The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 08, 1890, Image 4

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A Weekly Newspaper isnei erery
32 C1mis f readily Matter, era
sistiigrf Nebraska State Newi
Iteai, Selected Stories aii
hrteapIaoopiMMat JVaato mfaUnmi
Subsoriptioa fde,
SI a ytar, ! MtMca.
n;ive St., nearly ppttalte Ptat-aAo.
ail Waioi Htisr
All kiaai f leMlrilg
saeri jmice. signet, wag'
is, etc.. sieM trier,
aai all wtrk Giar-
Alto tell tke warll-laawu Walter A.
Wood Kiwm, Keafen, Camiii-
d Mackiaos, Harreaten.
aai df-idart-tka
llTRhop eppoiita tk " Tatteraall," on
Ollra St.. COLUMBUt. 36-at
Judicious Advertising
Creates many a new business,
"Knlarcs many an old business,
lirvivcs many a dull business,
Kc-oiu'a many a lost business,
-ivs many a failing business,
Preserves many a large business,
St cures success in any business.
li)i man of hnsinees, and we add that
ii'5iciu advertising, for this section of country.
As tin of the tnedintna. because, it is read by the
ItI i'i..!,-, (.oo who know what they want an
la for whet they Ret. We challenge comrmrisofi
'null aii i-onntry paper in the world in this rex
msvI -twenty jeara publiahinit by the same
minseaient, and never one dnn to snbecribers
t :l:l:hel in The Jocbnal. This, better than
sntliing else, shows the class of people who
rtMcl The Jocbnal erery week. tf
Worm wire aad slats, cat willows, split boards
nratoihincof the sort, need; after posts an set,
r-r.r.. ran be mads and stretched ea Us croud,
in :he winter, by a boy or ordiasry Carta hand,
JO to 40 rl9 a day, and can work it rsr any
a-rnaad. The man who has eaa of the saa.
.-Line can baild a fence that is mors darabls and
Afe thnn any other, and make it at less cost.
J- niarhina and a sample of its work can be
n mtbecity on 11th street at Ernst A Bchwars
hardware store. Willsell mehines, or territory,
uT contract to put op feaeea.
Hcai tf J. B. KATHEWSON.
A book of ISO
.Tke beet bk for
tteoutatas lists of newspaMrtaadeottsutea
cflfee eostAf adTofttalai
uasr.TBoi MfntlitrsW
wants to i
1 noBi
id ono sleDsT. Aodo la tttao lav
oirea walla foralra who will
Invest ono feundrad thoassjid dollars la asV
verttalns. a acbeata la lBSleatea whica will
awetnis ctoxt raqalxmaaat, or eaa seal
rapcuttenee. 1st edttlaaa bora baea ton
Sent, post-paid, to any address for Is eaata.
Write t GEO.
UPrlatlasM0aas8q.). HwT3k
raTeatsaad Trade Marks obtaiaed. aad all Pat
ent bnsiaees oosdnrted for MODERATE FEES,
OFFICE. We hare no sotvsenneios, all hn tineas
direct, aeaco we eaa transact patent aosiaess ia
lees tine aad at LESS COST than tboss remote
fmaa Wssningtaa.
Bead model, drawing-, or photo, with descrip
tion. We advise if patentable or not, fits of
chaise. Ovfeeaotdae till pataat is steered.
A book, "flow to Obtaia Patents," with refer
ences toaotaal clieats ia yoar state, ceaatyor
town, sent free. tdJia
Opaoaito PatOafaaalact&S
to tin PIT
last BrewslsfB aaMy Bsia
alsan away totalis lam aa
asrs tntr keys troea I tip .
mruntwariM. aeaaaiesaai
r i .ri
a choice Selection op in
teresting items.
Ceaaaaeats aad Critic! ssaa Based ITpon
the Hapaeaiaga r the Day Historical
aad News Motes.
German workman are tke worst paid
laborers in Europe.
Of this world's population it is es
timated that 250,000,000 go entirely
Jitdgk J. P. Smith, of Fort Worth,
is worth $1,000,000. Once he walked
from Kentucky to Texas because he did
not have money enough to pay Lis fare.
The use of India rubber for erasing
pencil marks. was first suggested in or
just prior to 1752 by an academician
named Magellan, a descendent of the
great navigator.
The Vatican library at Kome con
tains 50,000 printed books and 25,000
manuscripts. The manuscript form
one of the most valuable collections in
the world, being mostly Greek, Latin,
and Oriental.
The San Francisco Examiner says
that the fashion of wearing wooden
shoes is growing into favor in this
country as well as in England. By the
aid of machinery a really neat and com
fortable wooden shoe can be made so
stylish that no young woman need be
ashamed to wear it on the street.
The world's stock of diamonds has
increased enormously in the last fifteen
years. In 1876 the output of the Afri
can mines was about 1,500,000 carats,
last year it was over 4,000,000, and the
great "trust" which controls all the
principal mine assert that they have
16,000,000 carats "in sight" at the
present time.
A New York newspaper correspondent
is the authority for the statement that
the erstwhile conspicuous Nellie Bly
has been retained by a New York pub
lisher to write serials. The alleged
salary would give a United States
Supreme Court justice more pocket
money than any one of them is probably
laying by from his present stipend.
Creosote has been successfully ap
plied as a remedy for the potato dis
ease in Scotland. Every eye of the
seed potato is touched with creosote by
means of a small camel's hair bru-h.
The product of potatoes so treated is al
most totally free from disease. Where
the creosote is not applied to all the
eyes of the seedling the result is partial
disease. If too much is used the seed
will not germinate.
Our country has been invaded by a
group of sixteen Frenchmen, members
of the Alpine Club, of Paris, who pro
pose to ascend all the mountain ranges
of America. They will first tackle
Canada. These gentlemen, while they
may look a little store-made and queer
in their typical English tourist's garb,
are in reality men of science, and their
society has branches in all the capitals
of Europe
The meanest man on record has been
discovered again. He lives in Arkansas
City, Kan. He brought suit against
his wife for alimony, alleging that she
is a strong and healthy woman, and
asked that she be compelled to sup
port him. The courts have just de
cided the case adverse to him. In its
decision the Supreme Court says there
is no case in the law-books authorizing
such a suit; that the domestic relations
would have to be readjusted and an
obligation cast upon the wife to sup
port the husband before such an action
could be maintained.
There is a negro living in Scriven
County, Ga., whose home is a huge log.
This log is twenty feet long and five
feet in diameter. It is divided into
three apartments, one of which is occu
pied by the proprietor's three hogs.
The negro occupies another, and the
third is filled with hunting and fishing
apparatus. The negro makes his liveli
hood by hunting and fishing. His
clothes are of skins of wild beasts and
he lives alone by himself. His two dogs
are the fiercest to be found anywhere. He
procures his ammunition by bartering
game with the employes aboard the Sa
vanah Biver boats, and the passengers.
The -fight at Fredericksburg on Dec.
13, 1862, was a bloody one. It toted
all day long, and at night 27,000 dead
and wounded men lay upon the baitle
field, 7,000 of them being Confederate
soldiers. The moroing after the battle
H. B. Treadwell, now a resident of
Brunswick, and who was a member of
the Tenth Georgia Battalion, com-!
manded by Major Emeory Bylander, of
Americus, went out on the battle-field.
Near two federal soldiers, who appeared
to be father and son, he found a razor,
a razor strap, a shaving brush, and a
small piece of soap. These he took,
and, having used up the other portion
of the outfit, still uses the razor when
he wants to shave.
King Kalakaua, the King of the
Sandwich Islands, has made an im
mense amount of money by borrowing
from other people. This is an easy
way to make money, but the business
is apt to run down on a man's hands as J
he grows old. Kalakana finds it harder
to borrow than he formerly did, for he I
has never been known to pay a bill,
he says he doesn't have the money. To
be sure, he borrows of one man to pav
another; but he unfortunately spends
the money before he gets to the other
man. Kalakana has had all his real au
thority taken away from him, and is now I
only nominally king, and possesses no
real sovereign power. Kapiolani, his
wife and queen, is more of a man than
he is, and most of the praiseworthy
deeds of his reign can safely be at
tributed to her.
A decideely practical feature of the !
pension business is the frequency of the
marriages between old soldiers and
young women. An enterprising girl
from the poorer classes of Appomattox,
or one of the adjoining counties, sends
her photograph to the Soldiers' Home
at Hampton, Va., a veteran responds,
and the knot is tied. No less than
twenty such marriages are reported
within a radius of five miles of Hamp
ton. There would le an element of ro
mance in this surrender of the old sol
diers to the charms of beauty, if it were
not for the purely business nature of the !
transaction. A soldier with a pension is
a gold mine, ami his death, which must
take place soon in the course of nature,
leaves the young widow in the enjoy
ment of his pension for the remaining
years of her life.
Large numbers of people emigrate
from the Government of Kovno to
Brazil. Circulars are being promul
gated stating that the Brazilian Got-,
ernment offers great inducements to
immigrant laborers whose age is not
above 45 years, and especially to mar
ried men. Handicraftsmen will find
there factories to work at their respect
ive trader at very liberal salaries.
Farmers will get land free and the
necessary implements and means to
start work at once upon arriving. The
numerous emigration from Kovno of
laborers who are allured by these circu
lars is due to the fact that the factories
-f that district have greatly deteriorated
of late, and farming has become less
profitable for want of middlemen to
bring produce into market. A daily
paper of Moscow, reporting these facts,
timidly asks : "Is this wholesale deser
tion of a tmpnlous and prosperous Gov
ernment due to the stringent applica
tion of the laws against the Jews?"
Ax excellent feature of German mail
service is its package delivery. The
German mail recently brought me ten
pounds of cherries from Hanover and
ten pounds of writing material from
Berlin all for twenty-four cents, twelve
cents on each package, write a corres
pondent. And another service which I
want to see more generally done by
Uncle Sam in America is the daily rural
mail service such as Germany has.
Though I am seven miles from a rail
way a German official brings my mail
twice daily, English and German daily
papers, and so on. When our American
country people, farmers and so on, ran
have free mail delivery daily at their
own doer, they will read the daily
papers, keep abreast of the prices cur
rent and the news, and the young peo
ple will be more contented because bet
ter informed. Then extend the pack
age post to the country districts and see
how easy it would be to have reading
from circulating libraries and other con
veniences from the city for a few pence.
Nothing is more needed by American
farmers than better mail facilities.
"A visit to Mount Vernon is accom
panied by some curious experiences
those days," said a gentleman who was
receutly in Washington and went down
to Mount Vernon. "The place has
been given over to Coney Island prac
tices, and you can be relieved of a
nickel or a dime every time yon turn
around. They have a restaurant now,
and serve a lunch or dinner in one wing
of the Washington mansion, the meal
being cooked in the old kitchen. But
the funniest thing to me was a photo
grapher, who must have been a good
judge of human nature. You know
when there is a crowd anywhere, any
one man who steps out and assumes
leadership and directs what shall be
done is generally obeyed. This pho
tographer would order everybody to go
up on the porch, would pose them in
front of his camera, take their nega
tives and then demand a quarter apiece
for pictures to be sent to each one by
mail. The crowd obeyed him and paid
their quarters, but I told him I lived in
Washington, so he couldn't play no such
game on me, and he touched his hat,
begged my pardon, but kept on."
Ilift Turtle Know Him.
J. H. Brobaska, a well-known ex
conductor of the Northern Pacific Rail
road, is noted for his fondness for dumb
animals of every description, and if he
had retained all the "pets" he has
possessed at various times he would
have a fair start in the way of a zoologi
cal garden of his own. Probably the
moat novel of all his experiences in this
line as related by himself recently
occurred on the lake near this city.
Some time last summer while stroll
ing about Cucur d' Alene's suburbs, he
came across two small turtles, lively lit
tle fellows of the water species, and
succeeded in capturing them. He
placed them in his coat pocket, took
them to Spokane Falls, and there pro
vided them with a miniature aquarium
in his room and commenced their do
mestication and education. One of
them, the tutor named "Pat," and the
other one he called "Pete." Fat had
evidently at some time in his life been a
hod-carrier, for on his back was a white
spot as if caused by a drop of plaster
falling upon it As winter approached,
and Mr. Brobaska was absent fiom his
room a great portion of the time, he be
came solicitous for the welfare of his
proteges, and finally determined to
bring them back to the Cceur d'Alene
Lake and set them free. Accordingly
they were again placed in his pocket
and in due time returned to their native
A few days ago, while Mr. Brobaska
and some friends were rowing upon the
lake, the former espied a small turtle
swimming upon the surface a short dis
tance from them. He instantly stretched
out his hand to the uncouth voyager
and called out : "Pete, Pete, come here,
old boy !" but, as the summons was not
obeyed, he changed the salutation to
"Pat, Pat!" At the pronunciation of
the magic name the little paddlcr
stretched out his neck, turned his head,
and, as the call was repeated, changed
his course and swam fearlessly to the
boat, where he climed into his master's
hand, was placed in the latter's pocket,
and has again become a citizen of Spo
kane Falls. Mr. Brobaska hopes in
time to find "Pete" again and recover
him in the same wav. Cicur W Alene
City Time.
lie Foe's Famous Story.
Everybody has read his "Robinson
Crusoe," but how many are acquainted
with the narrative which suggested the
wonderfully interesting tale to De Foe?
Do Foe's story was published m 1719.
Seven years previously there had been
published in the journal of a cruising
voyage around the world in the ships
Dnke and Dutchess, written by Capt,
Woodes Rogers, the commander of the
expedition, a man of uncommon tact,
resource, pluck, and executive ability;
a thorough seaman and a writer of
quaint and vigorous English. This
journal contained the record of the find
ing of Aiexn- ler Selkirk on the island
of Juan Ft? a.dei. .:nd supplied De
Foe with the idea Jtml with some of the
details of hi wind-fanious story. The
Duke and the Hutches were Bristol
privateers; though at the present day
Capt. Rogers and his motley crew of
adventures would be classed as a gang
of pious pirates. The frigates were well
manned and well armed, and gave chase
to every Spanish galleon that was
sighted, making many prizes in the Pa
cific, of one of which Selkirk was made
the commander. Nor did the expedi
tion confine itself to operations on the
sea, the valiant Rogers venturing ashore
with his men for the purpose of sacking
the town of Guayaquil. Book Buyer.
A revolver is no Iarf;e weapon, but
it con be made to cover a. vey largo
man. . Jo. Sew,
A Keal Lib Remaace.
In 1875, on the 18th of January,
there was an avalanche ia Nevada,
which killed two men and buried a wo
man and a child. The woman and
child were, however, dug .out of the
snow uninjured. The woman was pro
tected by a portion of her wrecked
home a frame structured
The house was swept from its founda
tion in suce a Way as to leave the lower
floor intact; The woman was first res
cued. She at one began to bry out for
her child, of which nothing was to be
seen about the wrecked house. Soon
some one said,
"I hear a child I"
All listened, and several persons as
serted that they heard the faint cry of a
child, and agreed that it came from
above up on the side of the mount
ain. All in that direction appeared to be a
compact mass of snow. Men were soon
scattered over the mountain slope neat
where it was supposed the several
wrecked buildings stood. The faint
cries of a child were heard, but it was
several minutes before the searchdrs
could agree whence the sounds came
from. At last the sounds were so well
located that digging began.
The snow was so compact that it was
difficult to remove it with shovels, and
the workers dared not use picks, there
fore there was time for a big crowd to
collect and a great excitement to grow
while the digging was in progress.
The cries of the child constantly be
came more distinct, and at last, after
four fe.-t of snow had been dug through,
the top of a cooking stove was reached.
The voice of the child was then so
plainly heard that several voices cried
"It's in the stove 1 The child is in
the oven of the stove 1"
Soon a hole had been made beside
the stove, and a man, thrusting down
his hand, said that the oven door of
that side of the stove was closed. Ex
amination soon showed that the oppo
site door was also closed. The mystery
of the whereabouts of the child was not
solved until the workers had dug down
to the floor of the house. It was then
found that the child was beneath the
stove, whence it was hauled out safe
and sound. It had doubtless been
crawling about the floor when the ava
lanche came, and at the first rush of
snow was pushed under the stove,
which, fortunately, stood on blocks sev
eral inches in height.
The Abo of Wonders.
The last decade of the nineteenth
century promises to be a very brilliant
chapter in the history of the world.
The wonderful studies in science, the
arts and manufactures, made by del vers
in regions of mysterious force and un
known qualities of the mineral kingdom,
and their application to the needs of
mankind, will surely .eclipse past rec
ords in these lines. Electricity is still in
its infancy. In its field the greatest
strides are being made, and surprises
are so common as to scarcely riffle the
surface of the sea of science.
The applica ion of the electric force
throngh'the xtorape system is now the
problem which, if solved, will work
wonders in various ways. Since the
ocean racing fad has engrossed the at
tention of ship owners and builders, the
question of propulsion by electricity has
received a fresh impetus. A big racer
burns over 300 tons of coal a day, and
must therefore carry over 2,000 tons of
dead weight in the shape of fuel. This
drawback to higher speed and quicker
trips is what electrical engineers are
called upon to remove. It is a knotty
problem, but it is not venturing much
of a prophecy to say that electrical
force will eventually be applied.
In discussing the dead weight of
ships of this class, another modern ma
terial is prominently presented. To
aluminum the ship builder of to-day is
turning for a substitute to lighten the
weight of hulls. The experts who are
struggling in this field confidently be
lieve this wonderful metal will event
ually be manufactured as cheaply as
Steele, and of such quality as to be used
in the construction of ships. Some as
sert that before many years ships of the
greatest size, weighing less than their
steel -built sisters of to-day by many
thousand tons, will be built of alu
minum. These can be driven through
the waves at a higher rate of speed with
engines of the same power as those now
in use.
Thus science and invention are going
hand in hand on land and sea. It is the
day dawn of mechanical miracles,
fraught with developments which must
lead humanity upward and onward to
the very verge of that one and seemingly
the only impenetrable mystery the life
Foolish ConMlstenry.
Emerson tells us that there is no par
ticular virture in consistency. How
stupid a man must be, he says in eflect,
who is not wiser to-day than yesterday,
and who does not accordingly have to
change some of his opinions.
"A man will never change his mind
who has no mind to change," says Arch
bishop Whately, and Faraday expresses
thb same idea when he charges us to
remember that "In knowledge that man
only is to be despised who is not in a
state of transition."
There is a medium between what a
worthy old gentleman calls "whifflin'
about like a weathercock," and remain
ing rigidly in one rut of belief. Most
of us know instances of men who can
not bring themselves to say anything
which would contradict what they ut
tered last week or last year.
A certain Irishman onco declared
that he had owned a horse which was
fifteen feet high. A few days after he
referred to the same animal as having
been fifteen hands high.
"But," said a listener, "you gave it,
the other day, as fifteen feet."
"Did I thin?" said Patrick. "Well,
111 stick to it. He was fifteen feet
The Cobbler Not Kxtinct.
A great many people believe that the
cobbler is rapidly becoming extinct.
Snch belief is erroneous. It is true that
the improvement in machinery has made
footwear so inexpensive that the man in
moderate circumstances can afford to
replace the old shoes with a new pair
instead of seeking the cobbler as of
yore. But it is a mistakeu idea that the
discarded boot or shoe is consigned to
the rubbish heap. There are poor
people who earn their daily bread by
gathering up old shoes and s-eiliug them
to second-hand dealers. The dealers
seek out the cVbb.'ers, have the dis
carded shoo put into pieentable shape,
and find customer; f"r them men aad
women who can pay from 50c. to $1 for
a pair of shoe or boot3 who would be
compelled to "walk on their uppers" if
called upon to produce twice or thrice
the amount named. The cobbler may
have lost prestige, but he is not nor
will he be, in this ceneration, extinct
A Cool Proceeding-.
"Please, will you give me a piece of
ice for my father? he's sick," said a lit
tle girl to the driver of an ice cart the
other dav.
"What's your father sick of, sissy?"
asked the driver, as he broke a chunk
from a cake with his pick and gave it to
the girl.
"Please, sir, he's sick of the heat,"
she replied, as phe walked away. Bos
ton Courier.
"Give me a kiss, Tot," said her papa,
as he seated himself by her side at the
table. "It isn't time for dethert," re
plied the little miss pouting out her
lips, which indeed luoKcd ill tempting
as strawberries.
How It Feels for a Boy to Try to Be a
Maa Too Soddealy.
The boy said it was a peculiar kind of
tobacco, known as molasses tobacco, be
cause It was so sweet, writes W. D.
Howells in Hurpcfg Young People. The"
bther boys did not ask how he came td
know its name or where he gtt it boys;
never ask anything that would be well
for them to know but they accepted
his theory and his further statement
that it was of a mildness' singularly
adapted to .learners withoiit .mis
givings. The boy was himself chew
ing , vigorously on a large quid,
ami launching .the juice from his lips
right and left like a grOwn person, and
my boy took as large a bite as ids' bene
factor bade him. He found it as sweet
as he had been told it was. and he ac
knowledged the aptness of its name of
molasses tobacco. It seemed to him a
golden opportunity to acquire a noble
habit )h 'ay terms. He let the quid
rest in his cheek, as he had seen meli do,
when he was hut crushing it between his
teeth, and for sonic moments he joled
his plank up and down the canal boat
with a sense of triumph that nothing
Then all of a sudden lie began to feel
pale. The boat seemed to bo going
round and tho sky wheeling overhead.
The sun was dodging about Very
strangely. Drops of sweat burst from
the boy's forehead; lie let fall his pole
and said tiiat lie thought lie wotdd go
home. The fellow who gave him the
tobacco began to laugh and the other"
fellows to mock, but my loy did not
mind them. Somehow, lie did not know
how, he got out of the canal boat and
Parted homeward, but at every step tho
ground rose & high as his knees
before hinn and "then, when he
got his foot high enough and be
gan to put it down, the ground
was not there. He was deathly sick, as
he reeled and staggered on, and when ho
readied home and showed himself, white
ami haggard, to his frightened mother,
he had scarcely strength enough to gasp
out a confession of his attempt to retrieve
the family lionoi by learning to chew
tobacco. In another moment nature
came to his relief, and then fell into a
deep sleep, which lasted the whole after
noon, so that it seemed to hiin the next
day when lie woke up. glad to tind him
self alive, if not very lively.
Prrhaps he had swallowed some of tho
poisonous juice of the tobacco: perhaps
it had acted upon his brain without that.
His father made no very close inquiries
into the facts, and lie did not forbid him
the use of tobacco. It was not neces
sary; in that onelittleexperiment he had
got enough for a whole lifetime. It shows
that after all a boy K not so hard to sat
isfy in everything.
No soap in the world lias crcr been im
itated as much as Dobbins' Electric Soap.
The market is full at Imitation. Bo care
ful that you are not ilTcirfd. "J. B. Dob
bins, Philadelphia and New York," i
stamped on every bar.
A i.AfKF.i. tree growing on the erest of
Sonoma mountain is said to measure
around at the base thirty feet, and is
forty feet high. It is estimated that the
tree will make forty cords of wood, and
Mr. Rickett lias been offered S75 for it
standing. It is thought to be the largest
tree of that variety on the coast.
You don't have to laUc our uord for the
good qualities of Dobbins' Electric Soap.
Just get one bar of your grocer, and let it
tell you Us oirn ftonj next Monday, and bo
governed by thai. yttmLor bad.
The Paris tailors are organizing
against the swallow-tailed black coat for
dinners, theaters, concerts, etc They
intend to introduce a garment of lively
colors, with silk linings, embroidery and
brass buttons.
Ween Baby was sick, we cve ber Clitoris,
Waen she was a Child, she cried for Castorla.
When sne becsme Miss, she clang to Castorla.
Vaen she bad CaUdren. she aave them Castorla.
The stream of lava flowing down the
southeastern side of Vesuvius advances
slowly and majestically, and is said to be
a beautiful spectacle from the observa
tory at Pompeii.
Thousands of miserable and puny little
children have boon restored to robust
health by using Dr. Bull's Worm Destroy
ers administered to them by kind and lov
ing parents.
Austrian insane asylums arc now the
subject of a special government inspec
tion, provoked by the numerous scandals
in them.
California has 1,200,000 people, yet
they pay as much taxes as Pennsylvania
does with 5.000,000.
"Great exertions don't always end in
groat results." Don't work so hard. Use
SAPOLIO and save halt the labor. Sapolio
is a solid cake of Scouring Soap. Try it.
A xewspapeh reporter accidentally knocked
a ladder down, but Immediately set about
righting' it up. Judyt.
Wnr is a buckwheat cake like a cater
pillar, nccause it's the grub that makes the
butter fly.
Tiir: most appropriate pastry for a free
lunch counter sponge cake. PhtlaJtlphia
.C'J5IMPSON. Marquees, W. Va., says:
HaU s Catarrh Cture ccred me of a yery bad case
of catarrh.' Druggists sell it, 73c.
The marriage certificate is one of tho noose
papers that have not declined in price.
Bbokchitis Is cured by rrequent small
doses of riso's Cure for Consumption.
Wnr is death like a tin-pan tied to a dog's
tail ? Uecau'O it is bound to occur (a cur).
Beecham's Pills euro Sick-Headache.
Wnr is a snow storm the best of jokes? You
can always see the drift of it.
Hagerstown, Md.,
April 21, IS.
"I, ond others of ray
family, have used Et.
Jacobs Oil for neu
ralgia and found 11
a speedy, elective
Mrs. Keli.-.v.
N. Ogden, Mich..
"A half bottle of
your invaluable
medicine, St. Jacobs
Oil. cured me of rheu
matism and rheu
matic swelling of the
knee. Itistbebestln
the universe."
J. M. L. Porter.
1v SpteUI Arrsenniect with
ZINE, the Greatest of all Hiiiint!,
we are enabled to make erery one et
cur lady readers a handsome present.
Cut out this slip and lncIoe It (with
a twoeect stamp for return poitsce.
ard your name and addrest) to w.
Jennlng. Dcmoret. 15 East Mth St,
New 'iork. and you will recelT. by
return mail a fnll-tze pattern. Illus
trated and fullv described, of this
Jacket (worth Vc). It ran be mad.
as a perfectly plain Jacket, or a Illus
trated. Croi out with rnnl thr.
deflred. Bn.t, 31, it. K. or 40 inches. WLlie Demon ff.
Is not a Fashion Majazine. many suppote It to be
rt FasLion Departoert. I'Le all Its ether Department.
Is to perfect, lou really set a dozen Magazines n cat,
erery month, for ti !er Tear.
makes CHILD BIRTH usr
Book to "MoTHfRs' JlArLn:Fatm.
bold ar ALLUBccauna.
C7K feC9Cn 22 A -WOXTH eaa as ataea
JIB," IvslLUU.workinjrfortu.FersoDspr
terrea wfco can rnrnlah a horse and sure their whole
time to the bnttcess. Spar moment, may be prof
itably ernployed also. A few racaacle In towns and
eiUe. B. f. Jobnson Co. :o Vain at.Blcxuaond.Va
weak mn
aad WOMEN eaa earfO
f Wa.tlne Vitality,
Esbanalea .Ncrtei, t-J l ni-ri luwah 64 tz Beak
a I'rtsate ard crreva Bfataae Mat KEE (mWV
Ct'RE crAKAXTEED. aa YEAES' ssrleee.
I rail
Hassan Frailty.
Wears frail creatures physically -ths 'no-.
robust among us. The unhealthy man or
woBsan is in great measure IneapabU) of I re
nt to society. If. for instance, bttlo-'ifrJ ,
a irouoio UI iirquouvo mu u'w .
resistant of ordinary medication, obtrtut t ue
barmontont action of the liver and thcbowil.
the sufferer Is sure to be dyspeptic. Tho tbreo
disordered conditions are sure to be couflrn.e.1
by neglect. Under the erroneous impression
that there is no hope fetT him, an impression in
all likelitiood confirmed by the use tit objection'
able remedies, the sufferer is apt to become
neglectful, nay. even reckless, and that the
sooner he is' removfed from the splwre of human
endeavor the better for all parties concerned.
What a series of mistakes t His liver Is respon
sible. It is an incorporate part Of LiuislU.
How discipline it? By the aid of Hostetters
Etomaln Bitter., a certain medium for tho re
establishment of united, regular action iu tha
stomach, liver and bowel. It al'a euro and
prevents malarial, rheumatic and ki:im-y
Uitneceswary Precautlmis.
A duel was recently fought at a little
village on the lielgian front? -f J't flilch
everything was conducted u-thr triet
antiseptic precautious. Y v sword
plades were tirst placed in hoiling water
and then carefully washed iu a ." per
Cent, solution of carbolic acid. Tho
surgeons were ready with a corrosive
subliinntO sohitittn of one to it thousand
and a number of gatt;!(: ledget Which
had been rendered aseptic by thorough
baking. Unfortunately for the succos
of the experiment, the duel was of the
ordinary French kind, and the only
wound received was. a flight cut on the
hand, which healed pioinptiy niter the
application of a small piece of asceptir
court plaster.
A Fair Trial
Of Hood's Sanapari:ia for scrofula. mH rliiura.or
any affection caused by impure blood, is EURVieat
to comince any onj of the superior and peculiar
curat, e powers ot thi- medicine. The following
statement it right to the point:
"My sonwaafHictedith the wort tjpoof mtoL
ula, and on the recommendation ot my druKsUt I
cave him Hood's San-aparilla. T.vdav ho is ooitnil
and well, notwithbtandiEK it was said tliero wai
not euouKh mediciuo iu Illinois to efTwit a cure."
J. Chbi.-tti v, Uliopolis, Hi.
K. B. Be sure to got
Hood's Sarsaparil.a
told by all dnhrglsto. $1; slxfor". lYcpared oa!y
by U. 1. HOOD A CO . Lowell, Mas'.
109 Doses Ons Dollar
BkflTU'ri Bilo Brans &ra tho lcvlin livef
and anti-bilious racdicino in this sec' ion.
Mims, jVIonuiNON & Co., Limo3touo, Flo.
I nAVE used a Croat many so-called liver
medicinoo. but thcro is nothing to equal
Smith's Bile Beans for tho liver ; they aro
Coai. TnovAj.
Hickory Withe, Tenn.
Try "BILE BEANS SMALL"(4o little
beans in each bottle). Very small
easy to take. Price of either size, 25c.
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
andrefrcsbingto the taste, and acta
gently jet promptly on the Kidneya,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is tha
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to tho stomach, prompt in
Ha action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances,
its many excellent qualities com
mend it to all and have made it
the most popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50e
and $1 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it Do not accept
any substitute.
Malaria or Piles Pick Headache, Costive
Bonds, Dumb Apue, Snur Stomach and
llelchlnc; iryour iooi noes wnawBiuaiii
aad you hae no appetite,
Tints Pills
wUl care these troubles. Price, 25 cents.
$2.00 per 100 sq.ft.
AnTbody ean lar it.
Guaranteed water-tight.
Write fur Hook Circular.
Sample mailed free if you
6E0. E. 6LINES,
et West Broadway. N'. V
Mettled nosier SKW
iw Soldier. Widow. Parents end for Maul ap-
rhratioDH and information Patrlefc O'Farrrll.
Pension Airent. WaaaiBUCloB.
BwLbwLbwLbwLbwW. ijt BwaaUBBwaBwaBwaawaSBar
hmhibbbbhJ ..-
B sBBBTasT aH bbHbW . HB aHa HaS ! HV H atfsaF 7nl
sMMsBsIeLY BROTHERS, sa Wsnsm BtKew York.PricaM ct .at-kSLiSU
rt Coujh Medicine. Recommendc
where all else fails. Pleasant and
Children take it without objectio
Catarrh Cured,
If you sniTsr from Catarrh, in any of ItsformMtl yonrdntv toj-on's-lf andfarnl'v tirhiain the
meanof s certain cure before it i too lato. Thin t0u can ev.Uv do at an eijns- f one . e it r t t .u
rani, bv sanding your name and alrfre to Pror. J. A. Lawrence. evr .irk. hIi w " u : ' ..
FREE, by return mail. a. cops-of the orlainal recipe for prepani th lt anil sine.f reins l eter
discovered forth cure of Catarrh in all !h vanotia stages Her fin million cvn thi.dr?aiii.l
dtMuatlng-. and often timet fatal dieaenav lieencurad permanently during the ni.tnu vvirsl.nle.i
of Jhi medicine. Wrllo to-day for this FREE recipe, its ttiiielr us- rnavksv jr.,,. from the .l-at', t .:
of ConUDtion. IM AOT UKLAlf longer, if you desire a hpeerfr and v rmar.- ,t .re a,m "J
Frof. J. A. LAW i;EC'K. 1H IVanmi sliest. Ve Vi,--.
"The best is aye
abid lmitdiiona
p ofc&nd subsHbuhes ror?r
co.eorocounng sucvpjry irgb
In your nexthpuse-cIecNning. --
It is worse than nonsense to buv a chean nrtirle with
which to damage more valuable
jsaiv krvJa. Villi
v a tnninrj cxnense. bur v-tih rvfvni- -vnrl
mf 1
cheap article it is likely to do
marble or other property.
There are Some patent med
icines that are more marvel
lous than a dozen doctors
fjrescriptions, but they're not
those that profess to cure
Everybody, now and thenN
feels' run down," " played
out1 They've the will, but
fid power to generate vitality.
They're noT sick enough to
call a doctor, but just too
sick to be well. That's
where the right kind of a
patent medicine comes in,
find does for a dollar what
the doctor Wouldn't do for
less than five or teri.
We put in our claim for
Dr. Pierce's Golden "Medical
We claim it to be an un
equaled remedy to purify
the blood and invigorate the
liver. We claim it to be
lasting in its effects, creating
an appetite, purifying the
blood, and preventing Bilious,
Typhoid and Malarial fevers
if taken in time. The time
to take it is when you first
feel the signs of weariness and
weakness. The time to take
it, on general principles, is
The Basi Enoyciopsdia for Daily Use
,-tniv w iv viii-rnN
To he completed in t-n volumes. t-.ued at intervals. rw A..- Ktitilj ITire pi rl.
Cloth ''. at" P so"
Specimen paces mailed on application
JIJfc7l7:Harkot M.. rillI.AIKLI'HI..
EWiS' 98 LYE!
I tvzzzzzz isa rssnrita.
Lj. (r.TrsrFii)
Tho sirttnitft and j,"T, I TJJ
made. Will Iho nir
IVrfmncd Hnt S- iu twenty
lninu'ts inthot.t loilin-j. It I
ti.e be.t for dlslnfrcli'g,iiil.
ciot-eti, drains, waslnu bottles,
bin rt 1), paints, etc.
Gen Acts. Plula.. P-
Pophati's Asthma Specile
K-liof in rrx mimuh
v iir,.n!i.trJnef.
II . a lten I taw-Mil
m 1111 .1:1 liuiir for tlirrtr
vear I hop tbr man
Iiat.' rirrlaMint; life
(.1- l!tMi wtii tie
hi."t s Ml'lt'rv't'-.
1 itIox! iiia:l.i)tp.iid.
J ruil iti lit'ir fut Addratt
I. roi'li l Pint ! t rill 1. 1 "a.
Can have .mall ami
rtett fet tr nt.nua
simple, natural rarlfiod. t!ie ilbcorerr ! a
in led French ilurupMliat. A Iadt nrltra: "I
havp us'.! two picKages of 1'KDINK.snit
the result in uomlrrtiil. I wear .1 .Nn." slice
now with case, aitl oiik'i herttaiture requlrim;
a UifrZ It lias eatreilcd mr most aaiismne
expiclations " If ou nre lnt'tctcil In the
snhiect. send for frc- illuitrateil pamphlet.
l'KDINK 1 .nt'e. harmless, and uuUllftiy.
lJy mall, securely sealed, SO cents.
llnrW.II ILirliinro nro IIlkiiiiiiI ft! IUWIIHI
REI lAHLE.M'KlM IC.M n-rsirri itoMOKK W OliK ami
me tilt EAT Fit I'KOr 1 1
they FI.MSII WslUuhert
cthem FAIL! Any ir. 3
lm.he-4 to 4ft inchc diameter
Down With High Prices."
FROM $40 TO $10!
lri es Iocr tnan the Lowest on
l,.f.rtM 1 arts Sleighs. Dailies.
f s CO raiullj rr.Miiie Jn-ale. SI 00
A2to-Ib iainierVlH-alr 3 03
Farmn. do ynnr on HrMr".
Force and Kit or r.H S30 00
lOOtotlKTArt'cleaatllair 1'rU'f.
wills over his own nameasageiit.thntlhco'ONr
... Vw. ., ,wv
not to any made, and n standard reliable
cale. For particulars, address unly
Jones of BiDgbamtOD, fiiBglmmton, N.Y.
Sftfial Ksr?r tta Af iy i Wk
s 6) fy"iij -! e6
Mi tft pa a sr. Ota's. aa4 liatl
tics! ksaft freaVecf 1 ee-talsl
aareait tfis'A. Afles faiar Ie
MSnk as T V.4 aa Mlwk .
,9 sasjj goaOMaJ t aWsatlsJ Jf tr -ay Lw Uayiera
flnaa.T ar jlisusal w tsvl ava ft sat fjU-l Jli mtmwj
Uea faaata-t to trtePiL X U .
.tu, .. ,.r....M'. Iwl'm mja .. ..3 iw. nrvs c.
Ttlf fwtifWlM.WStl.11 .fc.If..ll.C. lll.JA.
0.O.W-?.?sijrh.sT.'i .
Thonasn Is F.NTrn.rn
miller tins NK'.V wT
Wril-inniidiitr. f -HI.ANIvs
fir aiinln
.ACO-Wailitoii.D l
'agMayAsaMJOHX v.'..T3o::i:is
LlVsSlUlv Washlii"!..... .-.
Successfully Prosecutes Clairr.s.
atBi'rl iclpnl JJxammer u M. fenmon
Tts'.ilast ar. Ij.iitiuilK-alinm .jiiu, aii hin
aal.BlM. I
par Laic
lalltosaiVrviv. Iitt.M HlttXAY.Ht P.ajl,
Hie checpesK"
prop rty. Scourlno- soap
r .-. . j-iev' 1.111.1
consuIeraLl . to fine
Encvcloeeadia !
' t:on. J. K. VRAl.I.E
A Story of Thrilling Uteres..
Tn short time one of tho most captivat
ing serial ever ptihlinhed. entitled
Beautiful LeonoreJ
-.will appear in that well-known .story paper.
Tine CiiiCAC.o Lkikiej:. This romance, from
the pen of one of the niOS proline writers
of riMHlern Action, will create furor. It
1 maje-tlo In lt plot, its liu-idents aro
grand, it, minor dc'alU aro treated with a
rare and Inten-o visor that will at 4nce .
e-l:ililisli It? hriliiitnt character.
In thb eharinlit? story of life, love and
iMrhrite the heto'.ne U liraveand beautiful.
and her ndxentures and ntl-.tortmie-. wfl m
enthrall every render, and awaken a sym-'
pathetic Interest, while tho marvelous not-
work of plot and counterplot 011 which th
serial is based is drawn to it.- ma:nlticent ,
Many stich stories have been attciuptcd.biit.
few deal with their theme with a more dra
matic pen. with higher realistic fervor, or
stronger colors of description and contrast.
The keenest insight tut human nature U
given, and there is no one dull line from
the opening chapter t. iho cloln;r nvnn in
tli eloquent narra'.ve of woman's love,
wan'.- devotion, an-l the terrible p!ot of
mercenary schenu rs.
The I.ttwiKit pnsuctsa praml reception for
this masterpiece of iictlou. and an Interest.
In the fortunes of ltoautlCul l.eonore that
will endear this rare heroine to overy heart.
The story of loyal love is sweetly told, and
the lino skill iu treatment, the nrWnalUy of
concept ion. the absorbing power -f action
delineated iu every .scene warrant: us iu
The Great Seabury Case
as tho -story of the jear. and one tin?
memory of which will long rcm.iiu with
those fortunate enough to peniM its en
trancing chapters.
The great Seabury Case
will he published only In TliK fuiCACo
I.ClrtU'.li. Keiuetuber that, while iris Mm
chief attraction of the week. It is only ono
of the many that have led the publisher to
claim for this iHipulaf paper the title of this
only story paper in America. Other serials,
sketches, poems and departments combine
to make its mngiuticently Illustrated eight
pages the choicest ever offered In thN coun
try iu Hi? Hue.
Subscribe now. Itegin Tun I.edokii wltU
a leading store, which is to be followed by
others ctiunllv eiiltaiiciug. The cheapest,
the best, the only sto-y paper lit America of
its olnst
The Ciiic.tno I.npcrit will be sent to any
add less, postpaid, for oneyear for S1.5U.
A sample copy containinfrr tho open
ing chapters of this Interestinjr story
will bo sent FREK to all persons who
send is their name and address upo
u postal card. TUB CHICAGO LEDGER,
Chicago. I1L .
The Authentic -lnanriUi;ed,"comprlina:th
!." o lyt J.T'J and 'St. cipyrilird property
't the tinrferlfnoii. it nuw Ihorouajhly Ke
vised and Knlnrgcd.and tears the liuni- of
Webster's International Dictionary.
frlttonal work upon this revision has been in
progress for over ll Year.
Not lf-t than One Hundred rail editorial
Utiorors h.-iTu Uth ngaced upon it
tirer SSt'll.OUO expended 111 Its preparation
before tho first copy .- printed.
rritnalciiinpari'ion with unr other Dictionary
is invited. OCT THE IttT.
J. Jt C. 3IKKRIAM Sf CO.. r.nblUuer.
yprliifjUeld. Mnsa. V. S. A.
Sold by ail llooke:Ier?. Illustrated pumphlctfree.
Dr. WOOD, timrnvik.
I.Vk' CrmluHto in !etllclne 'iO
0 jntr luintil amt pHtvife jnirflcs
IO in r nirugit ami xvtw i u- r.f
t.ihiiKliL-il in Monx City )ae
i (Mrs isMiiiireuiinKaii riTai.
NiTvoim, Chronic ami Special
ili. panes. Sorrniiitiirrliira.
Soinliiil Mritkni'Sh (mjut Ir.nef) ImpotcDcy
dn.sof .rrnnl iiri. and an e einair iiiena
IrrrjiiUinttrs. etr CiireM KUarnntred or
money reruiilr(t CliargrH fair. Teraia
r.isli. AKi'Ptiilexperlenro nre ltnpirtant. ?lo In
jurious iriPitiilris u-ed- A'o flme lint from work or
liii'lnesw I'jtlent nt a dlitams treated hy mall
Mrdtnnti sr. ticrywhrre frrr from oe ana ftrattr
tije .sf.ife your tmr and reml for Opinion and
terms t'onsullnilon PtrlrtlT confidential. peraoBr
city or bv letter-lr. WOOD lias the Iarsrsst
Meilii-Hl iiikI Niirjrlral Institute anil Ey
ami Ear lullrinarv l:i tin- Weat- It noma for
pull.-nts at flrrnte..farllltles to meet anr emer
senry A Quiet Home anil l'l art nd fhfll Jam
iMiiln during I'rryrutnry and CtmflnrnirntifenafG.
poi.-i-e for Illustrated HOOK ami .IIEUICAI
.lOUKNAL. 7Mrnii,n ttili. oaps-r.!
dr. ovrsira
arvx sxjsxrrrao.smr.
PanuoAuc.i6. 1887, I;mwh J(uw30.ijft.
;'.' All K.etunstie Ceai
Yplaiata, Lu mbaf o,G aaersl
:,ar.a fie.vcus ueDiuvy.
Ccstivjsneta, Xidaey
'KJ'SWmnmvPiT:!' Iiaease. Pereoesmfas,
VsJWaSSwT:.1' Trembliaf, Bexnal xa-
r-T?3fep fcaustion. Waatiac ff
Erl7 Dis-.lW, eaves esnzed ly IndUcrctisas la
Youih.Aii ?: Married or Single life.
rrr'"!r to nnrotsiBLg rrni ea so ui(tna
Also an El-ctrlo Trusjn nnd Uelt Combined.
Sesit f - rosi?" rr as'il 1.. 21 ;iim. wttcft ltt
oea:'uilin!1oie!r Meinleaial.apr. Aiditm
nvsi Rr.rc7Hic selt appliamcb ca
-, North Broa-ivvay. ST. LOUIS, MO.
gr5 Lrjadw.-ay, NEW VORK CITY.
Tit Cllttt Afrdtcinr Ihr WerlJ h fretmilf
nit.iNAArTiiiwiPso.vs t
This 'iriKNei. a cars fully inrpareit j.njHlcl.nn spra
Seritiiloii anil haa len In constant ue foe nearly a
eentiirs i,ursarefevili-eM-s to which mankind
axe Mihje-1 ni. re j'ltr'S'-Iris than wir ejei. and
none. irl!a;.s, nrvhljh n nre remedies hae beea
trlwt without u iess Inttammatloa
oftheeteslt Is .ill loflt'lh'e ri-lnis' If the dlratV
ttonsare'.t,oe,tits .. . WenaMScuIarly
lnltethe.ittint mi or n It- rnerltri. "
ISlenyalldniwIsfj SullN'l TIIOMKiON. SOM
a COTEOr..Y. FsULIbheU m;. .
The DlsabiltiT Hi" is a I. S, ,i,.r. diaaMed tlare
t!ioTar7ieiut)el lvpd'-iit 'Idonasnd paranls
cow dependent whose h.hm1."I rm eCx-tsnf irmr
lervioft are snrhi icl l:sr.i,m vo:ircJ ilinpii
liy and siio.eiisfii.iir prr s- I'StrP TIBsIrtj
""-I iret jK'fita SnRnLn,
I. efornunmionrrof I'ennun r..i4lS(iV B.C.
'i i:i:ati:i fi:i v
Posilirelj Cursd wtih VegeUtie Hemedies.
Have etireit rua.i? thnnxand raneis. t1ro patients
pronoimtrd h. ;."irK b Hn b-t iihjsieuni.. From
1'rt.t ilose Ht'nptmni, r I'.diT dihsppnar. ami in ten
daT.atleaitluo tl , I-..' .l -jirjit iok r-ri-n. ived.
hesd t r free le k . r nial of mir..;uioli
ciiren. ri it.s treatm m lirn,i" tree l ruall.
If you older tf I '0 -.'.u m ktamp. t. vi
liotal. U'i II 11 l.l:KL A ?..'.. atUMa.Ua.
iff . jwi ...'..Ji
i v i i i t'yp
r" ,"ia a. - ! r,U,i T S J l-ofccranaVa
J." I ' rt'.at - ' Imh-4 ltjr-.i:iU,tfrl
Te-Ot ' l'an. a- ' . f . m. r It . Tir rvtiLlvaff
D. tc 1 1 Ua'O io f'iVHT 7 !. - rtvwiVUn flK
ysvrlMblvl V W e t-lr.tF-rltftJa,fJ svftlrr) &
JrfX-f m-afs , , w I t e -.- i tn ft-' ri rtitt
MaAl --nirj a I . t Tt.a. t n J' '' r 5 ' f
f r .iar t t f-.n r-srV:'f-u TbAtr-
r. r I . W-.. - fnn-.h! im .
evv r
ri!i)! s- .
IMVi: v.:
foriorr. . .
: t MltJ
'. v ilresB
tr -tioa
.'i. vi. ; i f t . . . i
ti I -rli.-.f. v." s y t t-n. !..
(i:-:t ,i hi iui r.i
fill 2. 3 h ;JC S?;-, r"'. - "-
rerra.-.-:! .,-..., u .. ,. tfr.
tatv. ! 'a
ti::. -mi:' -. :..: i ... .:. .-..-.. . SXU
KENT s ? e j m ..M.
JS.C.V. t. Hm. 11-90