The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 13, 1890, Image 1

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Uouuty Clerk llmayoo
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Hfc..MiI IkAViaiO,
st National Back
L: of Condition 3Iav 17, 1890. 1
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13.tf8.15 33,923.07
nis:n Es.
10. 1M 1
13,503 01
27C.S30 40
;7 i:-i- :t outstanding....
justness srds.
Ka enr C i:lus State Bank, Columbus
jtr lev NiUioaal Bank, Columbus,
tu-ti I
L KtSiTi:R,
arvrr srarrroj?.
pftrJ' fl'inne fcrrcjlag dose can aa.
ci u !ui)S-. Sea., or call nl my olncc
lc.i..:v SmajSC-v
-.-'.i uirfi m uie court, iiouso. ine
: i;ii i ic!i month for thi cxamina-
Ji:: -v- '.r teachers' certificatcr. and
J ,' :. -f other tcliool business.
' J'2.4 i' t, EXPRESSMAN.
U" -J.?&Tr haiilin. Goods liandUd witJi
' i.t.jcsff rs at J. r. I5eckerv Co. e ouicw.
,'. tf rS to Fauble c Jivshein,
V.UTt . '-and bnilders will find our
r.: ' ,.js ii oirerpd at rpasonab'p ratee.
r-;- lia vtcvaiwl lo lc U klcds of brlcfc
lbm ajTjm
Fr ;-'. s:ij'. .ishersof the
WK3 ."7;"ii::i :ij i:r3 rT17 ;;72SAi,.
' J.ts i .asTa.Mro-9. for $2.01 jrar.
" !-j "-irav . Iahii.y JncnNAL, $1.00 a
' .''imbns. Neb.
Pv. C. BOYD,
and Sheet-Iron Ware!
pci-Work, Roofing and Gutter-
s-;r.3 lJth street, Krauso Bro.'s old
; ' i"nth fctroet. rJtf
IF Kvirr.
Fbxk K. Ksapp
factors and Builders.
fXr fsfnished on Ibrick and stono work
w- as. free. Bjtecial attention given to
? J'r'i'('?. mantles, etc. Staining and
; ' .! u m or new ones iorii 10 irii--"7T5"1
-'"ck, a specialty. Cor"?pondenco
I -;l KNArP HKOS-.
Columbus, Neb.
A-D .
't Both far a Year, at UM.
I' ii'f " &cknonlpdi5Pd ta be the bet
-- -..:2" tSDr m PItto pnnntr nd Th
IOi.!ifizt' '' onl hich-clafes month-
-,." ru "ntlielv to American Utera-
I; -. i'ar .:.;"," .V"ri!,"..''
- 5.t, ' f--iaTifulb illustrated, and is
I .-'- "' nueQ ana snort ttonee.
.-; -i u- present can DC
ii.'. r.ition to The Ameri
-"" j br.Uiant duricg the year
tKfit d iAM? -W' - Tk Ameri.
TtrMo .
ThWhoI. System of civil Military
S?.0"0"10-1 """-Aristocrat
--.,a uneu Affmi-.i
' Veterans
General ForeiCn News.
J2 ?m P"liament on the army
wUmates has brought out some interest-
BrinS' ,thUgl1 promotion "
British army is no longer obtained br nnr.
erase, it is still M-tain,! , .1,- t.-li .
the aristocracy bv methods tbn -i.i
. MU auua 01
points to an American nn;tini.n vn.
stance, durinR the past year some twenty
Dromotinns n t, i. -2
. ,w lua iuz. oi commissioned
bthcer was made from among the enlisted
men. This seeinsd all very good and en
coaraRing on the surface, but inquiry
shows that all these twenty officers are
young men of aristocratic families who
enlisted with the understanding and sub
stantially the promise that, efter a brief
period in the racks, they would be pro
moted. This is not rery stimulating to
veterans who find themselves put under
the orders of callow youths from the uni
versities. The fact is that the whole sys
tem of civil and military promotion in
England is delusive. While competition
is nominally open to every class, conditions
are attached which practically confine ap
pointments to the urmer orders.
The condition of the British army and
navy is of much importance just now when
history is repeatiug itself in tha east.
Armenia is another liu'eaiia. and a3 Turk
ish atrocities in Bulgaria were the pretest
for the llusso-Turkish war, so the out
rages in Armenia may give another pre
text to Russia for interference in the af
fairs of the sultan's domain. The Turk
seems to learn nothing by experience. All
that the christain subjects of Tuikey ask
is decent government. As it is they are
victimized in such an inhuman manner
that the better sentimont even of England
is aroused in favor of the oppressed popu
lations and tie czar is enabled to pose as
the champion of humanity ia carrying out
h'.B schemes of aggression. The story of
the Armenian atrocities is only beginning
to be told. The christian population of
Erzeroum is wailing, not alone for fathers
and brothers s!ain, but for wives and
daughters zuissiug. Since the day of the
terrible massacre scores of Armenian women
have disappeared and tbera is no doubt
that they are prisoners in Turkish harems.
Among the llussian forces on the Asiatic
frontier are several Armenian regiments,
and it is reported that the men are wild
with ardor to march against the Turks.
Bulgaria has offered to sustain Turkey
with 80,000 men in the event of war.
A meeting of the members of parliament
interested in the condition of Armenia was
held in the conference rooms of the house
of commons. From the information that
reaches here from Constantinople it is
learned that matters are fast assuming a
critical complexion. War material is con
btantly pouring into Batoum by night as
well as by day, and Clifford Lloyd, British
consul general at Erzeroum, has tele
graphed to the British embassy at Con
stantinople that tho Turksh garrisons in
Armenia should be strengthened. Brig
andage all over the Turkish empire has ex
tended to au alarming extent. It arises
from the visibly increasing povetty of the
masses of the population. In the imme
diate vicinity of Constantinople brigands
havj made their appearanca in strong
bands and carried off several captives.
Mot distressing accounts come from
Salonica, where, in three of the districts,
the harvest is a total loss, no rain having
fallen in fourteen mouths. The conse
quence is general destitution and want. It
is estimate I that nearly 100,003 persons
will have to be furnished with the means
of subsistence until next hanest and the
necessary seed for their next sowing. Un
loss immediate measures are taken to re
lieve the people the country will be given
over to anarchy and disease, which may be
turned to political account.
No More Indians lor Shows.
Indian Commissioner Morgan says there
will Le no more permits granted Indians to
leave their reservation and go with travel
ing shows. He has decided to make no
exceptions to this and is led to its adop
tion by the maltreatment of the Ogallala
Sioux who went to Europe with Dr. Car
ver's Wild West ami some of those who
accompanied Buffalo Bill's company. The
secretary of the treasury has received a
letter saying that some of the Ogallala
Sioux were in a very distressed physical
condition, two "having pulmonary disease
and one jaundice. The commissioner says
that tho showmen who -have taken Indians
from their reservation were compelled to
give bond for their good treatment and
care, and that he intends to enforce the
bond and secure damages if possible. Tho
acting superintendent of. immigration
vrntes from New York of the condition of
the Ogalallas who were taken abroad.
They were fairly well dressed, but wore
moccasins and ate hungrily from cans of
pretened meat and some bread while com
ing fiom the ship in the barge to this
office. The ind ans told a lamentable
story of maltreatment by the white men
w ho" have engage 1 them. They have been
treated barbarously and cruelly subjected
to all temptations of immorality by being
brought without proper restraint into con
fjiLt with the criminal class with whom
they were permitted to indulge their evil
Amlinlieil by Mexicans.
Notwithstanding the fact that the insur
rection here has terminated, great excite
ment prevails throughout the city. It is
rumored that a new issue of $50,000,000 in
paper currency will be maie. A bill has
been introduced in the chamber of depu
iac nmriiiinn for forpiffn currency. Th)
national bank has resumed payment. The
bourse is still closed, and the panicky feel
ing in commercial circles continues. The
press in forbidden by the government to
comment on the crisis. The premium on
gold is 2(i9 per cent.
Found and f.o.t a 'Ife In 'o Time.
Patrick Purcell, of 709 Garfield avenue,
Greenville, and Sarah Fullerton, of 43
Sussex street, New Jersey, were married by
Justice of the Peace Weed, Saturday even
ing, ic his office. Purcell was 45 years old
and Miss Fullerton was 25. Purcell's sis
ter was a witness. After the ceremony
Justice Weed declared that they were the
most !ovin couple he bad ever married.
Eirlv Tuesday morning, bsfore the door
of the court "rcom in Gregory street was
opened, Parcel! called. He sat outside
and waited for the justice t come. There
was a wce-begone look on his face. When
5? "udge arrived Purcell told h m he
wanted a divorce. He said his wife had
deserted him on Saturday night, a few
hours alter he had installed he: Jus
borne as mistress. She gave him no reason
for goirg, he said. H had looKed for her
after she hadgone, but had found no trace
of h r until Monday night, when he heard
fche was in a saloon dou town. He went
io the saloon and .earned that she had been
there, but I ad gone away. The justice aa-vis-d
bim to apply for a divorce in the
court of chancery. Parcell cme around
a! if .t0ld him h6 WOUld tak "
Wo nT - diVKe' He W
c i Home since her marriage.
Excitement SliU Prevails.
manofStSbeen brou8ht the fore-ES.-
,ne 8t sfter of the am
bushing by Mexicans of a party of miners
rangers and deputy sheriffs. . p. q
JlVT? WM in"a tilled, and a
deputy sheriff and deputy marshal were
seriously wounded. Th fire was returned
ouu it is oeuevea one Me
rLanTaikiUed :
(LIIIl RATAM .. J 1 m.
u.v. luumica. ne miners
ubms nave about 100 Mexicans sur
rounded and are guarding them until fur
ther assistance can got to them, when they
will pick out those cannected with the
shooting and biin2 them to Mrfv f.
R.ifn 1-h;k O'u- . . . . ... I
viruiK. me irouDie is sam to come
from the lynching of a Mexican som a'
months ago. esican some
. I
Trouble Pending lii Samoa. '
A letter from Apia, Samoa, of July 15,
preuicis troubles of which tho cable last
week gave a brief account. A correspond
ent says the islanders are on tbe verge of
another civil war solely because of the
delay of the powers in "pnttiug the pro
visions of the treaty into force. The read,
ing of the treaty and its soltmu ratifica
tion had a good moral effect on the natives
who had been recently fiphting each other,
but when time went on and nothing was
done to enforce the new laws both tho
partisans of Mataafa and Tamesese became
restive, and several incidents that have oc
curred lately show it will take but little to
cause a renewal of hostilities. The Mohi
can is the only war vessel in harbor. Ugly
stories are afloat of tho cruelty of German
plantation managers toward'tho South Sea
Island laborers. These managers are al
lowed to flo;j boys whenever they think it
necessary, and they have used this power
so freely that a large numler of boys have
fled to the bush, where they are living in a '
wild state As these fugitives are from
islands where cannibalism is practiced, re
ports come in of the killiug and eating of
boys belonging to other stations. The
murder of two boys recently gave color to
these reports.
Wisconsin's Ills Canal Finished.
The Wind Lake canal, one of the most
gigantic drainage enterprises ever under- tUe execution chamber waiting for the ap
taken in the northwest and the largest ever ! pearance of the warden and charge. At
attempted in Wisconsin, is now completed. ' 0:3() tue door at the ri,ht of the eiecution
Less than two years have been necessary ' chair leading toward the execution room
to do the work whereby fifteen miles of J opened and Warden Durston appeared,
canal has been dug and a vast tract of ' Behind him walked a spruce looking,
countiy drained. Over 13,000 acres has broad-shouldered little man, full bearded
been assessed and tho cost is over $10,00.1. j nnd dressed in a suit of new clothing and
Tno main canal to Muskego lake to Wind i white Bnirt whoso polished froLt was ex
Jake and thence to Bochester is nearly ' Posed directly Lelow a little bow of lawn
nine miles long, wjUe the east branch, I This Was William Kemmler,
from Wind lake south through Goose lake, the man who was about to undergo the
is six miles in length. Muskego lake is sentenco of death. Behind him walked
drained almost dry. Wind lake greatly . Dr. Houghton and CLapla'n Yates,
lowered, and Gcose lake is now only a Kemmler was by far the coolest man in tbe
pond hole. The east branch is nearly dry, ' party. Ho did not look about the rom
and in the main canal there is only about I with anv special degree of interest, lie
two feet of water, the banks looming up
from six to eight feet on each side. In
marshes where hay could scarcely be
mowed by hand machines are now use.l
effectively. Tho land reclaimed which has
hitherto Leen valueless is now worth in the
neighborhood of $500,000.
Foand tils Wife in an Opium lien.
One of tfce worst results of the opium
joints has been brought to light at Helena,
Mout. About two weeks ago a man named
Kaymond came to Helena, accompanied by
bis wife. Yesterday he reported to the
police that she had disappeared, aud the
search which was instituted resulted in
finding her in a private opium den kept by
a variety actor named Williams. Two
other women were in the room beside Mrs.
Iiayinond, one a girl of 1G named Lillie
Lawrence. It seems that Williams has
for the last four weeks been enticing young
girls into his place and then while they
.nvn ...wl.-v ttA inHtiAniA nf ntiintn
of opium be
would accomplish their ruin. The Law-
rence erirl when found was in convulsions,
nuia uuut. ... .w..w w- ,.--.
and it was only by heroic treatment that
her life was saved.
Affair!, in Vaiitoni-ilii.
uen. xruuguary iu uu,u -
Guatemalan revolution, has taken Chi -
Gen. Truuguarv, at tho head of the
quimaia, near tue capuai. iu io u.
i.i 1 ni- - . r
this place has obliged the Guatemalan gov
eminent to concentrate its troops to ivard
tbe capital. A Guatemalan dispatch 3ays
it is untrue that an attempt was made to
assassinate President Barilla', and denies
that th'e revolution is of importance. The
diplomatic corps has offc red to negotiate
for peace and the offer has been accepted.
It is expected a peaceful settlement will be
arranged within a few days. President
Barillas says he will not resicn, and that
he prefers death to surrender. President
Ezetas- only terms are recognition oi nis
crovernment and the non
intervention of
other powers iu the interior government of
San Salvador.
German an Issue In Indiana.
It is now evident that the question of
teaching German in the public schools of
the state of Indiai a is to become an im
portant factor in the campaign for the leg
islature. A committee of promiuent Ger
man citizens has been appoiute 1 and thoy
...:ii n.-.rti-.;nt eii!i-.nmTTiittA3 in P!ich of the
counties whose dutv it will be to ask
pledges from the candidates for tbe legis-
lature not to interfere with the present law
which provides for the teaching of the Ian-
guage. Where a candidate does not give
i jo;m,i,iofl v.w nimmiont trill h
IUD UaillU l'l.jv -..- w.-i
Kimnorted bv the German element regard-
Iprs of nolitics. and when neither of the
candidates will make pledges those sup-
posed to be most favorably disposed to
the language will be supported. (
Wheat Destroyed in Manitoba.
Fuller accounts of the damage done in
Manitoba by the storm Friday night have
been received and show the loss to the
wheat crop to be greater than at first re
ported. At Delorain, 200 miles south of
Wmnepeg, the hail belt is 6aid to have
been fourtownships wide, narrowing down
to a mile and a half as it proceeded east
ward, leaving destruction iu its wake. One
hundred thousand acres 'of wheat have
been totally ruined. ,
Died From Their Injuries.
Two of the men hurt by tbe explosion of ,
fire damp at St. Etienne have died from
the effects of their injuries.
The Hungarian town of Moor has been
almost totally destroyed by fire. Ten per
sons lost their live?.
Prominent New York coffee dealers 6ay
that the alleged scheme to colonize neerces
in Mexico to raise coffee is- au nuncomoe.
Bcbglaks entered the residence of E.
F. Knowlton, at Newport, K. L, while tbe
fa'milv were at dinner, and secured $8,000
worth of jewelry.
A BOH.EB in John Jacobv's saw mill tt
Mulberrv, Ind., exploded, killing Engineer
Will Shoemaker, aadinjunng jonn jacooy,
Allen Jacoby, Mont Knodes ana two cnu
dren of Alfred Collins.
The cabinet of Queenland, Australia,
has resign. 3 owing to lack of support in
parliament on its budget of proposals.
Mr. Griffiths, the leader of the opposition,
is forming oe ministry.
The Current Thrown Oft Too Quickly and
a Most Sickmlng Sight Follows-A
Hlunder In Preparing the Death-tieal-Infe
Apparatus-Scenes ami incidents.
With a short, sharp shock, painless so
far HR tbn wnrbl ill n.nm 1... l. --I
of Wimam Kemmler separated from
his body at 6:40 on th momino nf
the Cth. The black can ft nilin.lnil
I to the Lead of the man bound cap
tive in a strango looking chair, the
lever was quickly swung around the
're OI a Semi-Circle, a nnick onnvnlsinn. a
tli i -. 5 , -, 7 '.
Jr tlf , f muscuIar acl,on-anotLer
, of tbe levej.f a & roo fiHed
w'th sickening fumes of buruing flesh, and
twenty-seven witnesses of tha first electri-
C1!9.m history, knew that the death of
uc .ciici imu ueen avenged in law, ana
the criruo of William Kemmler expiated so
far as human hands could force its expia
tion. While Warden Durstou cou!d have
found a hundred willing substitutes for
any one of tho twenty-seven witnesses
which the law haj compell d him to call
in, it is safe to say that no one of the
twenty-seven found any p'easure in the
spectacle. The effort to surrouud tha af
fair with
A Huto of -Mystery,
such as the law contemplated was not suc
cessful. The outer world did not know
the exact hour which bad been fixed for the
event, but it knew the time approximated
and a little assemblage of loiterers at the
gate of the prison before davn this morn
ing was good evidence that the interest in
the event was keen and general. Besides
these curiosity seekers an a tive corps of
newspaper reporters gathered in the broad
rnml IK frnnf nf Min t-tviarttt nrnnmlj nvi.1
waited for the signal that would tell them
that the execution was over. At 5 o'clock
this mornius there was a rapping at the
room dcors, and a general awakening
throughout the hotels in Auburn. Warden
Dnrston had le!t a "quiet call" for h-.s wit
nesses and they were oidcrcd to report at
the prison at 0 o'clock. Bv 0:30 all were
present and seated in a little circle around
hesitated a3 the door was closed behind
! him and locked by the attendant on the
other sklo as though he did not know ex
actly what to do. The wooden chair was
placed in front and a little to the right of
tho eiecution chair, facing a little circle of
men. Kemmler sat down composedly,
looking about him and then up and down
without any evidence offear or of espe
cial interest in the event. He looked, if
anything, as though he was rather pleased
at being the center of interest. After he
had beer seated the Wirdan said: "Now,
gentlemen, this is William Kemmler. I
have warned him that he has got to die,
j ami jf be has anything to say he will say
it." As the warden finished, Kemmler
looked up and said in a high-keyed voice,
without any hesitation aud as though he
Prepared Hi mself With a Speech.
"Well, I wish every one good luck In this
world, and I think I am going to a pood
place. Tho papers have been saying a lot
0f stuff that isn't so. Thats all I havo to
' sav." With the conclusion of the sprech
! he turned his back to the jury, took oft Lis
! coat and handed it to th& warden, lhis
disclosed the fact that a hole had been cut
from the band of his trousers dow n so as
tL(j basQ of tbe me
L -n the e,Mtrie
chair as
v - --
, , . hft ag gilt- down (o
- I ' . ' . . . .- :,.
, dinner, ine warden stooa on nis ngut
1 and George Vierling. of Albany, on his left.
I They immediately began to adjust the
1 straps around Kemmler's bo ly, tbe row-
demned man holding up his arms so as to
give them every assistance. When tho
straps were adjusted about the body, his
arms wero fagtened down and thcu the
warden leaned over and parted Kemmler's
I feet so as to bring bis legs near tho legs of
1 the chair. While tho strar-3 were being
' arranged, Kemmler said to the warden aud
"istnnt T,ke VOnr time. Don't be
. ,
in a liurrv.
Be Sure That EverytlB Is All KiRht."
Two or three times Le repeated tbesa
phrases. Warden Durston reassured him
that it would not hurt 1 im and that be
(Durston) would be with him all the way
through. But it was not fear that
Kemmler felt. It was a rather certain
pride in the exactness of the experiment.
He seemed to have a greater interest ia its
success that thoso who had made the
preparations for it and who were watching
, its progress to its final concision, ben
the straps bad been all adjured to tho
body the warden placed his hand on
Kemmler's head and adjusted tue rubber
' can with a saturated sponge. The warden
r .. . .-..-.
, then took in his band
the leather harness
to adjust to the head of tbe condemned.
It was a muzzle of broad leather 6traps
which went across the forehead and chin
of the man in the chair. The top
strap pressed. down against the nose of
Kemmler until it was flattened down
slightly over bis face. Worden Durston
turned to the assembled doctors when he
had finished these things, and said: "Do
the doctors 6ay it is all right?" At the
warden's question Dr. Fell stepped for
ward with a long syringe in his hand and
quickly wetted the two sponges which
were at the electrodes, one on top of the
head, the other at the base of the spine.
The water which ho put on them was im
pregnated with salt. Dr. Spitzka answered
the warden's question with a 6harp
"All Right."
which was re-echoed by the others about
him. "Beady" said Dnrston again, and
then "good bye." He stepped to the dcor
and throning it open said to some one in
the next room, but to whom will probably
never be known with certainty. "Every
thing is ready," was the almost
immediate response, and as the stop
watches in the hands of some of
t. witDesge8 registered 6:43J
the electn-
cnrreDt was turned on. There was a suJc
den convulsion of the frame in the chair.
A 6pasm went over it from head to foot,
confined by straps and spring that beid it
firmly so that no limb or other parts of the
cody stirred more than the small friction
of au ch from its resting place. The
twitching mat me muacica i ---
derwent cave it for a moment the expres
sion of pain, but
v. Crr Ecaped From Hl Up
and no
Sound Caine Forth
n eupcest that conscicusnebs lasted more
.,- ifi;f.,lir amall fraction of a sec
ind. Tht body remained in tto rigid
position for seventeen second". The jury
and witnesses, who remained seated up
to thi3moment, came hurriedly forward
and surrounded the chair. There was no
movement in the body beyond that
of the first convulsion. As
the tenth second expired, Dr.
Spitz&a cried out' " Stop!" TLe warden
stepped to the door and called out " Stop! "
tb the man at the lever. As the electrh
current was shut off there was a slight re
laxation of the form in the chair, and the
quiet little group surrounding it became
business-like. Doctors Spitzka aud Mc
Douald declared him dead, and the rest of
the witnesses '- their acquiescence.
There was hrt pwrttii tn the minds of any
but that the unncbt object before them
was dead. The body was just about to be
taken out of the chair when Dr. Batch,
who was examining it, exclaimed: "Dr.
McDonald, gee that rupture." In a mo
ment Spitzka and McDonald had bent
over, an I looking where Dr. Batch was
pointing to a little red spot on the Land
that rested on the arm of the chair. Tbe
index fiuger of the hand bad curved back
ward us the ilex or muscles had contracted
and had scraped a small bole in the skin
of the base of the thumb. There was
Lothiug strange iu this alone, but what
was strange was that tho little rupture was
"Turn the Current on Instantly; This Man
K Not Dduil,"
criul Dr. Spitzka. Faces grew white, and
as the form fell back in the chair Warden
Durstou sprang to tLe doorway and cried,
" Turn on the current." But the current
cculd not be turned on. When tho signal
to stop had come tha operator pressed tho
little button vhkh gave the 6igu to the
engineer to stop the dynamo.
A .Most Sickening Sight.
The dynamo was almost at a standstill.
The operator sprang to tho button and
gave a quick signal. There was a rapid
response, but quick as it was it was not
quick enough to stop tho tigns of what
may not have been reviving consciousness.
As tho group of horror-stricken witnesses
stood helplessly by, all eyes fixed on
the cLair, Kemmler'a lips began to
drip spittle, and in a moment
more his chest began to heave and
from his mouth came a heavy, stentorioits
sound, quxkeuiug with every respiration.
There was no voice, but that of the warden,
crying to tho operator to turn on tho cur
rent. The wheezing sound and half groans
w hich were forced pust the tightly closed
lips, sounded through the still chamber
with ghastly distinctness. Some of the
witatbes turned away from the sight. One
of tuemlay down, faint and sick. It takes a
long, long time, to tell tho story. It
scenud a long tinio in reaching the ciimux.
In reality thtr were but seventy-three
stcoudsmthe interval which passed be
tween the moment whon the first sound
isMied from Kemmler's lips until the re
sponse to the signal came from the
dynamo. It came -frith a suddenness that
had marked the first shock which passed
through Kemmler'a body. The sound
wh-ch had horrified the listeners about the
chair was cut off sharply as the body bo
cimo more rigid. Slimy ooze still dripped
fiom tho mouth and ran down the leaid
and onto his gray test. Twice there were
twitching of tbe body as the electricians in
the next room threw tbe current off and on.
XhtTfwaS'llO mtstaxe this timo about
The autopsy was b?gun at 9 o'clock aud
was iu charge of Dr. Jenkins, of New York.
On examination of tbo body it wan found
that Very severe rigor mortis had set its.
There was little relaxation, and it was with
difficulty that the corpse was straightened
out. It was found that the second elec
trode hid burned through the skin and
into the flesh at the base of the spine,
making a scar five inches in diameter.
The lieavt, lungs and other orgnus were
taken cut and were found to be in a good,
healthy condition. They will be preserved
for future examination. The brain was
also taken out and it, too, will be fully
Pnl.llli-d F.jtirontesoi'tiidwiiBat Crop In
Alimiesuta and Dakota Exaggerated.
Harvesting has just begun in the vicinity
of Jamestown, N. D. Estimates based on
reports from visitors to nearly every part
of North Dakota show that ther will not
be more tbau a third oi a crop of wheat.
That already thrashed shows great shrink
age in the berry, and one cannot tell unttl
the wheat is thrashed pnd dmd c"t bow
tho majority of the fields will yield. Hot
winds havo affected tho heads moie than
was supposed, and the estimate sent out
by the Minneapolis chamber cf commerce
that in0,(J0O,00O bushels would be the crop
for Minnesota and '00,000,000 Of the tfa
kotas is a gross exaggeration. North Da
kota's lest year gave only 40,000,000 bush
els, and tlis year this will is Iaig;ly de
creased. U tho stale gives 20,000.000 oneh
els it will surprise men who are close tig
urers. In South Dakota much wh"at is tit
oulv frr chicken feed nud many fields will
not be cut, the straw being too short.
Elevator men's estimate, above made, for
the Dakotns is too high by 23,000,000 bushel--.
I ho elevators having decided not to
store grain as in tho past, owing to com
plaint of conflicting elevator laws requir
ing a licenso and regulating grades, farm
ers are preparing to hold their wheat as far
as possible, being confident that it will
bring $1 this fall and ?1.50 before another
crop is in the market. The plan of the
elevator men to bear the market, refuse to
store grain and force the mortgage farmers
to sell at any price the comb. nation may
offer, has greatly alarmed wheat growers,
who fear the most disastrous results to
farmers throughout this state will follow
the putting of this policv into operation.
A Moan From Mellen.
GCberal Traffic, 3Ianagrr Mellen. of the
Union Pacific road, is in Boston. He
says that the prospects of the Pacific road
in Texas, in connection with the Dtnver.
Texas & Fort Wcitb, are very encourog
irg. aud the Oregon Bailway & Navigation
company's lines will have a large business,
as tbe crops in Washington and Oregon,
now being harvested, are abundant. He
says tho prospects are poor for a good corn
crop in Kansas and Nebraskn, and speaks
in gloomy terms of tha immediate future
of tbo new states, Idaho, Wyoming and
Montana. The purchaso of the St. Louis
,fc San Francisco railroad by the Atchison,
he considers a very wise move, and says
the silver legislation will te very beneficial
to the territory served by the Union
Thinks He Is Gen. Grant-
Oliver Meller, of Huntincton. Ind., has
been seized with a strange case of insanity.
He imagines himself Gen. Grant, but
every otter way is perfectly s nMhie.
few days ago he went up. stairs to where
his uncle had an old army unilform stored
oway, dressed himself in thi suit, buckled
on aa old sword and went ab.nt the neigh
borhood giving commands. Fiaa.iy fccput
' awjy ine sword ana ttyoiflr. v.,
appi-rently in his r gut unc t on v for rh,
oue otlus.oj. ain'.o bi.csg.n tnm o
i b&s Leen quiet, thou
quiet, though it is thought ae
1 will havo to be placed in an asylum
Coiicerniui; the Kiecutlun uf Murderer
Kemmliir-Ho Must Hae Suffered the
Tot-lurr of the lamiied Tlie Affair a
Slott Uarbarou'J Oilci
"Horrible, horrible," was the exclama
tion of City E"ectriciaa Barrett, of Chi
cago, when he had finished reading the ac
count of Kemmler's execution.
"Do you think tho man was uncon
scious '" was asked.
"No. I do not."
"Hd must have suffered, then!
"SuiTercd? Wly, tlat man must have
suffered the tortures of the damned. It
was the mo?t barbarious thing I ever
heard of."
What reason have you for thinking he
was conscious?"
" The best reason in the world. I know
bow it is from experience. If all the med
ical ex e ts in the world were to tell me
that thtt man did not suffer, I would not
believe it. I had occasion at one time to
close a line that was opened by lightning.
In attempting to do so I received a severe
sheck. In au instant all power of motion
was taken awav from me. I was as help-
tnrn - n - omiI rnmiinorl c" fnr nn
I,,:,,- ...i i..i Un Vnw. l,i' I was un- '
abio to move a muscle, I was as conscious i
as I am right now."
"tin nn flilnt it nncsillA to mftltA Vfl
cntion by electricity a success?" j
"Certainly, so far as tho killin goes, i
While I think it an outrage to use it for I
that purpose, one of the greatest elements1
fo human good God has givep us, still it ,
is possible to make it successful. In this !
case those who had it in charge made a
lmrrihlo botch of the whole "business. ,
MJJ 1UU .. .. w ij..w .y - - - -
What they ought to have dono is this:
Measured his residence, so they could
hnvA told iust how much it would take to
kill him.
"Is it possible to do that with any degree
of accuracy?" .
"It is. and had they understood their )
business that is what would have been t
done." I
"Tho report says that the volt meter
varied between 800 and 1,300 volts."
"Don't you belUve it. That would have
been sufficient to have killed 00 men and
to have burned him to a crisp. There
must have teen some disarrangement or
the wire."
"What effect do you think it will have
on th9 adoption or rejection of this mode
of execution?"
"I think the law will ultimately be re
nealcd. There is not an electrician in the
country who is not opposed to it.
there are too mary ways of taking life tb
run the chances of causing such a horriblo
and barbarous spectacle of butchery."
Ilr. Soulhwirk's Opinion.
Dr. Southwick, fathtr of the electrical
execution law, said in an interview: "I feel
inct fi; T hav nlwavs felt in this matter.
m. ;.. .nti,in..'n.;.,.Ml,ucrctam nn.1
tbe fact is there has been a great deal of the flames were -discoverid. Hutto res
3enselH3 sensational talk about the execu-1 cued tho little one, but when Jie returned
;., t fnnt ,,-vrttr of liulien ronld sit in for the other child the flames drove him
the room where an execution cf this kind
was going oa and not see anything repot,
sive whatever. If tho mistake of ordering
off the current so quickly had not been
made, thero would have beau none of
this talk. I think Kemmler's nerve af
fected those there about as much as any
thing. It looked to me, though, as an evi
dence of mental incapacity, lie seemed to
be without fear and helped to adjust the
straps in a way that was simply astonish
ing. No, sir, I do not consider that this
will be the last execution by electricity.
There will be lots of them. It has proven
that the idea is correct, and I think the
law is a good one. Tbe execution was a !
good one. The execution was a
Ivemmler never know wnat nap-
pened to him and died absolutely without
Statement From Warden Durston.
Wardn Dnrston stated this afternoon
that the remains of Kemmler will lie in the
room in the prison where tha autopsy Was
held yesterday; He has not decided where
the remains will be finally buried. The
subject which continues to excite
the greatest inteiest in oonection
with the execution is tha record
voltage of the shock which killed
him. it is generally supposed that the
first 6hock was 1,:J00 volts and the Second
between I.oOi) and 2.000. Electrician
Barnes, who was in the dynamo room, said
to one of the physicians in attendance yes
terday that at no time was the voltage more
than 1,100, and that it frequently dropped
to 8S0.
Much Property Wrecked by
Wrecked by a Violent
A cyclone of unparalleled violence in the'
lcca!ity of Montreal, swept Lake St.
IjOuh anume i. i.arence, :a uio viciq-
ity of Montreal, doing great damaga on
land and water. At the moment the storm
butst the principal event of the cno
meet, at Isle Caoicux lake, the association
trophy for first-class yachts, W3S being
sailed. The eight competing yachts were a
mile out on the lake when suddenly the sky
grew lOak and the wind swept down the
lake with terrirlc violence and instantly
every yacht in the race was upset. It is
not known how many, if any, were
Ai alios, ai. 01. u. -uu
Dorval, oreat damage was done to prop-
.. 1- tr -n A. Oi 1 - -J
etty. Houses wero unroofed, barns Were
struck by lightuiLg. whilo many 6mall
buildings were swept completely away.
At Lachine the greatest damage was done.
There the immense budding of the Domin
ion Bridge company and the equally large
structures of the Ca a"lia:i Scre.v and
Bp.rbed Wire factories were
unroofed and
left in rums.
The Leader or tho Keolt Routed An Op
potition Government Established.
The Gnatemalou consul general at San
Francisco has received a dispatch from the
Guatemalan minister at tbo City of Mexico
stating that Gen. Grimzaray, the leader of
the revolt against Barnlas, has been routed
by the Guatemalan troops at Palo Gran
Ezeta. Ihe vice-president of.San Salvador
has organized a eovernment in San Salva-
dorian territory in opposition to that or
Ezeta and is being aided by Gen. Miranda,
one of tbe most important men of the re
public. The dispatch also stated that
Ezeta had shot many people in connection
with the Rivas movement, among them
being many importaiit personages.
Iowa or Jata, Which?
A curious circumstance occurred at Nora
Springs, Ia. Two men from Hamburg,
Germany, arrived at the railway station.
Thev bouaht their ticket of the agent at
Hamburg, as thy fupposed for Nora
Sprigs, Java, and as Java is pronounced by t
them the same as Iowa, tha a?ent sect
them to Nora Springs, Iowa, in America,
ii.a v- C.-nc Tir-! i(ir tbftv
" -"" XT1:"'' -.-"V; "T'iotot
wanted to go. a at? " ! .-
crowd, atd their, disappointment wa3
nlnnlv liarnmih:?. 'It Wa8 a I131CU10U3 1
piainiy aiscermi' " "" " i".:'
blander, and no0a ery fanny one for tbe
Various Items or Interest.
KePiUska has 510 state banks.
Omaha saloons pay $277,000 into the
school fund.
The alliance eleva'or at Holdredge if
about completed.
The Omaha Indians are on their semi
annual farewell begging tour.
An anti-horse thief society has be?n or
ganized at Grafton with twenty-six mem
bers. A David City man came out f 10,000
ahead in a com deal oa the Chicago board
t of trade.
Geoiuie Wahd, a farmer living near
Albion, died from the effects of a kick from
a horse.
The proposition to build a $7,000 city
hall at West Point was defeated by a sma'l
m ijority.
The enterprising citizens of Lashton have
arranged for a big horse fair and racing to
take place Au. lt.
The official census of Nebraska City and
Otoe county gives the city 11,466 popula
tion and the county 25,322.
The North Nebraska Veterans' associa
tion will hold its annual encampment at
Crawford the tiwt three days of October.
McCooK has given up the canal project
for the present, aud the indications now
are that further proceedings will be indefi-
ntoly postponed,
The six annual reunion of tho Old Set
tlers' association of York, Polk, Butler and
1 Seward counties will ba held at Lord's
grove, near uresnam, auK. o.
Harmon Velke.v, a Nemaha county
youth, while playing ball, was struck in
the face by a hot liner and had one eye
knocked completely out of his head,
Bukklaks entertd the Washington
county bank at Fort Calhoun the other
niuht. but did not tackle tho safe. Thoy
secured $40 and a check from the
v Fiif.mont man has becomo insane
' over the fancy that tho citizens do not keep
tbe yards tidy enough.
The fences do not
have the proper angle,
movo them to suit bis
and be desires to
idea of landscape
At Grand Island workmen
have com
menced the large circular building in
which the grand panorama of tbe battle of
Gettvsburg will ba exhibited duriug the
, q a,, h. reunion in September.
i TlIE jow Btage 0f the Bepublican
renders the catfish and suckers
easy vic
tims of the sportsmen. where once
rolled a majestic river may bo seen bojs
and men gigging fish with pitchtorks.
Wlt.nnit boasts that thero is but one
prisoner in the county jail at that place.
' 'e others sawed through the bars and
'walked on. Abe solitary prwoner uue
chores about the building and ia locked
up at night in order to prevent bii being
bitten by mad dogs and other wild beasts.
j The 4-year-old daughter of Joseph
Hutto, of Crawford township, Antelope
countv. was burned to death recently.
Tho -hilrt an in bed with a baby when
back. The Louse was entirely consumed.
Rev. Mb. Tbusian, who was conduct
ing the 8tratton Iferuhf, accused a man
named Houlihan of selling 1 qnor at a
temperance billiard hall. Houlihan denied
the charge, and to emphasize the matter
struck Truman. The latt-r refused to re
tract, and when Houlihan visited the
Herald office to forco a denial tbe rev
erend gentleman drew a revolver and made
the billiard ball man retreat. As a conse
quence Truman swore out a warrant for
Uoul.han, and the latter has returned the
compliment by making complaint against
J Matekiat. for the railroad bridge has
.rrivpd ftt Vallev aud as soon as the nece s-
sary force is on hand work will be cora
I inenced.
! An unknown man, suposed to be George
Harris, an Omaha barber, committed sui- )
' cide near Elkhorn, blowiug his brains out
, with a revolver. ,
Coyotes are making mischief about '
i numerous hen roosts of Sidney. One man j
' reports the loss of nearly fifty fowls within
the past few days.
Wade Burrows, au heroic tramp,
pulled a little girl from beneath a moving
tram at Omaha, and narrowly escaped
meeting his own death.
While Ollio Cowing was making a
coupling near Weston his hand caught be
tween the cars, crushing it so badly that
amputation was peceseary.
' Six saloonkeepers at Fairbury have been
' sued by Mrs. Lizzie Wyatt for S 1,000 dam
I ,., t cnliiucr lipr husband linunr and
(H1""" o - --; "
j rendering him unibio to supporx am
T, nf.r. Ik-tnt near Bassett. a
( cat;aate for the state legislature oa tb.3
inilepemlent ticket, was kicked by a young
,. brettk:D his nose, aud it is feared de
stroying the right of his right eye.
Two men giving their names as Milton
Dawd and V. P. Wilson passed several
forged checks on the First National bank
of Fairbury at Reynolds Iset week. They
boarded a train for the purpose of soing to
Superior, but a committee of suspicious
cltiens made an attempt to capture them.
Dawd escaped, anil Wilson was bound over
to the district court.
While William Stoll was feeding a
M macLiDe north of N-orth iend he
""". "J . ,. . , . ,
had his index finger completely torn off, I
and the hand badly lacerated. Gangrene
has already set in, and he may lose his '
Humboldt is probably the dryest town
in the state. A vote was taken on tho
proposition to issue bonds for water-
worKS, wnicn was neienieu. iau
a prohibition stronghold, and under pres
ent conditions it is a long tune between
drinks." t
John Dsrics, residing four miles south
of Broken Bow, was struck by Hyhtnir.g '
the other day, but st.ll lives. The bolt I
struck tho back of his head and burned a
furrow down the hair and crossed over the
shoulder to tho right breast and down on t
the right side, passing down tha rixht
thigh and down to the foot, tearing the
pants leg open in its course, and a part of
' the shoe
from the right foot. I he nesb
I was blistered all tho way down the courso
of tbe current.
I Owing to the dryness of the ground a
1 Phelps county man is planting turnip seed
with a shotgun.
The $5,000 court-house presente.1 by
the people of Bassett to Rock county his
been formally accepted, 'ihe structure
consists of a two-story frame butldincr, oil
feet front by 40 feet rear, with jui at- I
ta?hed 15x23 feet, two stones hign. Tha .
! finish of the exterior and interior is vry
Francis Chilton, ajent of the Bnr
lington roid at Juniata, is under arrest
charged with enticing a 15-yar-o'd gul
e company's oae at tuat p'ace ana
committing a criminal a-.u't upoa b r
person. Threits o! Jycc'auiz c mpil M ;
th? removal of the prisoner o
j . -:hlit ? . ..,
tbe Ui,f
(Oldest Stat:) Bank iu tbo Stats.)
Omsba, Chicago. Xew York, and all Fortiga
And Ilelps a Customers wben they Need Hel
G. V. nur.ST. VU'e-Vresitlont.
Anthorized Capital of $500,000
Paid in Capital - 90,000
C. H. SnELDON. Preat.
II. P. II. OIILRICII. Vice Pres.
C. A. NEWMAN. Cashier.
C. H. Sheldon. J. P. Becker,
Herman P. H.Oehlrich, Carl Rienke.
Jonas Welch. W. A. McAllister,
J. Ilenrr Wurdcman, H. M. Winelow,
Geora W. Galley, B. C. Grey.
Frank Rorer, Arnold V. II. Oehlrich.
fbnry Loseke. Gerhard Loseke.
tVRank of deposit: interest allowed oa tima
depoeiU; buy and sell exchange on United State
and Europe, and buy and fcell available secnritiV.
We b all be pleased to receive your.bnfiaeea. We
eolicit your patronage. 2Sdec37
Or 41. W. KIML.EK,
HTTheee organs are first-els in every par-
j ticular, and eo Guaranteed.
U. P. Depot, Columbus.
'jRp '!V7 of c.t ki.ri"
r. 1.
Columbus State Bank
i 1