"I s ! NEBRASKA. FAMILY : JOURNAL. A Weekly Newipaper imti erery WtiiMiay. 82 CeliBU tf reaiiig natter, tpi. sistiiff tf Nebraska State Newt Item, 8eleetei Sttriet aii Miieelluy. tYwti SI a ytar, hi AtitMCt. AddrtM: lLK.TcarK Oofatamb, Piatt itU Co-. Nebf .. DTJSSELL, a PUMPS BIPAIBED ON BBO&M NOTIGB. Oltve St., nearly tppttttt Peat-tflot, Jaaaat-r LOUIS SCHREIBER. BlacMaiflfaMMM All kiiii tf ReMlrlig tat ti 8-trt Nttice. Biggies, Wtg- tu, etc.. aiale t trier, aid all frark Gaar- aiteetL AIm aall tht warli-fiumtn- Walter A. Wtti Mowen, tMers, Combin ed Haebiati, Harrertan, aai lelf-bimdert the Witauda. STflkaa DMtlU tht "Tstteraal)," ea OUT St.. COLUMBU. 26-m Judicious Advertising Creates many a new business, Kulnrges many an old business, Revives many a dull business, Rescues many a lost business. Saves many a failing business, Preserves many a large business. Secures success in any business. Bo says a man of boaicrss. and wa add that ladicions advertising, for this section of country, includes THE JOURNAL Asoasof the medians, becsna it Is read by the best people, those who know what they want an' pay for what they get. Wo challenge comparison with any country paper in the world in this ro spect twenty years publishing, by the samo mansatment, and sever one dun to subscriber published in Tax Journal This, better than anythinc else, shows the class of peopls who read Tax Joubh a every week. tf GOSHEN FEME IACIIDE! CHEAP. ONLY $15. Wovsa wire aad slats, cat willows, split boards ar aajtaiaa-ot the sort, ased; after posts are set. feaoscaa beawdsaad stretched oa ths crouad. la taswiatsr, by a boy or ordinary farm hand, M to at rods a day, aad caa work it over any craaad. Tbs ssaa who has oaa of tasss ma caiass can asild a f sacs that is mors durable and safe taaa any other, and Basks it at less ett. Tea asachias aad a sample of its work can be ssaa ia taseity ea lltk street at Ernst ft 8chwan aarawars store. Wilkell mraines. or territory, r contract to pat apfsaoss. ImaytX J. R. MATHEWSON. i hnnlrnflMnlMS , The best book lor aa famiriimtiun! lUBIIICnlt, be be expert ft ouatsias lists of aawspapers aad estlmstss jfttocesAsrfaATsftUlnr.Tbe advertiser a-&o I to aasma mam aoiiar. amos ia uiov m- ilres. waSleforhlm waowiu J thousand dollars ia ad- ;aacaesoau lad test wmen win erarr rsonlresseBt. or cm tests' so dvss srsedsaaVsfauar arrsrsdal '.mg eer i mrn-Ti-r laVadttoas have been lamed. Beat postpaid, t any address for Is cents. Wrtta TiaMO. V. HOWELL CO.. roCSFAMER ADVKRTISrSG BUMAU. !4asmMBjtrlatiBafoBMSq.). Kew Tcrk. PATENTS re- i I Xrais Marks obtain-d, and ail Pat. ex .siasssaaadnetsd for HOi'EftATK FEES. laeadni KOFFICE 18 OPPOSITE D. B. PATKXT Of r ICL Wa bars no sab-asjnci. all bnsuM n direct, asace wa can transact patent business in last taaa aad at LEM COST than those remote from sTaaHaatsa. Ldrawin. or choto. With dasenp- We advise if patentable or not. free of Mr fas mot das UU ptnt is sscareo. A bsak. "Haw to Obtain Patents." with rrfer aweeteaatael clients ia yoar stas. county r -- ""-- Address ,Pato5'OmfWT.g.(?l TO$ 10 AMY W Aaenta Warned 1 j: --CinceLaas Fan. ' .0X Brerrart Saftty Rets Be ldm f!rfi nway - introduce tacat Tr e 3!t wr, kui frttn I to S. t-ltr BiTcr qbHcc hraa Itt T. xa4 J it ferUtlV:.einae:..U..;cll. S ri VM BBBBBBalBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBLSmi. slaBsaaaRKvV BsBrSSBPfassr S5 rsBmmamf HOW VON MOLTKE GREW OLD. Mstltads Ib Tooth mad Hi per Tears To What Ha Attributes Hii Vigorous Old Are- A Viennese educational society has had the good idea to ask a number of emi nent men who have attained a "ripe old ago" as to the best way to grow old. Fourteen men, whose combined ages amount to 1, ICO years, have answered the questions put to them, and of these answers the most interesting are those supplied by Count Moltke. We give the question?, together with the nonagenari an's answers in full: YOUTH. I, At what sRetlid your schooling begin, and bow many hour a day did you study? In 1808, when I wa3 S years old. I learned four hours a day; after 1810 I studied ten hours very day. 3. Was your health during youth delicate or strong? I was of a tough nature. 3. Were you brought up In town or in the country? In the country up to my 10th year. 4. How many hours daily did you spend In the open air? Itcgularly? Irregularly, and only a few hours. 5. Did you have athletic and other physi cal exercises? No methodical ones. 6. How many hours did you sleep? Ten. 7. Special observation? Joyless youth, scanty food, away from home. mr-Eii AOE. 8. Did you finKh your education in town or in the country? In town. i. How many hours of mental work work daily? Differed greatly. 10. Do you attribute a favorable influence on your health to a special manner of liv ing? Moderation in all habits. Outdoor exercise in all weather. No day entirely spent indoors. II. How long do you sleep? Alout eight hours on the average. 12. What changes in your daily habits did you make on the approach of a riper age? None. 13. How long daily did you work in your 50th, 60th, 70th and 80th year? That de pended on circumstances; often very long. 14. What were your recreations? Hiding on horseback up to the age of $. 15. How many hours do you spend in the open air? At present half the day during the summer on my estate. 1)1. How long do you sleep? Eight hours still. 17. What are your habits with regard to taking food? I cat very little, and substi tute concentrated nourishment. 18. To what reason do ymi primarily ascribe your healthy old age ( m v. hich may Cod long preserve you)? To God's, grace and moderate habits. WHAT THE SHOr-GIUL. WANTS. She stood in a store down town. She was both young ami fair: But her face wore a savage frown As well as lines of care. When I managed to reach her side 1 asked what she'd like liest For a present, and then sln cried. O, heavens : give me rest:" Pitttburg Difjmtch. TnE Independence, la., association will give 875,000 in stakes at the meeting in-August, 1S91, on the famous kite shaped track. This is the iarpest sum ever offered for one trotting meeting. C. W. Williams, trainer of Axtell. is back of the scheme. You've tried Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription have you and you're disappointed. The results are not immedi ate. And did you expect the dis ease of years to disappear in a week ? Put a pinch of time in every dose. You would not call the milk poor because the cream doesn't rise in an hour? If there's no water in I it the cream is sure to rise. I If there's a possible cure, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription b sure to effect it, if given a fair trial. You get your one dollar it costs back again if it don't benefit or cure you. We wish we could give you tJie maker? confidence. They show it by giving the money back again, in all cases not benefited, and it'd surprise you to know how few dollars are needed to keep up the refund. Mild, gentle, soothing and healing is Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Cures the worst cases permanently. No ex perimenting. It's "Old Re liable." Twenty-five years of success. Of druggists. $4ESbb? OPH$ KIVJOY Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, nnd acta gently jet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup cf Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs 13 for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Bo not accept any uustitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SK FRANCISCO. CAL. LOUISVILLE, kv. rrr; vork. M.t. To care eostrrene! it- medicine rrrort bo more than a. purca'""": It miit -ntai:i toaic, alterative and cathartic properties. Tutt's these qoalitie. and fpceclily re therHmeNttiHrnHtnrn' peristaltic eloTetotherKwelt!eiTHt'n, peris ,soetcntia: to regularity. PENSIONS! Xes Disability Bill 1 Uw. bolii-r. disabled ainre ssewarsreentitlsd. D pendent widows :ndpsrens asw dependant mhne sobs died tvrc elftcta of armr ssrvlee sis included Uyouwioh yourc)tiu ped- &SdUdrSf w " JAMES TWHER. LnteCosattilMi.tnercf IVrulon- ftlSHlCTBl I. C HOMES WAITED. We -a-SEt to ar perr-anect hoacetfor a nara- bercf Orrian Bilit in:l thilJren. Rejrcnsiblf parties Wno vast to ado.t a br-ebr. hfiltliy. and well-srotrn child are :cv.td to rorrt'r ni ite . as CHlLDKEft'S All SOCIETY. i DaaraaralStraet, Chicago, IU. ZmwA aCV mBmwf FB81 PIQ 1.19 Sesj TOPICS OF THE T A CHOICE SELECTION OP IN TERESTING ITEMS. Caauneats aad Criticism Based Upoa tho Happenings of the Day Historical aad News Notes. ThR average width of the path of de struction for young men is wide and easy to follow. Somebody has coined the word "mo torneer," to designate the person who manages the motor on an electric car. It is said that all fashionable wemen now wish to be tall, and to address a i stylish lady as "Dumpy" or "Sawed-OfT is considered in bad form. A Chicago man has had three men arrested for throwing a dollar at him. It must be that he was angered because they did not continue the assault . Ax old cathedral is still standing about seven miles trom Tuscon, where wf,i hr ., rt missionaries over three and a half centuries ago. Theke are 55,000 Masons in Georgia, which has a larger proportion of Ma sons in its population than any other State in the Union. At a recent meet ing of the Graud Lodge thirty new char ters were granted. It is asserted that a velocity of six or seven miles a second wiil get a body ' away from the earth's gravitation, but a small boy laden with coal scuttles j who falls down stairs with a velocity of ten miles a second will contradict the j assertion. . ,, '. . . , . 7 , ,. . A Boston chemist claims to have (lis- covered a of petrifying the I.,,... Wl- Of .!, -.'1,'fv ,'f onn 1A uuisicai- asw T "- ,mmmj - --w cannot be guessed. There are so many human fossils walking about now that an increase in their number is far from desirable. Ax old woman died in England lately who was said to have been the cook that lighted the fiie with the manu script of Carlyle's "French Revolution.' Her name, Roxalana Buggies, de serves to go dowu in history with that of the aspiring youth who fired the Ephesiau dome. It cost "Our Mary" $10,000 to secure her release from a professional engage ment with Mr. Abbey in order to meet a matrimonial engagement with Mr. Navarro. In other words, Mr. Navarro cost Mary $10,000 in cold cash. Let us hope that Mary has not paid too much for Mr. Navarro. Edward Payson Weston, the once famous pedestrian, is CI years of age, but he regards a fifty-mile walk of lit tle importance, and ho is at present thinking of organizing a walk across the continent which will take ia all the big towns and stretch over a track that is roughly estimated at 4,000 miles. It will not be done for the love of sport alone, but for the purpose of booming a Western town. Ax exchange tells how one can find the day of the week of any date by a simple mathematical calculation. But the simplicity of the figuring gives no value to the information, be cause when a"feller" forgets the day of the week he is generally in such a frame of mind that he cannot tell 2 from next Tuesday. Our mathematical exchange should now publish directions for finding key-holes with night keys by triangulation. It appears that luck was not always on Mr. Gould's side. He recalls that, when he first arrived in New York, he was told very confidentially that there was a gold mine for sale up in New Hampshire. He invested $250 in it, and he has never since been able to find either the county or the town where the mine was supposed to be. But he has kept the certificate, on which there appears a pretty picture of the miners at work. It has been a sort of beacon to him ever since. Two Indians have been lynched near Chamberlain, S. D. Some cattle had disappeared in that neighborhood re cently and the settlers suspected that the Indians might know something about it. The illogical and untutored Lo, finding that a religious revival brings the whole United States army at his back, and that being discovered in I the vicinity where cattle have disap peared is a crime which merits death, 1 muBt have the most hazy and troubled idooa vacruutfinrr tKa TtfiliAfa OTiH ATtrlaa of the intellectual pale-face. For a choice bit of humor we com- mend the suggestion that the French yachtsmen may build a yacht to send over to this country to sail for the American cup. The Frenchmen have never been particularly distinguished as vacatamen, sua we are iucuneu re think that they would not make much headway against the American cham pions that have so often shown their heels to the best English boats. Prob ably the Frenchmen do not think very seriously of this scheme; but if they do, we advise them first to take a fly with the English craft that we rind it so easy to distance. Then they will know bet ter whether they ought to come over here or not. And they will never come. t It is remarkable that enterprising ' whales who pass the summer season z. ! Newport and Long Branch, gene: ally slope around to Baltimore dn'i jg the fall, and pass the winter season among the best society and best oysters of the j , South. Recently the captain and crew of a vessel in the Chesapeake had a racing match with a whale which was i eighty feet long. The leviathan went , off at a tangent in pursuit of his midday meal and the ocean race was abruptly terminated. But the mere fact that he was there, or thereabout, shows that Southern progress is not confined to literature, manufactures, or cotton growing. All things are possible to ' the people who can have a real whale of their own. i Few people in this country are aware of the fact that a great fair has been held at Tashkend, the capital of Rus sian Turkestan. The exhibition in- ' eluded the display of products of the central Asian region and was in many ways a remarkable enterprise. Per h'apa its chief interest, however, lies in tb3ete?ideaci:.vo.ol,;fcf oriental snb-. mi;sionto we-teiii isiiueace. An en deavor to consuni'uu. -ncli an enter prise twenty years ago u.e -with ridicu- lous failure. Now, with the increaseof interrelationships, it has been carried through successfully, the Turks slowly acceding to the propositions of the dominant races, which are gradually extending their sway, together with their railroads, into the darkest of the unenlightened nations. The numerous inventions which have been developed in the past hundred years in the line of cotton-working ma chinery have worked a revolution in tne industry, and cheapened the production of goods very materially. But there is one process which has never yet been materially aided or altered, no mechan ical process having been successfully introduced to do the work. Cotton picking has always been done by hand. Now, however, it is reported that a ma chine for this work has been invented which promises to be successful in its ! operation. If this be true, and the ' Southern cotton planter can pick his ,tUi machinery, deliver it to I iLe facto-T IU good condition as at present, a great step has been takon in the fntnre progress and prosperity of the industrv. You can tell the maimer of a man by the-way he wears his hat. Your jovial, happy-go-lucky man wears it on the back of hi- head. Things do not trouble him much. One reason is that he has never had any trouble. If he had, ho would be wearing his hat farther over. The man who walks along thinking of his work, who is a matter of fact sort of a man, never very bap2y, and never very bine, wears his hat squarely on his head. The man who has trouble at home, or who is a great thinker, wears his tilted over his laugh """" "" "-"" iJ"""3 " " at your jokes, the first man is your friend. If you want good advice, go to the second, and if you want sympathy ih trouble, go to the third. There is tlortble in his eyes, and the tilted h brim tells it instead of hiding it. Aoiei.axcholy case was brought to light in Brooklyn the other day when a man was taken to court on the charge of neglecting to provide for his family. He solemnly asseverated that he car ried home all the money he earned. Being further questioned, he admitted that his sole means of livelihood was serving as a juror, and that he only got a chance to prosecute his vocation about once a year. This is sometimes scoffed at as the age of the decadence of faith. But think of the faith which this poor man has exercised day after day and year after year! Is it any wonder if he has sometimes doubted whether, after all, trial by jury is the palladium of our liberties? Certainly he were to be par doned if questionings and suspicions sometimes arose in his mind. Still, the calm wings of his faith soared above such petty things, and he faced the fu ture with coulidence. As a family pro vider, though, it is plain that sucli a person has serious drawbacks. But there's no denying his faith; it might not be able to remove mountains, but it would not hesitate at a fair-sized hill. How Our Nnvy UmmI to hhoot. The proficiency of American gunnery in this war is perhaps best illustrated by the Constitutions first action with the Gueriere, in which she was hnlled but three times, while her antagonist, to use tiie words of her commander, was re duced to a "perfect wreck" within forty minutes from the time the Constitution began to fire. This battle occurred on August ID, 1812. In her action with the Java, Decem ber 29, 1812, off the coast of Brazil, the Constitution was hulled but four times, and with the exception of her maintop sail yard she did not lose a spar. The Java, on the other hand, was "totally dismasted," while her hull was so shat tered and pierced with shot-holes that it was impossible to get her to the har bor of San Salvador, which was only a few honrs sail. In her action with the Cvane and Le- j van t the forces opposed were: Consti tution, 51 guns with l,l!9i pounds oi metal; British, 55 guns with 1,508 pounds of metal. In this extraordinary action the Constitution was hnlled only thirteen times, while the Cyane had every brace and bowline cut away, "her main and mizzen masts left in a totter ing t-tate, and other principal spars wounded, several shots in the hull, nine or ten between wind and water." The Levant was also roughly handled. Before dismissing the subject of gun nery we should take into consider ation : 1. The inferior quality of Ameri can cannon and shot 2. The deficiency in weight of American shot, U. The fact that in two of the four actions be tween single frigates the English used French cannon and shot, which were eight per cent, heavier than their nom inal English equivalents Century. Can Weigh a Hair. A delicate weighing apparatus, built in Philadelphia for the United States Government, has been completed and set up in the United States assay office in New York. The balance i-J made to carry 10,000 ounces (equal to about 700 pounds avoirdupois) in each pan, and the contract stipulated that the scales must be sensible to 1-100 ounce when loaded to full capacity. When the balance was placed in position, a careful test was made, the pans being loaded with 10,000 ounces of gold bricks. The addition of an extra 1-1G0 ounce immediately moved the entire mass, and effect n ally demonstrated the remarkable unsibility of the machine. The perfec.ion of the working part f the machine is nore remarkable when it is cor. idereil .hat the beam with its hanpi-jg and full load weighs nearly a t"'-'. And yet a weight of less than live grains sufficed to move this ponderous mass. A VnncI Substitute. A policeman who was patroling Brush street the other night heard someone growling and mumbling near Recrea tion Park, and after hunting around for awhile he located a man lying under a tree. "What are you doing here?" he asked. "It's my bed for the night.'' "But you'll freeze here." "Oh, no, I won't. I've got a sut stitute for bed-quilts." "I don't see it" uBut I've got it. There's a chap in this town who has insnited me several times, and who's going to get an awitil licking some day. I just imagine I've met hira peeled off my coat ca'.ied him a liar knoked him clean through a fence, and I'm so wanned up that I wouldn't thank anybody for a blanket You go right along and" let me alone. , I'm all right and as warm as natural ga.w To Cormneinnratt' the Mou.x WarortK62. A monument is to be e. eteJ by he Stae of Minnesota, to euntHeni'-rate the battle-and jncide its of he Si r.x India i "' I -12. and e "-eia:v a i thev "re s.'e tt:e 1 r Ie".v v. , in tl.a b :tJe. J iio iiiiiingi he :r..r.i au(L ts.a i 1.--.HTL t the win o a. t to be shown in two eiaboiate baa-ieliefs. IN DARKEST NEW YORK. Draadfal Places aad Dreadral Things ia the American Metropolis, We must leave tbo tenements without attempting to reproduce any of the shocking cases of crowded rooms in which almost incredible numbers of poor wretches are huddled together even in summer, when Mr. Itiis has found the thermometer to rise to 115 decrees. We must pass over his description of Jew town and its sweat-shops, in which mis erable Jews spend eighteen hours a dav at slop-work for the clothing manufacturers, and from which the clothing is often sent out loaded with the infection of smail-pox and typhus. We must omit his terrible account of the degradation of Chinatown with its opium joints, ruining both men and women. We cannot follow him to the wretched holes where poor Bohemians barely make the day's bread by tho labor of whole families at cicar making. Wo cannot even coudenso what he tells of the swarming thousands of patient Italians. In some of these places there is more than struggle; there is often star vation. "Every once in a while," he says, "a case of downright starvation gets into the papers and makes a sensa tion. But this is tho exception. Were the whole truth known it would come home to the community with a shock that would rouse it to a more serious effort than the spasmodic undoing of its purse-strings. I am satisfied from my own observation that hundreds of men, women and children are every day slowly starving to death with my med ical friend's complaint of 'improper nourishment.' Within a singlo week I have had this year three cases of insan ity, provoked directly by poverty and want. Ono was that of a mother who, in the middle of tho night, got up to murder her child, which was crying for food. Anotlicr was a case of a truck-driver unable to work for many months. In the house there was neither food nor a scrap of anything on which money could be raised, and his mind gave way under the strain of phys ical and mental suffering. In the third i-asc I was just in time with the police to prevent tho madman from murdering his whole family." Worse than even that is the case of thousands of ill-fated work ing girls. The average wages of 150,000 of them Is sixty cents per day; and that Includes the incomes of the stylish "cash iers" who earn S2 a day as well as the pittance of girls who earn thirty cents a day in east-side factories. The lot of the average saleswoman who does not partly depend on her family is hard indeed. The Ctiurchnum. Sad Fate of an Indian Maiden. The life of the mission Indian maiden is not altogether a happy one, especially if she is pretty, judging from the fate which befell a comely daughter of the tribe at Mesa Grande recently, says the San Diego Union. A letter received here from one of the most reliable resi dents of that district relates a thrilling and barbarous incident. The corre spondent says: "In the autumn, after harvest is over, the Indians hold this fearful orgie hu man sacrifice. Each clan by itself, at the burial place of its own tribe, gathers in from all the country round and pro ceeds to frighten away the evil spirit by offering a human sacrifice to the gods, the sacrifice always consisting of the most comely young maiden belonging to the clan. This was practiced here re cently. In this caso it was a young girl 13 years of age, whose race was nearly as white as my own and whose tresses would have graced the head of a queen. She has been attending M-hool at one of the white s-chools of the neigh borhood for several years, and is as well educated as the average country maiden of that age. as far as school books go. "But alas, when at home she is in that hotbed of vice, the Indian rancherie. and all the outside influence counts for naught in counteracting the pernicious influences which surround her there. A huge fire was built and the usual pre liminaries of groaning, chanting, flat footed stamping and all that sort of jug glery that is common on such occasions was gone through with in extra fervor on this occasion, and while this was in progress tho fire had burned somewhat and lost its fiercest heat. "When it reached this stage a huge pile of very green brush is brought and thrown upon the fire, making the ntost blinding smoke you can well imagine, and while this is at its height the maiden is bound, a blanket is thrown over tho smouldering green brush, and amid the most demoniacal cries and shouts she is thrown thereon, and the whole mad crowd vie with each other in pilingbrush over her until, in this case, it was as high and broad as a squatter's cabin. Of course all this brush is green, and is not calculated to cremate tho girl, but only to come as near lo it as they dare. The smoke is enough to kill anyone but an Indian, and if the pile should blaze up, as green brush sometimes does, nothing can save her from instant death. It was a terrible scene, and all this in the midst of a civilized community that is con stantly contributing to foreign mis sions." The relations between the emperor William of Germany and his mother have subsided from bitter hostility into what Lord licaconsficld would have de fined as "a sort or bad tempered under standing." The emperor has a morbid jealousy of his mother. The Young Women's Christian asso ciation, founded in London in 1857, now has 143 branches, with a membership of 17.000. There are forty institutes, even ing homes and boarding houses where young women from tho country can be lodged and cared for at small charge. Wlien Baby was sict, ire Rare her Csstoria, When she was a Chi! d, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she cave them Castoria. Senator Gouman does not have to "travel on his shape" for he has a good lot of good sene, but he enjoys tiie fear ful distinction of being the handsomest man in the senate. lie is also one of the bet dickers. PnovrttiTis is cured ly frequent small doesof i'iso's Ciiic for Consumption. O.v the ilried skins of serpents were mice written tin Iliad and Odysey. Tor a Discr.DEnED Livek try iieecuam's rn.ijj. I'lKiscaii lie reju-liecl from London an '.our Muner than Kdinburgh. for ire o w& yrtLse H Hrl O fc5ft'!sw' ire? .,oev Stiffness N EW PEMSION LAW. Tlltl'i.iNl NOW KNTMXKD WHO 1M VK NO r lKi:.V ENTITLED. Aitdrem lor toriu for applR-ation ani full iBtorn-ttoa WM. W. DUDLEY, ITg COMMISSIONER K PKNSIONJ. Sttnrcry at Lh-. W.lirjton. D.Op (Mention tbi-rr-rJ Irettiet KOOKls-sskWBissi i Evr 1'rinted. P RtJliJb "5-f. .' . . -T, - -"""V I i '"" ' ' . - y Crs cent a pfcn. Up if rare. '"$ J ' ( c pare 'est. HOrtPtflextnW. . -":. r- -j- l!-aui',j! 1 l'i.;tated Caiilojue frf-. ari-rsiw IL 11. Slmmwar. Kockford.tU. T rvi Chilli ivtn WHAT WILL IT BRING? What shall the New Year bring thee Silver and gold! Freedom from toil's gtra. bondage! Pleasures untold? Days fnU of dreamy leisure! Nights of delicious case? fcever a breath to ruffle The calm of Ufe's placid seas! Or wonldst thou have it bring thee Honor and fame? The diadem of the victor! A mighty name! Touches of burning genius! The gift of the "golden tongne!" The pen by whose magic power The world's great heart Is wrung! Ah: wouldst thou pray 'twould bear thee Love's rosy dreams? Days w hen thy life with wildest Ecstasy teems? Moments when lips will meet the Warm with a waiting kls-s? Hours that brightly greet thee Laden with pure bliss? What will the Xew Year bring theer Crowned desires! Hope's unfultlllment! Grief's Ravening Urea! Riches or love or laurels! What'er to thy lot be sent. God grant the New Year'll bring thee Peace and a heart content! -Claudia Tharin in Xeie York Ledger. Tbo Only One. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail way is the only lino running solid vesti buied, electric-lighted and steam-heated trains between Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Minneapolis. The Chicago. Milwaukee fc St. Paul Rail way is the only lino running solid vesti bulcd, electric-lighted and steam-heated trains between Chicago, Council Bluffs, Omaha and Sioux City. The berth reading lamp featuiu In the Pullman sleeping cars run ou these lines is patented, and cannot be used by any other railway company. It is the great improve ment of the age. Try it and bo convinced. For further particulars apply at any ticket office of the road, or write to Assist ant General Passenger Agent 207 and 209 Clark street, Chicago, III. An Object Lesson la Taxation. The Pennsylvania farmers' real estate is assessed at 81,180,433.540. On this they pay an averago tax of 18.8 mills. The property of the corj orations is valued at Sl,S0O,00O,00O. To this add personal property to the amount of S542, 000,000, making 2,342,000,000. This pays an average tax of 2 mills. The state receives from mercantile business, collateral inheritances, fees, escheats, licenses, etc, 63,479,000. Corporations, personal property, etc., pay S7;000,000on their assessed valuation, and the Pennsylvania farmer pays 33, 000,000 on his valuation. Jleml'uuj (Pa.,) Telegram. Stakt the new year right by subscribing to the Youth's Comixtniim. Nearly half a million families take it now. The first num ber of the volume for 1891 is a double New Year's number of twenty pages, with col ored cover. It contains a new serial for boysentitled "Kent Hampden," by Rebecca Harding Davis, and Capt. C. A. Curtis has begun a serial story of adventure on the plains. There are alo five complete stories, besides anecdotes and humorous and in structive articles for every one of the household. It comes every week. Is finely illustrated, and costs but $1.75 a year. Send for sample copy. Addiess, The Youth's Companion'. Boston. Slass. A Cixcixxati railway official rises to remark that the time will como when there will be but four or live railway systems in this country. He says that ccn now the Uriec-Thomas syndicate controls practically all the railroads south of tho Ohio river except the Louis ville & Nashville. ('atari h Can't lie Cured With LOCAL Al'PLI CATIONS, aa thyennnot rcncli tho scat of the discus?, ''atarrli la a blood or conslitutiutial disease, and in order to cure it voti have to take internal remedios. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure i taken internally, and acts directly onthebloud and nincous surfaces. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure is no quack medicine. It waa pre rcriberi by one of the boat pbyMciuna In this country for years, and ia a regular prescription. It ia toiii(i08cl of the best tonica known, com bined ti itn the be&t blood purifiers, acting di rectly on ths mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces snch wonderful results in curing ca tarrh. Send for teatimonisls, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Props., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by druggists, price 75c. Tiik most expensive legislature in tho world is that of France. It costs an nually about S3.00O.0OO. The Spanish parliament, costs ?2."0,000; the Italian 430,000; the Belgian, '.'00,000; the Por tuguese, $150,000. An Extraordinary Opportunity. Send yonr address on a postal card and receive, free of charge, sample copies of the New Yoiik Mekcuuv, in its fifty -third year, together with an unprecedented premium list, comprising a thousand articles, which arc given to new subscribers. Addrc-s New Yoiik Meiicuky, :t Park Row, New York city. DR. Stokrs, of the Church of the Pil grims, Brooklyn, has completed forty four years of service at that church as pastor. If you have ever used Dobbins Electric during the 24 years it has been sold, you h note that it i the best, and purest family sOap made. If you haven't tried it. ask your crocer for it notr. Don't take imita tion. The prince of Wales has become a lib eral patron of Gen. Booth's plan for car rying physical salvation to the London slums. FOR COUGHS AND TnROAT DISOR DERS use Buown's BnCfljcniAi. Thocues. "Have never changed my mind respecting them, except I think better of that which I began thinking well of." Itev. Henry Want Bcecher. Sold only In boxes. Jerry Simpson, the sockless states man, is something of a landlord. He owns GOO acres, and has 80 acres in wheat. The onlv tius and snfo intestinal worm killer is Dr. Bull's Vegetable Worm De stroyers. It hits brightened tho lives of many children and giaddenod many a par ent's heart. It is said the touristscason brings , 000.000 pounds yearly into Switzerland. "As tho twig is bent the branch grows." Teach your children how to uso SAPOLIO and thev will always bo neat. Try a cake of it in your noxi house-cleaning. There arc now 11.000,000 men in Eu rope ready to be called into the field. Prevention Is better than cure, and people who are subject to rbeumatiHm can prevent attach by krciiinc the Mood pure and free from the acid width causes the disease. Tnis msseHs tee use of Hood's Sarsaparilla. unquestionably the best blood purinrr. and which has been UF;d with sreat success for this very purpose by many people. Hood's Sarsaparilla has alfo cured innumerable case of rheumatism of tho teterest sort by its powerful effect in neutralizing acidity of the blood, and in cnab'in( the kidney acd lner to properly remove the waste of the system. Try it. Hood's Sarsaparilfk Eold by all drug-lets. : ait for i Prepared onlr br C". I. HOOI CO, Apothecaries. I.owell. Mas. IOO Doses One Dollar GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 187a W. BAKER & CO.'S Breakfast Cocoa from which the cess of oil has been removed, Jm absolutely pure and it 4s tohiMr. Xo Chemicals are used in Ita preparation. It baa mor than Mr timet M itrrvgth cf Cocoa mixed aith Starch, Arrowroot or Sczar, and i thertforo far more eco nomical, coitinff ' than nr-e tenia cup. Itiidellciouf.nour lnhlne. fHicncihentn?, KastLT siozstbd, snd sdmirably adapted for Invalids si well as for peraons in health. Sold by Orocers eterywherr. W. BAKER & CO.. Dorchester. Htm. STEREOPTICOnS:.". CHICACO. ILL. MAGIC LANTERNS. i-fcmjoH'vw.:tto-Ki -K-iFls-fll-fll iWasalntiH,.c. iTr. uUU r ir.a.liuUJacine. ettj.ii.ee. u -feS II . Tinnui ai!ii,r'Lr.ffc't.lawtaf Iflfl. TAuUMJI-icf lAiliLLi m TTIJ.TT I. 1.117 , i i" nsalu unsrnat ca scu, w i 1 i- SUBTERRANEAN PIGMIES. Singular Discovery of Little Folk. Xbo Dwell la a Cave. Stanley and Du Chailiu have" rivrfl says a .ew iorK special to the ban Francisco IZniiiifitcr. According to dispatch from Indianapolis, some boys kavc discovered a cave in Crawford count;, Indiana, and which is inhabited by a race of humans averaging less than threo feet Ui height and forty pounds in weight. Of course the boys wero laughed at when they told their story. Then they returned to the cave, and, after convinc ing themselves that they were not dream ing, came back and excited the curiosity of hundreds of citizens by reiterating their story. A large expedition has been organized to visit the cave. The underground cave-dwellers ap pear, according to descriptions by the boys, to be tho lowest type of humanity. They run upon all fours when they tiro of the erect position. They exhibited extreme fear of the intruders and clam bered with agility over heap of stones in their frantic flight. nnii t.lio hnv wv f 1uv itntirpil iin i?im 4lfU t niiauui SWSS1 ,V.JVa IAS of hirsutcness or other physical marks of the low order of the animal kingdom. The form is not well developed, and tho males are littlo if any supetior to the females. Their food can bo nothing ex cept fish from the streams which abound in the cave, for long before their place of abode is reached every vestige disap pears of the animals which haunt the caves or seek refuge therein. When the youthful explorers were ob served a baby-like chatter arose, which, awakening the echoes of the cave, was almost deafening. Efforts will be made to capture some of these remarkable people. .'Disorder Which Affect the Kidneys Are among the most formidable known. Dla- ! betes, Bright'a disease, gravel, and other com- I plaints of tho urinary organs aro not ordinarily I cured in severe cases, bnt they may bo averted ' by timely medication. A useful stimulant of the urinary glands has ever been found in Hos tetter's Stomach Bitters, a medicine whierfrmt only affords tho reouibito stimulus when ieyT become inactive but increases their vigor and"P secretlve power. By increating the activity of the kidneys and bladder, this medicine has the additional effect of expelling from the blood im puritioa which it is tho peculiar office of thoso organs to eliminato and pass off. The Hitters is also a purifier and Btrengthoner of the bowels, an invigcr.mtof the stomach, and a matchless remedy for biliousness and ferer and asu. It counteracts a tendency to prcmaturo decay, and sustains and comforts ir'io aged and iufirml Don't be old fogy about your time. The modern '"improvement" is to drop the '"in" In the abbreviations a. in p. ni., as for e.ample i a., -li.'SO p. and Tiik women bill collectors in New York were, as a rule, a failure. They made too few calls in a day and then they were too lenient. From Father to Son. Scrofula is a blood poison which It is a taint which must be eradicated from the system be fore a cure can be made. Swift's Specific, S. S. S., drives out the virus through the pores of Mrs. N. Ritchey, the skin and thus relieves the BOOKS ON BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES FREE. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta. Ca. lEXxte exoxCuteJ RELIEVES X-T BUOrUEKS. K Wsnea PiTsn'S Ti srEDV FOR -" ". . tr use. ('heanest. certain. For Cold in the ivjJA uWAm Jl " I It is an Ointment, of which a small particle is applied to the nostrils. Price, oO. by mail. Address, E. T. XlVforcevce2;n''c FORM lill m- mkte -v-slSK-XA-iB-H-r ' ivK a . 4 (y viHH iBB s ik A STRUGGLE WITH DIRT Goes on in civilized society from the eradla to the grave. Dirt is Jegrtv dation and degradation is destruction. "Women, especially, are judged by their habits of household cleanliness, and no stronger condemnation can be expregsed than "she keeps a dirty house and a filthy kitchen." But the struggle with dirt is often unequal. The -oinan's weakness or tho worthlessnesa of the soaps she uses make it impossible to overcomo th demon of dirt. Bv the use of SAPOLIO she wins easily HEv Wk CMCHESTEirS tHGLISH. nfO UKUSS r uimu,.u un-. 0 rEMNRQNMi rttrtiS T1. mmmTWn .... . , f-e-MiiiMr x . H-tra-. Kaas. lb4 rWi kit Pill fof If ,-., .... t. I.. .. I ....,. coir, tal wua iii'i.wo m - ..! ip.br P..-t'Lr.. ,:lr,lJ.. S.M kr -U L:iU Vr-C-teUw -VASELINE- WJK A NE-IMr.l.K I1ILI. sent u5 by rajr JTwilI.lel"er t't-oof al rmrcr V a.iT irson In SeTl nite'l I sfal-s. sit of me lollo-inj articles, caro rully packed One two-ounce Lot' e of IMra Vasellas........ oSet'o-ounc. btt:o: Va.elino I'oruads.... '. . OM jirof V-eli-r l'.M t 'ream . Oue I-ako of Va-ehn- ("a aih r Ice . One two-ounce botUoot Wl.ue ".aelins $1.13 Of Inr onttnne nU-np. any 'Ingle artls'e at the prS- murttrtfJltM ana r,ivlln'arpr,piritinn tl-rfffi'. r,"l?t"t c?t" -.r win', tvai-t v V' 'rM- .tieelir.Hi-li -Ifi. Co.. "M "t..te M- ! BORE WELLS! I Onr Well Machine are trntn"t IVIVICE i:ki x.ni.c ii fiii.r.-t, .-- Thercxo ji.fitr. ,. " mik-UKKATf-.K PKOFI t. Tber KIM lH Wella-here other Mil-: 'nr -if. t inches to inthe. iliamrtrr ! L00MIS-& NYMAN, Catoiogue BKFREE! ! TIFFIN, - OHIO. MENTIOS THIS PAPfR -m. iwimim ASTHMA. Poohasn's Asthma S ecific lives iTir)eliat rilie'. Ir ja I,e'ierl o ! the I ei AS'I HII A iteiii'iiy known to iiutimnity. e.ul for Timl rnckaRO. I lit E fcoM by Irnrgifcta. ?entbytnail iiottpaM. fnr Jl r-er Pnr V.Iclies THOS. I'tu'HASf. 21 I.idsa Avnuo. lbtlad-v MENTION THIS PAPER wt -m- i .,.a,rt. EMORY Miod acderinr enred. Books Iarnt ia one reacinif. Teot:m'niI fr-ro all para of the rbrt-e. I'ropct-Ji rc-T TUSt. sect en epplition tt I rrf. A. oiaet:. 2K Kilth ATe. N- York. -- , .. ft I lUlV? Rcducol 15 to 21 rwviM. w rr Ti,1 17 fcrV s fcertal r -u &zrv c LU BeodCr forcirr.lira..l t- ar . - A'lr.rciw fiS.O.A.r.?MDR,l3'l tet. I &, U. Name tbi paper when jou write. pn -T5y - . K4n n t jn iwinwto ?""" "'"V. .1 "" "Y Z ZZZZiZ t .t , vi.h,, -j . MONEY!! m WV Kri BiJtK 'SLaHi L;iBSPlrCLj gSav'y3y l kWWmWW WmtM i vGerman lyrup"; jref s something from Mr.tfranK A Hale? yroPretor e Wilt House, iSru1?1?' ld - Tontine Hotel, Brunswk:k-Me HottJ mea meet the world W com.e? and ?' and are not slov h sizing people and things up for WK JC worth. He says that .has a father and several brothers v'm(.sis ters from Pulmonary Consum ?"j and is himself frequently trottbK01 with colds, and . Hereditary often coughs enough to make him sick at Consumptionhis stomach. When-- ever he has taken a' cold of this kind he uses Boschee's r VarCiuiall Syrup, and it cures him every time. Here is a mau wno knows the full danger of lung trou bles, and would therefore be most particular as to the medicine he used. What is his opinion ? Listen ! "I use nothing but Boschee's German by nip, and have advised. I presume, more than a hundred different per- sons to take it. They agree with me that it is the best cough syrup in the market." 6 SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION t CURE. The success of this ureat Couch Lure t without a parallel in the history of medicine. All dnigjjists are authorized to sell it on a pos- rtive guarantee, a test that no other cure can sue- ccssfully stand. That it may become known. the Proprietors, at an enormous expense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home in the United States and Canada. If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Ilronchitis, use it, for i it will cure you. If your child lias the Croup, ' or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief ' is sure. If you dread that insidious disease 1 Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist for j SHILOH'S CURE, Price iocts., 50 cts. and I $1.00. If your Lungs are sore or i'ack lame, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price 25 ct. PEDINE now Ar.rc vonit FEET. Cuff 1 colli or Icmlcr Swollen or rcrsDirinir Smaller Sfcoes miv oe worn wun cwni ;. y " j at Drup Stores, or by mail 1 rial 1 "aclace and i.luti r.ted. , BatnnMet for a dime I III- I'EUIM", t-O.. Woato BULEIKG. , "SEW YOkB. descends from parent to child, j AFFLICTED FROM CHILDHOOD. of ilackey, Ind., says: "Justice com pels cue to say that S. S. t. has worked little short of a miraclo in my case, in curing me of njjjrravatcd Scrofu la, which nfllicted me from childhood. It attacked my throat ad nose, and threatened my lungs. My throat was so soro that I was compelled to subsist on liquid food. When I began S. S. . I was in a wretched condi tion but commenced to improve at once, and am now entirely welL" blood of the poison. :ieT &TARr& IDiMrlM Arr-UB r77,.MI - . ft rs INSTANTLY. fit. New York, Prfco50cts.i rATAKTtii. Best. Easiest Kelicf is immeuiaie. .. i . - ?-.- A A cure is Head it has no equal. Sold by drup&isis or srui IIazkltise. Warren, Pa. - MI RACLE fteh.h ftam Jir.iul IB KM aa'l '.- rma -.-.- -j --- ..K..,... .rat' .il "KlTr far l-md!-..- lrti.r. b. rrtf. .M.IL lllI.ADr.LI HU. 1 Dr. WOOD, sioux city, low. Itanilar Gra'liiatr- in Mcllcln SO vc.je.i tifitintiit n.nl private pr-iclut I if in i ntrn'jrt u ..ru- iwk i.-tull:-.li)'l in Mom t'ity Mne lvr;r wrtii'treniiDfali rrlvnte. .Nriou. i:iironir ami Siecl.l fmmrtlitira-,v'. rma t r r iiu-a, JiVlllHTl-e,, 'niff'it "'' IlllJ"telly ti'ui. of jertial ryinrrr. on'J an i-.-ni.tn- iieiiri,. Irreatilaruut-tlr. Cures jeiiJjrautre.l or moaer reJrVinlel - CharcM fir. Terrni rimfi. Aaininil experience nr-Ba?"an- ", ,n" t,rlnt. rruxtftno. n.nf ."i f.nJflnPMI'utlent'. at aOmahre treated by niail 't intin ,,, Tjr ifei.einf ttnl errrvuJurt Jrtr from fiz'ttnn "' a-jr- StuU vonr oie ni! en.l for OpTriii and term Oin.iiItatUin Mrlitlr critdeitial. pcr"n ally rbv letter-lr. WOOD has the larjrent Mefliea'l ant Surreal Inalltut- anil T.ye ami Ear InHrmary In tho Went lnwm for jiatlent nt fnlr rater f.eiiiMe. to mwt any emtr Kency A U'-l-l Home nn -"f rnrr an-t ':i' fir hiiti'S ditrinj frupiunfj unit CmtlnrmTST Sriulic. rx.tiu.- for Illutrel-t ltfOK mill .M fclICAI IDCKNAI.. iTr".etiHuii ttiWuaocr.. tADIJ5S.TifeDr r.eDnc'BTeriodIeal"Pin.frora Tvu, rwul. t-t.M ,3..1 1 f.irip', l5. hi t-l, lir:Ciel 1T.. Uaile 1 ?U!. !-:. 'uf., .l fir rr.,.,-.-... lrr.pUl. -. J inutl, Anvitmsvu. S.:. n -i....t- km. Th. ;. ur-moitailfc...udaiiner-r"'T. Tu-lw-rr.poitn-i .fill Ia stchifei r ... ll.bie . t - -! r-'Jl of . d -'a.?-! ua't im-,11,,, . .-m ti mcatilyiir(H4tonr-.ult t .lpo--- r;-"5 "'' ' ?'" t-'Aj.k.-,tr 3ter ti. rr icl'.lfkftn M,M,a p cr r .lytcf pic Tt .r r,f, f- t ". , U -.. ,n .n t fl .'tj J- pfl-trr . r. jt i- . mm T F.r.'.virn tt delons. l:-ujt$i S-i (. . I.", V .".in.. .d 1UI AftLU. StHrr. thc Ornr. is eausae SCARLET FEVER, COLDS. MEASLES. CATARRH, AC. rxnl use oftmc INWISISLC SOUND DISC Iwttlch is Tarudt t hit tirm fcrens of - thin il a:ili. TtfleacotMfara- i ' to th Ear rM tf(i i fc il- t Pjlllf ei tialM : moth l:la)-t rn,v HH- .CWALKrt. Kr1-2crflMi.C MEXTXOV TITI TAJIK -mk wtmv r .BTittMut. PATENTS tn-enirw (iuhle, or How to Ob .tain .si rt. ant.. .en, i p H! Kf'FARBLL.Atfystl.W.W.'u vi' lcl S. C. M. V. Ku. :. 4 !( im t r i i W" a vp r Viol ie . s&3fcj .,. 1 t mmmf9tr DOMtUf Ml ncAr ,W :- -V3 V r