tfMumlra torral. VOLUME XXI NUMBER 19. WHOLE NUMBER 1059. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1890. W M Bsl ;. - V r I I It ECTORSi ANDERSON. Pree'l. J. II. GALLEY, Vic Pree't. O. T. ROEN, Cashier. r-. ANnr.nsoN. p. anderson. 1 JACOB GHKISEN. HENRY RAGATZ, JOHN J. SULLIVAN. r Irst National Bank COLUMBUS. NEB. - Ueport of Condition May 17, 1890. 11ES0CECE3. rn" tnd ri'ccnnt JJiP.Rn "i t'. S. ban " . . .'.'". lr.'j (i o he I -.! fi'iitir- a rt f.xHir p . 11, J u - J'avfrju.o I i -. . UJ.772 -it t . -. I.e. ury . 675 Cfl a Js tin bind 13.478 13 33.02 T7 27 , fj 4j i-nnix-inna. : I n.' cn'l sr lm 8i01 Oi i v i. i.l(ir fit jo, ix ii ' r ..nn li ii, n fa o .tstr u lin .. 1 J t)l ,i I ! .i co-u n l-CdsMoe.tors 13j.15i ' . 27C.'r,0 , fjusintss artts. i .-. lill.IA.X DFi'TCHElt ADVOKAT, Offie over Oolumbcs Stnte Bank. Columbu JpI"B-ka. :) qii.i.iva.'n a ki:i:di:k, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OfIi- ovrr Firet National Hank. Colnmbue, !.. In-!. SO-'i I ) f.. ICOSSITIIIS. SI. COCXTY SURVEYOR. fSPnrti-!2eirin pnrrejinjj dot: can no-'-r me nt lV1cnilrti, Neb., or call at mj office in lourt llouc. SmajJft-y I J. (flAIKK, J j. co. sri"T rriiLic schools. I "ill N in -nj .firo in the Court Hctisc, the I" . "-alunlaj of t '.-i month for th oxamirb tK'.inf r.- i lirnnt for l-actiers mrtificnU-p, acl 'r t fti-u.Mniiou of other school bupincs. ' PRAY and EXPRESSMAN. I.icht and lir.iTT haulintr. G1 hasdl-d with - lirni!f:nnrt rs nt J. P. Becker A Co.'t. olHcw. T .'hour. 2 ncd 51. 'J2niaytf Y.-AUHI V. .V HKADSIIAW. "! 5 1 M C 'X MAKERS ! i """Crfrprttitt. inl lni!ler will find onr I fit I nndonVred at reoi-onable rater. '. t.:.. n) pn-rnrtvi to do all kind, of buck vuu. - lfimijOai 7VT K. TURNER & CO.. l"ro ':'-tr ami Publi-hcrs of the Im.:-. fx-' ml t any addr". for J0 a year. '1!J ii a Ivn-i'v. I kilii Joru.NL, JI.CW a j. T W. A. Mr VLL1STL11. W. 31. CORNELIUS .!.!. IS IKK Sc COK.iCLILN ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Colnmba", Neb. R. C. BOYD, juNrr.ACTCBEa of Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware! Job-Work, Hoofing and Gutter ing a Specialty. j--?K.r ca isrh Ptrct. Krauso Bro.s old f'a-.J on Ihiru-onJli tttett ritf ( Js. F Ivsfp. KNAPP Frxk R. Kx.pp BROS.. Contractors and Builders. I'ftiirutr fumihd on brick and s-tnne work pn i r i-tTinc. frvi. Special attention civen to fit nif loiic.-. mantltf". etc St.iimns :ind t ct pointms old or nw brick work to rriire K"ut pr-K'.i brick, a -w'cialty. Cornrondi"nce rolicitcsl. Reference given. .-cayij KNAPP BROS.. Mi A STRAY LEAF! I DIARY. THE JOURNAL OFFICE CARDS. ENVELOPES. NOTE HEADS. UILL HEADS, CIRCULARS. DODGERS. ETC. SUBSCRIBE NOW -rot THE COLUiBUS JOURNAL. AT THK AMERICAN MAGAZINE. ' CJT"- SoJA or a Tear, at AM. Joukn !. i ackiowlAdg tobe the K-st . -..! ! f -n:ly pair in Plane coanty.and Ti.v j.2 M text ce is lie ralyhich-claiamocih- , .. . -i .cd ' .:-J ent.raiy to Aiaericaa Litt ra. '.j"-3 I .oast asa P.'orcs. aad je i j j .e .Jed rzoneal of American ls&titn .. It :- 1 sood as an? of tn older tsayi- -.-. iiaS'-Mcr m a izr over i.vjj paces oi the - T-t Ta'sre. written by the ablt Ameri- .-J-- rt- t- ar.' vtf. ii i. oe&nti.all lllutrhI1. and la ri -. citaiiu'ncoias.nn-nl nd -hurt ctnri-'. n . n;tiipi;.-af present can lif r . k -r -ab--ir;;.lun I" To? Am'i: -t-ji-i'ly hr..!.ant durin: tliypar , 4 f -iLbsai. I Jift), aadTlie Araeri cm. iljtf ii-ae u tX.00. YY oSsx botk 01 K.0Q. l AGAIN THE CTCLOXE. WILKESBARRE, PA.. VISITED BY A MOST DESTRUCTIVE ONE. 31 any People Killed The Exact Number 'ot Yet Ascertained Hundreds of Holme Unroofed, I'artly fllown 0er or Completely Demolished 1 he Financial Loss Very Great. At 5 o'clock on the afternoon of the 19th the most terrible cyclone that has ever I been experienced there struck the city of W.lkesbarre, Pa. It came up the rifer, ' and the suddenness of its coming was one of its awful features. The heavens vere ' fts black as night and the wind blew with the mos-t fnpbtiul velocity. W hole rows of trees were blown down. Following this ' hundreds of houses were unroofed, par tially blown over, completely demolished . and worse than all. the visitation of death 1 was Bf nt upon a number cf people. Large districts in several sections of the city are ! iu absolute ruin, and men, women and children are in the streets crying Ami Wringing Their Hand In Absolute Dismay. The damage will reach hundreds of thousands of dollars. Passenger trains and locomotives at the depot were blown oer, and every wire in the city, electric lunt, telephone and telegraph, is down. Th-t devastation is to bi compared with nothing in th? memory of the oldest in habitant. Evert bodv is rejoicing that no j fires have as yet taken place, for the streets are impassable with trees and fallen buildings, and the engine could not be drawn through them. The Death List jo far as ascertained is twelve. Four men Hie known to hae been killed in the Haz ard wiro-rone works. A house on Scott 1 street, occupied by miners, who had ' ju-t returned from work, ftll in and I Ihreo inmates were killed. The huge I fitnek of the Kittle planing mill fell in on I a man and two horses, and nil were killed, j A little colored girl was killed by the fall 1 ing of a building on Sonth Mam street. ' 'J no men suffered death by the falling of a t portion of Stegmare's brewery and a third ' inenrrod the same fato through the almost , complete demolition of S. L. Brown's brick business block on Market street. There are undoubtedly fifteen or sixteen others killed. Many poor people suffered heavy losses, and it will be months before all the damage caq be repaired. Building mechanics of all kinds can find employment here for weeks to come, as it is already known that fully 200 buildings have been blown d n or otherwise damaged. Many of ths structures were of large size and treat valun. Approximate I-ose Only can be given, as follows: Hazard wire rope works, 523,000; S. L. IJroWD, S'iO.llOii; St. Mary's Catholic church, $13,- 1 000; Murray shaft, $10,000; Ho lenback I snaft. $3,000; Whitehaven Ice company, , 55.000; Ahlhorn s pork packing bouse, $3,00i In addition to these hundreds of citizens sutfered losses running from $300 ' to $5,000. 1 he Murray shaft fan-house was blown down and the fan stopped. Them are tentv-oue men in the mine, but it is hoped they can be got out safely. A 7 30 p. m. reports came from Sugar Notch, a mining town three miles from Ler-. that the destruction of property is t. ruble and fifteen persons kil ed. At Partons and Mill Cieek, four mi es from ' here, coal bunkers in all directions have been more or less damaged, and the num ber killed will reach ten. Telegraph wires down in all directions and all communication is shut off. The Name of Those Killed, as far as known, are: ' EVI MARTIN, baker. JOHN F. FRITZ, laborer. I BURKELLBEXDEN'MKYER. salesman. ' SAMUEL ROITSE, mechicist. PETER RITTENMrTlER. 1 JOfeEPH KERN milkman. ADAM FRANTZ. , GEORGE HAMILTON. MAMIE THOMPSON. George Hamilton, John Eleinhauff and t a Hnogarian entered a barn for shelter. I The large double doors were blown in, killing Hamilton instantly and fatally in juring the other two. Berlin Van derm ark I had his head crushed and ribs and legs broken, and cannot recover. Max Cramer was fatally injured by a falling wall. Jesse Houser's legs were broken and be was in- j ternally injured by a falling roof. M. Brinkman was injured internally. Am- I brose Constine, a liquor dealer, was injured internally. Mayor Sutton at once issued a procla mation calling the Ninth regiment to as semble at the armory to aid in police super- vision of the city. The estima ed loss, at midnight, is $500,000, although it may JPeach a higher figure. The suffering is Jreat. A terrible rainstorm set in immed iately after the cvclone and drenched the exposed property which lies in its track. At m.dnight ram is pouring dowa in tor rents. ' The Storm Ki-vl t-j. A special to the RtcorU .rom New Mil ford. Susquehanna countv. says the cy clone struck that region at precisely the same momemeut Wilkesbarre was struck. Farmer Cole's house was demolished and Mrs. Cole killed. His family was im prisoned m the wreck and all were badly hurt. A dispatch to the Record says the cy clone struck Haneyville, killing two per sons. The M. E. church and adjoiniug 1 parsonage were blown down. Nearly all the houses in the village and buildings on farms were unroofed and crops ruined. Terrible Was the Scene in the Hazard wire rope works. The dead and dying lay on lne floor, and heartrend- mc cries and groans filled the air in the room. The cyclone struck the rear of the large brick building. About 200 men were employed 111 the works. The roof and 1 sjde walls were crushed in and lay in rains all about. Bricks and ponderous machin- ' ery were scattered all over. When the storm was imminent men rushed for the j door but many of them were caught in the ruins. As soon as the calm succeeded the awful cyclone, men rushed into the rnins and carried the injured into a portion of the building which was undamaged and laid them on the floor and physicians were summoned. The Hillman breaker was blown into stored. It will tke months to repair the damage before the micers will be able to resume wcrk. The boiler house, engine rooms sod other oat-houses shared the , same fateZbe danflfesill be thousands cf dollars, nstorm nrSHihe Delaware .v Hadscn roundhouses sniAned them , away, bricks and airV The hoBAoin j ing werell demolished ' Summerrille Totally AnniB Trainmen report the village of S Tille, thirty miles est of Scranton, stuck by a cvclone and totally annihilated. Engine- r Fisber, in giving am account of his txperencts while passing through the cy clore. said the engine was lifted from the track a- d the cab blown off. and all the vmd ws in the cars were crushed in bv th t n le forc; of the wind. Two of the trau hanJs wtie seriously injured. Any definite account of the stem ox the damage done by it is difficult to obtain, as all the wires west of the city are down. Latest from the Scene of the Wreck. The Ninth regiment is on duty in answer to the major's proclamation. Soldiers are assisting the police in maintaining order. Unemployed men were set to work to-day to clear the streets of fallen trees, tele phone and telegraph poles. Many owners of buildings have already set about the re construction of injured portions of their property. A careful estimate places the number of buildings demolisted and par tially destroyed at nearly 400, and some estimate that it will exceed this figure. The loss will probably reach $1,000,00, although in the present chaos no possible means of making a close estimate exist. At the city hospital several victims are cared for. Some of them cannot survive. Additional Victims. So far as ascertained the following are killed: NETTIE THOMPSON (colored) aged 10 yeara. EVA MARTIN. john FRrrz. PETE RITTENMEYER. MRS. ELIZA McGINELY. her infant and 1C-yeax-old ton. JOSEPH KERN. ADAM FRANTZ. GEORGE HAMILTON, An unknown Hungarian. The injured are: Franklin Walsh. John Hocsch. John Lono An unknown employe of the Delaware & nudson. Jemes McG islet. BEblis Vandermabk. Frank Fclrod. Mrs. Barrett. Mart C. McGinlet. Isiah Newsbiegel. Left in Darkness. Tho city during the uight was enveloped in darkness owing to the service from the electrio light station being shut off. Thousands of people are scrambling over and about the scenes of the wreck and business is almost neglected. At Susquehanna. A heavy wind storm unroofed the houses and barns at Brushvilte, three miles from Susquehanna. A house occupied by Luther Hall and family was partially blown down and one of Hall's sons was killed and another fatally injured. PLUCKY CHILDREN. A Sixteen Hours' Struggle for IJfe In Lake Superior. For wonderful pluck and endurance three little Escanaba boys won the palm. The three boys were James and Willie O'Brien and Frank Gallagher. Sunday afternoon the boys had launched a small boat and propelled it with a pair of pad dles to a point tnree-fourths of a mile off shore, when one of the sudden violent squalls for which Lake Superior is noted 6truck them. They lost their paddles and the boat began to fill with water. Jim and Frank, aged respectively 8 and 10 years, jumped into the seething waves on either side of the boat, and each of them put one hand on the gunwale, paddling with the other, while Willie, who was only 1, bailed the water out with his hat. Knowing it would be impossible to live more than half an hour in the icy waters of the lake, Jim and Frank every now and then climbed into the boat, returning to the water again after a few minutes' rest. Night came on black and very stormy, and for sixteen long hours the brave boys swam, baled and hoped for deliverance. They called for help time and again, but their voices were lost in th-i roar of the sea. About -1 o'clock in the morning the boys drifted past a light, which they thought indicated a residence near by. When they learned a minute later that was a vessel they were in despair. But they battled on until late that morn ing, when at a point nineteen miles out in Lake Superior they were sighted and picked up by a passing schooner. Their experience is without anything approach ing a parallel in the history of the lake. FEAR A MONEY FAMINE. The Responsibility Placed on the Silver Bill The Banks' Surplus Reserve Gone. The advance in the price of silver bullion has at last reached a point that has attracted speculative interest generally. Saturday's market showed tost the profes sional traders were inclined to take the market of silver away from those who have made a specialty of dealing in it, and Mon day the evidence that they have done so was unmistakable. The fact that the New York market sow dominates the London market for silver was also clearly demon strated, for in London thei price followed the advance there. The treasury depart ment fallowed both, so the work of plac ing the' white metal commercially upon the legally established parity with gold .goes on merrily, atfff'in accordance wittf th spirit of the" new silver act. These con ditions undoubtedly contribute to the sup port of the stock market. Thebauks have lost their surplus reserve six weeks earlier than they did last year, and their corre spondents are cot only reducing balancerat this center, but in many cases are borrow ing what money they can. Chicago in particular has begun to take more money from New York than bankers anticipated, and from this it is reasonably inferred that the large available supply of funds that she was supposed to have has been absorbed by trade centers farther west. Sparks from the Wires. A vert light snow, the first of the sea. son fell at Denver Monday night. There have been eighteen deaths from cholera among 1,000 pilgrims at the Elton, Egypt, quarantine. The Queen's theater at Manchester, Eng., has been destroyed by fire. There was no loss of life. Ik Denver, J. W. Dawson, an electric lamp trimmer, was killed while changing carbons in an arc light. George Shaw and John Davis were killed by lightning at Senecaville, O., while standing in a church door. Henry M. Stanley says that France, England and Germany ought to co-operate in the work of civilizing Africa. The pope has prepared a rescript for the International Social Science congress to be held in Belgium in September. An American dramatio agent is suing Gnonod for breach of contract to conduct sixty concerts la America for 1,000,000 franes. A few weeks ago a supposed silver mine was discovered at Pleasantsville, N. J. Experts who have assayed samples of the ore claim that it contains enough silver to pay for working it. The Quebec Canadien appeals to the leaders of the Ottawa and Quebec govern ments to provide work for the inhabitants of the counties below Quebec, whose crops are a total failure. Mrs. J. Holden, and her son Edward have been arrested at Monticello. SI., charged with the murder of HarleyBusiell. One held Bnssell's horses while the other shot him. George Haddex, alive stock dealer of Tarkio, Kan., was knocked dowa and robbed in the middle of the daytn" the heart of St. Joseph, Mo., by two negroes, whom he engaged to help him unloai hit took. TO BULL THE MARKET. REASON OF SOME OF THE BAD WHEAT REPORTS SENT OUT. The Statements Very Misleading and Cal culated to Do Much Injury Gotten Up by Certain Parties to Hull the Market The News in General from. All Quarters. The statements which have been pub lished in some of the papers showing the very poor yield and quality of wheat taken from a certain locality are very misleading and calculated to do much injury to North Dakota. It is no doubt gotten up by cer tain parties to bull the wheat market. The facts are, the average yield of wheat will be from 2'J to 25 bushels. We may go twenty miles east or twenty miles west from the city and the average yield will be from 13 to 16 bushels. It is true there are some 6pots that will not go more than that reported by the papers, but there are hun dreds of acres where the yield will be not less than from 13 to 15 bushels. Grand Fork and Polk counties have in the neigh borhood of 10,000,000 bushels which, at 75 cents per bushel, will be $7,500,000. The statement is based upon the crop of 1887, when it was better by 10 per cent., and these two counties produced 11,000,000 bushels, and this, too, with only alout one half of the available land as at present under cultivation. Farmers from the Turtle nver country say their yield of wheat will be about 15 bushels, though not as good in quality as in 1887. Jewels to the Value of SI 0,000 Are Seized at the Custom House. A picturesque display of diamonds and diamond jewelry was spread ont in the seizure room of the New York custom house. At about the same hour Henry Hershy, a passenger on the French steam ship La Normandie, just arrived, was taken before United States Commissioner Shields by Surveyor Ljon's men, charged with an attempt to smuggle the jewelry. The collection is worth $10,000, though the true value cannot be known until the appraisers get to work on it. The collec tion included a diamond necklace of thirty stones a diamond bracelet, four diamond nngs, two pairs of big solitaires, a dia mond and ruby ring, a gold opera glass, a lies and pearl handled fan, adorned with diamonds and rabies, a gold necklace, with diamond and ruby charm, a diamond hat pin, three diamond brooches, a watch no begger than a nickel set with diamonds, and a gold scent bottle inscribed with the letters "F. T." in diamonds. Hershy is Howell Osborn's valet, and the jewels were for Fay Templeton. Miss Templeton was to have worn the jewely Monday night n her opening at the Fourteenth street street theater in "Hendrick Hudson." Mr. Osborn is still in Europe and Miss Te in to n ha3 recently arrived. It will be re membered that at out a year ago, in re sponse to a cable from Paris, where Mr. Osborn then was, she suddenly broke a theatrical engagement in Chicago, and by fast trains and a swift steamer, was quickly in Paris. Hershy was held in $5,000 bail. Kloped With a Country Youth. The facts concerning an alleged clandes tine marriage which involves one of the leading families of Philadelphia were made public when the pretty young bride was taken away from her home by her hus band. The young woman in tha case is Mamie, only child of Thomas Montgom ery, of the firm of Lukens & Montgomery, one of the leading real estate firms of Philadelphia. The young wife left her pleasant home and drove proudly away with . her husband in a common farm wagon. Last year Mr. Montgomery pur chased a large plot of ground at Inter laken, a new cottage resort in the pines at I the head of Deal lake, which lies between North Asbury Park and Deal beach. On his plot he erected a costly villa, with ail the modern improvements. Here be brought h;s wife and his only child Mamie, a bright and pretty girl about 20 years of age. Robert E. Peters, who had pur chased a farm in the vicinity, was taken as a boarder. The elopement resulted. Western Fork Packing:. The Cincinnati Price Current says: The week's packing in the west has been 315,000 hogs, nearly equaling the preced ing week, and reflecting a continuation of the abnormal conditions influencing the marketing of bogs. For a corresponding period last year the packing was 115,000. From March 1 the total is 6,650,000 against 5,030,000 a year ago, or 32 per cent, increase. Leading places compare as follows: Cities. Kansas City Omaha.... Bt. Louis.... Indianapolis Cincinnati Milwaukee Sioux City Cedar Rapids Wichita 19M. 2.265,000 1.CJ4.000 e5L00O 271.000 21.000 152.000 350.000 311000 1W.000 1669 L6OO.OO0 805.000 43,000 331.000 a,ooo mooj 189.000 ? M9.000 501,000 102.000 9H.0OO 705.000 163.003 Nebraska Citv I23.KI0 Ottumwa 125.000 All others M5.O00 Failed to Refund the Debt. The scheme to refund the Indiana out standing 3 per cent, loan of $600,000 at 3 per cent has fallen through. When the time arrived for the state officers to open the bids none were submitted. A letter from the German Savings bank. of New York, said that the bank would not make a bid for the new bonds for the reason that the rate of interest was abnormally low. and because manv of the banks of New York were put ting their old holdings of state bonds on the market, and these could be bought at a price yielding a better rate of interest. It is probable that no further attempt to re fund the debt will be made until the pres ent stringencies of the money market is over. Last Woman or the Wyandotte. Margaret Solomon, the last female of the historical Wyandotte Indian tribe in Ohio, died at Ler home in Upper San dusky, O. She was born in 1816, her pa rents being descendants of the Turtle and Bear tribes. In 1822, with her parents she moved to this country, then the most fa vored abode of the Wyandottes, and set tled north of Carey. At the age of 18 she was married to David Youn?, one of her tribe. Eight children were born to them, all of whom ore dead. In 1641 she be came a widow and seventeen years later married John Solomon. No children were born to this union, Mr. Solomon dying in 1S76. The funeral services were conducted in the old mission church, in which she worshipped with her sister Indians years ao. Forced to Sign Away a Fortune, D. W. Gillmore, of San Francisco, cre ated a sensation in the Quiscy House cor ridor, Boston, by demanding protection from E. A. Sanborn, of Hollwell, Me., his brother-in-law. Sanborn, he said, had forced him at the point of a revolver to sgn away his interest in his wife's prop erty fully $100,000 and afterward threat ened to kill him, rushing after him with cocked revolver. Gilmore's wife is dtad , but their child is heir to the property, which Sanborn wants kept in his family. The police refused to aiaks an arrtst and Sanborn hurried to the depot, taking the train for Maine. Gilmore insists that the child shall have its interest in the property. Tascott Not Needed. Detective Matt Pinkerton, a an inter view, ridicules the assertion that Tascott, th) murderer of Millionaire Snell, has been captured in the west, and concludes with the remarkable statement: "They will never catch Tascott; he is not wanted." -Why not?" "Probably those connected with the prosecution could tell yon as well if not better than I could. There is a great his tory to that case and most of it has been published by piece-meal some in one paper and some in another. Probably the whole matter will come out some day, but it does not appear so now. Go and see Frank Tascott, the father. He will tell you that be is not worried and never has been over these numerous arrests of his celebrated relation. No, they will never get Tascott, in my opinion." Mr. Pinkerton intimated that tho mur der wis a conspiracy, in which people dear to the murdered man were implicated. A South African Monarch Who May Fight. South African advices represent that Lobengula, the king of Matableland, is very much irritated with the course of the British company, which has recently been admitted to certain privileges iu his do minions, and that his people are ripe for war. Lobengula is the most powerful monarch in South Africa, and is able to muster an army of 40.00J well trained fighting men. The warriors are more anxious for war than the king, who under btands something of the extent of British power, and is slow to enter upon a conflict. Should Lobengula go to war against the colonists, it would be a more serious af fair than the struggle with the Zulus. Flocking to the Hoosier Volcano. Sunday over 20,000 people visited the ruptured earth caused by the natural gas explosion. Excursions from Lafay ette, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Columbus, Louisville and Greensburg brought to the scene thousands of people. Tho day was very warm and water was in great demand. It sold for 1" cents a drink and was scaice at that. About noon a very heavy rain fell and the crowd was baptized in mud. Gas continues to burn at various poiuts about the crater and danger sscuib to lurk beneath the surface. The road extending up the river over tho crater is yet impass able, and few will venture upon the scene of the upheaval. Biff Mill for a Illg Mine. The biggest stamp mill ever made in this country has just been finished at the Union Iron Works, San Francisco. It has 100 stamps and several contrivances for in creasing the tfiicieucy. It weighs 2,000 tons and will be shipped in two sections to Astofagasta, Chili, where it will be set up. The ore which it will work up. comes from the Huancnae, a company in the moun tains of Bolivia, and is brought down to the mill by a railroad 500 miles loni;. These mines now lead the world in produc ing silver. North Dakota Farmers in Distress. It is reported from Mcintosh county. North Dakota, that a number of farmers bate already asked for assitance from the commissioners and that supplies are being furnished. The crop in that county is almost a total failure, and most of the settlers are ftard up. Several hundred families have located there within two years, many of them last spring, and so far they hae produced nothing. They b; long to the Rugsian colony. Outside aid will be called for before winter sets in. Poisoned at a Banquet. A committee of the Servian progressists party attended a banquet at Topla. Sub sequently the members of the committee were taken ill and their symptoms showed they were suffering from arsenical poison ing. It is suspected that arsenic was placed in their food intentionally with the object of killing those who partook of it, and that the crime was committed by political opponents of the progressists. . John Boyle O'Reilly's Successor. James Jeffrey Boche will undoubtedly be selected as editor of the Boston Pilot as successor to the late John Boyle O'Eeilly. Mr. Boche is now one of the editors of the paper, and he and O'Reilly were the stannchest of friends and co-workers. Archbishop Williams, it is understood, will purchase Mr. O'lieilly's interest iu the paper, thus giving him absolute control. Aiding Needy Kansas Farmers. In view of the losses sustained by the farmers of Kansas on account of the drouth, various financial institutions have notified the farmers upon whose lands they have mortgages that they will supply them with seed wheat this fall and give a year's extension on inte est coupons. One or the Howard Faction Killed. In Harlan coanty, Kentucky, the Howard-Turner feud has broken out afresh, and Bob Pope, one of the Turner sympa thizers and a connty magistrate, is now dead, while a reward is offered for the ar rest of John Scott, who killed him. Died at a Ripe Old Ace. Mrs. Myla Powell died at South Bend, Ind., aged 106 years. She retained her mental faculties, mind and hearing t- the last. She was born a North Carolina slave, ana was freed by the war. Many Miners Strike. Advices from Mons state that 8,000 miners m the Borinage district have struck. Socialist leaders ate fomenting discontent among the men, and it is expected the movement will spread. Spread of the Potato Blight. The potato bligh is spreading with alirmiug rapidity in the southern portion of County Down. In all parts of Ar imagh it has assumed serious proportions. Lost With All on Board. At Conway, in Wales, a boat containing eight persons was swamped in the river and all its occupants drowned. SPARKS FROM THE WIRES. In a forced march made by a Bavarian regiment 170 men were sun struck and fell out of the ranks. Tbre of the men have since died and seventeen are dying. A dispatch from Cuiro states that re ports from a reliable source are at hand that Osman Digna has arrived at Tokar from Omdarman at the head of a formid able army. It is reported that a French syndicate has offered a loan to the government of Uruguay for the purpose of enabling the govenment to withdraw the piper cur rency now in circulation. In the engagement at Zemmour. Mo rocco, the troops of the French milit iry mission assisted the sultan by working the artillery. The rebels, who fought with desperate courage, were still unco wed. The Property Defense League, formed of members of the English nobility and land holding gentry, has issued a circular calling on all who are interested in defend ing the rights of property to join the league, and denouncing in alarming lan guage the socialistic ttndencits of legisla tion in Great Britain. NEBRASKA BREVITIES. Hebron is after water works. Gothenbero is to have a new hotel. There is talk of starting a boating club nt Beatrice. Ashland is negotiating for a sash and door factory. A Sons of Veterans camp has been mus tered in at Blair. A hook and ladder company has been formed at Crawford. The German citizens of Fremont have organized a personal rights league. C.pT. Jack Crawford is giving .en tertainments in the western part of the state. The bank of Jansen, which recently closed its doors, has again resumed busi ness. George Benham occupies a cell in the Dawes county jail charged with cattle stealing. The colored church which was blown down at Aurora last week is again well under way. A Personal Bights league, with a membership of sixty, has been organized at Blue Hill. The little 8-year-old daughter of Lee Soloman was fatally burned at Omaha while lighting a fire. The Episcopalians of Wilber have com menced the erection of a new church building which will cost $1,000. The Whitney Champion last week re ported a heavy hailstorm south of that place which left drifts of ice hub deep in the ravines. The voters of Diller instructed the school officers to rent additional room un til a new building could be erected for school purposes. It is reported that over $200 in cash subscriptions were sent to the Omaha Re publican only a few days before that con cern failed. Sunday afternoon a Fremont minister preached to the Y. M. C. A. upon "Judge Lvncb, or Mob Law and Its Relation to Civil Government." The Northwest Nebraska Veterans' as sociation will hold its fourth reunion and encampment on the fair grounds in Craw ford Oct. 1, 2 and 3. The new Swedish church at Orleans was blown down during a windstorm Monday night. A number of windmills and small outbuildings were also destroyed. Miss Hattie Towne, thought to have been fatally shot by Pratt, who was lynched at Blair, is showing signs of improvement and the physicians have hopes of her re covery. Walt Mason, Nebraska's poet, is laid up nt Grand Island with an abscess which has broken inside bis ear. The premiums offered on live stock by the Custer Connty Agricultural society this fall, amount to $1,010. This fall Adams county will have a thorough agricultural fair. The society are offering no purses for speed and all the money paid in at the gates will stay in the county as premiums. A Swede named Nostran filled up on undiluted alcohol in St. Paul and drove his team into a barb wire fence while on his way home, cutting both horses so badly that they will probably die. Baf.ttjey has no suitable rooms for the public schools, and many wished to voto $2,000 in bonds and then build, but at the election last week the bonds were defeated. The citizens of Logan county held a meeting at Gandy to devise means to in duce the Kearney and Black Hill railroad to extend their line westward from Calla way this fall. Oakdale has a "pearl fishery." While hunting pearls the other day O. II. Miski men found a human skull in the Elkhorn river, about one mile up stream from the month of Cedar craek. By the appearance of the skull it had been in the river about five years. The Fremont Fii7 of Tuesday contains this item: Last night about 10 o'clock, when Joe Hammond, who resides near the Elkhorn river bridge, returned home, and before he had time to light the lamp, a knock came at the front door. His 14-yeir-old son went to the door and found a man with a shotgun, who told him that there were three masked men at the bridge waiting for hi9 father's return from the city. It was a strange incident, but noth ing more came of the news thus brought by a man at that hour of the night. The postoffice at Armada was moved over to Miller one night last week. The old town people were in a mood to lynch Postmaster Cherry when the- awoke next morning and found out what had been done. As the removal was made with the sanction of the department they had no alternative but to submit. The name of the postoffice will be changed to Miller Oct. 1. A little 4-year-old boy of John Benoz, living near Weigand, was maimed for life one day last week. His father bad gone out to mow a lot of high weeds near the house and unknown to the father the little fellow followed soon after, biding in the weeds. The mower came through where the child was standing, and before the father could stop the team the sickle had done its work. Willie Krocsc, a young son of John Krouse, living near Gladstone, while car rying a gun on a mowing machine, acci dentally shot himself through the chest. He lived two days, when he died from the effects of the wound. While stacking hay on the Gibson farm near Fremont Casper Graber met with a serious accident. The stacK fell over and a heavy iron bar struck Graber a crushing blow across the back. He was partly par alyzed by it, but the doctors j,re of the opinion that the accident will not prove fatal. There are four tickets in the field in Thayer county this fall. The pontoon bridge at Nebraska City has been attached by the sheriff to satisfy a claim for $500 held by the Nebraska City National bank. The tenth annual exposition of the Douglas County Agricultural society will be held at Omaha, Sept. 1 to 4. Grand efforts are being made to render the fair the best ever held in Douglas county. Miss Hannah Moredick, a voung lady living near Fairbury, is among the missing. Some think she has gOLe to meet a former lover, while others are of the opinion that she is the victim of foul play. The new town which is to be located west of Coleridge, and near Thorson, will be called Wauiau. and active preparations are already being made for building a drug store, bank and other buildings. The merchant tailoring establishment of Wauea fc Hoover at Fairbury was en tered by burglars and $150 worth of goods carried away. The banner train of the Kearney & Black Hills road, consisting of thirty cars of cattle and hogs, is on its way to the eastern market. The train i gaily deco rated with flags nd bunting. The census of Nebraska City jamptd frem 4,fc87 in 1630 to 11,406 in lc30. MISS WELDON'S "HOLY CHILD." Apostln Whitney Talks About the Latest Addition to Schweiufurth's Family. C. C. Whitney, the Minneapolis apostle of George J. Schweinfurtb, has been seen and asked to explain the recent occurrence in Schweinf urth's household in Bockford, "the child born to Mary Weldon." In reply Mr. Whitney said: "It was con ceived by the holy ghost and born without sin. Miss Weldon is one of the redeemed." "But did the holy ghost act through Mr. Schweinfurth?" "I hat I am not prepared to say. The ways of God are inscrutable, but what I do say is we are no freelovers. We believe that absolute chastity should ba the attri bute of both sexes. We live perfectly pure, chaste lives." "-But how about man and wife; don't tho members of your church who are married live together and raise children?" "No, they do not. Any married couple bringing forth children would be consid ered guilty of adultery." "But how about Miss Weldon?" "That is different. She is one of the redeemed. The 'sanctified,' as St. Paul put it. None but the redeemed can bear children. These children are pure because thoy are conceived by th holy ghost, just as Jesus Christ was nearly 1,000 yeara ago." "But how do you know Miss Weldon is redeemed or sanctified?" "Because the spirit has announced that fact. It told her bo three years ago when Mr. Schweinfurta was in Alpena, Mich." "How many members of your church are redeemed?" "I could not state positively; perhaps twelve or fifteen." "Are any of them men?- "None except Mr. Scbwsinfurth. Of course he is, as he is the son of God. The same spirit dwells in him that dwelt in Jesus Christ." "Then do you claim that Mary Weldon was not approached by Mr. Schweinfurth and that he is not the physical father of her child?" "I don't claim anything about which I don't know; but I know that child was con ceived by the holy ghost." "Do you think Miss Weldon would have borne that child if she had not seen a man for a j ear or two previous?" "I do. I believe Mis3 Weldon to be, as she says she is, perfectly chaste." "How, then, will the race be perpetu ated?" "By the holy ghost." "The holy ghost will beget all the child ren when everybody is redeemed?" "Yes; most certainly." "What will man's function be? Wouldn't such an arrangement be considered rather partiil?" "I can't say as to that. All this is very mysterious. We can't divine God's purpose." CAUSED BY STUPID EMPLOYES. The Railway Horror at Qulury a Result of Gross Carelessness The twenty-two lives lost in the wreck on the Old Colony railroad, near Qnincy, Mass., were sacrificed through the care lessness of emploves. Michael Hnrtcey, a section hand, who had charge of the truck jack that caused the derailment, testi fied that he tried to remove the jack, but barely had time to jump away and save his own life. Hi boss gave no notice that the train was due, as he should have done. The testimony of other section hands was corroborative. The boss swears that he gave the nsual signal, "all right," which means to take out the jack. The official investigation was begun at the company's offices by the railroad commissioners. Chairman Crocker stated that be wanted to learn the exact cause of the accident and what can be done to protect the pub lic in future. General Manager Kendrick, of the Old Colony, said the wrecked train consisted of a locomotive and nine cars and con tained 319 passengers. The car in which the fatalities occurred had seventy passen gers. Conductor Steadman said that just before the accident he saw a gravel train approaching on the other track and a gang of 1 borers shift from that track to the one be was on. The engineer sounded tne danger signal and the laborers jumped from the track. He then saw an upright object about three feet high tetween the rails, and anticipating trouble from it, laid himself flat on his face in the car. The train jumped the track almost instantly. The train was running thirty miles an hour. J. T. Thomas, of Quincy, con ductor of the gravel train referred to, saw a "track jack" standing between the rail, but could not tell whether ox not it was clamped to the track. Amateur Lottery Sharks. Tin Denver Lottery company, which recently opened headquarters in Kansas City, Kan., has vacated its office and Us officers have fled the town, after having received $30,000 by the sale. The com pany was driven out of Denver a month ago. B. F. Bhodus assumed charge of the office. Chif of Police Peterson says the officers of the company got away with fully $30,000. Warrants have been sworn out for the arrest of Bhodus, charging him with having used the mails fraudulently and with having received money under false pretences. Killed Inreiiar Muner. Jonathan Mackey died at Monmouth, III., from the result of a singular accident. He was steering a thrashing machine en gine over the road, when a wheel rin into a rut, detaching a cbjin belt, which bounded upward striking him in the bead THE MARKETS. Sioux City Live St-ek. nogs-Receifts. 3.0O1; official yestrday 3 28; Market very uneven. Best SUc higher . others, stealy. I!ingfrom J.65-jJiX0. buik. 3.f-.5. sttle Receipts, IsO: official jester Jay. I7; shipments 163. Market dull and unchanged. Quotations : Fat steers, prime, J3.CJM3.50; fair to good. S3.S5S9.t0; feeders. ohotceMOto 1.000 pounds, Si75 32.90; fair to good, S2.304 2.75; stocksrs. choice, S2.Wea.75; Suit to good, e2.a5iW; inferior, SL752.'25; cows, extra ehoiee. corn-fed, S2.25$0: grass es, fair to good. 31.63 a 100 ; common. IL2J i 1.65; cancers. 73o'tSL25; ysarUngi, extra choice, i.5JK$2.75:ooanion, S2.lO6s.40; bulls, ehoiee, Sl.i031.fi3; tommos, SL25&L30; veal aives, poor to choice. Sa.00O.t0. Chicago Live Stock. Cattle Recsipte. 11.000. Market eteady; natives. S3.O0eM.ftJ; Texsns, t'.'a 3.25; range cattle. S2.75vtf4.G0. Kogs-Receipts. 17.0O). Market higher; prime packers and mixed, $1.1034.15; prime heavy and batchers' ve'.jhts. $4-15-34 20; light, .10i4.25. bheep Receipts, fl.000. Market easier and lower: catiTes. Jl.0x?4.50; westerns, SLCUe) 4.25 ; Textns, $4.0O4.?5. Mouth omaha Live Steek. Hogs Receipts. 9.000. official yesterday. 6.725; shipments, IS cars Market opened 5 ice higher, the balk selUcc at S3.754.00; tops, 4.05 , doted Iox, with advance lost. Cattle Receipts. 1.300; oScial yesWrder, 115 shipments, boss. Market opened itrosvc. uuniity fair. Chicago Produce Wheat Strorg; cash, 1L04K; September, Sl-OJ.May.jLLJ. Corn M?ady ; cash, 43if c ; September. 43Kc ; May. 53"-5C Oats Firm, cash, 37Ho; September, 86J-ie: May.29-c Rye Firm at Ct evHc Barley Steady at 33s55c. Timothy -fees J Prime steady at $1.45. Flax seed Easy a: SL3c'-2. Whisky-$L13 ProTiaiona Pork, steady ;caah. SIL374 ; Jan uary. 812.o7Hi ' licO. Lard, steady ; cash, So.i) : January, e.iiJt. THE OLD BEUABLE Columbus State Bank (Oldest State Bank to the SlateJ PAYS INTEREST ON TIME KP0S1TS, MAKES LOANS ON REAL ESTATE. ISSUES SIGHT DRAJFTS ON Omaha Chicago. New York, and all Fereiga Coaatrte. SELLS STEAMSHIP TICKETS. BUYS GOOD NOTES And Helps Its Customers when they Need Help. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: LEANtiXR GERHARD. Pre ident. O. W. HTJL8T, Vice-President, JOHN 8TAUFFF.R. ("ashler. JVLTU8 A. BEED. B. H. HKNBT. COM M -OF- COLUMBUS, NEB., -HAS AK- Anthorlzed Capital of $500,000 Paid in Capital - 90,000 OFFICERS: C. H. SHELDON. PmTt. H. P. II. OHLRICH. Vice Pre. C. A. NEWMAN. Ciuhir. DANIEL SCHUAM. Ase't Cash. STOCKHOLDERS: C. H. Sheldon. J. P. B-ckpr. Herman V. li.Uehlnch. ( arl Itienke. Jonas Welch. W. A. McAllister. H. M. Winslow, 8. C. Grey. Arnold F. H. Ohlrich. (Jerharil I.OceVe. J. Henry Wardman, nenra W. Galley, Frank Rorer. Htnry Loiek. Cy Bank of deposit; interest allowed on time iI-Io"i"'; bny and ell -xchanic-oa United Statmt nnil Europe. and buynnd 11 arailalilecnritt. We hall bi plye-l to receive jour basins. W solicit yoar patronage. 2Slec37 FOR THE WESTERN COTTAGE ORGAN CALL OS A.&M.TURNER Or ii. XV. KIBLRK. Traveling; 4alNnaaB. SsWTh organs are first-class in every par ticular, and so (caarantoed. PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH ATT U. P. Depot, Columbus. liicircf HENRY G-ASS. (JXDERTAKER! e, r- a w a a .. jr w W . - - -Zsvis2 Ays .- ..; lASES .";' ' kiiidiaf UphoU it LL1 I It .NEltKASKA. JSMv.-"