The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 24, 1890, Image 4

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A Weekly Newspaper issiei ererj
52 fTois ef readia- natter, eti
. sistiig f Nebraska State Newa
ltecii, Seleetei Stories aid
hr&pl coplat WBt frtt to IV
Subscription priee,
Si a year, la Mvuce.
H. K. TintmBB t Go,
Platte Ctx. Nebt
Ti:ve St, nearly opposite Poot-OjfJea.
All kinIs flf Repairing 4ne
Short Notice, liases, Wag
Mis, etc.. aiade to order,
aid all work Gnar
aitecd. Al5o tftl! the world-fftTrioxn Waiter .
Wood Mowers. Reapers, Combia-
d KachineSj Harvester,
and Self-bxsden tiia
but made.
fcSTShon oppoilto the Tattpraall." en
Ollvo St.. COLUMBUS. Sfiom
Judicious Advertising
Creates many a new business,
Enlarges many aiield business,
Revives irmziy a dull business,
llcfcues many a lost business,
rfaves many a fulling business,
I 'reserves many a large business,
tk'curcs succesi in any business.
So w i a roan cl bnelncwj. end e add that
jiidiiii:s c"lvtrtling, for this section of country.
A oiiv of th mwlinra. becacao it is wad by the
!. jvi'1. thorp ri know -s-liat they cnt an
I' Jiiritliat tln-yp-l. iV challfncn comp-iriMo
mi.Ii an? eonr.try parr in tiif orhl in thisro
:--"ct iwonty jcaw pnblislitnc by tho mme
itn:!?-,nn,nt, r.vA tifver one dun to notecribpr
lir.!Ii!nil in The Jorrts Thiw, better thn
.ii:li:ti5 1. shows tli vlsss of people who
nul Tub J ocas At every ireck. tf
CIIEA1?. OlSTUY $15.
Woven wire sd lnt. cnt wiTlo . split board
rr tr. thine cf thn Fort, used: after poaU are Kt,
t.-nro can be madp and ctrctched on the grand,
in the intr. by a boy or ordinary trm h id,
13 tn 40 rods dsy, and ran work it oxer may
F round. The mas who liaa one of thM aia
rhiarw can baild a fence that is more durable and
e tlm any other, and make it at 1cm eoet.
The ir.?rhin and a sample of ita work raa In
eon inthcityoa Uh street at Ernst ft fchwars
lirdwaro store. Willsell aeainea, or territory,
or contract to rat np fence.
linajif J.B.MATHEWSON.
iT 23f ArI Tn beat book iora
I eneetl or otherwise-
It c. nt'iiis lt at new iaayersand eatlmstea
wants to nent ona dollar, finds la Ittba in-
fonuation he re;nirea, while foi him wno will
invest one hundred thousand dollars in ad
Tcrltsinjr. a scheme la imlle-ted wlitcb will
meet his every reqatrensent, or ran bemmdt
to do to y tlisMehanft tartly mrrmiat tycar
rzpcnJeife. Ha editioaa have been issued.
en. rt.-t.pald. to any adlretmfor lOeanta.
-.Yr.te tCREO. P. FOSVELL Jt CO,
-;ooroc Sbrrlniics Uonae Sq.). Sew Teste.
Careatsa&d TraIe Marks obtained, and all Pat.
cat taunts conducted for MOUERT FEES.
O tFirE. We han no sab-a-&cfe. all ensiaef
fiireet, heare we can ti'act ra'ent hnsiness ia
asti&sdat LESS COST thaa thosa remoU
fro Washicgtos.
tieud nodel, drs .wiac, ct yhnto, with descrip
tion. W advise if rateatablft or cot, free of
cft-r&. Oar fe Bit rtcs till patent is eeccred.
A Loaic, "IIow tt Obtain rataats." witn refer,
eaeeat&cetnsl clieaM in your auia, coaatyor
lrwa,entfn. Addraas
Cspeaite PaUat Os. Wash tactoa. D. U
A3 T Aot WMtei!
r Carcuaalua.
iMB Crt-Htrt asftty f!a -
BJtenawaytostitTwioeetttsa. try
rt ht tuvs ffom I to.e. Um
l siaas to Pr rsslMS
ftj-iiiiiiii- "
la! tlii 1 mB KV
1 111 i I J
fMl T J I Iu
ffil' 1; M .Li
If h Ji i1 f , jMl aMJP -&
i m !K M ' v B iaaBBKUyV
V ' aP!i Jr ' m. HBBC9PB9HB
3L & l---ljgWjyMr?
at CiiticiaaM 0sed (7paa
tks B9Nl ml th Dsr-liiktaricaJ
Two tboneand two hvmlreti trains
leave London ordinarily every twenty
four hoars.
The report that China is beginning
to abandon the cultivation of tea has
stirred Boston society from top to bot
tom. Florence, Ala., is to hare ihe largest
cotton mill of the New South. It. itl
have the remarkable number nt t-3,500
Ax American svndicato in
gets a eqnare mile of good land that ill
raise coffee for every mile of rairoad it
IfcVH down; and there is not much dig
The fact that "several Enropcan
courts" regard the intimacy of tho
Prince of Wa?e3 with the voiiveau
riche Baron Hirsch as "a crious scan
dal" must make tho profligate acquaint
ances of Waloi feel eminently respect
able. "Weits a laboring aau xras drawn on
a jury in Chicago his employer threat
enod to discharge him. Tho fact frtte
rejiorted to tho couru who fe'fc&sed the
jui or, Rent for his employer, and com
pelled him to take his place in the jury
A person of tho male rix
who U
popularly known as "Sum Jones" says
that the initials "D. D." after a c'.ergy
man'j name, &tand for "devil's dude."
Mr. Jones seems bent upon ostablfcdnnR
tho fact that when he took to the plat
form the world lost a grsat clown.
It is now definitely fctated that none
of the victims in tho late IJarnegat col
lision have so far been recovered, and
tho inference is that theso unfortunates
have been carried by tho tides and
scattered to distant bhores where they
will never be found, and if discovered
not recognized.
TriK sale of gunpowder is a Govern
ment monopoly in Ecuador. Bccentlv
tho supply ran short, and an order vi as
cent to the United States. By mi-take
powder in nse for the heavy artilicry
was Bent ont, and, "as thero in no gun
powder in the republic," tho Guayaquil
Jfacion reports "sqniirels, parrot", and
all kinds of birds and xmall animals
aro increasing in numbers, and growiug
v"oiir has been begun on tho moal
formidable piece of excavation on the
Nicaragua Canal. It is a solid rock
cut about thirteen miles from the At
lantic end of the canal. A ureal deal
of dredging has already boon dono in
the low laud from the shoro inward.
Tho olimate is agreeable, the health of
the surveying and working paitic
good, and the progress made this far
equals expectations. The engineers
confidently pi edict that tho work can
be completed in four year..
The King of Italy is a gentleman a
well as a monarch. While his country
is in a state of financial distress he re
fuses to accept the giant tffered by his
Mini-ters to the son who has just a'.
tained his majority. "Within ton days
8,X)0 Italians have emigrated to the
United States and South America,
most of them with no property except
their hands and the rag3 on their backs.
Tot ttie army and navy are large enough
to place the country among the great
poworsof Europe.
The population of England is very
largely in cities, as may be ex: ccied
from its enormous manufacturing in
dustries. But it sounds rather strangely
to be told that tho rural or agricultural
England is very sparsely populated
Yet this appears to be tho fact. Enorm
ous tracts of fertile laud are held for
game preserves and in forest, and sup
port comparatively few j oople. When
these acres are made avai'.aV.o for cul
tivation the farm products and farm
population of England will largely in
Of tho woods that are chiefly u?cd in
fancy cabinet work, ebony comes mostly
from Ceylon and Madagascar, and is
sold by importers at eight cents per
pound. Satinwood is grown on the
inland of Ban Domingo and in Porto
Rico. It is one of the beautiful vvcod?'.
and is described as a "canary yellow."
In the log it cells at Feventy-fivc cents
per foot. Tulip wood is but littln ii?ed.
It is imported more for turning and in
laying than anything eUc. It is found
in Central America, and when brought
to New York is sold for eight cents per
No American cattle have shown the
slightest traces of plenro-pneunnionia
in Ercland since early last March. It
is quite likely that the restriction here
tofore imposed on our live cattle will
soon be removed. In Canada, however,
this disease has recently broken out.
and thongh Canadian cattle have here
tofore been admitted without quaran
tine, this can no longer safely bo done.
The dtease has always been more pre
valent among English cattle than it has
on this tide of ihe Atlantic, either in
Canada or the States.
The comparative sc.-ircity of wheat in
the West is best ahown by the ship
ment of a million bushels from Califor
nia to St. Lonls millers within two or
three weeks. It shows, too, that- the
Pacific railroads have greatly rednced
their rates, to allow snch property to bo
profitably carried over the mountains.
It has taken a long time to get the ad
vantages of competition in Pacific rail
road transportation, the enormous for
tunes of half a dozeu millionaire-1? rep
resenting not too service they have
done the -public, but the millions they
have been able to extort from it.
Tv nocf nt ihrx Krai tha annonnco-
Ix.'r t -...iu-.t M iw
raouiou. iUOV-3"1":;
wg rcade. Congress has appropriated
$15,WKLJfor each State to develop its'
agriculture Tbi is a wise appropria-
tibn, afld its ae in conducting institute
i in vanoua
Bat it iz, almost inevitable, that theic
iostirmtea shall after a time get into
ruta aiSd became lew valuable than they
were at first. We sy nothing against
i-, - -nr t L. l
iceapieanamiei'iswas-ianucr wuu gj
from place to place conducting trach in-
tirnles. Thev tell the best they know,
bmtthey tell it repeatedly at the dif-
tetat Meetings thy attend, and the
report of one meeting toon becomes
very i';o a reticrt for all. What the in
Btitute3 need in each IceaUtf is the in-fa-ion
of new bJodL One man can
cever know laoro than all men. and the
practical farmers of each neighborhood
whviean mstitnte ii hold bbglit not
only to fel f rtc to express their idea?,
Wit frhohld bo encouraged to do so. In
j this way the ideas advanced will pretty
certainly meet the needs of each local
ity where an institnre Is he'i.
Ffcr of thoso who fslen their gloves
With the ingvniuas little snap button in
"rise for a few years rast, know the his
tory of the contrivance. It wa in
vented by an American, who tried in
vain to enlist in his invention the inter
est of American capita-tat. Nobody
could reo any promise in the tiny bit
of mediation, and the iuventor finally
betook himself to France. There ho
found capita!, .-.! tiie im eat ion speed
ily became popular. Now the inven
tor and the capitalists in' crested aro
getting rich out ; the contrivance, and
oven the American agency is proving a
raiut of money. Tho fastener, at first
applied chiefly to glove?, is now affixed
lo umbrellas and to a dozen other ar
tic!caod.ii:y tue. Made of silver, it
s put upon ornamental pechet-books,
portfolios and the like.
The wisd'm of Congro33 in pa-sing
tho auti-lottery "law boa bcesi justified
already by the rssnlts. Tho lottery
htill ia trying to conduct its biiBinors,
but Under the most discouraging cir
cumstances. A vast amouut of its
fradnlent business has been stopped by
its exclusion from tho mails. The New
j Orleans pcstoDlce-, which was its priuci-1
ml ngoncy, ehewi a tremendous falling j
off in liuf-iiies District attorneys
everywhere have co-operated with tho
department in the enforcement of the
law, and the express companies are do
ing their pait by refusing their facilities
to the gambler!1. Hemmed in thus on
every side, the lottery company has
made a desperate effort to secure trans
mission of its circulars and tickets
through tho mails by corrupting tho
postal employes. New York, Phila
delphia, aud other large cities havo
been the center of its operations, but
the Postuflicc Department, by means of
its s-ecret-i-ervico force, ha captured
the corro-pondenco and disclosed all
the. details of the ftanduleat scheme.
The fact that largo sums of money have ,
been expended in corrupting postal em
ployes Las been discovered and the
liweuj i.i u awi-u f-"."
Where any suspicion exists tho em-,
ployoj will be discharged, and where ;
there are osuive implications of guilt
prosecutions will follow.
Mm Little Side T Tlilnss.
Charlotte Smith was certainly the
foremost girl in tho Biauk Instilnie.
She had a tenacious memory and a
quickness and fluency of speei-h almost
appalling to slower-wittcd girls. Her
sirtiur Lucy was especially awed by
CharlsttoVs" peculiar ability, for which
the word "bmattuess''' is probably the
most appropriate name
Lacy had peroral friends among the
girls, but. Charlotte laughed so much at
tho lisp ot one, the ill-fitting clothes of
an other and the dulnoss of a third,
I.ncy was a-Iiamed of iicr friendships.
Charlotte nm-t he right. The lip, tbe
ridiculous clothes, the duluess were all
there. And yet
The teacher, too, was especially kind
to the thy younger ai-ter. She was a
woma i of wide experience and noble
nature, who could haveliftedthe child's
whole lite upward. But Charlotte
spoke of her so continually as "a paid
school-ma'am." that Lucy toon saw
nothing in her but her work and wages.
Lucy had a habit, when tiicd, of go
ing into the woods near her home.
They were like a chnrch, she fancied.
The great, friendly trees the quiet,
sloping fields beyond, rented and com
Toiled her. But Charlotte found this
ont and followed her. She put things
in a very difleient light. The treos
were so much uncut lumber, tho fields
only meant potatoes and potato-bugs.
Lincy began to fee that the qnict and
comfort which Nature gave her were
but a pilly fancy of tent imentalism.
Charlotte told tho truth. Tiie teacher i
was paid; potatoes nudpataio-biigs weie
in the he tH.
The things which Charlotte aw in
tho world weie aiway.-. facis. and always
unimportant facts. She coird uner
ringly detect tho printer's blunder iu u
book lull cf high, glowing thoughts;
ai:d tl.e uiiui-ieia nasal or awkward
gesture made more impiesbion on her
than his sermon.
No matter what person or subject or
thing she at proached ia life, she feaw
only tho most petty, commonplace
Site prided herself en her practical
common-sense. She urged it upon all
who came near her. Wei e not thee ail
facts which the saw? Bnt the habit of
6eeing only the little ride of things
made her narrow-minded, aud rendered
uncomfortable all thot-e whom she tried
in vain to persuade to ecc things with
her eyes.
Louis Fourteenth so the story goos
was wakened each morning by a ser
vant whoe d'lty it was to s-ay, "Rie,
tire ! You have great things to do to
day!" The "Charlotto-" wort:d tell us, "Lie
still. There is nothing gieat- to be dono
on his or any other day."
Tho fault is onrs if we heed or listen
to them. Youth's Companion.
Uii!d Help Htm.
An editor was Fitting in his office
when a man rushed in and exclaimed:
"I want to know what von mean, su?"
"Mean about what ?'
"You employed me to canvass for
subscriptions, and this morning you de
nounce me and say that I have nothing
to do with your paper?"
"But explain your inconsistent con
duct." -Well, I'll teli yon. I did it to holp
yon along.
"Help me along!"
"Yes, help you along. Some time
ago we sent out a men. Wo gave him
credentials and a complimentary notice.
He went unt and didn't do much of
anything. Just abnt that time a fel
Icw who claimed to xepre-ent us began
to travel throutrh tho conn fry. Our
office was flooded with compliant of
not getting ther.aior.a'.id we denounced
the fellow, bu the more we denounced
him the more he prosneted. We had
given our authorized aceat authority to
l draw on ns
but he went to a bank and
teas refused. The next dar the fraud
j calfie a(0Bg and drev oa .,; s nov, ,
thirds that the on y way to aid you in
your mode-t bat I.tudjb e eaterprbe. ii
j to announce y'u-
.truu ,
he cocva. o
asne &eizea tec eauorsnauu. ion
ere right. I wa:.t to wale some. money
out of thia thing, snd to-morr.-.w I wi-h
von would sav that I ought to be ar-
j rested
Arianxntc 'i iivelt'i
T treats as
tlinnnl: 1'it.
literal v
J worker ought to hi .e a pen -iin or an
j ink-ura cf acme 'ii'-d.-lStftj!Gmtun
I Noah ark: The tiu-lux.
Two Kntlrelf D'tkiacfc Afrleak teple
fcbw tl via t7ar iha State B!er.
the Congo State has Vecootly done
come note wortly thing, and among theni
is th finding of Capt. Boget far from
lys poet on the Aruwinii Biver, where
he kejt the Basoka natives in order
far northwest to the Welle-Maknr, the
great northern branch ol the Congo.
There h Has established another post
among qnite a remarkable people. The
scene of Eoget'a discovery is the Sul
tanate of Djabbir, a ruler who was
never heard of before, and whose pe
p!e are in ono ro-peot very noteworthy.
The Sultan's territory extends along
the north bank of the WeliMakti for
about seventy miles, and la about forty
miles in width. It is a little above
Ali-kobo, wluch has been made famous
as the furthest point jached by Jttnktr
in his descent of tfceiver.
Thrj remaikabie "feature about the
Sultan's subjects is that they comprise
two entitcly distinct branches of Afri
can peoples. The old natives of the
country show by their, manner, lan
guage aud tattoo marks, in all of which
they ciose'y resemble the Congo tribes,
that they belong to the great Bantu
family, which covets nearly the whole
of Africa south of the Welle-Manka.
The-o people are quite distinct from
the negroes proper who live in the
Soudan and along the casts, and from
whom the most of our African popula
tion is derived. Tho other people who
inhabit this country belong to ttie Nig
i i; an race, and their, language has not
tho least analogy with that of the poo
plc among whom they are now living.
They como from a country some ways
further north, and-five years ago Djab
bir led them into the new region on the
river bank, where they conquered the
natives and made themselves new
It is enriom to boo tbeo two people,
so cutiroly different, living together
ut.der the tamo ruler. A similar spec
tacle is not ceen anywhere in Central
Africa. The origiial inhabitants, for
instance, are cannibals, nearly naked,
aud they do not 6eem to have any re
ligiou. 'Their principal industries are
fihing, tho manufacture of palm oil,
and working in iron. They have no
plantation, but buy the grain and veg
etables they require. The intruding
roop'o, on the other hand, who are
called the Benjas, apeak Arabic. While
the old ro-idents are almost naked, the
intruding"cople wear blurts and Tur
kish trousers made of c3tton grown in
the country. They wear shoos manu-
from the skins of animals
killed in the chao, the leather fre
quently tanned with the aid f bark.
They are not can ribaK but wem to
have no rcligi ms l.e ief other tha-i gros
superstition-. They, are very industtions
farmers, and toil
hard m t ;cir helU
during the two months that pieeede the
rainy season. TlToy liavo large crops,
which tuov keen in co al giauarie-i.
Thev exchange
0 their fields
tho fruits
fi-r palm
oil, native wine,"aud fish, whic'i
buy from the natives whom tuey Inve
conquered. Unlike thee natives thy
do not work in iron aud copper. Ttie
people they live with have only the
ordinary savage weapons of warfare,
but the Beajas have' donble-barrebed
shotguns which-ate, to be cure, very
poor ones, and, besides these wea
pons, they have bows and arrows and
Another interesting thing in Capt.
Bogefa report is the condition of the
Weile-Makua in this lvgion. Hero is
the greatest tributary of the Congo,
oyer 1,500 miles long, exceeding in
length all the rivers of Europe except
twi'. Wo already knew that in two
places further down the river there
were rapids. Jt was thought, however,
these impediments to navigation might
be overcome, and it was hoped the
Welle-Makua would furnish a graud
highway for trade almost fo tho Nile.
Brget has found, however, that massive
rock?, thickly sprinkled over tho river
bed form ouch nn'ob-struction to nariga
tion as to reader tho river hardly pass
able for small native canoe. The
river is also of great width and mag
nificant depth, aud he has no faith that
it will ever be posrib'e to utilize the
Wellc-Mauko in that region for steam
boat navigation. Tho hope, therefore.
I, that this river, throughout nearly its eu-
tire length, may become in for
warding white enterprises, will prob
ably be abandoned. Xew York Sun.
A I'errect I'lillOHopbcr.
"I stopped at a country hotel torao time
nco." said awelHittOwa traveling man.
"and behind the'e'erk's doik I noticed4
a rope hanging from a rafter. The
roue had a knot on the lower end, and
at lirt I thought that it must be used
for lynching purpose. While I was
pondering, a man came down stairs,
approached the clerk's dank and said:
" 'Why in thunder didn't yon send
that pitcher of wa'br to mj room? I
ought to maul you.'
"Ihe clerk tcok the end of the rope
in his mouth, chewed it a moment or
so and, in a cordial voice, replied:
'It was an" oversight, my dear sir.
Will attend to it at once.'
"A few momonts later another man
came up and said:
" 'I vaut to know if I am to have a
fire in my room? If you don't intend
to havo 'one made, say eo, and I'll
waltz you all over this horre.'
"The c'.erk seized tho rnpo again and
chewel it. Then, turning to the frown
ing man. he replied : 'You must really
pardon me, sir. I will go up and make
the fire myself.
" 'What a strange man your clerk
is,' I toid to the proprietor of the hotel.
" 'He is a great philosopher,' tho
proprietor replied. 'Do yon know what
lie would have dono had he not chewed
that vope?'
" 'No.
" 'Well, ho wonld have shot those
men. When a man gets mad he grits
hi teeth, and then finding no satisfac
tion, be adopts violent means. Some
time ago, a fellow, just for mischief,
slipped behind tlio dek and cut the
rope; and theu, before tbe clerk had
noticed his los. the fellow made some
complaint. The clerk whee'ed around,
grasped the air, and then in a rage
jumped over the dek, seized the of
fender and almost Lilted him.
" 'Hois a remarkab'c ma .'
" 'The moat com-i-tent and doei'o
roan in the world -so long a l;i rope i
io working order. Some time ago the
proprietor of a large hotel came here,
and after witnessing a few pe'f rui
ancos, ofiered'the clerk a large i-a cry
to leave me arid go with him, but I
raised bis salary and succeeded to hr. d
him. Look at him, got the rope in his
month again. Do you fee how rr.nch of
the rope is wound above? Well, as
soon as he chews the knot off the end
he lets down the rope and tiei another
knot. Withiu tbe past six months he
has worn out -three tets of teeth. See
that man with that small grip-sack?
He is a dentist and has come around to
work on tbexierk'-s teeth. I'd tell yon
what's a faQtthat fellow i the most
perfect philosopher I ever saw.' " Ar
kanaato TraviVir.
TtssPriMlic Danara.
The banana is one of the bet knows
of commercial vJruits a&d one of the
most proline in irerease. - Of ita nutri
tive powers, it ia enough to may that an
acre sown with JtilHapport more than
fifty persona, whereas the ame. amount
of land sownwith wheat in Enrope will
oaky support'twn person-. As to the
exuberance of its growth, it is calculated
that, ether circumstance remaining the
sa-iie, its produce ii forty-four time
ereater than that of tolatoe-i and 133
! tuaes greater than that of wneatv
toe FisnbtG akct:
TCimst wS went flshlitn;"
An" my pa an' ma all three...
When they was a picnic, "way.
Ont to Hunch's woods, ona day.
An there was a crlcR oat there.
Where the fishes 5s. an' where
Utile bovs t alu"t big an' strong
Tetter have their folks along.
My pa be 1st fished an' fished:
An my ma said she wished
Me nn her was home; an pa
Ba!d he wished saworee'n ma.
Ia said ef you talk er say
Anythln', ersneeze. er play,
Hain't no fish, ol're er dead,
Ever go lo bite. Up nald.
fiirt' n'gh dark in town when
Dot tack home; ami ma, sars the,
No i-he'll have & Hsh fer shore"
An she buyed one at the store.
Ner, at Ftiprer. ba he Won't
I'at no fish, an bays ho don't
Like 'trn. An' he pounded me
- iVhohTchoked' Sla. didn't het
Jaintt Wliitfcmh Kilry in the rtitlttrf.
f omtliin: tor tht New Voir.
Tho wor!d-rfnontd ancceBS of Hos'eUer'l
Stomach Bittern, and th:r cantlnaei po;alar
lly for over & third of a century as a stomachic.
Is scarcely norc wonderful than the welcome
that greets tha annual aiunamnco of nojtetter'
Almanac. 'l"hl valuable mc-iical treaiiss is
published by Tho Hostetter Comranr, Pitts
burg, Vb... unJr their owu luimrdiate Burerris
ion. employing sixty hand In hv department,
fheyaru running about elorcn montbs in ths
rear on this work, and tbe issue of siine for itoi
r ill be ninro than ten ndllions. printed in tbe
Fnulib,, French, Welsh, Norwegian.
Swedish, Holland. Foheinian. and Spanish lan
cnages. Jtarer to a copy of it for Aaluable and
iiiteresting riadici; ccncernlng boaltb, aud na
melons testimonial a? to tbe efficacy of Ho,
t tier's S'omach Dittn. amusement, varied
infcrnmtin:i, mtroiicrcical calculations and
;broi:uloj:cal ite.m, etc, which can be depended
oi. for corrr encsa. The Almanac for 1801 can
bo obtaiued fue of cot, from drngaistB and gen
eral country dealer a In al! raits ot tho country.
Taken In.
A Detrolter who deals in real estate,
law,, loans, law suits, politics,
i tc., etc., went over to Chicago the other
day. While Hearing that city a man
esme to him and confidentially remarked:
"Tht re's a chap in th car back there
trying to get a SS0 bill changed. It's a
base counterfeit, and I want to put you
on your guard."
He was warmly thanked for his kind
ness, and passed on, and five minutes
later a man appeared with a bill iu his
hand and asKi-d:
"Frh-nd, can you change this twenty?''
Sorry to say I can't," was the prompt
Well, h-t mc have ten, and you keep
the bill until we Ret to Chicago."
"Can't do it."
'Can't toil let mo have the?"
"iVrhaps.yon aro afraid of the bill. I
don't claim to know much about money.
Is it good er bad?"
"It's a counterfeit."
"I'm Hire of It."
It can't tc. I'll bet the face value
of it that it is a good bill. Lend me S3
on it. won't you?"
"No, Mr, but I'll tako that bet of yours
that tho conductor won't accept it as
"Well, it will be worth SCO to find out
about it." iav the stranger, and off they.
went to the conductor.
Give me two tens for this?" brusquely
qurrh d the stranger as lie handed out
the bill.
"If I can," replied the conductor,
sratcely glancing at it.
He nipdo out a ten and two fives and
passed them over, and the Betroitcr
handed over tho amount of his bet,
kicked himself into the next car, and ho
never saw a bit of Lake Michigan as the
train made its way into Chicago Detroit
jfrec Press.
AitE yon suffering from Liver or Kidney
troubles', and do you wan an absolute, pos
itive cure? California Kidney Tea lias been
tested for years and has never failed in a
single case. It will not fail to give you a
permanent euro for any Liver or Kidney
trouble. Largo packages are sold for 50
cts. Ack your druppist for it. Sent post
paid on tcccipt of price by CAi.iror.NiA Kid
ney Tea Co.. Fairfield. Io.
A si'Eakek at an anti-tobacco meeting
in Washington the other day frankly ad
mitted that, under certain circumstan
ces, the use of tobacco resulted in the
saving of life. This caused consterna
tion iu the meeting, until she for it was
a woman explained her remark by ray
ing that cannibals will, under nn circum
stances, tat a missionary who Is a
tobacco user. To the pood ladles pres
ent, this was was conclusive, but the ar
gument might work just the oiher way
with a young man who was preparing to
go as a misMoiiary among cannibals. He
would begin to use the "filthy weed,"
simply as a measure of self-protection.
Of health and Mrength renewed and of ease
and con:f rt follows the use of Ft rup oJ
Fls. as It bets in bormony with naturo U
effectually elenso tbe syfctcni vben costlvi
or billou":. Fcr sale in 00c and Si bottles by
H Icadins druKRists.
Somk preachers put their listeners
asleep with dreary discourses: but tho
l'ev. David KaufTmann, of Indiana, rc
rrs"s this and puts himself asleep while
in thr- pulpit. Whiie apparently asleep
and unconscious, it is said that he de
livers sermons of amazing eloquence. l--
THROAT DISEASES cowmenco with a
Cou-hCild or So;e Throat. "Brovn'a Bron
f'ii"l Tmchtf plvo immediate- lelicf. Sold
ciiy f n hoxe. Vt ice 25 tib.
Tiie mobt dreaded result of the Indian
et itcment is the revival of all the
Sioux-pcrannuated jokes on the subject
When Baby rrz3 sieV, we garc her Castorla,
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla,
When c becamo Miss, she clua to Casioria,
When she bad ChUOren, she cave them Caetoria,
A GroRfiiA man has raisrd a Mexican
crcumbcr weighing fifty-three rounds.
It rrseniblrs a g:en citron.
of mhn ma BEAST.
1 The success of ihi Great Couph Cure, is
without a parallel in the history of medicine.
All druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos
' itive gnarsntee, a tet that no other care can soc
1 cessfnlly stand. That it may become known,
the Proprietor, at an enormous expense, axe
niacin? a Sample Bottle Free into every hoate
' in the United 5ates and Canada. If you have
' a Coajh, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it,, for
' it will cure yon. If your child has the Croup,
or Whooping Coaib,"use it promptly, and relief
1 is sare. If r,oa dread that insidious diseax
Consumption, nse it. Ask your Druggist fit
' SHILOH'S CURE, Price locts., 50 cts.aad
Si eo. If your I-ungs are sore or Back laae,
1 use Shiloh's Toroai l'lasier. Price 25 eta, .
WVniEitowf termaiicEt homes for a no.1?
! be-'J (ApLB IJl.- aiid -i l.ire'i. i.-l ccslb! -1
pa:t'- v.lo mil tc adcut br:xht. htaltliy.rr
rll-rjiclnl ( ln.i;t t tprreap nt . ,
, us VliiLUttKVf AII fOClKTl'. if
Tu-tortas- of rercTaeroB ia4 BtrejS
bdabelt; Sac C tikty; ToWii ..
IArsest iMroitTATiosr ot draft stallions
to America this 6eason. Quality tho very
best. First-class horse, either breed, f
Two asd thrco year's time, 8 per cent., ou-
abllng horse to pay for blmscir.
A wife who knows many wives says:
"Some husbands, when they g.t home at
night, tell their wives all about the busi
ness of the day, and about their bank
account, and about the people they met,
&nd about what was spoken of, and
about everything else. Other husbands
never tell their wives about their doings
during the day, never speak of tho state
of their finances aud hcVer refer to tholr
business in their households. The wife
of such a husband knows nothing of his
affairs, anil Is apt to be upset by bad
news or crushed by finding out that he
Isjm the road to ruin. From What I have
kowh through my acquaintance with
mart? families for long years, 1 am ready
to say that a hnband should always tell
his wife about his business and about
the affairs of the day."
How's TbUt
We offer Ono nundred PollaroTJewnrd for au
ase of Cat an h that cannot bo cured br taMug
Halle Catarrh Cure.
K J. CHEXKY S. CO.. Trops.. Toledo. O.
We. the nnJersls'O1, hive known F. J. rhs
reyfortho last fifNeu year, and believe him
rerfectly honorable ia all business trans a-tlons
and fnancially able to carry out any obligation
made by their firm.
West A- Tjsoas, Wholesale Prnrslsts, Toltdo.O.
Wamiixo. Rinnan A Maivin, Wholesale Drng-
rM, Toledo. O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taVn Internally. acting
tlinjcUy npon th biooi and inrcoas si.rfaccsof
the system. ico 73c r-er boltle. Eoll by all
T&E method by which tho solo
searches for focd is peculiar, lie taps
the "sandy bottom with his head, guided
apparently by sight only: when the tac
tile filaments find something edible he
immediately seizes it with a vigorous and
sudden snap of the lower half of the
jaws, where the teeth aro situated, but
never snaps at anything not first local
ized by his feelers. He eats marine
worms, shrimps and very small shell
fisdi. Millions of women use Dobbins' Electric
Soap daily. aid say It is the he-land choap
est. If tkey are right, tfououclit to uso It.
If wronc. otic trial onlv will show yon. Ibiy
a bar of your grocer and try It next Monday.
Wriii.TS cutting a big cypress tree near
Astor, Fia., .lohn Wibon found it occu
pied by a living alligator seven feet lour.
As the opening in the tree was not half
largo enough for tho animal to get
through, tho presumption Is that it
crawjed in while quite young and lived
on other animals and reptiles that sought
refuge there.
A child cannot toll what ails it. A shrewd
mother will not tako chances but will try
Dr. JJull'd Worm I'ostroyers at once. Do i't
1st youraruziis-t any other klad of
worm candy. IuUs Is tho host.
Of thirty pedestrians injured on the
streets cf Cincinnati in ono month twenty-five
owed their injuries to tho care
lessness of female drivers, and, as a re
sult, thero i? a call for an ordinance to
prevent any woman from driving horses
in that city.
If afflicted with Soro Eyes, nso Dr. Isaac
TitmhcmV Vvi Wnrpr. Trn'?'7sts fioll it. Its.
Tiie wife of a man named Hodges at
Carthage, Mo., has given birth to a girl
baby who weighed just eight ounces
when she mado her advent into the
The best cough niedicino is Flso's Cure
for Consumption, siold everywhere. C5c.
"Does the cellar leak!" "No. It's
had two feet of water in it ever since
I've been in the house. Not a drop has
got out!"
Nervous 111--
Tills euro Bilious
"Yor r.E just t'ic man I've Ijcen laying
for," as the brickmasou said to the con
Tntt'sIJrrr rills surt na kindly ea tho
child, the delicate female it iufirm old
age, as npon tbe vigorou man.
Tuffs Pills
gfretomand strength tothe weak atoaa-
mCBf Beweis, Hianryaua iwuwn
Such as Wind and Pain in the Stomach, Fulnes3 and Swelling after Meats,
Dizziness, and Drowsiness, ColdChills.Flushings of Heat, Los3 of Appetite,
Shortness ofSreath. Costheness, Scurry. Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed
Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations &c.
For Sick Headache, Weak Stomach, Impaired
Dinestion. Constioation, Disordered Liver, etc.,
theT ACT UKEtfAOIC. Strengthening tbo
verier: oriESiiiB o-icic iiiefeff-i eigzo, appzutt, nu- uiuiuik, .... ... ..u-- -HEA'T"
ibe Khole cttislcal encrcy ot tbo human frnrrn. Oi-o of tho best piiamntM-s
Prp:r-d only Ty TMOf. BEECHAM. St. Ifelen. f.aneartlre. EnrliMiil.
Bold btf lfrnraMonrrfiiiy. b. r.
BEfcUIIAM -Illi on iir.i-r.iij
IttYBIM)THERS,MWernmS-,NewYcTk. PrlotW
BMt Conch Medicine.
r . r .T.,n nil pIb. fails.
toU Children tako it without objection. By drupjriata.
The Northwestern Stove Repair Gs. of Chicago,
Manufecturcrs and g,fSSM3a,acW,4
Ask your Hardware Dealer to order for you.
1. Name of Stove -
2. Nurnbsr of Stovo
3. Name of Maker
4. Latest Date ol Patent
5. "Wood or Coal
6. Is Coal put in on top by removing lids?
7. Is the lining Brick or Iron?
8. Has tne bottom Grr.'.e one or more ps.rts ?
9. Give your naraware aeaier me iietuuea ui yaj. t w cmLcia
BE SURE to order from your hardvarc deale: omy.
what you vant from us.
tic money -win make it as gocd
Boor to -M-jTarn''MAii-TD rur.
KABni:i.t izy.a t.Tis t::.. ati. wrA. ea.
jaxz.i ..w3i:kis
tysniiiiK.'-',!, u. t .
aSiKv-r-c-iliv Prortscuic-J ma-ms.
JLtSrf jdnaliatn!nt "J r.Fpn'on HjVo.
-j .. ij. i.,i. . .- .. k.
aaali: t a? mmetA lor cfrcalt
i r
i ji
Ansa" BelmoBt's Spet1tt
Ono of tho foreigners who came to
something was tho lato August Belmont.
Ho must have had a clear mind and a
level head to win and hold his high posi
tion In finance, in society and on tho turf;
but, nevertheless, he was one of the most
superstitious of men and allowed him
self to bo Influenced in business by
what most people consider trivialties.
For example, he told me on tbe Mon
mouth race track that lib horses would
not win, because a flock of blackbirds
liad crossed his path that morning.
"1 saw the blackbirds in the field," he
related, ''and said to myself, 'U dey fly
across, I shall lose ' So I walked my
team carefully, carefully. But. no!
Just as I came opposite de birds flew In
front of me. wheeled about and crossed
mc again. I shall not go to de stables.
1 have sent for ray trainer to tell him it
Is of no use trying to win to-day."
Fancy one of the kings of finance, the
chairman of the national democratic
committee, being thus influenced. At
another timo ho "was in radiant spirits
because a little bird had flown Into his
bathroom and allowed itself to he fed.
"I shall have good Itickl" he ex
claimed: "wait, and you shall see.
That day he won three, principal races.
Indeed, a curious phase of his super
stitions was that they generally turned
out to be correct. When he felt that ho
was going to lose, he did lose; when ho
imagined" that he would win, he did win.
This may be explained by coincidence,
or by the fact that his trainer and
jockeys were shrewd enough to humor
his whims, knowiuc that ho would
rather justify his superstitions than cap-
ture a race. But, whatever the expla
nation, the fact that such a man should
be subject to such caprices Is wonderful.
Two soft-shelled
eggs connected
licament of tho same material
as the
a hen
hell, were laid th other day by
in law Paw, Michigan.
From Father
To ion. Ihrjush Bencntion atter ceneratlon. tho
tsint of icroln's der-csad tlirocuh the blood, b lirtst
inB life and liattehhwt death. Tbe great majority of
cases cf crof uls sad other blood dUeasrs are hcrcd
itary. and thertforo dlUlcult to cure. 13 Jt wo-wlsh to
itato In the n:ost posltivoemphaUc manner that
llcod's SarapaM!a does curj "-scrofula ia every
form. Tho iuos.t revtr casa. teo tt rrlbla for desert p
tiou, uae jielded to this medicino when all others
faile 1. Tho srcVer iccludss tli les and if yoa
mffer from f crotula. s-vt rhouoi. or trapuxo blojd 1 j
any letm. late
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Bold by all dru.-giifc".
tj c. i. nooy co.
fxwell. Mass.
Prepare! oalr
100 Poses One Dollar
Chronic Cohoh Now! I
t Tor If jou do not It may becemo con- j
Fii'ip:le. tvr tniisttmptlim, brrofttin,
i Oeui-rttl IHbility and tlai'iifj Diea9.
5 thero Is nothing lii.
r y
Of Pure Cot! Lirer Oil and
Or Xjixxao asxel Sotln.
It Is ,-i'raist as palatable as njH'c. Tor I
better than oilier so-iv.Iicd Eiaulblous. 1
1 A wonderful flesh producer.
I Soott's Emulsion
l There ase poor Imitations. Oct thr tjmntnr..
erj & Optical Co.
ln?trner!ot.s 1'ISKKto
invrntorj. i-Vritiat
once for tiiud-bcok ol
,1. nTlLr.Us & CU WasaiiiSton. u.v.
AOrKTH. M'.e and re male, la
pverv tow n in I. S' to. ttl rur bjoi!
on cliintUsioo. Si-ail "c Manip fnr
r. ily.
muscular system, restoring iniiwj-
vt' rtrDcci'ttdo's nntkeMJ:ai'VI
allhh bu.,!)i wi wa h-,?i,,j;,17
s P-rrn.)
Recommended by Physicians.
Pleasant and acreeablc to tbe
He will order
Don't destroy ycur old stove, fcut repair it.
as new.
C it tile, ot
tfow to Ob
tain a fat
it. eutfr.
PATUtrx o'F.r.REt J.. Afl'y at r.arr.'
Tin atiJrMs8 rl BO'llrs wl.o
lir.ui-:eac.'u aie. cunibt-rot
49al nitTDC trre taan !aaiaaraai
OfJaLlJIbrf 9 l-fcn Jnr.e ?. la; I. and
(iirx iN. D.utr. Cc'oraJs. 4t!eutioo ts.1 paper.
ML.vriiN TIII5 rrnH aam.i to .tiiuuiu
I RftrcJ15!'.;.;..mlMe
tvdh LT liruu? I:t;rlj3l
i remtcle. o ktarr!atr u
' l&COCttSjCTlTTA. tinrLi rA
DS. U. TT. r. SSKliEK, s m., Ckkaf HI
Nam this psper vhen you write.
Help yoxvrwf -if
you're a uiTerin; woman, with .
the medicine that's been prepared .
especially to help yon Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription. It will doit .
where others fail. For all the dis- .
cases peculiar to the sex dragging
down pains, displacements, and other
weaknesses, it's a positive remedy. ?-
It means a new life, and a longer
one, for every delicate woman. In
every case for which it's recom
mended, it gives 'satisfaction. It's
guaranteed to do so, or tho money
is refunded.
It improves digestion, invigorate
the system, enriches the blood, dis-
pels aches and pains, produces re
freshing sleep, dispels melancholy
and nervousness, and builds up boto
flesh and strength. It is a legiti- -mato
medicine not a beverage.
Contains no alcohol to inebriate;'
no syrup or sugar to sour or"
ferment in the stomach and cause
distress. As peculiar in its mar- '
velous, remedial results as in its
composition. Therefore, don't ba
put off with some worthless com
pound easily, but dishonestly, rec
ommended to bo "just as good."
"Dr a ttioronira knowledge of the Baroraf twi
wh'ca aorerc the operail n of l!getion nnt nutrl
tl aij by a caro'ul ap;lto alo. f the fln reaper
ties or el- lecMM Cocoa. Mr. Epos has proTiar
onr breakfast tahlw with a delicately flavoured b
era;e wnich may iao iu many hey doctor bill
It Uoy tueji'licioii uta or aoi artlcla of dlel
that acoai:utioa aaybs cr !uallr buU: tipnnlt
tnnn enough to mlit oery tendency to dlMaia
llundredsof R.ibtln maladlca arj noatlns; around n
rccd'"t" at tact wneroTer ther la a weak po'nt
V may cap mmr a fatnl shaft by keeping our
t'lrc well rrtlSo t wltti pars W00J n-'d rroperlj
njurl-hcd fraiia." "Ciru .Vrri tlatt'e."
Jl-d i!-npl wit1 b-jlllat water or nitlc. foW
"nlr lna3lf-jrmJ 'Inv y roor. lbc!M'l thus:
JA.UES KPI t: CO.. Homoeopaialc ChetBtoH
V ONV:-TiI..t!t t'.U.t. foat bT my
tie I'ni cd's st -V a.l ut Mo t .1 ni arucl-. caro-
tul y packo I
w.i, lii Vaseltnn 10 ots.
(-aetto .in oli'MI'd Va-eline toniitu.
OKlfoIil erM'Tea-ii
Oa-.! of "iteeCa up!! -rice .-
r 1 .. t -.-... fin. H 1 nnHrnltil
. 15
One t vi-.- 031IIJ Ol o 5:iv -
0'. far p-
tt 7?rfc.
mi ne l
o 1 'i w ; mi 1 ' nx?i:
7r rriri
Kllllf 1 uiii-
unlen ';V'-.i r."tnir't t .1-
..... .m t i. .... f f h
h jliJ
.y.e.---u -- - -,.,. . , v
I E I'tlt.
ClsoeIr !:
3lZ- Vlt., -i i J. I J.' .--
.T-- jr-au-ifii-'-ir it ati.l the
i:i u i.- " -. '--.-"- . . . -.
a. .1. iu t ll a vrk.
KaTifarttjrlinMlil.r2.Tia-il '. o-J; fl
r' ' l . ?.. .-..t....Hi -.ti4 ivf ?!,; anal
:rnlliy anni:"ni ..-,. .wi.. w-..-. -;-'r. f."M f-r Li"- (.--milnj 'r.aJ.ff'Ji0i
... ..i,.. .. I.i. .!.nrrm:. Ihi SMITH
ri'awl hlirm"niri".a.Mrt!i ant ilat? cf patanta
ar .1 ar "a n! ir .- J P-r - m rvry il ta. In-
J'.frMvt"ii! t J'-.u an oritur -nt to oadrew
&o . re.VIe-y.-np' ?i. I rai-ful MtmUm.
ivnrlW'a!!"Mt I pric- r ru.hft upunap-
iiin. S5IIT11 & WESSON.
tr-MatoahfPM'r fjr.jCeM. Vim,
l.-V'.".'.. .:..... M ...,-sl i.non
413 Fifth Street,
Recnlar Cradnato in Medicine J8W
yfirs hpitiil and rrirnf vruetlr
tal.lNIic-il lu Moux rilv Mn
tar- I" Mill treaties: all I'rlvata.
Vfrvnuv Chronic unil Sovclal
tlisc.eA. Snermatorrhiti.
Scniiiinl trnlcnfii (iii;ii ic-.wj iiiijtniesiey
ILzurl "rvnl potcri. ard ail I'emal Ilraa.
frrfsii'arlfff. ite. Ciiren Knarantt-t or
monej- rcr.niI., C'liargte! fair. Twrma
mail. Ae ami xprrl'nr nriT Important, fto In-lnrioii-
nicllric-s mcd-iVo'lTr.' lm fremworkor
l.iitn-s-atlnt a n oi'Uarf Ueatrd I y mall
lli-llrinrt tent trrrj.errr frrt fmm piz anabrta
js'-M.i' vivr ran mil n-n.l f ilnlin ana
trmi nnllatlnn Mrlitlr cntlde' tlal. perron
clly t hr letter lr. WMI liaa tlio lararaat
Jlrfliral and Sureirnl Iratltute nnl KT
anil Kar Intlrmarv In thf W-at- nro for
ratlcnts at fair rate. faei:tlr to iuf'1 anr mw
?nry A ynl-t llnmo nnd ' fir ont rXvl fnr
;iIlfj liurinn t'rtynartry nnd roti.di'r.-n'H' f-ndlv,
poataef for Illutrnt-d ROOK mil SlfclUCAI
.J4)i;HNAI.. (Xar-Mentlvn tbltpopTj
Vlltr? UlllaTIAI Or. Beforo Marriage "
invalethedom-;t-5-anctnrr. lbeiKraT. Ivrth
SabntaVemeof jr-j.orab' th- hojecf rfft
n".ra"il refrn. by awafcenteir -.Urm 'h."I'
f?,q"cy ami horrlbto .nner.r of !yetta
rrirl-ecoiild ttc i:thor to iw npna 111" '"-"fHOI
Enitli.h deth.i'lk f ri-h. Prlc r .ft.a Wl nt port
Pidtonydl.Menre ;.--":
celptof pnee. SO State Mxact. Ctilca
itiMlOt. THIS TATER ir. wicim Drs-ree-
Tho Dtrabilily Dill 1 a !w. Soldier dlaaMed ter
tiie war ire fiottUsd. DpsuS-t wldovra and parent
raw dependet hce on dii mm (JFteis of army
arrrlce are Included. If ton wlh youTCztimovea
Ily and af.-cful)y prv- llUrC Tlliat
cuted. addrem JARfLd IHIffllLlf.
Lato ComLilaalon:rn Predion 4. nASIIItlll. . C.
Want to Know
'if tin rinirin Tattn.
hit i j
illifjjlll wrrrl ,'Wlit tmtuetmL
Hour lo i
r "J I'jnamtia nnl imhscrttinn, .
fnrt In ell forrnm of diimt.
Gtil Vjr. Rtiv'urr. nttmonu, rte .
TV " JttiniaaalliantpTif 6iMav
Doctors Droll Joke. prtfoly inla
nd ten rnt for w Ltugh Cure Book callM
M. iril.1. 1'L'I CO.. 123 Ertt iSlh R' New Tork-
T.AOTf7ES.n; tr t Due'8T(,rlodleal"Ping.fro?B
Trwt. Frnr. Etlbi .bM la Eirop-, 1933. E-j a..4. H&O; Casai!.
1979; to.t4 SttUt, 1 v. Ccri all sippr-atta,. lrr.filarlt, r I
awotb'j d-r5 a-ali. Sf-, rm!.rlUhI. Thy '(!!
mlsttbuka Jarlnzprt-ia''j. To. lj propcttlca cfira
tc !iVViI1 n r liable U 13. i'r-'t r-iolt f a t MbH tea
Kot piUral.; -i nlt't crn-zxpttHa. f J pki,r J f.r t,
p-rwuT.ln i!la ni"'i--i.e'"p., r-ptcf pur. TTw t.
cn Piil Cx, VRa; .n u.l R-.i'Tj Vnrprtyt:
Ti- r-co""- pi I r h iZVdvricK. A DSLO.V0.1rtcrr,'j,
isnx Cl, Io ... -.Vu.... 4.4 IU'.1 A;lU.
MrtTIOV THIS rATTT. r warn- to iimnWL
for forma for application ant fall lntorpMa
tt"rae Law-WaaliTiKteB. I. C
(afaatton Una Paptrj
Uind waaTinenTl. Bnokalrarrc-l
ia imf wMliuf. TratiraoDialafrtrt .
paa of tho alob. Prpctusro ,
ran. awit a aoplicatmn to Yr V
A. LoiatttM. S37 JTnUi Ae. Sew Yv.V.
Tr-ftTiiilag tfMj
Balaam enrra Fn iii
rPrial r.
or aala br all drniuuta ar at offir. Fnr c'rr-.
tnrrfTinrfala aiTiliaaa .Ifh if i mi TW n.lV.v
BSTDX. I Stata St Chicaao.
f2- Ask yofjr Ornifist to order it for y:f-
jetiu.n nus rarzr. -m. to . ..,... ..
curra cold er tender
Swollen or Beniurinff
SmaCer Shoe nar be won with coesfcrt. v '
at Prur Stores, w ay nuu. Trial ratiijeai'I ' 'u,:'
ftamehTrt frr a Av,
TRt rtniNF. co..
Wor.LQ ButLCINC. Ns. r
Kaaw-t la ttr Cftttj t mi la tte tterti Sl.-
iaiustils frei Cpu Gmun. ti Cataf f D.ii.i
( iLcIaDai!. Cirrle3ttt. rnrulit Ir.- -Oraaaaa
IcttlTc Haraaa Ca. a-sa. Cl-.U
8. C. X. U.
No. 32-'Ji
(;oii fir.i4niK:?5'-rij.
i.r:-. i smith .'-- v rst-o i iTTitA
nn. r 'l'li-f..t nu'!-.imi II xl ?i
jt sxm
Slow lo n'tRlSrS
Mime In amliil'fi.
I Haw la en rklnTTTV
I lime to mi (KbJtn4
lanfl nnoln4rtxf
Iratril. l-
aaVSaLaa ataaaMS
aaaaSaBBBBa aaBBBTtVaal
h V-
ot - C
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