The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 05, 1890, Image 4

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A Weekly Newspaper issned eyerj
32 f olninns of reading matter, con
sisting of Nebraska State News
Items, Selected Stories and
(j-Sample copies sent free to any addnM."
Subscription prica,
CI a year, in Advance.
M. K. Totiseb Co,
Platte Co., Nebi
:vo St., nearly opposite Poit-offlce.
il kinds of Repairing done
Sim rt Notice. Baggies, Wag
oiis. etc., mado to order,
and all work Guar
anteed. 01
ho sll the world-famous Walter A.
Wood Mowers, Reapers, Combin
ed Machines, Harvester!,
aud Self-binders tho
best made.
-.""""Shop opposite the "Tattersall,"' on
OJivo St.. COLUMBUS, 'jfi-m
jyiiieiBiis Advertising
(.'route? many a new business,
Enlarges many an old business,
llevive? many a dull business,
IJe.-cwes many a lost business,
Saves many a Tailing business,
Preserves many a large business,
es success in anv business.
Ho Raj's a man ot lnsine-9, and we add that
judicious adtertibins, for this section of country,
A on? cf thf medium. bpcau'v it is r?ad by the
l2t m?o; Uuo who know what they want ani"
liny fm w hat ihey K-t. Wo chullvnce comparison
with anj cvnntri paper iu tho world in this rc
f-j-eot twenty jenrs juil.lit-hiiiK hy tho same
maiiapeinent, nr.d neer one'dnn to RnlMrilers
pittilisiiHi in TilK .Iuciinau This, better than
imilliiu rlrf, shires th elas of people hu
icid The Jouunal. even- week. tf
Woven wire and slats, cnt willow. split boards
kc thine of the 6ort, oed: after posts are set,
fence can Iks made nnd Btretched on the ground,
in the winter, by n boy or ordinary fss hand,
10 to 40 rixls a day, and can work it oyer say
ground. Tto man who ha one of these ma
chines can bnild r fence that is more durable and
safe than any otitor, and r -ike it tt le cot.
Tho machine and c sample of ita v.-ork can bo
scon in the city on 11th ftrt tt Ernst & Schwarz
hardware store. WillsMl iv-hines. or territory,
or contract to pat up fence.
lmajtf J. a. MATHEWSOX.
"NWWSPV?T? vtcofeoflOOpag .
iigCtl&l .tiie best bcc&ioru
lif--, ----advertiser to coa
JflnuFHTisiMCu:t' n perV
ljJltfrSia IUIq.i or other wlaff.
Jtcon:ainslht3oinewdpapci8 and estimates
of tfce coatarndYertlslnff.Tbe advertiser ao
wuils to spend one Collar. And ia ltthe In
t bruiAtiou he requires, while forhliu who will
tnreetoue hundred thousand dollar in ad
vertiainc. a scheme is indicated which will
eethU every requirement, or can bemad
to do to by tHeht ckanfU eerily arrived sX by eov
retmendenee, 149 cdittooa have been Issued.
Sent, post-paid, to any address fcr 10 cents.
SrAte te EO. V. BOSVELL ft CO,
::0Sorac5t.FrlnUagHoeMSq.). Kewlafc
Caveais aad Trade Marks obtained, and all Pat
ent bosioeas etadaciaA for MODEitAT FEES.
OFFICE. We hare no b-aencies. all business
direct, hence we can transact pctcst business ia
fesa time and at LESS COST tiaa iiui remote
fiws Washington. . .
Bead model, drawing, or photo, with descrip
tion. We advise if patentable or not, free or
charge. Oar fee not due till patent is secured.
A book, "How to Obtain Patent-." with refer
ences to actual clieets iu yo - sa:e, county ox
town, sent free. AddrKs
C. A. ,V O I & 0,
Opposite FaUBtO&r-. - i.:oa.D. C.
V Agents Wanted I
l.0 Siewjttrt SAttty Bel Holders
given away u .mnxiucr utm. l-rery
or owaer ey frn I to time
carer ar.r taTmt' !ti. t cad X3 ct:
la iUbm io ssr imUlt aud Barkis
tor Ylcfcsl Fit I SaiMUullaSrtl
r -'-miMvmrn
i rrtzz H -
ill ii I ir-4ft
m wimwU. C 8' all Ik I 11
Uil Ii v si Jl,
!.. Nilf.aVsfW
lomment-. mad Criticlnma flnel Upon
the Huppeuiuc or the Day-Historic!
awl Mews Mots.
riuNcr. Bismarck keeps the wolf
from the door with $170,000 a year.
Almost 54,000 Frenchmen belong to
the L;gion of Honor. 02,021 of tlicm ;
being connected with the army aud the j
lest civilians.
TnK snow-shovel factories of New En
gland will start the season with COO.000
snow-shovels left over from last year,
and the Middle Stales and the West
stand ready to furnish a tramp for every
shovel. Let old Boreas get up and
Was this the introduction of Free
masonry into this country? Weeden,
in his history of New England, says
that in 1658 fifteen families came to
Newport, R. I., from Holland, bringing,
with their goods and mercantile skill,
the first three degrees of Freemasonry.
Physicians say that cases of nervous
prostration are less frequent since low
heels have come into fashion. They
allow the whole weight of the body to
rest on the feet, remove the tension to
which the muscles are subjected by
high heels, and keep the calf of the leg
in its normal condition.
Somkthisc! new iu the way of brick
making has sprung up at St. Joseph,
Mich., where the sand of the beach by
a chemical process is being turned into
bricks. They arc represented to be
superior to pressed brick, and large
quantities are being put into tine
dences and the fronts ot
Royalty is always dear in England.
'An ebony walking stick which once be
longed to Georgius Tertius was lately
sold at auction iu Loudon for $90. The
gold top was eugraved with "G. R."
aud crown, and contained the hair of
Princesses Augusta Elizabeth, Mary
Sophia and Amelia, and was inscribed
as the gift of Princess Mary.
The Sioux Indians who are looking
for an Indian Mestiah are under the
leadership of an old medicine man
named Red Shirt, who is believed to bo
over one hundred years old. IIo gets
his name from the fact that he has
always worn a red ilanuel shirt, and his
extremo old age is inferred perhaps
from the evident antiquity of that gar
ment. Theke are 500 convicts in the South
ern Indiana prison, and fifty of them
are serving life sentences. Some of
these are for murders committed, tho
most brutal known iu the history of
Indiana, and among them wife slayers
predominate. Mauy are men serving
sentences for the most insignificaut of
fenses. One man is serving a year for
stealing a pair of 10-cent socks.
In some cities classes have been or
ganized to teach the young men and
women to read the New Testament in
the Greek language. A united effort
in irt tliRin to read it in Enclish, and
do it understandingly, would be more
to the point. There is a growing move
ment toward the .-esthetic in religious
circles. A effort, as it were, to build
up exclusive circles inside the one that
should be broad enough to take in "all
sorts and conditions of men."
A writer on disinfectants claims that
the most reliable one that is practicable
for families is tho vapor of sulphur. To
use this put it iuto an iron vessel, set it
on fire and leave it to burn out in the
apartment with the doors tightly closed.
About two pounds of roll sulphur is re
quired for a looni ian feet square with
ceiling of ordinary height. The fumes
are dangerous to life, aud caution must
De observed in entering the room be
fore it is free from the sulphurous gas.
An English newspaper charged a
shire councilor with having "tiddly
winked the shire funds." The law was
invoked and, after consulting all avail
able dictionaries without finding any
definition of the term, the (Jourt de
cided that the phrase was not neces
sarily libelon". The game of tiddle
wiuks, which is now in Yogne in this
country, is one of skill, and an expert
tiddlewiuker must be gifted with slight
of hand. Financial tiddluwiuking is a
suggestive phrase, and is now intro
duced for the first time.
Awfvi. occurrences cry out from the
telegraph paqes of the press with start
ing regularity. There teems to be no
interruption in the procession of what
was once regarded as horrifyiug
event, but which now, owing to famil
iarity, aie looked upon as matters of
course. It requires a stupendous eftort
of the mind to Tealize that these violent
deaths, murders and accidents which
hurl human beings into eternity by
trainloads are a necessary adjunct of
our civilization and a part of the pro
gress of the age, bnt so .they have come
to be considered, and no regular reader
of the daily pres is nowadays moved
to unubtial remark by a perusal of
thee hitherto harrowing recitals.
Ix the luorriago ceremonies in the
Salvation Army tho brjde ia not asked
to reply to the question common inmost
Christian organizations whether she
will obey her husband. Xo exception
was made ia this respect in the mar
riage of Gen. Booth's son Herbert to
Capt. Carrie fcjehock, a Salvation lass.
Marshal Baliicgton Booth was asked
the reason why the word obey is omitted
from the service. The Marshal replied
through one of lm Captains: "We do
not admit the inferiority of women to
men in tho Salvation Army. That
principle permeates the organization
from the General down to the meane-it
private. In fast, most of the married
warriors confess that their wivj3 are the
better half. fco Gen. Booth has made
a marriage service aud put it in the
'Orders and Regulations for Field Ofii
cers,'h big book, as follows: "Will
joif have this man to be your wedded
husband, to live together after God's
ordinance in the holy state of matri
I mouy; will you love him, terve, henor,
j and help him in sickness and in health,
i and never seek to prevent his doing
j anything that is in his power to do, or
giving anything that is within his
power, to help the 'Salvation Army,'
and so on.
The Cincinnati Enquirer very prop
perly calls a halt on ilcut alarms" in
the case of fire. Ass result of o silent
alarm in Cincinnati, there was a col
lision between a ladder wagon and a
street car, a number of people in tho
car having a narrow escape. Silent
alarms endanger the lives of those who
may happen to be or the street and
whose only warning of the approach of
the engines and wagons at bieakneck
speed is the clang of the bell, and fre-
juently this notice is so brief as to be
dangerous to the pedestraiu. lint wnen
ie big bells ring ont the streets are
e'eared m advance and there is no dan
ger of a collision or of any body being
hurt. There is no good reason for a
silent alarm. The location of a tire is
something with which every bodv ought
to be made acquainted promptly. Men
stop iu the midst of their business to
count the strokes of the bell, and if it
is their property thati3 lieing cousumed
it is their desire aud their right to
hasten at once to the scene of the fire.
In the case of a silent alarm they have
no means of knowing of the destruc
tion of their homes and valuables until
the mischief has been accomplished.
The practice dees not pevail in Co
lumbus to a very great extent, but there
ought not to be a single instance of it.
Obeyed "lie Speret."
An old negro was found casting a net
in a preserved fish pond. "I have
vou at last," exclaimed tho owner.
-Stand right where you are. If yon try
to run I'll shoot you. "What are yon
stealing my fi-h far?"
"Look yere, you doau call dis stealin'
fee-h, docs you?"
-Of course I do, yon trilling scoun
drel!" Wall, ef date de case dar's er p'int
o diffunce betwixt us. I call it 'ligion,
"You call it what?"
-'Liirion. sah: dat's what I calls it.
Peter aud John an' all de 'ciples, whia
da folt 'ligious tuck er net an' went an
kotch some feesh, an' now, wheu de
sperit dun moved me, an I has come
'cordin' ter de scriptur' an gunter cast
de not, w'y yore you como an' calls me
er thief. Ez "Jiglons er man ez you ez
ouchter be 'shamed o' yo'so'f. W'y, I
reekou ef you hader libed in deole days
an hader seed Peter er feeshin', you
woulder got after him, too. Dar was
jes bich men or Jibitf at dat time, sah,
an'whutdid da do? Da strayed off
at ter de golden ca'f o' 'niqnity an' let de
feesh o righteousness er lone. De
speret moved me ter come on" down
yere an' cast dis yere net an' now you
come an' 'ject tor de speret."
"I object to yon stealiug my fish, yon
trilling rascal."
"I ain't stealin' yo' feesh, sah. I jest
castin' de net like'de sperit tole me to
-So you haven't taken any fish?"
-No, sah, cose I ain't; but I kain't
hep it if de speret tole me ter cast de
-What have vou got in that bag?''
-Dis bag right yere?"
"Yea, that bag right there."
"What's I got in it?"
"That's what I said."
-Wall, f-ah, I put er few fec3h In 3'ere
jest ter keep 'em frum bein' proud iu
de Mesh. Ycoik is moustut: proud some
time, sali. an' I jes wautar show 'era
dar's sicher thing ez pride comin' down
puttv low."
-Yes, and I'll just show you there's
such a thing as going to jail."
'What! 'Caze I follered de speret
an' tuck de pride outen de leeh? Wall,
I f-eei one thing mighty cl'ar. -Dar
ain't no usen er man follenn de speret
deze days. Ef Peter was yere now he'd
git 'gusted wid de white folks an' go off
down yaiidar wid de niggers. Now,
sah, ef vou wauter disgrace yo'se'f by
takiu' me ter jail 1'so wid you." Mem
phis Avalanche.
An Ipdiat; VItop's Hard Lot.
According to the account quoted by
Dr. Farrow in his valuable work on the
"Mortuary Customs of the North Ameri
can Indian," the Tokotins, cf Oregon,
compelled widows to pass through au
ordeal to which the suttee would al
most be preferable. The body of the
deceased husbaud was kept for nine
days laid out iu his lodge. During
theso nine days the widow is obliged to
lie beside it from sunset to sunrise, no
matter what the season or the tempera
ture. Gn t!;p tenth day the body
is burned, together with ishstover
properly once appertained to it in the
way of clothing and arms. The widw
must also lio btsido the corpse on the
funeral pile. On no account may she
mova until tho doctors so order.
This merciful command is never
given, however, until the living body of
the poor woman is completely covered
with blisters. If at any time during
tho life of her husband she Las been
known to commit any act of infidelity,
or to neglect to minister to his comfort
iu anv wav. she ii now severely punished.
The relative of the dead warrior will
again ami again tliug her back upon the
burning pile, from which her own
friends must rs many time3 drag her
forth, more dead than alive. Whan all
is over the widow nvnit collect tho
larger bones, roll them up in an en
velope of birch bark and carry them
constantly on her back for years. She
is now aslave to the whole village, and
her least refusal to obey an order is
cruellv Dunished. The ashes of her
late husband are collected and buried
in a grave, and sjifuiid any weeds appear
upon thin grave she is obliged to root
them out v.ith her bare lr.gers, while
her husband's relatfvs. stand over and
beat her. '
9to Htne of Uiimor.
There are various ways of ooming to
grief, when one attempts telling another
per-ou's stories
-Annie, tell that anecdote Cousin
Olive told, the other night, please,"
said a young lady to her siiter, while
they were making a cal!. When Aunie
had complied, her sister announced,
sympathetically, to the company. "You
can imagine how funny it was, because
Olive tells a stiry so we!!!'
Another unfortunate relater of a bor
rowed talp v.asa gentleman who ven
tured to ask an jntimate friend, "Why
don't vou wear a wig ?
"I'd rather dye." was the answer, and
though the pun was an old one it hap
pened to be now to the hearer, and
gieatiy amused him not so much that
he .did not sj eedily forget the point.
That njght, on returning home, he
said to his wife, "Richardson said an
awfnllv good thing this afternoon. I
asked him why he didn't wear a wig, and
he paid lieu rather commit suicide than
do fctich a thing. Why don't you laugh?
liut then, women haven't any sense of
humor, to sj eak of!"
I'roiupt Meals.
Go business-like enough to run your
house en schedule time aud be prompt
with the meals. A hungry man is gen
erally an ugly man, and then is the
timeto be philosophical. To kiss him
at this time is to make him crawl, He
wants consomme, not caressing. Be
ready to receive him when he come in
to dinner. Be in the doorway and let
him see the fire-light or the lamp from
tho hail Let him take his overcoat off
and his hat and his rubbers, and let
him blow his nose if he wants to. Let
him solicit a welcome, but don't proffer
it if he thows a disposition to get to the
fire first. It is execrable taste, but it
is the kind he will manifest if his
trousers' legs are damp, his feet wet,
sod his hand cold. .Yet? York World,
$400v000 WORTH OF FRUIT.
The Fruit Comes Here, the Money Goes tw
Californlu A Great limy' S!. "
Less than sis years ago the multifari
ous delicacies of the glorious climate of
California were almost unknown in New
York market. To-day they adorn
nearly every big and little fruit stand
in towu. They excel the finest native
products in beauty and size, vie with
them in flavor, aud are not so dear that
a workingman cannot afford to buy
some for his wife or sweetheart. Only
a few years ago Tokays from the Golden
Gate brought 50 cents a pound ; now
they may be had for 10 aud 15 cents.
This is because Ca ifornia has awak
ened to the fact that New York is the
great fruit center of the world, and
pays the highest prices for the best
products. At the end of this season she
will have poured frm her marvellous
cornucopia into this and neighboring
State 10,000,000 pounds of grapes,
pears, peaches, prunes, and plums.
Tliat will be just half of what she will
unload at Chicago this voir, aud ten
times as much as she sent to us only
three years ago. She has got the giip
on the affections of the fruit lovers
hereabouts by offering them only her
best products, and she is going to try
to keep it. Our native fruit is not hold
ing its own against the Western invader.
This is especially tme of pears, which
are much inferior to the luscious clear
skinned Ca. ifornia Bartletts that may
be seen on hundreds of stands in tempt
ing, picturesque pyramids of gold aud
rose. The peaches from across the con
tinent don't come up to the bet from
near-by orchards; but they are big and
juicy and fair to look upon.
Nearly all the California fruit that
comes here is sold by Auctioneer E. L.
Good sell at his store in Park Place or
on the long, roofed pier at the foot of
the street. Buyers from Philadelphia
to Providence are informed by tele
graph of the expected arrival of a train
load and come here to bid on whatever
imrt of it they may want. Mr. Good-
sell is a tall, nervous young man with
the rapidity of utterance characteristic
of a good auctioneer. He is an Eastern
man and a graduate of Yale, but he is
as much of a hustler as the wild West
overproduced. He defies anybody
even in Chicago to beat his recoid of
selling in four and a half hours on Sep
tember 2, fifteen carloads or fruit, com
prising 3,500 boxes of Bartlett pears,
4,000 botes of peaches, 1,000 boxes of
plums and prunes, and 2,500 crates of
grapes. Forty men unloaded the cars
and piled the fruit in 400 different lots
on the pier. Fifty trucks took the fruit
away, beginning to load at 11 :30 a. m.
and" getting through the job a little
after midnight. Twenty-four hours
after the sale occurred every California
shipper had the money he obtained from
it in his pocket or his bank.
Many of the purchasers who gather
on the pier when a trainload is piled
there, like miniature mountain chains,
are Italian jobbers who sell to the ven
ders aud stand keepers. Boxes in every
lot are opened, and buyers are allowed
to examine the fruit, Every buyer has
a catalogue, which tells where tho fruit
is grown. The Earl Fruit Company is
the biggest shipper. There are h.alf a
dozen Chinamen in the busi-iess, and
they disioae of their fruit to the big
conceius which send them here. One
of the lots sold the other day was made
up of two boxes of pears grown by Mr.
Quong Wo, who has a reputation as a
fine grower. One hundred of his coun
trymen make a living as growers. In
exchange for her tons of fruit tho job
bers of this section will send California
about $400,000, all of which will be
nearly clear profit.
Mr. Goodsell says that California
fruit has come to stay. Ho believes
that we shall be receiving within a
few years more than goes into the
Chicaco market The cars that bring
the fruit here are run into the section
where the growers are and loaded di
rectly from the orchards and vineyard-.
The fruit is packed in such condition
that it may ripen at the eud of ten days,
tb(3 length of the journey from the.
Western coast. New York gets the
very best quality of thp crop, because
she pays more for it than the growers
can get elsewhere. New York Sun,
Not Forgotten.
A man with a business-like air en
tered a Chicago book store, and has
tily summoning the proprietor, thus ad
dressed him :
"How many volumes of Longfellow's
poems do you want?"
"How many do I want!" exc' aimed
the proprietor" glancing up at a du,ty
shelf, "by George. " sir, I don't tvaut
any. I have had a lot of his stuff on
hand for about ten years, and if you try
to shove off any of his jabber on me
you'll have me to whip. He is forgot?
"How many copies of his 'Building of
the Ship' have you?"
"I don't know and I don't care; .but
what difference does it make when I
couldn't sell a dozen for a tuneless
song? I tell you that our people don't
like Longfellow and won't have any
thing to do with him."
"They may not care anything for him
now. but they will care for fiii'n in r
day or two; and my prediction is that
within a week you will have orders for
at least a thousand copies."
"Nonsense," the dealer replied.
"No, it's not nonsense. The Brook
lyn School Commissioners have declared
that the poet, hitherto supposed to be
so gentle and pure, is now dangerously
"What do you mean by erotic?"
"pli, vulgarly passionate, for in?
The dealer sprang over the counter,
seized the man and exclaimed: "You
have saved me from bankruptcy. Send
me 2,000 copies, quick. Arkansaw
flow Good Habits Heroine llad Ones.
Good habits, long persisted in, may
and do become bad habits, says Dr. W.
S. Searle in the North American lie
view. To some this proposition may
appear paradoxical. But it will become
ctear when we reflect that any routine
in habits tends to the over ue of cer
tain organs, and to a corresponding lack
of the use of others; so that, on the one
hand, the former becomes liable to dis
eases of over-excitability, while the lat
tpl are rendered hablp to those of tor
pidity. Thus even good habits may
become productive of disea-e. Indeed,
it is so common as to be within the ob
servation of every one that a change
from snch routine is conducive to
health iu fact, often entirely renovates
the individual. Hence the benefits of
vacations which afford an eutire revolu
tion in the scenes an 4 pmploymonts of
!rofessional aud businuss men, Broad
y considered, change which brings
about an alteration of vital action is the
sole curative principle in disease,
whether accomplished by fresh scenes,
unaccustomed diet, alteied habits, or
drugs. As a conservator of health, too,
it is pre-eminent.
Grsntlma'a Ideas ofs 91,000 Salary.
E. "W. Winter, general manager of
the Omaha Railway, enjoys a gooa story
as much as any man I know, particu
larly if it be'on himself, He tolls the
following tale with great gusto: "My
grandmother is a dear, innocent lady,
who lives up in -Vermont She was
telling' a vintorairkbottt the family,
one day, and when my turn -'came she
said, 'Now; thereVErne, lie's doingright
well,' and her voice tank impressively.
'They do say he's getting as much as a
thousand dollars a year, though I don't
see how he can earn all that money
honestly." Aeic York Star,
Xearlr Always Right In Her Jutljrment in
Regard to Common Thins.
Aji oM gentleman orer seventy caniv into
tho city from h's arm without liNovcreoat.
The day tiirncti chilly, and lie wa obliged
to forvfro his visit to the fair.
To a friend who remonstrated with iiini
for soini; away from home thus unprepared
he said: -I thought it was jiuinjj to lie warm:
my wife told me to take my overcoat, but I
wouldn't. Women have more en-e than
men. anyway.
A frank admNsiou.
Women's pood tense is aid to couie from
intuition; may ir not he that they are more
cloe observers of little things. One tiling U
certain, theynruapt to strike the nail oti
the head, in all the ordinary probkrus ot
life, mote fieiiucntly than the lord-, of cre
ation. 'According to Dr. Alice ilenuett. who re
cently read a paper on ltrlt-ht's disease be
fore the Pennsylvania lit ate. Medical Society
poisons subject to bid u-. attacks and sick
headaches, who have crawling sensations,
like the Hjwiu of water in the head, who
are -tired all tin time" and havuune.xp.aiued
attacks of sudden weakness, may well Ire
t-Uipected of dangerous tendencies iu the
diiection of Urlaht disease."
The veteran newspaper rorrespondent,
Joe Howard, of tho New York Preta, lu
noting tl statement, suiipes. ' --Possibly
Alice is cirrect iu her diagnosis, but why
doesn't she give some idea of treatment? 1
know u m in who, has been 'tired all the.
time for ten years. Night before last he
tcok two doses of calcined and yesterday he
wished ho hadn't."
A proper answer is found in the following
letter of Mrs. Davis, wife cf Kov. Wm. J.
Davis, of Basil. Ohio. June -'1, 1690:
"I do not hesitate to .say that I owe my
life to Warner's Sale Cure. I had a con
stant hemorrhage from my kidneys for mora
th.m live months. The physicians could do
nothing for me. My husband spnt hun
dreds cf tVdlars aud I was not relieved. 1
was under tiie care ot the most eminent
medical men in the State. The hemorrhage
ceased before I had taken one lwttle of tho
Safe Cure. I can safely and do cheu. fully
recommend It to ail who a ro sufferers of kid
ney t roubles."
What May Result Irani the Crowing DU
lik r .Miiiburn.
The fair sex often seek eagerly for a
preventive against sunburn, says the
Now York Monthly Journal. Some re
searches made by Dr. llobcrt Bowles
have resulted in the discovery of an in
fallible one, but one which a woman
with even tho most bcautiftil complex
ion will find too exacting in its condition.
It is an acknowledged fact that sun on
snow burns more quickly than on rocks
or in heated valleys at a low elevation,
and Dr. Howies remarks that sunlight
reflected from freshly fallen snow acts
much more tuiergetlcally on the skin
than that reflected from older snow.
One brilliant day ho painted his face
brown and ascended the Gorncr Grat,
where there was much snow. There
were about eighty others making the
In the evening all excepting Mr.
Bowles were smarting from the effects
of sunburn. He points out that in Mo
rocco and all along the north of Africa
tho inhabitants blacken themselves
around the eyes to avert ophthalmia
from the glare of the hot sands. In Fiji
the natives abandon their red and white
stripes when they go Ashing on the reef
in the full glare of the sun aud blacken
their faces.
In the Sikkim hills, also tho natives
blacken themselves round the eyes as a
protection from the glare of the sun on
newly-fallen snow. Dr. Bowles con
cludes that heat is not the direct cause,
of sunburn, but that it is probably
caused by the violet or ultra-red rays
of light which are reflected from snow.
MaVIng Monev Anvwhere.
ITavlng read Mr. Mooroln ad's exper
ience plating with gold, silver aud
nickel. I .sent for a plater aud have moro
wo k than I can do. It Is surprising tho
sno ns. casfrs and jewelry tnai peopio
want Hated. Tho first week I clr a ed
S"7. 10, and iu three weeks SU9.85, and
my wife has uni "o about as I have.
By addressing V. II. Griflith & Co.,
Zanesville, Ohio, you can get circu
lars. A plater only costs S3. You can
learn to use it in an hour. Can plate
large or small articles, and can make
money an where. A. J. Jo.Nson".
Had Cincinnati Whisky.
Cincinnati whisky is justly famed for
the picturesque effects it produces in the
man who is foolish enough to drink it.
The case of Win. liothnond, who regis
istercri at the police station as residing
in New York, is a fair illustration, It
was reported i. Patrolman .Ionian tho
other night that an unknown man was
seen sitting in the belfry of St. Xavb-r's
church wilh hl-i feet hanging over tho
side. The policeman climbed the three
long ladders which led up the steeple
and there found Mr. Redmond in a
drunken stupor. Kcdmond was lowered
by a block and tackle and locked up in
a" cell for safe keening. When he was
sober enough to give some account of
himself h- said he had climbed the stee
ple and slept there for three consecutive,
A max who tits rrif-ti'd meii-lro for forty
:irs oiiht .o l.uo suit from 6Uyir ; rca'l whut
u, nyo . Tpi.rro. (.. Jai. 10, lc87.
M. ssrs P. J. Chei.ey & Co.-Gf ntlem n-I
a.-. l-iuin Ho coneial raetici of tnidicine
(must ortv varft. m cl vo..Ul f-ay that in nil
ii vprnr i'ea t'd oMirh't'CO havo ueer 8--. it a
irepaatii-n that 1 c iul.1 prescribe wl.h as uiucU
ciiitu'..uctf s .ccess as I can Hall's Catarrh
'un. u-airdn ninJ by you. Hne inscribod
tacicat imiii. times iiini its effect ii wondor
t.,i ,....! mi l.'l kiivin coiiL-lURion that I havo
l yet "lo l::d a case of Catairh that it would not
I cere, ii t! v ..ould take it according to direc
tions. Yours truly,
I., i oonsucii, M. P..
fiice, 213 bun mit St
Wo will eic tKO for nnv cana of t' that
cannot bo cured sih Hull's Catarrh Cure.
1. J. ( Hi-'NKV & Co , I'rop3., Toledo, O.
fla Sold by Drug .ists. 75c.
An OM-T me Inventor.
It Is very seldom that a request for a
latent Is refused lo a Scottish applicant,
and when it is the reason almost invari
ably is that the idea has already been
patented. One of the earliest Scotch in
ventors in this country was old Hugh
Orr. a Lochwinnoch man, during the
revolutionary times. He was well known
iu his life time lo Washington and tlm
other American leaders, as- from his
foundry came most of their iron and
brass cannon. Orr invented ma-iy agri
cultural implements.
A Mrs. Dk. J. C. Biiowm.v. of Kansas
Citv. ate opium, then got out on the roof,
sang ''Annie ttonncy" and chanted -The
Krcutzer Sonata" to Beethoven's notes.
When Baby was sick, we gave tier Cartprfs,
When ehe was a Child, ho cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss. Fhe clung to Clitoris,
Vaea she had Cs'ldren. the gave them Castoria,
TnE engineer on a locomotive near
Green Cove Springs, Fla., last week
caught two partridges in his hands out
of a
covey while Hying through the
Best, casic-t to ue and chcape-t. Piso's
"Remedy for Catairh. I'y druggist:. 50c.
Beecuam's Pills cure Sick-Headache.
The Michigan State Hoard of Health,
tiniiovtnn- crmsinii utioii u comunicablc
disease, advises that all pupils affected
be excluded from the public schools.
pW rtrtE& suitELT. 3
Ohio &Mi5s.r.iilI way.
Office President and
General Manaser,
Cincinnati, Ohio
"My foot tuddcaly
turned and me
a very severely
sprained ankle. The
applies tion of St.
Jacobs Oil resulted ai
once in a relief from
W.W. Peaeodv,
Prett & Genl Man't-T.
Tlfl Dolphin Street,
lU'tirEcre. Md.,
I was bruised tad
ly in hip and side by
a fill and suffered se
verely. St. Jacota Oil
completely cured
inc." Wm. CHarms,
Member of Stute
Ho vras the devil," that boy Jim.
Couldn't do nuthin' at all with him
R:Ked and dirty a Butersnipc
Win' the cases, distributtn' type;
Peltin' the neighbors on their heads
With bran' new -uoins an" slug au lead.
From earlv mornln' to evenin" dim
He was tho "de-il. that boy Jim.
Editor cussed him 'twant no goc4;
Head as hard as a piece o" wood;
Jest bust out in a loud hooray.
An' kept right on In his hard-head way.
Bnt onct when the train was passln' by
An the editor's child on the Hack O. my'
Jim rushed with his same don't care
Right in front of the engine theie:
Child was saved! But where was
With tlamln' lanterns they looked for him.
While the people trembled an' held their
'Under the engine, crushed to death '."
There in the dust and grim he lay
Jim: he had given his life away:
'Twas, no use to weep for him;
Ho was an' angel that boy Jim:
L. F.Stanton.
The Home Truth or a Foraiga PrTr.
The Spanish tare a proverb dtmasiado e
peliffroso'too much is dangerous." If "brevity
Is the soul ot wit," this means a great deal. Ex
cesses aud other imprudences in eating and
drinking are productive ot one tremendous aril
-the progenitor ot many others and these arc
ayioug the follies to which this I'i thy saying baa
dii cct application. Tho ei 11 to which we aU ide
Is indigestion, to the reUef and core cf which
I los tetter's Stomach Bitters has contributed
uioro than any medicine which science has u'iv
e:i to the American people. This invigorating
stomachic and corrective is the means not oul?
ot rerunning a disordered or enfeebled condition
of tno dhrestlvo organs, but ot renewing healthy
action of tho lonrels aud the liver. Besides
this. It counteracts a tendency to rbeuma ism
tul kidii'jy complaint, extirpates aud proveuti
malarious disease, U a potent restorative ol
strength which is falling, hastens convalescence
st:d mitigates tho iuCrimties ot ase.
Craxe for White BaHdings.
New York city has now a craze for
white buildings, and they accord admi
rably with the climate. The Fifth Ave
nue, the Albemarle, the Hoffman, the
St. .lames, the Coleman, the new Impe
rial are all white, and everyone is pleased
with the tendency. Kut New York will
do well to relinquish all notion of burn
ing soft coal if she wishes to dress In
When you were reading the large Pros
pectus of The Youth's Compaxion, pub
lished lust week iu our columns, did you
stop to consider what a wealth of talent
was engaged hi producing this remarkable
paper? Its success is phenomenal, and it Is
read in 450,000 families because It is the
best of Its kind. Now Is tho time to send
your subscription. S1.73 sent at once will
secure you the rest of this year free, in
cluding nil the Holiday Number'. The
Yocnt's Companion, Boston.
An Old Law lu Vogue
In the Lord's day observance act of
Charles II. there is a provision allowing
'milk" to be cried in the streets during
certain hours, but the Sheffield incor
poration does not consider that famous
statute sufficiently stringent, and they
have accordingly made a by-law in
tended to put down all street cries what
ever on Sundays. Last Wednesday threo
milk venders were actually summoned
for calling out 'milk" in certain streets
on a Sunday morning, though no com
plaint had been made against them by
residents concerned. London Truth.
You make no mistake If you occasionally
give your children Dr, Bull's Worm De
strovora. It is a nice enndy and whi e it
n-ivor does hmmit sometimes does a wortd
of good.
Death of a Veteran.
Feodor von Freimann. a veteran of the
Franco-Russian war of 18 IS, died re
cently at the age of ll." years, in St. Pe
tersburg. He served in the Russian
army twenty-five years, and received a
cross of St. George for his bravery. At
the age of Ht) he married a 17-year-old
girl by whom he had two children. For
the last fifty years he has made a daily
practice of drinking a pint of cognac just
before going to bed.
Nkaiilv every article sold Is cheapened,
iu cost of production, at expense of quality.
Dobbins' Electric Soap is exactly to-duy
whnt. it was in 16.. alisoiutcly pure, harm
less and uniform. Ask your grocer for it.
Damp '-r Cold lietfs.
According to medical protest against
damp or cold beds, warming pans should
come into fashion again. One medical
I writer says: "Not only the guests, but
me iuiiiii sum i m- -uiiuiij ui i-.-t-jni;
in coid rooms and chilling their bodies at
a time when they need all their bodily
heat, by getting between cold sheets.
Even in warm, sunny weather a cold.
J damp bed will get in its deadly work. It
is neeuiess pern aim iih; iicicci. 10 pro
vide dry rooms and beds has iu it the
elements of murder and suicide."
"Eveht work requires a proper mothod."
Hal tne troublo 01 houo-cleanin results
lioui lack of common. scq,so means. Use
SA. Ohio. It is a solid ca,ko ot fceutiring
boup. 'i rf it,
A iiakrei. containing tomato catsup
hurst with great violence in the Fulton
Market, Sedalia, and besmeared the
whole Institution and coiored all the
hucksters a reddish yellow.
! Owing to a heavy cabbage crop, the
people of Pennsylvania are preparing for
an unusually fine season of sauer-kraut.
Let every enfeebled woman,
know it! There's a medicine
that'll cure her, and the proof's
positive !
1 Here's the proof if it
doesn't do you good within
reasonable time, report the
fact to its makers and get
your money back "without
a word but you won't do. it
The remedy is Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription and it
has proved itself the right
remedy in nearly every case
of female weakness.
It is not a miracle. It won't
cure everything but it has
' done more to build-up tired,
enfeebled and broken - down
women than any other medi
cine known.
Where's the woman who's
not ready for it? All that
we've to do is to get the
news to her. The medicine
will do the rest.
Wanted Women, First
to know it. Second to. use
it. Third to be cured by it.
The one comes of the other.
The seat of sick headache
is not in the brain, Regulate
the stomach and you cure it
Dr. Pierce's Pellets are the
little regulators.
It- tailed at wholesale prices. Oar Company la
not a n-eraber ot tho Nor hwes'era Lumber Pool.
Lence can rell t) cnnsum-r-i. and uwent.y requext
any nno nesting anytnics in onr line to (end to us
lor delii fed prices at your neare -tatio i.
Vldrcsi PineviUe Lumber Co., UinneauolU. i.
per parkucftentpovfcpaM. with full t-.-trutla. C
DK. SNYDER. "Lock Boa M. Ctr4ca Oat
ammr the creat foot rmdy tor aak
PtUlNt, teg ib ft mulim. Iataa
ralttf for eoM or panaMa ft Ob ula
Tair-rc. or Mot fr on raea'ptaf facta.
Bam pi packac I' at tnrc. or rnaUM far a
dim. """ i,abtotrra.
tbb rents co, world ffLOa, W.T.
Xnstrnctlona FREE to
inventor. W Write at
once tor hand-book of
CUu Waahlngtoa. D.O.
ayaUaaiaatmra r..taamAM..T-i,mm.
Ca t ar r h
la a complaint which aaVrts aeart? er-rbadr.
mora or ). It oriilnataa ia a cold, or succes
sion of colds, combined wit impure blood. D,ss
areoabte flow from the ncse. tickling ia the
tkroatoffeBslv breath, osla over and between tbe
vea. rint:in- sod bursting aoiaea In the ears.
are the more common symptom. Catarrh Is
cured by Hood'a FanapaiiUs. which, strikes
dlrcctlr at it rau'e br removing aU impttntiea
from the Hood, building up the diseased tissue",
and giving healthy tone li the whole system.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by aU druggists. t:sisfor& Prepared oahr I
by C. I. HOOD a CO. Lowell. Mass.
tOO Doses One Dollar
Both the method and reaulta itbi
Bjrapof Figs is taken; it is pleasant
aad refreshing to the taste, and acta
Liver and Bowels, cleaasea the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. 6yrup of Figs is the)
enly remedy of its kiad ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt ia
He actio and truly beneficial in ita
affects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances,
ha many excellent qualities com
mend it to all and havo made it
the most popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50a
aad $1 bottles by all leading drag
gists. Any reliable drugpik who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it Do not accent
any substitute.
umnu mt. f av romr. r.r.
if uato aspona cqnpinbmkwt.
Book to "IfoTUtu'' MAUioTtia
TuH's Pills
Taa Bra de fl aartmtaliM the iavmlM
firing aHMt j otmlaO. hoayaacy of bod
lagalat tin in 1 1 nil inllif flnh PrlcfSSc
Tne Otaablllty BUI la a law. Holdlera diaablad ainra
taewarareantlUad. Oepandeotwtdowa ad parents
saw dependent waoae aoa died toui eSaotaofnnv
aerrlea are Included. If you wtah ronrolalrBanaad-
tuejassr Bw JAMES TMitEir.
Later-oaantlaalonesof Traaloaa.aMllllTCa B. C
la better than the lying scale agent who tell yon
as gospel truth that the
Jones' $60. S Ton Wagon Seals
U not a standard scale, and equal to any made.
For free book and price Hat, address
Jones of fiiogtamioi, Biiaatoa, I.T. Dr I-e ic'lriodlcarPITla.fraai
JVb, 1'ruai E.taV.Mdla Kir.p., MJ, Eiaif. lanCaMfa.
krJ;UaiUdSM, Urf. CufMilwyp it sV s;iiatilat.awl
mUlydmatiumla, Safi.kvralax.ral'akl tVyiitliil
Baaaott.Ukrudurlsf prMiKj- Tkl4.-g aaaswtMa t llat
a-akhla4. an liatito U U 4km rol of inaiawaf aaf)
Snptw awKlfiiiilen. CMiiauii fnoalWj) aafaf'" '
lio4iio.Ua4iiUkrtuamnn. taraor SfMSS.
aw ti!, la atVa Mat) 1T. iawlpl f acUa- TU Aaata,
V ' "l aM t snviwicit a D-ciAxq,
Bass " VTastaale aai "tataU Afwkk
LlTlfSIIUIw WaMblnstn.u. B.C.
Successfully ProsecutClaris,
I " vr-u lat war. 13r(UifcaUtiUiiii., atlr mt
I wWiX vaV mM ttM
aaHHHiaXTanOTaUt9.MW-atamK. Sew York. IttMWctaVaE-SSlJSy
Iriughbtobedonc? b
av W-aBBBr-r. -w --
r Oujghrsrainds for norhing.
The house oudhh to be cfeajied-
wibh Sapolio.TvyQuCke inyour
ncevwer "
nexh house-cleaning And be convinced.
"IGNORANCE of ill3 !.ecuses
man," and ignorance is
no excuse for a dirty house or greasy kitchen. Better
clean them in the old way than not at all ; but the modern
and sensible way is to use SAPOLIO on paint, on floors, on
windows, on pots and pans, and even on statuary. To be'
ignorant of the uses of SAPOLIO is to be behind the age.
Catarrh Cured,
1701 sarflar from Catarrh, in vo Inforzaw. It Uyonrdntr fo tiii-sMI ar.l UmVr tn ofj'afn Ih
sasaa- ot a certain cure before it Is tio Uts. TtiU you can ! 1 an xp jf )u ,t for a ijsUr
card, bv ssscUoa your nam and at na U Pro. J. A. tjawrenre. "ork. ub w 11 nt ou
PRKC br rsmm mail, a copy nt t ie nnsi-ist recipe f..r pr-pari c t lm nml, t remeitr trr
Useawarad Iwrthseure of Catarrh la alllt. vanoui at-. 0rrtn- million (aicsof
dl-ans Ing and ott-'i tim- f' dtfaabav.acareI pArruaieutiyu r.nrf tho pi-tiv years l)TUi nm
of tnla aa-dlclne. Write lo-dy tor t'ds PREK reipa. ,t timel u maj .-a yon from t ii. dat-i toiN
Of OaaawnBUon. DO UT OLaVAl lonaer. if you oe-'-esKp-pdy avl p-fna it Atdrt-s
Prut J. A. UkXtliKSCc. lSa W'Hrreu .Street. a.r York.
to use. Cheapest. Relief is inBtttiate. A cure 13
certain. For Cold in the Usad It has no equal.
It is an Ointment, of which
to the nostrils. Price, 50c.
by mail. Address, E. T.
1st forms tor application sad toll infer! laBea
IB coatsosaioNKR op rzxsioxa,
ABerasr at Law, WaatvUs-toB. IX Cb
Otsatton this PaperJ
iaAsITa7n Tbcaddreasrsot soldiers who
WvswiSW S Ba hometeaded a ls number cf
soldiers' r;.,
OTJSON. Osavsr. Colondc wsTMennoa ttls paper.
m bbIbwII ""--iA'.'etTfcs...
ft Cfllt III Basil TWaatt.ft vltalUr.
Private a4 Serreos Blsraaev araS 'BEX (waM).
ciras crABANTEta. - tZZFEEPJ
Daagerca't tenlenci- rharctrize that rv
coo: won affscUon. catarrh In the head. The foul
matter droppiag intj tli- bronchial tnbee or
lungs i very liable lo lead t bronchiUs or coa
snmptton. A catarrh originate i in nupnrltlea
In the blood, local app'icatloa can do bnt llttlo
good. Tre common-sense method of treatment la
t purity the blood, aad for this purposo there
la no preparation superior to Hood's Sarnapiriila.
The powerful action ot this medicine upon th
blood expe.s every Impurity asdeurss catarrh.
Sold by aU druggists. S! : six for fJ. Prepared oaly
by C. I. HOOD ft CO. Lowell, llw.
! KM) Doses One Dollar
FOR A OSE-llI.I..n llll.I. snt in tar mf.
we w.U deliver, frer of aticliaNc.t any j?Morln
the Unlled Siat.-. all ot tUe foliow.lii articles, care
ful y packed:
On two-ounce bott e ot Pure VaxeUne IOcN.
One to-ounce bottle o. Vaeliue Foiuad.... 1
Oz.t Jar of V.nlt Colli freani J ,
On-.-aaeof Vaaelme t"a nh r I-e r
One cake oCVaeltneS at. undented W
Oneeakeot V-eellneHoai fVi i kIMv.i -tnted .5
One two-ounce bottle ot While Vaselinr ... '-
Or.frp"taji'tM-np.ii'tt; unj trt!ctf at t.'ie price
named. On no acctun: he x-,i in! to wceptr -i.
your tirugoUt any r,inlinm or pr-p-imthti tlkerjfron
nnlei bibelot cilo-:rn i i. bvattityon toll certain
Ig receive an iauZtticst tc 'A Art. little or w ratue.
ChelM-tu;lt Mi'i- Co.. j4 .tu!e St.. N. V
fir Mf(T 413 FiiUl 9tntt
Retiular Graduate in MrOktee-SS
Y Vfan Kotpital ami prirale practice
lO in Chicago and A( York- Ka-
M ktabtlalaed lu Mus eily .Nine
jVSaBmlJtrear-i- still trt-atlaiT all 1'rlvMte.
SBk"Bmfjfff Nervoua. Chronic and iieclal
BjftJBJBJBdlaeaae. S p v r m a t o r r h o.-.
Neaniaal wcakneu (night lws', Iiiipotencjr
Jless of terual rvrar). and all female llisc:t.eH
rrrgiuaritif. tU: Cure KurRteetl or
doner refunded Charge fair. Term.
catn. Age and exierIonc niv imi.)nant. ro lr-
tnrious medicine used .Vo tlr.r ht from work or
mslneas Patient at a ilMin- treated lyiaail
MedUinrs tent trtruuhere re from pne annbrr-ik'-not
State your rar unit (nil for Opinion aud
teraa Consultation Mrlrtly c.nC.leillnl. peraon.
ally or by letter-Dr. WOOD hnw Uie larsrett
Medical and Sureicnl Institute and kt
aad Ear Intlrmarr in the V-t-i ooma ror
patleota at rnlr IM;io- t. meet any fruer
aency A Oulet Hume and enre ami Wt Joy
LatHs during Prranancu and Crmflnrment Sunl lo.
pottxee forlllu-trutcd ROOK hii.I UEllCAt
-lOUftNAL. tFMentton hl iobt..
ibi'tl ht1r-j r"e".
and aetp s"o"" ti
paid for on dehvo:
Rand atamn for C
l,n. .iu yiUtmretL
LVuena mfu. ca. i-3& .. nth et. rujak.r.i.
Tho s',ti.jrf nud purest I.ya
inn-le. Will niako tho ltKT
IVr'i:inel IIaud S"ap In twonty
innti a ri'r.v" toiling. It la
tli liM'.t for lii!irctire aitika
eloieli. tlrnln. washing bottles,.
ItatreU. i-a:titi, etc.
Gen Arts. Phila.. 1'.
Tbt Oldest Mtdicint in ike Wr!Jit tfmUj
rlpiton. ami Ha lern lu cuntntit u foe nrarlr .
jsatury. There are f-irdleae to uhlcii mankind
ire ubject more distressing Itmr. Mire eyes, and
tone, prrharrt. for which n'ore remed'es ha taees
rffad without nieces Frirall extenud lutlammattoa
ortbeeveattN an lafatllht' rm-ily. If thr dtreo
Uont are followed II will -iever t .11. Wepartlcularly
tavlte the at' nt r.n of -nt.lclans lu jner'ta--Jjl'
jal.-l.yall.lruK:WU JOHN THOMPtJON. SO
4 CO Taor. '. Y. &tabllshed il.'.
QrVll M.irhlit iar. tfamnnt
:iuill ILR'.oLV..ri rliMl'L!
T-M:.ATff.K ii:ofit.
Ihey Ir IMII MTrlUwhrrr
Mbrra flf.: Any Ire. 2
incurs to tt iiiclirt iiamrttr
PODha.-n'i Asthma Sedflo
(Uvea inimediata relief.
It li beilevrxl to bo til
Pent ASTHMA kpmejy
kn w:i U huiuaeitr.
An evMcrjco we kito m
Trial rncku HKKK.
fc'ol.l liy lJrusrjciats.
-ertby natiX. Foitpald.
THOS. ToPHA'-r 2l ':: Avenue. Phila la.
a small particle is applied
Sold by drupziats or sent
Haztltinf., Warren, Pa.
lai. ScaCic.forclrctilarinBiJ t
, Rmlncnl .'.
moi.tA hv .a. nnf
1 1 cmai starrW . ro
- " f ..mrv3 ii
mm". ..i.iau.lilj. HI lk! n,
Name this paper wheu yon write.
Oul tie, or
How to Ob
tain a 1'at-,n
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P. Vf . ZIEGLER CO St.I.oals. Me. '
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