The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 26, 1890, Image 3

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Columbus journal.
Pai. Freight.
Le-iv- . rotats'wf
Lmvi.l ity
3 XZlTll
,.-r.e-it L.ia-in
-Ed. J. .Neiwokner will Ive away a ' The following item from the Central
beautiful gold watch on the first day of
January: each dollar worth of goods
secures one chance. Sign of the Big
Watch. 1
Mr. H. L. McCoy, the gentleman
who lately purchased tlie Lindell hotel
property, a recent resident of Creigliton.
Neb- has taken up his residence in Columbus.
City Courier will-be of interwt to many
of our readers: -Last week the Union
Pacific egan fencing its right of way
between .Ms city, and Clarks. When
the grant of land was made to the com
pany by the government it was allowed
20)-feet on each side of its road bed
through even-numbered sections reserv
ed bv the government. They have never
i ..-.;. ... thuir rtiTifs ami those who set-
A. J. Arnold will give away a toe " ... .
diamond ring and other valuable articles ; . , , ". . t. - nrnnartv rhed
up to within 100 feet of the road as the
company only reserved that on its own
' land. .It is now fencing m me enureiw
of jewelry on January 1. 189L Everyone j
- -,.-.... Lincoln at tc?i v. m.
t.,.ln ... . i u - M.1 anw, at I oluaibua at
i :25 a. ai. 7:Ujp. ni
$' ci v-m- I making a cash purchase of 3L30 gets a
"x v- ai. u- " i ticket for the drawing.
- - - t
and '
irtii-w; rai.
. f.. i - k.-m ... ... .,m ,
Atlanne.rU. - ' , "
- M .ii ". II. HI U-li- - -.
Caicao hx.
law i. ai
?:1j r- "
E.u-t Mail
i:. p. ni
JCTJ p. m
t, nu-iocx cirr.
I'wimrr tm4- fmsi si 7
lvl Jl. 31
11 -IT. p. in
z:tu;Lm,"a lw,s.s! Hi-it sun,.
We learn that an epidemic is pre
valent in Fremont which the physicians
diagnore as a disease very similar to la
jmppe. The glands of the throat are
first attacked. It is not considered con
tagious. Sup't Cramer reports the corn crop
at almt 20 bushels to the acre. There
are exceptional fields here and there,
some letter -nl others worthless; but
moit lanne ptu iunr crop at mwui,
lH-e- ir Sioux City
JlUnt irwC-s forSloJ "it
Mrxed trni
M t. ni
"i0 a. !U
J-l i. ui
i p. iu
Foil M.2ION 1D."tlSl tM-lfl".
M.Lxe.1 It-are-.
.iii-i irrire
2.L". p. m.
iiT. . ai.
12.15 p. ai.
$asieh JjLot'uts.
heH.U2( lll le
jUl notice- nader flue
ctirr.l at the "ate I"
. n - . iv 1 i iliiiK N. Vr. . F .1 A. t
ie"JWr -n.-nn.ei i --f
m..nrti Vll .Mva icvii-,1 I., a
H -.UFLblS
M H '.Vuirs. --
- 77 TT . .l i'i' w 1 1 1 V
huRiJASitiM a "i:.r1:"n.i:;
ie-nii .u Wtnla -viim
All or-tintiHllj urt.
rv."- l -...i.i r-nli.r --rvii-- ry aualsi
. nn .fi Wtn.Ut
: r.H .".r:TN..rrh -r -,.1 Pu-.n.-
KMi-rii J Hru-s. Kr-i.l-nt.
.il Arnlil:
Tlunksmvnii t.-nn-rruw.
Trade will rimld. S-e !lie ring.
liil ur jeelr.r
and fee the nng.
Old newspapers ih' humlreti. iT
fenta at the .'o:n vi. .itiii-e.
-Largest hneof Aatcbe. jewelr and
linia.mds al the liig W'at'h.
" Tl ..iiti-liers ( ewarl liave .uti-
bmed tn fcivr f i.-h or no meat.
1 - -W'e hear that .John .Met nil. n..rtli of
tJi city is sick with typhoid fever.
-Dr. T. C Clark. sucve-Hir to Dr.
Hehng. Hve t. In oiihv at nightn.
Call at Arnold's and see t lie valuable
dKtmtind ring to l)e given away Jan. 1.
' IJo.,1.-. Voijs. Pianos. Organs. Sewing
Machines. El O. Fitzpat m-k. Kkh st.
p. W. Hieraer w:ls laid oil from dnty
laM. week by a severe attack of -ciatiea.
-Choice winter apples at Borowiak
Uron- 4 ii oarrel. Call -n to get
any. -'-L
Tlie restaurant or F. K. Crandall on
Twelfth -treet hah l)een Hied by ereil
itors. I)r L. C. Voss ha? removel hisortice
from Eleventh street io rooms over the
ixwt, ortii'e.
-Court will convene in Coluinbiis, for
tV I'onrth jndi.M.d ditrnJ on Monday.
Dee-inb-r th.
L'nder a recent arrangement. F. E.
Cnindal! will l-k after the comfort.- of
giiehti at t he Fleming.
Rev. W. M. Worley go net Snn
.t.l to dedicate the neu Methodist
Hmrch at I!iiie. count .
The -ituatjon of the hog market ih
etjll hnd and the't uu more hope-
ftil thnrs at thu Time hist week.
-The city Monday morning was fair
iv bine witli uniformed M.ldierc from a
train -n route to the --ul of war.
The .'.-lebnted guick-Meal. and
. Monarch .uhne al.ura, the bei-t in the
market. For -ale l.v A. ii-ttcher 4tf
-William h.iker last week purchased
and iriok potisenciou of the feed -table
roroerif owne.1 by V E Randall
-Dr. V.-.ris rcturue.1 Thurlay from
Kansaa. H ives it as his opinion that
V : senator Iiitfalla ill not lie re-
- trle.'tel.
-t hie chance for every dolbr north j
of rood.-, l.rouht at E.I.J Nesuohner's
on the jjold Hcit.'h t.J Ce glFeU :'
Januar li
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. ie of Crton
will celebrate the twenty fifth -inniver
jary of their wohlm on the evening of
December nth.
-The foundation tll.- 'f th- new
Congregational church .m Ulive and
Fourteenth street.-, are now ready for
ilie carpenter?.
Tlie piinip:i of the Columbus Fish
and I-e C.. in Cierrard's addition, have
been started t.) fill the lakes for the
suiter crop of ice.
A eoupble of beautiful rams of the
ouilidown and Cott.-wohl breeds were
attkedeoot the .t her day consigned to
It L. Bilker of Fullerton.
R. L. R.titer. county surveyor, has
removetl with his family from the farm
to the city and now resides on Sixteenth
and B streets. Steven's addition.
A young burro from Leadville. Col
orado, consigned to Loyd Benson. Gor
don. Neb- weighing about thirty pounds
was a curiosity at the depot Monday.
Seward has been mulcted m dam
ages of S1.2tV) for a broken arm of one of
her citizens caused by a defective side
walk. So says the Reporter of that city-
fews comes to Columbus of the
death of Al. Slade. formerly of this city.
His death ccurred at David City re--centlv
and wa caused by abscess of the
For Harrison wagons and Conrtland
spring wagons and buggies, call on J. A.
Gutzuier. opposite Dowry's drug store.
He is sure to satisfy you in prices anu
quality. . l
The November meeting of the
Country Club will be held at A- C.
Pickett's on 'Friday. Dec ."5th. at eleven
o'clock a. m. Otfieers will be elected Tor
Ue coming year.
. Another old land mark has given
way to the spirit of improvement. The
oldice-honse on Twelfth street has gone
aglcKiniiug. we believe to be utilized as a
-tore house for the brewery.
Union Thanksgiving services will be
held at the Prei&yterian church at half
pasi, ten.ocl6ck tomorrow. Services will
te conducted by Bev. Allen, the new
pastor of the Baptist church of this city.
IVmight Occidental Lodge No. 21.
Knights of Pythias, will elect officers
for the ensuing term. An extra session
wa held Saturday niht to dispose of
the work on hand to make room for
the election.
John Tannalntl called at The
Jocknai. headquarters Saturday and
left a box of cigars for the lioys. It's a
girl and she presented her credentials
for niemlenihip in John's family Satur
day morning.
Sheriff Baker of North Platte wan in
the eit over Sunday with a couple of
cm icts from Lincoln county en route
t.i the "in" at Lincoln. The said con
victs were guest of the Hotel tie Cald
well over night.
Sup't Cramer visited the school in
district 22. taught by Miss Annie Free
man, yesterday. He reports the school
in good condition, and Miss Freeman as
a teacher thoroughly alive to the import
ance of her work.
The delight fill weather we have been
exj-eriencing is just what our farmers
need and they are consequently well
pleaseiL. but our merchants who have
large stocks of Ixiots and shoes arid win
ter clothing to dispose of are not alto
gether so happy.
A. Inland till make- his hum good
to the title of the champion goose killer
of this neck o" woods. Thursday hist he
lacked only three geese of completing a
tally of one hundred wild geese in a
week, and -till hail three days in which
tiv make good the record.
Miss Nellie Curtis close.! her fourth
term of school m district 20 last Friday
and returned home Sunday. A very
pleasant surprise was tendered her at
the closing of the term by the presenta
tion by her pupils of an elegant plush
album ab a testimonial of their appre
ciation. Charles Bomig. day yardniaster at
the Union Pacific yards in the city, met
with an accident while making a coup
ling Thursday last which caused the loss
of a thumb and will la him off from
duty for some time. At the office of
Mart j n JC Evans, young Dr. Arnold did
the amputation act with the skill and
dispatch of a veteran.
- The new block on Thirteenth street J
is walking right along, and last week the
contractors were praying for a continu
ance of the beautiful weather which was
favoring the work, bnt at this writing
Tuesday morning) it has departed,
whether only temporarily or until the
warm rays of the spring tune sun shall
warn old winter to depart remains to le
-Last week a deal was effected by
which the Grand Pacific hotel of this
city changes uauds. Mr V. .1. Whalen
of Kansas snce-diag to the proprietor
ship of the saui and under hioe man
agement tb.- house will hereafter be
conducted. Bj the deal Mr Webb, the
former proprietor, into posoession
of property in Kansas, to where he e
presses the intention of removing
A band of Omaha Indians, many of
whom are recognized as periodical visi
tors to these parts during the lifetime
of the late C W Clother. went into
camp on the bottom Monday lust. They
are not going to swell the ghost dancers
of the border, however, ami apparently
have lost no Messiah and consequently
are not looking for one Game is the
object of their piljrinuge from the re
servation. - Parties from Fremont have made
arrangements sith W. B. R.-ehon to use
his engine as power to run a milk sepa
rator. They to have the farm
ers bring in their milk and have the
I cream taken out. so as the tanners can
take tlie milk home. The parties claim
that the farmers will gel a belter return
from their cows than to sell cream.
Price will be made known in due time.
-jBellwood Gazette.
feet on the even-nnmbered sections, and
there is music in the air. Johnny Pat
terson has an SO-acre tract east of town
which is cnt diagonally into almost equal
parts by tb road. The company's men
had dug the post holes for the fence, but
Johnny went down there the othe day
and filled them up. The next thin was
an injunction from the United ates
court restraining him from interfering
with the property of Uncle Sam's ward."
John Masoengale of the firm of
Masnengale A Roes, stockmen of Carbon
county. Wyo., spent Sunday in the city.
He is returning from a trip to Smth
Dakota to dispose of a bunch of horsea
which he has been holding on the range
m that country. Mr. Masoengale relates
with considerable relish an incident of
the trip in which a ferryman at Cham
berlain was taught that western men
don't take kin.lly to methods of extor
tion. Finding that he could not cross
hia horss by way of the Ixwt without
submitting to being -held up" for an
unreasonable price, he roped the leader
of the herd, and removing the liell from
his neck, proceeded to swim him trade. 1
after a skiff in which the bell was being
gently tinkled in the hands of one of the
men. The plan worked to perfection.
The horses, accustomed to follow the
lell of the leader strung into the water
and following the lead of the receding
skiff and tinkling bell stemmed the cur
rent of the "Big Muddy" ami landed
safely on the opposite bank.
& E. Phillips of Platte Center was in
the city Satnrday.
JL V. Moudy. attorney of Genoa, was
in the city Monday.
Judge J. G. Higgins was down from j
Grand Island Saturday.
What J'rtVernor Thayer ha to ay n ttie
The other evening at Omaha Gov.
Thayer addressed a meeting of citizens
called for the purpose of arrangements
to aid the suffering in the western por-
Byroa DietTenbach of the Genoa In- tion of the state, and in order that our
dian school was in town Monday. citizens may more fnlly understand the
W. B. Backus was in town yesterday ! neeils of those to whom they have so gen-
on his way to the Indian territory. j eronsly contributed we reproduce the
, e. -1 re governor's remarks. It speaks well for
Paul Hagel was over at David City I , , - - , -.- n
. ,. .r .. T ., ' the humane spirit of our citizens as well
last week to see his partner M. S. lteut. ..-.. ., . , ,
l as for their enterprise that Columbus is
Ilie etitor ot the rniierton -'ir- a,eaii of the wealtliv metropolis of Oma-I Trv :l bottle, price .') cents at David
J. W. Tanner, was in the city Monday on . as well a3 tbe capitaI dty m nien3nreg , ty-s Arng 3tore.
business. ' of relief. j Z
Chief of Police C. M. Taylor tootc sice j Tj regret more than yon can imagine
Mondav and went to his brothers at j tjjat i !in called upon to appear before
The Flpt Step.
Perhaps you are run down, can't eat.
can't sleep, can't think, can't do any
thing to your satisfaction, and you won
der what ails you. You should heed the
warning, you are taking the first step
into nervous prostration. Yon need a
nerve tonic ;ind in Electric Bitters you
will find the exact remedy for restoring
your nervous system to u normal, (
healthy condition. Surprising results
follow the use of this great nerve tonic j
and alterative. Your appetite returns, j
good digestion is restored, and the liver i
MXabtitkmi am
City :
kidnevs resume healthy action.
-Bemi Miller, an old-time citizen of
Columbus, but for many years past a
resident near Shelby, Polk county, was
in town yesterday on business. .We
learn from hun that on the 11th of this
month, after an illness of three weeks.
his oldest son. William, died of typhoid
fever About a year ago he was attacked
with la grippe, and he supposed at first
that this was a similar attack, but it
proved otherwise. William was born at
Geneseo, Henry county. 111.. Aug. T, 1Sm.
He was a dutiful son. an affectionate
brother, a good citizen, and his depart
ure from scenes of earthly trials and
conflict, in the pnnie of his young man
hood, will be a matter of serious thought
for all young people of his acquaintance.
The atflicted family have the sincere
sympathy of their friends in the sad loss
of their olde6t son.
Mayor B. H. Henry and wife returned
from their visit to Chicago last Satur
day evening.
Miss Bertha Krause of Albion was a
visitor the first of the week with her
parents iu this city.
Messr. F. Wilber and O. Iv. Rice of
New York state were in the city last
week the guests of V. IL Randall.
Attorney George G. Bowman who
with hia family have recently made their
home Ht Omaha, was in the city Mon
day. IL R. Fauble and family have returned
to Columbus to live. The Jorux.vr.
with their many friends, is glad to wel
come them hack.
Allen Slemmor.s vioitstl m Madison
county over Sunday with his brother
Harry, who intended leaving Monday
for his old home in Columbus, ( Muo.
W. H. Lehman, general western agent
for the firm of Storey Jt Camp, Chicago,
spent Sunday in the city the guest of
his brother George, landlord of the
The editor of the Iowa Homestead
is personally known to many of our
readers, and into the publication over
which he presides he has the faculty of
getting more of practical worth to the
square inch of white paper, than any
similar publication we know of. Life is
too short, and the demands of our west
ern farm life are too many and urgent to
waste time reailing eastern farm period
icals mainly taken up with something
appropriate only to their own locality.
See the proposition elsewhere of the
Homestead Co., and if you don't wish
to bother sending for their paper, call at
this office, and we will take your sub
scription, along with that of The Jocn
s.u both papers, when paid one year in
advance, for $L7o. tf
J. A. Turner. F. C. Turner and C. T.
Kennedy of The Jocknal force are feel
ing good over the receipt of a handt jme
meerschaum nine aniece for thf two
latter named and a splendid amber cigar
holder for the former, presents from
G W Turner of Cody's Wild West
Show at present located in Germany.
To connoisseur in pipes and lovers of the
f weed in that form, both holder and pipes
are a subject for etstatics. I he pipes were
manufactured to George's order in
Vienna expressly for the boys. Accom
panying the preentd came also a whole
hot full of European novelties and
views from the different cities of Europe
through which George has traveled.
The publishers of the Homesterd,
the weekly twenty-four page agricultur
al paper of Des Moines, la., edited by a
practical farmer, inform us that they
will send their paper from now untd the
first of next January, free of charge, to
every farmer in this county not already
a subscriber, wuo win senu nis name
and address, plamlv written on a postal
card, to the Homestead Co.. Des Moines,
la. The copies will be absolutely free,
and will lie sent to any farmer to enable
him to judge for himself of the merits of
the Homestead as a paper devoted to his
special interests. On the first of Jan
uary the paper will be discontinued un
less sulwenbed for in due form. :)-4t
dilumliux Want- Huit dial.
Last week The Jocrnm. mentioned
the fact that a coal famine seemed un
minent in case of severe weather which
would soon exhaust the present supply
and make the present receipts of the
different yards entirely inadequate to
the demand.
The condition is still unchanged for
the better, and so far as the U. P. com
pany are concerned, no satisfaction can
lie gained by our dealers in answer to
urgent requests for coal. An insuf
ficiency of locomotive power to handle
the business of the road- is the plea of
the company. The cause of the failure
to supply the demand by the source
from which they have a right to look to
for it is notwhat the public are concern ed
about: but if cold weather should set
in and a coal famine develope. a very
lively interest will le manifested in dis
covering who is responsible.
South Omaha has a daily of its own.
the initial number appearing last Friday
V private letter from C. E. Rickly of under the heading of South Omaha
Rushville to his brother. A. tv. now in
this city, says toucning uie muwu
trouble question: -Troops are coming in
every day and the scouts say the Indians
say they will die before they will stop
the ghost dances. They are armed to
the teeth and declare war. We are look
ing for trouble at any time. The In
dians from other reservations are con
centrating at Pine Ridge agency."
A case of diphtheria developed in
the city last week on west Fourteenth
street which was promptly quarantined
by the board of health and the pos
sibilities of the spread of the disease by
contagion are consequently but slight.
With proper attention to the hygenic
condition of our surroundings the pos
sibilities for the visitation of this dread
epidemic which the winter months make
probable, will be very much reduced.
Herr August Aaniold, the famous
violinist, will make his first appearance
in this part of the country this season,
and will play in the opera house en the
evening of Dec Mh. The Minneapolis
Tribune says of him. -The principal
attraction at the concert at The Har
inonia hall was the Norwegian violinist.
Herr August Aamold. in the famous
Mendelashon concerts, and proved him
self a thorough master of the violin, and
every effort made by him was heartily
encoredT All lovers of music ought to
hear him.
bv Ritcehart. Schligel .v Powers. Their
salutatory tothe public contains the
following sensible reasons for the ven
ture: -The Tribune is not launched
forth in the heat of a campaign for the
purpose of fleecing the poor but aspir
ing candidates: neither is it born to -fill
a long felt want." but is purely a busi
ness enterprise and will lie run first, in
the interest of the publishers as to finan
cial matter, and for the good of South
Omaha first, laat and all the time."
About fifty of our teachers assem
bled at the High school building last
Saturday to attend the Teachers' Meet
ing, and a very interesting session was
held. The exercises are spoken of as be
ing good in every respect. Some of
them were of a high order of merit and
reflect much credit on their aathors.
Prof. Grimstead of Fremont represented
the Nebraska reading circle, and perhaps
twenty-five teachers enrolled their
names as members. The next meeting
will be held at Platte Center. The date
is not yet fixed.
W.MMtvillt (rem-.
Fine fall weather, mercury registered
60 alxive Sunday.
Corn husking is about completed
throughout this neighborhood.
C. J. Garlow of your city was a caller
on business here Friday.
Chas. Currier and H. S. Gillett. made
a flying trip overland to Fullerton Sat
urday. Ed Potter and sister of Oconee Sun
dayed with friends and" relatives at this
place: judging by his actions Ed evident
ly came up to look after his best girl.
The O'Kay dramatic club gave an en
tertamment at the Woodville school
house Saturday night which would have
done credit to a much more experienced
troupe. We hope they will come again.
L. H. Peterson and wife of near Ful
lerton were visitors m this neighborhood
Charley Cas&elberry of Polk county
is husking corn and visiting in the
neighliorhood at present.
The many friends of Mr. and .Mrs. T.
D. Barkley here, gave theiu a surprise
Satnrday night, by coming together at
their residence and briugmg with them
well filled baskets of lunch. It was m
honor of their 21f wedding annivers
ary. AnoLher celebration on the same even
ing at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. T. J.
Apgarin honor or T. .I.'a Ski birthday.
After spending the evening in conversa
tion, singing, etc.. and partaking of a
splendid supper prepared by Mrs. A. and
her cousin. Mist. Childers. the guests de
parted, leaving some Useful and hand
some presents as niefiienfoeH of the day
and evening.
Sine the smoke of battle has cleared
away and the result of election in the
.-tale is known, we have come up smiling
with the rest of the G. O. P.'ites realiz
ing that we have a fair share of the
spoils after all the blowing to the our
trary by the opposition, while we regret
the loud of a republican legislature we
can congratulate ourselves that the old
party will not be to blame for the many
foolish things that will be said and done
at the coming meeting. We will watch
with interest the coming Barnnin s cir
cus our next legislature.
Roy Clark's trips to Oconee are be
coming conspicuously regular: we
thought Roy wasn't building that grand
new house for show only, there's a girl
in the case. Be Cnnrc.
you and ask aid for twelve or fifteen of
of the counties in the western part of
the state. In many of the counties the
people have nothing npon which to sub
sist. It is my duty to take hold of the
matter U-ause. as governor of the state
of Nebraska, appeals came to me from
the people of the counties where crops
failed on the account of the lack of rain
and the visitatious of the hot winds.
During the pant three weeks these ap
peals have become more numerous, all
telling the same tale, and lean hardly
trust myself to speak utsin this subject.
They write to me saying -Can you help
-In order to a.-certaiii the amount of
help required. I selected Dr. Martin ami
Mr J. IL Hartley of Lincoln to visit
these counties. The gentlemen went and
found that what is written is true. These
fanners w ho are so afflicted are honest,
industrious people, but they cannot help
themselves. The question now is, will
you help them, or will you let them die
of hunger and cold; ?
"Since I was in Omaha last Thursday
night I have received many letters,
showing a wor3e state of affairs than I
supposed could exist. I know that there
are thousands of people in the western
part of the state who are suffering today
for food, fuel and clothing."
The governor then read a number of
letter from residents of the afflicted
sections, showing they have been left
destitute anil without means of support.
Continuing, the governor said.
"It i on account of such appeals as
are made in tuese letter that I appear
before you. To the business men I say.
what you give today you will reap back
in two years, with ten- and twentyfold
added. A storm now means much. Let
a blizzard come ami ten. twenty, yes.
scores of these people will perish. I do
ask the people of Omaha to give liberal
ly, for just as sure as cold weather sets
in the news will go abroad that people
in Nebraska have frozen and starved to
death. We cannot keep this from the
public, and t am of the opinion that it is j
better that the facts should now be pub
lished than wait until it is necessary to
send abroad the names of the people m
Nebraska who have froen to death in
their own homes.
"The county commissioners of the va
rious counties have been instructed to
distribute the supplies to the needy and
KtiM-trir !:ttrr.
This remeth L-Iwoming ,-o well kuo.rti
tud so popular s to need no special
i. 'ltloti. All -asio have iwd Electric
1'ittv- sing the same -ong of praise. -A
pure- medicine doe- not exi-t aud it
.sgii:nniw -1 to d- all that i- churned.
Lleetric L"''ei. will cure all dise.i-es of
the Liver a. Kidney, will remove all
Pimples, tio'.is. ;t Rheum and other
affections caused by impure blood Will
drive malaria from the system and pre
vent as well as cure all malarial fevers.
I For cure of headache, constipation anu
indigestion try Electric Bitters Entire
satisfaction guaranteed, or money re
funded. Price rV and SLOrt per Uittle
at David Dowty's drug store.
MOSEY TO LOAN ON FARMS at lowest nre of iatent. on hurt or I.m timw, in nmonnt
to Hiiit niinlicants.
TOMPLKTE AHSTltACTS OF TITLE to .ill n-tl e.ite in PUtte eounty.
Notnry Pnhlie abray ia oriii-e.
Krai anil city property for de.
Mnkt eollertinn- of fotviini iah.rir.inev9 ami --U tpnmship tickets to aaii from alt prta
of Europe. Jul.'tf
General Agents for the sale of
Important t'inhlilna aiinnnerinent.
We are pleased to announce to our
readers that we have made arrangements
with the publishers of the Nebraska
Farmer, the leading live stock and farm
journal of the west. h which we can
offer it one year with The Colcmhcs
Jocbval and the Nebraska Family Jour
nal, all for Si), but very little more
than the price of one publication. This
offer is good for renewals or new sul
scribers. Let every one who desires to
take advantage of this liberal offer do so
at once. Address.
M. Iv. TritNEK A- Co
Columbus. Neb.
flu New Diwuvery.
You have heard your friends and
neighbors talking about it. Von may
vourself be one of the many who know
from personal experience just how good
a thing it is. If you have ever tried it.
you are one of its staunch friends, be
cause the wonderful thing about it is.
that when once given a trial. Dr. King's
New Discovery ever after holds a place
in the house. If you have never used it
and should lie afflicted with a cough,
cold or any throat, lung or chest trouble
secure a bottle at once and give it a fair
trial. It is guaranteed every tune, or
money refunded. Trial Imttle free at
David Dowtv's iirug store.
rww i.omij. w' a m- m. 4S1
WanlMteaadltetaiiDialar im
fiaae, Ntllrr, ni Freak Fish. All Kiiti f Saiugt a Specialty.
VCaab paid for Hldm, Palta, Tallow. HIiMat aarkat prim paid for rat actl.a
Olite Strwt twt Dnh Jfortk f tit Fint Nati.aal laak.
I have issued most stringent orders that
no man who is able to support himself
shall have any of these supplie-. la ad
dition to this I have instructed the dis
tributing officers to keep an accurate ac
count of every pound of coal and flour
sent out."
"The Motlier- Portfolio."
A beautiful holiday book. will Iteenthusi
.latically welcomed in thousands of
homes next Christmas. Every mother
needs it ami every father as well, and
for any teacher of little ones it is a rich
treasury, ft is fresh, bright, earnest and
wise. The illustrations and stones de
light the children, while the occupations,
games, music and t picnl lesons can be
Used in any home. Under its delightful
method, the training of little ones cejises
to be a burden and becomes a constant
The Interior 4aya Mother's Portfolio
is full of good things a. to defy de
scription. It is a treasure house for
mothers who have the desire and grace
to amuse, instruct anil lovinglv control!
their own children at home. Housekeeping say. The publish
er rig'ii fully claim for this hook that it
is unique in its office. It is a large iv
tavo volume of over lx p.iges. williem
lellished covers like a child- tfift book
anil ;ts to its contents it is a magazine
of information, disciis-mu and usefulness.
There is no letter work for agents, to i
Weathrr Prtiliahilitii--.
Indications point to cold, frosty weath
er. That, however, will make no differ
ence to those who travel in the steam
heated and electric - lighted limited
vestibule.! trains which are run only by
the Chicago. Milwaukee .V St. Paul rail
way letween Omaha and Chicago. This
elegant tram leaves Omaha at fi.lo p. in
arming at Chicago at O-J!) a. in., in tune
to make all eastern connections. For
further information apply to your near
est ticket agent. F. A. N;ish. general
agent, loOl Farnam street, Omaha. W.
S. Howell. Traveling freight and pas.sen-
:il Tt
ger agent.
Eaby cried.
Mother sighed,
Piv.tor prescribed : Ctatoria. 1
P w (3
2 "
l-J e .
-. S
q -:
n in
a e-r
O e
t o
9 OB
p p 5
p 3 o
ft trcr
O js
3 CR
js, n
p i
rur. i h.ckk .-
NOTICE FOR PI BLICVTIOV Office .it m.i Mtuiii. Neb.. , fe atraro 9 ia our utiles will raalce x Ion- tay.
Oetolier 31. lji. ; ,-0 .,., or woman now livini; Till ever data
aZXJg&S riat'fl; I.- wuw tlu. dffoe J It au-d.
make nnal prm.f in -upport of hi- claim, nail a :ho third phiee ia WW. where It will remain tea
tlutt -wiiit pnnit will le nuuie before the cierk oi tfe3 antj oii move up to secoud place ta ISUU.
V.-.M the lot No. ; ,f etmn .1 township If. TaereLs.inother"9" which has t!ao come to uy.
m.rrh. of mane I e-t. He aauie- the following It ls j, tae flure 3 a our date ia the rpwet
:'ll: tt h atr-dy n up -mpbe wh
Kr,n. John of Uuneui. Neb., tre.1 rhoiiuw. of a will pennaneatly remain. It if called the "No.
t'lilumhn. Nejj.. au.l Mns K. Uittner of Oeeoia. , y. jjj., Ar21 Whaler A Vusoa Swini Machine.
2)Ot'l Hwxrr.
Tn ii cured in "hi minute by Wool
ford'a SaniUrv lotion. Sold by C. 15.
Snlhnan. druggist.
5ruur juof.itmneof thein!trkriiHreibiAiaeit
Tiier-taj rtfr-ra.-itt.nail nre .orn-i-t tti.l reliable
t thetlllin.
wham the oubliahera make a De.ial i Knt ho
- , ... ...... ... .i. ..,..-! rat cow-.
oner until uriMLinan. vmr ianv n..i.i iu.)
copies in led than two monihs. With
the helps furnished, an agent can make
$HX before the holiday:. Semi at once
tbr terms and circulars. Retail price.
$2.'i." expressage prepaid. Addread Alice B.
Stockham ' 'o., lrJl ri Salle St. ("hi-cngn.
Fat 'heep
Kat steers
Uli UN, "TV
f-' 2 J
1 Uiu 1 ir.
Si -z.a t ;-.
S3 uou .5 Jd
?.Zm'A Vt
I mwi2 'a)
y - t:.
h ID
U.lmiH m-f nth-mil h tie 'inu on l itr f.
iini-eiite ihrie.ter. iio.irnit; -mil and ar- ;re-
pared to .1.. ALL KINIS Ot WOOD WORK. ,
-ucti a.-.
The "N'o. V was -adorned for ant place ay tae
experts of Europe at the Paru Exposition ot ta.
whr-. alter severe coateL with the leading 3Li
ihmei of the world, it was awarded the only
j rand Prize gtv-n to family sewing macaiae. all
jthrrn on exhibit havmic rvevived luwr award
if gold mrtLils. etc The Fr-nch Covramat
ilso recoiraized Itn supenonty by the decoration of
Mr KataanMWUeele-.Presideatof t!iecompuy.
.vith the Croi.a of the Lrion of Honor.
The -No. 3" ii not aa old machine improve,!
lpon. but ii n3 entirely ae.v machiae. and lh.
j rand Prize at Pnria was a-.varded it a-4 the grand
est advance in ewni machine of the
atfe. Thoe who buy ti can r-at assurml. thra
fura, of having the very latent aad best.
(Business atires.
Children Cry for
pitchtr'f Caftorla.
Children Cry for
I Pitched $ Carter la.
A mysterious cattle disease haa
broken out in Iowa. A special to the
South Omaha Stockman sayar A mys
terious and singularly fatal disease has
shown itself among- the cattle in this
section. It appears to be contagious
and ia rapidly carrying off the live stock
of the farmers around this place.
Several have already died and a nnmber
more are down and not expected to re
cover. No local veterinarian is -ue to
atop the progress of the disease, and the
pacple an at loss wins to da
The fah Bargain rre
Wants you to come and see their goods
and pnees. Don't want you to buy un
less their goods are cheaper than any
where else in town. We have Books
and Books and Books for old and young.
SLOO Books for '23 cents, stationery m
packages. '25 cents worth for 10 cents,
and all finer sorts in the same way.
Our Racket goods surprise everybody
aud make our competitors mad and our
customers glad.
Boy's plush cap 25 cents. Men's plush
caps TTj cents, both worth double the
Men's wool Shaker hose Ilk;, worth 2.".
Men's Doniet shirts :" and ."V.
Men's cotton sox. heavy, 8c.
Ladies fast plock regular made hose
17c. worth 25.
Duck overalls iMX
Towels o and 10 c.
Handkerchiefs .1 ond 10c.
Pins 2c. needles 2c, 2 doz. clothes pegs
Wire hair brush" 10c. a f hole mouse
trap 5c.
Onr Tt and 10 cent counters are just
loaded with useful things worth double
the money. Gome and spend an hour in
looking over them, whether you want to
buy or not. F. H. Lamb i Co.
4 Heitkempera old stand.
Business is very nuiet.
Corn is alxmt all cribbed and a good
portion of it fed: the crop wa.s not as
good as it was expected.
Several thousand sheep were unloaded
here to be fed at this station for the
Our young townsman. Mr. A. Weiseeu-
tiuh. after an all snmmer's absence in I
flii .rronr TCfKr. h;t4 r-tnrne,l linme :iTin. !
Mr. Nick Blaser left last Monday for a
pleasure trip to the Pacific coast to visit
his son Nick. jr.. and a great many other
The town boys did some anvil shooting
in honor of -Buyd last week: it might
be the case, though, that they were
shooting up the wrong tree. m.
Store Front.
Stair Railing,
Scroll Sawiiur.
Plan inc. Ktr.
r i ordem iruit lj Htr-nite.! '. 1 .tit on
jilt iu
I oliiiiibii- NVhrtaLit.
A.lvertimTat-at- under thin lieni tiv- centn a
lineeat'b maertion.
TWO Y-nnu Polle.1 Vaan-ImlN f"r inle ehenp
b John ( rami-r. Shell t'reek. i- t
lOR SALE. A fiilUiii ted jounu K-es
boar, la.iulreof Wm..Io.nks. Ji-lt
WM.S'HII.TZ malcew boots -init -hoe-inthe
l)e-t lyien. :iad ii- only the v-rj le t
tockthatcaa beBrm-ur-.! ia the m.-irk-t . Vj-tf
Ileal H-tate DeaN.
For the week en.ling Nov. 21", 1S90.
All deels warranty unless otherwise
D. C. Ilall. U. S. n-retv-r to M.iry .V. I-nlor,
j. "e:i. 10, L-. iw. f. r .$
L'. S. to Theo. Io re jlatzea. a' nw J. a.
21 le. p
.1. L Hoifmaa -t al to .1. IL Klanv-H. lot-
7.-.! and 10. b!o.-k 29. Speioe- add to
t oluailxiH
J. C. C.iliiaell .iieritf to Maurice Hollenn,
"COlt ij.VLr. One yenrlmit bull, ttirwituirter
J? Uerefonl. oue-ni.-irter iliiirl horn. l l.i-
t-iaj.. one-'inlf bl.-l. one rirt.-eatli--irte-nth-.
.mil al-i one Jer-ej bull. Will -el! rh-i! for
cish. Inov
Ii. M. Mouifk.
ae U. 13. IU. 2w.
C P. Ity To. to Tlieoiloni K Jlatzen. - s,
.!. 1-. le
Lewis IL Webb and 'xiie to Burton J.
Wlielaa. lota t. Z aadri. blook LTT. heet
to aiorticuje .......
U. S. to Owen Chilian, re lj. 34. 1". le, n
Pioneer Trrwa hite Co. to Ira W. Smith, lot
tU, hioefc it. t.vra of (."rp-toa .
Town site ( o. to D. L Clark, lota 11. .in.t
IS. hltx:it j, touaoft'retiiu ....
Ham P. Jlitrltel to E. D. Bo. lot 'J and
10. block JT, Speioe'rt aM to roIumb
Allele .Mihenro-. n.l hnoottnil to Henry
Herchenhan. lot 7. block lfiT, ciry of Co-
NOTICE Ot" DUJSOLL' TIO.N. Ilie partner
hip heretofore eiti-tinic betw. a the nn
ilersiisaeti iloimt biimne- muler the ami name of
Miller Brow., haa been tins iajr li-eilve,l b um
tual consent. Ueralu-ml "iliiler retinnit. aa.l
Miller cnntisUinK ia the bniaese. JoLn Miller
betntc npomtible for ll clnim-mpiin-t'tlie tirni,
anil eatitle.1 to rectiive all moueji (Jue them.
Jou MlLI.Ka.
'ov. ii. twi. .aj-It BeuaHvao MiLLr.a.
aboiitS-ptember "iJ, 1., a note iven
by E..U1. for tlW.&l payable to the onferoi
Bank of t reatoa. Note auc in cue year at lt
per cent intereBt. The public i herrby wnrne.!
airunit netntiatimi for thi note ereit hj
cliattel niortJtup- on tnrew hores. -nirrl, sray
aail buy. :is ilecribi in mortsate. as I am the
rittntfttl owner of aaiti note. By mirtake the
note voir, uoiule payable to Bank of Crtnton in--teml
of to me. The mortitarfe wai properlj
aiade to me. 2Ut laWvSELI.
The Bee Reduced in Price.
Has bvp reil iced to
Sl.00 A YEAR.
Nw n the tune To -.uhscnbe the
lest newspaper III the West.
JKT1taji f Vwft'"S7
185 ajui 167 WabMh Ave., Chicago.
W. KIBLER, Lei'h. Xebr.'00-7it
S-nd in your orders early to
Ouiha Neb.
Lanil for Sale.
S. E. 4 section 21, town 19. range 4
west, unimproved, for sale on easy terms.
1 Enquire cf G. G. Becker Co. 29-6
Notice is hereby given that by virtne of a chat
tel morfsaxi- tinted the 9th .lay of February. l?-.
wil only nle.1 for record ia the otSc of the
county clerk of Platte county. Neora.ka, oa tlie
9th. day of rthrnnry, lJ.iiie2ec:itet by Robert
Gnitter to Jacob Vii)cier an.l H. C. Newman, to
secure the payment of the .um of $Z10.0U. and
up.u winch there is now due the nm of Jlsiwl;
default havicr in ataile in the payment of ud
.tun. and no suit or other proceedistw at law
having been iniftiratl to recover mid lebt or
any pjirt thereof, therefore we willseli the prop
erty thei-ia describe.!, vis: One light bay mnz.
tt ytr nlal. one cow. one yeriiS3 heifer, one set
work haraen. one lumber waipin. one atirnntr
plow, une two-tiorse com cultivator, one JjimihU
artl mower, at public auction at the livary tmra
of Ive Jt Ayers. ia the city of Columbus, I'latte
county, Nebraska, oa th 11th day of Norember.
lKfti, at one o'clock p. m., of amid day.
Jacob woseb,
22oct3 TLCSmitf, r-awtiMMi
mrf. 7 mczm
i. :. msi
cheaper thaa any IhkIj . pp"ire Clother honwe.
L. C. VOSS, M. D,
Homsopathic Physician
Ota.-oTerpmt ..tHce. Specialist ia chronic
diaa-e. Canful attefitiou ivn to gvutnd
And all kind of country produce taken in trad
aad all tcoofia deltTered free of chnrga
tnasy part of the city.
Children Cry for
Pi-toner's Casteria.