T' il FAMILY : J0U11NAL A Weekly Newspaper issued every Wednesday. 82 Columns of reading natter, ei sisting of Nebraska State News Items, Selected Stories and Hiscellany. "Sample copies sent free to any aJiliwa. J Subscription prica $1 a ytar, h Mvaict. Addrosi: M. K. Tbjijj & Ot, CtolufflM. PHurce Co., Nbf A.. DUSSEX.L, BKAXJS tfi se: bSJ PUMPS RBPAIBED ON 8SOBV NOTICE. Olive St., nearly opposite Poit-offloe. 6jano3-y LOUIS SCHKEIBER. BMsi Ail kinds of Renairlig deie Short Notice. Bigglts, Wag ons, etc.. made to order, and all work Gaar anteed. Also cell the world'famous Walter A. Wood Mowers, Reapers, Combin ed machines, Harvesters, and Belf-bindert the best made. nrShop oppoilte the " Tattcrsall," on OllTe St.. COLUMBUS. 26-m Judicious Advertising Creates many a new business, Enlarges many an old business, Kevivcs many a dull business, Ke.-cues many a lost business, Saves many a failing business, preserves many a large business, h'eeures success in any business. Ho ibv9 a man pt business, and we add that judicious ndvi-rtibing, for this section of country, includes THE JOURNAL An ono of tho medinms. because it is read by thi Ict j?o;1i tlio-o who know what they want an' t'ljy foi hat they pet. We challenge coninnrifoS with nny country iaper in the world in this n. Fj'ect twenty jears imbliMiins by the kiiub manicetnent, and never one dna to sulicril-ji I'tihlit-hiil in The JociiNAL. This, better than rintliins else, chons the clabs of people who rc:.d The Jouhnal every week. tf GOSHEN '-fr.-sur-i "E7t FEME MACHINE! CHEAP. ONLY $15. TVoTen wire mad riats, cut willowc. split boards nr aaythmc of the sort, ued; after poet are ett, fence can be made and 6trctched on the Ground, :n the winter, by a boy or ordinary farm ban i. 10 to 40 roi a day, and can work it over i.ny rrouad. The man who has cna ot thcee ma rhinos cn build a fenco that ia more durable and file thfcn a:iy other, and mate it at Ices cot. The machine and a sample of its work can y ivn in the city on 11th street at Ernst & 8chwcr hardware store. Willsell mchincs, or territory, or contract to pat np fences. liaaitf J. B. MATHEWSOX. ? XSSprkr BI The best bootfor sa It c.mtniiisl'.iisot newspapers and estimate ofthecostfdTerslK.Tbeadv-rti?rrho wants to spend one dollar, finds ia It the in formation he requires, while forhlta who will invest one hundred thousand dollars in ad Terltsln. a scheme is indicated which will inert his every requirement, or can tt maa to tleto ly slight chtmgsitaisily arrived at by cor retpoitdtnce. 119 editions have been issued. Sent, post-paid, to any address for 10 cents. Write to fiEO. P. ROrVKLL & CO., SEWSPPEi: ADVERTISING RUKKAU. -:0Suruc8t-l,rliiUasUoa3eS(i.). Kctt Ycrk. PATENTS ave&tsand Trade Marl:) obtain!. nn all Pit. cntbusine.w conduct e.1 fr MOOEilATK YV.. OUIi OFFICE IS O POLITE I. S. PAijAT OFFICE. We have no sb-3,Tfncf, a!l banr.-r-s ilirect. hence tt can tran-aet pat-'nt busincs in Jet time and ct LESS COST tain those remote from Washington. Sid model, dran-inr. or photo. Trith descrip tion. Wo advisa if iijT'SfiWe c n. frc t. charge. Ocr fee ntt dno till patent in i-cnrcO. A book, "flow to Obtain Pat eat." dth refer ences to actaal clients in your state, county or totra. seat frea. Address C. A. SNOW ft CO. Opposite Fstnt GOice, ssh r.;-:ca. I. C ILSiOJLOM :3r Agents Ws.-j.cdJ C:r.ctXiL. Fnts. . r.v Tje.r'r Safety Ef!a ilcl-i-ra nlvon away isirJac.ea. r-'e. T Scrse oxarr bars fron I to . I Jam ;lr!tr jf-rs' fret- --sail " fj;"-- ( TJSr'JF. "rr T-3" i Hi ana WflEOfl Maker 1ig ?M;BEKiBEjgSaarlearj r?ixss IMr4UT.V.JcV TOPICS OF THE TDIES. A CHOICE SELECTION OF IN TERESTING ITEMS. Comment and Criticism fiasc-d Irpon tlio Happenings of the Day-Ilistoricml and Kotr Kotos. tiiK cost of the Patnell Commission to tlio the Lou'dcn Times is now 'put down at 150,000. An npple-trce at Newbury, Ohio, though nearly a century old, h still a prolific bearer ot bright yellow fruit-. "Tukuk's a place for you, Bill," said the tramp, laying down his newspaper. What is it ?" "An actress advoriise3 for a walking gentleman. You're "had a pile of experience, " As tiir the result of a severe burn a littio Grass Valley, Cal., girl's side and arm grew together, becoming united by a webbing of llcsh nearly an inch ia thickness. She was released from her unpleasant predicament Ly ft successful burgical operation. Tut Scandinavian Minister at Wash.- j ington is uamed A. Grip. After tne experience of the American people witli his relative, the disease, he can never hope to be popular. It is staled that he is a lineal descendant of King Agrippa. It has been discovered that swallows arc even more swift and reliable for the transmission of messages than carrier pigeons. A bird of this variety, scut from Paris to Uosdeaux, made the dis tance 300 miles in two hours, and re turned to l'aris the same evening in the Fame time. I)::. Leonakd J. Gokdox, President of the Jersey City Loard of Health, has made a suggestion that all te'e grnph poIe3 on which live electric wires aie strung be painted red, that the pub Ik may be able to distinguish them. Dr. Gordon will bring the subject up for discussion at the next meeting of (he Board. A cool and cheap protector against destructive insects which attack small gaiden plants, according to a gardening journal, is to place boitoir.!e3s il-nvc-r-pol.s over the plants, admitting light and air from above but excluding the depredators at the M-Ies. A short piocc ot j i ii.'e, several inches in diameter, answers the FaiiiO purpose .is well. Tun amount of a'ch 1 which a healthy man can tafely drink has been e-timated by a London medical journal. According to this estimate, the maxi mum allowance per day is four ounces of brandy, sixteen of sherry, twenty eight of champagne, thirty-two of claret, or thirty-six of bottled beer. Each of the quantities given contains two ounces of alcohol, and that is the utmost limit allowable. A LiTTi.K forethought will prevent loss by robbery in a sleeping-car. The j passenger who g c to bed with his watch and pur.c under his pillow in the old-fashioned way, could be robbed easily. That is where the thief always look. lie can get the vest or trousers from the pillow without disturbing the s-Ieepcr. The best plan is to put the money and jewelry in a handkerchief, lift the maltiess on the side near the window under the body, not under the head, and put the bundle there. loi'TU cancers and cigar-smoking have bco'i clo elv associated in the pubic mind tince Gca. Cf rant's death, but a prominent Cincinnati physician, in a recent conversation upon the sub ject, .said: "The only cases of cancer of the tongue that 1 ever taw were of per sons who never smoked. The majority of them were women, and the half-d-zeu men who were alllicted were not eonlirmod smokers at ail. I don't be l:e"o that smoking even in the most in- disect way causes cancer of the tongue. In den. ii rant's ca-e the public be lieved hi; di ctve was due to excessive smoking, but few physicians sharo that view."' Tin: pay per year for United Slates ofliLV-s in active service is: ?Jajor Gen eral, ?7,.r0U; lirigadior CSeaeral, $r,")C0; C douel, $u,."00; Lieutenant Colonel, f";,0iiy; ?.Iajor. Sli.uUO; Captain, mounted. ?-J,000: and not mounted ?1,S'J0; First Lieutenant, mounted, 1,(K)D, and not mounted, $1,-100. This is for the firt five years of service. The: e is an increase of 10 percent, on these rates stcr live years' service, 20 per cent, after ten years' service, "50 l er ceut. after fifteen years' serv ice, and !') per cent after twenty years' s-c!ice. There jis no increase for Colonels, however, beyond that which c es after fifteen vears' service. Tin: "money diggers"' aie back again to their old haunts in Pittston. near the east shore of the river, six miies below Gardiner, says the Lewiston (Ide. ) Journal. There are three of them, one coming from Nebraska and the others from Franklin County. Their operations are confined to the old lot of land called the ""money hole," where men have been digging for Capt. Kidd "s buried treasure a long time. They hae .stink one shaft, five by four feet and len feet dec, near a email brook. ! They first struck clay and then a bed of i band. Ten rods up the hill they have excavated another hole, perhaps ten feet across. The "money diggers" are in earnest and toil away with shovel ! and pick in the hot sun as if certain of finding Kidd s gold. Tin: distinction of being the thieke?t skinned quadruped belongs to" thy' Indian rhinoceros, whose hide has a knotty or granulated surface, and is so impenetratable as to resist the claws of the lion or tijrcr. the sword, or the balls of the old-fashioned musket. So stiff and hard is the skin that were it not divided by erci-cs or folds the a:ni.i..l imprisoned "in it-, armor could scarce. v move. It is manufactured into lea'he sf gieat strength and dm ability, and targets and ahie-ds are made of it that are absolutely nrof against dans r sword stroke-. The skin of the hippo potamus mns that of the rhinoceros Very closely as regard - thickness. T hen i dried it is also used for shields, which are highly prized by the native1. Cardinal Xewma::, who has just died in his niLC.ieth year. led a life of ; riugular purity and uuobtiusive good ness. He was rr babiy the ma-ier ": the best Eng'i h -iy-e. c-j." any of hi contemporaries, "'riih the possible ex- ception of John Raskin. When he fn noijnced his conversion lo the Catholic faith, he alienated many or his Protest-nut friends, and this fact caused him much mental suffering. Bat he lived lonjr uo-igh lo have his old friends come back to him. Religious differ ences were merged in friendship. Ho perhaps did as much as any man of modern timc3 to destroy the feeling of roligioue bitterness which once existed in England between the Protestants and Catholics. Now, that ho is gone, his memory is nearly equally revered by both. It is the duty of one of the employe3 cf the Brooklyn bridge to regularly climb to the top of the tower in order io examine the cable and see that every thing is ia good working cider. A large crowd anxiously watched his operations recently. A ladder is built into the masonry, and to any one not used to such work the task seems a perilous one. "When the climber came down, I asked him if his head did not get dizzy after reaching the top, but he only ciuiled at my ignorance and re marked in an off-hand way that it was both simple and easy. ""The most norvous man in the world," he ."aid, "can climb to any height, provided he observes one principle; that is neer to look down. If he does he is in dan ger. The first time I climbed that lad der I found no difficulty whatever in getting up. Coming down, however, it was different. I happened to look below when I was about half way down, and becamo so norvous that I remained on the same rung for several .seconds. My strength seemed to have deertcd me, and it was with great difficulty that I restrained myself from letting go and being dashed to piece." OK::. "Wjlliam T. Siikumax is per haps as popular a man as any one ia America, though he never trie, like so many public men, to make himself agreeable. If he doesn't want to go to a public reception, iustead of writing a long letter of regret full of fulsamo phrases and high-sounding excuse.-, he simply states that he won't go, and makes no further explanations. lie refuses to be interviewed, aid usually snubs the interviewer. It lakes a great man to do this. Put Shermnn has per formed such inestimable tcrvico to the country, that no newspaper would ever think of speaking derogatively of him. During the war he was unpopular villi reporters, and thoy u.sed io express their dislike of him roundly. Put since the war it requires a bold man to say anything against the hero cf the March to the Sea," Sherman, like Tennyson, is very fond of young ladies, and however gruff he maybe, lo other people, he is always polito to them, lie is the only man in America who as sumes the privilege of kissing all young ladies who are presented to him. Nj young lady has ever yet been discov ei ed who objected. WORDS OF V1SDOM. From t'no ltam's Hom.J The furnace is a friend to the cold. A max of little faith has a little God. Daxgkk and Security are cloe neigh ior.s. A little world always makes a little man. A wrong man is a lost man. A right man is a saved man. The way to make a man right is to make his heart right. (Io! never uses a man who is not willing to do little things. I-" there is good in us it will be snro to inspire good iu other.-. It" homo people never had any teeth they would live longer. You can't find the Lord with a bottle in your coat tail pocket. The man who is looking for faults iu others will be kept busy. One of life's richest possessions is tho momory of a good mother. The grain of sand can fulfill the pur pofco of God as well as the mountain. Church entertainments and a revival spirit do not dwell under the same roof. No man can ever find out how much there is iu him until he gives himself to God. Ohedience to God under all circum stances will always insure the help of God. The man who do-nres to be only a sounding brass will never be anything else. The man who is not willing to obey God has no right to expect help from Him. The highest crime we can commit against God is to oppose our own soul's good. The devil has no fault to find wi'li people who are satisfied with them selves. Theke is nothing so beautiful to man or angel, as an unblemished Christian character. No mvn cau ever became rich, in tbo true sense of the word, without God's permission. The only Piblo any man has is that he lives. Some folks'get along with a verv small pamphlet. "You're a good fellow," is one of the ways Satan has of saying, "I've got a mortgage on you." Tut-'tsk nro iust two kinds of ic"iIe ia the world. Those who aro right and thos-e who aie wrong. Tn j world is full of reon'ewho strain at a "nnt and swallow a whole meiiair-eri- tido shows and all. To sin against our own soul is to --in against Heaven, btcau-e in doing r-o we not only rob Heaven of what we might be to it, but of what it might be to u.-. The oalr way to be happy is to be doing something to m-ikc Gveiybf-' els.' happy. You fret iL-h by p" away. It is impossible for any ! ..to enjoy real ard permanent . :ine-:' that is not fifed with I-ve ' Jod aid good will towatd all mo . To hate is the ino.si terrible mis" .nne that can befall a soul. I'upa GvMiiixin His Work. "Ethelinda, darling," mummied the euraptuted young man, "this is the happiest moment of my life. J c-:.e here this eveni:g, hoping, vrt fea:ng. 1 could not put it oil any longei. I felt that I must know my fate. The sus pense was killii g inc. Put r.ow i swear it by this It veiy head testing so confidingly on my shoulder, by the kiss on your sweet lips. I but what was tha 'clicking noise I heard just then?" "Nothing, Walter, uo'hiug but papa. He's a lawyer, you know, but he amuses himself with all sorts of queer fad. lie's practicing on us with his Kodak. Go on, Y"alter, dear. What were yon u ut to swear."" Pittsburgh Di?- )C.i -it. Is yon surecd you ?re.a succe-s. If vnn do not, y. re a fool. That's the i ng and rUoi .' it. Burlington Havik&jc. PECULIAR TACTICS. Solvation Army "Leaders Embark In tho ilaslnsss or MsjMbs; Matches. The people of San Jose will remember a slight, girlish figure that appeared some mouths ago in the salvation army parades, says the Acirs of that city. Her name was Carrie Hall, and she has had a peculiar experience which she has told to a reporter in Oakland. About threa years aeo, wheh iic was scarcely 10 Veais of age, she left her home In the hope of entering the salvation army. She had lost her mother and wanted to go into tfie work of the army, and so. rather than enter the army at her home, which her father opposed, she went to Oakland. That was why she went to Oakland and began her work as a lieu tenant. She-did not have a pleasant time in the army, and sin tell a story of pe culiar treatment that lias placed her in a very unhappy position. She Is a very slight little lady, with a pathetic spirit less way about her that threw a peculiar shade of sadness over the story she told. "I thought that the story might go in straight," she explained, in a funny lit tle apologetic way. "This is how it oc curred: I was sent down to Pomona, and while I was thre I met Fred Koe nig, and he wanted to marry mo. I didn't want to get married, and I told him so. but when I came up here I began to write to him. After awhile I got tirod of writing lo him and stopped. In the meantime I met a young captain iu San Francisco, und we began to correspond. Suddenly I stopped getting his letters, and he stopped getting mine, and we each thought that the other had thrown off. but we hadn't. "I found that all our letters had been M-nt to Urig. Gen. Fielding, and as he had never approved of it we had never received our letters. You see, (len. Fielding thought that a captain was too high for me. and. as every thing of that kind is in his bunds, he decided to break it off. "About the time they found out that Ivoenig wanted to marry me. and, as the army owed him S-OO or S'iOO. they thought that it would be a good scheme to get him back into the work. You see. when any one joins tlio army they have to sell all they have and give the proceeds to the army, if so Koenig mar ried me the army would not ha.c to pay him what they owed and the army would got a good bit besides. So they got down and prayed with me and they got me to say yes. lie said he would kill himself if I did not. and so we were married in Pomona." Extra Liability to Malarial Infection. Persons whosa blood I? thin, dlcestion weak and l!cr sluggish, aro otra-Hab!o to the at tacks of mnhislal ulsease. Tho iuo?t trilling vxj.03'n may, utid'T such conditions, infect a system -.Tbicb, if healthy, would resist tho miasmatic taint. Tho only way to secure im munity from malaria in localities wht-ro it is prevalent, ii to tone and rcgulato the system by iinproM'ng weakened digestion, enrich Inu the blood, and giving a wholojonic im-Nitus to biliary secretion. Theso results nro nczem plleked by nothing so effectively ca Hontttter'a Stomach Bitters, which long experience ha3 proved to bo tho most reliable safeguard against fever and ague and kindred disorders, as .ell as tbo best remedy for them, 'lho Hitters are, moreover, an escollout invigorant of tho orgnns of urination, and an activo dopureut. eliminat ing from tho blood thoso acid impurities which originate rheumatic ailments. They Were Moth Uaptlsts. A doctor and a lawyer of Ellsworth. Mo., started on a fishing trip the other day. I'oth prided themselves on their knowledge of water craft, and they de cided to try their skill with a hanil-ome birch canoe. "ISo careful how you board the frail craft." said the cautious doc tor. "O. you needn't caution me." said the confident lawyer: "l guess 1 know all about a canoe. It is as safe as a Grand Hank dory!" The doctor entered first, very carefully keeping his balance and taking a safe position iu the bottom of the canoe. The lawyer hoarded the little craft as if it had been a scow for the transportation of rockweed or cord wood. The canoe rooked fearfully and the lawyer, to save himself, reached out to grasp a led ire on the shore. The per verse craft shot out in the opposite di rect ion from under its inmates, capsii'imr ihem both into the water and giving them as thorough a ducking as ever men got. It relieves one's mind to be told by the Ellsworth Amcrhtm that "they were both Haptists and so made the best of it." HitowN t Wait make the finest pboto iriuphs iu Sioux City. They arc the official photographers of the Corn Palace of 1M10, having the exclusive right of photograph ing inside the Palace, and they being awarded the contract for furnishing all views sold inside the Palace, on account of the superior iiiiulily of their work. They have the finest gallery In the city and the laigest display of samples to select from. Mr. Hrown does all the operating in the gal lery hiniM'lf. and None of the finest opera tors i -t of Chicago. If you aie going to have any picture., taken, be sure and call on Itn-.r.'i V Wait. They give a guarantee receipt for all money paid them, and if your pictures di n't suit you they will give you j our money back. They make all sizes and styles of work. Their gallery is at 4EI Toiii-th sjiect. by the American Eprcs of fice. Sioux City. la. I'cels as lr lie IVcro a Criminal. About a year ago by the error of a tel egraph operator at Aurora, Ind.. two pas-enger trains collided near that place and fifteen people were killed. The op erator lied and has since wandered over the country. On Wednesday he ap peared at Eruuswiek. Ga.. and shipped in a Norwegian bark for Hamburg. II is i:am- is Harrv Hull, and iu a conversa tion just before ho went aboard the ves sel he remarked: "I don't mind going away from friends and kindred if tin trip will '.ike away the horrible recol lection of one ni'Tiit in my life. I did no: hii-:; ( rmi-'a!: it was simply a mis :.!.. ai ! : I would srivc inything if 1 c :;!! lie ;n:ni. bed in tome way for what !.:-e uor.c: not that I think I'm guilty of any crime, but tho eric- of (hose peo ple v. til :!:tr in my eas always and ta-'k"' ' ft .-1 .-sif j v.-ei- a criminal." (Vhii.-niirt Kidney Tea Always Cures. A ; o:ai i-nt ;l""n of Ottumwa. To., who v.-.!.-; (.o:i!iicd lo his led Willi distressing 111 l.'.. v 'I1- ase. !,.iys lii owi s hi- recovery t th"iis'" .f ':!": i.i Kidney Tea. It is f.i best i,:'ncy icno'iiy known. SO e.-Kt- b" - a l! Trv it md von will i-i-inli'f. "i;- it f vour dmririst. If lie i l.'it fee-f. -; -. Ml'! to C'AI.lfOKMA lilD- :;r.r Ti:a C .. V- ir '-M. !;. A u-?:.n:i: m-ar A'k'.iita. Gp... not need It :: if fii.s b.- had b'i--j!:i for hi- .' ick !..! !. :! hit: r Ki-UinK v. .-11. mount-d it ; r-: :'"- ft.i: t:.-e.i it as a w.iterip-r :r. "i'i ;':; i . cov.v. With th Ii-1 he r - :!;:j? l:i - frife. Ir; . 1 ..o cur- Dilious and lO'l'- -i!S. : cool.".!! d: e.r"y, w ly arj :'!:- bid ill p-: li tli j eve ' IjO .: - thvdie c di 1 .:.. . .Vo .iii;m !:i I'lr.o's Cnro for Con unp io!t. t;::e .7T -re oM-ar r-.:uo li.-is fuiL "J5;. i - n o : ' i: - t :i it. - . - :: iii,- ! s- -r m lmg : l r-" s a .--.-"" Ax ' ... ..1 - - J-s. f K'Si. ?-S r " s" -Tj ; in to linow l.e. fiS?-' i- Tr t . lilm : c i ,-v." .: l."7.-.'Jv-I--"---.t'"-- - .- J!l.'.ii.5-. "- -t.. J.ii z-' ,'ic.. 'J.- - il--rjjn:1j.'ii . I r . . -- s -y , -c z I' ' - J' -T. r-sf-is-'r !. -. U " . " 5. ' .! -cz.'r- !. uit: a. r.-c -i.l-.-4 i. ixtLi. iMi tju.. in Uz u: a-.. -tw ysrx- j k ,? ,$&:'- .-SO s3A - j - ,i-y j i ' T. T- d- Ti - . ' "Sf - j? N ::, ' '.-'. -'r?Z'tr. Had to Speak His Mind. There is a good deal that is unreal in the demonstration of affectionate es teem so frequently extended by the sub ordinates toward their superiors in office. This was illustrated by an episode which occurred in a United States vessel when its commander was preparing to go on shore for his leave of absence. The crew had assembled aud were shaking hands. Some one said: 'Good-by, Mr. ; I hope you'll have a pleasant jour ney," and this established a sort of formula which was repeated by each in turn. One man seemed to hang back, however, and. not wishing to slight any body, the commander went over to him and offered his hand. The sailor took it in a perfunctory manner and said, in a half-hearted way "Good-by, sir: hope you'll have a pleasant journey; but," he added, after a pause, during which his real sentiments got the better of him, not too pleasant." H.s?m'u;;(ou Post. Commendable. All claims not oonsistect with the high character of Syrup of Firs aro purposely avoided by tho Cal. l'l Syrup Company. It acts gently on tho kidneys, livor and bow els, cloanslng tho system effectually, but It Is not a euro-nil and nia'ics no preten sions that every Lottie will not substan tiate. Trying tlio Citilizctl Way. Indians, about 300 of them, have been iu camp at Athens. Mich., trying to get converted according to the civilised way. Wakazoo, daughter of Chief JVtoskoy. led the singing, and an interpreter put the words into the red man's dialect. The day services are quiet and subdued, and nothing differs materially from a quiet Methodist meeting. Hut when darkness gathers round, the natives, recognizing the forest a? their native home, are again iu their original state, and their worship is of the wildest kind. Women scream, dance, swing their arms and work themselves into such a state of excitement, that they frequently fall into semi-consciousness. Straxoe Indood that a plain thing Ilko SAPOLlO should make everything so brirht, but "a needle clothos others, and is itself naked." Try n caio in you.- ne:ct houso-cloaniug. Merciless Work officii. 'The disappearance of the mackerel gull from Maine waters is due," accord ing to the Hiddc ford Time, "to themerci Iess work of the men who supply the milliners with plumes. For the mack erel gull they paid 10 cents each, a price so remunerative to professional gunners that these birds were in the short space of two years practically exterminated. All the snipe family were aNo iu great demand: even the little ox-eye did not escape, for a single order was placed for tiOO.000 of these at :i cents each to Sill an English contract." VThen E?by wks ricV. wo give her Ct?tor!a, When she vas a Child, t-ho cried for Cstoiiz. When she became Mif.H, she clung to Ceistoria, When she had CUUdren, bhs cavo them Cutoria. Tin: country people for miles around Danville. N. .1., are arranging for a great double birthday celebration at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vreelaud. The two old people were born within one day of each other and are now iu theniiu ties. They hae been married sity-three years. Uoth are still hearty and acthe and anticipate the approaching anni versary glee day with much pleasure. Deiays are dangerous Don't wait for your child to hnvo an epileptic fit. Kill at onco tho worms that aro making her leel so poorly by giving Dr. Hull's Worm De stroyers. It was not until IT5! that the perma nent settlement aud occupancy of upper Canada began. In that .".ear about 10. 090 persons were placed along the north ern shores of the river St. Lawrence. Lake Ontario and Lake Erie. A cakkfui. estimate made by the Maine Central railroad states that 100. 0(0 pleasure seekers have entered the state this season. About To per cent, of them came into the state by rail. Tun ffi-j; lictt tni to know whether or not Dobbins' Electric Soap f as j,""' as it is said to be. is to tm il yoiuvrtf. It can't de ceive yiu. He sure to get no imitation. There are lots of them. Ask your grocer. A wild sweet potato found growing near PauNboro. N. .1.. measured twenty inches in eircuinfreneo aud weighed twelve and one-half pounds, it is said. An" auctioneer is valuable only for his sev Joeutionary ability. ISvnUt f. OravliaIror'whIker3chansdti a glossy hlack'liyn single application of tliU Dye. Jt imparts a nat ural color, nets instaiitnnf ouglynndcnntalni nothing injurious to tho 1-alr. Sjoki ny nil druggi-tiii, r "". " -pr-!s on receipt of price, SI.OO. Ofllcc, 30 & 41 1'ark Mace, 'cw York. I Tail's Hair Dye & mmms. ia 1 ES WORTH A GUINEA A BOX.-'-KI For BILIOOS k NERVOUS OISQSBiUS mn Sick Headache, "Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, Constipation, Disordered Liver, etc., ACTING LIKE MAGIC on ihe vital organs, strengthening the muscular system, and arousing with the rosebud of health The Whole Physical Kncry of the Human Frame. Beocham's Pills, i'eker. cs di rooted, will quickly RESTORE FEMALES io complete health. SOLD BY ALL DRUCCI3TS. Price, 25 cents per Box. ) Prepared1 inly by TH03. BEECHAM, St. Helen?, Lancashire, England. Jt. F. AT.LIZS CO., Sole Ayenls for United Slates, ."C.7 t.V7 Canal St.. AV Tori: ifho (ifnonr flrwiai-t'dom not I:ecj them) icill mail ltrecham's fills i ieeeiitlcfjiriei'liutUn'iitiro first. j"SJiJ m" ftjs rsccv.Gutesll 5 V5Zte4yrjVi, sirB3?5rt ff-OiXitfififssmuitiXi fimtSM fill m M 5 1 fir il 'a -"' xjv g ii , MiiLJW TL JLCB.JissSsT s SS-tl 9i lilfrM M'T"i kj-ti v Sia i?xtr?M :"?C"J T.TW luinTIirDC r-H TT- r. f-;J r.l.. U.LW 1 LI lAkO, iiU l(Mtl-.i & & Z - - it ,t,W!, Try ii in your next- house r i HEAP a.3 s : i : if c ri --i . i i ir - ta&rar. IlkblbD t. fc I - m w m m -m m - - r; ""w - a-.-? -m n t-'f. v. -vr--u-zzv s. s-j ; Jxi- i2 J?f JjEiSit li t-,i---- ir . resul rs front WW A DP.1 1 ( cleanliness exidikdn.r WU W T T . r'VV T t &. It is a. soii d cake ...-"of scpunng so&p. Cm?, lie secured hy the small investment in one cake of 8APOLI0 it'h en you have a, house or kitchen to clean. From ihe paint to the pots and pans, and including the uindoics and floors, it is ihe very best labor-saving soap for .wiring and cleaning. All Grocers sell it. csrai "DIsO'S REMEDY FOB CATAEEn. Best. Easiest to ii5C. J- Cheap-, i'eiiei 13 inuneaiaw. a cur ia ceriiuu. mr uoia in me icsa u cas no equai. It 53 an GUilCTent, of which a nr-trilt rrif. Bfia. Sold bv druizfflut or sent br dad. r ---" ...---- - iTir k. o.a u m HOW TO GROW PIGS; Professor Ilaay, or tbo Wisconsin Station. Glrss Some Valuable Advice. Having grown a strong, muscular frame for his pigs, the time comes when the farmer must separate the breeding stock from tfce remainder of the herd ami give it different treatment. Hrecd ing stock should be kept out of doors, on pasture as much as possible, and given every attention toward keeping the animal natural and healthy. The final purpose for which hogs for the market are intended must direct the way iu which they arc handled. With a well-grown carcass of 100 pounds for a basis, hogs which are intended for the general market can be fed almost ex clusively on grain, adding a little ground oats, shorts, skim milk, or rather protein food. As far as possible, however, in these times of low prices, hogs should be grown on pasture and grain used only to ripen up the animals. On our west ern farm land is the cheapest and labor is the dearest thing wo have. The hog that runs in a clover field or blue grass pasture waits on himself and makes a healthy growth, if not a very fast one. The growth is usuallv more profitable than that made from entire grain food. Usually a part ration of grain can be profitably fed to grazing hogs to hasten their growth. Where the general market is the des tination one cannot be over particular about the pork product, but must man age it at till points in the very cheapest way. Hogs fed to produce a large per centage of lean meat must, to be profit able, sell for at least VO per cent, more than current prices. A discriminating market will soon pay the difference. Every animal requires a certain amount of food for its maintenance. The hog is no exception, and iu feed ing we should remember he will attend to his own bodily wants first of all. and only lay on llesh afterward. With his wonderful appetite and im mense digestive powers it is the height of folly to keep a hog on part rations. It is not the satisfied, quiet hog that brings money to its owner. The best gains come from hog" so anxious at meal time for their feed that they show tin ir greedy appetite by squealing. I do not h-lievo iu tin: practice of keeping feed before the hogs at all times. HIRAM C. WHEELER. Importer of I'crclieron uml Slilrc Stallions. Oilclioll, Sac County. Iwiva. Lakokst I Jtroi station of drtift siallion to America this season. Quality the very best. I'irst-class horse, either breed. SUNK". Two and thiee year's time. S per cent., en abling horse to pay for himself. A Saoinaw lady who by great effort had procured a pair of the new French gloves thirty-two button-: was sur prised and somewhat disgusted the other day to find them upon her Huh sou's legs. The shaver had put them on for leather leggins. and they made him a good pair, coming well aloethe knee-:. HAEIS CATAKEIl CKK N a liquid ami Is taken Internally, and acts ihrectly on tie blood and mui oils surfaces f the system. Write fur testimonials, free. Manuractuicd ly V. J. CHEN EY & CO.. Toledo. O. Hi.ue is the Chinese mourning color. When you see a Chinaman wearing a blue coat or with blue braid plaited in his queue you may take it for granted that some relative or dear friend is dead. Why is a peacock like the llgme nin ? I!e-t-aiit-e it ;s noth'na' witho-it it ta.l. ""I loeki d in s'liinbcr," minimis tho pri n bird iu h.s le -p. iVn.'.d.Vfji'i ? i: rtnt. Tur i-rcct-hc-or pivuiNe. yousij? man, nro the i ::es ou haven't pa'd for jet. tiiarj E?l yai as0ii SCtiSS! Of Furo God Liver Gil with Hypophcsphiies Of Lima and Soda, There are emulsions anil emulsion, and there is still much rhimmed milk tr.'ifci mus'iHt-ratles as cream. Try as f;t7 trifl many manufacturers eauiu't sodi-tyi'iisc iltcir ciHtlireroil u to .- It jHilataltln to sctizilirr ntomarhs. Scott's Jumihion nfVVltR XOIiiriHiZ.iX COIi l.lVi:ii OIFj,com!if.fl teith HyiiojtiHH phltes is almost as jmlatable as mil!', lor thi3 reason as teWt r.t for the fart of the utimulntina qualities of the lly'to pluisflhlten, ri'jsicinus c'ir,ify pre scribe it in cases cf C02TSUMPTJG2I, SCROFULA, JiROSCniTIS and CllUOXIC COl KUorSEl'lUtE COLD. All Drugylits sell it, but k sure you net tltc ienuine,as there are poor imitations. The DlEsIilIitr mil is a law. Soldirrs ills -bled sir.ro the warnrspnUtliKl. Dependent ldow.-nit xiaren's now dependent who.e hmx illeil Ipiru c fleets o trmv fervico are Included, if yu wish ynnrclaim tpiv il- Ad;lref,u,r 1,roi- JA?ES TANNER, Late Commissioner of Pension-!. WASSIR6TCS. 0. C I ii asuss arsj-sj - n i arsr-sassis rsi 1 ti r i U f mWLmm i r L 81 0 B U II 0 b BaEaJ effeotual v-OI n,..Mc.r- &rbS$4 .X - ut ofuQ uv?S -k jr-t vrc x-a Nravrn; .TJ V . TiS r i !'f V.raVnTtr frf.t Kfl rfe .$ kl.,i? v.. -..w-www- good revenue. cj- "- iei. 'M - v' J K s t e sf"v. - ,na n - cleaning e.nd behapfy COMFORT small particle is applied to ths t AHIH.-1-i nuiHi n - v.;Lri.. n.. - OYSTERS IN LONDON. Wtiy Thy Arv About Twice as Dear as Thry Are in faris. In a recent interesting article apo oyster culture, the marquis of LornO very cogently asked why oysters cost 4 shillings or ." shillings a dozen in London while they can be purchased for about half the price iu Paris? Tint explana tion, as Lord Lome pointed out. js that our English oyster beds produce only s. fraction of the consumption, al though our own shores, properly pre pared, could produce oysters iu enor mous quantities. Hitherto Hritish en terpriso has not been directed toward this remunerative industry says f. James" liiuhjct. but has left it iu the hands of a few lishermen and ancient corporations on the Kssex and Kentish coasts, who lack both capital and scien tific knowledge. How profitable oyster breeding may become wl en well man aged may be imagined fn m t n fact that the only outlay consists iu preparim; a stretch of suitable foreshore witii tiles, bricks, shells, etc.. to proide a resting place for the spat or baby oyster, it is estimated that .me ovster produces from one to three million young, so if only a very small proportion be secured the labor expended is most bountifubv repaid. 1 heavoragi wholesale price of native oysters this year has been 1-shillings per 100. '';-H mg the value of the product of one tile at the lowest figure the result would b. 1 siiiliings, ami. the tiles being laid on. on the other in semblance of an open wall. 300.000 tiles per acre is not an ex aggerated number. It would thus seem inai wuii ca-Miai anu enier'ii i.-i- un- i:.i - tional iiroduction of osters would largely increase, while the price would naturally fall. Souk workingmeu diggin'; on a road in Jersey City Heights. N. .1.. Thursday, found at a depth id fourteen feet a bo containing overSI.l.r.ooin old state Hark currency. It had probably been hidden there years ago In some unknown miser The notes have no altu now. I? Tint bl.tvh man who ran tin three-e.ird raine n itie oT Mont ncyro .' ' hhmiii : i'.irf r. PL.'i..w nrg1. iiiiwocoalw3i rofy IiUicmo ancient and most sr.'iicralof all dii-ea-.e.s. Scarcely a laiuilv is eutirelv tr'e Irom it. Tvhilo tlioiisnds in tiory city are its eiar. rifx slaves, llooil't Sarsa;-arilU l:ai I.sl n-iiMr".-abl-j Micofss in curiiiK tr.v Inrni cf scrcfula. The nil- t m-mto ami iaiiitiil ninniiu i-cr s. v!Iin.s in Uic r.erk or KOitr--. Isui r In tlio ty.-s. ,'iiinr.ii jia-titi or t.tal I ; .ilm .. Iia.o Iwcu enr-d by this muvWu! la-iiU-ir.e. A' I who iiilVr Jrm MT'Mn nhuiild line llooil"- Sanaiarili. .-. ia.r trial. KggcTs Sarsapariiia Ft!d by plIdriisKi't'. : tix for f"- l'n"..arct only t C. I. llt'Ul) .C- (.O,!.owrll. Mass. OO Doses Oris Dollar CUBED OF BALI STOKES j:v E m. d'3 Eaga ts9 kha ! vv; a J. F. Smith .t Co.. St. J.i.-.is. Mo. . GENTM.XIS.N It i-i with i lecsitre tlia I ! tlfv to tbo n:prit3 (f imr c 'i-brr. .si "S'lle l'fiins." 3Iy wifo, rl:o RiilT.-ruI ixorn r l"ia for rarj piBt. vaiticnlarly imr fiir iu. warf "not oxpivt.d t live. IJ-r trouble vr.. rall.Ni Oiid :t-i's. fr lianliia tt tlio ."' On the I" h id .lalv, Vj I icr-.i-.id th- l.t,ii of -I'll," I'i nni" joi femnriKil ti lie, t li' ravo tl.csu a lhroi:Kli tn.'l. nr-d h.id net Wen tru&Mi.i v.ilh Iiii-r nr ?: t. a-h .i ;.!'. nt siiiov. sb: givi'H "l'ilo 1'eans" n'l th" rn t:t fur l.or utiito ;;o- I tival'l: for tli just IHo months. Wo have on hn-l iioirrr !! lot:!o. but do not wish to I sit!ii'it tlti-tn nt n-; time, fo nlciisf anal .-it vurth Tur tbo ! :i inclosed. A. li. CIiAKii, Mora-, m. X. Y. GRATEFUL-CO:.lFOr:TiMC. b:;s!.:i-"ast. "Ey a tbipiiRii I. .''-!,' --f the lir'arrt lirvs t!i i!i .;jTf r.i !. rvr.. i :i it (!'- t -.i rn! :::. II . ai.cl ly .iiirr- u! s:. li .-::: p . f ti- !.' t!sif .v-l !:. 1 1 . .1. Mr. 1';. s i- 1 IH'il il curbrca'tf.ijt t:v i!o vt;.i n .: !.--3:.'y iia'cun-! ' v era" i ivulcti -.'ii' -ia'v.- u i-t.-xn -cuvv ! k-i rV i. 'I II Uoy fioj.i tli-l-M mo ' :u.i nr:ie!- ! .. I that nci.i:-!l.iii- 'ia-.-! u 'la.ritv i-utlt iiiin!l stroncnou:.i to re:i.:t 'rw I : I.-a" n i!Ioi o ilundri-duf -..ii.!o -sail 1. .. ,:r :: it!-:4 arciai 1 ;: nailytu .itf.ee wi.-rrrcr tlic.-" 1- a ot-1 p lit. AVo inav cti:x mia v n fr.t ' t."fJl by U.-.-r liiiconr-s-lvc .veil f.irdib I wita ;v.ir - .1 .i .'. , ' t--riy n urisitiil fr.Ti-.i ." " "i.i rrlc; 'in,-.:-." Mail hi -.)!..- .vifi Inll :; v.-..ior - ..5'-. fo'd fnlviaaair-p-M-ll ' ' r. latn Iltst tl.ns JA.llK-4 Kl'l'.H iV-fd . !- n i-oiiath:-- (. a :-i t I .tOC. KMit.AM. The Standard of the Leading j Publiohero, Pasazines, ana Kewsoapcrs. The Dictionary of the Scholar for Spott ing, Pronuncialion and Accu racy in DennitioT. Sriil forlarne Circular to the rab'th-rt-. J. D. LIPPIKCOTT COMPAKY, imr.Aii:i.rniA. DRY GOODS BY MAIL WHERE AlfD WHAT TO UY. A IfO-pace IlbifjiJed ntalfiR'ie and rrin I.lst. ((.iiiiiuiiii: oxiT.'Oi ll"i.triitlons nnd -e i j it! thot:s ind desi-riptin'is uith i.rbe.i.f theiro t fi!vliu.Ti:il.:i.nii.Irpliiil.leAin.Ti. mi ami riiti.iiin ! Iiry l.otrfK Ii..nk-. .si.oe-. l:.dl.-- and l.i-nts" ( hold nnd personal ndorm.ieii; -I i- 'TVT'T1 'V ' l-t' H ! -i i ' '' SE3STT F3r5.ES:: Girl.c; cv- i eiiilK.mii .l iin vife in V- ie.n i . - . A. W. RICH 6 CO., HILYfAUXEC. ' . .... ...... .i,x-t--- x-r- i:di taik i in: in mm.-ss r ; WATERTOWH CQ.ViffiEHGiiVL COLLEGE I i And x-limil ol sli.iitliiiinl. Tym-wril- :... ...... pi-ul....r...li .- I sj-ei-ialt:e. i:...kki:e,oiiir. I'eiiiu-iiiship. I -....,.... -rial Aritliiutti. . I- . .r. 11 I.au.. Un-.- ! ... ...... ....... ........ , ness I'ra.t...-. hjiitlinh 15-aa. U, -. Short li-.m.l. . Typeritiiw:aii.l l.I.nra.ioy. l.i-er-i;p:iilii:iteseeurel :i t'sltiii. ri'i-u I lirumi'lrial I'oiirM lu-ninill-l.il. mil t.u:.: . lorlatvi ilbtratiili-atal.ia i- vt .f-!i til I CENTRAL UKIVbHSITY o jeIlrtsfc.&lrsriiTewirv" VjSJ''rl. - . .vx--- . - otii.SfM. I--h VsX r - " COLLEGE OF O sfr; Mtntioattl.rarr j ATV r cf ru!cCTs-t. !-rJt LEWIS HOWE. Rcs!sr; KOtbt. VnuU rS. latS; lwtr-1 yuSri, I1 - C irMf-H-fpii'-.Irrr4ifi.mii rratSt -fanr'W ' t- FJ ,v 1 . r. it.. 1 f th.v Ut tii' r i-v! re iiifi- 11 t d rr t rrj ; .f 4 cj rlrrI a 1 , Irrji'rD " fmtlpn. t -w. n r-I rwst yt-rj,,e'r'jtilt In ( l!i--I p atj qmri c , t' -i. 2 ftp. 1, r f r im r inaJf.ln i" o Ifl fnTiir03 t nttf yr,r- The Anr can I' K . V"ho.'ntT anl H altj r"i r v-r. T i r" r.e p ! f l by bT'.Vir 1 , nCU).NC7. Vrial ' iWs-aio&sator&mES WM. FITCH & CO., 103 Corcoran Knilihc. V,"-..i a ra D C. PENSION AneRSEYS cf OTerJiSyejrVjx'rtcaro Kar-e- iA : r6,ecuto MEfcioa.ianilclslmscJ il Vind-iD - r't nosstbl "ISie "NO H"C U-LV . sru-t-tsFCL. JEW Ff-i3!OP! LAW. wj IL1M NOT 'It L.V i:.TITLI J". A i-lr. ""icrtOKaiorsiiriii Ktia S3 i t'l- "r .tioa r.ATE c'Msi;.sa:"v :: ." . , i;jvS. i (2!eatiuu una Xspo.-j p i n m n4F i tra c?r5it?a! ; tS3 B '-? M ! S- S U3 tVS sI.iti-1-e-. piems and dpartmeiiSs condiin.. yjR tSfiQEdfeli' U tbiaH D i-.!..:.'. Its maviuth-entty illustrated ei-hr ;w J-1...w"---''' ! v.,. . ,-. (.j,l.(.,t eeroi;end In IIiNii.uii- r m m n P ir n u m r0? w Mil Mid the Northwe!. . o v.ib.e, a .'.i.Ia- ht.-I -' ' ntrai r ,t,. ;.,r tr-r trfm ji tint ww wishes ,o K; ; orrc-,1- .... j. end fo- .Iu, bf ;; -', .rlX'il 1". t yi.urs.df in -jh- iii.d pre . - 1 ..-.'.. i pain ,' rJly ... Ijrlt..r ,,r. u c,,, ,,rtH ,-. i,iri.st. lf j.er cent more I.. r inler.or ' .d-. AMnw , ii,.,n.al :nn Siir-'lial !s-.j.ill:ite jiihI !', .ftN. K xs?y . Tl -? Urn -TT 2 " s. s : C5s? ..-v. Y&Sxur.mt " X. ''fHSSs vzyr-r?sk. n a h t a mmmmMiHigi. . fc-. '-4an..-i til A ...Ins. in u: ..j :vr -?Vi .s ... Jv -r v., 'Or S?Hrs l"-j"- I5c;,t '!-" 4vTr:,?i: I I I I I I I ;T. .a.v.a. ... v.... m ...1 7 " r". Mil "armor ln!tnr"sis cr fc.v. ,.-eslolhwb'1-. la'aloffu- t rr& 'ff 'r, . iiAi:t :.. f. mui j'l.'su to.. -:t ', -. ,ait s:.. fei.. i. v. eiiiH) y .--. ca r . IKDl'HriN'n! ft? t e . . ..-.... . .,. . . iv f oftopr 'a "O'f; Brimful. of confidence in it the manu facturers of Dr. Sage's Ca tarrh Remedy. It's a inith that means business, too it's backed up by money. This., is what they offer: $500 rfe- ward for a case of Catarrh which they cannot cure. lJ2cy jt They're wilUmr to I J s . take the risk they know their medicine. By its mild, sooth- ltt, Cleansing and healing properties, it produces per- j. t ' l r ; ICCC ana permanent cures Ui the worst cases of chronic Car tarrh in the Head. It s doing; it ever'- day, where everything i . .- r 1 J i CISC lias tailed. Io matter i lou- fad your case or 0f J10v , . -',. , long stanamg, you can oe cured. You're sure of that or of $500. You can't have both, but you'll have one or the other. A Story gfThrillihg Interest Inn -hi-rt tii.ieeneor tie nio! captiviit inj; si-ri.ils -v-r iiiblshi'd. entitled THE GREAT 8E1BURV C1SS; on, licauliinl Lcosiorc. IiV AI.KX MCi: It.iItliUTsOY. l. !., will appear in that well-Known s;.iry i sjier Tilh- fun i.o I.uooku. This romaui-e. trotii the pen ef one of tin in st prdl!Ii writer of ii.odctu tic: bit. t. ill i-rral" a furrr li is ma.'estii i.-i Us plot. Its in;d-tit- arti r.iii.l. it. minor tic ails ar- :ratsl U!i a r.:re an I Ini'ti.e isor th.it wilt at iijiec iMah!i-li it-, brilliant cliaracter. In tin-. ch:ii!o!ii'4 story of life. love and iniii;i'.e Hit- i.i-ioinr I. l.r:tecti I N;tt:t!ttit. and Iii-r ailvi-i-tar.--. and :ut.f irtnni-'. will ntlirall ee.-y reader, iiml ai-.aI.eM a ym-p:-!iii-iii inte.-e t. ithi'c tl.e n.arvt loin tiet tmr! -if pint and counterplot on which, the -.erial i- bai-ed is drawn to its niiigiilticetit i-i-ii-lu-.i.iii. Many sitoh stories have been at tempt ed.but tw deal with their theme with a more dra matic pen. with hiirluT realist Si fervor, or strotier colors nf iiest-ripti 'ii and contra:!. Tin- keenest in-d'Si: Into human iiiiture l ciu'ii. and theie I- not imn dull Ihm from tiie i-,i'iiiii chapters ti Ihe closh. scene In this eb 'jt.. n: narrali-Je of wontan's love, man's i!ev..iii.i. and the terrible plots of in. nvnar. -c:i in rs. Tun I. hit..::'" pre !e-t .a trraml rc-vption for this it..;st rpieee of l.cfi 'it. and an iiileief in t'.e fiirli:ii'-s of i'outitiful l.n :i ir tjiat .II in !'-.ir s!iN rare !:erln to every hear. The -lory of lov.-il lie is s-.-.eetly t.M. and the line .-Mil "n treatment, tl.e originality of c.n.i-"p: ion. the ahs.u-hin? p.mer oT in tit. n dihnea-ed in every sc.-ne warrant lis m aniioiiiii-iiii; The Great Seaburt Case-- as the story of the year, and one thu mei .ory of wbi.-! will ! n. r-i.iiiiu with tin'"." ferten.ite m n-li lo perilsu lt- eii tiuncin cbai.il r- Tkb Great Ssabury Casji will be iiublbli -i I i n!y In Tin: .tic.w;o I.: i.:;:i:. Ilenieinber that, while It Is The i-iiiif attraction ' the ue-I. it i- only one of the !.ia!y that havu icd lh' publishers to i lalm for this popular paper ihtr title of !!( i n'y story paper In America. Uher -r!aN. tr in its .i.ii . siil.senhe now. Ite-iin Tt:r: I.KiKtmt with a Vsil.ns sl-.ry. vlib-li is o be followed hy itSu rs eo-.ially rntranclir'. The che;itfsr. tl.e iM-st. the only -iory paper hi America of its ela-s. Tut: l!!!!;.!!! I.rix-nit wlllbeseni to any address. po-.:j ..hi. f.-r onejear for cl.'.u. A samplo copy containinjr tlis open intr eitapters of tills Interesting1 story will bo nont riiEB to till perrons v.-uo sontl U3 their nemo und nildross upon ii postal c-ird. TI1K CHICAGO L.EDOEI. Chioajfo. 1IL h. vv UOjJ, siqux cinr, swa. jSi i:i.'t:i- i.iis.iiiHt" tn y.fi'.u-.tf "r 5 -J -a u- it t" e ii i.ii' prtnite vrnrJl' y-''J&& C l "i ' - tT" vn.l .i-u- York I-N-:'3i?--l kt:iblib.l in Siiout 'ilv Mini '?t'.?vSi J War. i r M tremtnue'l l'rii.'iti. psSj;. 2.l'rio-i. Clironl.-ami SpeeJl tiiVj v'I4BiC lNf.isi;., S ! nil a t r r liu-if. "si. mil l enknesn oi-? hr Iliipoteilr-y ,..;...y r.r,ide.l -.".-rt:--" fnir. Yernn " I,!i. A a -in.! irj,"Ti' Prr ore trijis.rtnnt. .-o la ., . -is; Ai li nr i'i". Irom mirci I'stu-nfH n a .i,Jlasre treatut I.y e-all mil i::r Inlirnssrr in tl: IVni lii-iniii I an ".i ! f.ilrr-.te.. fncllin.-s to mwl urn i-m" AOtii'l Hi tt." a.lil '' rare ... ikili !"f t" '' ''Tint I'rrtmtinr'j ttnil Cttflrrmntt ..n.j in. ,.,,... fr i,lUMr.a..i isimik ami rni:ii;AS. '---- - H ...... .. J. -.' n. . i.iioii ir:p! . I'.-ff" sr"v.s.i.-' s . i ;''.'. Hit svr - , siV ''"-J !. .. TrS,iOfl V. rV''" ', .,.f r-VL wr-sln: S-ks L-h:s 'iiii.V-t'rr.a.I arc h'if&yA l"i ....... V".'.... ". . U )' 11 ESV1 ,. ;," ..", '-., tl.',"..,.,". Vi ?.";! i,.".,r.-i ,rp.t lnca: t.r Z.'Manil i-m. rfra Jt'Vi; i 1 rt'c'i! !' ivn.i'.rtii t"! -ntjrelr t.n n.:i:l. lty t.oitu!;t Mrel, can fully iiii-jiito.: fcrt.fi:!; i ar.ah j.aml nt r. tli-y sraunriTilut fer III. i-Ii, .!iirn!ii;iir!iiin:itruriir.. i.'nnoiciii:r eiri iit c.:ai tnnl'riibtc CTft-ircn Imlt ntl'inn TTh!-J tr"jfwn r":n wr iiici-iiiiii.-t mucio ca". uru noi t.rs'o!. V-1 Tfi!Tfr3 ari-sll stiinjvil Kjwjn tli""r.r rfsw. i5niUB:!W..vl!ni ild iIA- f Vrr.! ir. 1 t'l- (jr.reri"i.il :-rf., :n -. ry t tal , I-i- .'-.e'.n liaviier iho Ki"" l:r.i Jrtir'o. a-i I if iti ialr wnant ruvi ly yr.- as rn!r a r.t toail'rm ly-ln-r 1.111 r--iTi "timj. an 1 rir''il attn,in. I'rsrrii-tiTO vtKl-knii. 1 1 jirnxfcf nethil n:i - i---- SJili il & ESS0 . t"iI-.onth'.rin.r arle:3nH. M'.w. ORCAN3! hkn l-iar'5. .rnmr.S.l it j.lia 0 ZiU . ' ...... i, .... . . ..rl..rL . J..J I Lit. S',1U- fi.r. .... --. . . . ".....j'" VH.O. -.T. l.;M: Tja-rilti iripal ris.-rn : r :: l-cn-. os i.'u3".."- ' D F N ? ! n P 6 ?s? t, v 38H& j 8 t.03. j. li.cit.vi.i.r ,. 1 1: .. s. .. I E N S 1 0 K S hPfJ-y : v '! SOLI.KS i- AttV-. V.i.iii..t.ii. 1-...". inKUI'.N i- .uOXhV. Wall in I C- t. -r w !-. . ... .... . . . . e A-r.r t z -.--.- vi Jj; A1 l.: iT rrf"i" l IK 1! if.. IO e,:r- n:-Tnlv -f I" - t.-, patents' mvf T," "ir. iL-t'-E i;:t '::t - stX." tn A t . I, .1 .-.-- ., ....-.. '.'tS-Kl. .f .... ... I. .., .. .. . ... L. li. t; J, a t'vi 5-. iicrold-id-iii'. S ( ?T U. ,u.. -1O-M0 ii. .-:., tfc..-, ij -.n tl . i , : '. i .i . krB-Jv!IV(J'J f"-l'tf.i i-ndcr SlTiV .nir SoMi'r W " ?-. I'arn. .ti if.- Iii.snt np. rIirationan'l ir.!-r-ni n ;;:-! O'rrrrt!, I'nii. i A lYri!ii!;':li". S. . t '