w hi iiiiTKin 'ii 1 1 iiiii n nnr"n-T-r family : j;.u:::;al A W&okly Kc'.rsr- t Lz::sl ever;. Wtft&c-av. 32 Columns of wif.Ir: ra".r. con sisting of Xf'rr.A.i.. ii.s ? c;vs Items, Sel?t-. (I S.oiics and Miscellany. t-Cs?Js copies scat free to say cutlreE..'"tti Subrcrir-iion price, JT1.L C3 Ii.K.ltr.:rniC3, 1 VLi.'e Co., J.Vbt I a. DUSSELL, i rrrra IS C') .-1 ,-1 -L-.- f i 5- ! . rsr j i ft -1- o "73 - t i Li . J c J til r-.l ;? puurs r.cr'.rr.r.D o;; siiolt Olive Sf.t n :;.-' c Pc' .".Tec. l 1 " ' C,T ' 1 -7 f M J..UI I -1 UJLUji.il'ill, All kiinls of Ip.inii; tlono oiii .S'.iori Notice. Iu;-jrU. f. 1 - cub. olc, inr.lc to viv, sinil all work Guar anteed. Is AlFO SSH thewerll-f-.rS Tr.'! A.1 - Woorl fti"'v:3. it """j i.:-; ed Hiiiiiiafs, i..i' t.xs, tint! b2li"-L.d'- o lie l.et lziz. t25"Shop opposite l1-1 " ' '" Uilvo M.. col.'. M'- JlililGiOiiS A fir- ?yt w Ck.iU many a n -w bu-incss. JI!:ii'cs in:"'- r:i jltvivcs n:.. a ! K&rct:cs v.: ::: .1 ! Save? r.':!.v :: ! rrcsrvc5 1 . i. .: ' hi cures sut'o-vj i.. old I- '1 '0. . 1 . u -j, Jndi. ton-., lm ...i.j.k. I... luclu.lt THE JOURNAL l-4 v..!.. 1 e ' 1 ' ltv f ...' .. t. I u ii h !.:' 1 1 ; 1 1 1 i iwrt I V 1 I . . t - ' man ii,t..,tit. :"i 1 1 j.nhli-' ! 1 1 1 t.i ' 1 IW l!'i - '- imm! i':!C-V. i.x Ta i M 5li Hi A r U ' ii' I JjiltJlJ MiiufllLij! i CHEAP. ONLY J'I5. WoreD wir and V-., cut 'x Jlxs, s:llt ' rraa;t!inj;.f ' ?: ", r- '. u 1 x i fecrcean l-'i"i;!-d r-- u 1 1 en t in ih xr.ut. r. l, li"ri" -1 . 10 to ft( r.vls a e r. rod cm x . t iiround. T .0 i--.n x'..- Ii-. - . . t Hiimsfinle'" if'i...r .; - u - - rafo i!-xt :i. y .e'. -, ; ."! ; ,1 -v .' Tte cr. I i" sr 1 x f ' ' KNin intheci' on It ' . - ' . 4. lianlwo '-..,. V 1 ' -, x..- . or contract to pat uj ft liaajif 1. ' ltCult. ii cftbes. hi rt: vraa.-to -, i-.; ; fornsCf .. L--r-uve:o .jl .: tertisirsT. a . -. . nctU!i CTtr;- 1. tidorybytil '.. v ? njn .'-.' j ..AMf ..T Yf . . w t"" 2 on: .i r ' 1-1 j .... Ot'FIt IL Up 1. ."- . - : - .-'I I iJiir-c. becce . 1 i t ' s ' ' h-slinicsuvS-' il .'"s x. ' -. t.. 1 s -- r lrt.3S Wadunii c-. Sosiii-irl'.'.. r ,-r,nr ,t -.v. . '.- '.!. Wi ae". il 1 ' ' i.2Tp. U.rf. r-'lou ,- :' .Ul.-.J -1 t'V- ii .--. v vrcs to r..'. ".i r: ' -' u jolir . . , ' i O?;iosi:o P..:cat o .. . - - '. : ... ... 1 GOSH3IJ t"'5 j rT Js is 5 ss f I i '- -" A 5 5irS ' : 1 1 1 .., . . . - Ji-j.; 1, f 1 " ..- " iC tj..--- - - .' rSi tf to.-; i c : - . " Wr-i .!x ;. ,;-" " -" -e l l ,:e :r ,:t'- 'j'-... t-rs i.i".w a:.vnrs l.i.'. but I m,-.. fMb.loU,. Ntar'; i.uw n-iat-acuc. Ni w si'AiTi; a: : ".: .- . . . . ; . tv -, pr. )..t is nwr. iuc" ed some'' e '"-o h':.'. :U.:!. 1 eaau o thev ate i ..1 an ax. tage uiu l ?1-M0, have been .-n.r9-t.lVa .m... 1- . ,,... ei. .,U .:il.c.t ...Me'va-Wtcd. vit.l tl.i- year, and ccnt.a.-u .,o ln T A mTp-TVTrpOl. I.ryi:,cJtlVl4.rtrL.t-: T,, p, io-t way U ifrH, iuk-; I X. J. -ill -is- -i- Dr!l' "'"..t 5 1 sMp o: thccr , trouoe. 1- to lev to bguton thoe of j a.-,- .uitrlotlcally jubilant .,,Tr,.,.i .. ,,. ... o. n' ;-': -:-,r test s.I.ca.1 H him '..' ' ''Jer 1 "-"'' , , , , ... ', t,....r the pi-o-ptcn. of sccnuou .!. iniahu r35.:-. .'.... '! . . ' TiiJ'ncu whocor-.o-. iho dewl will l..... ,?....' ,, ,. a.mr.-m 10 ail U.ut CIU L.-...1" -X . . . . .. 1 fg-Ji (fP h-v- ': i f huicil u-:ro..k. . v.l.eo o. ce the eonceraiiift hi .5. ."tL ' w "'rr-1 ' ' "S ld i '8 : l t"'--J -.'' o've a Whhn we ;' t lewen it v. ill siir- M(V)KJ TAscn.sl.sn.t--. j . ., ai.or ,i,,;iVt.:le hi.wcttt ri-e, to f. . : S. w small the world Hf i. n.7rf imiTV-, ! -lice -, fc t iLencc'dc -xe f tki-ii-hery ! frs ;n the y: SSi: . n r.fT-ii. ";"' ';i, fV' r't '"" I e-'-"c- 2 ctcw e r snc.eeilieg tuo cny thing you !iae d no that Till uiftks 1 i'iv-.x! iVwi'M'Aj-'-c'.'n'''. J-'-' Lf 193 rs2.a ed sonvwui; asi?2.eat to a voit glad vos hate .i id? iUr-y'iyj t-.' ,sUr i;. u., fs ';. -'.S TlPir: (V TilF TI.,Fs ! I 01 11 Or l"L- II.'lL5. ... A CHOICE SELECTION Uh IN- , TERESTINC ITEMS. ; Comments ais.l t-'utnl-ius l!ael ri(. .i. i .v ii..i.,ii.ti l'i.- ir.l:.:-:i.:i-. " il.e IM-ll.st...ial ,..i sen, Notes. (.ii:.-i U. L-i i.lmw, the millionaire a'aet-car sn-ir.ufac'.uur. is said to v.oik j tea hours tnch dav looking afier his ! Bu'iirjoa."" busii.es. iilesests. Ti!L mo I iaajri.:ticont charily fund ' er c- .otn'- i.I i" tho world".- history !l e Ji.b.i.-iovn rehef fund, which was :t e ,i.i;.i.im.u mix-. -, axcn:o.l to W.11C801. Uerfdc this I ti:c:e e c cr-at quantities of the ceces- j ai d-S w iJlO. M 1 etwee . - r.ir result ofaonairel I etwee i n th" Cki-wi IvLi-er and 1'iince Ui-- -I . ...::i !..! m C-i i. Ii.i'.u tiiore :i j'l c-cii'j 1 lib 1 cd ih.it portion of the Emj eror , i.tWick diftiyMlucL give a in-t j i.i ue lcc'jru of the la'c J r.i..i o:cis jnco'di-ig-s and oi m- :. frm Ho li'e uf hi- i .- r :':' hi dep u tuie from San j . o.i .:. jj -i J to tha throne. j . 7.- "..-ii -ui t". '-fSon.h America, a j t c a'. V a t t io ig, oi - -- .i .. i i.U, is 1 oing n.Jp- ; a t e o 1 1 f..t d into tins . y. I'. : f n- d i i lnimeacc niim- , il.e . a:.t...s..i ho Argentine 1-e-1 - . . w. . e el, C K ...t' tor lo.ir-i hcen u eel i : The meat is J esp t'.d lo Hdn.we and J - ?i' c li i ( del or. of Sod I tO'l". i -i th. bwic. ', ... ul-, vho died alJo-lincf J ....7 .! i,;i:isiML-0'i in IMM , ; ,.-(.l i;.i ui cTiijaign oflSl2, were' I .r . I i r.i a i '. 'Ji.o a few days ao. ! J " o '.: e- wo o !!rt buried they wen-1 j ... , .1 ii: oi u !.i-o Krave. Some yours i . v Pnsa anted the spr.ee for a i !...' r.- - si .1 the remains were re- a l. ore convenient place. i '.. . .i iO ( t -Mriow ba tacks is to be ; - . I bait ah their feco:.(Ire-lingp.ace I .:... rp.ii, they have had tS -. I .. . . .. i A at. ) " 2,c i.r. T J. J'.-'dhii h-is ade.iuato'.y an- - Aiicd 1 i-hoy 1 'i'ei's assertion that II" a.d '.d I.cturcrsof thedaxs e.e wo:t ;ian's on the platform " 1,,. ' i ' f. ... iv ' v liii'io is but or.i' name ! Locket ! humor ms" namely, that of Ilr. jiaid '.'t1 i.:: '"!:" "and that one 1. ,e t tr ftinix, either," is the medtst d'.'hi.d i-i.anip.l Alice Ue ig:a 1 . t .r 1 .- .. ky iu .tinotor 01 me imu-ii . - lnlt ,.,. ,hen m ;.,..,. ,., them-elvc- and their ulatL.n- a mile north of Nebraska my. was si . .V I - i o-o-s count r riding. ! ' " '.." " ' ' . . .. totl.c other state-of the union are prepared ' de.-troved lit lire. Lo-s. ..OOO; in.ur- -. 'ihn,- .en 00 mote wild ami he i.auiiori cuu .m i..n ' , . , j for-tateh-K, I or not. Th- re-dution al-o a nee, SI. 001 .. The lire caught In.m a ''.' j,1 i' the world than i hae mt,n a I urouna ,lu" !o'1 '7' vli:C ! ' authonzes the -ub-commiuoe upon it nip , detective Hue. ' V "" ' 'I .- . ... n .'giaduadv moved ti'-v.ar.l. Tho 1 ain j t,,i.it siu-h loraliiie- in the t ni'otyof j m Ci,kmk:.-t has been appointed i 1 ! 1 j'.... n.i.e- f .ew inn;. '"' "kitted tt his "do. and he has htttcrh I uh as they may d.-em proper and there ' n.au'iger or the Fanner-" allmnce ele- i.. . : c mo out f' r the honor- wnen- ' -tinei' r in i 1 the I''and ivprt te-umony upon t.i" que ator at Khnwood. ;.t. t , curnb 1, th" saddle, ami, as J ' f' """'J1 ' '' & B -f- 1 ' ' tinil uf Ilie p.valeuce. .ecteiit or d cadem-e TIC I)udv Countv .Sunday bchool as- ,- 1., ...! i. ,-.n o.-tl. i somoiinf the :tI-dome:i. N lu.c at m.. , of fh. dwnllw!i aiMl j.uictioi of ph.ml aud .s,.,,,- ....n iM1:,i :i conention at ;'"'''' ,,' , , '.,...,.. ,i a: lh. f'untirv he was doinjj some w.ik ,vje-ti-il mam:.!.-, a taught by th- heads Al!-ton September -t and Vi. V 1 .t may be cahed .h- . -ma a , owWltM !lis stoo;,ing con-; ..f the Mormon chuvcu. Tho co-Hue U r..- 1. 'el has ca ed a g.eat . lm, to lisake It8 re,vIt a, ,.,. .Md a ,,. tll.. olh,.r lls.y. ,lllt ullfortIIIl. ... . . ol enmont, b,U tlu. wildest riding - ; -e.ston 01 theprnt , tiieie i, di coui.ttil l' v.i.ie Horseman-1 ,, " , , , ,, i .,! ". ,, . , ., bumide b.-- re-', it wa- m picm ior 1 , 1 In- te-i u. the xicinity ,.f ', n nced'e, ai.d he had to -e'. ur, a.d, o, i 3lr. ftt.ai.oMowa. H to-.ay that be t,, nh, for W!1.. t,,. cm-rgid from filial i.i- an J InvoLoieiMonliedi-coveicdtheblaeKonedl tl.uht congios.- would adij : 1 lietvpon .,,, , m,. . ... .,.,,, i.....,..;,..! stmir on w -. .1 . . c.e t .c 1.- ... .... ,-..:; - j ru iSTxNU.v in -JXirkost Africa. J Kl, ...... 1 v a,- to tho en-i ...en, l,j ,. . . . mf , -, ,Mh,l to-.. ay some o tire mo, n 1- . r'T a -d v..tne:i in the c r.nti ., , ., . , -. r ,,, can tribes, and ha-, belter illustrated the ' '".ei'liL lecture 1 lat.onij. Jn the .. .... . e -i .....i 1. in. -1-"1- . rtnlci: wavsof dealing with the loyal family ec J 1 ..,,. t ,s.mii. ltn.iM-i the ohlesl in i l"'-" i . in those tribes lhan anv other eulorer. ... -r :..i -i?,a. Lgamht. succeeded o he '. j ...V W,, tlV.: foundation ivould ohstruct Tin: Iloo-ics of Kimball ami Ik.nnor T :i :-i is a fi.ii.iy lhiug iu Athens j proceedeu to put to oea'.i al. his brolli-1 ;, Ilir, .1(. 1(.w f Gen. Jack-on'- -tatuo counties are nntkinu' preparation-to hae Co. "who-p iead delights in lo; names 1 er'.s chi'die.i, and Aiwatiga oaly baie 1 ,,',., ,.,.- whito iioue :-nd 1'i.iii-j'vanla : srsand jiicnic in Ander-on'-gioe, -outii f'r the ohil'die . The Hist ehs.d is his own life by lligl.t l-m the cuintry, ' axe...... il.e commission in charge has been of JlarrNbur,?. in tl.o near future l.r.ne ouuiue i-oc .... . ..,,. , ,.1... 1 , iM.l,:IMi i,;,n urgently -dlclted to baie a new location ! Suu v. the f..r aw:' northwe.-tein ...MedMa.y Ma-.- ma. dandy Mectum leaung all I... chil ..e . hehim. 1 mi - ThNo ,., a ,llW on ,Le ' ,.olIIltv in x,bra-ka. ha aaranged to ! T !,.!.. h Ue'. -v 1'oKv Afack Uanv 1, V. he 1 his o..lr orothe' , Ivarema. had .. . , 0,s I)ro1,iini for the i.-moval of ........ , buiiilinir of nr.tiAo nine 011 the iiimiiiTi. ..I i'(. '...:. irjir- . ..... . ............ Auu i'j't-ra "aire: i; the third chLd i-1 drp-i. ho imd the pit i-i'imie 10 to i":.ii'rlMf. ue rian'O.s Aura Trauna J killed himself, aud who 1 3Iranga e i"ai p t"; i'e ft.:t 1 tlii.l i named i turned to occupy the tin one, which had 1 ',,, ;.,.- e. Ler lin-5i-r JJarrelt ; . t . . . , c .. d 1- a . ed 'i : a C ry Los c h -Li i e"t f.itio I.-iduler :..v ii . ii J Ha- e. : ii o -is h chi d i- named Mon ti, e C; :eu Uir.e't; and the .-evo'Jth cu: I i name J J-Ll.'S U xai-t al i.denay 1 Vi t.i.i U'ltiet' 1 " ; i A z .T.:..r. n n u.l ma .'ge ceremony 1 v.r. cr '.: el in biia-'Ieih, ?..'e., the i . t -V- ii au" iu.tr i C oi)'iiai- A tnuV. Air- f u --1"- i'a-.iei 1.. Shaca.'ey wc.c mtr.ici thiricei years . 1 . . . .. .rm. it . .-il.1i;ir the v -, a: u ' " ....v-i - --- ?- 'rc-r mil V...O U. I c.l tht,..i died. t t .'. T.. -.I,, ,' '.'n lint ln.!l"l!!V i.e'i'i ..i. ' i ...iil-J'e ceilitica'e, became uuea-;.. 1..- ! -titu'.ed : .pi 10 and f-.ttsd that 1.0 '. T'.i leC'id ei-ted. So bho ue-..i-:: 1 id l haws I he ceremony 1 er- ., i a 0 v nd piopcrly loeoided, ., d thi- v." t- U - e. The wedding wu i 1 :: e p'.c.-o'icc ot iuitcd guests 1 1 1 o.i a tk-x? c d e was omitted. itlU I : S;ruforopol. Kussia, recently, oe- ra.. .1 ni' !ei'.hof a Oiecian woman altaiacd the age of 11-. t;' o was worLiug ;u :. :. last moment. lier gaiden Tired o f woi'i. he lad herself down to i--t and 111 --en a.'av wiiuoui -"o jca-i uugg 'j. Li r ' wtir,n vith ihu J',cMw,t th0 5 - "A of oae-a ; ;rt. that ll.0n. ,n:e t.an;- oe'UC'iaiia s hi ui" xvixoicr.. i 'j"l'irt .:u. ago there was in Kertcri an ; j. .-..... 1 ...1 -1. Mi r '..h- c d-iui a. fros-i thejaiyi .' .- .' ... .1 ,'fnin tii tinip .'I" Knthe.i. e I A ,. . ij ... ... .-. 'if n .1 x 1 o nuthe itieu'oa - dr:.- , J... - ....-- 1 uce .it J-"; vears, 1 - x-f.ir.s. ai.12.tuf. ..;.. nstf the iieniesu'.a r.io j -10-, jari ei ai.il t;icok-. . U .a"'Ug t lii l J ate - oi the . l ..''-I pi tj.fi. lVgioil. a ; d Samau'.sn on a .1 ;-vx.il H iia-iger tsitsoi.ipr .. .. ., i-'. 1, y.c. St.nrti'il : 1 I ' : -i.s r.ri.ey : cir a . d eat the.e v.a, . , . a . .ce .1 I'lan.i'ti lour :ioi. 1.1 11 .j.a .wi. hiabei. Ibd si,- .... . :. .'.:al.li t.'.-, 1 a c .. . a fPlrfc-b'-' .X:ao'it.p.l'Keor2!Ct- .. t. , . .,, r - f,,tn . 1 :i-greatest ms-to.'tn'c ti:-.t c.i'i nay - n tae .x 11. ,..1: a a e t lo anr c0;.i i to mi-ui'dcrat.'.-H1. iis e 1 .1 J 1PW :.-.-!.' -':- I !aJ.0 " - u jijt : a . . ' . rr. -. 11 . e JUl tl-0 .in.-..- . . , t . .'..;. and lau'a ip -" hj' ,... o.tiiie tuts I1.0I iaV.Lr p.it a j -- '-' -r..5 rxTi.V..M.?oi-. . . . ... ...v- .. . , . -- :.. , a-, i . o e-.i..g an 1 Krntn.wn His - c-o i.cioMi-.i- t::i' 'I t.ieic- vra jiv4-d wha-.i.g Uw:.?. ahe great industry's decay. Now, however. fheyseemto -e recovering their old-, i: H.s.. t..1 J j irkf imlilrol v flint uaiu uueiu, "4 - " "" - ! an inheritance of the same ento-'pnse which characterized them in the pa-t ( . x . wi 1 once more push them steadily fr- 1 r,,.,,,. ll,,. ud. New Bedford,, formeily the greatest xvisaiiug port on mo ""m coast, now boast a population of 11,- Oil, a gain of more than ."'J par cent. . I t-ince LSS'J, and Now London, the .cec-j ! or.il uort wi imiK rtaiice. na gametl omp jjO icr cent, or in ru in the san.e Umc , -r..T-.-i. r.f imnmnro vroforimns. fa on avera,.ef ucfc -oujr ouo hnarcd - rtrt. rt,, k Mii-U' nr.d of iiiOjC a-v ,.eii,h fn.m imager a id ciid. or i a-y i S!ic eVcn by w.)I on the frozen ..,,..,. n l.'.Ji .nrpi 11 .! in!iiOi of the :.; u a u.-. ......-. ... c u .My. All around the borders are placed, at InU-rva's, bti ions where are located a few offieers a'.d mute a nnm- her of .sfhiieis or Cossack?, who inter- cej.t r.'l ira-. e'er? and btop their jnogress if thoy cannot show a i as from the Ciovernor of some Drou-ic" or the Czar. In the inteiior there are also many of e j.tsitions, at ei".h of which the iaV(.-t.r li,,,, hi- jouniey bared unless ,e 1BH ,hc pro. er ,M.:wrt; so it U a t-uniciilt matter i ocape. but many r iQ rf ,. tbeir H;e. on ,!uJ f,.(ye:i ,a;iM (han ,j;ai. lht, i,:ira,liip- of the pri-o:i. There are three classes of nfl.nnw,. Top lowest are the roarer , j , j vo i,pen autcctetl in plots ' aaiast tho Car. Tl-. y -i e id tho most i of their live; in the mine-, which pro d",lce g'1' -JlVcr '' i'c-' " a 1 I.: li.uni, h i- ex tin. gituter p-rtion f .vh '""' . V. i:ui s 3ItCutTH, o: I'liiladelphia, w.i, the subject of a ecu'iar oj-eiaion a! the Pio-bylerian Ho.spital. A needle which protinded from his abdomen was removed by lr. V. Ii. CHlliard. The needle was much corroded and black- ened. 3i-C.itthy said he c uld not ev p!um how the nced'e got tiieie, but re- 1.V A 1.l 1 l.-.n..nr!.. ,.,oa.ivrea '.inn a-wuL iweuix -''-' I t.d up . a nmUe I.:... . i;',l!.- lml ras iio".-..r nso!) I'lOtt. i iiim miiiio, point of the need'e. Tho ea is one of the nio-t ecniiar that has como under 1 ttea'me'il at the ho-pital for many vear-. The tilling party can admit of 11.1 rivals, and whea he has gained tl.o throne hi- ot.lv secarity is m putli-ig all io,sibIc 1 rivais to death When the late King oi , . . . , . . r ir. i . r 1 1 l.i led them all. as wen :i' ins own cnu-j been hcUl 111 In-, ta-mly t r liireo cenui- .. .. ... V1QS he found hine-e'f to ue the only surviving member of the royal family of I ganda in existenco. This is a rem iniscence of the lieatnieat of royal fam i'ies iu earlier ages of the world, when the livals to the throne weic put ont of the wav hv destr.iig them. i : VVISE SAYINGS. !.-..! tJie I. . . ii'rr. J A Ml.r. man has a s;iiall ti u. Wo is us v.ith ' Id iu them aie nvot wa-tet V::i:m: i:r a toul i- lod (led is di: apnoiutcd. y(t ,n- en ,rot 1;c2l without Cod's fl0;ii:t. Nn inx, can helieie 1:1 a Ood he can not love. A ni'i Christian is always a useful Chiistiau. iiu; mjikeks and growlers have no lilt;-:;: ) iwer. Cwjj:-:.-"'si.vsr. and gcuuiue roiigion always harmonie. I M.Jrt you stand on iiui Jiand of (it d Mill ee. i't lift niuch. W.nPverio.iUyl:. a ti.i:,g uutn we can ted it to (.the... Tur. ni.vi v.h ii a' ways looking - for mii(ln".er ees the ,kv ..i...'. LascTorhailt a hon-o that f,v. ,'(K,.tH'.r,i ,, .. . , . .I'V " "Ce? l4!"lwo'"" a "-c"g wn! beare 1 gi.. i'sp. r -y. - JFJTV U. il a wjpB - U'VCcjFi1 IHUj- 5 Iot. j0CVLZVJ0r .i 1 s raineti I ixe U e n-ai who ..nr.i... 1!. . T. i.V, roeketb u-k. X. . .....'-- .., - T. -T.,1 i ' v,v" "" " ' '.''.. """ iv 1. 0.1 .vas n 't 11 d, 1'. "io w ui.l Le J na -a-.a l'i:iT a ..10 twi s loxe. i A -: I. t'l -". o;...-!ioil., but it t..Ko a ...... iu.111 to. l..sx..i tnc! ,. .-. , -T- Til., .lei it 1 :?. :u l.c'er hetpor ciu.-; aiico t'sa'i a la.iit-lbdi-ig piar. Ai-tfi: tiie v.s:;e went ;-t r .111 ue . .,..'- , ril'r;0 'ciVVC ,Ul!. Wis.o 1 ovor b e , ,, ., ... , j "McCattliv av. he did not oxrcrieULC .territory, and rt-ixrt wheth. rtlie tenitorlc. 1 ,l, '., .' Vt'!""t ! -AJ.:.a ehsiieh meraber.s ..'eir lor i 'F i:--! . t' lo l.?b tend tho dw o' i to li.o hc-M:i..-u i i--. ip-stf the v.i.t 01 ! ,.T . t .. Wraiea'l tho tjnte iaB -V- acter. whether we a;o d Mg frsvthr 3 j xh.. sron h..d Of.t mat I.c h-. to do it at his ov. . ex c c j s,. ,LL b n. Jia,Ci. w, lic i,..hin.t hi-. tejN 4 Midsti-u man ii a good j dia'. hkc-i.;!.-' U.'3W1'j il; CUl.a .,S at. io - . j 1 r 3 i II i. ( - ,. !..!.. . in 1.,, cnm..!n,lv 1 siavs 01 io.iiicue u. .y .cpi uuiwji.j ; o Kau-C;,r, ' :,'o o:T. cai e .jov peace and be in. (jJye.t...t KK l3 v.liaJ sp.c.v he God's will r,.,. .-,,,V,, .,; ,.(.Vor 5... xx 1 ... tui.arov 1. -......-.. . -; ":""' T?0" WASIIIINGTOX, AN INTERESTING NEWS SUM I Secretary Wlallio an I Reclprotlty-rato of -,.,. Bu,WlnB ,us-Ti.e ia.- MARY. rByette .Mnmnmv t -other intoicstinu xtcs and comments, v.asiiingto.n. .-. ji. J-uc.il correuoml- ,.ro. Congress has i cached the liesiuiilu .-me. mh,1u.vu..u .....,v ........ of the end. It i- a foie,-one conoluMon that tho Umui. c committee amendment as a M.I.- titutc for the Itlaine reciprocity piopo-I tion will lie adopted by the senate. The majority ot the way and mean- committee, ii'Cozii?Iii? this, have been cnii-ideiins the matter and have o far advanced tovraid an uiidei-tandin? that it i probable they will not 1m lonir in it-iu'hiii' an :icrociiicnt when '! watu-r ?ei, Into ronf.-rencc. Mr. Klaoio-- t.reat Stroke The popular faor with which Mr. Maine"- reciprocity -tipjre-tlcii wa- icccived h:e ct nipelied the leaders in both hoif-e-. to x it Id: but m o d.nnz they ate di-orudltins ilit )ilan a- much n- po title and hius It a- little -cope. While the committee amendment to Mr. HlalWe Ideas will be p-i td ly the -enatc. Iti tho hou-o, mem-Imi- who had to abindoii the idea of icad 1:1 Mr. lUaino frjtn the paity. will relievo llielr feelings l.y -lnrriiir at hi- plan and then adopt Intra little of It. llaviiii; de oidcd on thi- course, they aie counting on an atijournm. at bet v. i en th. -I-t and -.th of tin- month. Sjif-eiiy Di-jHi-al l'rohnblo. Tut tJiritf bill will probably be -mi to etitiietenct- cry -oon after it leaciies, the hoii-e. aud thi'i-c the members ahead hav Iiijr had the ijuo-tloti-. that will arNe under t'ulr iiidividtiul con-itU ration, the iiiattef promi-e- to he -peodily dispo-ed of. C'liinint iMlahlu rasition. Af a nieetiiiir of thi' liouc committee oil territorit-Monday the -ubject of the cou--ideraiion of the hill- for the admission ol" .cu Mexico and Arizona into the Tniou bo iir under dl-eu ion, a preamble and ieso- liuioii in tojrntd to the matter was iiiianl- luou-ly adopted. The pi i aiuhle icciie-that there have hv n bills mtivducwl in tho hou-e and icfened to the territories com mitlee lookinsr to the future adiiii ion of the tcrritoiie- of New Mexico and Aiioua a -tale-, and that meat con train ty of opinion exists a- to the wi-doin and propriety of their inline- j diateadmi-ioi. to tlie union. The le-olu- , tiou uuthoiii s the (.jiiimittee on teirilonei .,...?.. r- h.wiii.iltnAo' LiO'ntl ilalT1kt. I - - -;"" " "" "' "' '' ' ' "" ; j . . . .... .. . .-.al. anl 1..01 u coi.diiioii evi-uiir; 111 n.- 1 the 'i.st and tl.O '-'5th A V p:i.- vz. . I'aithe Kioi'i- - t;.S!-. A siuuiborof niesi! -. -f the hauss Isitor- tstrd in toe piiili. ha:! 1 -g bills, which ' hae . far fuiii-d 'i.e. cie final con-idera- :!on In ii.c h esse, lia hiUhI in .1 foimal i.tuert 10 the coiainitteo on inlcs tliat by im ..u- f a -pveial ordur stifileieiit time be ..''..itI tn iiiiul'tvo on public build- In,- an 1 'r muds to di-pose of some of tho Lain, impoitant 1... :.s-iic-. 1 Tl. I...U ...... Mom.,,,0,. . The Lafayette monument, winch arrived in this ,.t Horn 1 .an. o -ome ten d-ii ago. i--till homeii-s.-o far as the site for us n..rn.,,... 'oc.tiou Ucncetued. A fonn- , ,,.,,, In i.af:iy,ut0 p.,ik. co-tli.B tl.o gov- ,.,,. at nea.ly ww. i- all ready for it- 1..,. .. tl.rt ..tv. II..M Of lll III. Hill- . . . ,il. ivace monument rtom iiit we-i enuanco lo tin Capitol Siouuii- may otien a waj ei ui,lts Iloin Ill.U couiiiy. a mo-t eoii-picuous and ..mmai.dlng -ite j-. d. Jn.i.s. of "Ve-t. rville. ami .lohn forth- statue of that noble pat 1 lot. ha- jj,, of .Ma-on City, omrased in an lajetic i .tjtofeatioii, during which .Mill-, in -ome r.a...os.,i,lxvo Wheels ' a V not explained, ot his I.hs broken Thecapit.lr,tyhas lolly and sii.-ce-- , ju;t ;i!n,. ,hf. ailI;I,.. fullv inauirurated and placed tiliove ab-o- ,.,.,-. f lute" lepioacb or censu.e the fu-cinutiu ' A .m i- meeimg was hold in .rant for ...l.tlwhoieme extic.-c 01 bi-cle ridl...- th- puipo-e of dl-.-HII.JJ in.S.ltlOI. II. bv the ladies, and at any hour of the daj. I'.-rkm county. .Mr an Auke,,. the ai.d.-peciallvin the oienit.jr. h.n.died- of enLMI.eer in charge of the work. Wll-the-e twe-wh.thd xehicieb e-u. t.eer. ' pn-ent and addlc-ed the p-ople. 1 ,e glidm.'-uiftly alon-thes.mK.lhcoucieteof plan pipo-ed 1- Jo irinrate the entlte the 1.. .in thon.ivhf ue-. propelled bj the county. clue ladies of the city. A v I'lkhoiu railroad hrakeman naiia-d A -.ticc..l.leJmir.xei.ieiit. lieoiiie l)-teiib.Ttf wa- 1'UII over bva The -sinit.iiv condition and appea.ai.ee frci-l.l train at Sciibner. The .npiii.. or ihe hou-e co.iid...-, since peak.r I.Ned and . .-n cat's pa.-.il o.-i him. literally cau-tMl a laid upon the pie xenders and no- cttttiiifi him to pie. e-, while portions of lion women is .piiti not ic able and favor- ably co.iimcnted upon Now. if -piohibi- tlon" f lii.ioi's in Ilic c.ipitol lestaiirants ; I v Webster county, near ( OW les. there was a- i-'i.H't.ii.lly a .-.I've n psalm of is a farmer who ha-crown rich this tear juaisc ami thank-fiix ii-s would tn i.p ftom ' rai-ing onion-. lie dainined up Iho a prat, ful ptople. and the dl-Ji.oeful er ek and imitated ieu acre of thi- fr.i--cenes icceiiily in the hou-e would never ' "taut lruit. and a- a 10-ult lia- "J. 000 ae.in luiiivr hiu-hos of shame to tio pin- , bushel-. They are -oiling in the market xi"-isid cluck of an American slat. -man. at -I.'.T. per bu-ln-l. lie will tune a net Want itaiiii Tram.it. ' profit of -'.0J0 for his -ninmer's Wolu. Ti.ocity street car .oriior.ition-haxo been j j Mdl roiiv. in Cl.ae coiiutv. iiutiti.il by di-trici authority that :.fttr -i- ' m:,j,.x the follow itiir crop report, whi -h nienth-from -Vptt ml.T 1 tl..-u-e of hor-e vjU sl,ow thai he is not onlireh doti-jkkii-i" in. i-t trlxe way to -onus other and ,t,. ()f a . sop: Jle has threshed l.ooo !...! ii.ipiotti plan of locomotion. Tho ,UsKd- of 1 heal. 2'iO bushel- of rye, ami adoption of the ei.ble -j-tem i-contern- ujH i,ave at the le.l-t calculation .1.000 plaud hx tho V'.!-hlui.m and (ic.inretown i,?,., (1f coni. Not -o bad for an o!T 1 in . and electric power b;. other lliu. The j.artll t'ha-e county. I and xeneral.le- II-..'!-" w.Il lumber ' .,...,....-.. ,:.,. A,t.iril0V Kller f r u. T' i "ulnXZ j . ( M . t.,, Ii:jit ,, Ui, , r;Tt: .., tluHKJ : . m ,, u. ,. ., uuiitni I KamtMuno v. eti.iii.;r s're.eui. . If lh't s.- ..iam. " ..ue.. ..f tl.e n,s Mes Ifll-tuci. is ho,,,.- l.v .-p.!r.l iimihsloii 10 I at., ed the iu:uin.-e ciMMiiouvof hi-ilaugn- u-r La(Ul v , 8, ., LV, Ilt vx ill t.kc place on ,,, 4-., ii,-t. a- a u. of iev.ir.1 for the v.'anlh fri ndhir, of the father ami unl- "ci-il u-iast for lu-r.tvoii.pH-lH d da.vh- u. u, '. v..i dclecatio.i mausl l-i the pnr- : - f auv.' -rid Kaui.iu.ij ciwmm .. .et. nnd fo. ..! J,tw'ti -i:;p' io , 1,11 , t.ni.e rruie. Tn - ua. ... t... j ( iif a.(l drt(c wctt. tl., lWHl ,,, a tbj s.,bcr. ! null.. I 001 at n x. -,...; , J hi r.-yiag ef- , 1I.' COoi f;iimi 1. - .... fr..: axi .. yai.y x... ...:.r.i- n.iMC- i. c .i'.:i. ." it t ' ns u ho had ... ,,-.. in.,..r ii 10.- -min-r 1v : j. it im" t i. ui. 'rin fit'ci cu 10 &e ii.-ot-i- ' ... 1 ..... ......i.' si...... inniri- ....1 ';. ktn- h.:..e-a. fr-.: up and bright- 1 ,l"" f -' " '''"'J ' U a"i 4'!Jl" ' ! .:.si f. i.'a...' uimi-.r. aud 1L0 mercury aT- - .4.k h ... is -nu .eiuw ...c-j . - Vreui i.iorarj. The vork on the public library building ,. X;.J ftllJy Wl.n.aRd when fini-hed ' . .,. -.ction of the hind : j.ithe'voiid ud c'.nt..m mt, ..o.t h.cx- I Jiai..l rjectiont.f publications extant. ' T junaiiuK i:o...n. j Th, UuHdiuffltooni in WaslitoSlon seems 1 x,,ijton National ecaeteiy 1 tho pitipep j lUl j,,ace for ti.u sreat general. J j,,.,,, l Ul, i- -,es In Xcv -juih x.-.,ie3 hax-e formed an &-clf.t;.jr to flshi, labor union-. Tit second w iscon-iii .n-inti. ut-iuuin JrUsional convention has uaanirnot .ejominated Co..ie-Kaa Larivis. Thk Danube. Iud, Adda and upper ul 7m: second Wisconsin dl-trlct democratic unousiy jino rivors are ll-ms rapidly aud lar?je scctloni; of land have been flooded. Several person- hax-e boon drowned at tue toivji of ixlosterneubinv. Austria. The Pennsyixaiila G. A. It. has adopted a. resolution fax-oring the tran-fer of the re-, main- of Gen. Grant from New York to .-. liUJton, provided that this removal meet;; nliii the wishe.of Mr- Grant. COLUMN. ftaiubliu.'; Hole; i-i Oawli i Tlo Kejjular Ony for Suit Me :.i Syiaciise Maws in l'nrasroil:. ' Since the i.t hi on eniuhlinfr dens hi ( Oinaha was made eu da apo the gam- i bier have oven raMi'-r quiet. A new place was oj-ciuh! uct the Turf Ex- j ehamje on l)'":!as stict. and though: carefully run. xx as injo.x inij line patron- j 111 t ' I .. I . . .1. I. .t..-. I age. Hie iHiurc tit ciur.i in cuccu ue alTair. and t'apt. .Mosiwi. with a -quail 0niT-. oWuulrd um.n tlu place. J,1 ..!inonnded and .-apl. cut )1T .phii thivt .. ,iiais (,f 1)rkUi;s playei. and a man more load-of toot were cuthcii'd in and tal.en to the na tion. Arrangeniejtts for giving hail were made and several of the arre-ted catu bler were lelea-ed. Aiuonir tho-e taken in weie. ;t uiiiuher tf will-known athlete-who u re in the city. The affair created ron.-iderable excitement. It was a skillfull planned and eectited raid. . . Teinpimtril Iii-ani. .Mr-. Ilenn Kramer, ag.d .V5.iesi.ling two miles northw.-t of S.iracusc -ui-cided hy lakinir -inchnine. She took the poi-ou at '.' a. in. aud died at ten. A ph-ician was called, but too late. The coroner wa- summoned, called a jury and nave a verdict of death hy poisoning administered by her own hand while l.ihurln under temporal-.." aberration of the mind. This i- the lourth ca-' of -nicide in Mnuiise in one year: and each one occurred on Wedncs de. Niihr.i-loi Citle-. Tin' ctii-u- buieau at Wa-himiton has announced the population of the follow ing place- in Nebraska: 1 Sea trice. 13, 1,,1, hicrea-i.'. 11.171: Lincoln. 3.".. 111. in-eiea-e- -IMS: Xeb'.a-ka City. 1 1.472, increase. 7.'Jt0: Omalia. l.'lP.aStJ. increa-e. 100.00: ilatttnoinii, a,-50:i. inciease, l ""N A fceero AVoinoI. I'ranlc Itobert-. an Omalia hoy of 1 oar.. wa- bitten hy a do;; owned hy .Mr. Kae. The policeman on the heat shot at the do twice, but the bullets passed itini ami lie e-cap-d. The boy' wound IS -eeie. Men in "."elira-I.a. Verne ('as-, a 17-year-old Aurora hoy i- mi-sing. 'l't, .. ,.ii..ii... ,l? ...ftl. cr.i.i..t.k vt.v.1lltc ...'- ,.,.,,, j,, ,. (av IlWllllj at Uatth x .. .. i ..ii.i .. tJ ...... -..w..'. ......j v. Creek-. Tm: IIUW n-banel tl.uirniK mill at veid.s. Tin: lesitienceof k-aiior Alogis, a'oiu lil(. OMd of ,ljs J(iM u j,I(. yh. C;l,. ji:vii a ,jllZ(.n on different pasta of h'-r pei-011. (5nr.r.i.i: Ci:ntki: wants a system or water work-. Til r contract for a new school build- ing at llrad.-liaw lias been let for .-.',. "00. lvlIAKXl.V lias otetl bonds ill the .imt. of '"..oi)0 for the erection of a j,,, .,.;, ,,.,,! two ward School. v irK-AIIj, hil, j,,.,.,, offered for the.ir- uf AIji(i iIoiv isnd Jo!ui ,.owt of .j,,..,,, n,v, whll .kil,I(.(l ,w villi a tun nri . h llllr,agl.,,. 'I in: annual -tato .iiv.'iiti..ii of the Nebraska hristian Ia.de:tor-ocety will '.',.' -? "- ; ' -' ' O.li II........ .. .. .- r-' .. . ... . . - state fair kio.iii.1-. and (ill 11 Willi e- j HI- '' were .-in-w 11 aioira ine uac.v 10. a Ui-iance 01 minx j.nu-. ami Volicenian Twy. constitutim; the majority oi the sty government of I k.r- ence. have i- -isnod. The re.-ignatio:i aie ike :euh of public indignation at the itrautiu? ol -alcons permi-i.u to ran on .Sunday under protection of city odiensl-. ' TE Adam- countv honid of siip.'rvt- 1S ua-forni.tlly ace-tiled the m-w court- hoif al 11a-: oi, 's. Aijoirr fortv people loft Albion, -it Kriwanls and Co.! lr ilaplds by a special it: on ill" Union Pa- f fr she John j;,., .. j ,. ,; viv . ' "Madrid f al. lie' n.p- 1 -.-ptatr.e of ii'p "lou. U K. .S'uitii. a futner ni.i-iu of this r.uiuty. has , l.e-u workins 111 thocour.iy for about a monih. anu 1110 crow., .vuo ini i-mu re.ut 01 l.i- utoor-. i m-.. ij o .. m- ' oneiatixe chnie and the b isin'-s to be ?nifaeJ in !- the rai-in srapo culture. v ioisKix on tho Ctieiis' bank ouiiuu.h at ... c-,.,.- . ...... . . . ;. . n. i.... 1 cTiiii..i.i .... (. inn. ,M.un naji a,i run it esitlrolv tiiioogh ' 1" toot, making an uply aud dangoiou; wouvl. A i-if uwii.1) hiii .' Lew .Mitten, til ing near ilr'v.tr. feit on a board and 1 an a p!i'it-r in hl-ee. tie- iosi.ii f.f v.lii.-h will prohab'.x be tola! bliiidne . The !ate conxentiou of the W. ('. T. I' of Xehraska. will be held at Seward SepteuiOt 1 J k 'i i. -" and ;. Arrange nteni will 1.- made tor ti ontortain rient of tin' a.Viilelogatl-. Ml Flani c n. Wltlar-J will Ik pie-.-nt. lrs. II A !iu 1- cliainnan of the oiiU-rtainmont l OMlllitt' e. .loi'.x iJssiv, vvv. f L--.i-'-iU". while co'.iii'cd in a.i lnsafi. a-iiuin, (in d of cot.-i.inp'io:.. The in vi Meth.jlit Imrrl. at L.!aud. CO-t!Oi Cl ''.. JlSl- b ei. tl.iliejtod free of .! ht. The e.i.i..li.tl...n l.ad aiui.a.nceilihe as se ed x-aluoof i. real and ptrsoiml estat.j Ju New York state at S3.C-:s.C.'.a.O';.'. ftt.3t.H- F 'Villvbo has written a letter denying that the V. L. 7 V i- contemplat jtur an alliance witji ihcs.uliats.iu e unj Tur Liegan ami .-u-anville. Cal . -ta'.'e na-stoppe.1 by a lone hiphwny man . near Millford. snd WcU-, fatgoA-'o.VlHtaken. The x-a!ue is ui.kiioixii. 'fur. hole of the property and asset- ot the Union t'eny ompany, of llrooklyu hax-e been sold at aootK.n for &i.'.Vj,GuO. It Is -aid that II. IJ. HolllnsA Ca., and otheid were the purchLser. NEBRASKA IEDIiY'S 1.A3I12CT. Oh. dear I'm awrn! loue-onie. I don't iuiow what to do. M- tnamiurs iroue to grandma's Mj" papa's son.ewhere. too. Mv caiV.s all broltru to piece-. 'i'he lien- dont lay no eirirs. And Wtty's. eraUhed me awful Hecaitsc I tied lit U-s-. I eannot rllmhoti the haxnnow Since Willie liroke hts arm. I w1.-U I didn't live w here Fun Is alwav.- harm. UrooKlyu Ci!zn. Safely Iron. :. IVstlIcnti.il Sfimrsu. l'rottvtiou lrcm tho .bbcaso. uot a uiediciu.nl ngjnt wluch liiorolx cheeks tho 1 nroxysuis, i.- tha grand desideratum xvherexs r t'.o epuloniio bcourge of malaria prevail, yumiao dcs not alfor.l this iirotcctiou. lh' ch.of rt-a.-an why Hostottor's htoiuach ln'.t -ra hn. won s-.ch iin niensf pojiularity is ttnit it pirparos the system to iei-t tho malaniil p-st. 'I'hin it Co?- hy l.rr.fins ur:.l tolling tho phi-ictl o.fnutsm, nig. ulaliuja'iilprt.iuetiniitn o-iuai ilow ohil ttisSri bntiou of ths ii'-ouat tlntds. m:d t ab'iahirg df .ostion on 11 sound b i-is. Not only i forer und um.o prexonttsl, but tho v.o st tyjioi of the dissn-o are coiiipicrisl Iv it. Mtcli i- Uit only couclusio.i to I o dru-x a from slio ov.nrvi hebuiug ovi.JciU'c in Its favor It i-t yi:al! et.i r jo is in dxfii't.psi.n. couRtipa'.lou, ll.r toMidaiut. Rcn.rildclHitx', au.l ihsumfio ojuipL-unt, uuil is 11 lellablo diur.Uc 11 ud lwrxtno. In c rtain I.riti-h rcisimeiit- a pet has btcome ipiite an in-titution. a iu the ea-e of the Hoist h Wales Koinicrcr. who-e uilt-horiud uoat is familiar to mai.x as it march, s proutili along at the head of the iigiuici.l. under the iruiduitce of a pair of drummer b s. "Ci.ii.xx eockcry is a 1:00 1 ajpetizor." Hood cook clean tlt'dr ut uitls with SA . l'()S.IO. It is a tolt I euVo of ricourinTtsoap. Try it in clean. nir your pots ami can-. .Mk. John A. I.oi.v.n i- unite an adept with carpent. !-" tool, and can put up a hhelf or build a cupboard almost .is -kill-fullv a- if she had learned the irudo. P.xkexts you do yourselves and yottr children groat injustice if yoa fa I togno your children Dr. bull's Worm Uo-troyor. Many little hvos are aacritlced by such neg lect. UucKs iu tlio Chinese Shtiplrc. There are more duck- in the Chinese empire, say an authoritv. than in all the world outside of it. They are kept by the Ceie-thtls on e-erv farm, on the private load, on the public mails, on streets of cities-, and on all the lakes, pond, river, stream- ami brooks in the countri. Miery Chin so heat al.-o con tains a batch of them, 'lhere are in numeiable hatching estabii-hinenis all through the empire, many of which aie sa'd to turn out about .o.ciH) yotinsr dttcksoieiy ear. Halted and sniokid duck and ducks' tggs cou-titnto two ot the most common as.d important article of diet in Ch'na. T.Ii'.s. Japois lbrNTOV, of Linicssi. r. N. IL, wiio has ijccn a bop, !e nixalid for tl.o jiast -oxen joar. has made herself the mist re of iic lansuage. including Yolapuk. ; Per washliur .(Tui.iirt. Dobbins' 1'lectrte ?oap is .nnirrlnu. Itlanl.ets and whU:c wa-hed wit h i look like ?'', and there N ab-oluti I uoyfuoiAfnti. No other soap it. the world iiill do such h-ijl work. Ir l.a-been calciila'c.l that th re aie about '.'00.000 fan.ilie ltxing in London on about ill a week, and tlu y : re i-, a large measure ihe people of one room. ; P. J. ( HKXIIV & CO., ToI.hIo. o.. p.. ..u-. ! of Hull's 1 ataiih Tuie. ottei ?t00resraid f. r anv ea-e of cat.urh that can not U' em.o l.-fikliig Hall's I'atairl. Cure. Scnd Tor testimonial-, free, -old hy diugslst-. 7".c. "WmiiN the Ia-t few weeks over l,00o, ounces of silver have been bougln for shipment to London in tho New York niaiket V.'Utc Eaby was Gict. wo csro her Caatorli. huu Bha xx -as a Child, the cried for Castotls. Wucu fiho bocarae Jlis. Miu duns to Castorla. J l.ea sho had Cj-IJrec. tho sravo tUeni Cistorla. I3uw.i:i ak'Dowi.n. of Allentown, Ta.. thinl.s he .fun- the smallest dog. It is lie month old and weighs four .i.tii. -. !: 1 1 11 i-f 1'it.i.s cure Si a;. Headache. Axiom, tin new -cttlefs in Oklahoma aie a man and his wife who aie 1.- -peieU T f et 7 niche- and i. feet in J li, f!,! ! IJi.ox. inrrs I- cured by frijuent email s?tloi.emaI1 Jos- s ot riso's Curo for (.ontums Tumi ar too d r lon-t- tu tl" Ilciilauds of -. ot! tt:.l. FQH SIGK HEADACHE, .3 Plllt AM I '-fix. Vic 11 1 V. I -.X'J It. II 'I"! lid XX- 1 I ll I r.) IL'I' 1 1 I ....j.K. 1... 1.-.'- i.ai. v (( it." boo.'-t 1. 1 1 ii.i'ii' r 'r"i'U n.i'iv .Iff. r"P .iiielu ' 1 Ls I.... IJi.ta- is the uuj lucaitii). 0 . r r ... 1 u ' '. )s. C. l'utiu!. UJ aibrif. S. ''Vx' ' IlLEBSAN 3 b l.i A L,L"(40 iitrcl be-as in each bott!?-. Very small J crr.v to tc.-B Trice of cither sire, 25c. J 'tL'JY OF YOUR DRUGGIoT. J ADVICE TO THE AGD. .re Iiri'is- li.S'.ruiitrs. s'lcl. us !'i;;si-h .K S.nlucxsui;.'. Si r id Isxer. ' -.o: soi rilir i-lTMiiii ti.'-- oriJi'v - ji :- t'.". '-..-.. ix - ",r - " -. -1 . a.l': oait- x.-.ar S" the "hoi -' -t i-i- Ji;9 yiixLLJsl&SSa? i-'""'! piBT Easy IF UCi; Ef Gfir: COr.PINEMEfil. r 1 "v:... ' '! xt: v 1 :t orst.'. '1 : :: - iujiji 1. xri.ix:.,t,; t . . A- t. L...L.. .T3. C :.-.'.. c!-. x-.. s-vj asg Ra"etl 1P!HlS if life ..! . .-. vi -. -.. -.T. r - . " .'.... 1. m i. . 1 . . . 1 11 ... . f, j Best Couh feilVirc. IN'Mufcn'.l lifl'lv i "". .-'I r-'; Cures where all ciso f.mia. l'leaa: t in i a;.'. c .. l t '. i ?.-J l'--i taste. Ciiii'Ircr. t-tfee it v-.iuout .., '.4. o. l.v .- . ?. t- 4 '-- taste. Ciili'lrcr. t.tkf it -.'iJIieiit .., .'' ... Ijv '.- r.-x ; Leu3 - t ' rrr .. l& x v" . "R 3 H-er o u I" 0 r the w I'noSii.'xn &. , COllixllI., t THE POSiTiVS CURE. fM-q - l ' " "".'- . V1 x-?.- rrai. -w .- crwf v, t-. ' t a - - - :-i t-' H .4 V: ! -v V3 xA" " r. iri t -J " -L ----- ".' 'wQJtjj is. J u fc . - - . t-. , , . ..iv -,-r. , -y-..-cj nf r it 4 j,- -u. . j,..r i j ik w v j. S for ncuse-cle&nmg- iris a solid - vfe-i 5-,,., ,,,,,. ,,,,,. W$gL ce.ks of scouring soapTry it- -sW rMtft',P1Blt "3-i " J I T I Oaborai.H Kii x:i - -iw-'i ti a-t Cleanliness i$ always fashionable c.o.d the use of or the negiect to use SAPOLiO me.-ks a wide difference in the social scale. The b::t classes are always the most scrupulous in matters or cleanliness nnd the hest i'lio Hot; Clal.ns the Kartl.. The hog claim- even the hi-torieally polite fiance for hi 1 wn. At a discus sion by the town council of Il'ixt'p upon the regulation for city car Isn.v. one j liieinlKT complained that iu ta. .- day-J men sittim: in a car never (bought T3W, giving their pliee-s to womeaff even thou;li the latter srtight hae tt stand ontoklr on the i!at foriii in the rain. lie moved tho adop tion of a b-laxv einpuwpring eondoetors to compel men seated in th- interior to surrender tin ir places to tvonnn outside. Heveral other ctiinii lllors gallant !v suiu portPil th' .Motion, but tho majority con cluded that the tetnpvr 01 ihe aco would I not permit any -ucli m. ial revotutuntv J The cpiot!e la created eonsltleraMe a- I tention in I:ri. when' titer.' i- getwral j iuournliiiT oxer the I'cadene of Fier. h manners. I:ivc:muBt in Hi.- Snuttt. ....- ...... .-... ... ........ -. i. ,. - from ( hi.-:. ;n im! : I -tathu. . 11 1. Thc-Kxansxl'Ic Route" v id -. !l lie 01. -rU. ! ft ul ") UUU Ut'l. 1 , ri ra'eel. e t.;a.v :. u ..--v. . .. ..- -s.. . raie for the routul trip. Io t'Ut- in Al .- 1 ico0r:.vl6 C086 Ox C"tV.rhv 110 "rtat- ' ba.,.a. .-J,rk?l,-:,'-l ri ria:'' ,iv "! i''H'" ier how bail or of how io'.i" .tsina- lana. Mlissippi. Tonnes-. c :.n4 T.-xu.s. 1 ul , . .. 1 U'Kl'is will lie )iiiti ir return ..,.'; tinny usiy iivi.i .:-:c i -.: e. -o.ui iraiiu. aiv run from rhtv-?o thix.utrh to Xa-hvillc. where conu.. Ii-..is are m.uie In the I'uu 11 depot fir thtxMijrh tr.in lonnla- i.tx-ery city of any Imuorlua.c in the Smth. The irrc::. .olvaiu.s n... In-inu'. w tie in many parts f ilie sntl. the ih-vcloplntjof it-xa-t asrictiltnral ami 'i.'uia .e-nrrt". t.ie rapitl int n-a-e 1 f populaii-ni i.t lttuucr- ous I.K-altties. .he coi.tinuai cimni r lutotx lag of ihem-cixts in nu-me-s m pro- urn c.unii.i.i.i.ie. t'lo.dc of Iheoi-i l.tixoap- parent tx realized ..'ore r..iix twadxa.it- aire-, stud I.. ic.(u:.int hshi1 . tin- north-iv.'-l xlth t!u ou . tui.ltlc- olered the t xoty loir rut. - h, . . lun in.iu!r.i!t:tl. for n:i.:.li!el- d.-.-rut.' ..f t'i.. Muh or hiforina.lon a 10 rates or thkets. atiiliu- William Hill, general passcn.-r aud ticket agent. .-. and e. i. ii. K-. thH-ag... iiiforina.ion a u rates or tit kcts. addle-- wi'in'i'iifm-w .futct-. ,.i poptiutioii ami fett atttt perrr.an.eat cures oi unromc ;rut;vra,t7Sr,:V'ir:: carrh m u & lT spccuuitlon. iiito-fnant nnd .lit tsttMl-',- call teStUV. "xCild. Iti tilO ileait - - 1 mo violence Ot wiarru, i uiej uu Mmk-.I xv.xiMi.tK v. jilt), trie le-r next I f(?ntl ar() Kcmedy sold by sca-o.i"- tour ri Provideiue. .V.ilcr '..., r , J wi.ii an Kirrli-h tran-Ia.io'i of f)r. dru-sts, 50 cents. llehiKch laini).-r"s -ilraf .:i K.-cv ai tiair. of e.uirs' th- pan of a Kli... th. t.-a n.wtintuw"'!!' n imwn mi iTw 11 my Head Bs' Tired Js r. Gorr.morj Complaint Just Mow. Goth Mind And Ecdy Are fAftade Strong By f ti f rsagaftila . ' -' -v.'.:. :'vs 15 s .-" &HiizLl?.- M-ti - x s.- ctmfv--- rtE. K .tJ-Si.?. i&s. &7 V"l v tv-iii.': :-. '. :: EolU tho meilsoii and rcrultwhcn Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant andrefrc-hingtu the tasto, and acts tjcntly j ct pr ::ipi !y on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowel, cleanses thry tcmcflpotunlly, di p 'scold-, head aches and ftvfrj a'l T. .iitiic'd-ual constipationi j rm of Js is tho only remedy of j-.s kind ever pro duced, pleasing lo tho tasie anf ac ceptahlc to the stomach, prompt in ita action and truly hcneli.ial in ita eflects, prepared o:.Iy from the most healthy aud ncreabl- fubstances, ito many exeelleac qualities com mend it to all and have made ii the most popular remedy known. Svrun 01 Y'." ii for ado in 50o and Si hotlles- ly all lea.liarrdr jj ! crisis. Anv reliahle drugL-fc who I may not have it 0:1 hand ,;d pro- 1 cur0 itj prmr!!y for any olowIio , wi-hes to try'it. Do uot ace r any suhstitutc. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP 00. SAfl FRMISCO. C'.L. IDUtSVILLE Kf. AS.V t0R. .?. of 1. Mr. nrr r.;;....ii' SATERTflSN CSHCM"M RUIKPE ii.l Scii- I l sh'.i lit . I. r 1 -writ-iii .tr..! Tel : ' ' -n i..!t. - ! ; T Tr. 1 --I . - 11.. 1 ..p.. 1 1 . 1 .11 - 11 I I ! t t.'auoa ?i: Htn anew pr;3fo?i aw. WM'I IIIII -AN s sM IMini'tflltll jj4 11 .1 j. .... m.t 1 ; r 1 ' 11. a.i U - 1 . . . ..!'. -ti 211 1 1 ' . ;. un VI. W. DUDLEY, l.AVC ia)Xlxilss,,, K til' laexlO!I. it . X :!.ax.A.X..HliXiltrti, I.U. jI'a,li.a tr t.urj ........ ' RfZ?omgV OLD CLAIMS r! . I 1 1 li.'. r .. t 1 -.lurf. Wlr .rWI, '"' ,v "--''. pFpglffP ? .'r-.H" ,i. i:. icvta t .? .. tr 3 x-r'c .i.-l ? ror lr. j ' .itt'i. -. l"t.fi 1 ' r--. '?4 n j . . , np-r .. 1 i. . Mfc 1 f 9 . . " Cj 4r o r I d lh d,n o u r of c he . .'.. - . lis ..-. fUs tl IO c asses use SAKLfLIU. F&&S v " &r f I i a .j x-SSvs, BfteffiV VOtB -!.J C.l K"5 V7 . ye olTev that's xaatJc hf tbo ixrpv ipntor3 or is. z.'- uruarr: II . ., . v' ,i e irktorj of V;. b-.'j-9 Ualnrr!r mij. Ji.j.v-jf iuw. ... j "-"V they're respousibic, nnd tho orYcr lias l)ecn made for yepra. It's- ei on yoirr siile you Iosy your catarrh, or you're paid $300 Tor bec-pinr? it. But it's safe for thurij icer they. l:cow you'll be cured. Dr. Safe's Remedy produces pcr- j js cured with a few applicatioiw. ;,. tixr i i :. .. i: ,.. I .... I Catarrhal Iloa.lacho uj rolicved ami cured tv if by magic. It remove- offensive brcatss, 10-3 cr impairment of tho sense of table, euaetl ur heais jnfp xyalerintf or Weak CVCs, and j . oy . , 5L.,... .!,., rt,,-.t K,. impaired xuemoty, when causetl by 3usvt. nrrrirs 1 T!7r r?fx''7,7i-sr-3 'K37C'')T 5Tf .S-i- I RSff':ea.-.-ll4jtfSSC;ii . ?A:;..r:.;Pv.i.fO, iC37, lMProvoJuiv20.!SS3. Bi7. Dia. 15?, rtvi crnut ! ly iiaij5tic la yoBiB..0f ' - 'Trri ilorinRielifr, rj-Skstv io Brsrox--.' i s ."i.tiKs p : ajYiiau. f.f a px!: o.- r.t r.'TOif ilJ?fll nc ' - A'so nn E -rrln V. t.3 nntl MoIt C:mtdi9J. f ... i -.- 1 . 1 .r .s .1 . It. ofc ' -i;Ti-, .tci wlltbl - u., - irw1.:. ,o V f.tl-a....p. Aj lii OWKK riTCTRIO S1.I.T AFrtlAKCE CO -o NaihBr:a way. SI. LOUIS, IttQ. 9s5 Hi Kway, Nl.W VOP.1C CITY. . .. j X YfdfT 3 ?lfth Sirswt, " j . 1' ' ' ' ! Ul M..U, liHl iO 12. "' irt ' 1 ' ' " '! ;..s-if. prnrt'.vi ; ,v r, cail a'l S eiiuitt. Plc l-.'-v. tf.- lures uiirHc.Ccci.l oe .'j r . m'lr.l - tfiaryt I'.iJr. Tcrian . V- i.l.'X,...i . 11 . tifj '.iril.t. . us. 1 ii-.e x'.f. . J r.... cr.nt.30 ! . 1 nts .1 . .' --...... ticni.i. io. !-s ft rrr ji'i.i? tr I rout y:i j . u It. v tr r- an. I f( u.I f..- irjiSui. iiH.)it t- . i . i.:tj;lna frWlT c. n.tat lil. pvtCu n..v .. U lettr-tr. V(K)t! lias t.'ic tt.ixeflft xcl. il tn.l Suri! l.tst.tuto ami krn ' 1 liar Infirmary 10 ttit Uisl-" .'.)tic , '. .its nt " . .ul.. J-m-1 Uf. 1 t l.i. nai pwi(-. ' ! - ' mi.i'1 1 in. . 1 . fnr . .jl.l"M, li ..nljirj 1 .'.. .....'.I s.'B.! . rai-fi.Mi Kits t:fi.n;-RI..1 .lut.t., t ..'-.li.. .; "V' 1tt tUis ior. m I BltS' S3 i' LYE! 6-A If t.v.ss t-mtsrrjxD.. VCrV l,! slrrr-ft and pnreit Ir Wvjft ,A ..i.v wm .- ;! nt. ' f Z'&'Q r-. r.' .i..a Mn. 8 jt" ltoit- 1,,-. '7 1! I . I.ll "t 4. '. ft if 1 f tho Id t .'cr .Ii si. clt it tl(l. I..-. 1 tU-.ius, wstxlmj l.lllt, T-LHUK. fALT tf ANOr'tJ. CD.. fSon A Tl. It. I -. T AO's.- lv XAUvnl-erlolt, ar-t- '.. 0ia Bw .' . '. a. . I. r . - I. A I ... l ..vs., ti'l; C t. k S u. I r X'l 4 ". . a 1. lrti.eit., S ew: !tc w iM .s fc... s!"1-, .!.!.. Tiy fvin-i' twift .1 9 ..I. " irln- pr w w. X. TWflV.s ru;it a ut Mi lwSl hlX '-. BT. 11 .Ml Wo tlir -iA . sZl. 6l a 4ifc fte. Aa trrfri' -t..fr .tk... I a. S...-I uiell.1 ipjI. vmn. ult-! t. Ip '"-i-!! !t. - 1. 1 s. ;..(..lx. .Slr. l.-r.li.1 i- ii..i p vh . Y.ltvf j.nre. rhAcH ciul'.ir ,r. - .. 1 I. i.'i 1 .I r. " fc- . . 'l t -J "-I.1 tiKUiX.Misuxi,' .!ddl.ijtl s, V..u. iaMl4-all..l.-4a.. j-p'lss n t prcrrth t rnUftk. $ J-"frwal '!' BU - at Its only '03ta xJ iH-cUlcfortli-cttUlccur.! I TO b TII. i,f 1M1 dlur a.nttul t tV u. U iNiUAn.M.U.I., CS-UlS'rUts. AaiBlorc!a. If. T. XV liivp gofil r.t; O fcr fc .... ;i.i..ii. n.sy yenr... anil ! Sixi b V Claeai..t-'.t-sS-- '..'. vrMii tvix. V ' x. csac. rv 1 . 1 nvr-ii 1 co., yJX j- M rblcio. Ul faiSsaj4:S1.00' u.id by nrusiiua, The CM Afetfi, :re ; th XVcrrtis fref.xlly Ii. IM B'.III'-.VS CELE3RATED EYE-WATET?. TM aril- " ..: . ll.ii.r.M u. li.un l iir. ftrt:ii.'n.i"i I I'l 'inl. n t n-o fr urarlr cr.it. rx. In. :.. .re r .x .. . j.- 4.. -xi Ictk iiiuukliiil ar .i.ec 'i. - ' .-'i Ouin nri. cx.-s. aiiil Bi r- j m. 1.. .. 'i 1 f fun -. " lia'U tren l,-l.'ftt,.tit. . I-orall ! it-rna! IntViinrnatlou tt ih,..-s tt 1 ru fi'ilu..." i. n.ly If Km .t.rriv. I t.o.. 'i fr .1 I- xx !l 1 . 1 ll Wor.TIVilarlj- ti .ya't'-iru-.-l i.-.il Tiloill-sON, fcoi'il 6 C .. l:-wV. .. Y. F-t .L.i .i.4 ..3.. 111. I' 1..1. II . O. I I .' ill i ... .1 llirri.-. rf.f- (....,,.. . . I. ... r ..- x.. : : 'Mt.E-H . . . . n i. '. ue 1 A G. V i t '. ,.i. -. i:. . .! r'l.E. . 1 -&- : , . ,- ffs?7i ia TS8MOii!3Besi;:ti!'ASn.09Sc2!3forSI.GO X.fM.t.j x a. ti c ijh. Mr.' imt'irn. I s. : . i an.! iv.c - S- - s- .. I - I.. ... 1, ... I I!-.... ''.Ji crc "is5i5 v. . i.j-1'..-...ti. .,-, -J 2r or a . tr Aiswi'-.. k)iu..ij, T- .tT Ai.t A iwii-'U I 'if -.J. .. Tit CfM.tlj 14 a. ti 4 IIh. tr.' i.'ir. I v. . m at IVaiu. I - ... ... p ...I ll-....."..,,.. H-t. xu IJO v.-r.v y i.t.t on rlfO'iS0' T At-T.B-Ml..ls!-uklUrl:5.l ru tu . A! iJ'I.C? UOI-1'..i .!. rvij1' . XISi l".ilrv 'HS.l . ..IVifl i- jS-s - sn,i,guri 'rllSI'a....ai -at A ;iu-ii. ii.-f.jm -.!.. a.nu IM. 1. 1 rr-. it: f r.vc ecam-: t .. 1 iiitre-, nu .., V.N?S9. A S i tLU?R'!- i ih..i.t . '- . :;.'...; 'iRaifliriasfi! tE e. buses, s iiWrmh I J . ' Ci - . I. - t - d ', -. I i t. X 'j . t ' - . i VI MINI' ant 1 1 II: A ' '.' Vs' ' i ' :' . II-1 "- li". i... ' I .s; i. .1 ;in,a z nln ' i ir r- 'i I w 1: -. sr -"t'tkriJ in th J ' i .1 t r h llii-,'J p-ifiihi. y f 1 ' .'INK 1j . ' .-uw-i. r. 1 i.o.i-.i- I fc. . - ' ; J ;. . Tdr: p:b:-!i co. 2:9 zMwaxt. uv;t y.t;? I n j" i' ; C 8 :f1 :-ri .'.'- 3 t 8- rs. 7.4 B ?Ji x' " v r. - i iv -v t - - vi Out ' 6r3t!utiM;9eoaiU.iiu.. .'t m state 1. '"i rxn lyx tnada . ft"xil x..o..iiifH!-ih 3 T. m.-iiIl Unit 1 bn ti.. .&-. Puan. i!.... i.. 1 !.. ril -:-o. A jr v si 1 t - ii ri- .r c. 1 ir f -I j eU i li.F.Jo Men&CQ-lflafiLjiM ..-ar.l .. ' ui&a S.Va rair.si? sw w l!tr SGiIUJHa wtOoxt.a .1 r ' c t.ti-1 : rVi&tt?Lv...'n:cj s. c.v. o. p.ar-i v-ji ;--.. Asa tvavENSoRY a p.-'&yKK. i - "sl - Ail KHeaaaUc Ccw ;.' vfw'-c A "v S'plauiU.Lunba-c.G-rtwl 2. 5iiVv! .v "Uir-: E'J K" T" Ksiir. t'."TS??x? "'5P' 'rost.vsr.cw, Kt5aoy & r. "" ; :. -. i'u'a-s, - rreJK-'. V L, .r V ' Tr-iaMins, Bexiil liU- ' . r 4 I J