r..l. .1. ., ......I ...i.t liM'utiiiri.
.ipgar IHIS oeeu e. l. e ..l - .--," m,iirr., in-trmt.,1 to
with cholera lulauium, nut under me , ., ,i. pni.ti.-.ii.ilit of taiiitiuu all
,v.r..rnl treatment of Dr. HlirV IS 111 a th:.t lmrt of lli'"Ve-t l'UI. l.o.ld. lommell. OIK
fair wav to rwover at this writing.
Messrs. Holenbeck. Uurk and
of Genoa were out driving in our neigh
liorhood Sunday.
The Reaver and Woodville literary so
cieties are holding Torth each week, the
Tonner Monday nights and the latter
Wednesday nights.
Dock Gillett is in the soup: since his
brethren at Lincoln have made such
breaks lie can't go them, and the repub
licans won't let him come back to them.
Served him right. Ill's Frisk.
, I j Al-o tlii'-amecommi loteT w.i iiisrurmi
1,10 report upon the pnielie.d.ilil of taeatilitf .ill
ill a that lmrt of lh'"Ve-t l'Up i:.i.i.l."foiiiiiieii. n
... tin. V V corner of X. IL 'i of -aid -.s-tioli 2..
town 17, nume I we-t. anil rtmniim thence dric-
oimlh acr.w- -;iiil -.vtion. an.l na- ntei ni-
reort reeoiitniMidinK the iic..tiin Urn- -.-1
forth. . i r i
Xownllolijis'tio:.- tlier. to, ortl.icii- fordiim
: .-IU-.-.I li the location ir af.ili.i of either
ol theaiMoeiit-enUil nKid-. mii-t ! lihtl l'"'
count clerk'-otliiv of IMiilti't'oiint. XeliriKa.
on or liefore ii.m.ii Mnroh Irtih. A. I. l-i'l. or the
I. M-at ion and ae.:lioll cailel for. or cither of
thrill a- the ra-e m.i le, ma U- made without
reference thereto.
Dated Columlm-, X. I.. .lanuar lo. IV'I.
t:. v. riui.i.ii-,
.llljanTlrtjatilt I oiintj t'lerW.
Xo. !"- Kanrtoiut.
tJri'at Mti Siiiietiiin's Jl.ikf Utile Mi-take-.
En. JontXAi.: Permit me space lor a
few comments on the Telegram's tirade
on the action of the Hoard r Supervis
ors in their disposition of the county's
(.rent men make LT.'IVC mistakes at
t . . .1-1 a.....! a.a-i k ..'.if ii L tili it r. f
times in their public career, just such ,:"; K"S;;l a'puVpl.Win; oV.KV,he
deed of thi- plamtitl to -,ui Mniiiuei ioiio. k
and a coin eauce from Siiiiutel Pollock to.lohi
In tliedi-tri.'t court of Piatt.-count. X.-hni-ka.
Oauiel IVv'h-ton. I'l.-.intitl.
Simiiel Pollock. John ti. Poll.M-k and f. .1. Mc-
t'oy, Defendiuiti..
S'liiiuel Pollock, one of the defendant in the
nlNive .'iititle.1 action, will lake notice that on
I... lltl. iluvof Ik-ei-nilMT. l-lll. IKttiiel IjkIi toll.
plaintiti herein, tiliil hi- iictitioii in the di-tri.t
court of I'latte count. Xclira-ka. nxmii-t Mid
Wc have ju-t liitL-hcd our inventory ami :ilthnu;li only
nine month- in lmsinc. wc wager to .-ay that we have -old
MOUKCLOTHIXlt than any other house in Platto County.
Thi- -tatctnctit t- very encouraging t"r u- to make and wc will
tell you the iva-un- why wc haw -old more:
FIRST We are the only exclusive
Clothing House in Platte County.
SECOND We carry a larger assort
ment. THIRD Our Prices are the Lowest.
FOURTH Our fit is better.
FIFTH Our goods are all tailor
made, and trimmed superior.
SIXTH On account of our one-price
system which applies to every one.
And can not be disputed. We
have decided to give you a big
benefit after January 1st, in the
shape of a 25 per CtRt iisctiwt on
Suits I Overcoats,
and hope you will avail yourself
of this grand opportunity. This
is a bona fide sale, and these
goods must be sold under any
circumstances. We must have
room for
Now is the time to buy clothing
at your own price. Remember,
all our goods are marked in
:-: FIGr-TTie-ES,
. day last plans were approved by the
t commissioner of Indian affairs for a
sJ.0,0:S0 Indiau school building at flenoa.
But S2i.iN)0 have leen appropriated for
.i.. l.i t . l ir.... n.l.Il. .-. ... l..-i s.f lirinL
pneumonia, nge.i i uw oiiuiiiii. ii" m . -
ihree storietJ high ami a basement, but
when it is completed it will coRt S0,lKN I.
We learn thut Irn. lamest Fietller
(widow of the man who committed atti-
cide by cutting his throat several weeks
ago), who went cra.y after her husband's
tragic death, and who was taken to the
asylum nt Norfolk, has since so unprov
ed that she has written to old friends
ln.iuiruig after her children, etc. Her
letters give no indication that she remember.-
anything of her husband's
V. H. Selsor has returned from his
eastern trip, and calls for his Joi'KNU.
again to the old address. Iet none of
our readers hesitate a moment to ask for
a change of address. Drop us n jHwtal
card, giving the present address, and the
desired one. aud we gladly make the
change. This is a part oi me puousu
ing business, and a very essential one to
readers, and thus recognizing it. we are
always prompt to respond.
A Home Mission, for the relief of
distress among the residents of this city
has leen formed, and has already done
good work where it was needed. The
officers of the Mission are Mrs. Shoaf,
president: Mrs. Herrick, secretary; Mrs.
Meaves. treasurer: Mre.0. D. Butler and
Mrs. L. d. Baker are inemliera of the j
committee of relief The organization
is altogether worthy, ami every eem
contributed will be faithfully placed
where it will help the needy suffering.
- The county will pay little more for
its printing this year thau it did last,
the excess being the increased fraction
given to the Wocheublatt. If the full
legal rate had been distributed etiually
among five papers, the strong probabili
ty is that none of the county supervisors
would have been called "venal vam
pires. It is our belief that the injus
tice dune is in the allowance of a greater
fraction to the Argus than to the other
papers. This sort of injustice rankles.
It would have been a wiser policy to
give the printing to five papers, at one
fifth rate each.
We see by the Evanston (Wyo.)
Register that X. Iv. Small, a former well
known resident of ColiiinbiiH. hnr been
re-elected as chief r the fire department
there, and that he is exercisiug his old
time vigor in asking of the city conueil
the necessary appliances to enable the
tire laddies to do their full duty. It is a
long distance "to reach with advice iu
local mattere, but we venture to say,
confidently, that if Norman's recommen
dutioiiri are followed, Kvanston will have
even a more faithful and efficient fire
department than they uow have, which
is ikerhapa as good as any city of its sie
in the country, having three hose, teams
and hook and ladder truck, and ninety-
eight men.
In Polk county, near t!lem Wat
kins place, live Mr. Martis and family,
and -Mr. Joseph Schoner. The Martises
were cutting wood off au island that
Schoner claimed as his own, ami Schoner
came and ordered the woman away (Mr.
Martis was not at the spot just then. i
when she picked up a stick, and made
after Schoner. He pnlled his revolver
aud shot the woman in the right arm,
indicting a dangerous wound, that is
still (after two weeks) very troublesome,
and ios9ibly may prove fatal. Schoner
was arrested and allowed to give bail in
the sum of S.I.Hflrt. The woman is a
Polauder, and the mother of seven or
eight children.
Children Cry for
Pitcher' Caetoria.
Children Ory for
Pitcher's Caetoria.
Another Xebraska man is becoming
celebrated in the line of inventions. II.
I. PerRy. who Beveral years ago lived in
Saunders county, and who now resides
iu Denver, has recently hit upon a solid
steel railway palace coach. The car is
cylindrical in form, has a solid rolled
steel floor, to which the sides are firmly
riveted and well lapped over. The floor
and sides are riveted to three heavy
steel sills. It is claimed that the car
cannot lie smashed to pieces in a wreck,
that it weighs ten tons less than the or
dinary Pullman and doesn't cost any
more. -The non-officeholding lnxly of the
jieople were long since tired of Ijosb rule,
and have tried, over and again, to thwart
the "machine" element in both political
parties. Could it be done within old
party lines? was the serious question of
many. Some have answered it by sever
ing their old party ties; others are con
sidering whether it would be best to do
so, while others still believe that the old
party organisation can be used to se
cure ueeded changes. Party managers
must reiect the wishes of the people if
they exjiect to succeed.
Notice of DislatloB.
tie is hereby given that the part-
oTintini? between the uuder-
Lned. doing business under the firm
name and style of Schaffroth & Plath.
prior to March 10th, 1890. -was on tbat
day dissolved by mutual consent, -id ac
counts due the firm being placed u the
hands ot C. J. (Jarlow, esq., fer ollee
tiou. J. F. ScmFFBOTH,
21jsn-3t Lxopolp Puixh.
A queer winter.
The snow is gone again.
Freddie Woodson is confined to his
led from a severe sore throat.
John Haney, jr.. is again at Lincoln
finishing his education. He will begin
his three months' term or school in dis
trict No. 5, the first Monday in February.
Henry Larue of CJe-noa was through
this vicinity Wednesday.
We have recently learned that lvurnet
Meays has rented twenty-live acres of
luud of Dave Anderson. To speak of the
past, we find this was the same piece of
land that Karnest had rented last year
and which didn't yield enough to
auceup with the rent, but this shows
the young man has a good deal of grit,
aud has not forgot the old saying try
again." I'orn, to Mrs. Jerome Cleveland,
Thursday January IMh. a sou.
Mr. Peters purchased the Lawrence
threshing machine Tuesday.
James Marshall has rented or 1). An
derson the eighty lying directly south of
Mrs. Marshall's.
The Alliance meeting Monday night
was a Bitccess, but for some reason they
dismissed earlier than usual.
The lyceiim Wednesday night was a
success; the program was a song by the
school, followed by several dialogues;
the paper was read by the editor John
Marshall. The name of the paper was
the Evening Call, and true lo its name,
gave every one a call. After this was
the debate: Resolved. That the govern
ment is to blame for the late Indian
trouble. Win. Meaves on t lie afiirmat ive
and John Marshall on the negative: the
decision rendered was three for the
affirmative and none for the negative.
The Bug has recently learned that the
total amount or Mrs. Lawrence's sale
was $1,700.
It was altogether a mistake of the
Bug's -Miss Plumb did not go to Corn
lea last week.
It's true, everylKxly is "dead onto" the
June Bug. but keep your toes off- he's
small but treacherous.
JfNK Bro.
ones as the Telegram and I have made
in this matter of public printing.
No one can regret the final outcome of
this matter more than myself, because
of the gross injustice that has been
done- Knowing the temper of my col
leagues on the committee, and the
liody to whom the report was to be sub
mitted. I thought it would be a good
test, to the depth and sincerity or the
rampant reform and retrenchment, that
came bubbling to the surface like an
inaugural, upon the first presentation
of public evpenditiire. involving the in
so you won't be deceived.
Maurice A. Mayer,
Thirteenth St., Columbus, Neb.
C. r.illiick and the coinejauce Irutii .It.l.n ..
Pollock tu(. J. McToy. mid that eiien of mid
convex an.-e-. Hi well a-the iiivteiidrd deed from
thN liiainlitf to -aid Samuel Pollock In- decliind
null and void, and of no force nor etf.-.-t whatev
er, and that the title to lotn.. and i". in Mock '.'.
known ar. the l.iudell Hotel tno.Tt pitiialed in
On- linn of ('..ltimlm. Platte county. N-li.,
qtiiiled in thN plaint iff. and that tlieaiauiiH'iit
of thiM i.laintill to Samuel Pollock of the ratlil- I
to the rent from iid Hotel piort liedeclarijl
null and oitl, and that it I-cancelled, and tin
plaint ill lie put in iki-i moii f -aid prcinc-.'-.
or that an order imi. roiiiiii.tiidiuK,iiid . J.
McCuv to iy the rent-, and profits into court
r . .i.!. ..- .".I I.......;. ..f ..miiI .il.'iintitT. and for
lor iii- ii-w-in " - i'-- ,-. -
' 1 .1 i r.. -n.... .....1 .1 nt 14
Mien oilier miiiiuutiri .m. -
tit may reipiire. . .
Vou are r.ii'rcd to answer -aid petition on or
lnf..rethe,thda. of Feliniati. l-'.'l.
Dated Jan. ''. l'.'l. ... L lil. ! l.r- i ' .".
.... (, i i , I SA.vil lil. r.
terests of the citizens of Columbus, (see ,j U',it,lk .l(l hj;In . t; vui
the action of the Iwiard in allowance of
deputies for the county clerk) which ac
tion. I heartily endorsed. The board
further put itself on r.rrd in its de
termination at retrenchment and reform,
by au award to Dr. T. II. Clnrk as hos
pital physician, thus saving to the citi
zens the enormous sum of t hirty-live
After such a careful, watchful out
burst of economic lesolves. it needs no
mind-reader to unravel the "wabbling
indignation" or the Telegram at the
recreancy of some of the supervisors.
in not recogniing it, as one oi me
venal vampires" fattening at the pub
lic ciib. I am sincerely sorry for this,
for I he icason. tliat the Telegram is
doing miieh to build up the interests of
Columbus. The great wrong done, was
iu the entire ignoring (by this lmdy of
reformers, who aie largely in the ma
jority) the bid of the Sentinel to do tin
T1IK IIH'KK ".'"
f lie I'isureS ill our 5 ito x.iil tu..l:' a lore; tay.
:o mail or wciuuii now liiu will v'r date a
locuinent without usiuy tie-' liur.- 9. It -taints
in the third pi ice in 16&0, w her.- it uiti r-m:un t.'u
vtir and tlk'ii litoe up toM-coud place iu 1.
tttu-re it will m-t for one hundred yirs.
Th"rei-..iuotliir"J" which lmiiiKocotnetostay
It is unlike the flsur" y iu our date- in the r".p-ci it has already moved up to Iirt place. hw
it will pcrnuiieiitlv r'-iiuiii. H i- culled tin-"No.
J" HigJi Arm Wiicler .V W d-:i sewing Macli.n-
The "No. !" eiidor-d tor Urst place by the
experts of Kumi: at tic- Pari- Exposition of 1S8'J.
w hi-re. at ler "i -t-vereconi.'-t. vxith the leadiii mi
chin, of the world, it wc awarded tic only
Urai-.d Prtc gi u to faiuil : nig uuchini'-. all
.tu.r-tin exhitut h.viu r.cived low.r award
or edd tn.d.ils, cic. The I-reiu-h Governncut!ntedit--uperi.rit hv thedecontionof
Mi Natlmiii-1 V1 !.-r, ln-idr iitot th" coiupaii.
with the C'r.'-- of th.' h lou ot Honor.
The "No. D" i- ii"t au old la K-iiine improved
.T I . .......... .....I .1.
ui iiti. out l- un eiiiini wn j:iai-iii"'7, ". ...
public printing or every clasa, ami kiml. Jr iA ,..,. al ,.jr, tts.a ,in.irij..,i a c .. j-Mnd-for
l-" of the legal rates. Certainly t lie . ,.., aU4 j,,..,. ,:, j,,. :u.ichiu mectiaui-m of the
iiij it can
i-r l.lle-
Sentinel'H face is as clean, its morals and I .,,... iu.,-..-. who hio it can re.-t u-urfd
'truthfulness" are the iieer of any or haviuathev.-ry Lu.-tnnd hr-.t
its coteinnoraries. but these watch-tlogs ,
I ot the county's treasury, who were so j
careful to save .". in liospital atten
dance upon poor afllieted humanity,
could nit see any wrong in voting
aliotit Sl'J'K) more than the lowest
bid (the Sentinel's") would be required
if the same rule of rigid and strict econ
omy had characterized the disposition or
the public printing, but the division of
s(oils was at stake, and the like heroic
treatment was non . Xo reformer in
sisted then that the lowest bid must lie
accepted by the IJoard. as before cited.
There is an old record that says men
will band themselves together "saying,
let us go up and take a spoil:" the spoil
was secured, but the "vampires" are now
quarreling over the division of the spoils.
As "the Sentinel and the Telegram do
not 'stand in' with the powers that lie."
the advice given by the Telegram to Thi:
.Toi-kvai. should also be appropriated by
the Sentinel. "It should at least kick
hard enough against the arrangement
preserve us sen-respeci
Pi-trkt 44 and Vicinity.
Winter haB lost its "grip' again.
George Drinnin has been on the shelf
since Thursday with the grip.
John McGill was offered i" an acre
for his farm.
Frank and Will Stevenson of Colfax,
sport a brand new road cart which their
father purchased while in the city Satur
day. We were told that a good minister not
far from this place lectured a certain
voting man kindly, for attending a pub
lic dance, and the y. m. sought to get
even with him by writing of a sociable
held at the parsonage for the lieuefit of
the church, where there were only three
ladies present.
We learn tuat tne late miuer at
Becker's mill, died very suddenly Satur
day afternoon; we have no particulars.
Mrs. Schochtschneider liviug east of
the city, and whose husband was re
cently adjudged insane and sent to Nor
folk, "is not, (as we were told), in des
titute circumstances, but is uble to care
for herself and childreu until the returu
of her husband, ishose mental lerauge
ment, she thinks, is only temporary.
Mrs. S. will not move onto either of her
liixbv wakes up he can speak or write
some" pertinent truths." Yes! yes! the
Telegram and some others have shud
dered at the dazzling glows of the red
headed, religious recorder of tbe Senti
nel. "In order to know what you are to
expect from any individual it ia neces
sary to study his antecedents, and judge
something of the future by the past."
"Such are the attributes of Mr. Satan,
ami knowing what to expect from the
gentleman it is not so diflicult to do him
up." (See Uixby's essay on Satan.)
With malice towards none" ami other
sundry quotations which might be made
from the Sentinel. I close.
H.J. IlrnoN.
C -S M.
P Old-
P co
i 5 tt
CD ! -
p .
o n
Pco CD
-s o
P w
03 P m
C J3 O
O g
3 OR
ji co to
P w
t- '
O Cfl
tiVS. a. MLCHKR.
EstitMuhrd ir.rt.
l.Koruhu J.Kuai
15 and IbT Wabash Ave.. Chicago
V. KIBLEK. Leih. Nr.
Farm : and : City : Loans
20ar.iuotationfif the market fari'oljtsitriI
Tuewlaj aft?ruoiu,;iul are correct and n-IUMe
Ht thetiuic.
OfttB ...
"lour.. .
Ecgs .
Potato . . .
Vat hotfh .
Fat cows..
Fat h? .
Fat st'H'rb.
ti at:. t
ll)i 15
3 :f 1 w
1 CfMJ .'
9ide llftu'i
i:uAitA.vrKi:To ukof iikmt
a noon and well si:u:i"Ti: siock al
wws.vsrHi'-ArASTin: cnur-
ml all kiaN of cotmtrj .nIur Likj-u in trtnl
ntnl nil kikhIb (Ifltvi-tl Trei' "I 'tiari;i
toiiuy p.irt if tin- i'ili.
IIOM.VTM I.V ON' 1 VKVIHat I'-.-t iriti-ri-it.ini 1-In.rt i.r It.n tmi. 11. Hiiiini'I-
to Milt UHIillr.ltiti-.
OVIl't.KTK MiSTK.Vt i':v Oh 1'ITI.K toall i-trit" in IMatt.-count.
Notarj l'nlilir alv.'.'ij- i:t oHici-.
I arm an-l cil v rii;rrt fur-ale. ... . ,,
MaK illt-ition-of foreign inheritanii-i ami -"ll t-.iiri-In ticki-t- t ml iri'iu nil j.htt.
of IJir -jub.-vtf
General Agents for the sale of
,m .t. m;Um1 Pacific It. It- I-and for sale at from fa.00 to $10.00 jr acre ror cnl
UtUU - .
- .n, i.. nnnnt.1 TtMVIUHia I1IBUI tt ,ntMtrwa a w w - ---- w - .
or on live or tu ,c. i. " ------ .;--". fi.r , 1, , .j Mj n reaonabto Uiu. ai
in th cit. W keep a couipleteabetmct of title to all real e.tut u
lot of other landi. improve I
baiinevii and reaiuencn 101s
Platte tonnty.
Wholeaale and Rtil Dalr In
xo&Icl I Salt
tiane, Peiliry, anl Fresk Fisfc. All Kiiils f Saisage Specially.
tVCaah paid for Hide.. Pelta. Tallow. Higheat markat price paid for fat ttlaVmi
Olive Street, twe Ueors Nertli ef tfce Firtt Nitieial Bk-