I g NEBBAflKA. FAMILY : JOURNAL A Weekly Newspaper Israel tiretj Weiiesday. 32 CeloHis ef readiig Batter, ei sistia ef Nebraska State N$wi Hens, Selected Stories aid Miscellaiy. - fr"Sample copies aent re to any Subscription prica, SI a year, in Mvaace. Address: M. K. Ttmxn O, Ctolumjbjgs, Platte Co., Nebi a.. rnrssELr,, -BI1IXB t v Ul PUMPS REPAIRED NOTICE. ON SHORT O.'ivo St., nearly opposite Pot-efRc. 0jano63-7 LOUIS SCHREIBER. Ill All kinds of Repairiag iene ti Short Notice. Buggies, Wag ons, etc.. made to order, and all work Guar anteed. Also sell the world-famous Walter A. Wood Mowers. Reapers, Combin ed Machines, Harvesters, and Self-binders the beat made. 2TShop opposite the " Tattersall" Olive St.. COLUMBUS. 26-m Judicious Advertising ( 'rentes many n new business, Knhirges manv an old business, llovives many a dull business, Ilec-cucs many a lo?t business, Saves manv a failin-r business. 1 'reserves many a large business, Secures success in any business. P 8aj s n man of hueinr-s, and vre add that judicious advertising, for this section of country includes THE JOURNAL A ono cf tio lm-dinm. because it is raid hr fb l-t icoplv. tio-o who know vchat they want anc1 i l; for-nj.st th-yK"t. W'v challenge compt.ris wiiii u:iy roanirj -paper in tiioworJil in tins rr ;: -twenty yarn publishing by the same niani'gemenl, and never one dnn to sub-criber published in The Jovrnau This letter than anything le, t-hous the class of people who read The Joukxal every wreck, tf GOSHEN FENCE MACHINE! CHEAP. CXNTLY $15. Woven wire and elate, cnt willows, split boards yrr.njthing of the sort, used: after posts are eet. fonco can be made and stretched on the around, in the winter, by a boy or ordinary farm hand, 10 to 40 rods a day, and can work it over an (tronnd. The man who has one of thcee ma rine can build a fence Hint is more durable and eafe than an other, and make it at lew co6t. The machinn and a tsniple of its work ran be een inthecity on 11th t-treel at Ernst & Schwarz Lsnlwaro frtore. Wii !-!! mchice. or territory, or contract to put up fences. ltsani j. b. MATHEWSON. A book of 100 vazea. , The best book tora IlnirrDTioiiiA! ffiD9RSIBESs2 It contains lht ol nevrspavers and cstimtea ofthecostof.UvcrtUlnf:.'iUcadTertiarwho wants to spend er.o dollar, flnda in It the In formation ho require, while forhim who will Invest one hundred thousand dollars in ad vertising, a scheme Is indicated which will cseet his cverr requirement, or can be male tc doso by sligitchaupueeniy arrived at ftyevr respendexce. 19 editions have beea issued. Sent, post-paid, to any address for 10 cents. "Wrfto to GEO. F. UOWELL ft CO, SEWSPAPER, ADVKr.TlSrXU BUREAU. "lOScrucaSUFrimisg House Sq.). 2iew Tcrk. PATENTS Caveat and Trsde Marks obtained, and all Pat ent business conducted for MODERATE FEES. CUB OFFICE IS OPPOSITE U. 8. PATENT O FFICE. We hare no sub-stead's!, all business direct, fecace we can tmn.e.-.cs patent basinets in less time and st LESS COHT than those remote from Waabincten.- Sead nodel, drawing, cr photo, with descrip tion. We advise if patentable or not, free of cLcrce. Oar fee sot dee till patent is secured. A book, "How to Obtain Patents," with refer ences to actual clients ia joar siaie,cesiity or town, seat free. Address . - c. a. sjtow CO, Opposite Fatomt OCIco, Wash jnttca, U. CL $5 TO SHU PUT larAgenUWameslI CtscrtassFacc. J.C-0J Brewster's SaMy XUla Holders Given away to :titrouBC-ifc-s. vety fcerte earner text from I to e. tices Bcvcra.-tssraeicsa' rest. sea3icsurt ,iS?i?!a.BT.r,.!' I ( irii BlacKsmiut aao WasoH Maker i3?b! rabably tho latter. Mclliek Look here! Sklpps. the cash ier of the Sphinx National bank, has just fled with SS0.000 of the deposits. He , was an old and trusted employe, and the directors ttntik lie must hnv tied In a lit of mental aberration. Jellick Either that or a fit of abstrac tion. ifuu,cy'is Weekly, bott'i Thlst tTe offer On ttu-dred Dollars Beward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by taking Hall' Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Prop., Toledo. O. We. the nndersigneJ, bare known F. J. Che coy for the latt fifteen years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions ted financially able to cany out any obligation trade by thclr'firm. West & Truax, Wholesale DrucgUts, Toledo, O. Wa-Dino, KnXAN Jfc Mamix, Wholesale Drug- rlsts, Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, nclhu dlrsctly niton the blocd and mucous surfaces ot the system, 'rice 7Sc per tattle. Kold by Dr-tgist. ail St'GAit was unknown to the ancient Greeks and Romans. even as medicine, i and not until tea end cuflee and alcoholic beverages created a popular demand for f its use, early in the eighteenth century: did it become an important diet in Eu- j rope. Tiie annual consumption in Eng land was then only three pounds per . capita; it. N now at the rate of ity-two ' pounds. I Sciiweixfcktii. the Rock ford tor. may be also the Messiah Siotiv. Mipgests the Kansas City jmpos of the Times. Talking of patent medicines you know the old prejudice. And the doctors some of them are between you and us. They would like you to think that what's cured thousands won't cure you. You'd be lieve in patent medicines if they didn't profess to cure ev&t y thing and so, between the experiments of doctors, ; and the experiments of patent medicines that are sold only because there's money in the " stuff, " you lose faith in every thing. And, you can't always tell the prescription that cures by what you read in the papers. So, perhaps, there's no better i way to sell a remedy, man to tell the truth about it, and take the risk of its doing just what it professes to do. That's what the World's Dispensary Medical Associa tion, of Buffalo, N. Y., does with Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, Favorite Prescription, Pleasant Pellets, and Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. If they don't do what their makers say they'll do you get your money back. MAW'AsTAwrJrAwAfi KPelFKuBrelVo PETERSON'S ' - MAGAZINE NOW BEGINNING ITS SOtm YEAR OF PUBLICATION, IS UNDOUBT EDLY THE BEST LADY'S MAGA ZINE PUBLISHED. lis stories ore from torn of America' most popular author. It miscellaneous article, pro fusely illustrated, are always entertaining and instructive. Its fashion new at id ill tist ra tion are fresh and complete, combining beauty, utility, and economy. It full-size 'drtts-patterus en able every teaman to cut and fit her own dresses. It numerous design for needle work, fancy-work, etc., are Hotel, handsome, and useful. It household dejtartment and table recipr are invaluable to every housekeeper. tt long -continued prosperity attest it worth. TRY IT FOR 1891. Term: $9.00 per year, with large reductions to Clubs, and elegant premium to those who get up Club. A sample copy, with full particular, to Club-raier. Address, PETERSON'S MAGUTOC, Uecilon ttl. psptr. PMItStMIs, Pi. EQCBSH GRATEFUL-COMFORTINQ. EPPSS COCOA BREAKFAST. "By a thorough knowledge of the natural lawi wh'.ch gOYern the operatUnt of dlgettlon and autrt U n, and by a carcTul applie nUon of the flue proper ties of eh-ariecte4 Cocoa, Mr. Epos has provldrd our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured bev erage whiea may save us many heavy doctors' bills It Is by the Judicious us of suoh artloles of dlel that aeoustltutloa may be gr dually built up until strong enoutrb to resist every tendency todlnease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us rt-adt t attack wherever there Is a weak po nt. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping our- seives wen roruaea tvuq pure mooa ar. a a property nourished frame.' ' "Orfl .Ssrrio QasaKe." Mads simply with bolllnj water or tutllr. Sold only In balf-oouad tin. y Grocer, labelled thus: JAMES Errs eV CO.. Homceopathto Chemist, FAT FOLKSTREDIICEO 'I write to inform Ton of the sac- reMof yonrtreatmeot. 1 am reduced 11 tonnUfi,Raatne most important cciut is. that the result is cerma- ince discontincins treatment. I have eatea erervthing, whether it contained ougar, starch or fats. uu. iikio jitiit inEirwii n puuiiu. luut ijiuiuu twau yoor remedies remove the caui-e of Obevity. I can recommend ynnr kill a a Specialit for Obeoity." J. SlLA8l.KA8.of Bf.-nard ft Leas Mfc.Co..Moline.IlL PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL. , o (tarring, no inconvenience, harmless and no bad effect. Strictly confidential. For circulars and testi monials address with Cc in stamps. Or. O. W. F. SNYDER 243 State St., Ohicaoo. A ROBBER OR THIEF Is better than the lying scale agent who tells you as gospel truth that .the Jcnes' $60. 5 Ton Wagon Scale is not a standard scale, and enualto any Blade. For free book and price list, address Jons of BiBghuiioi., Biflglimton, H.T. Want to Know thehnsaaasTstssa, . - 74 sarerf. diarass fadaestt. otpaoraaecaiul tadtservHssi, rm ia au jorms oj sustose. Kset, Bapmrr. Humosts. me.. SinltaTTiaofM&hMttprtnbabiss, odor's Droll Jokes, profusely lllss- tt'd. bead ten nets f or asw Lsoch Care Book called MEDICAL SENSE AND NONSENSE J. HIXE. ri'B CO.. t2 Eut SSth BU New York- MOTHERS Or. Ravdera tTfrinw Balsam cores Enuresis I BED-WstTTIUC.) FPnoe SI per packuebr lc.Tt.urA trtimomalseddress.withrsTnpa,Dr.O.W.r. 8XTEEX.S13 State ScCSSrago. " Ask year Dragiist to erter it far yea. ild'TICN IllZS PAPER was tn to .-.. vth- 1T&I1 ame ffUbnr nt nffir.1 FAPntra. PATENTS xnvwa ton- Guide, or How to Ob tain af ant. cantfiae PATBICK OTABBELE. AttT at Lsj;WaJiict-aJ).a Ijoas'wjsowuas, WstahtasAOB. D. C. jJSSetKHramuierb.Ptnaion Bureau. "vrsiolast war. liadjBdleatlngclainis, atty aiuea. riy DCfllMC l13 prest fx-t rtaedy tor ak- 9 D luiuli in- tee irti ?u.aa. Instant relief for ee!3 or rera-itrlng fset- Oa sale w evsrywsers. er sent tree on receipt cr so eta. auopttjpsclrage tree ststcrss.crBaUsafssa IBs. fi'.sstittt 4 t-tasuat me. TBS UM CO, WQsUi9 ASf KYI u V Bi rVB7liBBFi4BBrl s aal BksfBV - M V Ik Jf Lsi3r bvf"vW vl"fTF , nent. b ITYOU 1.001 ciuksgnrnsflsacssi Ustfurits utrKtimtctSsi plots to amUUyui inoa ioaffgiuio?KSA.Ti IBoa to curkErWrrA Old lifoictl atafSVvaafV tanI sin tfwftfSlnt At I TOPICS OF THE TDIES. A CHOICE SELECTION OP IN TERESTING ITEMS. I louttents aad CriUelsas Based Upon the Happefcltags mt tho Day-Historical and -lows Kotoa. ' Emigcation from Ireland, though t greatly diminished, still continues at ! the rate of more than 70,000 persons a ' year. J The Cronin murderers, who are de- manding a new trial, apparently forget that another jury might not contain an other Culver. A great deal of the human hair of ' commerce in England comes from Can ton, China, and is taken from the heads of beggars, criminals and corpses. Among 525 Italian immigrants who arrived in New York the other day the total wealth was 'only $72.10, and their appearance was most wretched and ab ject. A WashLngtox paper says that about 200 letters are mislaid or miscarried because of the identity of the name of the State of Washington and the Na tional Capital. The German bark Bene Bickmers reached Astoria, Ore., a few days ago, from Yokohama, after a passage of twenty-eight days, said to have been (.he quickest time ever made between ;hese ports. If there were no other evidence? of the matchless freedom of our institu tions, it would be seen in the fact that there is room enough on this continent for the stara and stripes and Herr Most's mouth. An Idaho bank on which there was a run piled upon the counter what was supposed to be $40,000 in gold. This stopped the run and brought in deposi tors, aud when the trouble was over the gold was" taken down. The package contained iron washers cut to the thick ness and size of $20 gold pieces. Moke than live thousand stonemasons in Berlin are without work or money. The builders say that the stoppage of their trade, from which this state of af fairs has resulted, is dne to the recently increased agitation of the social democ racy. Every one is afraid to contract for new buildings for fear of a strike for higher wages on the part of the workingmen as soon as the work is under wav. A spouting journal remarks that the season has been long, and that "base ball men declare they are tired." So we say all of us. Let us have a rest from base-ball, at least until the frost is out of the ground nest spring. People who have no interest in the game and they compose a very large class cannot "fie expected to take much interest in base-ball discussion during the winter season. Of the 010 persons treated at the 1 Pasteur Institute iu New York since j February 18, 1890, 480 were fouud to have been bitten by animals that were , not mad. This ought to allay the fright ' that follows the merest bite by a dog, , but it is doubtful if it will. Though, as shown by the experience of every Pas ' teur Institute, the large majority of bites are harmless, yet there is a doubt ' and a fear in the minds of persons who have been bitten that cannot be satisfied with anything less than a consultation with the Pasteur scientists. The Atlanta Constitution has been one of the most strenuous opponents of the Louisiana and other lotteries, and there is an element of humor in its be ing the first prominent paper in the country to feel the weight of the new anti-lottery law. It is especially odd that the misfortune should have over taken it, iu connection with a game of chance operated by it for its own bene fit. Nevertheless, the Constitution will m-obablv admit that the simple and ! apparently innocent device which culti- M. m I vates the passion for game) of chance, that is inherent in most people, is, iu some respects, moie injurious than is the device which appeals only to the confirmed votary of gambling. The invasion of the city by the mod ern girl of business is raising the hair of some of the young mon, who've had the idea all along that the city belonged to them, and was a place where you were expected to exchange cheap cigarettes with other fellows, and arrange meet ings with barmaids. Several people are writing to the papers to complain that they are gettiug left for places when the girls are in the running. It seems to them perfectly inexplicable that a city man should prefer to employ a girl, who will sit at her desk all day till her work is done, to a sickly-minded young man, whos business is divided between tho sporting papers and the dinner hour, aud tey want it altered. Meanwhile, the girl hangs on to her desk with a smile of confidence that has come to stav-. Minnesota has the nroud distinction ! of furnishing a brand new and decidedly interesting sensation. A man lately died in that State leaving a fortune esti mated at $4,000,000, which he willed to his wife and four of his live children. The remaining child, who is said to have been uncommonly '"wayward," was left nothing, his father evidently in tending the zero to express his appre ciation of the boy's character and achievements. Well, the widow has de clined to probate the will, and with the consent of the other heir3 will burn it. Of course, if this philanthropic purpose j is earned out, tne wayward boy will get his share of the $4,000,000, and the! Minnesota lawvers who were expecting i to attack or "to defend the will will I doubtless be more or less prostrated with grief. A good many people hold that the worst use you can put a man to is to hang him. But the course of human events goes far to prove that VMM XtA4- tleA m wnall .MAM. 1 A ..-.A A T ran tcay iuc u i rail uts JJU6 IO IS lO 1 treat it as the Minnesota one is to be i served. One feature of the recent divorce in I Mn Dashawavwas in the parlor last South Dakota of a weU-known actress night I just know that you were peek ' from her husband seems to have escaped ? icg through the keyhole, the attention of the divorce reformers.! Maud The idea! Why, the key It is the rapidity with which the matri- j I monial tie can be sundered in this new accession to our sisterhood of States. 1 According to the reirart it was a little less than four months from :he time tho j huabanrl went to South I akota to-reside , baforo the decree was signed, eealtd aad dajirtiwi aad the afliotad a tberlzed to contract new ties. Buen rapidity is by no means unprecedented; It!iasbcen equaled, if not excelled; ovor the Indiana course and it is quite i&ely that the Illinois divorce tracks can show a record for faster time. In both these States, however, the result was achieved by an evasion or deliberate violation of the law which requires a residence of a year prior to this filing of a bill for divorce. This is not a very serious requirement for persons of easy conscience and it is surprising how anxiety to get rid of an undesirably wife oi husband does ease the con science. Technically, the requirement of the law is not that the applicant shall have resided in the State for a year, but that he or she shall "make oath" to have done bo. It is only necessary in these States; therefore, fot the applicant to commit the trifling of fense of perjury in order to get a di vorce as speedily as the wheels of justice can be made to revolve. The large majority of educated peo ple recognize the importance of koep ing pure the air of bed-rooms, but there are many who prefer to sleep in closelj shut rooms. In the minds of manv there is a firm conviction that the night air is injurious. This superstition probably had its birth in the malarious districts. For those that have reason ably good health the night air is ai wholesome as that of the day. In cities it is purer than the day air, for it is more free from the dust and disease germs kept in the atmosphere by winds, traffic and evaporation. Sleeping iu closely-shut bedrooms with a vitiated atmosphere causes weariness and drow siness in the morning instead of that j feeling of renewed life and vigor that j one should have. Much of the head ache and neuralgia-commonly met with may be attributed to this cause. In many of the dwelling houses sufficient attention is given to the ventilation of all rooms except the servants' sleeping rooms. These are too often without windows and without means of heating in winter, thus insuring improper ven tilation. No one can do good work ol any kind unless body and mind are re newed by sleep, and to be refreshing sleep must be taken in pure air. Nc one should sleep in an inside room one that has no window. In some houses where the servants' rooms art. not heated gas is burned to aid in heat ing the room?. In this way the air it fouled. There is plenty of air foi every one, and each one should have his portion. Action of Lightning. A Vienna paper states that PrcJ Nothnagel, in one of his clinical lectures exhibited to his hearers a young woman, .Tosepha Schlessler, agel twenty, who had been recently struck by lightning in Styria, and had come to Vienna for treatment in Prof. Nothn gel's hospital. The patient suffered from a derangement of the nervous system. To his remarks on the case the lecturer added a discourse on th effects of lightnintr, substantially as fol lows : Formerly it was known that the burns occasioned by lightning had a ' zigzag figure, and that the further con-' sequences might be paralysis or death. During the last ten years the lecturer had made comprehensive experiments upon rabbits, with the electric spark of a huge Levden jar, and had thrown ' a new light upon the question. The action of lightning upon the brain, the , spinal column and the peripheric nerves is shown by the loss cf con-1 seinusness, the disturbance of tho intel-1 lect and the extended phenomena of ' Iaiuenesd, the latter of which have a tendency to disappear. On the othei hand, there are intense nervous phenom ena, which strongly represent those produced by railway accidents and other concussions, and which dominate the patient for a long time. Disturb ances of sight and speech often occur, and may remain for life or may in pari disappear. In other cases there may be observed in the person struck a childish frame of mind, which may in cline either to reckless merriment or to sadness and melancholy. Experience proves that lightniug produces its chief effects ony ?" l.int.s OIs entrance and exit. Thus, a ilash which entered a school room injured only the first and last child on the form, those Letween escaping unhurt. Prof. Nothuagel pointed out that in the treatment ol lameness and other constitutional per turbations due to lightning, mettalloth erapy is most efficient, a large horse shoe magnet being applied alternately to the head trunk and the limb.. This process led to better results thai the electric treatment recently adopted. In case of a quite recent stroke the cloth ing should be unfastened, the patient laid with head high, quietness and fresh air should be secured, ami, if con sciousness does not return, the head should be exposed to a stream of cold water. Electric Ileview. To Itreak Up is Cold. The season is at hand when 'colds" are likelv to be prevalent, much more so than when after cold weather has nearly set in and thick clothing is worn continuously. It is well for people tc know of some simple treatment which will generally abort these attacks. As soon as chilly sensations are felt, or the cold affects the head, and there is sore throat, the victim should pro home at j once. With his feet in hot mustard water he Bhonld take an old-fashioned lum-sweat. This is very easy administered. Into j an old teacup pour three or four table- spoonfuls of alcohol, bet it in a pan ol water. Now place it under a chair having a wooden seat. Let t!te patient sit down upon this, fasten a couple ol blankets around his neck, allowing them to fall to the floor, thee light the alcohol. This treatment .'b by no means hard to bear. As seen as tho skin becomes moist the headache is generally relieved and breathing through the nose is easier; in fact, &U the un pleasant symptoms are more or less re lieved. The patient should sweat as long as Tla Will patting 'on a well warmed undervwt he then, after wiping .nastily am should tret into bed and be wll covered witu blankets. He should continue to sweat freely during the early part of "" night- Sometimes he will not do tuis even alter ine appucauon 01 me treatment advised. If he dees not he should be given ten grains of qcininr, J If for a day or two afterravrd'he eats and drinks but little, and ko3ps within ' doors, the chances are that 1 -will have I 1 aborted his cold. An Impossibility. Clara I think it's a shame I can't i ir ii - i-. tttu:i . cuiecuuu a Keuiiieiusuj aiuue. uun was on the inside. - A eto iorfc Sun. In a book lately published, "To Eu rope on a Stretcher, the author says that on board the Ciulian steamship, plying between New York and Marseil les, a rriiite ox was kept as a supply of fresh meat; but the sailors rrew too food ol it to gira it up, aad it weal to I tha tad ! tka Yejrafa iiakamedt SUNFLOWER SIFTINCS. Happenings of the Tast Few Days Collated From All Sections of tfae Stat. The citizens of Hayes county will have a grand circular wolf and coyote hunt Nov. 2!. They will encircle ten town ships and meet at a common center at a specified time. They say there arc plenty of wolves and coyotes in that re gion and they arc confident they can round up many of them vv Ithin the circle and succeed in bagging them. Only those who have seen a circular hunt can frame any idea of the bushels of ftin to be had at one. Somkonk shot through the window at George (Jarrisou at lils home two and one-half miles north of Huntley. A few hours before that time he had caucht his wife and hired man in a compromis ing situation and had driven them away from the, house. Two hours afterward he was hot in the hand as above stated. He thiilks his wife did tlic deed, while she avers that Ciarrison must have done it through awkwardness. At Osceola an insane man, tempora rily in the custody of Sheriff Hamilton, made e.n assault upon the unguarded sheriff, who had brought his charge's breakfast. The madman was armed with a knife and stahbed his keeper iu the hack. In the struggle for the knife the sheriff also had his hand severely cut. None of the wounds arc serious. Some men have remarkable presence of mind at fires. A painter was waxing the floor of the new A. O. U. Y. hall at Grand Island with beeswax and turpen tine when it took fire. Instead of smothering the fire he ran down on the street for help. The first man to arrive threw two gallons of turpentine on the fire to quench It; In spite Of all these blunders the lire company extinguished the blaze before very much damage was done. The police of Fremont made a round up of the tramps the other right. The first two arn-sted had three bottles of whisky, but not it cent of money. The third tourist searched had a marble nd a poker chip. The fourth was a very o.V man, and had a very bad case ot con sumption. They were afraid of an ex pensive feed bill in the poor houe. and paid the old man's fare to the next town. The other three will harden their mus cles in the employ of the county. Ai.maM'E. tox Hutte county, fur nishes a ease for surgeons and scientists to study over. One wt-ek ago Sunday Adelbert Higby, a boy 1G years of age residing In that place, was out hunting with a rusty old shotgun. The gun ex ploded, striking the boy in the forehead just above the right eye, crushing the skull until pieces of the bones imbedded the brain. Through the aid of a com panion Who wns with him the lad was taken home and Dr. W. II. Smith was summoned. At sight of the wound the doctor was surprised to see him alive, but judge of his amazement when prob ing the wound to find an old rusty screw that had been in the stock, imbedded fully an inch and a half in the brain. Further probing brought to light two pieces of the boy's hat brim and four pieces of the kull bone, the largest of which was nearly the size of a silver dollar. In the operation the doctor aUo found it necessary to remove about h-ilf an ounce of brain, the nerve center of the human system, and yet alive! .It is something no surgical authority has recorded as possible. Hut here it is proven. The injured boy has been con scious ever since the'accider.t, and unless blood poisoning sets iu stands eery . chance of recovering. OrT at Cvirtis the other day an old man and a young man began scrapping anil ended the matinee by trying to eat each other. The old man bit the young man's thumb off. while the young man bit off one of the old man's ears. It took two doctors a half day to'patch up the i ngil istic fellows. Pat Cakev. a son of John Carey a farmer of Pohoco precinct. Saunders county, met with a serious accident Monday. He wa about to leave home on horseback, and in lifting a gun from the ground by the muzzle the weapon was accidentally discharged, the load passing through the palm of his hand and mutilating it so badly as to require amputation above the wrist. Tin: proposition to divide Custer county into four counties lacked the necessary three-fifths vote by 'C0 votes. The diviMonists claim tlie law is uncon stitutional aud will fight it, claiming the proposition carried tinder the old law. They want to name the counties Custer, t Harrison, Noble and Nominee. Coxstahi.k Waoneii, at McCool Junc tion, acted as referee iu a knock-down between Ed Wilcox and Charles Snyder. . They quarreled about a small debt and wouldn't quit their jawing, so the con stable told them to fight it out and he would act as referee. After two rounds he stopped the row and decided the con test a draw. R. F. Loomis, residing near Thorn burg, Hayes county, has a fresh water pond on his farm. Three years ago be planted German carp therein and thi year he. has had all he chose to eat and some to market. Fckn'as county farmers sent some sugar beets to Grand Island for analysis. They averaged 40 per cent, sugar. The character of the soil in the Republican valley, like that of the Platte, is vecy favorable to sugar beets. The Haines manufacturing ecr.;pr.:.y. with a capital stock of 5100,000, has been incorporated at Columbus. The company will manufacture windmills, plows, cultivators, etc., and conduct a general foundry business. Mus. LoriiA Viola, of Schuyler, took a live grain dose of strychnine which caused Uer death in thirty minutes. No cause for the deed is known. She has been married two years and leaves a husband aud 7-months-old child. The new opera house at Auburn wili soon be completed, and the eitiens of the town intend to celebrate Ihe event in duo style. TiiAfK laying on the Misuri Pacific cut-off from I'nion to Omaha has com menced. The bridge work is completed and ties laid ready for iron. Platmmoith lhiptist have decided to build a new church edifice. A fire company has been organized at Sterling and the town board has author ized the purchase of an engine. Work on the Hcatriee electric street railway line has commenced. The line will be iu operation by Jan. 1. A I'EDDLEU giving the name of Geo. Swanc is in jail at Lawrence charged with attempting outrage on tlie person of Mrs. S. Kempkis. The Cambridge house, at Cambridge, was totally destroyed by lire. Many of the guests escaped by jumping from the windows. Wm. Kineak. a Lincoln hack driver, is iu jail charged with attempting to kill his wife vith a butcher knife. He has been married less than a week. Fairbury's steam laundry has been destroyed by lire. Wali.fleet, Lincoln country. hajtist voted 55,000 in bonds for the improve ment of the precinct roads. A meteor passed over Superior the other night which left a trail of light for full ten minutes afterward. Sixteen miles of the Culbertson irri gation canal are completed and a quar ter of a mile more is being finished up each day. The next meeting of the Modern Woodmen of America will be held at Omaha. The ladh:5 of Fremont have reorgan ized the Charity club for the winter. About 3.200, raised last winter for the relief of the poor, remains in the treas ury. F. S. Smith is ia jail at Plattsmouth charged with forging a note for 841.25 and selling it to"D. C. West, of the Xe hawka bank, of Cass county. Xick Carovich. a Bohemian stone mason at Kearney, bad both bones of his leg broken "by (he fall of n large stone. It a fev days n Tat about to (tart to BobeoBit after his itmUr ' So Relation at AU. . Incidents Of the self-assuiance of the rising generation are not infrequent. They arc not confined to the Caucasian race, however, as a Seattle man found out the other day. The gentleman, who is rather paternal in his manner, was riding the other day In, an elevator which is manned by a colored youth. Address ing tlie youngster he said: "Well son, do you have to work pretty hard?" Like a! flash the answer came: "Huh! I aio't iid son df yodrs. I ain't eben no relation. You white trash is gcttin' to be to blame imperaut to us colored gen'lemen, anyhow. You get out, right here." , And or paternal friend got. Seattle. Press. "the tiiil.l or au Evil I'urea?. Vatvollo rays in Shukspoare's comedy of Jwelfth Night," "Some are born rjTe.it, some at hie re greatness, and some havo greatnasj thrnCt upon them." So it is with nervousuejs. foni. sir bem nervous, soino acu-'ere nervous ness by their own l.uprud.no and neglect, m:d somohave ueronsncss thrust upbri them by disease. The basic starting psuit of this ail ment, which gto.vs rapidly aud assumos alarm ing proportions when it reaches tho stage ot hypochondria and chronic ileepleasness. is weakness, tho chill of indigestion, parent ol many evils. For the incapacity ot the atomic! to digest food, an 1 ot ?,ho system to aasitn'l j It after disestim. Hostel ter'e Stomach Ki.terj has ever procd a sovereign remedy. fclee; becomes tranquil, appetite improes, abnormal Aemltirincss of the nerves is succeeded If tV-adiuees and vfcor in thco delicate tissues. bedily substance increases when that signs.! restorative of digestion is systematically used. Conquer also with it mal.xria. rheumatism, kid ney Inactivity, lier complaint and constipa tion. Stanley has broueht with him from Africa two native boys, who serve him as valets. CALIFORNIA KIDNKY TEA. Will positively euro kidney troubles. Cali fornia Kidney Tea has been d for many years, and bus cured thousands. California Kidney Tea will relievo and cure all Urinary diseases. California Kid ney Tea will euro liver and stomach troubles. California Kidney Tea is not a vile mixture, but a tea pleasant to drink. Try it. Triee. 50 cent per package. Sold by all druggists, or mailed on receipt of prico by California Kidney Tea Co.. Fairlleld. Iowa. Teachers' salaries in the United States annually amount to more than SCO.OOO.OOO. lilRAM C. WHEELER. Importer of PercTaeroa aad Shire StaUIoos. Odobolt, Sao County, Iowa. Largest Importation of draft stallions to America this season. Quality the very best. Find-class horse, eit her breed. $1,000. Two and three year's time, 8 per cent., cn ablingthor&e to pay for himself. Count Von Moltke will devote to charity his birthday contributions, amounting to 150,000 marks. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Mi, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. For everv industrious man, there is au idle one wanting to borrow money of him. ENTITLED TO TIIE BEST. All are entitled to the best that their money will buy. s every family s-hohld have, at once, a lKittle of the best family remedy. Syrup of r"S-. to cleanse tho sys tem when co-tivo or bilious. Tor sale in 50c and Si. 00 bottles by all leading drug gists. A man of 30 years arrested at Wil liamsport. Pa., for larceny, gave his occupation as that of a dude. The saving in clothing where Dobbins Electric Soap i.- used K ticaity limrs tlie soap bill. It N uo new experiment, but has been fold for 21 years. To-day Jut as pure as In 18C5. Try it. Your grocer has it. The end of life is God; the rule, duty; the obstacles; our bad passions. TnousASDS of mothars bl-Bs thonatm ot Dr. John Bull for Inventing his celebr. to I Dr. Lull's Worm Destroyers. Children tease for them and theynevor fail to do good. A stingy man would have to stand on his head to see heaven. FOR BRONCHIAL. ASTHMATIC AND PULMONARY COMPLAINTS. Bi-oirn's Jtronchial Troche1 have remarkable cura tive properties. Sold onlu in boxes. Eighty-two per cent, of all public school teachers arc women. Quick woik without los3 or waste Is e cured by SAPOLIO. The only exception to the saying. "Quick and well don't agree." When the pretty girl marries rich she has reached the sweet buy and buy. Beecham's Nervous Ills. Pills cure Bilious and Mary Anderson is now practicing on a new lullaby song. TnE best cough medicine Is PIso's Our for Consumption. Sold everywhere. 25c TheGpeaf REMEDY FORPAIN From the "Pacific Journal." "A srreat Itr atlon haa been mad by Diw . . &- m M Mam Maswl I xait os.ew tors. " 4-.' Tutt's Hair Dye which Imitates natoro torfeetlosi; It acta jBatstoBeonslysmdUperfeyhati'ess. f F YOU WISH Ai X uuuu stwvor.VER. purchase one of the oIe brsted SMITH A WESSON arms. The finest rraall arms eve" inanufactund and the sffiplnclI53ti!-a"iS fleoraoume Kuira,.Tuj ..-- -. . anodela. Conjtruct.1 entirely; stkcM :.. ..JTrrt.r, nM for the rrnuiue nlv unreliabV. (but danKemu. The SMITH ti crxrn th- hi LI."--. -T a. .. . -.11 WESSON RevolviTB an- Btsmrot upen tn- osr Kt its dstcs if ratents tSSffiSL" smith & WESSON, :i.. -otti (! oriccs rsT-Mention thl' rr-r- r:aol4. !Wa . PENSIONS! The Disability Oill Is a It. Soldiers disabled since thewararesBtlUed. Dependent widows and parent Late CommlsslonernfPeasloai.BmntTH.ie EMORY Wmdwaaderisc cured. Books Wreed ia cue reai:n. TetteaonisJs from an parts of tfce globe. Prnepeetos v-osr nzz. sent oa application to Prof. ATXoW:e, 2S7 Fifth Ave. 5ew York. nmw lpstrccttoc FREE to Inventor'. afiTWritoat cce tor haad-book ot Jntorcistioa. CO- Wsohtegtoa. P.O. of ererT kind, 3fca tx. d Wotnc-s. eii".ff I" "I.TW. gLl; It r "rn, i"j lr v j ... i.i l msaslepand stock, they are unrival-d for nai- article an' an not .in w iiinnn h iini-". luAiu'-r- ''. i rairnrn uim v- new osveaosBt waoee sons aiea hobs ewecra ox irmi sa5S-ainu-t oteverr i-o, t-ji.i uii.c i.-o.-..- - Aye ana cxpertcaco are iraportant. 5o ta a bnts. change. J t3 aiwmorit I v. inrloas rftcics csed-.Votfms -,troawor-or oar -CopvriKhted Methods ana double I bujlncss Patients st a distance treated It rnsll ICV 4vf ftnf f!i-!nrri!riici vonr proou or sa ary. Big W 7'uvtCiu rnme: I-artJcnlir inc. Addres-.TRKASLK FLR CHASINU AUE"CT. 5 CooPEit Usion. New Iokk. STERE0PT1C0KS McmTOSH Batftrr 4 Oatieal Ca. OHIOAQO, ILL. MAGIC LANTERNS. Catarrh Is a complaint which affects nearly en rybjdr, ators or !?. It orlxinVes in a eeP. or nieces doa of o'd. remfaiuedaiih impure blood. D saareeable Cow from tie nose, tickllcg in (he throat. cSenslvs I roitb. sain over and Letween the eye', ringing; sr.ei bntinz noises in the ears, are the more common srmit::n?. Catarrh U cured ty Hood's Sarsipa lilis. which t irikrs dirrct'y at its cause by removing all impuritlrs from the blood, bnlklina up the diseased tirsnes and Biting healthy tttre t the wholi yte n. "I hsveuscd Hood's Sarsaparill a for catarrh with satisfactory results, rccelvln permanent teneBt trom It.- J. 1. I1cb.ri. Strcator. 1 1. Hood's Sarsaparilla Fcld by all dr.urslst. Jl; sis for 93. Prepsredonly bj C. I. HOOD CO. Lowell. Moss. IOO- Doses One Dollar hta& Q-veoxcv,Boccy. El RELIEVES ISUT BKOTUEaS, M w J-MiHLns. PILLS EFFECTIWlI BTWORTH A GUINEA A BOX."! For BILIOUS & NERVOUS DISORDERS!?1 Sick Headache, Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, Constipation, Disordered Liver, etc., ACTINQ LIKE MAGIC on the vital organs, strengthening the muscular system, and arousing with the rosebud of health The Whole rhysical Energy of the Human frame. Beecham's Pitts, t'ekon as directed, mill quickly RESTORE FEMALES to complete health. SOLO BY ALL ORUCCISTS. Price, 25 cents per Box. Prepared only by TE0S. BEECHAJf, St. Hclecs, Lancashire, England. B. F. AT.I.EX CiK. Sole Agent for Vnittd Slates, 3GS Jt SRI Caunl St.. Keuf TnrJL- who flf tiourdruihiist does not keep them) will mail Beecham's fills on rcccipf ot prxce out wigwtrcjivw. ----------- -f .- -.--, JS . The Companion Calendar 3- . KssCsSsismrh3sssBD5EHsssClBDaSM I 4 l j I I j 5 M Monday for Health. OwVsTV:", H M irym uf.,i...j.. k. r,.. r.. -r n - .- vitn.fKif 9 H iA Thursday for Losses. Ir I 6Xii nglil Friday for Cresses. JlAii&l U EaA Saturday No Luck at All. I - ; 5V Sunday the Day that is Hint L SitA Mfl vfO V9 W,th HeavenIy peace and Kcst. A 4 Vi I ridlMfchT Mm I I - 1 1 J w Thin Beautiful and ITniqne Calendar and Announcement i called "The IUmiK ok Pays." It ha Fourteen I'.ie tinrly prnttd 111 I't-Ior. tin- deiign being selected from nearly Two Tliou'and received in the 1'ruc 'omprtitiou. It U coinidrred the mo?t uo el and attractive Calendar of the year. Mailed on receipt of tea cents. Offer to New Subscribers. Tlit Calendar will be eent lo each New Subscriber who WII.l. CITT OCT nnd end un thin ailvrrlWrmrnl, with $1.95 Torn cnrn MnbMcrlptlon. The Youth Companion "ill be innilcd from the lime thai Ibpnuhncriplian It received lo January, 191, KICCK. and Tor n full year from Ibftt dntr. Vo otinr treelli paiergiees 10 Utrye a rarhtg of entertaining rfaliij at so loir a price. Double Holiday Numbers Illustrated Weekly Supplements. The Youth's Companion, Boston, Mass. 43 Stmt Check, Post.ojiae Orilrr or Rtgiittred Letter. REPAIR YOUR OLD STOVES AND : SAVE YOUR MONEY. The Northwestern Stove Repair Co. of Chicago, Manufacturers and Furnishers of the Hardware Trade. Repairs for all Stoves and Ranges Manufactured. Ask your Hardware Dealer to oftier for you. f-CUT THIS OUT, AHSWERIMG THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Nameof Stove 2. Number of Stove 3. Nameof Maker 4. Latest Date of Patent 5. WoodorCoal 6. Is Coal put in on top by removing lids? .'.'" 7. Is the lining Brick or Iron? 8. Has the bottom Grate one or more parts? 9. Give your hardware dealer the names of parts wanted. BE SURE to order from your hard-ware dealer only. He will order what you want from us. Don't destroy your old stove, but repair it. A little money will make it as gocd as new. 1 rt def ies k f l f l LSIb A A c atHsf r'lTC 1 SaW sb - n diiiim.K "Ob7 m fcaii m . If rhe old Q.A.F.iC.1 IsC. v 5 roya.lly iteelf:Ttyinyournexl houae-cIea.ning: Grocers keep ih DO YOU LIVE IN GREASE? As a true patriot and citizen you should naturalize yoursell by using the best inventions of the day for removing such a charge. To live in Grease is utterly unnecessary when SAPOUO is sold in all the stores, and abolishes grease and dirt. Best Coueh Medicine. Cares where all else fails. taste. Children take it without objection. By druggists. Dr. WOOD, 413 Fifth Street, SIOUX CITY. IOWA. M Beznlar Gradcttc in Medlctne-20 years kotpltal awl private prattles IO in Chiaion ani 'nn Vnrlr s-. tabllstaed ia Slonx. City Mae ar-ts still treating" a!l Private. Nervoaa.fThrnnli.-rf Sn..i.i 'diseases. $Dermstirrhi. bemmat weakness (niqnt testes: JirtpoteocT ftosMottszttal trrxcr). and all i' ornajo liscaes, irrjMaruiet. cic. . iorcs soaracteca or 1 money refunded , Chr-es fair. Terms ilea. cir.n icnt rrerzirhere free from gate, ana break- riui ni3iia.ion iriiv tljr nrbrletter-IJr. WOOl it letti llf. irntin i.. h larco.r 1 ermnacr iiai. Dorsoc 1 ledir1 an.i .V-lV-i w.ti;7.. 7iV- anrl f!a Infl... .. n-. ..f-. .-.- I r.uvi4u . isirrarcr, iin;i:ir o aieei -aj caier j - - .... mm.... j ... vw .. .. .'..'Jiia i.J. soncy AO larli A Oui? Heme and Uit cart and hVI fur Ladle rs 8-BSIvi VASlLW . . tF rH-iTnt.ed siiiauol tm9toluwim w.''.,leJ-JTJii iaa twiasJ ailUassv ro- taiypacacu: tt eta. bSkeofVa-ihneCapaorlce.... 8S tSS of Vaseline .Sap. "Z!JxXZiX una cake or vaseiinoo i. "r,Zemd. cakeotVasHneSo.fceW.-'3 )neo-oaacooouvk "-.- - 01.19 - turned. On rio acottHi He PjSSSr-frm unlet Uthtled telA our nvn'.becaiiM you 1'' lu rr.'rc an imihitton jeVc has lttt.e ar no r .. Chosebrauzh Mfg. Co- stat t, 9- X. N LAW, TiiutrsAif us nnw wanrnxD " HAVE HOT HKER EllTniiEU. a" tor forms tor application sad full m;eis) wttoa W3I. W. DUDLEY, tYlS CUMilUSSIONKK tV I'KN.IUiJSf. - AtoneysLaw.Wasrjtoa.ira (Usattoa taU raperd ? INSTANTLY. iSt-AovTork. FrlcoSOi s .?..u . 1- ..... ic-....w.j.x 4 aw ". k-i rS - B Bfm aj sa a- m vss- . w dm tm,M. m. m. proverb be true, ; AviA (.am kUM Recommended rrr Phvsieians. Pleasant and aereeable to the lf.OXES.nse Dr to Dnc'sTeTlodlcalPins.'froi Tta-j, Frrnux. E.bibc4 la Ewop. Sit-. Ed(iis1. biO; Caa-k l;C-t-IStU(.ia2; CcmsIlffrn9i.im-aritM-Ml Boathly imeftmnts. SS. biralM, nlUkUw Tb-r -Mi-y -est sot b ttrs dnrhj prtrzmcj. TU Ur-a proMitoa of lUs lo mYA ltd ei m 1U1 u ti t!nc nnlt of a oVnUrrt ssS t-rar snti. Cntisu noslhly taf,frtm'mt naolt !a bodp'Ao:EsEt-ckeaa3siitin. 9apacb(-.or3;er V Ivea:t,tapli!aa-4a'-!;9roanat;terprk Thjm cm Rll Co., tVatai'ei aci Rwslty Prfprfttors T c-'a pl uVt .j SSajWICK DEl0G.yrJa firz c:.Tt t-. WW-'. ,.j xrmi -.,-. UfANTEn T-aadlresM-soi soldierswho hrmeteadrd alest cnmberoC CHI liirDB' acres titan !fiOtnvntn OVkUIBKa before Jitr.c . 1874. and rsasniEn .bviv .i,ul-j made nnal proof. .. .77.. .. T .. . . -ZT.. rvr'J .... 1 7 trv E1S- a"-". aver. -oiorauo. as -euHouijwr. - - ' KP JB1 KMM . MHHHI . mml WW O L w A. L.KHM.4XH; rmmmwW:W d mm SWcsdlor clrs-ta nton. it. Um s C. X. V, No. 4m Oae to-oaaco goij-; ViSeUsSFoaiade....- " t a-. - bbVEbsb TsaasHlsBBB.a,aoso For 1891. I i 7 A I 't 1 i I t t r i V -M ! r . $ IX V7. ,iM o J4-