ii 0imrcL -.i-r T jatemte 4 n v V z 3 'I i I iVl ('I '1 VOLUME XXI.-NUMBER 36. DinEcronsi a ANDERSON. tWt. O.T.BOCT.CaaMeT. . P AXDEEfOX. r AWDK!.SQJL JAf'OB GRElEN, ltBNflT RA LAQATZ. JOiDiJ.BULUVAN. HrsI National Bank COX.T7M&T79. NEB. Report cf Condition ?.Iaj 17, 1630. 'nrjcjriiroKti 138.979 33 s ut.c ' js 2 3 1 0 l.c J e-zt.lt. t irn tire l r.ztur .. 11,913 5 I--. :r-o Le.-biaVo. . .S5,7T2.;J U. Itea'U'f. .. C73.C0 ' &: tWJ ". ...13,479 15 99.eiJ.67 j U,7ii. CO ' MaSII.ITTT. "iiriMit!i z. rn!T-iIr. r.t ' i-!S;iia 13 o titm'Inj . I fil CO I..S LD- Jpc,;jr I0.3M.O) 1J.4S li less: .si iM.iai ca fj'.u.w.rr.r, (fearris. n. KII.XA'V. .. DFt'TCHElt ADVOKAT, OSice orr Co'cabaa 8tte Eank. CelucbM NcbrcEk. P?:.I.IV4 A Ur.EDEH, A TTOIiXE YS AT LA IP, f)?ir o-r Firet Kettonal I'tok, ColRiubca, Ntbraskn. T-V.X DRAY and EXPRESSMAN. Ij;ht isd heavy Lschnir. Good handled with -;-. I!wiacstic'r at J. P. Brcker&Oeatc-e. T'-'npLose. IS mad Zi. 22maj-Srii V7AURLE & EBADSUAW JL SricteMorj fo .Facile BAe?I). BRICK MAKERS ! ff?Cmtr.c!or acd bsildera will Cad cai brick Crat-deae and offered at reejocahle rates. "v.V aio t'.so prepved to do all kisdi of brick Jm K. TURNER & CO., Prepritors ri2d Publiehera of lb , c:iTK2r3 ;:;z::ii t:i . km. riin.T ;:;syAi, Roth. rM-i nid to nsT addreef . for S2.(i a rear. tri-tly in eirsacp. I 4HILY Jf't'llvL, $1.00 j-r r. IV. A. McA LUSTER. W. M. COKKELIUS M' ; cALI.IS 1 i:r & corklius ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ColasAyar. Neb. RGBOYD, A-trrAcrrrr.ra or Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware! Job-Work, Roofing and Gutter iag a Specialty. Wr'Ehnp ia 12lh itret. Krane Tro.' old Hand on T hirleeoth f'.rrJ. r2if Cis. F. Krvrp. Fp.i!csB. Ksaft KNAPP BROS.. Contractors and Builders. KsUmt fnrr.ishrd on brick aad tont"Wkk mil i!atrii:. i rw. Bpcii v.watioi cite to itt'ns boiler, rnastle. etc 6tAiTli2 tM t :ck polntiac old or tr brick worK uWf. rat prwtd brick, a p?riajty. f":-ffpohon' o)icitd. R?fr3- girea. 22msrlr KXAPPBF.f. Co3uiabi, b. LAND FOB SALE. A FINE IMPROVED FARM for ai ia SheU Crck-railer. . rsr tolcaiba, costatrung jnu ocim o l&cd: eboat lit arr nn.ier colUTatioc, 10 act' hraTily tialvred. r- tnainapr inotlj- m ciovf-r ana bine icrav pstare nii bay land; liO fmit trees. apple. pr. :hrrr, plcmr. ttc. otc barir.: all kiJ of ironiatl trcs nad ehrabs: VA fal)-b-aring jrrape Tiac. Thr faro ratire in fenced, and di 'dl icto psiall Celdi by Jeac. Dwelling botea ! trea rocni?. irratii., ctira crib, larse liorr tsble with bcy-iao'. cattle bra winch hclds 60 tons cl hay; hog hon; t v-lU: raasies "atcr !a t3-Ktnrc. For tcrtbr irtScnlars inaniTv at JcrSNALoScc, or addrew, II. B eve of Joce-xii- Coloscbtt. NJir. TlaajU A STRAY LEAF! DIARY. THE JOURNAL OFFICE roB CARDS. ENVELOPES, NOTE HEADS. BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS, DODGERS, ETC. SUBSCRIBE NOW THE COLUaWS JOURNAL. awr THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE, .IT QfftrBotXfor a Tear, mi JIM. Tfc Jocmsax. ia acksov)dcd t6.be the bast ews aad family paper ia Platte eoent.aaa' Tae Amerie?? Macasia ia the ealyaica rlaaaiapais ly eaajwxiae dVroted entirely to AiiriM Lttrta tare. American Thought aad rim, aau Ir tbe efiiy decided expoaeat of Aawnaaa Iaatita-l-oc. ft a good aa aay of the older aaca- ahef . fcroitbing in a year over 1.SM Vf of ta riott.-t literatsre. written Ity thaaltiaM Aneri-- authors. It ia bezatifalbr illtntsd. ano : nrhxci:hcharo;inf cor tinned and ciort atoria. No oora sppropr&te prcefc- rs' U fctd tuBsye&r'a tabaeription to Tbe iasea It will L ipii!j brilliant deriac tba yec iff. Tte prlca ui Juzuui. ia $2.00. aad TVs Aaeri asMacaftUMbJt&W. WaaSaraaUfu ttk . I FRESH HEWS OF THE DAY. Information Gleaned From All Quarters of the Universe. THE STATE OF TRADE R. O. DUN & CO.'S WEEKLY RE VIEW OF THE SITUATION. Batlnew CouiIr.iiFH jirj But tr ptlbl Lots r FcIins or Corifldct ComplalatB r Slotr C-jllectlous-llope for ae Improretr.nt Sjo. New York, Dec. 20. K. r. Dun & Co.'s weekly review of trad" says: Uusl- ness continues larec for tLo seaon, but there Is a perceptibk loss of the feollDR of confidence. The cause? r.ppar to be: .) the prospect of Important monetary ; IcElslatloii. the efforts of v.ii"h arc not clearly foreseen: (i. i the frequent fail ures and greater difficulty in raaking collections, and (.':,) less satisfactory con ditions in some largo branches of Indus try. Probably more people ar afiettrd as to business unuettakinirs, often uncon sciously, oy the uncertainty of finan cial legislation and i' etTef.- than by any other cau'. Thoush the rate for money on fall N lower than a week ai?o. and money I- low"T r.t i;o ton and Pliiladelphia. tlj. r '? stili a strins'-ncy at most pJiiit throushout the connr". fotnnlaintj of slow coi Sction have rarely beon more general, and in many ea-fS settlenints can iw tnad only with nol"i or renewal. Hut In all quarters th'-re Js hope thst after .Ian. 1 thinss may improve in tlii rs 1 (. I if legislative presiie.is do not m'-an-wh:l c:lue greater shrinl'ir of credit and curtallmen' of purchase Foreign influenT? are not now disturbing. Ex port? of products for the two weeks of December from New York show a gain of per cent, over iat ytar and the to tal of Iat Dei-ember w.-i- hardly ever surpassed. Though import? continue heavy they are greatly rvvd:ul by the export n pre-ent. Export of cot ton thus far this mouth exceed last year and alo of provisions, but there is a heavy decrease in grain caused by the speculative prfe? iicir Ti-H'ie at tho south is fair, a most points reporting; healthy at NewOrlean with larger cotton receipts; dull at Mem phi?, but more confident at Little Bock; slightly improved at Montgomery and good at Nashville; less confident at Jack sonville, ind at Atlanta the accumula tions of cotton are large. Money is very close at all points, the banks helping customers as far as they can. but collections are not up to the av erage. Across the Mississippi, St. Louis has 5 ! colder weather favoring all lines of trade, but at Kansas City the holiday trade is below the average. At Denver tho trade is only fair. At Salt Lake it is improving some. At Omaha it is fair. At Minneapolis it is steady for lumber and improving in prices for flour, and at St. Taul confidence is retnrninc. Col lections in this region are onlv fair. At Chicago the receipts of wheat and wool are a third below last year's; of hides larger and of other products about tho same. The sales of merchandise exceed last year's. Money is firm and regular, business is supplied and there is confidence in the immediate future. At Mijwaukee and Detroit the trade is good. Xt Cleveland it is fair and at Cincinnati very quiet in wholesale lino. Pitts burg reports moro confidence in tho trade in manufactured iron and in glass it Is slower and Bessimer booms are iowcr. The banks are less apprehen sive but cautious. Confidence improves at Ioton. Though money is easier at Philadelphia, the noteworthy feature is the general difficulty of collections, especially in iron, paints, oils, jewelry and glasf. Trade is fair in all these line and glass plates arc stiffcr, but lower price are expected in wool, and the demand for tobacco is light. The anthracite coal trade i demoral ized, and restrictions of the output do not restrict. A general break-up of the ..ffibinc is being apprehended. Iron shows no improvement at Philadelphia or here. The demand for finished pro ducts generally Js slack and the closing of more furnaee's is likely to be forced. Copper is unsettled, but tin is a shade stronger at 20.55 cents and lead at 4.10. The dry goods trade feels the influence of recent failures and o the strincen'j in commercial loans. In th speculative markets the ten dency has generally been downward, though wheat is 1J cents higher than a week ago in spite of the phenomenaliy largo exports and the accumulating stocks. Corn is 2K cen-s lower; pork 75 cents per barrel; hogs 45 cents per 100 pound, and oil a fraction lower. Cotton and coffee are unchanged for the week. It is noteworthy that the speculative markets arc all hesitating in the feeling that monetary legislation may indefi nitely alter the situation. Hence the largely increased immediate supplies of money by the Imports of gold, and treasury disbursements have less effect than might be expected. The business failures occurring throughout the country during the last seven days number 404 as compared with 374 last week. For the corresponding week of last year the fisures were 342. DESPERATE MINERS. They Sheet Down the Men IVIio Attempt to Go to Work Coder the Scale. Birmingham, Ala.. Dec 20. At the Coleburg mines a number of miners who baa signed an agreement to quit the Mineworkers' union and return to work, were fired upon by parties In ambush. Jim Galvin. a striker, was arrested charged with the shooting. Written no tices were found posted all about the Coleburg mines warnincall striking min ers not to return to work under the penalty of death. Tho company has officers guarding tho men at work. Samnier Climate In North Dakota. Dickinson, N. D.. Dec. 20. The weather for the past month In this whole section has been the finest ever experienced by the oldest settler. The sun has shone with excessive brightness and heat. One only knows that it is ap proaching winter by the lack of vegeta tion and foliage. To-day numbers of children can be seen running around bare-footed and without hats and coat, not on account of poverty, but because they arc more comfortable. At railway headquarters the thermometer registered 50 degree above zero at noon. There are no signs of a change. TfelBka He Will Be Able to Pay la mil. Chicago. Dec 20. W. D. Budd has bees appointed receiver for the property of,Brmvton Bnshee, real estate dealer aod.;bnilderof;this city. Bnsbec's lia bilities aro estimated at about $200,000. He claims he will be able to pay in full andhave something left. Uaageroualy III With Pneumonia. St. ArGCSTTNE. Fla . IK-e. 20.John DoVlins, of Detroit, a leading member of the executive board cf ihe Knights of Lator. Is here dangerouslj ill 'a It h pneu monia. His wife has been telegiaplied lorV- FORCED TO THE WALL. Ths boi of ilie Private Unrikln; Hobs lf 9. A. Eras & Co. Cloned. Chicago, Dee- IS. The private bank ing house of S. A. Kcan & Co., one of the oldest in Chicago, will not open its doors bday. Mr. Kcan made a state ment lb the rircs5,lat night announcing the suspensiori. lie declined to estimate the liabilities or the assets, but was dt the opinion that every claim will be paid in full. They have ben negotiatine some time, he said, for a reorcanization. either a a state or national bank, and expected to reorganize without stopping busir.es?. It had been" fdund. however, that it would be impossible in a short t'.me tc raise the ncces-axy funds to con tinue b'-i:iess with safely, pendins the re."nra: zation. It w,-.. thereupon deter mined to accept the nct wisest course suspension. "Our buMnes," continued Mr. Kean. "has gron too rapidly the last year or two for our capital, and the stringency of the money market made it impossible for us to turn over the e- curities again at once after w had loaned money on them. Our nominal capital was 5100,000, bnt in,the reorgan ization It would be 500,000.'' Pj:oviLknce. R. I.. Dec. 1. Owen Dros., agents of the Atlanth will-, have assigned. Liabilities larae. The mills will continue running as usual Manager Stephen O. Metcalf. under ABOUT SAN SALVADun. tier Nctt MinUtar to the United State- Talks About HIS Country. Cnic.oo. Dec. 1. Gen. B. M. Molina Guiro, Sau Salvador's first euvoy "Mm ordinary and minister ileniKtentiar to the United States, with a lare Nimily and retinue of servants and Interpreters, i in the city on hi way to Washlnztou. Hitherto San Salvador has been spas modically represented at Wasliincton by special envoy, but from now on he wiil have a legation at our capital. Oh. Guiro was at tho head of San Salvador's army during the late Central American outbreaks. Speaking through an inter preter, he said: The chief matter that t bbnll bring before Secretary Blaine will be the informal ioa that San SaHador is extremely an.iou? to market bcr valuable products in the line of indigo, coffee, suzar, balsam. peruvU and mabozany in the United states, and that if the United States will furnish a certain -nra, the San Salvador government will adanc a like amount to be used as a subsidy for a line of suaniers to ply between our ports and the United States. This 19 the pet plan of our president, Grat Pu Carlos Eze'a All of the Central American states have sizned treaties of peace, but so far the union of states has not been realized, and there are no Immediate hopes of an amalgama tion. Costa Elca, Nicaragua and Guate mala are Insurmountable objects in the path of peaceful union. The country of tfan Salvador is rich, good school abound and the people are more prosperous and refined than tboseof theneizhborinz state-, bence a union is undesirable. Do not think me bombastic, but time will prove my as sertions. San Salvador is the rising United Statei of the isthmus. STARVED IN BIG STORES. Cash Gtrls Have No Time to Kat Kxrepi a They Hun. Chicago, Dec. IS. All the female health inspectors aro now investigating the charees recently made by members of the Woman's alliance that little casL girls in the big stores are being over worked and underpaid; that they die. not get sufficic:ittime to rest or eat their meals, and were compelled to work overtime in many of tin places without gettina even a chance tc eat their suppers. Also that they do not receive extra pay for overwork. The In spectors on investication have found that in many stores these children work over fourteen hours a day for wages av eraginz from 52.50 to S3 per week. Thej get down at S o'clock In -the morning ant are compelled to eat their lunches in squads, commencing at the arbitrary hour of 10 o'clock, some not getting r chance to eat until 2. Then they wort till P o'clock in the evening without any thing to cat until they cot home. Tin health authorities threaten to puhlisl the names of those who subject thes children to inhuman treatment. IMPROPER USE OF A FRANK This Is the Charg Democrats Urlnf Acatnst Attorney-Gent ral Miller. iNDiANAroi is, Dec IS. An effort i being made to have the federal grant jury, now In session, indict W. If. II Miller, attorney.gcnetal of th" fnitec State. The charge brought aga;nt thi attorney-general is that he scut thrnugt the roailsa private Jetterover his oflieia frank. Last summer. It is alleged. th attorney-general wrote a private lette: to .T. F. Kobinson. of this 1 ity. upon r.o litieal matters. The letter was ehei publicity by the recipient at the time. Tho democratic county committee got possession of the letter and used it a- a campaign document at the lat 1 lec tion. Now the charge is made that tin- en velope in which that lettvr was mailed did not bear a postage stamp. The law provides that any public officer who hall use a "franked'' official envelope or any other than official bu-ine?s shall be fined 5300. Those who want Mr. Mil ler indicted say this letter was a private one, was so marked, and that t! attorney-general clearly violated the -.w h; sending the epistle under his frank. The grand jury has b"en notified of the alleged violation Of- the law and will probably hear the witnesses won. TVorldV Fair and sool.y Ctolnr. Chicago, Dec- IS. A movement fur Sunday closing of the Chicago fair lias issued in an address to be forwarded to the relieious press of the country for ap proval and signature. The Chicago Lir- i"?iy Church (P. E.) has returned the ad- ' dress unsisned, with the following ex planation: "The editor of the L'ting Church will ad- vocate the closing of tbc exposition Sun days, at least as far as all industrial and commercial activities connc-icd wiili it. He cannot see, however, that there i- any more harm In walkinz throuzh the park. ' and halls and conservatories- of tin e.xjK-si-Uon on the lord's day tl an in carrylnz op ; great mass meetinzs' for tbc di-cu-sion of moral que-tions. Indeed, the exposition would seem to be tlte best place for tin-1 holding of such meetiuzs. n view of the f fact that the city will be crowded durins , the season referred to with a multitude who , have for the time no home but the hotels. , boarding horse, and Mlocns. the manager- i would seem to be foiJowinz the law of 1 mercy and not sacrifice" by kcepinz open i Sunday afternoon such portions uf the ex- po-ition a above indicated." ' Hogs for Mcxlco.- San Antonio, Tii., Dec. 1 ?. The hog trade with Mexico has been opened up again, and yesterday six carload ol , hogs from Chieago passed through this i.i- !, .. . .1- . V VlltJVL,LlJJyiexicSr Ihe trade was paralysed about a month ago by a New Mexican tanffofSS.oOaU. v. aM, tnm. .... head on each cog imported. Chicago. St: Lonis and Kansas City dealers, how-' ever, have received tho trade, oh ins to the demands of the Mexicans. Pork has gone up in the City of Mexico from 5 to , 12 cents on account of the tariff. Heavy Snow In the South. Knoxvu-LE, Tenn.. Dec. IS. Snow ' ha been falling in this section since Tuesday. The S'.-hc-duiof trains on the Norfolk & Western railroad had to be abandoned on account cf the deep $tutw. In southwest Ylrginia-a heavy snow fall is also reported. COlumSus, seMaskA, WEfl&ESfiAf . December 24, FARMERS OF NEBRASKA PRtiCEtOfNCS FARMERS' OF TH STATE ALtlANCB- Great Gathering at the Annnal Banqnet Tl:e Second -Day ' (tension a Stormy a Old OIBrora Re-Elected Other fetale Jteir. LixtdLX, Neb., Dec: 17. 6Ver a tbo'ii-' sand representatives from the various alliances of the state gathered in JJohan an's hall at 11 o'clock yesterday to trans act the business incident to the regular tearly session of the state Farmers" alli unce. Each alliance is entitled to but one repp-sen tdthe and onlv a little more thau half of the organizations are rerjre- scnted. The session is being held in se- 'g crct. No persons are admitted except such as can present yellow cards or crc , dential entitling them to such. 1 The meeting was presided over by J, ' H. Powers wlilie 6. M. Thompson occu , pied the secretary's table. Tho time j was mainly occupied in getting reddy j for work and listening to a siieech by tho ' j president, Mr. Powers. Adjournment ' was then taken until 2 o'clock. j The entire afternoon session wa do-! voted to the consideration of tho condi tion of the farmers in the western part of the state who are suffering from a fallureof crop. Numerous reports were , read in regard to the poverty of some of the sufferers. A motion was made that the 5,000 in the treasury of the alliance be sent to the destitute farmers as a Christmas present. Many delegates insisted that this would be only a drop in the bucket and urged that it would be better to wait until the legislature meets and appropriates 5150,000 for the benefit of the needy farmers. It was finally urged that the 55.000 be sent now and that the 5150,000 appropriation be made as well. At 5:30 p. in. the convention adjourned without having taken any definite action ' in regard to the matter. There have been so many resolutions presented and there is so much busiuess to be transacted that tho session will ' probably last two or three days longer. . A committee on resolutions has been ap- pointed and the great mas of whereases I and resolvcds have been presented to it to settle. Before adjournment it was deemed ad visable by some to convene at 7:30 a. m., but this met with such opposition that the hour of 6 a- m.. was finally agreed upon. Lincoln. Dec. 15. The second day's session of the State Farmers' alliance was stormier than the first. These ses- 1 sions are held in secret and detailed re- ports are impossible to obtain, and noth ing can be learned except from leaky ', members. The first work of the day was the election of officers. These were as follows: President. John H. Powers, of Hitchcock county, tho independentclaim ant for the office of governor; vice presi dent, II. G. Stewart, of Box Butte county, who is contesting the election of E. L. Death, republican, from the Fifty-third representative district; secretary and treasurer, J. M. Thompson, of Lancas ter county; executive committee, Jay 1 Burrows, Lancaster; Allen Root, Doug las: B. F. Allen. Cass county; C.W. Beal, Custer county; H. II. McGaw, Adams. It is understood that four of this committee aro anti-Burrows men. The biggest sensation took place in ' the afternoon, when ex-Senator Yan- ' Wyck offered a resolution expressing the sense of the alliance to be that green backs and silver should be made a legal tender for all debts, public or private, whether the contract provided for their payment in gold or not. He made a number of attempts to get the floor be fore President Powers would recognize him, and onlv succeeded by making so much noise that all other business came to a standstill. During this timo Pros dent Powers ordered him to sit down c number of times and finally ordered the sergeant-at-arms to seat him or put him oc t of the room. The officer approached ' the ex-senator, when he defied him to lay a hand on him. declaring that he would fight for his rights as an Ameri can citizen the same as he had fought for lone years in defense of his country. It is reported that President Powers then told the belligerent ex-senator that he would send for the police. YanWyck told him to send for tho police if he wanted t. but he should treat them the same as he had treated the scrgeant-at-arms. He knew his ' rights as an American citizen and would maintain them. The resolution wa seconded and then discussed at some. length, and finally was adopted with a grand hurrah. Nebraska Nnbblna. W. Giles, dealer in general merchan dise at Oxford, has failed. The Nebraska City creamery took first prize at the butter and cheese show in Iilinoi, The Omaha H'orW-JJrruW speaks of Douglas county's new infirmary as "our palatial poor-house." The Fremont Tribune say.-: "G. W. E. Doisey and C. II. Toncrav each gave S500 to the new dormitorv at the nor mal." John I. Biro. a New Jersey million aire, some years ago gathered in at tax sale about 10.000 acres of land in Cum ing county belonging to II. T. Clarke, an Omaha man. The matter ha been in court for years. Mr. Clarke seeking to recover. Recently the case was decided by Judge Caldwell in Mr. Clarke's favor, and now John I. Blair will have to couch up the land, Mr. Clarke paying all oack taxes. The property is worth about 5100,000. A 516.000,000 mortgage was on Monday placed on file for record in the countv ' elerk": omco of Dodsc countv. The morteace is given by the Union Pacific railway to Kdvxin D. Morgan, of New York, and Oakes Ames, of Massachu setts. The instrument which was re ceived at Fremont direct from New York i an old one. dated 1S09. It was once before recorded in Dodge county. It is a vol ominous, document of forty pages of closely printed matter. E. C. Gallak. of St. Albans. Yt., was found dead in bed .at the Hotel Brnns wick. Kearney. He died from heart dis ease. Osmond improved 552.G50 worth this year. Postmastek Black, of Tender, has resigned. Kearney's population is 5.356, against 1,800 ten years ago. An A. O. U. W. temple was dedicated at Grand Island on Tursdav. The village board of Waco ha adopted a license ordiuaucc fixins a saloon license at 5500. 1 u- a-Jj. xiiGfj iia oecn reinstated, with full executive power, as principal ! ?."" "rrM" !? " -,V L"s Jl'E."!?.1 agency. Mr. steer, treasurer, continues his position and is not held responsible for the executive department. The other dav at Nickerson a rebel ex soldier gave testimony to aid one of the 4Jboye who wore the blue to obtain a t pension. Mb. Cole, oi Oxford, recently sold five buffalo, three cows and two yearlings, which he had raised, to a park syndicate In Denver for the snug little sum of $5, 000. They are said to be f?ne specimens of the wooly monarch? pt the western prairie. Bek. "Fkrry dead. flie DUUanUhed Soldier Br a! he hi, - Last la toe Homo ofOte Youth. New Haven, Conn., Dec. 1C Maj. Gen,., Alfred II. Terry, on the retired list of th'c UfeUw iates army, died this morning. Alfred Howe Terry was bom In Hartfurd. Conn.. Nov. 10. Is27. He was educ.-ited in tbs "Cbool of New Haven and at the Yale law fcHooi. but. bviKr ben nlready ad mitted to" the bar, be 0:5 not graduated. He began ih'e pra;tlc) Of his" profession lu J649, and was clerk of tuc superior aid su preme courts of Connecticut from iiji till lWJir. He bad 'been an active member of-the Connecticut militia, and was in command of the Second rcsitnent of state iroojw ben thy run war besan. "b ws. appointed coiotie! of tbe Second ' t'onacctlcdt voluhtccrs. dad wlili that, re:- nuvui u jiTc-i-Di at i no iiim ums ui trail j Kun. At tbc expiration of tlie crin of i service he returned to Connecticut, organ ized the Seventh Connecticut volunteers, of wbicb be whs appointed colonel, and wa ngait) mustered into the service He was Soon made n general, and terved through out the war. Since then ho lias commanded in succession the departments of Virginia Dakota and the South, and again the de partment of Dakota, lie was promoted to tbe rank of major-general March 3. 1S-8, and was in charge of tho division of the Ml-sourl. with headquarter at Chicago, until liii army Jn voluntarv retirement ftom the April. ISsS MAD AT JERRY. HanenUr Company OrHcialo Alter the Secretary of Agriculture. Chicago, Doc 10 I lis understood that the officers of tho Atncrirnn Harvester company, the official title of the recently formed combination of harvesting ma chine manufacturer?, are preparing a reply to the attack of Secretary of Auri culturo Rusk upon their methods and in tcntions Mr. Rusk, in an interview lat week, expressed the. decided conviction thai the. combination proposed would lay an additional burden upon the farmer by inceaiiig the price of harvesting machinery, and alsocommehtedin ptetty strone term upon tho fact that this clas of machinery could be purchased in foreign countries at lower ficres than at homo Thco statements are em phatically denied by leading spirits in tho (ombination, and it is vrj broadly hinted that Scerelarv Husk's talk was Inspired from tho executive mansion in reltaliation for some plain talkinz which was recently indulged in by ex-Congress man Conger regarding the action of Pres ident Harrison in appointing a post master at Conger's home in Ohio, who was obnoxious to the local repbuhcans and Grand Army men. The promised reply is likely to be a decidedly spicy document MURDER AND SUICIDE. Cailott, Wla.. Hortifletl Over a ShncKIng Series of Crime. CnirrrwA Fali3. Wis., Dec. 16. The village of Cadott. ten rnile east of here, is terribly excited over what is no doubt a murder and suicide. Early Sunday morning, Peter St. George, of that town, gave the alarm that his wife was miss iug; that she had disappeared durinc the night, and that he feared something had befallen her. Search was instituted, and tbe missing woman found dend in the woodshed, hanging by tbe neck. Con tusions and wounds about the woman's face and head indicated foul play and tho husband was at once sus pected. Some of the neighbors even went so far a to accuse him of tho infamous crime. Officers watched St. Georgo during the whole day and as hour by hour went by they became more con vinced that he was the murderer, but desisted from arresting him until the verdict of thecoroncr's jury was obtained on the body of Mrs. St. George. This was reached at about 1 o'clock, and was claimed that the death of Mrs. St. George wa foul murder by unknown hands. The officers forced their way to St. George's room in the -econd tory of a low cottage, here he had spent most of the day. only to be horrified by a suicide. His thioat wa cut from ear to ear, and deatii must have been instan taneous Domestic troubles are as signed as the cause for the crime. TERRIBLE SENSATIONS. They Are Eiperienceri by a Family Inhal ing Natural Ga. LooANSroRT.Iud .Dec 10. A family of five, consisting of Mrs. Sarah Worstell, daughter and three -on-, came near meeting dc3th last night from the effects of natural cas A leak in the pipe filled the house with cas. after the fam ily had retired. About miduicht one of the boys awoke, and by crawling and rolling on the floor, reached a win dow, and by calling for help the other members of the household were carried to a neighbor's house and phy-icians summoned. The oldest son. Benjamin, was found to bo in a critical condition, having become completely blind and his hearing gone The various feelings ex perienced by tho members ot the family were terrible, and they describe their agony as excruciating for hours while they lay in their beds conscious, but in a helpless condition. It is tboucht the whole family will recover. ALASKAN EXPLORERS. They Qnarre and One I'arty I in a nad r Tut the Winter. San Francisco, Dec 15. An AIakan ' exploring expedition pased through here several months a so. route to the , Northwestern territory. The party in I eluded E. (J- Glave. who was with Stan ley in Africa: W II. Wells, a Cincinnati journalist, and a New York new-paper man and several others. Glave returned from the north a week ago. but nothing had been heard of Wells or thu rest of , tho party until Saturday, when a pri 1 vate letter from Juneau was received, which stated that the party had had se ! rious trouble in their camp. The explor ers quarreled and divided into three par ties. Glave started for New York in dis gust. Weils and a band of natives puh"d , on to the interior. At last account 1 they were snowed in for tho winter, with ' but forty pounds of flour in camp. Oth ! ers of the expedition took another route, l strikinc overland for Southern Alaska. It Drove Him Craxv. Chicago. Dec. 16. Emil Sirnsen. son of a wealthy merchant in Denmark, is raving in a cell at the Detention hos pital with an ucly gash in his writ, the result of an attempt at suicide. Sirnsen, who is now :i years old. occupied a po sition as clerk in a postofficein his native country. He stole a small amount of money from the mails and fled to this country. The affair drove him mad. Miiiiktrr of War Resign. Rome. Dec. 10. The minister of war has resigned. Paraell Repadlated. Bcblin, Dec 15. The suppressed Cnilrd Ireland, a paper Issued by McCar- thyites. appeared to-day. It contained a letter from Archbishop Walsh, sup- porting tho opponents of Parnell. Hev. O. Regan and Dean Chapter Clayne called a meeting, at which resolutions j werew adoP"1 repudiating Parnell A number of those present procured a pic-, ture of Parnell and burned it, At the meetine called by the clerer of Galway for the purpose of denouncing rarnell. the supporters of Parnell turned out in force. Tftey pased a resolution suDnortin their leader. supporting their leader. i89o. FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS r BUSINESS fRAN9ACTEO BOTH BRAMHES.- M Measures of More or tas Importauee la- ffodaeed by Varlons Members and tbe IthpSitMam ef the Same A Coadeaaed Report. Washisoton. Dec. 15. In tiit cbtiTSe. of tho morningt's business Senator Hoar xiad k vin- " 1 irt'.er from John I. lavenpon. eicriMtt iamM of all the cbarze preferred , -.-...., . M.,,1.,0r. t. rhi.,r stinervlsor -.f elections, and pro!Vlg willinz- J ness to sr'pea"- before tbe nate com- mittee to ncr the chargs. Senator Pasco to-day 'ntrodeced sn , amendment to the elections bill, iws.ui nro- ridiw, that it shall be unlawful for any pcf- :r- on to har or nromise to ray money to iu- iliTee Tirsnn3 (a frt or keen from votillZ. o promisb empioymefit ? supervisor of election to Influence a vote, oj w rec-i money or the apiVjfittoent jith that object In view. It also requires office Sf pul'tlc al organizations to file with the clerk of thi liouso statement, of tho receipts and ex penditure of funds, andjhe same state ment is required from candidates for rcpre- sentatlves under llk penalties Tho elec- tlonS b!H was then considered t lenztb. ' after which tbSenaty adjourned. Washington. Dee lo. Tbc coinage com mittee to-day elected 3ir. wick Ohio. a chairman, to succeed who resigned to become minister to Braz TVi Mil Iitp.-u1iixt hr Mr. I'.irtcr was f:i corabiy reported. It provide that jield ' coin may M exchanged for bars, but ?ives the director of the raktt power to m-e his discretion as to such cxrhnug for .1 rharsc . which shall ennal the cost of m ;nuiecinr . i . 1 The remainder of tbe day was consumed lri discussion of tbe apportionment bill. Ad- I journed. WA5U1N0T05. Dec 17. Consideration ot the elections bill consumed the entire time of the senate to-day. . , tVAsntsr.To.v. lec. IT. After 0 ions de bate to-day. tbc house pased the appcf- tionment bill without amendment. Yeas. 1 1-7; nay-, s-'. V.sniNGTON, Dec. IS. Senator sherman reported a bill providing against the con traction of currency which was ordered printed and recommitted. Tho elections , bill was then taken up und Senator Coke addre-?ed the senate lit opposition to it. At 4:20 the election bill was laid aM.ie in formally and tbe following bills passed: The -enato bill appropriating S100.000 for public bulldlns at Danville, 111.; the house bill for public buildings at Hloomlngton. 111., ?75.000, beinz an amenduicut reducing tho amount from 5100.000. Adjourned. Washington, Dec. IS. In the morniii; hour the pending measure was the senate bill amending the Interstate commerce net by providing for taking depositions by no taries public. It was parsed. Afteraction on a few minor bills Mr. Farqubar, chair man of the committee 011 merchant marine and fisheries, moved that tbe house go intc committee of the whole for tho consider ation of the senate bill with tbo house sub stitute therefor Mr. Farqubar advocated the bill at length, and, pending further dis cussion, the committee arose and the house adjourned. Washington, Dec 19. Senator Stanford addrcs-ed the senate on hi- bill providing tho government with means sufficient to supply the wants of a second circulating medium. The printins deficiency bill was amended and paa-ed. A resolution by Senator Manderon was referred to the committee on Indian affaire instructing that committee to Inquire into the condition of the Indian tribes of North and South Dakota. Montana and elsewhere, the step neceary to diarm them, etc. The election bill wa taken up and Senators Bate and Gibson argued againt it. Senator Dawes introduced a bill to prohibit the opening on Sunday of any exhibition where appropriations of the United States are ex pended. Adjourned. Washington, Dec. 1?. In tbc bouse to day Mr. Morse, of MavachuM.-t!. intro duced for reference a bill providlns that nc exhibition or exposition, for which an ap propriation ha been made, shall be opened on Sunday, and any violation of this act shall be punishable by a fine of not les than S100 or moro than ?1.000. The house to-day. after passing a District of Columbia bill, took up the conference rc-l-ortonibe bill amending an act for the division of a portion of the Siouv Indians in Dakota into smaller reservation-. The only change made i an authorization for the expenditure of en appropriation of S100.0CO. made for the purchase of beef and other rations. In speaking of the measure Mr. Allen. of Mi-slssippl, took occasion to criticiM con trrcss for doing nothing to relieve the finan cial stringency of the country and ex pressed the belief that the president had done wrong and shown hi- littleness in at tempting to hulldoc the-enate. He quoted a remark of a lady fond of decorating her parlor with sculpture, to the effect that she was going to -ccure a life-size statuette of President Harrison. The report wa agreed to and the house adjourned. Washington. Dec to. senator Pettigrew introduced a bill to prohibit the -ale of arms andjammunitlon tj the Lidians oa reservations. Uefcrred. A dozen private pension bill were pa ed. Senator Moody, from the committee on Indian depre dations claims. reported the house bill for the adjudication of claims arising from Indian depridation-. It was placed on il calender. Senator Sawyers asked unanimous consent for li.ingan early day In January for the consideration of the postal telegraph, but Senator Wolcott ob jected. The morning hour having expired the presiding officer laid before tuc senate the elections bill. Senator Paddock gave notice that after the consideration of tho pending bill he would a-k the senate to take up the pure food bill which i- demanded by the farmers from one end of the country to the other. Senator Edmund- demanded the regular order and Senator Spoontr spoke ovtr five hours in advocacy of the election- bill. The speech was listened to with u arked atten tion on both -ides of the ehamb-r. The conference leport on tbe bill for a public building at Kansas City wa- agreed to, and the senate adjourned. Washington, Dec. -0. A number of con ference report- on the public buildings bilN were presented. The senate bill wa- pa-sed for the relief of S. II. Brooks. a..-istant treasurer at San Franci-ci. ajd the -ureties on his official bond. A bill was passed to authorize the construction of a tunnel under the bay of New York le tween Middlctown and New Utrecht. A motion to adjourn made by Stone, of Kentucky, was lost. The bon-e went into committee of tbo whole on the urgent defi ciency bill with the senate amendments. Mr. Henderson moved concurrence except in the amendment providing for the pay ment of the senate session employes, in cluding the clerks to the '.enator. After a long debate the motion wa- agrt'dto and the bill was returned to the senate and the house adjourned. Marrying for Self-Froteetlon. Scottdale, Pa.. Dec 20. The II. C. Frick Coke company recently suspended a large number of its unmarried em ployes at Standard and Mt. Pleasant and banked 2.5 ovens. An especial ef fort was made to give work to aii married men during the winter. This has served as a cue to the single men of the neigh borhood, who at a meeting held the other day agreed that ail who could find mate should be wed by New Year's day. It is said the meeting was largely attended, and the knowledge of the ac- tion has caused a great flutter among the young women of the coke region. Beir to a aiillioa Dollar. Indianapolis, Ii:d.. Dec. 20. Last ' night Nina Stark, who registered at the , Denison house, ha inherited by the . death of her father-in-iaw an estate val- I ued at nearly a million. She and her ' i hnsband went to Colorado for the benefit of his health, and a couple of months I airn Vin unt Imr bfrr viHntltr with IhA . , intcnticn of deserting her. as she heard from him no more. He has sinco died and his portioa of his father's estate ' falls to her. QW ..... w.... MT. Ml.... .....-.. J ... ..." Society lo tte Again Created. - T - A esnt. . - j . s. x. -. jue jitmn annuuncrs , inai l"e awH:H:,": J"'lllUils lu "B"'" ; ' created. ' At Tuscola, 111.. Nobe Kandall. a nc- , torious character, trampled the life out nf a neighbor named Gibber, for which ha rin ha imntii ;rMntnd he will be lynched if eaptnred. LAT"fyf MtiiAU ADVICES. to Farther JUicaemea ieperteeJ from the Lower Raaefcee-Wtlar trail FaUaw- ers Keteraiat. RAt-itf Crrr, S. D., Dec. 20. Gen. Miles has rewired advices from Gen. lfc?6a that 500 frfendly Indians hate left Pine fcfiTgc to attempt to bring in IUC IIOSHIV.-. wi:if:th:i.i:3 ivri. ...- ,CoI. Drum at tort ia:er announces 1 the Indians there are qAM.- Thirtj- b.r rf Sittiuz Bull' followers ho Jelt the asencj Monday have sent word that tnoy wnr return, v..:,,. un .. . - out a cavalry lorcc 10 intercept ""-- band now repcrjled to br moving across j tne reservation to tiw bd lauds. Big pn amj Hump have surretnleml and r,,.urnP(i to the acencv. No Indians. . t iUtt ,,, m(.l,.jonoc. ar, coins to vt" - : . , ..'-..r.i 1 the host.le?, amrtne cordon isconianuj . tlsrlitonJntf.- No further engagements aro renorteu Irani mo inner .amui-s. The government herd has- been located on Alkali creeK. aim a iitc- o iv.- men hat left hero to round it n;. A PLEA FOR THE JEWS. Cardinal ti.t-na tftrloT in I'eraecu tlon of TI.at I5? W Km.hik. Baltimore. Dec. -'0. Tho JozUh Ex- eiteh.CO,orIf I'hnadelphia a,,d Baltimore t!K ' published in it last issue a letter from Caruinai t.innon?. mi hhiui "- .--.--. "VArri frientl of humanity must do-t j,ore the sy!m:tir per?e:'tion of the t ,r0w. in Ru-ia. FcT'mvpart I cannot ,. ,.,,;.. 1...... chri-iait can enter- , . . ., .. ... . J,., :,.,,.,. tnni 1'iin til in-r 111.111 mini wiiuii" - - - - , . . ti,.. ' nenrsw race w nen 1 cuiii-i how intlcii w !re lnoeiueu 10 i.o-ui. - j"- j from them the Inspired volume of the Old Testament. beli has been the con- eolation of all age to dexmt soul. Christ, our Lord, the founder of our t reliafon. his blessed mother, as well as , tluTapostie. were all Jews according to .. .J . - 1 . .,.. iv . 1. -... i tho flcsli. Thes-e lacis attacii mo strongly to the Jewish race. I express the ardent hoi that aU tuitions, through , their governments, will become more and more tolerate Irt matters of religion, just as we are in this country; that they , will take the Uni.'ed States as thoir j guide, where all men. Mending equal in ' tho sicht of God, are equal before the law," Fdnefnl of Oefl. Terry. Nr.v.- Haven. Conn., Dec. 20. The re ' mains of Maj.-Gen. Alfred Hoe Terry were placed in their last resting place ' yesterday afternoon. At 1 o'clock ?er vices were held at the homo of tho de ceased member's family. The remains were then transferred to the United church, and until 2 o'clock the public was allowed to caze upon the face of the , deceased. Then the services were held. during which minute gunS were fired ; and tho bell in the city hall was lolled. ; After the exercises the remains wcro Interred in the Grove street cemetery. ( The pall bearers were eight surgeon f rum the second regiment. The honor-" ary pall bearers were ex-Govs. Harrison and lngersoll, LIout.-Gov. Mervin, Judge Hollister, Francis Wayland, Henry A. Blake and Arthur D. Osborne. AamlleaatlAaa fnt . f PaI rl TWaUlft. ,.,.. . - ......-- V.HATTANIKK.A. izcc. -o. x uv uvu-iia Wood .fc Coal company has made appli-; cation for the appointment or a receiver for tlie South Trcdegcr Iron company of this city, declaring tiiem insolvent. The indebtedness of tho Iron company will rvach SlbO.c-00. and if allowed to conclude the sale of their property can pay up. Tlie Atlantic Trust company hold a deed of trust of the property In question for 500,000 to secure bonds. An Iii'Jrpendent Kefinery (tone. Lima. O., Dec 20. The standard Oil company gobbled another independent company to-day. the concern being the Delaware Oil company, who sold its re finery, tank-cars. etc.. to the big monop oly. Tlie ale of the Delaware leave. only two indepehdent concerns in ope ration. SPARKS FROM THE WIRES. Tun pope approve of the Irish bish ops" manifesto, but he declines to make a public statement on the dissension in the Irish party. SCI.BACH. Wenigk fc ItoLKEK, siik manufacturers, of College Point. N. Y.. have failed. Liabilities, ?1.0,000; assets in excess of that amount. Tin: democratic charge that Attorney General Miller used official unstamped envelopes for private correspondence has been proven groundless. An n Gcekko, alias Chelqucrot, the 'Mack the Kipper" of Mexico, has been convicted of eight murder and fourteen apes and sentenced to death. THE MARKETS. Sioux Cily Live Slock. Union Stock Vahds. Siorx Citv, Dec. 20. Hog: Estimated receipts. l.OCO. The new stuff to-day. as compared with last Saturday, wa about one-third. The fore noon market was couiderabIy strengthened by yesterday's cl and through to-day from other joint- of from 5S.I0c higher. Buyers were evidently willing to -ee the s-ufly-waning value go up a little, for among the early morning offer, were S3 SO U.:d, a good dime better than yesterday, and tbe-e bids were va-ier at that price than they were Friday at 33.25. There were sev- , era! loads of fairly gooil hogs on sale which . easily brought 3.:t3. From thi the prices went from c.'I.JJi down to S3.27J; for good ' mixed and packers stuff. Indications are good for a -trong c!oe on best offers of the day. Cattle Estimated receipts. 300. Com pared with the better part of the pre-ent week, very little freh stuff came In to day. Beef cattle were active, having plenty of buyers and a good assortment from which to make selections. Prices were strong at yesterday's figures, with no quotable change whatever. Thero was an excellent run of calf and yearling stuff, but the prices paid were hardly as good a some of the -ales during tbe week have shown. Soath Omaha Live Stock. Socth Omaha, Dec. 20 Hogs Estimated receipts,, 5.000. Official yesterday, 3,573; shipments, 7 cars. Market opened strong to 5c higher, selling at S2.G0g-3.-J.. Cattle Estimated receipts, 1,500. Offi cial yesterday. 1.325. No shipments. ' Market opened steady. Quality common. Chicago live Stock. Chicago, Dec. 20. Cattle. Receipts, 1,000. Market unchanged. Hogs Receipts, 13.000. Market higher: common, S3.253.40; heavv packers, ?3.I0 ' 3.55; light. S3.25S3.5o- Sheep Receipts 20.000. Market weak and lower. ' daleac) Prod nee. CniCAC.o. Dec 20. CIoMug Wheat. . steady; cash, OP, c: January, 91JJc: May. . ' Vvorntasv , ch-ij. 52c: January, 51 c; May, 53.S53ic Oats Eay: cash, 41!4c; May. 44-'s45c Xit,c: January, Rye Dull at G7c Barley Nominal. Flax Steady. ali-12. Timothy Easy at1.13. Wbi-ky fl.IJ. Provisions Pork dull; cash. S7.73; Janu ary, 9.95. Lard dull; cash. 5.70; January, 5.75: May. -i.37. Short ribs, dull: cab $4.705.00: January. 5 l.M May. ?..-Q. ; Hide Unchanged; heavy and light ' jrreen. SJc: green hide. 4?ic; salted bull , hides, 4c; green salted calf. 7Ji5ec: dry flint. 7ec: dry salted. 7tcc: dry calf. & 3c: deacons, each, 23c Tallow Unchanged; No. 1, solid packed, 4Kc New Koru Prod nee. Nw YonK. Dec 20. Wheat Steady; December. ?1.0rl..).; Slav. 1.05?, 1.07 J.. Corn Easier: Xo. 2.C2t2r.l,r. Oats Steady; western, i'&Cc. Provisions Perk, steadv: new. $11,003 , ik. I .! ...! . Si r. i j n.. .. ... western: ll30e; Egg stiadv: wetra 2.Vli5. WHOLE NUMBER 1076. THE OLD RELIABLE (Oldeit fctats Bank In tbe StsteJ PAYS MEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS. -ANI- MAKES LOANS ON BEAL ESTATE. ISSUES SIGHT DRAFTS ON I 3maba. Chicago. New York, an-l a'-l FoNlga 1 Coaatriaa. Ei.1.9 STEAISUir TICKETS. BUYS GOOD NOTES , Acd Help Itt Caitom?ra wtec :hy Neet 3i OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: tEASDER GEHRAKP. rrsident. a W. nCLST. TI:e fKsiueat. JOHN STACK FF,n..raib!r. JUUB A. REED. . H. UEUItT. mem; -07- COLUMBUS, NEB., -HAS AN- Amthorlzed Capital of 500,000 ratA I n Punita! ra,a ,n P"a av.wv omCEItS' " C. H. Sheldon, rre t. H-r- " OHLEICII. Vice Frea. : C. A. NEVMN. Cashier. DANIKL SCHRAM. Aaa't Ccsh. o BTOCKHOLDEftS: c H fMfo j r. BcA.r , Herman P. H.Oehlrich. larl KienKe. JoaaaWalch. ! iilcn3gSm' ( Fran" Ror". HBrT- i-ko W.A.3IcAlIis'r. II. II. Winelow. s. c n-ry. Arm.M F. If. Oohlrsch. Grrhard Lo-"'. E3P-'Bank of deposit: intret allewi-don tttP- nVpoite: boy and ell exchaajt- on United State and Earop-aBd bay aad sell available eeccritie. We hall be pleased to receire roar baInee. W solicit jonr parrtwaf . Kdec3 ron tiff: CALL ON - A. & M.TURNER Or U. W. B4IBI.RR. Travel las Nalmmaa. SWTheae oran are r".rt-cl in eerr par dollar, and o gnaranU-!. PRINCIPAL POITS EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH AX U. P. Depot, Columbus. Wrrarif HENRY &ASS. xjsrr:KTAK:Ti:R ! 10KFIXS AND METALLIC VASES UT ''' f tiring of ell kinds of Uphol der j (Jtiod ;. (Uf lOLCilCCB.NtfiKASEA. i 1 iColiimbus State Bank WESTERN COTTAGE ORGAN HflPtfl Or. SALE aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBalaa- j-JD aBBBBBBBBBBBLajaar-vavH 3 k . Sj