Eaterad at tha Pot-office,ColBJBba,Nb.,M MOond-claM nail matter. .fi-CO . LOU I .. .M ISSUED ETEBT WKOJCKSDAT BT M. K. TURNER & CO., Columbufi, Nel. TOMS OF 8CBSCBIPTIOH: Daeyearby mall, postage prepaid,... 3ix montha.. ..- ThrtM month...... ........ Parable in Advance. t9-8pecimen copies mailed free, on applica tion. to auBaouiBKBS. Whenanbacribara change their P1"?,"' 'l fence they should at once notify os by letter or nwtaJ card, riving both their former and then either by money-order, registered letter or u-. payable to tha order of & Co TO COBHESPOXDKSTa. All commanicaUons,toeecnre t"n.S beiinied by the f uU name of t..e u , r.ter. ani cannot to. return the ZiilT. " rrr:.ottdnt in every echoo Wu.n. t Plu county, one of ..jd Jh ' ,. lial.le in every wa. ""' " aepamtely. Give na facta. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 14. 1B91. England is having the hardest winter since 1813. They shut off the steam from Gov. Thayer's headquarters. A'iaboe crop of ice, eight to ten inches in thickness, has been gathered at Staunton, Va. The theater at Winchester, Ky., was burned Monday night, the McGibeny family losing all their effects. Senator Paddock has expressed him self as anxious to have congress direct its chief attention to the financial ques tion. Hion medical authorities have recent ly decided that a large percentage of cases of insanity aro caused by neuralgia of the head and face. Ex-Adjutant Genekai, Cole is locked inside his office, and refuses to surren der the roster of tho eUito militia to Adjutant General Yifquain. The house committee on invalid pen sions Tuesday agreed to report favorably a bill granting a pension of $100 a month to Franz Sigel, late major general of volunteers. Titmnir n5ir l)nnvillo Intl.. Mrs. John Stinson saturated her clothing with coal oil, and applied a match. She will die. Her husband was badly burn ed in trying to save her. Coin our own silver free all rigl. But buy outside silver if you must, at lowest market price, and let tho govern ment reap tho advantage of coining it, now about 20- on the dollar. John Sheedt, a wealthy citizen of Lincoln, was called to his door Sunday evening about 8 o'clock, whereupon gome one struck him with a steel rod covered ,with leather a penitentiary cane. Sheedy fired five shots at the man, who dropped the cane and fled. Sheedy was shot at about five weeks ago, riii otabbed about five years ago. Mr. Sheedy has died of his injuries. A dispatch from Berlin under date of Jnnuarv 6. savs: "A snowstorm phe nomenal in its severity prevails through out North Germany. Reports from various sections are to the effect that the railroads are blocked on all the northern lines, and that in many in stances the trains are embedded in the snow, causing considerable suffering to those who have been forced to travel during the storm." Thayer held on because he said he had taken the oath to uphold the con stitution and the laws, until his succes sor was elected and qualified, and there fore could not consent to yield the omce to an alien, who was ineligible to oc cupy it. Powers, it is said, took the oath of office, to be ready for any emer gency, and Boyd is recognized by the other state officers elect, as governor, de facto, at least, if not dejure. Many years practice has given C. A. Snow & Co., solicitors of patents, at Washington, D. C, unsurpassed success in obtaining patents for all classes of in ventions. They make a specialty of re jected cases, and have secured allowance of many patents that had been pre viously rejected. Thoir advertisement in another column, will be of interest to inventors, patentees, manufacturers, and all who have to do with patents. Two freioht trainB on the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific railroad colli ded at Berne, Kan., Tuesday. An en gineer wjis killed, and a fireman and two conductors were badly hurt- During the heavy miow storm Friday night, James Hughes of Sidney wander ed aimlessly, while intoxicated, into a snow-bank to sleep. Saturday morn in.. he was found frozen to death. , s ,-ll on tha farm of. T. H. Ault, Seward county, eight miles north east of Friend, is attracting considerable attention. It is said that the stream is constant, and as large as a man's body. The Lincoln Herald is responsible for a sentiment that will strike a popular chord wherever heard: "It is one of two things railroad ownership of gov ernment, or government ownership of railroads." Senator Pat. Ford's maiden speech seems destined to be carried down to future times. When in tho late melee at Lincoln, a man asked for recognition as a prohibitionist, Pat 6aid, "give the lone fisherman a chance, be dad." If there is anything at all to be de duced from the signs of the times it is that the people are tired of political bosses they wish their own affairs to be managed in their own interests, which is likewise good statesmanship. If it be right that the majority should rule, and we have always been taught that it is, it cannot be wrong for the senate to adopt a rule to enable the ma jority to prevent debate going on in definitely upon any measure objected to by the minority. Another Indian Messiah went west yesterday, along with Buffalo Bill, Gen eral Colby and the other notables. His name is St. Clair, and he expresses a determination to make a trip to the bad lands if he can get through the lines. Norfolk News, Jan. 7th. W) A hoarding house at Rizard Creek Junction, Pa., caught lire from an over heated stove Tuesday morning, and Michael Coyle, a boarder, was burned to death. Frank Eichnor was fatally burn ed at St. Louis by the explosion of a lamp which he was carrying in the St. Louis Toy Company's building. A farmers' convention at Fairbury, Dl., has organized a new agricultural society to promote the financial, moral, social, educational and other interests of the farmers. It is intended to make the organization-a power in politics. The organizers are somewhat dissatis fied with the farmers alliance, so it is stated. Representatives of over a hundred fcmilies living in the Cloyne district have earnestly begged the authorities for assistance. For some time past they had been living entirely upon turnips, they said. This, says a dispatch from Cork, shows the state of destitution into which the poor people of some portions of Ireland, are plunged. Homer T. Hogsett, formerly of Ne braska, is now a member of one of the principal legal firms of Columbus, C i and is gaining quite a local reputation there. A Hillsboro correspondent, speaking of his defence in a certain case, says that he "has a great future before him, and will be found pretty near the top before he is many years older." Tax metropolitan press is unneces sarily working itself into a fever on the danger of a war with England over the Bearing sea dispute- Keep cool, breth ren, that matter is in the hands of a man who has never yet betrayed a trust given him by the American people, and if it shall terminate in war the people will know that no other honorable method of settlement was )ef t. The recommendations of Governor Campbell, of Ohio, include a federal plan of government for cities, based upon state organization, with the privilege of chaiiLMUL' every twenty years, and that an amendment to the constitution per mitting this form of government be submitted to the people; also a primary election law, and a depository system for city and county funds, so that money will not accumulate in the treasury. Tariff Picture. The McKinley bill was signed on the 1st of October, 1890, the first day of the last quarter of the year. Sheffield, Eng land's great cutlery manufacturing cen ter, had exported 74,000 worth of cutlery during the third quar ter of the year. Tho McKinley bill knocked Sheffield's cutlery exports in the last quarter of t he year to JE28,000, thus transfering S224,.."4 worth of trade to this country. New York Press. Tf anybody thinks or affects to think that the farmers of Nebraska are anar chists, thev are very mnch mistaken. It is plainly evident that they have not as yet developed an experienced leader, and they have made 6ome mistakes, in policy, that don't look well, but they ran be depended on for substantial jus tice. I Boyd and the others shall be found entitled to office, we believe the farmer legislature will gracefully yield, .ut it is evident that they don't take kindly to the notion of declaring persons eiecteu mat tuey been. uuiri uuueve nave Good money, and plenty of it, with which to transact the business of the country, is the theory forour law-makers to act upon, whenever the financial ques tion comes up before them. All the dol lars issued should have an equal ability to discharge debt, and be receivable by government as well as by citizens. The measure of values must not be like the scales of the rascally dealer that were readily adjusted to weigh "heavy" when he was selling, and "light" when he was purchasing. All that the American citi zen asks is a fair field and an equal chance. Those who were 60 certain only two months ago that the protection given to tin plate by the McKinley bill would never be of any practical benefit to the United States, and that no tin plate would ever be manufactured in this country had a big dish of crow for their New Year's dinner, for only a few days before that time, the first shipment of American tin plate was put upon the market by the Pittsburg mills, and be fore the nr-xt New Year rolls around, it is believed, that the mills now in process of erection at Brooklyn, St. Louis, Bal timore and other places will supply every sheet of tin plate used in this country, and that a new and great in dustry, hitherto monopolized by Eur ope, will have been established in Amer ica, and profitable employment given to thousands of men who would otherwise be without it. Tariff Claw. We are glad to see our tariff class taking such an interest in the subject. Gentlemen, you will please keep your places while we present the following TARIFF riCTCRES. New York Press: This is why protec tion brought down the prico of steel rails from 6.50 Let It be Made Qafekly. Our mugwumpian and democratic friends who desire that the bloody shirt shall be forever buried are requested to read these extracts from the Appeal- Avalanche, of Memphis, Tenn.: "The response of the South to the clothure resolution should be an appeal n-mo Thara ia A limit to the D3- tience of freemen. That hunt is reached when political injustice trenches upon the sanctity of the home, makes mockery of loyalty to country, challenges the patriotic aspintuuuB jw:, - the truth and proclaims an end of libertv. Force should meet force. Toleration begets confidence in the mind of the tvrant. To yield an inch is to give an ell. This is history. The hand or tne despot is onlv staved when his subjects rise in the might of mass. Necessity knows no law. Self-preservation jus tifies any remedy." Double leaded in the original, they have a sort of "before-the-war" sound, a sound as of the old times in which Jef ferson Davis and Yancey and Toombs and others were engaged in the business of firing the Southern heart. The Ap-nnl-Avalanche is not for burying the bloody shirt until the old slave-holders' regime is re-established. The violent harangue of the Southern newspapers is worthy of consideration. Let us ask: What is the immediate cause of it? It answers for itself : "The clothure resolution." But what is the clothure resolution? Simply a resolution of the senate to do that which is done by nearly every leg islative body in the world: namely, to prevent the obstructive tactics of a minority by enforcement of "the pre vious question" whenever it is plain to the majority that the question at issue has been fully debated, and that all further pretenses of debate are for ob struction only. What is the question at issue in re gard to which the obstructive policy of the democratic minority has become so offensive as to wear out the patience of that singularly peaceful body, the re publican majority in thesenate? The national election law, commonly called the force bill. Why is it necessary to pass a national election law? Because in nearly every state lately in rebellion the negro vote is suppressed by force or fraud. How does it come lo pass that the negro has a vote? By the solemn act of the nation, speaking through the legislatures of all the states and afterwards through both houses of congress. Did the legislatures of the states lately in reliellion confirm the constitu tional amendment by which the negro was endowed with a right to vote? They did. Under what circumstances did they do Under these: They had attempted to secede from the union of states; they had made war in pursuance of this at tempt. They had been conquered by force of arms. They had made "uncon ditional surrender." Surrendering un conditionally, they were placed for a while under military rule, but were graciously restored to membership in the union by their conquerers niion ratifica tion of certain amendments to the con stitution, of which amendments one was the clause giving the negro the right to vote. So that the Appeal-Avalanche con templates a new act of secession, a new act of rebellion. Let its readers try it. Chicago Inter Ocean. m m. 1 At. .4. .. 4B.m U4a I "J. HE leBCUeni Ol lliu Blow ov iuou wre convention, formulated some views that are worthy of consideration, among them, these: that the legislature should make such appropriations for the sup port of state normal schools as will pro vide a better equipment of the various I Jt'omt j Mtee. Respectfully Mnbmitted. Hexbt RlCXXBT. Bcbbows. DHted. Jan. S. 1681. On motion the report inw acceptetfand ap proved and ordered placed on hie STATEXKST of fees received by Gus. O. Becher, td Platte county, Nebraska, for the ye JanarfmontK! tirxriiii? teachers of the I For what received. liVKW""! W9 " U state to join iu tue wore oi me bibiw reading circlv; opposing tho state publi cation of text books; commending dis trict ownership of text books; favoring extension of uniformity in text books in the state; favoring the classification and graduation of the county district schools. There is no subject of legislation that is more interesting to the general public than that of their free school system, and if there is any valuable suggestion that can be put into practical operation, the people will hail it with gladness. There is not so great a public demand as there ought to be for a more thorough, practical edncation, an industrial course, along with the sciences. These are of course more practical in the larger towns and cities, where they have taken quite a hold upon the public regard, and de monstrated their own utility. Besides making pupils more apt in the arts of civilization, it tends to develop tenden cies, likes and dislikes as to life-occupations, and in these ways would be worth all it would cost. Ad av MMinl. Mnt rkttt rtf dtlktA.. Tax certificates and statement of taxtj Evidence recorded tor li tax neeaa.. 20 tax certificatee for HherifT sale J Tax aale certificatee and commiMioa on SADlCa njfcdamttt inn fHrrifi?JktMi . Commission on $25000.00 Plattej Dnage Donas less exenange I VnAa nn fakir wlljaattrflH Fees on state tax collections abd school lenil . - ..... Fees on city of Columbnatax collec- UOuO Amount. ...... bnnty 68.00 !.00 lrt.SO 40.00 312. IS 11.75 27.H) K78.SH 77.78 194.42 0.00 8021.00 Less coontr treasurer salary deoatv and clerk's Alary S10 Surplus for yea1800.... $ 182.72 cvcytVB,(tB., Dec. 81, 1890. I hereby certifthe abov statement to be true and correct. Get. G. Bkcukr, County Treasurer. Colcmbos, Neb., Jan. 3, IS91. certify thai we have examined the bment with be books in the county id find that sail statement is truo and We horel above el treasury and co: HEN BY IfCKF.BT. r ommlttee, Jaxxs BiBowsoLommm8'- on the report was accepted ana ap- WashiBgtoB Letter. From oar regular correspondent. The reduction of the public debt, in December was slightly in excess of $11,- 000,000 which means just that much money put into active circulation in addition to the ordinary expenditures of the government. The idea of fractional paper currency has again been brought to the front by Representative Kelly, of Kansas, who has introduced a bill in the house di recting the secretary of the treasury to print 850,000,000 of it in bills of 5, 10, 25 and 50 cents, the same to be legal tender for all debts for any sum not exceeding ten dollars. Associate Justice Brown, the new member of the United States supreme court took his seat today in the presence of a distinguished audience, comprising most of the legal talent of the house and senate, besides a large number of the country's most eminent lawyers. He presented a most striking appear ance with his strong cleanly shaved face and well -shaped head which made him Innk tn lta everv inch a iudire and the peer of his colleagues who form what has been called the "greatest judicial body in the world." The friends of the shipping bill will endeavor to keep that measure before the house this week until it is disposed of. but it is not certain that they can succeed as Mr. Cannon and a strong following will insist upon discing of some of the appropriation bills, lhe house may find its business blocked at any time owing to its not having a quo rum of republicans present, although the republican leaders are confident that thev can get a quorum of republicans here at any time that it becomes nec essary. The democrats are trying to bluff the republicans by claiming that they have no objections to an extra session oi con gress, when the truth is that it is the one outcome of the present session that they fear most, and this fear will proba bly prove a powerful factor in restrain - ina tlia natural nVBnitiv tonJouoie of that party. On mot Timvarl. Wevonr&ommittee have! examined the eher iff s fees fo the year 1690land found themaa follows, as sVown by his fee book: fr..i .! .-,,,1 1384.52 A uiu wuvyui c uvu -..-- ..... - -r -- Amount colldctod 1 2?T"on Amount not tollected X- Iwl.oU KesDCctfullywubmitted. BXSBY RICKEBT, ifnmm ittpe r. nmnnvn uommmee. JOOOO 4.". CM JIIO 7t 50 4lM 4--M 5IIV .VHO Si on ilk) t IM 200 2."U) 2 4-3 10 f 22 curity. r tiled ms rfWH nn.i pun TP. Mom Wiilkxr " Lost Creek " St. Uorna Columhii! " Butler approved by ifock" road f iirt Tuesday. man and otlie for pul- 'na on motiiinllaid oer he board. kcrnrtiiHi On motion reribrt adopted and approved. Upon request if 2 petitioners, residents of Bismark tp., the laid tp. was, upon motion re divided into tvro rd districts as follows: The east H of eaid tp. toXconstitute ono road district to bo known as District No. 47, and the west H to constitute one roa district and to be known aa District Xo. 46. A communication f rom. C. Carrig and R. W. Gentleman asked to have their names as sureties tnWn frnm the bond of K. F. Doodl SUpr. of Lost Creek t On motion roe oommunicatn wua referred to Supr. Doody The official lidcds of J. B. Dekman, treasurer of city of ColumBus and ex-oflicV collector of taxes, and Pat. iAttan road ovwrW-r, of Joliet tn. were rvfrnnl baoy for additio: The county survej of survey of. Hollinicshoad Bold Q Hugh Hill Cook Alliert lto Wilsou Clu JoLnaon Picket t Blotlcett and on motion ssmu we lu the iimttr of "Pro wa deferred until next Petition of Julian Ba lie road in Ijoup tp until next meeting. ivtliw.n .f Katuuel Uhnnellrnnd W.M. Uttliert son for a consent roal was on motif n crautcii ami Kiirvew.r instructed ordered tofcurtey and ..!.. uumn iiml iwriitunte "li emtlB-'Ut MVtlOIl rorneri. IViiiiun fur miblif road from sect 22, 17. lw. to lump Fork rivrf wan crantfil Ad clerk in structed to tmlili' notice of sauiacconliiu: law. Petition of Ait J. JohnMin and lien for a inl lie road Krantufl, and clerk to rfililih notii-eof nnw nf.e.tnllhi' to lAW. IlUt 111 IK'llon lUkeil nnon iM-lititm for tncation. In themterof xcliool wiii.n roaUtnii ara tion forpart of "Dairtli" am ".Stanton county wd" the looatios and adfitiom. were nnn mh ion irnuitetl iftid county Aurejor in- htmctedRo rile ulut anl iienieUia Bowrninent yction not nets In nmtler of localion of "IIkIi Hill mad" nnd vacation of .irt of Monroe ami 'Kerry i'" nn Motion liM-atoli and vacation were granted niA-alled for. In the mutts of the "A"ie road" the reimi of apprainery was approval and road declared .t..lw liiM.traiiil counts- irtvyor to MlirvS' Hlltl nlat Hameidud penx-tuie government -ection idoner insanity, etc B .1 Vhaleu, itu-aN for jurors 1- G lVSpolce, clerk district courl.emt Mate vJ Schilling -' -1' O AI PhHUps.county clerk salary quarter enVin- Dcceniberai 1W VHMW M Vuiiio it. defence William .schilling in trip district court ... . John iondrinsr.couiity attorney, salary for bakincr 1S1W - G W Philips, for preparing upenion proceeaiugs for publication for the year ! JL. - .- G B SpelcKclerk ofthc district court ami roiumiAioiier of insanity, etc ...... G W riiilm, issuing cert incites or elec tion, etc! ..- - U Schuii icli. c.iuvasing election ret... G B Speicl clerk district and fees Marih term d c -IG Reeder commissioner Ksanlty CBStillmaV " . " -- U 1 Evant.oun.iily pliylci.ui fr Issn ... G BSpeice.alerk ili-trii't court, tees U.c .., .llltSj.t ...nrf tMTKI ...... C D Murphy.Vxiiert on county ree Tdi. " "."", V , .. ..,.." 11 J Hudson. canvassinK election n-tmo-. I Slbb-rnsen.Iinterpcricr insanity ot F Hansen - C F Curtis, witness insanitv 1. Kornner Mrs Margret Hner. care uihh itaiucr.. Dr J Chus Wllly.wltn-ssajscluiatsli tn eider. Henry I.usche, 1 Pth C. t.l 41IIB ., .0....... m............ .... "" 1 ia i.nia ii-iiiiWd liirnrs ntiii witness es for the DecenKertennof thedlstrict nniirt l a MnltAi mm tfl.AiitArpit lnirs4 G B Soelce. clerk dilrlct court fee bill of Sttte vsTrumnu.. Ijist two bills lnitHpver until the next mcetlne of the board Bill of Fred Curt IsA for lioard of'Teenle" and T B Westron ns wiieas and mileage were on motion reiected. Bill of O V Ohlsoii. 812.Va refered to Walk er town dilp. and bill ot C Pollock- Co, JS as. was refered to City ot ColuVabu for payment. Upon motion the board nv ndjourned until 9 a in tomorrow. Thursday, a. M.lvMuary 8- !! Board met pursuant to adjournment at9 a. m., Hon. W O Pugsley, chanVnan, presiding andG W Phillips cleric. MoiuYcHallprebent but Snpervloors Welch and Dlwen. Bond of J B Dolsman. treastirtlr and ex-offlclo collector of taxes for city ofColltnbus w ap proved. Bills of M .1 Hosan. Georco blurie, Louis Bradford and Hugh Hughes welc on motion laid over until next meeting of blard. Bui of Columbus Lumber cojnpany, acct Illsiuark township, on motion rlferred baclt to them. Rill of Columbus Lumber dmpany and others vs Lost Creek township ton referred to that township for In the claim of J C Dawson I personal taxes assessed lu Colutul for year ISM. ordered same to be county treasurer, on Mr Dawson him Iowa reeint showing payuitlit thereon the pros-rty thus asse-ll. Bi lot Baker &. WclN. sJ. tor motion teleired to C C C-irri for mil of E Pohi. guardian if M cea-ol, was on inolloii lai.l oxer ijntil the next liuetititf oTlhn board. The i.tllowing bills wen What is Castoria i Dr. Samuel Pitcher's ppescription for Infant and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use hy MUUons of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimUates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy ana natural !. -torla Is the Children's Panacea-the Mother's Friead mipany ere on iuo- ettleinetit. Jr rebate of us township uncelled by reseutlng to of tave fceiy. was on liytllei.i. v. Wei. ue- Castoria. "Caatnrii is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told mo of IU mod effect upon their children." Da. O. C. Osaooo. LoweU, Haas. Caatori is tha best remedy for chfldra of which I am acquainted. 1 hope the day U not far distant when mothers willcoasider the real Interest of their children, and use Castoria In stead of thevarlousquacknostrumawhichare destroytas their loved ones, by forciagopium, mo-phine, soothmg ayrup awl other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to prematura graves." Dm. J. F. Ktmcbxub. Conway. Ark. Castoria. " Castoria is so well adapted to childrea thai I recoBimead it aa super iortoaay pceaarifttaw known to aae." n. A. AacHsa.IL D., Ill So. Oxford St. Brooalym, N. T. " Our phystciaju la the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experl enc in their outside practice with Castoria, and although wo only have aaioag onr medical supplies what Is knows, as regular producta. yet wears free to confess that the nieriu of Castoria baa won us U look wilfc favor upon It." Uwrnu HosrrTAi. and DisHKaamv, Boston. Mass Allsm C. Shxtb. Pre., fttrt, Kw Trk City. an.. aumavr CmmrnmMTm Tl Mairay in 1880 to 323.00 in 1889; namely, because it increased the production from 741,475 tons in the fiscal year 1879-80 to 2,036,564 tons in the fiscal year 1889-90. If increased production caused lower prices there, isn't the McKinley bill likely to bring lower prices of everything eventually? Will Yob Joia the Coloay organizing to-locate in Maryland, n the cities of Baltimore and asfr-tou. Here are nne larming mds-Xw in price; adapted to every nmcL oVagriculture; an abundance of purs, 6oft water; delightful and health ful climate; near to the best markets of the world; unsurpassed railroad facili ties, with low freight and passenger rates, with quick time; educational ad vantages second to none; churches rep resenting almost all denominations; refined and cultured society, etc. Only a few more wanted to complete the col ony, and if you want to join in one of the best opportunities of a life-time, now is the time. Farmers, business men, mechanics, and laborers, there is a chance for all. 100 per cent profit easily assured in three years. Full information free of charge, furnished by M. V. Richards, land and immigration agent, B. & 0. R R, Baltimore, Md. S94t The ladiaan. On the 7tb, Oen. Schofield sent the following telegram from Washington to Gen. Miles: "You are hereby author ized under the existing orders of the president to assign Captain Ewers of the Fifth infantry, Captain Lee of the Ninth infantry, Captain Earnest of the Eighth infantry, and Captain Pierce of the First infantry, to take charge of the Indians of the several Sioux and Cheyenne agencies to exercise over them such mil itary supervision and control as in your judgment is necessary without interfer ing unnecessarily with the administra tion of the Indian bureau under the regulations and instructions received by them from the interior department." People of Hay Springs are excited over the disappearance of Captain Klin smith. He left Hay Springs to join bis company on the Beaver, and has not since been beard from. Hay Springs is the most exposed of any of the towns, and there are only 500 soldiers to guard a strip of 30 miles, within which dis tance there are 2,000 hostile Indiana A telegram fromW. F.Cody, dated Pine Ridge, S. D., Jan. 10th, euys: "Governor John M. Thayer: Kicking Bear and Short Bull with hoetiles are on the way to the agency. They are ex pected to surrender tomorrow. General Miles .was pleased with the promptness of the Nebraska troops and says they have done mnch to quiet the fears of the settlers." A train out of Rushville Friday night carried thirty mothers with babes in their nrms, ljesides other children. De serted ranches are pillaged by bad char acters, who are plentiful, and those who have left their ranches will find little at home when they return. General Miles is credited as saying that the trouble will be settled in a very few days, either by a full surrender of the hostiles or the bloodiest battle of Indian history, with the chances in favor of a peaceful settlement. The following incident presents a pic--J ture of current events at the seat of war, and comes from Gordon: "MartDarrah, wife and children have arrived from near the reservation, where they had been holding down a claim. When they struck here they had not even enough to feed them over night. A young man named Wilson from Company 11 hap pened along and recognized them as people from near his home. He asked them where they were going and what they were going to do. Darrah said if they could only get to his wife's folks they would be all right for the winter. Wilson inquired the amount it would take, which was $35. Wilson then gave them the money and they left for Teka mah last night It was worth more than that to see the smile on that mother's face and those of the children dance with joy and three rousing oheers were given Wilson." Milford has raised and equipped a troop of cavalry, Captain J. H. Culver. Kearney talks ot raising an artillery company. Children Cry 'or Pltohtr't CMtorl sis of the Proceeding of the Board of asperviMirs. Tcespat, January 6th, 1801. met at 2 o'clock p. m. pursuant to ad- lent. Hon. Win. O. Pugsley, chairman. i, clerk. Members all present but :h. it. reading of minutes of October leeting deferred. following official bonds presented, exam- meond approved: Ibert, county attorney. John OaBecher, deputy county clerk. A. OganX assessor Creston township. Mr. mi m .m mi ls wen lililor .. itllil 1 .s.jfiie .aim ''. . -I'll '".'...". .'. '" ' ' tun """. . H;"'' "JL -i ,!" n '"I . lowed on the ear leftw. and iiants tif the :;i m on imi re- Ctihiliil'iiN Mr av' lO;t!lilUei Cl .VI :si Columbus Bismark WoodvUle Grand Prairie " Loup Humphrey " Lost Creek Butler Shell Creek 8herman Granville 8t. Bernard " Monroe 'slker loliet Kty of Columbus. a an township. jimphrey " ad Prairie " op ilker Jer ows iville mark 111 Creek It Creek Bville eton H.C. S.Heibel. Frank Peter Zamb: J. G. Kammer, John Bender, Ed Biggins, Joseph Olbricb. D. D. Roberts. Ed Lneechen. B.01mer. John Friecbeuf . Evan Evans. A. J. Johnston, Joseph BWet. Charles Wake. H. G. Loesohea. clerk Joseph Brsoo. " D. A. Becher. " Albert Hnrner, " John P. Johnson. " John Schmocker, " W. H.Godkin. " J. K. Keith, John C. Swartsley." C. J. Carrig, D. D. Lynch. Frank T. Webbs. " A. C. Anderson, " W. A. DeMoney. " Ola W. Ohleon. treas'r Walter Nels Anderson. " Wollville Math Diederich. St. Bernard. Thos. Iritchard. Peter Larson, Henry Brnenig. J. F. Schnre. " HurAws A. L. Duck. Ix-l:reek John hUsenmann, John Krnt, O. H. BrockhauH. T. Mohlmann. Theodore Wenek John AhrenH, Jacob Louim. O. W. Ohlson. treas. Meal. Walker Tp. Nels Anderson. Math Diederich, Thos. Pritchard, Peter Larson. Henry Brueniu. A. L. Buck. John Eisenmann, John Ernst, O. H. BrockhauB, T. Mohlman. Jacob Louis, Theo. Wenek, John Ahrens, H. 1L Wenrick A. D. Burk, Daniel Mock, Geo. Fairchi Cbas. Sump. Wm. Muetin Soren AnderJon. " Creston Andrew Peterson. " Joliet Applicatioi of John-C. Dawson for correction of personal roperty assessment in Columbus tp. for year 1 90, read and on motion referred to committee oi claims. Thecommi tee on fee books .presented the fol- lnwinsr: To the Honoi ble Board of Supervisors of Platte wuuij, 4imwnai committee on fee books WAW,V fl lltM It... limp. J ivywb ill.! W...V u..'. footed and checked op the fee aups. oouniy ciera, lor uie Ho iphrey id Prairie rman imark ilumbus Woodville St. Bernard Joliet Monroe Granville Ijoet Creek Loup Butler Humphrey Grand Prairie Columbus Sherman Bismark Walker Woodville Joliet " city of Columbus, overseer St. Bernard instable would nnvlilw hnnk nt O nnmrimr ittiflinar tnt-mla fnnHnoa ymmr arid rind" tha present a statement list, I960, and reviewed the statements ror tne entire correct, ana nerewiin ne in the following: AZOff. Total receipts 1st qoarW S107L30 3d " V".".." 55. th .v. 10X4.30 By paid salary deputy sndWs- slsUnU.........V:.. V $8100.00 By salary of clerk V 1S00.O0 To balance, 62J0 1q Utoct 4t wwr.... CW twiffmo corners Hisl file n'jHirt In the if atter of the was takei Upon Lotion boun o'clock tlmorrow mo Weds Board biet purs o'clock aim. Hon. G. W. Philips, clerk tiers preBfiik but Sup'r The committee on treasurer presented th cepted and oniered pla The f ollowirk official ed, examined and approv J. F. Bclmre. additional collector BurrowsUp Geo Thomazin, John W Fuchs, P J Long. J C Wilson, Conrad Fuohe, John Wurdoman, Wm F Qodds. FWEd Andrew HT Spool DLBrai John WmBcbeideViant'l Peter Bipp, E W Jones. George Beese. Andrew Hand John H Asche, Denis Sullivan. Geo W Brown, James Duoey. Joseph Janseen. Lara Jacobeon, H C Knadsen, Aug Nelson, John Zamb Vincent Weise Auk Bentel, Robert Lew J E Fisher, Jacob Schftank, Wm Schriber, HTPalufer, BernanlWilde. ArnohDanven, Matlas Gilsdorf, LevKbey. J (BlodKtt. wl HopkinH, John Abraliainsfin Jacob Crackenbti Roy Clark, Christ Boss, Jacob EiHenofann, E P Westc It YLi Athtm llsvly. John Il'an, SHintieAnderoii II M Sutton th county clerk. 'IJliift rohd"3iiieactiu now fuljrmrijrd until 9 ing. At a. iu., Jan. 7. lbUI. to adjournment at I O. Ptisley, chairman. toll culled and all mem. 'elch. ittlement with county report which was ae on file. inds were now preoent- pnds as treasurer and now a cou n ! Ke:i''ta! tmu l- tor the the clerk, iiixlritfieil tu mue v kiltie: S I. Mei'ov. imiili for jurors ... II..HI-V- ! imlv ner slierill.. Krutt & Schwar. nidi for iitiin AilB Itin'ttelier, same . I P li'.iilh s:ime .. . I.. I siipt satarx aiiiff pirttam i:ni: Heelier. :ie"t S l'l'llltlsjtel lav t i tor.. fur '.wtimi. rie. . claim S 0 -V. allowcl t Mar"s luKpital, ear: pun: er- el:dm "xtinc - ".S.ItlH Mtuliuiee ol above lii leie.i to I be clly ineiit. State, lout ual Co. county S:nue Same liilivon. Al & K Same Same.. S:ime. Same Same. Same. Same. Same Sam i Satin Siilllll II I-' f):llls. mill ili'l t.l Il-I I'll f a i. indie lor comity II .IBolitison, ""n as Mip't A V Clark. Mime I Ici ry Kiekcrt. Miiiic The ' tWeiithal, same S loraii. vmw- W . McAllister, same Nil Olson, Kline W. Irwin, wiiiie .1 Kwiiieeii.oaine I' Bjaiupbell, same I" K oody. same- K Keliia;. same .los talis, same Janiel Burrows, same Ed Kiiclier. same DECAnpbcM. Kiuie W O rovulev. same WocheSiUu. inili del tax list O Becer, ac't Woehenblatt foriier lav ; G BechVrr, treas, ac't M K Turner & Co. delpertVc -.-. Gibson. MiYer x. Rlcliarsoii. mds lorco Same Same ... . ? or. i:ttci 9 M r.i :il 7:1 7 tr. mM ( rrows Tp. Woodville .Humphrey Bismark ilumbus Wa aan city orvolumbas. road overseer Grand! LostCt Barrowsl Sherman Shell Creek ' s St. Bernard st Walker Grand Prarie Humphri( Joliet Ufcmefk Grdnville Butler Woodwlle lii Columbiis Monroe O L (frawford. In tlfe matter of the Hnna Road" the reimrt of the appraisers uas nddnteil and approved, the road ieclared duly hicateV and surveyor was in struct! to perpetuate government section cor ners und file report with county clerk. In tie matter of the ItloWtt road. Mr. Ernst apearel before the lioarsiskins their decisionVttu the owncrsliip of certain trees on tbedlrectue of said road. OnViotion the mutter wastelered to the townshlVi liiKirtlot Hutler for settWineiit. on mntioii theVlerk was instuictedlto confer with the proper ahlliorities of Tolk lounty in HKpardto the settlehjent for cash Advanced ?mrt :ucniinti. chametl fliis county In tie Matil da Heuuing insane case ah tiillk now refered to Xhe resiwtiVe com mlttees. On motion the lnxinl now djotirned until 1 JO p. m. Esdav. v. St., JatiVary 7, isoi. Board convened at IM p.m. pulruant to ad journment. Hoi. W. O. Pugsley. cblurraan. and Q.W. Phillips J clerk. All inembjbrs present but Supervisor Welch. Renort of eert examination ot county clerk's office frbin 1S80 to I9)jfncluslve, was presented andead. and on romion the whole matter laid oyer until tbe neVl meeting of the kAASVI J The folIoviiUE bills wereallowed on tbe county genef&l fund levy f.X, and tbe clerk Instructed Xp Issue warranfc for same: f V ValaArf a?lf Insonltt Air KiinHfinn it R fin gAk ntueblAh Akl Ma nUNinol to C lafi Gus GBeither.treas.caauaav for county. 303 as I ford's Sanitary Lotion O W Phlillps. clerk. " " 2751 0;,i j,j0f U 9 BjfiVX, CWK OMiriGl WUfi, cgmnju- lir.i -; oj lTmi J5 (K iHim 1 1 :t u 40 14IIO JL' HI join) 1.00 17 IJI II 10 2 IV. 7. VI 1V.I 47 710 l. mi ! SO 17 ( 1(1 Nl inn '.'t m l.t (N) 1-' no il Nl lj HO 10 50 UM 1-2 l 140 10 U) 11 Jl HI Hi iKi aiS--6 JRll lltli 12 So BUI of Gibson. Miller & lUchanismi inr poll books, S12,au St Mary's hospital for cue Mary Mltera. A were on motion rejected. Bill of G I l)son Miller & Richardson. S3 , audDFDals, Slfltsi. were on motion laid over until the nextVeetlng of the board. The following bfMs were allowed on the county road fund Iev and the clerk iuitructed to Issue warrants for te same : Ac following twp. Am't A RELIABLE FAMILY NEWSPAPER. Thi is the Character nlnMwt UnittiiiiioiiBl Given to THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN. : great is ila popularity that for jeurs it h:w hml Hie l.r.-t eireulittion of nn I'liienco wis-kly newiaper. ...... r .i It im ably iintl carefully editetl in every department with a rii-fnl new to it usefulness in the home, the workshop and the bunine-s otliee. IT IS A rOXSISTEXT KKPlKLirAX XKWSPAI'KK, Rut ilNeilsseK all public questions ritniliilt.v iin.I :ilil. While it ies fiiir treatment to piilitient pMinentH, it ih bitterly opKi-tsl to trustn and inoini4iies as uutitKoliistie to In.lli public nml prixnte interests. ... .. ... The literary deKirtmeiit of the imixt i- excellent, and has unions its roiitril.utors some of tlie ino-l iipularautliorior tlieday. The foreign and dome-tie eorretMmlenee. serial and -liort sturies are tlie isiial of those of an similar publiciition in ll.e count r. The Youth's Department, Curiosity Shop, Woman's Kingdom, The Home .17.'; IX rilKMSKI.l'KS eqcal to a uauazixk. In addition to all tlie news of the world i.-siiveli in its column- exerj week, lu all ilepirt- nieiits it is cnrefull) eilittsl lij -niiN-teiit men empIoeil lor that urH.M. THE PRICE OF THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN IS $1.00 PER YEAR. The Seiui-Wcckh Inter Ocean is piilili-l d iruli .Momlaj mid TIiurid.i) ni..rniii.-. ami lis an eseelleiit publication for tlioi-e whoraiiunt Msnr.-a il.iilj mt r.-s;iilarlj ami are not -ati-hisl Willi a wskl. The Price of The Semi-Weekly Inter Ocean is $2.00 Per Year. l:. -..s-i;il ArRitlKeiuent with the Publishers of SORT BIST KirS MAGAZ T 1ST IS That M.iKi'ziueaiid the Weekl Inter Ofiiui are Both sent to SUBSCRIBERS ONE YEAR for TWO DOLLARS and NINETY CENTS i i:.n knts muss rn x Tin: i-mn-: or Tin: m.; v.ixi: ai.uni:. Lilieral coinmissiotis j;ieii lo nctie agents. Sample copies snt nliereer askisl Tor. Address nil orders lo IXTElt oer:A C'll..u- Tnasnli OttU G G Becher act V Jack sot ..St Bernard COO Creston. C-. m ...i' t .Tas Kulull...TAColumbU9 .... Ole Johnson -..V alker......... Ben Winkler -It Bernard... G G Becher. ac't B Winkler- Bernard... Jf ve, fschnelder Co Jlet lf. Una.ilr riSUmhUS.... Fred Seiter. . St Bernard... I'ntnmhns Lumber Co.........BtStil Peter Illnn Btirrfl I a Turner Colunfhus.. A M .lenntn.-' ColumC i ir.-ltot- P.ilumhl! li G Becher,ac"t('lIo-.irery-Cre3ton-. i? c -i..b- Creston. . J and H Elmers ..Granville. J and II Elmers Burrows-. A M JennluRS Monroe.. U G Becher. ac't A Westcott-Creston. . fCostluued Next Week.) A Sate Investment. la one which ia guaranteed to briug you satisfactory results, or in case of failure a return of purchase price. On this safe plan you can buy from our ad vertised druggist a lottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption. It is guaranteed to bring relief in every case, when used for any affection of the throat, lungs or chest, such ns cousiimp tion, intliimuiution of the lungs, bron chitis, asthma, whooping cough, en nip, etc., etc. It is pleasant ami agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, and can always be depended upon. Trial liottle free at David Dowtys drug store. The Shininir Lights ie old world, soldiers, statesmen and of letters, all write in the most ex- int praise of our facilities for America. And we are-entitled to. the Tiraise. On every fcnghsh line there is the same old dusty lunch coun ter, known by all tourists fr these many years. Not even a drink of water, nor a crust of bread to lie had on the- train. No wonder our trans-atlaotic friends express amazement when th$y sit down to a hotel dinner on one of .the- palace dining care on the Union and Southern Pacific mil ways an arrangement which is the most perfect in the country today. (Wl tfavmrfl travel v Merit Wins. We disire to say to our citizens, that for years we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption. Dr. King's New Life Pills, Bucklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have never handled remedies that sell so well, or that have given such uni versal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and ne stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not fol low their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. 'David Dowty's drug store. Itch cured in 30 minutes by Wool- Sold by C. B Stiilowu, druggist. 26uovlyr CO LU IY1BUS LUMBER CO. S. R. HOWELL & CO. Dealers in Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors, BLINDS, CEMENT, LIME. FIRE BRICK. FIRE CLAY, MARBLE DUST, WHITE SAND. PORT LAND and MILWAUKEE CEMENT, ami ALL KINDS of BUILDING MATERIAL. THIRTEENTH ST., COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. yp.,t uw,t tut. U-f-Jk, OO.OO FREE COLUMBUS iPlaniM Mill, J. BEAMA, CARPENTER, li;rpws Kit im? his wrxices FKKK. to the lir-t WrhhVf juM i-tiisl h nh null n M "l person whBpr,l'w lo him after tne lirxt .ul- ,,j,j,,,ite Si'hrinai-rs tl.mriut: mill hint re lication ..r this n-.ticc, in .h.riiN.w. of llth ,ltvil , (l AL. KINPH OF VOO! W .iMtiunn. ''.il. II- taker, thi- tnetlnnl of i-nllim: .....i. ,.- attention to the fact that Sash, lloors, HE IS A BOOK AGENT. Itlimls, Mouldings, i Storo Fronts, Counters, .,..l... furn.,1. j..u ilKMT.i: Ihnn unl-l , Stai.s Stilir KuiUll-, el-e, any Imh.U on wnnt. .,. . "' Italiistci-s, Scroll Sitwmsc, Tiirniii!;. lMitnin, Ktr. treef. firte. WOKh,. HOUSK AND TWO LOTS. i .. ... .- .. ...... ..I. ... ..... I T .ll orlTs .r.III.II .Uieil.irsi . I lljl.lK N.-ar Court lioiisi-, with all iiiiirneiii.-:il-. for ' or .siile CIIKA1-. Also two mares ami two rolt-. jyUVcall onr attention to tlieAlmeaf.-. HUNTcMANN BROS., nml the imiM.rtant fact that wean- now oHerimi ,....... . a line of Kifes at .riees U-Iow com, orison at..l J"'-"' t qIihiiI.iih. .Nelirntilm. lwonl romtrttition. For Tull particulars a.l- .In-sfolumfms. .NVI... I. O. I.x li I'leas.-...- ntM J 4M11111 ; ZftA jaiiuiM. i nr. iirxi M uutru in i uiu. closi. 2 ent stamp for repl. T. S. JAWORSKI, ?sa?i! (Ti"-'J'tt W?5llll Sir1- WW1 Iru i.i-ti Regulates Perfectly. IS NOT AFFECTEO BY CALES. Is Strong. Durable AMI EASILY MANAGED. THK I'KICKOPTIIE OMAHA WEEKLY BEE Has I wen ret lured to Sl.00 A YEAR. Xuvv is thf? time to sulscril- for tli I nw.sp;iper in the west. Wind Mills, Pumps and Pump Repairs. One iloor north of Hater's bnrn. tilllllll Send in your orders early to THE BEE PUBLISHING CO, Omaii Neu. L. C. VOSS, M. D , HomtBopathic Physician AND SUROEON. j WATCH 1 J. UIOLS'Se GUARANTEED OOODS, nffiA nr.r rii-uv otH-H. Kiieritiliat in chronic dieeme. Careful attention given to general 'chwoer than soy bodT.opDositaCIotharknB practice. 3eao?3m uaui s '-