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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1890)
r r j Iw. TSTBITtT?. A STT A FAMILY : JOURNAL. A Weekly Newspaper issied every . Wediesdaj. 32 CoIbbis of reading Matter, coi tiistiMg of Nebraska State News Iteus, Selected Stories and Miscellany. (jFSampl copies tent free to any address. Subscription pries, SI 1 HtK id AdVlltCC Address: M. K. Ttrn-szn Co Columbus, Platte Co., Neb! A.. DTJSSELL, -DE1U1 IS CO PUMPS REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. Olive St., nearly opposite Pott-office. 6jumSS-y LOUIS SCHRELBER. All kinds of Repairing done on Short Notice. Huggies, Wag ons, etc., made to order, and all work Guar anteed. Also sell the world-famous Walter A Wood Mowers, Reapers, Combin ed Kachines, Harvesters, and Self-binders tho best mado. UTiihop opposite the "Tatters!!." or Olive St.. COLUMBUS, T-u-m Judicious Advertising Created m:iuy :i new business. Kul-ires nianv :in old bu.-ina, llovhvs nuiiiv a ihill bu-iniT., 1 Incurs many a lot lmsinc.-J, Sav many a failing lui?iiiis-, l'liVt'ive? many a large lui.-iiicA?, Hivuivs titv-s in any Im-iuess. Jmi tave h man of lmtin--9, nnd we ml.l thai;, for this atcl ion if country, liiclutlt-a THE JOURNAL A otin of th nttdinm. lx?c:ir.o it is road by tin Im-M jifopU. lhosr who know what they want :ta icij finl.r.t th.-yet. WpelinllpnjwrniiijKirisoZ willi :in rnactry jKijvr in 1 lie world in this i. H-t tuci'.iy in iiiltlii-hinR Ity tho fini" f:.:tii:icim-tit. Mill newr one dun to siili-crili-ri-imhlii-liod in Tin: Jomx.u.. Thin. l-ttor than iMi!liiu; !, shows thr thus cf iopla who i.-:iJ Tin: Jociin u. every wivk. if GOSHEN FENCE MACHINE! CHEAP. OjSTLY 15 WoTen wire and slats, cot willows, split boards or anjthinic of the sort, omJ; after posts are t, fence can be made and stretched on the ground, in the winter, by a boy or ordinary farm hand, 10 to 40 rods a day, and can work it over any ground. The man who has one d theee ma-chin-s can build a fence that is more durable and afe than any ether, and mnke it at le c-t. Tba inachin and a sample of its work ran lo ea in thecity on 1 lth street it Ernst &. Schwarz hardware atore. Willsell n-.chines, or territory, or contract to pnt up fences. 1 inajtf J. B. MATHEWSON. MwspapSR A book of 100 pages Thu best book lor aa ail vert iscr to cot suit, bo be experl I enced or otherwise oauers and estimates oftkcostotdvertls! ,;. Ibe advertise? iiO wtuti to spend one Collar. flnt iu It the In formation he requires, while foi him who will invest one hundred thousand dollars in ad vertising, a scheme Is indicated which will aueethls every requirement, or can be made to do to bg tlight char pet earily arrived at by cor Tttfendcttcc 149 editions have been issued. Sent, post-paid, to any address for 10 cents. Write te fiEO. P. ItOtVELL A CO.. XEWSPAPEK ADVERTISING bureau. ;0oruoe$tFriutingUoaseSa.). New Ycrk. PATENTS ('-areata and Trade Marks obtained, and all Tat. eat besiaeea conducted for MODERATE KKE3. OUR OFFICE IS OPPOSITE U. S. l'ATEVr OFFICE. We hare no iub-kuci-. all bu-iinets .iirect, kence wt. can. transact rvatecl buiuess in MtiaaeaBd at LESS COST than thoM remoU fria Waahinstn. Sad model, drawing, or photo, with descrip tion. W advise if patentable or not. free of vbarge. Oar if not dne till patent is secured. A book. "Huw lo Obtain rutents." with refer rnve to actual ciieats in jour state, cotictyox ( ib, sent free. Address Ce SNOW ft CO. Qesite Patent OShc. uiusKton. D. C. 0C TO C 1 0 A 0 wist r,v-: :tsWMTe(Z T 4.t--i.ia.BS Fata. I.ft Drrmtii' Sify p-ric UoMers 6lvenawayto.i.t:tJiiiLc. .rty rss ewnrr bays frosa I tS) lief WkMmmr itmAmr tkMvmmaP tmmt UiAflr.iiM la scaurs le pay msuc sua aaeklaf iteVikiria&9taasf!staatssUilsr sa. awmSrfe.Gk.aUlsf,BWw Blacksmitb ana wagon Halcer ! fS. il7lM9ulff I V ' 1 IK!fijcHiiVStcMXiK'''vMr llcontalusli THE OLD RELIABLE -Golumbns State Bank (OlJejt itato iu tho StateJ PAYS INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS, e ASU HAKES LOANS ON REAL ESTATE. ISSUES SIGHT DRAFTS ON Chicago. York, and aU Foreign Countries. SELLS STEAMSHIP TICUIITS. BUYS GOOD NOTES And Helpi Its Customers when they Ne4 Helfx OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: LEAKDER GERRAltl), Pre'ident. a W. HJ.-LST. Vice-iTeiident. JOHN I asbisr. JPLIUfl A. REED. R. H. HEN'ttY. -OF- COLUMBUS, NEB., -HAS AN- .Intliorizod Capital of $500,000 Pa id in Capital - '.Nl.000 OFFICERS: C. H. HHKI.DON, Pres't. II. P. H. OHLKiril. Vice Pres. C. A. NEWMAN. Cachier. DANIEL SCHRAM, Ass't Cash. STOCKHOLDERS: C. H. Sheldon. J. P. Becker. Herman P. li.Oehlrich, Carl Rienke. Joan Welch. W. A. McAllister. J. Honry Wurdeman, II. M. Winolow, UfOTgoW. Oalley, S. C. Ore, Frank Rorer. Arnold F. II. Oehlrich. Ibnrv Leko. !erhard I.oseVe. ty Hank oj deposit; interest allowed on time d.o-it; bay aud sell exchange on United States and Europe, nd buy and dell arailabla securities. We lmll bo pleaied to receive onr .business. We kolicit your patronage. 28def37 FOR THE CiU. OS-- A.& M.TURNER Or ;. W. KIBI.KU. 'I'ravellnsr Kalesniaa. PThese organs are tint-class in eery par tic-.ilar, aud 60 ruMntoed. PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH AT TJ. P. Depot, Columbus. liiu-irtf HENRY G-ASS. as- 13 KRTAKER ! ft r m r 'i ft ir M. AXU 31KTALLI1' CASES Is" iV'i -tiding of oil kiutls of Uuhol t t (i'lM.t . tt tOi.Cyi.LS.NEnUASKA. COMMERCIAL W WESTERN COTTAGE ORGAN jmWi I To Save Old Memories. The women of Virginia who belong to tue society iur iin- iiru&uoHiiuu m ine antiquities of that state having pur chased and restored the Powder Horn at Williamsburg and bought the house at Fredericksburg in which Washington's mother lived and diod. are now moving to acquire th possession of the older portions of Jamestown, including the ' graveyard and ruins of tho church tower. ; As the first English settlement in the Un it Ml States and tho sreno of tho o ploits of Capt. John Smith aud Poca hontas, it i to he liojx'd that their ef forts will suiTPcd. and that they will ho able to ave these old memories as ef fectually as the women of the country have .-aved the relies at Mt. Vernon. I:fnoss .':nrt lie Cured lt local np)ilitatioiis, its they cannot reach the diseased l-ortlou of the ear. Tliere ia only one wav locuryj deafness, and that m by coustitu tioiml n'Uielie. J)eafi:ens N caused by rt:i iu-t!ann-.l condition of tin nnj.-mis Ilninj; of the Ettstachiatt Tube. Wuen this tulx gets in flamed, you have h runibliug Eonud or imper fect hearing, and when it is entirely closed Deafness is the result, aud inikfi the ictlauima tiou can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition hearing will be destroyed forever , nine rases out of tA are caused by ca tnrrh. which is nothing bnt au inflamed condi tion of tho mucous surfaces. Wo will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (cauued by catarrhi that we cannot euro by taking Hall"s Catarrh Curo. 1 Send for circulars, free. 1". .1. CHLXEV x CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, Zc. IIkhk is what seems to he an epitome of Georgia jnurnaliMu from the eolnmns of th- Atlanta Cnumtutimii Editor Here's a terrible ealamitv! Foreman Another wreck on the'.' Editor No I've lost my scissors. Foreman Well. that settles it. I'll take a week off. We'll write it down till everybody sees it Till everybody is sick of seeing it Till everybody knows it without seeing it that Dr. Safe's Catarrh Rem edy cures the worst cases of chronic catarrh in the head,' catarrhal headache, and " cold in the head." In perfect faith, its makers, the World's Dispensary Med ical Association of Buffalo, N. Y., offers to pay $500 to any one suffering from chronic catarrh in the head whom they cannot cure. Now if the conditions were reversed if they asked you to pay $500 for a positive cure you might hesitate. Here are reputable men, with years of honorable dealing; thousands of dollars and a great name back of them and they say "We can cure vou because we've cured thousands vou if we can't we'll like pay vou Soo for the knowledge that there s one whom we cant cure. 7? They believe in themselves. Isn't it worth a trial? Isn't any trial preferable to catarrh? Both the method and results when Sjrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts fently yet promptly on the Kidneys, .iver and Bowels, cleauses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers aud cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt iu its action aud truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for pale in 50c and SI bottles by all leading drug, gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes fo try it JDo not accept any substitute, CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, LOUISVILLE. r. A'f in YORK. N.V. SrilLOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. Ths success of this Great Cough Cure is without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists an; authorized to sell it on a po3: hive guarantee, a test that no other cure can suc cessfully stand. That it may become known, the Proprietors, at an enormous expense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home m the United States and Canada. If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, Or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE, Trice 10 cts., 50 cts. and $1.00. If your Lungs are sore or Back lame, use Shiloh's Porous Tlaster, Price 25 cts. BORE WELLS ! Our Well Machine are the must MONEY! HEUABLB.DCBABLK.kVrCKSircI.' TIipt ito Mlll.'i: V HKK ana npWUKVTER PKOFIT. They FINISH Wcllnrr.ere ether fAII.: An u. S inches to H inches diauuur. LOOMIS & NYMAH, TIFFIN, - OHIO. Catalogue FREE! I.ADIE9, tssa Dr Le Ddc Jerlollcal"PllU.froni Fkrti, Fnw. lUubiV-rJ ia Caroi., l ;;, LniUaJ, JO; Ctul. 1'ii C&Utd &tw, Itst. C en? ftll 1 appwiocs. urgttlriiii. an4 KastU; dtrcignotiiu. Sifr, hmnles, rtiiib'.c 7by pntir,!y BctlftoibLkfB dr-y pr-gta. T!iel&7jrs properties cflllt to bich UJ.n r 111',. .lit direct &cll of a d tcrJeirJ aa J hrtfzlv c3truiii. Coct-auM raoctUr anTrvtios mult fa Uii roi3:r( 4 $.i!A e'sisupues. 1 3 a pa lijt, or Z for . ftt mail. In pla'a ai,4 m-tU-rx, on rr-tt of prict. The . iir era Kll Co., Wholrn-i act JV- illy r.-arrkt-r', TH pcaia pi 1 uMlr SEPoAviCK Jt" DELONG, Ur.Ui, Sucx Kit. lo a,-W" J UtU.1 Aes-j. io Jin: l.ati't eoit.? Sud flc f-taiuis tor iic;..u.- rare t'.S and Colonlsl .oin KIT KM. 4: IirBEBGEK. t'cau i if Kit anit Coin Exchange. ; l LaSai:efct,Chicaro. &Ssst u IV 4VJ i COINS ! rPEDINE: rshef ir ro terfwL-re. fmpi ia;l Cln.t-. iiu! 7UE VZV itf crat foet rJCBdy tor mak li. ths fret Sviluk. Inatant r!if ir ro!J r it.pirlng ract. On sals terTML-iv. z SrLt fire en rtcalptof Steti. f3i(jielir-i-t fire atnorrf. or malladtsra Cln.f. Illut'.iMtrJ l'aiEpti!trrc. TUE riLT-t CO, WOULD s'UVO, K.T. DECLINES TO RETIRE PARNELL TO ISSUES A MANIFESTO THAT EFFECT. He Asks for Judgweat Whlca Devolves "Wholly CpoB His Coastltnsats to De ride Fress Opinloas oa the Subject Gladstoa to Male Kply. Loxdox, Nov. 29. Paraell's manifesto to the Irih people which was issued last nipht I very lejislliy. Ho begins by sayiuj;: The integrity and independence of a sec lion of theIrNh parliamentary party hav ing leen apparently sapped and destroyed by the wire pullers of tho liberal party,slt has become nee rssary for me, as leader of the Irish party, to take counsel with you, and, having 'ivi you the knowledge which is in my possesion, ask your judgment upon a matter vrbiah now solely devolves upon you to decide. The letter from Glad stone to Morley, vfrltten for the purpose of influencing the division of the Irish party iu tho choice of a 'leader, and claiming for the liberals and their lenders the right to . vote upon that choice, is the Immediate j :iue of this address, the purpose of which I is to remind you and your parliamentary representatives that Ireland considers tim ! independence of her party as her only safe- guard within Che constitution und above ' and beyond all other considerations whtt- 1 ever. Tho threat in that letter, repeated so insolently on many platforms and in numerous UritLsh newspapers, compels me j to put before you information which, until now, ha-, been solely iu my possesion, and which will enatilc you to understand the measure of tho loss with which you are threatened, unless you consent to throw me to tho English wolves who arc now howling for my destruction." Parnell alien tells how at Uawardeu, last November, be received from Gladstone, tho details of that gentleman's and his col leagues' proposal with regard to home rule, In the eveux of the next general election favoring; the liberal party. Upon tho sub ject of the retention of tho Irish members in the Iiuperiul parliament, Gladstone told him that in order to conciliate EnglKh pub lic opinion It would be necessary to reduce the Irish representation from 103 to 3i. Upon the settlement of the land question. uiai-vuuc: iiiiiiiiaitru luub nunc IIU VkUUlU renew his attempt to settle the matter by , Imperial legislation on the liue-of the land t purchase bill of lbSD. he would not under take to put a i iv pressure ujou his own .side: j in other woids, that the legislature wa not to le iven the power f solving the agrarian difficulties. With regard to the control of the Irish eoiistahuiary. it was r-taUd ly Gladstone, that in view of the necessity of conciliating English puhlie opinion it would bo necessary to leave this force to the appointment of its officers under the control of imperial authority for an indefinite period, while funds for its. maintenance would be com pulsorily provided out of tho Irish revenue. A period of ten or twelve years was suggested as the limit of time dining which the appointment of judges and resident magistrates should he retained iu the hands of the imperial authorities. l'assing to his own expressions on these points. which, I'ar nell says, represent his views now and then, In; says that with regard to the letcntion of the members he holds that with the concession of full powers to an Irish legis lature, equivalent to those enjoyed by a state of tho American union, the uumler and position of the members so retained would become a question of imperial con cern and not of pressing or immediate im portance for interests of Ireland; but that with the important and all-eugroing sub jects of agrarian reform, constabulary con trol and judiciary appointments left either under imperial control or totally unpro vided for. it would be the height of mad ness for any Irish leador to imitate Orat t au's example aud consent to disband an army which had cleared tho way to vic tory. 'I further undertook." says Mr. Parnell, 'to use every legit ima to influence to recon cile Irish public opinion to the gradual coming Into force of new privileges and to the postponements necessary for English opinion with regard to constabulary control and judiciary appointments, but I strongly dissented from the proposed reduction of the number of members during the inter val of probation, and pointed to the ab sence of any suitable prospect ot a land settlement by cither parliament us a con stitutional and overwhelming drag upon the prospects of permanent peace and pros perity in Ireland." At the conclusion of the interview, Par nell was informed that pending the general election Gladstone and his colleagues were agreed that silence should bo preserved with regard to these points of difference. The absenco of auy provision for the set tlement of tho agrarian question or of any policy on the part of tho liberal leaders, Parnell says, filled him with concern aud. Gladstone Intimated that, while he would apprehension. On the introduction of the land purchase bill by the government at the commencement of the lat session. Morley conferred with him, and hav ing regard to the avowed altsence of any policy on the part of the lib orals, Parnell strongly advised Morley against any direct challengo of the princi ple of a state aided land purchase aud that i'we should direct our efforts on the second reading to tho us-ertjou of tlje principle of local control." u this Morley agreed with him, but was at the sa:n& time hampered by the extreme section of his party, led by La boucliere, and in subsequent interview Im pressed upon Parnell the necessity of meet ing the second reading of the bill with a direct negative and asked him to undertake the motion. - "I agreed," says Parnell. -on condition toat I was not q attack the p.iix ciplj of the measure, but to confine my-clf to criticism of its details." "I think," says Parnell, "thN was false strategy was strategy adopted out of re gard to English prejudices and radical pe culiarities. I did the best possible under the circumstancc-3, ami tno several days debate on the second reading contrasts favorably with Laboucherc's recent abor tive attempt to Interpose a direct negative to tho first reading of a similar bill yester day." Just before the commencement of this session Parnell had another Interview with Morley and impressed upon him the policy of an oblique method of procedure with reference to the land purchase moasuie, and the necessity and importance pf pro viding for the question of local control and limitation iu the application of funds. lie agreed with me," says Parnell, "and I offered to move on tho first reading of the bill an amendment in f.tvor of this lopjij control, advising that If this was rejected It might bo left to the radicals on ths second reading to oppose the principle of the meas- , tire. I left Morley under the impression , that this would fall to my duty, but In ad dition lie made a remarkable proposal. Re ferring to the probable approaching victory of the liberals, ho suggested some considera tions as to the future of the Irish party and asked me if I would be willing to assume the office of chief secretary for Ireland or i whether I would siow another mpmbcr of my party to take tho position. He also put before me the desirability of filling one of the law offices of the crown In Ireland by a legal member of my party. I told him, amazed as I was at the proposal, that I could not agree to forfeit in any way the Independence of the party or its members; trwlrlsh party had trusted me because they believed the declaration I made at Cork in 1S50 represented my conviction, and that I would oa na account depart from it. considered Morloy's proposal that we should allow ourselves to be absorbed into English politics was one based upon entire miscon ception of our position. In conclusion, Morley directed my attention to the plan of campaign for tho tenants. Ho said it would be impossiblo for the liberal party when It had attained power to do anything for these evicted tenants by di rect action, and It would also be impossi ble for tho Irish parliament, under the power conferred, to do anything for them, and flinging up bis hands in a gesture of despair, he exclaimed: 'Having been In Tipperary, I do not know what to propose.' 1 told him this question would be a limited one; funds would be available from Amer ica aud elsewhere for the support of those tenants as long as necessary and this diffi culty should not be allowed to Interfere with the general Interests of the country." Parnell says he alludes to this matter only because within the last f6w days the strong argument for hi expulsion has been that unless the liberals come into power at the next election the plan of campaign for ! the tenants will suffer. He lias shown that the liberals proposed to do nothing for them by direct actios, and he is entitled to ask that the existence of these tenants whom he has supported In every way in the past aud will continue to support, shall not constitute the reason for his expulsion from Irish poll tics. Parnell says that during the ten years of the independence of , the Irl.-h parlia mentary party it ba, because of its inde pendence, forced upon the English people the necessity of granting home rule to ire land. He believes the party will obtain home rule provided it remain independent of any English party. In conclusion he says: "I do not believe any action of the Irlh people iu supporting me will endanger the home rul cau-c or postpone the establishment of the Iri-h par liament. But even if the danger were to bo realized I believe the Irish people throughout the world would agree with me that postponement would 1ms preferable to a compromise of our national rights by the acceptance of measures which would not reali.eythe aspirations of our race." 1'resa Opinions. London, Nov. 29. Tho Fbt say not a single point of the sordid conspiracy has i been omitted from the story of the home I ru,e cmpact for the first time brought to , '" "" '""" "eeu expioaea iu anger ana rarncll turns evidence against his fellow conspirators to save his own po litical life. The manifest has rendered the prospect. fr home rule worse than at any time since lrfSo. Tho A'cic says to Parnell's excited feel ings every man's hand seems against him and he sets hLs hand ugaiust every maiw This Is tho last fatal disservice which ob literates ninny, if not all. his lncompura bles. the Aetrs appeals to the Irish clergy and people not to allow Parnell to drag down the home rulo cause In bis own fall by lie lief in the serious misapprehensions of their, English friends. The Chronicle says Parnell's most power full blow is a revelation of tho abject paral ysis of the Gladstonlun party over the land question, and Morley's confession of their inability to assist the sufferers from the plan of campaign. The manifesto clearly shows Parnell Is not a person with whom auy statesman can venture to hold confi dential relations. Irish Ingratitude In pol itics is proverbial, but never before was It avowed with such cold, calculating cyni cism. The Stamlaril says the manifesto Is highly damaging to the credit of Gladstone as a straightforward statesman. Xo English politician will ever trust Parnell again, but he has chosen the right line to win back tho financial regard of Irishmen. The Time says the manifesto shlters for ever the supposition that Parnell can ever again be treated as a trustworthy friend or SDiiorable foe. It Is probably the most tameless document the English public has seen since the days of tlto revolution. The Times thinks, however, it will probably effect Its purpose, and refers to the severity of the blow Inflicted on Glanostone's Im practicable schemes. iluilston anil Morley Itoth Oeay. London. Xov. 20. Messrs. Gladstone and Morley both dispute Parnell's version of the negotiations which took place between them iu regard to homo rule and other matters conccmiug Ireland, and they will at an early date repudiate his statements. Messrs. Sexton and Ilea ley are taking the opinion of each member of parliament as to tho advisability of organizing a move ment for the alliance of theantl-Parncllitt-s with Gladstone. In an interview to-day Henri Labouchere. a member of parliament and editor of Truth, said it would be charitable to sup pose Parnell mad. It is impossible to sup pose a sane man with any sense of honor or patriotism would issue a manifesto so dis honoring to himself aud so injurious to his country's cause. Gladstone to Issue Counter Manifesto. London, Xov. 2t. It. Is reported that ' Gladstone will issue a counter manifesto, j All the papers comment at 'length on the' matter. Mr. and airs. O'Sbea. London, Xov. 29. It Is reported that , Mrs. o bhea is plunged in the deepest grief by the effect of tho divorce suit upon the fortunes of Mr. Parnell, and that fears are felt for her health. Capt. O'Shea is the lion of tho Conservative clubs, and takes his victory complacently. A NARROW ESCAPE. A Lucky Accident to the United States Steamship Alert. San Francisco, Nov. 29. The United States steamship Alert, which was under orders to relieve the Swatara, on .the China station, and has been at Maro Island sev eral months undergoing repairs, was to have sailed on Dec. 3 and everything was in readiness. On Monday last, after the final preparation, she was taken to the dry dock to have her bottom scraped and painted, j Tho workmen had hardly commenced opera- , tions when they heard a rumbling noise over their heads. An investigation showed that about 20 square feet of the iron boiler supports, which form an interior or second j bottom, had fallen In amldship. The heavy Iron beams were found to hava corroded away aud the heavy liollers were resting on t the ship's bottom. 1?ho Alert, although an old ship, was regarded as a staunch vessel, j A large force was at once put to work mak ing repairs and are working night and day ' to get the ship in readiness to sail on Dec. 10. It is believed that if the supports of the ' boiler had held out until tho vessel was at i sea and given away there, tho heavy boil ers would probably have fallen through, j leaving the vsssel not qnly with steam . power, hut with a hole In her bottom so , largo thut sho would have immediately Mink. SOUTH DAKOTA FINANCES. That State Trjlnt to Mate B3SO.OOQ ttfj Expenses of S3U0,000 suix Fai,i.s, S. D Xov. 89. -The que; tion of the state's finances is exciting no little Interest. The problem is to make a possible ?25O,00O pay 5390.000 of expenses The Dully J'reM this morning advocates an amendment of the constitution, so that a levy of '! mills may be made instead of ' mills. The Minnehaha National bank, of this city, offers to take a large portion of the state warrants, If other banks will take a share, 'flits will probably bo agreed to. Taking W altogether, the npxt session pf the legislature will be a stormy one and inter citing to outsiders. The independents and democrats will probably have a majority on Joint ballot, and the fight for United States senator will be hot. Then there aio five or six counties presenting contests, every seat of tho Lawrence county delega tion being contested. Tho thing, however, which causes legislators to tremble is the fact that the women have an organized movement for resubmission of the equal suffrage amendment to the constitution. .she Capture! a Celestial. New Yoiik, Nov. -X Miss Lillian V:ouW dey, of 27 Rutger street, was mrrid yes tejdiy rjterr.oon, jn tic C'alvaty I)aptlt church, in West Fifty-seventh stieet, to Yoong Suing, a Chinaman, who has been In her Sunday school class. Although there has been considerable gos-Ip about Miss Roundey's friendship for the Chinaman, her friends were very much surprised when .-he announced a short time ago that she in tended to marry Mr. Suing. Every precau tion was taken to keep ne marriage quiet. Mls Roundey is qot yet u yeais pld. ' Sue is tall and very slight, her hair is brown and she wears eyeglase-. tshe has been greatly Interested in the work of foreign missions. She also taught a Chinese class at the Mariner's Temple, in Oliver street, Miss Roundey is said ts havo considerable money and sho was able to devote a good deal of time to missionary work among the local heatnen. Failed for SIOO.OOO. San Astoxio, Tex.. Nov. 29. Bracking ton, the leading merchant of Hillsboro, Tex., has made an assignment. HJa total liabilities amount to over $100,000 and those to preferred creditors reach 198,000. The largest creditors are Crawford & Crawford, of Dallas, $25,000; II. B. Claflln & Cq., New York, 510,000, and A. C. flurnheiiat of Hills-; boro, S30.000. The total amount of asets la not known. eMaaMaaBaaeaaaaaaWjasaaMWBBBBBBBBaBa A rcBTHEB quarrel has taken place in the . Bohemian diet between the Czechs and the Germans. A reconciliation between the two parties Is postponed Indefinitely. THK WnXE-JAT' Th? blackbird whistles in early tpria; And the hob'lln!; notas o'er tae maJows rinir. The swallow twitter from the Ivied wall, Bnt the blue-Jay comet in the fall. The robin pipes when the sunlight stain And the oriole sinars in the taaued vine. Jn summer thickets the cat-birds call, nut the bine-jay tones in the fall. The wild canary like the weather warm. Am! the brown thrush chant, after each .lime storm. Vh'ii the pren leaves turn thev wilt vanish all. lint tli: blue-jay oms in the fall. These siin-vonrlslid songster.-, list them go. For th:y ilare not tar one tlake of snow. Tlir Uui- trees herald the winter's thrall. Kill the Mue-jay comes in thj fall. And dow u Iu the woods 1 heard his ny. Ami his blight blue winj;- weut rtaliin? lv. December waits with an iry pall, lint the blue ,iav ciimi"' In tln fall A Telegraph to IheKrala From the stomach is the grist sympathetic rerte in tho epfgstiii;m. Let digestion become seriously disordered, and that disorder ts sure t"fiii'l a reflection iu symptoms which react Itaadvautageously upon ths organ of thought. la-iomiiia. cerTouscsi, caiissle depression and auzlsty are all manifeitationsef dyspepsia. Tho best means of leiaedy'ng and restoring -i-aurjuillity to brain and stomscb. and of regu lating, it may be added, bilious sscielion, is to taVea mrglassful of Mosietter's Stomash Bit ters before meals iuring the day and before retiring- This eonrse begun, reform in the direc tion of couiiJe'e bodily well-being has begun with it. ConstiatIon,aik headaches, neuralgia, rheumatism, and malarial complaints are anion: the trouble iu which the Hitters la siedily and thoroughly beaeflctal Don't de lay, but taVn the sure course at oa:. Tiik method by which tho sole searches for rood is peculiar. Un laps the sandy bottom with his head, guided apparently by scent only; when the tactile filaments finds something edible he immediately seizes it with a vigorous and sudden .snap of the lower half of the jaws, where the teeth are situated, but never snaps at anything not lirst localized by bis feeler-. II.- eats marine worms, shrimps and very small shcllli-h. A S3.M PAPER VOU 1.7. Tiik Vocta's Companion gives ho much for the small amount that It costs It is no wonder it Is taken already In nearly Half a Million Families. With its fine paper and beautiful Illustrations, lta Weekly Illus trated .Supplement-', and lta Double Holiday Numbers, it seems as if the publishers could not do enough ro please. By sending l.?.1 now you may obtain It free lo.1aac.ary. and for a full year froui that date to January. I!'?. Address T:ik Yorrn's Companion. Ko-ino. Mass. li.ATi.fM aiM -Hvr drawn into wire many than a human hair. The has been drawn into win ran each b? times smal!T former metal m line that t wen tv-So veil of them wi?tcil together could have been itierl-.d into the hollow of :i hair; that is, If a human being or human-mad machine could be found minute and preclo vnotih for Mich, a deJu. ne iindi-rlakitii;. MKSEKVIXG OV COSFIIKX:E. Theraj U 110 aitlcle wlibdi so rlelil v de-ei vaa the eulirt; coufldeiict: of I lie rut.triitiiiity as IlitowN's KRON(;iiisi.TRoi:nt. Tlurtesuf feiiug fnim A-huiHtltr and" Bron.hllil Dis-e.iM--. Co'ih, and Colds should try them. I'l e S."J rent". Tni.tti: is a prune, orchard of forty tri-t-s at tJianervillw, Cal.. whh-h w thi yi-ar ?.l, .') pounds of fruit, an avcr aite of ;). Hiitnds to tho tn- One tre umoii: the number priMlnt:d l.ln) jfonnds. The fruit has sold iu that ln caniy this sea-on for t)i cents a pound. Ia ir '-ineiTiii in save a few cent-, fmying :t 1 hc.ip Miap a- strong washing powder, and fe..- iiittl-m in ruined, rotted cloth.' If 1.01. ii-e Itobblnv Klectrk .Soap, white h" m u . pure. As!: your grocer for It. A LKcrritKB upon the Knelish Ian Rimjo has predicted that before long Kinjli-h grand opera witt be permanently csiabli-heil In this country. lift says that the l-ajftllsh lai)(rtiat;u can bo sunt? without in any way disturbing tho sus tained leisure flow of vok-e and the beaulvof tone. "Dos't hans to my tdtlrts and err . said mamma to her iirevish and pale-lonktnir li'lie sirl. Ah! mother, if you wcuid give it Dr. Hull's Worm Destroyers it would soon teal well, aud eontentedlr Uv with it I locks and toys. Ix 12iii a pig wa$ burned at Fontaney-aux-l!oses, near Parte, for having eaten a child. In 13SG a judge of Falaiso con demned a sow to bo mutilated and hansed for a similar offense. Thr-e ears later a horse was solemnly tried before the magistrate and condemned to death for having killed a mai, "All Is Aii-j that Is clean." Simple homes made bright with SAl'OLIOare belter than tawdry palaces. Sapollo is a solid cake of S.oiirlni' S?op. Try It, Aniotis Mother "I am afraid Johnny is sick." Father "My goodness! What does lie complain of." Anxious Mother "lie hasn't begun to complain yet, but I forgot to lock the jam closet to-day and there Isn't a bit tntesing.' .Vip i'oil. When Sat- was sick, we gave her Castor!, When she was a Child, she cried for Csitnrta. When she became mat, she chiBf to Castorls, Whea she bad Chil Jrea, she cave tbeat Castoria TiiEitr. are the curious ribbon fih, with their tins prolonged Into feeler. many times as as the body; ami there are other strange types with pointed tails and eyeless heads that look like nightmares than actual production of matter-of-fact nature. Vest, easiest to use and cheapest. Plso'e Remedy for Catarrh. By druggists. 30c. "Do vol thin!: that marriage 1 a fail ure.'' said the reflective young woman to a man of business. ''Xut necessarily it's what kept Stulthers from bank ruptcy ." iriift.'iirio.ion Post. IlFEcajaM'h Pills cure Sick-Headache. A itKsniKxr of Colerain, Pa., !ays he was turned out of house and home by his wife because he didn't vole to please lor. peumatism , Sciatica. ' Tuft's PjHs The dyt.aptie. the dM2! frniti oserss of werk ml amlwsl as- , enaaK oreanuearelsi . MALA RIAL KKVWMO, will fled Tut fs Pills tfce storatlve ever eBareat Use i EMORY iris4waaderraccnre4. akotal'Sael ra.roerae:tac TetUaraaiSH "Trees all eens of tae ah. feeiarcer vase, sent . uelkaiu.a) te Wnt. A. Laieane. SP Ttfla Ate. ew Tecs. mam tsetraruoos rfCEKto i3ctur. afe"TVr.Ust fur hstU-t'jok of int rmalion. CO- WaebUgtuTI. V.V. jcir--. BflM bBbVbtS F REEMAX MON'KV. Wa.llr'o l'. o 67 le) n wectr Cf iXifm A I'rtes::. ssra ss.'i I. s A:; 0ea Not a Local Disease catena affects is not therc- isealeealttlssae. lfttiUotesitin r.wl.too.t iicealel aet aualitatltaiU la your tor ni Momi Uyewrteetole.ket-iero-i nnii.ii reading- tins layeWfcMrs again, and soon ili-trih- nver, esoeaaen. sinn. ant so on. Whatever iapnritir the blood doe not -rrr awv. cease what we call dinewx. Therefor whfn you have eatavr'a of the bead a nu(T or other inhelmt can at asost aire oaly tmporrr nlW. The oulr way loeffiret a cure ia ( stisvV theiiUease In tho Mood by taking s ronatitutiooal reine-ir Ilk Uooil'.-i Ssrssparilia which eliminate all uui'iiriti'-i. and fdiva permanently curt catarrh. The o Hood's Sarsapsrilla as a rrrae.1v for catarrh l vdnnhed for t7 many i-fi.ile it h-v cured. Hood's Ssrsaparilla freld by sll dnissia:. by C. 1. HOOD CO. $t. 4i for IV Lowell. Mast. lrpare.t itr 100 Doses One Dollar lream,CuveoTvj: 'BKOTUKRS.I The Great Writers of the Day! To rnnvmre. evervhodv , - -.....--.- j t quality ana interest of oar lseauUlUlSV lllUSiraiea jour- ' m T ?! .nal lausnewiurm, cuui T Vrce v-io SEMD TENT CEXTS for a trial subscription, ami we will) send yomhre numbers, incltidinjjourCHKISTMAS NUMBER, with an artistic rover: iUo. oi:r Cnlt'iular Ait::o:tnremetit lor. 1S91, witii a painting "The These three numbers contain tin: foliowitu; rrailtnij-mattrrl Hi) Mrs. Amelia E. Barr's ? st-riai. " Th ivads of Tasnicr." Mrs. H.irr is liu: author .t most successful serial, '" Friend Olivia," juit romjileted in Thr Centura: but hereafter Mrs. Darr will write exchibivelv fnf 7"Aa r'n 'ir'' I .fa (2) Hon. George Bancroft's dcnption Battle of I.ake Etie," beautifuliv iilustf.ued. It ftl j(3) Margaret Dcland's latest mo.v. -t.. what End (4) James Russell written expressly for by Wilson de Me.a, .SOUVENIR SriMM.KMEXT. Mrs. Dr. Julia Holmes Smith n of articles ivit:ij very valuable infurnutiuti mothers. 1(5) (6) Robert Grant's II arold Stagg-. f nornei frescott Spofford, Marion Harland. Marquise Lanza, Rftaurice i inumpaon. and SOnS contribute shot eH r(8) James Parton, Rfi. W. .aze!tinean i Oliverif jH Oyer (autlior oi "Great Senator "j lontnbutef articles of interest In addition to the above. 1 Illustrated Poem.s, Hii.i.n M."ri.i.. .,m n1 ana a variety ot dehghttul reading of int 'the household. J ne foregoing i a sample up the most perfect National SS i- . iimencan people. . - bend I en Cents for these yourself, or bend onlv Two Dollar for The New York Ledger, In.L. . aa . . . .. . mm MMcrs mbs, PMMisIsers, Chichester s Emush. TKCORlGINaLANO GENUINE taatLaj 29 'Z?.??11 t'" lake .... .lb.,. kl.J. j-.; fJSSL,X,i EEZL.. v BBsT J- P.I. l arra tB.Vi4 rsr.afelttaiea.fnf, f f . . . . n, r mSj T"u '. L""-!?" CMICMC6TEH Cmcmici Co.. M.rfU-"i,.,i r at4 sj aU leral treaarat. l"IHl.ADri.l-II. rl P ISO'S REMEDY FOR CATARRH. Host Easiest to use. Cheapest. Relief is immediate. A cure is certain. For Cold iu the Head it has no equal. Ills an Ointment. of which to the nostrils. Trice. 50e. by mail. Address. . T. -VASELINE- fOK A ONE-DO LL A It III IX aent Ui by rnal wewillSetir. frceor si: ctiare. t any iKrsonls the United Hat;e. aU o( ttie toV.Q.&t atticleit. ciru rul'TSSckea: One twe-OQBce bntt' ef l'nre Vaaellne '.Oct. lise tro-ana;e aottie ct Vaseline Foinatte.... l Ooe jsr ot Vasell'-e Cold Creaiu .IS Oae aie of Vaseline Ca uy boric- ...,...,. W - Oaecskeof VseeUne ai. uascsnted to Onecsasof VasalIneSaai.exii'8itelyiacented 3 Oeewo-ouocaboUlfcot Yfli;ts VtttUae ,' 111') Or. trpotaa "P. ON xina nrtMe at thr pet nirrifil 0t ftunt h perii't'J to nvpt r- rt eear drugjUt any Ytitttine or prrfK'ratMit tltr'fnr.i uaitts tiiaettJ tettt.our wn'.itr- iiyou c't rf' t-tm tuned CL't italtatiOH if A.A ."Ji !it:'i or nj fin' Chesebruuah Mfg. Co.. il State Sl . V. Dr. WOOD, 4U rth Itreet, SIOUX CITY, IOWA. ftet tfeaalsiaFWaakati tUmint ut'-mI ijirrr Iteznlar Graduate in Meilirln- so lean lAtpital and prlralt priiir I In Chimin iimi -Vn- Icti Ke- .taitliahetl In Sloiii rtty Mne rears Met) 1 treat liij all rrlrain. Nertous, ihruulraad .irla iUse4e. ivrina,.rrlnen. M tnitfl.1 H4UI,- IIIIOI iSaetrt' fruMl sOirrrj, ami an IrmaJfl Ileitkt e. frrrjii'iirtt'es. etc. Cures icuerauteeii or i aey refunWett imraree fair. serine oash, Aaai:.i exvrlen.f arw iuif'ttanr lartoua sarJirfnee iie.t-.V. I"' from t IxialBeaa-latlrnt at a alvlaiiLS tieattit !,t in- woikor mall WreKliMe ernr erru-ur tret rmu. gaze ana nui w-ni ror "pinion terass-Conaaltatlon errli-tlr eotifldentlal. pcraon- ailT or lie loiter Ir. WOlin haa I Ito larer Jteelleal aail Nnrciral Institute ami K: e.v aad Kar InRrniary In the Weat,- i.Vjin for oatteaie at tmlrrn'e. fai-lliilra uj-tnil adt emwr- eoey AOtt ami .Vi', o:r urut tkilt fir Lavtarj atiirinf Prryiutntu an.l Cot.tae.rKt Jorn! ft: Dosfawe for I'laatjaiJ BOOK anil MJCUICtl. IO-rlBN.1:. rfiBMen:loo oaaior.. ran. 1 nan tfULttnTMUrmatlirfaa. eak I could trearheaIcr-tha ibloalIritf.lii8 and Uizz fcciUitad lleft me: I'm utl.'.e ci tho brt be BBMBatareJ:lberaluait'i ;-)t...ion oatirc'r J1mi asarsCl 1 Sfc.e toil Si :ti- l i-xfi pic:.(i iu ever; vzj. ixszm eii,orliaaa::i9C.!;c: rrou uar trewt. caacheerfuIiT w. "lOiisefl It to all sr.fferrr frees okeai:r."-Ci(U L. t auikaber.e:! onh O St.. PATIENT TREATED 3Y MAIU Be starting ao liiroBienlecc?. trmlcaa and r.o bad sweet, mnnljcoulidantial. For circular aad tesU aaaaiab addren with 6c. In etamw. DaO.W.f'. fiNYDER. 243 STATS fir. CreQMa BFST MSi OR THE EARTH! A LaaiB Hunaar Mc.n t-aiol ainluila. it alf- MstauK ai-r :r-esllii8;ui.iiiis! lit. air lam:! jsnarrToHie: tiic Meitiatxi-. : Kali and Winter i . aewts. f far l eat. f our-t "i r 'il.p ld with l& aeaalerKKt:: B IIUKMX ULKNfi: a-i. NrtUtMC St. MW.tltK. N.J. WANTED IV.. -i Jrrsi, or 5MI-rs wbo li HIP tll t? A 1A. IiII...Ii..aI MnLDICRS' , " l'.1' '-'lanrtlni? atSaWSW Bastt U Iri tc Jua .v. Ia;i. n-i HOMESTEADS. ::.r.- ate dull urar.r. Ji'jat:- iitn. rnnuy. teat. t.:-is- w- wwoa-"- w aaa a , TtSt fi "flfr I TWtCAlCSX OF $60. BINIHUMTON) ItseeilatTariliesi M V. ' . . itcaawat . VUs Mm J? 4T ifeiuca ttla paysr. aaBafBeSH- W tt&ftaHal BaHBHBsA&P4aWavak.nVia ;W?WBBvV BBKWvn?5sBk52SSiift9 Ka4'BeTral BSBftn"f"kejaaaaaakK. asr33 l To latredae e them, one la every Cocnty or towafae Itlthed rrllable person liable pci'ona (Miner eesj "no mil Enmafo I.aetlaUrMualo Hmx le.. BoiJfiS,.V.ry. now it. Dr. MnTiler e Kldaea PaNnm ciuim Enuraaax BED - WETTIIa. t'ruoJI I'vruackuiebe mail. I or.Mle In nil ilrncsi-lorH'tllce. lor circu lars ami ! tmnuli.!.ii4l.!r. with f.tamLM.. Dr. O- W. ar. Ssti r. Staln St.. lii.-u,.-o. Af Ask your Druygist to order it for yM. MINti. , to 1'riK wmk wci:i . .vfaaiteAiM. inventors Cm! tie. or tow to Oe tain ia l'al eut.keiilrree. t.iliinefii.O.U. IWTUlCh. l'p'.niti:i.I..Ait at Law.' w? .Dm frAYFHK,, 3 INSTANTLY. arranBUNewYoik. Price S9c BWaaBB rsTSam gNjN&?ia4?, before suoseribinrr. of the hicrhi " JT -T-. - . :cuu u auy auuicw 1 -. .--1-1 .. Wee Us cents Minuet" by J. CI. I.. 1-Vrri;. 'i'X'r- 'he Lowell's poem, -mv urooi: 'J fu J.'e l-.utifiilh- tllisstr.itlM and issued v-S a I'OL'R-I'AGE' a 'eriei. t young 'I entertaining sorfety n.,vel. ' Mrs.LJL ueorge Frederic Par-f t Mories. .J SPATJT.TT.Tvn EDITORIALS. Kf chattv column. 1 rest to nil members of X of the matter which goes 1 Family Ion rnal ,-v,.r ftY.-,. to make. d to the! -.' --'weva-i three numbers anil judge a yeat'i subscription No. 40 William St.. H. Y. Gii..i - - - - - . - M i&&x$xtt&t$&i Reo cross Tt, .lr Kafr. M.rr.adrW.M,n. r.r a!e a small particle is applied ijold by driiL-eists or sent IlAZtLriM:, Warreu, l'iw m BBS ONLY 5D CENTS 8nttttt 5ir enter asagasi n tn- e et ralUj la al i r ':'. ' balanra (BAM) ygst ccA ry at the expnae oBes aitr ycu La-o eimiatkad tlae v :-i.j!( are cootlncrUef la wuitt.. Tho Flcuin. ibak mm le watUk thiu gmi bave them In LurwtxelCt4ifB. .aai o wr aaaaiai' vi 1MC of OTrrrcmL u ' or ?at r-a la ee- "7 rmperr. II aa :u'as a., rcaai via rjitl Mem art. it aaa aoiia San tt, nova ax J --- i'.tert, aj accoraleljr 4naJr. fluea aa4 vat. rantrU Ta aaote. n n i u lue ana Klcta (t;!.r:cUyeeia MUk trala. Mat I. ataprhcar. aa itjiiioa balaae. (.strut pinion, faa, i nT r armiimir.TaW riat.rseaMiirallw flnlahee. aeeatas- r:v rrctUatrd ioS atfjuUtd aaU Wfasw a-aatee te heefla, tlsawa. 17 cnaras tee ta acal MaV futi aXcJ&.a-ool lac Cn vajr. "thm iwalar. retail vr-.a of IMamocaV, i tS.e. but we de- i'.h to ercure aa ecest aa. rrr tow throoeLout tav United Sutn. anl tnrefora 'oali ttie sprl9l arleeeC KC.OS. If Tuu tuna moarr SnCav Viror Onler tzsstrt w win ibu-jc ia auan:oa aa eaaeeeann sola platca csala. iryon want to ae tbewatrh Ufoie!ijii:(t tar It. jou cauMod uaSOetav. lo-uarantreiF chruf. end wwiu trad It fey ex-. STnaCO li v:.4ntWtaexftjmfiUbfc.re7oape the haU&-v. t-iic An Lsr.k. nrwipaper or cniuirra. aceocy will t!l jouif our rtllahlfjtj-. Kaw Cataluna. in. It jcuhaTarrlrn.l Intrf-elly Iut h!c ealieSi CrtaUxmaj.d so-i KinTLANOBROS. U CO IwaukforTbu. 1 62Fuitan.SUeel Hi V. 1.090 DOZEN mt t.W Itoaj pn Uetm tm rJl lsJ - " "" wiii uyizr, : - rrrr.r.-r iv1 !u.Uoift cEiT'TC. : av alaafk tlTla .-4 -- hjiuium, vanuj -i . ..,.. . "WJtc wie. a it h! aaa aad Wiaar fc SLaV"4 rfrc wra fallaa -.-ui. jm ilTT. T . J"" ' --a "- " uu u?, u t? . r.ea aajarjl aad catfa artiCi ... j wanuoj t lead Um rat ta. rrrai ma, aaaaa-Uia Laaral tad.naaMk 'it a viu i-mr aa' IITH.UL Will r. -. - ". MV. I&cta.lna'Irtti - tUacaVaadi .' au&tta. . .f aeaea Street, XtwYmtL STEREOPTICOHS McltHWH Battsu. 4 Opliirt? Ce. CHICAGO. ILL. MAGIC UNTERNSe Ilwlfj WaalilBi'XAta. li. ? naUrKiclpal Laimluer U a. Toooloa Bufeau. I Tn.tkJ.A.1 15 iflllill.rn ..l.n.- ..w.I.a-. ,. .-WHV.VW-U..M.M... mv.j .... arJeaWaS. mmJw "lejla: : m7Z-i eBEs(3Ba. i i Tvejfs3s?isrv i t ,iaicyj'-.c-.rk aWR'aSvBy--' x aaaavx.vBva cv.a a wyiWvAervf- .-ft sssa?? 2--7'k ir?SaHuasi BSC&rWJSS mSmmHSaerUTZitMwfii LmBaS&SSmSSrt ala a.ika frw u, t.e5i!aSiT il.itf th atiuaaaaa WaZalt 'J' IrV CaaWlTlBaarm wa a.aav A s. C. X. u. Xo. 4..ttQ -e-M -l sk